#guess I’ll need to get some custom framing done
butcherb1rd · 4 months
bought a frame for a fancy art print :D
the frame is too small because OF COURSE it is :(
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anonymousdisco · 2 months
How’d I get Isikaid into Yandere Obey me Chapter Two: Planning
(Y/N) POV:
    As I walked my new screen companion followed me around as I finished figuring out where everything was in my room. “So… can anyone else see you? Do you even… have a name?” I asked curiosity brimming up as I adjusted to my new life here.
    The screen brightened as if happy to be asked and explained, “No one can see me except for you, User! Or hear me for that matter. But if you think loud enough I can hear your thoughts, only if you want me to of course. And I don’t have a name yet till you give me one.” It hovered around me sporadically clearly wanting a name now.
    “Um… You seem hyper and fast so I guess I’ll you Bullet.” I reason wanting to laugh as it glows slightly red clearly its way of showing upset emotion. “I’m just kidding your names Glitch cause you’re going to make me overpowered in this plot like a glitch does in a game.” The redness of the screen dims to a pink and I take this as it being shy and happy. “Now what should I wear…? I want to seem innocent, but I don’t want to be too obvious.”
    “How about wearing the trending style in Devildom, but a bit muted. School uniforms allow a lot of customization here. And no one really pays attention to you yet so you can make it whatever you want and no one will notice the difference.” Glitch advised me.
    “That’s smart lil glitchy.” I grab the uniform and quickly make my adjustments. I add fishnets in a subtle gray color with slight tears in them, and added a black belt with studs to the middle section. I look at the uniform itself and tilt the student council band disliking how perfect and straight it looked before. I shortened the skirt half an inch to make my legs look longer, and add a leather purse I can hang over my shoulder to carry my school supplies. I as a finishing touch add a pair of thigh highs with heels in leather to match the purse with slight studs to mimic the belts style. Nodding to myself in satisfaction I do a light makeup look with a brown muted smoky eye and a small winged black eyeliner. Finishing it all up with a simple lipstick in my most favorable shade to match my skin tone. To nod at the innocent aura I wanted I added pictails with some of the hair down framing my face and making me look adorable rather than edgy.
    Glitch hovered in front of me. “Your good at this.”
    “Thanks glitch. I use to have to adjust my clothing constantly since my parents didn’t drench me with money like they did my sister. This time though I’ll have seven dear big brothers to spoil me rotten by the time I’m done.” I smirk feeling mischievous. It was my time to shine now. “But how to make the hardest one fall. Mr. I have pride won’t be easy to make fall. I’m still his sister at the end of the day though, and he does have an overprotective attitude to his siblings.” I feel excited as my plan comes together. “All I need to do is seem lonely and isolated in a way that leads me to be in a situation where I’m physically injured in what an overprotective big brother would find life threatening. A broken arm, and maybe a rib should do the trick!”
    Glitch glows gray and vibrates nervously. “Your going to get injured?!”
    “In the backstory you mentioned bullies. And what good are bullies for if you can’t use them for manipulation. This way I get rid of the bullies, Lucifer falls the first step, and all my other new big brothers follow suit after seeing poor innocent me hurt because of their lack of care. It’ll be easy, but first I have to get some notice on the student council, and I have the perfect plan for that!” 
    I rush over to my desk before school starts and fill out an envelope of an anonymous school suggestion form and make sure it looks slightly different from the rest. If the timeline was right then this would be perfect. I go to school getting there early and wait in the student council room patiently filling out forms and paperwork.
Diavolo’s POV:
    I enter the student council room in a hurry a bit behind since I tried to escape working today, but couldn’t under Barbatos’s careful watch. I look into the room shocked someone was already there as I see someone. Who was that girl again…? (Wrong name similar to yours)? Perhaps (other wrong name)? “Good morning…” I pause awkwardly given I can’t remember her name. We had never been alone before so I never really paid attention to her much.
    “(Y/N). Good morning, Lord Diavolo. I hope you had an uneventful morning.” She smiled pleasantly seeming to be unoffended by my lack of recall.
    She goes back to what she was doing and I notice it was the daily morning paperwork. She was… sorting it in level of importance on everyone’s desk, as well as compiling notes of the more complex areas. “I thought… Barbatos did that.”
    She seemed a bit shy and embarrassed.  “I do actually…. It’s one of the few ways my help isn’t… viewed as unnecessary.” She quickly finished everything before scanning it all a final time. “I’m done so I’m going to go to the library, unless you need me for anything?”
   “I’m alright. Have fun studying.” I watched her leave. There was something about her. I couldn’t put my finger on it but she seemed sweet and quiet. I felt my face heat up as I thought of her (H/L) (H/C) in those cute lil pictails. Her eyes though… were a deep lonely (E/C). They felt reminiscent of my own loneliness. Maybe… she too needed a friend.
    “Barbatos.” He appeared before me quietly. “Follow her around today. Figure out why she so… shy and lonely looking. She’s too lovely and cute to be allowed to stay so sad. I want the reason eliminated.” I didn’t know why I felt such sudden rage at the thought of her sadness, but I wanted the reason dead and gone.
    Barbatos bowed. “Yes, young master Diavolo.”
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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Me stuffing all the leftovers into the fridge, dragging out all the various pictures onto the wall, and going into Build Mode, that’s what! Because they had a decent amount of money now and I wanted to make some upgrades to the house. I didn’t get everything I wanted to get done, done because I kept second-guessing myself on where I wanted to put stuff (in particular, the enlarged greenhouse was left in quite a state, as you can see), but over the course of a couple of playsessions I got a couple of key things sorted --
A) Cleaned up all the photos they’d taken of their trip, getting rid of obviously-bad ones and choosing my favorites of the selfies to put up around the house (though I did deliberately take that shot of all the good-quality ones up on the wall so you could see some of the ones you missed thanks to their screenshot versions being all washed out thanks to filters)
B) Moved Alice’s art corner from her and Victor’s bedroom into the study, where I felt it fit better -- Victor and Alice ended up with an aquarium in that spot instead, with one of Victor’s rainbowfish inside (I named it “Overthe”).
C) Got another one of @somecreativecc‘s custom display cases for Jungle Adventures treasures and artifacts to PROPERLY display all of Victor and Alice’s Selvadoradan treasures in one case, since Victor’s stuff doesn’t fit with Alice’s in the regular one. You’ll get a better shot of that later!
D) And the big one -- I moved Smiler’s party space out of the house and into the barn! Yeah, I had been thinking for a while that they needed more space for everything, and so I gave the barn a proper top floor, moved the insect collection into the old party room, and moved all Smiler’s party stuff up there. And, as you can see, found I had enough room to include the bubble blower. :D Hooray! Add in a lounging couch, and I think it’s a pretty nice space. (Though yeah, I MEANT to add some rugs up there. . .then again, these house renovations are still pretty unfinished, so I’ll have opportunity later!)
Once I figured I was as set as I was going to get for the moment, it was back to live mode, to frame everything that needed framing and get the gang settling back in. Smiler got a drink from Victor before tending the chickens and attempting to make a mechanism, only to get shocked and get moved over to the guitar. Victor, for his part, began making planters, because he definitely needed more for his new bigger greenhouse! And Alice, after collecting the mail (and getting Victor’s magical care package in the process -- Sixam owl familiar orb, another broom, some mandrake root, and three apples -- I let her keep the latter), headed off to work, as it was one of her rare work days and I was hoping to get her a promotion. This kept everyone busy for a while. . .
But as a thunderstorm rolled in and Victor finished up his second planter, I decided I needed to get him out and about. And so it was off to the Magic Realm with his Glimmerstone! There to retrieve what, you ask?
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Room 107 // chapter I // JJ Maybank (smut)
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I have started my first JJ story, which will consist of several chapters that I will constantly be updating. The story picks up where season 2 leaves us. TW: Contains mentions of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex and violence. 
Chapter 1 can be found below.  Oh, and - please feel free to submit requests, I tend to write a lot ;) 
Enjoy xx
Chapter 1 - La Guardiana
Days had passed since the Pogues had last seen civilisation, maybe even weeks. The sun was hotter than ever, with close to no wind to mask the warmth. JJ was taking this particularly badly. 
“I’m so done with eating bananas, man,” he moaned, kicking a pebble as he trotted a little behind the rest of his friends, “Can’t we just stumble across an oasis or something and end up in, like, an actual city?”
As if on command, his friends stopped in their tracks, the girls awing and the guys smiling happily. 
“We just might, JJ,” said John B, looking at the city unfolding itself in front of them in the distance, “We just might.”
“I’m actually starving,” laughed Sarah, nudging John B’s arm, “Don’t tease!” “Hey, so am I,” he cooed, “First joint we find, we’re going in for food.” Kiara rolled her eyes, “As much as I would love to accept that offer, let me remind you that we have no money.” Sarah nodded, “Mhm, nothing at all.” “Nada,” John B looked at the two girls sternly, “And when has that ever stopped us exactly?” Kiara rolled her eyes once again, smirking at her friend, “Alright, I suppose a good meal would give me the energy I’d need to run a marathon after getting caught not paying.”
The group continued walking down a not too busy street, studying the buildings, looking for a restaurant, cafe, diner - anything, really. They hadn’t had a proper meal in God knows how long and they were famished. They couldn’t help but notice how all the buildings on the street were of the same height - no more than four storeys each, all painted in different colours. If they hadn’t known any better, they’d have thought that they had left the United States of America altogether, although one thing was certain - they were definitely not in the Outer Banks anymore. 
The street wasn’t crowded at all, there were hardly any cars or people lurking about. JJ concluded that this was probably an unpopular area of whichever city they were in. This would also explain the lack of supermarkets and restaurants. He really wanted to ask his friends to stop for a little break - his throat was so dry and his legs could barely hold him up anymore, but he knew better. The longer they walk, the faster they’ll find what they are looking for. Having no indicator of the time on them wasn’t helping either, hell, they could have been walking for 12 hours for all he knew, and with no result. 
“Maybe we should just ask someone,” Pope suggested, “Neither of us is a wanted criminal anymore, I’d say we have nothing to worry about.” John B smirked at his friend’s remark, but ultimately agreed to ask the first person they ran into where the nearest food joint was. Turns out, they were standing right in front of it. 
“La Cubanita Hotel and Restaurant” it spelled out in bold, red letters. The building was narrow and a light shade of blue, totally contrasting the obnoxiously coloured sign planted in front of it. Much like the rest of the buildings on the street, it had no more than four floors, each consisting of a row of Spanish windows with brightly coloured frames. The Pogues looked at each other with a hint of uncertainty before John B lead the way into the building. 
On the inside it looked like a typical diner - tiled floor, red and blue booths, a long bar accompanied by bar stools and, cheesily enough, a boombox. JJ guessed that the way to the hotel was through the back, but he didn’t put too much thought into it. The place seemed dead, with only one of the booths being busy. It was either an off-peak hour or this city was actually a ghost town. 
The group sat at one of the booths on the other side of where the other people were and JJ took a second to observe them. A group of bikers, all wearing stereotypical biker outfits from leather jackets down to bandanas. They were in their mid 50s and were all smoking indoors, drinking what looked like whiskeys, despite of the blazing sun still very much being out. JJ had to give it to them though, they did look pretty darn cool if he did say so himself, and those cigarettes looked eerily appetising to him at this given moment. Oh, what he’d give to have a sip of whatever they were having and a long, much needed drag of one of their cigarettes. He was so lost in his daydream, he barely realised Kiara poking him in the arm. 
“JJ,” she urged, “Waitress is here!” In this moment JJ turned his attention to the new subject in question, their waitress. She was standing at the foot of their booth, wearing her uniform, black and red, holding a pen and a notepad, chewing a piece of gum, waiting for his order. Could this place get any more stereotypical? JJ thought to himself. “So what’s it gonna be, handsome?” She said, not even bothering to look in his direction. “Uh…” JJ fumbled with the menu, “I’ll just have whatever they’re having.” He said, pointing at the bikers in the booth across from theirs. The woman rolled her eyes, popping her bubblegum. She took the rest of the Pogues’ orders before disappearing somewhere behind the bar. JJ followed her with his eyes, blocking out the conversation his friends were currently having. The waitress came back out of what he assumed to be the kitchen and handed the paper with their orders to another girl behind the bar. JJ guessed she was the barmaid, and boy was she a bit of him. 
She was wearing the same uniform as her colleague, although JJ had to admit - it looked a whole lot better on her, at least from what he could see from above the bar. Her hair was long and brown, half of it tied up effortlessly, and slightly messily, although JJ didn’t mind one bit. He watched her as she took the paper from her colleague and went to fetch the drinks written on it. He couldn’t make out what exactly colour her eyes were, and quite frankly - he didn’t really care, she was gorgeous regardless of what her eyes looked like, and she looked around his age. Had the sun and heat gotten to his head, or was it just the fact that he hadn’t touched a female in so long, he didn’t know, but if there was one thing JJ Maybank was notorious for, it was his ability to pull any girl his heart desired effortlessly. This is why he excused himself from the table and, albeit his friends’ confused looks and comments, he made his way towards the bar, sliding into one of the stools directly across from the girl. 
She looked up at him, “Can I help you?” “Brown…” JJ mumbled to himself. “Excuse me?” She said, this time sounding slightly annoyed. Her eyes were brown, JJ thought, brown and sexy. He coughed, trying to compose himself and gave her his signature Maybank stare. It worked wonders back home, surely it would work wonders now again. “Name’s JJ,” he said suavely, “I’m not from around here-“ “Clearly,” she muttered, picking up a bottle of whiskey. JJ assumed it was for him, “Aren’t you a little young to be drinking, JJ?”
JJ smirked, “What can I say, I have the face of a boy but the body and mind of a man.” The girl snickered under her nose, “Sure. Well since you’re here, make yourself useful and bring your drinks over to your friends,” she gave him a fake smile, placing a tray with their orders on it in front of him, after which she turned her back to him and walked towards the back of the bar. JJ was too busy observing her behind to notice the other waitress standing next to him, her arms crossed in front of her chest. “Should I take that or will you?” She said, waking JJ up from his everlasting daydream. “Oh, uh, don’t sweat it…” he said, picking up the tray and carrying it over to his friends’ booth. “So much for customer service,” Sarah laughed. “And to think my dad says I’m hostile to our customers,” Kiara muttered out. JJ took his seat next to her, his eyes never leaving the bar. “La Guardiana,” Pope read out loud, “This place is called La Guardiana, and apparently we’re somewhere in Florida.” “Florida?” John B said, confusion dripping through his words. Pope nodded, pointing at some text on the bottom of the menu. 
La Cubanita Hotel & Restaurant **, 97 Diego’s Crescent, La Guardiana, FL 
“Holy shit, we’re in Florida!” John B whisper yelled. Sarah laughed at his reaction, “Calm down now, Sancho, let’s not draw any attention to us,” “Yeah, you might wanna tell Casanova here that,” teased Pope, nodding his head in JJ’s direction, “Was it really worth it to potentially blow our cover just to talk to that girl?” JJ snapped at Pope, “Hey, man, just ‘cuz you don’t have the nuts to go over there and talk to her yourself,” “Yeah, I really want to attract the staff’s attention, you know, even more than we already are, seeing as we’re the only other busy table at this place.” “Your food,” the waitress from earlier was back with some of the Pogues’ orders. They waited for her to be out of earshot and JJ spoke up, “Relax, P, I bet you I can charm the pants off that girl and we won’t even need to sneak out without paying!” Pope gave JJ a fake smile, “Mhm, I’m sure she’s gonna be so deep under your spell she won’t even notice us leaving without paying a cent." JJ rolled his eyes, picking up a toothpick from the table and placing it between his teeth. “Might even offer us a place to crash, you know, because she’ll be so captivated by you.” Pope continued to tease. “Yeah, chicks totally dig this whole I’m homeless and I haven’t properly showered in like 15 days look you're going for,” Sarah joined in on the teasing. Kiara laughed and added, “Yeah, and the bit that’s gonna fully seal the deal for her is that you have literally nothing to offer her, like 0 dollars.” Everyone was laughing while JJ just crossed his arms in front of his chest and turned to look out the window, “Talk all you want, guys, but once we get that gold back, you’ll see who’ll dig what.” “The rest of your order,” he recognised the girl’s voice. It was her bringing their food over this time. She placed John B’s plate in front of him and then made her way around the table, next to where JJ was sat. She handed him his plate and bent down slightly, so that her lips were on the same level as JJ’s ear, “Next time you decide to share your criminal plans, you might wanna talk a bit more quietly.” She whispered, setting his cutlery down for him, “Oh, and, you might be charming wherever you come from, but your friend’s right. That shit doesn’t work around here.” She said, patting him on the shoulder before walking away. JJ didn’t waste time sitting around to listen to his friends pass comments about what had just happened, he downed his whiskey and practically chased after the girl. “I’m guessing you’ll want another one?” She said, not even turning around. JJ wondered how she knew that he was there. When she turned to face him, the bottle of whiskey was in her hand. “Let’s see… Do I pour you another one and close my eyes about you planning to leave without paying, or do I do what anyone else in my position would do and call the police on you? Hmm…” she pretended to think, her eyes never leaving JJ’s now panicking ones. “Please don’t call the cops,” he blurted out, the whiskey hitting his brain and making him stress out more than he wanted to admit to, “Look, we - we were in a boat accident, we don’t even know how we got here, hell - we didn’t even know where we were up until 10 minutes ago! And we - we don’t have  any documents on us, we don’t have any sort of identification, what would you -“ “Relax, kid,” the girl smirked, picking up two glasses and pouring a generous amount of whiskey in both of them, “I won’t rat you out.” She said, handing JJ one of the glasses and raising hers for a toast. JJ clinked his glass with hers, a large smile growing on his face, his dimples becoming very prominent, “Thank you, really… That means a lot.” The girl took a moment to observe JJ, then to look at his friends having a heated conversation at their booth, all of them practically stuffing their faces with food in an almost animalistic sort of way. Could this boy really be telling the truth? Could these kids have been lost at sea with no place to go? She looked back at JJ who was also looking at her. Despite the smile plastered on his face, she could clearly see that he was extremely nervous still. “Hey,” she said, “I told you to relax, didn’t I. I won’t charge you for your food, in fact… I might even have a place for you to sleep and clean up tonight.” JJ’s eyes grew wider at her words, “You what?” She leaned in closer to him over the bar and lowered her voice so that he would be the only one to hear, “Hotel upstairs, my aunt owns it. She’s currently out of town with my cousin. Should be back next Thursday. I think I can fit you and your friends in. You just have to promise to be on your best behaviour.” She said, pulling away and taking another sip from her drink. JJ couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was too good to be true. She was hot and she was willing to help? This must have been his lucky day. Sarah could suck it, and so could the others. Clearly this girl was into him. Why else would she be offering to help? “So, uh, what’s in it for me?” He asked, a hint of mischief in his voice. The girl opened her mouth, but before she could speak, the other waitress groaned from behind her. “Samara, how many times do I have to tell you?” Her croaky voice rang. The girl, who JJ had just learned was called Samara, rolled her eyes and repeated with her colleague, “No drinking on the job, yeah yeah, I know. But Heather’s gone and so is Conner, so who can tell me what to do, really?” She said, finishing what was left of her whiskey, “Besides, Georgia, as far as I’m concerned, since they’re both gone, that leaves me in charge, no? Now get back to work,” she said, making her colleague roll her eyes at her. Samara turned around to face JJ again, giving him a wink, before disappearing into the kitchen. JJ couldn’t believe his luck. He swung his arm over the bar and picked up the bottle of whiskey to pour himself one more drink before returning to his friends. “Guys-“ JJ tried getting their attention. “So what are we supposed to do now? We’re totally screwed!” “They’re gonna call the police on us, hell, they probably already have! The cops could be on their way!” “Guys!” JJ yelled, catching even the bikers’ attention. His friends looked up at him, worry filling all of their eyes. “You’ll never believe what I’m about to tell you, oh, and Sarah? You can eat your words.” He smirked before telling them what had just happened. “Hold on,” said Kiara, her face revealing her confusion, “So this random girl in this random place just randomly said that we can crash here until when?” “Next Thursday, or was it Tuesday? What day is it today?” JJ scratched his head. “JJ!” Kiara slapped his arm, “What if this is a trap? It sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Like, what’s in it for her? We don’t even know her! What if she’s a murderer or something?” “She’s right, you know,” Cleo chimed in. “She is,” said John B, “But we have nothing to lose, literally.” Pope nodded, “I’d usually agree with Kie, but John B’s right. We have nothing to lose. And what if she calls the police? What could even happen then? We get put in jail for agreeing to sleep in a hotel for free? Come on, guys, I’m sure we can all agree that a bar of soap and a normal bathroom would do us good. I mean, we stink.” Everyone laughed at Pope’s remark before Kiara turned to JJ again, “So what’s the plan?” Realisation just struck JJ that he didn’t in fact know what the plan was. Samara had told him virtually nothing about how any of this would go down. Where were they supposed to meet? Was she going to take them to their rooms? Would they all be sharing one room? He was so busy thinking about how all of this would go down, he barely noticed Samara herself passing him a note. It was taken out of her colleague, who JJ now knew to be Georgia’s notepad. The note read in messy handwriting:
Bring your friends to the lobby. Straight down the hallway by the bathrooms. 
JJ turned the piece of paper towards his friends and they all got up, rushing towards the hallway by the bathrooms.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Getting In Tune | Chris Evans x reader fluff
summary: taking house calls as a piano tuner doesn’t usually mean meeting hot guys… mostly just old ladies who offer you lemonade, which is great and all, but did not prepare you for an appointment to tune chris evans’ full grand.
word count: 3.7k
warnings: swearing, dirty jokes about pianos, allusions to nsfw things?? vaguely?, mostly just fluff and flirting and awkwardness
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Checking that the address on your worksheet matched the one on the door in front of you, you reviewed the nature of the appointment as your boss had written out for you: 
Customer: Christopher Evans
Appointment type: Warranty tuning and check-up
Arrival time: 10 a.m. 
You checked your watch and saw that it was 9:58, but hopefully that wouldn’t bother him too much.  Leaning forward, you knocked on the door and waited.  You could hear a dog barking inside, running up to the other side of the door as someone unlocked the bolt and cracked it open, poking his head out while he held the dog back with his leg.
He seemed a little surprised to see you standing there, made even more apparent by the fact that he was obviously wearing pajamas— specifically, a baggy tank top and gingham flannel pants.  A few tattoos were visible on his arms and collarbones, though you tried not to stare at them or anything.
“Did you not know you had an appointment today?” you asked him.  When he didn’t answer, you tried to give a bit more of a prompting.  “I’m here from Boston Steinway…?”
“Right, right,” he agreed, “uh, let me put the dog out, and… put on a shirt…”
“Good idea,” you suggested, “I’ll be here!” 
He smiled at you one more time before shutting the door again, his footsteps shuffling away as you waited for his return.  Thankfully it was a nice day out so you weren’t too cold in your work uniform (yes, you felt like a total dork having to wear a polo with a nametag on it, but such is the life of a piano tuner).  When you heard the dog run into the backyard, and the sound of Chris coming back to open the door, you took a moment to straighten yourself in hopes of looking like you’d been waiting patiently.
“Come in please,” he offered as he opened the door one more time, wearing a navy sweater and jeans now (and a NASA ball cap, for whatever reason) and stepping aside to invite you in.
“I hope I didn’t scare you too much,” you smiled as you stepped past him, letting him shut the door behind you, “a lot of people forget when I’m supposed to show up, trust me.”  You shuddered as you remembered those times you caught people in a lot worse than pajamas.
“No, I knew somebody was coming today, I just… wasn’t expecting…” he trailed off.
“A girl?” you finished for him with a smirk.
“I… yeah, I guess I wasn’t expecting a girl,” he laughed, looking a little embarrassed.
"Well, piano tuning is a real boy's club," you joked.  
"Is it?" he asked sincerely.
"Um, no, not particularly."
After an awkward moment passed while you cringed internally at your failed joke, he finally guided you across the house to where the piano was; you set your toolbag down beside it, stepping back to admire the instrument.  “It’s gorgeous,” you told him.
“Oh, thanks,” he smiled a little.  “Yeah, she’s a beaut.”
“How long have you been playing?” you asked.  “Or are you one of those people who keeps it mostly for decoration.”
“Decoration?” he repeated incredulously.  “Do people do that?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “more often than not I end up doing cosmetic repairs instead of internal ones because families are basically using this as the most expensive object possible to put framed family photos on.”
“That’s ridiculous,” he scoffed, “I mean, I’m sure I’m not using this thing the way it deserves, cause I’m still not very good at it but… yeah, at least I play it a few times a week.”
“Good, it deserves that,” you agreed.  “Mind if I…?”
“Oh, go ahead,” he prompted, stepping back and motioning for you to touch the piano.  You didn’t sit down, just leaning over to do a quick scale up and back down.  "Anyways, I think it's mostly fine but those higher notes are getting kinda squeaky…" he mumbled.
"Right,” you noted, messing around with the keys near the top to check what he’d said, “well, they do that, especially out here with these cold winters making the strings tighten up.  Should be fixable."
“Great,” he smiled.
“Alright, pretty girl, let’s take a look at your guts,” you grinned, groaning a bit as you lifted the heavy lid to see the strings inside.  "It's in great shape,” you observed aloud, “this can't be more than a few years old."
"Yeah, I got it pretty recently actually.  It's never been tuned before."
"Oh, this is its first time?" you smirked, leaning in to whisper to the strings: "don't worry, I'll be gentle."
He blushed a little as he laughed, making you pretty sure your joke hadn't gone too far.
“You, uh, don’t have to be around for this part,” you informed him.  “I mean, unless you want to, but it’ll just be me messing around in here for a few hours.
“No, I’ll give you some space,” he decided, “just let me know if you need anything.  Do you want, like, water or something?”
“I’m fine, but thanks,” you dismissed, “just continue as if I wasn’t here.”
“Oh, you don’t wanna see that,” he disagreed, looking like he regretted saying it as soon as he finished his sentence.  You felt your face warm and hoped he just meant that he’d be eating cheetos out of the bag in his underwear and not anything more… mature.  
As he awkwardly shuffled away, you opened your toolbox and got to work.  Your first task was to get a pitch reader so you could figure out how well-tuned each string was— you set that on the soundboard and got to work testing keys and reading the little digital display of your device.  Once that told you how much work each key needed, it was easy to just put your tuning hammer on one pin at a time, loosening or tightening until the pitch was just right.  You couldn’t just start at one side and tune all the way up to the other, oh no, there was a very specific ideal tuning order that you’d memorized by now: first the middle strings of the octaves from C3 to C5, then the one of each of the unison strings in the double bass section, then the middle strings from C5 to C8, then the lower single bass strings, then every left string of all the unisons from C3 to C8, then the rest of the double bass section, and finally all the right strings from C3 to C8.
Easy peasy, right?
It actually sort of would be, if you hadn’t gotten stuck on the unison bass string of E flat 3, your tuning hammer suddenly unable to turn even when you tried to brace yourself against the piano for some leverage.
"Um, Mr. Evans?" you called out.
"Yup!" he answered, swinging out from the entryway instantly— he must have been waiting just outside, which made you feel a little like you were being spied on.  
"Would you maybe come over here and use your manly-man strength on this?"
"My what now?" he laughed, walking towards you.
"You know," you explained by flexing your biceps and making a sort of serious face; your charades version of what a muscular man looked like, apparently.
"Oh, I see," he nodded, "my—" and he repeated the charade, except it made your face warm and your eyes all but bulge out of your head.  That was him jokingly flexing?!  What did he look like when he was actually trying to show his muscles?
You tore yourself from that train of thought as he leaned over the edge of the piano, gripping the tuning hammer you'd left on the pin there.
"This one?" he asked.
"Yeah, just give it a little nudge counter-clockwise, please."
He did it like it was no trouble at all.
"You could've at least pretended it was difficult," you rolled your eyes.
"No, you loosened it up for me," he winked.  WINKED.  Was he trying to kill you or something?  "Chris is fine," he said abruptly.
Chris is fine indeed, your brain supplied instantly.  "I'm sorry?" you choked out aloud instead.
"You can call me Chris, I mean," he explained.  "You called me Mr. Evans before."
"Oh, right," you nodded.  "Chris.  Thanks for your help with that, Chris."
"Sure thing," he smiled.
Just as the conversation began to lull, you could hear the dog whining and scratching at the back door, and you felt so guilty that he had been left outside.  “You can let the dog back in, you know,” you suggested, “I don’t mind.”
“I shouldn’t,” he shook his head, “he’ll jump all over you and stuff…”
“No, really, it’s fine, I love dogs,” you assured him.
“Alright, just prepare yourself,” he chuckled a little as he slipped over to the back door to let the dog in.  Running past his owner instantly and straight to you, you knelt down to let it lick your face as you laughed.
“Hi puppy!” you greeted.  “Oh, thank you for the kisses, it’s nice to meet you!”  He calmed down a bit when you scratched behind his ears, wiggling and putting his paws up on your knees.  “What’s his name?” you asked, turning your attention to Chris who had his arms crossed and a prideful smile on his face.
“Dodger,” he informed you with a nod.
“Aw, hi Dodger,” you cooed at the pup, “I’d sit here and pet you all day, but your dad’s not paying me to play with you— apparently.”
Chris laughed a bit as you stood up, and Dodger actually took it pretty well, dashing to curl up on the nearest couch as you got back to work on the piano.  
“I’m just about halfway done,” you informed him as you started to move on to the next string, occasionally plucking the string to test that the pitch was right.
“I’ve never heard a piano plucked before,” he observed, leaning in to watch you work.
“Yeah, probably better to just stick to hitting the keys,” you smirked.
“Psh, anybody can do that,” he scoffed, “you could invent a whole new genre of music!”
"I'll leave the musical experimentation to you," you decided, "and I'll stay on this side of the action board."
"See, I didn't even know that was a part of the piano," he admitted.
"And that's why you're on that side."
You two chatted while you worked— he asked some questions about you, you asked some questions about him, classic small talk sort of stuff.  He managed to keep it interesting, though, and keep you laughing throughout the whole conversation.  It was significantly more fun than you usually had during house calls like this, and instead of distracting you it actually seemed to help you keep your focus.  It was easier to talk to him when you could keep your eyes on the strings anyways: looking right at him was sort of overwhelming.
With the last string adjusted, you slipped the tuning hammer into your back pocket and dusted off your hands as you stepped back to admire your work.
"That's it?" he asked as he stood up from the couch, noticing the signs of completion.
"It is if it sounds good!" you smiled.  "Go ahead, take it for a spin," you suggested.  "Play something and tell me if it sounds how you want."
"Okay," he nodded, slipping around the bench and sliding onto it.  He took a breath before he placed his hands on the keys, but then suddenly stopped and set them back on his lap with a sigh as he turned to you.  "Um, it's a little weird with you watching me."
"Oh, are you not used to performance?"
"Not outside of my family and friends and stuff, no."
"I don't really have to be here for this part, as long as you're happy with it then that's fine," you shrugged, "but you know, I wanna be able to fix any issues while I'm still here—"
"No, it’s not a big deal," he shook his head quickly, "I should get over myself.  I guess it's just scary cause you've probably heard people a lot better than me play…"
"Don't worry about that," you laughed, "just play something, really, I won't judge."
He spun back to face the keys, placing his hands on them— for a second you wondered if he struggled to hit just one key at a time with those thick fingers, but you pushed that thought away quickly.
As he started to play, you found yourself focusing on the music more than the sound of the keys like you should've been.  He was good, actually, although you could hear the hesitance in the way he played.  He didn't rush as much as most people did, though; he was savoring the piece, one note at a time, and you let your eyes fall shut as he continued to play.
You broke from your trance when he suddenly stopped, repeating the phrase he'd just finished and stopping on the same note.
"Does this one sound kinda… off to you?" he asked.
"Um," you paused, "play it again?"
He poked the key with one finger a few times, and you frowned.  "I can't really tell." You stepped forward and leaned over his shoulder, caging his body in accidentally as your arms wrapped around his shoulders to fiddle with the keys in front of him.  You rested your knee on the bench beside his legs, not even realizing that it was a massive invasion of his personal space until you were already in it.
He moved his hands out of the way so you could repeat the phrase, and although you didn't hear anything wrong, you felt the key sticking.
"Oh," you mumbled to yourself, "it's the key, not the string."
"Can you fix it?" he asked looking up at you.
"Yeah, I—" you stopped in the middle of your word as you looked back at him because his face was really close, so close that his bright blue eyes were burning right through you; so close that you completely lost your train of thought.  "I can fix anything," you finished softly.
"Great," he whispered back, eyes seeming to glance down to your lips quickly before moving back up to meet your gaze.
You cleared your throat as you stepped back, giving him space again as you nervously crossed your arms.  "It's probably just something stuck under there or whatever, but I can order a replacement key if not."
"Right," he agreed with a nod, sliding to the side of the bench to give you room to fiddle with it.  You grabbed your smaller toolkit and sat beside him, starting with your flashlight to see if there was anything hiding underneath there.
Moving to peer behind the action frame, you realized it was a problem with the hammer hitting the string— or, more specifically, with the mechanism that kept the hammer balanced.  All you had to do was reach in with a long screwdriver and shift some parts around, and it seemed to be back in working order.
“Play it again?” you requested, and he slid back to the middle and started the piece over.  He grinned when he reached the part he’d stopped at before, flying through the phrase without stopping.
“Hey!  You fixed it!” he beamed.
“I’m a genius,” you shrugged, smirking a little.  He stopped playing and you found yourself a little disappointed by that, unexpectedly.  “Any other musical ailments I can magically cure for you today?”
“Unless you can make me a better sight reader, that’ll be all,” he smiled, standing up from the bench.
“Ah, if I could do that, I’d be using that power on myself.”
He shrugged; "Fair enough."
"Well, I'll leave you to it then," you announced as you put the last of your tools away and picked up your bag.  "Hope I didn't disrupt your day too much."
"You did, actually— in a good way," he grinned.  "I definitely learned a lot more than I was going to just watching TV and drinking beer."
You followed him back to the front door, which he opened for you.  "You can always give us a call if you need anything.  Um, anything piano-related, that is.  Tell the dog I said goodbye, okay?"
Chris smiled a little, softer than his normal expression.  "I'll be sure he gets the message."
As you got back in your car, you took a minute to just catch your breath for the first time since you'd gotten here.  Trying to be funny and cute and charming when all you wanna do is stutter and gawk and melt is exhausting!  As enjoyable as it was, in a certain sense, you were relieved at the idea of returning to your routine— which typically did not include super hot dudes chatting you up at work.
“This must be a mistake,” you shook your head as you showed the work order form to your boss, “I was at this address two weeks ago, the piano’s in perfect condition.”
“Well, he has an unlimited warranty, so either something happened since you were there last, or you fucked something up when you were there last, or he’s just determined to get his money’s worth out of us,” she explained without looking up from her computer.
You sighed and left, heading back to the same address and hoping you weren’t about to get chewed out for somehow ruining Chris’ like-new piano.
Knocking on the door, you found yourself chewing your lip as you waited for him to answer the door.  You were a little surprised when he answered in a button-up and slacks— entirely opposite to pajamas, although you sort of missed that get-up if you were being honest.
“Hey,” he greeted with a grin, stepping back to motion for you to come inside.
“Hi,” you responded awkwardly as you stepped past him.  “Is... everything alright with the piano?  I didn’t damage it, did I?”
He cleared his throat as he shut the door behind you, the size of the hallway forcing the two of you to stand slightly closer together than you would’ve personally preferred; it was hard to focus with him so close, sometimes.  “No, no, it’s not that,” he answered, “the piano’s fine, I just…” he stammered a little, starting over.  “Uh, there was something I wanted to ask you about last time, and I called the Steinway store but I couldn’t figure out how to call you specifically, so I just had to make a new tuning appointment.”
You furrowed your brow with confusion, not sure why someone else on the phone couldn’t answer whatever question he had, but decided to let him go through with his thought.  “What did you wanna ask me?”
“Uh, I just wanted to ask you… out,” he finished plainly.
You paused as you processed that.  “Out?”
“Like, I was wondering if you’d wanna… go out, with me.”
You hoped your face didn’t give away all of your shock, but at the same time, you figured it probably did.
He winced as you continued to stare at him in silence.  “I’m kind of out on a limb here,” he reminded you.
“Right, I’m sorry,” you shook your head, “um, I guess I’m just sort of surprised because you’re, like… hot, and stuff.”
“And stuff?”
“Yeah, like… nice…” you explained.
“Hot and nice?” he laughed.  “Slow down, you’ll give me an ego.”
You laughed, too, and less nervously than you expected.  Feeling the rare urge to be spontaneous, you scratched your neck as you prepared to propose an idea.  “Listen, so, this might be crazy but... I have another appointment today, at the Symphony Hall— it’s a final tune-up on the pianos and harps before this massive concerto thing and they always let me stay to watch the performance afterwards.  If you came with me, I could get you in for free.”
“Yeah, I mean, you probably have better things to do today—”
“I don’t,” he refuted.
“And if you just wanted to, like, get lunch some time then that would be great, I just thought I might as well invite you to hear the chamber orchestra from the best seat in the house,” you shrugged.
“The best seat?” he questioned incredulously.  “And where is that?”
“The rafters,” you laughed.
And that was how you and Chris ended up sitting on the steel catwalk suspended on the ceiling of the Boston Symphony Hall, dangling your feet over the edge as the sounds of the concerto echoed out from the stage, over the silent audience and, finally, up to you two.
The music was incredible, if a little quiet from where you were listening, and so soothing that you felt compelled to close your eyes and focus on the sound.  You were partial to the piano, as always, but the violins and cellos in harmony made your chest warm unexpectedly.  Or maybe that was from the feeling of Chris’ gaze on you, as you opened your eyes to find him looking at your face rather than the performance below.  
“What are you looking at me for?” you asked him with a nervous laugh.
“For fun,” he shrugged.
“Doesn’t seem very exciting,” you scoffed, looking back to the stage.
“Oh, it’s exciting,” he mumbled his reply as he returned his gaze to the performance as well.  
Your cheeks burned when you heard that, in spite of the fact that it was actually a bit drafty in the auditorium.  Even though your nerves were buzzing with anxiety, a rush of bravery struck you and suddenly you were leaning your head onto his shoulder.  Just the warmth of him through his shirt— hell, even the smell of his cologne— somehow managed to relax you and energize you simultaneously.  His hand gingerly slipping around your waist was even better.
After this many years of tuning pianos, it felt like you were getting yourself in tune for the first time.
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starlightsearches · 3 years
Can we get 3 with hux from the flower AU prompts?
Hello friend! Thanks for the prompt, I hope you like it!! 🌹🌸💐🌼🌺🌷🌻
Requests are open ✨
Florist! Armitage Hux x Model! Reader (f)
Warnings: Not really, a little yearning, some slutty narration, it's kind of silly and maybe ooc, but I think that's it.
I've been feeling pretty shitty about myself and my writing over the past few days, and I figured the best way to break myself out of that funk was to write something, even if it was stupid. Sometimes when your brain is telling you that you can't do something, you gotta do it anyway. Let me know what you think, besties!
3. Flowers are often used for photo shoots and Person A gets hired to arrange the flowers for one, but they can’t help getting nervous around the model, Person B from the Flower Shop AU Prompts
Armitage is out of his element.
He's plenty comfortable working with his assistant in the back of the shop, or helping customers as they dither over the size of the arrangements and the available flowers at the counter. But this is madness.
The backstage of the set is absolutely teeming with people, and every single one of them runs past without a glance in his direction, shouting into headsets or flipping through stacks of pages attached to clipboards.
He ventures further, past a few darkened hallways until he finds an occupied room. There's a vanity mirror against the far wall, and a woman sitting in front of it, resting her head on one hand, the other holding a book.
"Excuse me," Armitage knocks gently against the door frame before stepping inside.
You set the book down, greeting him with a smile.
"Hello, are you here for makeup?"
For a moment, Armitage is speechless.
He hadn't noticed your strange apparel when he first caught sight of you, but now he can't seem to look away from the dress you're wearing, a less-than-faithful recreation recreation of a Victorian gown that hangs low on your shoulders and tight around breasts, leaving very little to the imagination.
Is he hallucinating? He's never believed in ghosts before but you do seem like a rather lovely, and strangely familiar, apparition.
Your brows furrow in confusion before you glance down at yourself, eyes going wide like you've forgotten what you were wearing.
"Oh," you exclaim, throwing your head back with a laugh, "it's a period piece were doing today."
"I'm sorry?"
"You laugh again, finding his idiocy endearing instead of annoying, "you're not the makeup artist, are you?"
"The florist."
"I see. We're doing a shoot today, a romance novel cover. Do you read romance novels?"
So that's where he recognized you from. He's seen your face before, many times over. How to Wed a Rascal, Devil's Daughter, Three's a Crowd, and his favorite: Kingdom of Thirst.
He's spent too much of his time—bleary eyed, reading into the late hours of the night—imagining your face, your eyes, the sound of your moans as he devoured book after book, story after story.
But he's not about to tell you that.
"Uh, no, not really," he lies, and you shrug off the answer, turning the seat so that you can face him.
"I've only read a few, and they're alright. The jobs pay well, at least, and they're more fun than most shoots."
He nods, leaning against the door frame in an attempt to appear casual, hoping you'll say more. He likes hearing you talk.
You don't look like yourself in pictures. It's not just the makeup and the editing, although he's sure that has something to do with it. You're much more earnest in person, and surprisingly easy to be around. It's magnetic, your personality, to the point he can’t take his eyes off you. It must be what makes you so great at your job.
"You were looking for a place to put your flowers, right? I can help with that," you say, standing from the chair and moving into the hallway, calling into the empty space, "Hey Stacy!"
The sound of harried footsteps echoes down the corridor, and soon you're greeted by a serious looking woman, dressed in all black with her hair swept up into a ponytail.
"What do you need, babes?" she asks without looking up from her cell phone, "Jack said he'd be here half an hour ago but traffic's got him running late, of course. Shouldn't matter since we're ahead of schedule so far and going for a pretty minimal look this time but I told him to haul ass anyways, traffic laws be damned. Who is this?"
Every word pours out of her mouth without a breath in between, and it's not until she looks up, meeting his eyes that he realizes she's talking about him.
"This is . . ." you turn to look at him expectantly, raising your brows.
"Armitage," he provides, and you nod.
"Right, Armitage," you smile, turning back to Stacy, "and he's got the flower delivery for the shoot today waiting in his car."
Stacy nods, mumbling into her headset. "That's great. I'll have Phil unload them."
Armitage nods, wondering if he should offer to stay and arrange them. It's not something he'd typically do . . . but he's not exactly in a hurry to leave.
Another set of footsteps meets the three of you from the end of the hallway, this time provided by another harried-looking woman, almost in a sprint.
"Bad news, Stacy," she pants when she arrives, out of breath, "Ronan's called in sick. He's got food poisoning."
Stacy groans, and you roll your eyes. "Typical. Did you call somebody else?"
"They're all busy: Theo and Jacob are out of town shooting swim, and Will's best man at a wedding."
"We'll have to call off the shoot, then, won't we?"
You shake your head, defeated. Armitage can't help but feel for you; it's obvious how much work goes into these productions, so much time wasted. Not to mention the six dozen flowers currently dying in the back of his van.
"Not so fast," Stacy holds her hand up, silencing the group. Her eyes land on him, and she chews on the inside of her cheek, thinking.
"It's Armitage, right?" she asks, tapping her finger against her lips, "have you ever . . . modeled before?"
He feels his face grow hot, heart racing, "What? No. Absolutely not."
The other woman catches on, sizing him up herself. "Wait a second, you're right Stacy. He's totally got the look. Those god damn cheekbones could slice through steel. He’s about the same size as Will, too, so costuming wouldn't be a problem. How tall are you? Six foot? Six foot two?"
"No," he steps back, "I won't do it."
You put your hand on his shoulder, begging him with your eyes.
"Please, Armitage. It would really help."
He twists his face into a frown, already feeling his resolve crumbling under your eager gaze.
"Well . . . alright."
The three of you erupt in to cheers. He's absolutely going to regret this.
An hour later—hair done, costumed, and feeling ridiculous—Armitage walks out onto the set.
God, no.
It's a surprisingly faithful recreation—he assumes—sumptuously decorated and absolutely bursting with flowers. That's not the problem.
It's a bedroom, most of the space taken up by a large, dark four-poster, rose petals strewn across its surface. He knows what that means.
Bile rises in his throat, a wave of nausea rolling his stomach. He couldn't do this. There was a reason he read so many romance novels: he liked to imagine he could be someone different, someone charming, passionate, wicked.
Being that person is not in his nature.
Vivian, the costumer, approaches him from behind, startling him.
"You ready?" she asks, gesturing him towards the stage, but he hesitates.
"There's no need to be nervous, hon. Your partner for today? She's a god damn angel, the best of the best. You'll be in good hands . . . or I guess she'll be in your hands."
She laughs at her own joke and pats him gently, wandering away.
He's going to throw up. Or pass out. Or drop dead. He can't handle this.
Then he sees you, gliding in through the doorway. You're sparkling with your makeup and hair done to perfection, your eyes warm and bright, and you're smiling at him. Just for him.
Somebody ushers him towards the set, and you join him, arranging yourself on the bed.
"Nervous?" you ask him, laying down on your elbows, a little too at ease. He doesn't have to answer, he knows you can see it on his face.
You hold out your hand to him, and he takes it, adjusting to the feel of your skin against his. "You don't need to be, it's easy."
You pull without warning, and he falls forward, knees hitting the mattress. His other hand land besides your head, close enough to your face that he could reach out and stroke it, if he wanted to.
"Ready up there?" the photographer yells from across the room, and you give him the thumbs up before slipping in to your proper pose. You place his hand at your waist, tilting up his chin.
"Now furrow your brow a little," you whisper, "and part your lips."
He does as he's told, and soon enough the camera flash sparks in his periphery.
It's not as horrible as he thought it would be, although you are doing most of the work. You shift periodically, sometimes staring deep into his eyes, or looking down demurely with your hand just barely grazing your forehead.
"Alright, that's great, that's perfect," the photographer monologues, never taking his eye from the viewfinder, "why don't we get a couple with your lips at her neck?'
He trembles, his breathing shallow, but you look up at him with the slightest nod, arching your back just a little farther, leaving your skin exposed and inviting.
He bends closer, examining the graceful lines of your body. If this were real, where would he kiss you? If he had you to himself—without all these people watching—in his own bed, no pretense, no costumes . . .
He brushes his lips tenderly against the junction between your neck and your shoulder, and he swears that he can hear you sigh in response, your spine curving against his fingers, your chest pressed tighter against his own.
"That's perfect," the photographer shouts, but Armitage isn't listening, entirely preoccupied with the feeling of your pulse against his mouth, his lips traveling up over your jaw, stopping just below your ear.
You turn to face him, slowly, until nose brushes his, staring into his eyes. If he tilted his chin just half an inch, he'd be kissing you.
"That's great, everybody! I think we're done for today."
The set erupts with applause at the photographer's words, but you still don't pull away from him, smiling gently, whispering against his lips.
"Like I said, you're a natural."
His face grows flush, and he shifts back onto his feet, clearing his throat with a cough.
You stand beside him, brushing your hands nervously over the bodice of your gown.
"Thanks again for doing this, we all really appreciate it."
"Of course, it was . . . fun."
"No really, it was a huge favor. I'd like to do something for you, in return—we could get dinner, maybe? My treat."
You place your hand on his arm again, stroking your thumb down over his elbow. Despite how much he's touched you over the last hour, this contact feels different. Because you're not playing a part this time. Because it's him you're reaching for.
"We can change first, of course," you say, the words rushed as you read his dewy-eyed imaginings for hesitation.
He smiles, placing his hand over yours in reassurance, "I'd like that."
Hux Tag List: @theredwolfisalesbian, @thembohux, @writingletterstothefire, @catboykenobii, @missmadwoman, @evarinaandlat, @sitherin-mxschief, @imafatassmess, @toasterking, @rosevon7975, @pradahux, @armitages-galaxy, @dark-lord-of-the-simps, @daughterofaries, @mad-girl-without-a-box, @aramanna, @theold-ultraviolence, @mrs-ghuleh, @lemongingerart, @isthisheaven5, @trash-queen-af, @generalthirst, @tobealostwanderer, @huxxoxo, @theoriginalannoyingbird, @liceforlunch, @g3n3ralhux
Join my tag list here!
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flameoutfics · 3 years
We’re Only Young and Naive Still Chapter 4
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After a few weeks of being put up in the hotel by the Flames, Nora found a small apartment that wouldn’t cost very much if she ended up going back to Stockton for the remainder of the season. It served her needs just fine, even if it was a little bit of a distance from the rink and from the other guys. It was comforting to have her own place to go back, a place where she could customize the decor a little to make it more homey. She’d printed up a few photos of her family and framed them for around the living room and her bedroom. It wasn’t as impersonal as the hotel had been but it still didn’t feel like home. Neither the apartment or Calgary. 
New digs, Nora took a photo of the apartment and sent it to Sam, her brother. She wasn’t sure if he’d respond. He hadn’t spoken to her after the fight since before she’d come to Calgary. Hope you can come to visit me soon.
Nora woke up and there was still no message from Sam and even though she shouldn’t have been sad, she was. 
“Hey,” Matthew said, when she arrived later than usual at the rink.
“Good morning,” Nora replied.
“Are you okay?” Matthew asked.
“I’m great!” Nora lied and she changed as quickly as possible to avoid being late for practice. She was distracted at practice, playing sloppier than usual and missing some passes. “Hallisay,” Sutter growled after she missed a pass during a drill for what seemed like the seventh time. “If you’re going to continue to play like this maybe you’d feel more at home in Bantams.”
Shame and embarrassment caused her checks to flush red and she could only partially blame that on exertion. 
“I’m sorry,” Nora replied. 
“Again,” Sutter yelled as Nora ran the drill again. 
She messed up again and the whistle blew calling  halt to practice, “Fuck!” Nora said.
“You’re done for the day,” Sutter said. 
“Get off the ice,” Sutter yelled. 
Nora felt the eyes of her teammates on her as she skated off the ice. She watched from the sidelines as the rest of her teammates ran through drills without a problem and she knew that she was still preoccupied with Sam from that morning. Warm tears threatened her eyes as she rested her chin on her glove. Nothing had worked for her today. No matter how she had wanted to shoot the puck or skate, her body didn’t respond. 
She watched and waited for practice to wrap up to stay after. She had to make up for being kicked out of practice in the most humiliating fashion. 
Jacob gave her a pitying look as he got off the ice and a few others nodded their acknowledgement, but Mikael stopped to chat. 
“Want to grab lunch with us later?” Mikael asked. 
“I’d love to, but I want to practice a little more,” Nora said.
“Tomorrow, then?” Mikael pressed.
“Sure,” Nora said.
“I’ll hold you to it,” Mikael said as he headed to the locker room. 
Nora sighed, not daring to look at Sutter or any other member of the coaching staff as they left practice. 
Nora skated back onto the ice as it was seeming to become routine now to stay after practice. 
“Hey!” Nora heard as a puck slid across the ice right in front of her feet. She looked over to see Matthew coming back onto the ice.  
“Matthew, I really don’t need you to tell me how much I sucked today, I already know,” Nora said. 
“I wasn’t and I resent the fact that that’s why you assumed I’m here,” Matthew said with a small smile on his face.
Nora just stared at him.
“Aren’t you going to ask why I’m here?” Matthew asked pointedly.
“I don’t have time for this …  Okay, Matthew, why are you here?” Nora asked.
“I’m here to be your drill partner,” Matthew said.
“What?” Nora asked.
“You didn’t get to finish practice, so I’m here to run through the drills with you,” Matthew said.
Nora blinked.
“You want to practice with me?” Nora asked. 
“You can’t do the drills by yourself,” Matthew said, “And it was pretty shitty, that stunt that Sutter pulled in practice.” 
“Yeah, it was,” Nora agreed, “But I sucked.”
“Then let’s make you not suck,” Matthew said. 
They went through the drills together; it was easy with the absence of a goalie between the pipes and they found a natural rhythm together. They hadn’t played together before, but rather against each other. 
“Why couldn’t I have done this in practice?” Nora complained after they completed the drill for the sixth time in a row. 
“Maybe you needed a better linemate,” Matthew said.
“Don’t throw him under the bus,” Nora said, “But, uh, thanks for today.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Matthew asked. 
“What? That I sucked at practice, we were all there,” Nora scoffed.
“No, what’s bothering you,” Matthew said, “You don’t have to, but you can.”
Nora paused, “I guess I was just missing my family a little bit.”
“Are they planning on visiting soon?” Matthew asked, and Nora knew he didn’t mean anything by it but it still hurt when she responded.
She shook her head, “No, they’re busy with work and stuff.” 
“Oh, the dad’s trip is in a month, you can see him then,” Matthew said.
“Yeah,” Nora said even though she knew he wouldn’t be making the trip. She knew Matthew was just trying to cheer her up and she appreciated the effort even though he didn’t understand the situation. “It will be nice.”
“Come on, let’s call it a day,” Matthew said. 
“I’m going to stick around a little longer, I think,” Nora said, “But thanks for today, I really appreciate it.”
For a moment, it looked like Matthew was going to say something sarcastic to brush it off, but he paused, “You’re welcome.”
And maybe, that was the first genuine and sincere conversation they actually had. Maybe there was more to Matthew than Nora had thought.
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waka-chan-out · 4 years
Ballroom Dancing
(Tsukishima Kei x Fem!Reader)
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I wrote a Tsukishima dance fic and I’m here to make it everyone’s problem
post-timeskip, obviously.
word count: 4.4k
content warning: SMUT, semi-public sex, degredation, taunting because he’s a little shit, brat!reader, oral (m. recieving), hair pulling, fingering, alcohol consumption (nothing crazy), slight orgasm denial, light choking
also featuring: kuroo and kenma
“I cannot believe you talked me into this,” you said, turning into your friend as you scanned the huge ballroom.
“What do you mean? You look great.”
“I know I look great, Tetsu, but I still feel ridiculous.”
“Why? Once you start dancing you’ll feel better.”
“Whatever you say. Please dance with me first or I will combust.”
“As you wish,” Kuroo said with a laugh. You moved towards him as he took your hand, starting to move you around the room. The other couples on the dance floor were pressed against each other, hands slipping down from their partner’s waists and faces leaning in close to whisper who knows what in each others ears. Kuroo held you respectfully, knowing that he dragged you here and you could run off at any moment if you felt like it. The music swelled, filling the ballroom with a beautiful hum. The room was huge and silver. A giant chandelier dangled from the ceiling and cast lovely shattered flecks of light all around the room.
You had practiced this dance so many times that you could go into autopilot and observe your surroundings without missing a beat. Kuroo spun you quickly as your eyes passed over the crowd. You recognized a few faces as Kuroo’s friends from college. Some of them he had known since high school. All of the friends of his you had met so far were fun. If they could put up with Kuroo they could put up with anything.
You saw Kenma in the crowd and cast him a smile. He held up a hand to greet you. You knew he’d find you later and talk your ear off, but there was no way you could get him in the middle of the room for a dance. He looked handsome in his tuxedo. He was never as strong as Kuroo, but he still filled it out nicely with his newfound confidence.
“Hey, Kei is here!” Kuroo said happily. You looked back at him with confusion. You knew the name, but he was one of Kuroo’s high school friends that you hadn’t met yet.
“Where?” you asked.
“Right next to Kenma. The blond.” You spun around again and looked over to where Kenma was. A giant loomed over him, his back to you. He had shaggy blond hair and looked relatively thin, but you could see muscle through his tight-fitting dress pants.
“Jesus, how tall is he?” you asked. “He looks huge compared to poor Kenma.” Kuroo laughed.
“He’s always been big. Last time we saw each other he said he was over 6’4 but who knows at this point.”  Your eyes widened.
Kuroo let out his hyena laugh in response and the blond - Kei, though you didn’t know his last name - turned at the clearly familiar sound. He wore a wide pair of glasses that framed serious eyes. His face was cold as he turned, but as soon as he saw Kuroo it softened into a smile. He held up a hand, long fingers twitching slightly in greeting. Kuroo’s hand left your waist, waving eagerly back at his friend.
“After this song let’s go say hi,” he said. You nodded, eyes still fixed on the man. His face settled into a slight smirk as he observed you, then turned back to Kenma, running a hand through his blond hair.
The song ended and you and Kuroo made your way to the edge of the ballroom, but the blond was nowhere to be found. Kenma greeted you with a hug and a shower of compliments. He had really come out of his shell since college.
“Where’d Kei get off to?” Kuroo asked.
“No idea,” Kenma said, glancing around. “He’s hard to miss, though. I’m sure you’ll find him easily enough.” He laughed. “I think he’s grown even more since we last saw him.”
“Are you serious? That’s hardly fair.”
“Agreed. No man deserves to be 6’5.” Six fucking five. It wasn’t often you ran into someone that could dwarf Kuroo. Jesus. You needed a drink.
“I’m heading to the bar, Tetsu,” you said. Kuroo nodded and waved you on, chatting happily with Kenma as you walked away.
Even the bar sparkled with silver. The man behind the counter wore red velvet, looking more like an employee at the Tower of Terror than a bartender.
“What can I get for you, love?” he asked.
“What can you make?”
“Absolutely anything you’d like.”
You laughed. “Can you make a mojito? Pineapple, if it’s possible.”
“Absolutely.” He turned and began to skillfully rifle through the selection of rum behind him.
“What are you, on vacation?” a voice asked behind you. You could almost hear the smirk in his words. You turned, immediately having to look higher up than you thought you would. Kuroo’s blond friend stood behind you with a sly smile on his face.
“Something wrong with my order?”
“I think the answer to that is pretty obvious,” he said, leaning on his elbows against the bar beside you, shrinking to your height. “Who orders pineapple at an event like this?”
“People who don’t give a shit about the snooty atmosphere.”
He cocked an eyebrow and looked away, watching the bartender make your drink. “Am I snooty, then?”
“I think the answer to that is pretty obvious.”
“I assure you, snooty I am not.”
The bartender set down your drink in front of you, plopping a cherry on top as he did so. “There you go,” he said cheerfully. “Whose tab will this be on?” He looked between you and the blond.
“I’m not paying for their little cocktail, thanks.” Kei shrugged and looked at you, that annoying smile still glinting in his eyes.
“I guess that’ll be mine, then. Put it under y/n. I’m definitely not done drinking tonight.” Your eyes met the his. He was looking at you with an unreadable expression, eyes glinting with something that looked like amusement. The bartender laughed and turned to the other man.
“Anything I can get you?” Kei let his eyes leave yours.
“Dry martini, please.” You laughed loudly and took a sip of your drink. The bartender began his order and the tall man looked at you.
“Something funny about my order, too?”
“A dry martini? Who are you, James Bond?”
“Tsukishima. Kei Tsukishima.” He smiled widely this time, clearly amused at your reaction.
“Y/n,” you replied, happy that he went along with the joke. The bartender set the martini down in front of Tsukishima. He picked it up and licked his lips, taking a sip without letting his eyes leave yours.
“Put this on their tab, as well,” he said.
“Excuse me?” you said, incredulous at his attitude.
“I’ll get the next.” He took another sip as the bartender walked off to deal with his other customers. “So, you Kuroo’s new partner?” The word fell from his mouth dripping with sarcasm. You choked out a laugh.
“Absolutely not. We’ve been friends since college.”
“College, huh? He ever mention me?”
“Yeah, actually. I’ve heard all about what a brat you are. He pegged you perfectly.”
Tsukishima smiled. “You think I’m being bratty?”
“You are absolutely being bratty. Don’t forget I’m paying for your drink.” His eyes kept on sparkling. You weren’t sure what he was thinking, but the way he looked at you made it feel like he was seeing straight into your thoughts.
“So.” He twirled the glass in his hand. God, his hands were huge. “If Kuroo’s not your partner . . .”
“If I wasn’t here with Kuroo I’d be dancing alone.” He nodded, looking satisfied with your answer. He threw back the rest of his martini and gestured to your cup.
“Finish your drink,” he said, straightening up and towering over you again.
“We’re going to dance, dumbass.”
You raised your eyebrows at him. He mirrored your expression and nodded at your glass. “Finish it or I’ll finish it for you.”
You glared up at him, pulling the cherry out by the stem and tipping the drink back, swigging the last bit of bitterness. You popped the cherry in your mouth and flicked the stem into Tsuki’s empty glass. He smirked and made his way through the crowd. You followed, head a bit hazy from chugging your drink so quickly.
He made it to the edge of the dance floor right as the next song began playing. He turned and held out a hand to you. His fingers were long and well-manicured. You raised your eyebrows with as much attitude as you could muster, taking his hand. He smiled. His hand was soft and a little cold. He pulled you onto the dance floor.
Your breath caught in your throat as his hand settled on your hip, long fingers splaying out and digging into your side. It was almost possessive. This close he smelled like basil soap and something musky that made your head spin as he gracefully sidestepped and led you around the room.
For such a tall man, he was a remarkably good dancer. His movements were precise and sure, leading you better than even Kuroo did. When he moved his arms you could see his jacket strain slightly. He wasn’t a thick man by any means, but what he had was all muscle. His eyes didn’t leave yours as you danced, intense gaze making you antsy but determined not to look away first.
“I didn’t mention this before but your dress is lovely.” His gaze trained down your body as he spoke.
“What, are you being nice now?” you asked.
“I can be mean if you’d like.”
“Yes.” His eyes darkened.
“Try me.”
“You sure?”
You shrugged. His hand slid along to the small of your back and he dipped you. Your breath caught in your throat as he pulled you back up, face suddenly serious. He looked around the room.
“Do you know how much attention you’re drawing to yourself with that neckline?”
You scoffed. “What does that mean?” He leaned down, very close to your ear. You got goosebumps as he spoke.
“I’m saying your dress makes you look a little slutty.” You drew your head away from him. He perked back up and smiled at your shock. “I thought you wanted me to be mean.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to diss my dress.”
He shrugged and dug his fingers into your side, pulling your hips flush against him. “I never said I didn’t like it.”
Your face felt suddenly hot. He grinned.
“You’re a pretty little thing when you’re flustered,” he said.
“Keep talking and those dress pants aren’t going to be able to hide how pretty you think I am.” His eyebrows shot up, this time in genuine surprise. You smiled. He clearly wasn’t used to encountering people willing to taunt him back. He looked away for a moment and regained his composure.
“Why would I try to hide that?”
“You seem the private type. I figured a broom closet or bathroom stall would better suit your taste.” His smile darkened.
Your eyes widened. “What?”
Too late. He was already pulling you off of the still swirling dance floor.
He led you past the bar and down a hall, clearly familiar with the terrain. The hallway was littered with doors, but he led you to one of the very last ones. He threw open the door and pulled you inside. The room was mid-sized but cramped. There were chairs lining the table. The walls looked strangely soft, like it was soundproofed for privacy’s sake. There was a window on one side. Moonlight streamed through the half-shut blinds, giving the room a cold glow.
Tsukishima wasted no time in locking the door and taking you by the hips, pushing you against the wall.
“You’re a testy one, aren’t you?” he growled, gripping the fabric of your dress tightly.
“I try to be,” you replied, hand finding its way into his hair and pulling him down to your lips. He kissed you hungrily. His lips were soft and angry, attitude apparent even in how his tongue slipped into your mouth. He was teasing you without words, daring you to push back. You obliged, biting down lightly on his bottom lip. He let out a small sound and pushed harder against you. He separated from you and began to trail aggressive kisses down your neck.
“If you’re going to be smart with your mouth I’ll give you something else to do with it,” he breathed against you. You shivered.
“You’re all talk so far,” you sighed. “If you’re going to do it, do it.” You felt his lips curl into a smirk against your shoulder.
“Naughty thing,” he murmured. His hands trailed up your body, finding your face. He held your cheeks and smiled. He ran a finger across your bottom lip. “Why don’t you show me what else those pretty lips can do?” You said nothing but grabbed his belt all the same, staring him in the eyes with a smug expression on your face. Once his dress pants were undone you sunk to your knees in front of him. He inhaled sharply at your compliance.
He was hard already at the way you kissed him. You wasted no time pulling down his boxers and taking him all the way into your mouth.
“Fuck,” he groaned as he hit the back of your throat. He covered his mouth with his hand, seemingly more out of restraint than to actually hold back any noise. You continued moving your head, tongue sliding over the head of his cock. It didn’t take long to figure out that drove him crazy. His groans raised in pitch the more you took advantage of how sensitive he was. You wrapped a hand around him and swirled your tongue around his head. He let out what was almost a whimper and grabbed your hair, gripping it so tightly it made your eyes water. You sped up, eliciting similar sounds from him.
“Mother . . . fucker,” he groaned in a whisper, hand moving from deep in your hair to your forehead, his touch nearly a caress. You slowed your pace at his enthusiasm and his breathing hitched.
“Fuck. Don’t do that.” You hummed in amusement, the vibrations causing him to tip his head back. You sped up again. Just as he began whimpering you slowed again. His second hand found your hair this time, both tugging tightly.
“One more time and I -- fuck.” He tipped his forehead forward against the wall as you quickened your pace again. You felt him twitch in your mouth and knew he was close.
“Shit. Fuck. Fuck.” He spat out his words, rocking his hips a bit to the pace you set. “Oh, fuck.” His swearing raised in pitch. He was so close. “I --” You pulled off of him completely and looked up at him. His eyes were shut tight. His hips bucked and he let out a horrible little whimper. His breathing was irregular as he repeated the word “fuck” over and over again, to himself and to you. The haze of his denied orgasm began to fade and he looked down at you with deadly serious eyes.
“I’m not playing that fucking game.” He tugged on your hair, pulling you into a standing position. It hurt in the best way, especially satisfying now that he was so riled up. He whirled you around and pinned you against the table. He lifted your hips so that you were seated and began pushing your dress up, hands lost in the mess of skirts.
“You don’t get to pull some shit like that and think you’re getting away with it.” His hands slid up your thighs and pushed them apart. You shivered. His long fingers found the lace of your undergarments.
“Slutty under here too. I should have expected that.” He pressed his fingers against you through the cloth, making you inhale sharply in anticipation. “Oh well,” he chuckled. “These just make it easier for me.” He pushed the fabric aside and slipped a single long finger inside of you. You gasped and your brows furrowed. He mirrored your expression like he was taunting you.
“So wet just from sucking my cock.” He whispered the words like he almost didn’t want you to hear the taunt. He pushed a second finger into you. You breathed out hard, suppressing a noise. He chuckled.
“Oh, no. You don’t get to act all shy now,” he said. His fingers curled and you let a moan escape. “There we are.” His smirk returned to his face. He repeated the motion. You felt your core tightening, forcing your back to arch up against him.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “You’re pretty when you’re all wound up. Too bad you’re such a whore. You let guys do this to you often? Whisk you into a dark room and have their way with you?” You shook your head. He laughed lightly, curling his fingers again. You moaned, gripping his shoulders tightly. “I like your honesty. I guess you’re only a slut for me.”
His pace inside you was steady and his gaze was intense. You knew you were close but if you told him that he’d probably pull away just you did to him. Your eyes shut tightly, hand finding his hair and tugging. You swore and he pulled his hand away. Though you were expecting the motion, it didn’t stop your thighs from closing tightly, begging for the contact that was no longer there. He slipped his fingers into his mouth so casually it made you gasp. He popped them out after a moment and ran his messy hand through his hair.
“Sorry to torture you back,” he said, pushing your legs apart again and pulling your hips closer to the edge of the table. “But when you come I want it to be on my cock.” He slipped his dress pants down again and tugged the lace off of your legs. He ground his hips forward, rubbing against you. Your breathing hitched and he laughed.
“So needy for me. What would you do if I just walked out?” You glared up at him and wrapped your legs around him, pulling him close.
“Not letting me go, huh? Don’t have to tell me twice.” He pushed inside of you slowly, brows furrowing and eyes fluttering closed as he did so. You both swore as he buried himself inside of you. He was big, but it didn’t hurt. You wiggled your hips a little, wishing he would move. He chuckled at your efforts.
“You want me to hurry up? You’re gonna have to ask nicely.” You glared up at him.
“Please,” you muttered.
His brows shot up.
“Please what?”
“Please move already, you stubborn fuck.”
He laughed in surprise.
“So dirty. You asked nicely though, so . . .” He drew his hips back and drove back into you. You let out a sigh. He grabbed the back of your neck with his huge hand and pulled you forward into a kiss as he continued moving. His swearing and your moans got lost in the kiss as he set a faster pace. He pulled away from your lips, leaving his forehead leaning against yours.
“Fuck.” He choked on a groan as he spoke. “You make such pretty sounds. Did your drink make you this honest or is it my cock?” You buried a fist in his hair and pulled. He let out an unexpectedly loud sound at the motion. He stared down at you, eyes on fire.
“Shut the fuck up,” you breathed. He grinned and pulled you in for another kiss, this one much more desperate. His hand trailed up your neck, squeezing lightly as he did. You tipped into his palm but it kept traveling upwards. It stopped along your jaw, thumb slipping up to separate your kiss. He slipped it into your mouth. He swore as you eagerly sucked in the finger, staring him in the eye. He smiled and pulled it back, returning his lips to yours. His hand slipped down between your legs, using the thumb that had been in your mouth to trace a circle on your clit. You gasped and moved away from the kiss. He caught your head with his other hand, keeping you close to him as he continued the snap of his hips and the motion of his finger.
“Fuck, Tsukishima.” He sped up the pace of his hand.
“Say that again.” He sounded desperate, leaning his head into your shoulder.
“Tsukki . . .” you trailed off before you could say anything else, lost in the feeling of him. He let out what sounded like a growl at the sound of his name.
“Fuck,” he said. It was almost pathetic how messy he sounded. You buried your hand in his hair again, tugging slightly.
“Tsukki, please.”
He let out a shaky sound. He picked his head up and laid a quick kiss on you.
“Come with me. Please,” he said. You nodded and your head tipped back. He began swearing under his breath, words bleeding together into a mess of desperation.
“Fuck, Tsukki,” you moaned, body tensing as you came. At the feeling and sight of you finishing he quickly followed, pulling out of you but leaving his thumb moving to carry you through your orgasm. Your faces pressed against each other, both breathing hard. You felt him twitching against you as he came. He might have gotten on your dress, but that was the last thing on your mind.
His sweaty face buried into the crook of your neck and his arms slipped around your waist, holding you close to him. Your shaky hands found their way into his hair, running your fingers gently through the mess. It felt good to just hold him as you both caught your breath, his strong chest rising and falling against you. He withdrew slightly and placed a gentle, sloppy kiss on your lips before letting out a laugh. You did the same, smiling up at his face. You hadn’t even noticed, but he was still wearing his glasses. They were fogged up from leaning against you.
“You’re pretty,” you said, pushing the frames up into his hair and pressing a gentle kiss onto his lips. When you pulled away his face was red.
“Don’t just say shit like that,” he muttered.
“Aw, who’s flustered now?” You laughed as his face twisted into a frown. He put his glasses back on properly and peeled himself away from you.
“We really should get back,” he said, tugging his pants back up and redoing his belt. You nodded but were unsure what to do about the problem he had left all over your thighs. He saw you hesitating and laughed when he realized what you were thinking.
“Here,” he said, picking up your underwear and approaching. You looked at him in confusion before he used them to clean you off and slipped them into the inside pocket of his jacket. He noticed you staring in horror and laughed.
“I have to give them back at some point now,” he smirked. “Guess you’ll have to see me again.” You rolled your eyes in amusement as you rearranged your dress and tried your best to fix your hair. He was having trouble with his since the rim around his face was coated with sweat. You tried your best to help him. He stared at you with a gentle smile as you worked. You pretended not to notice.
“I think it’s best if we go out one at a time,” he said. You nodded and he approached the door, turning to face you before he left. “Do I look like I just fucked someone in a dark room?” You grinned and shook your head.
“You look fine.”
“You look great, too,” he said with a small smile. He left the room and left you alone, waiting impatiently to go. When it had been long enough you slipped the door open and walked out, shakier on your feet than you’d like to be.
You immediately went to the bar, asking for a shot of tequila. Anything to soothe your nerves. You took it quickly and shook your head. You were fine. You just needed to make sure you got Tsukki’s number from Kuroo.
“Y/n! Jesus, there you are.” Speak of the devil. You turned to face Kuroo as he approached, Kenma and a disheveled looking Tsukishima in tow. He looked flushed. His hair was still messy and a little sweaty despite his best efforts. Your eyes widened with pride when you saw him looking so fucked. You smiled at Kuroo.
“Sorry, I went wandering.”
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Got lost.”
“Of course you did. I wanted you to meet my friends.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’. This is Tsukishima Kei. We knew each other in high school. We were volleyball rivals.” Kuroo looked proud as he explained. “I taught him everything he knows.”
“Oh, I’m sure not everything,” you said, turning to Tsukki. His eyebrows raised at your borderline suggestive comment. He reached out to shake your hand with the same hand that had been buried in you not long ago.
“It’s nice to meet you, y/n,” he said through a smile.
“They haven’t said their name,” Kenma said, frowning. Tsukki’s eyes widened before setting into a more sure expression.
“Kuroo mentioned them earlier.”
“Uh-huh . . .” Kenma still looked suspicious. Kuroo didn’t seem to notice, slapping Tsukkishima on the shoulder and starting to talk about the ‘good old days’. Whenever Kuroo turned to address Kenma, Kei’s eyes found yours, smiling very slightly so the other men didn’t notice. You didn’t contribute much to the conversation, quietly observing the huge man in his well-fitting tuxedo.
“Oh shit, y/n,” he said suddenly, cutting off the conversation. “I think you spilled something on your dress.” Your face flushed and eyes widened. Panicked and annoyed, you looked down at your dress.  Sure enough, about halfway down the skirt, there was a patch of what thankfully looked like nothing but a spilled drink at the moment.
“God. I’m clumsy. Not surprised that I ruined my nicest dress.” You laughed it off as the three men stared at you, Tsukki with a smirk on his face.
“Oh, it doesn’t look that bad. I’m sure your dress is fine,” Kuroo said.
“Nope,” you said, glancing up at Tsukki. “Definitely ruined.”
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xlbrh · 4 years
Falling :  {Xiao}
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Unlikely encounters tend to lead to the blossoming of relationships
notes : well i decided to have a try at one of these myself, but goddamn was it harder than i thought :(
Genshin Masterlist
warnings : none
format : one-shot, fluff
pairing : xiao x f!reader
word count : 1378
fic under the cut-
As an adeptus tasked with the protection of Liyue on behalf of the one and only Rex Lapis, you would expect Xiao to be focussed solely on that, and for the most part this was the case.
That was until (Y/N) fell into his life.
...Quite literally fell
If not for the fast reflexes of the adeptus, there would be no mistake that her life would have come to an end. Thanks to (Y/N)'s child-like stupidity, she thought it would be a good idea to try and climb to the top of Qingyun Peak. The idea doesn't seem too absurd at first - the view of Liyue from such a high point is bound to be breathtaking after all, a fine place to truly admire the creations of the Geo Archon. What (Y/N) failed to consider however, is how she would then get down from there. Sure, she had her wind-glider, but would that really be able to carry her all the way back to the safety of the ground below? Although gliders are almost considered a necessity for any adventurer, that doesn’t mean that they are indestructible – like many other things, they are susceptible to damage from all sorts of dangers. After her most recent fight with a pack of hilichurls during her ascent, the glider had taken some damage, but not enough to mean it would no longer be useable. For use now though? She wasn’t too sure.
Well with no other alternative, it would have to be enough.
For the most part the journey back down was calming - (Y/N) loved the freedom that a glider provided her with, giving her wings even when it should be impossible for a human such as herself.  
The strong winds were not something she could have predicted, the force of them would definitely be enough to put the glider out of commission. Thanks to (Y/N)'s luck this managed to happen at the worst possible time, sending her plummeting down to the ground below, begging to any archon listening that they would spare the life of such a foolish mortal.
Maybe Rex Lapis was listening? Who knows?
From out of nowhere a figure catches (Y/N) in their grasp, arms wrapping around her back and legs in a bridal carry, protecting her from any potential impact that she was about to endure. To (Y/N) it feels as though she was floating in mid-air for a while, until she opened her (e/c) eyes that were tightly shut out of fear of their death. There carrying her was one of the most gorgeous beings she had ever laid eyes on.  
No words were exchanged between the two as he lowered her down to the ground below. Not that (Y/N) particularly minded – I mean what are you supposed to say to the absolute god of a man who just prevented you from suffering one of the worst deaths? Needless to say, she was lost for words, not that he was taking much notice.
Once reaching the ground he slowly placed (Y/N) back down, ensuring that her legs could support her before he let go. It was only then that he looked into her eyes for the first time – she wasn’t sure but she swore his eyes widened a bit at that moment. The eye contact was maintained for a few more seconds before he turned around, prepared to walk away from her without another word.
“U-Um! Excuse me!”  
(Y/N) wanted to thank the man but was left speechless when he interrupted her
“You should really be more careful, you know.”
He left after those brief words, leaving the girl to wonder just who he was and how he knew she was in danger at that moment in time.
A few weeks after the brief first encounter came their second. After travelling for a couple days on foot, (Y/N) craved the comfort of a bed for her to rest properly. It seems luck was on her side this day as she arrived at the entrance to Wangshu Inn, the welcoming atmosphere quelling the majority of her adventurer’s fatigue. After arriving and asking for a room to stay in for the night, the boss lady guided her up to said room, not before providing her with a meal to quell her hunger she didn’t know she had.
After changing into some nightwear and preparing herself for the rest she rightfully deserved, (Y/N) couldn’t help the natural adventurer’s spirit that resides within her, telling her to explore the inn while she had the opportunity. Probably another silly decision of hers considering how late it was – the chance of disturbing other customers being quite high – but she did so nonetheless.
Her light footsteps did not go unnoticed by the male standing on the balcony, just a few meters away from her. Guided by some unknown force, (Y/N) rounded the corner, only to lay eyes upon the same man who had saved her life – who had been lingering in her thoughts since that very day. A smile graced her face while recalling this event, whereas he could only stare at her with what could only be described as awe and adoration in his eyes.
She took this opportunity to run over to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders, nearly knocking the pair over in the process. Although he did not expect this sudden display of affection, his strength grounded him, as he held on to the sides of the figure currently hugging him. Is this what a hug feels like? He must have forgotten – or maybe he never knew to begin with.
Much like their first meeting, few words were exchanged between the two at this moment. Well, that was until (Y/N) realised what she had done, and released the male from her hold, embarrassment creeping up her face on realisation of her actions.
“O-Oh my God! I-I’m so so sorry about that, I don’t know what came over me...” her tone was gentle as she spoke to him, not that he expected any different “It’s just, you’re the guy who saved me, aren’t you? There’s no way I could forget, and I can’t thank you enough for what you did back there!”
He looked down at the girl who had released him, finally being able to take in her features properly. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair framed her face perfectly, and her (e/c) eyes held nothing but joy and gentleness within them. The straight face he always wore softened, the corners of his lips turning upwards ever so slightly.
“No need to worry, it’s fine,” His tone didn’t hold much emotion, but (Y/N) didn’t particularly mind, after all this is the first time they were properly speaking to one another “I’m just glad to see you are okay, not been in any more gliding accidents over the past few weeks I guess,”
Her face lit up bright red at the comment “H-Hey! That was a one-time thing I’ll have you know!”
The male chose not to answer to that comment, instead just observing the girl in front of him.
“Anyway, how did you know that I was in trouble? As far as I was aware, no one else was around the area at the time...” (Y/N) had been wondering this since the rescue, just how did he manage to predict exactly where she would be falling?
“Let’s just call it my intuition, shall we?” The male left it at that, not giving her many more answers to her questions. Instead, she began to fiddle with her nightclothes, partly out of nervousness.
(Y/n) could only look up at him in confusion “That’s my name, in case you were curious”
“Well then, it's an honour to meet you, Xiao,” She slightly bowed when greeting him “My name is (Y/n), and I thank you again for helping me out.”
Xiao briefly waved her off as a sign that it was nothing, before turning back round to face the night sky ahead of him, with (Y/n) joining him on his left side. Although the two remained in silence for the rest of the night, they could feel that there would be a lot more of these encounters to come, and a lot more waiting for them in the near future.
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roosterbox · 2 years
Ack! I’ve done been tagged! Thank you, @mister-eames you lovely human!
Send me a number for an excerpt from a draft!
(FYI these are all the things in my drafts right now. Some, obviously, have more written than others)
1. Here We Are, Born to be Kings, We’re the NSFW Paint Shop AU (because, like the Highlander, it will never die).
Summary: Eames is the owner of a store that sells paint. To set it apart from any other paint store - and other paint in general - the paint is given very NSFW names. For example, it’s not just Seafoam Green, it’s Frothing at the Gash. It’s not just Coral Pink, it’s Cunning Linguist Coral. All the old familiar characters work there, naturally. Cobb and Mal are married. Arthur and Eames are together, but “secretly.” (that’s in quotes because they think they’re sneaky but literally everyone knows. Even some customers.) Yusuf and Ariadne have pined for each other for years, but Yusuf’s too shy to make a move. Saito, a regular customer, has become quite taken with the newest hire - college student Robert. Numerous shenanigans due to ensue.
2. Big Gay Jewish Wedding
Summary: Arthur and Eames are getting married! But there are issues on both sides that need working out. On Arthur’s side, it’s wrangling his ginormous family, who all have their own feelings about how this event should go. On Eames’ side, it’s dealing with his not-so-supportive parents. A mix of comedy and drama set to ensue.
3. The Grace Project
Not really anything to summarize here - it’s merely a concept right now. But the simplest explanation is that I’m gonna listen to Grace, by Jeff Buckley, and write whatever Cherik story ideas come to mind. Might end up a continuous story, might be an anthology of one-shots. Your guess is as good as mine!
4. Cherik Mpreg Universe mid-quel
Summary: Charles’ third pregnancy is absolutely awful, culminating in the worst thing any pregnant person or couple can ever experience. After, he and Erik pick up the pieces of their lives, and make choices regarding the further expansion of their family.
5. Original epic fantasy ‘verse
Can’t say much about this one! Partly because it’s not a fanfic, but also because the worldbuilding is exhausting, lol. But here are a few keywords: Magic! Dragons! Swords! Coming-of-Age!
6. Mermaid Horror story
Summary: A crew of sailors is paid by some unscrupulous business man to catch a mermaid and deliver it to him. They manage to find one and capture it. The mermaid proceeds to gradually kill every single member of the crew (The Little Mermaid lied to you - mermaids are damn scary, yo), save one. Also doubles as a very twisted love story… Haven’t decided on whether to make it a fic or an original short story.
7. Coffee Shop/High School Bully AU
Inspired by a post I saw here (that’s in my queue somewhere, lol). Arthur is an oft-bullied student who works part time at the local coffee shop. Eames is one of his bullies, and has been for years, even prior to high school. But a lot can change in four years…
8. Princess Bride AU
Exactly what it says on the tin. Princess Bride. Eames as Westley. Arthur as Buttercup. Other characters in other roles. Framing story is Grandpa Arthur telling the story to his grandchild.
9. Cherik Slow-Dancing Fic
Newest addition. I talked about that Cherik fic I wanted to write for years, and after posting the idea, I started thinking of ways to start. I haven’t written anything down yet, and it’s probably on the furthest back burner right now, but the seeds have been sown at least.
*heavy breathing* I think that’s all of them? Lots to do, lots to do! The Paint Shop AU is the current focus, but any time I feel inspiration I’ll add to the others. I might not have much to say on a few, but if you were to ask, I could probably share a few plot points? Stuff that will eventually happen when the story gets focused on.
Not sure who exactly to tag? I know a few people I follow have done this (or something similar) already? So I guess if you read this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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fific7 · 4 years
Dangerous and Divine - Part 2
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly fluff & lemon zest 🍋 The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: Some drinking and swearing. Billy could possibly be borderline DUI* on way home.
*Please Don’t Drink & 🚙 ...you don’t want to end up needing 🚑 🚓 🚒 for you or other people.
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(My GIF)
You raised an eyebrow, unsmiling, “What’s the price?”
“Come for a drink with me.... but not here. Let’s go somewhere else.”
Laughing quietly, you climbed into the Rolls Royce Wraith, Billy closing the door for you before walking round to the driver’s side. He smiled back, looking across at you as he clipped on his seatbelt, “Somethin’ amusing you?”
“Well here we are, two CEO’s if you will, and this is your ride. Wanna know what mine is?” He nodded, “Yeah, tell me.” “The subway, or these two pretty feet.” He laughed, “Usedta be mine too.”
The car’s engine purred into life and he swung it quickly out of the parking space, heading towards the exit of the underground car park.
“So,” you glanced across at his profile, “where are we heading?” “Not far,” he said, “a neighbourhood bar I hang out at. It’s relaxed, not too busy.”
Shortly after that, he parked the sleek car on the street and the two of you headed into a small bar with low lighting, background music and not too many people in it. The bartender mock-saluted Billy as he stepped inside, and there was a whisky on the bar by the time you two got there.
Billy looked sidelong at you as you perched yourself onto a barstool, “What would you like to drink, sweetheart?” You gave him a ‘Look’, saying, “Sweetheart?”
He smirked, shrugging, “Hey! you are my fake girlfriend, after all.” “Ha ha, okay - you get a pass this time, big boy.” This time he drawled out your name, continuing, “You’ve been lookin’!” leaning back slightly and gesturing at his zip area. You lightly punched his arm, “Referring to your height, smartass!”
Internally, you were cringing a bit. The sensible side of your brain asked you what you thought you were doing, leaving the cocktail party with a complete stranger, and flirting all over him. The devilish part of your brain answered, ‘Living a little! Flirting with a handsome guy! Stop being such a mood killer!’
“I’ll have a mojito for a change, if you don’t mind,” you said. “Coming right up,” said the bartender, who, you realised, had been listening in to your exchange with Billy.
Once your drink was served, Billy gestured to a table and as you walked over to it, you felt a hand placing itself lightly on your lower back. Confident big devil, you thought, sitting down and watching him fold his tall frame onto the fairly small chair, then sliding his long legs under the table.
Spending the next couple of hours with Billy had actually been enjoyable, you thought, as you listened to him telling you some more about his friends Frank and Curtis. He’d told you about serving in the Marines and setting up Anvil once he’d left. You got the feeling that he’d only scratched the surface about it, though.
You’d only just met of course, however you found yourself wanting to know more about the tall ex-Marine.
And you hadn’t told him everything about yourself either. He now knew you were in the catering industry, but you’d skirted round telling him the details about your two cafes, you weren’t sure why. Maybe you wanted to retain a bit of mystery, you thought, mildly annoyed at yourself for feeling the need to do so.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
He had asked you why you’d owed your cousin a favour. So you found yourself telling him all about it, and he’d barked out a huge laugh when you’d mentioned ‘possibly’ assaulting your ex and the girl he’d been with. And another one, when you confessed you’d been taken into police custody.
“I’m drinkin’ with a criminal?!” he’d grinned, “Oh, I think I should be leaving right now.” You’d slapped him on the arm, “Shut up, you. It was in self-defence.” He raised his eyebrows nearly up into his hairline, “And how do you make that out?” “My eyes were attacked by what they saw!” you protested, and both of you started laughing at that.
“So he’s an ‘ex’ now, is he?” he asked, taking a sip of his beer, which he’d switched to after one whisky. “You bet your life he is! No man treats me like that,” you shook your head, sinking some of your own beer, which you’d joined him in drinking. His dark eyes found yours, “What would you’ve done if you’d found him actually fucking her?”
Your eyes went wide, “Oh, that’s an easy question, Mr Russo. I’d’ve chopped off some of his lower extremities, of course!”
His screwed his eyes up in mock pain, “Woahhh!!! Brutal.” You shrugged, “Well, you asked.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Back to the car soon after that, then heading to your apartment after Billy offered to drop you off.
That was after he’d asked if you’d wanted to continue the evening at his place. You’d politely replied ‘thanks but no thanks’ or words to that effect. He’d accepted your answer gracefully, so here you were. Truthfully you’d thought about saying yes - he was really hot, and the two of you had been flirting all evening - but you decided you didn’t want to go down the one-night-stand road with him.
You got the feeling that Billy probably indulged in a lot of those. You’d felt some female eyes boring into the back of your head while you were in the bar, and had turned round to find at least three women staring at you as if they wanted you to spontaneously combust.
And you were better than that, you thought, deserved more than one night of sex (never mind how good you were sure it would be) and a walk of shame in the morning.
The car drew up outside your apartment block, and Billy switched off the engine before releasing his seat belt. You looked over at him, smiling, “Why’d you unbuckle, Billy? You’re not coming in,” smiling even wider at him. He smirked, “You sure about that...?” running his long fingers along your arm. You nodded, “Absolutely sure.” He sighed, “Well, I’ve been tryin’ all evening and got nowhere.. so I’ll need to make do with this...” and his mouth was on yours in an instant.
His hand slid up to the nape of your neck and into your hair, pulling you closer to him at the same time. Your hands landed on his chest, subtly stroking his toned muscles. Wanting to deepen the kiss, he sneakily nipped at your bottom lip, his tongue making its way into your mouth as soon as you opened it slightly in surprise. But you weren’t complaining.
Eventually you both had to come up for air, and eyes still closed, you felt his fingers gently running over your cheek, then heard him say your name, voice low and husky. “I wanna see you again.”
You took a breath, before nodding. “Okay, Billy. Call me.” You’d decided to put the ball in Casanova’s court.
He smiled, “You haven’t given me your number. Tryin’ to ditch me?” You dug out one of your business cards from your wallet, and handed it over. It just had your numbers and registered company name on it. “There you go. Let’s just see if you call,” you smirked, “I bet you’re one of these ’treat em mean’ types, aren’t ya Billy?” He started laughing, shaking his head, “Nah, not me,” leaning in and kissing you briefly again.
“I will call you, that’s a promise,” he said as you opened the car door and got out. You smiled back at him, “I believe you, thousands wouldn’t. Night, Billy.”
“Sleep well, sweetheart,” you heard, then in a lower tone, “I’ll be lyin’ awake thinking of what I’m missing out on.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next morning arrived too soon. You’d dragged yourself up to jump into the shower, which did its job of fully waking you up, so you managed to arrive at your office with at least a bit of a spring in your step.
Your office was above your first café in Chelsea, near the Market. It wasn’t huge, but it was well-equipped and decorated exactly as you liked it. It had a large picture window which let in lots of natural light, and had a view towards 14th Street Park and the Hudson. Entry was via the café, so you made your way through, calling out a ‘buon giorno’ to your three co-workers.
None of you were actually Italian, but it had become a tradition and one of those silly in-jokes between co-workers. Which of course no-one else would find amusing in the slightest but it made sense to you guys, as your café/patisseries were named after Italian cities, and because Italians don’t generally call cafés, cafés ...you had Bar Venezia and Bar Firenze. Clichéd? Oh yes. Did you care? Not in the slightest.
You were incredibly proud of your business and your team. The hard scrabble to get the financing together had been really stressful, but it had all come together in the end with the bank and the investors and now, here you were, captain of your own ship, so to speak.
The two cafés had similar decor, simple but elegant, based on cafés you’d visited in various countries across the world. The second café was not too far away in Greenwich Village. They gave out a nice relaxed vibe just as you’d aimed for and you felt blessed - business was good. You had a good mix of regulars and passing trade, and you’d nodded and smiled at a couple of those regular customers as you’d made your way through.
The morning phone call for a catch-up with your other site made, you were now currently reviewing a whole stack of statistics, and they were beginning to swim in front of your eyes. So you weren’t upset when the internal phone rang, and Jake, your right-hand man, told you that you had a visitor who wouldn’t give his name. “What?” you said, “is he selling something?”
“I don’t think so,” said Jake in a very low voice, so you guessed that Mystery Man was standing somewhere near him. You sighed, “Oh, I’ll be right down.” Anything to get away from the stats for a while, and you quite looked forward to ripping him a new one if he was trying to sell you something.
The first person you spotted as you came through the internal door to the café was Billy Russo. You should’ve guessed, really. He was resplendent in yet another expensive suit, hair perfect, jawline with its beard as sharp as you remembered it. His eyes were locked on you, gleaming with mischief as he anticipated your reaction to his unannounced appearance in your domain.
You came to a halt in front of him, then glanced at Jake as he stood watching you a little nervously. “Thanks Jake, it’s fine, I know him. Could you be an absolute gem and get me a double macchiato, an Americano and a small selection of the pastries, please?” Jake nodded, “Sí, subito.”
You indicated for Billy to follow you to a table at the far end of the bar, tucked away beside the exposed brick wall and near the window, out of earshot of the staff and patrons. You both sat, Billy saying, “Good morning, sweetheart,” as he did. “And good morning to you, Stalker Boy.” Billy grinned, leaning towards you and almost whispering, “That’s so cute, givin’ me a nickname already and I haven’t even got you in my bed yet.” You rolled your eyes heavenwards, sighing out, “Billy! This is my workplace.”
He smiled, “And very impressive it is too, I love it. You have exquisite taste.” “Yes, I know,” you smiled back, “thanks for confirming that.” Now he laughed, and you tried not to stare too much, thinking how good he looked when he did. Jake came over with your coffees and pastries, and you smiled fondly at him as he put them down on the table. “Grazie mille, caro,” you thanked him.
Billy frowned slightly, “Very friendly, huh... you & him, then?” You smirked, “Jealous, Mr Russo?” He scoffed as he picked up a couple of sugar packs and shook them, before pouring them into his coffee. “Just nosy, that’s all.” “Jake is the first person I hired, and he’s just the best. But me and him? No... he likes men. Want me to set you up?” He put his head back and laughed. “No... but thanks for offering. I’m busy over here tryin’ to set myself up with you, in case you hadn’t noticed.” You shook your head, laughing while looking down at the table. This guy is relentless, you thought with a little shiver of undeniable excitement.
He picked up one of the little freshly-baked pastries and bit into it, an appreciative expression on his face as he chewed it. “How’d you manage to guess how I like my coffee?” he carried on. “It’s my business to know my customers,” you shrugged, “and looking at you, Billy Russo, you just scream black watered-down espresso to me, especially having been in the Marines and all,” you grinned. He smirked back at you, “Yeah, well, you nailed it - much as I hate to admit it. And going back to the nicknames thing, you should really call me Sniper Boy.”
“Wow, really?” you replied, eyes wide. Yeah, you’d felt a dangerous vibe coming off Billy and now you knew why. Nodding, he took another bite of his pastry and said round it, “Haven’t you googled me yet, then? I googled you.” “Hey, you’re going to be Stalker Sniper Boy now. And no, I didn’t have time.”
“You’re not doing anything for my ego, you know.”
“That’s not my job,” you shrugged again.
“You’re givin’ me such a hard time, here,” his dark eyes staring into yours, and you felt yourself almost drowning in them. “I’d just like to take you to dinner, that’s all. Friday night, 8pm? I’ll pick you up at your place.”
And while your head screamed ‘Say no!’ at you, your treacherous mouth opened up and said, “Yes, fine. 8 pm and don’t be late.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d walked him to the door when he said he’d better get going. As you reached it, long fingers quickly made their way to the back of your neck, pulling your head towards his and simultaneously, his lips met yours in a long kiss. You tried to pull away from him but he had you in a vice-like grip, and took his own sweet time before breaking away. He placed a second chaste kiss on your cheek and started towards the door, “See you Friday,” in a low voice, paired with a smouldering look at you as he left.
Jake, your two other co-workers Gabrielle and Steve, and your regulars were unsurprisingly all staring at you with blatant and avid interest. Your ex had very rarely visited you at work and when he had, you’d never indulged in PDA’s. You could feel the hot blush on your face as you tried to look nonchalant about the whole thing.
“Nothing to see here,” you muttered and scooted across the café as quickly as you could, heading for the sanctuary of your office.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Great Departure (Part 3)
Last Time: We finally found Miss Brett, the English woman who’s present had been erased from the scene of the crime, and dragged her ass to court only to discover that she was a Massively Racist Bitch in a swan hat. After a lot of back and forth it became clear that Dr Watson Wilson actually died of poisoning, and that Miss Brett took advantage of the fact Japan currently doesn’t do autopsy reports to shoot his corpse in the chest and frame me (Ryunosuke) for the murder. Fortunately for us Hosonaga took the bottle from the crime scene, and after needlessly translating Miss Brett for the last hour (and presumably filtering out a lot of questionable content) was only to happy to produce it for the court. Unfortunately for us the poison wasn’t in the bottle, so it’s up to a lady in pink to save the day!
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I’m going to roundhouse kick Auchi
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I’m liking how everyone else in this room is just as done with Auchi as I am
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Our saviour Ryunosuke, that’s who
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Oh, that’s not a glass
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Is it about poisons?
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It is!
Ok so I’m pretty sure that Curare is incredibly powerful and fast acting poison (which lines up with what we know). Unfortunately I think it needs to be injected but I might be mixing it up with something else.
Susato’s actually given me the report now, which is probably a much more sensible way of getting information (rather than me trying to remember what I’ve picked up from Agatha Christie novels), and unfortunately it looks like I remembered correctly about it needing to be injected.
(Side note: how alarming is it that I’ve retained this much knowledge on poisons? I feel the need to explain that I’ve been reading and listening to audio dramatisation of Agatha Christie novels since I was about three, but I feel like that makes it worse)
What is curious though is it’s potential use as an anaesthetic. Given that Dr Wilson had just had a tooth removed with anaesthetic I wonder if there’s a connection there?
I’m not sure what it could be though, unless it turns out Miss Brett Weekend at Berniesed his corpse all the over way from the clinic.
Actually wait...
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Auchi if we were to run this courtroom on things you know about we’d be running a kindergarten.
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Auchi, you’d never even heard of Curare until I told you about it, be quiet while the grownups are talking.
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Yeah, Curare is not a nice poison.
I’m not going to post the full explanation here, but wow, Kazuma’s really going all out with his description!
Also it looks like I misunderstood about it needing to be injected. Everyone’s saying that it can just be swallowed, which I guess that makes sense given how deadly it is.
Miss Brett’s being a bitch again (but what else is new) and Kazuma’s taking none of your shit and telling her that the feeling’s mutual. (Something I would have screenshot, but I was too busy calling Kazuma a legend to press the little square button.)
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I knew it, it was only in the glass.
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Yeah, now try it again from the glass you took.
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Don’t worry Ryunosuke, I got this!
It’s ok Kazuma! Believe in me (Ryunosuke) and our beautiful friendship!
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It astounds me too Kazuma, but for once I’m on to something!
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Kazuma, please stop saying foreboding things, I need you to survive the next case and you’re already not being helped by the fact that you’re so much better than me. You’re so good you kind of render me, the protagonist, a little bit obsolete in fact.
I guess I was wrong then! That bottle does somehow contain poison.
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Yes Kuzuma, because I’m going to be penalised otherwise!
It’s finally time!
Let’s get her!
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He’s got it!
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She’s cracking!
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Is it hatred Ryunosuke?
Ah no, my mistake - it’s lawyer rage conviction!
I know I’ve said this a lot but...
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Oh good... she’s started laughing
Oh no. We’ve set things into motion haven’t we.
Kazuma, I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to take care of yourself in the case to come.
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You can’t do that!
Oh who am I kidding, this lady’s been dancing on privilege since she walked in.
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Oh Ryunosuke I think she might have done...
I knew she felt like an end of game villain!
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Auchi’s about to catch these hands!
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Kazuma’s telling us to step into our mind palace.
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‘Is Kazuma right’, he thinks, as he remembers the blood on the plate.
I don’t know Ryunosuke? Is water wet?
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You got it Kazuma!
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I mean to be fair it did only just happen.
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I do genuinely love these moments in Ace Attorney though. When everyone works as one to get some untouchable big fry. There’s something very rewarding about the whole thing.
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Shit... she swapped it out...
Fortunately my man Hosonaga has everyone’s plates though!
Cheer up Ryunosuke, look, we have steak blood at least. And I’m sure Hosonaga’ll bring us the rest of the plates if we ask nicely. Especially after Miss Brett broke his bottle.
Miss Brett’s now making racist statements again.
But at least I’ve been given the steak to examine!
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Bless you Kazuma
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Ryunosuke what short of cats have you been looking at!
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Get his ass (affectionately) Kazuma!
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(Also it looks like I was right about it being stolen by Nosa)
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Didn’t know that was there, did you Miss Brett?
Now, dig your own grave with your words!
Now it’s time to dob Nosa in it. Sorry Nosa but you were kind of a jerk. Look on the bright side though, now’s your chance to redeem yourself in my eyes, like Hosonaga has!
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Old man Korekuna’s armed and pissed!
Nosa I’m sorry. It’s best to throw yourself on his mercy now before I rile him up more. Use your baby to calm him if you must.
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I take everything back, Nosa your complete safe, old man Korekuna has no idea how to use that thing.
Ah, I forgot he was proficient in vase!
(Which I forgot to screenshot)
Never mind Nosa, you’re still screwed!
That is the right face to pull (Nosa not Hosonaga):
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Look at him in the corner there. I feel bad now.
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It was theft wasn’t it?
...oh Nosa what have you done?
(Kept food on his kids plate probably, given how he can’t afford childcare)
Nosa’s now accusing his infant son of being the mastermind... Sure Nosa, everyone’s bying that.
Either accusing a baby is a panic response, or I don’t need to feel so bad anymore.
Hosonaga how did you not immediately catch this guy?
Oh thank god!
I thought for one terrible second we were letting her go.
(I’ve say it before and I’ll probably say it again, this is an intense first case)
Yes! ‘Her’ steak had a big bite mark in it!
But I thought and English Lady like yourself wouldn’t eat steak that way Miss Brett?
Of course, there’s a difference between the two photos.
I knew I could see the glass in the first one, which means it was taken before Miss Brett rearranged the table!
Oh, now Nosa’s saying that he switched the plates.
I must admit I didn’t expect that, I thought it was something Miss Brett did to remove the bloody evidence.
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She’s cracking!
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Oh god... what’s she planning.
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Your honour, she’s already poisoned one person, do you want to be next?
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Kiss my ass Miss Brett
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Get used to it Auchi.
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(Editor Note: I am very upset by how poorly my screenshots conveyed Kazuma destroying Auchi’s hairdo with his sword)
Also, were you always hot Kazuma?
Wait no - I can’t be thinking that. The bar for fictional men I like is the floor and if I want Kazuma to continue to live a long, happy, non morally ambiguous life, I need him to not fall into the category of ‘fictional men I find hot’.
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For some reason, I picture it being blue and spiky your honour
Wait what’s this about Kazuma having a mission?
Oh fucking hell, I’ve doomed you to moral ambiguity haven’t I Kazuma?
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Thank you for the backhanded compliment your honour!
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Ooh, petals rather than confetti, that’s a nice touch!
We did it!!!
And most importantly of all, we’re being praised by Kazuma!
Susato! Our saviour! Has turned up, along with her father: the innocent Professor Mikotoba, who I would like to thank and to reiterate that he could never kill anyone!
Seriously though, what was the relationship between him an Dr Wilson?
Ah ok, I simply just had to click on to find out.
So apparently the two of them worked together in the same hospital in London for a while.
(Also if your journey tragically ends in the customs office there’s a non-dead-Kazuma reason for me to go in your place.)
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Oh fuck, she got off didn’t she...
I knew it
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Of fucking course...
So basically she’s going to get off with a slap on the wrist. That’s what I’m getting from all of this.
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Ah, but what you’ve failed to understand Kazuma is that the British Government and 99% of those people in power, are hypocritical dirtbags who will change the rules to suit them.
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Now on to the party with Kazuma!
And also Hosonaga apparently. Who is clinging onto his waiter job even though the case he was investigating is solved. Look like Ryunosuke was right about money being tight.
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Hosonaga, do you not have a job anymore?
Were your superiors upset when you said ‘fuck the government’ and bought Miss Brett to us? Or was it your one man forensics team shtick that upsets them?
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Oh yeah, we never did find that out did we?
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Kazuma Asogi I forbid you from charging me with looking after your sister, of for that matter anything, incase something happens to you!
Fortunatly for us Hosonaga is here! Diving in-front of that Kazuma shaped plot bullet with promises of food!
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Ryunosuke over here, taking the cases final moments to roast Hosonaga.
I think we’re even now Satoru, my second favorite character.
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I don’t want to click to the next text box.
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Oh wait, false alarm everyone!
I genuinely thought that the case was going to end with something like: but little did I realize that he never would.
Anyway that’s enough worrying about Kazuma! For now let’s enjoy the fact we’ve finished this bastard hard first case!
We’re moving on to Episode 2: The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band next!
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agent-cupcake · 4 years
Garreg Mach Café Episode Two: Lucky Seven (Yuri x Reader)
The first thing you learned about him —one of the very few things you knew about him— was that he liked sugar. A lot. You didn’t work the counter most of the time, you just made the drinks. So, you didn’t know who had ordered the heart attack inducing Ruined Sky Strawberry Frappe, only that someone was looking for a cavity. Vanilla bean coffee, three pumps of vanilla syrup, and strawberry puree with ice blended and topped with whipped cream, hazelnut drizzle, strawberry drizzle, and red sprinkles.
The second thing you learned about him was his name. Or, more accurately, his lack thereof. People regularly used dumb names. It didn’t really bug you, there was no shame in entertaining someone who thought making a barista call out a drink for Phun E. Monki was the peak of modern entertainment. Not so surprisingly, you saw a lot of hipster and nerd traffic through the café so references and jokes weren’t at all unheard of. Really, this one wasn’t even that bad. Comparatively.
“Ruined Sky Strawberry Frappe for Arsène Lupin,” you called, turning around.
“That’s mine,” the waiting customer responded. Shockingly, it was not the top-hat wearing gentleman thief who stood at the counter waiting for his drink. Neither was it the dweeb you expected. Your Arsène Lupin —that is, the man standing on the other side of the glistening lacquered wood countertop— certainly wasn’t normal, but not in the way you had initially assumed.
The third thing you learned about him was that he was disarmingly beautiful. He stood casually; his arms crossed with one of his hands resting lightly on his chin as he watched with a half-smile that you would have sworn had a mischievous glint. Waiting to see if the little joke got a reaction, you figured.
Well, who were you to deny him that? Pushing down the instinctual nerves of talking to someone who belonged more in the technicolor light of your two-past-midnight Instagram escapades rather than the academia chic café, you smiled back. “Here you go, Monsieur Lupin.”
That made his lips twitch in amusement, which shouldn’t have been as gratifying as it was. “Thanks,” Arsène said warmly, wrapping his fingers around the cup. It wasn’t like you were intentionally trying to notice, but his fingers were long and thin, the nails neat and manicured. Pretty hands. Attractive hands. You wondered if they were soft, or as strong as they looked, or what they might feel like-
Nope. No. You needed God.
Or Tinder
“I hope you enjoy,” you said, trying to act like you hadn’t just committed some obscene thought crime. He was supposed to leave after that. People got their drinks and either sat down or left. But he didn’t, meeting your eyes with an even gaze. Their violet coloring was striking, drawn out by the purple eyeshadow smoked out over his pale eyelids. The makeup should have been off-putting, you were less than uninterested in the pierced hoard of e-boys that had saturated the modern alternative dating market, but it wasn’t. Not on him, at least.
“This is a cute place,” Arsène said. But he wasn’t looking around the cafe, he was staring directly at you. Which… you weren’t sure if you were to buy into your ego telling you he was flirting or your paranoia that he was laughing at you. “Is it usually this busy?”
Flirting was better, for your sanity’s sake if nothing else, so you smiled, doing a quick check to make sure you weren’t missing any customers. The guy working the register was looking at his phone under the counter.
“You know, you shouldn’t pick such an obvious pseudonym when you’re canvassing a business,” you said playfully. “Charm will only get you so far.”
That made him laugh, his appraising eyes sparkling with amusement as he stabbed a straw past the whipped cream of his drink. “In my experience, charm will get you anywhere.”
“For you, maybe,” you allowed, feeling a little more emboldened by that response. Lowering your voice slightly, you leaned in as if to conspire. “I guess the real question is what you’re stealing, Monsieur Lupin, hearts or jewels?”
“Jewels, usually,” Arsène told you without missing a beat. “I have no need to steal the hearts.” He shrugged one shoulder carelessly, casually. “I collect enough of them as it is.”
A corny, over-confident line like that should have made you laugh. Unfortunately, you kind of believed it. So you raised a skeptical eyebrow. “That goes against the spirit of being a Phantom Thief, doesn’t it?”
“Why, do you want me to steal your heart?” Arsène asked. He didn’t sound serious, exactly, but neither was the question joking enough to keep a flush from crawling up your cheeks.
“Baristas don’t have hearts,” you told him theatrically, rejecting your silly reaction. “It’s a void of caffeine, student debt, and the disappointment of our parents.”
Arsène was about to respond when you heard the door jingle open. You turned, looking over your shoulder at the customers who had stepped up to the register. “It looks like you’re needed,” he said, following your eye line.
“Yeah,” you said, feeling a strange stab of disappointment. Which was dumb. A little bit of banter with a handsome stranger was nice, but it shouldn’t have been anything else.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back,” Arsène said, smirking in a way that made you think he’d seen your dismayed reaction. “Thanks for the drink.”
He raised the cup like a toast goodbye, and you wished him a good day. It was completely ridiculous, but that quick and strange interaction played on loop in your head for the rest of the day. You went from embarrassed, to amused, to insecure, and back again dozens of times. By the next day, you weren’t sure what to think about it and you hated to think that you were watching for him, but-
Well, you were.
The fourth thing you learned about him was that he had a schedule, a specific time slot that seemed to be allocated to getting an overly sugary drink at your little cafe.
“Noa Fruit and Caramel Macchiato for Mr Pink,” you called, already expecting to see his smile based on the name alone. Not that the preparation did a whole lot in lessening the effects. Today Arsène, or Mr Pink, wore a dark striped button up tucked into black pants. The top buttons were undone, showing off the elegant column of his neck and the framing lines of his collarbones. His skin was so pale, like it had never seen the sun, the color perfectly even and milky.
“That’s mine,” he said. Redundantly. Of course it was his.
To think that you’d done your makeup with more care than usual today was embarrassing, but you were glad for it as you passed the drink to him. “Reservoir Dogs, right?” you asked, forcing yourself to not be flustered.
“Very good,” he said in a voice that was borderline condescending.
“You thought I wouldn’t know? I serve coffee in downtown, knowing Tarantino is practically a job requirement,” you said. Arsène laughed warmly, a sound that was somewhere between amusement and mocking, a sound that invited a mess of fluttery nerves to dance around in your stomach which you covered with a smile. “Mr Pink, though… he’s a long way off from being a gentleman thief.”
“Let’s just say that I’ve fallen from grace,” Arsène said, his smile an odd combination of mirth and mystery. “Lupin is... more of an ideal. Reality is hardly ever so romantic.”
“Cheers to that,” you said wryly.
“Although if I had to emulate one of them, I’d far prefer it to be the gentleman,” he said, dropping a few dollars in your tip jar. Cheeky. “Thanks for the treat.”
“Oh… Yeah,” you said, not even thinking to point out that it was your job. Unless he wasn’t talking about the coffee, which was even more baffling. “Have a nice day.”
After that came a lineup of sugary drink orders under the names of famous thieves. Some references you knew immediately, others you had to google later. And always, always, he just about made your heart stop with that smile.
It was… Maybe a week later? Your Arsène had become something like an expectation. Which was ridiculous. And stupid. But it was true, and he hadn’t been in the day before which affected you far more than you dared admit. Seeing the familiar purple head in the lineup of waiting customers was more relieving than it should have been.  
A Vanilla Wyvern Wing Latte for Danny Ocean, this time. Unfortunately, there was a swath of customer’s orders that needed filling so you couldn’t give it to him personally, sliding it across the counter before rushing back to the blender. That kind of disappointed you, especially since you hadn’t seen him the day before, until you realized that he had taken a seat along the bar, writing something in a notebook and sipping on the creamy white latte.
Waiting for you? Pushing down the spark of excitement you felt about that, you finished up the orders. After that, you took a breath, grabbing a rag to at least seem productive as you inched towards him.
“You’re awfully far from Vegas, Mr Ocean,” you said. Although you called him that, you still thought of him as Arsène Lupin. Your Arsène.
He looked up from his notebook, the end of his pen pushed against his lip in a distracting way. They were so pink. And shapely, his top lip curved by a perfectly symmetrical cupids bow that no amount of lip kits could falsify. And… And you were staring. Again. He obviously noticed, what with the way he grinned when you forced your eyes up to his, but he gracefully didn’t point it out.
“Casinos are nothing more than a party trick,” he told you lightly, flipping his pen through his fingers before letting it drop to the paper. “I’ve got my eye on something far more valuable.” His eyes were burning into yours as he spoke.
That was the fifth thing you learned about him. Arsène could make anything sound like a double entendre. You thought of yourself as being somewhat difficult to ruffle, but even the most innocuous of comments from him could make your cheeks warm. It was the tone of his smooth, lovely voice. Always speaking under his breath, or low enough that you found yourself leaning in.
“Jewels, right?” you asked, playing it cool because you refused to fall prey to what you knew was a purposeful attempt to throw you off balance.  “I heard there was an exhibit coming to town.”
“I’m not really interested in that sort of thing,” Arsène said with a little wave of his elegant hand. “You know the reprehensible means they use to get them, don’t you? So beautiful... but stained with blood. Not too dissimilar from myself, I suppose.”
That momentarily tripped you up. He sounded so genuine, even with the little quip of a joke. Most people couldn’t pull off saying something so nakedly edgy. Maybe it only worked because he was pretty, and you were a fool. So you just smiled. “You really ought to work on this whole subterfuge thing.”
Arsène’s eyes met yours. So intense.  “And how would you recommend I do that?”
“Misdirection,” you told him, refocusing on wiping up the counter to avoid his gaze. “The names are bad enough. You’ve gotta at least pretend to be an upstanding member of society, right?”
“Do you think I’m not?” he asked lightly, his head falling to the side, hand braced against his cheek casually. “And here I thought I was perfectly amicable.”
“Oh,” you said. Did he sound offended? You quickly backtracked. “I didn’t mean to imply that I don’t think you are, it’s just that what you said-”
“I’m kidding,” Arsène said, the slightly concerned expression slipping from his face like an easily discarded mask.
You winced, internally kicking yourself. “Ah, sorry.”
“Don’t worry. That was cute,” Arsène said with that oddly infuriating unreadable grin and shutting his notebook to stand up.
“You’re leaving?” you asked, almost confused that he’d wait only to cut the conversation short.
“Haven’t you realized? I’m a wanted man. As much as I’d love to stay and chat, I’ve got things to do,” he said. “Speaking of that, I hope you didn’t miss me too much yesterday. This project is more difficult than I anticipated.”
“That’s fine, it’s not like I expect you to come by,” you said. You lied.
“No?” Arsène asked. He didn’t believe you, that much was obvious. “Fine, then. I’m not afraid to admit that I missed you. I’ll definitely see you tomorrow, though.”
“Can’t wait,” you said. And, despite the half-sarcastic affect you tried to put on, you meant it.
It only settled after he’d already left what he really had said. Missed you. Not for the first time, you toyed with the idea of giving him your number. Then again, maybe you were misreading the situation. After all, you didn’t even know his name.
Still, true to his word, he came around the same time the next day.
This time, it was a Cinnamon Dust Frappe for Garrett. Arsène, or Garrett, was wearing a sweater today in a nod to the rainy weather. Just like everything else he wore, it was entirely in service of his allure, a dark knit with leather elbow patches. White clips kept a section of his hair out of his face, which was curling at the ends. From the humidity? Or perhaps he usually straightened it?
“It took me a minute,” you admitted as you handed him his drink, “Garrett. That’s Thief, right? I have to be honest; you don’t really strike me as the gamer type.”
“I’m full of surprises,” he responded. After a moment, he added, “I haven’t got much time for games these days, but I have some fond memories from when I was a kid.”
“Probably why you’re a criminal,” you said.
If you weren’t mistaken, his eyes widened for a fraction of a second in something like surprise before that was composed into something else, his laughter driving it away. “You might be on to something with that. Video games do make kids violent, after all.”
“So, tomorrow, will it be Ezio? Or Corvo… He’s got a bit of thievery under his belt.”
Arsène scoffed. “I’d never do the same trick twice.”
That made you smile. “I look forward to it.”
After he left, you realized that you’d learned the sixth thing about him. It was such a small and mundane detail, but there was something charming and oddly intimate to imagine Arsène as a kid playing video games.  
The next day, you were working register while helping to train the newbie in making drinks. It was cold. Slushy snow half-heartedly sprinkled down outside, and the heater was desperately trying, and failing, to keep the cafe warm. The repairman wouldn’t come until the following morning. All in all, your mood was rather poor.
Until the door opened and a familiar face stepped up to the counter.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you up here,” Arsène said.
“Desperate times,” you said with a shrug. He smiled at that, looking up at the menu contemplatively.
“I’ll have…” he said, “a Mockingbird Mocha Hot Chocolate. Medium.”
“And who might you be today?” you asked professionally, the Sharpie point poised over the side of the cardboard hot drinks cup.
“Prometheus,” he said without hesitation.
You blinked, caught off guard for a second as you tried to figure out the reference. That was… clever. The original thief. You couldn’t help but shake your head in amusement as you scribbled that on the side of the cup. The newbie already knew how to make the drink, leaving you with nothing to do. The cafe was quiet today, a rarity. It was the poor weather. People dropped in to get hot drinks, but you didn’t blame them for not sticking around. Arsène was dressed for the cold, wearing a white cape coat that was either incredibly trendy or strangely fringe. Of course, it worked perfectly on him. He looked ready to hop into a new age fashion catalog for outerwear.
“From gentleman thief to a gangster to god… Moving up in the world, are we?” you asked to fill the silence.
“On the contrary,” Arsène told you “There’s no power in being a god nobody believes in.”
“I’d definitely believe in you if you could warm it up in here,” you told him. “I’ve been freezing all day.”
“I’m sure I could think of a few ways to warm you up,” Arsène said, smirking, his eyes dancing with mischievous amusement. “After all, I’m the one who stole the first flame.”
A shaky exhale left your mouth, becoming something like an awkward laugh because he definitely had you going for a second and you knew it was on purpose but still. “That’s what you meant. Right.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What did you think I was talking about?”
“Here you go,” the newbie said with absolutely perfect timing, handing Arsène his drink. At least your blush was keeping you warm.
“Thank you,” Arsène said, meeting her eyes. You were pretty sure you saw her swoon, which made sense. That was the most practical response to him, after all. He looked back to you. “Try to keep warm, I’d hate for you to be calling in sick.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you said. He grinned, wishing the both of you a good day. And you did warm up. By thinking of all the ways he could keep you warm. At this point, even God Himself probably couldn’t do much about your sinful thoughts.
The next day was another cold one, meaning that it was slow. Because of that, your boss had decided that only one person was needed, and you didn’t mind if that was you. Paid hours were always welcome. More than that, and you hated yourself for it, you hoped to see your Arsène. You’d been scrolling on your phone under the register when the door opened. Winter rushed in like it had been chomping at the bit for the chance, called forth with the jingling of bells. Arsène had arrived right on time, wearing that white cloak coat and tall white heeled boots. Snowflakes shined in his hair, quick to melt in the warmth of the repaired heater. By now, you should have been immune. But you weren’t.
“Alone today?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Eerie, isn’t it?” you replied, gesturing to the empty cafe. “Not that I mind, now that the heater is fixed… What will you be having today?”
“A medium Caramel Leclair Latte,” he said.
“And your name…?”
“Yuri,” he said, which you scribbled onto the cardboard.
“All right… Just gimme a second,” you said. The drink was oddly tame for him, and a lot easier to make. You were pretty sure you could whip up a latte in your sleep. He waited without saying anything, but you could feel him watching. The music was too quiet to be a distraction and you were incredibly aware that it was just the two of you which was stupid because the counter practically put you in a different realm of reality, but-
You forced your thoughts to focus on something else, considering the name he’d given you. It was oddly unassuming, at least by the standards of other names he’d given you. You couldn’t recognize it as anything in particular, either. It was Russian. Or Japanese. It being the name of a Russian thief probably made the most sense contextually, but you were drawing a blank as to the specific reference.
“I can’t figure it out,” you admitted when you finished the drink and set it on the counter between you, “who are you impersonating today?”
Arsène blinked, a second of confusion passing before his lips quirked up just a bit. “Myself, actually. I figured it was time to give you my name. You can call me Yuri. Yuri Leclerc, to be precise.”
That was the seventh thing you learned about him. Your stomach clenched. Out of nerves or excitement or happiness, you couldn’t tell. You smiled, feeling something giddy fuzz in your head. “Well... It... It’s good to meet you, Yuri Leclerc.” Yes, you liked that name. It was better than all the others, even better than Arsène.
“The pleasure is all mine,” Yuri replied smoothly.
“So… Is there a reason for this momentous revelation?” you asked.
Some of the mirth drained from his eyes as he slid two of the little coffee straws into the lid. “I’m leaving town.”
The disappointment that struck you was beyond silly, it wasn’t like you had any claim to him. You’d only just learned his name for God’s sake. “Did the police finally catch up with you?” you asked with a smile, trying to be playful.  
“Not yet,” Yuri said. “I prefer to leave before they catch wise.”
“I can never tell if you’re joking or not,” you told him, shaking your head. Sure, he was smiling, but, well, he smiled a lot. It was always unreadable. Amusement at something. Life itself, maybe.
“For your own sake,” Yuri said, his eyes fixing on yours, “you should always assume I am.”
Because that really cleared it up. You decided not to worry about it too much. “But you are leaving, that’s not pretend?”
Your heart sank all over again. Stupid, stupid. At least you finally knew his name.
That made for seven things you knew about him. That was enough, wasn’t it? Lucky sevens and all that? Without thinking too hard about it, you grabbed one of the embossed café cards and a pen, scribbling your name and phone number on the back. “If you’re ever back in town or whatever, this is me,” you told him, handing it over. “Or I dunno, I get vacation time. Maybe it’d be fun to take a trip to Almyra or Albinea or wherever gentleman thieves go until the heat dies down.”
Yuri looked at the card for a long moment before tucking it into his wallet, smiling. You felt like you could read this smile, it was warm and friendly. More real than his others, the emotion catching in his eyes, too. “I wonder, do you mean that?”
“Do you want me to?”
“I might.”
“Then I do,” you said with a shrug, like it was easy as that and unsure exactly how much of what you said was strictly playful. It didn’t really matter because it made Yuri smile all over again and the look was fond enough to make your heart seize.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said. “Until then, do you by any chance watch the news?”
“The news?” you asked, confused by the shift in topic. “Not if I can help it.”
“Well, you should, at least for a few days.”
“Am I gonna turn it on and see your mugshot slapped all over some headline about a bank robbery or something?” you asked, mostly joking. Mostly.
“What would have ever given you the impression that I’d do something like that?” he asked, feigning a tone of offense.
“Steal something?” you asked.
“Get caught,” he corrected.
You laughed, thinking of something clever to respond with. Unfortunately, the door opened to admit a trio of bundled up students, killing the moment before you spoke.
“That’s my cue,” Yuri said, picking up his coffee. “Don’t miss me too much until we meet again, yeah?”
“Only as long as you promise not to forget me,” you told him.
“It’s a deal, then.”
“Goodbye, Yuri.”
“Goodbye,” he echoed, his eyes meeting yours and voice gentle. Intimate, almost. Then he was gone, a flash of violet and white disappearing into the winter cold.
It was silly, but you kept an eye on the news like he told you, curious to know if anything would come of it or if you’d just fallen for a cute guy’s ruse. But, no, something did happen. A huge theft. The jewel exhibit that had been about to roll out downtown had been robbed. Such a feat was meant to be impossible, there was seemingly no way it could have been done. But it had and there were no suspects, no public leads. And, not surprisingly, no mugshots.
101 notes · View notes
tiny-slasher · 4 years
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Thomas Hewitt x Reader | Coffee Shop AU | Part 1
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I did the big cliche, but I really needed to get this idea out of my head. Also, there is not enough Thomas content, and that needs to be remedied, somehow, even if it’s my garbage writing. 
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You’d heard that the coffee at Luda Mae’s coffee shop was amazing, and that the desserts were even better. A colleague of yours swore by the tea cakes, having to buy one every week to curb his growing addiction to them. Word was that the place had a coffee brew that was so silky and smooth it could soften even the stalest of cookies.
You finally agreed to give it a try after your colleague brought it up for the billionth time, only to have your shoulders grabbed and your face pulled mere inches away from his. Staring you down with a gaze that could frighten even the strongest military men, he told you to never go on on Wednesdays. He did not elaborate further when you asked him why.
And yet, you found yourself gazing up at the old, painted sign of the coffee shop, soaking wet from the pouring rain, on Wednesday.
Cold from the wind, you dragged yourself up the steps and into the shop. Immediately, the warm scent of coffee beans and baked goods filled your nostrils, as a small bell jingled to announce your arrival. Soft country music filled the small space, dimly and warmly lit, creating a cozy and comfortable space.
The lack of customers was surprising to you, and you couldn’t help the feeling of apprehension settling in your gut. As cozy as the atmosphere was, there was a tension present that was very out of place. Walking forward, mindful to wipe your dripping shoes off on the mat, you glanced towards the front of the shop.
“Hello?” You asked softly, seeing no one at the counter.
A couple of loud clinks in a back room reached your ears, and then several thudding footsteps. A door behind the counter swung open, and your eyes widened. The man who walked out was enormous, barely fitting through the door frame, and his lower face was obscured by a crudely sewn leather mask. His hair was a bit of a mess, pulled back into a sloppy ponytail and partially falling around his face. There were coffee stains all over his shirt and apron, staining parts of the green fabric a dull brown.
He paused upon seeing you, blue eyes widening ever so slightly as though shocked to see you at all, but then he simply wiped his hands off on his apron and walked up to the counter. When he stood there and said nothing, you assumed he was waiting for you to order.
“U-uh...I’ll just have a plain coffee...m-medium.”
The man nodded once and then went to work, grabbing a cup and filling it with coffee. He spilled coffee on his hand almost immediately, wiping it off with a sharp intake of breath. He glanced back at you, as if waiting for you to judge him, but you just gave him an encouraging smile. Blinking, he turned back to his work, glancing back every now and then.
You took the opportunity to admire the muscles of his back while he was turned, wondering how much strength was hiding beneath them. His hair looked so thick and soft, and your fingers itched to run through it. You wondered why he wore the mask. Was it for health reasons, or was it a style choice?
You jumped when you realized he was staring at you, gaze pointed as if he’d asked a question. Your face grew hot as you tried to stop feeling so flustered.
“S-sorry, what?”
He pointed to the sign above him, directly at the types of milk they offered.
“Oh, just regular, please. With sugar too.”
The man crouched down and grabbed a pitcher of milk, glancing back at you once with a strange look in his blue eyes. He finished it up with a couple of teaspoons of sugar, stirring it up like he’d done it hundreds of times before, and then popped a lid on it. Turning around, he placed the coffee cup on the counter in front of you, seemingly small in his large hands, and pulled up the price on the cash register.
You swallowed, noting your height difference now that he was a bit closer, and your heart skipped a beat when he looked down at you.
Blinking twice you laughed nervously, “Right, I guess I need to pay you, don’t I?”
He didn’t answer, but did tilt his head curiously. His gaze didn’t leave you as you fumbled around for some change.
He took your money in an iron grip, counting it and then pulling out some change. His fingers brushed your palm as he dropped some dimes and a nickel, and you couldn’t help the way your breath hitched. Hearing it, he snatched his hand back as if burned, and stared at you with wide eyes.
“T-Thank you!” You stammered out, your face burning as you practically ran out of the shop.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you bragged about the delicious coffee you’d snagged at Luda Mae’s to your colleagues, you’d accidentally let it slip that you’d gone on a Wednesday. Immediately, you were inundated with strange questions, like “did you see him?” or “Isn’t he scary?”. Not long after, they began talking about the rumors they’d heard about him. You learned that apparently this man was not well-accepted.
“He’s clearly unstable. His arms have scars all over them.”
“Someone told me they saw him beating up a guy in the alley behind the shop.”
“I heard that the mask he wears is made out of human skin.”
The last one, in your opinion, was the most ridiculous, and nothing they said stopped you from fantasizing about him and the way he’d towered over you - his blue eyes burning into yours. You couldn’t understand why everyone was so afraid of him - the mere idea of him was addicting.
You lasted a day before showing back up on the front step of Luda Mae’s Coffee Shop.
When you crossed the threshold, the atmosphere of the shop was so different you nearly had whiplash. It was bustling with customers, some waiting in line and others sitting at tables.
There was a middle aged woman pouring coffee into cups, and a middle aged man working at the register.
“Mama! One large coffee and a slice of lemon cake!”
“There ain’t no need to yell, Charlie, for heaven’s sake!”
You looked around the place with intent, disappointed when you couldn’t find the man from Wednesday. You were so focused on your disappointment that you jumped when the man at the register snapped his fingers in your face.
“Hello? Anyone home?” He practically spat in your face. “I ain’t got all day!”
“Oh, gosh I’m sorry! I u-uh...”
The man raised an eyebrow and made a show of leaning on his elbows, unimpressed.
“...Um, I’ll just have a regular coffee, thanks. With regular milk and sugar. Medium.”
“You get that, mama?” the man yelled back to the woman behind him while he rang up the bill.
“I’m right behind you! Quit yellin’ in my ear!”
You waited slightly off to the side to let other customers order, and awkwardly glanced around. There was no sign of the man anywhere, and you inwardly pouted.
“Here ya are. One regular coffee.” The woman handed the cup to you with a quick smile.
“Thank you! Oh...um, can I ask you something?”
“We’re not lookin’ to hire.”
“No, no, I was just wondering...when does that man work? The one with the mask?”
The woman’s eyes narrowed and the man up front glanced in your direction. They were the only two staring, and yet you felt like the entire shop had its eyes on you. You had a feeling that your next words should be chosen very carefully.
You played with the lid on the cup and shifted on your feet, “I j-just...”
You cut yourself off when the door behind the counter opened, and the man in question walked through. Everyone in the shop froze and turned to look at him - some more discreetly than others. You were no exception, though your reasons were likely much different than theirs. Some of the customers finished their coffee and scurried out, as if terrified of him.
No wonder he’d been so surprised to see you order, the other day, if this was the reaction he usually received.
The man carried a large box in his hands, probably with coffee grounds and other supplies.
“Oh, just set that over here, Thomas,” the woman said, gesturing under the counter.
Thomas did as he was told, catching your gaze as he stood. His eyes widened a bit, recognizing you, and you gave him a small smile. He swallowed and froze in his tracks, eyes skirting over you, when the man at the front yelled at him.
“Tommy! We need more cups up here!”
Thomas huffed and went back into the room he came from, glancing at you one last time before disappearing. You watched him go with a fuzzy feeling in your tummy.
“It’s rude to stare.”
You turned to the woman, who was watching you suspiciously.
“Sorry, he’s just...kind of handsome, isn’t he?”
Both she and the man up front did a double-take and gawked at you. The woman recovered first and gave you a kind smile.
“Yes, he is,” she agreed, her tone wistful. “I’ve always thought so.”
You cleared your throat when the two of them didn’t stop staring at you, and thanked them for the coffee before turning to leave.
“He works up front on Wednesdays and Thursday nights!”
You heard the grin of the man at the counter’s voice before you saw it, taking note of the mischievous glint in his eyes. You nodded to him bashfully, acknowledging his statement. As you walked out of the door you heard him yell “Hey Tommy! You’ve got a fan!” and couldn’t help the smile from spreading on your face.
They weren’t surprised when you showed up again that next Wednesday, with a wide grin and a happy gleam in your eyes when you saw Thomas standing there.
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bibliosophist · 3 years
Soft as Bread, Sweet as Honey, Chapter... Idk, 4?
Hi folx! I guess there is more to this story. I’m working on what will be chapter 4 on here, and chapter 2 on AO3. You can read it below the break if you want to, or you can hop on over there and just read the whole thing properly. Beelzebub x Female Reader
Cooking duty is one of the chores at the House of Lamentation that you mind the least. You’ll certainly take it over cleaning the common room. It never ceases to amaze you how much of a mess fully grown men- demons- whatever- can make. Like all chores in the house, everyone takes turns cooking. Unlike other chores, people usually double up on cooking duty on account of there being so many mouths to feed-- especially when one of those mouths belongs to Beelzebub. Your cooking partner this semester is Levi, and though he does more talking than cooking, you’re generally fine with that. His constant stream of anime and game related chatter puts you at ease as you cook.
It had taken some time for you to get familiar with some of the more exotic Devildom ingredients, but you had found many that bore a close resemblance to food you were familiar with from the human world, and whatever you were unfamiliar with you were pretty good at researching on your DDD. You’d found a few Devildom dishes that you were comfortable cooking, but most often you ended up making food inspired by things you’d loved eating in the human world. Tonight you have decided to make okonomiyaki, a personal favourite. It would be easy enough to prepare a large quantity of, and allowed for enough customization of toppings that everyone would end up happy. Plus, you figured, Levi probably wouldn’t mind actually helping-- his fondness for everything Japanese outweighing his innate laziness.
When you enter the spacious kitchen, Levi is nowhere in sight. No matter, you think. You’ll start without him. You busy yourself washing vegetables and preparing a large pan of Covetous Cod fillets to bake. The mild fish, you think, will pair well with the tangy sauce.
You’ve almost finished peeling a pile of yams when you hear a voice behind you.
“Uh, hi.”
That is most certainly not Levi’s voice. Slowly you turn around, meeting Beel’s eyes from where he stands, large frame taking up most of the doorway.
“Hi,” you say back, your stomach fluttering.
This is the first time you’ve been alone together since the incident in the alleyway a few days ago. Between your project with Sibyl and his brothers’ constant presence, you haven’t been able to say two words to each other in private, and thanks to another one of Mammon’s pranks backfiring, the brothers’ texting privileges have once again been temporarily revoked. You briefly considered texting him anyway, but shuddered at the thought of Lucifer finding out and reading your messages. Though you haven’t had any alone time, it hasn’t stopped him from holding your hand under the table when nobody's looking, or smiling at you in the halls.
“Sorry I’m a little late.” A rosy tinge crept into his cheeks. “I got Levi to switch with me, but, uh, I got hungry on the way home and stopped for a few doughnuts.”
You can feel a grin spreading over your face. “You got Levi to switch. How did you manage that?”
“It wasn’t hard. He doesn’t like making anything more complicated than instant noodles.”
You laugh, running the peeler over the yam you’re holding. “So I’ve come to realize. But why did you ask him in the first place? Isn’t this just more work for you? Are you that tired of Ruri-chan Ramen?”
“Instant ramen is good, but I like variety in my meals. I get a little bit bored with just one flavor. Not,” he says, panic on his face, “that your cooking is boring. I like your cooking very much...” he trails off, cheeks on fire.
Your grin widens and you turn back to your task, beginning to grate the yam into fine strips. “I agree. It’s better when there are different, complimenting flavours.” If he doesn’t have a problem with your cooking, could he have come here just to see you? Your heart beats a little bit faster.
“Are you okay with my plan of making okonomiyaki? It’s a human world dish, but it’s really versatile. I think it will work well with the ingredients we have here.”
“Ah, yeah, I’ve had that before when I visited up there,” he says, pointing at the ceiling.
“Is it really “up” from here? Like, if I sprouted wings and flew straight up, would I get to the human world eventually?”
“I’m not sure,” he laughs, “I don’t know if anyone has ever tried getting there without using a portal.”
“Maybe that’s for the best,” you say, gathering the grated yam into a bowl and beginning to thinly slice cabbage. “The cod is already baking. It should be done in a few minutes. Do you want to start on the batter for the pancakes?”
He nods, coming to stand beside you at the counter. “I can do that. Can you tell me how?”
“I actually wrote the instructions out over here,” you say, gesturing to a piece of paper.
“So...” you trail off, keenly aware of how close he’s standing to you. “What kinds of things do you like cooking?”
“Oh, um. I don’t think anybody has ever asked me that before. Usually they only ask me what I want to eat,” he says. When you glance over at him, he’s got a finger in his mouth. You suspect he’s just dipped it in the flour. You can’t help the smile that pulls at your lips again, or the memory of how his skin tasted. Thankfully you don’t think he’s noticed you peering at him, because he keeps talking. “I guess I like grilling best. It’s pretty quick, and you get to watch the whole thing. It’s not like baking. That’s frustrating.”
“I don’t have the patience for baking either,” you say, resting your hip against the island as you watch Beel begin to crack eggs into his bowl. “One wrong measurement and the whole thing is ruined. Oh, hang on, you’ve got an eggshell in your batter.” You reach over, plucking the tiny fragment of shell out and wiping it on a teatowel.
“Sorry,” he mumbles.
“It’s completely fine, it happens. That looks good, now just stir it all together.”
“Is it supposed to be kind of... runny?”
“Sure,” you say, carrying over the bowls of vegetables, “if it’s too thick, it won’t cook through properly. Here,” you reach into the bowl, transferring handfuls of cabbage and yam into the batter. “Make sure the vegetables get well coated. I’m going to take the fish out.”
“Thank you for letting me help,” he says.
“What do you mean?” you ask, sliding protective mitts over your hands before opening the oven. It smells incredible, and your stomach rumbles. Normally you’d cut off a big chunk and snack on it while you finished cooking-- Levi had usually wandered off by this point in the process-- but you’re acutely aware that it’s not Levi standing behind you.
“Well, usually my cooking partner is Lucifer. He likes things the way he likes them. And...” he trails off, bringing the batter over to the stove. He looks a little dazed, eyes locked on the pan of cod. “That smells incredible.”
“Thanks. I hope it tastes as good as it smells. Wait- no!” Your warning comes too late, he’s already reached out to pinch off a corner of the flakey flesh. He hisses in pain, pulling his fingers back, shaking them vigorously.
“That’s another reason he doesn’t like me in the kitchen with him,” he says bashfully.
“Come here,” you say, taking his other hand and leading him across the room to the faucet. You turn the cold tap on and test it with your own hand before taking his injured one and running it under the chilly water. “Is that better?”
“Yeah, thanks,” he mumbles, cheeks pinker than his fingers. “I have a hard time controlling myself. It’s like I know better, but I forget when there’s food around.”
You chuckle, rotating his hand under the stream. “I get that. Normally I snack while I cook. I don’t like waiting either. Then I end up eating way more than I should.”
He nods along with your words. “I do the same thing. There’s this one soup that Belphie really loves, but every time I try to make it for him, I end up eating it all before it’s ready and have to start all over again.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” you say, turning the tap off. You gently dab his hand dry with a clean teatowel. “I’m going to go get the first aid kit from my bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
“No, wait,” he says, catching your arm as you turn away from him. “Stay here with me.”
“But your fingers-”
“Already feel much better,” he says, drawing you back to him. Now his eyes are glazed with something other than hunger. He cuts off your protest with a kiss. His lips are so soft and warm; you melt right into him. When your lips move against his he scoops you up in his arms, sitting you on the counter, bringing your face level with his. “I missed you,” he whispers, pulling back to kiss your nose.
“I missed you too,” you whisper back, resting one leg on either side of his hips. You wrap your arms around his neck and your mouth back to his. His hands find your waist and he holds you tight as your tongues explore each other’s mouths. You hadn’t realized how badly you’d wanted to touch him these past few days, and now that you are you can’t get enough. Your hands find their way under the collar of his jacket, fingers running over his broad shoulders. You’re in the process of sliding his jacket down his arms when a familiar voice cuts through your haze.
“- getting hungry, do you need any help in- oh.” Breaking apart, you look to the source of the interruption to find Satan standing in the doorway, one hand on his hip and a smirk on his face. “So dinner will be quite late, then.” he says.
“Beel burned his finger,” you blurt.
“Uh-huh,” Satan nods. “And to sooth it he had to stick his tongue down your thro-”
“Get out,” Beel yells, seizing a nearby piece of fruit and throwing it in his brother’s general direction.
Satan steps to the side, smoothly avoiding it. He chuckles. “I’ll tell the others dinner will be a bit late.”
Face absolutely on fire, you hop off of the counter and cross back to the stove. “I’ll just heat up some oil,” you say.
Beel follows after a moment, resting his hands on your hips as you begin cooking the pancakes. “Can we finish that kiss after dinner?” he asks
It takes all your willpower to continue spooning batter in the pan. You don’t trust your voice, so you just nod.
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letswritebangtan · 4 years
Let’s Get Tattoos Together
pairing: tattooartist!Jungkook x female!reader
prompt: Jungkook dreamed of opening his own tattoo parlour with his hyung, Yoongi, and when he finally did, you show up on his doorstep asking for a job and he’s not happy to give it to you. Lord knows how you two end up having sex in his studio. :)
warnings: mature content! 18+ read at your own risk. 
ask box: open
You know those moments where you expect too much and then feel more pissed than let down because damn they fucked up bad? That moment was now. Jungkook and Yoongi stared up at the neon signboard in utter disgust and shame just thinking about how someone could screw up this bad. 
“It’s not even black.” Jungkook muttered in disbelief. 
“It’s neon.” Yoongi confirmed. 
“They didn’t even get the spelling right.” Jungkook continued. 
Yoongi huffed “. . . What’s ‘BONKED’ supposed to read as?”
“Sounds like a strip club.”
“Yup.” Yoongi said popping the ‘p’.
“We can’t afford a new one, hyung.” Jungkook whined. 
“You don’t think I know that?” Yoongi said gruffly. 
He was beyond irritated at this moment. Both him and Jungkook had poured their entire life savings into opening this tattoo parlor and he was one hundred percent sure that absolutely no one was ever going to walk into a painful neon green store called BONKED to get a tattoo or to get anything for that matter. 
“We’ll just have to make do.” 
“I feel like I’m gonna barf.” Jungkook mumbled.
“Well your barf on this building won’t make it look any worse.”
The weeks went by and the boys worked hard to start up this little business of theirs. Jungkook spent hours walking around handing out flyers to people to let them know that what they were standing in front of was indeed a tattoo parlor and not some front for a shady business. Meanwhile, Yoongi sat indoors and worked on how he could at least make the inside of the store look decent. It was a tough few months for them but they kept going. A few customers popped in once in a while and it was mostly Yoongi who worked on them because between him and Jungkook, he was more experienced and they wanted to leave a good first impression on their customers. 
Jungkook spent his after-hours in the store working on sketches and practicing on himself. He was running out of space on his right arm so it was time for him to start thinking of where to go next. Even though Yoongi was more experienced, Jungkook was incredibly talented in his field. His attention to detail and the focus he had when working on a piece was flawless. Jungkook didn’t tattoo often, but when he did, his work always turned out to be perfect.
A few months into the business was when things started to get a lot more rocky. 
“Did you clear out the register yesterday?” Yoongi asked. 
“Yeah, they’re in the safe.”
“We need to start doing our accounts, Jungkook-ah. Let’s see if we have anything we can use to change this place up a little.”
Hours and hours into doing their accounts the two fell face-flat onto their desks.
“We have nothing. Zero.” Jungkook mumbled. 
“Actually, it’s negative. We’re in a deficit.” 
The two of them groaned and flipped through more receipts and bills in hopes of some good news but they couldn’t do it. 
“I guess I’ll grab some dinner.” Jungkook said as he stood up and cleared the table. 
“Make it quick, I’m starving.”
“Okay, grandpa.” Jungkook mocked and Yoongi sent him a glare, making the youngest snicker. 
The bell chimed and their attention moved immediately to the door. They watched you in surprise as you entered the store around 5 minutes before closing time. Looking around, you got slightly startled when you saw two guys gawking at you, but you cleared your throat and stepped forward slightly. 
“Uh hi, you guys aren’t closed yet are you?” 
There was a small silence for a while. Jungkook couldn’t find it in himself to speak so Yoongi took over. 
“We aren’t, but if you’re looking to get a job done you’ll have to come back tomorrow.” 
“Oh,” you smiled nervously, “Actually I’m not here for any of that. I noticed that you guys are relatively new in the area and I was wondering if you needed any help around here?” 
Yoongi looked confused, “As in, you’re looking for a job?”
You nodded. 
Jungkook spoke up, “As a tattoo artist?” he said skeptically. His tone sounded offended and it struck you as quite rude. 
You frowned at him, “No actually, not as a tattoo artist but as anything else.”
“Sorry, we don’t need anybody.” Jungkook dismissed you gruffly. 
God, why was he being so rude? 
“Really? I couldn’t help but notice that you guys aren’t doing too well here.” you spoke back.
Jungkook eyed you up and down. “Excuse me? What makes you say that? We’re doing great and business is booming. Isn’t that right, hyung?” he looked at the older man. 
“Um, well it hasn’t-”
“See? Just fine.” Jungkook retorted. 
“That’s a lie. I can tell if businesses are doing well or if they aren’t.” you crossed your arms smirking. 
“Can you now? What makes you think ours isn’t?” Jungkook scoffed. 
“Well for starters, I don’t see anybody in here-”
“We’re about to close.” Jungkook defended. 
“I didn’t finish.” you said raising your eyebrows. “I don’t see anybody in here ever.”
Jungkook scowled, he was annoyed at the audacity of this random stranger to be entering his store and criticising his business. 
“Secondly, no one around here knows what this store does. I spoke with the lady from the bakery across the street and she claimed that this was some kind of gay bar?”
Yoongi and Jungkook looked perplexed and their expressions had you holding in your laughter. 
“It wasn’t until my friend came in the other day for a tat, that he told me this place was actually just another tattoo parlor.”
“Jesus Christ.” Yoongi huffed. 
“Oh and also, the sign-”
“Don’t even.” Jungkook huffed and looked away. 
You felt proud of yourself, but at the same time looking at these young, passionate boys’ faces you knew they must have put in a shit ton of effort to get this place up and running, and you had no right to just come in here and point out their flaws like that. What they needed was a solution. 
“With all that being said,” you paused momentarily. “I can help you guys fix it.”
“I told you that we don’t need-”
“Jungkook, shut up for a moment will you? Go on.” Yoongi urged you. 
“I majored in Accounts and Finance, I also have knowledge and experience on marketing, plus I’ve got a decent eye for things and that being said, that signboard has got to go.” 
“Accounts? Wait, take a look at these.” Yoongi called you over to the table and Jungkook just watched in disbelief. The betrayal he felt from his hyung was unbelievable. 
You stood over the table which looked like a mess, by the way. Papers strewn everywhere, random documents, some cash pile in the corner and a half-full mug of coffee. 
“Sorry, it’s a little gross.” Yoongi apologised. 
You chuckled, “It’s no big deal. Could I have a look at those receipts?” 
The two guys watched you as you silently picked up different sheets of paper and scanned it thoroughly, mumbling numbers to yourself in the process. Well, these guys weren’t doing too bad but you knew they could do better. You glanced at the pile of cash at the corner of the desk and looked over to Yoongi.
“What’s that?”
“Hyung, she’s after our money.” Jungkook said quickly.
You glared at him and he shot you one back. Why was he out to get you? Despite his annoying traits, you couldn’t deny the fact that he was extremely good-looking. Well, the both of them were. But there was something about Jungkook that had you drooling in that small secret compartment of your head. He was well-built, his pecs pushing out through his t-shirt, his sleeves clinging to his biceps and his defined collarbones on full view. His hair was like a black mop, it looked soft and silky and it framed his face nicely. He had a really cute nose and the softest looking eyes but his expression was harsh towards you and you had no idea why. 
“It’s what we owe. We’re running in a bit of a loss right now.” Yoongi said ignoring Jungkook. 
“A loss?” you asked confused. “That shouldn’t be right, look.” you moved to sit next to Yoongi and showed him the contents on the paper. After explaining to him in detail you moved the pile of cash from the end of the table towards them. 
“This is all yours, you guys. You’ve been looking at it wrong. This shop isn’t doing too bad, but it isn’t great either. If this keeps up, you’ll probably start making losses in the next 3 months or so. But you might not, if you’ll let me help.” you persuaded.  
“And I’m not here to steal your money.” you said pointedly to Jungkook. “In fact, I won’t ask for anything for the first few months. When I’ve proven that I’ve improved this store and when you can afford it, you can pay me then. What do you guys say?”
Yoongi looked convinced, and he turned to the youngest to ask for his approval. 
“Looks like we need her after all, Jungkook.” 
Jungkook squinted his eyes at you and took a deep breath, letting out a loud huff. “Fine, so be it.” he said grumpily. 
You beamed and thanked them, Yoongi even shook hands with you. 
“Hold on, you didn’t even tell us your name.” Yoongi asked. 
“Oh shit, right. I’m sorry that was rude of me, I’m y/n.” you apologised. 
“I’m Min Yoongi, and this is Jeon Jungkook. We’ve been friends since kindergarten, so we’re pretty close. It’s been a dream of ours to open this place.” Yoongi said smiling softly. 
“That’s amazing, you guys should be proud that you’ve gotten here.” you said genuinely. 
Jungkook glanced at you then and you made eye contact with him. He awkwardly picked up his car keys and phone whilst looking away from you. 
“I’ll go grab dinner before they close.” he spoke to Yoongi. 
“Oh no, did I hold you guys back? I’m sorry, you should really have your dinner. I’ll leave now.” you stood up. 
“That’s alright, oh and Jungkook will walk you to your car, won’t you Jungkook?” Yoongi asked smirking. 
Jungkook looked startled and had that same look of betrayal on his face, this time there was a shade of pink. 
“What? But she can- ugh fine.” Jungkook grumbled. “Hurry up.” he snapped at you and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“You’ll have to excuse him, don’t take it personally.” Yoongi said to you once Jungkook was outside. 
“Well that’s gonna be tough.” you replied playfully. “See you tomorrow! Good night.” you said cheerily and followed Jungkook outside. 
Your first week at the job went by pretty quickly. Yoongi showed you around so you’d get used to the place. He showed you to your working space which wasn’t the best but it was the best that he could afford. There was that desk you used when you first entered, and there were some cute little plants on the table. They even gave you new pens, pencils and a calculator. There was a desk fan attached to your table and its wires were heavily tangled everywhere but it was all they had. It was obvious that they did their best to welcome you, and you felt touched about it. 
Most of your time was spent doing the accounts of course, and you were really efficient with them. It was a really relaxed work environment, sometimes Yoongi showed up with coffee or some snacks which you appreciated. Jungkook would ask to borrow a pencil from time to time, and as much as you were mad at him you couldn’t say no because they probably gave you everything they had to make a good first impression and the thought that they couldn’t afford to buy more pencils saddened you. During your breaks you’d lounge around and maybe check up on Jungkook to see what he was drawing. Whenever you’d ask him he’d always reply with an annoyed grunt or he’ll shoo you away. 
One day, you really tried to find that goodness in your heart to do something nice for Jungkook so that maybe he wouldn’t be so pissy towards you, so you bought him a carton of banana milk and a pack of oreos. When you handed it to him, he looked at you so weirdly and you became so uncomfortable that you never wanted to be in situations with him like that ever again. So the acts of kindness stopped. There was also another thing you made yourself be in charge of: weekly meetings. Yoongi always told you that you didn’t have to make it so official since it was just the three of you working just like how three friends worked on a group project but you insisted. 
“Do I really have to write all this down?” Jungkook complained. 
“Aren’t you secretary?” you scolded. 
“Well yeah, but I didn’t have a choice.”
“So you better do your job before I fire you.”
Jungkook gaped at you and turned to Yoongi. “Hyung are you hearing this?!”
“Don’t make her fire you, Jungkook.”  
It was about 10 weeks later and you were close to hitting the target set for the store. It was important that you proved to them that you were good at your job and that you deserved a place here. You didn’t want to leave, because it was really nice working with them. You felt secure and they were like your friends, or at least Yoongi was. That night, you stayed after closing time to continue working on statements. Something just wasn’t working, and you had to figure out what. After hours of staring at the same numbers over and over again you felt like you needed a break. Just then, Jungkook entered the corner of your workspace. 
“You’re still here?” he asked surprised. 
You nodded, “Well I’m not finished so yes. I don’t think I’m leaving anytime soon.”
“Well don’t stay up too late.” 
Surprised, you looked up at him so fast that you startled him slightly. 
“That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” you laughed softly as you stretched your body in your chair. 
He scoffed, “I only said that because I’m the one who has to close up after you so if you don’t leave neither can I.”
“Thanks for ruining the moment.”
“My pleasure.” he replied with a smug smile. 
Rolling your eyes, you stood up from your chair and grabbed your phone and purse. “I’m going to get some coffee, want anything?” you asked. 
“Coffee at 10 p.m.?” he asked while judging you. 
“Well, I guess that’s a no.” you mumbled and headed to the door. 
“Wait.” he called out. Turning around abruptly you didn’t expect him to be that close behind you that you ended up crashing into his chest. You stumbled but he caught you by your shoulders to steady you. He was looking right at you and this was physically the closest the two of you had ever been. 
“Easy there, if you’re hurt Yoongi will literally rip me apart.” he mumbled. 
Trying to ignore the redness in your cheeks you smiled awkwardly and stood upright as Jungkook let go of you. “I don’t blame him.” you shrugged and laughed when you saw Jungkook’s annoyed expression. 
“Wait, I forgot why we ended up here. What was it you asked me?” you said.
“Right, I was uh- just you know thinking of maybe asking if you’d like me to drive you...to the coffee shop...” he said nervously. 
“Wow.” was all that you replied, and Jungkook looked even more embarrassed. 
“Forget it.” he said moving away. 
“No! Sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-just, yeah. Drive me, I’d like you to drive me there, please?” you asked quickly.
Surprised by your sudden reaction he felt his heart relax a little when you didn’t reject his offer. 
“Okay cool.” he said clearing his throat awkwardly. 
It was really quiet in the car, and also really awkward. There was so much tension with that embarrassing encounter the two of you had just five minutes ago. You tried to take your mind off it, and your thoughts aimlessly wandered to how handsome Jungkook looked while he was driving. His hair covered his eyes a little, and you could see all the piercings on his left ear. That’s hot, you thought to yourself. His tattoos on his right arm were visible as he gripped the wheel with that hand and at this point you were shamelessly staring at him. 
“Enjoying the view?”
You hummed, and then snapped out of your daydreaming only to see Jungkook chuckling at you. 
“I mean, no! I was just- I was looking out the window and I wasn’t really looking anyway I was thinking and your biceps were distracting so I-wait! No no no, shit what’s wrong with me?” you freaked. 
Jungkook only laughed even more at this and then turned to look at you. 
“Does y/n have a crush?” he teased.
You looked at him with a deadpanned expression, “Are you seriously teasing me about a guy when that guy is you?”
“So you are crushing on me. Interesting...”
“Oh my god, shut up! I am absolutely not, in no way attracted to you.”
“Ouch.” he winced playfully. 
“You heard me.” you grumbled as you turned to look the other way so he couldn’t see the blush on your cheeks. You thanked god that it was dark and he couldn’t see you red all over. 
He snickered and pulled up in front of the coffee shop. 
“I’ll wait here, could you grab something for me too? Surely you’d do anything for me since you know, you like me and all...” he continued to tease. 
You grabbed your phone and purse and stormed out of the car. “I ain’t getting shit for you, asshole!” you yelled as you walked away which had Jungkook dying of laughter since literally everyone around was staring at you. 
Back at the store, you sipped on your coffee as you worked out more numbers. Jungkook sat on the beanbag across from you sketching by himself. Yoongi had already left a while ago so it was just the two of you. 
As you were writing something down Jungkook spoke up. 
“How’d you know that this was my usual?” he asked holding up the coffee cup. 
You looked up from the paper and looked back down, pushing your work glasses up your nose. “One time, Yoongi accidentally handed me your drink instead of mine and when I took a sip it tasted like garbage so followed my intuition and I ordered the worst thing in there.” you said plainly. 
“My drink is not garbage.” Jungkook retorted. 
“Yes it is, it’s not even coffee. It’s all milk and sugar.”
“Well I’m a milk and sugar person, what’s wrong with that?”
“What’s wrong is your offending the real coffee-drinkers out there.”
“There’s nothing wrong with adding milk and sugar to your drinks.” Jungkook whined and you couldn’t help but to smile at him being effortlessly cute. 
“Okay, whatever you say.” 
But Jungkook wasn’t too happy with that response. “Say it like you mean it.” he ordered. 
“Excuse me what?” you looked at him confused. 
“Say that there’s nothing wrong with my drink.” he demanded.
You scoffed, “What are you, eight?”
“Well if you’re not gonna say it...” he shrugged. 
You ignored him and went back to work. A few seconds later you nearly had a heart attack because Jungkook was pouring some of his coffee into yours. 
“What the hell!” you yelled and tried to grab the cup from him and both your coffee’s ended up spilling all over the accounts sheets. 
You just stood there in shock and disappointment as you stared at the soaking wet paper that could not be saved. You pinched the bridge of your nose and took in a sharp breath. “Jungkook.” you muttered lowly.
The poor boy was also in shock, knowing he fucked up badly and now he was going to have to pay for it. 
“I- it was an accident I didn’t intend to-”
“Why are you such a brat?! You couldn’t just leave it could you?! I spend day after day rotting my ass off here trying to crunch these numbers and when I’m so close to finding something you had to shove your annoying ass into my work-do you know how much time has been wasted now that all these are gone and Yoongi is going to kill me if I don’t get this done in time even though it was your fault! And no, I will never admit that there’s anything fine with your drink, you or your stupid!-mmpfh”
It came to you as a shock when you realised you had a pair of lips pressed against yours. They were soft and they molded against yours perfectly making you weak in the knees. A hand cupped your face and brought you closer, your waist pressing against the table in front of you. Your hands rested below you on the desk as Jungkook kissed you, capturing your lips with his over and over again until you pulled away breathless. You couldn’t think with your mind in a haze. Jungkook looked at you in silence, waiting for you to say something, but all you could do was fall back to the chair behind you. 
“y/n?” Jungkook said concernedly. 
You cleared your throat and stood up quickly again. “I-I’ll get the mop and bucket.” you said softly before running out of there into the storage closet and shutting the door behind you. 
You cursed yourself for reacting so stupidly. Jungkook must think that you hate him, but obviously you don’t. You really, really, like him, especially after having the feeling of his lips on yours - oh god, you fucked up. You remembered his scared and hurt expression when you scurried away like that. The worst part was that you had to go back out there. When you returned with the mop and bucket, Jungkook was gone, but so was the mess. He had cleaned up all by himself, wait, how long were you in there? You sighed and saw that he had left the store key for you to lock up, which means he had probably gone home. You had no idea how it had escalated to arguing about coffee, to this. But you knew that you’d rather be buried alive than to ever have to face Jungkook again. 
Yoongi had asked if you could pick up breakfast that morning since both him and Jungkook had an appointment and of course, you agreed. Business was picking up recently because let’s face it, you’re great at this job. Even though you lost those numbers since they got soaked in coffee, you managed to work your way around it and pulled up some income statements and cash book entries which clearly showed how well the store was profiting. You and Jungkook have not spoken since the incident and that was more than a week ago, and it was killing you. You wanted to talk to him and explain yourself but you were too scared. Plus he has been extra mean to you ever since, which made you not want to apologise even more. The only time he ever said something to you was when you were in the way and he practically snapped at you to move. That’s gotta hurt. 
Most of the time you’ve been coming up with ways to avoid him, but today was not that day since you had to hand him his breakfast. You entered the main room where Yoongi was working and dropped his off. He thanked you and immediately went back to work. You were kinda disappointed, you had hoped Yoongi would give Jungkook’s breakfast to him but that was unrealistic so you guessed that now you would have to face a painful and awkward situation. After taking a deep breath you knocked on the door. You heard a muffled ‘come in’ and you stepped into the room. To say you felt awkward was an understatement. You wanted nothing more to crawl into a hole and die. 
There was a female customer on the tattoo chair with the top half of her body completely bare and sitting in only her panties. Jungkook was leaned over her tattooing her breast and stopped to look at you. There was a warmth rising to your face as you just stood there and stared at them for a moment. 
“What do you want?” Jungkook asked annoyed. 
That snapped you out of your thoughts as you held up the bag shakily. “U-uh breakfast!” you might have said a little to loudly and then cursed yourself for it. 
“I-I’ll just leave it here.” you mumbled quickly and put the bag of food down on the desk. 
“Would you like anything?” you heard Jungkook ask the lady. 
She giggled, “If you don’t mind sharing.”
Your face twinged in disgust, luckily you had your back facing them. 
“Sure.” Jungkook replied shortly. 
“Could you go a little higher, like over here?” you heard the lady ask and when you turned around to leave you saw her guiding Jungkook’s hand across her bare body and something inside you just made you feel so hurt and so shitty. 
Jungkook’s eyes locked with yours. You immediately looked away and left the room. You couldn’t describe how you felt. This was Jungkook’s job, it was what he was passionate about, but you couldn’t stand to see people take advantage of that. He had just kissed you so passionately a week ago and of all days it was today that you had to bring him breakfast, and it was today that he had to have an appointment for a fucking breast tattoo. You groaned and muttered a string of curses as you walked back to your desk to eat your own breakfast. You chomped down on your egg McMuffin and got to work, hoping it would distract you from what you just saw. 
An hour later Jungkook emerged from his room with the lady and readied her bill. The cash register was just opposite from where you sat so you watched them closely. Jungkook smiled and thanked the lady and obviously she enjoyed that attention but you were relieved when she finally  left. Jungkook turned around to walk back into the room when he saw you watching him and his demeanor somersaulted upon looking at you. 
“What?” he snapped coldly and you jumped in your seat a little. 
You shook your head and looked back to the papers would were scribbling on, “N-Nothing.” you whispered. 
He went back to his studio as Yoongi came out of his to get more plastic wrap. 
“What’s up with you two?” he asked concerned. 
“It’s complicated.” you huffed. 
“I’ve never seen him that mad before.” 
Hearing that was like having an arrow shot into your heart. You were right, he really did hate you. 
“I-I..” you said with your voice breaking. 
Yoongi looked alarmed, shit, what should someone do if a girl cries?
“It’s all my fault.” you sniffled as tiny droplets fell across your cheeks. 
“Okay, no, nope. None of that. You are not crying, missy, you hear me? You are strong, and bold, and confident, and you aren’t crying over some stupid guy. Got that?”
You sniffled and wiped your tears away quickly and straightened up. 
“That’s it. y/n you walked into this store on your first day like a boss and you criticised us left and right and you put this place into shape. You’re freaking superwoman, okay? You shouldn’t be crying.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s unprofessional.” you mumbled.
Yoongi sighed and sat down next to you. “Don’t be sorry. And we’re friends, there’s no need to be professional around me.”
“We are?” you asked smiling slightly through your watery eyes and puffy cheeks.
“Of course we are. And as your friend, I really suggest you talk to Jungkook.”
You shook your head, “But he’s scary.”
“Jungkook puts on a tough demeanor but he’s a kid at heart. He’d never do anything to harm you, you can count on that.” 
You nodded and smiled softly at him, “Thanks, Yoongi.”
“What are friends for, hm?”
Now you had a task at hand. Talk to Jungkook. You just had to talk to him. No big deal, it’s just talking. To Jungkook. Fuck, you had to talk to Jungkook. Slamming your pen down you ran your fingers through your hair and whined. It was about time you grew a pair but it wasn’t that easy. Time flew as you sat at your desk and pondered about what to say and when to say it. It drove you crazy. Until one fine moment, all your courage rose from the pit of your stomach and you stood up determined to talk to the guy. Just as you maneuvered around your table to go to him the bell chimed. Hot damn, who was that? 
This guy had a face sculpted by god himself. He was tall with brown hair, his wrists adorned with multiple strings and bracelets. His silver piercings shining under the store lights. The way he dressed really stood out to you, a beret on his head, sunglasses and patterned clothes, he really reminded you of a gucci model. He smiled at you as you walked over to him and you smiled back waving at him. 
“Hi, do you have an appointment?” you asked. 
He removed his sunglasses and wow he looked even better. 
“Oh no, I don’t. I’m actually here for the job? My name’s Kim Taehyung, I saw the sign outside.”
You had convinced Yoongi and Jungkook to finally place a “We are hiring” sign on the window because they could now afford it, plus, it would attract more attention. 
“Oh I see! So you’re a tattoo artist?” you asked interested. 
“Well, I’m hoping to be.” he said making the two of you giggle. 
“Well are you good?” you inquired. 
“Hmm, I would say I have a few things up my sleeve.”
You raised your eyebrows, “Really? Well let’s hope you impress us.”
“I hope that I shall.”
The two of you laughed together again, man you really liked this guy.
“What’s going on here?” you heard a deep voice. Jungkook appeared from his room and scowled at the two of you laughing together. 
“Oh, t-this is is Kim Taehyung, he’s here for the job.”
Taehyung reached out to shake Jungkook’s hand but he left him hanging. 
“Another case of y/n, hm? That’s not too good.”
You gaped at him and you were about to retort when Yoongi joined in. 
“Ah, you must be Taehyung.” Yoongi said smiling. 
Taehyung finally felt comfortable seeing a familiar face. “Yes, and you must be Yoongi hyung. Nice to finally meet you.”
“Pleasure’s mine. A friend of mine knew Taehyung in art school and he recommended him to me. Let’s see if you’re as good as Seokjin claims you are.” Yoongi said. 
Taehyung laughed, “I promise to do my best.”
So that led to the current situation. The three of you huddled around Taehyung watching him work on a piece. He had gotten one of his friends to demonstrate the piece for him who’s name you learned was Jung Hoseok who was also pretty cute. You were questioning the odds of you being surrounded by attractive men all at one time wondering if the universe had something planned for you. But you ignored it to watch Taehyung working. One thing you’ve noticed since working here is that every tattoo artist has their own unique style. They were all different, yet all so incredible. Taehyung had the same amount of focus and concentration Jungkook always had when he was working. Yoongi was always more relaxed, his talent flowing from him naturally. However, Taehyung could perfect designs neither Yoongi or Jungkook had ever done before. 
The buzzing stopped and Taehyung stepped back to review his work. Everyone was in awe, he did a really great job and Yoongi loved it so much that he asked Taehyung if he could post it on their shop’s Instagram. 
“That depends,” Taehyung said, “Are you going to hire me?”
Yoongi chuckled, “Need I say any more? y/n, what do you think?”
You smiled, “I think he’s great.”
“What do you know about tattoos?” Jungkook snapped. 
You looked at him angrily and he ignored your stare. 
“For a tattoo artist it’s surprising you don’t have any tattoos.” Jungkook questioned. 
Taehyung frowned, “Do I need to have them?”
Jungkook looked slightly dumbfounded with everyone staring at him. “No-I mean, it’s just surprising-”
“Yeah it is.” Taehyung ended the conversation abruptly. 
Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked away. 
“It’ll be great if you could start today. We have a customer coming in anytime now.” Yoongi said. 
“But he’s scheduled for me.” Jungkook spoke up unhappy.
“You can take the 3 o’ clock, Jungkook.” Yoongi dismissed. 
Jungkook licked his lips, obviously irritated by Yoongi’s decision. 
“I never got your name?” Taehyung turned to ask you. 
“Oh, it’s y/n!” you smiled. 
“It’s great to meet you. I have a feeling we’ll be getting along pretty well.” Taehyung grinned. 
You blushed slightly because how could you not when this insanely attractive man was outright flirting with you. 
“Your 3 o’ clock is here, get to work.” Jungkook snapped at him. 
“Right, I’m on it.” Taehyung cleared his throat. 
Taehyung blended in pretty well. He was no doubt good at his job, a lot of customers end up super happy with what they get and so Taehyung was really good for the store. The two of you also got along great, he was like your new best friend. He would come over and talk to you between breaks and he’d send you a lot of memes which kept you happy and entertained throughout the day. One time he brought a pack of cards to work and once you guys were done for the day you played Snap while eating dinner, which was a terrible idea because Taehyung kept hitting your hand real hard and one time he spilled his entire bowl of soup and himself and started to yell because it was hot and man did you laugh until you couldn’t breathe. Obviously, Yoongi and Jungkook were there to witness all this because you guys always spent meal times together. Yoongi would usually ignore the two of you and go on his phone, and you’d call him a grandpa for not wanting to play card games. Jungkook was reserved, also on his phone but he would glance over to the two of you from time to time. 
It was another night at the shop and it was nearly opening time so you were at your desk drafting statements and also counting the money from yesterday’s earnings. Jungkook was on his beanbag sipping some banana milk and sketching on his notepad as usual and Taehyung was next to you helping you separate the bills. 
“I’m really curious as to how you got a job here.” he asked you. 
You scoffed, “Why, can’t a woman get a job in a tattoo parlor? Just because it’s a sausage fest in here, I can’t be a part of it because I don’t have my own sausage?”
Taehyung laughed heartily and you smiled, giggling to yourself. 
“You know what I mean.” he urged. 
“I just came in one day and asked. At first they said no, and then I made them a deal they couldn’t refuse.”
“Why would they say no? You’re great at what you do.”
You smiled, “Thanks, Tae. But the shop wasn’t like this back then, they couldn’t afford me.”
“Hmm, but you did so well at university. You could have had many other options, why here?”
“Well, I saw two guys desperately trying to make their dreams come true and you know, I just wanted to help them.” you said smiling softly. You remembered all the fond memories you hard building up this place with them. They were priceless. 
Jungkook could hear everything the two of you were saying, he felt a pang in his heart when he heard how all you wanted to do was help them, and he had been nothing but mean and rude to you from the very beginning. 
“That and, well, I needed to start earning something. My parents have gotten pretty old. Mum is really sick and dad spends all his time taking care of her. Before that, they used to own that bakery across the street.”
“Wait, you mean Rosie’s bakery? Like...the pretty fucking amazing one?”
You laughed, “I guess you can say that.”
“I used to go there when I was a kid, it’s been around for so long. It’s such a shame it got closed down. I’m really sorry about your mother too, by the way,” he said sympathetically. 
“No that’s okay. She’s still around, I thank the heavens that I get to see her for just one more day. They wanted me to take over, but I could never do all that by myself.”
“Why not? I’m sure you could.”
You shook your head, “I never want to let them down, you know? That bakery was like their baby, I didn’t want to step in and ruin it. Some things just eventually come to an end.”
“I understand.” he nodded, “But you’re here now though, things worked out, right? Look at how lucky you got, you now have a Taehyung in your life!” 
You grabbed a book and smacked him across the shoulder with it and he yelped, but laughed along with you after. The bells chimed and the first customer came in, Taehyung left to work on them so it was just you and Jungkook in the room. As you picked up your pen to work again a voice made you halt.
“I’m sorry.”
You looked up at him in shock and confusion. Why was he talking to you all of a sudden?
“What?” you asked confused. 
He sighed and put his sketchbook down and walked over to you. He sat on the chair next to you and all you could do was watch him.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a dick to you since day one. There’s really no excuse for that, I’m really sorry.” he said looking at you. 
“Jungkook...” you trailed off.
“Yoongi and I worked really hard to get here, like really, really hard. There were days we never got to eat, nor did we have a roof over our heads. Despite all that we always had each other, and we had each other’s backs. When we finally opened our shop, I was beyond excited. Even with that shitty sign outside that we got rid of, this shop was still a great achievement. When you showed up, I just...felt threatened? It was stupid, I don’t know what I was thinking. I just felt like someone might screw this up for us or that all of this might go away and that was so terrifying for me. I realise now that you genuinely wanted to help us even though I was an asshole, and I just owe you the biggest thanks ever y/n because you played a huge part in making my dream come true. Instead of thanking you and showing you my appreciation all I did was yell at you and piss you off and I just, god, I hate myself for it. I’m really sorry. I just want you to know that I appreciate you, and so does Yoongi. We owe it all to you.”
For the past month Jungkook never said more than two words to you, but now he was giving you a whole ass speech? Man, here comes the waterworks. 
“Shit, y/n, are you-oh god please don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry,” you cried out. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop, I’ll stop I just,” you inhaled, “I can’t stop.” you sobbed. 
Jungkook pulled you to his chest and you immediately wrapped your arms around him. He murmured reassuring words, telling you that it was okay while he rubbed your back softly. You pulled away embarrassed and tried to hide your face as you wiped off tears messily and sniffled. God, you must look so horrible right now.
“Sorry I-” you sniffled, “I’m fine now. I’m fine.” you heaved. 
“You sure?” he asked. 
You nodded and smiled at him, making him smile back. 
“I uh-” you started, “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for making you feel insecure, and no it’s not stupid, your feelings are absolutely valid, Jungkook. I just had no idea I made you feel that way, it must have been bad for you, I’m so sorry. And I forgive you, thank you for saying all that but, it’s not me who made all this happen. It’s you, and Yoongi. The both of you are so talented, I’ve seen how you work too. Jungkook you’re incredible, okay? Like, yeah I don’t know anything about tattoos but I know a pretty thing when I see it and your work just blows me away and you should be so proud of that. That’s what brought you here, not me.” you said.
Jungkook nodded and looked at you fondly, “Thank you for saying that.”
“And uh...when you walked in that day-”
“It’s fine.” you cut him off feeling embarrassed and not wanting to talk about it. 
“No y/n, it didn’t mean anything, okay? I saw how hurt you looked and I felt really bad.”
You shook your head, “Jungkook you have nothing to feel bad about. It’s your job, I was wrong to be upset anyway.”
“You don’t have to be jealous.” he chuckled. 
You groaned, “She was blatantly flirting with you!”
“And I ignored her. Plus, I didn’t share my food with her.”
“You didn’t?” you asked hopefully.
“No, I didn’t.” he chuckled, making you grin. 
You bit your lip and nodded back at him. “And, you know, what happened that day...”
His eyes widened and he took your hands in his, “I’m really sorry. I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done that, I made you feel uncomfortable and I still hate myself for doing that to you until this day...” he said apologetically. 
“No it’s fine, I shouldn’t have ran off like that, it was so stupid of me.” you shook your head. 
“I thought I scared you.” he said with so much guilt in his tone. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered. You laced your hands with his firmly, “You didn’t. Not at all, I was just surprised and I didn’t know how to react. I must have hurt you, I’m sorry. I just want you to know that I really like you and...yeah.” you said shyly. 
Jungkook had a small smile on his lips, “You do?”
“Mhm.” you said looking away. 
That smile turned into a smirk, “So I was right, y/n did have a crush.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “It’s gonna fade if you keep at it.”
“Alright alright, I’ll stop teasing. I like you a lot too, y/n.” he said looking right into your eyes. His confidence was admirable. 
“You could have been nicer you know? You wouldn’t stop sending me daggers through your stares and I even got you banana milk so you’d warm up to me but that was just weird, so then I didn’t know what to-mmpmh.” 
And there it was again. Those soft lips against yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. Your hands moved to his hair to bring him closer as he pressed his lips against yours, occasionally pulling away only to dive back in again. His hands moved to your waist and pulled you on top of him. You finally felt all that muscle on him through his shirt, he really was as ripped as you imagined him to be. He poked his tongue softly past your lips and you let him in. 
“Always...wanna...kiss you.” he said in between kisses.
You sighed and let out small noises of pleasure, grasping on his locks. 
“So pretty.” he mumbled as he pulled away and moved to your neck, planting wet kisses there. 
You moaned when he bit down on the flesh of your neck, which made him sigh heavily. 
“You sound exactly like I pictured you would. So needy.” he growled. 
“Jungkook.” you said breathlessly.
“Hmm?” he hummed as he continued to mark you. 
“W-we really shouldn’t-ah-be doing this here.” you squeaked. 
Just then his lips met your sweet spot and you could help but let that loud moan ripple through you, catching Jungkook by surprise. 
“Fuck, you even sound pretty.” He continued to abuse the skin of your neck with his teeth and tongue until he finally pulled away to look at you. 
Your face was flushed, eyes hazy and lips swollen. Jungkook tucked your hair behind your ears and rested his forehead on yours. He placed another soft kiss on your lips, making you smile. Your hands remained around his neck and you fidgeted for a bit before asking him. 
“Yes, princess?”
“I said that we shouldn’t be doing this here.” you said biting your lip. 
He looked taken back at your sudden boldness and smirked at you. 
“Are you saying you want me to have you over my chair in my studio?”
“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“Yoongi hyung?” Taehyung asked with his lips pressed together.
“Are they-”
Business was picking up yet again, and to celebrate the anniversary of the shop’s opening, Yoongi decided to throw a small party at his and Jungkook’s shared apartment. Taehyung promised to get the alcohol and dragged Jungkook with him. Yoongi was spending the day cleaning the apartment and grumbling about how Jungkook is gross and never keeps the place clean. Yoongi was also inviting his other friends Seokjin, Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok. They apparently graduated art school together and were some of his best buds. Jungkook knew them too, and he had introduced you to all of them. You were pretty close to Seokjin since he just has an incredibly friendly nature and he’s always cracking lame jokes which you can’t help but find funny. So it was your job to get the food for the party and Seokjin was told to go with you. 
“y/n there’s soju!” he called loudly in the supermarket where literally everyone can hear him. 
“I told you, Taehyung’s in charge of the booze, he probably already got some!”
“But he doesn’t know the good kind, like I do! Pleaseee, look there’s like 8 different flavours.”
“Seokjin.” you huffed. 
“Okay fine, but if this party’s lame I blame you.”
“Why am I even friends with you, dork.” you grumbled.
Seokjin helped you reach the foods on the higher shelves and you were grateful for that. He also paid, another reason you became extra nice to him. It was already late in the evening and you guys had to get back and get ready for the party. You lugged the huge bags of snacks through the corridors, these guys really did eat a lot. Seokjin rang the bell and after a while Jungkook answered the door. 
“You guys eat like pigs.” Seokjin huffed as he carried the huge bags of food. 
“Hyung’s the one who goes through all the chips!” Jungkook retorted. 
“Do you hear how he speaks to me?” Seokjin complained to Namjoon. 
You giggled at them and moved to enter when Jungkook blocked your way. 
“Nu-uh.” he said smirking.
“Move your fat ass out of the way, these are heavy.” you huffed. 
“Okay, first of all, rude. Second of all, kiss first.” he demanded puckering his lips. 
“Gross, who would wanna kiss you?” you said fake disgusted. 
“y/n!” he cried like a child. 
You laughed and dropped the bags on the floor and stood on your tippy-toes to kiss him. He smiled into the kiss and wrapped an arm around your torso keeping you pressed against him. You pulled away and nuzzled your nose against his. 
“Can I come in now?”
He caught your lips with his again and bit on your bottom lip. You moaned softly making him inhale sharply. 
“Guys, can you not do it at the damn doorstep?!” you heard Seokjin yell.
Jungkook and you laughed and he moved to carry the bags in being the strong man that he is. Later that night all of you huddled in front of the TV with blankets and more snacks. Most of them were passed out due to the high consumption of alcohol. You and Jungkook were still awake, and he was playing with the hem of your shirt while placing soft kisses on your collarbone. You ran your fingers through his hair and sighed at the feeling of his lips on your skin. 
“You smell good.” he mumbled, pressing more kisses on your neck. 
You only smiled and let him continue. 
“Wonder if you taste good too.” he said casually.
Heat rushed to your cheeks and you smacked his arm softly. 
“You would already know that.” you played along. 
“Hm, yeah I do.” he smirked making you look away embarrassed.
He turned your head to face him by cupping your cheek. 
“y/n” he murmured against your lips. 
“Yeah?” you whispered.
“Wanna taste you.” was all he said before his lips touched yours again and your mind went into a frenzy. 
I’m just gonna say that the guys were lucky to have been knocked out that night. There were some pretty scandalous things happening in Jungkook’s bedroom. 
the end! wow this took me the entire day to write but it was totally worth it. who else is whipped for kook? :”)
also stream dynamite! love u guys <3
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