#growing pains by billie piper
doverstar · 6 months
actually I love Tentoo and he is the Doctor and it was the only ending for Rose that worked and it is a huge gift to be able to have the man she loves grow old with her, they were always heading for that, y'all be quiet. I 100% understand the angst but it's okay, they're okay, good ending-
#did you want her to...not end up with the doctor?#she ended up with the doctor. she ended up with the doctor and they get to AGE together#they get to have a real honest relationship the way they both always genuinely wanted#it's hard that the full time lord version has to carry on without her but that is the way that character's story ALWAYS goes#the doctor does not get to keep ANYONE. it would be a different show if he did#meanwhile there is a version of that same face of his - the one that was MADE for love? particularly born out of love for ROSE? the one 1/2#2/2 that always wanted a FAMILY? and stability? and a normal life? the tenth doctor longed for that specifically because of rose#now he gets to have it AND be part-human so he doesn't have to watch her get old. he gets old WITH HER#and they're canonically growing their own Tardis so you don't even have to be sad that they're not adventuring in time and space as usual#because they ARE. it's the kindest ending for either character. and if the full time lord hadn't left without either of them-#-he would have had to lose them eventually. lose Rose because she's human? hello? painful? but instead he was selfless and left her-#-with a proper happy ending. which she CHOSE to have so you can't be like “he tricked her!” she chose to kiss one of them and it was Tentoo#they are the same man. Rose won in this scenario.#and I GET IT I am with Billie Piper I think it will always feel a little off that she was left with Tentoo and not the full time lord#I understand. it still makes me a little sad. but I know it's a good ending writing-wise. really the ONLY ending.#yes I know about the popular idea of Immortal!Rose or Bad Wolf Rose or whatever and that's cute and all BUT - it's not a GOOD thing#it's not PREFERABLE to be immortal. Rose doesn't want to live forever. she wants to be with the man she LOVES forever.#she doesn't want to not die or adventure for all time. she wants to be there to hold his hand. and when Tentoo is born she gets THAT!#Immortal!Rose is tragic. the Doctor would not wish the burden of immortality on the woman he loves HELLO#anyway#I ship timepetals. that includes Tentoo/Rose. because he is the doctor#so there#I have more thoughts on Tentoo specifically but I digress#maybe if provoked in an Ask or something idk#doctorrose#timepetals#opinion piece#tenrose#tentoo#handy
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anteroom-of-death · 11 months
Kinda wanna hear what Billie Piper's thoughts are about what goes down in Britney Spears' autobiography....
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
so on doctor who confidential they talked about how rose was meant to really appeal to young girls, partially because doctor who traditionally had been considered a bit of a boys club in the past (whether or not that was true, I don't know. certainly depictions of classic!DW fandom has been mostly men, but then, that tended to be true of star trek as well and we all know that women were running the fandom show there. however I digress) --
the point of this show from the get go was to appeal more to women and girls, deliberately, because rtd likes writing for women (chris eccleston also said that rtd was better at writing the companion and that was right and good)
so there was the fact that she was 19 (and how that made her really Grown Up and Cool to teens and kids who were tuning into the first ever doctor who for 17 years, which, as the age-group who saw rose as a kid, correct), the fact that she was getting into arguments with her mum and being rebellious and trying to figure her identity out, the fact that she was 2000s era fashion-forward but still dressed within a budget and in a way that seemed realistic -- and speaking of realistic, That. she was meant to really make girls feel like they could accomplish things, and in some ways grow up with her. I think that worked so well for those of us who started with her era at a Certain age (whether or not we still ID as girls of course....) and she really was the perfect first companion. her story was based in that joy of leaving it all behind and fear of the responsibilities of adulthood and growing up and the real pain of that. in many ways a bit of a wendy darling, but more relatable and from the estate. she was growing up and it was tough
it felt like rose really was the beating heart of the show, giving it life those first couple of seasons as it was allowed to grow from a new exploration of what its identity was going to be and into what came next. and of course then she haunts the narrative for ages afterwards, which is always fun (I mean heck, we've got a "rose" character coming up in 2023! nearly 20 years after she was there)
billie piper was such an iconic and important part of what made doctor who work. the companion now had this depth of feeling about her and you knew this person, you knew why she wanted to run away, because you did too. just cannot overstate how much I adored rose
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Billy loomis x pregnant reader where she goes into labor during one of his killings?
OMG this is so cute, It's kinda short but very fluffy.
Content warning: Pregnancy, stabbing, mentions of murder, cursing, and fluff so sweet you could die.
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Due to you being nine months pregnant, Billy really didn’t want you at Stu’s party. Mostly because of the events that would be unfolding there. But you insisted, you wanted to be there for moral support, well and free food. You and Billy were having a little girl in a few weeks and you both were so hyped for it, you decided on the name Piper for your little gremlin, And neither of you couldn’t wait for her arrival. Apparently she couldn’t wait either, Because just as Billy killed Sidney and her father you felt your water break. “Uhh, Billy? I think my water just broke.” in an instant Billy dropped the bloodied knife and ran over to your side on the couch. “She’s not supposed to come for another few weeks!” Billy yelled as he got over to you, “Well tell that to her! Oh my god I knew it would be bad but not this bad!” “Well you are pushing a baby through your pussy, I would be surprised if it didn’t hurt!” Stu said as he sauntered over there seeming to have no care in the world. Billy rolled his eyes and took another knife out of his pocket and stabbed Stu. “That should hurt! Shut the fuck up Fuckrag!” Stu just groaned and complained before  going back to the kitchen holding his wound. That was when you both realized that the cops would be there any minute and it currently looked like you were guilty. Billy took the knife and stabbed himself real quick, “What the fuck Billy!” you yelled as he stabbed himself, “Babe the cops are going to think we did it and I don’t want to miss our baby growing up.” You groaned from the shoots of pain hitting your lower stomach, Just then you heard sirens from police cars. “Sorry Babe, this is going to hurt, just hold on to me.” you did as Billy said before he stabbed you in the shoulder, Honestly it didn’t hurt as bad as the contractions. Billy stuffed the knife under the couch and Started to yell for help.
A few hours later, Piper Ann Loomis was born. You and Billy were in your hospital room, cuddling your baby. Piper was fast asleep in your arms, “Here take the baby, I’m tired and I want to sleep.” You said holding little Piper out to Billy for him to hold. Billy took Piper in his arms, and you have never seen him so nervous in your entire time of knowing him. Billy was holding Piper like she was made of glass and would break with one wrong move. “You aren’t going to hurt her Bills” you giggled, Billy adjusted her in his arms to hold her closer to his body. Piper cooed in her sleep, as Billy held her and snuggled closer into his chest. You could have sworn you saw a tear run down Billy’s face, he had a look of pride on his face as he held little Piper. “She’s perfect, she has your nose.” Billy said “She has your eyes” you said, Piper looked like she could be Billy’s twin, right down from her brown eyes and grumpy little facial expressions. Billy placed a kiss on Piper's forehead, “We’ll be ok, get some rest baby. You deserve it” Billy said then kissed your lips. You fell asleep watching the sweet sight beside you, Billy holding your little girl.
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casasupernovas · 3 years
very interesting to see people getting upset at people saying they didn't like rose in s2 because it's misogynistic or something, or we just don't want to see her become more confident in herself, when billie herself said the story of rose in s2 is rose becoming more selfish, and wanting the doctor all to herself, and not letting anyone else get to experience him. this is perfectly encapsulated in the end of 'school reunion'. it's not wrong to point out how selfish she became, it's called character development.
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oswinforthewin · 8 years
after reading Billie's book Growing Pains, i just really want to give her younger self a hug and tell her everything's gonna be okay
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maswartz · 3 years
Power Rider Hybrid
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(Logo by@riceyhot)
A group called the Alloy Army commissioned several laboratories to create the next big technological wave. One group discovered a way to harness the essence of a living creature or an object into bottles creating a type of fuel they dubbed Fuelsion (fuel + fusion). Hybrid Laboratories learned they intended to use their discovery as a weapon and refused to hand it over to the Alloy Army. They decided to use it to create new technological marvels. However the Alloy Army was not fond of being rejected and used a mole to steal their research injuring a scientist in the process. Eventually Hybrid Labs was ready to test their Fuelsion and put a call out for test subjects. One of the volunteers was a young woman named Samantha, a genius without motivation she found herself interested by the concept. However during the test the Alloy Army attacked to steal the rest of the research. The Army reveals they have created monsters called Fusers, made by exposing people to the energy of Fuelsion directly. During the chaos Samantha used a special suit meant to manipulate the Fuelsion to fend off some of the attackers allowing the scientists to flee to a secondary lab. This lab had a hidden entrance inside a storage container. The scientists who remain on board decide to fight back against the Alloy Army and modify the suit Samantha used to create a Rider suit. They help her fight against Fusers by creating new weapons and restoring Fuelsion she collects from fallen Fusers into usable bottles. For reasons the scientists don’t fully understand each bottle of Fuelsion has a partner that it resonates perfectly with. The energies feed into each other unleashing their full power.
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Power Rider Hybrid- Samantha Nguyen - A 22 year old woman, Samantha has a brilliant mind but is lazy and unfocused. She volunteers to test the Fuelsion because the concept interested her and when the villains attacked she used the tech to fight back and defend the scientists. She decides to help reclaim the stolen tech and for the first time has motivation. At first the only bottles she has are Hare and Artillery. When Samantha defeats the Fusers she reclaims the stolen Fuelsion used to create them. Face Claim: Lana Condor Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Hybrid Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: As she cranks the belt a helix of energy surrounds her forming the armor Weapon: Spiral Buster- Finisher- Spiral Breaker Final Moves: Defaults listed Rider Hopping Blast Kick- She cranks the belt shooting a helix of energy trapping the enemy leaving them open to a charged kick Rider Primal Gem Punch- She cranks the belt charging his fist with energy Rider Soaring Bullet Shot- She spins the barrel of the gun charging the blaster with energy Rider Shadow Panel Slash- She cranks the belt charging the blade with energy Rider Howling Call Rush- A ring of phones surrounds the enemy as an energy wolf runs through them before attacking Rider Shell Age Bash- Freezes time around the target and bashes them with her shell Rider Insect Photo Flash- Flashes the camera stunning the enemy and striking with the beetle horn Rider Long Cyclone Twist- Creates a cyclone around the enemy before attacking with the giraffe neck Rider Chomp Speed Strike- Rushes up to the enemy and strikes in a flurry of blows Rider Frozen Trick Crash- Freezes the enemy in place and speeds in on the board shattering them Bike- CyCall- Phone that turns into a bike Main Mixes Hartillary- Hare + Artillery Perfect balance of offense and defense
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*Hartillary Refined
- Enhanced form- stronger attacks
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*Hartillary Raw
- Stronger power, risk of losing control
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*Hartillary Pure Hare/Pure Artillery
- Enhances power of individual bottles - Keeps the power boost without losing control - Pure Hare combines power of Animate life Fuelsion - Chimera Blast - Pure Hare is much faster and agile - Pure Artillery combines power of Inanimate objects Fuelsion - Armory Blast - Pure Artillery is much stronger and has stronger firepower
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*Mega Mix
- Final form - ALL Fuelsion - Combines every Fuelsion into one form - Mega Chimera Blast - Mega Armory Blast - Increases all attributes exponentially
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Apestal- Ape +Crystal Has incredible strength and defense
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Falgun- Falcon + Gun Grants flight as well as a powerful blaster
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Ninmic- Ninja + Comic Arms Hybrid with a ninja sword with four different powers
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Wolfhone- Wolf + Phone Allows Hybrid to use sonic howl attacks
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Tortime- Tortoise + Time Slows down time for a targeted foe.
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Beetera- Beetle + Camera Allows Hybrid to pinpoint weak points in enemies defenses and attack with piercing horn.
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Girafan- Giraffe + Fan Creates high winds and gives extended range
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Sharkcle- Shark + Cycle Enhances speed greatly and allows for quick devastating blows
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Pengoard- Penguin + Skateboard Freezes the environment and allows for quick travel on the frozen surface Other Mixes Porcugine- Porcupine+ Fire Engine Bearket- Bear + Rocket Buccanail- Buccaneer+ Rail Leouum- Leo + Vacuum Squlb- Squid + Bulb Dinocer- Dinosaur+ Racer Tigcer- Tiger + Flying Saucer Phoebot- Phoenix + Robot Spidge- Spider + Fridge Whalet- Whale + Jet Grizee- Grizzly + TV Flowpter- Flower + Chopper Uniser- Unicorn + Eraser Scorpold- Scorpion + Gold Dogmic- Dog + Microphone Deermid- Deer + Pyramid Ghognet- Ghost + Magnet Wasub- Wasp + Sub Rhirer- Rhino + Dryer Different Fuelsion has different prefixes for attacks. Hare- Hopping Artillery- Blast Ape- Primal Crystal- Gem Falcon- Soaring Gun- Bullet Ninja- Shadow Comic- Panel Wolf- Howling Phone- Call Tortoise- Shell Time- Age Beetle- Insect Camera- Photo Giraffe- Long Fan- Cyclone Shark- Chomp Cycle- Speed Penguin- Frozen Skateboard- Trick Spider- Web Fridge- Freeze Wasp- Stinger Sub- Torpedo Rhino- Horn Dryer- Burn Leo- Hunter Vacuum- Vortex Squid- Ink Bulb- Flash Buccaneer- Cannonball Rail- Steam Bear- Claw Rocket- Orbit Porcupine- Quill Fire Engine- Rescue
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Power Rider Mythril- Rebecca Carter-  A 21 year old woman who answered the ad for the cash. Street smart and quick on her feet. She stayed with the scientists as well and understands the threat the villains pose with the stolen tech and offers to help. Eventually gains the ability to transform into Power Rider Mythril, powered by the Drake Fuelsion Face Claim: Kiana Lede Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Mythril Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt igniting flame energy around her forming the suit Weapon: Dragon Sword Finishing Moves: Burning Slash Mythical Kick
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*Mythril Scorch- Enhanced form gained when Rebecca pretended to defect to Helix Inc in order to gain a sample of their solid Fuelsion. This form was lost during a later battle.
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* Mythril Blaze- Enhanced form with stronger armor and weapons.
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* Mythril Eruption- Final form- Supercharged with extreme heat and flames. Finishing Move: Eruption Burst, a fury of flaming attacks.
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Power Rider Gears- Kelsey Zhu- A woman in her 20s, mechanic, works for Helix Inc. a second lab who was working on Fuelsion. Helix Inc created a more solid form of Fuelsion and sends her out to prove their version is superior. Aided by a trio of Fusers who are able to keep their sentience while transformed (Fortress, Barn Owl, Beetle) When Scar arrives and attacks all parties Kelsey joins forces with Samantha and Rebecca at first out of necessity but soon she grows to consider them friends. Face Claim: Malese Jow Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Gears Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating a group of energy gears forming the suit Weapon: Gear Gauntlet Finishing Moves:Piercing Drill
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* Gears Mechanic- Final form-Supercharged with extreme cold and armed with a robotic claw
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Power Rider Scar- Grace Wen- One of the original scientists who developed Fuelsion, she volunteered to test it before it was ready. A flaw in the equipment caused an explosion that scarred her face and body. Filled with rage she took some of the equipment and fled. Now she has returned to take her pain and anger out on all parties. She believes her actions are justified and that she is in the right. However after Samantha saves her life she puts her agenda aside to help fight the Alloy Army. Soon she learns the truth behind the accident and when given the chance to take her years of anger out on the person responsible she lets them live, leaving her rage behind once and for all. She is aided by her Mechanical Fusers enforcers Tick and Tock
Face Claim: Fan Bingbing Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Scar Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating cracks of energy around her body forming the suit Weapons: Revenge Blaster and Vengeance Blade- Combines to the Retribution Rifle Finishing Moves: Avenging Blast, Avenging Slash.
Villains- The Alloy Army, determined to use the latest in technology to fuel their conquest of the world.
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Echo- Giselle Odinsdötir- Serious and strict she is the loyal enforcer of the Alloy Admiral’s commands. Any who cross the Admiral fear the shadows when she’s near. What her suit lacks in variety it makes up for with brute force. Face Claim: Billie Piper
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Venom- Sullivan Jones- Eccentric and self serving he is sadistic and enjoys testing new weapons and abilities on his enemies. He enjoys coating his weapons in his experimental toxins and seeing their impact on his targets. Face Claim: John David Washington
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Tarantula- Karl Jones- Dramatic and brutal he was sent to the field after the repeated failures of Echo and Venom. The fact he and Sullivan are brothers does not prevent him from unleashing his frustration over their failures against the Riders. His enhanced powers make him a match for the Rider’s stronger forms. Face Claim: Evan Ross
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Power Rider Maniac- Natalie Parker- A mole working for the Alloy Army the whole time. She gives them samples of the tech the lab develops allowing them to reverse engineer it for Alloy Admiral to use. Was the one responsible for Grace’s accident Face Claim: Brianna Hildebrand Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Maniac Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating chaotic energy around her forming the suit Weapons: Chaos Blaster and Chaos Blade- Combines to form the Chaos Rifle Finishing Moves: Cruel Blast, Brutal Slash.
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Alloy Admiral- Evan Burke- Leader of the Alloy Army with dreams of world conquest. Thanks to Natalie’s efforts he is able to utilize Fuelsion from other Riders. In his civilian identity he’s a wealthy CEO who invests heavily in technology. His hands reach into many companies whether they know it or not. Face Claim: Ted Danson
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Using the Drake Fuelsion he gains stronger attack power
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Using the Hare Fuelsion he gains better agility.
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Alloy Admiral Darkness- Uses the power of darkness and black holes. Also gains the ability of teleportation
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Alloy Abomination- Frustrated by his losses he injects Fuelsion directly into his bloodstream mutating him into this abomination. Power Rider Arcade/Hybrid: During the final battle with V.A.I some of his code ended up on the internet where it eventually found its way to a computer inside of Hybrid Laboratories. Utilizing the Fuelsion system it built itself a new body forcing the Arcade Riders to assist Hybrid and the other Riders in destroying it once and for all.
(Faces by @dream-chef-flavors)
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Dancing In The Dark or Jealous Rage
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @stupidbluegirl @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst
This Passage contains potentially: swearing, violence, blood, angst, whump, fluff and smutty content.
Summary: Kirby goes with the girls out to a night club while Roddy is away, jealous escapades ensue after he gets back and hears about her antics.
Kirby's POV:
I woke up the following morning (The 24th) alone, no sign of Rod, I was confused until I saw the clothes laid out and a note on top of my leather jacket.
'I've gone to do some work in Pennsylvania. Don't worry, I'll be back later this week. Love You, Mo Chridhe. Roddy.'
"Mo Chridhe, that's, that is Scots for … yeah, Scots Gaelic for my heart … Aww, Roderick you romantic eejit."
I went about my usual morning routine and the rest of the day was thoroughly uneventful, but the night, oh the night was fun, or at least it was when it started.
Billie had suggested we go out for drinks and have a good time, and so we did.
About three Espresso Martinis in I started to loosen up.
"So," Vickie inquired, "How's Piper?"
"I'm not sayin' nothin'"
"Oh, c'mon Kirbs," Sam begged, "Tell us."
"No, mind your own business."
"Kirbs, ya gotta tell us at some point." Holly added, the alcohol making her New Jersey accent thicker.
"Alright, fine, but don't tell anyone." I warned
They nodded in agreement and let me continue.
"When we came back to New York, we started dating and one thing led to another and we 'made love' but regardless of all that, I think he's the one."
"So, you'll marry him?"
"If he asks, Vic, if he asks."
Holly butted in, "I need to get you around other men, you know, to see if Piper's the real deal."
She took me by the arm and dragged me, drink in hand, over to a gaggle of men, all of whom looked like they were either construction workers or American football players. Holly let go of my arm and sat on one of the guys laps, whispering something I couldn't hear before getting up and walking off.
I felt like a piece of meat being thrown to a pack of tigers, it didn't take long for one of them to take the drink from my hand, place it on the table and lead me to the dancefloor.
Now, you must know, I'm not one for dancing, I'll sway to a relaxed beat or head bang along to some rock but, dancing with someone who I don't know in a provocative way isn't my thing, but without hesitation this guy started hitting on me and trying to get up close and personal.
It took all of my mental strength not to sucker punch the guy in the face and walk back to the hotel, I held out for as long as I could. hours passed without me realising and I had gotten quite tipsy, Vickie walked me back to the hotel and dumped me on the bed in the pitch black of the room, closing the door behind her and her footsteps quickly faded out of hearing range.
The next day (25th January 1984) was much like the previous, get up, morning routine, grab some coffee, wait to see if I had any matches booked, hear nothing from Damien, go out with the girls that night for some 'fun' but to me that 'fun' was ever so slightly turning into heart-breaking torture.
Any time I danced with these random guys in clubs, I wanted to be able to slow dance with Rod, to hold him close to me as the music played in the background. I didn't get as drunk as the night before and got back slightly earlier, trying to call Roddy to hear his voice, but he didn't pick up. I went to sleep alone again and had a nightmare once again.
I woke up on the morning of the Twenty-Sixth to the sound of the door opening and closing, hearing a distinctly Scottish voice whisper out the phrase 'Mo Chridhe'.
"Rod, is that you?"
"I didn't mean to wake ya, it's just, well," His voice faltered, as if he didn't know what to say, "Billie stopped me in the hall and told me everything." He sounded hurt.
"I tried to call ya. I tried to be the first to let you know what we had done." I got up and took my sweat-stained shirt off, tossing it to the floor and heading to the bathroom, still half asleep.
"Ya did? Ya went out and danced with strangers two nights in a row while I was gone and thought a phone call could patch things up?"
That set me off, I rushed out of the bathroom to confront him, "I fucking hated doing it! Both times! I wanted to reel back and sucker punch those bastards in the face! Roderick Piper, would you fucking listen to me! I am your girlfriend! I am YOUR fucking woman! Would you just fu-"
A rough but passionate kiss broke the stingingly lonely silence from him, his hands caressing my arms and holding me close. I hadn't realised I was crying until then, I hadn't realised he had let a few tears slip himself until he pulled away and wiped his eyes.
"I'm sorry I ever brought it up. I know ya wouldn't do anything without a good reason and I'm so, so sorry I left without telling ya before I did."
I sat myself down on the edge of the bed, wiping the tears from my eyes and feeling Rod put his arm over my shoulder.
"Schultz told me to buy you roses, ya know. An' I told him I didn't think ya liked roses, I told him that I thought ya would like chrysanthemums instead."
I let out a small 'uh huh' and Rod continued.
"I also told him that when we got back I was gonna take you out for some blueberry waffles and a hazelnut cappuccino, cause I know how ya like those an' we could be together and just relax an-"
"Yes, baby?"
"Can you dance?"
"I'm not a great dancer, why?"
"Well, can you just sway to the rhythm of a song?"
"With you, absolutely."
"Thank you, f'anwylyd."
"Anytime, mo chridhe."
He kissed my cheek and my temple, whispering out a gentle 'I'm sorry' before using his other hand to make me face him and kissing me gently but lovingly. He got up, pulling me off the bed and turning the clock radio on and increasing the volume.
"And now, a big hit from last year, this is Big Country with 'In A Big Country'."
'I've never seen you look like this without a reason'
Rod twirled me around in his arms, a smirk already on his face.
'Another promise fallen through'
I could hear Rod mumbling the words in unison with the radio.
'Another season passes by you'
He twirled me back around, stepping closer and intertwining his fingers with mine and curving his other arm around my back.
'I never took the smile away from anybody's face'
Rod had stopped mumbling the words and started humming along.
'And that's a desperate way to look'
The sweet smile on Roddy's face made me smile lovingly in return.
'For someone who is still a child'
He cleared his throat, spinning me away from him before pulling me close to his chest.
"In a big country dreams stay with you" Rod sang in unison with the radio.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside" I joined in.
'Stay alive, here we go'
"I thought that pain and truth were things that really mattered" We sang in unison with the radio.
"But you can't stay here with every single hope you had shattered"
"I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert"
'But I can live and breathe'
Rod misstepped and fell backwards onto the bed with me landing on his lap.
'And see the sun in wintertime'
"Are ya alright Roddy?"
'In a big country dreams stay with you'
"I'm fine, sweetheart, are you okay?"
'Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside'
"I'm okay. Everything's fine in the world again."
'Stay alive'
I stood up and helped Roddy off the bed, turning the radio down slightly and humming before singing along.
"In a big country dreams stay with you"
Rod soon joined in, going back to a simple two step and trying not to stumble again.
"Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside"
"Stay alive"
"So take that look out of here it doesn't fit you"
"Because it's happened doesn't mean you've been discarded"
"Pull up your head off the floor, come up screaming"
A knock at the door quickly silenced the two of us and Rod turned the radio off completely, giving me a quick kiss on the lips and walking over to answer the door. Upon seeing the frame of the guy leaning against the wall, I sighed heavily and Rod looked between me and this nobody.
"Hey, I was told this was Miss Kay's room, who are you, her brother?"
"Wrong, Idiot. I'm her husband."
I wanted to interrupt Roddy but held my tongue, trusting that he knew what he was doing.
"Yeah, right, small fry, and I'm the Pope, move outta the way." the guy's mood shifted from confusion to anger.
"No really," Roddy pressed, his voice getting more gravelly with rage, "I'm her husband ya slovenly low life, now fuck off before I hurt ya."
The guy got further into Roddy's face, "What are you gonna do, limp dick."
Rod smirked, "Limp dick, huh," He mocked before poking the guy in the eyes, "Bye-Bye, asshole," He finished, slamming the door in the guy's face.
We could both hear the sound of the guy saying 'fuck that' and running down the hall.
"'I'm her husband'?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Well I'm not gonna say 'She's my girlfriend'. Being your husband has more impact."
"Ya could've just called me over and kissed me, Roddy."
"Who was that guy?"
"Some fuck from one of the nights you weren't here. Ugly motherfucker too, surprised he knew where to find me…" I trailed off, knowing exactly who had told him where I was, "That little Greek bitch."
I stormed my way up to the door, only being stopped by Roddy mere seconds before I could leave the room.
"Woah, woah. Calm down there, Giantess. We don't want a massacre now, do we?"
I breathed out a heavy sigh and Rod pulled me into a hug.
"C'mere baby girl," He rubbed his hand up and down my back to soothe me, "Calm down baby, I know it may be aggravating to have someone ya trust try to split up a good thing, but just calm down."
"But she told them where we, or at least I am, Rod. I can't trust her after that. Especially after her trying to set me up with one of the ugliest motherfuckers I've ever seen."
"What about me?" He said pulling away and sitting on the edge of the bed
"Well, you're," I stopped, searching my mind for the right words, "Well, you're just, you are so handsome. You've got the most amazing blue-hazel eyes, and your hair is such a rich brown, and you're built, y'know, your musculature makes you look strong but not intimidating, however that may just be a giant to normal person thing. Oh, and your voice is calming to me, except when you're cutting a promo. I mean I would object to your choice in shirts, but only because the idea of other women seeing how muscular you are through the way your shirts cling to your body gets me a little pissed off."
"I make you get jealous, really?" he teased.
"Don't you dare." I warned, trying to stop him from aggravating me further.
"Does the idea of women fantasising about me gets you riled up with fury?"
"Rod, don't do this."
"Does the idea of me posing with another woman in my arms anger you?"
"Roddy, shut up."
"How about the idea of me kissing another woman while drunk?"
"Roderick. You shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you."
"What if I laid on the beach with just a towel coverin' my crotch, in full view of a bunch of ladies, how does that make you feel."
"I warned you, three times now, don't you go getting me angry, boyo. You'll see how vengeful I can be, Roddy," I pondered for a moment before changing into a knee-length amber coloured dress along with my spiked black heels, my leather jacket and a thin layer of apricot scented lip gloss and headed out, "Bye Roderick."
"Wait no, baby, come back."
I closed the door and fast-walked down the corridor, heading towards the stairwell, hearing Roddy open the door just as I started down the stairs.
He caught up with me about five minutes later, while I was waiting outside, handing me my wallet and pressing a kiss to my cheek, before whispering in my ear.
"I'm sorry I got you jealous, now can we please go out to somewhere, nice."
"If you're so sorry, you won't try that trick again, right?"
"Oh absolutely, I don't want you to do that again."
I kissed him and started walking down the street, Piper's hand just above my ass and his plethora of sweet nothings once again flowing from his lips. We headed out for the evening and by the time we got back to the hotel, a now drunk Roddy laid down and passed out before I even got the chance to kiss him goodnight.
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 12/14 NXT 12/16 NXT UK 12/17 Smackdown 12/18 TLC 12/20 + Main Event 12/17
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“This Sunday at tlc, it’s gonna be you and me against Nia and Shayna,” Lana says to Asuka, as a quiet ‘woo’ can be heard in the distance.
Lana facing her fears and fighting Nia Jax makes her the bravest person Asuka knows. Rolling. Fucking Asuka. ASUKA. wwe, stop.
Why isn’t Asuka accompanying Lana to the ring?
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I like Lana’s gear.
Joe just compared Lana to a mosquito, goodbye.
Oh snap look how fast Lana did that headscissors takedown. We’re witnessing her progression, ladies and gents.
You know, I knew Lana would win this match, I knew exactly how she would win this match, but jfc what a treat watching it myself. 
Nia’s face lmfao.
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Shayna wrecking Asuka so she can’t save Lana from her inevitable fate. Still curious on whether or not this beatdown injured her, if she was injured going into the match, or if it was all really just a storyline.
Yikes this is sad.
Man that leg drop onto Lana’s ankle actually looked kinda wicked, ngl.
*distant woo intensifies*
Wow we got real tears from Lana. Points.
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Becky and Charlotte have been gone, Alexa hasn’t been on tv, the Raw women’s championship has become a meaningless prop... what a dead period for this roster.
Hi why is this match happening?
I will never not be impressed by Dana’s entrance.
Is Mandy actually hurt? Why did they take her off tv for so long? Is Shayna the resident kayfabe shelver? “Hey this girl is actually injured, have her written off by Shayna” ?? Cuz I know they’re not splitting Dana and Mandy up, and Dana has been on tv every week since Mandy left. Must be genuine.
These 2 are running roughshod over the entire division at this point.
Lmfao the babyfaces are fucking done with Nia and Shayna. Honestly that’s great, I love it when babyfaces band together to stand up to dominant duos. This has been going on long enough. They took out Mandy, took out Lana, were about to take out Dana. Totally fair.
Highlight: Lana getting a clean win over Nia & being taken out so my queen can return
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It’s a funny thing with Toni and Rhea. Toni says she’s the reason Rhea came to nxt, but she’s also the reason I became such a huge fan of Rhea’s. Heard they were having some big TakeOver match and everyone was always praising Toni. So I checked into Blackpool solely to see what the Toni Storm fuss was about, and I left that ppv solely impressed by Rhea Ripley. Then I took particular notice of Rhea in the Royal Rumble a few weeks later, and I’ve been watching NXT UK for her ever since (til she moved). To see her growth has been tremendous, and she’s so young. Such a bright future.
The music to this is great.
Toni says she isn’t scared of Rhea, as if Rhea’s mere theme music didn’t scare the absolute shit out of Toni the week prior lol.
Toni’s not even a terrible promo, but the timing of her blinks could not be worse. Yes, it matters.
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I can’t stop laughing at how fucking intensely Shotzi started this interview.
She does pissed off interviews well. I can feel her annoyance.
Really don’t want to see a Candice/Shotzi feud tbh but okay, I’ll try.
aaand there’s the howl. Awful.
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Lmfao Rhea called Toni a piece of trash. This is gonna be interesting to see with the alignments reversed.
I don’t remember who won this match, but I’m betting it was Toni. Which is fair tbh. Rhea is probably on the “put some peeps over before moving up to the main roster” path that everyone in the women’s division walks on. They always eat at least one monumental, or a couple meaningful, loss(es).
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Oh man that is fucked up. To not only be forced to continue punching/kicking a human (fun fact: the person on the offense takes quite the damage doing so) but to have the defenseless victim bleed out and beg for you to stop. That’s rough.
This was shot really well. That music holy shit, I’m creeped out. It’s like a horror movie.
I see the point. Numbs him to pain and breaks his will, while numbing her to mercy. Ruthless stuff.
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Oh are we finally done with Indi’s neck brace? Cool.
I can’t believe wwe invested in this upgraded tank. I still don’t think it’d work on the MR, but points to the boss for shelling out the cash.
Wtf was that stumble and “fall” by Indi lmao.
If Candice was a real bully, she’d distract Shotzi by fucking with her tank at ringside.
Indi does need a mentor, she’s a hell of a lot greener than my mutuals have made it sound. oof.
Shotzi looks like she has no idea how to work with Indi, and Indi looks gassed, confused, and slow as hell.
All Indi knows it going from spot to spot while Shotzi waits around for her to get there.
Lol Indi failed at getting a dirty win. I don’t really care if this is a part of her The Way storyline, what a mess.
The only redeeming part of this piss poor segment was Theory shaking the troll’s head at Shotzi.
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I’ll give wwe an extra $9.99 if they let this match have a clean ending.
“[Rhea] was at one point the biggest superstar in the world,” that isn’t even close to being true because Becky Lynch exists, but I’ll let it slide and pretend you said “in nxt”.
Their paths will be so similar to Becky and Charlotte in the future.
Wow what a sequence. That would’ve received an applause on the MR. Traded headlocks for restholds, threw around their strength, then went into a battle of pinfall reversals. Instead of following that with some stalemate, they didn’t take a breath and proceeded to dance with each other and showcase some chemistry before rolling back into a battle of pinfall reversals. The sequence started with a kick by Toni to Rhea’s midsection, and it ends with a kick by Rhea to Toni’s midsection. Peep that match production, good stuff.
My, my, those slaps to Toni’s back. Whew.
Yeah actually it’s really fucking cool that these 2 get to main event nxt together, come to think of it.
They sell well for each other.
Rhea has the best dropkicks, lesbireal.
Holy shit Toni’s headbutts make my own head hurt. God I wish she wouldn’t. Most people put their hands between the heads so no contact can be made, but Toni’s just like “lol fuck it”
This is a great match. This duo works a lot better with these specific alignments. Watching face Toni try to chop down Rhea is not as good as heel Toni being impossibly hard for Rhea to put away.
Women’s matches and never having a clean ending. Name a more iconic duo. Winter of overbooked women’s matches continues.
Like I had guessed Toni was gonna win anyway, but fucking come on.
*Bonus* online exclusive: Toni says playing by the rules got her diddly and squat, but like... she was a champion lol. “It ain’t even Toni time right now, it’s party time.” Alright.
Highlight: Rhea vs Toni minus the ending
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I don’t know why we’re getting Isla Dawn vs KLR but anytime I get to see KLR fight, I’m here for it.
Hell even Isla’s song never kicks it out of first gear. Song has so much potential but it never goes to the next level.
Ahhhh my Scottish queen is here.
No, don’t compare Sasha’s basement meteora to the double knees Isla did. That was pitiful.
Anyway, KLR vs any of the 4hw would be fantastic, take my money. Sasha, Bayley, Charlotte, or the woman KLR wanted to face at TO Dublin, Dublin native Becky Lynch.
That back body drop is horrendous as a finisher. It’s like when Becky won her debut match the exploder suplex. Awful lmao. Imagine if KLR lost to a back body drop ffs.
You don’t get to be this frustrated for not being able to beat the champion when you’ve only been fighting for like 3 mins.
Isla’s pisspoor speed going in the corner, and her pisspoor roll off of KLR’s tornado ddt. Shame.
Such a clean transition from a failed pinfall attempt into a submission by KLR, whew.
This whole match was just a flex by KLR lmao.
There was a time where we had Becky Lynch, Bayley, Rhea Ripley and KLR as our champions. Wow, take me back plz.
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The background music of this stupid recording is so unnecessarily dramatic, wow.
All for the delivery of a chair. Of a fucking chair. Piper... shut up and handle your shit.
For someone so much larger than the little man, Piper is insanely unintimidating.
Highlight: I got to see KLR wrestle
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Bayley does run her mouth a lot. She’s kind of the EST at saying dumb shit that gets her into trouble lmao.
Bianca is so friggin good at interviews and in backstage segments. She hasn’t received much of a chance to do promos in the ring, let alone obviously to a live crowd, but I hope she shines there, too.
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Has Liv reverted back to being a dumb blonde, or is it drugs? Stop letting her speak.
Love Riott Squad’s everchanging gear. Wonder who makes it for them.
Billie Kay claims that she’s a ‘seasoned’ ring announcer, and somehow that would not surprise me.
Tamina “get the fuck out of my face until I get a nap and a vat of coffee” Snuka, everyone.
Lmfaooo Tamina fucking chucked Liv across the damn ring. What a good job by Liv.
Ruby is exceptional at running the ropes. She gets a good spring off of it.
Tamina’s hair is always so beautiful, she gets points there.
Dropkick into a faceplant. Billie Kay gets pinned rofl. She’s so bad at wrestling and yet here I am ridiculously entertained.
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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Carmella’s current persona, but man I wish she’d come out in a cut off tank top, camo pants, high tops and a printed hat.
I mean people are at home cuz covid, but go off.
Aye putting over Sasha. Good heel Mella.
Sasha has held the title for like a whopping 2 months and we’re already marking calendars. Sad.
In kf, Sasha is kind of mentally weak, so I’ll give Mella that. I’m not sure what it’s gonna take to shake that perception, either.
“Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the Boss? Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the best? It’s sad because that’s a question that not even Sasha Banks knows the answer too.” So I get that wwe are trying to help Sasha develop and fight off her past demons, but man these women are ripping her a new one. Sasha’s only 29 so she can grow and develop however she wants, but jeeze. Salt, meet the dagger Bayley stuck in Sasha’s back.
I like Mella cuz she knows how to hype her opponent’s accolades and strengths while cutting an immaculate heel promo where she hits them RIGHT where it hurts. She’s a pro. Heels should take notes.
This music is like the Jazz Vibes playlist I always listen to.
She just called Sasha cheap and frantic lmaoooo
Oh damn Sasha be out here looking like MONEY. That girl has style, even if it doesn’t always hit with me, she got style.
oof the crack of that slap to Reggie.
OOF the crack of the bottle shattering over Sasha’s poor back. rip.
Match at TLC should’ve been a champagne match. That entails whatever your mind comes up with; pouring alcohol on your opponent, dumping their head in a bucket of ice, breaking bottles over spines. It don’t matter.
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“You don’t see me going around here bragging about how damn good I am,” lmao WHAT. Bayley is equal parts delusional and obnoxiously annoying.
One size heel does not fit all, but I think her version suits her beautifully.
If I were her I’d pick your brain too, but I’d also want a match, cuz people leave matches with you looking as good as humanly possible. Equal parts selfless as well.
She didn’t lie, this was absolutely her putting Bianca on the map on the main roster.
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wwe: wants to strap a rocket to Bianca and make her a star. Also fucking wwe: “lol no we’re not gonna show you her full entrance, cry more scrub.” 
Bayley still looks weird without a title.
Bayley mocks Bianca’s entrance and then gets swept onto the apron lmao. Idiot.
Bianca is a lot of flash and showboating, which is great from an entertainment standpoint, but she needs to do a little... less.
Fantastic snap of the hand against the led board. Bayley wrecking Bianca’s arm gonna hinder the flips.
“I’m the ER. I’m BET-TER. haha.” lmao Bayley is such a fucking dork. Got sent into the ring steps for her bravado. Love that there’s always immediate repercussions for Bayley’s arrogance.
Bayley turned midway going down onto Bianca’s knee for that backbreaker, there. Hope she doesn’t have a massive bruise. Looked like it’d leave a massive bruise.
3 things I’ll apparently never get to see again: Bianca’s hair whip, Bianca’s full entrance, and Bianca’s 450 splash. I’m tired.
These stupid fucking squats while Bianca is dangling off the top rope rofl I swear Bayley is something else. Girl knows how to entertain. “Bayley got a bit cute and Bianca made her pay,” story of Bayley’s life.
Beautiful spinebuster by Bianca. At least SOMEONE in the women’s division will use it.
Bit of a miscommunication there it seems. Bayley goes for a B2B, Bianca tries to block it, Bayley drops down to dodge and go for a cradle. She rolls Bianca all the way back, stands up and hesitates before running at Bianca with an elbow - even though Bianca is not in position to receive it - which Bianca counters by rolling Bayley up, but it was super obvious Bianca was just scouting the next spot. Bianca goes to pick her up for a powerbomb but Bayley has to kick out twice to prevent herself from being pinned while Bianca tries to lift her. That entire sequence was super messy.
Then Bianca nearly drops her lifting her all the way up lol. Yikes. Gotta be pretty fluent to pull that off. Not to plug my fav (but I’m totally gonna plug my fav); it’s a move Charlotte does in almost every match against Asuka or Becky, and you gotta be not only built to pull it off, but you need to have impeccable timing to make the transition look smooth. Extra points if you lift them off the mat RIGHT before a 3 (which Charlotte usually does)
Anyway, good match with a messy last 2 sequences. Bayley did what Bayley does best.
Highlight: Bayley vs Bianca
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They really took Eva Marie and Sasha Banks’ characters and meshed them together while keeping Carmella’s obsession for animal print lol.
Really don’t like that gear. That’s a miss, Mikaze.
Beautiful arm drag. Sasha taking the idea of wrestling like a Lucha more seriously? Cuz she should, ain’t nobody else in the MR doing it.
Commentators say the trash talk is continuing, I say Sasha is quietly leading this match with a grimace. Peeped that “hit me”.
Carmella goes to suicide dive through the ropes just for Reggie to catch her, cept she got caught up and started turning in midair. Would’ve hit her neck and shoulder HARD had he not been there. Great catch indeed.
Sasha “rip my back” Banks.
Not to be douchey, but if you have to adjust your gear in the middle of a match and it’s not just to fill time or be used as character work, then you need to redesign your gear.
Sasha’s a great babyface once that bell rings man. I wish she could carry that energy everywhere.
Holy fuck that facebuster. SPIKED her head, oh my god. I have never seen anyone make a facebuster look so impactful. Points if intentional.
Oh the timing of Sasha blocking that superkick from legit connecting. God she’s good.
You know how I know this is a good match? I’m watching some of these near pinfalls and submissions knowing damn well Sasha’s gonna win, yet my anxiety is still spiking thinking Carmella might walk out with the title. I KNOW she doesn’t though lmao. Good sequences, believable offense, great near pinfalls. They work well together (I’m not surprised, Mella and Sasha both work well with almost anyone)
What a fantastic transition into the bank statement. Points.
That match should’ve ended by dq the second Reggie pulled Mella out. 
Sasha could’ve sold that double superkick pinfall attempt a little bit more.
Carmella having a breakdown. What does that mean? That means she’s about to lose this match lmao. There it is, not even 10 seconds later hahaha.
Sasha sells pain so damn well. Good for her. Good defense of her title. Points to Sasha, she’s phenomenal every time she has an actual match. Post-match and she’s already annoyed me though lol. Ugh. Maybe she’ll get it soon enough.
Nice “replay” wwe. Billion dollar company btw.
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Billie, drawing a horizontal line is not how you write ‘clairvoyant’. 
“proficient in Japanese” aw Asuka was so excited for a split second lmao.
Oh no, she made a mask to match Asuka’s with a paper plate. Oh no no no. Travesty. 
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Ugh I’m so excited. I’ve already seen this and yet I’m excited. Here we are, the whole damn reason I started catching up on everything I basically refused to watch since June 22.
SHE LOOKS LIKE MONEY, WHEW. The queen IS back. She’s so fucking beautiful man.
Love how annoyed Nia looks. This is your comeuppance tbh. Could’ve just faced a measly Lana, but no, you had to play too much.
Really Charlotte shouldn’t be in the tag division, and really she shouldn’t give half of a fuck about Asuka, but we’ll get to that more in the future since this is already nearly 2 months old.
Nia’s doing a great job selling Charlotte’s return, and she’s not even active in the match rn. She does good work.
Bad camera angle on Asuka hitting the ring post.
Asuka getting wrecked lol.
I really despise that the Raw women’s championship was tied up in all of these storylines that have nothing to do with the Raw women’s championship. The Lana crap, the Charlotte crap, the tag teaming in general crap.
In hindsight, I now find it curious that Ric Flair was in the back for this match. Very curious. I swear, if the past 2 real time months weren’t a part of some master plan the Flairs came up with together, I will be SHOCKED.
Charlotte’s fucking crazy for doing those moonsaults to the outside though, for real. I know she was a gymnast and an exceptional cheerleader, but MAN you could not pay me to do fucking blind back flips that high up. Crazy.
She should’ve given us a spear in this match. I wanna go rewatch her work just to see some spears.
Good match. They needed to not focus on destroying Asuka for as long as they did, pacing was off for a little bit there.
Love how Charlotte sticks her tongue out when she bridges up into the figure 8. She’s such an asshole lmao.
If I could’ve changed one thing about that finish, I would’ve had Charlotte bounce off the ropes before hitting Natural Selection. Other than that, it was great.
Charlotte looks good with a title, idk *shrug*
The way Charlotte looked over at Asuka though. I really don’t trust her in hindsight lol.
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Like how this Firefly Funhouse is setting the spotlight on Alexa before Bray takes his leave of absence, only wish she hadn’t missed 2-3 wks of tv.
What a fun way of running a video package.
Inferno matches are insane and I’m not sure why anyone would participate in such.
Think it’s smart they’re both leaving their jackets on tbh.
Alright that was cool. The way Fiend called up the flames was fucking cool. It looks amazing aesthetically. They could’ve never done the set quite like this if there had been fans.
WE HAVE STRAPS?! IS FIRE NOT ENOUGH?!? Man. Randy is a fucking trooper.
Guys. Guys excuse me, that strap is on fire, can... can we not, please??
Man is swinging a god damn pick axe at Randy Orton, I--
I hope that wasn’t actually flammable liquid cuz otherwise Randy is now soaked in it, and that’s insanely dangerous. Oh that’s great editing. So it was flammable, but Randy was out of the chair before the fire rushed at him. Also covered the chair in blood. That was cool.
Orton just pull the damn string out of the jacket real quick lol.
Caught Orton’s attempt at an rko with a mandable claw. Points.
Can someone... put him out? Editing trick? Were the flames real? Am I real??
Shouldn’t the bell ring? Match is over, right??
The dummy was kind of obvious ngl. Not to sound like an asshole, but they should’ve made it a bit thicker and more solid lol. Doesn’t really take me out of it though, cuz even though I’m sure it was a stunt double that got lit on fire by the ramp, someone was on fucking fire, and that’s intimidating in itself.
Also the dummy is melting. I’d say they should’ve used pig meat, but I’m sure vegans and animal rights activists would’ve had a field day writing to Snickers about that.
Was a good match, for what it was. I was entertained.
Main Event:
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“Nasty Nikki” lol okay.
“The only reason people even know you exist is because you were Alexa Bliss’ best friend,” ouch. Truth is pain.
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Ahahahah Lacey has hand sanitizer again. 
Love that submission Lacey jumped into through the ropes, plus an eye rake. Fantastic.
That’s curious. Lacey and Peyton are arguing over the hand sanitizer as Lacey wants to squirt it on Nikki, while Peyton is claiming it’ll get her DQd. Now I’m on Peyton’s side in the sense that it should absolutely be illegal, but Lacey’s done it in a match against Nikki before, sooo ???
I like how Nikki fell trying to get back into the ring before the 10 count. Adds credibility.
Haha Nikki gets the pinfall over Lacey because Peyton was being a nuisance on the outside. Lacey big mad. That’s great.
*Smackdown easily shined the brightest in what was a great week of wrestling. Utilized 8 women in 3 different storylines, couldn’t possibly complain about that.
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agentmanatee · 4 years
AOS 30 Day Challenge
Day 10: Favorite recurring character: Raina
Honorable mentions: Antoine Triplett, Aida/Madame Hydra/Ophelia, Flint, Tess, Sinara, Talbot, Jeffrey Mace, The Koenigs (Eric, Billy, and Sam), The B Team (Agents Davis, Prince, and Piper), Robin and Polly Hinton...
As you can tell by the honorable mentions choosing a favorite recurring character was tough. This show does remarkable job fleshing out even minor and supporting characters. I chose Raina because she went through the most growth and found a redemption arc (a rarity in AOS). She was such a fun antagonist in season 1. Season 2A did a great job fleshing her out and made her motivations understandable. Season 2B showed how she recognized her past mistakes and allowed her to grow into a tragic and sympathetic character.
From the Girl in a Flower Dress to a Prickly Prophet, Raina served as a fantastic four to Skye/Daisy. She lived her life searching for a family/connection; unlike Daisy, she never found that due to her hyperfocus on her family's Inhuman history blinding her from what all she could have. She chose to come into her powers, believing them to be her birthright, but did not understand what they would entail or what other changes she can bring about. Ironically, she went from following a charlaton who pretended to be The Clairvoyant to becoming one herself. The physical transformation caused physical pain and took her classical beauty. Her visions were difficult to understand until she saw Jiaying's intentions too late. Jiaying and Gordon used her just like they did all the other Inhumans, convincing even themselves that they were guiding them. At least, she made sure that Skye/Daisy got to see Jiaying's true colors with her death. It's unfortunate that she and Skye never learned to trust each other; they would have made a formidable duo. She, of course, was right that Skye/Daisy would be destined to lead the Inhumans (it's her birthright). In later seasons, we would see other clairvoyants in the Hinton family (I wonder if there's a shared lineage here).
Since leaving AOS, Ruth Negga has gone on to bigger roles, even earning Oscar and Golden Globe nominations; so while I was sad to see her leave the show, I'm glad she was able to find such great opportunities she may not have been able to have had she stayed. In lesser hands, Raina may not have come off as such a dichotomy of strength and vulnerability.
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Hi! Book asks: 5, 12, 18, 22, 28 :)
Book Ask
5. Is there a book you own, but aren’t planning on reading?
One of my goals for this year is to read all the books on my bookshelf before buying another and I do plan on tackling my TBR even if I don’t make it to the end of this year, I plan on continuing it next year :)
But I did a clear out of my books last year and gave away all the ones I weren’t interested in picking up to a local bookstore. 
12. Have you ever read a celebrity memoir? If so, whose was it?
I don’t normally read memoirs. But the ones I have read Anything Goes by John Barrowman which I remember I found really funny at the time and Growing Pains by Billie Piper. But I read them years ago and gave them away to a charity shop once I read them.
18. Do you read the book or watch the movie first?
It depends upon my mood / plus the movie/show. But I think normally I watch it first then read the book.
22.How do you organize your books?
I have three billy bookcases from Ikea. Two of the larger ones and one narrow. I have the 6 shelves dedicated entirely to my Doctor Who books. So starting from the top left, the EDAs in rainbow order, then my virgin new adventures and Bernice Summerfield books in chronological order, then I have a middle section which is kind of like my display area and holds some of my Gallifrey/Bernice big finish cds. Then underneath that, I have two shelves dedicated to Sarah J. Maas books. Then one shelf filled with a mixture of fantasy, contemporary, classics and just whatever fits in. 
28. What books can always make you smile?
Doctor Who: The Empire of Glass by Andy Lane and Coraline by Neil Gaiman
(Which is ironic because Coraline is a very creepy book but I have read it twice and I absolutely love it.)
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she-writes-imagines · 5 years
Safe Haven, Pt. 1
A/N: Billy moves into the house across the street from Piper, a girl with a mysterious past.
Timeline loosely follows Season 2 and disregards certain elements of Season 3.
Disclaimer: I don’t approve of, or excuse some of Billy’s behavior. I just enjoy how well exicuted the character is and its interesting to write for him.
Chapter 1
The town of Hawkins, Indiana was always a bit peculiar. Strange things always seemed to happen there and they got stranger every day. This story begins in October of 1967. That’s when I was born. My mother was a scientist and researcher in a very top secret government lab that was housed in Hawkins. Cherie Lindell was her name, she and her sister, Diane, grew up in Hawkins. My father's name was Jeff Callahan and he went to school with my mother. And they were different as different could be. My mother was a science nerd, anti-social and completely lost in her own world. My father played football, and was incredibly mechanically inclined and took auto shop basically every period his senior year, or so I’m told. But somehow they found their way to each other and managed to form a strong relationship and managed to keep that going while my mother was away getting her degree and my father stayed in Hawkins growing his auto shop and becoming a pillar of the community and all that. By the time my mother graduated and secured her government job, my father had bought a two story house with a white picket fence for the two of them to grow into together. Not long after they were married and I was on the way. That’s when things began to get a bit dicey.
The project that my mother was working on was so top secret, so secret that not even my father knew. But the lab was working on human experimentation working to develop mental and psychic abilities. My mother allowed herself to be experimented on while she was pregnant with me. And that is how I, Piper Callahan, was born with some scary abilities. To be exact telekinesis and empathic tendencies. As a child I Thought it was normal. I thought every other child could do the things that I could and I never questioned why I was homeschooled and the only places I ever went, were to my aunt Diane’s and uncle Jim’s house, and my moms lab. And that's when the bad thing happened. I was seven years old, I didn’t have good control of my abilities and I was throwing a tantrum. A big one. Things flying around the room and a side table hit my daddy in the back of the head. After that I spent a lot of time alone. And then Diane and Jim convinced my mother to put me into the public school system. My powers seemed to be gone after the bad thing. Or so I let everyone believe. The only people that knew were my mother and the doctors at the lab. They were stupid and easy enough to convince. I grew and had a relatively normal childhood and a normal adolescence. A rough transition through puberty and all that good stuff. I mourned the death of my cousin and watched my aunt and uncle's marriage fall apart. My aunt moved away from Hawkins and got remarried. We didn’t talk much. My mother went off the deep end and almost never came home. I found solace in my uncle. Uncle Hop as I so affectionately called him. He was the chief of police. He knew of my abilities and believed they were gone. I never wanted anyone else to know about me ever again. We spent a lot of time together and I took care of him more than he took care of me. I had plenty of friends at school. I was a floater and liked by almost everyone. Nancy, Steve, Barb, Jonathan and many others. I was intelligent, athletic, artistic, good with cars like my dad. I became someone that I like. And then the next bad thing happened.
The disappearance of Will Beyers. A tragedy felt by almost everyone in the community. And at the same time I felt another presence in town. A familiar one but I couldn’t place it. A lot of crazy things happened. Monsters sneaking their way around town. Mysterious disappearances. My friend Barb, taken into what seven year old me called “the scary place.” And then with a series of insane events Nancy, Jonathan and I ended up meeting up with Nancy’s brother and his friends. And the familiar presence. She was eleven. I had been number one. Soul sisters in a project that should have never existed. She was untrusting and skittish. She could barely speak in coherent thoughts. She must have been kept in almost total isolation. Focusing on growing her powers. She was younger than me. Younger than Mike and the other kids. Maybe twelve. I didn’t want to reveal my powers I didn’t want anyone to know. But I pulled her aside and i showed her the number on my arm as well. She touched it with her fingers, then my face, “Sister,” she said and smiled, “Pretty.”
“Sister,” I repeated. “You’ll keep my secret?” I asked her.
She looked confused.
“I can’t do it anymore. I’m broken. No one but you knows.” I said to her.
“Sisters keep secrets.” She said determined.
We found will. Saved the day. Defeated the bad guys and all that jazz. After the commotion eleven disappeared. I told Uncle Hop everything. And together we were able to find eleven in the woods and she came with us. Hop had a cabin in the middle of the woods. Almost no one knew about it and we knew she would be safe there. As time went on I began to let El in on the secret that I still had my powers and made her promise not to tell anyone. It was dangerous for all parties involved if anyone found out about my abilities. Together we worked on controlling and growing our gifts and Hop was happy we had each other. And I was happy that she had Hop. I loved El and she adored me right back. Things looked like they were going to be ok.
I hadn’t seen my mother in over a week. She hadn’t come home from her lab and I was sure at this point she had her own apartments deep within the sub levels. Across the street a moving truck pulled into the driveway of a previously vacant house. After that a station wagon and a sexy ass blue Camaro. I was sitting on the couch in my living room, not even trying to pretend to not be staring at the car. And the boy that got out of the car was just as sexy. From his boots up to the ass hugging jeans. To the button up lazily tucked in and the leather jacket. And god the hair on that boy. He saw me looking and I didn’t even care. He raised an eyebrow and cockily smiled at me and gave a little wave. I didn’t return any of the gestures but hopped off the couch, ran upstairs to my room and put on my own ass hugging jeans, a black Harley t shirt, my chucks and looked at myself in the mirror. Delicious. I thought to myself. I had quite a reputation around town that I did thoroughly enjoy. Everyone said I reminded them of Stevie Nicks if she had dark hair. So if mother Stevie was the white witch then i was the Black witch. My skin was very fair, and my hair was a stark contrast, it was nearly black and my eyes were electric green. I was incredibly petite but my small stature was nothing in comparison to my aura. I won’t lie, I used my telekinesis to make my hair float about and make me appear lighter on my feet. I flittered down into the kitchen and thanked the almighty that i had the gumption to bake cookies earlier that morning. I piled the chocolate chunk cookies onto a plate and headed out my door and across the street. The first person I met was the daughter, “Welcome to the neighborhood neighbor, I’m Piper.” I offered her a cookie which she took.
“I’m Max.” There was rustling behind her, she turned around and saw the guy I watched get out of the Camaro earlier. “That’s my brother, Billy. Or Jackass, whichever suits you better.” She said just before turning around to carry another box inside the house.
“Cute kid, you must be the luckiest big brother ever. Would you like a cookie, Jackass, was it?” I joked.
He clenched his jaw briefly and then cracked a smile, “I think Billy will do just fine beautiful.” He said snatching a cookie from me. I held my hand out for him to shake and when his skin touched mine I felt a powerful emotion practically kick me in the stomach. Suffering, pain, loneliness, sadness, anger. Violent rage. Lust, insecurity. A lot to unpack for sure. I didn’t know what could cause so much pain in someone the same age as me, save for my own experiences. A cold and steely voice broke our eye contact.
“Can I help you?” The man said. I assumed Billy and Max’s father. Quite the unpleasant man. I immediately noticed that when he approached Billy seemed to shrink. He seemed smaller, eyes cast to the ground. I immediately didn’t like him. “Hi, its nice to meet you. My mom and I live across the street. I’m Piper Callahan, I brought you cookies.” I said as I held out my hand for him to shake. Again when the skin touched my hand, a gut punch of feeling. Primal rage mostly. And black and sticky evil. I understood so much more about Billy now. And I was worried for the rest of the family. His wife came around the truck and we went through the same process. I got almost nothing from her. She was almost like the shell of someone who used to be a person. She took the cookies and disappeared into the house. Her husband soon after her. Max reappeared from around the backside of the truck. I said to her, “It was real nice meeting you Max, I live mostly alone over there, my mom works a lot, if you ever need anything, girl time, a sleepover, a ride to school, just come over ok? My car is cooler than your brothers by far. And my motorcycle is even cooler than that.” She smiled at me and thanked me before disappearing again with another box.
“That was awful nice of you,” Billy said quite flirtily. “Thanks for stopping by. Will I be seeing you around school?”
“You’ll be seeing me, Billy.” I said, gently flirting back at him. I had a rule, I wasn’t going to ever get close to anyone. I didn’t want another bad thing happening. I couldn’t bear to know that I hurt someone else close to me again. But god damn was he a specimen. And there was no shame in some harmless flirting. “Will you let me see the insides of that beautiful beast you have down there?” I said motioning to his car.
“I think that might be a little out of your league princess.” He said.
“Oh sugar, I bet you I know more about it than you do. I have a ‘69 impala up in the garage and my dad was a mechanic. He died when I was seven but I inherited the talent from him. The guy that owns his shop now is great, I work there on weekends and in the summer. Pop the hood?” He looked behind him quickly and walked down the slope to the road. He opened the door and popped the hood. I opened it and looked inside. I whistled. It was a gorgeous and nearly immaculate block. But it looked like his ignition cable was a little loose. “You ever have problems starting her up? Mostly just when its cold?” I asked him.
“How’d you know?” He asked actually surprised that I seemed to know what I was talking about.
“Come here I’ll show you.” When he came around the front I pointed to the cable. “You see the screw you have securing the ignition cable? It’s the wrong size and its not attached properly. Which isn’t really that big of a deal, but when its cold and the metal shrinks up the connections aren’t as good. So it's a little harder to start. Bring it up the driveway later and I can fix that for you.”
“I don’t know...were kind of busy unpacking and all. Neil might not let me.”
I reached up and stroked his cheek, a spark of softness beifely shot through him. I could feel it. It made me wonder how long it had been since he had had any true compassionate human interaction. I’m sure he was having physical contact on the regular of the good and not so good variety. But something so gentle and kind, I wasn’t sure about. He seemed a troubled person but something in him sparked something in me and I knew in my heart I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t try and show him some compassion and genuine human contact.
“I get it, its ok Billy. Same goes for you by the way. If you ever need anything, a ride to school, some girl time, a sleepover,” I paused and became a bit more somber when I said, “somewhere safe, to escape too. I’ve got the space and I don’t like being alone all the time. So really you’d be doing me a favor.”
I didn’t let him respond before sauntering back off to my side of the street, swinging my hips back and forth the entire way. Before I walked back inside the house I turned around, Billy was still looking at me. I wiggled my fingers at him before spinning around again and walking inside and shutting the door behind me. I was worried. I’d hardly met the family, but I knew that things were off. I knew that BIlly was going to be trouble, that he was trouble. I knew the kind of guy he was. Hard on the outside to hide the sadness that was inside him. Taking it out on other people. I was going to have to watch out for that. I was going to have to be careful not to get to close. None of the boys in Hawkins could ever tempt me like I knew that one out there could do. But that wasn’t the thing I was worried about the most. I was worried about that little girl, Max. The same age as El. I was worried she would be the next punching bag for Mr. Hargrove
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mspowerverse · 5 years
Power Rider Hybrid
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(Logo by@riceyhot)
A group called the Alloy Army commissioned several laboratories to create the next big technological wave. One group discovered a way to harness the essence of a living creature or an object into bottles creating a type of fuel they dubbed Fuelsion (fuel + fusion). Hybrid Laboratories learned they intended to use their discovery as a weapon and refused to hand it over to the Alloy Army. They decided to use it to create new technological marvels. However the Alloy Army was not fond of being rejected and used a mole to steal their research injuring a scientist in the process. Eventually Hybrid Labs was ready to test their Fuelsion and put a call out for test subjects. One of the volunteers was a young woman named Samantha, a genius without motivation she found herself interested by the concept. However during the test the Alloy Army attacked to steal the rest of the research. The Army reveals they have created monsters called Fusers, made by exposing people to the energy of Fuelsion directly. During the chaos Samantha used a special suit meant to manipulate the Fuelsion to fend off some of the attackers allowing the scientists to flee to a secondary lab. This lab had a hidden entrance inside a storage container. The scientists who remain on board decide to fight back against the Alloy Army and modify the suit Samantha used to create a Rider suit. They help her fight against Fusers by creating new weapons and restoring Fuelsion she collects from fallen Fusers into usable bottles. For reasons the scientists don’t fully understand each bottle of Fuelsion has a partner that it resonates perfectly with. The energies feed into each other unleashing their full power.
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Power Rider Hybrid- Samantha Nguyen - A 22 year old woman, Samantha has a brilliant mind but is lazy and unfocused. She volunteers to test the Fuelsion because the concept interested her and when the villains attacked she used the tech to fight back and defend the scientists. She decides to help reclaim the stolen tech and for the first time has motivation. At first the only bottles she has are Hare and Artillery. When Samantha defeats the Fusers she reclaims the stolen Fuelsion used to create them. Face Claim: Lana Condor Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Hybrid Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: As she cranks the belt a helix of energy surrounds her forming the armor Weapon: Spiral Buster- Finisher- Spiral Breaker Final Moves: Defaults listed Rider Hopping Blast Kick- She cranks the belt shooting a helix of energy trapping the enemy leaving them open to a charged kick Rider Primal Gem Punch- She cranks the belt charging his fist with energy Rider Soaring Bullet Shot- She spins the barrel of the gun charging the blaster with energy Rider Shadow Panel Slash- She cranks the belt charging the blade with energy Rider Howling Call Rush- A ring of phones surrounds the enemy as an energy wolf runs through them before attacking Rider Shell Age Bash- Freezes time around the target and bashes them with her shell Rider Insect Photo Flash- Flashes the camera stunning the enemy and striking with the beetle horn Rider Long Cyclone Twist- Creates a cyclone around the enemy before attacking with the giraffe neck Rider Chomp Speed Strike- Rushes up to the enemy and strikes in a flurry of blows Rider Frozen Trick Crash- Freezes the enemy in place and speeds in on the board shattering them Bike- CyCall- Phone that turns into a bike Main Mixes Hartillary- Hare + Artillery Perfect balance of offense and defense
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*Hartillary Refined
- Enhanced form- stronger attacks
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*Hartillary Raw
- Stronger power, risk of losing control
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*Hartillary Pure Hare/Pure Artillery
- Enhances power of individual bottles - Keeps the power boost without losing control - Pure Hare combines power of Animate life Fuelsion - Chimera Blast - Pure Hare is much faster and agile - Pure Artillery combines power of Inanimate objects Fuelsion - Armory Blast - Pure Artillery is much stronger and has stronger firepower
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*Mega Mix
- Final form - ALL Fuelsion - Combines every Fuelsion into one form - Mega Chimera Blast - Mega Armory Blast - Increases all attributes exponentially
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Apestal- Ape +Crystal Has incredible strength and defense
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Falgun- Falcon + Gun Grants flight as well as a powerful blaster
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Ninmic- Ninja + Comic Arms Hybrid with a ninja sword with four different powers
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Wolfhone- Wolf + Phone Allows Hybrid to use sonic howl attacks
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Tortime- Tortoise + Time Slows down time for a targeted foe.
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Beetera- Beetle + Camera Allows Hybrid to pinpoint weak points in enemies defenses and attack with piercing horn.
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Girafan- Giraffe + Fan Creates high winds and gives extended range
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Sharkcle- Shark + Cycle Enhances speed greatly and allows for quick devastating blows
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Pengoard- Penguin + Skateboard Freezes the environment and allows for quick travel on the frozen surface Other Mixes Porcugine- Porcupine+ Fire Engine Bearket- Bear + Rocket Buccanail- Buccaneer+ Rail Leouum- Leo + Vacuum Squlb- Squid + Bulb Dinocer- Dinosaur+ Racer Tigcer- Tiger + Flying Saucer Phoebot- Phoenix + Robot Spidge- Spider + Fridge Whalet- Whale + Jet Grizee- Grizzly + TV Flowpter- Flower + Chopper Uniser- Unicorn + Eraser Scorpold- Scorpion + Gold Dogmic- Dog + Microphone Deermid- Deer + Pyramid Ghognet- Ghost + Magnet Wasub- Wasp + Sub Rhirer- Rhino + Dryer Different Fuelsion has different prefixes for attacks. Hare- Hopping Artillery- Blast Ape- Primal Crystal- Gem Falcon- Soaring Gun- Bullet Ninja- Shadow Comic- Panel Wolf- Howling Phone- Call Tortoise- Shell Time- Age Beetle- Insect Camera- Photo Giraffe- Long Fan- Cyclone Shark- Chomp Cycle- Speed Penguin- Frozen Skateboard- Trick Spider- Web Fridge- Freeze Wasp- Stinger Sub- Torpedo Rhino- Horn Dryer- Burn Leo- Hunter Vacuum- Vortex Squid- Ink Bulb- Flash Buccaneer- Cannonball Rail- Steam Bear- Claw Rocket- Orbit Porcupine- Quill Fire Engine- Rescue
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Power Rider Mythril- Rebecca Carter-  A 21 year old woman who answered the ad for the cash. Street smart and quick on her feet. She stayed with the scientists as well and understands the threat the villains pose with the stolen tech and offers to help. Eventually gains the ability to transform into Power Rider Mythril, powered by the Drake Fuelsion Face Claim: Kiana Lede Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Mythril Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt igniting flame energy around her forming the suit Weapon: Dragon Sword Finishing Moves: Burning Slash Mythical Kick
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*Mythril Scorch- Enhanced form gained when Rebecca pretended to defect to Helix Inc in order to gain a sample of their solid Fuelsion. This form was lost during a later battle.
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* Mythril Blaze- Enhanced form with stronger armor and weapons.
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* Mythril Eruption- Final form- Supercharged with extreme heat and flames. Finishing Move: Eruption Burst, a fury of flaming attacks.
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Power Rider Gears- Kelsey Zhu- A woman in her 20s, mechanic, works for Helix Inc. a second lab who was working on Fuelsion. Helix Inc created a more solid form of Fuelsion and sends her out to prove their version is superior. Aided by a trio of Fusers who are able to keep their sentience while transformed (Fortress, Barn Owl, Beetle) When Scar arrives and attacks all parties Kelsey joins forces with Samantha and Rebecca at first out of necessity but soon she grows to consider them friends. Face Claim: Malese Jow Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Gears Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating a group of energy gears forming the suit Weapon: Gear Gauntlet Finishing Moves:Piercing Drill
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* Gears Mechanic- Final form-Supercharged with extreme cold and armed with a robotic claw
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Power Rider Scar- Grace Wen- One of the original scientists who developed Fuelsion, she volunteered to test it before it was ready. A flaw in the equipment caused an explosion that scarred her face and body. Filled with rage she took some of the equipment and fled. Now she has returned to take her pain and anger out on all parties. She believes her actions are justified and that she is in the right. However after Samantha saves her life she puts her agenda aside to help fight the Alloy Army. Soon she learns the truth behind the accident and when given the chance to take her years of anger out on the person responsible she lets them live, leaving her rage behind once and for all. She is aided by her Mechanical Fusers enforcers Tick and Tock
Face Claim: Fan Bingbing Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Scar Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating cracks of energy around her body forming the suit Weapons: Revenge Blaster and Vengeance Blade- Combines to the Retribution Rifle Finishing Moves: Avenging Blast, Avenging Slash.
Villains- The Alloy Army, determined to use the latest in technology to fuel their conquest of the world.
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Echo- Giselle Odinsdötir- Serious and strict she is the loyal enforcer of the Alloy Admiral’s commands. Any who cross the Admiral fear the shadows when she’s near. What her suit lacks in variety it makes up for with brute force. Face Claim: Billie Piper
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Venom- Sullivan Jones- Eccentric and self serving he is sadistic and enjoys testing new weapons and abilities on his enemies. He enjoys coating his weapons in his experimental toxins and seeing their impact on his targets. Face Claim: John David Washington
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Tarantula- Karl Jones- Dramatic and brutal he was sent to the field after the repeated failures of Echo and Venom. The fact he and Sullivan are brothers does not prevent him from unleashing his frustration over their failures against the Riders. His enhanced powers make him a match for the Rider’s stronger forms. Face Claim: Evan Ross
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Power Rider Maniac- Natalie Parker- A mole working for the Alloy Army the whole time. She gives them samples of the tech the lab develops allowing them to reverse engineer it for Alloy Admiral to use. Was the one responsible for Grace’s accident Face Claim: Brianna Hildebrand Transformation Device: Fuelsion Injector Maniac Model Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: She cranks the handle of the belt creating chaotic energy around her forming the suit Weapons: Chaos Blaster and Chaos Blade- Combines to form the Chaos Rifle Finishing Moves: Cruel Blast, Brutal Slash.
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Alloy Admiral- Evan Burke- Leader of the Alloy Army with dreams of world conquest. Thanks to Natalie’s efforts he is able to utilize Fuelsion from other Riders. In his civilian identity he’s a wealthy CEO who invests heavily in technology. His hands reach into many companies whether they know it or not. Face Claim: Ted Danson
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Using the Drake Fuelsion he gains stronger attack power
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Using the Hare Fuelsion he gains better agility.
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Alloy Admiral Darkness- Uses the power of darkness and black holes. Also gains the ability of teleportation
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Alloy Abomination- Frustrated by his losses he injects Fuelsion directly into his bloodstream mutating him into this abomination. Power Rider Arcade/Hybrid: During the final battle with V.A.I some of his code ended up on the internet where it eventually found its way to a computer inside of Hybrid Laboratories. Utilizing the Fuelsion system it built itself a new body forcing the Arcade Riders to assist Hybrid and the other Riders in destroying it once and for all.
(Faces by @dream-chef-flavors)
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douxreviews · 6 years
Charmed - Season Two Review
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"Our job is to protect the innocent, not punish the guilty."
In a lot of respects, Charmed's second season is stronger that the first. With no real "sophomore slump" to speak of, the series quickly settles into a fantastic run of episodes that make great use of the groundwork laid by the debut season. Spoilers and Gordon bashing ahead!
Season opener 'Witch Trial' is brimming with confidence. There's such an ease to how this season uses each sister, and how they interact has never felt more organic and fun than it does here. Following the previous season's finale, Andy's death is still causing ricochets through the Halliwells' lives, and Prue's struggle to get back on the “witch's saddle” is played really well. There's a heartbreaking monologue in the premiere in which Prue voices her struggles with her ability to do good, when she feels like she's responsible for her first love's death. Shannen was always one of the strongest cast members, and that scene always springs to mind when I think of how great she was in this role. The way Piper and Phoebe comfort Prue in this moment feels so right, too. I love these three gals.
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The best of episode of the season (and a series highlight) is 'Morality Bites', an even more affecting hour than the premiere. It features the show's third major brush with time travel – this time to the future – where a decision to punish a guilty man leads to Phoebe literally burning at the stake. Though it relies on some simple ideas, there's a powerful lesson to be learned, with the sisters facing the hard truth behind why they can only use their powers to protect, not punish. That one line always hits me where it hurts: "The wrong thing done for the right reason is still the wrong thing.". 'Morality Bites' is also Alyssa Milano's best work; you can really feel Phoebe's pain throughout. There's a further brush with time travel later on in the season as well and although it doesn't resonate quite as much as 'Morality Bites', there's still a lot of fun to be had. 'Pardon My Past' toys with the theory of past lives and how souls can grow and evolve over time. The hour neatly ties into that recurring theme of Phoebe's latent dark side, a concept that was explored to great effect in last season's 'Woogy' episode. And who can resist an opportunity to dress up the cast in 20's garb?
Season Two also picks up where episodes like 'That '70s Episode' left off, delving further into the intriguing Halliwell family history, notably in 'P3H2O', a powerful chapter that reveals the girls' mother's affair with her former Whitelighter Sam (a twist that becomes quite significant – and very useful for the producers – come Season Four). The episode itself features some beautiful and heart-breaking moments for each sister: Piper falling into her mother's footsteps with Leo and eventually realising that she has to let him go; Phoebe being forced into reliving her mother's final moments in order to stop the demon who killed her; and Prue confronting her fear head on and eventually avenging Patty's death. There are some lighter episodes that make great use of the dynamic performances of the core cast, too. Despite some questionable examples of this ('She's a Man, Baby, a Man'), episodes like 'Astral Monkey' and 'Chick Flick' are a lot of fun, with the latter standing out as one of the best examples of how inventive and sharp the writing team could be when they really wanted to.
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What lets the second year down is the introduction of the series' first truly sucky characters: Dan and Jenny Gordon. The latter's brief run of episodes seems to serve very little purpose other than to throw in a younger person's perspective into the series and force Dan into the Halliwells' lives. Her barely explained disappearance after just a handful of episodes seems to indicate some sort of an awareness of how grating a character she ended up becoming. As dull as he is, Dan isn't necessarily as problematic as the storyline he represents; the show's worst love triangle. He's a total bore, but I feel like he's more of a victim of circumstance than anything else, primarily serving as a c*ck-block between Piper and the then well-established Leo, who were clearly the end-game couple of the series. His hasty exit at the close of the season is probably the only reprieve where his arc is concerned, allowing Piper and Leo to properly pursue their love affair, which leads to more threatening, and subsequently more interesting roadblocks in Season Three. I do feel obliged to point out how awful Leo is for a significant portion of this arc. He's unfair, judgmental and forces Piper into some very uncomfortable situations just to prove a point. Give a girl some room! Leo's struggles with his temporary transition back to human form are mildly interesting, though they don't last very long and are drowned out by the melodramatic hoopla of the love triangle.
An unfortunate amount of this season’s run time is spent on Piper's conflicting feelings for Dan and Leo, but we do get some great character work elsewhere. Piper's professional life sees a major overhaul following her decision to quit her job at Quake last season, as she transitions from restaurant manager to club owner. Said establishment, P3, is a fun hub of activity for the girls, and a handy way for the network to parade a multitude of musical guests onto the show. It also feels like the right move for a character who's starting to really come into her own and take control of her life. Prue's deconstruction from the uptight matriarch of the family continues this season, with episodes like 'Ms Hellfire' playing with her wild side. In that regard, her decision to leave her by-the-numbers job at Buckland's to pursue her actual dream of becoming a photographer makes total sense, though it still baffles me how an inexperienced photographer like her managed to worm her way into a job at an established magazine. Phoebe's arc weirdly feels like it's bringing both Prue and her back to some kind of middle ground; just as the eldest sibling starts to let go of her inhibitions, Phoebe makes the decision to start becoming more responsible and actively pursues her unfinished college degree. Gone are the days of the hotel lobby psychic! Like Prue and Piper's arcs, Phoebe's also feels natural and right for her character, and is satisfying for those who have been following her journey since the first episode.
Potions and Notions
Darryl is brought in on the magical secret in 'Ms Hellfire', which thankfully curbs the risk of any repeat of the antagonism the girls faced from a frustrated Andy last season.
Prue is the first sister to develop a whole new power this season; Astral Projection. It's actually a fairly cool advancement and it's used really well.
The Source, the leader of the underworld, is mentioned for the first time in ‘Give Me a Sign’.
Spells and Chants
Phoebe: "The wrong thing done for the right reason is still the wrong thing."
Prue: "I know someone who can see anything." Phoebe: "Oh, no. Wait a minute. You tiptoe around the subject of Mom, you deny looking like her, you can't even go to the end of that dock because you're afraid to walk in her footsteps and now you want me to relive her last moments? How is that fair?" Prue: "It's not. None of this is. Mom's death, Sam's guilt. But I'm asking you to help me end it."
Piper: "Wait, Phoebe, you enrolled? This is huge!" Phoebe: "Hugest thing I've done since I came back home. I mean, aside from vanquishing demons and saving the world from evil, of course."
Billy: “Don’t you just hate exposition?” Phoebe: “Tell me about it…”
Best Episode: Morality Bites.
Honorable Mentions: Witch Trial, P3H2O, Ms Hellfire, Pardon my Past, Murphy's Luck, Chick Flick, Astral Monkey.
Worst Episode: They're Everywhere!
The show's second year is permeated by some drab and drawn out love-life drama, but it's largely a solid follow-up to the show's charming opening season, one that ups the ante and includes several episodes that are among the series' best.
8 out of 10 magic monkeys.
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plxviophile · 7 years
for the otp meme: betty/mercier
Mericer / Betty
eeeee my favorite babies! Okie dokie, here we go!
who is more likely to hurt the other? Hard to say. Hurting one another is the last thing either of them want to do, whenever it happens it’s usually unintentionally. Like a forgotten anniversary or arriving late for dinner. Or trying to protect one if it means breaking their heart a little. Both intentions are pure, and both of them would rather be happy together even if it meant sacrificing something individually.
who is emotionally stronger? Both. Mercier who has seen his fellow soldiers die in battle and Betty who has survived emotional trauma from Craze (if we’re going canon) Both Mercier and Betty are exceedingly strong emotionally, both of them have fire and rage and lust within them that makes them so perfect.
who is physically stronger? Well I mean, I’m going to say Mercier for the sake of him being a veteran. (Though IRL Billie Piper can totally kick David Tennant’s ass like there’s no way she’s jacked af and he’s a twig so)
who is more likely to break a bone? Mercier. Chilvarious idiot will always put himself at risk for the sake of being cool.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?
“What d'ya mean yellow isn’t a pretty color?!”
“I’m sorry, Betty. I just don’t understand the appeal!”
She grumbles as she makes his tea and he can’t help but laugh at her pout and reddened cheeks. She gets even angrier when she realizes he’s messing with her and threatens to put salt in his tea instead of sugar.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? Mercier. Which is odd because I really can’t picture the two of them fighting a lot but if there’s one thing he hates, it’s when Betty is upset. Even if he doesn’t totally agree, he’d do whatever he could to ensure her happiness. He never lets them go to bed angry.
who treats who’s wounds more often? Betty has a first aid kit always ready for whenever Mercier comes home from a job. She’s silent as she cleans blood off of him and he knows how much she hates his work. But he kisses her cheek and says, “This is for a good cause Betty. One I believe in and I have a duty.” She accepts albeit begrudginly but is really just thankful he comes home at all.
who is in constant need of comfort? I imagine Mercier needs comfort whenever he thinks of the war, it’s painful for him to remember those he lost. Thankfully Betty is there with a warm cuppa and all the hugs and kisses one could deserve. Same for her, any nightmares or panic attacks Betty may have, Mercier is right there to offer his love and support.
who gets more jealous? Betty, and who could blame her? The women Mercier encounters are usually diplomatic successes with money and furs and jewelry. But Mercier could honestly care less and he always reassures Betty of that whenever they go to an event together. There’s no one like Betty and no one else that he wants and loves.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? I’m going to say Betty, but again I can’t picture them arguing much so it would have to be a really really big fight. If we’re talking based on their canon time periods and stories, it would probably be in relation to Mercier’s job or Betty’s former husband Donald. All very harrowing and emotional things for her that she doesn’t like arguing about. 
But she comes back, she always comes back because her relationship with Jean-François is more important than anything.
who will propose? Mercier. And he plans it to be a big romantic gesture but winds up blurting it out as he finds his release inside her one night. Just as he’s about to apologize and “take it back” she kisses his cheek and says yes.
who has the most difficult parents? Mercier had a strict father (from what I remember about the book) but that was a while ago so I’m going to say Betty. Plus having a mentally unwell parent is never ever easy, my babygirl Betty is one tough cookie.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Betty, and sometimes it’s not appropiate. Like when they walk by Mercier’s job, he regretfully lets go of her hand in order to avoid questioning since the Embassy pries in everything…but once they’re out of sight he takes her hand again and lets his lips linger at her knuckles with a remorseful furrow in his brows.
who comes up for the other all the time? I don’t actually understand this one…But allow me to say that Jean-François Mercier x Betty is one of the most perfect pairings ever. Always grateful to @lostinfic . They are happy and healthy and together forever.
who hogs the blankets? Betty. 10000%. No matter, Mercier likes wrapping around her more than blankets anyway.
who gets more sad? I’d say Betty. I have this headcanon about her that usually in cold weather, when her flowers have wilted and the air is too cold to breathe in deeply she succumbs to a melancholy state that causes her to lose some fire. Seasonal depression would be the modern term, but nonetheless, it causes the world to seem a bit grayer to her.
who is better at cheering the other up?
“Come look at this, Betty.”
“What is it?”
“It’s snowing.”
Mercier shows her the beauty of snow. The first snowfall of winter, the footprints. The snowmen. In no time, Betty sees it too. The glistening shades of white and blue. She still much prefers spring and summer for he garden, but winter isn’t so bad. Especially when Mercier makes a fire for her and makes love to her in front of it. She’s never cold again. (Plus she steals his sweaters.)
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Betty, although Mercier isn’t much for jokes. It’s more when she’s trying to cook and he starts getting frisky that she playfully smacks his hands away before he can cusp her breasts and tells him to wait after they eat.
“Besides, you’ll need your strength for what I’ve got in mind.”
“Is that a challenge mon ange?”
“No, it’s a promise.”
who is more streetwise? I’d say both of them for different reasons. Mercier is a spy, he’s played the street game before. He knows what questions to ask and where to look. He’s very cunning and smart at reading people. I imagine Betty is streetwise because she’s lived on them before. I imagine before she met Donald she was rather poor growing up and would sometimes trade for food. Nonetheless, it made her stronger and able to give insight to Mercier in case he asked.
who is more wise? Again, I’m going to say both. That’s why they go so well together. Again, Mercier’s job requires a wise man, someone who is able to problem solve and think logically. Trading secrets and plans in order to progress. Betty on the other hand knows how hard life is. Having her father die, mentally unwell mom. Surviving an unloving marriage and being a mother. She may not be as academic as some others, but she is far from stupid.
who’s the shyest? Definitely Betty. It’s part of what Mercier loves about her. When she blushes and averts her eyes and chews on her fingers. It’s one of her many charming attributes he loves to bask in.
who boasts about the other more? If we’re talking Mercier at the Embassy in the 40s, he isn’t the type to talk about his personal affairs at his job, he wants to protect her as much as possible. But Betty on the other hand, loves telling her sister Margaret about how wonderful Jean-François is and how happy he makes her.
who sits on who’s lap? Jean-François Mercier will never ever tire of the feeling of his Betty curled up on his lap and her head nestled in his chest.
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whenasparrowfalls · 7 years
More tumblr as a journal
OK, so I haven't posted in an age. I just saw Yerma though and my head is full of thoughts about it. It was a screening in my local cinema of a production in London. With Billie Piper as Yerma.
I was kind of apprehensive going into it, because the story felt quite personal, for reasons I won't go into because I don't want to go down that road now. I read the original at a level and loved it, and read it again in the run up to seeing it.
But like... It didn't effect me emotionally as much as I thought it would. I think because it didn't stay very true to the text. When I read it over the weekend I found it really moving. But while the acting was brilliant, and I was on the edge of my seat at times, it didn't touch me in the same way.
The acting was wonderful. Billie Piper was excellent, as I knew she'd be. And her parter, and Victor were both played very well. As was her mother.
I have to say, I prefer play as it is in the text. Or the story anyway. For me it diminished it somehow. It became a play about a woman who was sad and mad because she couldn't have children. Whereas in the text the story is much more to do with her isolation than the physical fact that she can't bear children. Like, in the text her inner pain comes not just from the fact that she can't have children, but from the fact that no one understands how she feels. Her husband doesn't care.
Whereas I felt like the version I saw really simplified it. Her partner was a lot more likeable than in the original text.
My main beef with it though was the ending. In the version I saw, Juan leaves and Yerma kills herself. Like, what??? It was only walking home that it dawned on me that it was directed by a man. In the light of that the ending makes more sense.
The whole point of the text is that she gets more isolated until she lashes out. In the text, she's so tormented that she wants to end her obsession. And she does. Like, Yerma's not suicidal. If you read her as suicidal you're missing the point, and have some super shallow reading of it. In the version I saw, it was her husband who gets sick of the obsession and leaves. So him wanting to end the obsession is the catalyst for the ending. Not her.
I mean, it was a nice production in a lot of ways. Acting was great. And it was very intense. I found myself on edge for much of it, partly because having read the text I kept wondering when the ending would happen.
Anyway. In other news, work is good. It's a little tedious, but my colleagues aren't bad and I get to sit down in a nice comfy office all day. And there's so little pressure and targets. It's lovely. And I can grow my nails, for the first time in years.
My mum's dog's been neutered, so is sporting the cone of shame.
And my cousin may be moving in with us. Him and his sister aren't getting on so well, and they were going to move out of their mum's old house (she passed on and they can't afford to stay there) into what is basically a studio together, but they decided it won't be workable, so my cousin L is moving into the studio and my youngest cousin J is moving in with us. That's the plan anyway.
So yeah. Life rumbles on I suppose. It was nice reading Yerma, and seeing it. Despite my criticisms I really enjoyed both reading it again and seeing it.
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