#or the rare special gold cat
yukipri · 10 months
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Went to see The Marvels today, and AMC had these kitten popcorn buckets. There were 5 kitten colors but they were random blind packs. I managed to pull a Cody!
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
I know you haven't posted a profile leader of the isekai girls' clan yet, and if you don't have all the details for them ironed out yet (besides Honeypaw and Frostblaze both being the leaders kits) that's all good. But while looking at your latest post about the au, it got me thinking: how do you think the leader feels about 'Honeypaw''s sudden personality change, unnatural (because they're human moves) new fighting style, and tendency to walk on her hind legs? Because I'd imagine even if they weren't particularly close before Honey replaced her, it'd definitely be eyebrow raising to someone who knew her beforehand.
i'll definitely be putting the parents on my to-do list since I have thought of them, mainly because my inspiration is a mix of things that made go oooh yes or pissed me off so badly i stole them JUST to tear them apart in this lol
Honeypaw's relationship with her father, Owlstar, is strained. His relationship with her mother is purely political: he wants an heir, she wanted to join their Clan. In the books (from Frostblaze's perspective), he's written as an aloof but noble cat who can be stern but only because he cares. In the "real" world of the book...he's a standoffish, absent father who cares little about Honeypaw (due to her lack of resemblance to him) and often speaks of his disappointment (despite him having little presence in her life to guide her).
When the real Honeypaw is killed, he is sad and he does grieve...but doesn't stay for the ceremony. When she does come, he's happy! He welcomes her, nuzzles her in greeting, and visits her in the medic's den as she recovers...but it's also stilted, awkward, and suffocating for them both. He says very little and sometimes scolds her for her recklessness (and while in the book this is passed off as him "caring but struggling show it", in practice...it just comes off as apathy to Honey & Honeypaw).
I'd imagine her first few moons of weirdness is him passing it off as a cry for attention until it continues...and not only does she no longer seek his approval, she actively avoids him. Honey would realize his and Honeypaw's relationship is strained pretty early on and, to keep Honeypaw from being in a bad mood and also to avoid having her own father scold her (her body more than her soul), basically stays out of his way.
I can't imagine he'd investigate too much, he's more preoccupied with his successful heir (even if he can't reveal her yet). It's only when Honeypaw continues to poke around, find out more secrets than she's supposed to that he begins to really question what's going on.
Honeypaw's mother, Beesnap, is also different than in her story form. In the book, she's written as a volatile, self-absorbed mother who defends Honeypaw with her fierce temper no matter what her daughter does. When Honey actually meets her? Beesnap is a rogue-born she-cat and her status as truly a member of the Clan is always being questioned. As a result of being isolated and demeaned, she put on a facade of confidence and snootiness, intent on not letting them get to her. When Honeykit was born, her only daughter, she vowed to make sure her child had a better life in the Clan than she'd be given - resulting in her fierce outbursts to defend her child. Owlstar is absent in Honeypaw's life and that only made Beesnap more focused on protecting her.
Beesnap knows something's going on with her kid but doesn't confront her for some reason. She becomes a cat that Honey goes to advice to often when Splashpaw is busy. Eventually I think Honey does try to reveal the truth...but Beesnap probably doesn't take the fact that her beloved daughter's been body snatched very well.
Her unnatural behavior does freak them both out, Beesnap keeps having to whisper for her daughter to stOP WALKING LIKE THAT EVERYONE IS STARING AT YOU-
ty for asking!! i kind of went off topic but your question got me thinking so i ended up rambling lol both of these guys are mainly inspired from how wc and these specific webcomics treat parents and i think that shows
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starsofang · 3 months
guardian angel!simon x reader word count: 5k tw: NSFW, MDNI, death, bits of gore, religious themes, violence, heavy angst summary: simon would destroy the heavens and earth in order to be with you. heavily requested oneshot from this drabble!
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Simon wasn’t partial to humans. You’d think with him being a guardian angel to many over the centuries, he would grow to like them. Really, it wasn’t that he disliked them, but more so couldn’t empathize with them like other angels could. Some were weak, some were selfish, some were burdening. All of them, though, were on borrowed time, and that was exactly where he came in.
There wasn’t ever a human life that Simon did not keep protected. All of his subordinates, as he called them, lived long enough to see their hair turn gray and their skin mold into wrinkles and age lines. Not once had a human died young under his watch, and he planned to keep it that way.
It seemed the gods held his professionalism to their advantage. Now that his previous subject had passed of old age, he was tasked with a new one. A more challenging one.
You, a high risk. Normally, people of your kind that had a doomed fate from birth were paired with angels who specialized in that. While Simon was practically one and the same with the others, he typically requested humans that wouldn’t be a pain in his ass.
You were different, though. Something about you compelled Simon to take on the task of being your guardian angel, and he was curious to find out what it was. You didn’t seem like you’d give him trouble at all. You were simply unfortunate in the hand of life, and he was determined to turn it in your favor.
On his first day of being your protector, he watched. Observed. He took the time to jot mental notes down of your routine. You weren’t a busy gal, that much he realized, but you were simple. He liked simple. It meant he wouldn’t have to chase you around like a loose pig escaping its pen.
The more he got to study you like a lab rat, the more he wondered what made you a high risk. You didn’t drink, nor did you do drugs. You didn’t spend the wee hours of the night partying. Hell, you didn’t even have a boyfriend to occupy your time. Even now, as he watched, you entered a bookstore, prancing around from shelf to shelf to read each book cover with keen interest, tucking your desired favorites under an arm.
Just from the first day alone, Simon came to think of you as soft and kind. You were the girl who helped the elderly cross the street, or the type that fed the stray cats in the alley, even if you used your last dollar to make it happen. You were a being with a heart of gold, and it was rare for Simon to see somebody so pure.
You were the type of person many took advantage of. He’d seen it plenty of times before – men and women of all kinds, using your big heart to get what they want, just to leave it shattered in pieces on the ground with no way of repairing it. Simon wouldn’t allow that to happen. He’d seen what he needed to see, and that was enough for him to become your permanent guard dog for the rest of your days, which he swore to himself would be bountiful.
There was one problem, though.
You could see him. He didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, but when his little journey of following you around the city became abundantly clear, you confronted him about it, no bark, no bite. 
“Why are you following me?” you asked. Simon was fully expecting a tone of anger, a weak attempt at trying to be intimidating towards a brooding angel like him, but none of that came. In fact, despite your clear discomfort, you remained soft-spoken. Your voice was sweet as honey, smooth in the way it rolled off your tongue.
“Are you talkin’ to me?” Simon gruffed, eyes narrowing at you. You blinked at him dumbly, glancing around the bookstore before focusing back on him.
“Of course,” you confirmed in confusion.
He wasn’t sure what to do. This had never happened before, and it was wrong. Very, very wrong. Humans still partaking in the act of life weren’t able to see angels, let alone speak to them. It was against the very act of being angels. Silent protectors. Invisible.
Something was terribly off. Perhaps you were a fluke. Or perhaps you were far closer to death than he thought.
Simon was completely stumped. His very existence was the greatest kept secret in all of Earth’s lifespan. Not a single breathing soul knew of the actuality of angels. Sure, many believed in them – it wasn’t a secret in teachings, but that’s all it was. A belief. A strike of faith.
“Sir?” you called out. It successfully snapped him out of his spell-like hypnosis, realizing he was staring at you with a guise of puzzlement. He cleared his throat, standing a bit taller, eyes darting around the room.
“This isn’t how this is supposed to go,” he muttered to himself. You made a noise of perplexity.
“Pardon?” you questioned. Simon silently cursed (lord forgive him).
“This,” he repeated, gesturing between the two of you with a hand. “You’re not supposed to see me. Something must be truly wrong.”
Your expression morphed into lines of confusion and concern, eyes widening into fearful saucers. You looked scarcely similar to a lost puppy, one who had just been told bad dog. Simon felt a twinge of sympathy in your favor. How confusing it must be to have been followed around by a man who was sorrowfully unaware that you knew of his presence.
“Are you a ghost?” you asked, causing a crack of a smile to threaten on Simon’s lips.
“Somethin’ like that,” he mused. “Perhaps this might be easier if we talk somewhere privately.”
At first, you looked hesitant, and he didn’t blame you. He knew how weary humans were of strangers, after all, but Simon was no stranger – at least, he wouldn’t be in his eyes. He would know you the longer he silently protected you as your guardian, while you remained blissfully oblivious to his existence. It seemed that part wasn’t in the cards this time around.
Somehow, you agreed, following him out of the bookstore and on to the bustling streets, walking side by side with him. It was silent at first, Simon keeping his eyes trained forward, alert to any dangers nearby. It was in his blood to sniff out misfortunes from a mile away, and considering your state of high risk, you attracted them like flies.
“Suppose I’ll give it to you straight,” he began, garnering your attention almost immediately. Your eyes were pooled with dread, most likely expecting horrible news. Or wondering why you had followed a strange man with so much blinded trust. “Do you believe in angels?”
“Angels?” you gawked, the words unexpected. It was the last thing you imagined he’d say, and it took you for a complete whirlwind. “Why do you ask?”
“Do you?” he repeated. He turned his head to look at you, noting the gears turning in that brain of yours. It was subtle, but you were an easy read.
“Yes, I guess I do. There’s no proof of them not existing, so I can’t exactly say they’re not real, right?” you claimed, and the warmth in your tone made Simon smile.
He quite liked your character so far. Easygoing with incredible wit and enthrall. It was a breath of fresh air from some of the other people he’d been subjected to. There wasn’t a hint of malice in your aura, no storm clouds that hovered over you in the form of looming threat, no black smoke billowing around you in a polluted smother.
In fact, it was nothing short of bright. Hues of yellow emanating beaming rays. A burst of sunlight, down to the bone.
“Smart girl,” Simon hummed softly, returning his gaze forward as the two of you walked. “This is your first time talkin’ to one, I presume.”
For a moment, you were silent. He could feel your eyes studying the side of his face, desperately attempting to pry open his mind and see inside for yourself. He allowed you the complexity of wishful thinking.
“What do you mean by that?” you dared to ask, curiosity getting the better of yourself. You didn’t feel like the smart girl he claimed you to be at all. Matter of fact, you were perhaps a very stupid girl for following an unfamiliar man and listening to him speak of a higher power. You were even stupider for blossoming an interest.
It was a difficult conversation to have, one Simon wasn’t prepared for at all. He had to explain it in blunt terms, introducing himself as your guardian angel while you stared at him like a dead fish.
Yet somehow, despite receiving such complex information, you accepted it, giving him a smile and your name that he already had mapped in the back of his memory. You didn’t shy away from him. He didn’t understand. He knew humans were complicated, but he had never met one so trusting of his word.
Simon fully expected a breakdown, or a freak out. Perhaps even a fuck off with you going about your day. Earthlings didn’t know that angels existed, so to meet your very own, one so tall and brooding, intimidating and unapproachable with large, white wings that tucked into the comfort of his back, hidden, it was a damning thing. But you accepted, so easily, too.
It was strange. You were strange. Not in a cruel way like he had previously thought of humans, but in a warm way that left him confused. Perplexed. Such a sweet thing like you, so free of judgment and malice, only to end up with a terrible fate such as yours.. Now that was cruel.
Simon took a liking to you after your official meeting. He tried to deny it, reminding himself of his purpose, but it was hard not to form a friendship with you when you wouldn’t allow him otherwise. He stuck to you like glue, never letting you stray out of sight, waiting in the dark hours of the night for you to wake, watching silently while you’d read a book every night.
Where you went, he went. When you slept, he watched over you longingly. When you wept, he ached.
You became of utmost importance to him. You were his priority before, but now, it was set in stone that Simon would strive to give you the longest life, filled with nothing short of love and worship. When he formed this goal in mind, a second problem arose – saddened over the fact that it wouldn’t be him sharing it with you.
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“Simon?” you asked him one night. Book in your lap, long forgotten as you stared up at him with an innocent curiosity. You were a nosy one, something he found out rather quickly, but instead of being met with his own annoyance, he grew quite fond of your wonder. “Does everybody have a guardian angel?”
He never got tired of your questions. In fact, he encouraged them. Conversation with you came easy, whether it was in the bright rise of the morning, or the wee hours of midnight. Simon wasn’t much of a talker until you came around, but sharing endless moments when it was just the two of you conversing as people became his favorite routine.
Simon perked up to look at you, eyebrows furrowing at your question. “No. Not everybody,” he answered honestly. You tilted your head at him, curious.
“Then how come I have you?” you questioned.
Simon stared at you, mulling over your inquisition. A pang of guilt tightened his chest. He knew the truth, yet you didn’t. You were blissfully unaware of what was at stake, why the heavens decided to gift you with him as your protector. You didn’t know how weak your own lifeline was, how you risked slipping in the depths of death every ticking second of the day.
He knew what was waiting for you at the end of the line. When you’d reach it, though, was the question. And he wished he had the answer.
“You’re just a special case, dove,” he explained, trying his best to be comforting. The last thing he wanted was for you to worry, to find out the real reason why he was assigned to you. “Nothin’ to stress about. Some people just get them early.”
“Special case?” you repeated to yourself, finger pressing to your chin in thought, face pulling into confusion.
Simon remained silent, eyes shifting away from you to allow you the time to think. He knew you had a hyperactive mind, one that may have been the very thing to cause your future downfall, but he didn’t have the heart to stop it. Perhaps he was a selfish angel, for he loved hearing your voice, loved hearing the cluttered mess of your thoughts.
He was becoming dangerously devoted to you.
Angels and humans were not meant to form bonds. Simon was already being greedy by allowing it to happen rather than cutting it off from the root. He was your protector, your guardian, yet he excused the blossoming growth of your relationship as playing his role. The closer he got to you, the higher of a chance he had in saving you.
“Simon?” you called out once again, garnering his attention. He heard the hesitation in your own tone, as if you didn’t want to speak your mind. “I’m not going to die, am I?”
If Simon had a working heart, it would have shattered right there. If he had a living, human soul, it would’ve lost its glowing light, fading into aching darkness.
“No, dove,” he lied, flashing you an assuring smile. “M’just here to keep you safe, that’s all.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, and Simon felt that nauseating guilt crawl its way back under his skin. It pricked him with unease. He hated lying to you, providing empty promises that your life was under no threat.
He never worried about humans. He did as he was meant to do, and that was the extent of it. Yet with you, he worried that if he didn’t go above and beyond his normal procedures, your blood would be on his hands. He didn’t know if he could live with himself for the upcoming centuries if he failed to keep his promise.
A world where your laughter drifted away with the wind, rather than fill the air of his presence, was a world unworthy. A world without you would be unfair.
As Simon watched you return to your book, your curious mind put on temporary pause, he vowed to keep the Earth spinning with you on it, alive and well, safe and sound – just as he’s meant to do, without the baggage of complex emotions he shouldn’t be feeling in the first place.
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The longing for you never became easier. In fact, the progression of the harbored affection only grew tenfold. Iit was increasingly difficult to continue with his duty as your protector without coming to the admission.
Simon, an angel, was falling for a human he was meant to keep safe, keep alive. Two beings, divided by separate worlds, yet he resided in yours as if he belonged there. The more time he spent in your orbit, the more the desire blossomed.
He was a smart angel, one that had developed a keen sense for human emotion over the centuries spent silently observing them. Simon knew that his feelings weren’t unreciprocated, and it was what terrified him greatly. Fear and love, mixing in the absence of his own humanity, taking control of his motherboard and turning on autopilot.
He suppressed these feelings as much as he could. The hierarchs he reported to could have no hint of these befuddling emotions that were causing warmth to run through his bloodstream, as if he were slowly becoming human himself. He could not allow them, or himself, get in the way of his original mission.
That’s what he tried to do, at least.
It wasn’t until a normal night, pent up in your apartment with a warm mug of tea, a book nuzzled in your other hand and a blanket thrown across you to form a picture of pure sweetness, that his resolve began to crack.
You, innocent and curious you, always asking questions about him and never making the conversation selfishly about you, had requested to see his wings. The white, feathered beauties, tucked away in the dip of his shoulder blades, hidden and protected. You were considerate in the way you asked, giving him an opt out if he wasn’t comfortable. No human had ever seen his wings, let alone him, and he found denying you much more difficult than he thought it would be.
So he did as you asked – unfurled his wings, allowing the slow stretch to showcase them. The feathers ruffled with his movement, but they glowed radiantly with the picture-perfect white. Once they were untucked and on display, Simon realized how vulnerable all of this was. He was bearing himself to you with no obstacles standing in the way. He was showing the real part of himself, and you were watching in patient admiration, taking in every tuft of feather.
The wrongfulness of his action was smothered over with the look in your eyes. You gazed at him as if he were the most beautiful thing that God had created, setting aside your book and tea in order to step up to him fully. You were silent, taking him in, taking your time. When you carefully reached out a hand with an itch to feel the soft wings, he didn’t stop you. He should’ve, but he couldn’t.
“You’re wonderful,” you breathed, speaking of him so highly that it made the organ in his chest clench with an ache. Your touch was gentle, nimble fingers smoothing over the tuft feathers. The pads of your fingers were soft, and it caused him to relax, releasing a breath he was unaware of holding.
“Please do not say that to me,” he whispered, voice tight. He took a shaky breath in, shutting his eyes so he didn’t have to look into your own. “Please.”
Your eyes flickered across his face, taking in how reluctant he was. He was holding back, this you knew, and while you understood, a part of you wished he would open himself up. For months, you had walked a thin line, but it had quickly shifted into something more dangerous. Feelings, ones that matched his own.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized softly, beginning to take your hand off of his wing. Before you could remove it, his own hand caught yours, warm fingers wrapping around your smaller ones. He dared to open his eyes, nearly collapsing under the sparkling gaze you had so graciously reserved for him.
Slowly, he brought your hand up to his mouth, releasing a trembling breath before placing his lips to your soft skin. You watched silently, but made no move to pull away. “What are you doin’ to me, dove?” he asked, flustered. “This is… this is not right.”
His eyes bore into yours, sinking into your lovely irises, growing lost in them. There was an unfamiliar pounding in his chest, a foreign swarm of fluttering butterflies in his stomach, things only humans felt for one another. Angels were not meant to feel this way for a human, and humans were not supposed to know they existed.
Yet, he couldn’t deny the pure fondness he held towards you. How he sought you out in every given moment, how his body longed for you every morning and every night. His mind felt that this was right, that it was meant to be, while the voice in the back of his head told him this would end in misery.
With the way you were looking at him as if he had captured the sun and stars just for you, he found himself moving without thought. Lips pressing to yours, his hand gripping your own in a vice, as if scared you may crumble to ash if he let go. You reciprocated, and that was your mistake – there was no going back, and Simon wasn’t sure if he’d want to.
Humans performed things in the heat of the moment. It was something Simon had come to learn over his many years of study, yet him kissing you so suddenly had made him feel like one. It was terrifying, yet exhilarating all at once. To feel alive, to feel real.
He performed the ultimate act of sin with you. He was clumsy and awkward, inexperienced in the way he had you melting on his tongue, arching your back off of the sofa he took you on. Everything you offered would have him sent into an early grave if he were a living being. Ironic, considering it was you on that path, something he had forgotten about in between your shared intimacy.
Simon never knew how wonderful it felt to be connected with a mortal in a physical sense. Inside of you, engulfed in your warmth that clenched around him so deliciously, writhing beneath him like a fever was coursing through your veins. You looked lovely, even with a scorching warmth to your skin and a sheen of sweat lining your forehead.
His wings cocooned around you both as he lost himself in you, swallowing your beautiful whines that resembled heaven’s choir. Your hand caressed the soft feathers of his wings while the other held on to his shoulder, nails digging into his skin, grounding yourself.
Everything about this act was pure sin. It was a test of the devil himself, and he had strayed off of the path of forgiveness and had ventured to a land of lustful desire. Yet, he continued on the path, moving on his own free will further and further the more your body took him in. Your pleasure was his newfound call, his new purpose.
As your body succumbed to its own heated climax, he watched in awe at the way your mouth fell open, eyes lidded halfway, clouding over with a lovely husk of satisfaction. You were more beautiful than any heaven he had seen, and if Simon could die, he’d seek you as his afterlife.
He should’ve regretted it. It was in his blood to find purity, to hold value in the sentiment of God. But as he laid there, your body spent and exhausted, soft breaths leaving your lips, he felt no such thing. He wrapped his wings around you, smothering you in a security blanket, using the purest part of him to keep you sound.
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Simon should’ve known that the moment he fell in love with you, things would never go the way he wanted. He should’ve reminded himself of why he was your guardian in the first place, yet he had been nothing but selfish. He involved himself in you far too much, ignoring the angel on his right shoulder in order to listen to the devil on his left.
When he had been told you were a high risk, he never would’ve imagined that he would be the reason.
Everything happened far too quickly for Simon to comprehend. He wasn’t paying attention, he wasn’t protecting you. It seemed almost instant that your body had been struck in the middle of the street, the night sky making everything much foggier to the eye. It started out as such a simple night, with Simon following along behind you while you made a stop at a crosswalk to pass the street.
Distracted by the flowers displayed in the window of a pretty flower shop, he was consumed by thoughts of wanting to surprise you with them. Though he was a mere angel and could get you flowers from mother Earth herself, he knew humans had different sentiments, flowers being one of them. While pondering which flower you might prefer, the entire world had stopped in the midst.
Dreadful sounds of tires screeching, a loud explosion of crashing noises that made his ears prick, and you – silent. Not a single peep. It made his blood run cold, because you weren’t silent. You were curious, talkative, always letting it slip what was on your mind.
Simon stared at your unmoving body on the road, battered and bloodied, tainted with impurity. It was the complete opposite of what you had been. It was something you should’ve never been in the first place.
His legs moved before he could tell them to, and he found himself crumbling to the ground, taking hold of your body in his arms. Blood seeped from your head, painting your skin an ugly crimson. It was thick and vile. It didn’t belong. Not on you.
He became frantic. He didn’t have to listen to know your heart was no longer beating, because he just knew. You were the tattered version of yourself. A corpse, no longer able to smile at him, or ask your silly questions, or tell him you loved him. You were dead, just as your prophecy had predicted, and Simon had failed.
Weeping over your body did nothing to change fate. For the first time in all of Simon’s life span, he cried, ugly tears and snot, babbling nonsense from his mouth as he begged for you to wake up. He shook you in desperation, before holding you close to his chest and securing his wings around the two of you, unable to bear the thought that he had lost you.
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The heavens were in havoc. One of their beloved angels, falling for a mortal? Completing acts of sin? It was true blasphemy, a desecration to their name. The world as they knew it was falling apart, and it was all because Simon was selfish and unholy.
Tossing him out was done without question. Sent to the burning pits of hell, white feathers falling from his wings only to be replaced with raven, black and nightmarish. He was one of hell’s fallen angels, while you remained at the top, separated and alone. Simon was one of God’s failed creations, and no amount of redemption or prayer would have him fluttering back up to his pearly gates. Home was no more, though he was sure that at some point, heaven was forgotten and you had replaced that title before he lost you.
Being apart from you was torturous. It felt as if he was missing half of his body, half of his soul. Apart of different worlds once again, not meant to be. Unfated. Simon couldn’t allow that to happen.
Even if it took him years to return to his beloved, he would do it. Even if it meant trudging through the depths of hell in order to crawl to the top, he’d complete the journey without pause.
Heaven may be strong, but his love for you was stronger.
War broke out between the heavens and hell. Colliding forces, shedding blood of the pure, and venom of the demented. It was a battlefield that Simon had been the cause for, vision red with rage. He saw nothing but the fueling desire to be reunited with you, and it wouldn’t simmer until that occurred.
Far too much time passed since he had seen you. Years, even, though he wasn’t sure – everything felt like a lifetime without you by his side. He had lost count of how many sins he had committed, how many angels he had slain in order to become one step closer to seeking your soul. The lovely angel Simon had once been was murdered and buried, filled with angry vengeance that poked through the eyes of a devil.
He wondered if you would forgive him, if you would still love him. After all, he was a blackened version of himself, no longer the image of purity. He was a beast unleashed.
All of those worries melted away into a yearning ache when all war had ceased. You had been expecting him, it seems, waiting for him. Your soul was still as radiant as ever, yet he was now a dark void in comparison.
“Simon,” you greeted, and oh, how he missed your sweet melody. Your voice alone, saying his name, had put out the raging fire in his bones.
“Dove,” he responded back, breathless. His heart was in his throat as he waited for your reaction, to see how you felt about him. His wings no longer white, his soul no longer sacred.
Time had taken a pause as the two of you stared at one another from your place in heaven. He was back in the place he originated from, yet it felt cold and desolate. It was a grueling task to make it this far, and he prayed it wasn’t in vain.
“Your wings,” you commented, eyes fluttering down to take in the raven feathers. He sucked in a breath, prepared to hear your disappointment, but it never came. “They’re wonderful.”
It was the exact words you had used to describe him as an angel. Your love for him hadn’t changed, even though he did.
Simon smiled at you, full of light and warmth. You smiled back, and he was a done-for man. That smile was the reason for the heavens falling apart, yet it was still the most beautiful thing he’d come across. He never thought he’d see it again.
“I’ve come all this way for you, dove,” he murmured softly, taking a step forward. He reached out for your hand, holding it so tenderly in his. He lifted it, placing a sweet kiss to your knuckles. “Please, come back with me. Come home.”
To hell. To madness.
None of that mattered. Simon wouldn’t make the same mistake that he did when you were alive. This time, you would not be met with a foul end, and he would not live a life of regret.
You glanced down at your intertwined hands before looking back up at him, meeting his eyes. Your own were just as fond as before, lit up with the undying love that had never left.
“Take me home, Simon,” you assured, and the church bells sang.
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i had many people asking for a full fic of guardian angel simon, so i am here to deliver. this concept's been on my mind for a while, and i finally pushed thru and wrote it fully, so i pray that it lives up to the standards everybody wanted <3
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ahoycaptainautumn · 1 year
Fated Mates Part 4
Synopsis: you, a vengeful vampire slayer, cross paths with the devious and handsome Astarion. Instead of a stake through the heart, Astarion finds something he thought impossible for vampire spawn. A mate.
Astarion and you find yourselves sharing a single bed room for the night. But a nightmare waking you in the middle of the night only brings you closer, much closer than either of you anticipated.
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Your eyes nearly bug out in disbelief. Was this the idea of the receptionist's “special room”? 
“Cat got your tongue, dear? You know there’s lots that can be done with a tongue-“ Astarion saunters in after you, stopping in his step at your shared sight. His shoulder brushes yours as you stand side by side. Astarion gives you a side eye before beginning to open his mouth. You hold up your hand to silence him as you feel the headache melting in behind your eyes. 
“I’m going to go talk to the lady. Now.” You scamper out of the room before Astarion can say another word. You run down the steps and go to the front desk immediately. The lady who was once running it is no longer there. You nearly shake the bell sitting on the desk. But a small sign stops you. A yellowed sign lies in the center. On it is written “Sorry, no vacancy”. You sigh in frustration. All you wanted was a night of peace. The ability to relax even just for a few hours. It looked like it was now either sharing with Astarion or sleeping with the wolves. You couldn’t tell which option would be worse. You turn back and head to your room. 
Astarion sits sprawled across the bed. His elbows hold him up as his legs dangle off the side. He looks over at you with an unamused gaze. He raises an eyebrow to you. You shrug your shoulders and give a sigh. 
“No one at the desk. No vacancy. No luck.” You kick your shoes off and jump on the opposite side of the bed in a huff. You stick your palms into your eyes and try to rub the frustration from yourself. Astarion turns over to you and grasps your closest wrist in his hand. He clears your hand from your eye. You open one eye and look over at him. His hand flows downwards and holds your chin in his hand. He spins your face to look at his own. You lower both your hands and hold them on top of your hips. 
“As much as I love to see you upset, you are welcome to the bed.” He says. You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion. You glare in accusation. 
“And what do you get out of it? There’s no way you’re doing it out of the goodness of your cold heart.” You accuse. He scoffs at you, crossing his arms. 
“Take my rare act of kindness while you can. Besides, it’s not like I sleep.” He shrugs. You sit up on the bed. 
“What do you mean you don’t sleep?” You ask. Astarion chuckles at you.
“Oh little killer, I thought you knew everything about vampires?” He mocks. Your cheeks flare red. 
“Well I mean- I know enough- I think.” You try to defend. 
“Well, vampires don’t sleep. Except for a deep sleep to regain health or power. But mostly it’s just meditation.” He explains. He gets up from the bed and goes over to the fainting couch next to the window. He faces the window and looks out at the view. You take it as a sign that you have truly won the bed and make way to get comfortable. You shimmy out of most of your clothes besides your under garments and get comfortable under the covers. 
“And don’t even think about biting my neck or I’ll wring yours.” You threaten. A small snicker escapes his mouth. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, goodnight little killer.” Astarion softly blows out the candles around the room. Snuggled under the warmth of the blanket and the tranquil space of the room, you fall asleep nearly instantly. 
Your hands fall flat against the elegant oak doors in front of you. Grand murals lay chiseled artistically throughout the wood. They look familiar in a sense. Almost as if the images created were of memories past. Pushing them open, you walk into an elegant ballroom. Not any ballroom, it’s your father’s old ballroom. Gold accents the cylinder columns lining the room. White marble flooring sprawls across the floor. Ornate windows bow out the front showing the night fallen garden below. Large pristine mirrors border one edge of the room reflecting the people within. Beautiful women in exquisite gowns along with men in pressed suits line the dance floor. All of them were wearing a masquerade mask accented with pearls and jewels. You reach up and find one resting on your face as well. Looking down you notice you’re wearing that same gown from the shop earlier along with red heels. Your hair is put together with intricate braids cascading down your back. Before you can question anything out loud a red gloved hand takes yours. You look up to red eyes staring back at you. White hair cascades over a dark mask with a cunning smile. Astarion wears an ebony suit with red accents within the tie and cufflinks. You try to respond, to yell, to say anything but find yourself mute. Astarion only smiles more before walking you to the center of the floor. A circle of people crowd you as they watch Astarion twist your linked hands above your head. His other hand finds purchase on your waist as your hand rests on his chest. A band from somewhere within the room begins to play a slow tune. Your feet move along with Astarions, bodies gliding with grace across the floor. As much as you know you should fight this, to unclench yourself from his grasp, the feeling of being here, of dancing on this floor, quells you. How long had it been since you were last here? Since you last danced with a handsome man into the twilight hours. To twirl and delight in company. To not worry about a single thing but gowns and events. To worry about marrying a wonderful heir for fathers company as your biggest trial. At the thought of your father you look out into the crowd for his face. There, at the far edges of the crowd, sit your mother and father clapping and smiling at your show. Your eyes well up with tears. How you missed them. 
“I know your dancing skills are pitiful but it’s truly nothing to cry over.” Astarion jests. You lightly punch his chest as you continue dancing. 
“I missed this. I missed all of this.” You whisper. Your heart swells at the love and longing you feel as you sway across the floor.
“You could have it all back you know.” Astarion replies. Your head shoots up to meet his gaze. He smiles at you once again. 
“How?” You ask. Astarion brings his head next to yours as his lips close in near your ear. You blink and the room goes desolate. Lights flicker above as a film of decay sweeps over the entire hall. The band turns into a twisted sound, something macabre. You try to turn your head towards Astarion and find your neck fixed in place. As he sweeps you in a circle you come face to face with the wall of mirrors. Instead of silver hair, long black hair sweeps down his back. You side eye your hands and see long claw-like fingernails encasing your own. 
“You should have been alongside your family that night. A shame really. I can quickly remedy that.” The man speaks. You recognize that voice. You shudder as you finally are able to pull away. Cazador’s face greets yours with a toothy smile. Long canines glisten in the warped lighting. You go to scream but find yourself mute again. Cazador lunges on you, his mouth going for the nape of your neck. Your hands fly up in defense but you find his own pinning them to your side easily. He bears his fangs and goes towards your neck. The scream aching to leap from your throat finally does and drowns out the music in the room. 
You feel strong arms shaking your shoulders. On instinct you throw a fist upwards and catch whomever it is in their nose. 
“By Gods! What in the seven hells-“ Astarion grits out as you blink awake. You find Astarion bent over holding his nose in his hands. You take a quick assessment of the room. It’s the same room you had rented earlier. Not your home. Not the ballroom. Not Cazador. You’re safe. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You look down to see your hands shaking as they hold you up in the bed. 
“What the hell happened?” You ask. Astarion gives you a side eye before wiping his nose. 
“That’s an odd way to say thank you. But if you must know, you started thrashing around and then started screaming. I tried to wake you before everyone in the bloody realm tried to barge in and see what was happening.” Astarion explains. You look down into your hands and try to will them to stop shaking. Your mind may realize it was a dream but your heart and body were late to catch up. It felt like you couldn’t catch your breath, that the floor was spinning and falling out from beneath you all at once. 
“Now if you are all done with that I’ll be going back to my silent meditation, thank you.” Astarion goes to turn away from you and sit back on his couch before your hand shoots out. You don’t even register what you’re doing before your hand wraps around his much larger one. Your eyes fall to the floor, unable to look the vampire in the face. You can’t help the shake that comes out in your words. 
“Please. Stay.” you whisper. Astarion can feel the quiver in your hold. The strange fear laced into your voice. Whatever had scared you had well and truly scared you, even more than your hate for him. He found himself unable to hold back the snarky smile that he pulled. 
“Oh? Need the big bad vampire here with you? Honestly if you wanted me in your bed with you all you had to do was ask. I would have let you down, lightly.” He bites back. Your grip instantly leaves him as you go to turn to your other side with a huff. He finds it out  the way his heart drops at the loss of contact. At the way he almost, almost, misses your hand in his. Stupid mating bond. 
“Just forget I said anything, I must be delirious if I thought-” You begin but Astarion cuts you off by falling into place next to you on the bed. He sits against the headboard next to you. 
“Well don’t ever say I’ve never done anything for you. Any more screaming though and you’ll find a more violent means of stopping it.” He retorts. He crosses his arms and stares straight ahead. You let out a small giggle at the sight. He gives you a glare in return.
“You are one strange vampire.” you reply. With that you snuggle back into a comfortable spot in bed. You try not to be near or touch Astarion but it can’t even be helped with how close he sits to your body. You surprise yourself with how comforting you find it to be sleeping next to someone. To know that someone is watching your back and keeping you safe. Even if that person is a blood sucking vampire. You blame it on his damned cologne, he smelled far too intoxicating for you to ever admit. The smell and feeling of him coddles you into a restful sleep. 
Astarion thought once he had heard your soft snore and restful heart rate that he would get up from the bed. But he finds it fascinating watching you sleep so peacefully. Here you were, a self pronounced vampire hater and hunter, and you fall asleep so easily next to him. He thinks you a fool, a dangerous and stupid fool. He brushes hair away from your face and tucks it behind your ear. Though, he may be a bit of a fool as well. 
Astarion hadn’t meant to fall into such a deep and relaxed meditation. At some point in the night he felt a tranquility he hadn’t in some time. With that relaxation came him drifting more deeply into the bed and under the covers. So tranquil in fact that as you begin to wake you find strong arms wrapped around your core. Astarion’s chin rests on the top of your head as he grips you in your sleep. Though he himself is cold you feel nothing but warmth. Your sleepy mind wants to snuggle in further. To not leave the calm of this moment. But your mind catches up and you attempt to pull yourself from his superhuman strength. He doesn’t budge at first and you push harder. 
“Damn it Astarion! Let go!” You thrash. You wiggle in his grip and your ass falls back against his hips. His hard length is easily evident against you. On instinct Astarion’s hips rut into yours. You let out a choked moan and clamp a hand against your mouth. Astarion stirs from his meditation and realizes the predicament he is in. He releases his arms from you as if you are made of acid. You scamper to the far end of the bed and get on your knees. You turn your body towards him as Astarion does the same. 
“Now what in the hells do you think you are doing?” Astarion accuses with a scowl. You gap in disbelief. You point a finger into his chest forcefully. 
“Me?! What do you think you are doing? I wanted someone on look out, not a damned cuddle!” you counter. His hand snakes around the one you have pointed in his chest and goes to push it from him. Your nostrils flare in anger as your hands grab him by the scruff of his collar. You inadvertently pull him closer as your knees make distance forward. He replies in kind and grabs onto your locked grip. He bares his fangs at you and nearly hisses in his growing frustration and maybe, slight, embarrassment. 
“As if I would give you a cuddle.. let alone anything!” His nails dig into your skin and they bite just slightly into your skin. He brings his face in closer at his next statement. “As if I would stoop so low.”
 Your anger only gets flamed more and you use your grip on his shirt as leverage as you throw him back down onto the bed. He is briefly taken by surprise before he swings a leg up and reverses your positions. Your back slams back into the mattress. You go to throw a punch at his face but only nearly make contact before his hands snatches yours up and above your head. You wrap your legs around his hips and try to push off to get traction and pull away. But with your movements his hips come down and into yours. His bulge gyrates into your barely clothed intimate folds. You bite your lips in time to stop the moan from coming out once again. But Astarion can tell. He can hear the racing of your heart. The smell of your heat. He brings his head down closer to yours as you stare daggers. 
“How vile.” he whispers in a mocking tone. He’s enjoying this, enjoying seeing you helpless and needy. It fills a primal part of him that begs for him to do more, to go further. 
“Disgusting.” you spit back as you tilt your head closer to him. Pure rage is felt in your shared stare and the air is thick with anger and anticipation. Your breath only comes in quick spurts and you feel like the world is spinning. Astarion brings his face ever closer to yours. 
“Dreadful.” he bites back. Your lips quiver and you can’t help your tongue from darting out to wetten them. Astarion watches your movement and his look shows nothing but absolute hunger. 
“Repulsive.” you whisper against his lips. All it takes is your quick glance down at his lips before all sense is wiped from Astarion’s mind. His lips crash against your own instantly. Teeth clash as he throws his body weight against your frame. Your legs pull him down further onto you as move down onto his clothed member. Astarion hisses as his hands leave your wrists and grasp each side of your hips. He grinds his lower half into you as his hands leave indents into your sides. Your hands immediately fly up and wrap around his neck. He ruts against you harshly and you freely moan into his mouth. 
“Such an easy little vixen.” Astarion laughs. One of your hands wraps into his silver hair and yanks it back. His red eyes glare into you as you smile in his discomfort. 
“Not so easy you beast.” You respond. You flip your bodies and find yourself in his lap. His hand winds up and to your neck as holds pressure on your pulse. His other fingers curl into your hair and hold your head still. His lips find yours again and you fling your arms around his neck once more. You pull yourself impossibly closer, chest to chest with a man you hate with all your heart. His tongue darts out and begs entrance into your mouth. You open and immediately bite down on his tongue. His grip on your hip and head tighten deliciously. 
“You little witch.” he snarls. Before you can lash back at him the hand holding your hip presses you into him in time with his thrust against you. You gasp at the delectable friction it gives to your aching core. With your moment of weakness Astarion claims dominance over your mouth. His tongue lashes out along your own as you battle for dominance. One of your hands curls into his hair while the other grips his back in need for something, anything, to grab onto. The hand holding your hip snakes up and under your undershirt and makes its way to your breast. Heavy heated breathes are shared between you two as his thumb just barely grazes over your nipple before a voice stops you. 
“Check out time is 0800 sharp! Enough beauty sleep Astarion and let’s get going!” Lae’zel pounds on the door. Astarion and you pull away from each other instantly and you can only stare at one another. You take in his messy curls, the red tint to his lips, the animalistic hunger in his eyes. You know you don’t look any better. You hop off of him in a hurry and go to the bathroom to change without a word. Astarion can only watch your retreating form as he tries to wrap his mind around what had just occurred. By Gods, you were dangerous.
part three here
part five here
If you want tagged in the next part just comment and ill reply when the next one is done!
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lostwarllock · 2 months
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Incoherent screeching off in the distance—
below the cut is my rambling list of comparisons between sokeefe and merthur in an attempt to explain my otherworldly love for both ships to myself
Tag list:
Sokeefe and merthur
Foster and Merlin:
—very powerful, have stronger abilities than those like them
—born into a destiny/role (that places an unbelievably heavy burden on their shoulders and impacts every choice they make) that correlates with their abilities
—do not/did not know their biological father
—have at least two father figures
—almost die on a daily basis
—sometimes choose to be selfish, when it comes to the one they care about, even though it may oppose their beliefs of their role
—struggle with authority figures
—tendency to suddenly run out of the room without explaining anything to anyone
—confide in their soulmate in an attempt to convince their soulmate to confide in them
—have a mentor that doesn’t really help, just presents impossible decisions that put their lives at risk but fulfill their role
—a best friend that kissed them
—in love with a blonde (lots of banter all around, but has many serious moments and conversations)
—would literally do ANYTHING for their blonde
—black cat energy
—no matter how much planning and precautions they take, or using their abilities, someone close to them manages to get hurt or die
—adopted by someone very protective, but who eventually understands that some dangers are necessary for their destiny
—at some point temporarily lost their powers
—basically immortal since they live indefinitely
—go into dangerous situations because “they have to” and it’s up to them to solve everything
—know how to keep a secret for over a decade
—the sibling of someone they are close to is evil
—fell in horse poop
—ridden a magical flying creature
—eyes that are recognizable
—in serious need of a good night’s sleep
—came from relatively poor places and moved to basically a castle
—had to leave their previous home due to their abilities
—has caused a few explosions
—known by a special name that corresponds to their powers and destiny
—left a mother back home
—generally a tired/serious/lighthearted personality but also have the incredible ability to be the sassiest being on earth and not care what an authority figure would think
—have a group of friends who try so hard to die with them/for them
—so so loving and loyal that it hurts them
—gold in their eyes
—dress pretty plain
—were treated as different/an outcast in their original home
—has committed all the felonies
—their best friend is treated poorly because of their status
—very good at escaping/sneaking around, but NOT at lying
—are the reason that a very rare magical creature could be born
—constantly worked to the bone
—have like a brown haired person but it ended up not working out
—traumatic things have happened by bodies of water
—get endlessly bullied/teased by their blonde soulmate
—never ending worry for the safety of their soulmate
—have the uncanny ability to reassure their blonde that they aren’t a horrible person through the power of their pep talks
—take any chance to disapprove of the blonde’s parent
—forehead touch their blonde soulmate after a earth-shattering moment that has been built up to for the whole series
—drink poison/something that could kill them with their blonde in the general vicinity
—started out pretty happy and young, to a point years later where they make more depressing, dangerous choices due to their rapidly decreasing amount of hope in the world
—is incredibly devastated that their blonde has to go through an inevitable, painful experience as part of their destiny, and does everything to stop it, but fails
—they wait for them to wake up
Keefe and Arthur:
—blonde (and beautiful blue eyes)
—has worn a crown on their head and sat in a throne because of their parent
—parent raises them to play a certain role, though continually states they are not ready for it, and they must learn to make the hard decisions in order to be truly prepared
—incredibly self-sacrificing and has to play the hero because somehow they think everything is their fault and it’s their responsibility to fix it, even if it was the fault of their parent
—under the false impression that they are needed to protect their soulmate who is actually doing all the protecting
—their parent went through some sort of treatment in order to have them
—their parent has murdered a few times at least
—grew up with very little love and affection from their tyrannical/oppressive parent, but it was to “make them strong” and prepare them for their role
—their father, specifically, has a cold, stony exterior but claims he loves them in a convoluted way no one could understand
—confide in their soulmate and show their true worries and fears that they would never tell anyone else
—their natural beauty makes everyone fall in love with them
—trained in order to defeat their enemies
—their father married someone akin to a troll
—had a sibling figure who turned out evil
—very emotionally aware/deep but only reveal it at certain times, so they cover it up with a confident, teasing appearance
—also almost die on a daily basis, usually in the company of their soulmate
—believes their soulmate is incredibly brave, maybe even the bravest person they’ve ever met
—will go against their parent because they know what it right
—think their soulmate is mysterious and hiding something
—show their affection for their soulmate through touch and meaningful looks
—their soulmate is very protective of them but they don’t think it’s necessary
—thought their parent was dead, but woohoo, they came back to haunt you (one literally, the other figuratively)
—they find so much joy in making the life of their soulmate miserable
—grew up with luxurious circumstances, very rich
—pretty unaware of the details of their destiny, but couldn’t care less
—tendency to make rash, reckless decisions but sometimes their soulmate talks them out of it
—loves the idea of running away
—is sunshine incarnate with an undertone of depression
—still cares about parent even though they are a horrible person (shows their undying loyalty and innocence)
—their uncanny empathy lets them know when their soulmate hasn’t smiled in the past three days, but they couldn’t notice that someone close to them was working for the enemy for a LONG time
—been drugged by/because of parent
—always knows when something is wrong with the soulmate and tries to comfort them, even when they don’t know the whole story
—always the first to defend their soulmate from accusations or talk them out of a situation
—have a blonde mother who they never truly knew
—can sometimes be so stupid, but other times they’re the smartest person in the room
—tease their soulmate about liking other people, even when that person is definitely not anyone to worry about
—no issue challenging their father
—whenever they try to sneak away or do something on their own, their soulmate is already there
—would actually die for their soulmate infinite times over, even if it’s not explicitly stated, and always attempt to take the blow for them
—their soulmate stayed with them all the while they were going through their inevitable, painful destiny that forever changed them
—got stabbed/slashed in the gut
—been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust (over and over)
—very open-minded (relative to those around them) and most would disagree with their beliefs that you should be with the one you love and not someone based on stupid rules set by tradition and authority
—has been carried by their soulmate because they were hurt
—comment on how their soulmate is worried all the time
—the last thing they see as they succumb to their destiny is their soulmate holding them in a sense as they say “stay with me”
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how about eevee? I always felt like eevee and it's evolutions would make pretty popular pets!
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Eevee would indeed make an excellent pet! And, I’d reckon, you’re probably right about them being popular ones too!
As far as looks go, eevees are perfect pet candidates: they’re lightweight, tiny, and fluffy! They may not be the best choice for people with pet hair allergies, since they look like they’re much more long a long-haired cat than anything when it comes to their coat. Ooooh, but I bet they’re soft! They are occasionally used as first partner pokémon for trainers in the Kanto Region, so we know that they are friendly and receptive to training, which is always a plus!
Unfortunately, we actually don’t have very much information about the behavior of wild eevees. This is a rare species (Yellow) that is rather rare to come across in most regions. Eevees are exceptionally adaptable, so it’s unlikely that they are endangered: rather, when faced with a new or harsh environment, eevees evolve to meet their new survival needs rather than remaining in this more vulnerable state (Gold, Silver). Pretty much all of the pokédex data we have about eevees is focused on this unique ability. This species’ genetic code is highly irregular, which allows them to mutate in a wide variety of ways to keep up with environmental and contextual changes (Red/Blue).
Eevees can evolve into an unprecedented eight other pokémon species, which each have different types and abilities to cope with different environments. These evolutions are most often triggered by radiation from special Evolution stones (Red/Blue) or unique area-specific conditions, but there are a few evolutions (namely espeon, umbreon, and sylveon) that are triggered by forming strong bonds with trainers and gaining experience under certain conditions. Keep in mind, when adopting an eevee, that it is really easy to trigger one of these evolutions by accident if your eevee isn’t given an Everstone!
Eevees can adapt their bodies to their environment without evolving as well. For example, it’s said that after spending a lot of time with a trainer, and eevee’s face will start to look more like theirs as an instinctually survival instinct (Ultra Moon). This could be really creepy or charming, depending on what that ends up being like. I personally have a hard time imagining what an eevee that “looks like me” would look like.
Since, when faced with dangerous or harsh environments, eevees tend to evolve both their bodies and capabilities, this species is not capable of causing much harm. Eevees mostly use normal-type moves that, considering their size, aren’t going to do much to you. Eevees aren’t particularly violent by nature, so they likely won’t ever be a threat unless accidentally evolved into a more powerful species.
Overall, this rare pokémon seems like they would be a model pet. So long as you avoid unwanted accidental evolutions with an Everstone, an eevee would be the perfect size and temperament to be a pet! They’re super sweet, and not dangerous by any means, so they’d be a great fit in most homes!
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writingbynova · 2 months
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Nanami Kento
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ⊹ : Boss!Nanami x associate/colleague fem!reader - explicit content; minors DNI - pwp (porn with plot) - office sex - praise - missionary position - blowjob - overstimulation - squirting - [un]protected sex - multiple orgasms - pet names (darling, baby) - workaholic - (let me know if I missed any tags)
Word count: ~2.5k
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You and Nanami had been working together for almost a year, almost a year of him eagerly eying your every move, almost a year of you enticing him, impatiently waiting for him to make a move.
You had spent countless late nights at the office, this one couldn't be so different could it ? ★★★★
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You and nanami were colleagues, associates, friends at best but nothing else, just that. You only ever discussed work, rarely ever met outside, just a few professional dinners, here and there. He was extremely nice and a gentleman, never let anyone disrespect you but also didn't overstep your independence.
For some reason tonight was different, you were staying late at the office. It wasn't anything new, you didn't have anyone to tend to back home, you lived comfortably, had your own flat, good friends and a nice cat who knew how to take care of herself.
From his desk he could only slightly see your hands, typing on the keyboard in front of you, your nails were frantically pressing the keys in front of you, the *clack* sound of them was slightly audible through the office.
Nanami liked you, he really did. You were perfect. The perfect associate. Always on point, always getting the job done at an intense speed, sitting up straight, walking straight through the corridors of the office, every, single, eye turned to look at you, including, especially his. You walked high on those heels every single day, and he never once, in an entire year, heard you complain, you worked after hours, almost every day, at least every week but you never asked for a promotion, an extra vacation nothing, even coming in when sick. You stayed humble when praised for your work and qualities, always displaying a polite smile.
He didn't buy any of it, you couldn't be perfect, no one was, not even him. It didn't seem like it though, he looked at you with stoicism just as he looked at everyone. But his mind, his mind wandered around your eyes, he loved them, he also loved dreaming about how pretty they'd look rolling back when his cock hit your cervix. And so his thoughts went for your mouth decorated by two full lips who'd look and feel absolutely wonderful around his tip. He tried to chase those thoughts away, but they only returned in his dreams, wilder . He was a gentleman though, he often reprimanded himself for the lewd thoughts he constantly had about you, he never touched himself thinking of you despite how badly he wanted to he couldn't get himself to do it, it felt like disrespect, he only looked.
Only looked at the way your boobs would bounce ever so graciously when you walked, only looked at your perfectly shaped thighs, only looked at your hip dips and how good they'd look with his hands holding them while he'd pound into you, only looked at how those hands typing on that trashy keyboard would have such a better use wrapped around his cock. He wasn't perfect, far from that. But were you ?
You knew him perfectly, from how he liked his coffee, to the dinner reservations he made on special occasions. You also knew how much he loved seeing your breasts when you crouched or knelt down. You knew how his eyes lingered over your figure for a few seconds every morning, before he actually greeted you. How he smiled a little more on days you wore that long white body con dress with gold jewelry, how hungry his eyes looked when you stood in front of his desk, his eyes practically begging for you to tend to him under his desk. You were burning hot, the heat was already enough, your thoughts weren't helping, at all.
You opened the collar of your shirt down to a point where your bra was slightly apparent, your v-line stooped so deep, you'd make heads turn but you'd never wear clothes so revealing around anyone at the office. Except he wasn't anyone. You fanned yourself, the heat suffocating you, your thoughts agonizing you.
He looked extra tasty today, wore a black suit You kept your eyes fixated on the screen, your right hand mechanically typing on the keyboard. But you really wanted that suit off him.
You heard his computer close. The already low light in the corner of your eyes disappeared He was coming, his smell was charging at you. You felt yourself clench around nothing. But you kept composure, you had to.
He leaned over your desk, towering over you, his shirt was slightly opened way less than yours was, your eyes perked up at him, offering an innocent smile. His eyes lingered on your chest, you were obviously teasing him.
"You should go home, it's late, I'll drop you off"
"You're always such a gentleman, however, I'm not done"
"It's okay, I'll finish it for you, but it is quite late, your boyfriend must be waiting, I should have sent you earlier but I didn't see the time flying sorry" 
You chuckled at his words "I don't have a boyfriend" you said getting up from your chair, "but you... "you buttoned his shirt and reattached his tie, which was sitting around his neck, before wrapping it around your hand and pulling it. "...Must have a lovely girlfriend waiting for you in bed." You let go of his tie and you both stared at each other for a second. Was it the heat or the late time that sparked such boldness in you, you didn't know. He went around your desk in a second, he stood in front of you, cupping your chin in his hand, his other hand resting on your hip. He stared at you, hesitant.
"You gon' kiss me already or what ?" You spat
He chuckled, his lips finally touching yours. It felt blissful. You didn't want it to stop, ever. 
The kiss was soft, passionate except that it wasn't like you and neither was it like him. So the passionate and cute kiss soon turned into a rough hungry wrestle, you were moaning into the kiss, pulling on his shirt, then pulling on his belt.
You pulled away from the kiss, panting, you hand rubbed on the print his cock made on his slacks
-"Look what you've done to me" he whispered
-"I definitely have to take care of that now..." You cooed
He move back and sat on the chair at you desk, you followed him, leaning never him reaching for a hair tie on your desk, accidentally (intentionally) almost shoving your breasts into his face  "you're such a fucking tease"
"Really ? I didn't know that" you cooed, getting on your knees and tying your hair.
He was large, his dick sprung over your face, your pussy immediately throbbing at the sight. You ran your tongue on his length, he shivered at the feeling "How many times have you dreamed of this uh?" You asked, kissing and sucking on the tip of his cock, lapping at the precum dripping from it. "Too many times" he replied, his hand gripping on your ponytail.
At his words you started bobbing your head up and down on him, coating him with your saliva. You maintained eye contact with him, almost the whole time, his cheeks slightly flushed pink, his breathing was heavier, you kept bobbing your head frantically, sucking him off clean. Periodically keeping him entirely in your mouth for a few seconds You watched how his jaw flexed, his brows furrowed, he was calling your name, you heard but didn't listen, his hands held both sides of your face stuffing your mouth full of his dick, quite literally. You didn't mind, tears might have been stinging your eyes but your pussy was drowning, his grunts and moans intensified, until you felt him twitch inside your mouth, thick loads of cum shooting straight for your throat. You didn't wait for him to ask you to, before immediately swallowing.
When you looked back up at him, he crashed. His brain just left. You couldn't blame him though, your puffy and teary eyes, the way you bit your bottom lip, your chest almost entirely exposed, those hungry eyes...
It didn't take him too long to go feral. You knew he'd crack, you just didn't know he'd break you too.
He carried you ever-so-easily on your desk. Your clothes did not stand a single chance, he ripped your panties in an instant, his finger sliding up your slit, collecting all the juice you were spilling. Although you weren't going to let him rip your Victoria secret bra, you removed your shirt and you bra in a second, before he could get to ruining them, popping a few buttons in the process. At the sight of your boobs being released, he latched onto your chest, if he wasn't feral enough he was now sucking and nibbling on your sensitive nipples.
He was toying with your entrance, teasing and pushing a finger in just to see how much you'd clench around it. "Kento.." you whined "What's wrong darling?" He asked pulling his mouth away from your right boob, now covered in hickeys and bite marks. " I want you" you cooed unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off his shoulders "like this?" He asked pushing two fingers into your throbbing hole you twitched "mhm mhm" you hummed shaking you head left and right
" Wan' your cock in me"
You hadn't had sex in a while, endless nights at the office weren't exactly at your libido's advantage and you certainly wouldn't let anyone drink from this faucet. That probably explained why Kento's cock had your mind spinning on itself,  his hand rested on your hips dips, using them to slowly, split you on his cock. With every inch he pushed into you you mewled shamelessly. You weren't a virgin but you definitely felt like one, his dick was molding your pussy to his shape, carving your insides to take him, and only him.
Your moans and whimpers took over the clapping sound of him, absolutely railing you, defiling your body. The desk was shaking, you'd sometimes hear a distant *thud* probably stuff falling on the floor due to how the desk was shaking from his thrusts. His cock was a new feeling in you. You cried his name repeatedly "Kento, Kento K—ento". His pace was made to destroy you, he'd ram into you at an intense speed almost sending you over the edge, before slowing down, dragging himself out, only to slam himself deeper into your pussy abusing your poor cervix. You anticipated it each time, you felt it coming miles away but still, every thrust would have you babbling some incoherent bullshit.
He relished in looking at you this way, after all you might actually be perfect, the way you cried his name, the way you looked at him with those fucked out eyes
"You're fucking perfect, how you effortlessly look like a dream, how graciously you walk around my office, showing off every single curve for me baby, how heavenly your voice sounds, especially when you're screaming my name" he grunted, accompanying each word with a soul snatching thrust.
"You're not going to give this pussy to anyone else right ? I want it. Just f'me. You were made, for me. My girl. My office bitch, My workaholic, my good girl. Want you to cum on my cock baby, I know you can, come on" his voice murmured in your ear his thrusts intensifying.
His words rang through your body who immediately obliged, your hands wrapped around his back, nails digging into his chiseled back muscles. You threw your head back, your eyes rolled back, your body tensed, you whimpered uncontrollably, while he still ruthlessly pounded into you. Your pussy clenched tightly around him, your entire body, quivered under his weight. With a last thrust you felt the same familiar feeling your mouth had felt. He thrust one last time, twitched and then you felt it, deep, your brain going blank at the euphoria. His cum covering your insides.
"What a good girl, and oh my what a lucky man I am" he cooed, leaving bite marks and hickeys on your neck. He slowly pulled out of your filled hole. You whined at the feeling of him backing out of you.
"Can't let this go to waste..."
Where ever blissful place your mind had been fucked to, this snatched you back. You looked back up to see him sitting on your desk chair, face buried into your pussy, ripping confused moans from your throat, his thumb, caressing your clit, his tongue sucking out the mix both of your cums made in you. You could pass out, every time he crossed your eyes he'd roughen, pressing his thumb harder on your bud, circling it even faster "-m yours Ken !" you desperately whimpered, only furthermore enticing him to absolutely break you "-m yours, -m yours, -m yours— this your pussy, to- eat ah, to- fuck, fuck fuck—" you tried gripping his hair and pulling his face away but he was completely locked on it "need to cum, ngh please, s too much—" you had came before but this was different, your entire body went limp squirting all over his face and he, drank, it, all. You couldn't talk at all "ngh...mhm" your entire body still felt overly sensitive.
He applied a kiss over your pussy, causing you to shiver. The composure you tried to keep in the beginning was ruined, as well as some unfortunate paperwork which happened to have been soaked by you.
He carried you in his arms, brushing your hair away from your sweaty forehead
" 'know you're probably half asleep but you did such a good job" he praised. You only hummed at his words before feeling a blanket covering you and drifting off to sleep.
When you opened your eyes Nanami was over at his desk, answering a call "Alright, I'll call you later" his eyes turned to you "how d'you sleep?" He asked, walking over to you
"Like someone who got absolutely obliterated last night how about you ?" He laughed "sorry baby couldn't help it" he said planting a soft kiss on your lips, "how am I going to get out of here though?"
You removed the blanket to look at yourself, your ass was bare in the wind under your skirt, some buttons of your shirt had popped.
"Trust me"
You held his arm as you both made your way out of the office, honestly your colleagues wouldn't have noticed anything particular about your outfit, except that it was the same as yesterday which made sense because you spent the night at the office. What they did notice on the other hand, was the hickeys and bite mark places all over your neck and chest, the way your legs bucked and how you relied on Kento to walk and most of all the unusual large grin he displayed.
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♪ Hope u enjoyed !! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) ♪
TYSM for all the notes on my previous posts love y'all sm ♡
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biwitchenergyz · 2 months
A House of Blood and Fire
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Chapter Three: The Warning
"Perhaps we can talk?" You whisper in the quiet of the empty library. The soft, warm light of the metal chandelier casts a gentle orange glow on Aemond's pale face, creating an eerie atmosphere. He keeps his distance since releasing you from his embrace, yet his body is still turned to you, a clear sign of his reluctance to let you go. Silence follows, but you cannot stand to let it linger. As you move to clear your throat, the silence is broken.
"Talk? What could we possibly talk about." Aemond's voice may very well haunt your dreams tonight. His deep, velvety voice sends shivers down your spine. You struggle to discern the emotions he stirs within you – your closest guess would be hatred. "We haven't seen each other in many years. I am sure there are many things we could discuss," you venture, the words hanging in the air. Aemond remains silent momentarily before humming softly as he turns away; his silver-gold hair catches the light. He is walking away from you, and the mere implication that he can treat you with so little respect is infuriating.
"Aemond-"you start, only to be abruptly cut off as he snaps, "Stay away from my brother." His words echo through the extensive library, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on you. In an attempt to lighten the mood, you respond with a snicker, "Which brother, my prince? Or did you forget you had two?" Your attempt at humor sounds more cruel than humorous, and as Aemond remains motionless, an uncomfortable stillness settles between you.
"Aegon always changes when you're here. In the past, when you would ward under our mother, he rarely visited the brothels, and he did not indulge in his cups as much as he does now. Every time you leave, he grows sullen, and his vices become more frequent.” Aemond’s lip curls in disgust, but he continues, “ This past year has been an improvement for him, but with you here…when you leave again, his condition will deteriorate. Save him that pain. Stay away."
A pang of heartache washes over you, opening old wounds that fester and sour. It's undeniable that Aegon fared better when you were with him. You two were thick as thieves, but your actions caused a rift that may never mend. The memory of him in the stands earlier was already tormenting you. When you close your eyes, you can still see his pouty lips whispering your name like a fervent prayer. Aemond is right; you should stay away from Aegon, but know you cannot.
"What of you?" you ask, your voice steady and confident. Aemond's interest is piqued, and though you barely notice, he turns slightly toward you. "Must I avoid you too?" Saageal’s soft meow answers you; standing in the doorway, your beloved companion has managed to escape as he always does, regardless of what castle you reside in. The sleek black cat gracefully prances to Aemond, affectionately rubbing his face against the silent man's calf. After gentle nudges from the large feline, Aemond leans down to tenderly brush Saageal's back, eliciting a chorus of contented purrs that resonates throughout the room. As a kid, Aemond was the only one of his siblings to be comfortable around your pet. Your mother always told you that Saageal was special.
"Just like you, this kitty has two very different parents. A strong alley cat for a father and a cunning Shadowcat mother." Saera would whisper as she combed your silver-gold hair, letting the water from your curls drip onto the luxurious Dornish carpet, not caring if it was ruined. Saageal was undoubtedly the most treasured gift your mother ever gave you, and it filled your heart with warmth to witness your favorite companions also develop a deep affection for him.
Aemond recoils, pulling his hand away as if Saageal is made of flames. "You know what happened that night, as well as I do. You took my sister from me." There is a heavyweight in the air, suffocating any chance of explanation. You know that revealing the truth would only cause more pain, so you choose silence. He would not understand. Any admission of guilt would hurt him; nothing is left to say. Aemond's gaze pleads with you, hoping for honesty and genuine compassion, but all he receives in return is your stony silence. You feel a mix of anger, guilt, and sorrow towards Aemond, a man who was once a friend but is now a reminder of your biggest secret.
"Helaena loved you. She loved you, and you drove her away." He does not say anything else; The words hang in the air, heavy with unspoken anguish. Aemond takes one final glance at you before departing and leaving you alone in the deserted library; book still clutched in your hand.
• • • • • • •
You can't help but mull over Aemond’s words, even though it infuriates you. As two castle maids help you prepare for dinner, you find yourself imagining Aemond in chains. Perhaps you would take his tongue if given the chance. You are completely astonished by the audacity he has to blame Helaena’s disappearance on you and claim that you drove her away; it is a stab to your already wounded heart. The two handmaids exchange occasional glances, and finally, one asks with concern, "Are you feeling well, princess?" This maiden is around your age but far more timid and soft-spoken.
"Apologies. I am perfectly well. Remind me of your name?" You speak gently, not to scare the shy maid. She shares one more glance with the older handmaid, who encourages her. "My name is Dyana if it pleases your grace." She is pretty with her full cheeks and bright eyes. You remember her from somewhere. When you realize who she is, you feel sick. Helaena's bedmaid who once followed the princess to and from her chambers.
"Dyana. I remember you now. I appreciate your help today. Both of you, I am grateful for the assistance." The maids thank you for your kindness, but it strikes you as odd to be thanked for simply showing human decency. Despite having lived in Westeros for eight years, the culture of the Summer Isles still profoundly influences your thoughts. In the Isles, the king's household roles are considered a great honor, chosen by priests who seek the guidance of the goddess. A completely different sentiment is shared in Westeros, and serving as a maid seems more like a punishment than a service. It is common for maids to stay in one home only briefly, but Dyana has been in the Red Keep for over six years.
"Her Majesty is overjoyed to have you home, princess. She missed when you wintered in the keep," the elder handmaid, Lenna, remarks as she delicately puts pearl pins in your luscious curls. Memories flood your mind as you recall the precious moments spent in the company of the Queen and her children.
" When we were younger, Aegon and I would count the leaves of the godswood to tell when summer had finally arrived. In the winter, the godswood would lose all its leaves, which is how Aegon knew I would return to the keep. As summer approached, the tree bloomed a beautiful shade of red. Aegon told me that he believed the number of leaves on the tree was the number of days I would be away at Dragonstone. Aemond and Helaena were not fond of our game; it saddened them," you reminisce while the maids attentively listen, sharing in your nostalgia.
The memory resonates with them- a time when Aegon didn't need assistance to his chambers after a night of frivolous partying, an Aegon who didn't make crude comments when deep in his cups, one who didn't weep in his room for hours on end. It was also a memory of when Helaena roamed the halls in silence, radiating warmth.
" If you liked it so much, why did you leave, princess?" Dyana hands you a vibrant garnet lip paint. The maid's job is over, as you prefer to apply your own makeup, but they linger, eager to share in your company. You rise to sit on your bed; you gesture for them to join you, and after a moment of hesitation, they settle in comfortably. Saagael rises from his place on your cushioned chair to join the three of you. At first, Dyana seems afraid but soon begins to stroke the soft feline with a tender touch.
"I arrived in Westeros at the tender age of thirteen, not long after the tragic death of Lady Laena and Aemond's injury. Our journey was prompted by my bastard brother's claim over the Summer Isles and his subsequent usurpation of my throne," You pause, gathering your strength before continuing, "He... inflicted grave harm upon my mother, but Viserys struck a deal with her, offering me asylum on the condition that I become a ward of Princess Rhaenyra's. The Queen argued that it was more fitting for me to be under her care, and after much debate, the king decided that I would spend six months with Princess Rhaenyra and six with the Queen Alicent."
Your mother, weakened by her wounds, never had the opportunity to advocate for you. She would have, if not fearing for your life, vehemently opposed Viserys' plan to treat you as a ward and insisted that you be honored as a princess rather than relegated to the position of a ladies' maid. Her wounds had weakened her; by the time your boat docked in Blackwater Bay, she lacked the strength to stand. It stung her pride to allow her only trueborn child to be treated as a lady-in-waiting, but she could not risk you being handed over to your halfbrother. Dyana and Lenna see the sadness in your eyes. "The only reason I was allowed to remain on Dragonstone is because the king's hand practically banished me from the Red Keep."
"I would be willing to bet you've got more restrictions than even us bedmaids," remarked Lenna, albeit with a touch of amusement. "Not that we don't have plenty of rules ourselves," she quickly added to soften her words. You worry that you might have inadvertently belittled their own struggles.
" I wouldn't dare compare my plight to your own! I have so few rules here, apart from the changing seasons and my mother's final wishes." You worry that you have offended your bedmaids by making your issues seem more significant than theirs, but they are entirely at ease with you.
"Forgive me if I overstep, but what were your mother's last wishes?" Dyana inquired gently as Saagael nestled contentedly in her lap. As you sit among them, surrounded by comfort, you recall how your mother used to recline on the countless cushions in her chambers, attended by lady's maids and noblewomen, all indulging in Saera's captivating voice and flirtatious manners. She would often take you onto her lap, allowing you to revel in the lively atmosphere. You couldn't help but wonder if you possessed even a fraction of her grace or remarkable ability to spark love in others.
"She made me promise her three things," you began, feeling the weight of her final requests. "Firstly, I must never ride a dragon. Secondly, I am forbidden from marrying a Targaryen. And lastly, I can never sit the iron throne in any way. To remain under the king's protection, I mustn't press what little claim I have or use my Targaryen blood for gain."
• • • • • • •
Dinner in the Red Keep is always a lavish affair. The scene's grandeur immediately strikes you as you enter the dining room. The long, intricately painted wooden dining table, a gift from the Tyrells to Queen Alysanne, sits empty, awaiting the night's guests. Servants move about the room, rushing to light candles, arrange the table, and add cushions to the king's seat. They nod to you as they pass, a gesture you return.
"You are early, pretty lady." You sense his presence before even turning around. You would know him in a crowd of thousands; you would know him in another life. Four years apart could not make you forget the way his heartbeat from within his chest.
"Aegon." You do not need to say anything else. Your reunion is swift as he draws you into his embrace, grasping you as if he fears you will slip through his fingers like sand in an hourglass. The scent of wine was long gone, replaced by the soothing aroma of frankincense.
"Four years. It has been four years." Aegon's body shivers. You fear he has begun to sob, but he pulls away to hold your face; his eyes are teary, but he composes himself as he cups your face gently in his hands. His touch, unexpectedly tender, is much unlike the rough hands of a dragon rider." You still stun me after all these years." He whispers as one might when confessing their sins.
"My prince does not realize how beautiful he is." You tell him, your heart filling with the happiness only your old friend can create. He shakes his head, eyes never leaving your own. "All beauty fades in comparison to yours." You know you should take his words with a grain of salt; he has always been a flirt, but you can't contain the flush that heats your cheeks. "My prince is cruel with his jests."
The heavy door creaks open, and the flickering candlelight reveals the shadowy figure of Aemond Targaryen as he descends the stairs with the kind of casual confidence one would typically see in a king. “Ziry vestragon ao emagon umazigho īlva jorrāelagon raqiros, lēkia.” It seems you have found our dear friend, brother. Aegon frowns, his response slow and uncertain, "Skoro… syt ruaragon… ñuhon?" Why..hide…mine? Aemond hums at his brother's failed valyrian. Aegon was never good at paying attention to his maester's, but it looks as if he will try to speak again, so you cut in.
"Jaehossi uēpossi arlȳssī, sepār ȳzaldrīzes se quptenkys Ēngos!” By the old gods and the new, speak the common tongue! Your valyrian accent is like liquid honey, flowing from your mouth with the same silky musical tone as the summer tongue. Saera had a hard time ridding you of your summer accent, finally giving up when your accent had shifted into a unique combination of both your mother tongues. Nevertheless, your high valyrian was as rusty as your summer tongue, and you sometimes mixed words between the three languages you spoke. Aemond humms in agreeance but Aegon is cautious. He watches his brother carefully as he moves closer. Aemond slowly paces around the dining table, his every step drawing nearer until he looms behind you.
" Be glad it is I who found you. Others would spread damning rumors." Although Aemond is not close enough to touch you, you feel his strong presence as if he were right against you. Aegon instinctively clutches your hands tightly. "Tread carefully, Aemond," warns Aegon. His warning goes unheeded. " I have saved her from ruin. The people already speak so ill of her mother. Would you want to feed their distaste simply because you can’t keep your hands off?" You pull from Aegon's grasp and step away from both brothers. In your time as a ward, you learned that there are many moments to stay silent and very few moments where you should speak up.
“Can I not embrace an old friend? When has friendship become a scandal?” Aegon demands of his brother, but his words cause Aemond to smirk, almost as if he knew something that the two of you did not.
"Aemond Targaryen, you have no right to speak as though you fear for my reputation. Was it not you in the library making vile accusations against me?" Aegon's head whips from you to Aemond as he repeats your last words in bewilderment. Aemond scoffs, "Too much time with my half-sister has changed you." He boils your blood. Aemond steps closer to you, and instead of backing down, you match him, bringing the both of you barely an inch from each other. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you missed me."
"Don't be ridiculous, princess."
"Is it so ridiculous to assume you might miss an old friend?"
"We are not old friends," Aemond hisses, his words hanging in the air like a heavy fog. You restrain yourself from asking him about the nature of your relationship. Just as the tension becomes unbearable, the door swings open, and Rhaenyra enters the room, flanked by Jace and Luke. Their sudden appearance shatters the moment's intensity, and you quickly assume the role of lady-in-waiting, bowing respectfully to the princess as she approaches.
“Sister.” Aegon and Aemond both quip in unison, their voices subdued in her presence. The princess acknowledges them with a curt nod before turning her attention to you. Her mere presence seemed to quell the sibling rivalry.
“Have I interrupted something, dear brothers?” In her presence, the boys are like puppies caught fighting for a bone. With one look, she makes her brothers fall silent. Very little has been resolved between the Targaryen siblings since the disappearance of Helaena, but to Rhaenyra’s credit, she had flown to King’s Landing to be with her family. Since then, they had exchanged the occasional letter. She kept the contents of the letters she exchanged with her brothers close to her chest despite your begging to read them. Helaena was dear to all her siblings, and in her absence, they were able to share one thing: a longing for her.
“And is Daeron not joining us?” Rhaenyra questions, but it is Daeron’s timely arrival that quiets her. Daeron holds his mother's hand, helping Queen Alicent down the stairs so she does not stumble over the long fabric of her gown. Not far behind them are Otto and Daemon, accompanied by your dear cousin Rhaenys and her granddaughters.
Without a word to anyone, Alicent takes her seat to the left of the king’s chair. Rhaenyra follows as if pulled to the other woman, sitting on the king's right. You all head towards the nearest chairs, placing you between Aegon and Aemond with the dragon twins in front of you and their respective betrothed beside them. Rhaenys takes the seat opposite the king’s chair, a dignified place for your beloved cousin. Otto and Daemon sit across from each other at the corner of the table beside the queen and the princess.
Viserys is carried in barely a minute after everyone is seated. With his arrival, the dinner finally begins.
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SR Vil Schoenheit - Playful Dress Vignette
"I was able to witness such a rare sight"
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[Playful Land – Bazaar]
Puppet: Come By, Come And See! Would You Like A Playful Land Souvenir!?
Vil: …...
Vil: Well, I thought I would get some souvenirs for those back at school, but…
Vil: These accessories, medals, and mugs… aren't really gifts I would give others.
Vil: Oh, is this… a badge? It's small, I do like how prettily the gold shines.
Vil: This may be a perfect find. Could you wrap this up for me?
Puppet: Of Course!
Jade: Oh my, Vil-san. I thought you would be exploring the park, but have you turned to souvenir shopping already?
Vil: That's right. I spotted some lockers earlier, so I thought I would use those until we leave.
Jade: I hadn't noticed there were lockers available.
Jade: I planned on leaving souvenir shopping for later, but if that is the case, then I suppose it won't be a bother to shop for some now.
Vil: Well, if you weren't over here for souvenirs in the first place, why did you come this way?
Jade: Me? Something rather fascinating happened to have caught my eye…
Vil: Something fascinating?
Jade: Indeed, take a look at these.
Vil: These are… fashion accessories?
Jade: Yes. These are character hats, character headbands, and other various accessories that can be worn around the park.
Vil: A hat with fox ears, a scrunchie with a small cat figure attached to it…
Vil: There are even sunglasses with frames that look like a silhouette of a fox.
Vil: So, you like these kinds of character merchandise? That's actually rather surprising.
Jade: WELL, YES, ABSOLUTELY! Although, I haven't had much luck purchasing any since I left the Coral Sea.
Jade: Unfortunately, it's quite difficult to coordinate outfits with these kinds of poppy and cutesy merch…
Jade: I wonder if there is anyone out there who could suit such specialized character accessories.
Jade: If they did exist, I would love for them to show me how they'd wear it, but I'm sure that's easier said than done.
Jade: …That would be much too convenient, right?
Vil: You... I'm more than certain you are lying through your teeth when you say you like such cute merch.
Vil: Does this mean you've come all the way to this shop to try to get a rise out of me? What a charming personality you have.
Jade: Oh, my. A lie…? Nonsense. Please believe me, Vil-san.
Vil: I assume you're only here to try to see me struggle matching those accessories to my outfit.
Vil: Allow me to show you just how fundamentally flawed your scheme is.
Vil: After all, our knowledge and experience are nowhere near the same.
Vil: Well then, first… Ah, I'll start with the sunglasses.
Vil: My current outfit has a base black color, with a purple focus and red accents.
Vil: I do not want to upset the balance of these colors. With that in mind, I would choose this one.
Jade: Those sunglasses have such a vivid red frame… So you chose it based off your accent color instead of the base color.
Vil: Yes, of course. The face is the most prominent part of your body, so it would be a waste to frame it with a color as muted as my base color.
Vil: Next are the earrings. Since we don’t want it to clash with the sunglasses, here we would choose a subtle gold or white gold shimmer.
Vil: The scrunchie should be an eye-catching pink that doesn't take too much attention away from the sleeves.
Vil: I'd match the backpack to purple, and attach plenty of charms to it, within reason.
Jade: …Wonderful. Although you are decorated in character goods from head to toe, your refined presence still shines strong.
Vil: Naturally. Character goods like this are just another facet of fashion, so as long as you keep to the fundamentals, you can't go wrong.
Vil: Specifically, one must always be aware of the color balance. You cannot simply throw everything on without any thought.
Jade: I see, this has been a wonderful learning experience. I shouldn't expect anything less from someone like you.
Vil: Obviously. There isn't a fashion item in the world that I would not be able to put to good use.
Vil: …Or is that too much of a boast? Fufu.
Jade: This was astounding. By the way, may I…
Vil: No photos.
Jade: Ah, I see. That is a shame.
Vil: Well, I've finished choosing my souvenirs, so I'll be off. Goodbye, then.
Jade: …Yes, I'll see you later.
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[Playful Land – Gentle Square]
Vil: Playful Land truly is large.
Vil: There's the Catch the Star wheel, an Undersea Walk… As well as a Brawl Bungalow.
Vil: I would love to visit every attraction I haven't been able to check out yet, but there may not be enough time.
Jade: Indeed. Taking into account what free time we have remaining, I would think we could perhaps look into 2 or 3 attractions.
Vil: I concur. That may be the case, especially considering the crowds.
Vil: …Also, Jade, I thought we sent our separate ways back at the bazaar. Why are you still following me?
Jade: I simply thought it would be more exciting to stick with you, Vil-san, than look around on my own. I have no ulterior motives.
Vil: …Honestly, I absolutely cannot believe that. Especially with how much of an innocent front you're displaying.
Vil: Well, no matter. I was just thinking about actually finding some activities to enjoy here at Playful Land.
Vil: And, well, you've an abundance in forethought, so you may not be a terrible companion.
Vil: If you absolutely must, you may join me.
Jade: Thank you very much.
Vil: There is a certain place I would like to go. Let's head there.
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[Playful Land – Expedition Whale]
Vil: We've arrived.
Jade: This is…
Vil: Expedition Whale, the largest roller coaster in this amusement park.
Vil: Obviously, we cannot pass up the main attraction. Come, the line is over here.
Jade: Wait a moment, Vil-san. Why don't we visit the Brawl Bungalow first?
Vil: …Huh? Why? The roller coaster is right in front of us.
Vil: You want us to head towards the Brawl Bungalow from here, and then turn all the way around to come back here? I think that is a complete waste of time.
Jade: No, I… The line for the roller coaster is rather long, so I thought perhaps waiting for our turn may be a waste of our time.
Jade: If we use that potential waiting time to visit another attraction, perhaps we could be able to enjoy an additional one…
Vil: …Sigh.
Vil: You know, Jade. I'll only say this once. I gave you permission to "follow me if you must."
Vil: I never said you could direct me anywhere. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings.
Jade: Right, my apologies. Only, if we consider our limited time remaining…
Vil: Oh… And here I thought you would back off because I was a little sterner there. How odd.
Vil: I don't think you rather look to be that interested in the Brawl Bungalow, either. It's as if you are trying to avoid the roller coaster entirely.
Vil: I'm sure it absolutely isn't the case, but… Could it be that you're attempting to avoid the roller coaster because you're scared…?
Vil: That couldn't possibly be the case, right, Jade?
Jade: Of course not. To tell you the truth, I am simply worried for you, Vil-san.
Jade: It seems as though the roller coaster will splash us with water in the end…
Jade: I couldn't help but be concerned for your beautiful makeup. We wouldn't want it to run.
Vil: Mmhmm. If you say so. Uh-huh…
Vil: If my makeup runs, I just have to fix it.
Vil: Is that all you have? Come on, let's go.
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Vil: Well, now… The coaster is about to move. Are you ready, Jade?
Jade: Ready? I'm not entirely sure what you mean… I am still fraught with worry for you, Vil-san.
Jade: I must at least be prepared to shield you, after all, in case your makeup runs.
Vil: You truly don't ever stop speaking. …But I wonder, how long will you be able to keep it up?
[clank, clank, clank…]
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Vil: Look Jade, the view is breathtaking. We can see the whole of Playful Land.
Jade: Yes, truly… It is very high… And from this height, I assume we're about to…
Jade: URK…!?
Vil: …Heh.
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Vil: Ahh, that was a superb thrill…!
Vil: Rollercoasters this long and thrilling are completely out of the ordinary.
Vil: But, I'm quite elated to have been able to experience such a one-of-a-kind attraction. On top of that…
Vil: I was able to witness such a rare sight: Jade, speechless.
Vil: I'm sure you tagged along, hoping to find some reason to rib me… I'm sorry it didn't work out for you.
Jade: …...
Jade: …Oh no, I am just the same as ever. That was a enjoyable coaster.
Jade: However, perhaps I would like to refrain from riding it for a little while…
Vil: Oh, have you recovered already? I guess I should at least commend your moxie.
Vil: We're moving on to the next attraction, Jade. I'm nowhere near satisfied yet.
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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mintea-in-space · 16 days
Ghoul Clergy Au(Species Swap): Hands!!
Copia(Fire/Air): Has beans! They're very sensitive so he very rarely takes his gloves off. The pads glow a pretty cyan. Has to be careful because his hands get very hot very easily, he’s given up trying to hide the burnt handprints that end up all over his furniture. His claws match his skin tone, but he likes painting them too. Copia has a bad habit of biting his nails, so they tend to be all uneven. Eventually his human ghouls catch wind of this and set off on a journey to help him stop. Dewdrop ends up being the only one allowed to take his gloves off, so Dewdrop is the one that offers to help him clip them and keep them filed down. It becomes a special routine for just the two of them.
Terzo(Quint/Air): Has beans but very subtle ones. Look more like calluses than anything else. Slightly textured. He also has he sharpest claws of the group and keeps them very well maintained. (He has a fancy cat scratching post in his room. Omega laughs the first time he sees it.) He has gold claws, and his pads are also a very faint shimmery gold.
Secondo(Water): No beans, but as a water ghoul, his scales cover his wrists and part of the backs of his hands. He also has webbed fingers. Is the only Papa that can't wear gloves unless glamoured because of this. Secondo's claws are better suited for breaking rather than piercing (think like a crab or lobster claw, for breaking open shells) His are probably the most durable.
Primo(Earth): No beans. But the backs of his hands are covered in soft fuzz. He has black claws that are almost blunt at the ends, but very very strong. Primo just disappears outside and comes back with his claws worn down. No one really knows what he does. (He digs. Dead ass. He finds a cave and claws the rock. He also fucking climbs. Like a mountain goat. No one who has seen it lived to tell the tale, as it's usually when he's hunting)
Nihil(Originally Water/Air): Has beans! Size is somewhere in between Copia and Terzo. Has scales on the backs of his hands like Secondo, but no webbing. He has to get his claws clipped for his own safety really but that does not stop him from being absolutely pissed about it every time. Just picture Nihil hissing and spitting like a cat while Sister calmly clips his nails for him. Just thrashing around while simultaneously keeping his hand still because he knows if he makes her mess up he'll get his ass whooped. Although before his elemental loss he was probably the diva that clawed the ministry doorways just to make sure someone knew they pissed him off. His claws used to be semi translucent and sparkly.
Sister Imperator(Fire/Quint): Queen of beans. Hers are a bit leathery, but they also glow a light green like Copia's! Hers also used to be sensitive but she powered through until it didn't bother her anymore. Probably has the best kept claws next to Terzo. She routinely files hers and they are razor sharp.
Psaltarian(Quint): Has very calloused beans. Upon further inspection they are a dark purple, but mostly blend with his skin. Clips his own claws, but also has a scratching post in his nest to properly file them down. His claws are black, with a slight metallic sheen to them.
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popstart · 16 days
Total drama characters as Webkinz
continuing the series of total drama characters as random stuff i like. the vast majority of these are classics because i played this game in 2010 and "collected" (looked at them longingly on the internet because they were too expensive/rare in my country compared to the US) the toys a little past that and so theyre the ones im most familiar with. As always these are in (mostly) alphabetical order
Alejandro: Royal Cobra (eStore)
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Beth: Eluvant (Classic)
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Bridgette: Blue Trigger Fish (Classic Lil Kinz) that my sister accidentally named fluffy as a kid and got really mad when i called it smoothie not understanding the implications of calling a fish smoothie at the time when fish vs blender content was widespread online and while my sister was a big fish person with a 20 gal fish tank
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Cody: Key Lime Dino (Classic) That my brother had as a kid that pissed me off really bad and still kinda pisses me off
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Courtney: Signature King Charles Cocker Spaniel (Signature) because i thought i was better than everyone as a kid for owning a signature pet then i realized it literally wasn't special in any way because it didn't actually give membership like i thought and i cried when i found out
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Dj: Butterscotch Bunny (Classic)
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Duncan: Rockerz Bulldog (Classic)
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Eva: Grey Wolf (Classic)
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Ezekiel: Donkey (Classic)
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Geoff: Sparkle Harp Seal (Classic)
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Gwen: Blufadoodle (Classic) Because i loved it as a kid and wanted it so bad and am wondering why as an adult
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Harold: Googles (Classic) that i gave to my ex who instantly ruined it
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Heather: Signature Fox (Signature) Because this is the actual signature pet i had and i'm still disappointed that it didn't give me membership but i do still think i was better than everyone for having a signature pet
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Izzy: Gold and White Cat (Classic) because i used to have this webkinz that i used to pour milk on and suck the milk back out of and it was sopping wet all the time 😭i used to slam it against walls and it would m
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Justin: White Tiger (Classic)
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Katie: Pizzazzy Puppy (Classic) Sadie: Polka-Dot Puppy (Classic) Because i love the way they look together
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Leshawna: Poofy Poodle (Classic) That my sister had and i was so jealous of as a kid but she thought it was mine so it was in limbo for like 10 years until she gave it to me last month
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Lindsay: Rockerz Coyote (eStore)
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Noah: Lil Cocker Spaniel (Classic Lil Kinz) but specifically the one i bought at the thrift store for 1 dollar last week
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Owen: Polar Bear (Classic)
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Sierra: Kiwi Bird (Promo) Because it will not get off my ass and it is really annoying but also cute and funny and i cannot get myself to legitimately hate it
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Trent: Lil Tree Frog (Classic) because my brother also had this one and it also pissed me off a lot
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Tyler: Tie Dye Frog (Classic) because my sister had this one and i was chill with it but still don't really get why she got a frog webkinz when theres like a billion other options
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The Mario Movie Is Not Canon To The Games P2
Part 1
Now for other things that are extra details that separate the movies from the games.
Toad a close friend of Peach and member of the Mushroom Council in the games has not meet Peach in the movies. Toad is also dressed more like Captain Toad which is a separate character in the games.
Super Star is treated as a rare object that must be heavily guarded in the movie. While in the games they are extremely abundant even used without a care in Party events or part of a special move in SMRPG. In addition their more Power counterparts which Bowser usually goes after are also still pretty abundant. With Power Moons which are Power Stars in another shape being extremely common. Honestly the way the Super Star is treated in the movie is more like the Star Rod.
Fire Flowers are merely touched in the movie while they are established to be eaten in games.
Mario hates mushrooms in the movie while in the games has loved them since he was little.
Mario uses a Cat Suit in the movie while he didn't get this Power-Up until the events of Super Mario 3D World.
Pauline is the mayor of New Donk City. While in the games Mario was dating Pauline and it's implied she hadn't become Mayor yet.
Kamek acts more like a yesman with Bowser never questioning him. In Bowser has been shown to question others to insure his plan goes off right, and Kamek is acting more like Kammy Koopa in the movie. Kamke isn't really a yesman and often advises Bowser, which has even lead to arguments between the 2.
Foreman Spike end sup on good terms and cheering for Mario and Luigi by the end of the movie. However, in the games Spike doesn't see Mario in a better light until after Wrecking Crew 98.
Karts in the movie are the modern karts while in the games at this point they only had pipe frame karts. The anti gravity can also go atop water in the movie unlike the games.
Rainbow Road breaks due to a Blue Shell in the movie, which never happens in game.
Speaking Blue shells. The Blue Spiked Shelled Paratroopa in the movie is not a thing in the games. In games Blue Koopa Troopas aren't the highest rank and if anything it Gold Shells would be a rank above. But regardless it's actually the Koopatrol that are the elite Koopa Troopas. Adding on to that, the Blue Shell is not a Koopa Troopa Shell in the games but rather a Spiny Shell. They also didn't look this at this point in the timeline.
Fire Donkey Kong in the movie doesn't look like his game version.
Super Bell Trees don't show up in the Mushroom Kingdom but rather the Sprixie Kingdom. The same goes for the Clear Pipes.
Peach's Castle already has a stain glass window, while in the games it's established this was added due to Bowser's constant invasions.
Toad Guards in the movies are far more effective than they are in the games.
King Boo and his Boos were probably not working for Bowser at this time and it would be until future entries would they work together. The same goes for King Bob-omb and his Bob-ombs, who also doesn't have a fuse in the games.
Dry Bones and Chain Chomps were not part of Bowser's Army in SMB and wouldn't join until SMB3.
Koopa Troopas unlike in the movie were not wielding spears and wearing armor in the early games. The majority of them were also quadrupled in the games until Super Mario World when they finally went bipedal. While in the movie they are all bipedal. The same goes for Paratroopas. Peach also mentions all turtles being evil in the movie, while this is far from the case in the games. As evident by Koopa Village which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom.
The majority of Hammer Bros. in the early games didn't have shoes early on while in the movie they do have shoes
While Shy Guys were part of Bowser's Army at this point, they were not part of the events of SMB.
Bramballs are in the Grasslands instead of Jungle Biomes.
Lakitus which are major members of Bowser's army which show up in SMB are absent from the movie. Bloopers and Cheep Cheeps some more major minions of Bowser are also absent from Bowser's army in the movie. Both of the enemies show up in SMB as well.
The Adult Penguins in the movie are closer to the size of Baby Penguins in the games. They are also inhabiting the Snow Kingdom in movie which should actually be inhabited by the Shiverians. In the games the Penguins are primarily found in around places like Cool Cool Mountain which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom and not too far away from the Grasslands.
Speaking of locations, the map from the movie looks nothing like the one from games. The continent the Mushroom Kingdom is on seems to only have Grasslands and not the Eastern or Western side of this Kingdom, places like the Beanbean Kingdom, and more on it. Which includes the Koopa Kingdom as well. It also has a different shape from the Mushroom Continent. Mario, Peach, and Toad also go to Yoshi's Island which the Bros. and Peach did not go to until the events of Super Mario World in the games. Yoshi's also seems to lack the surrounding area of Dinosaur Land, let alone isn't in the Cheep Cheep Sea which located in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Also, we see a Yoshi egg in the sewers of New York in the end credits and is implied to be Mario Buddy Yoshi. However, Mario's buddy Yoshi is the Star Child Yoshi and hatched on Yoshi's Island probably during the events of Yoshi Story. They also first met during the events of Super Mario World when Bowser trapped Yoshi and his friends in eggs probably because of an previous encounter.
So yeah, I think with all that being said it should be clear now the Movie cannot be canon to the Canon of Mario Tales.
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
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junelezen day one: hello
Name: Ariane Clairière (tag)
Age: 27 at the start of ARR; 30 post-Endwalker.
Race: Wildwood Elezen
Main Job: White Mage through ARR and Heavensward; Scholar in Stormblood; Astrologian in Shadowbringers; Sage from Endwalker onward.
Crafter/Gatherer: Omni (specializations Alchemist, Culinarian, and Weaver)
Physical traits: Short (she's the shortest possible height for a female Elzen). Small in the chest and hips. Dark blonde/light brown hair that she usually keeps long. Moss-green eyes, light warm-toned skin, freckles, thick eyebrows. Short upturned ears, straight nose, pointy chin. Near-sighted and rarely seen without her glasses. Rarely wears makeup or any kind of nail polish. Always wears double ear clasps, usually in a gold or bronze tone.
Family: Annette Clairière (mother, Gridanian ancestry; the family name is hers), Gratien Clairière (father, non-Gridanian, rarely spoke of his own history but has Sharlayan ancestry, probably including some non-Elezen), and Gratienne Clairière (sister, 18 moons younger). Lost all of them in the Calamity.
Childhood home: Born in Silvertear Falls in Mor Dhona, raised there until the Garlean attack; relocated to a hamlet on the outskirts of the Twelveswood where she lived with her family until the Calamity.
Love Interests: Minfilia (unrequited crush), Haurchefant (during late Heavensward), Urianger (late Shadowbringers onward)
Favorite things: Plants, books, tea, cooking, magic, the stars, her cat Marshmallow.
Personality: Introverted, a bit shy until she gets to know you, warm when she does, compassionate, curious, bookish,
Style: Magical, bohemian, outdoorsy, elegant, bookish
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pigeonpeach · 6 months
I’m sick right now so the brain fog combined with writersblock is kicking my ass creatively :(
So enjoy cat parent drabbles once more
Chiori’s latest “pet fashion line” was seemingly inspired by the various dressed up poodles and pooches of Fontaine catering to owners who wanted to take photos of their kitties dolled up as well. But in reality a local cat that had taken a liking to her shop just seemed so perfect as a mannequin. Perfectly sat and arched, paws together as it would watch her work on her sewing machine and fuss through fabrics and matching threads. Well it had been a slow day and her gaze had turned to the very cat that had been her moral support recently. She occasionally fed the little kitty but it just seemed to like her work more. She knew it had a owner by the collar on its neck, but maybe she could try her hand at “pet fashion.”
This led to you being very confused about the random little dress your kitty came back in. Although it was a nice dress.
Neuvillettes kitty was given to him as a gift a concerned employee who worried about the constant rainfall as of late. They gifted to him a extra kitten of theirs as a gift and since then it had been clear sunny skies! Neuvillette is fond of small creatures with big beady eyes and big personalities. He initially thought all cats were introverted and independent. However his kitty despite having outgrown the kitten rank, still clings to him like a baby. Greeting him everyday with loud meows. The kitty itself is a beloved resident of Fontaine, guards keep a close eye on it, recognizing it by its collar, so no that no criminals may seek to get back at him. However his kitty may be a little criminal. Responsible for the poor potted plant massacre on the street nearby, and the robbery of a local fish stand. However its antics are amusing to the locals. How ironic is it that the very beacon of justice owns a most mischievous cat. In the end he paid for new pots and for the fish, deciding to keep his kitty firmly indoors, taking it out on occasional walks to satiate its adventurous tendencies. Often the melusines will “walk” the kitty or baby sit the kitty. They’re very fond of the kitty and the kitty is also fond of them because they tend to spoil it with extra fish.
Scaramouche is surprisingly a cat magnet. His hat is umbrella for many creatures in the rain sure. But he genuinely has no clue why the kitties of Sumeru seem to just like him. He has checked to see if catnip is somewhere on his person but there is none. Its not the fabric, he hasn’t fed them. They just simply like him. Oh well. It is nice because they are rather pleasant company. They aren’t annoying with their questions or usual student issues. A cat simply meows at him to get his attention. Easy. Although he rarely admits he actually does enjoy their company and has started to feed them.
Xiao also doesn’t own a cat but the cats at the inn recognize him. Specifically Gold’s Tuxedo kitty. It seems to wait for him next to his plate of Almond Tofu and sits there as he eats. He isn’t sure why it does but he doesn’t mind its presence. He is too worried his karma will taint the kitty if he pets it however so he rarely does pet it. Lucky for him it isn’t the affectionate type and seems to like just staring off into the scenery next to him.
Cloud Retainer is most certainly the type to take in animals. So when she notices a stray kitten looking skinny and lonely she immediately takes it upon herself to take it in. Unsuccessfully tries to locate its mother. Deciding to raise it herself. Besides, shenhe and ganyu are old now and don’t visit her as often as she’d like, it’d do her some good to have a little companion to deal with her empty nest issues.
The skinny kitten becomes a very very very chonky cat nowadays. She has several gadgets dedicated to help the kitty work out so it isn’t quite lazy or overweight… but she can’t help but prepare plenty of food for the kitty. Specially crafted dishes specifically to appeal to a feline diet. It is a very friendly cat, known for greeting guests with a deep meow and a demand for affection. They say that petting the cat is a way to get on her good side!
That’s all for today I’m now going to cough my lungs up u
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crusty-chronicles · 10 months
hii! after reading ur moon and son halloween special, it got me thinking ab kurapika and yn. if its not too much to ask, could you do a small special where kurapika figures out why yn hates their clan? it could be a drabble, short chapter, hcs, whatever youd like to write, i was js super curious for what kurapikas reaction would be
love ur writing 🩷🩵
I'm gonna start this off with a minor spoiler warning for the end chapters of Moon and Sun. Nothing too big so don't worry.
Okay, we Good? There's only four people who really know about what happened with Y/n and their clan. Gon, Killua, Kite, and Ging. The first three are for obvious reasons. Now the only reason Ging knows is because he's got a part to play in future chapters, which I will not be disclosing at this time. That being said, what Kurapika knows/ learns about is a very watered down version of events. Below is a oneshot of how he finds out and reacts.
The Difference Between You and I
It was ironic, really, when you looked back on what happened a few days ago. You didn't think you had it in you anymore to dislike someone so much. Especially since he was one of the boys' closest friends.
You wanted your first meeting to be friendly, even if a part of you was still bitter he hadn't bothered to see Gon at the hospital. You'd hoped to get along with him as well as you did with Leorio.
 But opposites attract you suppose.
The two of them couldn't have been any more different from each other. Leorio was a stubborn loudmouth depending on who he interacted with. Acting purely on impulse most of the time. Yet despite that, he had a heart of gold from what you could tell.
Treating Gon and Killua with as much care as you did. Wanting to be a doctor in order to help those who couldn't afford proper medical care. Hell, he was even currently helping you with your ‘condition.’
Kurapika, on the other hand, was quiet and reserved. At least from what the boys had told you. Though you noticed he also seemed distant. Rarely ever picking up his phone and even rarer were the times he'd actually show up in person.
But you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. 
If the boys loved him, how bad could he really be? 
And if Leorio was dating him, then surely he had some redeeming qualities.
Well turns out fate had a funny way of playing things out. Irony at its best. 
You'd arrived in York New about the same time as the boys. Having come for your ‘usual’ checkup. Something you blamed on that damn cat along with yourself. 
You'd agreed beforehand to meet up right after for lunch. The three of you communicating through a small group chat. Although you were still struggling with the newer technology. Not yet used to actually having a phone. But you digress.
It was during Leorio's final evaluation that you were made aware of the blonde’s presence.
“You getting anything?” He asked.
You shook your head, unable to focus your eyes. Six months and your nen was still shot. What a pain.
“Don't push yourself. Remember, we still have a few treatments to test out. You're not out of luck just yet.”
“I know. I just kinda want the process to be over already, you know? Get things back to normal.” Well, as normal as you could be.
Leorio was about to respond before a ‘ding’ from his phone went off. He gave an apologetic look as he checked what it was. 
Although he knew you didn't mind, he still wanted to be professional. This was his job and he took pride in it. Despite his nonchalant demeanor.
“Woah! Kurapika's in town!”
“Kurapika?” The one who usually ignores all his calls? The one who put revenge before his dying friend? But you thought better than to say that out loud. Instead you settled on-
“He's…blonde, right?”
Leorio looked up at you with a bewildered expression. Out of all the things you could say, it was that. It was almost enough to make him laugh.
“Yes? You know, you've got an odd way of remembering people.”
“But I'm not wrong, am I? You gonna see him after this?” You asked with a teasing smirk.
“Yeah. It's been a while. I think the boys would be happy to see him too.” He gestured to the three kids that sat waiting outside of your room.
Two of which were now excitedly staring at their phones. The third sleeping contently on her brother's shoulder.
“You should meet him too.” Leorio suggested.
And although you appreciated the offer, it didn't feel right for you to tag along. You didn't want things to potentially be awkward. Plus, you weren't the best with new people.
“I don't wanna intrude. I'd rather the four of you catch up. Like old times. Well maybe not the four of you if Alluka has anything to say about it.” Already knowing the small girl went everywhere Killua did. 
“You'd really do that. I know it's been months since you spent time with the boys.”
“Yeah but it's been a year since they even heard from Kurapika. Besides, I'll meet him when I pick the boys up. I'm here for three more days after all. And then~you and Kurapika could spend some time by yourselves.”
His face flushed a bright red at the insinuation. Playfully shoving your head to the side.
“About time you paid me back for all the times I watched the boys for you.”
The two of you finished up, with Leorio briefly leaving to request his break. The kids wasted no time rushing you once you exited the room.
“Any luck this time?” Gon asked.
“Sadly, no. But there's always next time, right?” You tried to reassure. But he didn't look all that convinced. 
“If it doesn't work out, you know you can always ask Nanika to-” Killua started to offer, but you stopped him before he could finish.
“It's fine if I can't get it back. I'll just have to get used to being a normie. Unless, you've got a problem with normies?” Your tone was teasing as you ruffled the small assassin's hair. 
Your attention was redirected towards a pull on your sleeve.
“I don't mind helping Big Sib,” Alluka assured.
“I mind. I'll be okay so don't worry about it…In other news, I heard one of your friends just got here.” You quickly changed the subject. Not wanting to bring down the mood. You wanted today to be a good day.
And judging by the way both boys beamed up at you, it would be.
“Yeah! Kurapika's gonna be here for a few days! I hope you don't mind if he comes with us today.” Gon explained.
You could never really say no to that kid, even if you had already planned to give the duo space today. You returned his cheerful grin with one of your own.
“Course not. To be honest, I was gonna let the four of you reconnect in peace.”
“Peace? You make it sound like we're embarrassed of you,” Killua mumbled.
“What was that?”
“I said, ‘Four of us? What about my sister?’” he quickly covered. Though he could tell you heard what he said first. But you'd let him off the hook this time.
For now.
“Why don't I take her shopping while you guys catch up?”
“Shopping? You can afford that now?” His tone was playful, but there was a genuine hint of concern somewhere in there.
“Hey!” You scolded, about to come up with a retort before Gon stepped in.
“Yeah! They're working with Kite and his team. It's why they travel so much now.”
At the mention of the former silver haired hunter, Killua's expression soured.
“Sibling stealer.”
At that, you pinched his cheek.
“Har har. You mad at him because we're dating now or because Alluka occasionally calls him dad?”
He covered his ears, face slightly red from embarrassment as he tugged Gon away. Not bothering to wait for Leorio.
“We’re leaving now! Have her back by six!”
Safe to say, they were overjoyed to see Kurapika again. Both boys eagerly questioning him about his new Zodiac status, while Leorio reminded them not to overwhelm him with questions.
Kurapika was glad to back, if only for a brief moment. He truly did miss them, but his mission always came first. He'd already made tremendous progress recovering his clan’s eyes. His new Zodiac status aiding in his endeavors.
But through pursuing his goal, he'd evidently missed out on a lot with his friends and partner. 
The boys were 13 going on 14 now. Gon had achieved his own goal and met Ging. Traveling with him up until a month ago.
Killua had managed to finally get away from his family, bringing his little sister with him. The two of them also traveling around. Which begs the question, where was she currently?
Leorio had become a doctor, having just been promoted to a zodiac after the election. Which Kurapika did watch, very much proud of how far he got.
Yes, so much had changed.
He supposed it was bittersweet in a way. The three of them already shooting for a new goal while he was still trying to complete his. 
But he truly was grateful for the time he spent with them today. That he was still considered important to them despite his distance. He made a mental note to try harder once he left.
It wasn't before very long that Leorio had to return to work. His break over too soon for the blonde's liking. 
So with a smooch on his cheek and a ‘ewww!’ from the boys, Leorio was off. Leaving Kurapika with the duo. 
Now while you were aware of Kurapika, he had no idea of your existence until the boys mentioned you in passing.
A desert of some kind sat in front of them.
“Y/n would for sure love this. Do you think we should take them some?” Killua asked, the question directed towards Gon.
“They’ll be upset if we don't. And you know what that means.” Gon responded.
“They won't carry us for a week. You think we're getting too old for that?” But before their conversation could continue, Kurapika spoke up. Curious about the new name they mentioned.
Both boys looked up at him surprised before remembering the two of you had never met.
“Y/n’s the person that’s been taking care of us since Greed Island. They're our big sibling,” Gon proudly announced while Killua nodded along.
You seemed to be very close to them.
“Right now they're with Alluka. They wanted to give the four of us a chance to catch up.” Killua added.
That explained why his sister wasn't here. And if Killua trusted you with her, then you must've been reliable too.
A good person.
“Tell me more about them.”
Truthfully, all odds pointed at the two of you getting along. You were cut from the same cloth, so to speak. Both coming from strong clans. Both losing them during your childhood.
Your lazy demeanor would have paired nicely with his quiet one. You always were more comfortable around less energetic people. 
His analytical skills were on par with yours. A strong head on both of your shoulders. 
Even if you were still upset with Kurapika, the two boys knew you'd get along with him in time. Sure you'd probably chew him out for not answering his phone, but you'd warm up to him nevertheless.
So what was it exactly that put you at odds with each other?
The catalyst that sparked endless animosity between you?
Well, it just so happened to be the subject of your clan that started it.
It was an accident, truly. Gon didn't mean for it to slip out. He just got so excited telling Kurapika about you that he forgot some details weren't meant to be shared.
“You know, I'm kinda glad Nanika erased their memories. Y/n is a lot happier now that they're clan isn't looking for them anymore. They weren't good people to begin with so don't feel too bad about it.”
Gon had been explaining before slapping a hand over his mouth. Him and Killua looking at each other with wide eyes. Gazes briefly glancing over towards Kurapika for his reaction.
They knew he could be touchy with the subject. Watching him carefully to see if his eyes changed. Instead, they were met with a suspicious stare. Not exactly positive, but not really negative either.
“What do mean their clan isn't looking for them anymore? Did something happen between them?”
Because Kurapika, for the life of him, couldn't fathom a family giving up on one of their own. But the subject wasn't as black and white as he suspected.
“We're not really supposed to say. It's not like they told us not to tell anyone, but it's their privacy. You know?” Gon informed.
Not only was it your business, but it was also something you trusted the two of them with. And he was the last person who should be spilling your secrets.
The two boys once again eyed each other. You wouldn't be mad if they told Kurapika. So long as he didn't bring it up directly to you.
Besides, the chain user would just ask you in person if he didn't get an answer. He was direct by nature. Something you would respect, but not if it concerned your ‘family.’
So what was the worse outcome?
They say nothing and Kurapika asks you directly about it. Or he finds out another way.
The second option: they partially explain the situation. Not getting into too much detail, but enough to satisfy their friend’s curiosity.
“If it's not something you want to discuss, then I won't-” but Killua stopped him from finishing his sentence.
“If we tell you, you have to promise you won't say we told you anything. Got it?” 
It wasn't that they were wary of their friend, god no. They just didn't want the two of you butting heads in the future. 
Kurapika gave a small nod.
“Y/n doesn't get along well with their clan. They haven't since they were a little kid. They just don't feel comfortable or safe around them anymore.” Gon started.
“They sorta had a disagreement with them. And that's putting it very lightly. An argument about how things were being done. And how their practices were wrong. That's all we can really say.” Killua continued.
The rest would have to come directly from you. If you ever got around to trusting Kurapika. Something that sadly wouldn't come to fruition.
“So they're estranged from their clan because of a disagreement?” And for whatever reason, that made Kurapika upset.
Your clan was alive and healthy. They'd been looking for you. And here you were being petty. Avoiding them because of it.
When all his people were slaughtered like nothing. Never even having the chance to say goodbye. 
He wanted to think there was more to it. That there was something big the boys weren't telling him. And there was, but he'd never get to learn about what it was.
How similar your grief was to his with him losing Pairo and you losing Kari.
The rest of the afternoon felt tense. Kurapika tried not to show his discomfort, but both boys could tell anyways. Seems the two of you wouldn't get along after all.
It was only a matter of time before you went to get them. Alluka trailing happily behind you with an ice cream cone as you struggled with her bags. Most of which were toys. 
Both boys quickly grabbed a few from you to lighten the load. Your eyes drifting over to the blonde behind them.
So that was Kurapika.
“Alluka! You can't just make them carry everything. Next time help.” Killua scolded.
Said girl, looked up at her big brother with a pout. 
“I did. Mama/Papa said no.”
Her answer prompted a small glare from him. This time directed at you.
“You have her spoiled.”
“You’re just jealous I don't baby you anymore.” You retorted.
“I think it's because Alluka's a girl.” Gon added as he took another bag from you.
“She's not just a girl. She's a princess!” You lightly pinched her cheeks, causing her to let out a squeal.
You looked up to see their blonde friend standing awkwardly away. Perhaps not wanting to interrupt the four of you. 
“You gonna introduce me to your friend?” 
At the sound of your voice he straightened up. Both boys urging you towards him.
“Y/n, this is Kurapika. Kurapika, Y/n.”
It was a brief introduction. Well, you supposed it was time for you to plaster on a smile and try to befriend him. Hopefully things would go well.
“Hi. So you're the infamous Kurapika? Glad you could make a special guest appearance today. I hope the boys weren't too much.” 
You extended your hand in greeting. Wishing you could focus your eyes on him to get a proper read of what he was feeling. He reciprocated your handshake with less enthusiasm than you were expecting.
To be fair, he probably just found out about you.
“Likewise. It's a pleasure to meet the person who they've been talking my ear off about for the last two hours. Apologies for interrupting your time together.”
He was surprisingly polite. Honestly, you were expecting him to be somewhat rowdy like the rest of their friends. Not that you minded.
You needed another levelheaded friend to talk to. And if you were correct, he was about two years younger than you. 
But then things quickly started going downhill.
“My intel tells me you come from a clan like me? Do I have that right?” He asked, unawares that was not the right thing to say. Despite his intention to strike up a friendly conversation.
“Intel?” Your tone was panicked.
 The mere mention of your past life enough to make you spiral. Something both boys could tell was happening from the way you stiffened.
“Uh Kurapika. Maybe now's not the-” Gon tried, but it was too late.
“I don't belong to any clan. I never did, so don't you ever bring it up again.” Ice.
Your demeanor was cold, an indication that you were mad. Though you tried to calm yourself. Maybe he didn't know not to ask that.
He couldn't have known.
You just didn't want to talk about it with anyone. Especially not a stranger you just met. 
“Damn. I knew we shouldn't have told him.” Killua said, already knowing where this conversation was heading. He quickly covered Alluka's ears.
“I don't understand why you're so upset about it. Could the disagreement you had really be that irksome to you.” The blonde's tone dismissive. 
The thing that inevitably set you off.
Like they didn't just try to kill you half a year ago. Like they didn't murder your sister right in front of you. Like they didn't turn your best friend against you.
“I said drop it. It's none of your business. But you know what should've been, since you're so keen on family.”
“Y/n don't-” Gon tried once more, tugging on your arm to get you attention.
“Checking up on your friends every once in a while. Do you even know about what happened to these two?”
“Guys,” Killua warned.
“Of course I know. You think I'm an idiot not to know about the Chimera Ant situation?” Kurapika's voice increasing in volume to match yours.
“Yeah? You know about Illumi hunting down Killua and his sister while his family watched? About the two of them almost being killed to better their psycho family's power? You know about Gon being hospitalized? About how nothing short of a miracle saved his life? You know about all that?”
Judging by the shocked expression on his face, he didn't know. He glanced over to the two boys to verify. And when they looked down to avoid his eyes, he knew you weren't lying.
He hadn't been a very good friend, had he?
“Didn't think so. So next time you think I owe you anything, think about how you've never given anyone anything. I don't owe you shit. I don't owe you an explanation and I sure as hell don't owe you my time!” 
Was it a petty argument that got way out of hand?
The truth is, if you could get past your one difference, the two of you would see you have a lot in common. Might've even become good friends.
 But you can never trust someone who takes the people they care about for granted. Who had the opportunity to support their friend on their deathbed instead of chasing after shadows of the past. Who only lets anger and hatred guide their actions.
And Kurapika could never befriend someone who doesn't understand how good they have it. Who still has the opportunity to see their family instead of their corpses. And maybe he's envious of the fact. He'd give anything to spend five minutes with his clan while you can't even bare thinking about them for five seconds.
And while you two disliked each other, you'd just have to learn to tolerate the other for the sake of your friends.
An: I didn't know if I should add tags to this one because technically it's not apart of our main story. More like an expansion on the lore, if you can even call it that. Now, I love Kurapika, I really do. But I feel like our insert from Moon and Sun would absolutely despise him. On the bright side, I should be able to start uploading a little more frequently now. Might even get back to weekly updates. We'll see~
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alhilton · 20 hours
Worldbuilding-ish question! Since this is a popular topic in xenofiction fanbases, I figured I'd ask what colors and patterns you'd think of first when someone considers making an "edgy" or "special-looking" fan character for any of the Hunters Unlucky species. Coden and Storm's pale gray and Roup and Teek's gold have already been noted in the books and you've touched on piebaldism in creasia before, but I'm wondering if there might be more, maybe especially among the species that seem to be more popularly-read as less visually diverse, e.g. telshees and curbs. If I wanted to make a fan character that looked really wild and unique without being utterly impossible, what sorts of looks would you highlight for that?
(Note: I'm not actually making any fan characters based on this question, but it's a consideration I really enjoy chewing on in a more general sense with both what I read and what I write in my own time... I definitely do think it would be cool to see some flashy-looking fan characters with rare traits around in the tags, though!)
Oh, let's see... Ferryshaft could probably come in most colors that foxes or dogs come in. Farmed foxes (sadly) come in an immense array of improbable colors. Creasia could probably come in most colors and patterns cats come in. In both cases, the variety of colors that already occur reveal that there isn't heavy selection pressure for color currently acting on the population. There was in the past, but creasia have gotten so much smarter than their prey, and ferryshaft have become so good at *not* being prey, that there isn't as much selection pressure for color as there once was. For curbs, the ones living on the plain would come under a lot of pressure to have colors that blend with grasslands. However, I've already mentioned that some of those living in the mountains look different. Dazzle's curb frienemies, Eclipse and Abyss are melanistic. Eclipse might even be chimeric. I describe them as "unusually dark in color, black in places, with white streaks and brindling. One had a completely black face and the other had a striking two-toned face, half black and half white." There's also one in Thrive (not yet published) called "Brokenstripe" because her stripe pattern is broken and might, in fact, look like spots. The mountains have more varied terrain, and I would think you'd get different colors. As for telshees, hmmm... I think of them as being mostly devoid of pigment. They frequently travel to great depths and dark places. But perhaps a pigmented one might pop up now and then. Or maybe they shape-shifted and got some color leftover, lol. They are magical animals, so less bound by the laws of biology.
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