jamieisamess · 2 years
Your honor these are my support MC persona ships–
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mochiwrites · 1 year
thank you for f33ding the grumskall likers
ofc!!! :3
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the-fern-sys · 2 years
grian, about iskall and mumbo: these are my two partners. and yes, they do redstone
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hmshermitcraft · 2 years
when mumbo gets upset, she tends to stay upset for a while. luckily, iskall and grian give great cuddles :)
She really is lucky that they are willing to cuddle her during her sadness bouts
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grumskall pls?(grian x mumbo x iskall idk if thats an official ship name or not) i'd like some cringy pickup lines, too.
Mumbo: Iskall, would you like to stay over for dinner?
Grian: Also, would you like to stay over forever? 
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lxver-bxy · 4 years
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Let it be know that these are my least favorite ones :(
Same thing here, you can either take it as poly ship art or as the boys being boys!
Face Paints were supposed to be Queer, Omnisexual? and Pansexual
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ghastspidergwen · 3 years
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i saw this combination of mumbo iskall and grian on pinterest and had to share
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petrichormeraki · 4 years
Hhhh I'm having trouble naming the architects fusion.... (-_-;)
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zavcgo-blog · 5 years
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#Kenangan #ZavCgo #Medal Zav start dari Awal bulan pada Tahun 2017 hingga Akhir Tahun 2018.. (Genap 2Tahun dah Zav terjebak dgn Kancah Run 🏃🏼ni😅). Setiap Medal ada cerita & kenangan yg tersendiri.. Semuanya bermula Dari GRUMSKAL, Run for peace 2017 & L3T 2017, seterusnya berterusan se’olah2 setiap minggu ada saja Events Run🏃🏼 yg Zav ikut (mcm tak ada satu pun yg tertinggal, semua Zav ikut) sampaiLah ke Events yg pagi semalam tu..🤣 Lepas ni Zav rasa mmg nak kurangkan dah ikut Run 🏃🏼 sebab Zav nak Try2 ikut #Marathon pula..😅 still learning dari Sifu2 & iDol2 hebat  ... Harap2 la Zav mampu capai tahun 2019 ni.. Klu Run yg bwh 10km Zav akan LimitKan 1Bulan Sekali je, itu pun klu tak da member & kwn2 yg racun la ajak mendaftar sama nanti 🤣🤣 Harap2 iman Zav masih kuat, kukuh & kental dengan godaan medal serta Baju T-Shirt yg lawa2 tu nnt.. Sampai baju pun ada yg pakai sekali & sampai tak muat dah Almari pakaian..😅 #TerimaKasih kepada kwn2 semua yg telah mendorong Zav utk terjebak ke arah Aktiviti 🏃🏼 yg sihat & byk membawa kebaikkan bagi membantu mengekalkan kesihatan yg telah byk memperbaiki pernafasan Zav ni.. Syukur’Alhamdulillah Rezeki Zav dpt kwn2 semua yg baik, byk membantu, menunjuk ajar.. semoga rezeki kamu semua makin melimpah ruah lagi.. In’Sha Allah.. Aamiin #ZavCgo #KubisHidup #KubisPanjang #Labuan #Tambunan #Likas #KotaKinabalu #Tamparuli #Topokon #KualaPenyu #Sabah (at Zav_Cgo Cyber Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIUaAEl7xb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dj26dzj2zya7
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hmshermitcraft · 4 years
1/3Grumskall had four kids and their all Menaces. The oldest, Illia was born with wings. She fly's almost everywhere and likes scaring the hermits. Was that Illia or does Scar need to sleep? She is good at hiding in trees, she inherited Mumbos black hair and her wings are also black, if she needs quick camouflage she can just wrap her wings around her. Their second oldest, Blake is his siblings cover story. Was Illia flying around the jungle last night?-🍰
2/3Must not have been, Blake said she was with Him last night. Blake's always been the responsible one they can trust him, right? Their second youngest, Miridia is the Redstone engineer. Is it just Scar or do you here pistons to? Why are items disappearing from Rens chests? Miridia doesn't know, she's been with Blake all day. Their youngest, Garnet is the one who really fucks with people. From moving all of Impulses base over one block to removing every sapling from someone's base.-🍰
3/3They do the long jobs, the small pranks people don't notice at first and then they realize just how big a project it was, so they think no person could have done it. It would have taken to long and no one has the patience for that, right? Grumskall is entertained and horrified at what their children have accomplished. -🍰
If they ever get in real trouble, Grian is quick to take the blame. Of course his babies didn’t do anything wrong, why would they?
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hmshermitcraft · 4 years
Grumskall did a surprisingly good job at raising their daughter. Sure Grian lost her in his chest monster more times then he will admit and yea Mumbo almost dropped her in lava and maybe Iskall did accidentally use a harming potion on her, but she survived all of that. She loves her dads and whenever she can she thanks them for not accidentally killing her.
Later, when she’s a Rebellious Teen, she claims she wishes Mumbo dropped her in lava. He never quite recovered from that one.
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hmshermitcraft · 4 years
Grumskall x reader hc please? Also thank you so much for this blog I absolutely love it!
Mumbo and Iskall are good at redstone. Grian is good at building. But you, dear reader, are the one who’s good at getting them to stop working. They can never resist the offers of cuddles.
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