#green pest
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I made a little friend last night
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minteetho · 6 months
wsg regretevator fandom. good evening phighting fandom. i raise you pestkit
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(yes another art trade with @xxn00bpwn3rxx my BESTIE!!! who also happens to be the ceo of pestkit
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photozoi · 3 months
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One, two, three, four.... only four snails, Gus needs more.
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"Hey, PG! Look at my snail collection! I found red ones!"
Wyatt is not the only resident of the tank that collects snails. At least it makes it easier to scoop them (the snails) out of the tank!
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u-and-m3 · 3 months
white board drawings am i right /sil
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theres like 100 damn tags btw
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thestudentfarmer · 18 days
9-5-2024 Garden and homesteading update,
Hello, hello!
Life's been keeping me a bit busy recently but I do have a bit of an update for the garden~
Finally Got manure in to fill in a few beds and top off rows. (Which I've started and got going to prep for winter)
Pulled everything but the carrots, cucumber, peppers and 1 tomato (tho the tomatoes on a wire line. I'm still thinking bout pulling it)
I found a few of the armenian cucumbers that might have viable seed, ive got to pull them apart and clean them tonight to dry and give a viability test. I'll leave the cucumbers growing for now. The pollinators and hummingbirds have been using them for shade and fuel. Plus I like the flush of lush foilage and ground cover. It's been extra hot this summer so we haven't seen as much produce as I usually crow about from them. When the weather starts going back to regulalry below 95*f I'm hoping to see more fruiting.
Started up a new bed in the garden. Its a raised bed, two boards tall. This one will be layered on the bottom as usual with cardboard thickly to repell and deter the grass a little bit. Instea dof paper shreds, i cracked up the sunflower stalks I've been saving up to fit the bed size and filled it a good bit with the smaller ones. Topping it off with the manur/compost. I also threw some of the dead cucumber vines with the sunflower stalks to sort of fill it. Not tight packed, just loosely. Just wanna see of it'll work similar to hugelkultur. (Link at end to Wikipedia page).
The sweet potato vines are starting to take off. Thankfully this means I'll have some greens to split between family and the chickens soon. Maybe even some spuds at the end of the season 🤞
The thyme plant kicked the can, the asparagus is ferning out, but not stalking. The basil is seeding pretty good. So with luck some wild seeded basil starts soon.
The sunchokes have stunted a bit, this week I'm gonna see about putting a shade up to see if that'll help them out.
The hollyhocks in the hen alley have been sort of taken over by grasshoppers. So not too much growth among them. Think I'll need to spend a few nights catching them, freezing them and giving them to the chickens for a little extra snack time delight. (Plus getting them out of the garden) I think at that time I'll also lay out some new cardboard as the ground cover has disintegrated pretty well. Looking good beneath on the soil.
Started filling in the area I wanted to put melons in, may instead end up using that area to grow winter veggies, like cauliflower, cabbage or broccoli.
Still need to mix the seed starting soil, cut up some cardboard tubes (gonna try to use them for some seed starting) and get those winter crops started up.
Getting ready to dig out my floral patch to plant elsewhere. (I've been waiting for cooler weather.)
And start up the new direct seed rotation plan (carrots, lettuce, radish, nasturtium and other)
And a few other minor tasks related to the garden and some major ones later too that I'm not gonna get ahead of myself yet on grandoise plans 😂
That's the garden update for now :)
🌱💚Happy Gardening and homesteading💚🌱
Links for additional infos:
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Happy Father’s Day to the greatest DILF in the land….Daemon Targaryen! While capable of being an absolute ass, this man loves every one of his children and would die/kill for them in a second. He has a bond with each and has their love and respect in turn. Here’s to you Rogue Prince! 😘
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Happy father's day to the best father/uncle five hatchlings could ask for 🤗
PS: Credit for the art goes to @ammmyturtle, go follow her. NOW!
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peacesmovingcabaret · 8 months
Okay, be honest with me: Is Qi Rong just really weak?
He’s considered one of the demon lords, but he’s still a wrath. (Banyue and Xuan Ji both became despite being several hundred years younger) Hua Cheng frequently makes him his bitch with hardly any effort on his part. Even Lang Qianqiu sliced him in half like he was nothing.
If he’s that little of a danger, but clearly still a threat, why the hell hasn’t heaven dealt him already.
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dailymtgflavortext · 5 months
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If only the biofluctuations students could have seen what became of their prize specimen after its escape.
-Overgrown Pest
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gaillol-13 · 1 year
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Just a collection of these goofy mfs.
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o-ceti · 1 year
fantasizing about building a green lacewing empire in central florida
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wildrungarden · 1 year
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10/4/23 ~ One of my classes I’m taking this semester that I haven’t mentioned is Horticulture Pest Control. I know, I know… I want to do sustainable gardening. That’s what I was thinking when I found out I had to take this class for my program.
And what’s funny is, if I pass my license exam, I’ll be a certified pest control person 😆
I’m learning the pros and cons to pest control and it’s actually very interesting. How to culturally do it before it even becomes a problem and then taking chemical actions if it is a problem. But it is very interesting learning both sustainable and non-sustainable sides of pest control. And how we actually add a bunch of our unwanted pest in our yard by doing certain things we think help our yard.
Maybe I’ll get into that sometime, I don’t know 😆 Would any of you be interested in things of that nature? Or nah?!😂
Anywayyyy —
I am being sustainable, and that’s what I’ve always done and always wanted in my garden. So I’m going to stick to my guns & continue to treat my yard/plants with organic, botanical and/or biological practices 👩🏻‍🌾
I’m learning about biological & botanical pesticides, fungicides & herbicides. So far in the garden - I’ve handpicked all my problems, used neem oil & diatomaceous earth. Since I’m educating myself, I may invest and try out some new biological products for my garden for the next year. 😇 It’s all about learning & testing things out yourself, folks!
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dirt-str1der · 5 months
I get so stupid when im reading trigun like knives is my favourite character ever but i couldnt tell you anything meaningful about him because hes like a cute dog to me
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thatonenewp-layer · 8 months
Info about all my different Blorbos (that have been mentioned on tumblr, anyway)
the following is a (not very) comprehensible list of all triple m blorbos that have been mentioned on tumblr before + other info about triple m's
GE, aka Yi Zhihua, from White Cat Legend
Ark, aka Rocky, from Lackadaisy
Jevil, from Deltarune
(more will be added, im sure...)
remember triple m stands for Mischievous, Mysterious, and Maniacal.
i know triple m's who are not triple m blorbos, too—Kim'dael, the Blood Moon Huntress, from The Dragon Prince, for example. you'd be surprised how many triple m characters end up not becoming a blorbo, but they always catch my eye anyway
posts/reblogs w/ a triple m blorbo in them will be tagged w/ his name and wherever he's from, as well as his nickname if i got one for em!
ex: # white cat legend yi zhihua # aka ge
triple m blorbos are not the only type of blorbos i haz; there are PBNJ ones, too. it sounds funni, but pbnj stands for "pitiful but notorious jerk". my "mean jerk" blorbos, ig
the following is a list of pbnj blorbos that have been mentioned before on tumblr + more info about pbnj's:
Sub, aka Subspace, from Phighting (roblox)
Post, aka Pest, from Regretevator (roblox)
(and like my triple m blorbos, there must be more...)
i tend to not like mean jerks, but what makes these guys special is that...basically, i feel bad for them. i can almost understand where they're coming from, and i can see they should've had a better life
posts with a pbnj blorbo in them will be tagged with his name and where he's from, and if i have one, a nickname for him!
ex: # phighting subspace # aka sub
another type of blorbo i haz is basically my "Green Flag" blorbos.
here's a list of the ones i've seen mentioned on tumblr + other info:
Giovanni Potage, from Epithet Erased
(there are, luckily, many more to come)
many of my "green flag" blorbos are actually not always decent people. but if i had to choose one blorbo type to exist in real life, it wouldn't be a triple m or a pbnj—it would be a green flag blorbo. i think i wouldn't mind getting to know a green flag blorbo in real life, either
posts with a green flag blorbo will be tagged with where he's from and his name, plus a nickname if i haz one for em!
ex: # epithet erased giovanni potage # epithet erased giovanni
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photozoi · 6 months
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Gustifer messing up Wyatt's snail pile
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"Hey, Julii, here comes Wyatt! Tell him I have been with you for the last 30 minutes, will ya?"
The evidence is scattered everywhere. Gus better hope Julii is persuasive. Wyatt likes his snails in a neat pile, as do I as it makes them easier to remove from the tank! :D (Pest snails only, not the Nerites, the Nerites stay.)
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elminx · 2 years
One of the things that I love about houseplants is that they teach you things.
I was not expecting this lesson to be about pests, but here we are. (It's really okay. Everything is under control.)
Last week my partner and I were inspecting the cane of one of my dracaena that wasn't looking super great. It was squishy exactly - not actively rotting - but it also wasn't as hard and strong as the cane above it (it was at dirt level). While doing so, my partner noticed (they have much better eyesight than I do) a tiny bug jumping on the surface of the soil.
Bugs on my plants isn't a new thing per se but it's Winter so there aren't outside bugs which severely limits the number of inside bugs. And I jumped to the conclusion that the bug was either making or eating the spot of weakness on the cane of my plant.
Part of it is that there is a ton of emphasis on "bad bugs" in the plant community. And people with huge plant collections are full of stories about that one time when they got thrips and it killed half of their houseplants. Mind you half of their houseplants is still more than all of mine, but I have worries.
Anyway, it turned out to be fine - they were probably springtails. We removed the soil and the bugs don't seem to be on any of my other plants. (The dracaena didn't have a rotten or being eaten cane, either) But, I decided that I had gone far too long as a plant parent without owning Neem so we made plans to go to the plant store.
They were having a buy one get one half off houseplant sale.
Even then, I almost made it out of the store without anything other than the Neem. I really want a Scindapsus pictus (Satin Pothos) but the specimens they had in the size that I wanted were very sad looking and over watered. But as I made one more circuit of the store, I realized that they had put the hoyas in the succulent aisle. (I am not sure where I expected them to be but they aren't full sun like the sign said...so?!?)
I sort of said that I wasn't going to get any more hoyas for a while but they had some Lisas (Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes). It turns out that I love the yellow variegation as much in person as I have in photos. Plus my partner immediately fell in love with the Compactas because they look like brains.
I checked the plants in the greenhouse. It wasn't until I came home though that I saw the mealies. (on the Lisa - despite the Compacta's reputation for harboring mealies, neither of us has spotted anything untoward...yet)
There weren't many and I'd only ever seen one mealie infestation in person before and it was an INFESTATION. This is a bit of fuzz between a few branches on one of the three plants in the pot. I'm proud of myself for catching it. And now I get to treat for mealybugs for the first time. Like a real plant mom.
(I've only ever dealt with aphids and fungus gnats prior, at least on inside plants)
I actually thought that I would be more grossed out.
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thestudentfarmer · 4 months
Hello everyone,
A bit of a garden, chicken and otherwise update:)
First up! Garden stuff update :).
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Our first cucumber! This pic is a few days old, so it's just about ready to pick now and I've spotted 2 more coming in too :)
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First patty pan squash :D with luck this years the year we are able to actually eat a few squash from the plants before the squash beatles arrive! :D
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Sweet potato starts in the ground. I may need to put a bit of a shade cover and will be planting at least one more tuber to kick start the greens.
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These very pretty wasps (who I believe is a yellow paper wasp if internet search has led me well.) Arrived. Very beautiful, but unfortunatly like the yellow bellied assassin's I will need to keep an eye out for them and potential nesting habits. For the safety and comfort of human neighbours and self, rather than protecting the rare native Bees we see. Thankfully It looks like this one was just hanging out for a few minutes.
Three more assassin's were spotted and swatted over the last few days. Morning has been the best time to look for them so far as I can see or tell.
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My funny shade/seed/chicken bed. It looks a bit rough but the goal for this area is mostly to fill the empty space with something that is
1) edible to us or the chickens.
2) managing some sort of eco aspect of our space (shade, water retention, soil cover, beautification)
3) medicinal in some way ( soapmaking or makeup)
4) is fairly leave it alone/set it and forget it.
I'll need to reseed some new stuff soon though as the kale and chard are just about done I think.
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Some of the tossed out sunflowers by the watermelon patch.
The melon patch I started (that the chcikens dug up entirely 😭 ) is being fully dug out right now to make a better grow space long term. Given that it's hot out (already 100*f regulalry) and daily life business, I've been working on it as the sun's been going down. It's taking a bit, but a bit at a time makes the work pass by. The dirt being dug out is being used to fill in chicken potholes for the yard and coop. When it's fully dug out I'll be making a similar growbed box like I did for the sweet potatos. Most likely also with a short shade cover.
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And last, a chick pic update :) these ones have been much hardier than the last batch so far and a lot less skittish. They got their first hand feeding of crickets and mealworms, plus some peices of apple.
That's it for today
🌱🌻Happy Homesteading and Gardening 🌻🌱
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