#is upsetting
batattack409 · 2 months
Kamala Harris will not save us
We are descending into a fascist police state, regardless of who wins, it is simply a matter of speed. Pushing the idea that we should “vote blue no matter who” (which, come on, clearly ignores valid issues people have with democratic candidates, like blind allegiance is never good) is dangerous. Voting is simply damage control, which is important, but will not stop what is going to happen. I don’t mean this in a doomerist way, because things will get better, but first they need to get worse.
Harris is still a genocidal white supremacist and just like Biden. After this election, if she wins, we won’t “go back to normal” because we can no longer go back, we can only go forward (besides, back wasn’t really as good as people think it is, just ask the global south). And that is fine. But holding onto the idea that democrats are good and will save us is foolish and dangerous.
The (majority) people who won’t vote for Harris aren’t gonna do it because they think politics doesn’t effect them or they are neutral, they won’t vote for her because she, while being the lesser evil between the two, is still evil, and will still uphold the systems that are driving us into the ground with the rest of the world. So please think a bit more critically and understand that while voting for her may slow down our spiral (or at least not fasten it like trump) we still heading for the same place, and need to prepare as such
Stay safe, build community, fight fascism.
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tuesdayisfordancing · 2 years
I have, since I last whined about bras being impossible to shop for, found a few bras that are better than what I had before, but I’ve also discovered that it seems that any bra I can find that cups the breasts closely enough to control bounce as much as I want is too damn tight in the band. Adjusting both cup and band size doesn’t work because then the cups are the wrong shape. (I have found a good sports bra though, so maybe I’ll wait til it’s on sale and just buy more of that one.)
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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arttuff · 3 months
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pay attention to him NOW
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elsartzz · 3 months
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despite everything, it’s still you.
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telltaletypist · 8 months
the beatles are an infuriating band to me as a relentless contrarian. liking them is cliche, hating them is cliche, being indifferent towards them is cliche. it's impossible to have an novel or interesting take on the beatles in current year. like how am i supposed to win here?
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moonyistired · 2 months
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kris deltarune in some outfits i thought they'd like
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Harrow: my deepest darkest trauma is that my parents killed a bunch of children in order to make me into a powerful necromancer. they died for me. their blood is on my hands.
Gideon: that sucks dude. anyways I'm going to sacrifice myself to save your life. you'll be an even more powerful necromancer. pretty sick, huh?
Gideon: why are you so upset about this
Gideon: is it because you don't like me
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snaxle · 9 months
btw if a trans man decides that they want to get pregnant and you're not normal about this and start spewing a bunch of transphobic shit i show up at your house and beat you to death with a baseball bat
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alagaisia · 2 years
Hey. Why isn’t the moon landing a national holiday in the US. Isn’t that fucked up? Does anyone else think that’s absurd?
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nymph1e · 10 months
On Discomfort and Morality
My father finds gay men uncomfortable.
He's told me before that it's like a knee-jerk for him. Something he doesn't consciously control. He sees two men behaving romantically, and his body reacts with mild discomfort.
In the 1960s, when he was in high school, most of the boys in his form thought he was gay on the simple fact that he wasn't homophobic. He wouldn't participate in insulting queer people, he didn't care if someone was gay, he wouldn't have a problem hanging out with gay people. So people thought he was gay. That's how prevalent homophobia was in his formative years.
When I was 10, my dad told me very seriously that Holmes and Watson were gay. That it was obvious from the literature and the time period that they were meant to be a gay couple. When I was 14 and I came out to my parents as bi, when my mum was upset my dad ripped into her for it. Told her that she was being stupid, that it was my life to live how I wanted to and that she needed to get over herself.
My dad formed my views on censorship: that being that it was completely ridiculous and thoroughly evil. He didn't believe in censorship of any kind. If I asked him a question about sex, he answered it honestly. When I was 12 and I asked him about homosexuality, still young and uncertain, he told me that there was nothing wrong with it. That it was just how some people were. That there was likely an evolutionary reason for it. And that for some people it was uncomfortable on an instinctual level.
He taught me that just because you're uncomfortable with something, doesn't make it wrong. He also taught me that most people don't understand this.
I see a lot of this on the internet as of the last few years. The anti shipping movement, the terf movement, the anti ace movement. It all stems from discomfort that people have crossed wires into believing means wrong. Really every -ism and -phobia out there stems from this same fundamental aspect of humanity.
The next time you see something and you automatically think it's disgusting, or wrong, or immoral, I invite you to ask yourself: is this actually wrong or does this just make me uncomfortable?
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pangur-and-grim · 6 months
my toxic trait is that when someone walks into a room and Pangur (who is usually on my lap) starts growling at them out of the baseless hatred she has for most life on earth, I join in and say “you’re upsetting her. you’re hurting her. she’s dying.”
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soopsiedaisies · 1 year
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this is for those who despair over seeing ships or tropes that make them uncomfortable while they do their little scrolly-scroll on ao3, acting like they aren’t responsible for their own internet experience
(alternatively, the back button also works)
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aesrot · 1 year
shout out to people who's family isnt entirely bad or entirely good, but something in between and you dont know how to feel about them. you feel angry but you also feel guilty, because you know they genuinely love and care about you, but sometimes they show it in a way you know its not okay. your feelings are valid, your anger and sadness and grief are valid, and you dont have to prove this to no one. bigger shout out to those with memory issues who know something isnt right but can't recall all of the bad events, only the feelings, which only increases the guilt.
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naamahdarling · 10 months
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The puzzle company didn't think this through.
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nutsack90 · 5 months
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chill out man!!!
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