#guardian oota
koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{With the L i g h t} ~ Oota Appears
{Cap'd by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
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inkbotsboneyard · 1 year
Anyway I made this sideblog to try and lust after baldurs gate characters In peace but what if instead I wrote for no one about my oota bard I've turned into my BG3 tav and how I made the guardian into Sarith for my own personal amusement at the time but how now it's devolved into this whole thing
Because this is a timeline where Lazarus Dawnlight walked into the Underdark himself, and this is the timeline where he never knew the fighter with spores in his brain and never tried to cure him and never wept and howled and begged over his enthralled husk in the garden. This Lazarus never laid eyes on the drow in his dreams with one red eye that looks on him like he's the sun.
And it's cool to live out a story that is so entirely different from where Lazarus was in his story and to have that one reminder whenever the guardian shows up like yeah of course he's here to protect you. Of course he is.
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veronikazzv · 4 years
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Roxy another outfits
Guardian - The form of the final battle with the Space Pirates, its form depends on its combined creation (in its case it is Indie).
OoTaS - She is engaged to Seth for one year.
CoL - It starts a few days before Roxy and Seth's wedding.
Work - She works for the FBI. (It's the future there is everything possible.) This FBI office in town is headed by Roxy's uncle and the very wealthy Dr. Ancient's older brother.
Mother - Caring and affectionate mother of two children Reid and Sierra.
OoTaS and CoL are stories from @mauselet . I like them, so I wondered how it would have been with Roxy if she'd been part of these stories and how her clothes would look.
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musicprincess655 · 5 years
Nori set his bag down on the couch he was claiming for the foreseeable future and looked around the basement of the Hall of Justice.
Okay. He could do this. Sure, the biggest existential threat Earth had ever faced was happening without the heaviest hitters the League had were on the other side of the universe, and sure, everyone he knew and cared about was in mortal peril, and sure, his girlfriend who he loved very much hadn’t responded to anything in two weeks, and sure…
Nori was man enough to admit that things were pretty spectacularly fucked. If only admitting that would actually make them better.
One of the screens in the control room was a broadcast of an interview with Captain Atom and the Reach ambassador. Nori had hoped Oota would be able to help. He was pretty well-liked, and good at keeping a cool head in interviews. But the Reach ambassador clearly knew what he was doing, playing Oota to his detriment.
“No- Kawakami-san?” Furuya poked his head into the basement Nori was calling home for the for now. Because he didn’t have superpowers, or extensive training, so leaving him in his apartment was a liability. Great.
“You can call me Nori if you want,” Nori told him. Furuya hadn’t exactly been programmed with stellar manners when they’d grown a Superman clone in a lab, and Furuya hadn’t exactly gotten used to calling people by their family names yet. “What’s up?”
“Shazam is asking for you,” Furuya said.
“Yeah, okay, I’m coming.” Nori had learned almost everyone’s secret identities over the years, but Raichi’s situation had been a surprise to even him. Shazam couldn’t have appeared more different to the teenager Raichi actually was.
“Nori-san!” Nori braced himself for a heavy hand landing on his shoulder. Raichi always seemed to forget how strong he was in this form, and with the confidence boost he got with the transformation, he was definitely friendlier.
“What’s up?” Nori asked again.
“Zatanna is here, she wants to know how she can help,” Raichi said. Takako nodded to Nori.
“I’ve got a lot of scared teenagers and more coming in,” Nori said. “Help me find them somewhere to sleep? I’m out of beds and I’m running out of futons and couches.”
“I’ll go see what I can do,” Takako said. She probably meant she’d do something involving magic.
“An is in the control room if you need help,” Nori called after her. Takako waved over her shoulder. “You don’t need a place to stay, right?” he asked Raichi.
“I’m fine,” Raichi said. “Ever since I shared my power with my family, I don’t have to worry about them so much.”
“It probably helps that you have the Red Hood helping you look out for them,” Nori said. Sanada’s softness for children had always been a bit of a puzzle for Nori, but it had meant a serious reduction in drug crime among minors, so he’d take whatever victories he could get.
“Yeah, but he’s pretty busy, too,” Raichi said. “He does what the League can’t. And right now, the League can’t do a lot.”
“Sorry we have to pull you too,” Nori said. Raichi was another one that tended to cause a lot of city-wide destruction. He and Sawamura making friends had only made that worse.
“It’s fine, it’s...who’s that?” Raichi asked. Nori followed his eyes and resisted the urge to groan.
Another alien? How many did they have to deal with? Why did they have to deal with so many?
“Who are you?” Raichi asked, easy friendliness untempered by caution.
“This is my master!” a small robot floating by the alien announced. “He comes to prove himself against Earth’s mightiest warriors, on the advice of your Light.”
Nori took a cautious step back. If this had to do with the Light, it was already time to panic. The robot tapped something on his arm, and a glowing cage appeared around the Hall of Justice.
The alien stepped forward and kicked Raichi through the door.
“Brilliant, master!” the robot praised. “My master is Despero, champion of ninety-two star systems. He comes to this backwater planet to seek a challenge and prove himself superior to all other life forms.”
Great. An alien and a robotic majordomo. Nori’s day was getting better and better.
“This one doesn’t exist in the Krolotean database, master,” the robot continued, pointing at Nori. “Leave him for better prey.”
Nori didn’t even bother getting offended as Despero passed him without another glance, going right for where Raichi had already gotten back to his feet. He rushed Despero, shoving him into a wall, and got himself thrown to the ceiling for his trouble.
Nori winced. Raichi was great, but not if he had to think through a fight. Nori dodged around them, heading for the control room. The only way out of this was to call for backup.
“Superboy, Shazam needs backup!” he called to Furuya. “Bumblebee, Zatanna, you too!”
Nori slid into the controls, but - and he really should have seen this coming - all the communications were down. Great. No backup. And as far as he could tell, no way to get that cage down, either.
He ran back out to the main entrance. There had to be some way to signal for help.
“Zatanna, see if you can get that cage down!” he called.
Before Takako could respond, Despero sent her flying into a wall, knocking her out. He didn’t pause, grabbing Furuya out of the air and slammed him into the ground. Nori winced. Furuya was basically indestructible, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
Meanwhile, Raichi just kept getting kicked around. He was a little smarter than Furuya with his punches, but not by much. He really didn’t use that “wisdom of Solomon” very much.
“I’ve still got one trick, though!” Raichi said, dodging and wrapping his arms around Despero’s neck. “Shazam!”
And then Raichi was just a sixteen year old kid again, and Despero looked no worse for wear. He threw Raichi into a wall easily. Nori winced again. Shazam was as indestructible as Furuya, but Raichi wasn’t. This time, when he hit the ground, he stayed there.
“My shocks aren’t doing anything,” An said, fluttering close to his face. “I don’t think he feels them.”
“Fantastic,” Nori said. “We’re down to just Superboy.”
Despero tackled Furuya through a wall.
“I’m on it.”
Nori wasn’t entirely sure what she planned on doing, but at least it would be something. He looked around at the rubble in the entrance, at Raichi groaning and trying to sit up. Despero had taken down two heavy hitters, but there was more than just them in the Hall. There were kids here, teenagers that had lost their home, and were about to lose another.
And someone had to protect them, because help wasn’t coming.
Nori’s eyes fell on a costume that had been knocked free by the fighting. He was getting an incredibly stupid idea, one that he should stop having right now, but...he was kind of all they had.
Before he could stop himself, he put the helmet over his head, hoping Guardian’s legacy would be enough to protect him.
Nori slapped the rest of Guardian’s costume on, figuring it couldn’t make anything worse. He passed Raichi, ignoring him as he headed for Furuya and An. She was already on the ground, about to get stomped, and Furuya wouldn’t get there in time to save her.
“Enough!” Nori shouted, trying to feel more confident than he actually was. To his shock, Despero actually listened, turning to face him. “You want Earth’s champion? I’m right here!”
“He’s not in the Krolotean database, master, but it may be incomplete,” the robot said.
“Superboy, take the others and leave,” Nori said, trying to drop his voice to make it sound powerful. Furuya stared at him with wide eyes, and Nori silently begged him to understand. Furuya finally nodded, picking up An and heading for Raichi.
Bless Furuya, because no matter how stupid he could be, he listened when it mattered.
Nori set himself up for the most important game of keep away he’d ever played, praying he’d given An and maybe Takako enough time to come up with a plan B.
“Superboy bowed to him!” the robot proclaimed. “He really must be Earth’s champion!”
“Since you hurt my friends, I’ll play with you longer,” Nori said, stalling for time. “Prepare yourself!”
Despero charged at him, and Nori jumped as hard as he could, planting his hands on Despero’s shoulders and vaulting over him. He landed in a crouch as Despero careened through the wall.
“Thank you Black Canary and Katsuko,” he whispered. They’d both insisted that if he was getting into this life, he needed to know how to throw a punch. It was saving him now.
Despero threw chunks of ceiling at him, and Nori dodged around them.
“Is that the best you can do?” he taunted. God, he was going to die. Despero roared, and this time, when Nori tried to jump out of the way, he wasn’t so lucky.
Despero grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground. All the air rushed out of Nori’s lungs, and he gasped in pain.
I could really use that plan B, guys.
The floor collapsed beneath him, and Nori had a moment of panic as arms wrapped around his waist before he realized it was just Furuya.
“I have never been happier to see you,” Nori whispered. Furuya’s mouth twitched.
Despero advanced on them, picking them both up like they weighed nothing. Nori squirmed, but then his limbs went slack as another presence entered his mind.
“It’s just me,” Takako said. “Relax.”
“Retne a ecnart!” She shouted with Nori’s mouth. Despero’s eyes went slack as he went into a trance at her command. “Superboy, I possessed Nori to get the alien, but I don’t know how long it’ll last!”
Furuya didn’t wait for more instructions. He just sent Despero flying.
“You’ll all pay for this!” the robot screamed. Guns popped out from every surface of his body, and...come on, that wasn’t fair. They took out the big guy, the stupid robot shouldn’t be the one to kill them.
“Let’s try this again!” Raichi was up, and he had a hold on the robot. “Shazam!”
This time, the lightning did its job.
Nori took in the destruction around them. There was rubble everywhere, cracks in all the walls, but the building was still standing. Small victories had to be what they took, he guessed.
“Is everyone okay?” Takako asked, running into the room. “Nori, sorry about that, I...what are you wearing?”
“I work with what I got,” Nori defended himself.
“Nice keep away,” Furuya said, holding out his fist.
“Uhh, yeah,” Nori said, pounding it. “Thanks.”
Now the bigger order of business was getting the cage down. But Raichi and Furuya punching together didn’t do anything, and neither did Zatanna’s spells.
“We’d be better off if we could call for help,” Nori said, but he trailed off as a helicopter approached.
From the helicopter came Oota, the UN Secretary General, and the Reach ambassador.
“Perhaps I can help,” the ambassador said. He placed a device on the cage, and in seconds, it was gone. “I’ll also take that alien off your hands.”
Nori wanted to protest, but Oota shook his head. There was nothing they could do.
“Thank you,” Oota said, and Nori wondered if anyone else could hear how strained it was. As soon as everyone else was gone, his expression hardened. “They beat us without firing a shot. That interview was a disaster, and now they only look like the good guys even more. And the UN invited them to extend their stay.”
“All because they want to find humans with a Meta-Gene,” Nori sighed. “If this is what happens when Earth gets into the intergalactic spotlight, maybe some of these isolationists have a point.”
“You don’t mean that,” Oota chastised him. Nori shrugged. He didn’t, but he also didn’t like that now they were facing a full-scale invasion that they couldn’t fight.
“I do know one thing, though,” Nori said. “Despero was here because the Light tipped him off. If he came after the Hall of Justice, the Light knows we’re down a few key players.”
So they had to get everyone back that they could. Even if it was dangerous, they’d have to pull everyone off undercover missions and get them back to safety.
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queenofmoons67 · 6 years
strike the match (let it all burn) omakes
Hi everyone! Since I have no idea what the issue with the text breaks are (they show up on my laptop) I’ve split the omakes from the main fic. If you continue to have issues, please let me know!
The main fic can be found here. I highly recommend reading that first.
Summary: Eijun, Furuya, Haruichi, and Raichi find themselves in the middle of a hostage situation. The omakes are the entirety of the main fic, but from the point of view of those stuck waiting outside. Part of my "we are the challengers (plus ultra!)" verse.
The omakes bounce between various POVs, but once someone’s POV has been done, they aren’t revisited (though, of course, they may appear in later scenes).
Quirk List: Kuramochi (cheetah camo), Ryou and Haruichi (rose), Miyuki (quirkless), Kataoka (doberman), Zono (oak tree), Toujou (rock), Chris (weakness reading), Eijun (lion and house cat), Furuya (bonfire), Asada (quirkless)
Word Count: 3267
Youichi was frantic. Everyone had been warming up for their practice game against Yakushi when Kanemaru ran out on the field screaming for Kataoka-kantoku. Next thing he knew, he, Miyuki, and Zono were being summoned to talk with the coaches.
Their news had sent his heart into overdrive. Sawamura - stupid, stupid Bakamura - had gotten himself into a hostage situation. Because of course he had. And his boyfriend's little brother had also gotten himself into that situation, because of course he had. And of course Furuya had been dragged into the mess as well. Because it was just Seido's luck to have two of their ace competitors and their second baseman in this mess right before the fall season started.
Now, he was stuck pacing around the dugout.
Youichi hissed and bared his teeth at nothing. Someone yelped, and he blinked to find Kanemaru right in front of him.
"Sorry…" he said slowly. "I didn't see you there."
The first year shook his head. "No, it- it's fine." He took a deep breath. "Are you ok, Kuramochi-senpai?" Youichi just looked at him, and Kanemaru nodded. "Have you considered doing something? I - talking to the police helped me calm down. It won't take your mind off of it, but…"
"Thank you, Kanemaru," Youichi said.
He turned on his heel and burst into a run - not his normal run, his cheetah-quirk powered run. He didn't use it often, since he'd been the target of a lot of discrimination as a kid for the camouflage that came with it. But for Sawamura and the Kominatos…
"Where are you, Ryou?" he panted.
Ryou's head was deep in his book, surrounded by his old teammates in the library. "A Study Group for Failing Baseball Idiots", Takako had called it when she emailed all of them. They had been at it for hours and were ready for a break, so when they all heard yelling from outside, they were quick to join their classmates in crowding the windows.
Thankfully, Ryou didn't even have to say anything. Being part of a stampeding team of baseball players meant that most people were quick to get out of their way. Those who didn't found themselves on the ends of his glare and moving anyway. Once at the windows, Tanba was kind enough to shuffle to the side and make room for him.
Opening the window flooded the library with even more noise. Looking over the edge, Ryou stared and, ever so carefully, didn't let his jaw drop.
There were police cars crowding the front entrance. None of them had their lights and sirens going, but their sheer number spoke to the emergency. So did the ambulance crouched among them.
The police themselves rushed all over the place. More than one was making a phone call, while others gathered gear. Anyone running did so between their cars and - Ryou's heart dropped. The direction of the baseball fields.
The library doors behind them crashed open, and everyone spun to face them. Ryou couldn't see him over everyone else, but he'd know Youichi's voice calling out his name anywhere.
Kazuya looked up from his brooding to find Kuramochi and the elder Kominato leading the rest of the third years in a charge straight towards Kataoka-kantoku and the police captain. Yelping, he leapt from the dugout to cut them off.
"Woah, woah!" he said, hands held up in the universal 'stop before you run me over' gesture. "Don't you think interrupting them will have the exact opposite effect than what you want?"
"Move, Miyuki," Kuramochi growled. "What would you know?"
Kazuya frowned and hoped his hurt didn't show.
"You realise I have two pitchers in there, right? And three of them are members of my team. Mine. Tetsu-san, you know what that means, right?"
The previous captain considered him seriously - though, honestly, Tetsu did most things seriously, it was just the kind of person he was - and nodded.
"As captain, your teammates are like your children."
Kazuya choked. Ok, that was too serious.
"No, that's not right…" Tetsu frowned. "It's like… as captain, you have a responsibility to your teammates. Part of that includes keeping them safe, even when off the field."
That was more like it.
"Besides," Kazuya pointed out. "When Kataoka-kantoku, Takashima-sensei, Todoroki-san, and Oota-san yell loud enough, you can tell what's happening even from over here."
Tesshin had had it up to his pointy Doberman ears with the police captain.
"What part," he growled, barely resisting baring his teeth, "of 'I am prepared to do anything to rescue those boys' do you not understand?"
The captain flicked his lion ears and raised his eyebrows.
"What part," he began pointedly, "of 'I can't let civilians onto an active hostage scene' do you not understand?"
Tesshin desperately wanted a brick wall to bash his head against. The two of them had been going back and forth like this ever since the police first arrived about six minutes before. All the coaches had already gotten their emotional reactions out through shouting; all that was left was terse logic.
"Those hostages are our children." Tesshin gestured at Todoroki. "In his case, his only son, and in Seido's case we are their guardians. You can't honestly expect us to just sit back and wait?"
The captain sighed and rubbed a hand over his nose. "Look, I'll make you a deal, ok? It's my one and only offer." Tesshin nodded. "I will allow one of you to go, under police escort, and try to talk to the kids. You will not do more than that. You will not attempt a one man rescue or participate in any actions we may undertake. Are we in agreement?"
Beside Tesshin, Oota heaved a relieved sigh. Tesshin thought it might be the first time the man had breathed since Kanemaru burst onto the field.
On Tesshin's other side, Rei nodded with a stony expression. Beside her, Todoroki looked close to bursting into another round of tears, but had enough composure left to gesture Tesshin forward.
"Go get our boys," he hiccuped.
Tetsu sat as calmly in the dugout as he possibly could, watching his old teammates pace.
He had actually been afraid Kuramochi would wear a hole in the floor, but thankfully Ryou had been able to pull him on to a bench and keep him there.
The others had no one to do so, and as a result, the feared hole might happen because of a group effort. Chris, Jun, Tanba, Kawakami, Kanemaru, and Zono - the latter three, along with Toujou, having already been in the dugout when they arrived - were certainly working hard at making the hole happen.
Even Masuko, sitting quietly in a corner as he tried to lower everyone's emotions with his quirk, didn't have much of an effect. The emotions, he had taken the time to explain, were too strong.
"What do you think is happening in there?" Miyuki asked.
Tetsu turned to look at the new captain, seated on the bench beside him. He didn't have to say anything. Miyuki gave him a side eyed look, then continued.
"They let Kataoka-kantoku in, and we've seen a ton of police officers enter and exit, but we haven't actually gotten any news. Just confirmation from the headcount that there's four players in there."
By this point, Miyuki had actually brought the pacers to a halt. He held their complete attention.
"What are you getting at, Miyuki?" Zono growled.
The catcher met his vice captain's eyes evenly. Tetsu was actually a little impressed he was able to; with all the stress, Zono had lost some of his fall leaves early.
"I mean we don't even know if they're alright. For all we know, they could be dead or -"
Ryou opened his mouth to spit, Tetsu was sure, a cutting response to that bit of catcher insight.
He didn't get the chance.
A gunshot and a yowl, one after the other, split the air, cutting and ugly and freezing everyone in their place better than even Miyuki's words did.
When he could move again, Shinji looked towards Kuramochi. He already knew, in the back of his mind, what that noise was. It had come from the direction of the bathroom, after all. But on some level…
On some level, he needed Kuramochi to tell him no. No, Sawamura's yowl of pain was not so loud that it reached them easily all the way over here. No, that was not even in pain. It was a call and nothing more. No, the pitcher Shinji had come to respect and, dare he say, call a friend, had not made a sound that wrenched his heart.
Shinji looked to Kuramochi and felt his heart completely stop instead. He knew he would get none of that.
Kominato had an arm wrapped around his boyfriend's waist. His fingers dug, white-knuckled, into jersey fabric as he held them both back.
The face of Kuramochi himself was turned away from Shinji, towards the bathroom, but his posture said it all. His tail had tucked itself as far in between his legs as it possibly could, and his ears lay flat against his head. The green fur across the back of his neck, usually invisible under his hair, had puffed out enough that there was no ignoring it or the truth it held.
Shinji's legs buckled. He sat on the bench, buried his head in his hands, and tried to ignore the world around him.
Hideaki sat between Shinji and the rest of the team, a rock hardened barrier.
At the moment he felt more like wood.
There had always been something for Hideaki to do, some solution to his problems. Sometimes it took so long it seemed impossible, like with becoming a pitcher again, but the solution was always there.
Now, though… for the first time in his life, he could do absolutely nothing. Everyone who needed to know had been told. He was looking at all of them, and had been for awhile. The police had let Kataoka-kantoku back, but he knew without asking that no students would be allowed. There was nothing to do but wait. Nothing he could do for his friends trapped within the bathroom, but out here...
Hideaki closed his eyes, breathed in deep, and straightened his back.
Shinji made a noise of wonder, and all around them their teammates exclaimed excitedly. Hopefully.
Hideaki opened his eyes to find Endeavor and a team of sidekicks walking inside the building. Police escorted them while leaning in close to, he assumed, brief them on the situation.
He let his shoulders relax ever so slightly. Reaching out, Hideaki pulled Shinji into his side for a one-armed hug.
Sometimes wood is thousands of years old and turns to stone, impossibly strong, to stand forever.
Chris and his old teammates waited impatiently, but it still took twenty, thirty minutes after Endeavor arrived before Kataoka-kantoku finally exited with Furuya in tow. The poor pitcher was half-dead on his feet. He looked up at them through lidded eyes, keeping up with their coach only thanks to an arm around his shoulders and a stubborn will.
Kataoka-kantoku handed him over to them with orders for half of them to get him into a bed. The other half were to come with him and get meals for the others.
They split up without a thought. Those most eager for news left with Furuya, while others who could get by with just the coach's reassurances for the time being headed for the dining hall.
Chris's choice was less pleasant. He headed in Furuya's direction, only for the coach to stop him with a quiet hand up.
"Your father has been calling Takashima, Oota, and I almost nonstop. Please call him back and reassure him that both you and your 'crazy boy' are perfectly fine."
Chris looked back at his coach. He knew his normal resting poker face had twisted into something strange - something that asked if the request was serious, my kouhais need me and you ask this of me?
Kataoka-kantoku just stared back evenly. He knew exactly what he was asking, but he did it anyway. That was the kind of man he was and why Chris had chosen Seido in the first place.
At least he'd confirmed that Sawamura was fine. Chris's heart had been in his throat since hearing the yowl, but now at least it retreated enough that he could clear his throat and speak.
"Yes, sir," he said. He bowed his head, murmured, "excuse me," and walked away.
In all of the chaos and panic, he had forgotten his phone and bag in the library and hadn't had the heart to go back and get them. He was paying for it now.
When he reached the library, it was to find a pile of book bags and baseball duffels behind the main desk, under the safeguard of the librarian. She smiled sympathetically at him and handed him his bag, but thankfully didn't do more than that. He didn't think he could stomach pleasantries right now.
Chris exited the the library and walked in the direction of the baseball dorms, phone ringing and pressed to his ear. It only rang twice before it was answered.
"Yuu!" his dad exclaimed. "How are -"
"I'm fine, Dad," Chris interrupted. "And so is Sawamura. I'm on my way to see him now, actually."
There was quiet for a few seconds, which really said more about his father's feelings than anything he could have said.
"I'm glad. He - I know you care about him. He brought out a side of you I hadn't seen in awhile, and I hadn't even realized I missed."
"Mm," Chris nodded. "Listen, dad - I can see the dorm from here. I'm going to hang up now."
"Take care, Yuu," his father said. "Give that crazy boy a hug from me."
"I love you," Chris replied, and closing his phone, sprinted to the dorms.
He opened the door to a feast. Beds had been claimed and the floor covered in baseball members.
"Chris-senpai!" Sawamura wailed. The lion cub launched himself from Kuramochi's side and burrowed into Chris's. He had to have been a koala in a previous life, Chris thought, to be this clingy. Still, he wasn't about to complain.
"Chris!" Jun hollered, waving from the top bunk next to Tetsu. "We saved you a spot on the bed!"
He waved in acknowledgment, but ignored his friends for now. He took in Furuya and the younger Kominato, both already asleep and safely bundled up. He noted the new groove in Sawamura's tail and, tightening his arms, maneuvered them onto the bed beside Kuramochi.
Now the pitcher was practically in his lap, head resting against his chest, and Sawamura purred in response. The sound was a rusty thing - probably because of the pained yowl. The thought made his shoulder ache in sympathy even as he watched Kuramochi's tail twine up and around the cub's wrist. Chris said nothing as it settled against Sawamura's pulse; he just tightened his own hold ever so slightly and listened to the murmur of their teammates around them.
He didn't let go until he felt the cub relaxing into sleep. Only then did he share a glance with Kuramochi and fully transfer Sawamura to the bed beside his roommate.
Standing up, Chris linked his hands over his head and stretched, cracking his back with a moan. The day had definitely been one of the longest he'd ever had. And after everything with his shoulder, he didn't say that easily. What made it even more remarkable was that it was barely even three o'clock in the afternoon. And yet, looking around him, all he could see were baseball members bedding down. After all the excitement and fear of the day, he wouldn't be surprised if they all slept through to the next day.
Turning, Chris began climbing the ladder to the top bunk. If all he could do for Sawamura and everyone else was be there, then he would be ready to do that to the best of his ability.
Hirofumi jolted awake and, rolling over, slammed his hand on his alarm's 'sleep' button. A noise suddenly went quiet, but it left a kind of… tense, agitated silence in its wake. The shock of it made him lie still, gazing blearily at the bedroom floor. For some reason he couldn't make out as much as he usually could without his glasses. He blinked furiously, still gazing down. The action accomplished nothing.
That's when it dawned on him. There was no light, unless you counted the moon shining through the blinds. Which meant it couldn't have been his alarm he accidentally silenced. Which meant -
Hirofumi nearly stopped breathing.
In the absence of his rough, still sleep heavy breathing, he could just make out the sound of even rougher breathing above him, accompanied by the murmur of someone's voice.
Hirofumi had only been in Seido's dorms for four weeks, but he already knew what woke him. The first night it had happened sent him scrambling, thinking someone was in their room who wasn't supposed to be. Memories of Kuramochi-senpai's head during the prank had flashed through his mind, only that time the hatchet was real. Hirofumi had screamed. Sawamura-senpai hadn't calmed down for another thirty minutes, and Kuramochi-senpai hadn't forgiven Hirofumi for another two days. It had taken caving to a night of catch and an early morning run for that to happen.
Now, though… now Hirofumi lay still for a moment before he rolled over and, rustling loudly, gathered his sheets to his chest. He dropped his mouth open and started breathing exercises.
This was only the second time it had happened, but Hirofumi already knew what it was. He had had nightmares himself as a kid, of his own quirklessness killing him someday. And… and everyone knew what happened to Seido and Yakushi that one fall practice. It was hard not to, when Endeavor himself had stormed in. The names of those involved hadn't been released. But that didn't matter when your roommate had a scar from a bullet wound on his tail.
Hirofumi counted ten sheep before the noises above him started again. He couldn't make out the words, but after a month of living together he easily recognised Kuramochi-senpai's voice. It was soft and soothing, intermixed with the occasional cheetah churr. Sawamura-senpai was crying, but Hirofumi didn't worry. It was better than the utter silence from the first time.
Gradually, the sounds above him started changing. Hiccups interrupted the crying, as did the occasional snort. The churrs became longer and longer. There was the thump of a pillow being fluffed, and then a half-laugh. An affronted grumble and more fluffing. The air conditioning beeped, whirred, and released cooler air. Their entire bed shook as someone flopped over, and then again with a second flop.
Sawamura-senpai's voice rose as he screeched, "Blanket hog!"
Kuramochi-senpai hissed and the bed shook again. Both of them quieted. Eventually, the lion's distinct snorting snore resounded throughout the room, and it didn't take long for the cheetah's lower, but just as bothersome snore to join it.
Hirofumi rolled back over to stare at the door. The entire situation, from when he woke up to when they fell asleep, had lasted about ten minutes. It took him maybe another five to join them, his own soft, breathy snores merging with theirs.
I swear I wasn’t gonna have ships in this verse, and then Kuramochi said “boyfriend” and I couldn’t bring myself to take it out.
As always, please let me know what you think! If you have any ideas for future additions, I’m open to hearing them!
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FictionalxLifexReality’s Wish List for the Kagome Xover Exchange @MizukixTsukiyomi
Here’s my wish list of animes/tv shows/movies/games and characters for the Kagome Xover Exchange! I’m open to any genres out there, although, I’m not too keen on anything that’s too dark or angsty.
I don’t mind receiving NFSW material, but if you ask me to do one, I can’t really say I can do it. I’ll do my best, but I don’t really know how to write one, let alone draw one, without messing up too horribly. 
These are all the animes/mangas I’ve watched and read, movies and TV shows I’ve enjoyed watching and games my brothers and I, well mostly my brothers, have played over the years, that I think would be interesting for a xover with Kagome.
07-Ghost: Teito Klein, Frau (Zehel)
Acchi Kocchi: Otonashi Io
Akagami no Shirayukihime: Zen Wistaria, Izana Wistaria, Obi
Amatsuki: Rikugō Tokidoki, Shinonome Kon, Kuchiha
Aoharu x Kikanjuu: Yukimura Tōru, Matsuoka Masamune
Black Blood Brothers: Mochizuki Jiro
Black Cat: Train Heartnet
Blood+: Haji, Solomon Goldsmith
Barakamon: Handa Seishū, Kotoishi Naru
Brave 10: Kirigakure Saizō, Sarutobi Sasuke
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Nakajima Atsushi
Cardcaptor Sakura: Kinomoto Tōya, Tsukishiro Yukito (Yue)
Clamp School Detectives: Imonoyama Nokoru, Ijyuin Akira, Takamura Suoh
Code:Breaker: Ōgami Rei
Cooking Master Boy/Chuuka Ichiban!: Liu Mao Xing, Lan Fei Hong
D.N.Angel: Niwa Daisuke, Dark Mousy, Hiwatari Satoshi, Krad Hikari
D.Gray-Man: Allen Walker, Kanda Yū, Lavi, Lenalee Lee
Dantalian no Shoka: Huey Anthony Disward, Dalian
Death Note: L, Yagami Raito
Durarara!!!: Heiwajima Shizuo, Orihara Izaya
Eyeshield 21: Hiruma Yōichi, Kobayakawa Sena, Shin Seijūrō
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster
Free!: Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Rin, Matsuoka Rin
Fruits Basket: Sohma Yuki, Sohma Hatsuharu
Fushigi Yuugi: Hotohori, Tamahome, Nuriko, Mitsukake
Gakuen Alice: Hyūga Natsume
Gakuen Heaven: Itō Keita, Endō Kazuki, Niwa Tetsuya, Nakajima Hideaki, Shinomiya Kōji
Gakuen Mokushiroku/Highschool of the Dead: Komuro Takashi
GetBackers: Mido Ban, Amano Ginij, Fuyuki Shido, Fūchōin Kazuki, Kakei Jūbei, Akabane Kuro'udō
Ghost Hunt: Shibuya Kazuya (Naru, Oliver Davis)
Gosick: Kūjo Kazuya, Victorique de Blois
Gravitation: Sakuma Ryuichi, Shindou Shuichi, Eiri Yuki
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi/Fullmetal Alchemist: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun: Inuzuka Shino, Inukawa Sōsuke, Satomi Riō, Inukai Genpachi, Inusaka Keno, Inumura Daikaku
Hakuouki: Hijikata Toshizō, Okita Souji, Hajime Saitou
Hamatora: Nice, Murasaki, Hajime, Art
Hatenkō Yugi: Alzeid, Rahzel Anadis (Rahzenshia Rose), Baroqueheat Anadis
Hayate no Gotoku: Ayasaki Hayate
Hetalia: North Italy (Italia Veneziano, Feliciano Vargas), Germany (Ludwig), Japan (Honda Kiku), China (Wáng Yào), America (Alfred F. Jones), England (Arthur Kirkland), France (Francis Bonnefoy), Russia (Ivan Braginsky), South Italy (Romano, Lovino Vargas), Spain (Antonio Fernández Carriedo)
Hikaru no Go: Shindō Hikaru, Fujiwarano Sai, Tōya Akira
Hyouka: Oreki Hōutarō
Junjō Romantica: Takahashi Misaki, Akihiko Usami
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Tomoe, Mizuki
Karneval: Gareki, Nai Muhinyi, Yogi, Tsukumo, Hirato, Akari, Karoku Arumerita
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn, Hibari Kyoya, Rokudō Mukuro
Kini’iro no Corda/La Corda D’Oro: 
Primo Passo: Lili, Tsukimori Len, Yunoki Azuma, Hihara Kazuki, Shimizu Keiichi, Ousaki Shinobu, Kanazawa Hiroto
Secondo Passo: Kaji Aoi, Etō Kiriya, Kira Akihiko
Blue♪Sky: Kisaragi Ritsu, Kisaragi Kyoya
Kyoukai no Kanata: Kanbara Akihito, Nase Hiroomi
Kyou Kara Maoh!: Shibuya Yuuri, Wolfram von Bielefelt, Gwendal von Voltaire, Conrart Weller
La storia della Arcana Famiglia/Arcana Famiglia: Libertà, Nova, Luca, Jolly, Pace, Ash
Love Stage!!: Sena Izumi, Ichijou Ryōma, Sena Shougo, Sagara Rei
Loveless: Agatsuma Soubi, Aoyagi Ritsuka, Aoyagi Seimei
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist: William Twining, Dantalion, Sytry, Camio
Mamotte! Lollipop: Zero, Ichî
Matantei Loki Ragnarok: Loki, Heimdall (Higashiyama Kazumi)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Mushishi: Ginko
Nabari no Ou: Rokujō Miharu, Yoite
Natsume Yuujinchou: Natsume Takashi, Nyanko-sensei (Madara), Tanuma Kaname, Natori Shuuichi, Matoba Seiji
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective: Tatsuhiko Shido
No. 6: Shion, Nezumi
Noblesse: The Awakaning: Rai (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel), Frankenstein
Noragami: Yato, Yukine
Nurarihyon no Mago: Nura Rikuo
Ōkiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!: Mihashi Ren, Abe Takaya
Pandora Hearts: Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray, Xerxes Break
Pet Shop of Horrors: Count D, Leon Orcot
Prince of Stride: Alternative: Yagami Riku, Fujiwara Takeru, Kuga Kyōsuke, Hasekura Heath
Ranma 1/2: Saotome Ranma
Rave Master: Haru Glory, Hamrio Musica
Recca no Honoo: Hanabishi Recca, Mikagami Tokiya
Rokka no Yuusha: Adlet Maia, Goldof Auora
Rurouni Kenshin: Himura Kenshin, Shinomori Aoshi
Saiunkoku Monogatari: Shi Seiran, Shi Ryuuki
Saiyuki:  Genjō Sanzō, Son Gokū, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojō
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Arima Kousei, Miyazono Kaori
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo: Saitou Yakumo
Shokugeki no Soma: Yukihira Soma, Hayama Akira, Takumi Aldini, Kurokiba Ryō
Shounen Onmyouji: Abe no Masahiro, Guren/Touda
Shugo Chara!: Tsukiyomi Ikuto, Fujisaki Nagihiko
Skip Beat!: Tsuruga Ren
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii: Livius Orvinus Ifrikia
S · A: Special A: Takishima Kei
Sakamoto desu ga?/Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto: Sakamoto, Hayabusa Shou
Sword Art Online: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)
Tactics: Kantarō, Haruka
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge: Tanaka, Oota
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee: Lag Seeing, Gauche Suede, Sylvette Suede
Tennis no Ouji-sama/Prince of Tennis: Echizen Ryōma, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Fuji Shūsuke, Yukimura Seiichi, Sanada Genichirō, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Echizen Ryoga
Touken Ranbu: Izuminokami Kanesada, Kogitsunemaru, Nakigitsune, Munechika Mikazuki
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Fai D. Flowright, Kurogane
Tsuritama: Sanada Yuki, Usami Natsuki, Haru, Akira Agarkar Yamada
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪:
Maji Love 1000%: Ittoki Otoya, Ichinose Tokiya, Jingujin Ren, Hijirikawa Masato
Maji Love 2000%: Kurosaki Ranmaru, Camus
Vampire Knight: Kiryū Zero, Kuran Kaname
Wolf's Rain: Kiba
X/1999: Shirō Kamui
xxxHolic: Watanuki Kimihiro, Dōmeki Shizuka, Ichihara Yuuko
Yami no Matsuei: Tsuzuki Asato, Kurosaki Hisoka, Muraki Kazutaka
Yu Yu Hakusho: Minamino Shūichi (Yōko Kurama), Hiei
Yu-Gi-Oh: Mutou Yugi, Yami Yugi (Atem), Kaiba Seto
Yumeiro Patissiere: Kashino Makoto, Andou Sennousuke, Hanabusa Satsuki
Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky
Zombie-Loan: Akatsuki Chika, Tachibana Shito, Kita Michiru
TV Shows:
Pokémon series (pick your favorite series!)
Avatar: Last Airbender 
BBC Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
BBC Merlin: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
The Walking Dead
Hayao Miyazaki’s Films
Laputa: Castle in the Sky: Pazu, Sheeta (Princess Lusheeta Toel Ur Laputa)
Princess Mononoke: Ashitaka
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi/Spirited Away: Haku (Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi)
Howl’s Moving Castle: Howl Jenkins Pendragon
Tales of Earthsea: Arren, Teru
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea: Sōsuke, Ponyo, Lisa
The Secret World of Arrietty: Arrietty Clock, Shō
Battle Royale: Nanahara Shuya, Kiriyama Kazuo
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Percy Jackson
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
The Chronicles of Narnia: Peter Pevensie
Harry Potter
The Lord of the Rings: Legolas, Aragorn
The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins
The Legend of Tarzan (2016)
The Jungle Book (2016): Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera
Cinderella (2015)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost
Frozen: Elsa
The Little Mermaid: Ariel
How to Train Your Dragon: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless
Tales of the Abyss: Jade Curtiss
Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice: Peter White, Ace, Blood Dupre, Tweedle Dee and Dum, Julius Monrey, Boris, Airay, Joker, Gray Ringmarc, Nightmare Gottschalk
Devil May Cry: Dante, Vergil
Persona series
The Last Story: Zael (Elza), Yurick (Yuris), Therius (Tasha)
Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Riku, Roxas
Legend of Zelda: Link
Final Fantasy: Chocobos! Moogles!
VII: Zack Fair, Sepiroth, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine
VIII: Squall Leonheart
X: Tidus, Yuna
XIII: Lightning, Noel, Caius, Yeul
XV: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto, Ignis, Gladiolus
Folklore: Ellen, Keats
Assassin’s Creed
Resident Evil (the movie franchise or the animated films or the game, your pick!): Alice (movie exclusive character), Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield 
Silent Hill (the movies or the games, your pick!): 
1: Alessa Gillespie (also in the Silent Hill films)
2: James Sunderland
3: Heather Mason (aka Sharon Da Silva in the Silent Hill films)
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