#gravesbeaks fanfic
shellyochunks · 1 month
A short and sweet (500 words) Gravesbeaks fic, about Mark narrating a scenario about Falcon being very small.
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Hi! I see you've mentioned before you like GravesBeaks. I know you're a huge Fenro and Mads fan, and I really like your art. You seem cool and popular, and I don't want to be a bother (I'm very shy and easily intimidated), but I'd like to request a GravesBeaks drabble, maybe them decorating Mark's office for Christmas at Waddle.
Honestly, I'd be happy with any holiday cuteness and fluff if you'd be willing to write it. I'd also be interested in chatting about Mark and Falcon, if you ever want (and your AUs too, you're very creative).
I know GravesBeaks isn't a popular ship, but I do have a Discord with a few people. I'm trying to get it active again and just wanted you to know. Thanks for your time. Happy Holidays!!
UAGH YES I DON'T TALK ABOUT THEM MUCH BUT GRAVESBEAKS MY BELOVED <33333 there was literally no reason for them to show up in the mad ducktor thingie other than that I just wanted to write about them. ssldkjfdsljk I really don't talk about them much but yes. I love them. they were the first characters I ever shipped in the dt fandom and the first dt fanfic I wrote (which I have not! posted) was about them. YEA AND I HAVE LIKE THREE WIPS OF THEM FOR THE ROYALTY AU and I want to draw them more but I'm too intimidated to draw Graves ssldkjfssk
anyway using this as an excuse for a royalty au snippet of them :3 (this is very much a wip) when you’ve been keeping your relationship secret for a decade it can be a lot to have someone find out
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hehe. really need to cover their relationship more, hidden relationships are so fun so I had to give them that trope <3
ANYWAY ANYWAYYYYYYY holiday fluff office decorating for you <33333
“No, no, a little lower- no, that’s too far, higher! Alright… a little to the left?”
When Graves stepped into Waddle headquarters that morning he found it in a surprising state of disarray. Employees were rushing everywhere, their arms laden with various tinsel, ornaments, and lights.
It was odd to see Mark’s usual ‘chill’ office environment be transformed into pure chaos, especially this early in the morning. Usually when Graves arrived the only people there were the night security. Now it seemed like every employee Beaks had was running around the building.
Mark was in the middle of it all, laying flat out on his back on the candy desk, head hanging off the side as he gave instructions upside down. Why he was positioned like this Graves had no idea, but it certainly wasn’t hindering his ability to yell at his staff.
“No, this is all wrong!” He was conducting the hanging of a huge wreath of mistletoe, one of the employees holding it up so he could see. “This is the completely wrong place to put mistletoe, why didn’t anyone tell me how bad this is?! We need holly here- someone grab some!”
A pig in a green and red coat stepped forward, raising her hoof slightly. “Mr. Beaks, we used the last of it in the front entryway-”
“Well then get some more! What am I paying you for?!” The parrot snapped, sitting upright in a flurry. “And whose job was it to replace this desk? Why am I still sitting on a rainbow desk- this is supposed to be red white and green!”
“I’ll check on that sir!” A swan near the back of the room quickly hurried away.
That’s when Mark finally noticed Falcon, who was still looking around at the decorations in confusion. “Gravesyyyyyy! There you are! What do you think? It’s not finished yet of course, these people refuse to move fast enough, but it’s getting there!”
“It’s impressive.” The most eye catching thing in the room was the half-decorated Christmas tree, which stretched nearly twenty feet to the high ceiling. Employees on incredibly tall ladders were carefully placing each ornament in place. “I wasn’t expecting anyone here this early.”
Mark hopped off the candy desk, moving to his bodyguard. “Yeah, I didn’t have time to set everything up last night so I was hoping to get it set up before the building opened. If people would move fast enough.” He glared around meaningfully at the rushing employees.
“So… holiday decorations?” Graves was still confused as to why Mark would care so much about this.
“Yes!” The parrot exclaimed. “The Christmas tree especially. It’s all about getting that holiday buzz, you feel me? I want people to go ‘woah, have you seen the huge tree at Waddles?’ Good decorations are the easiest way to get people talking about you, and Christmas is a perfect opportunity!”
“Ah.” Of course, this was all to get attention. Everything Mark did was to get attention.
“So, what do you think?” Mark spread his arms, spinning in a circle to gesture around the room. “Like I said, it’s not done yet, but anything you’d change? Anything need more? Less? To be in a different spot?”
Falcon was no interior designer, but even half-finished, everything looked good. The colors were grouped nicely, and the different decorations spaced out well. “It looks great.”
“You’re sure?” Beaks glared at one staff member, and they quickly readjusted the tinsel they were wrapping around one of the now red and green slides.
Falcon caught hold of Mark’s hood, using it to pull him close. He leaned his head down to press his beak against Mark’s temple, preening the area. “It’s perfect, love.”
He could almost feel Mark’s blush as the trillionaire relaxed against him. “Well, thank you. I try.”
“Are you decorating the whole building like this?” Falcon asked as Mark leaned back against him, his back against the raptor’s chest. Falcon wrapped his arms around the parrot.
“Hmm, no, mostly just the public places.” Mark placed his hands over Falcon’s, which were held together against the trillionaire’s chest. “Maybe in some of the more common work areas, just to boost staff spirit, you know?”
“Got it.” Falcon hugged him tighter. “Well, as long as you don’t make me put anything up, then I’m fine with the decorations anywhere.”
“Oh, actually!” Mark stood straighter, tilting his head back to look at him. “We need the giant wreath hoisted up over the window, it’s to heavy for anyone to lift by themselves and nobody,” again he glared around pointedly, several employees ducked their heads, “can figure out how to work together to do it.”
Falcon sighed. “Mark, I just said-“
“Awh, c’mon, Gravesy!” The parrot pulled away to turn to face him, laying his hands on Falcon’s broad chest. “Just one thing, you’ve just got to pull a rope and that’s it! Please, I really need my big, strong, bf’s help with it.” He reached up, squeezing Falcon’s bicep.
The raptor sighed. “Just this,” he held up a finger to get his point across. “Nothing else.”
“You’ve got it, Gravesy!” Mark leaned up, kissing the end of Falcon’s beak. “C’mon, I’ll show you where it is.”
He pulled away, and Graves followed him. “Can I get a real kiss before I do this for you?”
Mark threw him a mischievous look over his shoulder. “How about after?”
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forfuckssakejim · 1 year
Fanfic asks - for the askers
10 (sort of) I love when they are on scene together and their dynamic but I don’t ship Gravesbeaks. However with that said I adores the stories you write about them.
Awwwwww. Thank you. I know gravesbeaks isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but the community is the best and everyone is so nice and I honestly just really love them. Thank you so muchhhh
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
I’d would like you to meet (Gravesbeaks one shot fanfics)
In the town of Windsor, a black vehicle was driven and drove through a street of Windsor. Two male birds are inside, one is a parrot while the other is a hawk.
One is a tall, lanky parrot with gray feathers and dark stripes, yellow eyes surrounded by light gray feathers, thick eyebrows, combed hair. He wears a yellow shirt, tan pants and a grey cardigan.
Another is a muscular hawk, with dark and light gray hair and black eyebrows. He has a yellow and black beak and a light cream colored neck with dark spots. He is wearing a black suit with a black tie and a tie pin. He has yellow feet with black talons.
The hawk drove as they are on their way to their destination.
“So where did you live?” The parrot ask him.
“We live not quite far from the Windsor Castle Mark and it not actually that far.” The hawk reply to him back. “I live right between South field and Eton College.”
They keep driving as the grey parrot whose name is Mark stare at the outside the window. Watching the people of Windsor and Eton as they walk on the sidewalk, enter a shops or restaurants.
They turn left as they drove past Eton College and then keep driving. Then turn right as the hawk keep driving straight.
Mark boyfriend Falcon ask him if he would like to meet his family and staying at his childhood home for two weeks. Of course, Mark say yes. Mark haven’t met or seen Falcon family before. He amuse Falcon live in Duckburg but when he told him that he actually live in Windsor Eton. He was quite surprised to hear that his boyfriend live in United Kingdom. Although he remembers seeing a photo of his beloved beefy boyfriend when he was little hawk boy but that photo was taken in the years of the 1990s. So he didn’t know what they look like right now today.
He was quite nervous to meet them for the first time of his life. What if they didn’t like him? Should he greet them in the British accent? When he’s drinking tea, should he let out a pinkie like how British people does? What if they hate the way he wears? Should he wears something nice and elegant?
“We’re here” Falcon announced. They then turn right and drove past the black gate that was automatically open up by itself and close once they enter the ground. Mark look through the window and saw a beautiful mansion, the mansion designed in the high-medieval Gothic and Medieval style. And plus, the mansion itself is giving him a Windsor Castle vibe.
Falcon drove around the mini water fountain. And Mark couldn’t believe his eyes of this sight he witnessed. When they both step out of the vehicle, a woman standing of the door entrance of the mansion. A golden retriever dog dressed in the butler suit walk up to them.
“Welcome home Master Falcon,” he smiled at him and spoke in the british accent. “It's good to see you again.”
“Roland! Nice to see you again, how is my mother and sister?” Mark can see the look on Falcon face, if seen that she was happy to see him again.
“They are very healthy and lovely ladies Master Falcon.” The butler reply.
A hawk woman whose is probably the same height like Mark, she wore a bright green shirt dress - an incredible offering from collar to circle skirt. Cuffed sleeves, textured brown buttons, a self belt, and pockets contribute both to the retro vibe of this stunning. Her dark gray hair style was short right above her shoulder, she wore a pearl necklace and pearl earring, on her feet was a soft pink heels.
A woman who’s possibly his mother stepped down and greet Falcon. “Hello sweetie, welcome back my little Gravesy!!!” His mother kissed him on both sides the cheeks.
“Gravesy?” Mark snore at the funny nickname his mother gave him.
“Mother,” Falcon groan. “must you call me that?”
“Why of course my dear little Gravesy, and I will call you whatever I want. Anyway, have you been eating lately since you came here? Are you healthy? You look a little bit fat since I last saw you…”
“Mother!” Falcon exclaimed in embarrassment. His face goes red like tomatoes.
Mark chuckle, he never seen him so embarrassed of his life.
“Ahh, so you must be Mark beaks.” The Mother turns her head to look at him. “The one who captures my dearest Gravesy heart.” Like she did to Falcon, she smooch both sides of his cheek.
“Come, let go inside and have a nice cup of tea and biscuits. Your sister will join us later after she get dressed.”
They walk inside the mansion as the butlers take all of their suitcases out of the vehicle.
They step inside the beautiful victorian style foyer. The floor tiles was a beautiful cream marble design, a red carpet that lead to the empty room what could be a ballroom. On their right was a brown historical Victorian staircase that lead to the second floor. On their left was another open room that have two sofa sitting across to each other and a wooden round table in the center of the room.
“You boys wait in the green drawing room, I will prepare a nice cup of tea and biscuits for us to eat. And Falcon dear, will you be so kind to lead your boyfriend in the green room? you two must be hungry from that long plane ride.” The mother of Falcon began heading to the kitchen as Falcon lead his parrot boyfriend to the green drawing room.
“Oh! And boys.” The mother turned her head around and face them. “Please don’t do something naughty when I gone.” She let out a laugh as she left the room.
“Mother!!!!” Falcon blush red in embarrassment as he exclaimed.
The butler carry all their suitcases and heading up the room where they are going to sleep in as the couple head to the green room. Falcon lead him where he is, they turn their left and head straight until Falcon turn left and open the brown door.
Inside the room was decor in green and the decoration and furnishing of the rooms and the entire floor in this room is covered with deep red carpet. The interiors were decorated with a selection of green and gold furnishings, fittings and some of the finest 18th and early-19th century French works. A single beautiful chandelier dangling on the top of the ceiling where two green sofas and the brown table in the middle between the sofas. About four 18th and 19th century painting that was painted in historical time.
Mark was overwhelmed by the dazzling splendor. Never in his life has he seen just majesty. The room is so wonderful and very royalty. They enter the green drawing room, Mark Beaks gently touch the furniture of the room, and feel the texture. The feel of the deep red carpet that his feet are touching are so smooth and comfortable.
“This is my favorite part of rooms in the mansion.” Falcon began to speak. “Whatever my parents hosted a parties or other special event, I use to come here alone(sometimes with my siblings and cousins) and spend time here in the green drawing room. My father is a big fan of the Windsor Castle growing up. When he is older, have enough money and became rich, he will build an amazing mansion inspired by the Windsor Castle and everything and then live there.” He explains.
Mark sat down on the green sofa, the comfortable and soft cushions he felt. “Can’t believe you live here,” Mark exclaimed then chuckle. “Why go to that old castle when your home is literally a castle!”
They both laugh together as the door was heard open gently. They turn and face to the open.
They see another hawk woman who is almost taller than Mark, wore ruched V-neck and shorts sleeves, an exclusive, hand-drawn print of butterflies and flowers with bright pops of color, and a comfortable gathered waist, this bright red A-line. Her dark gray hair was beautiful curl and one of the curls is sitting on her left shoulder, on her feet was a red heel.
Mark have no idea who she is, but when he looked at Falcon, a smile appear on his face, it is seen that he knows who that girl is.
"Little Lotte, let her mind wonder." Falcon spoke out, got up from the sofa. “Little Lotte thought: Am I fonder of dolls or of goblins or shoes?" he said.
“Falcon…” A girl let out a small giggle. Mark was surprised that she know his boyfriend's name.
“Or of riddles of frocks?” Falcon continues as he smiles walking toward her.
"Those picnics in the attic." A girl walk down the few steps and began to speak.
“Or chocolate.” Falcon chuckle.
“Father playing the violin.” The girl smiled at him.
“As we read to each other dark story of the North." Falcon said.
"No, what I love best, Lotte said. Is when I'm asleep in my bed. And the Angel of Music sings songs in my head!" A girl began to sing as Falcon sing too created a beautiful harmony.
“The Angel of Music sings songs in my head!” They both sung.
"You sang like an angel today." Falcon complimented.
"Oh, Falcon," A girl voiced as she gave Falcon a big hug. "It's so good to see you big bro, I thought you won’t recognize me again." The girl stopped hugging Falcon.
"Recognize you? Melanie. How could I forget the girl who sang like an angel? Your voice is like the sound of an angel." Falcon complimented his little sister.
“Um excuse me, I hate to disturb this happy reunion. Um Falcon, bae.” Mark look at him with a sweet smile then a death glare at this mysterious girl. “Who is SHE!?”
“Oh right, Mark. This is my little sister. Melanie Elizabeth Graves.” Falcon greet him while Mark and Melanie shake hands with each other. Mark was relief, he’s glad that this girl is not his ex.
“It’s very nice to meet you Mark.” Melanie smile at him. “My dear big brother has told me all about you through his letters he sent me and mother.”
“Really?” Mark raised his eyebrows as he laughed.
“I hope you enjoy staying at our humble home for two weeks. Mother is hosting a welcome party in your honor you two.” Melanie informed the couple.
“Oh dear, it is seen that even I came back for a visit. I can’t escape the party.” Falcon joked.
“Don’t be so cynical.” The mother of Falcon walk in the green drawing room holding a tray of tea and biscuits, gently place them in the table. The mother and daughter sat next to each other right across from them.
“So where is Augustine anyway?” Falcon ask his sister.
“He’s at the Hospital working but he will come back before sunset.” Melanie reply, slipping a nice cup of tea.
“Mmm, nice biscuits you made Madam.” Mark took a bite of the biscuits. He didn’t call her “Mrs.” or “Miss”, wondering whether Falcon mother was in the married, widowed, or divorce state. An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest that she’s a married woman, suggesting that her husband must be very wealthy and rich man afford this very expensive stuff.
“Oh oh oh, call me Martha sweetie.” Martha Graves reply with the giggle. “There’s no need to be formal.”
During their time, Falcon mother told stories about Falcon's childhood, and his little sister chimed in whenever possible to add humorous details she'd forgotten. Then the mother of the hawk got the baby photo album of Falcon from the bookshelf and was showing Mark Beaks pictures of a smaller, cute, and adorable Falcon in a cute british boy cloth riding on the wooden pony swing.
And the other that show little Falcon wearing what appears to be a school uniform sticking his tongue out while his older brother stand beside him on the left side of the photo rolling his eyes at him. Even though Falcon was easily and really embarrassed by these stories and pictures being shared with his boyfriend by his mother and sister, it was obvious to Mark that they loved him and were proud of him.
“That’s just adorable.” Mark said then he bust out of laughter when he saw a picture of baby Falcon laying on his tummy in the bed(probably his parents bed) bare naked.
“Oh gosh…” Falcon groan as his face went completely red as he buried his face with his hands.
“Excuse me to disturb madam but your older son Master Augustine Edward Graves have arrive from work Lady Martha.” The butler announces to her as another hawk man walk in wearing a suit with cream shirt inside and orange tie inside, he is almost taller than Falcon, he also have a 1980s hairstyle as well and his body is kinda beefy than Falcon as well.
“Well, well, well… why it isn’t my baby brother Falcon.” A man chuckle as Falcon also got up from his seat and walk over them.
“Hey there Gus, along time so see brother.” Falcon smile at his big bro, they both shake their hand and then hug each other.
“Gus?” Mark raise his eyebrows.
“Short for Augustine.” Melanie inform him, Mark now know why he call him Gus.
“And you must be my little brother boyfriend.” Gus walk over to Mark, he got up from the sofa and shook his hand.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” Mark let out a smile.
“It’s very nice to meet you too. How is my brother? I hope he is treating you well?”
“He’s great and he treat me so nicely Gus.” Mark told him as the older brother sat between his mother and sister as the couple sat down together and continued chatting.
Mark Beaks smiled as his family goes on about Falcon from the past years and describe how he was back in when he was a little hawk. And later chat about their life and what they are doing.
Falcon family were very kind and welcome to him, but the only one he hasn’t met was his father. Where is he anyway? Why didn’t they talk about him? Mark began to wonder whether the father of Falcon is dead. But he didn’t hesitate to ask about him. Worry that he will brought that bad memory of him.
“I think I will get along with them just fine.” Mark Beak thought to himself as he turned to face Falcon and Falcon look at him and kiss him on his top beak and Mark return with a giggle.
Mark rest his head on his boyfriend shoulder.
“My handsome Gravesy.”
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ray-the-fanatic · 5 years
His Home
Gravesbeaks family, Hurt/comfort fluff prompt. One shot
Ao3 link 
(last one short for bit now that im working on multiple chapter stories.)
Just a some moment dealing with this awakard family figuering things out. 
Everything was dark from under marks hands as he used them to keep Boyd’s eyes covered. While Mark ushered him quickly, Boyd could really only feel the carpet under his feet as they awkwardly waddled across it. There were at least, from what Boyd could think up five better ways to go about this. Another part of him, however, thought this was more fun. It was pretty normal for him to feel pulled by two different lines of thought process like that. Maybe cause Mark programmed more kid like thoughts? Or whoever made the original software did.   
“Alright Little buddy ready, to have your circuits blown? Not really though.” Mark said as he moved his hands away from Boyd’s eyes.
Boyd took a moment to adjust to the light, as his eyes set on said surprise. A bedroom just for him, well almost it was more a mix of a playground as well. Boyd walked in further looking over everything before him. The room was full of colorful tubes that were scattered all over the place. That you could climb through with exit and entrance points found in different places of the room. A few of the exits being slides that drop at different heights. Rock climbing walls and foam pits to fall into under them. A built-in playhouse building that functioned as a bed on the bottom. Covered in Boyd quickly counted, ten, colorful pillows. The top of it was set up as a small reading area. From where he stood Boyd could make out shelves with a few books on them. There were cut-outs on the floor for trampolines. Likely just like at Waddle each for different impacts of bouncing. There was also a small desk almost resembling the deck of a skateboard. The desk having a computer set up on it. Boyd ran over to it to check it out, able to tell it wasn’t from any store in town. The room was amazing he thought full of excitement just wanting to explore every inch of it now.
“So?” Mark said as he walked over to Boyd “Like it?” 
“Very much Dad, it’s” He paused to think a moment “Lit?” 
Mark smiled brightly and took a picture of Boyd standing in the room quickly as he started writing an update to go with it. 
“Best room ever.” He said out loud as he typed then watched the screen for a few seconds before excitedly chirping out “ooo look at all those likes, it's blowing up.” Mark held his hands up in the shape of a gun and playfully gestured like he was shooting real ones in the air “pew, pew, pew.” 
Boyd did the same and moved in sync with Mark “pew, pew, pew.”
The action caught Mark’s attention right away as he couldn’t help but smile. He placed his hand on top of Boyd's head gently ruffling his head feathers. Boyd happily moved into Mark's palm as he hummed happily enjoying the affirmation from his creator, Dad he meant. One thing Boyd knew well at this point was he often got rewarded for mimicking his Dad or going along with his antics. Maybe it was deceitful, another side of Boyd thought it was like he exploited that fact. He decided not to dwell on that thought thankful to hear Mark speak up.   
“Glad that didn’t get lost during your little meltdown at that brats party.”
 Mark pulled his hand away slowly as he could hear footsteps behind him. His smile growing brighter when turning to see the man he called Falcon. Though when Boyd looked his inner files they told him he was farther.  Who seemed shocked by the room as he looked around curiously. Boyd’s own smile growing when seeing him, he was very fascinated with Falcon since he didn’t see him often. His height alone was enough to pull his attention since he towered over the small android, no boy. He was quiet and calm most of the time and spoke in a stern English tone. His eyes always having that pricing gaze of a predatory bird. To Boyd he was the definition of fierce nothing shook him, well one thing seemed to faze him and make him break that facade.
“Hello Father!” Boyd sprouted out suddenly as he made his way over to him having to stare up at the raptor. 
“Y yes uh hello to you as well” Falcon seemed to tense up slightly by that sudden greeting from the boy.
For whatever reason he seemed to be easily thrown off by Boyd, he would freeze up and lost his usual air whenever Boyd got near him. Like he was now so Boyd took a few steps back which was for the best most likely. Boyd tried to keep his smile though to act as if he didn’t notice.   
"Hey kiddo why don't you play around in here for now and get settled in." Mark said as he began to push Falcon out of the room able to feel the tension growing in the air. “Were just going to head downstairs for a bit boring stuff, unlike your super cool room.” He added on as he pulled the door to Boyd’s room closed behind them. 
Boyd knew it wasn't right but at the same time, he couldn't help it. Quickly running over to the heavy door able to faintly hear their voices from the other side. But, he couldn't really make out what they were saying too well. Luckily being an android came with advantages. Taking a moment to raise up his frequency until he could clearly hear Mark's voice from the other side. 
“Does it bother you when he calls you that? I just thought it would be nice so I programmed it in.”
Boyd hadn’t been living with them for long, it had only been a few days since that party. Everyone was still adjusting to this change but Falcon seemed to need the most time for the adjustment. He always reacted the same way whenever Boyd called out to him. Mark made sure to reassure him or would intervene whenever it happened.
“Falcon.” Mark said his voice in a tone Boyd never realized it could reach. It was followed by a sigh from the larger bird. 
“I’m not sure. I guess I didn’t think much about it at first when you decided to turn your new project into a means of increasing likes for your social media, so you could go to the child’s birthday party.” He paused “Which I still don’t fully understand why you went to that. When it was just one of your random whims I figured you get bored of the idea. But he’s not an idea he’s here?” Falcon phased like a question. 
“Well the little guy kind of grew on me and guess I got attached, I wasn’t really expecting this turn out myself. At first, the project was to make my own robot to be better than Gizmoduck so I could rub it in his face.” Mark said then trailed off for  a moment “The focus shifted a bit there and I don’t know the idea grew on me?” 
Boyd was listening to every word, it wasn’t like before he knew he wasn’t. Real. He was a robot, android, created by Mark. Kind of. Everything that made Boyd well Boyd was programmed, coded in. He looked down at his hands as he thought to himself. He felt something heavy inside sink into his deepest pits. It wasn’t an actual object but it made him. Feel? Feel bad. In his memory Dad and Farther, no. Mark and Falcon were his parents well they were meant to be. That wasn't real either though. That was the truth. No matter how much he didn’t like having that knowledge it conflicted with his files and it hurt when he looked into it too much. The last thing he wanted was a repeat of his malfunction. His mind was a blank and he had no control over what he was doing. No matter how hard he tried to take it back, he just couldn’t. It was still him doing that but he felt like he had been watching it. Boyd tightly closed his eyes, it was- he didn’t want to think about it. He took a moment to process and pushed those memories away, placing them as far back as he could in his memory as possible. So he wouldn’t have to be reminded of it again. 
Boyd moved away from the door and made his way to the bed, he let his face hit the soft mattress. Mark and Falcon seemed to have walked away since he couldn’t hear them in the hallway anymore. That was likely why Fath- Falcon, reacted as he did. The things Boyd could do set him apart too much. Making it apparent that he wasn’t a real kid, and maybe that was why he just couldn’t seem to connect with him ? It was easy with Mark. If he mimicked Mark, he would smile like he could burst from the pride alone. Being basically a walking breathing piece of tech probably didn’t hurt either. Mark liked the power technology offered so Boyd was just the perfect kid for him. 
“That’s it!” Boyd sprung up suddenly “I act like dad and that makes him happy so if I act like father too then that should work.!” He said to himself.
No less than a few hours had passed when Boyd saw his dad poke his head into the room. Boyd met his eyes and smiled like his usual self, taking note of the slight drop in Mark's shoulders as he seemed to let out a sigh of relief.
“Wanna come out of here for a bit?” Mark asked him “and maybe spend some time with us?” The added emphasis on ‘us’ was not lost to Boyd. 
“Yes, I would enjoy that.” 
Mark had to pause a moment, he was used to hearing an Engilsh accent now but not from Boyd who he was positive didn’t have that before. He looked down at the young android as he walked by him, arms kept at his sides walking with his back completely straight. A stance he was all too familiar with, didn’t take Mark long to figure out what he was doing. But, he just smiled and shrugged wanting to see where this goes.     
Boyd made his way to the living room where Falcon, back to his usual self, it seemed. Was sitting in his scarlet recliner buried beak deep into his current book. Boyd caught sight of it and quickly ran to the bookcase grabbing the first book he could. He went to run back when he caught his dad staring at him so he instead went back to his proper stance and walked to the couch. Only to scrambled quickly on to it as he climbed- up on the couch he got situated and cracked the book open to start reading. Mark looked over to Falcon who was unaware of everything. 
“So, kiddo anything you wanna do?” Mark asked as he walked up behind Falcon’s seat, resting an arm on the back of it purposely elbowing his boyfriend when he did so well speaking. 
Falcon looked up at Mark a bit annoyed only to get caught by the smile on his face. Mark then pointed over to the couch. Falcon’s eyes following as he looked over to Boyd mimicking Falcon’s usual reading position. 
“Reading is fine by me.” Boyd said again using the Engilsh accent once more. 
Mark covered his beak as he playfully nudged Falcon, who was more confused instead of delighted by the situation. Falcon closed his book and tentatively placed it on his lap able to see Boyd copy his actions from the corner of his eye. A quick look over to Mark, seeing the smug smile he had made it clear he wasn’t going to help. Falcon just sighed, part of him almost laughed though. It reminded him of all the times Mark had put on his god awful attempt at the accent himself. He looked back to Boyd who seemed to be staring in anticipation at him. Falcon’s tension built up a bit.
“Um, Boyd are you sure that book is a good pick for you?” Was all Falcon could think to ask since he couldn’t make eye contact with him and instead looked to the cover of the book to see the title. “I don’t think 'The Grapes of  Wrath' is right at your age.”
“Oh it’s fine, my reading level is above average!” Boyd responded with forgetting the accent as he excitedly spoke. Only to quickly shift back into his act when he realized it. “I do enjoy reading a lot. Reading is an essential skill to have after all.”
Falcon smiled a bit not having spent much time with Boyd so it was the first time he saw him perk with such enthusiasm. Displaying such a kid like enjoyment for the task and the act was starting to grow on him, maybe that was why Mark enjoyed it so much.
 "Well being able to read it is one thing, that book may be out your understanding." 
“Dad made sure my artificial intelligence can grow naturally so the more I do something I just advance along with it. I like to read so I can grasp the more complex topics on somethings” Boyd looked down annoyed suddenly. That was the second, no third time already he broke character. He sighed and turned his head to the side looking away from Mark and Falcon as he pressed himself up into the couch cushions. 
This wasn’t working, by now Mark would be bursting with joy and giving him a pat on the head. Falcon was more a challenge with this game. Though it made sense he was so close off, Boyd had seen him at times drop it when he looked at Mark. With a softer smile and sometimes a playful tone when speaking to him. Cause he cared about Mark. They had a love for the other, Boyd pushed himself deeper into the couch. It felt nice at the moment, it gave him some comfort because suddenly he just felt so alone. Boyd wanted to just escape into the comfort the couch had to offer because it didn’t make him question his place. In truth all Boyd wanted was to just feel he belonged here.
“Hey Kiddo you okay over there?” Mark asked, snapping Boyd out of his thoughts. 
Boyd opened his eyes but didn’t move from his hiding place, he seemed to have wedge himself between two of the cushions squeezing tightly in the small gap they offered him. 
No, I’m not okay
 He thought to himself something wasn’t right with him, he couldn't shake the, feelings? Thoughts that kept fogging up his mind. That same sensation from before like something was sinking inside him. Almost  like he was being weighed down by it. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping to force those thoughts from coming back again. He didn’t want to think about those thoughts he could maybe delete them? Make it like he never had them in the first place? That could work, then they wouldn’t be in the way he could just act like everything was normal. Like he was normal, just like before. 
Again his thoughts were interrupted, feeling the familiar sensation of a hand resting on his arm. At first he thought it was Mark but the size wasn’t right and the touch was more hesitant. Boyd lowered his head a bit to look. Surprised to see brown feathers instead of Marks grey ones. Continuing his gaze up to see Falcon standing over him, his expression something Boyd never thought he could make. Did he look worried? No that can’t be right.
“Are you okay?” Falcon said, his usual stern tone gone replaced by something more soft and genuine. Concern maybe? That alone made him crave in.
“No” He vocalized this time only to retreat back into his safe haven between the couch cushions. 
Falcon looked over to Mark who made his way over and sat on the other side of Boyd, laying up against the couch as he lightly poked at Boyd’s head. His own special approach to the situation. 
“What’s going on kid?” 
“I’m not!”
“Not what?” Mark asked “Gonna say? Talk? Not here? The last one won’t work cause we can see you clearly.” 
“Mark” Falcon said flatly to show that wasn’t helping, then turned his attention back to Boyd “You can tell us son” that tone aimed at him again. It didn’t bring comfort this time though it was more a reminder of what was bothering him so much right now.
“I’m not your son!” He let out and drew his knees to his chest curling up into the couch like a small ball, he didn’t want to see their faces after saying it. “I’m not even real, no matter how much I want to be I can’t be.” Everything he had been thinking for the past days coming all out. 
“What that's crazy, I built you to be my kid so obviously that's what you are.”
Boyd looked up at Mark his eyes fierce and burning red as the head inside them started to raise “I’m fake!” He yelled out in frustration making Mark grow silent at the reaction. 
“I know it, you know it farther knows it.” he tucked his face into his shoulder as his voice grew more quiet. His thoughts messy and all over the place but he couldn’t keep them from spilling out anymore. “I hate it. I want to act like I don’t know the truth but I do. I’m not your son I wish I could be but i’m not real. It’s all pretend.” 
“What? But you are real Boyd.” Falcon was the one to speak up 
“No I'm not that's why you get all weird with me. If I was real you could bond with me. Dad can but that's cause he made me and he likes when I copy him. That’s all I am”
Falcon awkwardly pulled his hand away then fidgeted with his cufflinks. He happened to catch Mark’s gaze who just slightly gestured to Boyd. A small sigh escaped his beak and he nodded to show he understood. Falcon placed his hand back on to Boyd’s shoulder. He was so small especially when curled up like this.
“Boyd?” He said and like always his voice got the small boy’s attention as he looked over his shoulder to him. “You are real to me  and that scares me.” 
It grew silent between the three of them as those words settled in the air. The reason Mark was aware of, the answer Boyd didn't have. The truth Falcon wasn't good about stating seeming to bring a clam over them all. 
“I scare you?”
Falcon nodded but smiled not helping clear Boyd’s confusion in the least when he did. It wasn’t often when Falcon displayed his awkward side but as he used his free hand to move around in the air. Almost as if it was physically trying to grab at the right words when he spoke. 
“I never thought I’d have a kid or family, your Dad’s whims are not in my control well really anyones. You just were an unexpected surprise. I probably should be used to all that now. “ He said tossing a look Mark’s way before he continued on “I’m just not sure what I'm doing.”
Boyd blinked absently as he took in those words. He slightly seemed to follow with what was said. Boyd could understand that though he too was unsure about the whole situation at times. Maybe he was also scared?  
“And for what it’s worth, you are able to think freely. I found a good AI to base yours off for that. I think it’s cute when you copy me even if you do it on purpose.” Mark added in himself “Yeah you weren’t planned to be as you are now but that doesn't mean anything really. Most of my plans don’t go as I think they will, doesn't mean I dislike the outcomes.” 
Boyd smiled slightly, it didn't really fix anything but it was nice. He moved out from the couch and looked at Falcon as he swept in and clung to his side,in a slightly awkward but loving hug. Falcon froze a moment but Boyd didn’t let go, his father was the one who needed the gesture. Slowly he felt Falcon arm wrap around him hugging him back. It took Mark a full half a second to intrude as he moved over.  Throwing an arm over Falcon as he took a selfie. 
“Family moments” He said out loud as he posted the picture. Boyd slightly laughing as Falcon groaned in annoyance. 
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tartlemelodica · 6 years
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Los diálogos los hice yo sola en inglés y francés, así que si hay errores, una disculpa, hice mi mejor esfuerzo.
Inspirado mayormente en esta escena, pero también siento que debo poner esta otra
Quería subir algo como esto para la semana GravesBeaks que organizaron el julio pasado estas dos maravillosas personas @justbirdfurrythings y @ladyariaa. La verdad es que su contenido aumento de manera considerable el amor que ahora le tengo al GravesBeaks, gracias, ustedes son geniales.
Hoy en día entre a un concurso y esta fue mi entrada, y la verdad quería compartirla en esta página.
También incluyo un Drabble que sirve como antecedente de lo que esta pasando en el comic.
La investigación
Aquel día Mark había llegado al trabajo más temprano que de costumbre. Quería hacer algo especial por Falcon después de lo ocurrido en la Convención de Anime el día anterior. Al fundador de Waddle no se le ocurrió mejor idea que investigar a fondo en las redes sociales de su empleado. Tenía prohibido hackear las cosas de Falcon, así que tendría que hacerlo como una persona “normal” y espiarlo desde su propia cuenta. Sabía que el halcón era bastante reservado, así que tendría que picar bastante antes de encontrar algo de oro. Mark observó con curiosidad las publicaciones que Graves había compartido en su cuenta en línea. En su mayoría eran esporádicas y bastante escuetas. Pasó de lo más nuevo a lo más antiguo, por un momento se puso inseguro ¿y si al revisar las publicaciones descubría que Falcon hablaba con alguien más? ¿ese alguien sería más atractivo que él? Sus dudas se disolvieron tras un tiempo de considerable revisión, todas resultaron conjeturas suyas.
—Gravesy jamás me haría eso, ¿en qué estaba pensando? —dijo Mark, tras lanzar un largo y profundo suspiro.
Continuó navegando. No había nada malo, pero tampoco había encontrado algo lo suficiente bueno para un buen regalo. Tendría que buscar otras opciones. Cuando estaba a punto de cerrar la página se topó con algo que lo hizo cambiar de rumbo, un álbum de fotografías, en la imagen de portada se apreciaba a una hermosa cuervo con un vestido negro entallado que recibía un beso en la mano de un elegante caballero. Las siguientes imágenes contenían una pequeña serie de frases en francés y en inglés. En la última había un enlace con la leyenda “Aprenda el francés y sorprenda a su pareja”.
—¡Oh, vaya! —expresó Beaks con una sonrisa, abriendo la página en línea—. Él estará encantado conmigo mañana temprano.
Mi headcanon
Se me ocurrió que Mark en el afán de hacer que Falcón se enamore más de él o compensar algo que hizo sin intención, se pondría a investigar un poco acerca de los gustos de su novio, sin embargo, cuando encuentra algo interesante se emociona tanto que en lugar de indagar a fondo se queda con la idea que a Graves le gusta el romanticismo del idioma francés, cuando realidad va más alla de lo que piensa, Falcón sabe francés, de hecho le encanta el idioma, pero lo que Beaks no sabe es que solo aprendió porque desde joven conoció la serie de Los Locos Addams y se quedó fascinado con la pasión entre los protagonistas. Por eso cuando Beaks llega y le habla con las frases que leyó en su álbum de fotografías, se confunde y piensa que Mark está jugando rol con él.
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mighty-ant · 4 years
7, 9, and 20 for the fanfic meme!
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Ducktales is the only fandom i’ve actually been involved in, so a few from here would be:  gravesbeak, delpad, anything with beaks really, obv anything between webby and the triplets, anything that isn’t jim starling x a literal sewer rat 
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
The sheer wealthy of creativity! There’s so much beautiful, lovely art, fantastic fanfiction, and an LGBT+ zine! For my first fandom experience, I’m grateful that it’s been such a wonderful one 
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
scrooge/glomgold, no joke. I was ambivalent about glomgold in the ‘87verse, but I adore him here 
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dorky-crow · 4 years
Friday, ancients. Seconds for the fanfic ask please?
Friday: Negative & Crooked would be, until I write stuff with PG
Ancient: first fic would be that short fic I did for the Gravesbeaks week
Seconds: Shortest might be Bystanders or Avian machina
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nega-aria · 5 years
i just wanted to say that i read your fanfics before finding any of your social medias, and then i found your art, and then one day i found out from a fan of you and one of my best friends that it was u who made all the gravesbeaks art and all the duckverse fanfics i had read and i was like :000 and now you’re my fav writer and artist 💕💕💕💕💞
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Dude, this is insanely sweet I can’t even 💖 I always feel like I’m terrible at expressing how much this kinda thing means to me, but thank you so much for taking the time to send this, it for real made my day :3 Knowing that my content can truly make people happy majorly warms my heart ❤
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6, 7, 8, 16 for the New Year fanfic ask :D
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
After I finish a handful of wips I plan on starting a multichapter daycare attendant fic!! I'm pretty excited for it!! :D
7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers?
I do want to get more in the habit of commenting on ao3 fics, I usually do longer comments which then makes me feel bad if I don't have time for one and can only leave a small one. Sooooo I'm trying to get used to leaving more frequent smaller comments!
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
SSDLKFJSDLJ well there's that one with Maddie that I'm never writing, and then there's a crazy circus version of the Chickens Can't Fly AU that I don't think I'll write, but I might do some art for!!!
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Yeah actually! I have an older GravesBeak F.O.W.L. fic from the summer of 2020, which was my first DT fic and eventually was abandoned when I discovered Mads (seriously like that 'I don't wanna play with you anymore' scene from Toy Story- XD). It has my ye old 2020 writing so I'm not going to post that, but maybe sometime this year if I have no fic ideas and just need something easy and chill I can try rewriting it. Another one is my Negaverse stories, I have one from 2020 as well that was actually over halfway finished but again, I abandoned it when I discovered Mads (the reason I started it was because I wanted an evil version of Gyro, whiiiiich NGyro isn't really all that evil most of the time. So then Mas was PERFECT XD). I have other shorter Negaverse stories that take place in my '17 Mads AU that need to be rewritten, so maybe I can get that done sometime too!
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superwolfiestar · 6 years
Kitten(Gravebeaks Oneshot fanfic)
"Mark, what the bird is that?"
Mark looked at Falcon with complete and utter confusion spread across his face. (Mark usually looked confused, but this was an exception for today he was looking utterly confused!)
"What's what?"
That! In your hand!"
Oh! That's just my new pet kitty!"
"Kitty! Yeah! And isn't it the most cutest witto-wickly kitty you've ever seen!?"
Mark squeezed the bundle of grey fluffy goodness tight to his chest, making its eyes bulge slightly.
"Mark! I don’t think having a pet around in the mansion would be a good idea!" The Falcon bird told the parrot. "That kitten is so small like the size of the tennis ball, it would get lost and hide around the mansion! We can’t keep it!”
“Hey! Don’t call my baby “it”!” Mark hold his kitten very tight to his chest. “It a “He”! And his name is Mark Jr.! I name him after me!” He press his kitten to his cheek. “He’s my son! A cute and adorable witto cutie baby boy! How can’t you resist this cute adorable little baby!” He said as he held the kitten up and right close to Falcon beak.
“Meow” the kitten meow out as Falcon gazed down at the small cat. It looked back through bright green eyes. Those eyes looked so loving, so gentle, so inviting, so…
No! He can’t defeat the cuteness, he have to be strong and manly. Real man can’t be interesting in cute thing like pet, that’s what his father taught him.
Mark Jr. then lick the top bottom beak of Falcon, as his paws tap at his beak repeatedly. Mark let out a “awe” of this adorable sight.
“Awwwwww he started to like youuuuu! Can we keep him! Can we? Can we? Can we!?” Mark jump up and down like some child wanted some toys.
Taking a care of small kitten is a big responsibility but it just one kitten. How bad can this be?
Falcon regret this, he regret saying that in his head.
"Kittens, Mark," Falcon says, in furious a bit. "Kittens."
Mark surveys the scene in the living room fireplace. "Yes," he says. "I can see that."
There are twelve, no, thirteen kittens running around, at their living room. It's difficult to count them because they keep darting in and out of sight, hiding under the sofa or between the cushions or behind Marks legs. Mark himself is sitting cross-legged on the floor, like some kind of old, grey curly-haired, elderly cat lady, and holds one black kitten in one hand and one white kitten in the other. Falcon wouldn't be surprised if Mark turned out to be hiding more under his jacket.
Since Mark doesn't seem inclined to venture any more information about what's going on, Falcon shoos the kittens away from the couch armchair and sits down. From the floor, the kittens look at him reproachfully.
"How did this happen?" Falcon asks, ignoring the kittens. He's not picking any of them up. He's definitely not caving in under the pressure of their big kitten eyes. He's not. Part of him is still hoping against hope that those kittens are some lost kitten looking for a family to be adopted. Surely Mark told everyone on social media of wanted a kitten better than the alternative, which is that this morning Mark robbed a pet store. Maybe he should have bought a adult leash so Mark wouldn’t steal more kitten.
"I'm not a psychopath," Mark says, scratching one of the kittens between the ears.
"I didn't say anything!" Falcon complains.
Mark scoffs. "Please," he says. "Your train of thought is more than obvious." Then he proceeds to explain in minute detail how he knew what Falcon was thinking about, just with his skills of observation. Halfway through, Falcon loses track of what the African parrot bird is saying and instead stares at a kitten who's trying to unravel yarn ball with its tiny claws. The yarn ball is winning, much to the kitten's dismay.
"All right," Falcon says when Mark pauses to catch his breath. "I believe you, you're not crazy. Then I suppose there's a perfectly good reason why we have thirteen kittens in our living room."
"Fifteen," Mark corrects him. He doesn't venture any reason for the kittens, good or otherwise.
Falcon groans. "Mark! Why are there fifteen kittens in our living room?"
"Because I want to keep them," Mark sniffs.
Eventually, though, the threat of forced feline eviction gets to him. Mark is lucky that Falcon is so remarkably well-adjusted, otherwise he would have already been booted from the house along the kittens.
"I bought them," Mark explains, wrapping his hands protectively around the nearest kitten. "When you sent me to buy milk for Mark Jr. I saw them and bought them home with me."
Falcon is impressed that Mark remembered about the milk. He'd only been trying to get the lazy parrot to do grocery shopping for about a year. "Fifteen kittens, though? Where did you even buy fifteen kittens? Not at Petsmart, I hope."
Mark hoards the kittens closer. "From a man in the old pet store," he replies. "He was selling kittens and I bought them all."
One of the kittens, a calico critter smaller than Mark's fist, mews in protest at being crowded against Mark's chest. Falcon rescues him before it's squished. "Right, man on the street, that's not suspicious at all," Falcon says.
He gets a scathing look from Mark in return for the sarcasm. "Do you take me for a fool?" asks the parrot who went to buy milk and got home with fifteen kittens.
Falcon takes a deep breath and pets the kitten in his lap. It purrs happily. "I understand if you wanted a pet," he says. "But... fifteen? What are you even going to do with fifteen kittens?" He's hit by a sudden, nasty suspicion. "You aren't going to use any of them for your crazy robots experiments or whatever, are you?"
Mark let out of a dramatic gasp and looks outraged at the idea. "Of course not! I simply like having them around. They make boredom more tolerable."
They watch one of the kittens amble across the carpet and bump its nose against one of its brothers or sisters. This make Mark heart so happy that he let out a squealing noise.
"All right, we can keep four or five." Falcon concedes. "Maybe my sister can help us spread the word, see if there's people who want to adopt a kittens..."
"No," Mark protect and holding a kittens in his arms. "We're keeping all of them. They are all my children!!!! You hear me?!?! My. Precious. Children!!!!”
"All of them!" Mark exclaims, so forcefully that many of the kittens are startled and run away from him.
Falcon sight and pets the kittens. "I suppose it's better than the time when you shoot holes in the wall," he says.
He let him keep all of his children because he want to see his parrot bird boyfriend to be happy. If that make him happy, then Falcon is happy with him too.
Later that day he has to go out, because Mark forgot to buy milk. He pray that Mark didn’t get more kitten with he’s out when he get back home.
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superwolfiestar · 6 years
Date(Gravesbeaks one shot fanfic)
“Why am I wearing this?”
“For a thousand time Mark, this is how people dress in the UK.”
Falcon sigh again as he whispered to his plus one and his boyfriend, Mark Beak, in the chapel. He have received a invitation to his older brother wedding in the UK. And the invitation has say to bring one plus. So he decided to ask Mark out if he would like to to his older brother wedding and of course, Mark said yes. They decided to took Mark private jet plane to the UK which is a eleven hours long flight to get there. They decided to stay there for two weeks and after the wedding, they will come back.
“And what with a weird and silly hats these women are wearing?” Mark whispered to him as he look at a woman with a hat on her head in front of him. Falcon sigh again as he roll his eyes. “Those are fascinator Mark. Women do wear them to special occasions.” Falcon reply. “UK Women do wear different than American women.” Mark stated.
They’re at the chapel which is decorated with Christmas stuffs since the theme is Christmas as they both wearing a mourning suit. Mark wore a light blue, double breasted waistcoat which is complimented by a baby pink tie and pin. The striped trouser is tailored with a looser fit and is finished off with a classic morning coat. Falcon also wore grey double breasted waistcoat, which is complimented by a gold pocket chain. Falcon's trousers are tailored to a slim fit cut.
Mark have no idea why did they dress like this than they dress back home but he got his answer from his boyfriend. This is how people in the UK dress for special occasions. And women do wear day evening dresses with funny and weird fascinator on their head as Falcon call them. Then, they heard a children voice as Mark turn his head around and saw a cute adorable children in their cute formal outfit.
All the little girls wore red short sleeves and a double green silk ribbon at the waist, tied in a bow at the back. A ballet pumps on their feets and a floral crown on their head, and little boys were dress in white double-breasted style cotton shirt is worn tucked in the red velvet shorts and two hidden buttons situated around the waist, Matching piping around the collar and cuffs and white stocking and black shoes on their feets.
Mark also notice a woman who have the round felt base is covered with satin ribbon loops, adorned with flighty feathers and topped off with a birdcage veil on her head, wore a crepe and red lace dress with a gold pleated skirt, appliqued bodice and length sleeves. Dress comes with a matching mikado jacket. It look like she’s trying to control the flower girls and page boys by “shhhhh” at them and try to get them to behave.
“That’s my little sister over there,” said Falcon as he look at them. “Which one? The little one?” Mark ask as he is guessing that one of the little girls must be his little sister, but he don’t know which one. “Well, the most of the little ones are my cousins and other are a friends of my mother. That woman over there who is trying to control the children is my little sister.” Falcon smile as he pointed at her. His sister notice him as she give her older brother a smile and a small wave as Falcon wave her back.
Mark look in the front, he can see Mark older brother stood in the altar with his groomsmen by his side. He can see a tearful happy mother of the groom sitting right beside Falcon. But he began to wonder, where is the father of the groom anyway. Maybe he will be arrive later during the ceremony or at the reception? But he decided to not to question as he began to heard a bridal march playing from the organ as they all began to stand up from their seats.
Later that evening, at the reception which held at Falcon family ground. Mark and Falcon are having a wonderful time at the reception. They eat foods and dance on the dance floor. Mark was greeted by Falcon mother, siblings, aunts, uncles, and other families members he was introduced. But, he didn’t meet Falcon father. He look everywhere in the reception to see if someone in the reception look similar to his boyfriend but he didn’t find him.
He walk forward to Falcon who was sitting and drinking. “Falcon,” he began to said nervously. “I have meet all your family members, they are pretty happy to meet me. It seem you told them about me huh?” Mark raise his eyebrows and smirk. “Yeah,” Falcon smile as he sallow the wine. “I did told them about you.” He put him arms around his boyfriend as they both kiss. “I just want my family to see how awesome my boyfriend is.” Falcon kiss Mark cheek.
“Also, I never actually met your dad, he didn’t make it to the ceremony and he’s not here at the reception, where is he?” Mark began to ask. “Is he sick?”
Falcon look at him, he sigh as he rub his back. “Well, you see.” He took a deep breath as Mark rub his leg. “My father will… let just say that… my father abandoned us after I come out of the closet.” Falcon recalled the memories of how he told his family that he’s gay. “My entire family support me, except my father. He was really mad. He yell at me and he then left, and never came back home. To this day, I still don’t know what happen to him.” Falcon told Mark a whole story.
Then, they hear women screaming coming from the dance floor as they look up to see a wedding bouquet toss into the air. Mark then caught it which meant they would be next soon.
"I guess we're next to be married." Mark said with a smile. "I guess so." Falcon replied with a smile, they laughed in happiness at that thought.
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tartlemelodica · 6 years
I am grateful for @scroogeislife​, who was the amazing person who made this post and to all who have contributed to the wonderful Mark Beaks headcanon. Without forgetting those who make this event possible, here goes the promised fanfic @justbirdfurrythings​.
A special thanks to @the-fire-kittys-main-blog​ who took time to translate this fanfic from Spanish to English. Thank you very much! I don't have words to say how happy I'm right now, you did an amazing work.
Title: Until I met you, (Yes I put the title of a song by Juan Gabriel, do not judge me).
Series: DuckTales 2017
Main Couple: GravesBeaks = Falcon Graves / Mark Beaks  
Classification: T
Genre: Humor / Romance / Hurt / Comfort
Original Version: Click here for Spanish version
There were two types of people that Falcon Graves detested in the existential plane: the liars and the frivolous ones. Very few people have deceived him and left unharmed in the process, his oldest clients knew this so they avoided doing something that could arouse his anger. The transparency when dealing with the falcon was the first one, because although Graves’ work was illegal, he never acted under the subsoil. He always entered through the big door with his elegant suit made to measure and after a formal presentation with the motive of his visit, he went into action without deception, and everything was developed face to face without any blows to the back. As for frivolous people who were incapable of being serious about stuff, Falcon used to reject the jobs that involved having to deal with these type of individuals in particular, regardless of whether they were employers or possible victims of them; the simple idea of having to live with superficial beings who preferred to have fun rather than to work hard was something that made his insides burn.
If dealing with these types of people tested his tolerance, the combination of both types in a single entity made his tolerance disappear in a matter of seconds. ‘Why did I currently work for a person that fused both things perfectly?’ Oh yes, it was the handsome salary and benefits that Mark Beaks offered at the time or at least that’s what he repeated every day.   Now he was outside with the founder of Wattle who, without really wanting to, found new ways to his patience to the limit. The most recent way was related to the Technology and Innovation Convention of the current year based in one of the most luxurious hotels in the city. While Mark was in his lectures on the company's newest projects, Falcon would make rounds of the place to meet the potential competitors of Waddle and in due course take ideas that seemed to be the most promising to be "improved" in the near future.
What was the problem here? Well there was no problem related to their work; to him work was work and he accepted it. Graves’ displeasure came from the fact that the gray parrot was constantly harassing him to go to the private beach of the hotel a month before the event with the pretext of becoming familiar with the place. It was a torturous week of constant persecution and hundreds of text messages and voicemails on his mobile phone which ended with the falcon accepting, all provided that peace returned to his life, at least for a time before Mark Beak’s next whim.     
"Mr. Beaks is in talk with the number one tester, if you like, you can wait for him in the designated area in front of it," the hotel employee said pleasantly.
"Thank you," Graves said, knowingly reminding himself that this matter was going to take a long time.          
Minutes earlier in the hotel room Beaks had entered into a really absurd state of denial when he did not find his bathing suit among his belongings, leaving everything he had randomly packed in place. Graves did not understand how something like a simple vacation item could cause such a reaction in his boss, he acted even worse than the time he ran out of cell phones during his last visit to his private island.
Ten minutes became fifteen, then twenty, and eventually Falcon started to become aggravated. Surely Beaks was taking selfies with what swimsuits he liked so he could share it with his thousands of followers. The falcon really was not clear on how the young billionaire enjoyed the attention of complete strangers in social networks, however, if one this is for sure it’s that he hated people making him wait due to foreign shallowness.
"Excuse me," Graves spoke to the clerk who had previously spoke to him.
“What I can help you with?” the boy asked smiling.
“How many articles of clothing is Mr. Beaks trying on?” said Graves without stopping to looking in the direction of the test room where his boss was.
“You see, Mr. Beaks asked to try on all the swimsuits that would fit his size," the employee replied nervously, noticing that the man's face was beginning to show signs of anger.
“And how much is that?” asked Graves again, beginning to crack his fingers.
“That would be fourteen models ..., “ the employee started, still smiling as if that could lessen the storm that was coming.
"Well, that's not so much in reality," Falcon said, relaxing himself for a moment, though that would not last long, as he observed how the employee raising his index finger with the little bit of courage he had left. “From what I see there is something more to add?”
"Yes sir, I told you there are fourteen models, however, Mr. Beaks also asked for the respective color options of each requested swimsuit." the subject spoke to the point of fainting.
“And how many is that?” the falcon asked, waiting for an answer that would only end up making him lose his composure, but at this point he decided just to listen.
The poor fellow swallowed before finally having the courage to give the final result.
"Seventy outfits, sir," the boy finally said.
“What?! Seventy?!” Graves exclaimed, opening his eyes wide.
“Yes, it's right sir, anything else I can help you with?” expressed the employee, completely pale, automatically with the the phrase that he had memorized as part of his daily work at the hotel.
"No, I'll take care of it now," Graves answered, squeezing his beak in disgust.
“I think I'll take my rest now!” said the boy, fainting just after finishing the sentence.
Ignoring the man on the floor, Graves made his way to the wooden door of the dressing room. ‘What did that little inconsiderate parrot think? First he persecutes him incessantly to persuade him to live with him and when he achieves his goal he disappears. What a lack of consideration and respect for the time of others!’
“How much clothing are you going to try on in there?” asked the professional corporate saboteur, stifling the impulse to break down the door. He added, “Just choose something, for heaven's sake!”
"I just can not find something to help me," Mark said, excusing himself for his tardiness.
‘Something to help you?’ The comment seemed odd to Graves, but the discomfort he felt did not allow him to reflect on the intrinsic meaning of Beaks's words.
"Mr. Beaks, I've been out here for almost an hour!” the falcon exclaimed, trying to keep the volume in his voice.
“I know Gravesy, I heard you arrive” the youngest spoke with the relaxed tone that so displeased his companion.
“And he has the nerve to admit it!" exclaimed Falcon, clenching his fists hard before continuing. “Look, i forgive the fact that they conveniently gave us a double room to share.
"I told you that was a mistake at the hotel reception," Mark replied rhythmically, almost as if he were singing his response.
"And why did you not make a fuss over that? I thought things were always done your way?" said Graves, who had a good point.
“Yes, but we are not in Waddle. Here I have to keep up appearances." Beaks explained, in an attempt to convince the man who was waiting impatiently behind the door.
“Though I do that believe that is true, Sir can’t hack what ever you want!” said the older and forget the formalities added, “Mark Beaks, I'm tired, just put on whatever...!”
“Whatever!? How dare you suggest that!?” Beaks inquired irritably at that recommendation.
“Are you going to leave or not?” Falcon replied.
This was the last thing the employee was willing to endure and I had to make it clear.
“If you do not open, I will go up to the room with a double bed, which according to you, we were given by a mistake of reception, I will take my things and I will go home. If I cross the main door of the hotel, you will not see me again, and forget about asking me to accompany you to any place outside working hours, do you understand?”
There was no answer. ‘I already had enough of Beaks's frivolousness at work as well as having to endure it in another environment.’ It seems his boss preferred to spend hours in front of a mirror with his cell phone in his hand, instead of spending time with real people that were there, and did not pay him extra for enduring his nonsense.
“Well then, I'll go!” said the muscular saboteur bluntly, stepping away from the place.
Mark managed to open the door only to see how Falcon's back disappeared from his field of vision and weakly whispered:
“Gravesy, do not go.”
It was not very difficult to pack, unlike Beaks, Falcon had only brought what was dispensable for a three-day stay. Yes, that's right, the youngest member of the club of billionaires had convinced him to spend all that time with him and to top it all he was about to share the same bed for two whole nights, where his boss would take any carelessness excuse to take advantage of the situation.
“Wait, Graves!” exclaimed the youngest, hurrying into the room.
Graves looked at him out of the corner of his eye. The young founder of Waddle was agitated and with his shirt badly buttoned holding a small shopping bag his right hand.
“What the hell happened to you?” asked Graves, looking askance at his boss.
“Stairs…” replied Beaks still very much winded.
In the damned elevator had climbed an unsupervised child who pressed all the buttons and before having to spend a half hour visiting all floors, Beaks got off when he had the opportunity and used what was left of the strength in his legs to climb what remainder of his way to their. After all, Falcon was worth the effort.
"Has Mr. Beaks coming to say goodbye?" the falcon asked, still not looking at him. “Or to apologize?”
Mark did not really want Falcon to leave, but he was not sure if he could share with him some of the most painful passages of his life.
“No, I can not!” expressed the other with difficulty.
"Yes, it was clear to me," Graves said, frowning.
“Just give me a couple of minutes, right?” said the gray parrot, trying to catch his breath.
"I gave you one hour of my life outside that damn tester," said Falcon, slamming the suitcase with his belongings.
"It was not an hour, it was fifty-seven minutes," his boss clarified with shamelessness as if subtracting three minutes from Graves's long wait made a difference.
“Goodbye Mr. Beaks!” exclaimed the other, addressing the doorframe decisively.
The situation had escaped his hands, if the gray parrot did not do something Graves would leave and would never have another opportunity like today. He had to do something, even if it meant resuming the pain he had repressed for years and embracing himself to get enough courage. He finally shouted:
“I can not let them make fun of me!”
“What?” Falcon asked confused.
"Just give me a couple of minutes," said the gray parrot, and after a continuous deep sigh, "After that, you can leave if you want to.”
Seeing the glassy eyes of the younger, Falcon felt a twinge in his chest as if the pain that was eating Mark for a moment had transferred to his own psyche. ‘And for some unknown reason I wish that feeling would never be repeated. This was definitely not frivolity, much less a hoax.’
“Are you okay?” Graves asked in dismay.
“I will be when you let me show you,” answered the shorter one, trying to keep control of his emotions.
The falcon nodded and his companion entered the bathroom with the small shopping bag that until then had not had the greatest relevance. Graves began to despair, for reasons completely different from those of an hour ago: he was worried about Mark. For his consolation as the gray parrot promised him the wait on this occasion was short-lived.
"You can look now," Mark said, a little nervous.
Falcon was really surprised to see that Beaks was still hugging himself, although now his cheeks were flushed. He looked uneasy, had never seen him so vulnerable. He was only a swimming shorts with an opening that exposed the red and immaculate feathers of his tail and barely Graves felt this, he felt as if the savagery of his ancestors seized his sanity.
“Tell me bluntly Graves, I know I am ..." began the gray parrot, expecting a terrible criticism.
"The most beautiful thing I've seen," Graves added, enchanted by how attractive and suggestive Mark's rearguard was.
“But the feathers of my tail …” The parrot started still insecure, he is not used to positive comments about the part he usually hid from others.
“They are so exotic and sensual, believe me when I tell you that I'm trying hard not to make you mine on the bathroom floor.”
Falcon found enough willpower to run to the wash to get his face wet. ‘Curse! How did you let your thoughts turn into words?’ He quickly left the bathroom and stood by the bed, analyzing whether he should leave with his hotel stuff at that moment or wait for Beaks to punch him in the face.
“Gravesy …”
The taller one turned slowly only to find Mark with his eyes beginning to flood.
"Mr. Beaks?" Graves said, not even waiting for Beaks to launch himself into his manly chest.
It was a sea of ​​tears and it was then Falcon understood that Mark's affliction had nothing to do with what had just happened, this was something deeper, something that had managed to pepper his soul to the point of being a slave to an evil memory. He wrapped his arms around his thin body, hoping to calm him down a bit, but it did not help, Beaks was still trembling and the tears did not seem to subside. Falcon brought him closer to the warmth of his body and laying him down on the bed with him, began gently grooming the feathers on his head.
It was a touch so tender and delicate that Mark soon began to relax, it was almost like a sweet dream that the young man in his arms did not want to wake up, but he had to do so not to worry Graves. He was afraid to break again in front of the major if he tried to talk about an issue that obviously distressed him, so he chose the way that gave him the most security.
He took one of the backup cell phones he had in the first drawer of the mahogany bureau and wrote a message with surprising speed. Graves's trouser pocket vibrated instantly.
“You?” The taller one asked, although he already knew the answer.
Mark Beaks_10:35
‘When I was little the other children made fun because the feathers of my tail were a different color from the rest of my body, so I decided to hide it.’
“I get it. So did you went crazy when you realized you forgot to pack your swimsuit?”
Mark Beaks_10:36
‘I told you not to forget it, someone stole it!’
“Why would someone want to steal your swimsuit?” Graves asked wryly.
Mark Beaks_10:36
‘Hey, I have many fans! From this moment someone will be auctioning my shorts online.’
“Whatever you say, Mr. Beaks.”
Mark Beaks_10:36
‘Could you just call me Mark? I want you to stop being so formal with me, I mean all the time and not only when you're angry like a moment ago.’
"I'll try, Beaks," Falcon said truthfully.
Mark Beaks_10:37
‘Well, it's a start.’
"And you will not have more than that," Graves said, although deep down they both knew that could change one day.
Mark Beaks_10:37
‘It's okay. Returning to the subject I had never told anyone about this. And I was really terrified of going out with a swimsuit like the one I'm wearing if that meant being exposed to everyone's eyes. I could not stand being mocked, not again!’
"That will not happen again," declared Falcon with determination.
Mark Beaks_10:38
‘Why are you so sure?’
The face of the descendant of predators hardened and sinisterly sentenced:
“Because if someone dares to look at you contemptuously I'll use it as a punching bag until every bone in his pathetic body is fractured, no matter how much he pleads for mercy, I will not give him a truce and when he's done dust thinking that nothing in the world could go beyond his ordeal, I'll put a metal rod through him …”
“That's so romantic Gravesy!” Mark interrupted, pressing harder against the sculptor's chest.
"You must be the only person in the world who thinks something so horrible is romantic," Graves said, giving the thin bird in his arms a warm smile, glad to hear his irritating, tender voice again.
"Graves, can I ask you something else?” Mark asked to receive a slight nod from the one mentioned as a sign of approval. “Would you accompany me to the beach tomorrow? It will be easier if you are with me. I promise not to use the cell phone during the entire time we are away.”
"Sure," the falcon said briefly.
"Thank you Gravesy,"   Mark said, feeling more protected than ever.
“And so you to know, Beaks I would have accompanied you even if you were carrying your cell phone” Graves revealed smiling.
“Then I can retract?!” the younger asked excited.
“Do not! What’s said is said" Graves said, in front of a Mark Beaks who pouted and added, “Then since today we will not go to the beach, we can stay in our room watching movies and enjoying food all day”.
“Did you say our room?” The gray parrot asked, his eyes fully illuminated.
"Yes, that's what I said," said the falcon, and added, "Unless you're thinking of getting me another one when there's a vacancy left."
"Do not dream about that, Gravesy," Mark replied, making himself comfortable in Graves's arms. He knew that they had taken another step in relationship and that really made him happy.
Meanwhile in the maintenance department of the hotel were a couple of scientists, working hard.
“We were lucky that they let us stay at the hotel in exchange for some maintenance work, are we not Dr. Gearloose?
“Of course not, this is humiliating! It's all the fault of those stinging vultures and their spending cuts!” Gyro exclaimed, without hiding his annoyance, he really detested those old birds and after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence added, "Where did Little Bulb go? He's supposed to be helping us here, that's what he believes it for.”
Just then the little helper robot jumped out of one of the ventilation ducts.
“Look Dr. Gearloose! There he is!” Crackshell-Cabrera exclaimed, who could not notice the way his direct boss rolled his eyes in annoyance instead of answering him.
“Where have you been all this time? I've been looking for you for hours!” the head of inventors said irritably to his little helper robot.  “What a little hygienic Little Bulb! Why are you bringing me someone's swimsuit?”
“Wait a moment Dr. Is it my imagination or those shorts have the Waddle logo?” Fenton asked, squinting to see better the garment that the creation of his boss had among his little ones his metallic hands.
"Not those fools, what's the Waddle logo going to be like," Gyro said, watching his assistant robot stretch the garment. “What the hell! Yes it is the Waddle logo!”
The story of how this writing started swimming like a Drabble, legs came out to become Vignette, and after three days evolved into One-shot and maybe one day mute in a Fanfic is long, so I will not bore you with that. I'll just say this is the merger of the first three days of GravesBeaks Week, so it has a bit of everything, but not enough.
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ray-the-fanatic · 4 years
Summary: Mark is many things and being unlucky in love is one of those. Hes fine with the casual dating scene but right now he can't help but wonder if he wants more then casual flings. And he can't help but crave thar more with Falcon in his life now.
A/N this is my first gravesbeak fanfic, it kind of sets the tone for how I see them id say. And its been awhile since I've done anything for them. I still love this story personally
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tartlemelodica · 5 years
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GravesBeaks Week Day 5 - AU GravesBeaks
Título: Drink My Blood, Gravesy Serie: DuckTales 2017 Pareja Principal: GravesBeaks = Falcon Graves/Mark Beaks. Clasificación: T Género: Tragedia/Romance
(Fragmento de un fanfic que elaboré para la imagen, el cual siendo sinceros, tal vez nunca haga)
La gema en el vestido cambio a un azul profundo poniendo en alerta a los presentes. Eso solamente significaba una cosa: Graves estaba ahí con ellos. Ninguno se movió, ni dio objeción alguna cuando el fornido halcón se acercó al altar de mármol para tomar al joven loro africano entre sus brazos. Todos sin excepción, sintieron un temor inmenso que los obligó distanciarse en busca de un lugar seguro, sabían que aunque actuaron por lo que consideraban un bien superior, esto les traería consecuencias inevitables. Su inquietud no era para menos, los malditos cobardes le habían robado la esencia a Beaks hasta casi dejarle seco; el halcón jamás dejaría que se fueran limpios por tal vileza contra el ser que logró ablandarlo hasta el punto desear la perdida de su condición inmortal. Estaban condenados, lo sabían, Graves tendría hasta el fin de los tiempos para hacerles pagar por sus acciones.
—Inmortalízame en tu historia, ¿quieres, Gravesy? —dijo el muchacho sonriéndole con dificultad.
Lágrimas carmesí se deslizaron por el rostro del poderoso ser del inframundo.
—¿Por qué dejaste que te hicieran esto? —inquirió Graves, sintiendo que todo su mundo se colapsaba.
—Era la única manera, jamás hubieras aceptado esto de otra forma —respondió Mark, luchando por mantenerse consciente, su cuerpo se sentía cada vez más pesado—Entiende. No quiero que mueras.
—¡La eternidad sin verte un solo día no valdrá nada! —exclamó el halcón con el alma envuelta en pena.
—Siente mi aroma, lo hará más fácil —expresó el loro, dejando atrás sus inseguridades —Soy tuyo, Gravesy. Toma lo que te pertenece.
—Mark, no — dijo el halcón sollozando.
Ignorando la negativa de su amante, el ave gris inclinó la cabeza en un suave y sensual movimiento; un claro ofrecimiento de su frágil y tentador cuello. Graves le miró atónito, luchando contra la naturaleza de su especie maldita.
—Bebe mi sangre, Gravesy—suplicó el loro consciente de lo que implicaba su petición  —Por favor, déjame salvarte.
Bien, sólo me resta decir que estoy muy feliz porque se repitió el evento, le tengo mucho amor a esta pareja y quería apoyar aunque fuera sólo un día, así que comparto este pequeño aporte del día 5 atrasado.
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nega-aria · 6 years
Will you ever write a Fifty Shades of Gravesbeaks fanfic?
Oh man I would loooove to! I want to say hell yes, but reality is I only have so much free time and sooo many fandom things I want to do so... maybe? Hopefully? More likely I’ll write some drabbles at some point just to get some of it out of my head, but if people want to see my random ramblings on it I am totally willing to post something like that!
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