#grey cat or black cat (ace is sorta in between these colors)
yukipri · 10 months
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Went to see The Marvels today, and AMC had these kitten popcorn buckets. There were 5 kitten colors but they were random blind packs. I managed to pull a Cody!
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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inki-cap · 3 years
Jimson Weed
So, after delving into the world of Assassin’s Creed, in particular Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, and getting to know quite a bit about a friend’s AC OC, I’ve decided to make a sorta variant of an OC of mine and basically adjust them into the AC Universe. 
After a lot of convos between them, I’ve written quite a lot of works between my OC, their OC and a certain character. I’m still learning quite a lot and am in absolute love with all of this, so don’t pay too much mind to this. Also note that I am in no way a master writer or anything great, just here to have some fun. 
OC-Anna Kastello belongs to @pxiedustnblades
OC-Mari belongs to me
Featuring Basim Ibn Ishaq
Hammersmith, London, UK. 
1:01 a.m. 
Sturgeon Moon
The night is calm, serene. A typical late evening. 
Sounds of footsteps along the stones alongside the River Thames, soft chattering among those out and about. Young adults coming out of the restaurants all around, laughing and enjoying the night in the town, with bellies full of food and ale. Some stumble about, some walk slowly. But they all fit within the scenery of Hammersmith and its bustling yet quiet streets. 
That is all but one. 
A long drag of a cigarette, and then a long exhale. They overlook the murky waters of the River Thames, a soft chuckle to themselves. 
“We didn’t exactly come here to just stare at this shit river, now did we?” 
With a quick flick of the wrist, the burning cigarette flies into the waters below. 
Walking through the streets, this mysterious figure comes to view in the lights, though no one pays any special attention to them. They hold themselves in a relaxed manner, hands in the pockets of their black bomber jacket and a slight smirk on their face. Their short black hair moves slightly to the late night wind, almost guiding them to continue onto their destination.
A short distance later, and they’ve arrived. Across the street, there is a beige colored brick building, and in front is a small bookshop. A mahogany wood door, and to the side wide glass windows, showing the warm inside of the shop, filled to the brim with all sorts of books. From where this figure is standing, they could even read some of the titles from the windows. 
Great Expectations. 
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. 
The History of the Ancient World
All The Light We Cannot See
But they can also spot a red glare from both within and outside the shop. Cameras.
“Of fucking course. But cameras never stopped anyone, now do they?” 
They quickly pull out a small sleek device, shaped like a smartphone. Quick on their feet, they walk across the street and stay just outside the camera's view, watching them move their full rotations. Just as both cameras move to the other side of the shop, they switch the device on. It gave a quick high-pitched whine, and then fell silent, a green light on its side was now blinking. As they looked up at the cameras again, they stopped moving. 
“Fifteen minutes. Let’s make it quick, huh?” 
Setting the device down along the glass windows, the figure now moved to the mahogany door, pulling out a silver lock pick, and within seconds...
Click. Click.
The door slowly swings open, the figure making special care so it doesn’t hit the shelves or ring the bell above. Despite the lights being off, it still gave a homey vibe. Shelves filled with books on either side of the shop, each labelled with its appropriate genre and in alphabetical order according to author. Cozy plush chairs alongside the shelves. Persian rugs lining along the shelves and under the tables. Small tables set in the center, some designated tables for customers to sit down and read; others set with books and lists of recommendations for any customers who aren’t sure what they want. In the back, there are a set of stairs that lead to the upper level of the shop, another level filled with more books. If the figure came here during the day, this would definitely be a space where one would get a hot drink and pick out a book, just simply relaxing and taking in the warm and soft atmosphere. But what they’re looking for isn’t something exactly available to the general public. 
They stealthily climb up the stairs, stepping on the tips of their toes, making as little noise as possible. Reaching the upper level, there are more chairs and tables along the bookshelves. The genres labeled on the shelves are about as common as one could expect. 
Graphic Novels. 
Science Fiction. 
Young Adult Fiction. 
Why would this figure go through all the trouble of breaking in only to see these all too common genres? 
But as they are quickly skimming through each book title in each genre, one clearly stands out and doesn’t fit in with the others labelled on the shelves. 
Nordic Landscapes.
“Now why would a puto nature book be in the fiction section of this place?” 
It was subtle enough, but it took a keen eye to see that it didn’t fit with all the rest. They pull out the book, quickly flipping through the pages, each filled with beautiful photographs of the Nordic environment. Tall dark mountains. Wide fields of green. Vast amounts of forest, lined with cold snow. But nothing special came of the pages. Just pretty pictures. They put the book down, taking a deep breath. 
“Puta mierda….there’s a reason why you’re here and not the rest of your friends. I passed the nature books coming in here. What are you hiding?....”
They look at its cover, the spine. There was nothing particular about it, but then they look at where they pulled it from. From the shelf it was on, in the far back, there was something there. A hidden compartment. They quickly put their hand on the back of the shelf, pressing whatever hidden indentations or switches they can. And then…
The back of the shelf opened up, the hidden compartment small and pitch black. All they could do is pull their arm into the small space and feel around. Their fingers wrap around something small….cold…..metal. But just as they get a hold of whatever it was…
They quickly pull their arm out of the compartment and dodge whatever was thrown at them. They look to their right and see it. A knife, deeply embedded into a copy of Twilight just where their head was. 
They quickly looked in front of them, and there was the owner of the knife. A tall man with a beard and his dark hair tied back into a bun, wearing a godawful wolf shirt that looked as though he got it straight out of a dumpster and a grey zip-up sweatshirt. His expression read calm, but there was something in those dark eyes of his. Nonetheless, a knife wouldn’t be enough to faze the intruder. 
“Oh sorry. Ya want your knife back, cabron?”, the figure playfully remarked. 
Again, nothing from the man. 
They look at the man, with the same curiosity that a cat has with another animal. As they slowly stood up straight, the man watched them carefully, reading their moves.
“Ok, listen here, pendejo. I’m kinda in a bit of a hurry, so would you be so kind as to just let me outta here? We really don’t have to make a huge thing out of this-” 
Before the intruder could finish their sentence, the man threw another knife at near light speed at them again. But this time they didn’t bother to try to dodge the knife, but at the same speed as the man threw the knife, they twisted their body slightly and caught it within a hair’s inch to their eye. Although it didn’t show, the man was somewhat impressed by this, but still remained stone-faced. 
“Oh, ok I see. Well just know, I’m not gonna make it easy for ya, lobo” , the figure mocked, taking a stance, pointing the knife the man threw at them at him, with a wide grin on their face. 
He wasn’t sure how this person got in, but the fact that they were specifically looking in there was enough to confront them. Basim had been resting just five minutes earlier, but apparently Alethia felt that something was amiss in the shop. Although Anna had said that it could be an animal just hanging around the front cameras for too long, he decided to go down and check himself. Seems that Alethia was correct in suspecting something. 
Despite the darkness of the shop, the light of the Sturgeon full moon, he was able to see the intruder’s face. They appeared to be a young woman with deep tan skin and short black hair. She was dressed in a black bomber jacket and a light beige tank top, with olive pants. Her arm was in the hidden compartment, too close to getting what was in the space. Just as quickly he had gotten there, he quickly threw a knife to where her head was. But just as quickly as he threw it, the woman just as quickly dodged it and it dug deep into a book that looked like a tacky young lovers novel. 
Damn, Anna won’t be pleased, Basim thought to himself seeing that knife in the spine of the book. 
But he quickly shook the thought off, as he made eye contact with the young woman. She didn’t appear frightened by either the knife or his presence. But rather seemed to enjoy the situation. 
She made a couple of taunts at him, not that they were really something intimidating to begin with. As she made a terrible excuse for a negotiation, Basim decided to quickly end his misery and threw another knife, hoping this one would make its mark. But to his surprise, not only did the woman not dodge it, but she caught it. 
As she caught the knife, she looked at him with a wide grin on her face, almost ready to pounce at him. 
“Oh, ok I see. Well just know, I’m not gonna make it easy for ya, lobo.” 
Just as she finishes her sentence, not even looking behind her, the woman reaches for the knife that was embedded into the book and throws it at him full force. It was surprising, but nothing he wasn’t prepared for. 
At least I’ll be getting that knife back, he thought as he quickly dodged the knife-lodged book and moved to pull it out. As he managed to dig the knife out of the book’s spine, the woman was now trying to escape the shop, jumping from the upper level to the lower floor. 
With that, he gave chase. 
Just fucking great. Now I gotta deal with this Walmart Jacob Black person? 
The intruder was now trying to get out of the shop, with the man now right behind them. Just as they were within a couple of feet of the front door, a chair was thrown, blocking their way to the door. They quickly look behind to see the man again. 
Ohhh...I get it. Well be careful what you wish for, Discount Ardeth Bay.
They slowly move about, looking at the man, reading his movements and the environment around them. Neither of them are willing to let the other out of their sight. The intruder quickly closes the space between them, baring the knife that had been thrown at them earlier. The man quickly side steps  out of the way, jumping over a nearby table.
By the time the intruder was able to run over to where the man leapt over the table, he was nowhere to be found. They quickly looked around, to the left, right. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, but just as quickly as the man had gone, they heard a slight creak from above. He leapt on them, an attempt to quickly immobilize them to the ground. They just as quickly flipped onto the table, and in a swift movement, kicked the table up and into the man. Once again, just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone. But the intruder was able to retrace where he had been, and anticipated when he would strike next. 
They kept their eyes peeled, only the gaze of the moon outside bringing its light into the shop. As they shift their weight, slowly observing around them, they hear it. The man was quietly sneaking behind them, knife in hand. Just as he was going to pounce, knife to their throat, they spun and dropped, bringing with them the full force of their fist to his chest. He saw in that second he wouldn’t be able to escape it and prepared himself to take the blow. Once their fist had landed its target, it knocked him off his feet for a few seconds. 
As he regained his composure, he quickly saw that the intruder wasn’t going to let up on him and continue her attack on him, throwing both fists at him. He quickly dodged each one, once again brandishing his knife and making quick strikes at them, with them being just as quick to dodging each swipe of the knife as well. Basim knew he needed to get some distance between them, as any more hits from the intruder could lead to his downfall. He swiftly pushes them away from him, opening the distance between them. But just as he does, the intruder does something surprising: They actually take some of the furniture and start throwing it at him. From the chairs to the books. 
Well, if that’s how they want to play… He thought to himself, quickly dodging each object thrown at him, while also taking some objects as well and throwing it at them as well. 
Just as he throws a rather thick book at them, the intruder moves swiftly and again closes the distance between them again. This time, not only baring their fists, but also some powerful kicks. A rapid roundhouse to his right side brings him to his knees, a very strong kick. While he gets his bearings together, they continue to throw punch after punch and kick after kick at him. Basim was able to move out of the way for some of the blows, the ones that landed on him slowed him immensely. But he also noted that they were also growing tired from the brigade of attacks that they were throwing at him. This was his chance. As they twisted their body, and prepared to throw another blow his way, he feigned defeat. And just as they again met their fist with his torso, they were met with a knife to their throat. A smirk grew on his face as he saw the irritation on the intruders. 
“Looks like I won.” He declared, keeping a firm grip on the knife. 
But just as quickly as he stated that, he felt the all familiar poke to his side. The other knife he threw at them earlier. He had gotten it back. Somehow, they must’ve swiped it from him during their close encounters. 
His smirk faded, and one formed on their face as well. 
“Maybe you should check yourself before making any bold statements, pendejo.” They said, digging the knife into his side, just mere inches from being plunged into him. 
Neither willing to let up on their grips. It was a stand still, with only the moonlight from outside shining on the both of them. Then suddenly, the light in the shop switched on. 
“What is going on here?!”
A woman’s voice echoed out from the top of the second level of the shop. Both Basim and the intruder looked over, still with a tight grip on their knives to each other, to where the voice came from. There, on the top of the stairs, a woman with short brown hair stood. She had on a light brown blouse, with a medium length mocha skirt and a pair of black ankle boots. Her round glasses almost encased her vivid green eyes, both of which looked down at the both of them with disapproval. The intruder looked at her with a rather curious fascination. 
“Oh? Well, hello there~” The intruder said, with a flirtatious tone to their voice. 
Before Basim could react, they delivered a powerful knee right to his crotch. One that immediately brought him to the ground, dropping his knife in the process. They slowly walked over to the railing of the stairs, pocketing the knife that was just at Basim’s side, taking in the woman up on the upper level. She, on the other hand, was quite taken aback by what was going on. 
“No one told me that someone as fetching as you would be here. Vaya, señorita. And who might you be?~” They said, leaning back on the railing. 
The woman, although quite shocked at the scene unfolding in front of her, decided to respond. 
“My name is Anna Kastello...and this is my bookshop. And that man that you so rudely kneed behind you is Basim.” She said, motioning to the man who was lying on the floor, trying to recover from the vigorous blow earlier. 
The intruder looked behind at him, shrugged and looked back up at Anna. 
“Well, my deepest apologies, Miss Anna. As for him, he’ll be fine...just needs to ice that area for the next 48 hours. And since you’ve given me the pleasure of your name, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Mari.” 
Anna looked down at them, still quite taken from how this night was going. And how forthcoming the intruder- Mari- was being. Given how late it was, and the mess in her shop, Anna decided that she was going to humor them, and get to the bottom of why they broke in to begin with. 
“Please explain to me...why is it that you’re here...Mari?” 
“Oh? Well allow to say, as much as I’m enticed by you, querida, I’m not stupid. I’m quite aware of what exactly this shop stands for...and I believe you do as well. This...malparido behind me is living evidence of what actually goes on here.” Mari uttered, motioning to Basim in the back, who was now slowly getting up and using the fallen table aside to hold him up. A playful expression on their face. 
Anna was shocked to hear that this random individual knew of what went on in the shop, and even knew what role Basim played into it. She couldn’t deny it, but as much as she was afraid, she was also calm. If this Mari person here was truly an enemy of theirs and wanted to harm them, they would’ve gone to Abstergo or worse and brought the full force of the corporation down on the shop. But they didn’t. Although they did give Basim quite a beating, seeing their face and how they’ve taken in the situation, Anna suspected that they weren’t there on behalf of anyone. She was going to find out. 
“I won’t deny what we’re doing here. It is what you’ve said. But judging from your expressions, despite the absolute mess you’ve both made here, I believe that you’re not here to do anyone’s bidding. But rather, there’s something you want to know. And I want to know what that is. That is...on one condition…” Anna stated, making her stance firm and clear. 
Mari, tilting their head in curiosity, was entranced by what Anna was saying, and willing to go along with what she was saying. 
“And that may be, querida?” 
“...Pick up this mess...I have to open up in several hours and I’d rather not close up just to clean up.” She said, slowly turning around and walking to the back of the shop. 
Mari couldn’t have been more thrilled. 
“With pleasure!” 
Anna, as she walked to the back, rubbed her temples slightly. This was going to be a long night.
...to be continued...
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Some random BNHA boys headcanons!
(Featuring K.Bakugou, H.Shinsou, H.Sero, and E.Kirishima!)
*I've seen all of the anime, so far, but am not very far in the manga. If some are canonically disproved, then I'll figure that out on my own time–
I do mention things I think up to the point of the school festival(I think that's around where the anime goes to, at current), though. If you haven't caught up to that point, you may not want to read this post.
Also! I love to interact. If you have anything to pitch in or would like to request specific headcanons or, hecc, I also love analyzing/pairing relationships, hmu!
TW, cheating and divorce! And self-loathe! Lengthiness under the cut!
Katsuki Bakugou
His dorm room is sort of a mix between Izuku's(not like he'll ever admit it), Eijirou's, and Kyouka's. The color scheme is prolly really based around his hero costume, with lots of blacks and oranges and maybe even a hint of green. Knowing his pride, even his sheets are prolly custom-made to match his aesthetic. Kat's got a punching bag and maybe other training equipment and, after the school festival, he ended up giving into his new hobby and got his hands on a drum kit. He's also got a couple of All Might merch, ofc– A poster, maybe a collectible here and there.
Katsuki isn't necessarily aromantic, because he does crush and knows a relationship-worthy person when he sees one. But, he strictly identifies as such because he feels it'd be selfish as a pro hero to have a lover than can be targeted. Plus, well, he has no interest in distractions, as tempting as it may be.
He's kinda like a tsundere when it comes to his parents' clothes lines, lmao. They love sending him stuff to wear and he honestly does feel pretty stylin' when he wears such, but he always protests and is all "Nada nada nada, I'm not some goddamn walking ad"
Kat's the only person in class 1-A who's completely fluent in English. Momo and Shouto are the only two that can really compete.
Hitoshi Shinsou
Shin's room is actually very cozy, warm, comfortable. He keeps a lot of cooler colors like grays, blues, and purples, with plain sheets. He also kinda sorta takes pride in the white fairy lights that decorate the walls– That lighting is kind of dim, but rediates calm vibes. He also has a sort of nest of plush pillows on his bed, that he can just sorta fall into at the end of a long day! It's surprisingly neat(other than his bed), as while he is too lazy to clean, Hitoshi's also too lazy to make a mess.
Over his time in UA, Hitoshi also develops his own sorta unlikely friend group! This includes Izuku Midoriya(Sports Featival, self-explanatory), Denki Kaminari(EraserMic parallels, plus I think a certain mangacap), Neito Monoma(It all started with a fist fight...), Momo Yaoyorozu(Responsible woman), and Mei Hatsume(They met during the Sports Festival). I like to think that Monoma and Shinsou are exes. It's a tolerate-hate relationship.
Similarly to Katsuki, Hitoshi sort of identified as ace-aro before having gotten with Neito. He doesn't really know what he identifies as, now, but he does crush every now and then.
Shin's got three pet cats! There's Bonji, a ginger tom of a housecat. He's a really prideful spoiled jerk that Hitoshi can't help but love, despite his ego. Bonji also probably ends up fathering Monster's kittens– She's a very very fluffy, chubby grey-and-white Manx. She's real snuggly and calm, and quiet. More of an observer than anything. Then there's Bear, this time a really whiny brown-and-white Manx that tends to get herself in trouble.
Also, if he's not a hero, then he's definitely a therapist. Or an author. Or both, most of the time. His office is called "Hear Meowt" and he's known for bringing cats in, from the local shelter.
Guns scare him. He thinks it's kind of a silly fear(especially for a pro hero) and would prolly get teased if it ever gets out, but– He could never bring himself to even shoot one. Gets all nervous if somebody in the room possesses one. The only class he puts 100% effort into, is Snipe's.
Also, Hito just– Never learned how to swim, cnejcmf. He's not scared of it or anything, and he's okay with hanging around a pool, but he can't swim and won't admit it.
Hanta Sero
Growing up he had a really bad habit of chewing his elbows(He also happens to be a flexible king) and ended up having to get braces(blush surgery because he messed up his goddamn elbOWs). That's why he has such straight teeth. He doesn't really like admitting it so he tries to be subtle but early on in the year he chewed on his retainer, too, and I bet there was one day where everybody just heard SNAP! from inside his mouth. Smile thru the pain, bby.
Also, yes, Hanta is a stoner– But! Being a hero-in-training, he's prolly ths most responsible stoner you've ever met. He'll never smoke on days that he has class or that he plans to train, and God forbid sharing his weed with others(unless, y'know, there's a responsible sober person around).
As such, he's not allowed to attend Bakugou's birthday. Doesn't stop anybody(other than Katsuki) from dragging him in, anyway, tho.
Eijirou Kirishima (But mostly his family)
His youngest sisters are the product of, ah, a cheating mother. So yeah, both parents are now divorced though the kids are in said mother's custody, because unfairness. Thing is, with a single mother that works, the situation gets especially bad after Ei moves into the dorms.
His older sister, the oldest of the kids, is Etsuko. She's 22 and left to America for college, as soon as she got the chance. She hates mom but is chill with all of her siblings, talking with them and dad whenever she gets the chance. Otherwise, her current girlfriend is a pro hero!
Then, after Eijirou, is Akari. He's 13-14 and filled with angst and anger and bitterness, not really going out of his way to show his hate toward the twins but definitely doing so if prompted. Their mom's sort of in the same boat, except for the fact that he just avoids her entirely. Akari takes after his dad, a lot, and sees him as a role model. Visits him whenever he gets the chance.
And then, there's Aiko and Aika(both twins, 8). Ko is really quiet, reserved, smart– She's the only of the two aware of why they don't have a father figure. As such, she has an internal self-loathe and does sometimes get angry and lash out, as a product. Ka's pretty much the opposite. She's real naive and fun and loud, the kind to play sports and gossip about boys and playfully tease her siblings. She doesn't really know much or care about the situation, but she does wish Akira would be nicer :(
As for Eijirou? Well, he's in a real tough situation. He loves both his mom and dad to pieces and could never exactly take a side, even if a small part of him resents mom for what she'd done to the family. After the divorce and especially after Etsuko left, he became sort of the man of the house, taking responsibility for all of his younger siblings. He caters to both his mother and father and though there is a lot of tense energy between the three, Ei gets by. After the dorms are implemented, he takes every chance that he possibly could to slip by.
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