mcrmadness · 10 months
22. Strangest thing that has happened to you this week?
I got this ask yesterday and I'm gonna answer to this about last week, because today is a Monday and absolutely nothing has happened yet :D
Last week I was to a Kummeli live show/concert and for the first time in YEARS I was actually in the front row of something. And I was hit with the realization that I do not know what to do at concerts. I didn't have to try see from behind other people's backs, so I actually did not know where to look at??? What was I supposed to be looking at anyway? And I actually ended up staring at this curtain at the back, behind which the people came on stage and went backstage. I was just listening to the music and trying so hard to decide what to do with my eyes when there were speeches happening on stage.
In the end, I ended up recording quite a lot with my phone because apparently I need that due to my ADHD. I don't know if I even do anything with those videos really. I just needed to be recording so I had something to do with my hands and kept my eyes busy with framing the picture and all that jazz.
So the strangest thing that happened last week was me realizing I keep going to concerts but I actually have no clue what I'm supposed to do there, and especially that where should I look at.
Thank you for sending in an ask! :D
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desruc · 2 years
7 & 8 & 43
7: Have tattoos?
No I don't D:
8: Want any tattoos?
Yes! But I'm so indecisive about what I'd want: first of all, what kind of style? Only black? Black with shading? In color? And then there are so many themes - literature, videogames, symbols, bands, space - which are giving me tattoo ideas. Too many of them D: But maybe one day I'll decide to get one, and all the rest will be done right after that :'D
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Ah shit, is it a sign of something that no one comes to mind immediately but I actually have to think about this. Oh wait, I got one:
John Wick :'D
If it has to be a real person, though. Idk man, uhh, I find tons of people attractive but not sexy like lääh puuh D:
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biteable-butterflygirl · 10 months
8 & 12?
8. Last thing you watched?
Futurama.. up until they made some questionable jokes about trans people and then I realised that somehow cartoons I watched in my childhood were not really that good…
12. Something you want to monologue about?
I have _so_ much love to give. People are nice to me and I am already thinking about what I can do to make them feel good - about themselves, about the weather, just feel good in general - and then I get distracted for a day and just don’t speak with them until a week later when I scroll through my messages and see three unanswered texts from them. And I remember that they were nice to me. And I fall in love all over again.
The monologue was actually quite difficult.. I am normally not a big monologue person (except when I have two days to prepare lol)
Thank you so much gremlin <3
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This was way too cute not to post, and I wanna start a tag game with it ❣️
I'm gonna tag @a-krelboyne (who originally sent me the link) , @aceofvase , @ribcageteeth , @gremlin4goro , and anyone else!
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willgaham · 2 years
salmon— would you prefer a partner who is an introvert or an extrovert? why?
introvert, i think... i love extroverts (i am one lol) but i tend to be more attracted to people who are calmer and kind of balance out my excessive energy, people who can actually make me relax a bit and stay at home for a quiet evening instead of constantly being on the go without giving myself a rest
send me pink themed asks!
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cookiecthulhu · 4 months
Tiesitkö, että merisiilien läpinäkyvien munien ansiosta tätä eläintä käytettiin jo 1800-luvulla siittiö- ja munasolututkimusta tehdessä?
en tienny!! nyt ollaa kyl jännän äärellä :D
tosi käy kyl järkeen että niitä ois käytetty, hassu vaa aatella jonku vaa ollee sillee "hei tiättekö kamut mikä ois hyvä???"
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mcrmadness · 1 year
16 & 29 for the non-USA asks?
Thanks! :D
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with? Hmmm. This one is difficult, I don't know if I hate any of the stereotypes really, it's usually just exciting because it means someone has heard of us then :D I can't come up with any actually annoying stereotypes of Finnish people, so I'm gonna say: that one claiming that we'd have polar bears roaming free on the streets. They don't even live on the same continent!
With the "Finns are introverted" stereotype I definitely agree with, tho also more social/extroverted Finns exists. But that anyway is something Finns are known for and I'm a great example of an introverted or ambiverted Finn as well.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country? I'm from Eastern Finland and everyone here makes fun of Kouvostoliitto Kouvola for being nothing but a grey concrete jungle, like some Soviet time capsule what comes to the architechture.. Otherwise I don't think we have beef with other cities, if not counting in Helsinki which is always hated by everyone not from the capital city area; and Turku which is always hated by everyone not from Turku. But afaik none of this is beef, just general opinions of Finns XD
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mcrmadness · 1 year
OK I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or rather a popular one (also why do I keep writing "unpopular onion"???), but since we both are from the "first generation" of MCR fans, I gotta say the new generation of MCR fandom is annoying as hell. At least the fandom on Tumblr. I would love to reblog stuff about the band that once was so important to me but I can't when 90% of the posts here are just thirst posts written by teenagers (lol the lyrics of "Teenagers" really hit different when you're an adult :D) and the rest of the posts is people misgendering Gerard because apparently these people are either hypocrites or don't understand what gender non-conforming means.
I have also seen discourse posts about both issues on this website and like. I have absolutely no interest in taking part to those so despite me not tagging this post with anything, in case anyone in te fandom finds this post regardless and wants to argue: don't waste your time on me. I don't give a shit about fandom dramas anymore. I'm too old for that shit and have already done my part of fandom dramas when I myself was a teenager. Live and let live <3
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desruc · 6 months
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose!
:'3 Thanks for the boop <3
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18 & 23 for non-American asks?
18: do you speak with a dialect of your native language? - I rarely do invoke the Ruhrpott slang, but mostly just for the fun of it
23: which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country? - for the general population I’d say that it’s beer (I don’t know why, beer isn’t even that good)
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mcrmadness · 2 years
19, 21 and 30?
Thanks! :) (The ask game here!)
19: A fact about your personality
Apparently I'm a walking example of the Savonian tribe stereotypes lol
No but, I find the Finnish tribe stereotypes super fascinating, and I myself am 2/4 Savonian (and I was born and have grown up here), 1/4 Ostrobothnian and 1/4... Laplandish? How is that said in English even? (Like, my grandpa's roots are in Lapland but not related to Sami people etc.) Anyway, it's fun to read about there stereotypes because Savonian and Ostrobothnian do collide a bit, and somehow I'm both and have traits of them both XD
Wikipedia says this about Savonians:
The stereotypical Savonian is talkative, easy-going, jolly and humorous, occasionally even to an offensive degree. Traditionally, the Savonians have often been considered to be "sneaky" and "mendacious." However, recent research has shown that this infamy is largely due to misunderstandings caused by the traditional Savonian social indirectness.
And that is 100% how I am too. Like, I'm so Savonian it hurts :D And then the article about Ostrobothnian stereotype says "The stereotypical Ostrobothnian is brave, calm and dependable." and I relate to that one too. It definitely runs in the family, and I can see how different my dad's family is vs. my mom's family :D (My mom's whole family has been living in Savo area for hundreds of years and it shows.)
21: What I love most about myself
Hmm, I'm a loveless aro and that also means I am unable to love even myself. But I do appreciate myself and I'd say the thing I like about myself the most is... maybe my worldview? Or is that a too broad term? Okay maybe I'll se my sense of humour. I really like my sense of humour and I actually do think I'm funny, but it might be only because my sense of humour matches my sense of humour. So I am very biased :D
30: What I hate the most about work/school
Early mornings. My school currently mostly starts at 9am which is already much better than when my horse job started at 7:50am, but it's still very very early to me nevertheless. So whenever I have a job or am studying, most of my freetime goes into battling with my sleeping schedule. I have 2 days off and I have already managed to completely mess up the whole system. It's very tiring in the end because I know better, but my brain doesn't listen. I dream of going to bed early, of having enough sleep at night, but always end up into bed thinking "I wish I managed to get into bed 2-3 hours earlier".
If I one night manage to do so, I feel like a winner, but I also know it's just one night and it's not going to stick. Every evening it's a battle. Especially every morning I swear to go to bed early cos I'm so tired, but then I get the ADHD "power surge" as I call them right when I should go to sleep, and suddenly everything is fun and I'm not tired. And then I regret again because I went to bed too late.
In a long run it's just... exhausting. I think it sometimes even stresses me out because I WANT TO GO TO BED EARLY TO GET ENOUGH SLEEP but I'm unable to, because so many distractions and executive dysfunction. Turning off my PC and stuff doesn't work because then I get so understimulated I can't sleep because of that. So definitely the maintining of my sleeping schedule is what I hate the most about work or school, because it just never works out. Never has. I was allowed to decide over mine after turning 14 or so, and it's been nothing but this ever since. (And being told to go to bed is not an option either, I hate being told to do things.)
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mcrmadness · 2 years
🤡 & 🦅 & 💞 for fic asks?
Kiitän! ^^ Ja hupsis, unohin näköjään tän melkeen valmiina tänne drafteihin :DDDD No, parempi myöhään ku ei millonkaan!!! Kai :D
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
I have several actually, I try to write stuff that could make one laugh too and if no one else finds them funny, at least I do. Here's one I wrote to one of my WIPs and which I still find clever and funny lol:
From that on, it was not an unexceptional sight to find them sitting or lying so close to each other that one could have called it as cuddling. Except that no one else was there ever to witness it happening, as they mainly spent time with each other, so it was not exactly a sight. And anyone witnessing that would have gotten cops called after them, unless it was something else with eyes, a random spider, for example. Real spider webs were an authentic decoration for a young goth-punk's room, after all. Not everyone had those! (Mainly because they would clean up more often than once in a blue moon.)
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Hmmmm. I've never heard the second saying before but I guess it means the opposite of the first one :D Anyway, I think I'm more of the latter. Most often my fics are just built around one scenario and then I will just expand that to either forward or backward or both, so there usually isn't even any particular plot to follow. With the current multichapter WIP, tho, I have some sort of a plot, even tho it also is built from MUTLIPLE various scenarios that I have then tried to fit on the same timeline. Which had led to me creating some sort of a plot to the back of my mind.
There isn't usually much happening in my stories because they're fanfics that are often just a timeline of two characters and their friendship/relationship, so there isn't much to focus on. For years I have been playing with an idea of an original story but haven't been able to create any because I can't come up with OCs that would be interesting enough for me to hyperfixate on, and I can't come up with a story that would be interesting to read yet alone write. So, basically plotless fanfics it is.
💞 Who’s your comfort character?
I don't think I have any. Especially if/when this is about fanfics, I literally write only about one fandom and mostly of 2 characters only. And I don't find either as comfort characters because they are based on real people (which means: yes, it's RPF), and I don't get attached real people. At the same time, they both are comfort characters in a way because I'm mostly channeling my old emotions and sometimes current emotions in them. The hurt/comfort scenes especially is me channeling lots of bad experiences of me being bullied etc. and no one comforting me, so with these fics I can write A being sad or angry and then B understanding them perfectly and comforting them.
If we can forget about the fanfics part of this, then one of my comfort characters is Deadpool. But I have never read any Marvel fanfiction, actually I have never even had the chance to read actual Deadpool comics because I can't find those from Finland. But I am a huge fan of the movies + I have the video game (and LEGO Marvel video games too, one of these was actually the first time I even saw anything about Deadpool anywhere).
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desruc · 1 year
Hell yeah, thanks for tagging me @jayjay-667! These are all my latest favorite songs, and five spots is not enough, but fine, fine, I play by the rules this time (not tagging 10 people though :^D)
When you see this, post 5 songs you actually listen to and tag 10 of your favorite followers/mutuals!
1. Pendulum & Bullet For My Valentine - Halo
Naturally Pendulum's new track gets a spot. The chorus part and Rob's singing is so good <3
2. Demon Hunter (feat. Björn "Speed" Strid) - Collapsing
A song from 2010 with very 2010 vibes. Makes me feel nostalgic even though i only found this song few weeks ago
3. Purple Disco Machine - Bad Company
Ojhhh this is probably my most favorite right now. I love the groove
4. (Warning: this next video has very bright flashing on it) Solstice - Tears In Rain
As usual, I have no idea what the speech samples are about, but this is currently one of my favorite hardstyle tracks. After over two months of listening I still get goosebumps from the melody and the perfect kicks :D
5. Pegboard Nerds & lug00ber - Bring Me Joy
I love the happy hardcore -parts :3
I'll tag @gremlin4goro and @yee-boii!
Anybody else can do this if they feel like it :)
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mcrmadness · 5 months
I got tagged to this challenge where you put a playlist (on repeat?) on shuffle and choose the first 10 songs. I got tagged by @thegothicviking and I completely forgot or just now noticed that I got tagged to this also by @gremlin4goro and @hanniloli, so thanks y'all, here's my take! :D
Tho, I don't use Spotify and I don't use playlists in general, so I just shuffled my Windows Media Player library. It's missing lots of stuff that I listen to through Youtube, but I have no way of adding them to the mix and I don't know if Last.fm works this way either. So, here's my WMP library on shuffle AND I already had to skip some songs I have there but have never ever listened to, or don't listen to anymore, or don't know what they are because I have 683678976968 die ärzte files and I don't have a clue what even half of those are (bootlegs etc.)
Here's what I got:
Slamersong by Feeling B
Metanol Man by Klamydia
Sex Me, Baby by die ärzte
Kelpaanhan, rakkaani? by Apulanta
Studentenmädchen by die ärzte
Omaboy by die ärzte
Manchmal haben Frauen... by die ärzte
Die Hard by die ärzte
Ich, am Strand by die ärzte
Tittenmaus (Live) by die ärzte
And needless to say what band is still and forever ruling my mp3 files. I probably skipped over 5 or more dä songs (because random weird files or mixes that I never listen to) and this is still what I got in the end. 7 out of 10 is nothing but dä songs. Tho, one of those is a cover, iirc.
I'm gonna tag @fichtfoxfuchs if you want to do this, I'm pretty sure you at least do have an on-repeat playlist (or you can use just any playlist) if you still use Spotify :D
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mcrmadness · 6 months
I got tagged by @gremlin4goro, kiitoksia :D
Latest song: die ärzte - DEMOKRATIE (Our Bass Player Hates This Song)
Favorite color: Bright orange, electric blue, black.
Currently watching: More like currently rewatching... Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, The Young Ones, Gotham for starters.
Last Movie: I think it was Fifth Element. Oh wait no, actually it was both Ace Ventura films, but they all were like one day apart so I'm gonna mention all three.
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Sweet.
Relationship status: Forever single and happy about it. (I am a non-partnering aroace!)
Current obsession: The video game Tomb Raider I-III Remastered, I have been playing it a lot lately and these games are already so good as original versions too, and these remasters are basically the same games but with updated graphics (but not too realistic looking) so I'm enjoying it alot. I've also been learning German quite obsessively for the past few weeks, or it's more of me just brushing up my German than learning that much new things.
Last thing I googled: I have absolutely no memory of what it must have been. I so often go just directly to Wikipedia without stopping at Google. Last night I was looking up the history of computers and AI. (Fun fact: People have been talking about AI since the 1940s or so!) Oh and today I have been looking up information about big cats because I watched a documentary about pumas, and learned that they are in the same branch as domestic cats and cheetahs which means they also meow and purr. And I was curious and had to check which cats are considered actual big cats (such as tigers).
Tagging @fichtfoxfuchs! With a no-pressure tag of course! /gen
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desruc · 1 year
Hi! You got this ask because you’re awesome and I wanna know 7 things that made you happy these past few days! Then tag 7 of your favourite people here!
Oh hi Anon, and thank you for the ask!❤️ Here we go:
1. I, right now, heard a new song on the radio and it became my instant fave: Something On My Mind by Purple Disco Machine, Nothing But Thieves and Duke Dumont <33
2. This one's also a music related, but I listened through Spotify's suggestions for my original story playlist and found an old song I had completely forgot: Golden Skans by Klaxons :DD Boy that took me back in time
3. Yesterday I happened to click on YLE's Pentulive (Puppy Live) just the right time and I got to see the puppies being born :')
4. My cousin came to visit me yesterday!
5. I'm moving in few weeks and I'm so happy things seem to come together in the middle of all the usual moving related chaos
6. My other cousin's kids are so excited about my new apartment they demanded to come visit me there :')
3. And then a very small thing, but I got quite a good play on osu! few days ago and that made me happy :'D I've had quite long dry spell performance points -wise so it was nice 😌
I tag @jayjay-667 @gremlin4goro @pimeydenkantaja and I'd tag @yee-boii too but they already tagged me 😂
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