#greenleaf season 4
tv-moments · 3 months
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Season 1, “III Sommerso”
Director: Steven Zaillian
DoP: Robert Elswit
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moons-of-dewclan · 8 months
(another case of 'one person asked, i deliver) ok first, you sort of can't. YOU GOTTA RESTART with a 'new' clan and transfer! SECONDLY, this may be more complicated than it needs to be bc i don't know how to do things simply. i'm trying my best tho. THIS IS HOW I'VE DONE IT. i recommend watching videos or reading up on how to 'edit files' bc this isn't exhaustive. IT REALLY HELPS IF YOU KNOW HOW TO MESS WITH THE FILES. this is SUPPLEMENTAL KNOWLEDGE FIRST!! save a backup of your clan files (The JSON FILE, AND CLAN FOLDER) in case you make a whoopsie and destroy your code. READ THIS ALL BEFORE TRYING. i'll be noting some things that are MAKE OR BREAK. literally. make ur code or break your code IN THIS EXAMPLE, i'm going back to moon 15 for Dewclan from moon 50, and I'm going to pretend there are only 4 cats- Lyre, Vanilla, Nettle and Spark. I'll refer the clan you want to set back as the 'Canon' clan, and the one you're going to be rewinding to as the 'Rewound' clan! THEN HERE WE GOOOOO FIRST, NEW CLAN. pick the same mode as the clan you're trying to 'Rewind'.
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NAME IT WHATEVER. you'll change it later..
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Pick those cats. i like to pick the minimum necessary. but it doesn't really matter, as you're going to more or less be copypasting your old cats into this 'Rewound' clan.
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START IN THE SAME PLACE. and in the same SEASON that your Canon clan started in. I started Dewclan in Leafbare. do not choose the season that's taking place on the moon you want to rewind to. the one you STaRted on. (you're going to choose what moon you're on later in settings. this keeps the progression consistent. if you started in leafbare, but choose greenleaf for the Rewound clan, 15 moons in, you'll be on a different season than your Canon clan would be bc your starting point was different. even if i'm not explaining that well just do it i promise LAKSNNDKS)
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WOW THESE AREN'T MY BABIES. ok time to kill or delete three of these suckers bc i only need four cats. BYE GUYS
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also go into your settings. MAKE EVERYTHING HOW YOU WANT IT. general, role, etc. AND THEN CLICK THAT 'OPEN DATA DIRECTORY'. this is where stuff gets GOING
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click here.. saves
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NOW, BELOW!! the folders, it'll have a JSON file with your Rewound clan name. THIS IS IMPORTANT. there are things in here that you need to change. some require you to peek at your cats, and some don't. We'll get to it later! FOR NOW, click the folder above this that says your Rewound clan name! mine is 'DewAGAIN'
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CLICK CLAN CATS. AND LOOK BELLLOOOW. we're gonna transfer our beloved babies over. i recommend you copy from "name_prefix" to "favourite": false in the Canon clan (keep their ID number from this Rewound clan the same. don't replace it with their ID number from the Canon clan), then select all that info in the Rewound clan and paste it to overwrite. and then adjust what you need to. AND YOU WILL NEED TO ADJUST I HIIIGHLY recommend leaving the ID numbers and pasting Canon leader info into Rewound leader info. med cat into med cat. deputy into deputy. Rewound clan leader is ID 20? paste your Canon clan leader info info 20. keep Canon clan's number as 20.
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SOME OF THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT. 1. ID NUMBER. if your cat has any relationships, like parents or mates, you need these numbers to match those cats. ALSO if your cat has a specific role, like medicine cat, leader, mediator or deputy, their number needs to match the number designated in the CLAN JSON info shown in the next image. FOR NOW I CONTINUE. 2. IMPORTANT NUMBERS. Sparkplug (her name isn't rly sparkplug btw)'s parent is Lyrestar. Lyre's ID number is 1. if that ID number doesn't match or doesn't exist in this game, you'll get an error! Same goes for mentors and mates. at moon 15, Spark wouldn't have these. But if i transferred her from moon 50 where she did, I'll have to replace the mate/mentor/whatever will 'null', etc, shown here. make sure everything here is relevant to moon 15, and not moon 50! 3. IF your cat was dead when you copypasted, change that! Dead?? FALSE. from dead 'true'.. ... where did 4 and 5 go..- ANYWAY 6. EXPERIENCE. make sure you drop this back to where it was at that moon. lest your kit graduate to warrior bc they have 3000 experience. 7. FALLS INTO 2. do they have an apprentice in the Canon clan that they wouldn't have in the rewound clan? gET RID OF EM. (you can copypaste that portion from a cat without an apprentice or just rewrite it as 'null', but sometimes i type things wrong and get errors so.. i copypaste. just make sure you're copying and pasting from the right start and end point.) IF YOUR CAT HAD AN APPRENTICE IN MOON 15, AND NOT 50.. you can either just set them as mentor and apprentice ingame manually, or write it into the code. i would do it manually tho bc i'm easily confused
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ABOVE ARE MARKED, IMPORTANT THINGS. some will break the game if you don't do it right. SO 1. Name. You can change this later, to your Canon clan name. You need to also change the FOLDER name to match. The folder that you click to get to your 'Clan Cats' files and stuff. YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR CANON CLAN FOLDER NAME AND FILE NAME TO SOMETHING ELSE or it'll corrupt! 2. HERE you change to the moon you want to rewind to. I'd change mine, to 15! season changes along with the moon number automatically. 3. INSTRUCTOR. this is the cat that leads your cats to starclan. predead. dw about it, unless you've messed with the dead cat and want to change it to your old starclan guide. then change the number, to your guide's ID number. You'll see it in the Clan Cats folder! LEADER. you need to change this to your clan leader's number or the files get confused. this is why i recommend replacing Rewound leaders with leaders, deputies with deputies, etc, and not also pasting the old numbers. the numbers are already set. ALSO this is where the leader's lives are dictated! DEPUTY. same as above! MED CAT.... SAME. but also, if you have multiple, add multiple! 4. You can change these names to the Canon names. if you had more or less other clans, you can delete or add more. just make sure to have the same number of clans as 'relations' and 'temperaments'! four clans, for traits and temperaments. 5 clans, 5 traits and temperaments. FINAL PAIN IN THE ARSE is.. having to adjust relationships. bc your 'new' clan won't have established relationships. you gotta go in and adjust the values. it sucks big ass but i don't know a better way to do it snff..
QUICK TIP if you absolutely don't want romance between two unrelated cats bc it would be weird for story reasons, you can change their status in the relationships file change family: false, to family: true. the game thinks they're related and romance won't happen HAHAHAAAAA .. at least in my experience. if this is wrong i'll cry
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salt-clangen · 3 months
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Here’s a map of the 4 clans in my upcoming Clangen story, I’m finishing up some of the writing and structure so I hope y’all like this. As usual credit to @rippleclan and @bonefall for multiple aspects of clan culture.
1: Saltclan’s camp is nestled in an unassuming group of rocks surrounding tidal pools, the large boulders provide caves and shelter from the wind and a large tree trunk works as more den structures. The small tidal pools help prevent flooding and the sand is coarse and drains better than other parts of the coast.
2: The training pools are further down the coastline and are used for hunting and patrol training, the clan has to be cautious as these sometimes have two-legs poking around the end of the beach. Apprentices master their balance and swimming here.
3: The River’s End is where the East river’s freshwater meets the saltwater of the ocean, forming shallow, brackish water teaming with vegetation and black clay. It also provides natural protection from two-legs as they are unlikely to cross the silt/muddy waters. An apprentice typically learns how to swim further up in the slower part of the river to prepare them for the fast moving estuary, there’s significant risk of being swept out to sea, so new apprentices and solo patrols are required to cross further up.
4: Rock falls is where West river meets the ocean, but instead of brackish waters it’s over much steeper cliffs. There’s a small deposit of black clay around the base, but it’s difficult to reach from the pounding waterfall and isn’t really worth the risk.
5: The greenleaf two-leg place is an old, run down boat rental place, they’re technically open all year round but slow down during newleaf, leaf-fall, and leaf-bare. The humans are friendly and very likely to throw scraps or fish towards any cats spotted, the boat house also has a decent mouse/rodent population so during leaf-bare its a good hunting spot. Saltclan frequents the boat area during cold seasons and has a higher tolerance for two-legs, kittypets, and loners.
6: The docks- aka the Ocean bridge- are rickety and unstable. They don’t provide much use to the clan cats, but fish do tend to hang round it so if needed a cat could fish from underneath using the support beams, but they’d need to be wary of storms and waves.
7: Abandoned Lighthouse -aka the Light Tree- hasn’t worked for many years, but the clans still tell stories of when it did.
8: The training fields are the long, flat plains of Honeyclan’s territory. This is where apprentices learn to fight, hunt, and patrol on the fields this clan is known for. It’s also where most of the clan’s wild grains grow so they often harvest from here as well.
9: Honeyclan’s camp is an outcropping of rocks surrounded by some short brush and heather plants. It’s located close to the west river for easy access, this is good for both cooking/drinking purposes but also small agricultural projects. Most camp keepers and elders have a small garden of whatever plant they like, either for aesthetic reasons or to use in cooking.
10: Watcher’s Point is the tallest rock near the center of the clan, making it the best place to watch for threats like two-legs who like to wander through the flowers and grain fields of the territory. There’s only a guard on duty when cats are actively working in the fields or with the hives, it’s usually a code keeper or warrior. They use bright colored flowers to signal danger over the distance, typically red or purple.
11: The Hives are what give Honeyclan their name, the honey bees that live here are technically wild but over years and years the cats have former a relationship where they can clean the hives and collect the honey with the bees not getting defensive. The honey is their major export for trade and they reign supreme with eccentric dishes and herbal concoctions. They also have the most cats with the coveted Sweetness Tolerance, though it’s prevalent through all the clans at this point they still claim to be the original.
12: The flowering fields are the main source of the bee’s food and Honeyclan takes care to provide a variety of flowers, they make sure new seeds are added to the edge and that no single species overtakes the others. The flowers are mix of medicinal and regular, though they feature heavily in any art/accessories made by the clan.
13: The north most point of the flowering field, right where the border of Oakclan and Honeyclan meet, is where the fallen cats of the clan are laid to rest. This is to both honor their life with eternal flowers and pay homage to Honeyclan’s roots as an offshoot of Oakclan when the clans were first formed.
14: The Gathering Stone is the agreed upon neutral meeting site. It’s located at the large boulder that was said to be thrown by Starclan to part the river into East and West. The small triangle is also flanked by rich deposits of red clay, which can only be gathered in small quantities during the full moon gatherings. Honeyclan is the only clan that can enter through the trees at the south, Oak and Duskclan have to cross over fallen logs over each river.
15: The two-leg place close to Duskclan is very hostile towards the cats, poisoning is common and cats have to avoid hunting rodents around the area due to it. Kittypets and loners are constantly trying to explore the forest edge and as a result Duskclan is very restrictive of the borders. Thankfully, two-legs don’t commonly wander around the area due to the rocky terrain and dense pine trees.
16: The abandoned two-leg place is a contested part of Saltclan’s new territory, in the past Duskclan hasn’t maintained their borders here due to their aversion of two-legs. It’s also further out and holds little sentimental or practical significance, maintaining the border here would require more work than it’s worth. But now that Saltclan is interested in keeping it due to the prey available and the reliable herb population, Jaggedstar claims it rightfully belongs to Duskclan.
17: Duskclan’s camp is in the middle of their rocky, sloped territory and made up of large rocks, holes dug by paw, and fallen trees. Due to the dense evergree forest they are master navigators and any past raid on the camp has failed due to how well hidden it is. The border of the camp is actually tightly woven branches of the pines, so even if cornered any cat can easily climb and escape through the secret path ways in the trees.
18: Small creek is… well a small creek running through the north eastern part of the territory. While it’s technically closer to the camp and would be an easy source of water, Duskclan tends to avoid using it as it flows through two-leg territory and is easily contaminated by carrion. If it’s utilized, it’s during times of hardship and careful tested by the strongest warriors before the kits, queens, or elders drink it. It’s also one of the only clay deposits Duskclan has consistent access too.
19: Training rocks are a group of large boulders in the north with cat-made rope bridges, it’s used to harshly train apprentices on fighting and traversing the rocky landscape of the clan. This allows cats to train in climbing and weaving branches as well.
20: Duskclan’s burial grounds are between the training rocks and the Cleric rocks, showing Duskclan’s culture of fighting and deep spiritualism. Unlike the other clans only warriors who died honorably are buried here, though this varies based on what the current leader considered ‘honorable’ and the rest get buried near Small creek.
21: The Cleric rocks are where Duskclan’s clerics find the majority of their herbs and is close to High Cave and the Moon spring. Clerics of Duskclan pride themselves on learning and practicing so close to this sacred place.
22: High Cave, home of the Moon spring, the opening faces slightly South East towards Duskclan, this caused the original schism where Duskclan believed themselves to be favored by Starclan. his is where all leaders earn their 9 lives and where clerics meet during he half-moon. A natural freshwater spring originates here which leads to the Great river before it splits into the East and West rivers. The cave is lined with geodes and crystals which catch the moonlight and reflect/illuminate the spring like magic.
23: The Dead Monster - aka Capri’s place- is run by a spry former kittypet named Capri and her granddaughter Olive. Capri is jovial and well liked, even by the clans and acts as a mediator between local kittypets/loners and the clan cats. She also has a lucrative trading hub, more than wiling to broker a deal. Clans commonly offer honey, crafts/pottery, or less common cooked foods in exchange for whatever two-leg item the clans may have their eye on. Popular items include blankets, glass for fire starting, tarps for weather proofing, and herb seeds.
24: The carrion place - the dumpster- is technically not part of Honeyclan’s territory but they (And Saltclan) are the ones who visit it the most. In harsh weather rats can be caught, though cats need to be careful for poisoning, and abandoned items can be taken and reused. Though they have to be quick when collecting, while Capri and Olive aren’t territorial, this is technically their turf and they’re pretty quick to snatch up any useful items to trade with. It’s hit or miss what you’ll find here.
25: Oakclan’s burial site is very close to their camp, which unnerves the other clans, but to Oakclan it’s so their dead will always feel close to home. The area is marked by tall stones and the clan regularly clears out the under growth to make visitation easier. The area is regularly visited by loved ones and it’s considered a normal part of grieving.
26: Oakclan’s camp has a mix of natural caves, large rocks, and fallen trees for dens. It’s close to the pond for water access and surrounded by brambles that camp keepers have grown and cultivated. Since the forest goes through seasonal changes they bolster the brambles up with branches and thicker vegetation during leaf-bare.
27: The training stumps are a group of stumps and dead trees with lush vegetation, the perfect place for apprentices to learn how to hunt and navigate the undergrowth. Cats must be careful of the thunderpath being so close, but traffic isn’t busy. Also it’s pretty close to Capri’s place, making it commonplace for apprentices to socialize with non-clan cats there to trade or chat.
28: The Artisan Knoll is a very unique feature of Oakclan, the large clearing with a single log used to be the clan’s camp several years ago but it was so close to the border and so easy to find that they suffered raids often. Now it’s used for the artisans of the clans to meet and create together, functioning as a sort of work shop and trading center. At the meet ups Oakclan appoints a guard to make sure no cats try to sneak around or spy, but for the most part no one uses it for nefarious reasons. The artisans of Oakclan have access to it all the time, but visitors are only allowed every quarter moon. Because of Oakclan’s diverse foliage they have access to various dyes, paints, weaving material, and rich red clay. The rule is technically you need to bring your own supplies to use or trade for some of theirs, but in reality Oakclan will let you use the supplies as long as you bring either some food or make an extra item with whatever you borrowed to leave for the clan. This space really highlights Oakclan’s open and artistic culture, though Duskclan claims they’re just showing off.
29: Turtle pond (size subject to change idk) is named because- you guessed it- there are a lot of turtles living there. The cats don’t really like the taste of turtle and majority of the time they have access to better prey so the only use they have is as decorative bowls after they pass. But kits enjoy pond visits where they can chase after the turtles and practice their swimming. Oakclan used to boast they were the best swimmers of all the clans due to their pond, but in reality the water is very calm and safe, even their parts of the great river is slower than the rest. Saltclan however braves the rough ocean with grace and it has become a slight sore point of Oakclan.
30: There are various clay deposits throughout the clans but they’re not all equal, red clay is considered the best. Oakclan has the most clay deposits of the clans and all of them are high value red clay, giving them some of the best terracotta pottery for trade. Honeyclan has only one or two deposits and it’s either high quality red or a medium quality brown. Saltclan can’t access red or brown clay, but they’re the only ones who have black clay, which isn’t necessarily better than red but it’s very unique which they pride themselves on. Duskclan, to their shame, only has one spot where they can get the coveted red clay but it’s near the Gathering Stone so they can only gather a smalll amount each month. So they’re forced to get most of their clay from Small creek, which only has low quality grey clay, it’s not as easy to work with as the others, smells bad, and takes forever to harvest and dry.
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Here’s an outline of the clan borders, Saltclan’s is newly formed and still contested in certain spots.
Lemme know if you have any questions and if you see any mistakes….. uh you didn’t 😖
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cascadeclangen · 18 days
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Oh no, Para is procrastinating on cascadeclan with… cascadeclan.
The four clans of this land are Blazeclan, Iceclan, Cascadeclan, and Whisperclan.
Cascadeclan territory:
The Camp - Cascadeclan’s camp is located in a cave system behind a waterfall, accessible through a path that leads up the steppes to it. Clan meetings are hosted in a side cave with a skylight, mini waterfall, and a small pool of water. All the nests are together in one cave, aside from those in the medicine den for the sick and injured. The medicine cats only sleep there when they have ill clanmates to look after.
6. The Upper Steppes - much of Cascadeclan’s land is significantly lower than the other clans. Instead of dropping down in a single cliff or being a steady slope, there are tiered sections marking past flood levels and eroding of the ground.
7. The Islands - at the base of the steppes, the various waterfalls all flow into a basin with many small islands. The land is somewhat swampy from the seasonal flooding, but also rich and fertile for plant life. They also provide good locations for fishing.
8. The Lower Grove - Marking a portion of the boundary between Blazeclan and Cascadeclan is a grove of aspen trees. While not Cascadeclan’s main source of food, the forest is vital when the island basin freezes over, and again later when the snowmelt floods much of their territory. A thunderpath runs between the edge of the trees and Blazeclan, before looping further into the trees and back out of clan territory.
Blazeclan territory:
The Camp - Blazeclan nests in a clearing in a field of heather and brambles. The prickly plants act as a natural defense, with the entrance hidden behind a winding maze. Blazeclan’s dens have loosely woven walls to let in breezes for the intense heats of greenleaf, but thick roofs to keep out snow and rain during the colder moons.
1. The Heather Field - Hiding the camp away, the heather field is a dense weave of its namesake flower, and other prickly foliage. The naturally formed animal trails make for a difficult to traverse terrain, but once one learns the layout, they are perfect for hunting rabbits and smaller rodents.
2. The rest of Blazeclan’s land is pretty homogenous, rolling grassy hills that turn scorching and dry during greenleaf. Wildfires aren’t uncommon to see, during which Blazeclan often takes shelter in the gathering hollow, or with Cascadeclan in extreme situations.
Iceclan territory:
The Camp - Iceclan’s camp is carved directly into the ice and rock that makes up the face of the glacier their name comes from. All of the floor of the camp has been packed with leaf litter, dried prey pelts, and moss to insulate against the ice’s inherent chill. The prey pit is left untouched however, as the Iceclan cats learned it lasted longer in direct contact with the ice. Like Cascadeclan, all of Iceclan sleep communally to stave off the freeze of their camp.
3. The Snow Fields - the surface of the glacier. Snow, ice, and rock stretch out into the mountains, with deadly crevasses gouged into it’s surface. Unsuspecting cats could fall down into these, in which it is almost always a death sentence.
4. The Glacial Face & The Runoff Plains - The face of the glacier is riddled with caves and tunnels that snowmelt pours out from every season but leafbare. The brittle ice that much of it is made of can crumble off, a danger to anyone walking below. The runoff plains are a field of nutrient rich soil and grasses, fed by the minerals that the glacier has picked up over time. Herbs grow thickly here, vital to Iceclan when so much of their territory is inhospitable to plant life.
Whisperclan territory
Whisperclan Camp - Whisperclan set up on a plateau in their woodland, with the only entrance being a hollowed tree with a soil ramp inside. Thorn bushes grow up the edges of the plateau and form a natural barrier, with less thorny bushes forming the dens. Careful weaving of the branches has made the dens completely waterproofed over many seasons, and cats tend to decorate their living spaces with pretty rocks, plants, and feathers.
10. The High Aspens - The entirety of Whisperclan’s claimed land is an aspen forest, a much larger, older forest than the lower grove. Fog pools between the trees every night, and even lingering through the colder days of leafbare. Whisperclan’s foliage is filled with a diverse array of prey, though they have the second lowest access to medicinal herbs in comparison to Iceclan’s runoff flats and Cascadeclan’s mini marshlands.
11. The Foothills - The aspens stretch right up to the mountains, where the trees grow sparser and the ground rockier. Whisperclan tends not to head this way as often, not suited to the mountain environment in the ways Iceclan is.
Neutral Territories
5. The Gathering Hollow & Star Spire - The clans hold gatherings in a hollow just above the steppes, and set into the runoff flats of Iceclan. A tunnel leads down from the hollow, connecting to a cave system that leads to the Star Spire. With such close proximity to Cascadeclan’s cave systems, it is theorized they connect, however the unstable nature of these peripheral tunnels discourages exploration.
9. The Mountains - Past Iceclan and Cascadeclan, the mountains rise up into a jagged skyline. A group of cats is claimed to live in the mountains, but they haven’t been sought out. According to stories passed down by elders, the founder of the clans came from the mountains. An apprentice who fell during a journey, washed out of the mountains and into what became Cascadeclan.
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mags-writes · 2 months
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━━ [ao3] ━━ [wattpad] ━━
━━ Marvel:
Sunlight - Frank Castle x Reader OH, YOUR LOVE IS SUNLIGHT prologue/masterlist "wow, matt, your frank is pretty skilled. he talks and he can smile. I didn't know they could do that." frank castle finds his match in a woman from another dimension
━━ DC Comics
Lights Are On Universe: THERE AIN'T NO LOVE LIKE OUR LOVE "it is refreshing not being on the receiving end of harley." Unconfirmed - Rick Flag x OC part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || epilogue rick flag is forced to play by amanda waller's rules and his best friend isn't happy about it
━━ Game of Thrones:
Strange Trails - Gendrya I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR A TRAIL TO FOLLOW AGAIN the night we met || frozen pines || meet me in the woods || love like ghosts "as you wish, m'lady." canon divergence of gendrya in season 8 and of arya in general I couldn't stand how calm and collected she was no way that hot-blooded girl was that level-headed
━━ Lord of the Rings:
End of Begining - Eomer x OC - WIP JUST TRUST ME, YOU'LL BE FINE masterlist "I haven't been little in over fifty years, greenleaf, watch your mouth." aragwen finds herself drawn to the vastness of rohan
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heterosexistly · 1 year
Show Rec's from someone who consumes too much TV to watch during the strike
i didn't put 911 because i assume yall have seen that
some shows have two genres so ill mark them with a color jsyk!
Supernatural/Sci-Fi shows:
Smallville (10 seasons) The Vampire Diaires (8 seasons) The Originals (5 seasons) Beauty and the Beast (4 seasons) Roswell New Mexico (4 seasons) Sense8 (2 seasons) The Umbrella Academy (4 seasons) The Society (1 season)
Mystery/Crime/Thriller Shows:
Pretty Little Liars (7 seasons) You (4 seasons) Ozark (4 seasons) Breaking Bad (5 seasons) Better Call Saul (6 seasons) Whodunnit? (reality show as well) Money Heist (5 seasons) How to Get Away with Murder (6 seasons) Cold Case (7 seasons) Scandal (7 seasons) Rookie Blue (6 seasons) The End of the F****** World (2 seasons) Bates Motel (5 seasons) Mindhunter (2 seasons) The Dragon Prince (4 seasons) The Cleaning Lady (2 seasons) The Wilds (2 seasons) Hunters (2 seasons) Peaky Blinders (6 seasons) The Boys (3 seasons) Barry (4 seasons)
Political Shows:
Bodyguard (1 season) Madam Secretary (6 seasons) Jack Ryan (4 seasons) Mrs.America (1 season)
Drama/Coming of Age Shows:
Unreal (4 seasons) 902120 (5 seasons) Nashville (6 seasons) One Tree Hill (9 seasons) Jane By Design (1 season) Shrill (1 season) Parenthood (6 seasons) This is Us (6 seasons) Star (3 seasons) Bunheads (1 season) Make it or Break it (3 seasons) Little Fires Everywhere (1 season) Love, Victor (3 seasons) Normal People (1 season) Pose (4 seasons) Greenleaf (5 seasons) Spinning Out (1 season) The Get Down (1 season) Queer As Folk (5 seasons) Rise (1 season) The Morning Show (2 seasons) Succession (4 seasons) The Summer I Turned Pretty (2 seasons)
Muscial Shows:
Glee (6 seasons) High School Musical The Musical The Series (4 seasons) Julie and the Phatoms (1 season)
Comedy Shows:
Pen15 (2 seasons) Workin' Moms (7 seasons) Cobra Kai (5 seasons) Sex Education (4 seasons) Arrested Development (5 seasons) The Middle (9 seasons) Kim's Convenience (5 seasons) On My Block (4 seasons) American Vandal (2 seasons) Glow (3 seasons) Ugly Betty (4 seasons) Dead to Me (3 seasons) Upload (2 seasons) Ted Lasso (3 seasons) Dave (3 seasons)
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Starring Matt Damon, Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow, the 1999 rendition of The Talented Mr Ripley is still lauded as one of the best (and most glamorous) films ever: all white shirts and sundrenched Italian excess, it's hard to imagine any remake could top the original. However, Ripley, a new black-and-white series coming to Netflix, is going to try.
An adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's famous books, Ripley will star Andrew Scott (famed for his roles in Fleabag and Sherlock as well as, most recently, the film All Of Us Strangers) as Tom Ripley, "a grifter scraping by in early 1960s New York, [who] is hired by a wealthy man to travel to Italy to try to convince his vagabond son to return home," says Netflix's description. "Tom's acceptance of the job is the first step into a complex life of deceit, fraud and murder."
Scott – who is also a producer on the series – will be joined by Johnny Flynn as Dickie Greenleaf, the playboy son whom Ripley must convince to come back to America, and Dakota Fanning as Marge Sherwood, Greenleaf's glamorous girlfriend. Other cast members include John Malkovich, Eliot Sumner and Maurizio Lombardi, so we've got high hopes for this classic tale of romance and lies.
"When you’re playing those famous literary characters, you don't want to just copy," Scott said in a recent interview, when asked about previous screen versions of Highsmith's novel. "I’m interested in the idea of what queerness is, and otherness, because that's what I think it's about. The reason [Ripley is] such an interesting character is you can't quite place him."
"If Tom Ripley was in a gay bar, I'm not sure that he would fit in there," Scott continued. "Nor do I think he's a straight character. I think he's a queer character, in the sense that he's very other. What's his relationship with sex, or death, or with family or friends? It's interesting that a character is the sum of the parts that you don't have to play."
In the sultry trailer for the series, Sherwood is shown in an interview, describing Ripley. "He came to Italy, moved into Dickie's house, he just wouldn't go away," she says. "Tom is one of those people who takes advantage of people. He's taking advantage of Dickie." Ripley can be seen mimicking Dickie in the mirror as he prepares to morph into the man with whom he gradually becomes obsessed, as the song The Great Pretender plays in the background. "I don't trust him. He's a liar. It's his profession," says Sherwood.
Debuting on Netflix on 4 April, all eight episodes of the series were directed and written by Steven Zaillian, the Academy Award winner behind The Irishman and The Night Of. "The edition of the Ripley book I had on my desk had an evocative black-and-white photograph on the cover," Zallian has said. "As I was writing, I held that image in my mind. Black and white fits this story – and it's gorgeous."
The choice of monochrome certainly lends an old-world glamour to the series, which looks set to be one of Netflix's most exciting releases this season...'
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troutfur · 2 years
Lunar Calendar for WC draft #1
Been toying with calendar math because I was making a timelline for my current writing project and I've come up with an idea for a potential calendar the cats could use. All this is probably too complicated math for the cats and the timespan it'd take to notice these cycles makes it very unlikely cats with natural lifespans would even be able to notice them, BUT! At the very least it helps me keep better track of time, particularly when dealing with stories taking place over a period of like a year.
So, without further ado!
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[Image ID: A 5 column, 12 row table with 56 entries that go on a pattern of New Moon symbol to First Quarter symbol to Full Moon symbol to Last Quarter symbol. The symbols have a number 1-14 next to them showing whether it's the first, second, etc of that kind of symbol on the table. The cells of the table are color coded, the first 13 entries are green, the next 13 yellow, the next 13 orange, the next 13 blue, and the last 4 purple.]
To explain it a little bit, this table shows the weeks of the year, assuming a regular lunar month of 28 days and thus 4 regular lunar weeks of 7 days, each starting with a different lunar phase, be it New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, or Last Quarter. The color coding corresponds to the seasons: Greenleaf in green, Newleaf in yellow, Leaf-fall in orange, Leafbare in blue, and Intercalary (I'll explain later) in purple.
28 days in a lunar month times 13 lunar months equals 364 days in a lunar year, with an equinox or solstice marking the transition from season to season happening regularly in intervals of 13 lunar weeks. The start date is set at the first New Moon of Newleaf.
As far as I'm concerned, that's good enough. We are already assuming regularity for the lunar month when the length of a lunation is in reality ~28.5 days. We can just say the year in the WC world is 364 days exactly instead of ~365.25 days. But in case you want to add a complication, I also added to the table the intercalary month/season.
Because of the discrepancy between the 364 day lunar year and the roughly 365.25 day solar year, once every 12 years this calendar falls out of sync with the equinoxes and solstices by about 27 days. To fix this, your cats could add a 14th month every 12th year to bring it back into alignment. That overcorrects for a year but I honestly don't care enough to keep doing the math to figure out in how many centuries the 1 day error accumulates and the cats will have to skip the leap month. If you want the math to be a little more perfect, you can just say the year in the WC world is not ~365.25 days long but rather exactly 365.33333... days long.
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wc-wild-rewrite · 11 months
Rising Storm reread!
Overall, 9.5/10, thoughts at the bottom of the post. Half point removed for having an odd pacing, not much technically happened but also a lot happened as well, i always think the events of this one are in forest of secrets.
Huh, they actually foreshadow the second arc and skyclan, neat
Careful Runningnose, i dont like the way you phrased that
Ooo spooky omens, i like it
Chapter 1
Im retracting my statement from last book, i dont like cloudpaw
Tigerclaw was banished a quarter moon ago
Might be harsh, but fireheart's right, cloudpaw's gotta learn respect for the prey
More exposition, but placed better, feels more like his memories than the authors
Willowpelt is expecting
Why have ash and fern not been apprenticed yet, their a moon older than cloud
Thank you whitestorm for helping our boy with patrols
In fireheart's defense, its hard to keep track of where one cat is, nevermind a whole clan
Aww hi brightpaw
So mistlekit is still alive, eh? Kit survived the whitecough bought
Unfortunatrly the elders werent incorrect in their worry
I like this start, the writing is far smoother
Chapter 2
"Your eyes have always betrayed your heart" i really like that line
Fireheart being scared of a kitten is shockingly in character, same tom who overthought a mossball comment
I like the implication that bluestar and leaders generally visit the nursery a lot
Ah, theres the slightly jarring exposition
I love whitestorm so much
I know it wasnt canon at the time of writing the book, but i like that whitestorm's the one to be concerned, thsts his auntie
Honestly i can't blame bluestar for losing trust so fast, being backstabbed like that can really mess with your head, i've seen it happen
But thats also really sad, she was so happy to announce cloudpaw's ceremony last book
Cloudpaw has been an apprentice for a half moon
Fireheart, lets not continue with the pity
Cinderpaw was made yellowfang's apprentice a moon and a half ago
From an author persepctive, not a fan of cinderpaw's worry here, but from a character perspective, i understand her, its a lot to learn, especially at such a young age with people's health at stakr
Ok i understand why he chose darkstripe instead of sandstorm, no need to risk more clan unease at the moment, but god i hope he explains this rationally to sandstorm
Chapter 3
I know bluestar's aggression is a bad thing, but she's got a point, two attacks in one moon means you gotta keep some around
Cloudpaw being annoying, as usual
Ash and Fern, yay!
Chapter 4
Oo, i like the imagery of that nightmare
Ah, here's bluestar's...not mania, i dont think thats the word, but impulsiveness, maybe
Haha runningwind doesn't like cloudpaw, cant blame him
I like bluestar in book 2 was like "runningwind is a good cat but he wouldnt be good with apprentices" and he keeps getting stuck with apprentices
Chapter 5
Exposition part 3
Even with her mind clouded, her instincts are sharp
Yay bluestar's happy
Oh nevermind
Ah, hello mudclaw, not the last time your gonna cause trouble
Bluestar no-
Chapter 6
Goddamn it cloudpaw
Both runningwind and fireheart are increasingly exasperated with him
Fireheart, your the most patient cat on earth for putting up with cloudpaw for so long, lets hope it pays off
Chapter 7
Quarter moon since the moonstone attempt
Graystripe has been in riverclan for nearly a moon
Greenleaf is furball season
Stop looking at him, your making him nervous
Chapter 8
Ok, wildly abrupt time cut
Littlecloud was 3 moons old when he was apprenticed in the first book
Jesus, poor kit
Damn, i feel bad for these two
This whole time and no one was aware of these paths?
Chapter 9
Not sure how i feel about this new sandstorm
Oh look Fireheart, cloudtail took your advice from the first book
Chapter 10
I know hes written as arrogant, and he is very arrogant, but his confused look there gives me "autist who needs a rule to be explained far more bluntly" vibes, as one myself
Willowpelt's kitting
Aw no poor cinderpaw
Oh, cinderpelt. When'd she get her name?
Two she-cats and a tom, eh? Alright, rain, soot, which of you is the trans tom?
Bit of an awkward transition to the next day there, but alright
Two moons since the last rain
Chapter 11
Aw, cinderpelt
Fireheart cant stay mad at his baby sister forever
Sandfire advenetures!
Cloudpaw no!
Chapter 12
Okay, bad wording fireheart, but sandstorm turned way too quickly
Oh, poor ash
Chapter 13
Aw, ashfur, babie boy. Im gonna hate you next arc
Ok good, bluestar still has some wisdom in hef
Fireheart please take cinderpelt's advice, let spottedleaf go
Chapter 14
Brackenfur's not stupid, he can see u like her, fireheart
Aw, whitestorm's so concerned for his aunt
Im just picturing bluestar lying on her side, sadly licking dew from individual leaves
Chapter 15
Willowpelt not being forced into mother or warrior solely, for the win!
Oh no, runningwind!
Ah shit, there goes whitethroat
Tigerclaw u fucker
Chapter 16
Skinny tigerclaw is a cursed image
Whitestorm to the rescue!
And greystripe!!
Chapter 17
I love how considerate fireheart is
Uh oh, bluestar, please stay calm
I think the writers got confused on mourning rituals, isnt it those closest to the dead that sit vigil?
Still, poor runningwind
Thornpaw, buddy! You've been given absolutely no characterization so far, poor guy, the neglected littermate
Yellowfang's reminded of Brokenstar, isnt she
Chapter 18
Aw, brackenfur playing with the kits
What ever happened to the "dont eat on hunting patrols" thing he was critizing cloudpaw about earlier?
Ravenpaw!!! My buddy!!!
Oh lord, exposition
Cloudpaw's been missing for a quarter moon
Chapter 19
Goddamn why is sandstorm so quick to fight with him
I see where shes coming from, dont leave the clan unguarded to go pick up your nephew from a twoleg nest, but have like, a reasonable discussion at least
...au where brightpaw comes across tigerclaw during the journey back to camp and gets kidnapped or killed
He has his own territory!! Good for you, dude!
Chapter 20
Thunderclan tree scaling skills coming in handy again
Why is sandstorm so harsh against ravenpaw???
Im glad ravenpaw has confidence, and a lot of it, given he just willingly alerted dogs to himself
Chapter 21
Cloudpaw better be on a redemption arc now, i really want to like him
Deadfoot nooo
Haha webpaw said fuck that
Aw, ashpaw, cutie
Hell yeah, more elders liking cloudpaw content
Chapter 22
Bluestar's memory is fading isnt it
Ok good cloudpaw's improving
I love these nightmares and omens, shame ive never seen fanart for them
Chapter 23
Ah, the fire, time for heartbreak
Ough, the image of patchpelt trying to drag halftail to saftey
I know yellowfang dies this book but shes gotta be alive! Shes just gotta!
Au where yellowfang survives and teaches leafpool
Chapter 24
Nooo, patchpelt!
Au where bluestar dies instead of yellowfang
Huh, they remembered mistlekit's existence, but not the fact she should definitely be an apprentice by now
Chapter 25
Ah good, leopardfur's softening a bit
Aw, smallear wanting to bury patchpelt
I'd be neat if one of the willowkits got asthma from this, but i know they dont
Chapter 26
Darkstripe you dick
Yess dustpelt becoming likeable
Bluestar's getting worse, isnt she
Storm and Feather! Babies!
Chapter 27
I like crookedstar
God, it really is destroyed, huh
Poor halftail
This is horrific, one of the worse deaths, if shes still conscious when fireheart finds her, she was probably conscious all night
"I wish you had been my son, but i could not have borne a cat like you" god.
Oh god, the image of fireheart desperately talking over her, knowing shes gone, ough
Chapter 28
I cant even blame bluestar here, i'd break from this too
Rip yellowblue shippers (fangfur? Bluefang?)
Three quarter moon
Chapter 29
I think cloudpaw has gotten "my boy!" status
Whitestorm's such a good warrior, man, i love him
Darkstripe's a dick part ???
Chapter 30
See, this is why i love firestar, he didnt have to tell runningnose personally, he could've just announced it
Ohoho, hello tigerclaw, you evil fucker
My thoughts
9.5/10, technically a lot happened but it also felt like nothing happened, so half a point off. I liked it though, the writing is holding up so far, everyone's mostly in character- aside from sandstorm's flip-flopping- and the fire scenes were brutal. Not necessarily my favourite so far, but high up
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treesofgreen · 2 years
Have any of my followers seen Greenleaf with Merle Dandridge, Lynn Whitfield, and Keith David? I absolutely adored the first 3 seasons but lost interest during 4 and couldn't even finish 5...I'm not sure what I'm asking, maybe is it worth finishing, or can you tell me what happened did anyone die lol
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flowerclan-clangen · 2 years
FlowerClan - Moons 4-6 (Greenleaf)
Last time, FlowerClan had a good start, establishing themselves in their new home and having good hunting. All is looking good for the Clan in their new home.
This time around, we have the same roster as we did before: the fierce leader Quietstar, the loving deputy Downdawn, the careful medicine cat Morningsong; the warriors, the altruistic Archpetal, the righteous Splashrunner, the cold Newtblaze, the strange Honeystep; and the apprentices, the playful Silverpaw, the careful Quailpaw, and the faithful Snakepaw.
Moon 4
Quailpaw is named Quailslip! He's a great fighter.
Splashrunner, Snakepaw and Silverpaw find a loner interested in joining the Clan; the loner decides to not join.
On Dawndown, Quailslip and Archpetal's patrol, Quailslip suggests it's a great time to practice teamwork; they all have a good practice session.
Quietstar, Honeystep and Newtblaze run into a fox; she defends her cubs, and Quietstar earns a scar from this encounter.
Also the Down + Quail + Arch patrol was v funni to me.
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Moon 5
Silverpaw is named Silverspeck! He's a good fighter. He and Quailslip become mates.
Downdawn has four kits: Finkit (charming), Rosekit (noisy), Olivekit (impulsive) and Smokekit (bossy)!
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Splashrunner and Snakepaw encounter a rogue, who gives Snakepaw a scar before leaving.
Quietstar, Newtblaze and Downdawn encounter a TigerClan patrol at the border, and have a nice conversation with them.
Silverspeck and Archpetal encounter a large rat, and catch it!
Quailslip and Honeystep encounter TumbleClan at the border; no one's hostile, but it quickly turns awkward.
There's many Clans around here, it turns out, whereas FlowerClan used to only have one other Clan on their territory: LilyClan, who they were allies with.
Moon 6
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(i remembered to screenshot this one)
Rosekit attempted to convince Snakepaw to run away with him. The Clan is worried about this.
Quailslip and Honeystep begin to doubt Downdawn's ability as Clan deputy, but he performs well on the patrol and quells any doubt.
Quietstar, Splashrunner and Snakepaw's patrol encounters DustClan at the border. The situation turns awkward fast, despite a lack of hostility.
Silverspeck, Newtblaze and Archpetal's patrol devolves into ghost stories, putting everyone on edge, though they still have a successful patrol.
Overall, greenleaf was a good season for FlowerClan! For the next moons, I'll be switching to the developer version, so there may be some inconsistencies.
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tv-moments · 3 months
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Season 1, “II Seven Mercies”
Director: Steven Zaillian
DoP: Robert Elswit
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4kpestcontrol · 1 month
The Best Pest Control Newmarket: Top Companies to Protect Your Home and Business
Newmarket, a beautiful town with a blend of historic charm and modern living, offers an ideal environment for residents and businesses alike. However, with its unique climate and urban setting, pest infestations are a common concern. Choosing the Best Pest Control Newmarket service is crucial in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. This article highlights some of the top pest control companies in Newmarket and what makes them stand out.
1. Orkin Canada
Why Orkin Canada? Orkin Canada is one of the leading pest control companies in the country, known for its comprehensive services and expertise in dealing with a wide range of pests. They offer residential and commercial pest control solutions, ensuring that each treatment is tailored to the specific needs of the property.
Services Offered:
Ant, rodent, and termite control
Bedbug treatments
Wasp and hornet nest removal
Cockroach extermination
Wildlife control and exclusion
What Sets Them Apart: Orkin Canada is renowned for its integrated pest management (IPM) approach, which focuses on long-term prevention and environmentally responsible methods. Their technicians are well-trained, certified, and equipped with the latest tools to handle any pest problem effectively.
2. Pesticon Pest Control
Why Pesticon Pest Control? Pesticon Pest Control has built a strong reputation in Newmarket and the Greater Toronto Area for its reliable and efficient pest control services. They offer quick response times and guarantee customer satisfaction with every job.
Services Offered:
Comprehensive pest inspections
Ant, spider, and mosquito control
Bedbug extermination
Rodent and wildlife removal
Preventative pest control programs
What Sets Them Apart: Pesticon stands out for its exceptional customer service and transparent pricing. They offer same-day service, making them a top choice for urgent pest issues. Additionally, their treatments are safe for children and pets, ensuring peace of mind for homeowners.
3. Truly Nolen Pest Control
Why Truly Nolen Pest Control? Truly Nolen is a trusted name in the pest control industry with over 80 years of experience. They provide a wide range of pest control services, using innovative techniques to eliminate and prevent infestations.
Services Offered:
Seasonal pest control programs
Termite inspections and treatments
Bedbug and cockroach control
Bird and wildlife management
Eco-friendly pest control solutions
What Sets Them Apart: Truly Nolen offers a Four Seasons Pest Control program, which is designed to protect your property year-round by addressing seasonal pest issues proactively. Their commitment to using environmentally friendly products also makes them a preferred choice for those looking to minimize their ecological footprint.
4. GreenLeaf Pest Control
Why GreenLeaf Pest Control? GreenLeaf Pest Control is known for its eco-conscious approach to pest management. They specialize in organic and botanical treatments, making them an excellent option for those seeking green solutions to their pest problems.
Services Offered:
Organic pest control for homes and businesses
Bedbug and termite extermination
Rodent control and exclusion
Insect and spider control
Wildlife removal and relocation
What Sets Them Apart: GreenLeaf Pest Control emphasizes the use of non-toxic, environmentally safe products that are effective yet gentle on the planet. Their focus on sustainable practices and customer education sets them apart from traditional pest control companies.
5. Rentokil Steritech
Why Rentokil Steritech? Rentokil Steritech is a global leader in pest control, offering high-quality services in Newmarket and beyond. They bring extensive expertise and a range of innovative solutions to address pest issues of any scale.
Services Offered:
Comprehensive pest control for homes and businesses
Bedbug and flea treatments
Mosquito and fly control
Rodent and termite management
Food safety and hygiene services for businesses
What Sets Them Apart: Rentokil Steritech’s strength lies in its global experience and local expertise. They use advanced technology, such as digital pest monitoring systems, to ensure efficient and effective pest management. Their emphasis on food safety makes them a preferred choice for commercial clients.
When it comes to protecting your home or business from pests in Newmarket, choosing the right pest control service is crucial. Companies like Orkin Canada, Pesticon Pest Control, Truly Nolen, GreenLeaf Pest Control, and Rentokil Steritech offer top-notch services, each with its unique strengths. Whether you’re looking for eco-friendly solutions, quick response times, or comprehensive year-round protection, these companies have proven to be the best in the industry. By partnering with one of these trusted providers, you can ensure that your property remains safe, healthy, and pest-free.
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fatedreamsend · 1 month
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The journal of Anise Greenleaf, Entries #36, #37 and #38
[Note from Anise's player: I started this as a writing experiment waaay back near the start of the campaign as a way to try to explore Anise's character a little and give her some backstory from before the started. I hand wrote it in an actual journal because I thought it would be fun. These are scans of the journal.]
Back to Entries #33, #34 and #35
Transcription below the cut:
Well. I finally got some kind of revenge against Buck for all the blind dates and the constant needling me about Freddie and Joe.
This morning a very nice Genasi girl visited the shop asking if we sold a potion that could help her focus better. Well, Buck was manning the shop at the time while I was out hunting down some very hard to find herbs for a new project. I returned to the shop to find him flirting with her nonstop while she was clearly not interested. When I interrupted intervened to try to help her, she expressed surprise that such a cute girl owns the shop. And listen, I can be dense but even I'm not that dense. Also I thought it would be really funny. So I flirted back. Buck was devastated when I got her to agree to go get dinner and drinks. Good, serves him right.
Her name is Zephyr, by the way.
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And it's strange, I just never considered dating a woman. The thought literally never crossed my mind until I was kind of vindictively asking her out just to annoy Buck. But she is very nice and clever and very cute, especially out of her human disguise. I sometimes forget how easy it is for me to pass as human. I barely even need to hide my ears. Zephyr wears a charmed necklace that changes her skin to a "human" skintone. It's a shame that she has to.
So far it's only been the one date, but I had a good time and I think she did too! She's busy with projects for art school, she's studying to be a painter actually. Hopefully once she isn't too busy we can go out again. I'd at least like to be friends.
Zephyr is really amazing. She is so talented and so smart and so easy to talk to. And she is so good at painting! She's brought her easel and canvas and paints over here a few times. She's painted me and the garden and even a still-life of the workshop and they all look incredible. How can one person be so talented? Sure I can sketch plants or make maps but it's nothing compared to Zephyr. I really like her. I never pictured myself with a woman, but I really do like Zephyr. I'm having a lot of fun with her. And she's staying in London after graduation, so there's no risk in her just leaving me. I think this could work. Mother certainly won't be pleased that I won't be giving her grandchildren. We could always adopt? Far, far in the future. I don't even know if I want kids. It's what is expected of me, to continue the Greenleaf name. I've got too much work to do now to think about that.
I must be cursed.
I tried to explain it to her, why I always get so sad at the start of summer even though it's my favorite season. I told her about Freddie. She asked why I still talk about him so fondly even though he hurt me so much. I guess I really am cursed or stupid or insane. I guess I still l have feelings for stupid Freddie even now, even when I'm dating such an extraordinary woman. At least I think we're still dating. She asked me if I had considered a future with her, like marriages she clarified. I told her it was too soon to be asking that and I guess she didn't like that answer. What did I do? Was I not supposed to tell her about Freddie? I don't understand.
Yeah we broke up.
Why can't I find any other pen, it seems inappropriate to be writing about this in bright pink
(It was Buck's fault)
On to Entries #39 and #40
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pikaclan · 3 months
Moon 591
Season: Greenleaf
No one knows who Crestfreckle had their litter of 4 kits with, but they seem very happy watching over their little offspring in the nursery. Their outsider roots are not found out, though many speculate due to Crestfreckle's past actions
Daffodilkit (male), Ploverkit (male), Burnkit (female), and Rockykit (female) are born!
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Mintyrise was seen arguing and borderline fighting with a cat from LionClan. The border was crossed and this is Mintyrise's third code strike. However, Cinderstar once again blatantly ignores the code and Mintyrise goes unpunished
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Other Clans
Canaryspeckle travels to FlightClan to resolve some personal disputes and the meeting goes better than expected
Popreed's running nose stopped Levi has phantom pain Frostytalon got fleas Carnationflow got bruised falling from a tree
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Your patrol finds a loner interested in joining the Clan but they eventually decide not to join. The patrol has met Tinyspot
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Keith David Williams (born June 4, 1956) is an actor and voice actor. He is known for his work as King in Platoon and Childs in The Thing. He has acted in mainstream films, such as Crash, There’s Something About Mary, Barbershop, and Men at Work.
He has had memorable roles in numerous cult favorites, including Frank in They Live, Abu “Imam” al-Walid in Pitch Black and its sequel The Chronicles of Riddick, General Kimsey in Armageddon, and Big Tim in Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem for a Dream. He starred as Elroy Patashnik in the sixth season of Community. He began starring as Bishop James Greenleaf in Greenleaf.
His Emmy–winning voice-over career includes work as the narrator of Ken Burns films such as The War. Characters that he has voiced include the Arbiter in the Halo series, Goliath on Gargoyles, Al Simmons / Spawn on Todd McFarlane’s Spawn, a role he reprised in the fighting game Mortal Kombat 11, David Anderson in the Mass Effect series, Julius Little, and himself in the Saints Row series, Sergeant Foley in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Dr. Facilier in The Princess and the Frog, Chaos in Dissidia Final Fantasy and 012, the Flame King in Adventure Time, Solovar in The Flash and the President in Rick and Morty.
He has married twice. He has one son from his first marriage and two daughters from his second marriage.
When asked in an interview on his narration work of The Bible if he was a religious man, he said: “I’m not a religious man. I’m a man of spirit. Religion can get political. I believe in God and spirit. I believe in church. I’ve been baptized. I’ve gone to Catholic, Baptist, Episcopal, and Church of God in Christ.” #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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