#great game to be a volcarona fan
fulgurbugs · 2 years
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girls nightttttt
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zeddertop-bugster · 1 year
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Hailing from Paldea, but now supposedly a research assistant for pokedex research in Evaresce (fan region dw bout it), shes little more than a book smart shy girl trying to get by in this world. If you need to know anything about bugs and bug types, shes the girl. From Wurmples and Caterpies to the elusive Volcarona and even the ultra beasts Pheremosa and Buzzwole and mythical Genesect, there might be a page in her studies she can track for ya. Hell, she specializes in research of the Great Crater of Paldea, having been on research expeditions down both past and present. That said, her general knowledge is far from shabby. She has to have saved a certain amount of intel for her job, after all...
What is her job, anyways? She seems to dodge the subject better than a sand veil Sandaconda minimizing with bright powder. She knows what she wants said too, good luck getting the jump on a nonexistent slip.
Well, despite the Gentle demeanor at least, perhaps even seeming quite Timid or Careful, most of all shes Hardy, but overall, undeniably just Quiet.
(ingames below)
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in paldea canon i ship her with nemona... just thought id mention... how exactly idk but... it feels right to me :)
also shes a scarlet baby not a violet baby i just dont want the same game twice lollll i think she just looks scared style
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driftingballoons · 1 year
I know you said you haven't played past gen 7, but are there any gen 8 or 9 pokemon you've seen that you like?
Despite not playing the games, have been keeping up with new additions, so there are a few!
Gen 8
I like most of the fan favorites, like the applin, sinistea, and snom lines. For some reason I’ve kind of mentally filed this one away with gen 6, which is to say, it’s been mostly forgettable to me 😅 there are also a couple I don’t care for but have feelings about nonetheless;
Centiskorch is entirely too Centipede for my liking. I have a phobia for centipedes, and I think it’s the legs that do it for me :( I actually have a post in my drafts about it so I might post that soon XD 
The other is sandaconda. I like most of the snake pokemon but this one just…idk there’s something about the shape it’s just…
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…a little off
Gen 9
I’ll be honest, scrolling through these ones I didn’t even remember many existed, and I probably won’t remember many in about 15 minutes XD That being said, there are a few I really like! Nymble has a great face, very pathetic baby. The shroodle line is fun, I loved grafaiai the moment I saw it. Flittle and tatsugiri are both very cute. Flamigo is fun, I think it’s great that it’s just a regular flamingo—go girl, give us nothing >:) and possibly one of my new faves, probably surpassing the original form, is Slither Wing! It’s got all the best features of volcarona, plus it’s extra fluffy! Absolutely fantastic, 10/10, and I would love to hug one <3
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pokecraftking · 4 years
Pokemon Black and White, in my humble opinion, are the shining pinnacle of Pokemon.
I know that this is a very bold thing to say (people can be FIERCELY loyal to the first 4 generations), but having played every generation of pokemon (aside from the johto games unfortunately) and yet I have always felt that the fifth generation always outshown the others. And below I'm going to say why I believe that.
The Pokemon: This is always one of the more subjective parts of pokemon, and yet I feel Gen 5 has one of the best rosters out if all of them. With the amazing pseudo legendary hydreigon, it's rival dragon haxorous, fellow bipedal reptile and cool shades wearing gater Krookodile, fellow amazing dark night Bisharp, other badass steel tank Ferrothorn, other beefy behemoth and part jet part canon Golurk, fellow mystifying ghost Chandelure, the infernal sun moth of beauty Volcarona, fellow bug types of both cuteness and badassery in Galvantula and Scolipede, there is a pokemon for EVERYONE in gen 5. Add a great starter team (Oshawott being my fav of all time), amazing box art legendaries, fan favorites with zoroark and excadrill, and I feel few pokemon generations can meet such high standards. Even though it certainly has some less than spectacular pokemon like vanillux (cherrim being a food pokemon people overlook) still being intersting in biology and actually not to bad stats wise, garbodor (muk and swallot being other annoying bulky poison blobs) having a cute unevolved form and actual battle uses, and cryogonal and klinklang (oh upset about inanimate objects? Hello, rotom magnemite bronzor and chimeco have some words for you) both having battle use and interesting and satisfying designs. Great quantity, a balance of typings (looking at you gen 4 fire types, gen 3 ghost types, gen 1 bug types, and gen 2 fighting amd psychic types) without any being too dominant. Additionally, it have great balance changes to many types (bug going from useless to amazing, ghost psychic and dark being balanced, new takes on types (more offensive steel types, powerful and bulky bugs, slow tanky fighting types, tricky ghost types, ground immune electric types, etc), and you get extreamly cute, badass, powerful, and all-around amazing pokemon.
The region: what's to say about Unova that hasn't been said? We have Castelia city, one of the most immersive and stunning city areas of pokemon history, the beautiful stunning skyarrow and village bridge, spanning and scorching deserts of route 4, beautifully snowey mountains and northern routes, and a unique exclusive feature of the 5th gen, seasonal changes! You can feel the lively nature of these games, each area having as much life in it as half a region in other games. Thats without even mentioning the new areas added to the sequel games, like the homey and exotic lentimas town, the beautiful ocean side and partially floating humilau city, and the realistic and grimy feeling virbank city, unova is beaming with life, feeling lively and homey in a way no other games can truely live up to. In addition, the change you can see between the base and sequel games is so amazing, with it feeling like a true improvement and expanded upon instead of simply the same area again like most 3rd entry titles of other regions.
The music: this is one of the things that is both the most subjective yet also most agreed upon. Theres a reason people say "Gen 5 music feels different", with it making the absolute most out of the limitations of the ds hardware. The calming homey feeling of Nuvema town, the energetic and electric sound of driftveil city, the intense and badass sounding elite four and legendary themes giving you both the feeling of being outmatched and the energy to fight back anyways, the memey and heart warming accumula town theme, aka the furret walk song everyone knows and loves, and finally the tear jerking, fittingly named song emotions, the only song to ever make me sjead a tear just listening to. The soundtrack, im both it's splendor and range is unparalleled, with it being one of the best soundtracks of gaming to date.
The story: this is the one neigh indisputable fact about gen 5: it has the best story line out of ALL OF POKEMON.
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toonstarterz · 5 years
Deconstructing the Reality of Catching Pokémon
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Warning: Minor spoilers for Pokémon - Detective Pikachu.
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When Tim was running from the Cubone screaming, “It didn’t choose me! It didn’t choose me!”, it hit me.
You don’t “catch” Pokémon.
You earn them.
Those unfamiliar with Pokémon often see the whole catching and battling aspect of it as akin to cockfighting. They see it as trapping innocent creatures in little balls and forcing them to attack each other. And while that’s not how the franchise describes it, it’s hard for fans to completely refute that assumption.
But seeing how the film deals with this, and Ryme City’s “progressive” views on Human-Pokémon relationships, I think I’ve come to a possible explanation on how catching Pokémon actually works. Fair warning, this is heading into headcanon territory.
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Basically, there are two main factors at play here.
The first addresses the accepted understanding that weakening a Pokémon makes them less resistant to the effects of the Poké Ball. 
But I think that understanding is short-sighted.
Rather, I see the physical process, the whole sucking-them-in-and-the-ball-beeps process, as the Poké Ball encoding them.
Granted, I’m not the first fan to think this. What happens is that when a Pokémon is absorbed, the Poké Ball takes the Pokémon’s information, their DNA you could say, and converts it into digital data. The Poké Ball then beeps, signaling that the encoding is complete. 
However, encoding a Pokémon is a relatively timely and delicate process. A Pokémon can disrupt the process simply by being unruly and forcing it, hence why weakening them is preferred. It’s why Pokémon can break out of the Poké Ball, and why the ball is unusable should this happen. The encoding software is just too damaged. 
It would also explain how the Storage System works, and how a trainer can release a Pokémon even without seeing who’s inside. When called upon, possibly through voice activation, the Storage System selects the specified Pokémon in the party and decodes them into existence.
The various Poké Ball types, like the Great Ball or Heavy Ball, are designed to accelerate the encoding process when appropriate. 
Now that can’t just be it, can it? 
After all, it’s absolutely possible for a fully healthy Pokémon to be caught. It’s feasible in the games, and the anime especially, where Pokémon can willingly join a team.
And that’s exactly where the second factor comes in.
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While the Poké Ball can encode a Pokémon’s information, what determines if that information is accepted or not is the Pokémon’s ability to consent. 
That’s right. A Pokémon can actually choose whether or not it gets caught. 
The best way to conceptualize this is what the game calls a Pokémon’s Catch Rate. It actually measures the percentage of how likely a Pokémon will consent to capture. Exactly how this consent is measured is tricky. Perhaps its a combination of endorphins, muscle tension, consciousness, etc. But the general idea is the same.
The higher the catch rate, the more likely it’ll consent. 
It actually ties in pretty well with the game mechanics. Fainted Pokémon can’t consent, which keeps the Poké Ball from working. Lower-level Pokémon like Pidgeys and Wurmples are more receptive to beginner trainers, whereas higher-level, evolved Pokémon like Skarmory and Volcarona are more picky with the trainers they want.
Even more so when Legendaries and Ultra Beasts are involved. A Tapu Koko is going to be extremely judgmental to those it deems unworthy. It’s why catching one in the games is so difficult even when they’re at minimum health and have a status condition. So long as the Pokémon won’t consent, it won’t get caught.
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Which leaves one final conundrum. If you can influence the encoding process, how do you influence a Pokémon’s consent, and ultimately, earn their trust?
Through battle. 
Obvious, I know. But it’s the best method for making sure that both factors in the capturing process are satisfied. 
Battling weakens the Pokémon for encoding.
And battling allows the Pokémon to assess your skills, personality, and overall character, and whether they’ll accept you as a trainer. 
When Howard Clifford builds Ryme City as a community where catching and battling are forbidden, it’s not saying those methods are inherently flawed or unethical. It just means that the city is meant for fostering Human-Pokémon relationships where catching and battling are unnecessary for growth. Though whether that was Howard’s true intention is another thing...  
Pokémon as a culture seems to be full of contradictions and questionable philosophies. But instead of trying to have Pokémon fit our own ideals, having our ideals fit Pokémon may actually be the best course of action in crafting a fully realized world.
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frogspawned · 5 years
actually i am goddamn liar who has seen too many of the new pokemon lol. lots of jumbled up pokemon spoilers under the cut.
the positives: bug types stay winning!!! my new babies!!!!!! ICE/BUG MOTH RISE UP!!!!! i thought it was galarian volcarona for a hot sec
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absolute unit! an actual angel! the other bugs look great too (blipbug has to be the first route bug right? super cartoony and vaguely rubberhouse!), i just hope this doesn’t end up like right before the elite 4/post game again.
i LOVE wooloos evolution!! round!!!!!! jacob sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the ground snake is also CHOICE, i love how annoyed and tired it looks. grimmsnarl is TERRIFYING and i adore it, it has such weird hands. perfection, 10/10. yamper’s evolution looks fast. a lot of people were hoping it would stay a corgi but i think it looks fantastic, all told. hope it still has a heart on its butt.  NEW ROCKS NEW ROCKS. galarian rapidash was a complete troll lmao. what with the fan theory about it being an alicorn and the ponytas looking up in the livestream. the leaked art looks awkward but i think it’s the angle, will probably look much better in motion. best meowth best persian best cats. round gremlins, could not have asked for better cats.
fingers remaining crossed for rumored fruit bat galarian zubat line. where are my kids gamefreak. (i will also accept any fruit bats period)
the negatives:
no new eeveelution so far. i’ve been skeptical there would be one given they tend to use them to show off new evolution mechanics and eevee already has a gigantamax form so. still a bit disappointing if one doesn’t turn up.
grookey is going to be litten 2 for me. get it to the second stage and never let it evolve further. the second stage is great but i have never particularly liked monkeys in any context. grookey was a surprise since i liked it quite a bit right off the bat. the second stage gave me hope (and would preserve my grass starter streak) and it expanded on what i liked about grookey, but the last stage............ no thank you.
i loved the internal logic of sobble’s second stage but hoooooo boy that final. the legs, the yaoi hands (with one huge one??), the pants-markings, the posture ugh. i saw a “leak” with more digitigrade legs and slightly squatter posture and it was a lot better. intelleon is just like.. a person. the proportions are like someone wearing a fursuit. a few tweaks and it would be great -- i love the concept of a basilisk lizard pokemon! -- but this is. a lot.
scorbunny......................................... is wearing leggings and shorts. fire starters keep losing.
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“Some further details about Pokémon Sword & Shield were revealed in Famitsu. Within the interview with Masuda and Ohmori, it was confirmed that there is currently no decision to bring the existing Pokémon that can't be in Sword & Shield back into the game using patches, but those that don't will still have an active role in Pokémon HOME. It also stated that Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves will not appear in Sword & Shield.”
Okay so... I am lowkey tired of Pokemon Co. and Game Freak adding gimmicks just to remove them a generation or so later. But that’ll be a post for another time. 
Point I want to make here is: Seems they might’ve heard the backlash. I don’t know how they couldn’t when Twitter is blowing up about this decision. Let me live in hope that this means they are playing with the idea of patching Pokemon into the games in future. 
I know people are probably tired of hearing about this and people ‘complaining’ about the decision not to include every Pokemon but it is a big deal to many players, myself included. 
Even if the Galar Pokedex is huge - which I suspect it will be - there’s still a good chunk of Pokemon from past generations left out. Now you can bring up ‘oh well this happened in Gen III’ and yes, it did. But that was down to hardware limitations that Game Freak couldn’t help. It was impossible to connect and transfer between the GBC and GBA. That isn’t an issue here. The 3DS can handle all of that and the Switch is a more powerful device. It’s not even an issue of memory: the Switch can handle games like Breath of the Wild and the Witcher III, both of which absolutely require more memory and power than even a Pokemon game with every Pokemon included. 
I am not putting it down to ‘laziness’ either, it is incredibly hard work to make these games. I am putting it down to the recent gaming culture of pumping games out as fast as possible, to the detriment of the games due to content having to be cut/not included. That is what has happened here. I don’t buy the ‘balancing’ issue because it’s ludicrous- Gen VI and VII had tournaments that banned/restricted Pokemon native only to the games they took place in. VGCs did the same, there was literally nothing stopping that happening here. The Pokemon Co. and Nintendo wanted these games out, and Game Freak had to deliver and the trade-off decision was cutting available Pokemon down likely because it was the easiest. They had to know there would be backlash, but I don’t imagine they anticipated the extent of it. 
Because it is, to be blunt, a stupid-ass decision. It has put many people off from the games, it has put the fandom at each other’s and the Pokemon Co.’s throats. It’s an upsetting and disappointing direction to take the games in. No matter which Pokemon are included someone’s favourite will be left out, a Pokemon someone has had for years and a great deal of attachment to will be left out, a Pokemon someone spent hours upon hours breeding or shiny hunting for will be left out. 
And the thing is: the decision of which Pokemon to include will be heavily biased towards fan favourites. They’ve already said as much in interviews. So you know this means once again a huge wankfest for Kanto Pokemon and other over-saturated ‘mons, some of which I love myself but hate seeing everywhere when others are left out: Starters (especially fucking Charizad which we already know is in these games), Lucario, Mimikyu, a massive chunk of the Kanto Pokedex, Eeveelutions, Pseudo Legendaries ect. All these Pokemon will more than likely make the cut (some we already know have).
But lesser-liked Pokemon? Pokemon outright hated or just ignored by the community? They likely got left on the back-burner. This probably includes a good chunk of Gen V Pokemon outside of the few with fan adoration (Zoroark, Hydreigon, Haxorus, Volcarona) because of how much everyone shits on Gen V, Pokemon that don’t see a lot of competitive usage or who have scored low in popularity polls (RIP if you love the Elemental Monkeys) and it sucks. No matter how much you might personally dislike a Pokemon or how many people in the community at large do, it is someone’s favourite. Someone out there absolutely adores Stunfisk, someone out there thinks the Sunkern line is super adorable. Someone out there thinks Barbaracle is the coolest Pokemon there is. And they won’t get to play with them in these games. 
That is what bothers me. Pokemon is about the journey, it’s about the bonds you make with your Pokemon. It’s the story and adventure you go on yourself with your Pokemon. Even with a story, people progress and play how they want to. They make the teams they want to make, with the Pokemon and moves they want to use. People challenge themselves with mono type runs or nuzlockes or egglockes ect to make the games more fun for themselves and Game Freak is limiting that. It’s limiting the Pokemon we can use and the fun certain people can have. 
And that is deeply unfair and a real poor business plan in the long run, really. 
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kynimdraws · 6 years
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FINALLY....after months of art block I finished the post-game Team Nina gijinkas \o/
To the newer followers who may not understand the whole Team Nina thing, please check out the nuzlocke comic, which is named “Myths of Unova.” Here are some links
[ Deviantart | Smackjeeves | Nuzlocke Forums | Tumblr Blog ]
With that out of the way, here are some bios about the team in general under the cut btw if you are interested.
This team gijinka is set about....5 years after Nina beats Ghetsis. After a year or two of rehab, Nina does rebuild the team with the PC mons she has had + a Larvesta egg that Alder gives (ingame it was just that NPC egg I had hatched but did not find a good way to incorporate it into the main nuzlocke story)
FYI some of the info stuff are more gijinka-verse based
His general optimistic personality has not changed drastically despite the near-death experience with Ghetsis’s team. If anything he has definitely matured more.
He isn’t as fight-happy as he used to be, but is totally okay with sparring just to test his strength without too much risk. 
After years of the creator being too lazy to draw him proper Samurott facial hair, Zach also started to grow facial hair (his lack of it during Myths of Unova was an anomaly for his species), which made him happy. Laila fusses over it since the first time he let that grow out it was rather messy.
The eye injury required surgery for removal...Zach sported a nice eyepatch during the recovery period before discarding it when the area scarred over.
After facing Ghetsis, Laila has gotten less prickly around her closest friends and teammates, but you will have to earn that status first to see it yourself
She quickly became the new mom of the team, taking care of everyone. 
Laila and Zach finally got together and started to make a family by adopting some of the younger Pokemon that Nina would catch, adopt, or just find somehow.
Like her husband, she doesn’t fight much. She has found that she is a great dance instructor and teaches younger grass-types Petal Dance and some bug types Quiver Dance.
Her family, who was basically nobility, found Laila’s new job a bit too low for her position. But seeing her happy made them stop complaining about it (and Laila would tell them off too)
The youngest of the new team, hatched from an egg that Alder gave to Nina after the Ghetsis incident. 
She was named Momo as a homage to Mimi and Jojo (the team agreed to this, and if she had been a boy the name would have been different but still a homage to their fallen teammates)
Zach and Laila’s first of many adopted Pokemon kids. Momo adored Laila, despite her tendency to scorch her mother’s possessions (Zach, who was better at tolerating burns, would always have to come to the rescue)
Laila eventually taught her to control her fire powers through dance lessons, which helped Momo immensely when she evolved into Volcarona. Fiery Dance and Quiver dance are second nature to her
She calls Izzy as “Aunty Iz” and Boo as “Uncle Boo.” She is particularly fond of Boo since he plays with her more than Izzy.
Boo was the first Pokemon that Nina sent to the PC and one of the first Pokemon that joined Team Nina when it was being rebuilt
While most fans were upset over the PC-benching, this break helped Boo come to terms with the fact that he had died and reincarnated as a Yamask (before Nina found him, he had just died as a Darumaka after being attacked by the Krokoroks/Sandiles in Desert Resort)
The reason why Boo is marked in asterisks is that that was the name that Nina gave to him. Due to the shock of his death, Boo’s real “living name” was never brought up until Boo eventually pointed it out (his real name is Alejo). But because Boo did not mind being called by either name, the teammates still mostly call him Boo. Momo in particular always calls him Boo because as a baby she could not pronounce Alejo.
He is still rather shy and reserved but not as completely withdrawn as he used to be when he was first found by Nina. 
Boo is most open around Momo, who really loves playing with him. Her favorite pasttime with Uncle Boo is to swing around on his scarf
The scarf that Boo gained upon evolution are just spirit-hands that he can control. This article of clothing is how he grounds himself whenever he gets overwhelmed with everything (Boo is in the autism spectrum)
The last member that joined the new Team Nina. After hearing about the Ghetsis incident, Izzy was unsure on joining the team since a member of her kind had given Nina so much trauma and grief. 
Izzy became the therapist Pokemon that helped Nina work through the PTSD induced by Asha. While Nina insisted that Izzy did not need to help like this, Izzy kept on going. She even underwent training to become a regular service therapist Pokemon certified by the Pokemon Center
Due to this job Izzy undertook for Nina, she is rarely around the other members of Team Nina. While Momo finds that annoying (she did not fully understand the situation), the rest of the teammates understood the situation
Izzy only evolved to a Hydreigon after she was confident that Nina would be mentally stable upon seeing another Hydreigon after years of therapy. Nina did have a panic attack, but it was minor
While many Hydreigon gijinkas either grow literal extra heads or gain dragon familiars to represent their three-headedness, Izzy instead gained two dragon spirits that float around her and protect her. 
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cifer · 6 years
Long post about Pokémon
Pokémon leak season is my fav!!! I love reading all the theories and I even love those obviously fake leaks. The fakemon are so fucking cool. It all gets me so excited!!! I’ve been watching YouTube videos on Pokémon and I’ve been reading all the theories on Serebii and Reddit.
Anyway here are my guesses (and wants) for Sword and Shield:
- I want Grookey to end up being either Fighting or Dark type. I doodled this evo for him and he’s like a huge gorilla with ripped arms and he has a Mohawk made of thorns and thorns around his wrist. And his little stick ends up becoming two huge logs on his back being held up by thorny vines. He has like this punk aesthetic and he drums away w the logs. He looks pissed AF and he has those big lower fangs. I want him to have really high attack and defense and pretty good speed. Decent HP and the rest of the stats would be low.
- Either Electric or Fairy for Scorbunny. Preferably Fairy. I’m not a big fan of the football theory but I would still like her to be athletic. Something sleek like Greninja or Blaziken. Maybe based on a gymnast? Or if she could make like fire ribbons that would be cool. Super high speed and great attack and special attack. Rest of the stats would be low. Fragile but packs a punch. For HA something that gives +1 priority to weak attacks (40BP or less).
- For Sobble I want him to become Ghost type for sure!!! My friend and I came up w this design and he has like these cool chameleon eye goggles that allow him to see everything around him. And he looks bony and creepy. He has these tear marks like Ulquiorra and he’s like super edgy and dramatic. He stands on his long tail but the lower half of his body is like kinda invisible and has this fading effect. It makes it look like he’s a levitating ghost.
- Also I want starters (and all Pokémon) to have better gender ratios. I want all my starters to be girls! Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles! (I thought of this before that Reddit post went around).
- I NEED a Fairy pegasus/unicorn Pokémon. W like rainbow wings or some shit. Something super pretty. And have the shiny be black but keep the rainbow. Maybe as a pseudo legendary w only two Pokémon in the line like Volcarona. And then have the official pseudo legendary be a griffin.
- A goth Dark type bat would be so fucking sick.
- I want both Steel and Dragon eeveelutions. My most wanted eeveelution types are Ghost and Bug but I can’t really see that for this region.
- I don’t care for connecting to a past region but I would like for a huge post game. Maybe add some small islands w their own story line and new Pokémon that can’t be found in the main region. And like tough as shit trainers w Pokémon over level 80.
- It would be sick if we got pre evos and new evos for old Pokémon. Galar regional forms would be amazing too. I want at least 100 new Pokémon. 80 completely new mons and 20 dedicated to older mons. I don’t care much for getting new megas. And no more Z Moves 🙅‍♂️
- The evil team should be some religious cult type group lol. They worship this god like Pokémon that is truly fucking evil. Plot twist the Pokémon reflects society so it takes on a form and personality based on those around it (in this case evil team). The Pokémon itself spreads famine and disease but it asks to be worshiped in order to cure what it causes. Although citizens just believe the mon is kind and they don’t know it’s being used by evil team to cause chaos. It would be Dark and Fairy. You eventually come to tame it after having to change society instead of just battling it.
- Ghost/Rock sloth and Normal/Rock saber tooth for fossil mons. Sloth is slow and defensive and saber tooth is a glass cannon.
- Alien Pokémon that supposedly set up these Stonehenge like structures. It would be Psychic/Rock. It has two mons in the line and it has insane special attack and special defense.
- A Fairy/Fighting cat based on Magical Girls. It would be the Zoroark or Lucario of the region.
I have a million more ideas!!!!! I’m so excited!!!! I’ll post more wants and theories as we get more info. Pokémon is my fav thing ever besides boys and food.
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isshusgotissues · 6 years
They did it the absolute madmen
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Wow, i am so glad theyre remaking this gen for the nintendo play station guys, and theyre doing it RIGHT this time. Theyve heard the crys of the fans, and decided to completely revamp the ENTIRE pokedex. The previous gen 5 pokemon were considered “over designed” and “unoriginal”, so gamefreak took it upon themselves to take inspiration from the best gen of all, gen 1. Heres a sneak peak of whats to come:
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The new and improved starters
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NEW series mascot, Garbo
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Megas! Everyones been dying to see more of those
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And the legendaries, Reshirm, Zerko and Rubberchickn.
So as you can see, this gens already looking great. These are so much better than all those terrible ones from the original such as Haxorus, Krookodile, Volcarona, Bisharp, Reuniclus, Excadrill, literally all the bug types (except Durant. that was the only good one), Whimsicott, Braviary, Hydreigon, and ESPECIALLY Zoroark. Thats the worst of them all, talk about opposite of a fan favorite. And the list goes on, but, you get my point. Anyways i hope you all are as excited for these games as i am, remember, release date is February 30th, 2020.
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