#greatest archeological discoveries
krishmanvith · 1 year
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Dal/Gwyn, Janeway/Chakotay parallels
I've been mulling this over for a while so I just wanna put all of these down. I really have been enjoying the parallels between these four, and there's a bunch. Will add to this as I think of more.
Dal and Janeway:
They're both on a quest to find home. Janeway back to Earth. Dal back to his family.
Both captain a nontraditional crew and bring them under the Starfleet banner. Dal captains his crew of escaped prisoners from Tars Lamora and Janeway the combined members of her original crew and the Maquis in each case this is born of expediency. They need the crew numbers to get the ship running. And for both part of their journey becomes learning to be a better captain to their unique crews.
Both explore and grapple with their relationship to starfleet ideals. In Dal's case learning Starfleet ideals and laws from scratch and putting them into practice. In Janeway's having her existing ideals tested by an environment where they are difficult to hold to. She and Dal both experience obstacles that test their commitment to these ideals and face consequences of straying from them.
Stars: Dal's window of dreams. Janeway's love of nebulas. The stars mean different things to these two: freedom to Dal and discovery to Janeway but both are seen to have a particular affinity for them.
Learning to lean on their crew: Both in one way or another return to themes of accepting help rather than depending only on themselves. For Dal, this comes from a past of self-preservation and survival. For Janeway, from guilt-driven instinct to put her crew before herself. Both see some of their greatest successes and moments of growth when they set aside those tendencies and accept help from their crew.
Gwyn and Chakotay
Both leave their home for Starfleet, and later return to it when it is in trouble. Chakotay leaves Dorvan/Trebus at 15 against the wishes of his father in order to pursue Starfleet Academy. and only returns when it attacked by the Cardassians. Gwyn idealizes Starfleet her whole life on Tars Lamora only to decide to try to save Solum rather than join her friends as warrant officers.
Both have complicated relationships with their dead fathers. Both of their fathers disagreed with their pursuit of Starfleet, and wanted them to embrace a future that more directly benefited their homeworld. Both were in conflict with them before their deaths and Both of their fathers were killed violently, spurring a shift in their thinking.
Both love exploring other cultures. Gwyn has a love of languages. Chakotay of archeology/anthropology. Both enjoy learning about new people and places and making connections.
Both of their homeworlds are abandoned by the Federation for political reasons - a treaty with the Cardassians in one case and a commitment to non-interference in the other. In Chakotay's case this leads him to turn against starfleet for a time, feeling that it had abandoned its ideals. I'm curious if Gwyn's mission to Solum will lead her down a similar path.
Both act the first officer to an equal. Chakotay was a captain of his own ship before agreeing to be Janeway's second in command. Gwyn has more technical expertise about the Protostar's systems than Dal, and more familiarity with the Federation.
Dal/Gwyn &. Chakotay/Janeway
Both pairs begin their relationship at odds in similar ways. Janeway is seeking to arrest Chakotay. Dal is first Gwyn's prisoner and then takes her as a captive.
The Moral Star/Coda parallels. I just enjoy a good "You might be dying in my arms and I never told you how I felt moment" okay. I am a sucker for it.
Gwyn and Dal ending Season 1 in a similar place to where Janeway and Chakotay were at the start of it. Chakotay winds up trapped on Alt!Future Solum after accepting a mission to complete some of the unfinished work/fix some of the mistakes Voyager had when it first traversed the Delta Quadrant. Gwyn ends Season one going to fix some of the mistakes made between Solum and Starfleet in the alternate future. Janeway and Dal, meanwhile, are at HQ with their own Starfleet-focused duties.
All of the above have me wondering if both couples are in a similar place romantically. Dal and Gwyn are just beginning a romantic relationship when they separate. Is that where Janeway and Chakotay are as well?
And will this mean that Gwyn will also need a rescue? Will her mission go sideways like Chakotay's did?
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Buried 500-Year-Old Gold Coins Hidden by Monk Discovered in Germany
Archaeologists have uncovered several 500-year-old gold coins during excavations at the ruins of a medieval monastery in Germany.
The discovery was made in the former Himmelpforten monastery near the town of Wernigerode in Saxony-Anhalt state, German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) reported.
Wernigerode is renowned for its well-preserved historic center, with its colorful medieval buildings, as well as its 12th-century castle.
In total, researchers identified four gold coins in the monastery ruins that would have been very valuable.
Archaeologists think that the coins, some of which are heavily worn, may have been hastily hidden by monks when the monastery was stormed by rebellious farmers in 1525.
"The gold coins were of great value, and the small fortune was probably hidden by a monk in an acutely dangerous situation," project manager and archaeologist Felix Biermann of the Saxony-Anhalt State Office for Monument Preservation and Archeology told the DPA. "The whole thing did not end well because the coins could not be recovered."
The artifacts are known as guilders-the name of several gold coins used during the Holy Roman Empire. The HRE was a political entity spanning western, central and southern Europe that lasted for around 1,000 years from the tail end of the first millennium until its dissolution in 1806.
At the empire's greatest extent, its territory covered the entirety of modern-day Germany. Rather than being a single unitary state, the HRE was a confederation of numerous small- and medium-sized political entities.
The coins found at the monastery in Wernigerode, which was once located within the territory of the HRE, measure just over 1 inch across. They include a guilder minted in Frankfurt before 1493 by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III, as well as one produced in Schwabach, near Nuremberg, between 1486 and 1495. The other two guilders were minted in Bonn, a city in western Germany, around 1480-1481.
In addition to the coins, archaeologists have uncovered numerous artifacts dating from the 13th to the 16th centuries during their recent work at the monastery site. These items include brass book clasps from the monastery library, ceramics, animal bones, a cavalry spur and ornate cloth seals made of lead. Archaeologists said these artifacts indicate large-scale trade and a prosperous monastic community.
The Himmelpforten monastery was founded before 1253 by the noble von Hartesrode family and once housed Augustinian hermits. The Augustinians are members of Catholic Christian religious orders who live in a manner inspired by Saint Augustine's rules of life.
In 1516, the Himmelpforten monastery was visited by German priest, theologian and Augustinian friar Martin Luther, a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation.
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A Short Guide to Tumblr Culture
If you've set up your account already, for example following this guide, it's also good to know how people use Tumblr.
tags - tagging is great to get your post seen and also great to keep some kind of order in your reblogs, but many people use tags to add an usually appreciative commentary, so the tag section can get... chatty. The commentary is usually meant for your followers and the OP.
do NOT censor words, especially not in tags. NEVER do anything like "#tw sp*ders" in tags - you'll effectively reach people who try to avoid and block this trigger. Name things properly. And also remember to disable iOS app censorship in your settings in browser if you're on iOS.
usually you don't add any captions to reblogs until you have something relevant to add or want to discuss as reblogging often results in a conversation. Starting a conversation on any creative post like fic or art is not very polite.
the comment option is barely used. Many people won't even respond to a comment if the original post was on their side blog (side blogs can't comment), and comments are generally for the OP as no one really checks the comments on someone else's post. You can definitely comment under artworks though! The writer/artist will appreciate every nice word!
you can follow reblog dominated blogs if your taste in posts/art/fandoms match and reblog from them. You'll have a daily dose of nice stuff on a silver platter and no one will really mind.
time doesn't exist on Tumblr. Unearth and reblog that fossiled post if you like it! Others might appreciate your archeological discovery.
you'll generally see plenty of old posts/reblog convos making rounds - heritage posts are a thing! (ex. high geologist thread) They're old, have a load of notes and get back on your dash periodically.
spam liking/reblogging is not a thing. Spam people with appreciation if you binge the blog! Waking up to 99+ notifs because someone loved every single post I made in last 3 years is awesome. If someone doesn't like it, they just state it in their bio or something but I suspect those are migrants from other platforms.
if you're still worried, there's a thing called queue. You can set your posts/reblogs to get auto posted at an interval when you add them to queue in the reblog screen. The interval is yours to decide.
you might see a destiel meme with "I love you" and a reply that summarises some recent real world news. That's how we pass important information around.
if you see a shortened post "Do you like the color of the sky", don't extend it. If it's the original post, it's long. To the point you'll keep scrolling for 84 years and we're traumatised already. And if it's not, it's a meme that references our collective trauma so not aimed at you anyway.
Tumblr is the source of the fandom of Goncharov, the greatest mafia movie ever made. Shenanigans and running jokes like that might happen, if they annoy you, block the tags/words! If you find them delightful, jump into it!
if you post a thing that's not SFW, use community labels. In case of fics, people use Read More option too and often tag it as smut. This tradition is truly worth continuing.
if you're wondering if you can post stuff that isn't very SFW is allowed on Tumblr, text posts are usually fine. Images, despite the rules having gotten a bit less strict, might be flagged more or less randomly and it takes ages to appeal it and no one really knows the rules, probably not even Tumblr staff because all the information is... vague. But appeal it. Who knows.
about Read More option - aside from covering smut, it's often used as means to hide a part of the post that might be upsetting or triggering. It's good manners to make sure that the reader is informed what they're about to encounter and put that Read More in the post.
report spam tagging. It's in your interest not to have your tag feed littered with spam. Tumblr culture is being very passionate about tags remaining relevant.
report and block sexygirlbots. Letting them follow you or spam tags will only result in a bot siege and nothing else since we don't have public stats here.
also XKit (currently XKit Rewritten) is a very popular browser plug-in that adds even more useful features like shuffling your queue or customised timestamps. Scripts that alter the layout are also popular since Tumblr is generally a mess, we just learnt to reshape the interface.
Tumblr is still relatively anonymous. People don't put their selfie, location and name in their profile... bots on the other hand do. And we block bots on sight.
speaking of anonymity, the checkmarks you see sometimes mean nothing. They're a meme. There are no "verified" Tumblrs but you might actually see Neil Gaiman here.
last but not least, if you're confused about reblogging vs reposting, reposting is a no-no. Do not download someone's work to post it as an original post. Reblogging is one of the basic Tumblr feature and is good. It doesn't take anything from the OP, the reblog links to their blog and the OP gets all the notes on the post and its reblogs. The reblogger gets those notes too, but only for their own reblog. So basically, two people get notes for the reblog. That's very nice.
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minirigby · 2 years
"The Artifact"
Archive Shorts, Entry #1 "The Artifact"
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Wind whistled through the desert while the bright mid-day's light cast its glow over me as I continued my march through the sands. After nearly two-hundred years of combing over maps, digging through archives, and trekking across every environment you could imagine, finally I had the lead I had been waiting for.
Just a few weeks earlier, in a village not far from here, some local Toa who passed through this desert reported finding the entrance to some strange old ruin out in the sands, a ruin matching the description of what I've been searching for.
After three long days of searching for the ruin, praying to the Great Spirit that it hadn't been buried for good by the ever-shifting sands, I had finally found something worth getting excited over. A small stone entrance, totally alone out in the desert, with intricate carvings all over its surface I had only seen briefly before during my archeology work.
Right away I knew, this was what I'd been searching for…
As I carefully let myself down into the old ruins from above, making sure not to slip on the mound of sand that had fallen in through the entrance, my attention was immediately grabbed by how overgrown the inside was.
Even all the way out here in the desert, with barely any water to speak of, the vines and moss inside these ruins were growing stronger than any flora I had seen before.
I pulled a lightstone out of the bag on my hip and continued my way down the dark corridor, tracing the vines along the wall with my fingers, until I noticed a strange feeling pulling me further in. Deciding to follow through with it, I kept moving deeper and deeper into the ruins, passing by more thick vines and strange carvings, and avoiding plenty of archaic traps and pitfalls along the way until finally reaching a door at the end of the path…
Moving closer to the door, I held my lightstone up to get a better look, only to be startled backward by the sight of a long dead Toa laying off to the side of me, covered over by thick vines just like everything else down here. An unfortunate victim of one of the ruin's many traps most likely, but nothing that would convince me to turn back now, not from a pull this strong.
I pushed aside the door with as much force as my Matoran arms could manage, exposing the room inside to the light from my lightstone.
At the center of the room, where all the vines from the corridor finally met together, lay a round pedestal covered in the same ancient and ornate carvings found all throughout the ruin. The real treasure however, was what sat atop the pedestal.
A beautiful deep red gemstone, no bigger than my own fist, sat there in the center of the room, demanding the attention of anyone who entered.
I knew as soon as it caught my eyes that finally, after all my years of research, I had at last found the greatest treasure of my career. As I lifted the gemstone up off the pedestal to get a better look at it, I let my mind wander about the possibilities, and the renown I would finally gain for all my work as an archeologist. Carefully placing the stone into my bag, I thought to myself;
Tuyet, this is the sort of discovery they'll remember you for.
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lollo-sw-br · 2 years
Guardians SW One-Shots:
Loddie Mi-rae (Todd 's Guardians) The Diamond Tunnel
Loddie Mi-rae, is Todd's Guardian, she loves to dig, build things and get muddy, just like Todd, the Super Wing she protects, Loddie was doing some digging at an archaeological site near the center of town next to Liah and Lesllie and while looking for ancient artifacts Lesllie heard on your metal detector.
- Loddie, Liah, look at this! - said Lesllie
- Did you find anything? - asked Liah
- The detector found presence of rare metals here - said Lesllie - Loddie, can you dig down so we can take a closer look?
- Digging is my specialty - said Loddie - It will be easy!
Loddie was digging with his Wingenergy and when he finished both guardians had their jaws dropped.
- Wow! It's a tunnel of Diamonds! - said Lesllie
- This is the greatest discovery I've ever made in my life! - said Liah
- Todd Will freak out when he sees this - said Loddie
- Ellie too! - Lesllie said - Too bad she's on a mission with Jett
- Lollo and Grand Albert will also miss this wonder - said Liah - They are studying the secrets of the oldest Pyramids in Egypt
- I have an idea! - said Loddie - Todd is unoccupied and can help us with this tunnel full of Diamonds
- I'll take care of it! - said Liah - Todd, can you hear me?
Liah turned on her communicator watch to talk to Todd that by revealing your face immediately replied
- Liah, I hear you! - Todd said - What happened?
- Me, Loddie and Lesllie were at the archeological site and we discovered something incredible - said Liah - A tunnel of Diamonds!
- A tunnel of Diamonds? - said Todd - That's awesome! Do you need my help?
- Yes Todd - said Liah - we need your digger to take a closer look.
- Ok Liah - said Todd - I'm on my way
- We are waiting for you - said Liah - Liah hanging up!
Liah turned off the clock and it didn't take long for Todd to arrive at the scene, Liah, Loddie and Lesllie were happy to see him with the excavation vehicle and soon greeted them
- Hi girls! I hear they have an underground discovery - said Todd - Come in and let's explore the diamonds in this tunnel!
The Guardians entered the vehicle and soon Todd spoke
- Open your belts girls - Todd said - Let's go!
- Let's go! - they all said
Leonor and Lonally
Leonor and Lonally saw the tunnel opened by Loddie and Todd and were already thinking of some mischief
- A Tunnel of Diamonds? - said Leonor - don't worry Lonally, Let's gather as many diamonds as you can! Hahahahaha
- Let's get a lot of diamonds and take them to our hideout! - Lonally said
- I have an idea! - said Leonor - let's disguise ourselves as archaeologists and
inside the tunnel
Todd entered the tunnel and soon found several deposits of diamonds scattered and stopped towards a source that in the center of the tunnel
- Let's stop here Todd - said Loddie - Let's take some pictures and collect samples
- Good idea Loddie! - Todd agreed.
- The camera is here Loddie - said Lesllie taking the camera from the Surprise Bag
- I brought an empty bag to put samples in - Liah said, taking an empty package
- Let's start exploring! - said Loddie
While Loddie and Todd were looking for diamonds, Leslie was photographing others to show her sisters and her Super Wing when she got back.
- Liah look! - said Loddie showing a very beautiful diamond!
- How beautiful! - said Loddie - I'll try to take it as a sample!
- Good idea Loddie - said Liah
Loddie dug the diamond out easily and put it in Liah's box.
- we already have pictures - said Lesllie
- Let's go back, it's getting late - said Liah
- You're right Liah - Todd said - let's go!
As everyone separates, getting ready to go, Leonor and Lonally arrive Disguised as archaeologists
- Hello young people - said Leonor - Could you hand us this diamond? For science!
- These archaeologists look familiar! - thought Liah
Leonor took Loddie's diamond by force and ran until she bumped into a rock that made Leonor's hat fly away revealing her face.
- I knew it! - said Liah - It's Leonor!
- And and also! - Lonally said, taking off her disguise.
- Lonally, I already suspected! - said Liah - You came for the diamonds, didn't you?
- Yea, that diamond is ours! - said Leonor - let's get out of here!
- Let's go after them Todd! - said Liah
They all got into the vehicle and Todd accelerated as fast as he could and still couldn't reach the two
- I can't go any faster! - said Todd
- Leave it to me! - said Liah getting out of the vehicle going behind it - hold on guys, Liah Super Speed!
Liah converted her Wingenergy and became super fast, managing to make the vehicle reach the two.
- Surprise Bag! - said Lesllie - Lasso in action!
Leslle managed to get the diamond easily and Leonor, already irritated, told Lonally
- Lonally, Get the diamond! - Leonor ordered - Quickly!
- I'm not making it! - Lonally said
- I dont care? - said Leonor - get him now Lonally
- Sorry girls, but today is not your day. Super Push! - said Liah Pushing the two away
- We'll be back soon Guardians! - said Leonor going to heaven - Keep my words!
- Super Wings and Guardians Super Wings! - said everyone - We deliver!
World Palace
- What you discovered was amazing! - said Lilith - From now on the Diamond Tunnel will be protected by Loddie and preserved for archaeological studies
- Thank you so much Majesty! - said Loddie - I will take good care of the Tunnel that will be called "Glittering Tunnel"
- Perfect Loddie - agreed Lilith - now he will be seen as WingsView heritage!
The end...
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shesquaredpodcast · 2 years
Hello, I’m interested in your project. Can you tell me more about it?
Hey there @peacekeeper2theface! We’re just going to go ahead and put this info out there in case others are interested. This is the base info for the show. This is an original work that’s been built for about ten years. Seasons are arced out with storylines broken, it’s literally a desire to give this amazing world life in a way that doesn’t get touched by people who will dismantle it in ways that would take away the multi pairing LGBT representation and downplay the importance of the BIPOC stories and would just generally hurt it.
Ideally with the way it’s been designed, it’s looking at 6 seasons, but it can change depending upon the way it falls.
The pilot and breakdown have already been copyrighted and stored with the WGA and the pilot script is actively being revised from Katherine Fugate’s notes now.
Here’s a small breakdown:
“I can never forget the first sensations I experienced when it dawned upon me that I had observed something possibly of incalculable consequences to mankind…I was not merely beholding a vision, but had caught sight of a great and profound truth.” – Nikola Tesla on his discovery of the Black Knight Satellite in 1899.
A satellite, discovered in 1899 by Nikola Tesla, has been orbiting earth for an undetermined period of time. No one knows its origin or purpose. There are documented records of ancient carvings of futuristic technologies, mythologies detailing beings from the sky, ancient worked gold mines in Africa that do not fit with the archeological record, gaps in human history that have no verifiable explanation. Ancient Sumerian texts discuss a race of beings who return to the earth in cycles to harvest minerals and destroy. Ancient cities of unparalleled advancement have been detailed and lost to time. Thousands of destruction mythologies that span time and geography have innumerable similarities. A seed bank holds the world’s stock of agriculture “just in case of a doomsday scenario”.
Human history is a lie.
The show operates under the presumption that all of these things are tied together.
The Space Opera has been done in almost every modern decade. With the extraordinary advances in gaming, people can actually become one of the characters and experience the drama virtually. Successful movie franchises like Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy show us that this genre is not dead; it is evolving. Television entertainment must continue to evolve with it. This is where the show comes in.
This show is familiar yet original. While we still have our cast of characters in space, our characters span from different eras of human life – some criminal, some insignificant. Two individuals are taken from each time period to give a sense of anchoring to each other. They may not be from the same area, however. The time period is slightly futuristic – 2050.
There are three main settings for the series: The Colony Ship; Aegis, the ship; and Earth.
The players:
The Colony Ship: Hundreds of thousands of humans live on this ship shielded safely inside Neptune’s atmosphere. They are the purest members of humanity – those who have been evolving without interference from the Blight – a race of aliens who return to earth every 10,000 years (as referenced in Sumerian lore). Those on the colony ship restart humanity on Earth when the Blight destroys it. They make use of the seed bank which is in real life kept on Earth in case of a worldwide disaster. Life on earth continues after those aboard the colony ship replant and rebuild. It is a cycle that is repeated over and over again in order to maintain the existence of humanity. They are in contact with worldwide leadership throughout time as both the colony ship and Earth’s leadership maintain humanity’s greatest secret in order to ensure its survival. In modern day, Earth’s leadership serving in this role is the UN.
Aegis: The primary function of the ship is to transport “important” people and representatives from across the human spectrum, seed bank deposits, and DNA from animal populations to the Colony Ship. (This can be referenced in mythology such as religious texts). For the history of humanity, this ship Aegis has served this purpose – instilling in its new crewmembers the knowledge and abilities to carry out all duties needed to run the ship and protect/replenish humanity.
The Blight: (the name given to this species by humanity) Their purpose is to harvest humanity as slaves. Blight scout ships come, extract slaves, take precious metals, destroy humanity, and leave. When the Blight leaves, they decimate the remains of the human race left on Earth; their existence is erased but for the secrets preserved in ancient mythologies and monuments. All mythologies talk of beings descending from the sky, but scholars put this down to notions like the collective unconscious. To fight against the ongoing cycle of human harvesting would result in permanent annihilation of the human race. They do not disturb the Colony Ship because it allows for an unchecked repopulation of slaves. When the crew of Aegis does not adhere to the unspoken understandings of the cycle this time, the Blight comes in full force to occupy Earth as punishment instead of capturing, destroying, and leaving as it has in past cycles.
Earth Leaders/UN: The leaders of Earth are aware of the true history of the planet, and the United Nations (now) makes sure that the cycles are never revealed to the general public and carried out with precision. This task of keeping the knowledge of the Blight secret and working to preserve humanity was always carried out by important cultural leaders, organizations, etc… throughout the years. The very survival of the human race depends on the routine. They remain in contact with the colony ship through the Black Knight satellite. Its purpose is a communication link to prepare for the cycles throughout Earth’s history.
The Resistance: This diverse group of men and women are those remaining after the Blight comes to occupy Earth in this cycle. These individuals around the world are trying to protect those left to fend for themselves. This springs up as a necessity on Earth.
Commander A****** M***** decides that it is time for the people of Earth to have a choice – to fight. If they are to be destroyed anyway, they should be given the opportunity to choose. The crew members who have family on earth have very strong feelings of support for this. Those who have nothing to return to agree with the idea. This sets in motion a dangerous contentious relationship with the leaders of the United Nations and with the President of the colony ship. Horribly outgunned when the alien species comes calling behind their scout ships to squash any rebellion, humanity’s only chance of survival is the rag tag crew who must flee and protect the colony ship in the unknown reaches of space.
Allies and enemies are made. Pasts catch up to individuals, political intrigue ensues on the colony ship, and relationships develop on both as life and death play out with a group of individuals who were never intended to meet. The goal is to save humanity – whatever it takes.
Anyway, that’s the breakdown of the show. We’re looking for people who are interested in writing, creating artwork, can produce in a virtual setting, snd who are interested in directing episodes. We want people from all over the world and of different backgrounds because we want our writer’s room/crew to be representative of our world and we want our stories to be told from the correct perspectives. We would love a social media wizard who can promote the show. (We already have official domains and such). There is more detailed stuff but we’d like to save that for a group session with a team on board.
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Book Recs: Centennial Anniversary of King Tut’s Tomb Discovery 
King Tutankhamun: The Treasures of the Tomb by Zahi Hawass
The tomb of Tutankhamun, with its breathtaking treasures, remains the most sensational archaeological find of all time. This brilliantly illustrated volume, published to accompany the exhibition at The 02 in London, takes the reader through Tutankhamun’s tomb room-by-room in the order that it was discovered and excavated by Howard Carter, illuminating the tomb’s most magnificent artifacts, as well as all of the objects in the Tut exhibition. Dr Zahi Hawass imbues the text with his own inimitable flavour, imagining how the uncovering and opening of the tomb must have felt for Carter, while Sandro Vannini’s extraordinary photographs reproduce the objects in infinitesimal detail. This sumptuous volume is the definitive record of Tutankhamun’s glittering legacy.
The Good Kings by Kara Cooney
In a new era when democracies around the world are threatened or crumbling, best-selling author Kara Cooney turns to five ancient Egyptian pharaohs - Khufu, Senwosret III, Akenhaten, Ramses II, and Taharqa - to understand why many so often give up power to the few, and what it can mean for our future. As the first centralized political power on earth, the pharaohs and their process of divine kingship can tell us a lot about the world's politics, past and present. Every animal-headed god, every monumental temple, every pyramid, every tomb, offers extraordinary insight into a culture that combined deeply held religious beliefs with uniquely human schemes to justify a system in which one ruled over many.
The Complete Tutankhamun by Nicholas Reeves
From the day in 1922 when King Tut's tomb was discovered, the legacy of the boy-king has exerted a unique hold on people's imaginations. This fascinating new book reveals the whole story behind Howard Carter's quest for the tomb and includes extracts from Carter's notes and diaries, first-time publication of many of his drawings and reconstructions, and much more.
The Life and Death of the Boy King by Christine Hobson El Mahdy
The spectacular excavations at the Valley of the Golden Mummies in 1999-2000 captured headlines & rekindled fascination with ancient Egypt. In that spirit comes a critically acclaimed biography of the young monarch whose mummified remains and fantastic treasure constituted the greatest archeological find in history. His tomb was discovered in 1922. But lost in a frenzy of speculation - anthropological, scientific & commercial - was Tutankhamen himself. 3500 years earlier, the mightiest nation on earth had crowned a seven-year-old as its king, then worshiped him as a god. Nine years later, he was dead. In Tutankhamen, Christine El Mahdy finally delivers a coherent portrait of King Tut's life and its historical significance.
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georgianaortiz · 4 months
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name: Georgiana Ortiz
nicknames: Gia, Georgi, Giana
age / dob: 29 / 198 | July 22, 1826
species: Vampire (clan member)
hometown: Savannah, Georgia
current residence: Celestial Hills, Lunar Cove, Rhode Island
occupation: Owner of the Caffine Crypt + Archeologist
Georgiana, who has gone by a shortened form of her name (Gia or Giana) for the last half century, was born in Savannah, Georgia in 1826. She died from a fall in 1855 and has resided in Lunar Cove off and on since then.
Gia's eldest son is a vampire, too. She turned him to save his life. (wanted connection)
Meena Raja (@ ) is a cherished member of Gia's forever family and served as an immortal guide when the younger vampire moved to Lunar Cove.
Gia is a lover of old, forgotten things, and has made a name for herself in the world of archeology. On the subject of which, she holds many degrees and has made a number of discoveries.
In 1924, Gia opened the Caffine Crypt in Lunar Cove. The coffee shop is in tribute to her parents. Her father a shipping merchant who met her mother in the Puerto Rican coffee trade.
1826 - born
1855 - turned into a vampire, moves to Lunar Cove
1861-1865 - American Civil War
1880 - Gia's turns her son Peter into a vampire.
1924 - Gia opens the Caffine Crypt.
2014 - Gia leaves Lunar Cove to continue her archeological research but returned on occasion over the years for holidays.
2024 - At the start of the summer, Gia returned, full time, to her home in Celestial Hills after some time away on an archeological dig.
Georgiana’s father met her mother through a business acquaintance in the Puerto Rican coffee trade. They settled in Savannah, Georgia after marrying to raise their children.
Georgiana's name comes from her home state of Georgia and her father's mother's name; Giana.
Georgiana is one of thirteen children.
Georgiana's home in Celestial Hills is a pristine replica of a traditional Savannah estate circa her human life.
Georgiana is a oenophile. She has a huge cellar beneath her house with a vast collection of wine, some bottles even predating her own birth.
Georgiana learned English and Spanish as a human child, and now speaks a total of seven languages.
Trigger Warnings: Death, Child Death, Arranged Marriage, War, Childbirth
Georgiana Luisa Ortiz Davis de Taylor; born the year of her birth country’s half-century celebration on a July evening in 1826. The fifth child and first daughter of a coffee trader from Puerto Rico and his beloved wife, in the colony of Georgia’s first city; Savannah. It was picturesque and serene. The nation’s first planned city with wide streets, public squares, and parks. Also a port town, Savannah’s proximity to the sea made it possible for the Ortiz family’s trade ventures to thrive. Each son was given his own delegations and all the daughters married off. Which included Georgiana.
It wasn’t love at first sight but a deep appreciation for the heart of a good man who was always kind and generous. Edward Taylor, a friend of her older brother’s, a shipping merchant like her father, and a local to Savannah just like her. They shared eight children together over the course of a decade; only five survived into adulthood. It was the greatest ache Georgiana ever knew; the death of a child. There were no words that existed that she knew to describe such a loss. An insurmountable grief, deaths that she would mourn for all of time.
Eight children took their toll. After her youngest’s birth, Georgiana's human body grew weak. Dizzy spells and the occasional fainting weren’t uncommon. Her family, friends, and neighbors all expressed their concern. Their fears made reality the day Georgiana collapsed at the top of the stairs during a dinner party. Her body tumbled down the wooden steps til it smacked the bottom in front of all her guests. She was dead before her head hit the floor. Hours passed, her body cleaned and redressed, left on the parlor table for her burial the next day. In private, her husband and their children said their goodbyes. A small mercy Georgiana would be grateful for later when it came to giving them closure.
By morning, Georgiana was in a carriage, leaving Savannah; the only home she’d ever known. Headed North, to a town called Lunar Cove, with her maker for a new life as a Vampire.The one who saved her. A friend of a friend in attendance that night who had slipped his blood into her wine, only hoping to cure the lady of the house of what ailed her after hearing the whispers of concern from her friends. It came as much a shock to him as everyone else in attendance when Georgiana died, still he took the time to welcome her into an immortal life.
In the New England town, Georgiana learned how to be a vampire; to curb cravings, to compel, to live this new life she had been given. Though a better alternative than death, it was a life full of grief for her family. In the solace of a friend, Georgiana found a new family; a chosen one. Meena Raja, who at the time was second in command to the town’s vampire clan, quickly became Georgiana’s closest friend. Both women grew up in society, though a continent and a few decades apart. They shared a love for fashion, music and all the arts, as well as an affinity for gossip like any aristocrat. Georgiana recovered a piece of her humanity in her dear friend Meena. A gift she would not know again for some decades until she returned to Savannah for her son.
During the American Civil War Georgiana’s former husband and two of their sons died, leaving only her daughters and eldest boy alive. No measure of time passing made those losses easier, not during her tenure as a human or her eternity as a vampire. It was an eternal, forever kind of ache for each and every single one.
Two and a half decades came and went. Georgiana did not age but still changed with every rise and fall of the sun. Receiving an education, a real education, for the first time equipped her with the ability to guide her family from afar. To ensure their prosperity in business and their safety when it counted. She kept a careful eye on them throughout the years, especially her children. No longer babies but men and mothers, too. It was a different kind of ache; watching life go on without you.
When word arrived that her only son left alive had been thrown from his horse and was fast approaching death, she left her new home for her old one. Upon arrival, the hospital pronounced him dead, but Georgiana heard his heart beating, faintly, the moment she entered the morgue. Inaudible to human ears, yet it was the loudest, most profound sound she’d ever heard; since the day of his birth when Georgiana heard the first cries of her first child.
Peter thought his mother was an angel, returned to Savannah to take him home when she offered him life everlasting. Only part of which was true.
The years came easier with Peter at Georgiana’s side. They mourned together, their mortal family’s lives. First within the safety of a supernatural home but venturing abroad at the turn of the century in pursuit of education, experience, and travel.
Georgiana attended universities across the Euro-Asia continents until the start of the first world war. They did what they could to help the allies. It was a long four years. When peace returned to the world, Georgiana and her son went home. Lunar Cove was a soft place to land after the trials of war. She was grateful for the peace, finally able to return to her studies and reunite with her cherished, chosen family.
In honor of her parents, Georgiana opened a cafe. Her father was a shipping merchant who met her mother through a business associate in the Puerto Rican coffee trade. She named the shop sardonically for the creature she’d become. The Caffine Crypt became a second home away from her estate in Celestial Hills. She relished the days of working in its corners, appreciating the smell of fresh ground beans, as she put ink to paper. Cataloging her life, her work, her thoughts.
The second world war came and went. Georgiana found a place in her mind where the bloodshed lived. A survivor of three wars, now. The blessing and curse of her life; to watch as all the world moved by.
After many years of interest, Georgiana found herself in the dirt. An archeologist with her own team, searching for things they’d never find. At least, not publicly. Georgiana kept the best treasures for the town. More than just human tokens, too, but magical relics that amazed a woman who was born no more than human. Safely stored in Lunar Cove, awaiting use should the town ever need.
For more than a century and a half, Georgiana has maintained an estate in Celestial Hills. A home she often returns to, to spend the stretch of years between extensive bouts of intense research, to reunite with her family. Her son, Peter, and her dearest friend Meena; no longer second in command but leader of their clan and mayor of Lunar Cove. Feast Georgiana took to celebrating with the most elaborate of parties. An ode to their days of girlhood in the upper echelon.
Over the years, much has changed about the world and the safe haven she calls home, but Georgina fears not war or death. A survivor of both, too many times to count. No threat could keep her out of Lunar Cove.
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jlthw06-blog · 10 months
20 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever
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joshrgomez · 11 months
20 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever
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surprisingfact2023 · 1 year
Some Greatest Historical Archeological Discoveries Found Ever
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greywoodrpg · 1 year
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𝕒𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕩𝕥𝕖𝕣
appears as though she was born thirty-five years ago but is actually thirty-nine, she is a siren who lives in mystic grove as a history professor at gsu, and she is in ocearian pod. she looks an awful lot like haley bennett.
“The worst things: To be in bed and sleep not, To want for one who comes not, To try to please and please not.”
tw: horror, drowning, trauma, ptsd, mental health
As the eldest of all Baxter children, Amy always had a lot of expectations to fulfill. Ever since the oldest brother in the family was born, she had taken it upon herself to be an example for him and every next sibling that followed, wanting to make her parents proud and help them lead as perfect of family life as they all could. This was why she’d never left Greywood in her teenage years or young adulthood, completing high school with stellar score and success and later on mastering in History and Archeology at the GSU, where she would also later on find a permanent workplace at. But Amy always wanted to see the world, travel and experience adventures the explorers on the television and movie screens had, like Indiana Jones or Jack Colton in The Jewel of the Nile.
Upon completing her master’s degree, she proceeded on to pursue a doctorate in Egyptology, Egyptian Art and Archaeology, her younger siblings finally independent enough to allow her to leave Greywood and visit the country of all her daydreams and longings. She’d joined numerous exploration expeditions, scientific and historical researches and visited many excavation sites in the region, following the trail of Nile, the cradle of ancient civilizations. But her love was for the pyramids, those magnificent old structures that marveled humanity for centuries and still held so many mysteries yet to be revealed. She wasn’t only watching mysteries and adventures in the movies or reading about them in the novels anymore - she was living this life and maybe, just maybe, if she ever got tired of the beautiful dunes of the Sahara desert, she may dedicate a portion of her life to the greatest mystery she’d ever heard of growing up. The remains of the Beast beneath Greywood . But she could return to her hometown whenever she wanted, first came exploring the world.
And what wonders awaited her there! Many of the yet to be explored areas within these ancient lands, the pyramids themselves and underground catacombs beneath the sand were indefinitely closed to the non-magical part of humanity and only accessible to those who grew up and lived knowing of the supernatural world or actively pursued that knowledge. Aside from what was researched and known of this ancient civilization so far, Amy set off to find out if there are any more mysteries and secrets the Egyptian pharaohs and priests hid, like hidden underground passageways beneath the Sahara sands, either man or magic-made or naturally created which revealed a system of tunnels and caves that even collected vast expanses of waters and created underground lakes under one of the driest, hottest places on Earth.
If werewolves, vampires and others existed today, why not back then too? As part of the society or even revered as divine beings, now existing only in legends and myths, part of folklore history and mythology of the region. There were so many wonderful questions to answer, with many possibilities and potential explanations. No one knew the answers to them but there were many theories and Amy spent days and nights talking them through to no end with her teams and colleagues either under the starry nights spent on sand or delving deep into the underground mazes where every corner could have a new discovery waiting.
She was finally living her dream, but maybe all the movies and novels she’d always watched and read, maybe all the myths and legends should’ve warned her about a darker side of mysteries. On one of her many expeditions into the underground catacombs beneath Giza plateau, while camping near a cave lake secretly named Osiris’ Pool, unknown and possibly never to be revealed to the non-magical public because it was believed that it had been connected to the side of the supernatural life after death, Amy had noticed an unusual stir in the otherwise perfectly calm, dark water. Under the sparse fluorescent red light of the headlamps they used so they wouldn’t stumble around in absolute darkness, Amy did what every stupid main character of such stories would - she leaned over the edge, peering into the bottomless abyss beneath. And then she was pulled in, so fast she’d hardly made a sound before black water engulfed her. No one noticed her disappear, all asleep in their bedrolls or conducting their research work elsewhere.
They searched for her for weeks - her colleagues, rescue teams, deep-divers and all sort of professionals were brought in to find at least a trace of her. And eventually, so as to not disturb the precious old places fragile with time, they gave up, the missing report put up left unresolved. Until she had finally emerged from the underground, dripping wet and clothesless, almost feral and confused. Everything between her being pulled into the lake and then being returned to a town with people who could provide help was a blur she is still working on with her therapist. The dream was over and Amy was back in Greywood, permanently, too afraid to set foot out of the safety of her town now. She never wanted another adventure again, the mere fact that her family thought she might be dead for weeks grounding her from having her head in the clouds so much.
So she settled, taking up a teaching position at the Greywood Supernatural University. She focused on her family. She hosted Thanksgiving dinners and participated in all the town’s major events actively. She picked up pottery and cooking. She went on a few dates with prospects of marriage (it didn’t pan out yet). And with every change of the tide, she turned into the same creature that drowned her.
“what power did she attain when settling in greywood?”
Amy’s Greywood-acquired power is to touch an item and know its whole history - who made it, where it’s been, who used it etc. This is under her control and requires conscious effort and focus to activate. May be very partial and fragmented if an item is particularly old with a lot of history and time behind it.
penned by... sandra
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prakashsuryav · 1 year
Article: 12 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever
12 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever
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findopulencerp · 2 years
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                                             𝖆𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖆𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖗
appears as though she was born 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 years ago but is actually 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞, she is a 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧 who lives in 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐧 as a 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐬𝐮, and she is in 𝐥𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧. she looks an awful lot like 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭.
“The worst things: To be in bed and sleep not, To want for one who comes not, To try to please and please not.”
As the eldest of all Baxter children, Amy always had a lot of expectations to fulfil. Ever since the oldest brother in the family was born, she had taken it upon herself to be an example for him and every next sibling that followed, wanting to make her parents proud and help them lead as perfect of a family life as they all could. This was why she’d never left Opulence in her teenage years or young adulthood, completing high school with stellar score and success and later on mastering in History and Archeology at the OSU, where she would also later on find a permanent workplace at. But Amy always wanted to see the world, travel and experience adventures the explorers on the television and movie screens had, like Indiana Jones or Jack Colton in The Jewel of the Nile.
Upon completing her master’s degree, she proceeded on to pursue a doctorate in Egyptology, Egyptian Art and Archaeology, her younger siblings finally independent enough to allow her to leave Opulence and visit the country of all her daydreams and longings. She’d joined numerous exploration expeditions, scientific and historical researches and visited many excavation sites in the region, following the trail of Nile, the cradle of ancient civilizations. But her love was for the pyramids, those magnificent old structures that marveled humanity for centuries and still held so many mysteries yet to be revealed. She wasn’t only watching mysteries and adventures in the movies or reading about them in the novels anymore - she was living this life and maybe, just maybe, if she ever got tired of the beautiful dunes of the Sahara desert, she may dedicate a portion of her life to the greatest mystery she’d ever heard of growing up. The remains of the Beast beneath Opulence. But she could return to her hometown whenever she wanted, first came exploring the world.
And what wonders awaited her there! Many of the yet to be explored areas within these ancient lands, the pyramids themselves and underground catacombs beneath the sand were indefinitely closed to the non-magical part of humanity and only accessible to those who grew up and lived knowing of the supernatural world or actively pursued that knowledge. Aside from what was researched and known of this ancient civilization so far, Amy set off to find out if there are any more mysteries and secrets the Egyptian pharaohs and priests hid, like hidden underground passageways beneath the Sahara sands, either man or magic-made or naturally created which revealed a system of tunnels and caves that even collected vast expanses of waters and created underground lakes under one of the driest, hottest places on Earth.
If werewolves, vampires and others existed today, why not back then too? As part of the society or even revered as divine beings, now existing only in legends and myths, part of folklore history and mythology of the region. There were so many wonderful questions to answer, with many possibilities and potential explanations. No one knew the answers to them but there were many theories and Amy spent days and nights talking them through to no end with her teams and colleagues either under the starry nights spent on sand or delving deep into the underground mazes where every corner could have a new discovery waiting.
She was finally living her dream, but maybe all the movies and novels she’d always watched and read, maybe all the myths and legends should’ve warned her about a darker side of mysteries. On one of her many expeditions into the underground catacombs beneath Giza plateau, while camping near a cave lake secretly named Osiris’ Pool, unknown and possibly never to be revealed to the non-magical public because it was believed that it had been connected to the side of the supernatural life after death, Amy had noticed an unusual stir in the otherwise perfectly calm, dark water. Under the sparse fluorescent red light of the headlamps they used so they wouldn’t stumble around in absolute darkness, Amy did what every stupid main character of such stories would - she leaned over the edge, peering into the bottomless abyss beneath. And then she was pulled in, so fast she’d hardly made a sound before black water engulfed her. No one noticed her disappear, all asleep in their bedrolls or conducting their research work elsewhere.
They searched for her for weeks - her colleagues, rescue teams, deep-divers and all sort of professionals were brought in to find at least a trace of her. And eventually, so as to not disturb the precious old places fragile with time, they gave up, the missing report put up left unresolved. Until she had finally emerged from the underground, dripping wet and clothesless, almost feral and confused. Everything between her being pulled into the lake and then being returned to a town with people who could provide help was a blur she is still working on with her therapist. The dream was over and Amy was back in Opulence, permanently, too afraid to set foot out of the safety of her town now. She never wanted another adventure again, the mere fact that her family thought she might be dead for weeks grounding her from having her head in the clouds so much.
So she settled, taking up a teaching position at the Opulence Supernatural University. She focused on her family. She hosted Thanksgiving dinners and participated in all the town’s major events actively. She picked up pottery and cooking. She went on a few dates with prospects of marriage (it didn’t pan out yet). And with every change of the tide, she turned into the same creature that drowned her.
“what power did she attain when settling in opulence?”
Amy’s Opulence-acquired power is to touch an item and know its whole history - who made it, where it’s been, who used it etc. This is under her control and requires conscious effort and focus to activate. May be very partial and fragmented if an item is particularly old with a lot of history and time behind it.
this character is…taken
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xtruss · 2 years
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© AP Photo/Mohamed El-Shahed
Over 3,000-Year-Old Royal Tomb Discovered in Egypt's Luxor
— Maria Konokhova | Sputnik International
Luxor, a city in southern Egypt, is particularly famous for its archaeological treasures dating back to the times of the pharaohs. The city is often characterized as the greatest open-air museum, as within its territory lie numerous ancient monuments, temples and tombs.
A joint Egyptian-British mission has found a previously undiscovered ancient royal tomb in the Egyptian city of Luxor, according to the country’s authorities.
The royal tomb was discovered in an ancient site on the west bank of the Nile River, 650 kilometers south of Cairo, Egypt’s capital. The mission consisted of archaeologists from the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the New Kingdom Research Foundation at the University of Cambridge.
Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, highlighted the importance of the recent discovery, stating that based on initial evidence it could be a tomb dating back to the 18th dynasty of pharaonic Egypt, which spanned from 1550/1549 BC to 1292 BC. Archaeologists claimed it could be a tomb of a royal wife or princess.
The information is expected to be verified in the near future as soon as the archaeological documentation of the tomb is gathered. Work at the site is set to continue.
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🇪🇬 The joint Egyptian-English mission found a previously unknown ancient royal tomb in the southern Egyptian city of Luxor, according to the country’s authorities
▪️The royal tomb was discovered in an ancient site on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor, 650 kilometers south of Cairo, Egypt’s capital.
▪️Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, stated that the recent discovery could be a tomb dating back to the 18th Dynasty of Pharaonic Egypt, which spanned from 1550/1549 BC to 1292 BC.
▪️The tomb is the latest discovery in a series of findings Egypt has recently publicized in a bid to revive its tourism sector, which heavily relies on the country’s ancient treasures
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Century of Breakthrough: Egypt Marks 100th Anniversary of Pharaoh Tutankhamun's Tomb's Discovery
According to the director of the Western Valleys archeological site Mohsen Kamel, the tomb's state of preservation is quite poor, as it was partially damaged by floodwaters during ancient times which flooded it with sand and limestone, obliterating its inscriptions.
The tomb is the latest discovery in a series of findings Egypt has recently publicized in a bid to revive its tourism sector, which heavily relies on the country’s ancient treasures. The industry was largely affected by years of political unrest and later by the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a significant drop in the number of tourists visiting the country, and subsequently decreased revenue derived from the sector.
Likely Location of Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertifi's Tomb Named by Scholar
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King Tut's tomb may be but an outer section of a larger tomb "still occupied" by Nefertiti, if the new theory is to be believed.
The elusive burial chamber of the legendary Ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti, wife of pharaoh Akhenaten and stepmother of pharaoh Tutankhamen, may be located in a hidden chamber adjacent to the resting place of her regal stepson, The Guardian reports, citing Nicholas Reeves, Egyptologist and former curator in the British Museum’s Department of Egyptian Antiquities.
According to the newspaper, Reeves said that cartouches in the Tutankhamun’s tomb that depict him being buried by Ay, his successor as pharaoh, were apparently painted over cartouches showing Tutaknhamun himself burying his royal predecessor Nefertiti.
“I can now show that, under the cartouches of Ay, are cartouches of Tutankhamun himself, proving that that scene originally showed Tutankhamun burying his predecessor, Nefertiti,” he said. “You would not have had that decoration in the tomb of Tutankhamun.”
Reeves postulated that the tomb of King Tut is but an outer section of a larger tomb “prepared for and still occupied by” Nefertiti, claiming back in 2015 that high-resolution images of Tutankhamun’s tomb displayed possible evidence of plastered unexplored doorways.
“We’ve always been puzzled by Tutankhamun’s tomb because of its strange shape. It’s very small, and not what we’d expect of a king,” he said.
The new evidence is expected to be included in Reeves’ new upcoming book titles “The Complete Tutankhamun”, which is expected to be published next month.
3,000-Year-Old Egyptian Artifact Discovered in Memphis, Tennessee.
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3,000-Year-Old Egyptian Artifact Discovered in Memphis, Tennessee. According to Interpol, the illegal trafficking of cultural property may be as high as $10 billion a year. Much of the cultural property heads to Europe before being sent to North America or East Asia.
An Egyptian artifact that may be over 3,000 years old was confiscated by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers after finding it in a shipping port in Memphis, Tennessee, officials said on Thursday.
The artifact was discovered on August 17 and was shipped from a dealer in Europe to a private buyer in the United States. The manifest listed the item as an antique stone sculpture over 100 years old, which may be the understatement of the millennium.
CBP officials worked with experts at the University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology to confirm the item’s authenticity. They said the item was likely from the Egyptian Third Intermediate Period, dating from 1069 BC to 653 BC, meaning the item is at least over 2,600 years old and may be over 3,000 years old.
They also determined that it is a canopic jar lid, depicting the Egyptian funeral deity Imsety, who was one of the four sons of Horus. Canopic jars were used to store mummies’ internal organs. Imsety was specifically tasked with protecting the deceased’s liver. Some believe he helped revive the dead to pass them to his father.
The shipper had made conflicting statements about the item’s value, which led to the CBP seizing the item. The Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act of 1983 restricts the import of some archeological and ethnological materials into the United States, and it was under this law that the CBP was able to take the lid.
The head was then sent to the Department of Homeland Security Investigations for further examination. They hope to determine the item’s history of ownership.
Egypt Displays Hundreds of Newly Discovered Artefacts Dating Over 2,500 Years Old.
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May 31st, 2022! Egypt Displays Hundreds of Newly Discovered Artefacts Dating Over 2,500 Years Old. The Egyptian archaeological mission has reportedly discovered a massive number of coffins and bronze statues at a location near the famed Step Pyramid of Djoser, some 24 kilometers from the nation's capital of Cairo.
Egypt's antiquities officials have presented a trove of treasured items dating back over 2,500 years that were unearthed recently at the legendary necropolis of Saqqara, the National News reported on Monday.
Citing Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, the report detailed that the new archaeological find consisted of 250 sarcophagi and 150 small bronze statues of gods and goddesses, among other antiques.
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Sarcophaguses found in a cache dating to the Egyptian Late Period (around the fifth century BC) are displayed after their discovery by a mission headed by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, at the Bubastian cemetery at the Saqqara necropolis, southwest of Egypt's capital on May 30, 2022. © AFP 2023 / KHALED DESOUKI
Waziri reportedly exhibited only a portion of the treasure, comprising 35 painted wooden coffins, at the UNESCO Heritage site south of Cairo. The sarcophagi, which date back to the Late Period of Ancient Egypt's history, are said to be in good shape as all contain mummies.
"I'm very proud that the discovery was made by Egyptians, and this will not be the last discovery here," Waziri is quoted as saying.
Officials also presented a discovery of a "rare" papyrus scroll that could be a depiction of a chapter belonging to the Book of the Dead, a tradition of funerary texts that dates back to the Old Kingdom.
More to that, deities such as Anubis, Amun, Hathor, Isis, Min, Nefertum, Osiris, and Bastet - the "protector" of the area in the form of a cat — are among the statuettes shown in a large glass case. Waziri reportedly drew attention to the headless figure of Imhotep, the principal builder of Pharaoh Djoser, who ruled Egypt from 2630 to 2611 BC. Two larger statues of the goddesses Isis and Nephthys with golden features, sobbing in sadness, were also presented on Monday.
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Statuettes depicting the Egyptian goddesses (L to R) Isis (Iset) and Nephthys (Nebet-Het) found in a cache dating to the Egyptian Late Period (around the fifth century BC) are displayed after their discovery by a mission headed by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, at the Bubastian cemetery at the Saqqara necropolis, southwest of Egypt's capital on May 30, 2022. © AFP 2023/Khaled Desouki
The discovery is one of many in recent years in Saqqara, the necropolis of Memphis' ancient city. Since April 2018, the Egyptian delegation has completed four excavations at the site, with a fifth scheduled for September after the hot summer months end.
Human and animal mummies, sarcophagi, statues, and other ancient Egyptian artifacts have been discovered in abundance at Saqqara. When Egyptian archeologists began excavating the site in 2018, they uncovered a 4,400-year-old priest's tomb, which became the subject of the Netflix documentary 'Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb' in 2020.
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According to the report, all of the artefacts will be taken to the Grand Egyptian Museum, which is expected to open in September, or the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, where they will be studied before being permanently displayed.
Waziri reportedly predicted "many surprises" and expressed hope that the team will discover the tomb of Imhotep, who "changed architecture" by erecting what is thought to be the world's oldest still-standing large-scale stone monument.
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