#Luna ninjago
justlemoney · 1 month
My vibe be like:
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May I present to you: the characters I relate to/who match my personality ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌
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boyfailjay · 6 months
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am i the only one who realized that wu and garmadon are so similar to celestia and luna??
Like one both luna and garmadon got banished by their siblings, both wu and celestia had six students by their side, both siblings had to fight eachother bcz one of them is evil, both luna and garmadon harmed themselves in regret of their actions (luna basically self harmed rewatch s5 to understand), both wu and celestia regret banishing their older brother/younger sister
The consequences of being sun and moon siblings…
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lunas-lego-land · 1 year
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no seriously i used to do this every year for like, 3 whole years before high school and then college stole that time from me. i think i only managed to finish these (with minimal carpal tunnel) because i allowed myself to get loose with the line art. i tried to use it as an exercise for jsut getting comfortable not doing too many passes. this was as much a nostalgia trip as it was a reminder for myself to be as self indulgent and "cringe" as i wanted. some of these are headcanons (poly zane, nb harumi, trans cole, lesbian nya) and some are just color palette matches lol. i just wanted to get at least one real pride post out on time bc, as a poly, enby lesbian creator, this month means a whole fuckin lot to me. sorry for the ramble/rant
i also put the couples (samurai & glacier) together bc hey!!! those are my guys!!!1!
ALSO ALSO my hand gave out once these ones were done so im not adding other characters or flags, im resting my damn hand lol
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
fav kid shows of the next gen hp characters
teddy: teen titans or pingu
victoire: winx club
dominique: avatar last airbender or kim possible
louis: giggle and hoot or lazytown
james: phineas and ferb
albus: ben 10 or ninjago
lily: bubble guppies or charlie and lola
rose: play school when she was younger, and then massive shift towards total drama island
hugo: special agent oso
scorpius: backyardigans or magic school bus bc he’s a nerd
lysander: star wars clone wars
lorcan: wonder pets or animal mechanicals
fred: little einsteins
roxanne: yo gabba gabba or bo on the go
molly: jungle junction or blue’s clues
lucy: pocoyo
polly: totally spies
yann: octonauts or jake and the neverland pirates
karl: dinosaur train, later teen titans go
craig: the wiggles
alice (bonus): ni hao kai lan or powerpuff girlss
frank (bonus): teenage mutant ninja turtles (2012 ver)
auggie (bonus): doc mcstuffins
delphi: death eater propaganda (spongebob)
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heyo24 · 10 months
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Yo posting my art on here again
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hadesthecoolone · 4 months
I have is au that's a huge canon divergent for ninjago dragons rising, specially when it comes to Cole and Jay.
I haven't really watched dragons rising, because I absolutely hate watching ninjago when Jay isn't there, so yeahhhhhh.
Anyways au is basically about Jay who after the merg, has forgotten everything about his past life just like canon and stumbled across a kingdom named el reino de la luna(The moon kingdom) where people are cool, kind, nice, talk spanish and most of them have light coloured hair.
They tend to him(he's injured after all) and he meets 3 ppl, who are my ocs, Senio Notady, Amelia Domain and Antonio Sdonio, and becomes friends with them.
Later, he learns that the kingdom's rulers are cruel fucking bitches who kill ppl, torture them for fun and and they don't really give much food to the commoners. And THEN, he also learns that the king is the elemental master(he's been explained to about what ep and ems are) of amber and the queen is the em of wind.
When Jay finds out he, too, has eps, he instantly rushes to rid the kingdom who helped him so much off the bitchy rulers, the three ocs on his toe.
He will defeat them both, because not only he is Jay Walker, but also he's the Jay Walker who doesn't know about his past and waht he knew about his powers and zi took full creativity on his power because honestly, lightning is an awefully overpowered element, if it's used correctly. I mean there's a reason the god of gods Zeus's powers includ lightning too!
This story has bruiseshipping, even though Jay doesn't remember Cole, he sometimes gets semi flashbacks and he does wonder a lot about his fiancé when looking at his Yang thingy.
is it a good au? should I write it? do you have any questions? if you do, askkkkk:)))
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tragicsibsshowdown · 1 year
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Dragons Rising spoilers below, beware :3c
don't get me wrong, i ADORE how many new female characters we've gotten in DR, but im terrified that in part 2 ninjago will continue its pattern of disregarding female characters' issues and ignoring/not making interactions between female characters pass the Bechdel test.
i say this mainly because sora's first introduced issue/concern is a valid one. she really could have hurt Nya and herself during that battle. this, of course, is not talked out between the characters (despite the fact that they could have a very interesting and enlightening conversation about powers and how they do/don't define themselves)
the only female character sora gets to interact with for prolonged periods of time is doc larow, and while she introduces an interesting level of angst and sparks wonderful growth in sora, i find it distressing that nya was RIGHT THERE and they didnt even get to talk it out together!!!!
euphrasia talks with her while shes accompanied by arin, and she doesn't even get to MEET wyldfyre until after the big battle in imperium!!! presumably they interacted during lloyd's coma, but WE DIDNT GET TO SEE IT.
the only person she confides in is arin, but it makes sense as they are close friends and basically grew up together post merge, AND sora is extremely closed off. theres an in canon reason for it, but im so concerned that, much like mei from lmk or nya in every season ever, soras problems wont be acknowledged or talked about in canon. its one of the big problems i have with the series' writing.
dont get me wrong, i love the new dynamic and the new girls, im just concerned ninjago will fall into its old sexist pitfalls. in the meantime, i am going to enjoy these girls before something bad happens to them
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alleyraccoonv3 · 11 months
No Words
Just blorbo meme
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verybadwithnames · 6 months
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A gift for my sister<3
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basicallyjaywalker · 8 months
Whumptober Day 24
Little Bit Longer
Character: Misako
Prompts: goodbye note, neglect
Length: 876
Anyone order Misako angst? No? Too bad! Enjoy a short bit of me blatantly pushing my Give Misako a Personality Agenda
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idontlikepans · 2 years
I have so many idea's for fics. Help. Please.
Splatoon oneshots (in progress)
Let's get lost into the stars (rewrite in progress)
Dark Cacao x Y/n (in progress)
My ninjago oc fic (in progress(?))
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lunas-lego-land · 1 year
Chompy saves the day!
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he really did!!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
In the future, I want there to be like, a Cookie Run holiday story that’s their retelling of A Christmas Carol, but it’s something like what MLP did with their telling of A Christmas Carol, where all the characters (except maybe the main one and other notable characters so that they can release new Cookies) are actually played by other characters in the series. Specifically I want the Ancient Cookies as the Christmas ghosts
You could have Pure Vanilla as the Ghost of Christmas Past, Hollyberry as Christmas Present, and Dark Cacao as Christmas Future
Not sure what you’d do with Golden Cheese and White Lily though. Maybe you could pair them up with others, like White Lily with Pure Vanilla (given their shared past is a big plot point) and Golden Cheese with Hollyberry (because I dunno I feel like it’s the only one she would fit). Or I suppose you could make one Scrooge and the other his old ghost friend?
I also don’t know what the explanation for this would be. You could do what MLP did and just have it be because it’s a story being told, where all the characters in the story are technically their own characters, but they’re being represented by pre-existing ones? Or possibly the ghosts have forms that would be incomprehensible to normal Cookies, so they took on the forms of the Ancients so that our Scrooge stand-in could see them? Not sure why they’d choose them, maybe the protagonist has a fascination with the legendary heroes. Or it’s a play they’re putting on and these are the actual Ancients playing their parts (a la the first MLP Christmas story they had)? Though I’m not sure you’d get Dark Cacao to agree to be part of a play; the other two sure, but not him. Though maybe he would
I dunno, mainly I just want to see Dark Cacao as the Ghost of Christmas Future
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wolfiegirlxox · 2 years
The Scorpion’s Den AU Part Twooooo
Back with the ninja the Pilots go about the same as in cannon. 
After the pilots though, there is no one to open the Serpentine Tombs and thus the plot does not progress the same. 
Wu has a vision of Lloyd in The Scorpion’s Den through Vision Smoke.  
He’d been there once before and he knows how dangerous it can be. 
He does not see Luna in the vision. 
He sends the ninja to go rescue him with as little information as possible. 
The ninja manage to sneak in and grab Lloyd but not before Luna sees them. 
Furious, she follows them back to the Bounty, which is parked outside the city, and sneaks aboard. 
She finds the room where they are keeping him and is about to leave with him when Wu walks in. 
Luna only met Wu once when she was very little but she remembered him enough to recognize him. 
Wu is shocked to see Luna here and realizes she must have been with Lloyd in The Scorpion’s Den. 
After a moment of shock Luna asks Wu where he’d been all these years, practically yelling at him. 
Wu takes it all in stride before explaining that he had thought they were with Misako and had only known Lloyd was in The Scorpion’s Den through a vision. 
Luna calms down a bit, she’s still mad though and demands that her and Lloyd be allowed to leave. 
Wu steps aside and lets them go to the deck to find that the ship is flying. 
When he comes out Luna demands he bring them back but they were already at the monastery and Wu insists they come in for tea. 
Luna, not knowing the way back home and surrounded by the people who took Lloyd reluctantly accepts. 
At tea she and Lloyd are introduced to the ninja and vice versa. 
The ninja are like “Wait, this is Garmadon’s kid” not really believing it. 
Luna’s got this whole “Yeah, you got a problem with that?” attitude that scares the ninja. 
Nya is impressed. 
Afterward Wu sends everyone out to talk privately with Luna. 
He offers to train her to be a ninja (starting to wonder if she could be the green ninja) and give Lloyd a home in a much safer place. 
Luna is dubious and tells him she’s already got a similar deal with The Scorpion who has an army, a fortress, and she is his best assassin. 
Wu explains that while the monastery isn’t a fortress it isn’t surrounded by criminals and low-lives that might pose a threat to Lloyd, as well being a ninja gives her the chance to follow a nobler path (Luna not so subtly scoffs at that) and that while The Scorpion and his men will only want her for what she can give Wu will take them either way. 
Luna is a little stunned but still uncertain and decides to take the day to think about it. 
Meanwhile the ninja are stuck with Lloyd. 
They are initially a little wary, certain this innocent act is fake and he’s trying to get to them as part of some evil plot 
Though once they start talking to him, they quickly realize that he is either really, really good at acting or not acting at all. 
After a little while they realize Wu and Luna are going to be a while and give Lloyd a tour of the monastery. 
They are quickly dumbfounded by just how little he knows about the modern world. 
Zane tells them The Scorpion’s Den does not have much technology and having been there for most of his life Lloyd would not have a reason to know about it. 
After Luna and Wu’s talk Wu shows her around the monastery as well and Luna is surprised by the advancements in technology while she’s been in The Scorpion’s Den. 
The next morning Luna tells Wu that she’s decided to accept his offer. 
Wu then has her go through the training course by the time he finishes his tea. 
She manages to get through it multiple times but it takes a couple tries for her to get through before he finishes his tea. 
When she reaches the end, she has moved through the motions fast enough to become a spinjitsu tornado for a moment. 
Her color is a pretty green the color of jade, furthering Wu’s suspicions that she might be the green ninja. 
Without explaining he takes her to the Golden Weapons room and puts them in front of her. 
Nothing happens. 
Wu is disappointed and Luna is very confused. 
Despite not being the green ninja, she is still a skilled fighter and Wu still wants her to become a ninja. 
Wu tells the ninja such and they are not pleased. 
Wu has them fight Luna as a test and she kicks their buts. 
The ninja are slightly more pleased about this. 
Nya likes her even more. 
While all this is going on Lloyd is with the ninja most of the time. 
In this AU he’s closer to them in age than in cannon but they still treat him like a child. 
Lloyd does not mind this. 
The ninja spend most of this time together introducing Lloyd to many modern things like movies, video games, and comics. (Lloyd told Cole he’d had cake before but he still had Zane make one, Lloyd realized why one bit in) 
By the time Wu announces Luna’s new role the ninja have already basically claimed Lloyd as their new little brother. 
Luna was not pleased to find this out. 
It doesn't take long for both Lloyd and Luna to become a part of the family team and all of their circles of protectiveness to expand. 
This was much harder to write than the last part but it is done!
Like last time if you have a question about this au feel free to shoot me an ask and I'll answer it if I can!
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galaxybooper · 1 month
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May Prompt Day 12: Birdsong
Featuring Luna
noun noun: birdsong the musical vocalizations of a bird or birds, typically uttered by a male songbird in characteristic bursts or phrases for territorial purposes. "listen to birdsong instead of the traffic outside your window"
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