#gudako: oh
nero-draco · 6 months
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marshmeowee · 3 months
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cosmos in the lostbelt
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vennyriz22 · 1 year
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She came home and I'm salty I don't have her mats
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solokabuto · 1 year
some bios
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picaroroboto · 1 year
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reaction #1 to Aphrodite's song in Olympus and the Garden of Lost Will in Britain: oh no my girl T_T
reaction #2: if nightmare boxes like these are the only way Guda's gonna deal with their feelings and trauma we need to stick them in more of them until they either derive free therapy from it or break completely
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Ya think Karna and Arjuna can sit down and do arts and craft together without incident?
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its not a matter of can
they will
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something about fairy godmother!merlin after gudako lets it slip that she thinks cindereli's dress is gorgeous and that she'd love to try it on makes me feral
so of course, when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she's in a beautiful castle, in a beautiful dress, staring at the mirror like she can't believe it's actually her
and then comes a knock at the door, and who appears but merlin himself, dressed up and ready to escort her to the ball
and there are tons of people there, mostly background characters with little bearing on her day to day life, but some of them are also the friends and family and classmates she hasn't seen in what feels like years
randomly, servants enter her dream and get put into appropriate costumes. abby and dantes are also there the entire time as bodyguards (abby is her lady in waiting/maid and dantes is her suave mercenary friend, it's in the script that merlin never ends up giving her), mash is there as a princess from a neighboring kingdom, and oberon is ALSO there, he forced himself there because he got no invite and he heard about it from castoria, and kind of miffed he didn't hear about this first because he can also do that. it's very important to him that gudako knows that, even if he'll never do it for her, obviously
she spends the night dancing away (always making sure to check on merlin, though he doesn't dance himself), until the clock hits twelve and merlin spirits her back to a room that looks like chaldea, but there are subtle touches to it that suggest its either OG chaldea or novum chaldea with the things she's missing from her OG room that sion couldn't replicate
and he makes her some hot chocolate, mimicking a certain someone (which causes a brief lull in the conversation after which merlin mocks the man mercilessly, but in a very frenemy way, and it gets a small smile out of her as she tells him not to make fun of the dead, but she's still agreeing with him), and they talk about how fun the night was
until gudako jokes about how she didn't have a prince charming. you can't have fairy tales without prince charming, who is the princess supposed to marry??
they end up debating whether she actually didn't have one or if she just isn't a princess who needs a prince charming right now (gudako rejects the premise that she doesn't want one—why does everyone else get knight kings, she says, pointing at shirou and hakuno for artoria and charlie), and she offhandedly says that if fairy godmothers looked like him, prince charmings would be out of a job
and that—
and that catches him off guard because the very next thing she says is "maybe prince charming was the fairy godmother who helped me along the way"
and he automatically says, "i'm not sure that's how the saying goes, my lord"
but anything else he can say dies in his throat when she stands up and asks him to dance with her and how can he say no when she's smiling at him so brilliantly
"shall we, o' wizard of mine?"
"as my lord commands."
and they live happily ever after
(when morning comes, gudako wakes up to a surprise in her bed. she figures out pretty quickly that he's just pretending to sleep, so she kicks him off her bed.
"my lord is a cruel master," he complains, cuddling her.
after they show up to breakfast like that, gawain straight up asks if she needs him to bail her out and is extremely disappointed when he finds that's not the case.)
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melonisopod · 7 months
charlie looking like he asking ‘please sir can i have some more’ at the orphanage
Charlemagne Has Become Bri'ish
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takitori67 · 10 months
I wonder why my chrome's automatic translation can't function well... It has already gone on like this for a few months
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mako-neexu · 1 year
i will NEVER recover from ca-san’s one romaguda illust. it invokes so MANY feelings within me i cant begin to decribe it
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interwovenrhapsody · 2 years
"Hate to be a bother but," the orange haired girl said as she rocked back and forth on her feet, hands clasp behind her back. "Do you happen to know where I am? Because I most certainly don't."
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She hadn't really expected to find another Outlander like herself here in Mondstadt. In fact, she hadn't expected to find anyone, beyond a few hilichurls here and there. This was... awkward. Well, then.
❝ You're in the Kingdom of Mondstadt. Are you from another world? ❞
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fledbeast578 · 4 months
It's going around a bit (initially this was going to be an ask for @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong and then it got too long, and er sorry for the ping, your post just got me thinking a lot) but I think a lot of people are missing the point when it comes to why people complain about the lack of bisexuality in fate. It's not like everyone is completely ignorant to Rin's bisexual awakening in fsn, or you being able to go full Yuri with Nero in Extella. It's moreso that while type/moon are able to handle girl/girl just fine, they are seemingly completely unwilling to approach any male/male romances in a serious way. It's not that bisexual women aren't bisexual, that's stupid to say. But if you have an equal number of male and female servants, and have plenty of bisexual or even lesbian girls, as a bisexual male I am allowed to be disappointed by the complete lack of the opposite.
They never overtly say anything homophobic, but they do literally everything they can do avoid outright mentioning male/male pairings. They have never mentioned Patroclus, despite him being a major part of not just Achilles, but the Illiad as a whole, all while adding Penthisaela as an entire character. The only canon 'yaoi' pairing (Gil x Enkidu, and I say yaoi loosely) made sure to have Enkidu simultaneously be non-binary and take on the appearance of a woman. They quite literally demoted Nameless to side character due to Extella being more focused on romance. There's a whole bunch of minor stuff easy to miss as well, like, has anyone ever wondered why exactly they added the Trung Sisters as is, but felt the need to genderbend Pollux?
I could rant on more and more, but I think it's easy to point to one in-game event as being emblematic of what I mean, Valentines. Nearly every girl has an overtly or at least implicitly romantic valentines, comes with the territory. It doesn't change or matter if you're playing as Gudako or Gudao, it all stays the same, especially with early servants where it's just "teehee it's valentines day/oh it's valentines day" depending on how tsundere there are, they hand you chocolate, and then blush.png, they are never afraid to imply or outwardly say that at the very least Carmilla finds you cute.
Compare that to male valentines scenes, where genuinely I think there are less than 10 with any romantic vibes. A grand majority of them are closer to friendship than anything, and play out more like mini-interludes. And even of the ones that are romantic, much less than overt about it. Is Saito maybe being romantic when he says he wants to take you away from Chaldea and live alone? Probably. Is Taigong Wang trying to imply something when he takes you to the same river he took his wife too? Probably. Are they ever going to outwardly say it? Absolutely not, at least not when they're trying to take it seriously.
As you mentioned previously characters like Fergus and Bartholomew are the only exceptions, because yeah they'll call you hot and offer to fuck but that's because they want to fuck literally anything (anything with bangs for the latter), the joke is they're so horny it transcends sexuality. Genuinely the only male that comes to mind with a full on, "I have feelings for you" played straight is Oda Kippoushi (and even his gender situation is... Weird? Just a bit). Mori comes close, but even his ends with him looking at you as more of a friend, and quickly skirts away from topics of romance.
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In fact, this disparity between male and female servants can be easily seen in Kid Gil's interlude of all things. In it he mentions a waterpark he was creating, and then you two fantasize about the type of servants there
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It's played completely straight, just a bunch of summer servants that you and Gil fawn over. Immediately after, he starts rambling about how while he doesn't swing that way, there are all kinds of people at the park
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And to show this off they... Turn it into a joke. Edison and Blackbeard as there. Compared to a bunch of servant girls fawning over you it's a bunch of men (none of which even had summer skins at the time), talking about working out and growing food, with Blackbeard yelling about how it's a bunch of servants with no story significance.
However, the absolute worst part is what Gudao can say in response to the fantasies. With the girls you get a single one, that you love the idea of it.
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With the men however, you get two options, "hey that doesn't sound too bad" in which Gil just kinda disagrees and then moves on to the end. And then one where you literally outloud show your disgust towards the male choice, Gil scolds you for making him think of it, and he bans all adult men from the pools. I never really think of it but this is probably one of the most homophobic scenes in fgo lmao.
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Regardless, the whole point of this was moreso that as a bisexual man myself, these kinds of things do kind of lodge themselves into my brain. Nobody has to like yaoi or anything, that's ridiculous, but when they go out of there way so often to avoid outright showing anything homosexual... It kind of just hurts. Even just a singular gay man would be nice, even if it probably would just be a joke about how they want to slobber on muscles or love femboys something. But there just... Isn't, there's a few vaguely implied mentions of gay men or bisexual men, but they will never expand on it or show it off to the same degree as they do with women, and I just wish there was more of it.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
oberon gifts morgan a gift of just bugs. Now he’s being chased by the faerie knights and now gudako must at least stop them from murdering oberon for his antics
Uh oh sisters!
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some of my favorite lb6 moments include:
guda tuning out everyone around her and running headfirst into the calamity just because mash was there
really the entire world instantly melting away both times she lays eyes on her i.e. "gudako, why do you look like time's just stopped?" and "I see life return to gudako's eyes as she watches her go"
morgan paying us for our labor
the looney tunes scene transition they randomly used twice
"the whole empire is stanning cnoc na riabh with all their might"
altria accidentally baking a chocolate nuke
guda doing a fuckton of drugs before summoning more servants to fight barghest
and then just collapsing to the cold hard floor of the shadow border for her 3 minute nap only to instantly bolt upright again and sprint out the door because she remembered pepe's warning
"oh sorry was I sleeping" "just how shameless are you, bitch??"
thank you lb6 I love you
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Oh fuck I gotta let Ereshkigal know Gudako loves her! *Runs out into heavy traffic*
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No…she couldn’t mean…😳
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