#gt recommendations
tea-potato-gt · 26 days
My reactions and memes I thought of while reading the new “Shot in the Dark” book by @marydublinauthor @bittykimmy13 @kendsleyauthor for the first time! 🥰😆
Part 2 here / Part 3 here / Part 4 here / Predictions
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
*looks at this post* me trying to imagine Russell Crowe with wings.
Who’s Damian? 👀👀👀
Chapter 3
This exchange, “Do you want more wine?” “I think i love you, Sylvia” was giving…
Chapter 4
Alice being baby, 🥺🥺 “a gift for keeping me company” 😭😭👻🤍
“Someone was in the house with me. Humans.” 🧠My brain🧠:
Okay, Alice to the rescue?! Slay queen! Slaaaayyy!… *Alice’s face distorts* OMG I shouldn’t be reading this so late at night 😟😨😭🫠🫥😰 I is scared 😟
Chapter 5
OooOoo Jon’s POV 👀👀 *looks through book* no Cliff Pov? 🤔 I guess Cliff is also 3rd wheeling his own book lol 😂
What a crazy how I met your mother situation. Jon: “Oh yeah, my best friend shot her.🧚‍♀️🔫 Then we kidnapped her and held her hostage for days. 🤷‍♂️”
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Chapter 6
The boys at Sylvia (from this chapter onwards):
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How Sylvia sees herself Vs How the boys see Sylvia:
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Jon speaks Spanish??? 👁️👄👁️ that’s new
Chapter 7
Cliff and “The Other” 💀💀💀 (get wrecked Jon)
Draw me like one of your human girls🧚‍♀️✍️📖🧍‍♂️
Sylvia asking what everthing is has extended my life by three years 😌🥺😊
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Chapter 8
How Sylvia sees her interactions with the boys:
Sylvia: “by your definition, you are a monster.”
*“The Other” gives Sylvia a handkerchief to keep warm* Part of me: aww that’s so nice 😊 The other part of me: Eeeeewwww 😷🤮🤢 who knows where that thing has been??? Girl don’t touch it!
*Sylvia escapes from the box and planning to go outside* Me: okay then what? You can’t fly? How can you escape if you don’t heal your wing?? 🙄
Chapter 9
Sylvia: I’m NEVER gonna tell these hunters ANYTHING 😤😡🤬
*Jon gives her a piece of chocolate 🍫 and shows her basic human decency*
Sylvia: “I lied to you”
Chapter 10
The boys based on their physical descriptions, or lack there of…
Apparently, Jon is built like a freaking tank💪, while Cliff is just a dude🧍‍♂️? 🤷‍♀️
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Jon: “What, are you gonna leave again? Over this?” Sylvia🧚🏼‍♀️:
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Sylvia: Okay! From this point on, I won’t say ANYTHING else to these hunters. 😤😡🧚🏼‍♀️
*gets a Pop Tart*
Sylvia: “my sister would live these”
*And here we see the start of Sylvia’s Pop-Tart addiction.*
Chapter 11
The disrespect the boys showed to my girl Alice😭
The boys at Sylvia after she reveals her magic:
Chapter 12
Jon at Cliff after he gets bit:
Sylvia asking for help to heal Jon. Voice: “You ask a gift of us?”
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Jon and Sylvia at eachother:
It was at this point, while reading, I looked up from the book and realized the sun was rising. 🌅🌄
Part 2 coming soon!
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malewifemaker · 5 months
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Idiot lazy bird x evil purple woman
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might-be-tiny-gt · 9 months
A is a human senior living in a retirement home. His family doesn’t visit very often and he doesn’t really have any close friends at the retirement home, expect for a friendly borrower, B. B is young and full of life. A and B encountered each other a while ago and have been friends for a little over a year. B loves to stop by A’s room and listen to his stories about his youth, all the cool adventures A went on as a teenager and young adult. A loves telling these stories and reminiscing with someone genuinely interested in listening, but the more he reminisces the more he grows to resent his old age.
One day A confesses to B that he’s envious of the borrower’s youth and agility. He longs for the kind of exciting lifestyle he presumes B to have living in such a big world. A wishes to be more like B. The next day A wakes up to find his wish has come true, he is now a young adult, probably in his early twenties. However there’s a catch, he also now the size of his borrower friend. Despite being tiny, A is ecstatic and rushes off the find B and tell him what happened. A’s gotten a second chance to be young, only this time he must do it as a borrower, good thing B is around to show him the ropes.
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gtzel · 3 months
gt game
one word :unravl
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its such a gt game, my friend showed it to me the other day and im obsessed!!
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you basically play as this lil yarn dude and go around exploring the giant world
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and even explore inside human homes
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and there's this sub-plot about human kids running away from monsters and we get to witness the whole story like borrowers!!!
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thegalaxytraveler · 7 months
i am doing a separate post for not flooding but! i will attempt Ribbon Mastering like. soonish.
@kafus you get a tag both for being the inspiration for this thing and because id guess you may be interested. ill probably just, reblog this thing with progress if I do get around to do it
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khytal · 2 years
omg. are u playing the smash 2010 hit for the Nintendo DS ghost trick: phantom detective
I WAS....I finished it last week and it really made me acknowledge how stories in games have been. declining (broadly speaking). it was alarming lol
I haven't had a chance to draw anything for it (or trigun) yet but I will as soon as I get zine work and that comic out of the way-
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one of my favorite songs rn
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I just found it recently, so I haven't really listened to this band's other stuff yet, but might totally be my vibe, cause this is great.
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they're apperantly queer punk which sounds really cool. I love when queer and I love when punk, it's perfect.
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not-poignant · 2 years
so i have a question im sure has been asked before but after searching i couldnt find it, so i apologize! im reading game theory (after all the ice plague books so,, incredibly out of order i know) and i know the series started as fanfic and pitch & jack are mentioned in game theory, are there 'original characters' who now take their place? and what are their names? i read the 3k fairytale thats supposed to precede game theory but somehow i still didnt grasp it im sorry,,
Hi anon!
The reading order is actually available in the stories you're reading. If you click the Fae Tales Verse series at the top of any chapter (where it says previous work and next work), you'll see the correct reading order, and see that you're not supposed to read that 3k fic before Game Theory. The story before Game Theory, is Deeper into the Woods. A lot of the time the reading order is actually right there in the series link, if you click that on AO3, and it's available on every single chapter, any time. :D
The replacements for Pitch and Jack are introduced after Game Theory, and they are the Nightingale (for the Nightmare King) and Terho the Mouse Lad (for Jack). The Nightingale for example is referenced in The Ice Plague, and I think Terho is even mentioned once or twice (though not often, because that's kind of the point re: Terho).
If you find the 3k fic still too confusing after Game Theory (I don't personally think anyone should read it before Game Theory, because that is super confusing imho - it was literally *only* written for people who were transitioning from GT to COFT, who wanted to know why character names had changed, so it's not even relevant pre-GT) you can always just go straight to The Court of Five Thrones. Jack is never in any story at all in Fae Tales, he's only mentioned in Game Theory, and Pitch is only ever seen once in Game Theory and then never again. So it was actually fairly easy to change the back story after Game Theory to make the series completely original.
But anyway, where all the tags are, click that series link, and you'll always be able to find the reading order when you're not sure. Also if you check out any author and go to their 'works' page, you can see their series and click on them directly at any point, so you'll always start a series from the beginning (if you want to) or see the reading order in the future.
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kirstenonic05 · 2 years
Ok I know I've been saying "haha arceus hunt is making me go insane" as a joke but I'm literally going insane I can't deal with these hallucinations man 😭👍
Gone from being in complete agony mentally to uncontrollable laughter to a complete state of calm I can't snap myself out of
Maybe I shouldn't shiny hunt for like 8 hours straight ever again this is torture
I read all of your asks in my ask box and dude. You need to rest!!! 8 hours is a stupid long time!!!!!
If you can, I highly recommend leaving Spear Pillar to grab the shiny charm! As far as I know, Arceus is a hunt you can leave and then come back to! Though the trek to Spear Pillar is long, shiny hunting without a shiny charm is longer! Please, for the love of Arceus, try to get yourself the shiny charm first! It saves a LOT of headaches!
And as they say, if the Arceus doesn't shine for after too long...
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tea-potato-gt · 22 days
More reactions and memes I thought of as I read the new “Shot in the Dark” book by @marydublinauthor and @kendsleyauthor
Part 1 here / Part 3 here / Part 4 here / Predictions
*spoiler ahead*
Chapter 13
Squirrels after they get bit by Werewolves:
Sylvia *starts talking about Alice’s music box* Me: NooOoOoOo Sylvia shut up!!! 😭😭😭 Alice: “My sweet visitor. My friend.” Me:
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Sylvia: “No offense, but I never want to see either of you again.” 💀💀💀 (Get wrecked again Jon)
What do you feel after you kidnapped an innocent fairy and held her hostage for days? 🎤 Jon:
Chapter 14
No, Damian! No! I was rooting for you!! 😭😭😭
The disrespect these fairies are putting on Sylvia’s dead father’s name 💀💀💀 👁️👄👁️
Ayden be like: “I know I have to brand you as a traitor, which will ruin your life, but Imma give you a Badass tattoo.” 👨‍🎨🎨🖌️🔥
POV you pirated Sylvia’s trial scene…🏴‍☠️
Chapter 15
What Hazel hopes happens to Jon:
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What probably would happen:
Chapter 16
Jon apparently:
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Sylvia if she tried to swim…
Jon and Sylvia flirting in the bathroom:
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Sylvia casually undresses… Jon: 😳😳😳
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Chapter 17
Jon and Cliff trying to have a conversation about Sylvia while she’s in the room:
Chapter 18
Me @ Sylvia as she drools over Jon’s gray T-shirt 🤤
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Chapter 19
Damian trying to kill Jon: 💨🌬️💀
Horny jail meme again, this time for Cliff:
Chapter 20
Them trying to unlock the door: (Tik Tok audio)
Jon: How did you get passed security, the fortress is impenetrable?
Sylvia🧚🏼‍♀️: Door was unlocked
Cliff: Son of a Bitch!
Sylvia: “No wonder you guys don’t have any friends” 🤣💀💀💀 (get wrecked again)
Jonathan “I like stealing” Nowak
If Jon is short for Jonathan. Is Cliff short for “Clifford?” Like the giant DOG??? 💀💀💀 or “Clifton?” How did I not realize that sooner? 😭😂🤣
Bonus Chapter 9
Jon and Sylvia:
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Thanks for reading!
Part 3 coming soon! 😌😤🧚🏼‍♀️👁️🫦👁️
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
btw if you think the adonis blue is cool, I'd like to recommend looking up lycaenidae (gossamer-winged butterflies) or more specifically polyommatinae (blues) since those ones tend to be bright blue. there are so many cool species including the western pygmy-blue which is one of the smallest butterflies in the world, and several species that rely on ants, either for protection as a caterpillar (such as the holly blue) or as the caterpillar's food source (such as the large blue). in fact the large blue is so reliant on one species of ant that it went extinct in the UK until conservation efforts increased the population of those ants at which point the butterfly could be reintroduced again and is considered to be "thriving" here as of 2022. some of my favourite species include the melissa blue and the friday's blue, which look very similar and have shimmery blue spots on the underside of their wings. anyway thank's for coming to my TEDtalk about polyommatinae 😅
String identified: t t t a c, ' t c g caa (ga-g tt) cca ata () c t t t gt . t a a c c cg t t g- c t at tt t , a a c tat at, t tct a a cata (c a t ) a t cata' c (c a t ag ). act t ag at c at tat t t tct t t cat t ca t at t at at c t t tt c tc aga a c t "tg" a . at c c t a a t a' , c a a a t t t g. aa ta' cg t Tta at ata 😅
Closest match: Panorpa germanica genome assembly, chromosome: 2 Common name: German scorpionfly
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cl4ss1ba33 · 7 months
HOW TO LUCID DREAM my way ofc 💗💗💗
A lot of people have been asking me how I lucid dream every night, so I decided to make this post to help y'all.
There are many ways to lucid dream, and I'm sure you've heard of them.
Unfortunately I don't have a phone, so I can't really do timers or anything so I do something different. got strict parents smhhh, but its oki cuz im gonna change that in the void .
How I lucid dream almost every night:
I used to lucid dream everyday but i stopped and I hadn't lucid dreamt like in a long time.
Then, I found out we could get into the void by lucid dreaming, so I STARTED AFFIRMING.
1. Affirm And Persist That You Are A Lucid Dreamer, Do Reality Checks, And Listen To Subliminals(listening to subliminals is optional)
I assumed I was STILL an amazing lucid dreamer. Even when I didn't lucid dream, I was like "woahhh look at me being a master at lucid dreaming 💅"
If you want to listen to subliminals then you can do that too.
I listened to subliminals during the day, but if you can during the night then that would be really helpful.
I affirmed throughout the day,
"I am a master at lucid dreaming"
"why do i always lucid dream every night?"
"Why are all of my dreams lucid dreams?"
"As soon as I fall asleep, I always start lucid dreaming right away"
And some more. So come up with affirmations and say them randomly throughout the day, when you are not busy.
Recently I've started doing reality checks, but I do it differently then most people do.
I basically affirm "How many fingers do I have? 12 fingers, This is a dream"
While I affirm I sometimes visualize, but it's not necessary. I do this type of reality check, because you are affirming at the same time as doing a reality check.
So you are affirming that you are dreaming, which will help you lucid dream at the same time as helping you do reality checks in your dreams, which will also help you stabilize your dream once you are in.
Think smarter not harder LMAOO. But feel free to do whichever reality check you want.
2. Before Going To Sleep: Affirm For The Last Time, Visualize, Reality Check, and Set Intention
In my opinion, the most important part for lucid dreaming is literally right before you are about to sleep, because what you think about before you gts is most likely what you will dream about.
What I Do Before Going To Sleep:
I affirm for the last time saying affirmations I have said throughout the day.
I visualize what I am going to do once I am in the dream:
So for me I visualize realizing that I am dreaming
Reality Checks: counting my fingers and checking if I can breathe while holding my nose
then I make the portal appear
After that I visualize myself affirming that the portal will make me enter the void stating "this portal instantly lead s me to the void" (I'm going try saying "this portal instantly led me to the void" tonight tho to see if it's more effective, comment if you want me to update on this)
Then I visualize walking to the portal and it sucking me in and taking me to the void instantly
After that I visualize that I am in the void, and I visualize myself affirming "I am in the void" "I am pure consciousness"
Then I start affirming for my desires so I visualize myself affirming "I have everything on my void list and void board"
Then, I do/ affirm a reality check at least 2 times
Then I set my intention for lucid dreaming and what I am going to do in the dream
To set an intention I would recommend saying "This is a dream, _____" and stating what you are going to do in the dream. For example I usually state, "This is a dream, This is a dream, stabilize, make void portal, affirm"
After this I usually repeat this whole step again or If I feel like I affirmed enough then I go directly to sleep.
Make sure this is the last thing you do before going to sleep, don't do this and then go on your phone or sum.
It also helps to do this whole process if you wake up in the middle of the night.
And that's it !!!
Lucid dreaming is so easy, so stop overcomplicating it. Trust me if you do this, then you should probably start lucid dreaming after a day !!!
You could even do it that exact day tbh so stop limiting yourselves !!!
You are all literally masters at lucid dreaming so go lucid dream loves 💗💗💗!!!
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eesirachs · 1 year
masterlist of introductory materials for the hebrew bible and new testament
below are resources intended for beginners. these would be assigned to upper level undergraduate theology courses or first year theological master degree courses. they represent academic/ "the Academy's" mode of introducing material. bold are titles most frequently used in syllabi.
these are just general introductions, done well but limited by scope. they attend to the testaments as a whole, not their individual books. i recommend, after getting introduced, that your self-study explore particular books, and then, particular hermeneutics: womanist theology, feminist, mujerista, postcolonial, queer, liberation, etc.
as always i recommend reading the texts themselves: an nrsvu(e) translation is expected in academic theology, and this one is a great annotated version.
hebrew bible
Collins, John J. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible : And Deutero-canonical Books. Third ed. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2018.
Coogan, Michael David, and Chapman, Cynthia R. The Old Testament : A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures. Fourth ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Brueggemann, Walter., and Linafelt, Tod. An Introduction to the Old Testament : The Canon and Christian Imagination. Second ed. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2012.
Gottwald, Norman K. The Hebrew Bible : A Socio-literary Introduction. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985.
Hasel, Gerhard F. Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate. 4th ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1991.
Butterfield, Robert A., and Westhelle, Vítor. Making Sense of the Hebrew Bible. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016.
new testament
Allison GT. Fortress Commentary on the Bible. The New Testament. (Aymer MP (editor), Fortress Press; 2014. 
Holladay CR. Introduction to the New Testament : Reference Edition. Baylor University Press; 2017.
Green, Joel B. 2010. Hearing the New Testament : Strategies for Interpretation. 2nd ed.. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 
Powell, Mark Allan. 2018. Introducing the New Testament : a Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey. Second edition.. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic. 
Carter, Warren. 2006. The Roman Empire and the New Testament : an Essential Guide. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 
Smith, Mitzi J. 2018. Toward Decentering the New Testament : a Reintroduction. Edited by Yung Suk Kim. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books.
Ehrman, Bart D. A Brief Introduction to the New Testament. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Barton, Stephen C., ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Bockmuehl, Markus, and Donald A. Hagner, eds. The Written Gospel. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Perkins, Pheme. Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007.
Stanton, Graham. The Gospels and Jesus. 2d ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
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tinyundercover · 2 months
recommend me some good gt stories please 🙏🙏 preferably hurt/comfort hehehe
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bi4bihankking · 23 days
Top five DC comic runs that you would recommend to people?
I haaaate this because I learned from the comics poll that no one likes my recommendations...
Infinity Inc. (1984) like right now read it right now I am not kidding you had better read it right now I am literally begging.
Gotham Academy is fun and cute and I think it gives a bit of insight to civilian lives in Gotham, Colton Rivera is an old blorbo who is even less likely to ever appear again than Hank, I think more people should check it out.
The Ray (1994) this is my secret plan to make people care about Ray.
Impulse (1995) I read it in exchange for someone else reading Infinity Inc. and it is admittedly fun and made me like Bart a bit more and okay I think the no one is paying attention actually Max is the hottest grandpa in the world and I need him to date men
Spirit World because I think it was really good and added interesting things to the lore of the DC universe and I deserve some sort of compensation for the only other people who were reading it at the time being transphobes who tore apart every issue.
Because I wanted to tell people to read Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps before I started writing this post but just realized I don't know how to count to five. 4 legs on a table, 4 walls on a house, 4 seats in a Mustang GT, it established the greatest poly ship of all time for me.
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trulybetty · 9 months
oct' 03 x full of colours
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Prompt: full of colours Pairing: tim rockford x f!reader Word Count: 1,530 Warnings: 18+ we've got our first mention of smut for the month, un-beta'd is the name of the game, true crime + murder mentions (no graphic detail), mentions of food, P in V, no contraceptives but this is an established relationship, wrap it up, mentions of consuming alcohol. Summary: tim, hitting a roadblock in his case comes home after work has kept the two of you away from one another too long. both of you could do with unwinding from your current work loads, good thing for walk in showers
x. masterlist
A/N: day three and no Marcus Pike... should I be worried? Or is he ready and waiting in the wings?
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The drive home was uneventful, his restored 1968 Mustang GT Fastback was smooth, its recently tuned engine purring as if content. Tim's focus was split between the road and the true crime podcast playing through the car's upgraded speakers, a modern touch in a classic ride. While he generally steered clear of the trendy world of true crime podcasts, this particular episode offered some eerily accurate insights into the cold case he was diligently piecing together.
Pulling into the driveway he was happy to finally be home for once this week at not only a decent hour, but before the sky turned dark. The fall weather had swept in, summer disappearing before he had even had a chance to acknowledge it. Work had brought him another case that had him burning the candle at both ends. Some nights never making it home and catching sleep between leads on the beaten couch in his office.
There was a crunch of fall leaves under his foot as he climbed out of the car. Full of colours, a multitude of fall shades at his feet and over the modest front yard. A blanket of orange and browns between shades of green of the neighbouring lawns.
It served as a further reminder that he hadn’t been around enough to even get a start on prepping the yard for the fall months and he’d put off your insistence at hiring a landscaping company despite a local one coming highly recommended. Your work deadlines had picked up too meaning his slack you usually picked up around the house was going further neglected.
Closing the front door behind him, he spied the dining room table littered with paperwork. Telling him all he needed to know about your deadlines. If you had moved your work from the modest office you kept in the spare room upstairs, one that looked out to the backyard and the lakes beyond, to the wider formal table meant things were just as pressing for you.
Tugging his tie loose and pulling it off in one smooth movement he called out your name, but got no response. Before any concern could be had he heard the shower turn on upstairs. Slipping out of his suit jacket and hanging it at the end of the stairs he made short work of heading up the stairs to your shared bathroom. A smile graced his lips when he saw the ensuite door left ajar.
Tess, his long-suffering secretary, had left him a voicemail earlier, reminding him about the outstanding expenses report that was due this week. He planned to knock that out tomorrow, but for now, he relished the notion of a quiet evening. Something that had become a rare luxury for him these days.
Tim stood at the threshold of the bathroom door, steam billowing softly through the gap. He couldn’t remember the last time the two of you had spent any time together where there wasn’t one of you with an eye on the clock.
Without any hesitation he quickly stripped, leaving his clothes at the doorway, slipping into the sleek tiled room he could make out your silhouette through the fogged glass doors.
He stepped into the shower, a warm embrace of steam and cascading water. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you against his body, his cock already stirring at the missed skin on skin contact. You gasped at the sudden presence but the familiar feel of his lips at your neck, his ever present patchy beard, told you enough to know it was Tim.
The two of you stood there for minutes just enjoying the moment, both understanding how rare these moments were becoming and very thankful for the walk-in shower that could comfortably fit three more people, and the two of you would still have space.
Tim softly kissed behind your ear, feeling your body relax as he continued to run his hands across your back. His fingertips tracing circles at your hips before running up to massage your shoulders. He could feel your soft exhales against his chest as he moved lower down your back letting out a content sigh himself when he felt you reach down and ghost your fingers over his stiffening member.
Turning you to face him he kissed you with hunger for you on his mind, while his hands found their way to your hips as he manoeuvred you back against the shower wall. Despite the heat of the water the tile felt cold at your back and you hissed. But it was quickly forgotten when his body pressed into yours as he deepened his kiss, exploring every inch of your mouth with his. His hands roamed your sides before moving upwards to cup your breasts.
You moaned into his mouth as one of his hands trailed lower, skimming over your stomach before dipping between your legs. Your body quivered as his fingers found their way inside of you, stroking softly with increasing pressure.
He kept stroking until he felt the tension leave your body before turning you around so that you were facing away from him, your arms braced against the shower wall. You could feel the heat you'd left behind against your palms. Bending you over slightly, so that he could have better access to you. He ran fingers lightly up and then back down your spine while placing soft kisses at the nape of neck and shoulders before finally pushing himself inside of you from behind.
You gasped at the sensation but had no time to dwell on it as Tim started to move slowly at first at a tantalizing slow and tender pace as your body adjusted to him. The shower soon filled with gratuitous moans from you both as the pace increased, highlighted by a call on his name when he let his one hand drift from your hip to find home between your legs, teasing you with his fingers.
He could feel his own body tensing as you arched your back pushing back against him. He was close, his breathing growing heavier as he fought to concentrate on giving you what you wanted. But he didn't need to focus for long as he felt your body tensing around him. You came with a low moan and soft cries of his name, your body trembling as you rode out the wave.
He followed soon after, his loud groan mingling with the water as he emptied himself inside of you. He pulled out, the sound of the shower water quickly drowning out any other noise that he made as he ran his hands up and down your back as he tried to catch his breath.
You turned around, your arms finding their way around his neck, “Hi,” you said gently, your smile signifying your happiness of having him home.
“Hi,” responded just as quietly, his dark brown eyes taking you in before his lips found yours again, soft and lingering.
“I missed you,” you said up against his lips.
“I missed you too.”
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Tim headed downstairs to the kitchen. He settled on something simple—grilled cheese and a salad. Comfort food. As he laid out the ingredients on the counter, he pondered over the case that had consumed him for the past weeks. It was a twenty-year-old murder case, cold as they come, but he had found something everyone else had missed—a faint pattern that suggested a serial killer at work. The only trouble was the red tape he was facing, halting any further progress that was so desperately within his reach.
Your footsteps announced your arrival into the kitchen. “Something smells good,” you said, eyeing the skillet on the stove.
“Almost ready,” he replied, flipping a sandwich with expertise.
The table laid, dinner served, you jumped up from your seat, “Before I forget!” you said as the sound of the scrape of your chair against the floor filled the room.
You returned moments later with a manila folder and slid it across the table as Tim took a sip from his wine glass, his eyes on you, “I thought we said no work at the dinner table?”
You gave him an apologetic smile, it was after all your rule, “I know, but you’re going to want to see this.”
He raised an eyebrow, his curiosity peaked. He placed down his glass and opened the folder.
A moment or two passed and you waited with baited breath for his response.
“This legit?” he asked looking up from the papers, “you’ve crossed referenced this?”
You nodded eagerly, “Everything is cross referenced and triple checked.”
He took one more look at you before he bowed his head and returned to reading, his furrowed brow and grunts of approval told you that your hard work met his meticulous standards. There was a reason cold cases made their way to him when no one else could follow the cold trails.
Finally he closed the folder, “When is this getting released?”
You grinned as you took a satisfying bite of your grilled cheese, “The episode goes live tonight at midnight, meaning everyone is going to know and they’ll have no choice but to lift that red tape that’s holding you back.”
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