#grimmjow thirst
kxkyuu · 2 years
Got very close to a nosebleed thinking about Grimmjow all tied up.
I give you a bigger nosebleed.
Riding Grimmjow while he's tied up. His muscles bulging as he fights against the pretty light blue ropes holding his arms down. It's all he can do to thurst his hips into yours so that he can fuck into you.
The way you'd grab his face and mock him for being so weak that he can't snap the ropes you tied. How you'd lean in to kiss him, only to hear the ropes stretch and snap as Grimmjow RIPS through them and manhandles you under him.
"I'm going to fuck you until you're begging for me to stop."
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jplupine · 2 months
Y'all remember when I wrote about Grimmjow gettin pegged within an inch of his life and put into a mating press? Yeah
It's been fucking haunting me for the past few days and by the gods do I need more of it
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"I watch Bleach for the plot!"
The plot:
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kingofanemptyworld · 11 months
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quick question, are there any grimmichi fics with this version of grimmjow? I know he and Ichigo never met, and he’s in the story for about three seconds, but… look at him.
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~*Grimmjow Smut*~
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“One bed trope” & Rutting/breeding
The Quincy war had ended. Soul society had began rebuilding from the ruins, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Buildings had been rebuilt, the 13 divisions coming together in unity after the destruction and loss you all endured. The new head captain, previous captain of the 8th, Shunsui Kyoraku, had led the shinigami into the new world created. Along with the new found peace, soul society had gained some new recruits. One of them being the former Espada, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques.
A brutally gruff man with a lethally short temper and a thirst for battle that rivalled that of Captain Kenpachi. After his efforts in support of the war and the glowing recommendations given by war hero Kisuke Urahara, he had been granted a place in the goeti 13 court guards.
Unfortunately, due to your inability to say no and your constant need to appease your superiors, you had been landed with the gruelling task of "teaching Grimmjow the ropes" so to speak. The arrancar had seemed just as disappointed by this match up as you were. Arms permanently crossed over his muscular chest, he had spent the majority of the past three days of your journey glaring at you. Which was preferable to the snide comments and rumbling growls he otherwise offered you.
You couldn't wait to make it back to the Seireitei, the last leg of your journey should have you arriving back by late morning tomorrow. You would suggest walking through the night to end the painful silence sooner, if not for the angry black clouds rolling closer at a rapid pace. The temperature had lowered considerably, your brisk walking thankfully warming you sufficiently. You pulled the map from your sash, eye brows furrowed as you came to a stop and tried to figure out how far away you were from the inn you had reserved for the night.
"how much longer?" your unwilling companion grumbled from behind you. Fighting the urge to throw the map at his head, you concentrated on the markings.. it's going to be at least another three hours of Mr. Sunshine's radiant personality.
"Are you deaf, woman?! "  Grimmjow growled, testing your patience "How much longer? It's going to rain soon" 
Folding the map back up, you took your time placing it securely in your sash as the winds picked up around you. The fact that you were waiting until you were finished before addressing the crude brute, was less about the efficiency of securing your map and more because you enjoyed making him wait. "About three hours Grimmjow. Four if you keep wasting time bitching" 
"I ain't bitching! It's gunna rain! " he roared at your retreating back, you started back on your journey, not waiting to see if he would follow
"aww, is the kitty scared of a little rain?" You unkindly teased over your shoulder. You heard the rumble deep in his chest, clearly about ready to snap
"I ain't scared of nothing!" such eloquent grammar the Espada exhibited. "Damn bitch, can't you feel the storm coming? Fucking weak shiningami" 
"Listen, Grimmjow, the longer you stand there arguing with me, the longer we'll be stuck in the storm you're so desperately trying to avoid "  you turn to face him, started a little by how he looked. He looked frenzied. Blue hair sticking out as though he had been running his fingers through it. His skin looked clammy and flushed, face had a dull pink tinge, unlike the brilliant red you had witnessed during a screaming rampage. His arms tensed at his sides, bulging biceps trembling minutely as his fists opened and closed in tight fists.
His eyes looked wild. The brilliant blue seemed faded with an animalistic sheen. Blown pupils darted around erratically, avoiding looking straight at you. He must really hate getting wet. The fight left you at the sight of him. Sighing, you offer an alternative, as much as he was getting on your last neves, it really wasn't in you to be intentionally cruel, "there's a trapper shack about fifteen minutes up the side road. It won't be as nice as the inn, but providing there's no one there we should be able to survive one night" 
He clenched his jaw, offering you a tight nod. Taking the hint, you resumed your leading, teetering off the main road to follow the dusty beaten path.
"you've got to be kidding me"
You weren't some materialistic princess, you could slum it with the best of them. Getting your hands dirty had never phased you. The state of the shack, however, was pushing it. The howling wind ripped through the barely held together shack, forcing its way through the rotting wooden slats. Every inch of the place was covered in a sheet of dust, the muddy floor held long forgotten footprints of past hunters. A sooty fire pit sat in the middle of the room, jagged rocks forming a wobbly circle, small hole in ten roof above to allow ventilation for the smoke.
There was a helpful pile of dried logs near the beaten door, clawing onto its hinges desperately. The one saving grace, as it had been pelting down with heavy rain the past ten minutes, the chance of you finding any dry wood outside was slim to absolutely fucking impossible. What made your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach, however, was the single bed pushed into the corner of the room. Thin blanket messily thrown over the questionably stained mattress, two pillows long since lost their plump plush. Two Tatami mats pushed against the opposite wall, probably stoping the wall from tumbling over.
"move" Grimmjow pushed his way into the shack, nudging your shoulder harshly. Shaking him self, not dissimilar to the way a dog would rid its fur of water. Grimmjow looked around the room, Unphased by the grimy appearance. He scoffed loudly, rolling his eyes. "Not up to your standards princess? "  he sneered in your direction, foot kicking the rocks around the fire pit. "Afraid you'll break a nail?"
You roll your eyes, refusing to engage in his snappy remarks. Closing the door behind you, silently pleading with it to stay standing at least til morning, you reached down to grab a couple of different sized logs. Stacking them near the fire pit, you pulled off your backpack, digging through your preserves to find your flint and steel and a pouch of dry kindling.
Kneeling onto the cold ground, you arranged the kindling into a loose pile, striking the flint and steel sending sparks into the bundle. When glowing embers caught, you lifted the pile to your mouth, blowing steadily until a small flame licked to life. Satisfied you began placing twigs into a teepee, watching as they caught light. Silently to built up the pile until a controlled fire crackled in the middle of the room, giving off its roaring heat.
Grimmjow had leaned himself against the wall, arms folded over his chest. Legs crossed at the ankles, he had been staring at you, watching as you created fire.
"No thanks Grimmjow, I don't need any help. Thanks for asking"  You sarcastically remark. The answering scoff you received at least let you know sarcasm was something even hollows understood. Too tired to cook yourself a meal, you pulled out some jerky and a pre-made rice ball for your dinner. Grimmjow didn't need anything to eat. While, you discovered, he could eat human food, he could also be satisfied by chomping down on smaller hollows.
That was a sight you wouldn't forget in a hurry. The animalistic way he leaped at the hollows you had encountered earlier in the day. Sharp teeth ripping into the flesh of the howling beasts with a sadistic grin on his face. Grimmjow swallowing those mouthful's of hollow flesh was something else entirely.
Banning the memory from your mind so not to completely ruin your appetite, you moved to sit on the bed, trying not to think about what that stain was. Grimmjow hadn't moved from his space as far away from you as the cabin allowed. Mindlessly chewing at your food, your eyes started to wander. His fingers had gripped into his biceps, the indents pushed into the flesh looked painful. He kept shifting his weight between his feet, crossing and uncrossing his ankles.
Your chewing slowed as you regarded him. You were in from the rain, drying nicely from the heat provided by the fire. So why did he look just about ready to claw his own skin off? Perhaps he was dreading the sleeping arrangements as much as you were
"so" you started the awkward conversation after swallowing the last of your light meal. He tilted his chin into your general direction at your conversation starter "how are we doing this?"
He jerked his head fully to you then, eyes widened "we ain't doing anything" his husky voice rumbled. It was your turn to tilt you head, this time in confusion
"sleeping arrangements? There's only one bed" you emphasised the point by tapping the bed below you. You see the realisation dawn on his face before pushing it away with a sneer. You couldn't fathom what he could've been so worried about
"pfft, you take it, don't wanna hear your bitching all night if you had to sleep on the floor." Grimmjow moved to the tatami mats leaning against the wall, throwing them unceremoniously to the ground with a thud. You were pleased to see they weren't hiding a gaping hole in the wall. Grimmjow fell backwards onto the mat, crossing his arms under his head and stared at the wooden roof.
Not letting the comment slide, you picked up one sorry excuse for a pillow, throwing it harder than necessary to flop anticlimactically on Grimmjow's stomach. You received a growl for your efforts. Throwing a couple more robust logs on the fire to ensue heat for hopefully the whole night, you felt confident to change into your sleeping gown and not freeze to death. While it showed more skin than your regulation issued shinigami uniform and as much as you didn't relish in the thought of rolling about on that dirty mattress all night with more on show, you hated the confines of clothing while you slept. You would just have to scrub extra hard in your bath the next day.
Locating your gown in your backpack, you climbed under the covers to change, folding up your uniform neatly and laying it atop your bag. Though it would've been easier staying dry in a shower, you snuggled under the blanket trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. The raging storm outside helped ease you into blissful unconsciousness, hoping that by morning the storm would've passed along with Grimmjows pissy mood
You wouldn't hold your breath though
When your eyes snapped open way too soon for it yet to be morning, you had first assumed it was the storm still raging outside that had woken you up. You remained staring at the wall, not wanting to risk waking Grimmjow, less you wanted to deal with his moody ass at being woken. The fire was still breathing, judging by the heat at your back. You listened to the usual sounds of the storm, rumbling thunder in the distance, they ruthlessly pelting rain hitting the roof, howling wind whipping through the trees. Yet sleep avoided you.
That's when you heard the shuffle of clothes rubbing together and a throaty grunt. You roll your eyes, of course the bastard moved around in his sleep. You tried to force yourself back to sleep, but the noises never stopped. You could hear his knuckles crack as they gripped the side of the tatami mat, puff of air escaping the spongy padding.
He squirmed around noisily, small grunts and husky grumbles accompanying his heavy breathing. You sigh loudly, the room stilling. A pregnant pause followed. Pleased with the silence you closed your eyes again, trying to drift off.
A chesty rumble and a thump that sounded suspiciously like a fist hitting the mat had you flipping over, leaning up on your elbow to glare at the Espada "Grimmjow, what the hell are you doing?" 
"Nothing". He tightly snapped at you, lacking the usual hostility. He stared at the roof, refusing to look at you "go back to fucking sleep" 
"I can't, with all your moving around and grunting."  You try not to sound condescending, but really, who could sleep through all that racket. "What's the problem? Are you cold or something? I could put another log on the fire..?"
"Its rutting season" he growled out deeply, voice so thick and sticky he almost choked on the words... Rutting season? Oh. Oh  That'll explain the frenzied look he sported earlier. You were at a loss of what to say, what could you say? Shinigami didn't go through anything so animalistic
"can't you just..? Ignore it?" You ask, ignorance showing
"The fuck do you think I'm doing?" He snapped at you, patience clearly wearing thin
"making a fucking racket" you grumble back "can't you.. step outside.. take care of it?"
He snorted at your suggestion, legs moving around on the mat "damn shinigami, don't know nothing." 
"we don't have rutting seasons"  you reminded him softly
"It don't fucking work like that. Hands don't work. I gotta knot in a pussy" the crass wording had you sucking in a sharp breath. Not quite the civilised conversation you were anticipating, yet the next words sent a rush of heat rushing through you hotter than the fire itself "so unless your offering, shut the fuck up an go back to sleep"
Offering? To have sex with him? What an absurd notion. And yet... Grimmjow was good looking.. in a demented "I'll murder you and everyone you love" kinda way. Tall and with enough rippling muscles for three men. A cocky grin with surprisingly intriguingly sharp canines. While usually spitting insults, his voice was deep and sultry. And his hair, such an unusual colour, yet it fit him so perfectly.
It had been a while since you had indulged in that cardinal desire, your throbbing cunt attested to that. You could help him out.. if only to finally get some peace and quiet enough to go back to sleep.
"Alright, I'll help you" your voice sounded strained to your own ears. Grimmjow sat up suddenly at your words, staring at you as though you sprouted another head
"the fuck you just say?" Utter bewilderment filled his voice, lilt of eagerness filtering through
"I said, alright"it pained you to admit it, twice. "I won't be able to get any damn sleep until you stop moving around" 
Grimmjow pounced across the room, literally leaping through the air and landing easily on your bed. Feverish hands ripped off your blanket, eliciting a squeak of surprise from you at his eager haste. Rough large hands ripped your gown from your body, jagged line separating the cloth covering your body. You glared at him, for ruining your favourite sleeping gown. He payed not attention, throwing the scraps of ruined material over the side of the bed.
He had a crazed look in his eyes, taken over with the animalistic urge to mate. His chest heaved with heavy breaths as he removed his own top, you noticed how he didn't rip his clothing. Surging forward Grimmjow buried his nose into your neck, inhaling deeply. Your scent filled his nostrils, eliciting a rumbling deep from his chest. You cry out as he bit down brutally, sharp teeth sinking into the flesh where neck joins shoulder.
His hips bucked against your covered core at the tang of blood seeping through to his tongue, deep rumbling escaping around the mouthful of neck he had in his mouth, reminding you of the purr of a cat. A big fucking cat. Mercifully releasing you, he swiped a strong, hot lick against the wound, cleaning up the drops of blood pulled out. Seemingly finished marking you, Grimmjow pushed away his pants, large cock bobbing heavily between you. Your eyes went wide at the sight, throat drying painfully.
He was huge. While similar to that of humans, it was bigger than any you had previously seen, by quite a few generous inches. And thick, you wouldn't be able to close your hand around the veiny girth to touch your fingertips. You couldn't tell if the weight appearing in your lower stomach was from dread or lustful excitement at the knowledge it would soon be inside you.
Ignoring your inner turmoil, Grimmjow ripped your panties off you next, throwing the scrap of material to join the rest. Angry retort died on your lips as he surged forward, attempting to thrust into you
"wait!" You nearly scream, holding him back by planting your hands firmly on his chest, twisting your leg to cover your opening. He gave you a warning growl, hand gripping your thigh roughly to move it back from denying him access, crazed instincts telling him to mount. The punch to the jaw you delivered brought him back to his senses some what
"what?" He asked through clenched teeth, finally making eye contact
"you can't just force it in" you said pointedly, glancing down at the angry purpling head of his dick. He gave you a questioning look, head tilted to the side in a feline manor. "You got to get me wet first"
Grimmjow rolled his eyes, crawling down your body he crouched down to be eye level with your core, before spitting loudly straight onto your cunt. You felt the hot liquid hit you, and recoiled at the grotesque action. Your mind almost short circuited when he tried again to mount you. You planted a foot on his chest this time, pushing him back.
"fucking now what?!" he almost roared at you, getting frustrated at being denied what had already been offered.
"not like that ,you brute!"
"fucking woman! You said wet, that's wet!" He let out his frustration by pushing against your leg planted on his chest
"We aren't naturally wet inside, Grimmjow. We need to be stimulated by foreplay,". You spoke to him slowly, like teaching a child "you need to use your fingers or tongue to stretch me, your dick will rip me otherwise " you begrudgingly add, he definitely didn't need the ego boost of knowing he was very well endowed. He caught the meaning anyway, cocky smirk making a reappearance on his face. "Try and make me actually want to fuck you, for fucks sake" you add exasperated, flopping back onto the pillow.
This time you allowed him to remove your foot from his chest, letting it fall to the side, opening up your thighs. His wet, warm tongue suddenly tasted you in a steady lick up the slit of your cunt. You sigh, letting your eyes close to savour the feelings, letting yourself relax enough to enjoy it. He repeated the action, delving in between your folds a little more with every lick.
Grimmjow let his mouth salivate at the new taste, his animalistic side relishing in the musky taste of a mate. Letting his spit slide down onto his tongue to leave on your silky hot folds. A breathy moan escapes you, shooting straight to Grimmjows throbbing, neglected cock. He gave an answering growl, plunging his tongue deep into your depths, patience slowly but surly hitting their limits.
He needed to start rutting, and soon. Your own natural lubricant began coating his tongue, setting his tastebuds alight with the heady taste. Pushing his face in deeper, chasing the slightly salty tang, his nose brushed against something that made you jerk below him with a loud moan. He pulled out of you, lower face dampened by his sloppy work, in search for what made you call out.
At the top of your dusky pink cunt was a small protruding bump, inquisitively, he brushed his finger against it. Another moan ripped from you, back arching from the bed, thrusting your hips up encouragingly. Grimmjow rubbed against it again, getting the same reaction.
Not letting up on his thumb pressing against the little button that had you bucking like a bitch in heat, Grimmjow shoved two fingers inside you roughly. He could feel your tight inner walls sucking around his fingers, clenching them tightly. Thrusting them in and out quickly, gaining hardly any give in your vice like grip, Grimmjow sped up his movements, practically punching his knuckles either side of his submerged digits into the soft flesh on your pussy.
You writhed beneath him, pleasure outshining the pain he inflicted on your sensitive mound. A steady stream of appreciative moans left your lips, turning into keening groans as he added another finger, stretching you out in preparation for his even larger phallic. Lost in a sea of contradictory feelings, you didn't feel your orgasm approaching until it crashed over you, pulling you deeper into a spiral of blind bliss.
Grimmjow felt the sudden gush of liquid on his fingers, getting pushed out messily by his thrusting fingers. First he sneered, assuming you had disgustingly wet yourself, pissing all over his hand. Until his sensitive nose picked up the scent, the same heady musk he had tasted from within you. Mouth watering, wanting to taste the tangy substance once more, Grimmjow removed his soaked fingers, going straight to the source to drink down the glistening wetness.
Lust filled fog lifted slowly from your mind, feeling Grimmjow greedily lap at your spasming Cunt, you tried to push his head away. Grimmjow possessively growled into you, gripping your thighs to stop you denying him his reward.
"Grimmjow" you called to him to no prevail, he ignored your voice, lapping at you hungrily. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging sharply. Like a cornered beast he pinned you to the bed by your wrists, staring challengingly into your eyes with a predatory look. His mouth was wet with your arousal, you could smell your scent on his chin as he tumbled above you in warning.
"Grimmjow," you tried again, submissively lowering your tone, whispering meekly. "You need to leave it wet, so you don't hurt me with your cock"
The mention of his cock seemed to remind him of the aching member hanging heavily between you. Releasing you with a huff, Grimmjow fisted himself, groaning at the full tug he gave himself. Lining up with your centre, he pushed in swiftly, burying himself as deep as he could go, stopping only when the engorged head of his dick bumped against your cervix. You cry out at the sudden intrusion, painfully stretching you beyond your limits. Your inner walls protested at the too big invasion, squeezing painfully around it.
Tears stung your eyes, mouth gasping to pull air into your lungs. It was too big, too much to handle. Grimmjow didn't allow you any time to adjust to the size, rutting his hips into you feverishly, cardinal desire to breed consuming his mind. You felt the burn as his rigid cock dragged against your walls, pushing against them unbending. Small sparks of pleasure tried to push through the overwhelming stretch, Grimmjow hitting every sweet spot mercilessly with each frenzied thrust. You concluded he was too big, too thick to miss, accuracy wouldn't be needed.
Grimmjows chest rumbled with a constant primal gravel. Pupils blown wide, the Panthera focused his gaze on the vivid bite mark on your neck. Powerful hips thrusted into you cruelly, chasing after his cardinal need to procreate. Dipping his head, Grimmjows lips found the swell of your breast, sucking the soft flesh into his mouth to clamp his teeth into. The cry you gave only spurred him on to leave his mark. The jagged tenth of his broken hollow mask scraped against your nipple, spike of pleasure burst through the pain.
At your whimper Grimmjow released you, deranged look in his eyes. You flinched when he lowered himself to your face, tilting your head to the side as a strained moan ripped from your throat. Half expecting another bite, your eyes closed, bracing for the new flash of pain. Instead of the sharp bite, you felt his tongue drag slowly up your cheek. The saltiness from your sweat flavoured your skin, Grimmjow hungrily sought out the delicacy, licking at your face protectively.
Rutting instincts being satisfied, the demented haze lessened enough for Grimmjow to filter through is own thoughts and wants. Seeing you panting beneath him, squirming in pleasure, face screwed up in painful bliss was a beautiful sight. But it wasn't what he wanted, what the alpha demanded of his willing mate.
The rough withdrawal of his dick had you gasping at the reprieve, legs fell flat to the bed heavily,muscles twitching in protest. The gap in the brutal penetration was short lived, however, when Grimmjow used his superior strength to throw you to your stomach. Equilibrium fighting to right itself, two large hands gripped painfully into your hips, forcibly dragging you to your knees. Round ass held in the air, glistening cunt on full display for his viewing pleasure.
The Espada slid his hand up the length of your back, cupping the back of your neck to push your face into the mattress. Pushing your hair away from the most delicate part of your neck, portraying the Vulnerable submission the alpha so desperately seeked. He thrusted his dick back into your dripping heat, claiming his mate.
Your back arched at the reappearance of his cock stretching you sinfully. Groaning with the wet slapping of skin meeting skin. Fingers dug into the fleshy part of your ass, kneeling the swell in his palms. Grimmjow had his eyes fixated on the way your ass rippled with every thrust, his cock disappearing into your hot, tight hole. Your wetness spraying out with every plunge, wetting his lower stomach and thighs.
The smell was intoxicating, addicting. Breathing deep he could almost taste the musky aroma, eliciting a feline hiss. His hands spread your ass cheeks revealing your puckered hole. Spitting loudly he watched as his saliva trickled down the valley between your cheeks, sliding over that hidden hole. Using a finger to gather the moisture, not wanting you to bitch at him again, the arrancar pushed his way through the tight ring of muscles.
You yelped at the sudden intrusion, spent body easily accepting the new addition as you laid heavily into the mattress. His brutal thrusts hadn't let up through his curious exploration, steadily pushing you further towards the most natural of highs. Grimmjows chest swelled with pride of having calmed both of your holes, muscles squeezing devilishly tight.
The heat encasing his cock was driving him wild, with feral intensity, the instincts to breed filled him. Slipping from your ass, he gripped your hips bruisingly, snapping you back onto his rutting cock brutally. The pleasure filled scream you have had his balls tightening. He could feel the knot forming in the middle of his dick, getting caressed by the tight velvety walls with each drag of his impressive length
"m'gunna fill you full of pups" he growled out, panting harshly "gunna fill your cunt with my seed" 
You scream out in pleasure, the knot forming inside you pushing against your already straining walls, rubbing roughly against your pleasure spot hidden away in your depths. "Your mine" the growled word's emphasised with increasingly powerful thrusts. A hand left your hip, wrapping it around your throat to pull you back into a painful bend. "My mate" 
Sharp teeth sunk into the back of your neck, latching on viciously. Hot pants forced through his teeth, heating up the bruising skin trapped in their hold. A bright light burst from behind your eyes as you descended into euphoric darkness. Violent tremors raked through your body as you convulsed around the dick forcing you into the most powerful orgasm you had ever endured. The strong hold on your neck the only thing keeping you from spiralling into the darkness threatening to pull you under.
The impossibly tight, the cunt surrounding his cock clamped down. Grimmjow erratically rutted into you in short bursts, knot no longer allowing him to pull out from your sopping channel. The knot snapped in a painful burst, seed rushing from him in blinding pleasure. The Panthera released the hold his teeth had on your neck to yowl loudly into the room. Hips stilling as his seed erupted inside you, filling you with his hot cum.
The lustful instinct to mate melted away at his release. Control over his mind filtered back slowly, allowing him to see the state he had left you in. Angry teethmarks sat proudly at the back of your neck. Slumped forward in his hold, your sweat soaked body hung limply, raggedly sucking in desperate breaths.
Laying himself across your back, Grimmjow Manoeuvered you both to lay down on the small bed on your sides. Knotted cock still buried deep inside you, Grimmjow moulded himself to your back, wrapping his arm around you protectively. On the brink of sleep you squirm, wincing at the pinch in your abused pussy caused by the pull of the knot keeping him in.
"stay still" his gruff voice held a semblance care, large hand soothing over the bruises left by his fingers on your hips "y'gotta let it go down or it'll rip ya apart"
Your body pushed to the brink of what it could take started to shiver, muscles periodically twitching as they relaxed. Thinking you were cold, Grimmjow grabbed the sorry excuse for a blanket, draping it over you. Head buried in your neck, Grimmjow soothed the marks left there with his tongue, methodically licking over the wounds, soothing the dull throbbing.
Arm wrapped protectively around you, slowly deflating cock nestled deeply within you, you fell into unconsciousness with Grimmjows cool tongue lapping at your skin. Satisfied you were cleaned up enough, Grimmjow tightened the hold he had on you, savouring the feel of his cock being warmed by your hole, full to the brim with his seed. Burying his head in your hair, letting your smell fill his senses as he joined you in sleep he so desperately needed, whispering a single word as he succumbed to the pull
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muzansfangs · 3 months
MARGARITA + Grimmjow 🩵
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The royal pet.
Starring: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x f!reader; mention to Aizen Sosuke;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, language, slight degradation kink, oral sex (Grimmjow!receiving), vaginal fingering, lingerie kink, playful face-slapping, cum swallowing, hair pulling, the reader is Aizen’s daughter, secret affair, dirty talk;
Plot: The thrill of going behind your father’s back and letting loose had always been enticing to you. Spitting on Aizen Sosuke’s rules by letting the Sexta Espada turn you into his personal plaything was absolutely enthralling. At the end of a particularly intense meeting, you found your way to Grimmjow’s quarters and helped him take his frustration out on you: the very person who resembled Lord Aizen.
Drink chosen: MARGARITA (blow job, cum swallowing, lingerie kink, vaginal fingering, playful face-slapping);
"On your fucking knees" Grimmjow growled, slamming the door of his quarters close behind him. The playful smirk gracing your glossy lips only widened, when you noticed the way his jaw clenched in annoyance, hands already working on the sash of his hakama to get rid of his pants.
He was beyond furious.
You knew the reason why wrath flashed in his gorgeous, piercing blue eyes. Earlier, when your father had publicly humbled him, flexing his immense reiatsu at the presence of the whole team of the Espada working for him, you were there too. Actually, you were standing right at your father's side, witnessing to the scene impassibly, albeit you were squeezing your thighs together underneath the white gown of your pristine uniform. You already knew what was going to happen once that farce ended. You could see the thirst for revenge in Grimmjow’s feral gaze, when your eyes had met for a split second. It was clear to see: Grimmjow knew he could do nothing against your father, therefore he had opted for playing with his precious daughter to get back at him.
He vividly remembered the day his Lord had introduced you to his flunkies. Grimmjow had never been the type to pay attention during meetings, sitting comfortably on the chair and staring at the void sounded better than listening to Aizen’s rambling speeches, most of the times. The formality that shinigami had always attempted to make the Arrancars accostumed to had nauseated Grimmjow to no end for months. Not easy to tame, he minded his own business, simply going straight for the kill when he heard Aizen needed someone to be eradicated from the world.
Still, hearing Aizen calling that pretty girl standing next to him ‘my daughter, your princess’, had made the tables turn pretty fast. Looking at your face, he could see some of your father’s traits, unequivocally confirming you shared his blood. Having you would have granted him a chance to get even with that bastard. Not even a week later, he was rutting into you in his bedroom.
Lord Aizen did not know about your affair and he was far from imagining what you were doing now, climbing off of the bed in that lacy blue lingerie that Grimmjow loved to tear off of your body. After all, you had mastered your ability to hide your reiatsu and, just like your father, you displayed lofty disdain in public appearence. No one would have ever believed you let the Sexta Espada ravage you every night.
“Someone is upset, I see” you said, stopping right in front of Grimmjow with a smug grin plastered on your face.
He clenched his jaw, blue eyes sizing you up hungrily “Cut the crap and open that stupid mouth of yours” he hissed through gritted teeth, before slapping you playfully across your cheek.
You huffed, rolling your eyes, tongue darting out of your mouth to moisten your lips. Apparently, he was in no mood to waste precious time. You got the hint of it, when moments after kneeling in front of him, his hand unceremoniously grasped a fistful of your hair and tugged at it. You shot him an annoyed glare, lips parting as he slapped the riddiah tip of his cock over your tongue. Warmth, that warmth he had been yearning for was finally tickling the sensitive skin of his cock. The sensation obnubilated his senses, a guttural groan of satisfaction reverberating through the walls of his bedroom.
Your tsked, sloppily kissing the mushroom head to lubricate it, before finally dipping your head forwards to envelop almost halfway through. Grimmjow wanted more. He demanded more from you; a princess had to skilled, right?
“Fuck— Go at it, come on. At least, you stopped yapping. You are just like that son of a bitch, y’know? So lucky, you’re so lucky you are prettier” Grimmjow ranted, lolling his head back as you began to suck him off diligently, tongue teasingly running on the prominent vein on the underside of his cock.
He grunted, screwing his eyes shut at this. Your vision was partially blurry, tears threatening to spill down from the angles of your eyes for the efforts. No matter how many times you had given him oral, you would have never grown accostumed to his rough pace and size. He perfectly knew you struggled, the gagging sounds you emitted had clearly never gone unnoticed by the cocky man currently face-fucking you.
However, you deep down knew why he never showed mercy towards you. It was all thanks to the blood in your veins, naturally. No one who shared Sosuke’s last name should have ever being showed empathy to.
The moment he twitched into your mouth, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat, you were granted the chance to breathe for he finally pulled out of your mouth. Saliva dribbled down your chin, a string connecting your lips to his cock, bumping onto your nose to still remind you that it could invade your throat at any minute. Classic Grimmjow with his devious ideas.
His fingers still tangled through your head yanked you up, tossing onto his bed. Falling face first onto the mattress, you attempted to roll onto your back to lock eyes with him. Grimmjow, on the other hand, pinned you back down. His fingers skimmed down your body, tugging at the fabric of your panties to push them to the side. Puffy labia glistening in arousal, he chuckled darkly at the sight of your heat.
“Fucking Hell, that’s so gross, princess. Getting turned on by being manhandled… That’s sick. — he gruffly said, before he slided his forefinger into you, the squelching noise music to his ears — Slut, you like it, hm? Degraded by your father’s underling, as if you were a cheap whore” he mocked you and the way you shrieked onto the bed, strained moans leaving your lips like a mantra.
“Shut up already!” you protested, brows furrowing, when he added another fingers and deftly curled them into you.
Blinded by lust and pleasure, you gasped and gripped the sheets at your sides to brace yourself. No, you were not going to last long if he perseverated in ferociously stimulating that spongy spot into you. The blissful torture did not last long. No, it did not, because Grimmjow did not believe you derseved to be properly pampered for your hard work, or for risking your own neck to let him ravage you in your father’s castle.
Pulling his fingers out of your welcoming hole, the Espada rolled you over your back. Panting, you shot him a questining look, only for him to grin from ear to ear and climb onto the bed. Hand wrapped around his cock, he began to jerk off with his knees at the sides of your head.
“Sorry, babe, but I ain’t got time for fucking you. You’ll have to drink up… Yeah, open wide Aizen Y/N” he rasped out, your nails digging onto his thighs as you closed your eyes and awaited.
Loyal, royal pet, you swallowed down the hot semen spurting directly from the Espada’s cock, tasting the sour liquid as if it was an act of service. Learning to love Grimmjow had come along with disobeying your father’s rules and pretending nothing went on between the walls of Las Noches.
Dressing back up, you made sure to join your father for dinner, greeting him with a kiss on his cheek and a benevolent smile crossing your sinful lips all the times. Those lips, you had kissed your father’s cheeck with the same impure lips that had been stained by his stupid Espada’s cum. How disrespectful you were
Hello there! Another one-shot for the event has been completed! The Nanami one is going to follow suit in the next few days. Thank you so much for your support!
Until next,
x o x o
TAGS: @beautifulblackbutterflies because you love Grimmjow!
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Sundae Tropes - Masterlist 🍨
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You guys amazed me! Like look at this beautiful masterlist! You guys did that! Thank you for sending in all your delicious requests and making this event such a success.
All the requests were run through a random number generator and will be written in the order below.
I will be tagging the person that requested the sundae on the one-shot when it is posted, unless you have requested it privately, in which case I'll DM you.
Please remember to like and reblog the works being written here. Engagement and interaction is what keeps the writers community going!
Original Sundae Menu
Now onto the lineup:
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Cookies And Cream With Sprinkles And Brownie Bits With Kensei And Shuhei = Marriage Pact + Threesome + 69 - posted!
Coffee Waffle Cone #3 With Megumi = Friends To Lovers + “Don’t You Dare Walk Away Right Now!” - posted!
Birthday Cake With Strawberries And Chocolate Chips With Toji = Amnesia/Mistaken Identity + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Lotus Position
Peanut Butter With M&Ms And Chocolate-Covered Pretzels With Ichigo = Secret Billionaire+Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking+Missionary
Coffee With Whipped Cream And Banana With Kenpachi = Friends To Lovers + Creampie/Breeding Kink + Missionary + Doggystyle
Cherry Flavor With Strawberry Toppings And Banana With Suguru Geto = Hometown/Reunion Love + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Doggystyle
Cookies & Cream Ice Cream, With Maraschino Cherries And Chocolate-Covered Pretzels Izuru Kira = Marriage Pact + Praise Kink, Lingerie, Blowjob +Missionary
Strawberry With Whipped Cream And Banana With Aizen = Enemies To Lovers+Creampie, Breeding Kink+Doggystyle
Vanilla Whipped Cream And Banana With Kensei = High School Sweethearts +  Creampie, Breeding Kink + Doggystyle
Strawberry With Whipped Cream And Chocolate Covered Pretzels For Aizen = Enemies To Lovers + Creampie, Breeding Kink+ Missionary
Birthday Cake With Strawberries And Chocolate With Gojo = Amnesia/Mistaken Identity + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Lotus Position
Vanilla + Strawberries And Chocolate Covered Pretzel With Dear Kento-Kun = High School Sweethearts + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Missionary
Can I Get A Mint Chocolate Chip Waffle Cone #5 With Ukitake = Soulmates + "I Trust You With All Of My Heart."
Cherry With M&Ms And Chocolate Chips With Nanami = Return To Hometown/Reunion Love + Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking + Lotus Position
Butterscotch With M&M's For Kenpachi = Forced Proximity + Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking
Fudge With Whipped Cream And Caramel With Nanami = Captor/Captive + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Thirst Position
Butter Pecan With Whipped Cream And Nutella! (Gojo + Geto) = Love Triangle + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Butterfly Position
Hurt/Comfort-Themed Cherry Waffle Cone Number Two With Hirako Shinji = Return To Hometown/Reunion Love + “Don’t You Dare Walk Away Right Now!”
Fudge Kitkat Banana Ice Cream With Gin = Captor/Captive + Exhibitionism, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling + Doggystyle
Peanut Butter Waffle Cone #7 For Kiyotaka Ijicjhi = Secret Billionaire + “Do You Want My Jacket?”
Mint Chocolate Chip With Strawberry And Chocolate Chips With Higuruma = Soul Mates + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Lotus Position
Cherry Waffle Cone #12 With Mr. Nanami Kento = Return To Hometown/Reunion Love+“Of Course I Know The Way You Like Your Coffee.”
Peanut Butter With Whipped Cream And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Nanami = Secret Billionaire + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Missionary
Butter Pecan With Maraschino Cherries And Brownie Bits With Kusakabe And Utahime = Love Triangle + Praise Kink, Lingerie, Blowjob + 69
Strawberry Kitkat With Grimmjow = Enemies To Lovers + Exhibitionism, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling
Coffee Flavor On Waffle Cone #16 With Higuruma = Friends To Lovers + "I Never Believed In Love At First Sight Before I Met You
Coffee With Crushed Oreos And Gummy Bears With Gojo = Friends To Lovers+Clit Spanking, Nipple Play, Bondage+Facesitting
Cookie Dough + Marshmallows And Reese's Pieces + Kusakabe = Strangers In A Foreign City + Teasing, Edging, Toys + Cowgirl
Rocky Road With Strawberries And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Toshiro = Teacher/Student + Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond + Missionary
Cotton Candy / Whipped Cream / Nutella With A Side Of Nanami = Secret Admirer+Creampie, Breeding Kink+Butterfly Position
Cotton Candy+ Strawberries With Nanami = Secret Admirer+ Passionate/Romantic Sex, Emotional Bond
Mint Chocolate Chip Waffle Cone #5 With Higuruma = Soul Mates + "I Trust You With All Of My Heart."
Rocky Road, M&M's, And Chocolate Chips With Byakuya = Teacher/Student+Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking+Lotus Position
Chocolate Flavor With Maraschino Cherries With Sum Chocolate Chips On The Side For Higuruma = Boss/Secretary + Praise Kink, Lingerie, Blowjob + Lotus Position
Cookies And Cream With Crushed Oreos And Bananas With Nanami = Marriage Pact + Clit Spanking, Nipple Play, Bondage + Doggystyle
Shuhei Hisagi X Reader Cookies And Cream - Marriage Pact Strawberries - Passionate/Romantic Sex / Emotional Bond  Chocolate-Covered Pretzels - Missionary
Coffee, With Whipped Cream, And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Gin Ichimaru = Friends To Lovers + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Missionary
Chocolate, Kitkat And Banana With Geto = Boss/Secretary + Exhibitionism, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling + Doggystyle
Mint Chocolate Chip And M&Ms With Aizen = Soulmates + Virginity Loss, Soft Sex, Sweet Talking
Vanilla With Whipped Cream And Chocolate Covered Pretzels With Nanami Kento = High School Sweethearts + Creampie, Breeding Kink + Missionary
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Tagging some friends :)
@seasparrow @pernesophe @sacredwarrior88 @starsinmylatte @itsfairly
@muzansfangs @harlekin6 @mangiswig @beneathstarryskies
@that-goth-bisexual @hunnie-lily, @bleach-your-panties
@bleachbrainrotbro @kr0wu @stygianoir @kenpachisbrat
@lees-chaotic-brain @actuallysaiyan @hellkaiserinphoenix
@whatshernameis @macchiato-dreaming22 @connorsui
@sitarawrites @j-u-u-z-o @jadedjane @stressed-cryptid
@akatsuki031 @kryptoniteforsale @estarlias
@illusionaryennui @vickkysthings @darkstarlight82
@dreaming-about-seireitei @buttercupbitches @the-eternal-sunflower
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All dividers by @/ cafe kitsune Banner by @actuallysaiyan
164 notes · View notes
punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Poser radicalist fandom takes starter pack
Luke Castellan was right and Percy Jackson dosen't understand how bad the gods are or try to fix the system
Aang was a liberal for not wanting to kill Ozai,Zuko was never evil but Azula was and Katara deserved better(than to never find Zuko attractive,marry Aang after dating him for years and consensually have kids with him and exist completely outside of cisfeminism and femme stereotypes)
Hobie Brown was made as a thirst trap and is the older brother of the Spiderband
Jason Todd not killing people anymore is defanging(see also 'He only killed bad people!' for those 'dosen't read comics' extra points)
Keigo Takami was wasted potential of a character and Dabi Todoroki gets off to easy
Ichigo Kurosaki wanted to join the Soul Society and never loved or was best friends with Orihime Inoue but with Rukia Kuchiki and had gay subtext with Grimmjow Jaergejaquez
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torawro · 2 years
AROMA ( addicted 2 u ). ( g.j. )
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pairing ! ━━  grimmjow jaegerjaquez  x  black!fem!reader 
cw ! ━━   minors do not interact. reader is also thick-coded and has no spiritual powers/abilities except that she has spiritual pressure and can see hollows and stuff. reader is also aged up to 20+. grimmjow has a devasting scent kink (olfactophilia) so there are many instances of smelling/taking large whiffs of reader. instances of kidnapping/coercion ( dubcon ), possessive and clingy behavior from grimmy because he’s obsessed. asphyxiation kink? (reader likes being choked). explicit content & language used. nsfw w/ descriptions of smut. unprotected + rough sex, a lil bit of teasing, groping, ass + thigh slapping, mentions of creampies. dirty talk, oral (f! receiving), masturbation (m! receiving). grimmjow kindaa gets pussydrunk. really just grimmy slowly going feral n falling in love <33
word count ! ━━  4.5k
notes ! ━━  yeah i think im just physically incapable of writing anything less than 1k words bc wtf😭😭😭 the original thirst where i got this from ( found here ) wasn’t even 1k, so where did the other 3k+ words come from ;-; idek if i like ending lololol. anyway this piece is basically dedicated to @garoujo​ bc i promised her for a while i’d do this. this another impulsive bleach fic, i hope y’all enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing :’) all my grimmy luvrs + fuckers wake up! i’ve come to feed you <3 REBLOGS ARE HEAVILY APPRECIATED! 
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      grimmjow’s adjuchas form was la pantera; a slender, panther-like animal that dominated the perpetually pale white dunes of hueco mundo. so naturally, (with my brain falling into grimmjow-specific rut) i’d like to believe that grimmy has a scent kink. and he’d never know nor expect to have one before crossing paths with you, a damned human, he’d curse in his mind.  there’s just something intrinsically wild and unhinged about grimmjow, and loving the way you smell ━ even to extreme extents ━ is just one of the ways he displays his affection for you. so, this segues into grimmjow getting very possessive over you very quickly and is almost …territorial with this pretty human girl that’s close with soul reaper ichigo and his friends.
it’s when he initially acts on his own, gathers his group of lower ranking arrancar, and invades the world of the living that he discovers you and your unique but slightly impressive spiritual pressure; impressive in the sense it was enough to see at least see spiritual beings like hollows and shinigami. during all the chaos and on his search for this ichigo kurosaki he’s been hearing about, he spots you on a sidewalk, engaging in what looked like a sprint, farther and farther away from a fight between one of his men and another shinigami he didn’t recognize or care enough to know the name of. from where he stood in the air, he could see then clear look of fear in your eyes. your facial expression was showed you were deeply distressed, your body visibly trembled━ 
then his analysis came to a pause. wait.
your body.
getting a little closer to the grown, grimmjow was able to get a closer look at what pieces of fabric were hugging that...voluptuous figure of yours. while dodging fall debris, maneuvered through the streets of karakura town in a baby blue, spaghetti strapped tank top that stopped just above your pierced, pudgy navel (the blue-haired arrancar had never seen a piece of jewelry placed there before, but found himself staring at it for longer than what was necessary), black yoga pants whose hem reached past your ankles, black ugg tasman slippers, and to top it off, your long black cardigan flew wildly in the wind as you ran. all his senses were sharper now that he was a more powerful, full-fledged espada, so he could hear the faint sound of clear beads from your butt-length hair violently bouncing against each other, giving you an individual style that grimmjow couldn’t help but find remarkable. and then without warning or a distinguishable explanation, some primal notion deep within his being, felt himself immediately attracted to you. but of course, being supercilious as he was, the thick fog of pride fogging his vision, he rebuked any and all lingering thoughts, curiosity, attraction towards you. you were a human for crying out loud. what was worse, you didn’t even have any powers like that orange haired woman orihime or that other strong guy, chad. they were human too, so what was different about you. not having the patience to figure it out, his ( initial ) regard for you plummeted and ultimately decided to ignore you so and carry on with what he initially came here for: to find a worthy opponent and fight them.
and that same wind that passed through your knee length cardigan floated irregularly through the atmosphere, making a slow and aimless ascension to the clouds that hung lazily in the navy-blue sky━ inching closer to the sexta espada. the air infused with your scent entered the vicinity in which his sharp nose was able to reach. the breezed wisped across his strong face and jaw, he inhaled it unintentionally and— God his mind literally blanked. grimmjow’s train of thought was abruptly flung off the rails and momentarily lost concentration on the fight he was about to engage in. he swore the hot blood that rushed down to his crotch from his brain was instantaneous, he almost lost balance.
what was that smell? and why in the hell did it smell…so good? his mind wandered, unknowingly becoming hopelessly enraptured by your aroma and wanting to fulfill the instantaneous urge to follow the scent, like a fucking dog or something. and when he remembered you running, panting heavily to safety ━ past his general direction ━ he put two and two together and figured out it was you. the ambrosial smell was coming from you, from that plush body of yours. it had taken his olfactory senses by the horns, and grimmjow nearly lost all his wits, the urge to abandon the whole fight with carrot top just to seek you out and take you for himself was getting stronger with each passing minute. and it was obvious he’s not good with impulse control at all, so the fact he had so much self-restraint to focus on the current task at hand was a feat in itself.
he was able to spot your figure one last time before you disappeared into one of the buildings a few blocks down. while senselessly beating ichigo into the asphalt of the street, there was a lingering thought in the back of his mind that liked seeing shade of blue against your mocha skin. 
maybe because the hue was coincidentally similar to the hair on his head.
soon enough the battle was over, and when he returned to his own quarters in las noches, laid on his bed and took a moment to really process everything? he could feel himself spiraling, but this time he didn’t do anything to stop it; he let his thoughts hurl themselves off the deep end. his senses were swirling, your pleasant odor imprinting on him more deeply than he had expected or anticipated it to. he needed to see you━ no, to smell you again. little did he know these budding desires would cause him to become enamored with every aspect of your being in the very near future. with grimmy being who he is, he already began to scheme and figure out a time when to go back to the world of the living. he didn’t even know what he was going to do but he just knew that he had to satiate these relentless thoughts. 
he could feel his member stiffening again when he remembered how just how you looked, with that frightened expression laced in your countenance. that paired with your sensual figure and how you smelled? without giving it a second thought, he scrambled to get his pants at his ankles so he could wrap his large palms around his girthy dick quick enough. he gave himself a few experimental pumps, precum was quick to bud from his slit when your round tits flashed in his mind’s eye. he then imagined how your aroma mixed with the scent of passionate sweaty sex as he fucked you silly would smell like, and just how much sweeter your voice could sound with his name dripping from your plump lips. with his mind racing, shame quickly evaporated from his body as he tightened his grip, his hand movements grew faster and alternating between different wrist movements. grimmjow cursed himself through deep groans for being aroused enough to even do something like this because of some human woman he saw on the street in the world of the living, but the poor baby couldn’t help it. 
grimmjow got so lost in the pleasure, in the feeling of how his heavy cock felt in his grasp and in his fantasies of bouncing you up and down his length, breasts jiggling in his face with his mouth clasped onto one nipple, like a baby desperate for milk from its mother. and he wanted all of your ‘milk’, and he desperately wanted to give you all of his; he wanted to fill you up with it. after overstimulating himself a little and having mind-blowing, sheet-gripping orgasm that left his chest rising and falling like waves against the seashore, his hips lazily thrusted into his fist on their own volition to prolong this euphoric sensation for as long as possible. usually, post-nut clarity was supposed to bring you to your senses, to a more rational and calm state of mind. 
and bring grimmjow to his senses, it did. because he stared at the unnatural amount of his solidifying seed in his palm, on his lap and near the hole in his abdomen, one thing became increasingly clear: releasing an abundant amount of cum didn’t make him want you less— it made him want you more. because grimmjow knew well enough he’d drive himself crazy with these kinds of perverse behaviors and thoughts of you had he done nothing to resolve the issue. with you on his mind, he wouldn’t be able to focus on the tasks as one of lord aizen’s elite arrancar.
eventually, around the time the fourth espada ulquiorra would coerce and kidnap orihime to come with him to hueco mundo, grimmjow decided that was the best time to. . . apprehend you as well. he didn’t even have a valid reason other than wanting to keep you for himself and utilize you as he saw fit. quite frankly he doubted anyone, including aizen himself, would care if he brought back a little something extra from the world of the living, especially if this ‘something’ was a human who was no imminent threat to aizen’s plans. if anything, this could only benefit him, since you were one of ichigo’s close friends and if needed, you could be used as leverage.
it would be at night when your fate would be sealed, the sky practically empty and starless. the lights from the many buildings and streetlights outshone any stellar body that hung up above besides the moon. and high in the atmosphere is where the garganta that came from hueco mundo pried itself open, like the mouth of a monster about to devour its prey. except the ‘predator’ in question was actually the sixth espada; and of course, you were the unsuspecting prey. his sapphire irises scanned over the vast area of the city, starting at the place where he last fought with ichigo.
memory served him correctly ━ probably because he was so determined━ and recalled the general area where your living space was. using his sonído, grimmjow already found himself hovering above the apartment complexes, and began to seek out your unique spiritual pressure. within seconds he was able to distinguish yours from the faint traces of the other humans living on this block, and he wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating from excitement or not, but he was sure he could pick up your scent from all the way where he levitated in the air. he had to suppress a growl as he followed his senses, and made an abrupt appearance on your terrace, which you unfortunately left cracked open because your bedroom was much too stuffy and desperately craved circulation from the cooler, night air. 
the blue-haired espada let out a sort of derisive chuckle at your blatant ignorance. 
it’s only when you opened the door to your bathroom that led directly to your bedroom did you notice that a stranger had entered your apartment. your heart dropped when you saw grimmjow’s tall, lanky but muscular figure sitting on your bed, his elbows on his knees and his eyes trained on you. he was like a cat, with how his gaze was so fierce and consuming. a wave of an unfamiliar fear washed over your body and mind, completely drowning you. your legs instinctively moved backwards back into the bathroom, your flight response taking prominence and deciding you’d barricade yourself in there. you weren’t even a hundred percent certain it would work, but you couldn’t just stand there.
but grimmjow was much, much faster. faster than what you could comprehend. 
his movements were so high speed, you had almost thought you imagined him sitting there, because by the time you blinked out of your stupefied stare, he was gone.
but your horror was unfortunately realized. in fact, you were not hallucinating the whole ordeal, because an unpleasant, static ━almost booming noise ━ rung out in your ear, and suddenly the intruder was behind you, one hand gripping your throat with unnatural strength, cutting off vital oxygen supplies to your heart and lungs, and the other harshly gripping one of your arms to keep you still. 
“scream, and i’ll snap your arm like a fucking twig. it won’t be hard for someone like me, y’know.” you tried very hard not focus on his rough palm on your windpipe, and how easy it would be to delude yourself into a line of thinking that, had then circumstances been different and you were already acquainted with one another, this could have led to an entirely different outcome.
but, at the moment all you could do was gasp raggedly, your mind slowly falling into delirium because you couldn’t breathe. using what little space you were allowed to turn your head back towards your assailant, your eyes widened at just how ferocious he looked. he looked human, but you knew he wasn’t; the skeletal row of sharp, saber-like fangs on his right jaw and the concerningly large hole in his stomach told you that; it was unsettling. what was even scarier about him though, was that he looked a little familiar to you. why did it seem like you’ve caught a glimpse of his face before?
“stupid woman. . . leaving your doors open like that. don’t you know that you’re inviting practically any body into your home? you’re lucky that it was me, and not some creep.” he taunted you sinisterly as his grip on your neck and arm grew tighter, and now your struggle to breath became more obvious when you started to see blotches in your vision. the balance beam tipped dangerously back and forth between arousal and the fear that ran through your brain at the thought you might actually die.
“w━wh..who a-are. . . you. . .?” you had so much to say, so many questions. but you physically didn’t have any strength to voice them and oppose him, and you certainly didn’t want a broken arm.
“doesn’t matter. all you need to know is that you’re coming with me. and no, you don’t have a choice so don’t try and make a big fuss about it.” grimmjow stated tersely, not waiting for your compliance or a response. it’s not like you could speak clearly anyway. 
given with how close grimmjow was to you, your scent violently invaded his nostrils, and he couldn’t help but lean down slightly from his height and take a deep inhale into your braided hair that was tied down with a fine, silk scarf. even a barrier such as that couldn’t stop your aroma to waft into his personal space. standing from behind you he also got a good view of your cleavage in the v-cut oversized black shirt you wore, and how your nipples reacted to the cold air from outside. he had to physically stop himself from ripping your panties off, gagging you with them, and stuffing your cunt by confining your arm into a tighter grasp. you thought it would break if you even moved an inch. he figured he’d only suffocate you, since he admittedly preferred not use force on you; you’re too pretty and fragile for that. grimmjow shook his head at the fleeting thought. he hardly even acquired you for 5 minutes, and you were already permeating and changing his ideals.
a transient thought of how sexy the man behind you was, how nice his chiseled chest felt against your back flickered through your mind before you succumbed to your unconscious.
by the time you awoke, your eyes adjusted to him leaning over your horizontal figure on the surprisingly soft bed, his nose once again in the junction between your neck and collarbone. you groggily recalled him getting a good whiff of you before you lost consciousness, but it didn’t occur to you how strange it was until you saw his handsome figure hovering over you like this. you lifted your hands to touch his taut pectorals in an attempt to put some distance in between the two of you, but of course, he was big and strong and wouldn’t move that easily.
“h-hey! . . .where am i? and what the fuck are y—��
he stopped anymore protests from flowing out of your mouth by slamming his hand over your jugular, which caused a startled yelp— one that sounded too close to a mewl— to tumble past your lips. you stared at the tendrils of baby blue hair that fell across his forehead as he lifted his face to look at you.
you couldn’t even maintain eye contact for five seconds; his acute stare quickly overwhelming you on top of the flurry of thoughts that wanted to ponder on his mean, but ruggedly beautiful and proportionate face. you felt shame heat your cheeks and throughout your body at these thoughts.
“stop. . . moving. and watch your fucking mouth when talking me, woman.”
there was something about the dangerous glimmer in his eye, the tone in his voice, and the blade strapped to his hip that you just now noticed was nudging your leg, that told you not to say anything more. the longer you processed this, the longer you stared at the gaping hole in his abdomen, the longer you eyed the arrancar taking prolonged whiffs of your skin, the more frightened you became. you reminded yourself that this — none of this was normal.
you were kidnapped. taken against your will to come to a place you could only assume was the place where all these hollow creatures came from, and the only reason you even knew that was because you were so close with ichigo. you felt your heart tremble and shake against your ribcage at the very real possibility that no one knew where you were or just who took you. you weren’t even sure if anyone was currently out looking for you.
pure terror of all the unknowns running laps in your brain caused the blood in your veins to run cold and freeze over. clenching your eyes shut as if you were trying to block out the impending dread, you tried to ignore the heat that blossomed and penetrated your thinly clothed waist when grimmjow’s fingers brushed against the fabric and fully took hold of your flesh in his possessive grip. the guttural groan he let out against your shoulder caused your body to buzz in pleasure. “i don’t know what the hell it is but you smell so. . . fucking good.”
time gradually passed—you don’t even know how long since the sky always resembled midnight and you had no watch or your phone — but your mind started to move away from your friends and lifestyle back in the world of the living and became accustomed to this life as grimmjow’s. . . .human. too accustomed, in fact. you weren’t even sure what you were to him, other than the fact he was always with you to some extent. he was always there watching over you, glaring at you and whatnot, always smelling you. had your mind become so deprived of genuine human interaction that you found this behavior endearing?
in a way, his clinginess made you feel safe, it made you feel protected. like— if you really wanted to let your mind fall down that rabbit hole— that no harm would ever come within 5 feet of you, so as long as the sexta espada was looming over your form from behind. 
as for grimmjow, normally, he would have harshly judged people who acted this ill-composed, depraved or obsessive, but now he was no better than them with the way he acted around you. there was just. . . some element that drew him to you, like a moth to a flickering flame, and it all started when your beguiling fragrance wafted up to his height in the sky that night. he was turning into a feral animal that needed to be kept on a leash; if he didn’t know any better, he would have thought he was reverting back to his pantera form.
if anybody’s gaze even so much as lingered on you for a bit too long, he would feel offended (why? he still didn’t know himself). his short temper would ultimately get the best of him, instinctively giving them a venomous “the hell you staring at? huh!?”, paired with his irritated and equally sharp glare. he’d rest a lazy hand on your hip or draped across your shoulder for good measure. 
and that’s another thing you noticed during your indefinite stay here at las noches, the name of the vast, castle-like building you’d soon discover later: grimmjow always seemed to be touching you in some shape or form. an arm across your shoulder blades, a palm on your curvy ass, a hand around your throat— usually to threaten you but you couldn’t help but be aroused and you were pretty sure he was well aware of this too— even when you slept. he quite aggressively insisted you share a bed with him, and his muscled forearm would always be perched across your torso. it wasn’t necessarily in a loving way, but more territorial. and when you’d wake up to find him closer than when you drifted off to sleep, with his nose wedged on your shoulder and a big hand encasing your breast, you couldn’t help but wish this, was a little more genuine.
and just like the animal adjuchas he was deep down, he consistently found himself to be in something of a rut, a lust-filled heat engulfing his loins whenever he looked at you, even if it was only for a second. you could be doing literally anything or just standing there, and the urge to pounce on you, to bite and lick and inhale your skin would become too strong at times. he constantly had to fight his primal temptations to shove you up against a wall or bend you over, and repeatedly piston his hips inside your tight heat — no matter who may or may not have been around. you caused his self-control and decency to deplete at alarming rates.
but, in those moments he let those impulses take over, which became increasingly intentional, it’s the most….God, you feel so many things when grimmjow has you sprawled out or spread open for him, practically in his palm and at his mercy. you could feel the possessive nature of his personality absorb you with the way his tongue danced across the canvas of your skin, and the way he gripped your hips so hard, constantly breathed your scent —like it was the only air he needed to breathe — as he drilled his hips wildly into your dripping cunt (he’d always tease you for how easily wet you get at any little, seemingly innocuous gesture he directed towards you, despite him doing it on purpose to provoke you).
out of all the positions he has, and will plan to, put you in, his favorite is most definitely back shots because he likes to watch his cock, with a scary amount of concentration and a manic smirk on his lips, impale you over and over and over again. he also loves seeing your luscious, fat ass ripple and bounce against his slender hips. “pussy so—” he’d let out a malicious chuckle and growl before roughly planting a heavy palm on your fleshy mound, the sound resonating throughout the spacious room, “—so fuckin’ good…all this time, before i even came and got you, you were keeping her tight for me, weren’t you? yeaaaah, fuck yeah you were princess. this cunt was practically made for me, just asking to be ruined.”
he’d say the filthiest words you’d ever heard when he had your back arched in the shape of a parenthesis. missionary admittedly always did it for him too, just so he can watch your face scrunch up in overwhelming pleasure and good hear you whining his name without the buffer of the blankets beneath you. and when he’d push your thighs all the way back to feast because he was hungry? you swear you lose your vision and see stars, practically ascending to the heavens when grimmy is devouring your cunt. it really shouldn’t turn you on so much when he takes a moment to unlatch from your twitching pearl of nerves, your slick sticking to his chin, just so he can smell you while he plunged his appendages in and out of your folds. he’d always edge you like this, and you hated it, but your whiny protests were dragged back down your throat and exchanged for a moan when he landed an abrasive slap on your thigh and muttered a gruff, “shut the fuck up, brat,” against your dripping sex.
he would be seconds away from cumming in his pants untouched when he treated himself to that first whiff. you’d be so embarrassed by it at first,but would soon enjoy it as much as he does; he basically corrupted you by thrusting his own lewd fantasies onto you and implanting them in your psyche. the sixth espada gets so drunk on the taste of you and the natural perfume of your pussy, he could stay down there for hours, until you passed out from the pleasure or physically couldn’t orgasm anymore. you’d have to hit him on the head to get him to come up for some air. even when you were on your period— some bloody human thing, he’d call it— didn’t stop him from effectively eating you alive.
grimmjow would soon come to the realization one night when he was balanced on his forearms on top of you, languidly rolling his pelvis in and out—with that slight upward motion that made your eyes roll to the back of your skull—that this, that you, were all he needed. nothing, not fighting any of his ‘comrades’ or enemies, not devouring other unfortunate souls, not the thought of getting stronger, could measure up to the way your palms grasped at his brawny, taut back, the way your voice got all high-pitched and soft, crying about how you “need more, i-i need you, love yo—oooh, fuck, yes!!”, and how your intangible essence surrounded and swallowed up his very soul.
as his thrusts grew deeper, faster and more mind-numbing, he decided that ‘yeah, this is it’. being inside you and taking pleasure in invading your mind, body and heart was it for him, he couldn’t ask for more. he knew he’d do just about anything for you if you just asked or bat those long, dramatic lashes at him. he hesitantly admitted himself that you were more powerful than he originally thought you were, because only you were able to make him come undone to such a staggering degree and reshape his disposition, even if it was only a little bit, and only for you to witness.
maybe humans weren’t that weak.
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あ TAGGING ━━ @yamaguchism @aaphroditeeeee @heartsfrommars @saintblk @h34rt4u @deathskid @nekoriots @hellavile @kxkyuu @eiflawriting @6kugo @izurou @bunnyyamor @garoujo @yooniluvbot444 @loyenne @satotokii @divilyn @obitohno @monirei @444yeager @sanjithesimp @cosmicdoechii @nobdytbh . . . . wanna join my taglist ? click here to join !
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osamusriceballs · 9 months
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I thought it's time to finally make a general post with all basic information about this blog! <3
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Masterlist (from two years ago)
Masterlist II (from two years ago)
Masterlist III (from this year and last year)
Kinktober 2023
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General rules:
- If you're a minor, please don't read or interact with any smut you find on my blog. I don't mind you reading the SFW fics, but the "smut" tag is taboo- PERIOD. I'm not going to control or check who you are or what you consume on the internet- you are responsible for the content you choose to watch and read, but please consider my kind request to NOT consume NSFW content on my blog.
- If you want to drop some thirsts or fic recs or anything else- feel free to always send an ask or hop into my DM's! &lt;3 You can also always tag me in fics or art!!
- I'm pretty much open to write/read about most kinks (not all though), but just ask if you're not sure!
- Other than that... there is not much to say here!
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- I only write for Haikyuu characters for the time being (might change someday, but thirsts about other characters are of course always welcome! <3)
- I will only write NSFW for the timeskip or aged up version of the characters!
- I mostly write for fem!Reader or gn!Reader.
- I don't describe concrete features of the reader in my fics (hair color, figure, height etc.), that's a really important thing for me. I enjoy fics that allow you to fully imagine yourself as y/n and I try to write in that way.
- As a future teacher, I don't really enjoy reading student x teacher fics... won't write that either!
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smut - for smut and all NSFW things
love you - for all asks
tw: ______ - trigger warnings, will always specify the trigger (e.g. "tw: pregnancy")
fic rec - fic recommendations
art rec - art recommendations
fanart - for fanart
not haikyuu - for content that is not from haikyuu
spoiler - for spoilers
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About me corner:
I'm Eve~ (26)
She/Her - but any pronouns are fine and welcome! &lt;3
23. May (Gemini)
Student (German and English)
My main is: @osamusriceballz, so don't be confused if I interact from there!
An absolute SIMP for basically every haikyuu character!! I'm not writing for other characters rn, but I reblog fics and art from other fandoms from time to time.
Currently obsessed with:
Including (no particular order):
Don't judge me, but Naoya Zenin is hot... my guilty pleasure >.&lt;
I'm also down for Chainsaw Man's Aki, my long term crush Grimmjow from Bleach, Shanks from One Piece, Dabi and Hawks from my hero academia, as well as Shigaraki- and many many more! Just hit me up with a character if you want to swoon together!! &lt;3
Newly added: BLUE LOCK- goddamn, I would risk everything for Nagi and Rin T.T I'm definitely down for simping for Michael Kaiser too and I think Oliver with his little beard is hot >.&lt;
That's it for now, a very warm welcome to you now, my new friend! <3
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foxydivaxx · 6 months
Another Excerpt for Gossip Girl AU Prequel chapter 5
Warning: totally NSFW and spicy
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Zoro lies on the bed as he awaits Sanji’s reply to his naughty thirst trap. The Internet shut down after photos of him at the beach sporting a brand new look resurfaced onto the Internet.
He decided to oblige the fans for once and break his silence by giving them and the world a little something to talk about.
He is aware of Griffith’s signing to his current label, a very petty and desperate move if you ask him. But rather than quietly accept defeat, what did the King of the Upper Eats Side do instead? Simply and quietly restrategize.
Part of why he and Sukuna came to Japan was not just to get in touch with their Japanese ancestral roots but to also get away from the bullshit in America for once. Come up with new sounds and styles no one has heard of.
Grimmjow happened to be in Japan ironically as he went off to spend time with his relatives and the trio messed around in the studio like old times. They met their old friend, Sasuke Uchiha as well and next thing he knew, all four of them started recording like 4 tracks together.
He was just going to take his time with this album. No rushing. Just going to take it slow. One thing is for certain; Zoro was going to take a huge risk.
It was at that moment that his phone rings. Smirking deviously as he knows who it is, he answers the call. “Hi Curly. Been a while I’ve heard from ya.”
“You asshole!! Do you intend to kill me?!” Zoro just chuckles. Truth is, he started as the typical boy next door. That selfie which had him pose with him lifting his shirt up and posing in a sensual manner that is bound to raise an eyebrow or two, has more or less shattered that image.
“Maybe that was the intention.”
“Geez Marimo!! You look….”
“I am done being a little boy. I am done playing nice babe. Now we are in a new era. Gotta let them know.”
“You do realize becoming a sexydol is a huge risk.”
“You are one to talk. You and that sexy ass that you jiggle a lot.”
“Pfft….you fucking like it and keep fantasizing about plowing your dick into my ass. Now to the more interesting question; how big and thick are you down there Daddy?”
The greenette smirks. He misses hearing Sanji call him that. “All I can tell you is that once you have a taste of my dick, your body will be begging me to fuck you more till your legs get tired.”
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ssailormoonn · 4 days
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⋆·˚ ༘ * i have a life outside Tumblr aka. requests might take a while depending on motivation. ༊*·˚
𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 'I want you to write...', it can come of rude and demanding and I won't nessecarily fuffil your request, I might write your request but there is a high chance I won't. Come of NICE when you request, e.g, 'I was wondering if you could right,' 'could you please write,' etc ༊*·˚
𝐈 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 for fem!reader (fabr), in most of the thirsts, drabbles, fics and headcanons i write, the troupe will be dom!character x sub!reader unless stated other wise or requested otherwise. I can write for gn!reader x charcater but not anything nsfw, sorry, i just can't write it right.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 :: if gender is not specified in request, i will assume it's a FEM! instert and will write a FEM! insert
I can also write any male x reader nsfw's but ONLY for Heaven Official's blessing and The grandmaster of demonic cultivation !!sorry if you want male x reader for any other fandom, but this is just the fandoms im comfortable writing this troupe with.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 :: I will rarely write a sub!character x dom!reader unless i like the request itself ༊*·˚
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ┈➤ fluff, angst, smut, and dark content.
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐒 ┈➤ cnc, duncon, noncon, being drugged, breeding, baby trapping, daddy kinks, mommy kinks, dd/lg, blood play, weapon play, kidnapping, yandere, coercion/manipulation, god complex, praise, name calling, degradation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, cervix fucking, size kink, age gaps, cockwarming, bondage, biting + more ༊*·˚
𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ┈➤ insest, stepcest scat, watersports, vomit, fisting, pedophilia, chastity, drowning, public nudity, gangbangs (no more than a threesome), hypnosis, duct tape mummification, consensual servitude, humiliation, harem boys, prostitution ༊*·˚
𝐈 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 ┈➤ au's!! (i will not write for a character outside that timeline/setting as in the anime. so please refraining from asking me to write a 'modern au' 'collage au' etc. the only exception is making that au within the anime setting, such as; 'character doing this instead of this', like that is that makes sense?) insesct, stepcest ༊*·˚
all characters are depicted to be 18+ and i will not write smut about a minor where there isn't a canon time skip for them ༊*·˚
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⋆·˚ ༘ * Hunter X Hunter :: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paradinight, Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Illumi Zoldyck, Silva Zolcyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor
⋆·˚ ༘ * Berserk :: Griffith, Guts ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Death Note :: Light Yagami, L Lawliet (L), Miheal Kheel (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate Rivers (Near)
⋆·˚ ༘ * Bungo Stray Dogs :: Dazai Osamu, Atsushi Nakajima, Kunikida Doppo, Edogawa Ranpo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Nakahara Chuuya, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Dostovesky Fyodor ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Sk8 The Infinity :: Kojiro Nanjo, Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Kaoru Sakurayashiki, Miya Chinen ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Bleach :: Ichigo Kurosaki, Issin Kurosaki, Jushiro Ukitake, Zaraki Kenpachi, Kuchiki Byakuya, Ichimaru Gin, Urahara Kisuke, Abarai Renji, Shinji Hirako, Kyoraku Shunsui, Aizen Sosuke, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Yumuchika Ayasegawa, Cifer Ulquiorra, Jaegerjaquez Grimmjow, Ishiha Uryu, Ishida Ryuken, Haschwalth Jugram ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Naruto/Boruto :: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Shusui, Uzumaki Naruto, Senju Tobirama, Hatake Kakashi, Hyuga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Jiraya, Otsitsuki Indra, Otsitsuki Ashura, Otsitsuki Momoshiki, Otsitsuki Toneri ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Demon Slayer :: Demon slayers; Kamado Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Tokitō Muichirō, Rengoku Kyōjurō, Tomioka Giyū, Uzui Tengen, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Iguro Obanai, Himejima Gyōmei, Yoriichi Tsugikuni. Demons; Kibutsuji Muzan, Kokushibō | Michikatsu Tsugikuni, Douma, Akaza ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Wind Breaker :: Haruka Sakura, Suo Hayato, Togame Jou, Kaji Ren ༊*·˚
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Hunter x Hunter - caught up with the manga and watched the anime
Berserk - completed the 1997 anime, completed the movies and the 2016 seasons, currently reading the manga (up to chapter 260)
Death Note - completed the anime and read the manga
Bungo Stray Dogs - watched the anime and caught up with the manga
Sk8: The Infinity - completed the anime
Bleach - caught up the anime, HAVEN'T read the manga past the newest season
Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden - completed the anime, completed the manga, completed all the movies
Boruto - Completed the Manga (haven't watched the anime) ╰┈➤ Boruto | Blue Vortex - caught up with the manga
Demon Slayer - Caught up with the anime, haven't read the manga past the newest season
Wind Breaker - Caught up with the anime, HAVEN'T read the manga past the new season
Mo Dao Zu Shi - caught up with the Anime, completed the novels
Tian Guan Ci Fu - caught up with the anime, caught up with the Manhua, HAVEN'T read the novels
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actuallysaiyan · 5 months
An idea that occurred to me after thirsting on a certain Discord server 🤭: imagine Grimmjow x You x Ichigo and a stupid bet about who has better stamina. Rules In short: who cums first loses. And you are the one to jerk them off. At the same time.
Hehehe they both think they can win. It's an easy bet, they think. But the minute you get comfortable and you're using that silky lube and damn...oh damn your hands are so fucking soft. Ichigo is trying his best to hold off, meanwhile Grimmjow tries to pretend he's not enjoying it but his balls keep drawing up so fast and he has to pull away even the slightest bit so you don't make him blow his load so fast.
In the end, they both end up glazing you like a donut ;) and roughly around the same time. Causing them both to become angry and demanding a rematch. This time? It's your pussy instead of your hands.
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Aaah just wanted to say you made thirst after Grimmjow
🖤 I’m glad I could bring you over to the deranged, feral side 😂
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muzansfangs · 1 year
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Starring: Grimmjow x f!reader
Format: head canons
Warnings: nsfw, vaginal sex, spanking, degradation kink, handcuffing, dacryphilia, choking, oral sex (f!reader receiving), oral sex (Grimmjow receiving).
Plot: basically, a series of nsfw head canons about Grimmjow, based on the alphabet.
A = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Grimmjow is definitely not a gentleman. When he is done with you, he simply rolls beside you and lays on his bed with a devious smirk plastered over his face. He is selfish and that should not be a surprise.
However, there are times when he shows you a part of him you did not know he actually had.
Whenever he thinks he has been particularly rough with you, he jumps on his feet and grabs you a glass of fresh water. He kind of enjoys taking care of you from time to time. Therefore, before letting you go to clean yourself, he simply pulls you back onto the bed and allows you to snuggle in his arms. This small moment of affection usually includes forehead kisses and his arm draped over your waist in a protective iron grip. He is not that good with words, he just likes to make you understand that he cares.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Once he has chosen you, he is obsessed with every inch of your body. Yet, if he has to pick his favority body part about you, there is no doubt that it is your hips. Why? He loves digging his nails onto them as he pounds you at a feral pace. Also, he is addicted to them and loves to watch you sway them to tease him.
His favorite body part of himself are definitely his thighs. They are muscular and they grant him the chance to stand still for hours as he takes you up against the wall. Also, he really loves the sound of his thighs slapping against your backside as he takes you from behind.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
The pride and joy he draws from spurting his cum into you is immense. Yet, there is something that really makes him feral. Maybe it’s all because the beast inside of him is an apex predator, who knows, but he loves to spill his cum on your stomach and chest. Why? He thinks of it as a way to mark you permanently.
No man or hollow is allowed to come anywhere near you like that.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would always deny that, if you ever found out about it, but he has always wondered what it would feel like to involve Ichigo in one of your intercourses. He is not really into threesomes. Grimmjow is extremely territorial. Yet, his thirst for glory and supremacy makes him wonder if he would be able to satisfy you more than Ichigo could during sex.
He will never talk to you about that, of course.
Maybe you could suggest him that? Oh, the effect you would have will be: Grimmjow.exe stopped working.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Of course he is experienced. He has been around for a long time and someone with that appearence, cockiness and smug smirk on his face knew exactly what he wanted. Despite that, he surprisingly had high standards. For real. Therefore, he usually had to turn to masturbation most of the times.
However, he knew very little about some experimental stuff and he did not know anything about toys. Yet, he made you feel things you did not think you would have ever been capable of experincing. And all of that happened without the use of toys. Guys, he is too good for this world.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
This man has two favorite positions. Missionary and doggy. It should not really be a surprise. Let’s take a close look at why he enjoys taking you in these two specific positions, though.
Grimmjow is a dominant man, a partner who loves to prove you that no one could ever make you feel the way he does and he likes to show it through his actions. While he surely enjoys gripping your hips until you will be left with some marks resembling small crescent moons on them, shout-out to his nails, he loves watching the effect he has on you. Therefore, missionary. He needs to look straight into your teary eyes and take pride in the way you leave your mouth hanging open in pleasure, as he takes you on cloud nine. According to him, you make some very lewd faces he could never get tired of.
Now, doggy is a position connected to his primordial desire to submit you. It’s an animalistic feeling, the uncontrollable urge to sheathe himself into you as deep as he can and make you beg for mercy. It is not like you can easily escape his grip like that and he loves it. Also, the spectacular view granted by this position is exactly what he needs to lasts for hours. Your arched back and you ass are better than a fight with Ichigo. And you know how badly he wants to fight that man.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Grimmjow is straight up serious. He takes the matter of pleasuring you as a military task. Yet, he always tries to whisper some dirty pick lines before the act to get you in the mood. Although they are really bad, and you wonder has taught him them, you just laugh it off and appreciate his jokes.
Some teasing comments here and there and even his attempts to tickle your sides to make you laugh make the whole experience balanced. Overall, he is the perfect mix you would always open your heart to.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet definitely match the drapes. Grimmjow takes pride in his masculinity. While he did not really pay much attention about how well groomed his hair were before he met you, that changed when you two crossed paths and, eventually, explored your intimacy.
He did not really want you to be uncomfortable while you gave him oral and he decided to trim and take care of the matter. While they may have been unkempt at first, now they are definitely shorter and tidy. Whenever you tease him about how lovely it was of him to do you this favor, though, he always grumbles excuses about the fact that it is a simple trend.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Grimmjow is not very romantic, so do not expect him to light up some scented candles and scatters some petals around your bed. When it’s your anniversary, when he feels particularly affectionate towards you, he will surely try to put some more effort throughout the whole act.
How? Long, passionate kisses and his fingers running through your hair to massage your scalp as he lets you ride him sensually. That intimate positions and some sweet nothings whispered in your ear are his love language.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before meeting you, it was another form or stress relief for him. Nothing he would seek continously, of course, still he needed it. Things changed since you are together. Why would he need to jack off, when he can simply ask you to help him out.
The funny thing is that, if you are not around and he feels certain urges, he just waits patiently for your return or chases you down. Girl, you cannot escape the panther inside him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Some kinks are part of him exactly like the hole in the middle of his abdomen. Let’s get started. He is not into hurting you, really, but leaving some marks on your skin and making you emit those cite little yelps he adores are not something he is willing to gove up on so easily.
Biting your neck and spanking you are probably at the top, but let’s not forget choking. He would never let it go too far though. Seeing you hurt and knowing it is his fault would probably only make him feel bad for real. And he loathes the negatives feelings.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere. Jokes aside, his favorite place to have sex with you is in your house. He loves paying you visits in the world of the livings and making memories with you in every corner of your house.
Your bedroom has a special place in his heart.
Maybe, Ichigo’s rooftop too. But that’s only to piss him off.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. The sight of his partner walking up to him with a soft smile on her face is enough to get him turned on. He has to admit that when you wear his robes he feels the urge to take you right here and there. He cannot still explain himself why, but he likes you wearing his jackets.
It probably strokes his ego.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Seeing you cry. You can tell he is not into dacryphilia. He loves seeing you desperate for him and exhausted. Overstimulated, at best, but not crying. As soon as a tear escapes your eye, he stops. No matter what you say, no matter if it was a natural reaction. He is not going to touch you again for the rest of the night.
Of course, if you point this out and accuse him of having turned into a sofie, he will yell at you. Typical of Grimmjow.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Grimmjow is more into receiving oral. The reason is simple. He likes to feel praised, honored and pampered. Also, he is kind of selfish and he likes watching you struggle to take it all in your mouth. You look cute like that, according to him.
If he feels the desire to give you oral though you are in for a ride. He only laps at your folds, if you sit on his face. Do him a favor, make him happy, just lower your heat on his mouth and let him enjoy his feast. The bruises on your thighs of his fingerprints are worth it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough and steady, fast and feral. It does not matter which pace he picks. You are always going to end up squirming in his arms. If he has to choose a pace by default, he will go with fast and feral. It is just in his inner nature.
Yet, especially if you have been apart for too long, he will take his time with you. Hard, deep and steady thrust to create a passionate rhythm are what await ahead of you. Long nights in his bed and days spent in trying to walk properly are a sweet torture you can endure.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He is not against them, but he is one of those guys who do not want to feel the pressure of time on their shoulders. Every single time you end up in bed, he wants you to feel good for real. He believes that quickies may ruin his performance.
Then again, if he is stressed or angered, he would have no problem in cornering you somewhere safe from prying eyes and steam off some stress by thrusting into you at a feral pace. He does not even care if someone walks in on you two.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
This man is down for whatever. He would do whatever it takes to please both you and himself. He is willing to experiment anything you suggest, even if sometimes he is the one who comes up with new ideas. This might have happened after he bumped into porn sites. Take the computer away from him.
Yet, the risks he is willing to take never go too far though. Since he actually can’t get you pregnant, he does not consider finishing into you as a risk. He won’t go too far in risking to hurt you either. The furthest he is willing to go is probably public sex. He is completely unbothered by the idea of getting caught during the act. It’s a risk that turns him on.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man can and will last for hours. Most of the time, you end being overstimulated and he draws pleasure from it. While he is a little bit selfish and keeps on chasing his orgasms no matter what, he knows he cannot risk having you faint on him or be too sore.
He stops as soon as you ask him to. He has some sense of decency and respect for you. He loves you, after all.
In terms of rounds, he could literally go for five, or six rounds, but restrains himself and sticks up to a maximum of three. You matter more than his climax to him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Grimmjow didn’t actually know about toys and their use until you introduced him to them. He was intrigued at first and decided to use even some of them. His favorite ones are clearly restraints and it is not a surprise that he loves to handcuff you and watch you squirm as he tortures you with the use of a vibrator.
However, his pride sometimes suggests him not to involve them too much during your intercourses because he would rather be the one to cause you pleasure directly.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Despite what the majority of you would think, Grimmjow is not much a teaser. Why? He is too hungry to waste some precious time in trying to constantly bring you to the edge and let you down before you can reach your climax.
Unless you have somehow truly got on his nerves or you beg him to actually tease you, he will go straight to the point. He has to admit that your pleas when he hundcuffs you are quite arousing though.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Actually, Grimmjow is not that vocal. Naturally, he is not that silent either. The sounds he emits are guttural, almost animalistic. He loves to grunt and growl next to your ear, whispering some dirty words here and there to point out that you are the reason why he is sounding like a beast. He is so masculine and his raspy voice as he swears before reaching his climax is one of the most arousing sound you have ever heard in your life.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
What makes him go absolutely feral? Well, as mentioned above, he loves to cover you in his cum. Now, if you ask him what paradise feels like for him, that is the scenery he is going to describe to you.
Grimmjow spurting his semen on your face. It is degrading, animalistic, vulgar and dirty. Yet, he does not intend it as such, not even as an act of submission. He finds it adorable the way you look like that, messy and kneeling in front of him as he marks you as his preperty.
Yeah, the infamous Sexta Espada is going to go for another round with you after that.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Probably around 6 inches long and impressively thick. He definitely knows how to make the experience enjoyable for both of you. The tip is a bright shade of pink and his light-blue patch of hair on ‘v’ line makes him absolutely hot as he towers over you before the act.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?).
High, extremely high. If it depended on him, he would probably have you pinned down underneath him every time you make eye-contact. If your gaze lingers on him for too long, approximately, five seconds, you are surely not going to be able to walk properly for a few hours. This man is hungry. Feed him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards).
He does not really feel the urge to sleep and his stamina are something out of this world. He could literally lasts for hours and still not feel the urge to sleep. However, since you do seem to enjoy cuddling after it and resting together seem something he labels as a ‘couple thing’, he allows himself to take small naps.
If he does, there is no way in the world you are going to leave the bed. If he sleeps, you will sleep with him.
Hi guys! That’s the first nsfw alphabet I have ever written in my life and, as you have requested in my poll, here we are with Grimmjow. Next to come will be Aizen and Urahara! Let me know if you want to be tagged in them, when I will update the works!
Likes, comments and reposts are appreciated!
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chojomojo · 1 year
i finally decided to actually try out opentoonz so here is my first choppy lip sync with marcellus, he belongs to @kaoticshiba
the voice clip is from fire force. i chose this sentence because it was the first and i wanted to do the last part with the grin
also is it obvious i thirst for tsudaken’s voice? i mean who wouldn’t come on man it’s tsuda kenjiro hhhhhhhhhhhhhh and also suwabe junichi oh god that man had me on chokehold with grimmjow from bleach
i have no idea how i survived watching gangsta seriously the main duo were suwabe junichi and tsuda kenjiro like the fucking combo
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