#grateful as heck for mi bois
#73 for S4 TWDG characters please and can you make the reader the older kids lover please? Thank you and sorry if my english is bad. Im still learning😅
(Hey! #73 is only platonic writing for them. Thank you for requesting though and your English is good! Anyways, Enjoy!)
Protecting AJ, Tenn & Willy
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AJ always knew that if Clem didn’t let him do something, always ask you
You let him but Clem would always shake her head and scold you
Didn’t mean you stopped
You and AJ always got into trouble with the other
Both little partners in crime
AJ also when he was scared, not that he would admit it, would go to you
AJ felt safe with you and the addition of Clem
You had always been there with him and for him
He didn’t know what it would be like without either of you
And he never wanted to find out what it was like
You and Clem were the only people he would ever need, except for Tenn
Tenn was his other friend who he also was best friends with the best
AJ could do whatever the heck even if it was bad and hide behind you
You seemed sweet but were scary when someone messed with him
AJ would just hide behind you and let you work your magic
If anyone was ever mean to him, oh god
They just see you standing behind them with a glare
AJ is never messed with by them again
You were also very protective
You had seen AJ grow up and still thought of him as a little kid
Which he was
But AJ liked protecting you and Clem
He claimed you didn’t need to worry about him but how can you not?!
Anyways, AJ does appreciate you a lot though
He can always rely on you!
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With the addition of you, Minnie and Sophie
Tenn basically had an entire bodyguard team
But things did change after he was told Sophie and Minnie “Died”
He always stuck to you
Always by your side at dinner, doing chores and whatever else
He didn’t like being away from your side
Plus, he felt safer around you
Tenn was picked on when younger when the school was still a school
With teachers and the headmaster and even other kids
Before the others and him were left to rot
But when he was picked on you found out
And had a word with the kids
Tenn never found out exactly what you did but he saw the kids come into class scraped up
They then apologized to him, surprisingly
Tenn knew it was your work and thanked you
You were also Tenn’s favorite since you taught him a lot and gave him color pencils and crayons
Whenever Tenn was in trouble he went to you
Because you would always help him with whatever he needed and he relief on you
For as long as he knew, at the school you were always the protector
He was grateful for that since he was smaller, quiet and often afraid to speak to other kids before
He learned that all he needed was you, Minnie and Sophie
He was all set for whatever he needed
As long as you were there
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Willy’s a little weirdo we all know this
You didn’t think so and neither did Mitch
You both protected the boy since he was younger and sent there for…his reasons
He stuck to you both like glue because he had no one else
Like AJ, when he got in trouble or messed with other kids he ran to you and Mitch
He often hid behind you guys as you dealt with it and he would sometimes stick his tongue out at the others
(He always did)
He was always smug he had too older friends who would protect him
Whenever he had trouble with school or practically anything he ran to you
You helped him always and all was always well!
When someone had the audacity to yell at him he was always smiling
Wanna know why?
Because he always knew you were standing right behind him with a glare hard enough even the badder kids would freeze from
Willy was never messed with and held his head high when walking with you and Mitch
He was well protected and he knew, and took advantage of it
When the world ended he remembered just being with you and Mitch
A Walker got in and tried to get him
All he remembered was you pushed him behind you as Mitch grabbed him
He just knew that you were gonna take care of it
And you did
That's why he always stuck by you and Mitch
Because you both always would be there
And you only eventually, because Mitch sadly died 
Even then Willy ran too you
You were the only one he really had left
And Willy knew that you would always be there for him
Whenever and wherever he needed you
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ryanstits · 6 years
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so pure, so sweet, without my spoopy bois I’d be incomplete👻
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
FINALLY WHAT PEEPS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! Announcement!!! @jordanstrophe and I are going to collab for a few pieces!!! Here is the first piece of our collab!
Gabriel and Walter belong to @jordanstrophe
my masterlist / jordan's masterlist!
Pheonix eyed the suit that laid, spread out over his bed. He looked back to Noah, “I- I thought I wasn't going to the casino tonight?” Noah chuckled, “Nah, don't worry, you're not going to the casino.” Pheonix’s eyebrows furrowed, “But where-”
“-Oh Jesus, just get fucking changed, we don't have all night.” Pheonix nodded and Noah turned around, back facing Pheonix. He slipped into his usual dressy pant bottoms and button-up polo shirt.
Just as Pheonix ruffled his hair into the position Mateo liked it. Noah checked his watch and clicked his tongue, “Alright, let's get you upstairs, boss will be waiting.” Pheonix nodded silently, fiddling with his shaking hands.
Mateo’s eyes lit up as he saw his lucky charm, “Ah, mi amor! Look at you!” Pheonix looked down at the carpet. “Oh, come here, sit on my lap for a second!” When Pheonix didn't move, Noah shoved him forward. Pheonix stumbled into Mateo’s arms. Mateo chuckled and squeezed Pheonix, propping him properly onto his lap.
“Now, today I’m bringing you out for our one week anniversary! But first I need to set some ground rules. First of all, you will only speak when I say that you can, fail to do so, let's just say, Aurora and I will have our fun with you.” Phoenix gulped and Mateo ran his possessive hand through Pheonix’s hair.
“That punishment goes with all of the rules. I will have an earpiece so if I leave you alone, I get to hear every single word you say. If you are well behaved, you get a day off from the casino, understood?”
Pheonix nodded quickly, “Yes sir.” Mateo smiled, “Good. Now, Noah, you will drive us over there and I’ll bring you back something, got it?” Noah nodded and went to fetch his coat. Pheonix dared a look over to Martín who was scowling at him from the corner of the room.
Sammy was in the other room playing with the playstation with some other gang members that Pheonix did not know the names of. Mateo snapped his fingers in front Pheonix, “Amor, you ready to go?” Pheonix nodded, “Y-yeah, but where are we going.” Mateo grinned, “Now that, that is a surprise mi pájaro.” Pheonix gulped, “P-please-”
“-Ah, ah, ah, I wanted to have a fun night with you, so, you can either go and have some fun or I’ll see how many whip lashings it would take to make you scream. Which one would you prefer?” Phoenix cleared his throat, “The um, the first one.”
Mateo smiled, “That's what I thought.”
Noah was ordered to pull the car over about ten minutes away from wherever they were going. Pheonix was in the back, hands tied with zip ties. Mateo opened the passenger seat and got out, doing his usual handshake with Noah, “Volveremos en unas horas.” Noah nodded and winked, “Disfrútala.”
Mateo hauled Pheonix out of the backseat. Mateo was dressed smartly in a proper tux and his dark grey hair was spiked up with just the right ratio of jell to not make it look messy.
“Ah, there you are mi amor!” He took out his pocket knife and cut the zip ties, freeing Pheonix’s bound arm. Pheonix hissed as rubbed his aching wrists.
Mateo slid a possessive arm around Pheonix, not allowing him any space, “come one, we’ll be late!” Late? Where the hell were they going???
They walked along a river that stretched through the busy city. Pheonix was shocked that he was allowed to be here but then the threats came back to him. Pheonix looked at the lake, the ducks quaking happily. The seagulls flapped their wings above the trees and the swans glided elegantly along the water.
Mateo chuckled as he watched Pheonix’s eyes studied the scene. It had been a while since he had been outside Pheonix almost felt as if he could cry. No, not in front of that man beside him. That man whose smile wouldn't twitch after killing a man.
They stopped in front of a bright lighted restaurant, Pheonix looked over at Mateo. “Happy one-week anniversary mi amor!” Pheonix gulped, “Do I get t-to eat?” Mateo chuckled, “Of course, now come on, I have a good reputation here, let's not ruin that!”
Mateo guided Pheonix inside. It was loud as people chatted and laughed. There was some soft piano music playing. Pheonix closed his eyes, focusing on the soft notes as Mateo told the reservation name. The waitress smiled, “Perfect! Welcome back Mateo, we have to boot booked just for you!”
Mateo returned the smile and guided Pheonix, following the waitress, making Pheonix flinch as he was interrupted from his nirvana. They sat at the booth, only meters away from the piano. Pheonix studied the pianist. His black curly hair brushed against his head as he played the piano passionately.
Pheonix was interrupted again by Mateo snapping his fingers again. “Hey, pájaro, do I have competition?” Pheonix blinked a few times, “Oh, um no, sorry.” Mateo smiled, “No worries, I know I’m better than him anyway.” Pheonix looked at the oak table.
“You like the music?” Pheonix nodded quickly, eyes glued on the table. “Ah, good, maybe we can say hello to them after our dinner, hm?” Pheonix looked over again at the pianist, there was a man who sat right behind the pianist, only centimetres away. Before he got lost in his thoughts again, the waitress came over.
“Hiya! What can I get for ya?” Pheonix’s head snapped up to Matteo who smiled, “Hi…. Stephanie, for the starters I’ll have the caviar blinis and Pheonix here will have… hmm, actually, we can share the starters, wouldn't want to waste our hunger on starters when there are two more courses! Hm?” Pheonix gulped and nodded.
“For mains, we will both have a steak, medium rare, and dessert, hmm the raspberry ripple cheesecake please!” Stephanie scribbled the order down quickly in her notepad and smiled, “Perfect! Can I get any drinks to start?”
Mateo looked up at Pheonix, realising he didn't know Pheonix’s age, “Just two waters, thank you.” The waitress left and Mateo rested his foot gently over Pheonix’s, Pheonix looked up. “You're doing good mi amor!” Pheonix forced a smile, “Thanks, um, thank you for bringing me here.”
“And you're being grateful! Oh my, I was going to save this for later, but -ah heck, here you go.” Mateo produced a neatly wrapped parcel with black wrapping paper. Pheonix eyed it suspiciously and looked at Mateo, encouraging him to open it.
Pheonix sighed and slowly unwrapped the small gift. There was a box which he slowly opened, revealing a ring. His heart stopped and his face blanched. Mateo chuckled, “Oh, don't you worry, I'm not asking you to marry me.. Yet.” Pheonix gulped and took out the ring. There was a black snake on it. “Here, let me put it on for you.” Mateo took the ring and Pheonix’s hand. He gently put the ring on Pheonix’s thumb, “Now look at that, don't you look beautiful!”
The night went on and the music continued, different classical songs were played. Most of them Pheonix never heard before. At some point after dessert, Mateo went to the bathroom, leaving Pheonix alone in the booth. He pulled at his ear nervously and fidgeted with his ring. Of course, that bastard gave him a ring with a fucking snake on it.
Before the two of them left, Mateo guided Pheonix over towards the pianist and the other man. “Walter! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!” Pheonix looked up at Mateo, confused. Had he met that man before?
“So this must be Gabriel?” Walter put a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder and he immediately stopped playing, “S-sorry,” He blushed. Mateo smiled, “No worries, my boy Pheonix has a special eye for you.” Pheonix blushed and looked at the ground as he felt Gabriel’s eye on him. Walter chuckled, “Well, I can't say the same, I think Gabriel prefers the other gender, but I’d say he likes the attention.”
Mateo smiled, “Listen, while you're out here in the city, can I offer you a drink?”
My tagist:
@jordanstrophe XD @milk-carton-offical @as-a-matter-of-whump@yesthisiswhump @kixngiggles
Jordan's Taglist:
@alien-octopus @lave-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hamiltonwhumpdump @just-another-whumper @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @approach-me-and-ill-cry
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pines-troz · 4 years
Pay Up - Gravity Falls Oneshot
Summary: Dipper finds an antique magnifying glass in the Gift Shop that he wants to keep. Grunkle Stan wants his nephew to pay extra, but Dipper has a trick up his sleeve. 
Word Count: 1,170
Genre: Family, Humor
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27714506
AN: This fic takes place at some point during season one, after the events of Irrational Treasure and Summerween. One of the things I love about Dipper is how sassy and snarky he can be, and it’s a shame that some folks in the fandom gloss over that quality. So I wanted to write up a short story that’s essentially humorous banter between Dipper and Grunkle Stan. 
Working part-time at the Mystery Shack was a drag for young Dipper Pines. The curious adventurer could be out exploring the woods with his twin sister Mabel or solving the various mysteries that lay within Journal 3. But he was wasting away a golden afternoon working for his money-obsessed Grunkle who paid no heed to child labor laws. 
The place was empty, given that it was a Wednesday afternoon and not many tourists came by to visit, and it was just him and Grunkle Stan inside the Gift Shop. Soos and Mabel were busy washing the golf carts outside and Dipper was left to sweep the floor while Grunkle Stan manned the cash register since Wendy had called in sick. 
Dipper had finished up cleaning the floor and scanned around the store, satisfied with the hard work he put in. His gaze moved from the floor up to one of the bins where an antique magnifying glass caught the young detective’s attention. The boy walked over to the bin and gingerly picked up the precious magnifying glass. He carefully inspected the item, noting the quality condition of the glass and brown handle. Grunkle Stan must have stolen this item since it didn’t match the shoddy quality of the other items up for sale. 
He also pondered over the practical uses he could have with the magnifying glass. Sure, Journal 3 already had a magnifying glass attached to a string, Dipper only occasionally used it when reading through the mysterious text each night before going to bed. Dipper figured that he could use a portable magnifying glass during his excursions through the enchanted woods or at the library, where he would conduct research on the town’s history. And a part of him wanted to emulate his favorite fictional detectives, Sherlock Holmes (whom Dipper outsmarted earlier in the summer), and The Sibling Bros., one of his favorite YA protagonists. 
The magnifying glass looked too valuable to be placed in a gift shop filled with cheaply-made trinkets, like Mr. Mystery bobble-heads or other items that matched his Grunkle’s ego, and he would not stand idle and allow a blissfully ignorant tourist purchase it before he could. The antique item truly was a diamond in the rough, and Dipper was determined to obtain it by any means necessary!
Grunkle Stan was busy counting up the money cash register while filling Wendy’s post in her absence. “Called in sick, a likely story...” Stan thought to himself. He stopped counting the money in the cash register when he noticed Dipper looking at a magnifying glass he recently put in stock. 
“You know the rules kid, hands off the merchandise.” The con man gruffly reminded the boy. 
“Actually, I want to have this if that alright.” Dipper insisted. 
“Well then you’re gonna have to pay full price.” Stan countered. 
“Oh come on,” Dipper groaned, frustrated that his own family would make such a ludicrous demand. “Couldn’t you give me a family discount at least?”
Grunkle Stan knew Dipper would bring this up, but he came prepared with a counterargument. “I let you and your sister pick out one item from the Mystery Shack for free.” 
Dipper adjusted his iconic blue pine tree hat. He was grateful to get another one after losing his old hat in the woods during a battle with the gnomes earlier in the summer. Even though he appreciated Stan’s first subtle display of affection, it did not negate how annoyed he was of his Grunkle’s grubbiness when it came to business transactions. 
“Now I don’t want you gettin’ any more freebies or discounts from the gift shop.” Stan asserted.  “What do you think I pay you kids for anyway?” 
“You don’t pay us jack squat!” Dipper objected. “You know, the more I think about it, I feel like the Mystery Shack could benefit from a workers’ union!”��
It was at that moment that Stan became infuriated. He had just enough from this little smart alec. “Okay wiseguy, you’re paying an extra five bucks for that magnifying glass!” The con man shouted, crossing his arms smugly. “Now that’ll be ten bucks, kid.” 
Dipper rolled his eyes and turned away from the cash register. Of course, Grunkle Stan would want to jack up the price in retaliation. He reached into his vest pocket and felt a crinkled up dollar bill. But it was no ordinary piece of American currency, but rather an outdated piece of money granted to him by Quentin Trembly the Third Esquire, the Eighth-and-a-Half President of the United States of America. 
Dipper grinned menacingly, knowing that he had the upper hand. 
The boy turned around, playing the role of the defeated party as he wore a sullen frown. “Okay Grunkle Stan, I surrender. I should be more grateful that you pay me in food and lodging as opposed to minimum wage.” 
“You’re darn right, Dipper!” Stan emphasized. 
As soon as Dipper placed the bill into Stan’s calloused hand, he took his prize and sprinted towards the exit. “Success!” He thought to himself as he made his escape. 
Grunkle Stan smiled to himself. “Aha! Victory is mi-” He inspected the dollar to find not the face of Alexander Hamilton, but the face of some mutton-chopped weirdo with -12s on each corner. What is this malarkey?!? 
“A negative twelve dollar bill!” Stan yelled in disbelief. “This is absolutely worthless!” 
Suddenly the bell rang as the door to the Gift Shop opened and Dipper poked out from behind.  “It’s less than worthless!” He replied before slamming the door shut.
Grunkle Stan was left alone in the Gift Shop, feeling like a complete goon. He looked at the less-than-worthless currency in the palm of his hand. To think that his nephew had duped him out of some magnifying glass. Dipper had played him like a fiddle, and yet, he wasn’t upset at the slightest. 
In fact, Stan was very proud of Dipper. 
Tears of joy started swelling in his eyes. He had hoped to teach the kids valuable lessons in the art of pulling off schemes. Heck, their first bonding lesson of making counterfeit Benjamins had landed him in jail. But Stan had been smarter about his crimes. The last family bonding they had involved stealing decorations for Summerween, and only paying the cashier using Stan Bucks. Now Dipper had learned from the best and even added his own flair to his little crime. Instead of making up his own fake currency with amateur doodles, the kid used some sort of negative money that resembled a typical dollar bill to avoid paying extra for some magnifying glass, and he actually got off scot-free! 
Ever since Dipper and Mabel arrived, all he ever wanted was to connect with the kids, even using his unorthodox measures of pulling off cons and schemes. He was overjoyed that Dipper took it upon himself to beat him at his own game. 
“Heh. Conned by my own nephew.” Stan said to himself as he looked at the fake money in his hands. 
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jollyinha · 6 years
Soooo... I saw an One Piece tag in Reddit, and for some reason I really like doing tags, even though no one gives a fuck about it. Since I have nothing better to do, LET’S ANSWER IT!
1 - Who is your favorite character and why? (Additionally, who is you fav Straw Hat?)
Most people would guess that it’s Sanji, since I’m crazy for this boy literally since I put my eyes on him... But my favorite character is Luffy, because without him, I wouldn’t stay interested in One Piece for much time. I kept watching the anime because I thought he was a funny and interesting protagonist, and it changed my life.
Besides, he is everything I love in a character (Especially in a protagonist): Dreamer, determinated, funny loyal and dumb. He inspired/inspires me in many, many ways, and I just love this strawhat boy.
2 - Who is your favorite villain and why?
That’s a tough one... Arlong impacted me the most (I hate, haaaaate his guts!) and Lucci akuma-no-mi is pretty cool. But I’m saying Crocodile. I mean, c’mon, the guy tricked an entire kingdom, defeated Luffy TWICE (I think it was twice, correct me if I’m saying shit), had an entire organization... And had banana crocodiles and a cool casino. And his akuma-no-mi is badass too. I kind of hope that he appears again in these recents arcs, even if it’s very unlikely!
3 - What is your favorite quote or statement? 
Oh man, there’s so many of them... Screw that, I’m making a small list.
-  "When does a man die? Does he die when he's been shot? No. Does he die when he's ravaged with disease? No. Does he die when he's been poisoned? NO! A man dies when, and only when, he is FORGOTTEN! “
-  "A man's dream will never die!"
- “The government says your existence is a crime, but no matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn't a sin! THERE'S NO CRIME IN LIVING!!!''
-  “Don't start a fight you can't finish.”
4 - Who is your favorite female character?
Urgh, I love all my girls! I love Robin, Vivi and Nami nearly equally, but I’m saying Nami. Her backstory was the first one that actually made me cry. It’s amazing to think that he was stealing from pirates that could kill her, even though that she was just a child! That moment when she asked for help... Damn, it brings me chills. 
And I also love how even though she was already extremely important for the crew while being only the navigator, she still wanted to become stronger, and asked for Usopp to create the Clima Tact. She uses her intelligence to fight, fights for her friends when it’s necessary and still saves everyone’s butts by being the amazing navigator we know!
5 - What is your favorite fight? 
I gotta say the fight against Lucci. Not only was a very intense battle and it was the first time Luffy used a Gear, but I love its meaning. If he needs to kick the World Government’s ass to save a crewmate, he will absolutely do it. Nothing shall stand in his and his nakama’s way!
6 - What is your favorite episode? 
Well, I don’t ACTUALLY watch the anime since Alabasta. After that, I’ve only watched a few loose episodes, so I don’t know a lot about the anime. But I’m saying the episode that Brook joined the crew. The expressions and the voice acting are just on point!
7 - What is your favorite One Piece opening?
We Are!, of freaking course. It’s the only opening that I never skipped while I watched the anime. Although We Go! comes in a close second. Believe in Wonderland is good too.
8 - What is your favorite movie, special or "episode of"?
I did enjoyed Strong World and 3D2Y a lot, but Gold was amazeballs, starting with that freaking catchy song in the beginning. The animation is GORGEOUS, Tesoro is very interesting in my opinion, the outfits are amazing, and the final battles were pretty cool too. I didn’t liked Carina very much, tho
9 - What is your favorite arc in One Piece?
Alabasta, without any doubt. Baroque Works was freaking charismatic, the scenarios were interesting as hell, Vivi was an amazing character in general, the battles were intense and fun, and it’s such a funny arc! I really like the filler were Ace spends a while with the Strawhats too. Water 7 comes in a close second place.
10 - What is your favorite One Piece videogame? 
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. It’s so much fun to play with characters like Hancock, Ace, Law and Tashigi! The story log is very nostalgic and the dream log is addicting as hell.
11 - If you were in the One Piece universe, who's crew would you join and why?
What kind of question is that? Strawhat Crew, of course! They all have this sense of one for all and all for one, and they really look like a family, and this is very heart-warming to me.
12 - What is the saddest One Piece moment?
Weeeeeeell... I’ve been stuck in Dressrosa for a while, and the saddest moment in my opinion is at Whole Cake. I took EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SPOILER of this arc, though. Without hesitation, it’s Sanji’s backstory. I feel like crying when I only see PICTURES of his backstory... I don’t even want to think what I’m going to feel when I actually get in Whole Cake. Sanji occupies a very special place in my heart, so it hurts a lot to see that this was his past. Congratulations, Oda, you completely broke my heart once again. Also, Pudding can stick her finger in her third eye and go to hell
13 - What is the most shocking moment? 
The third scene that made me cry in One Piece: Usopp VS Luffy in Water 7. These two are such good friends! That’s why I remember that I was freaking out when they began to fight. 
14 - What is the funniest One Piece moment and who is the funniest character?
There are plenty of funny moments in this beautiful story, so I’m going to say more than one. Zoro getting lost, Luffy’s impressions, Robin’s imagination and all the “Can you poop?” moments. And of course that Luffy is the funniest character.
15 - What is the most memorable moment? 
That moment when Luffy gets Zoro’s swords, and he defends his captain for the first time. C’mon, it’s the beginning of the crew!
“Nice, Zoro!”
“It was no trouble, Captain.” 
16 - What is your favorite ability in One Piece?
Hana-Hana No Mi. It’s elegant, has many uses and it can be powerful as heck. I totally want it! Emperor’s Haki is a close second, tho... 
17 - Do you own any One Piece merchandise? (Official or not)
Many of them! All the mangas that were/are being released on Brazil, the special editions (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green and Wanted!) an giant wallpaper, plenty of posters, many figure actions, an Sanji cosplay, a flag, a strawhat, a keychain and a notepad (The last two actually came from Japan!), a necklace and a shirt.
18 - Do you prefer watching One Piece in sub or dub?
As I said up there, I’m brazilian... So I never actually had acess to the english dub, and the portuguese dub (It’s a very good dub, btw) came out before I knew One Piece. So, it’s sub.
19 - What is the #1 thing you love the most about One Piece?
I’m a sucker for this kind of thing: The whole dreams, freedom, friendship and bravery message that it passes. I keep the lessons that One Piece gave me deep in my heart. They give me hope and happiness in hard moments.
20 - What is the #1 thing you hate the most about One Piece? 
There’s two of them: The brazilian fandom and what they did to Sanji after the timeskip. Brazil’s fandom is full of toxicity, arguing, homophobia and sexism. And Sanji was so smooth and serious before the timeskip, but I feel like he became a gag after the timeskip. Where’s the suave Sanji, goddamnit?!
21 - Does One Piece take your number 1 spot in your top 10 animes? (If not, where?)
Absolutely yes. One Piece saved me from dispair countless times. Its jokes, its lessons, its characters... And if it weren’t for One Piece, I wouldn’t have known half of my friends, and honestly, I don’t know where I was going to be nowdays if I didn’t had them. In many aspects, One Piece saved my life. I’m eternally grateful to Oda. One Piece is a huge inspiration to me in both emotional aspects and in a writer’s point of view. Watching One Piece was the best choice I ever made, because that silly strawhat boy changed my life and took me out of the darkness many times. I love this masterpiece with all my soul.
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kartikwadhwa · 3 years
Gratitude 23-09-2021
Grateful for being able to have coconut water and watch IPL. Today was the seventh or eight consecutive days I have had coconut water, it is too good and healthy for our lives, I know its benefits and the importance of having it in my daily diet. Coming to IPL, I watched the match between Mumbai Indians and Kolkata Knight Riders, KKR won the match comfortably batting second and are in a touching distance of fourth place now, piling the pressure on their opponents. It will be hard for MI to make it to play-offs now. I remember the first IPL season, I became a huge fan of Rajasthan Royals majorly because of three players: Shane Warne, Shane Watson and Yusuf Pathan. It was one heck of a season, RR won the tournament; sadly, this remains their only tournament victory till date. That was some team led by the brilliant Warne. This is the second leg of IPL 2021 happening in Dubai, the first leg happened in India in the first half of the year; however, it got suspended due to deadly second wave of covid pandemic. Grateful every single time to watch sports, cricket has taken a backseat off late, but still it is a good outing to watch IPL, coupled with having coconut water daily. Need to maintain that continuity now, also with meditation, walk, bath and doing brush at night. Come on boy, let’s do it, day by day, strength by strength. Vamoss!!
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imaginekpoplikethis · 7 years
7 Years - BadBoy! Jeon Jungkook X Reader - Part 12
Sorry to keep you guys waiting but there was an issue that I got caught up in. Nevertheless, here's the next part to 7 Years.
I'm quite happy with the direction this is going, do I have reason to be? I don't know.
Anyway, love you all and thank you so much for the support and kind, encouraging words. It really makes my day.
Wonder Girls - Be My Baby is still an absolute bop. Just had to put that out here.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10.1  Part 10.2  Part 10.3  Part 11  Part 12 - Here  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20 - Final
When your class had exited the plane and gathered their luggage, you all immediately headed for the hotel you would spend the next week and a half residing in. Jungkook offered or rather demanded to take your suitcase for you. Both options practically meant the same thing to Jungkook. Your classmates stood in awe at the unexpectedly large hotel in front of you and you were the first one to break away from the group, intent on getting some sleep.
You had made it to the front desk before you remembered you could speak limited Japanese and you stumbled upon your words, hoping the receptionist would understand you. A hand on your shoulder made you shut your mouth and you watched in shock as Jungkook gave the receptionist the information needed in what sounded like fluent Japanese.
"You speak Japanese!?" He leaned on the desk whilst the receptionist typed away at her computer and smirked at you, smug at another opportunity to impress you.
"Yeah, Tae teaches me. I'm glad he did because the look on your face is worth it." Before you could even think about closing your gaping mouth, Jungkook whipped his phone out and snapped a picture of your shocked face.
"You better delete that, you I-" as you closed in on him, readying yourself for your attack, your teacher arrived at the desk followed by your fellow classmates.
"Jungkook stop winding Y/N up. We've barely been here for an hour and you two are already at each other's throats."
"That's because they're in love!" The obnoxious shout from the back of the class made the rest of your classmates erupt into childish giggles and you could only glare in mild embarrassment.
"So immature..." The only ones who seemed to hear your mumble was Jungkook and your teacher. Jungkook seemed to be enjoying every moment of the situation and was staring straight at you, seemingly committing your embarrassed expression to memory.
"Um..." The receptionists unsure tone caused you to return your attention back towards her and she had a collection of keys placed upon the desk. Your teacher exchanged a few words with her before turning back to the rest of you, a smile on his face.
"As you should have expected, we're splitting you into two groups: boys and girls.  Boys will be on the first corridor of the third floor and Girls will be on the second corridor of the third floor. You will each have a roommate that I have already decided upon."
He proceeded to begin calling out the pairs that would be sharing rooms and you anxiously waited for your name.
Please, for the love of all things holy, don't make me partner up with Hye Mi.
You felt a pair of eyes on you and you quickly realised that Jungkook was still staring at you, a small smile painted on his lips.
"Jungkook and Jae Hyun." Jungkook's smile dropped and he switched his now blank stare to the boy who was confidently strutting towards him. Jae Hyun was what people classified as the schools most popular athlete. Thus why he had an ego that could rival Seokjin's except it was less cute and more irritating. Mixing Jungkook and Jae Hyun could end up as a disaster and you could already tell that Jungkook was getting irked by the hint of a glare he was trying to hide.
"Y/N and Ji Hee." Upon hearing your name called out, you snapped your head to the side, eyes searching for Ji Hee. When they landed on the shy girl, they softened and you flashed her a kind smile to which she returned one of her own. Taking your rooms key from you teacher, you slipped through the other students to get to Ji Hee.
"Hello Y/N. I guess we're sharing a room together. I hope you don't mind..." Her overly kind nature was one that made you want to protect her from all things bad and you grinned at her, shaking your head.
"No not all! I'm happy I'm rooming with you. I hope we can become good friends."
Ji Hee raised her eyes to meet yours and a timid smile spread on her lips.
"Me too!"
She seemed to be warming up to you already.
You had already decided which bed you would take and had collapsed on said bed, burying your face into the pillows. Ji Hee was currently checking over her suitcase, making sure nothing was lost.
"I hope you don't think I'm prying or anything but... how and why are you dating Jungkook?" If you were completely honest with yourself, you were not surprised at Ji Hee's question. You were pretty sure everyone was dying to ask you the same thing. Turning your head in her direction, you thought of a suitable answer to give her whilst absentmindedly watching her search her luggage.
"I've known Jungkook for as long as I can remember, he's helped me through some pretty rough times. Over time I just fell for him. Apparently, he felt the same too." You hoped your answer wasn't too vague as you didn't want to go into detail about your relationship. You were much too tired for that.
"That's... that's quite nice... I think you both make a great couple." A delicate smile spread on your lips at her words and you began to wonder what Jungkook was doing at that exact moment.
Suddenly, your rooms door slammed open and Ji Hee shrieked at the unexpected sound. Sitting up you glared at a heavily breathing Jungkook. When his eyes found yours, a satisfied smirk grew on his face.
"Found you." He walked into the room, not bothering to close the door and Ji Hee stared with wide eyes. His eyes scanned your room before landing on you once again.
"Wow, now I see who got the best room. I might just sleep here." Jumping up on your bed, you grabbed the pillow your head was previously resting on and swung at his own head with full force.
"What the fuck Jungkook! You scared Ji Hee, fucking apologise!" He tackled your body and you fell back on the bed, his arms circled around you and the side of his face pressed onto your stomach, eyes glancing at Ji Hee from her position on the floor.
"Sorry Ji Hee." She stuttered out an 'It's fine' before slowly turning back around and continuing her task at hand.
"Why're you here? You're not allowed in our room, Jungkook." He merely rubbed his cheek on your stomach and tightened his grip around you.
"Don't care. Jae Hyun pissed me off." As if on cue, Jae Hyun appeared at your doorway, a deadly glare directed at Jungkook.
"You bastard! Why the fuck did you empty my shit like that!?" You pushed up off your bed, Jungkook following your movements.
"Your shitty suitcase was on my bed." Jae Hyun stalked into your room when Jungkook replied, fists balled at his sides.
"I called dibs, It was my bed! You broke my favourite fucking mug!" A shrug of Jungkook's shoulders was the immediate reply.
"Why are you being such a prissy bitch and bringing a mug with you to Japan? That's not my problem." You decided to intervene and slapped Jungkook upside his head to which he yelped out in mild pain.
"If he wants to bring his mug, he'll bring it. Why are you touching other peoples stuff, you idiot."
"I wanted the bed closest to the second corridor so I could be closer to you." You were touched to say the least. Such an innocent intention resulted in a fight. Well, It was Jungkook so it was understandable. Ji Hee let out a soft 'aww' and Jungkook grinned at her response.
"Whatever, what are you gonna do about my mug? It was my lucky mug, how the heck am I going to do great in my games now?" You stood from the bed and pried Jungkook's arms off of you, walking to your suitcase and searching for your purse. When you  had found it, you pulled out some money and walked in Jae Hyuns direction.
"Here, I hope you're able to buy another one with this. I'm so sorry." Before Jae Hyun could even think about accepting the money, Jungkook's hand shot out and pulled your own down.
"No! Don't worry Y/N, I've got it. I'll get you some compensation money." Shooting off your bed, he sprinted out the door but not before sending a wink in your direction. Jae Hyun stood speechless at Jungkook's sudden change in attitude and then directed a grateful smile at you.
"You really know how to handle him. Thanks Y/N!" He too jogged out of your room and Ji Hee broke the silence that fell upon the room.
"Jungkook really won't let you trouble yourself. That's so sweet."
Yes. How very sweet.
It hadn't taken you long to fall into a nap once again and you were awakened hours later by a certain someone jumping on top of you. You made a poor attempt to push Jungkook's head away from you but he grabbed your wrist and dragged you off the bed.
"Jungkook, what in gods name are you doing?" Your words came out slurred and you blinked several times, trying to wake yourself up as he dragged you out of your room, barely managing to close the door behind yourself.
"You've been sleeping for ages and I'm bored. So we're going to go explore." You knew that arguing with him would get you nowhere so you kept your mouth shut and allowed him to drag you down the stairs. When you reached the ground floor, you took notice of a couple of your classmates wandering around.
"I heard there's a bath house here and a koi pond. Which one should we check out first?" A koi pond sounded much more appealing than going to a bath house with Jungkook at this exact moment in time.
"Yeah, no thanks to the bath house. Let's go see the koi pond." Flashing you a smile, Jungkook led you outside towards the pond a little ways away. When you arrived, he took you across the small bridge and to the centre.
"Koi fish are so cute." Your comment did not go unheard and Jungkook shoved his hands into his pocket, rolling on the balls of his feet.
"Aren't they just basically goldfishes?" You crouched down beside the pond and leaned forward, taking a closer look at the multitude of different coloured Koi.
"Actually, they were bred from Carp idiot." He feigned a hurt look before reverting back to his original expression. "Sorry, I don't do extensive research on Japanese fish for fun. I'm not that sad."
Rolling your eyes, you ignored his comment and instead pointed towards an orange koi.
"Doesn't this one remind you of Jimin?" He took a step forward and bent down beside you, leaning in to take a closer look.
"Yeah, kind of." A sudden splash startled you and you watched as another koi, this one yellow, quickly swam away. Jungkook sighed beside you.
"Well, I know that reminds me of Hoseok." You nodded in agreement, a small smile spreading on your lips.
"Makes sense... that big one reminds me of Namjoon and the small one Yoongi." He turned his head towards the two fish you pointed out and silently nodded.
"Taehyung is that one that keeps swimming back and forth." Jungkook's long arm motioned towards the orange and white koi.
"What makes you say that?"
"It looks confused, which Tae is half of the time. He gets himself lost when we go on trips." You didn't find that hard to believe at all.
"The one with the long fins is Seokjin because he has broad shoulders and that's the closest thing to shoulders." Jungkook sat himself down and you did the same, legs tired from the strain of remaining crouching for a long period of time.
"We just named a bunch of fishes after our friends. Is this what they call having no life?" You were pretty sure it was a rhetorical question but you answered anyway.
"Well, I wouldn't know now would I? I'm not you."
"Now that hurt."
His amused grin said otherwise.
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sflisa · 6 years
The Twenties
I’m going to loop back a bit and pick up a few details from the first two years at DU - I decided on DU because they decided on me.  I went up there with Dad to audition in the spring of ‘76 and I met, what is in retrospect, the most odd collection of a voice faculty you could imagine - all of them stereotypes, some more genuine than others, and I think I got the most real teacher in that crew in the form of Truly Barr Nelson.  She had black hair with a skunk-white, bride-of-Frankenstein stripe down the middle.  She claimed it was natural.  She was the most normal of the bunch. There was Jack Morris, the kind of spacey Heldentenor type with whom most of the kids who were clearly opera-tracked studied.  Filling out the trio was Ron Worstell, a fairly nice guy with an almost permanent sneer who taught all the other opera-bound folks.  Education majors, those more suited to art-song, and choir nerds went to Truly.  
I lived with Karen in Centennial Towers the first year, and then we moved into a 4 bedroom on-campus apartment for sophomore year.  It was still team fun then; we strapped on our backpacks on the weekend and made the big hike to Safeway, meal plan in hand, so we could get our groceries and cook up our meals for the week.  My most memorable one was when I decided to make Dutch Baby and forgot to put the lid on the blender.  We had a good time, and our lives were mostly simple, and filled with the usual drama between adolescents; audition results, boys, studying, and trying to figure out how to grow the heck up.  It’s a bumpy ride, and we mostly enjoyed the journey.  We picked up Lisa J along the way, who became our biggest fan.
There was a lot of fog and distraction, some good, some not so good, but the bright light shining through it all was my love for singing, and the pursuit of music.  We’ll leave it there, and if I write my book, there will be more at that point.  
One of the bright lights was Lori, who I met sophomore year when she became my accompanist for voice lessons and any solo performing that I did.  She made me laugh so hard, and we became inseparable friends, and lived together for the better part of two (or more?) years.  For awhile, we lost touch, and we recently got back together at a wonderful lunch with Paul and Doug, who were also pals, drinking buddies, and fellow music school survivors.
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My indecisiveness and foray into Speech Pathology and Audiology got my credits a bit goofed up, so  it took a bit longer than four years to finish.  We agreed I’d finish my Bachelor’s in voice, while starting to pursue an MA; I had a teaching assistantship, and things just kind of blew up during that time.  I felt totally misled by what little advice I received.   I met the fabulous David Gordon, who introduced himself with this line:  “You know what your problem is?  You’re competent.”  Our adventures and mis-adventures helped show me who I am; he shared his joy of singing and blindingly goofy perspectives on all things human.  During that time when he was artist in residence, he was completely fueled by PBR and chili rellenos from The Border.  Me too.  Miraculously, through a series of synchronistic circumstances he and his former wife Barbara later became deep family friends, and he and his current wife Ginna over time, have arrived in the landscape for all three of us even now.  We’ve visited with them, and they’ve been a huge part of helping me in my transition to empty-nester.  I am so grateful.  True Friends.
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Before I left college I made the very wise decision to move to a place really far away from campus and get a dog.  Totally screwed that one up.  Lori eventually took Pete the dog;  he was a great dog, and she took care of him until he went over the rainbow bridge many years later.  Shown there with him is kitten Duster, who I also had to transfer to Mom and Dad.  I was looking for love in all the wrong places....
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I finally graduated.
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After college, I got a job at Hatch’s Bookstore in University Hills Mall, where I met Dave, who treated me this year with a great photo from that time.  He and I got married, it didn’t work out very well, and then we got unmarried, after I crashed my car over a retaining wall down onto the Platte River.  Nuff said.  Dave is a wonderful guy - we just chose the wrong relationship form for success.  He still makes me laugh, and I have happy memories that I keep.  The other ones are long-gone in the process of forgiveness, of both of us.  This photo pretty much sums it up:
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(What’s interesting, as I reflect, is that Dave and I spent a lot of time hiking and biking.  It was the last time I have spent any significant time on a bike.  This bike issue keeps coming up as I have been writing this week.  Hmmmm)
After Hatch’s, I went to work for Western Federal Savings, which changed to Bank Western Federal Savings Bank.  Great naming convention!  I enjoyed my time there, working my way from Teller to a short temporary stint as Asst. Mgr. being coached by Dennis the whole way.  Dennis is another one of those gold-mine people that stay with you for life.  Another Good Friend.  I sang in the Opera Colorado Chorus, and the Denver Symphony Chorus, worked for the opera company for a short stint and quit the day the boss put her shrimp shells in her outbox for me to take to the kitchen.  I had a romance with a french horn player who sent me fan mail (that is a very good way to get a date) to introduce himself.  Way before OK Cupid.  I’m not sure where my photos from all that time are.  If I find them later, I’ll make an addendum.
There were a few trips to Wyoming.  My good friend MaryEllen lives in DuBois, and we drove up there to visit at least twice, one time was in connection with the Teton Music Festival where I got to sing Mahler 3 and listen to Mahler 4 with Zubin Mehta.  Incredible.  I think the Tetons has to be in my top 6 places in the country. Also included in that list are mom’s deck, San Francisco, Haines, and the Sonoma/Mendocino Coast, and western Oregon because that’s where my kids are.
I frequently drove back and forth to Colorado Springs to see Mom and Dad and the boys, who had a whole new lifestyle which included going on SCUBA dive trips to fabulous locations.  I went on one with them, to Grand Cayman, and will always have in my mind a picture of my brothers with outstretched hands encouraging me to snorkel with them.  The most amazing thing.  If you haven’t snorkeled, you must.  You forget you are human.  And, according to Dad, silently giggling on rum punch, you must always keep your center of gravity low.
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Right around the change of decade, I got restless.  I had been out to visit Jack in San Francisco, and fell in love with the city, the beautiful surrounding environment, and the temptation of adventure and change.
So, I moved.
See you tomorrow.
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icawritestbh · 8 years
You Already Know
Here’s a story about something that keeps happening in real life, to real people—a cliché, you might call it.
That was her cue. She tapped the phone icon on Viber, and he picked up after one ring. She doesn't need to ask anymore what happened. She just said, "I'm just leaving school now. Wanna meet up?”
"It's okay,” he paused, “I just needed to let it out.”
"You sure?"
"Yeah, could I just see you after class tomorrow?"
 "Mmm, let's get burgers."
 The next day, they agreed to meet up in Area 2, the residential turned food stall area in their school. She ordered two half pounders at the Snack Shack, and waited by the stall for him.
 Another boy spotted her, said "Hey."
 "Hi," she replied.
 "Wanna grab lunch? I--"
 She was caught off guard, but then he finally arrives, and cut the other boy's statement. "Sorry, I'm late."
 The other boy looked at him, then looked to the two half pounders in her hand. He just nodded his head, and made his way.
 “There goes another one,” he said.
 “Lol, maybe this is why I’m still single,” she replied.
  “Hey, you don’t want some loser who’s intimidated by your best friend.”
 “Maybe you should be saying that to—“ Her brain catches up with her mouth, and decides to shut up. 
 “What?” he badgered.
 “Forget it,” she shrugged.
 He sighed, and they walked quietly towards the small hill at the end of the street lined with stalls, where logs are laid down so people could sit. She handed him his burger, and he paid her in full. “It’s on me,” he said. She doesn’t argue; this just means she has to treat him some other time.
 “Maybe I should be saying it to myself,” he completed her thought.
 He was obviously not in a good mood, so she didn’t want to add to that. She tries to console him, “That’s not what I—“
 “She’s making me choose,” he raised her voice.
 “You know what I’m talking about,” he muttered.
 They sit in silence. She had already known that this day would come. Four years into their relationship, and his girlfriend never liked her. She didn’t know what to say, so she just looked into the distance.
 He would look at her, at how she wouldn’t look at him. He felt a little weird, raising his voice at her, and cutting her off when she tried to say something.  A few minutes, maybe around 10, who knows, he finally spoke.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I just…” he took a deep breath, “I’m just so frustrated.”
 “Maybe we should just eat,” she mumbled.
 She finished her half pounder in silence, while he only took a bite, then put it back in the paper bag. He waited for her to finish, before he began to speak again.
 “I don’t know what I’m doing. Just, please forgive me. I’m gonna try to fix this with her, I swear. She just needs me to be there for her. She said she’ll change. She just can’t deal with her feelings, you know.  She gets jealous so easily.”
 “Do you really think there’s any ‘fixing’ this?” she cries. “Do you—“ her voice began shaking.
 He wrapped his arms around her, feeling like an idiot, at a loss for what to say.
 She pounded on his chest. “Fuck! Just leave her already!”
 Her voice got louder, her breathing got heavier, her tears gushed faster. “Fuck dude, don’t be stupid! She doesn’t love you, it’s so fucking obvious!”
 Naturally, everyone would look their way. But she couldn’t care less, everything just happened too fast. 
  That night, she found that he had already unfriended her on Facebook. Ten years of friendship, over, officialized on Facebook.
 She decided to sleep early that day, not in the mood to study or do any org work. She laid in bed at 9:30 PM, but the tears kept coming, so she couldn’t fall asleep. She stood up and went to her bathroom to wash her face. As she was doing this, her phone began vibrating. She took a peek at the number, then immediately pressed the red button.
 Her phone vibrated once more, so she muted it first. She sat on her bed, then stood up to pace around her room. She glanced at her phone, still vibrating against her desk. She grabbed it, and held it against her cheek. “I’ll pick up in 5 more rings,” she thought. 
 On the fifth ring--
“I’m an idiot,” he said.
 No response.
 “I’m sorry, I’m outside your house. Could I see you?”
 She said nothing, still.
 “I broke up with her,” he finally explained.
 She made her way to the door, where he was waiting. Without saying a word, she lets him in and they talk in the living room.
 “I told her what happened, so she was happy and she called you a bitch.”
 He looked at her, but she seemed like she had nothing to say, so he continued, “So I got mad at her. This day sucked and the last thing I needed to hear was someone calling you a bitch.”
 Still no response.
 “…Of course, she got mad at me back. Then she asked me if I loved you more than her.”
 “So, how do you feel?” she asked.
 “I feel weird, but the good kind. Like a big change just happened in my life that I need to get used to, but I know it’s a good change,” he answered. “Sorry for angering you, for making you cry. And sorry for disturbing your sleep.”
 She smirked a little, “So you told her you love me more?”
 He laughed, “You’re just fishing now,” and poked at her cheeks.
 “Fuck you, man. You made me believe that you’d actually leave me,” she admitted.
 He stopped poking at her, and felt ashamed at the gravity of the moment. Her head was tilted down, and she wouldn’t meet his gaze. He had a million things to say to her—about how grateful he was that she let him in, about how relieved he was after his break up, about how sorry he was that he hurt her—but he searched first, for the words to tell her all of this.
 “I told her that I love you more than anyone,” he said.
Lol. I’ve been itching to write a love story, but Idk. It’s either I never start writing the idea in my mind, or I start writing it then I stop before it gets finished, because at some point, I rule out the idea because it’s so cliche. I’ve been wanting to write one, cus hey, who doesn’t like a good love story? And plus, I think I should take on the challenge of being able to write something even if the plot line is quite ordinary or even cliche. No weird shit going on, just, lots of sincerity.
And yeah, AIESEC  Week is over so that gives me lollygagging time. Heck, actually, I shouldn’t be lollygagging. I still have shitloads of work to do, but ugh. C’mon. I’m only human. I need mi breaks.
I posted this without having anyone check it cus I just really wanted to post something already, so, lol. I hope it’s not too sappy, or so predictable that it’s not worth the read. 
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