#recent discoveries
taxi-davis · 2 years
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A deep-sea batfish. (Ben Healley/Museums Victoria)
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ponyluvesonic09 · 8 months
Sonic the Hegdehog was ALMOST a Wolfwalker
i discovered something about Sonic.
i noticed one thing when watching the Sonic Unleashed opening cutscene.
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Sonic the Hegdehog… Was ALMOST…. A Wolfwalker
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If Sonic wouldve passed out durring this accident, he would have become a Wolfwalker instead of a Werehog.
i don’t think SEGA intended to foreshadow Wolfwalkers but here we are.
instead of Sonic the Werehog, it’s Sonic the Hogwalker (not my art)
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this discovery I made inspired a character of mine
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cyarskaren52 · 6 months
these stories will never cease to put a smile on your face for years to come 😌
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cinnamonmarie · 9 months
Что-то очень очень важное произошло с моим принятием самой себя весной 2017. И думаю, я ещё не до конца полностью осознала, что. Несмотря на все эти годы.
Несмотря на то, что считала, что это мной понято и принято полностью. Но это была только поверхность. Не самая суть, так глобально что-то поменявшая.
1.10.23, 01:20
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krishmanvith · 10 months
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vineetakamal · 10 months
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pixieokapi · 1 year
Scientists have discovered a planet that has metal clouds which rain drops of titanium!
The exoplanet LTT9779B, which is about the size of Neptune, reaches 2,000 degrees celsius on the side that faces its star. This heat results in the metal clouds, which reflect about 80% of the star’s light. (That’s one shiny planet!) (The amount of light reflected makes it about as bright as Venus, which is the second brightest object in our night sky, behind only the moon!)
I read about it in this article:
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yaolmao · 2 months
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topstop5 · 1 year
5 Bridges That Suddenly Collapsed ( A Close-Up Look at the Consequences of Neglect )
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psychedelicpotato · 2 years
Yesterday, I decided to check out this genre of music known as Trip-Hop, and DUDE...WHY IS IT SO FUCKING GOOD!?!?!?
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berriecomplex · 6 months
i am so normal about them (i talk to my walls about them)
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taxi-davis · 2 years
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A blind cusk eel. (Ben Healley/Museums Victoria)
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p1nkcanoe · 3 months
swiss is obsessed with biting. he loves to sink his teeth in hard, right before the point of breaking skin, just so that he can come back in a few days to count how many of his teeth he managed to imprint on his packmates' skin when they ultimately bruise. pretty shades of purple, red, and green; it's a claim. a trophy for the smiley ghoul.
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artemispt · 2 months
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mci-writing · 4 months
Kyoya Ootori who calls you princess to tease you. He has a knowing smirk each time, brown eyes softening as he takes in your reactions. He knows exactly how to get a rise out of you, going even further to grip your chin between his fingers and force your eyes to meet his. His thumb rubs the bottom of your chapped lip, lightly pushing the plush flesh down with a soft flick.
Once your face is adequately flushed, the deep shade blossoming across your face in the exact way he wants, he tugs away from you as though he didn’t just send jolts and tingles down your body from a singular touch. Hearing your name drop from his lips later sounds foreign, ears desperate to hear the nickname again despite knowing it’s only to mess with you.
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
The Resistance squatted in abandoned buildings. They were squatters.
Before I show the panels that show they used abandoned buildings, I just want to be logical about this for a moment.
It doesn't make much sense to assume these guys - looking around jump-into-university age (18-26) - could afford to make underground bunkers and metal-plated halls all across Japan, for their base. They wouldn't have the time, resources, or even support from others to make these places.
Where do they find the metal to hammer in? The posts? The knowledge of actually building tunnels or buildings from scratch without them falling apart?
Other than that, having a single stationary base (above-ground, for example), is not going to survive. All For One's supporters fight anyone who opposes him without him needing to say anything.
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AFO rules Japan right now. Everyone is wary of each other. Look at how Bruce describes it as "the harshest era";
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As All For One's supporters attack his opposers of their own will, and supporters don't even realize they're on his side, the Resistance has to constantly be on the move. They can't really trust anyone.
They can't have stationary bases, nor can they afford ANYTHING to make them. They would've been caught immediately trying to do a big project like that, especially if they needed supplies to do so from someone who likely works for AFO, even without knowing.
Japan was in economic and social turmoil. They can't trust the market to keep going and grocery stores to be open. Look at how Japan is with All For One and Tomura; people band together and stores are looted.
Money is obsolete. Society is divided between humans and "monsters" (Ability-users). You can't trust anyone because anyone could be his pawn. Time is running up as his control spreads everyday. Resources are being looted left and right. It's too dangerous to go outside alone. Even if you have a stun gun, what does that mean against Ability-users?
So what do they do with their limited resources? Trying to hide from the big guy? What "bases" do they have?
They hunker down in abandoned places that already exist and, again, are abandoned. No one's going to come looking for them in places that people have run from and left behind. Because these places are literally just that: places no one wants anymore.
You hide a tree in a forest. You don't make a big, special base somewhere that says "I am here!", and they don't have the resources or time to burrow underground or build that.
Hide in an abandoned building among many others. There's not many people in abandoned places, if they happen to be there at all. The Resistance isn't going to be found in the deserted buildings, but they still have to keep moving, because someone might be trailing them.
When they take Yoichi from the vault,
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They're in a house. The couch is ripped, the mug is cracked, and so is the wall, with a questionable stain in the background. There are signs of fighting and abandonment, but it works.
Houses have food. Houses have clothes. Houses have beds. It's enough to sit in for a bit and heat up some water.
Not everyone packed their things and run. Some people just had to RUN. And when some places are full-on abandoned from an exodus, the Resistance is definitely gonna find some stuff there in the new "safe area".
Look below at where Kudo and Bruce hole up after Yoichi's death. No one's outside, there's a destroyed car, and there's some smoke further up the road.
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The hospital/clinic room Bruce uses is ripped apart and unsanitary, but it's still the best they can do. I think that houses and a hospital would be their best bet for survival/using as a base; resources, lodging, and some sort of safety exist there. Especially in a hospital, which would have backup generators, a camera system, and even a PA system. Hospitals have to accommodate for lots of people (food, space, lodging), and have a lot of medical equipment they can use.
Basically what I'm saying is: the Resistance likely doesn't have a permanent base. They don't have the resources or enough safety to make their own. They squat in abandoned places and move constantly, because nowhere is safe, but they can't just waltz in public and declare where they are; they have to hide in plain sight while they bide their time. In the meantime, the places they use would have to be resourceful, or they're using what they have on their backs. The manga already shows them using a house and a hospital room.
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