tending-the-hearth · 3 months
the reason it's a crime that we don't get a percy and grover reunion is that we will never get percy running to grover, tackling him in a hug, and immediately beginning to ramble out apology after apology
and grover thinks it's because he disappeared, and he's all mushy because he has his his best friend whom he loves so much back, but then he starts actually listening as percy apologizes more and more
and percy is just rambling on saying things like "i'm so sorry you had to put up with that, gods how in hades' name did you put up with annabeth and i for four years, i couldn't stand it for a week, they were so oblivious, g-man, i'm going to buy you so many soda cans"
and grover's very confused until percy grabs him and drags him over to introduce him to hazel and frank, and grover takes one look at them and everything makes sense, and he just pats percy on the back because FINALLY someone understands his pain
(and then he actually talks to hazel and frank and they just stare at him because how on earth did he actually manage to keep percy alive for all that time on his own and grover feels even more validated because now he has two more people who understand him)
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
idk if you're taking brotps for that ship ask game but if you are, what about irondad and spiderson and if you're not, what about grover/juniper?
Thanks for playing! Though I dont... I wouldn’t count a father/son dynamic as a brOTP because there is the bro implication, friendship. A mentor/mentee relationship by default isn’t really that. I did like the Iron Dad and Spider-Son dynamic while I was still in the Marvel fandom though, if that answers that? ;)
Now, Groviper I can actually answer for the ask game though!
vomit / don’t ship / okay / it's complicated / only in an OT3+ / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / sexy / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
I think they’re very precious and cute and Grover deserves all the happiness! ^-^
Send me a ship!
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solangelo-af-blog · 7 years
Was scrolling down my page until I realized it was both Grover Underwood and Frank Zhang’s birthday. Love you guys!
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 5 years
What are all your ships with Piper? With Ethan? With Carter? With Samirah? Anubis? Silena? Octavian?
I ship Piper with a bunch of people. The classics : Reyna (Pipeyna), Leo (Liper), Annabeth (Pipabeth), Calypso (Pipalypso) and Hazel (Pipazel). The less common ones : Thalia (Thaliper), Will (Wiper), Frank (Friper) and Rachel (Pipachel). And the more cracky ones : Hylla (Pipylla), Luke (Pipuke, Lukiper), Ethan (Pipethan), Clarisse (Clariper), Grover (Groviper), Zoe (Pipoe), Connor Stoll (long story short, she wasn't paired in one of my AUs so I put her with Connor, waiting for a better idea... but too late, I was in love with Piponnor), Octavian (Octiper), Nyssa (Pipyssa) Lityerses (Piperses), Kayla (Pipayla), Samirah (Samiper), Alex (Alexiper) and Zia (Ziper). There has to be more I'm unfortunately forgetting about. But for now, there's 23 people.
With Ethan, I ship Percy (Percethan), Nico (Ethico), Alabaster (Ethabaster), Jason (Ethason), Octavian (Octhan), Carter (Carthan), Anubis (Ethanubis) Charles Beckendorf (Charlethan, Nakendorf) (with kind of a Solangelo dynamic), Magnus (I'm starting to imagine it and it's nice), Chris (Christhan) and Lityerses (Lithan) for the m/m ships. And for the m/f ones : Calypso (Ethalypso), Piper (Pipethan), Bianca (Ethanca),Annabeth (Ethabeth), Rachel (Ethachel), Zia (Ethia), maybe Thalia (Ethalia) (still exploring it), maybe Hazel (Ethazel) (same), Silena (Silethan), Reyna (Reythan) and possibly Drew (Drethan). I just think Ethan has a big "help at redemption while redeeming himself" potential. Which make a total of 22 people.
Our pharaoh boy Carter now, I ship him with (except Zia, sorry have to say it, I really like Zarter) : Percy (Cartercy), Grover (Grovarter), Magnus (Cartus), T.J. (Cart.j.), Samirah (Samirter), Amir (Amirter), Annabeth (Anarter), Jason (Cartason), Ethan (Carthan), Calypso (Cartypso), Anubis (Cartubis), Nico (Nicarter), Bianca (Biancarter) and Hazel (Cartel, Harter)... yes... I think Carter would suits well with the underworld's kids... And it's a result of 14 ships.
Samirah now, I like shipping her with : Magnus (Magnirah, Samagnus), Mallory (Mallorah), Grover (Grovirah), Thalia (Thalirah), Clarisse (Clarah), Calypso (Calyrah), Zia (Zirah), Sadie (Sadirah), Walt (Waltirah), Annabeth (Samirabeth), Reyna (Samireyna, Arellabbas), Piper (Samiper), Carter (Samirter), Hylla (Samylla) and Zoe (Zoirah) (again, a Valkyrie with the queen of the Amazons or the huntress' lieutenant ? Great.) Which make 15 people I can remember.
Anubis ? Honestly I don't ship it a lot (and I love Sanubis/Waltnubis), but I can think about : Carter (Cartubis), Nico (Anubico), Bianca (Anubianca), Zoe (Zobis), Ethan (Ethanubis), Luke (Anuke), Rachel (Anuchel), Leo (Leubis), Calypso (Anupso), Halfborn (Gunbis) and Thanatos (Anubos). 11, 11 there is.
The dear Silena now : Ethan (Silethan) (more I think about it, more I really like this ship), Reyna (Sileyna), Artemis (Artena), Zoe (Zoena), Alabaster (Silenaster), Calypso (Calena, Silypso), Percy (Percylena), Thalia (Thaliena) and Lityerses (Silyerses). 9 ships for miss Beauregard.
And finally, the roman we love hating the most : Octavian. I ship mister teddy bears with Ethan (Octhan), Percy (Octercy), Luke (Luktavian), Alabaster (Octabaster) Drew (Drewtavian), Jason (Jastavian), Dakota (Dakotavian), Reyna (Octeyna), Calypso (Octalypso) (a little), Piper (Octiper), Lou Ellen (Octellen) Nico (Nictavian), Lityerses (Octyerses) and maybe, MAYBE, Sadie (Sadivian), I don't know, I think about it. Honestly, I didn't think there were so much : 14.
This are the ones which came to my mind. But remember I ship this characters in OT+ too. There's some combination I don't like as pairing, but when you put this pair with someone else, it can works way more easily with me (like Octachel that I don't like, but add Percy and I'm a fan).
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the-t-rixx · 8 years
PJO/HoO/MCGA Ship Names According to Autocorrect
(including non-canon ones)
Percabeth - Permanently
Solangelo - Solangelo (👍🏼 )
Jasper - Harper
Caleo - Valero
Frazel - Frazer
Groviper - Grouper
Percico - Pelvic
Pipabeth - Pitney
Jasico - Karmic
Reynico - Robocop (😂 )
Valdangelo - Clamshell (???)
Perjasico - PepsiCo (😂 )
Jercy - Marci
Lazel - Lark
Tratie - Treasuries
Tylla - Tulsa
Fierrochase - Firehouse
Perachel - Preacher
Thalico - Thalia
Theyna - Then
Brason - Brain
Stason - Season
Liper - Kipper
Jeyna - Jenna
Perlypso - Polyps
Pipeyna - Puppetry
Blitzstone - Birthstone
Samir - Sami
Jacktide - Jackie
Octachel - Pistachio (😂 )
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joleanart · 8 years
If you're taking requests, I'd love to see Groviper (Grover and Juniper) in your style.
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the-squirrel-queen · 9 years
Gay ships are yay ships, but straight ships are also great ships
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Fic Requests?
I'm bored and I feel like writing some short stories.
Send me ship prompts/ideas please:
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3daysand3months · 11 years
In this story, an eccentric environmentalist runs into a smuggler who hates animals. What starts as a professional relationship soon turns into infatuation - all thanks to someone taking a bath.
hmm... sounds like a good Groviper story. now the question is: who would be the person taking a bath?
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
listen if we do not get adorable puppy love grover and juniper in the show I am going to riot give me my special goat man and his flower wife in loves IMMEDIATELY
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