#gruelling but actually doable
sexysilverstrider · 2 years
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Adventures of [EN]Manager-san
When you took the job, you didn't expect it to be easy but you also didn't think it will be this 'interesting'. You thought it will only entail organizing their scheds, checking copyrighted materials, daily meetings, the usual. And now here we are -
No Fulgur, you are not allowed to 'throw hands', or any body parts for that matter, to any member. No Nina, I don't think it's legal to 'adopt' livers. And for the love of all that's holy, reading yaoi smut for a guerilla stream is not allowed. Let me plan this shit out, okay.
It was actually funny/exciting/scary to predict on what they will come up next. But afterall that chaos, you're still so proud of them. They've come so far, literally, and you see how they work so hard to give the best version of themselves, even if they don't feel their best.
You don't mind attending those gruelling meetings just to get their ideas green lighted. This much is doable, if it's for them. After all, they saved you, this much you're certain of.
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tiny-ts · 3 years
Woods, Metals & Plastics Workshop
We were asked to come up with ideas for creating our own 3d sculpture from a few materials - copper coated steel rods, tin sheet, wire, wood. I chose to work with copper coated steel rods and tin sheets for both my ideas that I came up with. To start my brainstorming I used a mind map to quickly jot down ideas as well as explore them further before then moving onto sketching out various iterations of my two final ideas.
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nWhilst coming up with my ideas for what I could create and still trying to keep my work linked to the brief and previous work created with this unit so far. So I decided to use the Icarus idea to explore so and I also used ideas and also the basis of the Icarus exhibition, human flaws. So I created two competing ideas for what I would create as my out come - wings to represent Icarus or glasses that you can't see anything through to represent the human flaw of ignorance.
Whilst the glasses are more of social and political statement piece that wold have been made to provoke how you yourself are ignorant to the world around you from friends, family to real world issues. Whereas the wings of Icarus would be representative of Icarus the story and the morals it holds as well as the link to human flaws of arrogance and hubris. The wings would be a social piece as well designed to work and link in with previous human flaw and Icarus work from my collection of work.
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After having some discussion with Sarah over what would be easiest to create within the time frame as well as what would be the most doable - creating the glasses would've likely been very fiddley and difficult because of all the smaller parts I would have to use to create the piece. But I still really like the concept I came up and could use it in the future for a sculpture or inspiration for another piece of art.
Once I got down to creating it quickly became a much more gruelling and difficult process to execute the idea I had created than I thought. I knew I wouldn't be able to create what I'd sketched and seen in my exactly but even still I did not enjoy having this inexperience and lack of control to an extend over my work.
I started working on the frame first of the wings or the outline, which was made of copper coated steel and I hoped to use both formers and tubing to create the shape of the wings. I decided to break the wings up into smaller pieces and weld them together later but this is a decision I came to regret because using several smaller pieces was not only awkward to weld but also made the wings frame look even jankier than it already was.
Then it was time to create the wings, I used a sharpie to draw onto the tin sheet and get an outline of the wings wire frame shape before going to use the guillotine to start cutting them out. Using that guillotine was a job and half, it also very tiring and taxing on arm. Once I'd cut them out, whilst they fit the wings frame they didn't really look like wings so Sarah suggested I create a feather like effect on the outer metal by slicing in at an angle and curling the metal.
Using the half to torch and the metal to achieve some truly beautiful colour on the tin sheet was probably some of the most fun I've ever had with fire. I used the spot welder again to join the wings and the frame together and though admittedly they are very badly out of line, I actually really like it and having them disjointed actually allow for the feather effect on the metal to be better seen.
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I am happy with the happy with the outcome for various reasons, for one the colours on the tin sheet are just beautiful and I would love to create the effect again on another piece in the future. Secondly because you could actually tell they were wings and I poured at lot of hard work and frustration (well more frustration in my case) into this sculpture and whilst I happy that really were it stops. As I said I am pleased with the outcome but I'm also upset and frustrated because it didn't go exactly as I wanted and I did have a distinct lack of control due to a lot of in experience with the tools I was using as well as a lot of guess work on my part when trying to the rods in the same way to have the wings be even
I'm sure if I would definitely like to return to woods, metals and plastics if not for the sheer frustration this sculpture caused me but for the fact that sculpture making in general isn't something find easy and not particularly bothered about improving in or focusing on.
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roseate7 · 5 years
Any words of consolation about what’s probably going to happen tonight? It hurts so much and it hasn’t even happened yet. You seem to have good perspective and I could use some.
I’ll answer this one because it’s very sweet and must’ve come in right before I switched anon off.
I can very easily and confidently say to you that this indeed shall pass, because unlike many a swift rout in which a team and fanbase must cast about in bewilderment for what went wrong, the enemy has shown himself and it is within. For all that the superstars were gassed with overwork by the time the playoffs arrived, and for all that the eventual lineup were too bewildered to pull out a cohesive performance by the end, the man responsible for all of this - and I mean all - is Jim Rutherford.
A lot of folks understandably held out on my level of bolshiness toward him this year, but from day one of this playoffs series the truth of the entire season’s mess and muddle and hasty plastering-over had shown itself in rapidly coming undone beneath playoffs pressure. And he’d done the same botched jobs before in Carolina.
I know most folks don’t agree with me on this point especially but the Hags trade set the tone of Rutherford losing the team’s confidence in him entirely. The bulk of the work was done then. His “point was made” but the point was both a misfire and an eventual backfire. But whatever difficulties the Pens had at the start of the season, we only ever got to see them just beginning to repair the longer the team got to bond and gel… only for trigger-happy-trader Jim to come and throw it all into disarray again.
There’s no way of ever knowing which of the trades were truly any better because there was no time the crucial identity to be formed with any of them. He lucked the fuck out with the Florida trade, but what good are two solid players in isolation on a disjointed team they barely know and may not even stay with past the summer? Where is the hunger and fight for them? To lift a Cup with men they’ve known a matter of months? They’re not Black Aces, they’re key players who felt rushed in and did their best which is honestly a waste of talent in the end. Certainly no way to form that team identity. All it did was help keep the Pens on life support.
That’s the theme of Rutherford losing this season: what good are solid players in isolation? Do they make a defense? Do they create goals? Do they give his superstars space to work while leaving the speed up to the younger and lighter, or even just faster…. oh yeah those are all gone. So, no. No they don’t. They add up to a first round sweep and have done ever since the late fall.
It might seem like strange comfort to know that the season was ultimately jeapordized by a man who we can only see the back of if pressure mounts outside and in, but ironically when you look at all of the good that he has wasted in either neglect or over-work, it is reassurance.
Because it’s very good to know that the Pens have a core on the other side of thirty who are hitting and breaking franchise and league records and are still able to overcome major mid-season injury and reignite the team’s playoffs hopes. They’re not the Hawks or the Kings. Their core leave ample cap space in their salaries and more importantly, the problems aren’t scattered all over the locker room and the coaching and the management. It’s down to one man getting into a job using more talented colleagues and then reverting to type once left to his own devices. Hell, even Sully being out-coached wouldn’t have led to a first round exit if the team had formed the kind of identity and drive that it should have. 87/71 can lead a motley crew of a roster to the second round just fine, so long as they can get to know them before March.
And 87/71 being what they are - an isolated and rare organism - and having veteran status, none of the past two seasons will be allowed to remain when they return to Pittsburgh in the fall. They’ve proven how fearless they are in doing what is right for their team and that they’ll run up against any level of front office to fight for glory again. Hell, just look at Geno’s post-games after tonight! He is already planning on the upturn of all they’ve settled into that doesn’t work. I truly do not think Rutherford has the clout, especially after these past two years on his own, to stand up to what those two want. They’ve got the ear of the owners far more than he has. I doubt he’ll be gotten rid of, but his workload could easily become much ‘lighter’ and the purse strings taken out of his hands.
From my hockey perspective, this exit honestly feels like a logical turn in direction for a team who have needed to be wrestled out of the jaws of victory rather than the other way round for most of one dynasty. The years between 2009 and 2016 were such twists and turns, and they’ve all faded into normal and natural lows and suffering that happen to absolutely every club - especially to ones who have had success so frequently. The past two seasons aren’t at all unusual for a much older club whose legs have largely never bounced back from a gruelling back-to-back and an unbroken succession of playoff appearances.
All of Rutherford’s botched work needs to be either undone or removed. I’m sorry folks, I know it’s extremely unlikely and most don’t agree with me but getting Hags back would restore heart and identity to a team that couldn’t bear to have lost it in the first place. But even if not him, then a team assembled and left to actually find itself next season. I’m also not convinced that dropping Horny makes sense, it feels way too much like the overly-reactionary trades of the entire season and yet more loss of identity. Bringing in youth and speed is doable without disintegrating the core even more. We all love Olli but he’s sadly become disposable (I don’t really know why) and I say it’s far wiser to shift a younger player who is already showing signs of slowing than a teammate who brings much needed heart to the locker room.
Anyway, all of this can be done. There is now time, room and with intelligence there can be money. Geno will rest and clear his head and be Russian and Miamian for a while, Sid will go off with trainers like last summer, and they’ll both return of one mind: to never, ever allow their ship to be steered so wildly off course ever again.
So when it comes to the pain, the bitterness, the feeling of desolation and confusion of tonight I really can promise you this will be a kinder loss in the long run. It didn’t drag on, it was against a team who had the jump and the desperation on the Pens, and there were no cruel twists of the knife to age-old wounds. The Isles were better and wanted the win more and they won. It’s clean, if still gutting.
I can say all of this because I was baptised by fire and blood into hockey. I saw Bloody Wednesday and I had seen the previous season’s lead-up to it, all of which is told best by Kris Draper himself. I saw hatred and cold-bloodedness and rage that transcended ‘just hockey’ between the Avs and Wings of those days. I can safely say that no one will ever experience transcendent agony and ecstasy of the like ever again because the sport is now more about... well, the sport, rather than the spectacle.
And as I soon realised, all that gnashing of teeth from the players represented the most pathetic side of a game that was already on it’s way to losing it’s audience precisely for a lack of substance. It all stopped being satisfying when the enforcers were no longer made invisible in their traumatized retirement and the gladiatorial was proven to be ultimately almost as fatal and cruel as the old coliseums. We all got sick of games halting for the latest wild man to do his bit and to have teams hoarding up talent in ways that even refs could tilt the balance in their favor so well. The rivalries are boring younger fans now that testosterone flare-ups no longer run the show, and instead look like weak distractions - or downright dangerous in ways that are no longer considered acceptable - from letting your hockey speak for itself.
And well, as Draper and Nick Lidstrom proved to me many years later when they both went belly-aching that a 21 year-old Sidney Crosby wasn’t prompt enough to shake Lidstrom’s hand after the 2009 final. I will always respect those guys as players, but hoo boy the irony of their childish sore loser attitude in calling Sid immature and unprofessional still looks terrible for two men who won four Cups in their time. Same with the fans and journalists who saw fit to bemoan this perceived slight from Sid due to nothing but sour grapes over the fair loss of yet another trophy to add to their groaning coffers. Especially targeting a kid charged with rescuing his sport and his franchise, who had returned to the Joe after a bitter disappointment the previous season, and at last gained the achievement that had been expected of him since he was between fourteen and sixteen.
For shame on two men I had witness do battle and perform so valiantly, even after some of the glory of their days had begun to tarnish, to gang up on a boy because their days of domination were fading. I still love those first seasons I watched, but I am glad the days are gone of two men knocking forty launching a PR campaign to damage the image of a kid only just realising the dream they had many times repeated themselves before he was even in the draft combine.
Why did I take that trip down memory lane, you could well ask if you’re still even reading this, anon???
Because while players like the 90s Red Wings represent the last of the old dynasties, the post-2004/5 lockout effects on hockey haven’t been felt in full effect really until the Penguins back-to-backs. You know, the team who won using speed and cohesion? The team who set the standard which all other teams were not-so-secretly rushing to copy? That was a core of existing champs who dictated their own identity and who had two leaders with their eyes wisely on the future-present style of hockey.
The Kings and Hawks days of glory had one foot very much in the past. They are both in different stages of trying to work out the puzzle of a league whose playing style has been flipped even more on it’s head in just the past three drafts. Forget McDavid: how does Mitch Marner weigh what he weighs and do what he does and bounce back up every time old-style defense tries to knock him down? How do you get more of those little nuggets of your own to find gaps and evade muscle and create chances? That’s the question the Pens already know they have to get back to answering as they had before.
But Jim Rutherford has fumbled his two years unsupervised, this is resoundingly true, and his old ‘grit and size’ tendencies are coming up against a Pens core who have far more knowledge of what it takes to return their team to being champions because they have seen the sea changes taking place in their franchise from day one.
Ol’ Jim’s can come and go. But Crosby and Malkin are neither petulant veterans who would moon about over their losses and angrily deflect onto the youngsters who beat them, nor are they superstars existing in a bubble and bemoaning the slow decline of their team after each short or non-existent post-season. Neither of them will mind handing over some depth work to speedier youngsters. Neither of them will mind adjusting their roles to accommodate the next generation of Pens, because it’s what they’ve been doing for a good few years now. No clashing of egos or sense of grudge over age and perceived superiority to stop these two from doing whatever it takes to keep the club on the right path.
The Pens will always have a shot at being champions so long as Sid and Geno are on the thrones in Pittsburgh. And the more they come into their age and embrace their sway over a franchise that knows it owes it’s existence to them both (even if fucking nobody else seems to remember that Geno’s throne sits in every way equal to Sid’s) the more chance there is for more Cups.
At the very least, and it’s still a wonderful least, seasons like this one will stand as nothing but a stark but isolated reminder of how close to disaster their ship has ever sailed.
I have absolutely no doubt that they know what to do in the wake of it, and I have no doubt that they would gladly fly in the face of front office if it meant a more harmonious locker room.
They’re two heroes who won’t complain about the young bucks coming in and the league changing around them, and trust me when I say Pens fans should take endless comfort in that, even in the toughest years. And the natural order of things in hockey absolutely dictates that you’ve gotta at least have some of those.
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riseball33 · 5 years
The Dark Knight of the Soul (p.8)
Well, it’s been a bit since my last post. There was a lot that happened once we moved. Moving can be gruelling and there is so much to do. It was a great excuse for a while but my depression was just settling in now, my mind was not going good and my anxiety was constant every day.
I knew that it wasn’t good, and I was still worrying about my wife’s health. I felt a tremendous amount of guilt and shame for not working. Looking back now tells me how much of that is just early programming, what we have been taught to believe. I had a lot of that, every possible old memory popped to the surface at one point or another. A little like house cleaning. This is what I needed to do with my mind too, clean up the negative thoughts. But I didn’t realize it right away.
I was still applying for jobs and it had been two years since I was laid off and coming up to a year since finishing school. Summer was approaching. I had a couple replies to job postings, one was even out of town. The thought of moving cities again made my anxiety go through the roof. The first reply was a programming test that was quite comprehensive in a language I hadn’t used since the beginning of school. I realized quickly how little I actually knew and this made me angry. A day later I got another callback with another test. These tests I guess are like a pre screening for an interview to weed out the competition. I started to panic.
My anxiety went threw the roof and I couldn’t think or concentrate. Hell I couldn’t even decide which one to work on. They both seemed impossible to me at the time and my mind was running with it. After some time and discussion with my wife we decided to take a break from applying for work. I wasn’t ready or fit to work who are we kidding? It even seemed crazy and absurd, but it was exactly what I needed and what I was avoiding most. To take a hard look at myself.
So I did my best to relax. I still had anxiety every day but started to change the way I was thinking. I was obsessed with work, it was killing me. In actuality it was my fear of not working that was driving everything. When you start to realize it was my worst living fear already happening it was a terrible reality to face. It was surreal.
I started by finding some healthy distractions, my wife and I started to finally reconnect a bit playing scrabble every day. It became a bit of a ritual and routine which was needed. I wasn’t exercising at all and it was very hard to get motivated. Every evening after my daughter and wife went to sleep I took the opportunity to work on myself. I started with motivational quotes on different blogs, these helped me a lot to get through each day. I started to write down notes on my phone of anything that seemed to help or resonate with me. It started to become my survival kit in a sense. Every day it got a bit bigger and it was personal. I would also start saving any blog posts or pictures by adding them to my favourites so I could look at them later.
Every evening this was my reality. Deep down I was still terrified, terrified that it would never change, this was a big one, I was afraid the depression would never end and that is an awful experience for anyone to go through alone. And the feeling of helplessness is not fun either when your in it.
I can still remember one day that really started to feel like things were turning around. I watched a self-help video on YouTube and the guy was talking about you can ‘control your thoughts’. To be honest I never really gave it much thought before but I always believed that I had no control of my thoughts?
Then he gave a challenge, was to think of something good, could be anything, made up or a past memory. The point is it’s something that was a good memory and would make you feel good. He said focus on that memory for 10 seconds only. This is doable I thought. Even as low as I was feeling, 10 seconds is a reasonable place to start. Baby steps right. So then the idea he said is to do this every minute now for say 1 or 2 hours I don’t remember which. Anyways so I think this isn’t such a bad idea, I put my alarm on for one minute and kept resetting it for a couple hours.
Needless to say that I think I could only come up with two or three decent memories and it kinda seemed difficult at first because part of you just doesn’t give a shit and that voice in your head is say it’s stupid or whatever. Anyways, I did it, and kept it up for two hours. It was a good distraction at the least and in a way it was like retraining or physio for my depressed mind.
I could not believe the difference I felt by the end of the two hours. It took some discipline for sure but I’m only needing to think of something for ten seconds, I started thinking longer it seemed, like almost until the next alarm went off. My point is I couldn’t believe almost how much I improved in how I was feeling, I almost felt normal again but actually better, there was a good buzz almost like a bit of a high. I was elated, I knew after I was still in the same situation and had the same life and realities, but the big difference here is, that I could change how I felt!
I cannot even begin to tell you how empowering that was. So rather than trying to commit to 2 hours every night. Rather, I decided that whenever I had a moment, you know when your in between things, or daydream or decide to normally wallow in my depression again. Instead I would just do that same exercise whenever I thought of it throughout the day. It is amazing because it doesn’t seem like it does much at first, but it’s cumulative, each tiny good thought adds up and eventually it helps you to start feeling better and that leads to being able to take other steps then to help yourself.
I wish anyone reading this all the best on your journey and want you to know if I can get through this, so can you!
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topfygad · 5 years
Why Kilimanjaro is an Achievable Dream
Regardless of being Africa’s highest mountain at 5,896 metres, and probably the most magnificent sights that the continent has to supply with its three foremost volcanic peaks – Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira – climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is an achievable dream for many.
The truth is, some name Kilimanjaro “Everyman’s Everest,” since it’s the most achievable of the Seven Summits, the best hills on every of the world’s continents.
That’s a great factor for tourism in Tanzania – even those that consider {that a} trip needs to be as stress-free as attainable – can obtain this dream journey vacation with out an excessive amount of stress on their our bodies. It isn’t a really technical climb, however extra of a stroll that those that are match would discover straightforward.
Picture courtesy of Jack Zalium
Making ready for Kili
Earlier than heading out on a gruelling trek, individuals are often inspired to select up a routine to assist them get their physique into gear. All it takes is a few willpower to make it to the highest and be rewarded with an unforgettable view that can endlessly be lodged in your reminiscence.  
The truth is, if what you want is a few inspiration, only recently, an 8-year-old climbed to the highest of Mount Kilimanjaro, changing into the youngest identified lady to take action. What’s extra, Roxy Getter was born with a coronary heart defect and had open-heart surgical procedure as a child.
In 2012, Kyle Maynard additionally made a historic ascent and have become the primary man to crawl to the summit. Others with prosthetics have additionally made the climb.
However that doesn’t imply you shouldn’t prepare your physique in any respect earlier than planning such a visit. Regardless of being a doable feat that even an entire newbie can handle, to get the good sense of accomplishment of conquering a mountain, it’s advisable to do the trek slowly over time in order to not put an excessive amount of pressure on the physique.
An important factor to actually guard in opposition to is Acute Mountain Illness or Altitude Illness. To assist acclimatize to the altitude, it is sensible to do the trek over 8-10 days. As it’s, such a journey to the highest ought to not likely be rushed. In spite of everything, there’s a lot to be seen whereas making you manner as much as the roof of Africa.
However greater than something, it’s a must to be mentally able to tackle the problem. In spite of everything, we solely profit from our hardships and trials if we patiently be taught perseverance.
Picture courtesy of Ninara
Routes of Kilimanjaro
There are a complete of seven routes one can take to make the climb to the highest. Of those, the Marangu Route and Machame Route are comparatively straightforward and are those that appeal to the biggest variety of vacationers.
Of the 2, it’s the Machame path that’s extra prone to appeal to individuals by the handfuls because it much more scenic. Approaching Kilimanjaro from the south, the trek begins in dense tropical rainforest and passes by a few of the mountain’s finest options – the Shira Plateau, Barranco Wall, and Karanga Valley. The trek is spectacularly rewarding because of its gorgeous views.
Extra so, the surroundings retains altering as trekkers attain completely different ranges of the mountain – that’s partially the great thing about Kilimanjaro.  Degree one is a tropical rainforest within the foothills, the place locals develop banana and low crops.
On degree two is a beautiful cloud forest, the place vacationers get the prospect to see plenty of wildlife – from birds and monkeys to antelopes.  
You then break into an alpine panorama, the place vegetation look extra rugged that the decrease areas. After that comes a rocky, virtually lunar sort panorama, which is adopted by the snowline.
Picture courtesy of Stig Nygaard
Making it Occur
You will have a day of preparation earlier than and a restoration day afterwards and the lodges are both primarily based in Moshi or off the primary highway that runs from Moshi to Arusha.
On the financial entrance, climbing Kilimanjaro is a much more achievable dream than climbing a few of the world’s different well-known peaks, particularly Mount Everest or Mount Vinson in Antarctica. Even so, all excursions are guided excursions, the most affordable being round $1,000 US {dollars} per particular person. One other $500 or so will get your different fundamental requisites, from lodges to meals and even transportation.  
It’s an emotional factor to get to the summit – when daybreak breaks and lightweight from the solar begins to achieve out to each seen nook of the sky, trekkers will see Africa unfold out earlier than them in a view not like every other. The elation one will get on the finish, of a path trod and a triumphant trek makes for a memorable expertise that you simply’ll always remember .  
There isn’t a single one that gained’t be moved.
It could be powerful, however you’ll find yourself happier, stronger and extra in tune with your self for it. Whereas not for the faint hearted, climbing Kilimanjaro is likely one of the extra achievable excessive peaks on the planet and, with a great degree of health and smart method, is a really worthwhile pursuit.
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sexysilverstrider · 5 years
Memorable Ambition
Since birth, Claude always thought that he had his world planned out.  He knows what to do. He knows what to achieve. He knows who to trust, and who to betray. Alas, the former seems less in amount, but it is all the more reason for him to prepare himself for the inevitable. Though technically having a blood of a noble, Claude has never seen himself as such. Nobles were pompous, cruel, demeaning; everything he is not; everything his mother was not. The young man deems himself smarter.  Therefore he has a plan. A plan to make a world a better place. And there is nothing, no one who can get in his way.  That is, until she came along.  Quiet. Stoic. Indifferent. Mysterious—  Yes. She is a mystery that exists in his life.  Ever since Byleth came to the monastery, Claude is in a constant state of shock as to why or how she came to be. For once, he cannot read someone—read her. For once, Claude is at lost about her past, her background. He soon resolved it as mission to find out about her, anything about her. And his interest piqued even more when she became the bearer of the Sword of the Creator.  Claude’s interest was strictly professional—at first.  Now, as he watches her dance with Sylvain, Claude will soon realize that his interest has fallen into dangerous territory.
 He can’t say himself that he’s a jealous man. Oh no. Why or what on earth would he be jealous for? Though he had had hardships in life, Claude was still thankful over the little things that had transpired as he grew up.  But now?  He can feel nails digging slightly into the skin of his palm.  She seems happy. She’s smiling. He loves seeing her smile.  But it irks him that Sylvain is smiling too; he seems way happier than Claude would want him to be. They sway and they turn, gracing the dancefloor with elegant presence. Although Byleth is not as skilled in her dancing – Claude proudly holds on to that little trivia of hers – she seems to catch up fast as she keeps up with Sylvain’s movements.  The more Claude looks at them, the harder he swallows a growl from his rumbling throat.  She’s happy. It’s a wonderful night. He is sure that his professor has never had such fun in an event like this before.  He is happy for her. Hell, he had danced with her in the first place after all.  And yet…  Images of her radiant smile shines in his gaze like a gruelling motion picture. Unable to take it anymore, Claude takes a deep breath and quietly walks out of the ballroom. ---  It is a peaceful night.  Back leaned against one of the pillars, he heaves a long sigh. Peace slowly eases his beating heart. Serenity hums lovingly into his ears. The air is quite chilly, but the young man would rather have this than the heat of the ball’s atmosphere. Palms clasp together, then bring to his lips as he puffs out warm breaths.  It seems the image of her smile decides to haunt him still.  A smile, bittersweet and heavy, graces his mouth.  Huh, he ponders, never thought I’d be the type of feel iffy about this. Laughter nor groans fill in the silence. The beat of his heart has steadied, but it bumps once or twice in an irregular manner every time her face dances in his memory.  He really needs to get his shit together—  “Claude?”  Never mind.  Immediately green eyes snap to the right. Pupils dilate slightly at the figure standing beside him. Is this a trick? Is he hallucinating? Is he truly that desperate to see her that a haunting shadow decides to take pity and form her shape before him? Many thoughts crash into his brain, left and right and up and down until one actually causes him to flinch when he hears her soft voice again.  “You’re…here.”  Soft. Faint. Filled with disbelief that actually twinkles ever so slightly in those big lavender eyes.  Ah. His heartbeat is racing again.  “Oh, Hey Teach.” He chirps—did he actually chirp? Body pushed gently away from the pillar, Claude turns and faces her. “What brings you to the Goddess Tower?” A question first. An immediate answer next. “You know what, never mind.” Quick hands raise until they are levelled on his chest. “The answer is as clear as day. You couldn’t bear the ball anymore and simply had to escape.”  His response is fast, too fast. It is too late for him to realize his mistakes, but Claude is then more than thankful when he sees a smile on her face.  Will his heartbeat stop banging against his ribcage, he wonders?  “I wouldn’t say that…” The reply is short, meek. The tiny smile twitches at left corner of his lips. Eyes stare at the tall man, then pulls to her right to avoid such a cheeky gaze. A hand has moved and caressed her left arm.  She is too cute. She is killing him.  “There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’re uncomfortable in a noisy crowd.” One step is taken forward, just the slightest. “Really, I get it. I’m the same way.” Seeing her hand mindlessly rubbing her arm, Claude soon feels a bit self-conscious. His hands swing slowly by his sides. Should he cross his arms? Should he slap the sides of his thighs? The latter seems more doable, and if he is lucky, he can conjure up a little tune to rid of this suddenly heavy silence.  “Really?”  It’s funny that her timid tone can ever startle him.  Green eyes back on a pair of mesmerizing lavenders. Her lower lip juts—she’s pouting, is she pouting?—as she continues, “I don’t believe it.” Hands then grip her elbows. One foot tapping once, she tilts her head and raises an eyebrow in suspicion.  The stars above were witnesses to him holding his cool.  A short laugh escapes him. “See right through me, do you?” A smile of his own kisses his charming face. “But I really do mean it. Parties aren’t for me.” He shrugs, hands now casually placed at the back of his head. “Music and fun are all well and good, but those dances the nobles do are…” A slight grimace washes over him, “something else.”  Silence becomes her response; he is so comfortable with that part of her now.  And yet, at the same time, he craves deeply for the soothing sound of her voice.  “I was never really taught to do that sort of thing.” Sliding one step backwards, he turns and walks towards the balcony of the tower. He feels her gaze on him, ever waiting, ever patient, giving a sense of ease and comfort despite his roaring heartbeat. “My upbringing was…lacking in certain ways.” Arms now leaned against the balcony, Claude holds a deep sigh.  Green eyes glance to his right as she stands next to him.  “Even though you’re heir to the Alliance?”  “Even so.” That sigh slips out. “I may have secured a fancy new title, but who I am on the inside…” A cringe crinkles the corner of his right eye. “Well, status alone can’t change that.” In truth, he hates talking about his lineage. He hates people knowing about his past and what he has gone through. It always deems him as an unfair person, considering that he wishes to know everything about the woman next to him, but Claude always finds it as a sign of vulnerability for anyone to dive deep into his background.  But when it comes to her… The smile is gone, instead replaced with a sympathetic frown. One hand reaches out for him, though hovers, before awkwardly placed on his right shoulder. No words are heard, but her eyes are more than enough to evoke sympathy for the young leader.  He is moved.  “That’s a bit of an aside, though.” Her hand is then pulled away—too fast for his liking—as he tries to change the subject. “Say, Teach…have you heard the legends about this tower?” Hands holding the top rail of the balcony, Claude pushes his body upright. Gone was the pitiful gleam in his eyes, now replaced with a youthful gleam he executes so well.  Surprise flickers in a pair of lavenders. Curiosity twinkles next.  “They say if a man and a woman pray for the same thing here, on this night, the goddess will grant their wish without fail.” It is foolish. Claude knows it is foolish. It is a silly little urban myth people here like to talk about. He finds it silly, and he knows such a thing will never come true.  But maybe, just maybe, as he stands before her under this beautiful night…  “Why tonight?” she asks, unaware of the sea of emotions that wash over the tall man. Round eyes look up at the gleaming night sky. Curiosity pulls her lower lip. Delicate fingers gently tap together in quiet wonderment.  If the goddess truly exists in this world, Claude would believe it as he is looking at one.  “Who knows?” A shrug is bestowed. Soft chuckles slip past pale pink lips. “Maybe it has something to do with celebrating the anniversary of the monastery’s completion. Maybe the goddess comes down from above on this night and this night alone to celebrate with us.” Clap! Both palms resonate a sound. “Even goddesses like to party, right?” His smile charming as ever, he patiently observes the curious professor.  Moments like these…he is glad to be able to cherish the view of a miracle beside him.  Her hair fluffs ever so gently by the caress of the wind. His hands tickle, twitch, aching to reach out and tuck a few strands of those soft locks behind her ears. Would she blush? He had never seen her blush before. Witnessing one would bring absolute joy that could haunt him for a month, and he wouldn’t mind one bit. There is colour in her cheek, probably from the kiss of the cold air and not the warm presence like how she has given him. The pink of her lips seem tempting…hypnotizing…  A gulp slides down a suddenly dry throat.  “The truth is that it’s just a legend the students here like to tell. It’s not based on any real facts.” Quickly he quips. “But I suppose it would be a waste to pass up a chance of having our wish granted.” Both hands squeeze the rail of the balcony. Back straightens. Chest puffs out. “What do you say, Teach? Care to try?” An eyebrow perks mischievously. His smile curls into a grin.  Her smile rivals the beauty of the moon itself.  “What would we pray for?” Tone ever so calm, none could deny the excitement that chirps between the words. She turns before him, eagerly anticipating the moment far more than she ever expected.  Happiness bubbles within him. “Hm… Let’s see…” He ponders for a moment, one finger tapping his chin. “How about we pray for our ambitions to come true? You don’t exactly seem like the selfish type, but even you must have an ambition or two.”  It is her turn to wonder for a while. “More of a hope…”  He wishes she could tell him her hope.  “No one is ever completely satisfied. Everyone has something they long for. Otherwise, what’s the point of it all?” Hands slowly slide down to hold his elbows. “Of course, same goes for me. Without even realizing it, I found myself holding tight to some pretty big ambitions.” Green eyes seem mesmerized by the woman in front of him. Silence fills the atmosphere, just for a split second, but for once, Claude finds comfort in the whispers of the wind.  “If you would…” His voice softens. “I would love for you to share in those ambitions with me, Teach.”  Realization hits him later on after seeing the surprise blink of her eyes.  Shock shakes his body as well, but Claude quickly recomposes himself and breaks his gaze from her. “But all that aside, let’s get started. Let’s pray to the goddess before she tuckers out for the evening.” His heart races. Fast. Too fast. Crossed arms tighten slightly as he wants nothing more now to embrace the woman in front of him.  Deep breaths in. Deep breaths out. “Okay. Here goes…”  I love you—¬“Oh, divine Goddess! Hear our prayers!” Arms swerve up in the air. Completely ignoring the howl of his heart, Claude gives his full attention to the night sky. “We beseech you and your radiance! Please, grant us that which we seek!” He twists and turns, showing off more extravagance than he should.  Since birth, Claude always thought that he had his heart guarded around unbreakable walls.  Silence sings its lullaby. One still has his heart begging to be voiced out. One has her eyes staring curiously, utterly unaware.  “Huh,” is all he manages next. “I think that should do it.” He is becoming self-conscious of his surroundings again. He needs to look at her. He needs to keep it together. “The goddess’ll make our dreams come true now, yeah?” A smile can mask a thousand truths; Claude prides over the years of practice as he faces her.  All pride and years of practices breaks into pieces as their eyes meet.  “I wonder…” She blinks once, twice, then looks at the sky—much to his relief and disdain.  She is too valuable in his life now.  “At any rate—” She is too important in his life now. “—we’ve done all we can.” He cannot imagine a life where she doesn’t exist in any of his worlds. “Whether we actually believe our dreams will come true—” He physically feels sick at the thought that she could have chosen the other houses instead of Golden Deer when they first met. “—or not is up to us.”  She is a dream come true. She is his ambition.  I love you—“I suppose we should head back soon.” The statement was quick, breathless. His heart feels heavy. One hand grips the stone rail firmly. “I’m sure everyone is looking for you.” He doesn’t want to let her go. He doesn’t want to lose this moment with her. Not yet. Not ever.  But for now, as Claude tries to recollect his senses that he never thought could shatter, he knows there will be a time where he will willingly accept these feelings. A moment where he will tell her of his true feelings once he is done sorting them out.  Words are never favourable for her; she nods, though a smile still graces her pretty face. Giving one last look at the beautiful sky, Byleth turns her heel and proceeds to walk towards the entrance.  “Hey Teach…”  She stops, then turns to look at him.  His smile is sincere. Warm. Loving. “Just promise to spare a dance for me. Okay, Teach?” He jogs towards her, then stands beside his new dream. “I swear, so long as it’s not one of those goofy noble dances, I am a treasure on the dance floor!” Joy beams from the young heir. Genuine laughter bubbles from his chest to see a quiet laugh from her.  “Okay.” She merely replies, simple and sweet. Tilting her head towards the entrance, Byleth walks forward.  As he stays in his position for a few heartbeats, Claude drops his gaze to her right hand.  I… His smile softens, ached with a heaviness that lingers inside. His own hand twitching for her warmth, Claude holds his breath and continues to walk beside her.  One day… END
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topfygad · 5 years
Why Kilimanjaro is an Achievable Dream
Regardless of being Africa’s highest mountain at 5,896 metres, and probably the most magnificent sights that the continent has to supply with its three foremost volcanic peaks – Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira – climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is an achievable dream for many.
The truth is, some name Kilimanjaro “Everyman’s Everest,” since it’s the most achievable of the Seven Summits, the best hills on every of the world’s continents.
That’s a great factor for tourism in Tanzania – even those that consider {that a} trip needs to be as stress-free as attainable – can obtain this dream journey vacation with out an excessive amount of stress on their our bodies. It isn’t a really technical climb, however extra of a stroll that those that are match would discover straightforward.
Picture courtesy of Jack Zalium
Making ready for Kili
Earlier than heading out on a gruelling trek, individuals are often inspired to select up a routine to assist them get their physique into gear. All it takes is a few willpower to make it to the highest and be rewarded with an unforgettable view that can endlessly be lodged in your reminiscence.  
The truth is, if what you want is a few inspiration, only recently, an 8-year-old climbed to the highest of Mount Kilimanjaro, changing into the youngest identified lady to take action. What’s extra, Roxy Getter was born with a coronary heart defect and had open-heart surgical procedure as a child.
In 2012, Kyle Maynard additionally made a historic ascent and have become the primary man to crawl to the summit. Others with prosthetics have additionally made the climb.
However that doesn’t imply you shouldn’t prepare your physique in any respect earlier than planning such a visit. Regardless of being a doable feat that even an entire newbie can handle, to get the good sense of accomplishment of conquering a mountain, it’s advisable to do the trek slowly over time in order to not put an excessive amount of pressure on the physique.
An important factor to actually guard in opposition to is Acute Mountain Illness or Altitude Illness. To assist acclimatize to the altitude, it is sensible to do the trek over 8-10 days. As it’s, such a journey to the highest ought to not likely be rushed. In spite of everything, there’s a lot to be seen whereas making you manner as much as the roof of Africa.
However greater than something, it’s a must to be mentally able to tackle the problem. In spite of everything, we solely profit from our hardships and trials if we patiently be taught perseverance.
Picture courtesy of Ninara
Routes of Kilimanjaro
There are a complete of seven routes one can take to make the climb to the highest. Of those, the Marangu Route and Machame Route are comparatively straightforward and are those that appeal to the biggest variety of vacationers.
Of the 2, it’s the Machame path that’s extra prone to appeal to individuals by the handfuls because it much more scenic. Approaching Kilimanjaro from the south, the trek begins in dense tropical rainforest and passes by a few of the mountain’s finest options – the Shira Plateau, Barranco Wall, and Karanga Valley. The trek is spectacularly rewarding because of its gorgeous views.
Extra so, the surroundings retains altering as trekkers attain completely different ranges of the mountain – that’s partially the great thing about Kilimanjaro.  Degree one is a tropical rainforest within the foothills, the place locals develop banana and low crops.
On degree two is a beautiful cloud forest, the place vacationers get the prospect to see plenty of wildlife – from birds and monkeys to antelopes.  
You then break into an alpine panorama, the place vegetation look extra rugged that the decrease areas. After that comes a rocky, virtually lunar sort panorama, which is adopted by the snowline.
Picture courtesy of Stig Nygaard
Making it Occur
You will have a day of preparation earlier than and a restoration day afterwards and the lodges are both primarily based in Moshi or off the primary highway that runs from Moshi to Arusha.
On the financial entrance, climbing Kilimanjaro is a much more achievable dream than climbing a few of the world’s different well-known peaks, particularly Mount Everest or Mount Vinson in Antarctica. Even so, all excursions are guided excursions, the most affordable being round $1,000 US {dollars} per particular person. One other $500 or so will get your different fundamental requisites, from lodges to meals and even transportation.  
It’s an emotional factor to get to the summit – when daybreak breaks and lightweight from the solar begins to achieve out to each seen nook of the sky, trekkers will see Africa unfold out earlier than them in a view not like every other. The elation one will get on the finish, of a path trod and a triumphant trek makes for a memorable expertise that you simply’ll always remember .  
There isn’t a single one that gained’t be moved.
It could be powerful, however you’ll find yourself happier, stronger and extra in tune with your self for it. Whereas not for the faint hearted, climbing Kilimanjaro is likely one of the extra achievable excessive peaks on the planet and, with a great degree of health and smart method, is a really worthwhile pursuit.
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topfygad · 5 years
Why Kilimanjaro is an Achievable Dream
Regardless of being Africa’s highest mountain at 5,896 metres, and probably the most magnificent sights that the continent has to supply with its three foremost volcanic peaks – Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira – climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is an achievable dream for many.
The truth is, some name Kilimanjaro “Everyman’s Everest,” since it’s the most achievable of the Seven Summits, the best hills on every of the world’s continents.
That’s a great factor for tourism in Tanzania – even those that consider {that a} trip needs to be as stress-free as attainable – can obtain this dream journey vacation with out an excessive amount of stress on their our bodies. It isn’t a really technical climb, however extra of a stroll that those that are match would discover straightforward.
Picture courtesy of Jack Zalium
Making ready for Kili
Earlier than heading out on a gruelling trek, individuals are often inspired to select up a routine to assist them get their physique into gear. All it takes is a few willpower to make it to the highest and be rewarded with an unforgettable view that can endlessly be lodged in your reminiscence.  
The truth is, if what you want is a few inspiration, only recently, an 8-year-old climbed to the highest of Mount Kilimanjaro, changing into the youngest identified lady to take action. What’s extra, Roxy Getter was born with a coronary heart defect and had open-heart surgical procedure as a child.
In 2012, Kyle Maynard additionally made a historic ascent and have become the primary man to crawl to the summit. Others with prosthetics have additionally made the climb.
However that doesn’t imply you shouldn’t prepare your physique in any respect earlier than planning such a visit. Regardless of being a doable feat that even an entire newbie can handle, to get the good sense of accomplishment of conquering a mountain, it’s advisable to do the trek slowly over time in order to not put an excessive amount of pressure on the physique.
An important factor to actually guard in opposition to is Acute Mountain Illness or Altitude Illness. To assist acclimatize to the altitude, it is sensible to do the trek over 8-10 days. As it’s, such a journey to the highest ought to not likely be rushed. In spite of everything, there’s a lot to be seen whereas making you manner as much as the roof of Africa.
However greater than something, it’s a must to be mentally able to tackle the problem. In spite of everything, we solely profit from our hardships and trials if we patiently be taught perseverance.
Picture courtesy of Ninara
Routes of Kilimanjaro
There are a complete of seven routes one can take to make the climb to the highest. Of those, the Marangu Route and Machame Route are comparatively straightforward and are those that appeal to the biggest variety of vacationers.
Of the 2, it’s the Machame path that’s extra prone to appeal to individuals by the handfuls because it much more scenic. Approaching Kilimanjaro from the south, the trek begins in dense tropical rainforest and passes by a few of the mountain’s finest options – the Shira Plateau, Barranco Wall, and Karanga Valley. The trek is spectacularly rewarding because of its gorgeous views.
Extra so, the surroundings retains altering as trekkers attain completely different ranges of the mountain – that’s partially the great thing about Kilimanjaro.  Degree one is a tropical rainforest within the foothills, the place locals develop banana and low crops.
On degree two is a beautiful cloud forest, the place vacationers get the prospect to see plenty of wildlife – from birds and monkeys to antelopes.  
You then break into an alpine panorama, the place vegetation look extra rugged that the decrease areas. After that comes a rocky, virtually lunar sort panorama, which is adopted by the snowline.
Picture courtesy of Stig Nygaard
Making it Occur
You will have a day of preparation earlier than and a restoration day afterwards and the lodges are both primarily based in Moshi or off the primary highway that runs from Moshi to Arusha.
On the financial entrance, climbing Kilimanjaro is a much more achievable dream than climbing a few of the world’s different well-known peaks, particularly Mount Everest or Mount Vinson in Antarctica. Even so, all excursions are guided excursions, the most affordable being round $1,000 US {dollars} per particular person. One other $500 or so will get your different fundamental requisites, from lodges to meals and even transportation.  
It’s an emotional factor to get to the summit – when daybreak breaks and lightweight from the solar begins to achieve out to each seen nook of the sky, trekkers will see Africa unfold out earlier than them in a view not like every other. The elation one will get on the finish, of a path trod and a triumphant trek makes for a memorable expertise that you simply’ll always remember .  
There isn’t a single one that gained’t be moved.
It could be powerful, however you’ll find yourself happier, stronger and extra in tune with your self for it. Whereas not for the faint hearted, climbing Kilimanjaro is likely one of the extra achievable excessive peaks on the planet and, with a great degree of health and smart method, is a really worthwhile pursuit.
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