#guess not anymore haha i hate my sorry excuse for a life
c0zyrainfall · 4 months
Damian: Ooh. There's a cute girl over there.
Anya: What.
Damian: Do you wanna be my friend? Only if your dad is an elitist tho
Anya: My dad's a doctor
Damian: Ew imagine being as poor as the upper middle class
Anya: No
Damian: I hate you.
Anya: I hate you too.
Anya: Ugh, I'm sorry for punching you I guess.
Damian: I'm literally in love with you.
Anya: what
Anya: what 😭
Anya: Guess I'll befriend him? For the mission!
Damian: I cannot stand the sight of you crying. You're not allowed to cry in my presence. It's too dangerous because I'll just give you anything you want.
Anya: I want sweets
Damian: You're so unfair
Anya: Well shoot, you're gonna get a tonitrus bolt unless I save you rn.
Damian: No
Anya: Take my hankerchief
Damian: I literally owe you my life now
Anya: I'll settle for cake.
Anya: Omg our moms are friends now. We should become friends so we can beat them at friendship
Damian: Hold up did my mom reveal all my embarrassing secrets
Anya: Nah
Damian: Darn... I mean that's great, but we're still not friends
Anya: Camping trip!
Damian: Camping trip:
Anya and Damian: wait no we're stuck in the woods together
Damian: Guess I'll hold your hand 🙄
Anya: 🥹
Damian: Ugh I brought the cake... Nvm my friends ate it
Anya: Omg a terrorist hijacked the bus. I'm gonna go save everyone
Damian: Wait no ur gonna get yourself killed!
Anya: what are you worried
Damian: Yeah kinda 😭 Just a lil but only because you're my classmate
Anya: well too bad I'm saving everyone anyways... Oh nvm the terrorists just strapped a bomb to my neck.
Damian: Put it on me instead
Anya: ....
Anya: I saved everyone
Damian: I guess you did. That was kind of a little bit cool.
Anya: Well you were pretty cool too when you tried to take the bomb for me
Damian: I only did it cuz we're friends 😭
Anya: We're friends?!?!?!
Damian: NO
Anya: OHOHO other people think I'm cool now. I don't need Damian anymore
Damian: Say WHAT
Becky: Ur jealous lol.
Damian: No
Ewen: Space is cool
Damian: Whatever
Ewen: OMG Anya we share a common interest in space!
Anya: I want to build a castle on the moon!
Damian: When I grow up I'll make it so you can go to space whenever you want. I will literally build you a castle on the moon.
Becky: You are SO jealous lol
Damian: Well I can't really deny it now can I
Damian: I literally got Anya the most expensive cake in the world. But only to pay my blood debt to her for the handkerchief thing, and for no other reasons.
Anya: Omg give me the cake.. I mean, be my friend.
Damian: She wants to square up???
Anya: No. I want to be your friend.
Damian: Idk why she wants to fight me so badly but I guess I'll oblige as an excuse to spend time with her... I mean to give her the cake.
Anya: Omg just give me the cake already.
Anya: Yeah okay we can be friends now! Gotta beat our moms at the friendship scheme.
Damian: Wait she's in love with me
Anya: King of jumping to conclusions over here 😭 Omg nevermind pls leave me alone
Damian: Queen of mixed signals you make no sense 😭
Anya: Bro chill we're literally in first grade 💀✋
Damian: Haha, you're too dumb to make it into the same class as me next semester
Anya: Oh wait ur right :(
Damian: Wait but what if she actually beats me though
Anya: I drew a beard into my face with permanent marker.
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abandoned-as-mustard · 9 months
I gotta get this off my chest. Am I the only woman who didn't like it? Really???
Here's a spoiler (rant) review, (not) sorry
To start off with, I really appreciate the effort into set design, fashion, music, choreography, casting, all the historical barbie references, how important barbie is to many girls, the nostalgia, HOWEVER....
'It's not meant to be taken seriously!!' The movie preaches about patriarchy and feminism, they literally go to the real world and interact with these real concepts, we are made to sit through feminist speeches about women who hate themselves, how are we not meant to take that seriously?
Fucking hell, I was being whammed on the head with a sledgehammer, the plot can literally be summarised with 'taking down the patriarchy'. And that itself isn't the bad thing, it's how they framed it -
Because just when that plot concept itself became clear, as if I was entirely stupid and needed to be reinformed, they then had several feminist quips and jokes (which can be summarised as 'haha look how women don't have any power in our US centric world view!') and speeches (used as actual plot devices to un-brainwash the barbies once the kens took over) wherein if I was a woman who already fucking hated myself and had no self esteem and hadn't seen any other movie in my life, I would've loved. While I understand many women hate themselves, the fact that there are women who don't hate themselves wasn't acknowledged at all when 'women' is used as a general term.
So guess I'm counted out.
There are scenes where the Ken dolls start enjoying stereotypically guy things like 'watching the godfather' and 'liking trucks' and 'having beers' and putting flatscreen TVs everywhere, and they are also even apparently mansplaining to the barbies. It's portrayed in such a silly way that suggests there is something cringe in real men genuinely liking any of those things. Yes, Ken is silly, but you are now incorporating real things.
I was confused the entire time - what is this supposed to be? A fun silly movie? THEN WHY ARE YOU PREACHING AT ME? WHY. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. DOES BARBIE SEE THE HORRIBLE REAL WORLD AND GO 'yes please I want to be there and find myself'
I'm sorry, what? You literally just established that ken's only role was to be Ken to barbie, and that he had to be himself, but you're saying barbie can't do any of that from barbie land just because she doesn't have a 'role'? THE MAN WHO DID NOT HAVE ANY ROLE EXCEPT TO BE A BARBIE SIMP GOT TO STAY BUT BARBIE BARBIE HAD TO BECOME REAL?
oh yeah and the whole 'become human and feel but also you'll just die at the end' because thanks yeah that's what we all believe right, that death is the end of everything but the pitiful excuse of our lives and ~~~~feelings~~~ makes it worthwhile? You can just tell an existential person wrote this
But also there were the weird metaphysical elements with the literal ghost of the creator of barbie being referred to as 'creator' and that she 'can't control you' so yeah, that perfectly sums up the fucked up theology and how humanity really fucking likes to think of themselves as gods.
'Mustard you're taking this way too seriously!! It's a fun silly movie about pink and clothes and dolls!' THEN WHY WASNT I ALLOWED TO ENJOY IT WITHOUT WATCHING BARBIE BECOME SOME RANDOM HUMAN WOMAN IN THE CHEESIEST FUCKING SEQUENCE???? She wasn't even allowed to be 'my' doll anymore!
'But barbie shouldn't only exist to be yours!' SHE IS A DOLL THAT IS HER PURPOSE
'But barbie never got to choose ken' - she's also a doll (Aka, not real, despite what the movie portrays). She has like, 200 careers. Having a hot boyfriend is not a serious problem. Barbie actually LIKES ken in other Barbie movies, and why would their theoretical doll relationship even exist if she didn't like him? (If you say heteronormativity I will bite you.)
His existential crisis was the problem that led to Kendom, but they did not spend an awful lot of time on his character for that. Barbie is allowed to sledgehammer home the points about women's self esteem and needing being perfect, but you LITERALLY HAVE KEN DOLLS RIGHT THERE being toned and sexy and hot, AND THEY DIDNT GIVE ANY LIP SERVICE TO THAT IN RELATION TO REAL MEN. EVEN ONE LINE. the closest they come is 'you're ken, not 'and ken'. Uhh thanks? If I based my feminism on this (which some people already are) then I wouldn't think men have ANY problems being human beings.
Barbie and Ken don't even end up together! It's not even that, but that they separate them so that they can NEVER be together and maybe I don't know, LEARN to love each other?? Clearly some of the other barbies were still attached to kens after they stopped being brainwashed. Why couldn't our barbie?
So the other problem is the heavy marketing of ken's feelings for barbie (complete with music video) made it seem like a romance. It was not a romance. And I felt like an idiot for expecting a little romance.
It swings from wildly silly to heavy concepts and back within seconds.
'But it's about forced heteronormativity' and 'amatonormativity' *BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU* so it's NOT just a silly movie then? Huh?
That's its real problem.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x04 The Serpent
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Yay! I can relax this week. No scary monsters!
I do feel so sorry for young Jafar. I can see how his childhood influenced his personality.  
Listen, I love almost everything about Amara. I think she’s such an intriguing character and she’s beautiful, but the one thing I freaking hate is that she straight up groomed Jafar. Like, wtf?? It’s so gross. She has sons. Why would she do that to a young boy?? It makes me feel so freaking sick.  
The way everyone is so terrified of her, and Jafar looks her straight in the eye, pleading for her to help him. He’s so desperate. I wonder what made him think she, of all people, could save him. Maybe she reminded him of his mother.
Damn she’s compelling to watch.
Oh yeah, Ana sent the rabbit to Storybrooke to bring Will to Wonderland. I see your plan, girl.
Will: “Well, basically, we could die, or we could run.” Reminds me of when Rachel says in S Club’s LA 7: “We can either sit here in the spooky woods for hours and die, or we could go for a walk in the spooky woods for hours and.... die.”
Love how there’s huge-ass mushrooms in the forest. Very wonderland.
Aww, Alice is worried about Will playing decoy.
Of course wish bones are magical haha.
The Red Queen and Will together again! It must be so difficult for him to interact with her like this when he knows she’s putting on an act. She’s not his Ana anymore.
How did Amara become so evil? I know she was desperate and was willing to do anything to get back what she lost but I wonder why she felt she needed to make everyone afraid of her in the process.  
I think it’s so cool she has a fascination with serpents. She’s really obsessed with them lol. Amara: “When they need to, they shed their skin and are reborn.”
She encouraged him to give into darkness. He trusted her. It’s implied she practically raised him. She basically manipulated him for her own gain. Praised him in questionable ways when he obeyed her heinous instructions. She was they only source of love and validation in his life for most of his upbringing and she twisted it. And then, he went further than even she had gone. It’s really terrible when you think about it.  
Eww! Please don’t kiss! That’s so gross!! Oh great, looks like they did more than kiss. I’m officially going to be sick.
Marcus Tremaine, you betrayed Anastasia! Not your daughter Anastasia (well, I mean, you kinda did when you didn’t rescue her too). But still!
I wonder why the Marcus Tremaine!Tweedle started helping Jafar and betraying the Red Queen. Maybe she treated him badly.
Oh, Ana thinks Alice is Will’s girlfriend?
Will: “She’s not my girlfriend. I’m clearly not attracted to nice, normal women.”
He just can’t believe she’s acting like this. The fact that she’s putting on an accent, even when it’s just them two in the room is hilarious.
Why does Lizard look a little like Velma from the live action Scooby Doo movies to me? Lol.
Stop kissing! I beg of you!
Amara to Jafar: “No one has ever loved you like I do.” I beg of you, stop! Why is she like this?? You practically raised him, please stop!
Oh, Jafar has two of the lamps! Uh oh.
Genie’s can bleed. But are they immortal? I’m guessing they just have longevity. Yeah. Alice thought Cyrus was dead, so I guess they can die.
Oh, Will took Lizard in. That was nice of him. Was that in Wonderland or the EF?
Alice is so curious about Anastasia haha.
Ana’s desperate to get Will to safety. She’s not even pretending now.
Alice, politely: “Excuse me. Pardon me.” *Ching* “I have a blade!” Love her lol. Actual chaotic neutral.
That guy who’s got one of the lamps looks like that one guy from The Black Swan. Great movie btw! Forever one of my favourites.
My dude, just wish that no one can ever harm you or for impenetrable skin or something!  Then Jafar can’t hurt you!  
Oh my God Jafar is so freaking cruel!! The way he stabs one of the guy’s hands with all his might and twists the knife and then goes onto the other. Merciless.
It was a good thing to wish Jafar could do him no harm, but he should have wished that no one could.  
Uh oh. Shouldn’t have called him a bastard. That is, like, the worst thing you can call Jafar.
I like Amara’s theme music. It’s very enchanting.
Ana, do something! I think she was counting on Alice to save him or for her to change the laws of magic and fix everything afterwards.
Alice and Will being thrown high in the air, over a castle wall by a catapult! I love how absurd this show is at times.
They saved him, bless them.
Flying lizard!
Hey! Don’t throttle Will! Noooo!
Alice: “I wish if the Knave of Hearts dies then I die.” Alice you are an absolute sweetie and I love that you care so much for Will that you’d risk death for him but my God that is not a brilliant wish. Girl, you do realise, that if he dies of, like, an illness in the future, then you die too?? I mean, I think it’s really cool and it greatly increases the stakes, but she should have wished that no one could ever harm him and her and Cyrus for that matter. I guess that would be three wishes but then, given the circumstances she should have wished no one could harm Will. But then, that would have significantly decreased the stakes. It’s just what I would have done.  
Ow! That looks so freaking painful!! Let go of Alice! Jafar’s so damn ruthless!
God, poor Alice.
Oh my God. He was, like, gonna break all of her bones or something!
I’ve said it before, but Jafar has got to be the most formidable villain in the ouat universe. He’s freaking terrifying! He’s the one I’d least like to face.
Omfg! Alice straight up punched The Red Queen in the face lmao! I did not see that coming! I think she did it because she realised she was Anastasia and feels sickened by the way she’s treated Will.
She tried for another punch lol. So chaotic. This is a great Alice episode.
Oh yeah, Alice was a little girl when she first met Anastasia. So, either time moves differently in Wonderland as compared to the Victorian realm or she keeps herself young with magic. But if time in Wonderland moves differently, does it move faster or slower? Hmm. Well, Alice spent most of her time in Wonderland after she met Will. She looked to be a teenager at that meeting. At least 28 years passed in Storybrooke for Will. But Alice is not 28 years older than she was during their last encounter. So, although Storybrooke was frozen in time, time in Wonderland moves quite a bit slower than time in the Land Without magic. It’s hard to say about the Victorian realm though. Her father said it had been a long time since he’d seen Alice and she had aged, so it might be that time moves at the same time for both realms. I think that’s the case. Will was kept young because of the curse, time moves faster in the lwom and Anastasia used magic to stay young. Maybe Ana and Will were in their late teens when Alice was a child.  
Poor Will. I hope he isn’t itchy like that.
I love how we’re introduced to the fact that Alice and Will have 3 wishes between them at the beginning of the show. And as you watch, you just know they’ll be used, and you're screaming for them to use their wishes when things go horribly, but they find a way out. You just don’t know when they’ll be used, and it’s thrilling to watch with that in mind.  
I wouldn’t drink that, Amara.
Oh, he took her magical essence. That’s why the staff is so powerful!
He turned Anara into a snake. She freaking loves snakes! She’s living the dream.
I wonder if she can see and feel as that staff. I wonder if Will can as a statue.
Anastasia stroking Will’s statue and Lizard watching jealously.
Oh! The staff blinked!
Poor Alice is all alone without her big bro, Will!  
Cyrus: “What a wishbone really wants, is no different to what we all want; to be joined to our other half. And if we’re separated, you will do whatever it takes to be together again.” So cool! And such a clever plan, Cyrus!
This rewatch is so awsome! This show makes me feel a way that no other show does and it’s a really good way.
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justkending · 3 years
The Number One Rule. Chapter 18.
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Summary: Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left, but don’t worry the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N Rogers (Steve’s little sister)
Word Count: 3100+
Chapter Eighteen:
“Good morning, Sunshine,” Steve chuckled, bringing his mug to his lips as his sister walked in with a sleep ridden face. She gave him the silent bird before moving to the coffee pot. “I see your morning self hasn’t changed.”
“What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left for work by now?” Y/N asked with a tired voice as she walked to the fridge for creamer. 
He had ended up staying the night and sleeping in his old room that had been transferred into the guest bed. Him and his sister had been up late talking and catching up. 
“Eh, I’m going in a few hours later since I’ve been doing overtime recently,” Steve shrugged, leaning back and watching her sit across from him. She was wearing a giant T-shirt and some old pajama pants that she tiredly tried to straighten from their disheveled state. “What’s your excuse for not being ready for work?”
“I don’t have to be there until 9 today,” she answered with her eyes closed. 
There was a comfortable silence as the two sipped on their coffee and Steve read the newspaper. Looking over he saw her practically falling back asleep in her seat. 
“I guess I need to talk to Bucky soon…” He spoke up. Her eyes opened at that and she turned to him. 
“Yeah. I mean now that I know the case, and now that I know you’re both happy, I don’t have a right to be a jackass anymore I guess,” he shrugged with a smirk. 
“I’m glad you came to terms that you were a jackass,” she chuckled, punching his arm playfully. “We’ve been waiting a few years on that one.”
“Hey, I can call myself a jackass, but you watch yourself,” he warned in a light manner. 
“Sure thing… Jackass,” she mumbled with a smile. Before he could start an argument, she diverted the conversation. “So, should I warn him, or-?”
“I don’t care. We have different shifts today, so I’ll see him tonight probably and talk to him.”
“Ok, then I’ll let you do the talking. I would warn him yourself though. He’s been a nervous wreck around this topic with you. Anytime he thinks about how we’ve hurt you, he gets upset and really anxious,” she explained more seriously. 
“I mean, I don’t blame him. This was a shitty kind of situation to go through, but mom was right. Neither side of the problem was handled well,” Steve sighed. “I’ll text him before.”
“Good,” Y/N nodded. “Want me to come?”
“No, I think we need to talk ourselves,” Steve sighed. “If you know what I mean.”
“I get it,” she nodded standing and grabbing her mug. “Well, I’m going to get ready for work. Mind if I come over tonight though? You know, when the coast is clear? Maybe we can all have a movie night like back in the day! Becca and Sam are invited too,” she pointed to him. 
“Sounds like a plan. You’re paying for pizza though. Since you have an adult job now, it’s only fair,” Steve said with raised eyebrows. 
“Hey, I-”
“You owe me,” he cut her off. 
She glared at him for using the given past situation as a way to get free food. 
“That’s low, big bro,” she deadpanned. 
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same thing,” he scoffed with a smile, going back to the paper in front of him. 
“Touche,” she nodded with a pursed lip. “At least text me when I can head over, so I don’t interrupt you guys' bromance session.”
“Shut up,” he groaned as she left the room. 
Once Y/N got to work, a few hours into her shift, she got a call from Bucky.
“Hey, B,” she smiled through the phone as she went through the loads of papers in her hands. 
“Hey sweetheart,” Bucky replied just as sweetly. “Guess who texted me today?”
“Hmm, Barack Obama?” Y/N responded. “Wait, no! Michelle Obama.”
“Haha, very close, but no,” he chuckled. “You’re brother reached out.”
“Is that so?” Y/N faked surprise.
“I’m guessing you guys' conversation last night went well considering your chipper mood?” he questioned. “Or they went horribly wrong and you’re just a really good actress.”
“We all know I can’t act even if my life depended on it,” she laughed, changing the phone to her other ear as she wrote some notes on a paper. 
“It’s true. You’re a horrible liar,” Bucky confirmed.
“I’m not even going to argue it no matter how much I want to,” she shrugged. “But I would say things went well. I mean we may or may not have gotten into a wrestling match on the front lawn, and mom might as well have dragged us by the ears inside to have a civil conversation, but besides that…”
“Oh God, Y/N… What the hell happened?” 
She just knew he was pitching the bridge of his nose on the other end. 
“Nothing too crazy. It’s just sibling fighting,” she waved off. 
“At least tell me you gave him a chance. You didn’t beat his ass too much, hopefully. You know we’re trying to win him over, not push him further away, right?” Bucky had a smile in his voice, clearly just joking around. 
“You know? Kids’ gotten stronger since middle school,” she noted. 
“I would hope so. He fought in a war and chases bad guys for a living. Can’t have scrawny middle school Steve doing that kind of stuff. He’d get a nose bleed just looking at the wrong guy.”
The two laughed for a little reminiscing at little Steve before he bulked up in high school. But after some joking, Bucky brought the conversation back where he started. 
“But in all honesty, I shouldn’t be too worried about tonight?” he asked. The nerves in his voice were clear to Y/N. 
“No, Bumble Bee. We talked it out, screamed it out, and fought it out. And in doing so, we had a good conversation. Thank Sarah Rogers for keeping us on track and not letting us walk away until it was resolved,” she assured, putting his mind at rest. 
“Ok, good…” Bucky sighed on the other end. A moment of silence went by as if he was trying to process it. 
“Hey, I know you guys still need to talk, but I do want you to know that it’ll be all ok in the end. Don’t get too worked up about it,” Y/N said softly. “26 years of being best pals can’t be ruined by this little bump. You said it yourself.”
Bucky let out a breath and nodded. “You’re right. It… It’s just, I hate that he found out how he did, and…” he paused. “It just kinda sucked seeing him that upset.”
“I get it,” Y/N nodded on her end. “But hey,” she added. “We’ll all be ok. Truly.”
“I trust you, doll,” he grinned. There was some distant talking on the phone and Bucky humming. “Hey, I have to go. Boss needs me for something. Call you later?” 
“For sure. Have a good day, and let me know if you need anything!” 
“Right back at you. Love you, sweetheart,” he slipped out the last part unconsciously. 
There was a moment of silence as the two were stunned. Neither had said the “L” word yet… At least not to each other…
“Uh,” Bucky stuttered out. “I-I-...”
“Buck-,” Y/N started in just as much shock. 
Another round of someone shouting on the other line that wasn’t Bucky came through through the phone. 
“I have to go! Talk to you later,” Bucky shouted into the phone. 
Before she could say anything else, the line ended and she slowly pulled back the phone seeing her lock screen blank. No words came out after that. 
She just stared at the screen where a picture of her Bucky, Becca, and Steve all were embedded in a bear hug together. An old picture, but one that she always loved and cherished with a group of her favorite humans. 
She also loved it because even though it was before Bucky and her had become an item, they were squished against each other. Bucky was smiling wide and caught in a laugh as he looked down at her, catching her from stumbling to the ground, and she was laughing as she gripped his arm to find her balance. Steve and Becca laughing on the side at her clumsy self, and the fact someone was always having to help her stay on two feet. Bucky having always been one of those top people in her life. 
She smiled down at the memory and couldn’t help but feel those little flutters move from her stomach to her chest and eventually make her cheeks heat up. 
Now he had two things to freak out about. One being Steve and his talk tonight. Yes, he knew he didn’t really need to after Y/N’s reassurance that things would be fine, but still. It was a strange conversation to have with your best friend. 
“Sorry I fell in love with your sister and hid it from you. My best friend of over a quarter of a decade. Not to mention you found out from me coming out of her room half naked after you thought she was home alone...” 
Yeah, that was going to be weird no matter how ok they were now… 
Then you add in, he just casually told Y/N that he loved her before hanging up the phone. He didn’t mean to. It just felt so natural in the moment! 
He wanted to make the first time he said it special, not just by accident…
God, his heart was racing and now he had four hours left of his work day to let those things just stir around in his head. Great. Maybe that 3rd cup of coffee wasn’t that great of an idea.
“So, everything’s good with you guys?” Sam asked after Steve let him in on everything.
“Yeah. I mean Buck and I still need to talk it out, but… I don’t know. I can’t be mad if they’re both happy at the end of the day. Happiest I’ve seen either of them in a while, if I’m being honest,” Steve shrugged with a small smile. 
“See, I knew that’d be the case at the end of the day. I tried telling Bucky that,” Sam shook his head as he finished up the dishes. “And sorry man about not saying anything. I didn’t think it was my place to,” he apologized. 
“No, I get it. This was their own thing. You were just being a good friend to Bucky and letting him figure this out himself,” Steve waved. 
“He’ll be home in a little. You worried?” Sam asked, washing his hands off. 
“No, if anyone’s nervous it’ll be Bucky. Y/N and I had a really good talk last night. No matter how upset I was before, I now know where they were coming from,” Steve sighed. “Did I agree with it? No, but we all have different ways we would go about things.”
“True facts,” Sam smiled. “Well, I’ll hoard myself in my room for a while until the coast is clear. Let me know if you guys need anything, ok?” 
“Got it. Oh, and Y/N said she was going to come over after with pizza for a movie night, if you want to join,” Steve pointed out moving to the couch. 
“I’m here for it,” Sam nodded, going down the hall to his room. “Call me when all is resolved.”
Steve nodded and plopped down on the couch skimming through the channels as he waited for Bucky. About 15 minutes later, he heard the lock turn and quietly the brunette made his way in with caution. 
“Hey,” Steve said softly, turning from the end of the couch. 
“Hey,” Bucky said with a soft smile as he put his things by the door. 
These were the first words they had spoken in over 2 weeks. They hadn’t talked since the whole fight in the backyard.
“How was work?” Steve asked, making small talk. 
“Nothing too crazy today,” Bucky shrugged, walking to the back of the couch with his hands in his pockets. “Oh, Lillian asked about you again.” 
“From accounting?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Only Lillian I know that’s obsessed with you,” Bucky laughed lightly. 
“God, I’m not ready for that…” Steve returned the chuckle. 
It got quiet after that. Not awkward, but not comfortable either. 
“Listen, Bucky,” Steve sitting back in his chair running a hand across his face. “I’m sorry, I punched you after-”
“Don’t be. I deserved it,” Bucky waved him off, coming around the couch slowly to sit on the opposite end. 
“Ok, yeah. You’re right,” Steve nodded with another small laugh. Again another pregnant pause. “I gotta know. Why didn’t you just tell me, Buck?”
He took in a deep breath before answering. “I’m sure Y/N told you, but we didn’t want things to have a bad falling out and it be awkward for everyone else-.”
“No, not that. Why didn’t you tell me that you weren’t going to do it from the start?” Steve interrupted.
“What?” he asked, confused.
“Y/N said that you guys went back and forth on not going through with this because you didn’t want to hurt me. I mean, maybe that’s not that big of a deal, but it changes things on my end some,” Steve explained. Bucky just sent him a blank stare. “What I mean is, when I first figured everything out, I was hurt because I thought you didn’t even consider me in your decisions. I know, it sounds selfish, but-”
“No, it doesn’t. You’re a part of the equation to some extent. Just like Becca is. But surprisingly Becca was excited and not freaked out about her best friend dating her big brother. It’s a little different being the big brother in the situation though,” he said softly. “It’s not selfish though Steve. If the roles were reversed and say you and Becca dated, I would hope you considered my feelings in the matter too.”
Steve was glad that he understood what he was getting at. He was worried it wouldn’t make sense or make him look like he thought the whole thing revolved around him. 
“Yeah…” Steve paused. “But you didn’t say anything about that when we did get in that fight. Why?”
“I don’t know… I guess I just wanted you to understand my feelings for her more than anything. I needed you to know that she wasn’t just some girl I was hoping to hook up with at some point.”
“I know you would never do that Buck. No matter how upset I was, I still don’t think that low of you,” Steve sighed. “And about that… I’m sorry I said you don’t deserve her… That was an extremely hard hit to the gut.”
“You were looking out for her,” Bucky said with pursed lips, but the pain from the past comment was clear. It didn’t feel good having your best friend who's been through thick and thin with you tell you weren’t worth something. 
“Yes, but that was a low blow and I said it out of hurt feelings. I was hurt, so I wanted you to be just as hurt. That wasn’t fair,” Steve concluded. “If there is anyone in this world that I trust to take care of Y/N just as much as me, it’s you Buck. I was just blinded by anger.”
“Understandably,” Bucky nodded, looking back at his friend a little less troubled. 
“Understandably,” Steve agreed. They stared at each other silently communicating. “I’m sorry.”
“If anyone is sorry, it’s me Steve,” Bucky shook his head running a hand down his thigh still slightly anxious. 
“How about we both agree that we didn’t handle this situation the best way,” Steve smiled. “I should have seen how happy you two were and not second guess how it happened. I shouldn’t have made it about me when you both clearly are what the other needs.”
“Truly. You guys have been glowing the last two months with complete and utter happiness and I was so oblivious to pick up on it. I feel like a shitty brother and best friend.”
“You’re not a shitty brother or best friend. Not in the least,” Bucky said scooting to the edge of the couch. “You know that.”
“Y/N tell you we got in a fight on the lawn yesterday?” Steve asked with a small smirk. 
Bucky chuckled. “Yes. Said your mom about beat your asses out there too.”
“All because I was too stubborn to talk it out,” Steve shook his head while he threw it back on the back of the couch. 
“Eh, you said it yourself. We all didn’t handle this situation well,” Bucky chuckled. “She kicked your ass, didn’t she?” he said after a second. 
“Wouldn’t say that, but she must have worked out over seas because I couldn’t pin her like I used to. She was giving me a pretty decent fight,” Steve laughed loudly. 
“God, I would pay money to have someone get that on tape,” Bucky laughed with him. 
The two soaking up the now comfortable atmosphere. 
“So we’re ok, right?” Steve asked. “Leave all out petty, stubborn, and stupid mistakes in the past?”
“I’m fine with that if you are,” Bucky nodded. 
“Good. I’ve missed having my best friend around. I was getting tired of ignoring you,” Steve sighed, patting Bucky’s back. 
“You gave me good practice with your stubbornness for Y/N. Not that I haven’t been practicing with you both my whole life, but damn you guys are too bull-headed monsters.”
“We feed off each other's energy,” Steve shrugged with a smirk. 
“I know, it’s exhausting, yet entertaining all at the same time,” Bucky smiled as he moved his head side to side. 
A knock sounded at the door and they both turned toward the wooden panel. 
“Speaking of the devil,” Steve smiled standing up.
Bucky froze. 
Shit. One anxiety had been cured now, but he had almost forgotten about his second one...
(Tags for this series will be closing soon as it is getting pretty full, please send an ask if you want to be added:)
I’ll post on whatever chapter I decided to close it down here.
The Number One Rule (TNOR) Taglist:
@shadowolf993 @hello-i-am-daydreaming @jessyballet  @emmabarnes @kmuir1  @beautifulrare4leafclover @thefallenbibliophilequote @l0ve-0f-my-life  @shawnie--jo–jo  @asoftie4bucky @katiaw2 @sheeple @sznri @bxtchboy69 @taliarosej00 @bakugouswh0r3 @stopjustlovethemcu @babemendesxz @jenniereiji @taliarosej00 @loveyou5everr @natdrunk @im-a-light-child @stucky-my-ship @fairykimseok
My Lovelies forever:
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker @charmedbysarge @jbarness
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx @death-unbecomes-you @heyiamthatbitch @lizzymacy555 @iheartsebastianstan @srrymydood @xa-dia @redhairedfeistynerd @morganclaire4 @connie326 @captain-asguard @mollygetssherlockcoffee @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​
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So yeah, here we go again, a highly slightly revised version of Splits' Chapter 1
It's set in some kinda AU where you're a saiyan and there are other saiyans alive and on earth, as if more than just Gokus parents sent them off to earth as babies to start a better life not just to destroy it. Perhaps part of the resistance against Frieza?
I'm expecting this to top out at like 10 ish chapters, if anything probably less, i don't want it to stray to far from the plot or spend another 6 months on it lmao
Warnings include: violence, emotional abuse, very dark Vegeta, sexual themes, choking but not in a good way
Word count: ~1,600
                      Chapter 1                      
You’re sitting in the living room, bored, surfing the channels on the TV when you hear the front door click. Your face lights up at the sound that you know means your boyfriend is home, and you run to the hallway to greet him. 
“Hey 'Geta,” you say with a smile as you plant a kiss on his cheek. You know he hates it when you’re cutesy like that, but you like riling him up. Little did you know, today was not the day for it.
“Get off of me, woman.” Vegeta shoved you away from him harshly and made his way to the bathroom after taking off his shoes at the door, he didn’t even look at you as he barged his way down the hall. There was definitely something wrong, even if he didn’t like kisses he never reacted like that. Something was up, and today you were feeling especially brave so you decided to follow him down the hall and grab his tail. Bad move. He swung around in an instant pinning you by your throat to the wall.
“Don’t. Touch me.” he said with a growl in his voice before throwing you to the ground and continuing down the hall. 
“'Geta that hurt, what’s the deal with you today Mr. grumpy pants?” you said in a huff as you picked yourself up from the ground, patting down your jeans. “I thought we talked about this; no aggressive wall pinning unless I ask for it.” He didn't stop or turn around to look at you. “Oh, so you're just going to ignore me then, that's great, I guess I'll just go back to watching TV since you’re being a big grump.” you waited a second longer to see if you'd get a reaction, but no, he just kept walking and eventually made his way to the bathroom, locking himself inside as you walked back to the living room.
You wondered what could've happened today to make him so irritable. When he left this morning he wasn't mad, so something must've happened while he was out training with Goku. Maybe Goku reached a new form and Vegeta was jealous? No, that's happened before and all he did was rant about how it should be him who gets to unlock new forms, not that stupid, low class, pathetic excuse of a Saiyan, Kakarot. He was the prince of all Saiyans after all, and he should be the one with all the power. No, this was something else entirely, and you were starting to worry what could have made the mighty Vegeta so angry. 
Against your better judgement, you decide to go knock on the bathroom door. “Vegeta! Open up! What's the matter?” you shout through the door, hoping he can hear you over the running water of the shower.
“Go away! Go make yourself useful and cook me something, woman” of course that's all he would say. Damn these Saiyans and their insatiable appetites. 
“No, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why you’re mad.” you plant your feet outside the door as you hear the water shut off. After a moment he unlocks and opens the door with a towel around his waist. He always looked so good right after a shower, silky hair wet, tangles framing his face, water droplets glistening across his gorgeously broad Saiyan chest. He truly was a sight to behold. 
“Get out of my way” he said to you as he tried to emerge from the bathroom, you were blocking his way and he really didn't like that. “Move now, or I’ll move you myself.”
“And what if I don't, what’re you going to do to me?” you said with a smirk on your lips as you stared seductively into his eyes. Usually when he was mad you could make him forget about it for a while with sex. Today was different however, and instead of pinning you to the wall and devouring your mouth with his, he gave a blow straight to your stomach, instantly knocking the wind out of you and making you crumple to the floor. He stepped over you and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. 
“Food woman. Now. Don’t give me more reason to be mad at you.” he called over his shoulder as he entered the bedroom. As you were curled up on the floor, clutching your stomach and gasping for air to finally reach your lungs, you couldn’t help the thought that maybe he didn’t love you anymore from crossing your mind. A thought that threatened to bring tears to your eyes. But you were stronger than that. You stood up shakily clutching your stomach for a moment before straightening up and walking after him into the bedroom.
“What the fuck 'Geta!? What's wrong with you? Why’d you punch me in the gut like that!?” you yell at him with an anger that made the air crackle with energy. “I thought you loved me 'Geta! How could you hurt me like that? What did I ever do to you?” You hated to admit it, but you're an angry crier, and the hot tears came spilling from your eyes as your hair flickered flecks of blond. Even though you had reached Super Saiyan form yourself, Vegeta was still 100x stronger than you on a good day, let alone when he was angry.
He ignored you completely, dropping his towel and putting on a fresh pair of briefs. He acted like you weren’t even there at all actually as he picked out some clothes to wear. Taking his time to sift through his messy chest of drawers to find his favourite shirt. Black and skin tight with Shenron and the DragonBalls printed on the back, it hugged his muscles in all the right places. It was your favourite on him too and for a split second you forgot your anger and stared at how the fabric clung to his still dewy skin. It all came flooding back when he turned to face you.
“Did you not hear me? I said food. Now.” he snarled through gritted teeth. He hated it when you didn't follow his commands, but right now he wasn't your master, and it was so not sexy of him to treat you like this. 
“If you want food you'll have to make it yourself. I'm not cooking for you until you tell me what's wrong.” you say back to him, with the same amount of force, trying to make your voice sound as demanding as his to no avail. No matter how hard you try, you'll never get his aggressive tone of voice down pat, you just sound like a pissed off chew toy and it makes you even angrier. 
“Whatever.” He grumbles just loud enough for you to hear as he continued to search for some pants. 
“Whatever?! That's all you're going to say?” you yell as you stare at him in disbelief, one more dismissive or demanding word from him and you were going to snap. “What about an apology? For shoving me, then throwing me, then straight up punching me!? Are you even listening to me, Vegeta?” You pause for a long second to see if he’ll say anything, and when he pulls up his pants and heads for the door, that's it. You power up to Super Saiyan and block the doorway, glaring at Vegeta, daring him to step closer. 
“Silly woman. You think that just because you're a Super Saiyan, you can stop me? How pathetic.” he said, his voice hollow and cold as he goes Super Saiyan Blue and picks you up with one hand by the throat and holds you off the ground. “You couldn't stop me with both my hands tied behind my back,” he sneered at you before throwing you into the wall outside the bedroom door, almost knocking you unconscious as your head hit the wall at full force, leaving the plaster cracked. Your energy faded and your hair returned to its regular dark colour as your vision blurred and your ears rang from the impact. 
He walked over to stand above you, laughing menacingly. “You're weak and pathetic. The only reason I kept you around was so that you'd cook and clean for me. Oh, and so that I can fuck that tight little pussy of yours.” The edges of your vision started to go dark as he picked you up against the wall by your throat again. “You are nothing but a toy for me, a sorry excuse for a Saiyan. So low class I wouldn't let you shine my shoes with your spit. But you cook good and don’t complain whenever I want to fuck, so you’re not completely useless.” he squeezed your throat tighter, “I want you to know that I don’t want you anymore. I never loved you, not one bit. I was only using you for my own satisfaction. And now that I don’t want you, there's no reason for you to keep breathing.” as he said this, he was gradually squeezing your throat tighter in his grip. You didn't understand what was going on, Vegeta had never been what you'd call affectionate, but he was never so mean. The Vegeta you love would never say such harsh things to you, or hurt you in any way what so ever unless you were fucking and asked for it. In fact, he put several higher ranking Saiyan's in the med pods because they were antagonizing you for being the weakest Super Saiyan. The sudden change in him had tears pouring from your eyes as you tried harder to keep from passing out. “Now be a good little weakling and go to sleep for me.”
“'Geta… p-please… d-don’t… hurt… m-m…” You managed to spit out between desperate gasps as you faded from consciousness. 
So whatcha think? Please leave comments and likes, I'll also be posting this over on my AO3 when i can figure that out haha
Always remember, reblogs>likes <3
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Texts from the Lost Tomb part 6.1
🎶 Back on the bullshit I never got off🎶
Is this another unnecessary story arc?? With three sections??
Wushanju Crew Chat
Wang Meng: You know, I’m someone who appreciates consistency in my day. My life is pleasant, very few issues indeed if you ignore the big ones. And yet. Yet here we are. With unresolved messes at the end of a day.
Wang Meng: We need to talk about Huo Daofu and the glittery bead curtain.
Wu Xie: did you turn on that suggested word thingy lol
What glittery bead curtain
Wang Meng: I closed the shop at 6:00pm this evening on the dot. I locked all of the doors in and out of the shop very carefully, especially in light of recent events. The hall leading to the back office was empty. I filed the day’s paperwork, updated and sent emails, and then spent an extra hour organizing receipts and dusting. When I came back out, there were glittery iridescent bead curtains over the front entrance to the shop.
What could this mean?
Wu Xie: uh that you need to spend less time at work?
Wu Xie: I think we can be relatively secure in thinking a glittery bead curtain isn’t a hostile threat
Wang Pangzi: SAYS YOU
Wang Meng: Ugh, forget it. I should have just taken them down, regardless of who they belong to.
Zhang Qiling: They are not mine.
Wang Meng: Do we know anyone who *would* sneak in and put those up? For whatever reason, legal or not? Even as a joke?
Wu Xie: okay let’s think about this; for starters, I didn’t break into my own shop
Wang Meng: You would be in danger of doing some work in the process, that’s true.
Wang Pangzi: LOL
Wu Xie: ANYWAY let’s keep going. For example, Xiao Ge would only break in somewhere for a good reason. Xiao Ge, did you do this?
Zhang Qiling: No.
Wu Xie: okay who’s next
Zhang Qiling: How can we be certain *you* didn’t do it?
Wang Meng: Admittedly that was my guess, too.
Wang Pangzi: WOW I SEE HOW IT IS
Wu Xie: Oh yeah him! Oops I got distracted
Wu Xie: Ugh fuck off
Wang Meng what abt Huo Daofu??
Zhang Qiling: ?
Wu Xie: oh sorry xiaoge I didn’t realize you wouldn’t have spent much time around him last year
He and I go way back
Zhang Qiling: Way back where?
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: ?
Zhang Qiling: I wanted him to feel welcome. I wanted to be sure he understands he has a place here. A specific place.
Zhang Qiling: Rationally, I understand that.
Main Chat
Wang Meng: Huo Daofu is coming for the weekend—didn’t Wu Xie tell you? Wu Xie asked me to check in a week ahead so we could start getting ready for his arrival
Wu Xie: oh yeah I did do that
Wang Meng: Fortunately I know you and so I already went ahead and took care of everything.
Re: the trip
He made a deal with Wu Xie’s doctor that he would do periodic checkups on him here at Wushanju
Bc Wu Xie hates being in the hospital
And frankly the hospital hates him too
Zhang Qiling: Is it safe for him to be here with a criminal loose on the premises?
Wu Xie: Right, back to the curtain! Let’s focus on the curtain, hmm?
Wu Xie: okay but who else would do something so oddly charming yet illegal and—wait.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: hey, Glasses hasn’t been in touch lately right?
Li Cu: uh nope
Unless u count the outdated memes
Why, is money or Xie Yuchen missing
Or is this curtain related, I saw Wang Meng’s tweet
Wu Xie: haha no nothing to worry about really
(I mean maybe? but who knows)
Wang Meng is probably just getting a little paranoid in his old age
Li Cu: better than getting reckless and stupid as hell in ur old age
Wu Xie: …hey:(
Unknown Number: Li Cu, we discussed this.
Wu Xie: ????????
Li Cu: *sigh* fine, reckless and stupid as heck
Unknown Number: …close enough.
Wu Xie: EXCUSE who is that
Madame, Sir, Non-Binary Tree Spirit, etc—whomst the fuck
Are you
Li Cu is underage FYI
So Im staying on this chat
Li Cu: okay first of all, it’s not like that
Second of all I’m literally not underage I s2g
u threw the embarrassing surprise bday party, okay so u should remember
And C, that’s my counselor and I invited her. She wanted to meet u and I knew u wouldn’t agree to a visit so I added her to our chat
we have been discussing u
Wu Xie: Oh wow!!!!!!!
What a surprise:)
hi so nice to meet you:)
Main Chat:
Wang Meng: I assume that means something to someone here?
Not my problem? Good.
Wu Xie: wait i give him an allowance
has he been collecting on two allowances??
Zhang Qiling: Three. I knew about both of yours.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: so uh may I ask your name?
Unknown Number: you can call me Ms. Lee.
Now, if you’re comfortable talking in this format, why don’t you tell me how things have been going?
Wu Xie: oh everything is normal and fine and safe as usual, why do you ask:)
Li Cu: I heard about ur necklace thing. nice of you to NOT mention it.
another dangerous adventure. again. prick.
Ur lucky your cool boyfriend cares about you so much or you’d have already died like ten years ago
Wu Xie: lol try twenty years ago
Li Cu: That isn’t funny.
Unknown Number: …What?
Wu Xie: shit ur right, okay that was a bit glib, my apologies.
…I use humor as a coping mechanism?
Unknown Number: and Li Cu, how do you feel about that?
Li Cu: he doesn’t even know what that phrase means
He doesn’t cope, like ever
In fact
It’s kind of why we met
Which is a funny story in retrospect tbh
Wu Xie: haha what are you talking about sweetie hahaha need I remind you of certain anecdotes that could idk send me to jail maybe lmao
Unknown Number: …You know, perhaps an in-person meeting might be more effective?
Wu Xie: haha such a nice idea but why
Main Chat
Wu Xie: If I go to jail, I’ll have to create alliances for protection, right, that’s how it works on tv
Who do we know who spends time in jail
Other than Hei Yangjing, he’s only ever there for like 12 hours and i suspect he just gets himself arrested bc he enjoys the breaking out process
Also how’s the curtain case coming along
Zhang Qiling: Has someone threatened you?
Wu Xie: well not yet but soon I’m sure
Snake Eyes Minus Your Fucking Therapist Chat
Li Cu: okay how tf did u pull off spy and undercover shit
u are sus as hell
Wu Xie: damn son is it pick on Wu Xie night
I missed the flyers or I would’ve invited my uncles
Also re: the curtain it’s been mostly solved
Li Cu: I’m not your son, idiot.
Wu Xie: …oh. Sorry, sorry, you’re right, bad choice of words, haha
Forget i said anything
Delete this chat even
Li Cu: shit I meant
Legally, biologically, I meant—
…I turn into an asshole as a coping mechanism?
Wu Xie: oh that’s all okay! I have to go do something else now let me know if you need anything okay kid thanks!
Li Cu: goddamn it calm down who’s the kid here
lemme organize my thoughts so I can articulate my emotions fuckin healthily or w/e
Ugh maybe for like one afternoon we could go to Ms. Lee together? She knows how to word stuff
Wu Xie: uh…okay.
Li Cu: Anyway you don’t need to worry abt jail
As if you would survive prison for one day you’d piss off half the place in like an hour or less
I gave Ms. Lee the heavily edited version of the desert highway to hell roadtrip and i discussed it more in terms of like “nightmarish but still wouldn’t take any of it back”
Well maybe the sand
that shit was everywhere
Wu Xie: oh kiddo. It’s fine, really…You don’t have to explain yourself to me.
Li Cu: no, no it’s just
I do technically have a dad
who is an asshole. Being a son doesn’t really mean shit to me bc it sucked.
So you need to stop backing down just cuz ur guilty abt stuff. I’m really really glad ur not my dad in a good way. Do u get what I mean there
Where’s the mafia widower I followed into hell, huh
Wu Xie: Ur a good kid, despite my influence. I’m really glad you have someone to talk to after everything I…after everything. Wow this talking through feelings thing is kind of weird but nice ur right
Jfc no wonder it took me and xiaoge so long to—you know what, we won’t get into that
Li Cu: ew tmi
Also re: this week’s recent necklace fuckery
I moved my stuff here, I live here now
So you can’t die anymore
Or else…Idk I don’t have a threat planned
anyways abt the curtain
Wu Xie: oh my god, kid…kid you have no idea
I am in tears.
Li Cu: see this is why I can’t be nice to you I can sense the hallmark channel from here
Ugh don’t be sad in ur room that’s dumb
Go hug Pangzi or something
Maybe delete this chat
Or the curtain thing
Focus on the curtain thing
Just stfu and go away
Wu Xie: <3 screenshotting this <3
Li Cu: I take back everything I said. This is why Xiao Ge sleeps on the roof. I hope the ghosts of the Wangs put up that curtain to strangle you somehow. Go die in a stupid way, it’ll suit you.
Wu Xie: lol don’t worry I’m not gonna embarrass you with it or anything
Main Chat
Wu Xie: omg guys look how cute my kid is *sending screenshot*
Wang Pangzi: I MEAN
Wu Xie: no but read the whole thing:):):)
Zhang Qiling: It is indeed very hard to remain angry with you. And you are welcome to join me on the roof.
Wang Pangzi: UH NOPE
Wu Xie: ok true but babe ur like a sexy cryptid
Wang Meng: so, are we just accepting that there is a glittery curtain of unknown origin, and Huo Daofu is going to have to see it while he’s waiting for you at Wushanju bc you’re going to family therapy?
Wu Xie: right
Wang Meng: I’m going to go dust something.
Unnamed Chat:
Unknown number: so the curtain…
Unknown number 2: yep, not my best work but I kinda panicked last minute u know
Unknown number: what is in the water at Wushanju that makes everyone dumb and attractive
Unknown number 2: relax they’ll figure it out
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
New Episode Update Let’s GOO!!!
Warning : This is just Yume having a mental breakdown, seriously. This episode update was WHACK.
I know we ain’t participating and all but the game reminding you that there’s 10 minutes left to prepare is seriously bad for my heart.
Aah, shiet. Vil is still hurt.
He still has small wounds and scratches that he hid make up. Daddy, I’m worried.
Apparently, yeah, I’m not the only one cause my homeboy, Epel just asked to switch the center role with Vil. THE CONFIDENCE.
Aw, he’s worried about him falling over during stage (And make the performance look bad) Come on, Epel just be honest-
...He finally became the ideal poisoned apple that Vil wanted, huh?
Vil being proud a mom.
But the queen inside him is STRONG.
He’ll embrace the villain in him, OUR QUEEN CAN STILL GO. INJURED, WHO?
...AAND he proceeds to roast Epel again lol Typical Vil.
I love how Epel just accepted a nickname like “Doku Ringo-chan” lol It’s so cute, senior-junior relationship goals right there.
Everyone is actually really confident hahaha
I really wish Deuce’s mom, Ace’s brother, Jamil’s sister, and Vil’s dad were here in person to watch.
Look at Jamil’s solo SD dancing. LOOK AT IT.
I really fucking love Vil’s singing voice aaa
Album when disney.
Is Vil okay.
...aight im hearing some high quality panting here
...dont mind me listening to it a bit too much...
...they’re going to be great reference for some spicy- leave me alone
Vil panting is making me feel SOMETHING.
Unmei no megami is giving me idia ptsd here.
Heartslabyul Senpais are watching their kids, looking all proud *sniff
Oh god, after playing Obey Me, it just occurred to me how similar Cater and Asmodeus’ voices are...
Watch these Senpai dorks act like Ace and Deuce’s second family. Trey being the dad, Riddle being the mom, and Cater being the supportive big bro. It’s so beautiful.
Riddle’s voice is a lot more softer now, I just realized...It’s so soothing...
God i miss u too octavinelle never change
Yeah, why tf did Floyd not audition for this
Bro, can you imagine Nobuhiko Okamoto in the squad as well??? IMAGINE-
Of course, he wasn’t in the mood back then. Of course. Why did i even ask.
Omg i miss u too octavinelle never change
Azul’s gonna overblot again with Floyd’s marketing skills lol
Jade coming in like welp i guess thats that. Too bad, huh Azul?
GOD i miss u too octavinelle never change
I wonder if these mfs knew that Vil just overblotted and malmal was the one who fixed the stage lol
oooh Leona’s sus about something he a sharp boi
Speak up my guy—
still so weird leona taking his job seriously
Malleus looking happier seeing this performance rather than Lilia’s lol
I miss the simpery in Sebek
Silver’s not in the verge of falling into a coma for once wow
Chenya’s so cute.
fcking shotacons man...im not one to talk
Aw, they didn’t show Neige performance...
The simping in the crowd is a MASSIVE mood.
These night raven fuckers better vote for us and not pull a “oh shie my hand slipped lololol” i swear to god- im gonna throw hands
*me holding my phone and pretending to vote as well
Suspense music intensifies be like-
vil pls dont overblot again-
Noooo grim’s tuna cans-
These children do not have the right to be this cute. I wanna take Timmy, Toby, and Shelpie home.
I swear to god one of these dwarves sounds like Cheka lol Is it Toby?
This background music too though im deeeeddd
Jamil impressed about Vil being “calm” and Vil just going “h e h. you dont even know.”
Monsieur Rook. WHAT did you say.
ROOK VOTED FOR ROYAL SWORD. Are you kidding me. You snek how could you- i loved you
WHAT DID I SAY- Ya’ll night raven fuckers shall not slip by their fingers when voting rook.
Vil is in the brink of passing out aaaaa
I have never heard Ace this pissed before whoa- lol he sounds like Deuce in his delinquent mode
Aw...Rook felt that Neige’s performance carries a stronger bond than theirs :’( it’s hard to put the blame on him when he’s saying all these stuff
It’s just like what they said in the past episodes that it’s really hard voting for your own team when you know the opposing team is better.
Aww...He just wanted Vil to believe in himself more...Rook is such a best man. Im crying-
Oh noooo is Vil gonna cry too nooo- daddy turned to baby really quick SOMEONE GIVE HIM AN EMERGENCY HUG
Well- at least...at least the 100 year record of not being able to win is still going, yeah? Um...bad joke? Sorry, i’ll see myself out-
NEIGE NOT NOW AND YOUR VII-KUN BULLSHIT- we’re having a moment here
Neige is such sweetheart but aaaahh— This makes it worse, we can’t even hate him aaa—
MOTHERFUCKER just got exposed by Neige himself lol
Going to Neige’s shake hand events, sending him letters, buying all his merch and shie- HE’S A FULL BLOWN NEIGE STAN
...actually- my japanese is lacking- im not sure lol what is a ブロマイド??? Lol I feel like a clown.
Rook is sweating profusely LOL
...what do you have to say for yourself, monsieur rook.
Wait- huh is that-
Neige fanclub??? Eternal Snow??? What kind of creepy-ass- OH, HE EVEN HAS A MEMBERSHIP NUMBER TOO-
Props to Neige with his :) expression unfaltering.
I’m- I’m speechless.
Vil is just looking down at Rook in disappointment like- “you’re more pathetic than I am”
Queen just went “I think you need this handkerchief more than I do now” THAT’S RIGHT. REPENT MOTHERFUCKER.
Rook crying is cursed.
But damn, I’m kinda liking this new relationship this bitchy relationship they have
Neige just dragged everyone’s ass back on stage and his snow white energy just said “LETS ALL BE FRIENDS AND SING”
What a somewhat happy ending, even though Rook just backstabbed us I’m crying Beauté 100 points!!!
LOL Vil realizing he’s having fun singing with Neige- “SOMEONE JUST END ME RIGHT NOW-“ The desperation in his voice-
I love how Neige’s yahoo yahoo is messing with everyone’s head, even Vil wants to pass out lol
haha Crowley is so depressed lol
He looks like your typical grandpa- and his outfit looks like that one mickey mouse wizard outfit but blue—
Old man just went “we won lol” just to piss Crowley off I like this guy’s energy already-
Crowley being most likely as old as this guy—
ooohh this man just sensed something in this stage- Leona did too, didn’t he???
* Damn. Crowley talking so fast sounds like he’s making a load of bullshit lol
Anyway, I’m just glad that it’s not mickey mouse who’s the headmaster— I would’ve lost my shit.
We’re back in our dorms and I forgot that the squad doesn’t live with us anymore. It’s suddenly so lonely now...
Grim is getting the yahoo yahoo ptsd too lol it’s too goddamn catchy
oooohh shiet- mickey is calling us again
YES we finally got a good picture of this motherfucker
It seems like nothing is disrupting our communication this time, so MC thought to call Grim but—
Grim is not here.
Uuhhh...Grim? Where you’ve gone??? We’re getting flashbacks of the first parts of the game.
Is this because we didn’t win his tuna canss nooo
Legit I’m sad, please baby don’t overblot like this...
He learned a new move though- SCRATCH
Ooh— We’re seeing some Ignihyde scenes here~
Idia getting a lot of emails from bigshot companies whoa—
THAT OLYMPUS—?! EXCUSE ME??? Ortho what- Are we finally getting that Hercules episode—
Damn getting a hot chance in olympus only to put them down the recycling bin oof— Idia why edit : Yume was informed that olympus is kind of a company that sponsored VDC sorry she was mind-fucked at this moment and the ability to understand proper Japanese just went whoosh lol Thanks to @starshiningsirius for pointing it out for Yume~ ♥︎ HONESTLY YUME’S JUST GONNA WAIT FOR ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS AT THIS POINT LOL Don’t trust me for important situation too much lol
Aaaahh...We’re getting this shut-in out of his room in the next episode, are we?
And that concludes the whole Pomefiore Episode! JESUS CHRIST 75 CHAPTERS ALL IN ALL!? How long is the Ignihyde chapter going to be, huh!?
This was a really, really fun episode lol I’d consider this a fan service episode actually cause of all the things we get to experience— The singing, dancing, and the new songs, THE DRAMA. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
But then, the plot thickens, no? What’s going to happen to Grim? In the Ignihyde episode? And those reoccurring memories of us? And our relationship with Tsunotarou lol ALSO WE NEVER REALLY DID FIND OUT WHAT ROOK’S UNIQUE MAGIC IS. DISNEY EXPLAIN—
Thanks for reading this shitpost of Yume losing her shiet lol See you all in the Ignihyde Episode~ ❤
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chasseuses · 4 years
reasons why i love jade leech pt.2
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so i guess I'm doing this again.
this is more of a repeat of everything I said in part one but with more sobbing and coherent words.
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Jade Leech, Octavinelle's vice dorm leader and the twin brother of Floyd. Many might say that Jade is better than Floyd, although that may seem true to people who don't know him well enough, some people were smart enough to know that Jade was just as bad.
Despite being so fucking shady and nasty, I couldn't help but slowly learn how to love his character. His shadiness is only a part of his charm ❤️ I mean— don't you want that? Don't you just want to look at him and wonder what the fuck is going through his mind right now?
He could be either plotting murder or thinking about tonight's dinner and I would still find his shady expression 🥺 oddly attractive to say the least. I'm being weirdly serious here and typing in lowercase so in a few bullets, expect me to go feral once again.
His eyes are gorgeous. I don't know about you but I get mesmerized everytime I look at them, I swear I could drown in them and never want air ever again. His mismatched eyes,, absolutely beautiful sir please shock my heart eheheh 👉👈 haha jk !!! he doesn't have to use his unique magic to shock my heart bfjfkfjfkfjkffk
His smile is breathtaking, my sun— my light in this dark world of mine. Even if his smile is practiced and insincere, I can't help but go crazy over it. Imagine if he smiled genuinely, no restraints at all as he let out a hearty laugh and a genuine smile took over his expression. I would cry on the spot, I am cryimyfjrkfjkffk.
SPEAKING OF TEETH, MAN I REALLY AM CURIOUS AS TO HOW SHARP THEY ARE. A PART OF ME WANTS TO SHOVE MY HAND INTO HIS MOUTH AND JUST TOUCH THOSE TEETH AND SEE HOW SHARP THEY ARE 🤡 haha imagine if he suddenly bit down tho hahshhhshsdrijfrknfkrgntknffknflfnflffnkfnfkjfkdjfofjddlifjf ok I'll shut up.
I don't think I mentioned it here (i already did) but I am telling you that the idea of someone as composed and reserved as Jade starts pining, IT'S GUARANTEED TO BE SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE 🗿 OH GOD THE THOUGHT OF JADE PINING?? ABSOLUTELY *CHEFS KISS* MAN THAT IS SOME GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE IF YOU SEE ANY PINING JADE PLEASE TAG ME I WILL START CRYIMG
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Oh my god. Have I told you how beautiful Jade's lips are? Please please please please look at them they look so nice ahahahha so irresistible and kissable UEEEEEEEEEE
The way his lips are like that 🗿his fucking smile/smirk. GOD GIEV EME THE ABILITY TO KITH THIS MAN JUST ONCE PLEASE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I'M FUCKING CRYING.
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I'm ashamed to admit that the earliest reason why I liked Jade Leech was because of his hands. Please forgive me, Lilia-sama. I cannot help but get attracted to such beautiful hands- it was if it was sculpted by the god of sculpting himself! It's such a shame that his gloves cover up its blinding beauty- though my eyes can see through the deceit, I know that his fingers are glorious beneath that piece of cloth. My one and only wish in life is to be able to hold his hand- without the gloves, and that's all for my confession.
I'M SORRY BUT I JUST REALLY LIKE HIS HANDS OK. LIKE 😳 haha...!! what if we held hands,, without the gloves 😳 haha jk...! unless ...?9£4(_8 UE UE UE UE UE MR. LEECH LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND PLEASE I'M GONNA BEG
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st a rts sobbing
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
pouting jade.
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I'm fucking crying why the fuck is he so cute gof forbid this man from being so fuvking cute i cannot.
People be telling me: cute?? jade is terrifying.
and I go like: that's cute.
UE UE UE EU UEHFHRJFJJDJF HAVE U GUYS HEARD OF WHAT HE DOES TO PEOPLE HE BETRAY HIM???? I LITERALLY WENT 😳 "ahahahh mr leech i will personally betray you just to make you do that to me" you know. like a simp.
U know what I'm going back to lowercase
His extreme love for mushrooms is probably his comic relief so it doesn't completely make him seem like a shady bitch in the game- it's a surprise as to how cute and vulnerable he can get when he talks about or does something related to his precious fungi. It even goes as far as to make him completely lose his sense of surroundings, which is really rare for someone as observant as him- and usually dangerous sjfbjdbf. It's also EXTREMELY CUTE as to how they made Jade someone who really likes mountains- he even goes as far as to found his own club to appreciate them!!
He has pretty deft hands, being able to create a terrarium and care for it as a hobby is applaudable- not everyone has the ability to do just that, you'd have to be able to be extremely precise and careful, and add a little bit of extreme determination to the mix. He would probably smell like mud from all the time he spends in the greenhouse, and stays up late because of creating terrariums. It shows us that he isn't completely a shitty eel who collects dirt on people as his job and I think that's pretty fucking cute not gonna lie!
There was one voice line of him mentioning that he likes gazing at stars, which was completely unexpected for me! He didn't seem like the type to gaze up at the stars and just- watch! Though I expect him to be always alone whenever he does that- he isn't exactly the most approachable person in NRC, people tend to avoid the Leech twins because of Floyd- mostly. People are just scared of them and I don't think Jade has any friends aside from Azul and Floyd. And I don't think either of them would be willing to stay with him to do just that, Floyd's excuse would be because "it's boring~!" and Azul's would be "I have much more important things to do." And I think that's pretty fucking sad.
God please send me to their world I will watch the stars with him please i love him so much I'm—
Look. No amount of words can actually describe my feelings for Jade Leech no words can do my love justice UE UE UE UE which is why I do the second best thing— keysmash.
Please please please I could give him the whole world and it wouldn't do my love for him justice 🗿 UE UE UE UEJFBRKFBTKNFRKFBFKFHJFHFDKHFKDBFKDHFKRBFRKBFRKBRKFBFKFNFKFJFKFJDKFK
I also uh, want him to step on me! Y',)!92+_)£_+ Y'know... He would stomp on my back and dig his heel into my back and probably hurl insults towards me 😳 man. I'd be hIS FUCKING DOORMAT IN A HEARTBEAT.
Omg this is getting long
The first part was much more 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 but I still do this anyways.
Anyways. Please stan Jade Leech I love him so much 💕
i would've included my brainrot but ppl would just go 🗿 "taku you really are a jade simp huh" and NO I DON'T WANT THATTTTTTTTT
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. It doesn’t really make sense for a long term comic such as LO to have such a drastic change in the artstyle, and even more you can’t really call it an improvement when all the interesting parts of the art style are now gone and all that it is now it’s just some basic same-face and body art style with barely any backgrounds. RS is incredibly talented for illustrative artwork and it’s really a shame she’s not doing that anymore and instead has left it to her team, with leaving them very messy sketches. The artstyle in the beginning had life and glamour and now it’s just very dull and boring. That’s not an improvement
2. I genuinely can’t think of any man in LO that’s even half way decent. Poseidon maybe? Hephaestus? Those are the only two I can manage, meanwhile the rest are either Rachel purposely ruining them because of her own biases (Zeus, Apollo, Thanatos to an extent) or are “good” men who are just creeps who disrespect all the women around them and are super creepy and obsessed over a literal teenager who acts like a child (Hades, Ares, Hermee, Eros, etc). The women aren’t much better either. 
3. About Perse making Hades childish: (this is no way defending him, just some speculation, and tbh I doubt that RS has thought this through haha) I wonder if he becomes a horny teenager around her because she’s a goddess of fertility? Would that have any affect on him? Doesn’t excuse his creepy ass behavior, but could explain it a bit, I guess?
4. Okay so I'll be honest I dont really see any reason to 'simp' over Any of the LO characters?
Also, not to start sh*t, but - I think part of the reason why some of the LO fandom does not like Zeus (and perhaps gives Hera more leeway - at least in terms of cheating) is because:
Mythologically Zeus is a known cheater / rapist (Io for example, or Semele)
They see Hera cheating a Zeus as okay (its not) because he's been known to cheat on her in the past / fans see Hera cheating on Zeus with Hades as 'justified revenge' for what he's (Zeus) put her through
I'll be honest I dont really see Zeus (or Hades for that matter) as good rulers because
Despite other deities (like Eros) doing 'acts of wrath' - they get away with it because they often have someone to back them up (like Aphrodite offering to sleep with Zeus to get her son out of trouble) - but the one time Persephone does something wrong (an act of wrath) - Zeus wants to give her the Prometheus treatment - mainly so he can feel like an in control king whos subjects respect him
The reason this sound so odd is because of RS writing choices. Zeus is a grade A d*ck who is willing to destroy a 'young girls promising career' because she made 1 mistake that one time. But at the same time the act of wrath is framed oddly because Demeter doesn't want her daughter to get in trouble so she covers it up (its like the equivalent of hiding a murder from the cops).
Zeus wanting to Prometheus Kore seems overly harsh because she is a Child. (Well a teenager) - so it adds to the "Zeus is a d*ck" card, because she doesnt have the life experience to "get away with" stuff like the other deities because she is young AND sheltered.
Like again, the whole concept of Human Laws applying to Gods is so confusing:
Would Zeus have been this harsh if Demeter had simply come forward in the first place about Persephone's murder rampage? Why did she blackmail / get other deities involved to cover it up? Is Zeus THAT much of a d*ck in Demeters eyes that she knows he would harshly punish a child for something "she didnt mean to do" (killed mortals based on a feeling?)
Why is there a motherf*cking trial in the first place? Do All the other deities get the right to a fair trial or is this a special case? (Like can any deity just offer to sleep with Zeus and he'll let them off the hook?). If the other deities had commited the same crime would the trial / punishment be the same or does Zeus just have a rage boner because he was lied to? If thats the case then why are the other deities taking Persephones side during the trial? (Ares I can maybe understand cause hes the God of War and stuff but everyone else is taking Perse's side because their either her personal friend or family member (Hecate, Hermes, Demeter, Hades etc).
Why are there certain laws like "Zeus cant get to Persephone because she has clemency in the underworld" but other deities - including Leto, Demeter and others (like Perse's nymph family) can just stroll into Hades house? Why is Hermes still on house arrest? Why are Hades + Persephone throwing a house party when shes on trial for scythe crimes??!!!
Why are the gods bound by such petty squabbles?
The way RS set up the governing "laws" in universe just doesnt make a whole lotta sense. Also, sorry this got ramblely.  
5. Tbh i don’t think that Hades acting differently when he’s with Persephone is a bad thing, as a concept. But there are many issues with this such as the fact that Persephone is barely legal and Hades act like an actual child around her. Obviously when you’re with someone they are going to act different than they do when they are at work. The problem is that Hades essentially goes from the “cold-scary king” to a 17 year old hormonal boy when he’s with Persephone. And him making out with her in a middle of a store or them golfing with diamonds or him making out with Persephone again in front of his workplace is not exactly acceptable behaviour from a king. If Hades acts all lovey-dovey with Persephone when their at their home together it’s different, but when they’re at a public place they can’t really do that. I would say that he has to keep a status about him but from what we’ve seen all the citizens of the underworld hate him and don’t respect him at all, from yelling at him to actually fighting with him, so idk how much status there is actually attached to him 
6. I swear, the majority of the “cute” HxP moments in LO just seem like a single father dealing with his hyperactive 8 year old over the supposed future intimidating rulers who Rachel is obsessed about talking and drawing their sex life. Is it really that hard to depict Persephone even acting like a smart teenager at the very least, as opposed to an airhead grade schooler? It doesn’t scream cute to me, it seems more like a father/daughter relationship. It’s just weird. 
7. i mean, i have a LO oc who's persephone's brother (fertility god) between demeter and zeus. dude got thrown into tartyrus to cover up the affair and now serves cronus. he was the god of summer, and my reasoning was demeter's seasons/harvest + summer thunderstorms. wrote a whole minific i will never post about him and persephone realizing everyone around them are assholes and healing together. so the mistress-of-zeus oc isnt that weird.
8. I’m not a Zeus stan by any means, but I do find him one of the most interesting characters, and one that RS has, in her attempts to make him be the worst ever to make Hades look better, actually way more interesting and compelling than the majority of the cast. He doesn’t lie or whine to the audience he’s some good person like Hades when he’s not, he owns that he’s a dick and doesn’t bullshit the audience into thinking he’s someone he’s not. RS tries to show us he’s a “bad” king, yet we see no proof it beyond what, he wants to uphold the law P broke and doesnt kiss Hades’ butt? That’s not a bad king, it’s a good one that he doesn’t let family ties or lust cloud his judgement, unlike Hades or Hera, for example. I don’t condone his cheating either, but it’s not fair to hate him for it, but love it that Hades cheated on Minthe so he could get into a teenager’s skirt and praise Hera for sleeping with her brother in law while punishing Zeus’ mistresses because she’s being a fake “loyal” wife. Just because he’s a deeply flawed, even a bad person doesn’t make him a bad character. Hades and Hera and even Persephone are awful people who do worse than Zeus, yet they’re loved and praised for it, all while being written with the depth of a puddle. 
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lauraashley93 · 4 years
This is my first shot at fanfic... be easy guys haha
I Don’t Love You Anymore
Reader and Angel are engaged when Angel starts to pull away. Things go south when reader confronts him.
Warnings: angst
It was the final straw. You had finally had enough. For months you and Angel had been fighting because you could feel him pulling away from you and every time you’d bring it up he’d shut it down by either brushing it off or getting on the defensive. Both of which just ended up with yelling and crying.
You wanted so bad to know what had happened between the two of you because once upon a time you were happy, perfect even. After this time though, you were done wondering. It had been three days and Angel had chose to stay at the clubhouse instead of coming home and you decided if he wouldn’t come to you, you would go to him, confront him and demand some answers. You were tired of having your heart stomped on.
Which is how you found yourself here. You were sat in your car parked in the scrapyard twisting and turning the diamond ring on your left ring finger as a tear slid down your cheek. All the confidence you had driving there completely gone as you now started to feel the heaviness in your heart. You sighed, it was now or never so you took a deep breath and stepped out of your car.
You stared at the ground trying to calm your racing heart. You were brought out of your concentration when you heard your name Being called. You looked up and seen a smiling Ez running toward you. The smile slowly fading as he approaches you as he sees you’ve been crying.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
You shrugged, “I don’t think so Ez. Have you seen Angel? I really need to talk to him.”
Ez nodded his head toward the club house. “He’s in there. Noticed he hasn’t really left. He’s not saying much though.”
You nodded as you tried to hold back the tears.
“I don’t think he loves me anymore Ez. He won’t come home, he’s acting different and every time I try to figure it out he shuts me out and we end up in a screaming match. I’ve tried giving him his space but I can’t do this anymore.”
Ez’s heart was breaking for you. He could see the pain behind your eyes and he wished he could knock some sense into Angel and pull his head out of his ass. He didn’t think that Angel didn’t love you, he thought it was more of his brothers way of thinking he was protecting you. Pushing you away, in Angels mind, was the best option.
“I’m gonna go see him. I didn’t want to do this here but he has left me no choice.”
Your shoulders slumped in defeat as you walked toward the clubhouse.
Walking through the doors you were greeted by Bishop. He gave you a hug that you returned. “Y/N! It’s been so long since we’ve seen you what brings... “ he stops speaking as he pulls you back to see that you are not your normally bubbly self. You had grown close to the Mayan men and considered them family. Which is why doing this was that much more difficult. His once happy face grows into concern as he takes in your appearance.
“Is everything okay Mija?”
“I’m looking for Angel. Have you seen him?”
He could tell by your answer that he wasn’t going to be getting anything out of you. He nodded his head in understanding and motioned his hand over his shoulder.
“He’s by the bar. You need anything you know you can come to me.”
You smiled a silent thank you to him as you made your way to where Angel sat.
He seemed to be in its own world as you slowly walked up behind him
You cleared your throat as you tapped his shoulders.
“Angel.” Your voice cracked as you said his name.
He turned around with a look of surprise. He definitely didn’t expect for you to come here.
You first noticed how different he looked. Stress and lack of sleep evident on his face. It broke your heart to see the man you love like this. But you couldn’t let that get in the way. You were here to either get answers or walk away. You couldn’t do anymore fighting and being left to feel as if you were nothing.
“Y/N. What are you doing here?”
His voice was a mix of irritation and shock and it made you feel small.
“I wanted to talk to you and seeing as how you won’t answer my calls or texts and refuse to come home you have left me no other options.”
You we’re trying to keep your voice down. You didn’t want to attract any attention. You prefer to keep your problems private so you kept trying to remind yourself to be calm.
“Well, I have nothing to say when I do I’ll come around or answer your calls. So feel free to leave.” You blinked a couple of times trying to ward back the tears threatening to fall. You never thought he would talk to you that way and for him to be so hateful after you had done nothing wrong sent you over the edge.
“What the fuck is your problem?? What have I done to you that is SO awful you feel you need to treat me this way??”
Your voice is no longer calm. You are all but yelling and Angel has noticed his brothers attention are now on you both. He hated knowing he was making you upset. Truth is he wanted to talk to you but it seemed everything lately was going so wrong and he didn’t want you near if the shit exploded so instead of fixing things like he so desperately wanted to he chose to pick a fight. Thinking of anything to make you want to walk away.
“I don’t have a problem. I just need some space and I don’t understand why you can’t just fucking give it to me.”
You stared at him, he didn’t come off as convincing as he wanted and he knew you heard it in his voice.
“You don’t mean that. You’re trying to push me away.. I just can’t understand why. Please Angel, just talk to me. We can work this out but you HAVE to communicate with me” you’re trying so hard but you can see the coldness in his eyes. You can feel the walls going up and you can tell he isn’t going to listen. You start to cry. No longer being able to hold back the tears. “You can see the pain you’re causing and you don’t even care.” You voice caught in your throat as you choked back a sob. “Please Angel. I love you. You’re my world. I need you. I miss you..”
He’s staring at you. His heart breaking but he’s not breaking. He knows he has to hurt you. Make you hate him so you’ll run and never look back. Find someone who can give you a safe and happy life.
“You want me to talk?” He’s yelling now and you are backing up as he stands from the bar stool. “Fine, I don’t love you anymore, Y/N. I have tried and I just can’t. You’re holding on to something that’s not holding onto you and that’s the problem. It’s pathetic. I thought you would get the hint but I guess you just can’t see the signs. There is nothing to fix. I don’t want to fix us.”
Bricks. That’s what it felt like bricks upon bricks being dropped on you. Your world stopped. Were you breathing?? Are you awake? Is this real life? Did your fiancé, love of your life and best friend just tell you he didn’t love you anymore? You needed to say so much but couldn’t find your voice. All you could do is cry while everyone in the clubhouse stared on in shock. All of the sudden you felt tired. Drained. Like the life had been sucked right out of you. After the shock started slowly fading away it was quickly replaced with anger.
“Oh, stupid me for not seeing that my FIANCÉ stopped loving me. When Angel? Huh? WHEN? Why couldn’t you just tell me? Why string me along?” You wiped the tears from your eyes. You were done. You were tired of him breaking you when all you tried to do was love him. You wanted to tell him you didn’t care. That it was fine and you would go find someone who deserved you. Problem was, you DID care. So much so it was eating at you. So you cried harder.
“Why don’t you love me, Angel?”
The question broke his heart. He wanted to hug you, to hold you and make it all up to you. But he couldn’t, not now. So he dug it in deeper.
“I’m not sure I ever did. You were someone who made me feel good, filled a hole. I guess I was using you as a crutch and now, it’s just doing it anymore. You’re not enough. I can’t keep pretending.”
You broke. You didn’t think it was possible to hurt anymore than you already were but he did it. All your life you have never felt good enough. That was a part of you that you told him and all of those times he said you were and that you were everything he needed and wanted was a lie. Angel had to look away before he lost it. He could see the light leave your eyes knowing he had finished what he set out to do. Ez had apparently noticed too so he walked up to you giving Angel the most disappointed look he could muster up and he put his arm around you. “Come on y/n I’ll take you home.” You don’t remember giving the command to your legs to follow him but you did. It was like everything in you had died and you were floating. Slow motion. Ez put you in the passenger seat of your car as he climbed into the driver seat. He looked at you, pity washing over his face he went to speak but you stopped him.
“ Please , don’t. Don’t make excuses. Don’t tell me you’re sorry. You looked over at him tears flowing freely. “Please just take me home. “
Ez did just that. The ride was quiet. You finally pulled into your drive and got out quickly. Ez following behind you. You stopped at the door and turned to him.
“Go, take the car. I’ll be fine. I just need to be alone.” Ez hesitated but I guess the look in your eyes he knew it was for the best.
“Okay, but please promise me that you’ll call me if you need me. “. You nodded and walked inside. You heard the car speed off and you slid down the door letting your emotions swallow you as you laid in the floor.
Back at the club house Ez pulls back in. He’s fuming. He looks at you like a sister and watching Angel completely break you was enough to make him wanna beat the shit out of thin. He storms into the clubhouse eyes searching for Angel. They find him at the bar shooting back a shot of whiskey.
“Angel, what the fuck is your problem??” Ez yells as he storms up to his older brother. Angel turns and looks at him and Ez is shocked to see that he’s crying?
“Why did you say all of that to y/n?” Ez’s tone is softer now seeing how upset Angel is.
“I had to Ez. Don’t you get it? It’s for her own good. I’m toxic. With all this shit going on I don’t want her caught in the middle. She deserves better. I need her safe. I don’t want her to get hurt.”
Even though Ez understands his brothers motives he still can’t help but wanna punch him.
“Do you realize she wasn’t hurt until as right now? You did the very thing you set out NOT TO DO. You pushed away the one person who loved you more than life itself. You want her to live a happy life but all you have done is ripped her heart out and stopped her eyes from shining. YOU hurt her. Not club shit. YOU. She wants her fiancé to love her. Don’t you remember when you first purposed to y/n? Hm? Remember what you told me she said? That she didn’t care what happened. She would ride and die with you. She’s tough and can handle shit, Angel. You need to let her have a choice in this.”
It was like realization kicked Angel in the dick and made him want to vomit. Ez was right but what did that matter now? He didn’t know but he needed to make it right. He needed to run home and tell you he was a fucking idiot and that he loved you and he will spend the rest of his life making it up to you.
“I’m a fuck up Ez. I gotta get to her bro. I gotta fix this.”
Tears were running down angels face as Ez put his hand on his shoulder.
“Come on, I’ll follow you in her car. Let’s go win your girl back.”
They rushed out driving as fast as they could. Angel didn’t know what he was going to say but he was going to beg you till him face turned blue. He knows he needs you. He knows he fucked up he just hopes it’s not too late.
They pull into your and angels driveway. Everything is quiet. The lights are out. Angel rushes into the door with Ez staying out on the porch. He just wants to be there just in case things don’t go well. Angel flips on the living room light but there isn’t any sign of you. “Y/n??!!??” Angel keeps yelling your name until he gets to the bedroom you share and it’s like the wind gets knocked out of him.
All your clothes are are gone. Nothing else touched but he knows your gone.
Ez hears his brother screaming and runs in seeing Angel sobbing on the floor. He sighs and runs his hand over his head. He looks around and sees a piece of paper laying on the bed. He grabs it and kneels next to Angel handing it to him. Angel looks up, wiping the tears from his eyes and takes the letter.
I believe one of the hardest decisions in your life is choosing to walk away or try harder. Part of me wants to tell you I can’t wait for your to realize you fucked up but part of me wants you to find happiness.
I tried hard. Maybe I could have tried harder? I don’t know. But I did try.. All I wanted was for you to wake up in the middle of the night and call in the middle of all those fights telling me you loved me and that you were sorry, but I couldn’t even get that in a drunk text. All I know is that if I stay I will always be in love with the idea of us getting back together because you, darling, will always have a special place in my heart that no one else could ever have. As you know by now I have left. I don’t want any of the memories. Keep the car. Keep the home and all of Our things. I don’t want to stay here and keep holding on to the hope that you’ll start loving me again and my phone will vibrate and it will be your name and you’ll tell me your sorry and that you love me or something to make me smile and everything will be okay again. I hope you find someone you can’t live without and I hope you never know what it’s like to try to live without them.
I left the ring in the top drawer of the dresser. I hope one day you will find your true forever.”
Angel is sobbing uncontrollably. Ez is trying to call you only to discover you have left your phone here. “I lost her man, I have lost the best thing in my life and I have nobody to blame but myself. “
Ez holds his brother while he cries hoping that there is still some way to get you back home.
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yeocult · 4 years
ATEEZ as students studying
king of self-care! but studies for 15 minutes then take a 2 hour break and calls it self-care (omg he thinks he’s me or smth)
has power naps every single day at least 30 mins because he’s Stressed
always thinking of ways to drop out during the middle of lectures
that one kid that talks to nobody & sits at the back of the class with his hood on to hide his airpods
doesn’t do it anymore bc one time it disconnected and “there’s some whores in this house” blasted out loud & now he’s paranoid
shows up to group studies but lets the group carry him,,, but he puts out One Really good idea to get his name on the paper
only cares about topics he’s interested in, other than that he’s just astral projecting
“yo can you send me your answers so i can compare mine?” but he copies it and says “we got the same answers” (all men do is lie</3)
calculates his marks; “ok so i need at least a 80 on this...oh wait no, a 95...damn okay...”
the type to arrives late with ice coffee
wakes up at 5 am to study instead of staying up
scented candles and lofi music for the ~studying mood~
a linguistic learner
learns best by teaching others so he’ll do group studies often to help other people
teaches people without making them feel dumb
uses grammarly for his emails with 3 paragraphs asking 1 question with a proper greeting and a ‘sincerely, park seonghwa’
professor: ok - sent from iphone
you’ll never see him during exams week, he’s Gone
a loyal user of the outline method
his desk must be cleared at all times! a clean workspace makes it easier to focus
brings extra pencil just in case anyone needs them bc he’s the sweetest person ever (he’s fully aware that he’ll never get them back but it’s okay bc sharing is caring)
does his readings on time (you’ll never catch him slacking)
actually has his shit together for the most part 1/2
writes “i love you” or “sorry” at the end of his tests (that he bombed)
the type to ask you to print “just one thing real quick” and it’s 15 page and at 2 am
uses emojis like :D & \(^o^)/ when sending emails to his professors
has a bad habit of copying word for word on the slide and he doesn’t actually understand/learn anything
goes to the library bc he thinks that’ll help him be in the ~studying vibe~
it doesn’t. ends up texting or watching youtube gameplay
has never heard of the colour-coding system in his entire life and ends up with a page filled with neon highlight
snacks breaks are the only thing keeping him Normal
leaves himself an encouraging note at the end of the reading page so when he’s finished he feels good !!
friends with all of the professors and uses all office hours
strongest points are his guessing skills in multiple-choice questions (process of elimination ftw!)
he tries his best, doesn’t care about marks that much because he knows it doesn’t determine him (and he’s right!)
probably runs a studyblr/gram
has the cutest note ever, his handwriting is so pretty!!
he thinks that buying an ipad pro & apple pencil will make him smarter
likes it bc he can doodle on it then erase them easily :”)
has to wear blue ray glasses because of how he looks at a screen so much
mildliners, muji 0.38 gel pen, 6 ring binder, minimal planner, washi tapes, you name it! he visits muji and daiso every other week
buys wayyy too many planners and notebooks which he never ends up using
only uses pastel mildliners because they’re easy on the eyes. cringes every time he sees yunho’s highlighters v_v
his flaw is that he spends 10 mins writing his header with brush tip pens
mutes the group project gc but gets his part done like the good classmate he is
sweats every time he gets an assignment back, takes a whole ten minute to mentally prepare himself
a visual learner; makes mind maps, flow charts, etc
actually has a working printer that he uses pretty often to prints lessons before class just to be Extra prepare
tells everyone he slept well but his bullet journal habit tracker for sleep says otherwise (plz rest!!)
exclusively uses college ruled paper like the sane person he is
uses wide-ruled paper (unfortunately not everyone is perfect</3)
starts off very positive, motivated, and organized
then everything goes downhill by the second week
will definitely set byeol on top of his keyboard, take a picture, and send it to his professor as an ‘excuse’ as why he needs an extension (it works)
can’t sit still for any longer than 30 mins, his legs are always bouncing or fidgeting with pen
flashcard king! spends a lot of time on them but it’s worth it
a utensil chewer (always willing to share his pencil but when ppl saw the bite marks they’re like No Thanks >_>)
can’t study well with groups or himself bc he’ll be distracted,,, so he needs one person that can ground him bc when they’re in the zone, he will too be on his x game mode
sends his assignment at 11:58 pm hoping his professor will take the Hint (plz don’t be afraid to ask for help u_u)
prefers listening to ghibli studio soundtracks but then he either gets emotional or sleepy
sometimes forget to mute his mic and we just hear him groaning in frustration
“haha sorry i just stubbed my toe...”
then mutes his mic and goes back to his mental breakdown
the only person that studies every single day just to get his brain used to the information and running
probably listens to anime op or edm music for that Energy Boost
everyone either hates or love him because...
1. loves him bc he always comes clutched with study guides (and willing to share if he likes you enough)
2. he’s good at everything even if he’s not paying attention/doing it last minute
just naturally good at retaining information and applying them
asks Big Brain question that even the professors are shook
sometimes he gets super into the topic and wants to know Everything
“i’ve never failed an exam in my life” and he’s right! big brain mingi
fetal flaw is that he forgets easily (hence why the last minute) and has to write on his palm as a reminder
clicks his pens All the time so he switched to pens with caps just to keep others from jumping him
takes naps 10 mins before classes
actually has his shit together for the post part 2/2
“if no one got me, i know khan academy and quizlet got me. can i get an amen”
y’all know that one mf that doesn’t have a pencil?
yea he’s been using the same one someone lend to him before a test and never returned it
it’s been two months and it’s still working well and they’re never going to get it back
a minimalist,,,, but in a bad way</3 bc he carries his stolen pencil and paper that he spilled his energy drink over and that’s about it
just throw loose papers in his bag and forgets about their existence
doesn’t do binders or notebooks, just crumbled up paper
sometimes carries a textbook just to show everyone that he’s got his life together
really noisy for No reason, always wants to know other’s marks
a kinesthetic learner
hides his screen with he gets the kahoot questions wrong (you’ll never catch him slippin)
plays coolmathgames.com during class
doesn’t really know what to study/prioritize so he overwhelms himself with every single topic ever
thinks he’s god by pulling an all-nighter to look at the 60+ slides last minute
Swears he’ll change and do better next semester,,,</3
goes to the cafe, takes pictures of his notes & laptop, post it on his story, then leaves
thrives off of red bull and ice americanos
gets notes and study guides from his upperclassmen because everyone loves jongho
an audio learner so he’ll probably work out or go on a jog while listening to lessons/audiobook
never pulls all-nighters bc it messes up his sleep schedule and says he’ll do it in the morning but he never does
doesn’t even own a highlighter, he’ll circle or underline stuff with a red or black pen
has never touched a textbook in his life
only the study guides and slides, his textbook is collecting dust rn
his notes are literally Only for him because his handwriting only makes sense to him
has questionable handwriting,,, it’s like decoding
multitasks a lot but it ends up taking a lot longer than he wanted to (bc it’s a myth)
very spontaneous; he’ll grind for 5 hours straight but sometimes he won’t even touch a pencil
works best when he talks about the work in groups and share information with each other, like having a convo about the topic
unmutes his mic Once after the lesson to say “bye”
does his work right after the lessons but then takes a short break & doesn’t even Look back for the rest of the night
a/n: tag yourself ! i’m a bit of hohong (i projected myself on all of them in some way lmaooo)
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uchukiyoo · 3 years
Making Me Jealous Pt.5 (Final Part)
Prompt: Your boyfriend breaks up with you but he can’t seem to let go of you, as he sees you getting closer to another boy.
Pairing : Taeyong X Reader
Genre : Angst ? I guess
Word count : 800-ish ?
parts : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
“I do, I love you, I’ve always loved you and I can’t do anything about it. I tried to stop, I tried to hate you, to convince myself that you were over our relationship and that it was pointless to continue thinking about you, but I just can’t help it.”
He took a deep breath and wiped his tears with the palm of his hands.
“You don’t have to say anything Y/N…I-I’m just going to leave now…” He finally said after calming down.
You wanted to say something you really wanted to, but your brain was blank.
Your head was telling you to tell him to leave and never come back, that it was too easy to just cry and apologize for what he’d done after being so mean to you, that you didn’t love him anymore but you heart was telling you to run in his arms and kiss him.
After a few seconds, he stood up, ready to put his shoes on but you took his hand and led him to your small bedroom.
You could see the confusion in his eyes but you simply opened the drawer of your bedside table and took out an envelope with Taeyong’s name on it.
“I wrote this a few weeks ago…when I was feeling very bad.” You said, handing him the letter
“Oh…you wrote it for me or…?” He asked, sitting down on your bed.
“Yes…I- well just read it, if you want of course…and for your information, the photo of us is right here.” You took the photo out of the drawer. “I’ve cried so much looking at it, I used to stare at it for hours every night, it made me sad but I love this photo, as you said it’s special and I would never throw it away…”
“Can I read it now ?”
“I’ll go in the living room…to give you some space” you said
Taeyong opened the envelope and started to read, quietly.
I don’t know why I’m writing this, maybe I need this to move on. I don’t even know if you will read it one day but anyways…I just need to talk.
The past two years have been crazy. I can confidently say that those were the best years of my life. I’ve loved every minute I spent with you, even when we fought. I still remember the day we met, you helped my move some furniture into this apartment and then we talked, for what? 2 hours maybe more? I remember thinking “this guy might be my soulmate” and for two years I thought I was right.
You’ve honestly made my life better and even if it’s over now I want to thank you for that. Thanks for always inspiring me, helping me, being patient with me…
After you told me it was over, I tried to hate you, I thought I wouldn’t love you anymore, that I could forget you, but I was just lying to myself.
I’ll always love you TY and I hope we could keep good memories of each other…
Thank you again, for everything.
I wish you the best.
Taeyong read the letter, re-read it and read it again. He wanted to be sure to get all the words.
Once again, his eyes filled up with tears, he was feeling a mix of joy and sadness.
I ruined everything… he muttered to himself
You gave him a few seconds and went to the bedroom door. He was lying on your bed, the letter on his chest and his eyes closed.
“I ruined everything, all we had…we were good together? Right? We were happy…why did I do that? I’m so fucking dumb…”
You walked to the bed and laid next to him.
“yeah…can’t deny that…” You said, crossing your legs
“You know when I told you I never loved you…when we were at the cinema…”
“yeah you told me you only had good sex with me…yup I remember veeery clearly…”
“Yeah…sorry about that, I was just being a moron…I was so mad and jealous. I love you, I mean we had pretty good sex too you know I can’t deny that it was…reaaally good and-
“Okay Taeyong I got it. You really don’t need to talk about this now” you cut him off, as your cheeks got redder.
“Yeah sorry... erm... anyways…I love you and I hope you could forgive me. I was a huge asshole I know but…”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little. You had missed this feeling so much.
“You were…but you’re also an amazing person, talented, caring, sweet…and I want you by my side.”
You turned to face him and he did the same.
“I could never hate you Taeyong…”
“Great because I really really want to kiss you right now…I missed you so much”
He slowly got closer to you and gently kissed your lips. It felt like nothing had happened. You were ready to forget it all and start a new journey with the love of your life.
Annnd here is the final part of this little fanfic ! I hope you enjoyed it ! I definitely will write some new ones (i love angsty fanfics haha).
I started something new that i'm quite proud of i can't wait to post it !
Have a nice day !
stay safe ♥
-Sun ☼
(english isn’t my first language, excuse me if there are mistakes :/)
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neocityarchive · 4 years
blind love | l.m.k.
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— in which mark lee is so much more than just your best friend but you were too blind to realize it.
word count: 7.2k | warnings: light swearing | blind love - lola young |
a/n: i didnt mean for it to be this long but i hope you enjoy!!!
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“Just friends,” Mark said, his voice still steady even in the growing tension of the moment. “That’s all you said we are, right?”
Your head dropped down to look at your hands, not knowing what to say. The overbearing guilt of rejecting his sudden confession was crushing your chest that it became painful to breathe.
“I’m sorry, Mark,” was all you could say. You forced yourself to meet his gaze through your already glassy eyes, wanting to let him know the sincerity of your words.
He smiled kindly, shaking his head. There was sadness in his eyes. And in all the years you two have known each other, you could tell how hard he was trying to hide it. “It’s okay. That’s all we’ll be.”
You bumped your head repeatedly against your study table in an attempt to rid yourself of the memory that’s constantly been playing in your head. 
It was a Sunday which meant there were no classes, which meant the university was closed, which meant that you couldn’t even make an excuse to see your best friend Mark who somehow, after almost three years of friendship, suddenly decided that it was a good idea to tell you he loves you more than a friend should love a friend.
You couldn’t say it happened out of nowhere. He’s been saying he has something important to tell you for almost two weeks before the incident but every time you confront him about it, he always makes up some lame excuse to dodge. It took a lot of self-hate for yourself and a nice amount of his protective instinct to finally make him spit it out. 
He came to your apartment that night, finding you barefaced, wearing a pair of sweats and one of his hoodies that you stole some time ago. From that he already knew you weren’t okay. You like wearing his stuff to seek some sort of comfort. Somehow, the smell of his clothes helps calm you down.
You were supposed to help him finish a report but you couldn’t concentrate after getting a below satisfactory grade on a major exam. College has done nothing but give you a shitload of insecurities lately and this just pushed you off the edge. The only thing that has been keeping you sane was the knowledge that you had someone who you can run to at the end of the day. Someone who is willing to listen to your rants and would do almost anything to cheer you up.
That day, however, none of Mark’s usual encouragement worked on you. He was getting frustrated hearing you downplay yourself because of a single exam. You started going on about how stupid you felt, how staying up all night to study did nothing but make you ugly. Mark countered every insult you threw at yourself, throwing in a few jokes here and there, all of which you ignored. But when you went on about how all of this made you unworthy of anything, how no one could possibly love you in this state, he just couldn’t take it anymore.
“I love you,” he snapped, cutting you off from your long self-deprecating speech. 
“You’re my best friend. You’re supposed to say that,” you whined, clearly missing the point.
Mark, on the other hand, was barely holding it all inside. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “No, idiot. I love you. Stop saying no one could love you, because I do. And not just because you’re my best friend.”
It wasn’t until you noticed his hands were quivering that you realized what he really meant. Looking back on it, you couldn’t help but hate yourself. You were sure it took a lot of his courage (and frustration) to come clean to you like that, and you couldn’t even take him seriously at first.
“Mark, no,” you remember telling him.
“I do. I hate that I do, but I do.” He looked away. “I love you and I know you’re feeling burdened right now, but you don’t have to say it back.”
A part of you broke that day. You hated rejecting people after having gone through several rejections yourself. It’s the worst feeling. You always wished there was a way you could always return people’s feelings just so no one would get hurt, but the universe just doesn’t work that way.
You muttered about a hundred sorries to which Mark replied a hundred ‘it’s okay’s. Maybe it was meant to make you feel better, but it just felt like your heart was getting ripped off your chest.
Mark didn’t stay long after that. You didn’t even get to help him with his report. He said sorry for suddenly dropping the L-word and you said sorry for not being able to say it back. He smiled sadly and it took your everything not to cry. He asked if he could hug you and you didn’t even answer. You just went straight into his arms, burying your head in his chest like you’ve done so many times before, breathing heavily to keep yourself from breaking down. And when the two of you pulled away, he insisted on being alone for a while. You said okay followed by another sorry.
You didn’t know “being alone for a while” meant ignoring you for god knows how long. You see him at uni but he wouldn’t even meet your eye. Even when you share the same class, he would choose to sit as far from you as possible. Once, he entered a cafe you were in and upon seeing you inside, he immediately turned around and walked away.
He’s ignoring you and he isn’t even being subtle about it. Mark Lee could never be subtle about anything, not even his feelings. You really were just too blind to realize anything.
Even other people saw how he felt. People used to come up to you all the time and ask about your “boyfriend” Mark. Sure, you would blush, shy that people thought you’re in a relationship with your best friend. When you explain that you weren’t actually dating, you would get the same shocked reaction every time. One of your friends even said you acted more like a couple than most people in a relationship do. You always thought it was just because you and Mark were such good friends.
“Friends don’t hold hands in public,” you remember Renjun saying.
“We don’t hold hands. He just grabs me and drags me to places,” you said defensively.
“And they don’t hug each other and stare at each other’s eyes while talking about pizza,” Jaemin scoffed.
You just rolled your eyes at them. It never crossed your mind that maybe they were right. You and Mark have never acted like how friends should. Maybe it’s the reason why you’re in this mess after all.
You sighed to yourself. You miss him. You can’t even pretend that you don’t. He’s become such a huge part of your everyday life that you couldn’t just ignore the sudden empty space he left when he said he wanted to be alone. You know he needed time to be by himself. But a part of you keeps holding on to his promise that even after his confession, you two would still be friends. And friends text each other, right? So all your attempts at communication depended on just that.
Thursday, 5:31 PM
You: wanna go watch a movie? i’ll buy the tickets.
Mark: cant. i have an exam tomorrow. sorry :/ maybe next time?
You: oh. okay. goodluck on your exam :)
Friday, 2:21 AM
You: [photo] this is possibly the cutest cat photo i’ve seen in awhile
Mark: that’s cute but dogs are still cuter
You: … okay?
Mark: go to sleep, y/n
Friday, 12:03 PM
You: i know you dont have class rn. have lunch w me?
Mark: oh i already ate with jaemin. sorry!!
You: it’s okayyyy :>> i’ll see u later? it’s friday night sooo we can hang out.
Mark: idk the boys already asked me to go out tonight
You: oh okay have fun!
Saturday, 6:54 PM
You: maaaark
Mark: y/nnn
You: [types] i miss you kajdhfhdksjdh [deletes]
You: nothing haha wanna grab some coffee?
Saturday, 7:01 PM
You: nvm haha have a nice nighhhttt
Sunday, 10:21 PM
You: hey can we talk
Mark: ???
You: please?
Mark: ye what about?
You: you said we’d still be friends
Mark: lol aren’t we?
You: this isn’t how friends talk to each other. i miss having an actual conversation with you.
You: we dont even see each other anymore.
Mark: i literally reply more to u than i do to jaem wdym haha
You: wow fine okay
Mark: ?????
You: i guess i deserve that haha
Mark: im tired y/n. night.
You: :( nighttt
You checked your messages for the nth time, reading everything as if something was gonna miraculously change with the cold conversation thread. Your fingers have been hovering over the keypad, typing and deleting ‘i miss you’ and ‘talk to me’ for about a hundred times already.
You don’t get why you can’t just say it. What’s so wrong with telling your best friend you miss him? Why is it so hard to press send? Why are you suddenly so afraid of how he would reply or if he would even reply at all?
It was only 10:30 in the evening. You know for sure Mark is only lying about going to sleep. He never sleeps this early unless he really is tired. He does nothing on Sundays so he can’t possibly be tired. Sundays are usually just the two of you hanging out in his apartment or yours, just to watch movies or study together. So what did he do today?
“Stop thinking about him,” you grumbled to yourself. “It’s just Mark. He’s a big boy, he can handle himself.”
But that’s not the point, a voice inside your head said. Just tell him you miss him.
You typed it again, ‘I miss you,’ but deleted it as soon as it was finished. Again. 
You’ve spent everyday with Mark that it suddenly hurts to think he’s enjoying the time you usually spend together alone. It’s crazy how you can’t stop thinking about how his day went or if he’s okay or whether he’s eaten or not. You know how stubborn he can be. Sometimes, he’d get so engulfed in whatever he’s doing that he would accidentally skip meals unless you remind him otherwise. 
“Fuck this,” you muttered to yourself. You figured you won’t ever be left at peace if you don’t do anything about whatever you’re feeling, so you decided to text Jaemin.
Sunday, 10:52 PM
You: jaeeem hi :)
Jaemin: y/n!!!!! hello :>
You: sorry for bothering you but have you talked to mark lately?
Jaemin: im talking to him rn haha why? you want me to ask him something?
You: not really hahaha how is he?
Jaemin: haha why not ask him yourself
You: he doesnt wanna talk to me lol pls just answer
Jaemin: he’s stubborn as always. he wont listen to me.
You: why, what’s he doing?
Jaemin: idk but it’s definitely not talking to you ksjdjkd
You: … very funny
Jaemin: sorry lmaooo he’s running on an hour or two of sleep everyday
You: jaemin!! why won’t you scold him?
Jaemin: we do! he just doesn’t listen. u know he only listens to you.
Jaemin: idk why you guys still arent together lmao bunch of idiots tbh
You: we’re just friends
Jaemin: rlly? oh btw mark hyung is looking for his save the bees shirt. did u see it anywhere?
You: yeah he left it here like two weeks ago when he slept over
You: i fckingskjfhfn hate you
Jaemin: HJSJSHHDJD ok but seriously tho mark hyung is fine. just give him time, he’ll come around.
Jaemin: he misses you but u didnt hear it from me
Jaemin: ok bye he’s getting suspicious now lol
You: idk how you’re both an angel and the devil at the same time
You: anw thanks jaem. dont tell him i asked about him lol byeee
You sighed, putting your phone down in surrender. Your mind was more of a mess now than it was before you talked to Jaemin. You hate that he makes sense especially about the weird, more-than-friendly dynamics of your relationship with Mark. But more importantly, your head was beginning to be overfilled with worry.
Mark runs on barely two hours of sleep everyday. No wonder he always looks so out of it whenever you see him in the hallway. You wanted to call him, to tell him that he should sleep already, to remind him that he shouldn’t overwork himself, that doing just enough is okay. But you know he doesn’t want to talk to you. The cold replies and the ‘????’ were more than enough to tell you that.
Still, you figured it was worth a try sending him a little reminder. So you grabbed your phone once again and typed a message, revealing a little more of your emotions than you intended to. And before you could even think twice about it, you hit send.
Sunday, 11:04 PM
You: hey i know you’re still not asleep. dont worry, you dont have to reply to me. i just wanna tell you that you should take care of yourself. i know you. you’re stubborn and sometimes you won’t sleep or eat unless someone reminds you to so,, this is me reminding you haha. stop overworking yourself mark, please? you cant be sick cause i cant take care of you since you wont talk to me… lol jk. but seriously, get more rest (and talk to me,, hahah jk again unless u wanna ;)) please go to sleep now. goodnight. see you around i guess.
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You stopped texting Mark after that. You wondered if he would find the initiative to talk to you first if you didn’t start the conversation. Now, two days have passed and your sleep reminder remains to be the last message on your conversation thread. You couldn’t say it didn’t hurt. You were hoping for at least a small thanks but didn’t get anything at all.
You were starting to get more and more frustrated as the days went by. It’s so unfair that you are slowly losing your best friend because of this. It’s unfair that you can’t even be mad at him because you just broke his heart. You wished there was any way you could have changed what happened, but the past remains to be written.
That afternoon, you passed by one of the cafes you and Mark always go to. You went inside, suddenly craving their special banana muffin which he introduced to you some months ago. The owner recognized you right away as you came up to the cashier.
“You’re not with your boyfriend today?” she asked.
You felt your heart skip a beat and not in a good way. It hurt. You figured there was no use in explaining since she probably won’t believe that Mark is not your boyfriend so you just smiled sadly and answered, “No.”
The lady somehow talked you into buying two muffins so you can bring one to your “boyfriend.” After handing her your payment, you realized maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea. Mark always brings you stuff whenever you’re mad or upset. He knows exactly what you’re craving for even before you knew you were craving for it. Why not try if it works on him?
As soon as you headed out the cafe, you whipped your phone out to text Jaemin, asking if he knew where Mark was. It’s Tuesday, his most free day of the week so he could be anywhere. Jaemin replied not after five minutes.
Jaemin: not sure but he mentioned something about the library??
You: okay thank you!
From that, you knew exactly where Mark is. There was a small patio-like spot beside the library that he likes going to. Not a lot of people utilize the place since the tables and chairs are almost always filled with dried fallen leaves from the surrounding trees but Mark likes the thought of being close to nature.
That day though, there were more people around the area than usual. It was lunchtime so most people were out of the classrooms. Still, it wasn’t hard spotting Mark. It has never been much of a challenge finding him in a crowd of people. You saw him as soon as he came into view, sitting by the table on the corner under one of the ginkgo trees. He had his laptop open and a box of food beside it. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration one moment and then he was laughing the next. 
You were about to make your way towards him but immediately stopped in your tracks when you realized he wasn’t alone.
You didn’t know who the girl was. You’ve seen her a lot of times in class and in the hallway. You even have a vague memory of Mark talking to her one time. But you never really bothered to learn her name. She had that soft, innocent look that goes so well with her shy smile. She had her hair tucked in her ears to show just enough of her pretty face. She was beautiful. Unconventionally but undeniably. But none of that mattered.
When she said something with a smirk and Mark let out his trademark laugh, nose scrunching, hand repeatedly hitting the table, shoulders shaking and all, it felt like something punched you in the stomach. He uttered something in reply and now both of them are clutching their sides for laughing too hard. 
He looks happy, you thought, I should be, too.
But you aren’t. You continued watching their exchange, him showing her something on his laptop and both of them laughing once again. Your chest felt heavy, like something was sitting on it and now it hurts to breathe. You didn’t realize you’ve been clutching the plastic bag containing the muffin too hard until you felt the sting of nails digging on your palms. You knew you should look away but you couldn’t. You wanted to run towards him. You wanted to tell the girl to scooch over so you can sit beside Mark and give him his muffin.
This is pathetic. I should be happy for him, you said to yourself. But why am I not?
You wanted to be angry, to scream and say that it should be you he’s laughing like that with. To say that it’s you he should be spending his time with. You wanted to ask if he still feels the way he said he does about you. And if he does, then why this? But you remained glued to the ground.
You hated how you were being selfish. You rejected him, remember? So why do you expect him to follow your tails like an intoxicated mad dog? Why can’t you be happy at the possibility that he found someone that feels the same way he does? Why does it… hurt? It’s not supposed to. If you really are friends, then him being happy with someone after your rejection should make you happy as well. If you really are friends, then you shouldn’t be standing here looking stupid, watching them from afar, wishing he’s with you instead.
“What are you looking at?”
You jumped at the sudden disruption, almost dropping your muffins. “What the hell, Jaemin?!” you whined, finally looking away from Mark.
“Mark hyung and Mina?” he snorted.
So that’s her name. “No,” you lied, forcing yourself to take a step away, then another, then another.
“Are you jealous?” Jaemin teased. “Have you finally realized you’re also whipped for our hyung?”
“No,” you grumbled.
“Then why are you almost crying?” 
You blinked. You didn’t even realize the tears pooling in your eyes. Why are you being like this? “Shut up. I’m not.”
Jaemin only shrugged. “Fine. Torture yourself, then.” He smirked. “By the way, Jeno and I are inviting people to our place this Friday after exams. Just some drinks and maybe karaoke, I don’t know. We all deserve a break from hell. Wanna come?”
You didn’t reply. Your mind was too preoccupied with other things.
“Mark hyung is coming,” he said. “Maybe Mina too.”
“I don’t wanna go,” you said immediately, suddenly coming up with a decision.
The boy laughed. “You are jealous! God, I love it when you prove yourself wrong. You shouldn’t be though. You already know he likes you.”
“I’m not jealous! Stop it,” you whined, really wanting to cry this time. Everything is so frustrating and Jaemin is not being of any help. You wanted to go home and just wrap yourself in your blanket and maybe one of Mark’s hoodies.
“Then come to our place this Friday. It’s gonna be fun.” He grinned.
“Fine. Whatever. Just get away from me, you little shit,” you said, kicking him lightly in the butt.
You didn’t know if it was a lie or not but if Mark really is seeing someone now, you just didn’t like the idea of seeing them flirt with each other in front of your eyes. Even the thought of it makes you want to pull all your hair out. Is that considered jealousy? If so, why are you feeling it for someone who’s supposed to be just a friend?
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Thursday came and you found yourself crying after realizing the shirt you’ve been wearing the whole day was Mark’s. No wonder he looked surprised seeing you in the hallway. He looked away immediately though, acting as if you weren’t there. It didn’t even cross your mind since you use this shirt quite a lot.
After calming yourself down, you put your playlist on shuffle and cried some more after Friends by Ed Sheeran started playing. You didn’t even realize how fitting the song was for your situation until now. Mark probably did.
You remembered him singing that song once. The two of you were just lounging in his apartment. He was playing his guitar while you pretended to study when in reality you were just looking at him. You watched as his fingers plucked and strummed the guitar strings while he softly mumbled lyrics, head bobbing to the tune. He’s good. Unsurprisingly, since he’s good at everything.
When he realized you were staring at him, he turned his head slightly to meet your eyes, one side of his lips curling up into a smirk. “No, my friends won’t love me like you do,” he sang. 
You looked away, your cheeks heating up almost immediately. It was hard to focus on your readings when he’s sitting right in front of you looking like that, singing like that. You sighed. He truly was never being subtle about how he felt.
After finishing the song, Mark put his guitar down and laid his head on your lap, not even bothering to ask if it’s okay. That’s how comfortable you were with each other.
“What are you doing?” You remember whining.
“Wake me up after 15 minutes,” he said, already closing his eyes. You took a photo of him that night. He’s cute when he’s asleep. Even cuter when you look at him up close. 
Of course, you just had to search your camera roll to find the photo. When you did, it felt as if a storm was raging on your stomach and a gorilla was pounding on your chest. It never dawned to you just how much it hurts that he suddenly left you alone until that moment.
“Goddamn, I miss you so much,” you muttered, looking at his peaceful expression in the photo.
And then you cried some more. You feel lost.
All you wanted to do was curl up in his arms and inhale his scent and listen to how his day went (and maybe accidentally fall asleep together). It sucks because you really had no one else to turn to. The single person who has always been your safe place doesn’t want to talk to you and even if he did, you really wouldn’t know what to say. Perhaps friends really aren’t like that. The thought of everyone being right when they said that maybe you and Mark were never really just friends has never been stronger than it was tonight.
Still, you couldn’t be bothered to sort your feelings out.
He feels like home, you thought. It was the best way to explain the sense of comfort and safety and the feeling of being more than enough that he provides you. It’s the only thing you can think of when your mind drifts to how he is always the constant person that you run to at the end of the day. But friends can feel like home, too, right?
Not to this extent. Not really.
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Friday. You found yourself aimlessly roaming around the neighborhood after your classes in the hopes of distracting yourself from your feelings or whatever the hell they’re supposed to be called. You wouldn’t have remembered Jaemin’s party if you didn’t happen to pass by their apartment building.
You stood in front of it for two solid minutes, contemplating whether to go or not.
Mark might be there, you thought. With everything that’s going on in your head and with all the mess happening in your chest, would it really be a good idea to see him? You thought maybe all these things you’re feeling are just a result of missing him. All these sadness and confusion might just be because you miss your best friend.
So you entered the building. You told yourself that you’ll try talking to him again this time, no matter how stubborn he’s going to be. And if it still doesn’t change anything, then you will take it as a sign to let him go. If not forever, then at least for now.
You reached the door to Jaemin and Jeno’s apartment. Even from the outside, the sound of the bass can already be heard. You wondered how long before the neighbors would file a complaint against them, but knowing Jaemin and Jeno, their neighbors are probably inside, partying with them right now.
Before entering, you looked down on your chest just to make sure you were wearing your own shirt and not Mark’s. It didn’t feel right wearing his stuff anymore. God, it really felt like you just broke up. Why is it like this?
You took a deep breath and opened the door. There were already a lot of people inside even if it was just 8 in the evening. Most of them, you know the faces of. You smiled to greet some and muttered a hi to others.
Renjun spotted you as soon as you came into the living room. “Y/N!” He grinned, handing you a cup of god knows what. “Jaemin said he invited you but we were all pretty sure you were gonna ghost us. But you didn’t!”
You laughed hesitantly. “Thanks, I guess?”
“Drink up. It’s a cocktail I made myself,” he said proudly, almost forcing the cup into your mouth.
You took a sip, figuring it won’t do any harm but you spat the liquid back to the cup as soon as it touched your tongue. “What the hell did you put in this?”
He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. I just mixed in everything I could find. Thanks for trying it out though. I’ve been looking for a volunteer for five minutes already.”
You frowned. There were a lot of things you were unsure of at the moment but there is one thing that’s certain: you have weird friends. You were about to complain to Renjun when he plucked the cup from your grip and went on to find another victim, not even bothering to listen when you said you literally spat on the cup.
Mark didn’t seem to be anywhere. The apartment wasn’t that big so if he was here, it would be easy to spot him. Maybe he decided not to show up after knowing you were coming. And honestly, part of you was relieved. As much as you wanted to talk to him, you still didn’t know what to say. 
I’m sorry I broke your heart, but I miss you so much and I did a lot of thinking and maybe we really shouldn’t be labeled as just friends but I don’t know if I love you, is that okay? That’s just stupid. This whole thing is stupid.
You wanted to leave. Parties have never really been your thing. You usually just go because Mark asked you to since he loves interacting with people. But you figured you needed some alcohol in your system, mainly as a distraction, but also to give you a boost of courage just in case. So you made your way to the kitchen, avoiding eye contact with anyone as much as possible.
You stopped in your tracks as you came to the kitchen. The sound of that laugh was all too familiar.
Great, you thought. Mark was there. And Mina was too. But so were Jeno and Jaemin who exchanged looks as soon as their eyes landed on you. They were all laughing about something before you came.
“You’re here!” Jaemin said a little too enthusiastically in a poor attempt to address the sudden increase of tension in the room.
“Hi,” you said, smiling sheepishly, purposefully avoiding Mark’s gaze which you could feel boring into you. “Just gonna get a drink.”
“Help yourself,” Jeno said. Jaemin smirked beside him. 
The refrigerator was just beside Mark. Just great, you thought again. You walked towards it, desperately trying to ignore the four pairs of eyes following your every move.
“Excuse me,” you muttered, still not looking at your best friend.
Mark took a step sideways before opening the fridge for you. You muttered a quick thanks before grabbing the first bottle your hands landed on, not even bothering to check what it was. You really just wanted to get out of there. Maybe the talking to Mark plan was flawed from the beginning because you clearly can’t find the courage in you to face him now.
Beside you, Mark clicked his tongue. He was so close that you could smell his perfume mixed with a bit of alcohol. It made your knees weak. 
He took the bottle from your hand and put it back before grabbing a different one and handing it to you. “The other one had vodka. Vodkas give you a headache, remember?” he said in a slightly annoyed tone.
“Oh.” Your voice sounded small even to your own ears. Not gonna lie, you wanted to cry at that moment. “Thanks.”
You could hear Jaemin snickering behind you but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care. You turned to everyone and said a quick goodbye before dashing out of the kitchen.
Your heart was beating hard and rapidly and not because you moved too fast. You didn’t know why but it hurt seeing Mark like that, like he was okay, like nothing changed with the two of you. It hurt knowing that even after everything, he still knows you the best.
You wanted to run. You wanted to disappear. But you couldn’t leave without passing by the kitchen. Somehow, you know someone in there would stop you. If not Mark, then definitely Jaemin. But you really wanted to be alone. So you resorted to the next best thing. You whipped your phone out and sent Jaemin a text.
You: thanks for inviting me to this party. now i feel like shit :D
You:  i need to be alone and i cant leave without passing by the kitchen and seeing mark. so pls let me use your room for a while.
You: i wont do anything i promise. i just need to calm down.
Jaemin: fine but dont lock the door
You: okay thanks
The door to Jaemin’s room was at the other end of the apartment. You made your way through the noisy crowd, slipping from Renjun’s weird gimmicks when he tried to make you a victim once again, before finally reaching the quiet confines of Jaemin’s room.
The thin walls barely blocked the noise but at least there was no one else here. You sat at the edge of the bed and placed the beer bottle on the floor. You forgot you didn’t even manage to open it. So you just stared at your feet, trying to catch your breath even if you didn’t do anything. That heavy feeling on your chest was back again. It was now associated with being in Mark’s presence.
You started counting to ten to calm yourself down before burying your face on your palms, breaking down into sobs as soon as your forehead came in contact with your fingers. “God, why can’t I just…” you cried, “... admit it to myself already?”
You wanted to thrash around in the bed in frustration but you thought Jaemin didn’t deserve such a mess so you settled with getting up and lightly banging your head against the door. It’s a bad habit you do when you feel annoyed or frustrated. Mark has always been reminding you to stop before you hurt yourself.
Mark. Again. You groaned, hitting your head a little harder this time.
Someone knocked on the door making you stop. You took a step back, thinking you just imagined it. But there it was again.
“Someone’s here,” you said, trying to hide the sound of your voice breaking.
“I know. Can I come in?” It was Mark. There was no question. 
Your heart started pounding on your chest once again. You wanted to tell him to go away but you couldn’t find it in yourself to do so. 
He took your silence as a yes. He swung the door slightly and poked his head through the small opening. Your hands immediately flew to your face to hide the fact that you’ve been crying.
“You know, I came in here because I didn’t wanna see you when I pass by the kitchen if I leave then you come here making me look like a clown,” you said, your voice muffled by your hands.
Mark chuckled softly. “Why didn’t you wanna see me?”
You didn’t reply. Your face felt hot, not just because of the tears that just won’t stop falling but also because all the blood has come rushing to your cheeks.
Mark grabbed both your wrists and gently lowered your hands down, trying to see your face, but your head bent down as soon as it wasn’t covered. “Y/N, look at me,” he said, hands still on your wrists.
“Are you crying?” The idiot crouched down to have a glimpse of your face making you whine and cover your face again. “Last I checked, I should be the one looking brokenhearted around here.”
“God I hate you,” you mumbled. “You ignored me for nearly four weeks and you come in here just to make fun of me.”
He let out an empty laugh. “Well, you did break my heart so…”
At that, you removed your hands from your face to look at him. You were going to say sorry but Mark had that smug look on his face that made you want to punch him. It was almost convincing if you weren’t so good at reading the real emotions in his eyes. His expression softened upon finally seeing you properly.
He looked away, not being able to hold your gaze either. That just confirmed how hard he was trying to keep up with the exterior he was showing everyone.
“I’m sorry,” you said, voice breaking.
He sighed.  “I told you. It’s okay.”
“But it’s not,” you cried. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t realize how easy it was to misread what we had because let’s face it, we don’t act like ‘just friends.’ I’m sorry because I was too blind to see how you felt even when you weren’t really trying to hide it. I’m sorry because even though I rejected you, I was so selfish that I still wanted to keep you for myself without realizing that you probably needed to be away from me to move on. I’m sorry because…” you swallowed.
Mark was just looking at you, eyebrows slightly raised in anticipation of what you were going to say next. You missed him. You missed that cute face of his. You missed being in his presence. You missed his voice and his laugh and how he loves teasing you even if he probably feels like shit inside. You missed everything. Four weeks have been too long without each other. Four weeks is too long without your best friend. Four weeks is too long without your home. And that’s when you realized…
“... I can’t let you go. And I might be too late, but I’m sorry that I only just realized why.”
“Why?” he asked. 
It was a simple question. Why? Yet it managed to carve out every single feeling you’ve ever felt for this boy. Every little moment he made you laugh. Every small heartbreak you get when he fails to keep his tiny promises. Every single night you ‘accidentally’ fell asleep next to each other. Every ounce of fulfillment you get when you finally convince him to sleep after a long day. Every goodnight. Every good morning. Everything.
“I love you,” you said. It sounded almost like an exhale.
For a moment, Mark didn’t reply. Your head immediately started swarming with unwelcomed thoughts. Maybe you were too late. You almost forgot about Mina who he seems to be having an excellent time with. Maybe he managed to move on within those four weeks. It’s possible, right? You had your chance and you missed it. 
Finally, Mark let out a laugh, his head falling down to look at the floor. “I told you you didn’t have to say it back,” he said, voice soft.
You shook your head. “I’m not saying it because you said it first,” you said. “I realize this might be the worst timing but I just thought you should know you weren’t the only one being stupid enough to fall for their best friend. I was just too dumb to realize that that’s what it was.”
“Why would it be the worst timing?” He frowned.
You felt like crying again. You really wish you had some alcohol in your system right now. Why is this whole confession thing taking so long? “‘Cause you’re dating Mina? Or trying to. I don’t know. I tried not keeping tabs on you because our friends are assholes who wouldn’t stop teasing me. She’s pretty, by the way. You two look good together.”
Mark laughed again. It was raw and real this time, and god, the way your chest tightened in endearment at the sound was so pure. “You thought me and Mina are dating?”
“Aren’t you? I’ve seen you guys together a lot.” Well, once. But you tend to overestimate things.
“No!” He snorted. “Jaemin and I are trying to get her and Jeno together. If anything, she made me realize that we definitely aren’t just friends.”
“Really?” Now you just feel stupid. But what else is new? It’s all you’ve been feeling lately. Come to think of it, Mark and Mina didn’t even come close to how you two act with each other.
“Really,” he said. “Friends don’t stay at each other’s place and cuddle with each other just to fall asleep, Y/N. Besides, I said I love you, didn’t I? Did you really think that’s just gonna go away that quickly?”
“Mark, I can’t even sort my feelings out. How am I supposed to figure out how yours work?” You sighed.
“Fine. Just to be clear, I still love you. Even if you don’t, I love you,” he said, taking both your hands and placing it on his shoulder before putting his on your waist.
“But I do.”
“Say it then.”
“I love you. Even if you’re the dorkiest person I know, I love you.” Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair. You’ve run your hands through his hair so many times before. You wondered why it never crossed your mind that you liked doing it not because his hair is soft but because you were sucker for the domestic feeling of it.
Mark couldn’t stop himself from smiling that he had to bury his face at the crook of your neck. “I’m not used to this, sorry.”
“Me neither,” you laughed.
When he finally composed himself, he pulled away just enough to look at you. All those times you’ve stood this close before does not even compare to how it’s like right now. This is the perfect mix of feeling new but familiar.
“You have no idea how many mornings I fought the urge to kiss you whenever we wake up next to each other,” he said in a soft voice.
“Well, nothing’s stopping you know, is there?” you muttered, eyes fluttering to his lips.
You pulled Mark down by the neck as he pulled you closer to him, your lips finally connecting. The idea of kissing him isn’t new to you. There were so many times before that you’ve found yourself inches away from his face and slamming your lips together wouldn’t have been such a bad idea. But this is the first you actually kissed him yet he felt so familiar that you were almost sure you’ve done this a million times before. His lips were soft against yours that it made you weak in the knees. If he weren’t holding onto you like he was, you probably would’ve crumpled already.
The two of you pulled away, breathless.
“Wow,” he breathed. “That didn’t even come close to how I imagined it would feel like.”
You laughed. “This whole night didn’t come close to how I imagined it would be like. I thought you were gonna keep on ignoring me. And honestly, I wouldn’t know how to cope anymore because I really, really miss you already. So thanks for saving me.”
“Stop making me blush. I don’t know how I can possibly love you more than this.”
You rolled your eyes but you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. This was only one of the very few times that the reality went better than your expectations. But then again, maybe you and Mark have always been meant to happen. It was happening even before you realized it was. And now that you finally managed to sort how you both felt, there was no more wasting chances.
“Do I still have to ask you to be my girlfriend?” he asked.
“We’ve literally slept in the same bed so many times. I’d be more surprised if we’re not dating already,” you joked.
Mark grinned. “You’re literally the only one who didn’t realize that until today, but it’s okay, I still love you.”
You laughed. “Wanna go outside and pretend we didn’t make up? I’m 100% sure Jaemin betted on us.”
“I worry how your mind works sometimes, Y/N,” Mark said with a frown before kissing you on the forehead. “But let’s do it.”
You smiled. You’ve said it a lot but you really missed this proximity. You missed being able to hug him whenever you want, and now you can kiss him whenever you want too. You wanted to say you could get used to this, but the thing is… you already are.
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jjmaebank · 4 years
wish you were gay - jj maybank
A/N: So I wrote this based off my own first heartbreak haha fun! Yeah fr, this all comes from the heart and I literally poured my real emotions and experience into this so it’s really special to me. The song ‘wish you were gay’ by Billie Eilish just reminds me of it cuz I listened to it on repeat getting over it and I related to it. If you haven’t heard it I highly recommend! Also italics are flashbacks!
Summary: you and JJ had something you thought was real, you fell for him and you thought he’d fallen for you too, but this becomes an evident lie as he makes a rash decision that ends in disaster.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak
Words: 1,802
Heartbreak. Heartbreak is a perpetual feeling that something bad is about to happen. It’s grief, fur-lined with fear that joy has forever escaped you, that there will be no happily ever after for you. Heartbreak is a tightness in your chest; it makes air feel like razor blades moving through you. It’s waking up in the morning and having three seconds where you don’t remember, and those three seconds will be the only part of the day where the dread doesn’t sit and fester in your gut.
Heartbreak was what you were feeling. After a full day of acting alright, like everything was fine and going back to normal, you’d go home and cry. You’d cry until your body was physically exhausted, to the point where you had no tears left, to the point where your face was sore. You’d cry until you felt physically and emotionally drained and then you would just lay in your bed staring up at your blank ceiling, basking in your own self-pity.
What had gone so terribly wrong? You couldn’t wrap your head around it even weeks afterwards. It kept you up at night, gnawed at you incessantly, played in the back of your mind constantly. Were you unlovable? Were you never going to be good enough for anyone? Why was it that everyone you let in pushed you away, abandoned you as soon as you let your guard down?
You and JJ were lying on John B’s couch after a night of partying, the both of you still a little drunk. You were wrapped up in his arms as he stroked your hair and placed sweet kisses on your forehead. You looked up at him in adoration and placed your hands on his bare chest.
“(y/n),” he said nervously, meeting your gaze.
“Yes?” You smiled, his anguish causing your heart rate to quicken.
“I’ve just been thinking, like…we’ve been messing about for a while now…and I guess I uh don’t really know what we are, but I know that I um…like you, like a lot…” he blabbered, removing his hand from you waist to scratch the back of his neck.
You continued staring at him, your mouth curling up in a smile as you felt him squirm underneath you as he tried to pluck up the courage to say what he’d been meaning to for weeks now.
“I guess…I uh guess this is me asking whether you wanna go out with me?” He asked, avoiding eye contact, too scared to see your reaction.
You grabbed his chin gently and tilted his head down to look at you.
“You want me to be your girlfriend?” You smiled. You’d wanted to hear those words for a while now.
“I- uh, yeah,” he replied nervously.
“Well then, yes,” you grinned, watching his eyes widen and his cheeks go crimson.
“Yes? As in yes you want to be my girlfriend?” He stuttered.
“What else would I be saying yes to you dumbass,” you chuckled, making him go red.
He pulled you into a tighter embrace, his whole being consumed by joy.
“Thank god,” he gasped, “that shit was scary.”
You remembered that night clearly, you’d never been so elated. The confusion and uncertainty between the two of you completely erased as you finally confessed your feelings for one another. You’d never felt so good in your life. You loved him, you hadn’t told him that yet, but he wanted you to be his girlfriend and that was enough for you at the time. You finally got the clarity you needed, that he was yours and you were his and nothing would change that…or so you thought.
It didn’t take long for things to go south between you and JJ, perhaps a little over a month. One of the best months of your life soon turned into the worst, all in one night.
“What is up with you?” You yelled at JJ. He’d been ignoring you all week, coming up with excuses not to see you and avoiding your texts and calls.
“I’ve just been busy, alright!” He yelled back, his voice laced in frustration. He was keeping something from you.
“Bullshit, J! You’re not too busy for John B, for Pope, for Kie! You’re apparently only too busy for me!” You shouted. “What aren’t you telling me?”
JJ sighed and sat down on John B’s couch, running his hands through his messy hair.
“Did I do something?” You whispered, sitting down across from him.
“No…no…” JJ shook his head, staring down at the wooden floorboards.
“Then what is it?” You pleaded, your voice threatening to crack at any moment. “Why don’t you talk to me anymore?”
“I fucked up (y/n)…” JJ said, finally looking up at you. His eyes showed pity, guilt even.
Your heart felt like it had sunk to your feet. What did he mean he fucked up? Had he cheated? A million thoughts raced through your mind as you processed his words.
“W-what do you mean?” You stuttered, your heart now beating at a speed you didn’t know to be humanly possible.
“I lied to you (y/n),” his lip trembled; he was holding himself back from crying. You’d only seen JJ cry once, after telling you about his father, so it scared you that he was showing signs of it again.
“You lied? What do you mean you lied, JJ?” You asked, your voice raised yet still shaky.
“I told you I wanted you to be my girlfriend,” he stated, his eyes still glazed with guilt.
Your breath hitched as you took in his words. Out of the million things that had crossed your mind, this was not one of them.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n), I really thought I wanted this…” he continued, his voice strained. “We had a lot of fun and I really like hanging out with you, but I just…I can’t do this…us…”
You felt sick. You felt a sob making its way up your throat as you felt your heart breaking, shattering into tiny pieces.
“So this was all a lie?” You choked, “I never meant anything to you?”
You could see the hurt in his eyes seeing what he’d done to you.
“I’m so, so sorry (y/n),” he shook his head, “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Bullshit!” You stood up from your seat, tears streaming down your face. “You don’t just fuck with someone’s feelings on accident!”
“We were drunk (y/n)!” JJ stood up. “I thought I knew how I felt, but I didn’t and I’m sorry! I was wrong okay? Fuck! I was wrong!”
“Alcohol doesn’t give you feelings for someone out of the blue, JJ,” you cried, “so you must’ve lied that night. You must’ve lied right to my face when you told me you liked me! When you told me you wanted me to be yours!”
You could barely see through your tear coated eyes and the taste of salt stung your lips.
JJ simply stood there in silence, shame overcoming him. He knew he was an idiot and he hated himself for it. He cared for you, he really did, but he knew leading you on anymore would just hurt you more than he already had.
“I just don’t think I’m a relationship type of guy (y/n)…I’ve tried but I can’t be the guy you want me to be… I’m sorry…” he sighed, sticking his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts, biting his lip and sniffling.
“To think I was going to tell you I loved you…” you muttered, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
JJ’s eyes widened at your confession, “(y/n)…I-”
“Save it, JJ,” you interrupted, “You’ve made it very clear how you feel.”
“I’m so sorry, so fucking sorry,” he mumbled, letting a single tear slip down his cheek.
“I really hope you are,” you cried grabbing your stuff, “and I hope that you never do this to anyone ever again.”
JJ Maybank had broken your heart, that was a fact. The first boy to make you feel wanted, worthy, was the same to absolutely ruin you. You spent countless nights crying yourself to sleep, blaming yourself for what had happened, convincing yourself that you could never be loved. You had to spend time away from the pogues at first, you couldn’t bear to see JJ, you wouldn’t let him see what he’d done to you just. For him to pity you.
You were so embarrassed by what had happened that you longed to blame it on anything other than the truth, the truth that JJ simply didn’t love you and he never would. But what hurt the most was thinking that he could have. The time you spent together felt so real that you couldn’t comprehend how he could discard it with such ease, just pretend like it had never even happened. He’d given you a taste of the happiness you’d craved so dearly and then ripped it away from you in the blink of an eye, that’swhat hurt the most.
What a fool you were, thinking a boy notorious for one night stands and meaningless hook ups could ever settle down permanently with the likes of you. You dreamed of being the one who he came to when he was sad, of being the first person he confided in after a beating from his father, but that’s all it was, a dream. He hardly let you in, despite your many efforts. The truth was you weren’t the first thing he thought of when he woke up, or the last thing before he fell asleep. He didn’t fantasise about your lips and the way it felt to kiss you, or how it felt to hold you or hear you laugh; he took you for granted.
You wished you could have been that girl in the movies, the girl that gets the player to change his ways and fall for her, the girl that makes him never want to be with anyone else ever again, but you weren’t her and you never would be.
A/N: whoooosh I haven’t written in a good 2 weeks or something so idk there you have it
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Money Can’t Buy Happiness pt 2 - Jumin Han
Y’all ASKED and you shall receive. Sorry it took so long whoops school is horrible and the last four weeks of college are the worst ❤️ thank you for dealing w my schedule HAHA
Summary: you left Jumin, unable to stand the media bashing you every day, taking the first flight you could find. Will Jumin catch up with you somehow? This is fluff so you can guess the answer
You were lucky enough to get an aisle seat at least. Your seat partners were a couple in their early 20s who honestly... couldn’t keep their hands off each other. This wouldn’t have been an issue any other time, but you could just feel your heart break even more. You shoved your bag under the seat in front of you. You checked your phone one more time before you left. Eight missed calls from Jumin. A new chat room. Texts from everyone in the RFA, even V. None of it mattered anymore. You turned off your phone, letting a tear roll down your cheek.
“Excuse me,” the stewardess called, grabbing your attention. She wanted to check your boarding pass and your name. “You were the last one to book the flight, correct?”
Oh no. They had gotten to you? “...Yes,” you confirmed, hesitantly.
“I am so sorry to say this but the flight is overbooked. It was an error on our part. We can stick you on the next flight to Orlando and give you a voucher though!”
No. This was so much worse. “When’s the next flight?” Did you really want to know? How many flights could there possibly be from here to Orlando?
“About six hours. We’ll refund you and rebook and give you a complimentary voucher,” she had the same steady smile on her face. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes.
“I, uh, it doesn’t have to be Orlando. Do you know if there’s any sooner flights to North America?” You had unbuckled your seatbelt now, accepting your fate. You were going to have to get off the flight.
She tapped on her iPad a bit. “We have a flight to JFK in two hours.”
Shit. It was highly likely they’d get to you by them. So many dramatics just for it not to work. Maybe you should try Europe. You hadn’t even realized you were crying until you noticed the plane had gone somewhat silent.
“I’m so sorry. It’s just been a long day,” you wiped your tears quickly, apologizing. “I guess that’ll work.”
She paused for a minute, listening to her headset assumedly. “Oh! It turns out we actually have an open seat in first class if you want to upgrade.”
“How much extra is it?” You asked skeptically.
She hit a few more buttons on the tablet. “$300.”
You reached into your bag to grab your card. “I’ll do that.” $300 extra was a bit of a steep price considering you were now on your own and unemployed, but you had to get out of here ASAP.
She scanned your card and had you sign. You pulled your bag out from under the chair and apologized to the person who was waiting on your seat. She led you up to first class. It would be kind of nice honestly. But it’d make you miss Jumin even more, you were sure.
“Alright, your seat is right here,” she motioned to the second section from the front.
You thanked her and started organizing your bag, trying to set it up before getting settled in.
“Disney World, huh?”
You jumped. You knew that voice. The one you loved so much.
You couldn’t speak. Not at first. You didn’t know if you wanted to yell at him or cry or kiss him. He took your bag from your hands, stowing it away for you.
“I didn’t think you’d find me,” you confessed. You figured that’d be a good baseline. You tried to keep your voice steady, biting your lip to keep it from trembling.
“Of course I’d find you.” He smiled. “Come Now, sit down. We have a lot to discuss and a long flight to do so.”
You hesitantly sat next to him. The seat was so comfortable, especially compared to the one you were previously in. You buckled your seatbelt.
“Didn’t you read my note? I told you not to follow me,” you pouted. You still couldn’t tell deep down if you were actually mad though.
“You left a note?” He questioned, eyes wide. He shook his head. “I got a call from someone in security who saw you leaving with a suitcase. Seven has been hacking and I’ve been asking around the airport trying to find you ever since. I didn’t even pack a bag.”
“You didn’t?” You paused. This was supposed to be a serious conversation but... he had really done all this? “No change of clothes or anything?”
“Not even a phone charger.”
“You’re lucky I have one. Although you are in first class; I’m sure they’d give you whatever you ask for.”
The stewards were giving directions on how to put on a life vest and stuff. You ignored it.
“Why did you leave?” Jumin asked, his face falling the more he thought about the situation. “Did you fall out of love with me?”
“No!” You blurted out. You clasped your hand over your mouth; you were too loud. “Of course not. I love you so much. I just...” you sighed. “I’m scared. I’m not brave like you. Or poised like every other woman I meet at these fancy events. I’m not good enough to do any of that. And you deserve someone who is good enough.”
“You’re far more than good enough.” His hand moved slowly towards your own. When he saw you didn’t pull away, he laced his fingers with your own. “You have a personality. You’re innocent and sweet and you care about everyone. You like to make jokes and dance poorly and bake cookies when you’re sad. You’re so much better than all of the stiff ladies I have to mingle with. I think that’s why I like you so much. You’re so unique.”
“But I’m not strong enough to deal with it all.” You rested your head on his shoulder, not wanting to look him in the eye. “Sarah is constantly criticizing me. Your father is taking her side. The media thinks I’m overweight or only after your money.”
“You don’t have to face it alone. I’m here with you.” Jumin spoke, his words a promise.
“I don’t know. I don’t know if I can go on another day with everyone criticizing me and hating on me. I just feel so empty when I’m home alone reading their messages,” You whimpered a few tears falling loose.
“I will never leave you to face it alone again.”
“How can you be so confident though?”
“Because,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. A large diamond on top, the largest you had ever seen. Sapphires on either side of the main stone. “I want to marry you. Nobody can touch you when I’m your husband. I mean if! If, I am your husband. I understand if you don’t want to make a decision right now. You’ve had a complicated day. But I went out and bought this, today actually, before I knew everything that was going on. I wanted to protect you. I still do. But most of all, I want to be yours forever.”
“Jumin, I...” more tears were falling, your vision blurry.
He unbuckled his seatbelt and knelt down. “Would you do me the honor of-“
“Sir, I need you to buckle your seatbelt as we lift off.” A stewardess informed him, standing next to your little secluded room.
“Oh! But can it wait one minute? I’m-“
“I’m afraid it can’t.” The plane started to move.
“Yes Jumin,” you grinned, grabbing his hands and pulling him back into his seat. He was shocked, unmoving. You buckled his seatbelt for him. “All better. But yes. I will marry you.”
“You will?” He asked, as though he thought he was dreaming. Your left hand reached out to his. He slid on the ring, his hands shaking slightly and his eyes blank.
You kissed his cheek. “Not dreaming. I’m here. You’re here. We’re engaged.”
“I-“ he sniffled. He wasn’t usually that emotional of a person, but he was crying now. Crying. “I promise I will protect you. I don’t care if my father doesn’t accept you or the media doesn’t like you. I love you. I will protect you and make you feel so loved every day to make up for everyone else.”
You leaned in, pressing a short kiss to his lips. “But we can still go to Disney World right?”
“Of course we can still go to Disney World.”
“You’re gonna wear that suit the whole flight?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He scoffed. “Well you didn’t really give me time to pick out my fashion wardrobe.”
You pulled your sweatshirt over your head. You always layered on flights. You had learned your lesson in the past when you had almost froze to death. “Put this on instead. It’s oversized so it should fit.”
He smirked, looking at the lavender sweatshirt in front of him, running his hands over the soft fabric. “Okay.” You pulled the curtains surrounding you shut so he could change. “But what if you get cold now?”
“I’ll ask for a blanket. Or cuddle up with your suit jacket. Or just with you,” you winked. He shook his head, smiling, and got to work.
The thing with your businessman fiancée was he wore so many layers. Even during a passionate night it took at least three minutes to take everything off of him. First was his suit jacket, which he folded and placed on your lap, just in case you needed it. Then his vest. Then his tie. Then his button down shirt. So many intricate steps to look put-together. You only got a quick flash of his bare chest before he was shrugging your sweatshirt on. It seemed to fit him okay surprisingly. You were worried about his broad shoulders honestly.
“Well? How do I look? Is this my color?” He asked you expectantly.
“I know you’re joking but honestly you look really nice in that color. Extra pretty.” You kissed his lips. “Does it feel okay on?”
“It’s not too bad. The sleeves are maybe a little short, but nothing I can’t deal with.” He grabbed your knuckles and kissed your hand. “Thank you again for thinking of me.” He inhaled softly, his eyes fluttering shut. “It smells like you.”
You giggled. You squeezed his hand to get his attention. He opened one eye to glance your way. “You know what else smells like me? Me.”
He chuckled, burying his face into your hair. “I suppose you do.” He glanced up at you behind your locks. “Well. Good night. Let me know when we get to meet Mickey.”
“I’m not comfy though,” you whined, the weight of his head on your shoulder making you slouch in your seat.
He sighed dramatically. “I guess the good thing is that you chose a flight where the chairs can be converted to beds. Why don’t I call someone to come help us?”
“You certainly know how to spoil me, huh? How’d you get me in first class?”
“Well it certainly wasn’t $300. I won’t bother telling you how much it was. And then I had to bribe the man who originally had your seat to book another flight. Needless to say, we’ll take the private jet home. It’ll be cheaper.”
“You spoil me,” you kissed his cheek, “and I love you for it.”
“And i love you too.”
Not me wanting to write a disney world fic now nooo
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atopearth · 3 years
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia Part 1 - Aurica & Misha (Phase 1)
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Okay, I am beyond excited. I honestly never thought I'd be able to play my favourite PS2 games ever again after I moved houses, because I can't for the life of me find my old PS2 that could play copied games, all the wires and some of the games, and I can't buy these games anymore either, so I was literally so sad and nearly cried when I first realised this. But then I realised that we could get PS emulators now and play the games!! Honestly so thankful and happy right now because omg it's so beautiful to know I can finally properly finish these games again!! Anyway, I still remember Shurelia and Lyner very well, I loved how cool Shurelia was, whereas I can't remember much about Lyner so he's probably the average protagonist that gets all the girls lmao. I'm not sure if I'll bother playing each Reyvateil "route" but I do know who I picked as a kid so I'm definitely going to pick her again. It's kinda funny, I wonder if this is when my bro and I decided to each choose our favourites and play through them so we could both see the different stories haha. I just remember he liked the shy brown hair Reyvateil and I loved the blue hair childhood friend, I can't remember their names anymore but I still love them hahaha. And if I remember correctly, Shurelia should have a short story/route, but I remember diving into her cosmosphere was weird because she's kinda like the old type of Reyvateil haha, so I was sad about that but it doesn't matter, it's Shurelia, everyone loves her!
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On to the story itself! Lyner is pretty childish but he's a typical teenager protagonist so I'll just ignore it lol. On another note, dang, the art and character design and everything still looks good to this day imo. It's sad that Shurelia and Ayatane had to stay behind to fend off viruses that I can't really kill off until Lyner goes and gets the Hymn Crystal Purger, but I guess they can't really allow these viruses to run around into town, so as long as they stay in the Tower where I assume Shurelia has tried to seal them for many years, it should hopefully be fine~ Poor Lyner got his airship broken the moment he left though, but I guess that's how journeys begin haha. Lmao at Aurica (that's the name of the brown hair girl!!) healing Lyner with her Reyvateil magic/song and then running off when he wakes up, she's so cute lol. Kinda sad to see Reyvateil treated so badly by organisations like Tenba, like wow, the abuse is rampant. The village is pretty unreasonable to make Lyner kill their monsters to get his airship back but I guess that's just how desperate they are? Still don't like them. LMAO when Lyner went to learn grathmelding, the grandpa joked around saying Lyner's reward for learning it was his granddaughter hahaha.
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Well, I guess it's good to help the village, because now they're willing to take care of the broken airship until Lyner finds someone who can fix it. Anyway, did Jack like Misha or something? I can't remember🤔 Lmao, Jack is so slack to Aurica, like yeah she's gloomy but I can empathise with her😭 Okay, I gotta agree with Jack though, Claire is definitely much hotter than Aurica, just the fact that she runs a bar by herself and tries her best to be strong and independent already makes me like her lol. On the other hand, why is Misha with Tenba, was she being manipulated or controlled or something? Anyway, the moment I saw Misha, I fell in love with her again, like wow, her design is so beautiful and unique, I could never pick someone else over her. I feel so sorry for her that Lyner can't remember her though, because I'm pretty sure she really likes him🥺 I can't remember the story but I guess we'll know when we can dive into her. Lyner is rash, super reckless and honest to a fault, but that honesty is a good thing I guess haha. The fact that he can't take people in Tenba badmouthing Reyvateil like they're tools that can be scrapped when they don't seem to be crafting good magic would make anyone mad, but Lyner refuses to sit by and listen to that, which is pretty admirable of him tbh.
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With the way people react to others going into the Dive shop in the middle of the day with a Reyvateil, you'd be thinking they were doing something R rated lol, but they're just getting to know each other so it's kinda weird to have that kind of stigma, I mean I'm pretty sure going at night is weirder?! Anyway, I have to agree with Misha, Firefly Alley is a scary place, just thinking about being near all those propellers and falling down is crazyyy. It's kinda funny, but I remember Spica (Misha's friend that sells good stuff) but I don't remember the chainsaw girl lmao, I feel like she looks familiar but that's all hahah. It's so hilarious but brave of Misha to tell Lyner to dive into her so they can craft magic to break the wall and leave to go to Nemo without Bourd and them on their tail. Considering how bold she is, it's crazy that it's her first time, but since diving is such a personal thing, I honestly doubt Misha would let anyone aside from Lyner dive into her. I gotta agree with Hama (Misha's cosmosphere mind guardian) slapping Lyner for saying he's only in there because Misha told him to dive in, like excuse you Lyner?! You do realise the one that's being invaded and the one that has to feel vulnerable and everything is Misha right?! Have some tact lol! But I guess Lyner is slow, so it was normal of him to not have realised that it was a bigger deal than he thought, especially since Misha seemed so nonchalant about it. Misha's Level 1 Cosmosphere is so nostalgic though, I remember it so well, because I think it was a really nice contrast to see the brave and cool Misha in real life compared to the vulnerable one in the cosmosphere who is scared of revealing her true self to Lyner. It was nice to see him encourage her and to tell her that he wants to know her better, I mean it's sad that he can't remember her but you can't help things you can't remember I guess...
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Krusche and Misha arguing all the time is pretty cute lol, I think it was even better when they worked together to open a door and made bets the whole time making them shout each other food if they got things wrong haha. Misha really is such a great girl to be so scared of heights but try her best to save Aurica. As usual though, Lyner is pretty crazy to jump and save Aurica when she was falling, like dang, they're lucky Krusche was nearby to catch them with her airship. Anyway, lmao at Aurica's naming sense and that fireball she made😂 I feel like Lyner is way more encouraging towards Aurica than he was with Misha before though, I guess it helps when it's obvious that she's troubled, whereas Misha being capable made him slow to realise a lot of things? Awww, Aurica cares so much about Lyner. She crafted blue magic in the real world because she wanted to protect him so much🥺 He's honestly really reckless though, he really could have died with the Hymn Crystal Purger, he's lucky Jack saved him. Honestly though, the more I play this, the more I feel like Lyner's type is Aurica and I'm so sadddd😭 I mean, I like Aurica too because she's so cute, but Misha😭😭
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Lmao at how much it would cost Krusche to fix Lyner's airship, back to trying to climbing the tower back to Platina instead~ Well, I didn't expect Claire to really sing a song, her voice was beautiful! I'm glad she's out of Tenba and doing what she wants now, I feel sorry for any Reyvateil stuck in Tenba. Honestly, considering how self-sacrificing Misha was before for Aurica, I would have expected Lyner to care a little more of the possibility that Misha might be hurt or dead from one of the Hexagonal plates falling off and landing in Tenba where Bourd and them were having a meeting. I'm starting to think he really doesn't deserve Misha lolll. Anyway, the virus/Reyvateil Mir sounds familiar, was she one the girls in the next game? A Reyvateil utopia sounds about right if she was also once oppressed by people like Tenba. I honestly can't remember much about Ayatane but I do feel like I remember he disliked Lyner for being the one that protected Shurelia when he feels that he's so much more capable which is understandable considering he seems to be obsessed with her too. Well, the President of Tenba looks very...wow haha. Ooh I remember Misha looking super great as her real age, but she's great the way she is. Anyway, considering that Tenba experiments on Reyvateil, I hope Radolf talks about this with the church, but I guess I'm not sure if the church even has the power to destroy them even if they were so inhumane. Well, dang, Demon Aurica looks like a spider devil or something lol. I'm not surprised there's a part of Aurica that hates Claire though, it's understandable because she feels so inadequate compared to her. It's interesting to read the other bits in the cosmosphere that aren't as important, because omg, Aurica actually really liked this Knight guy before and she got rejected so terribly, that's sad.. I love Aurica's images of Radolf and Krusche, they're so silly🤣 Misha as a student body president is cute lol, and Shurelia(?) is there too?? Lol. Anyway, I like the cat on top of a vacuum, it's so cute. Lmao, okay wasting 900DP to find out that Aurica is a cat fanatic is hilarious, the idea of her rolling around with cats when no one is looking is so funny😂
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I'm so glad climbing the Tower led to saving Misha, her breaking down and crying was so heartbreaking, she's really suffered😭 On the other hand, lmao at these residents up here cooking chicken, I just stole all their food✌️Lol at the trial though, it's literally just to test your strength! I'm sure Jack and them could do it too. Anyway, I never realised the Tower was called the Tower of Ar Tonelico, and oh wow, it's pretty cool that in between the Lower World and the Upper World is the Frozen Eye that separates the two so they're actually not physically attached. Oh wow, so Misha being the Star Singer meant she was the one singing her Chronicle Key song to keep all the viruses out, but because her song was stolen and she can't sing it anymore, the viruses are now attacking Platina. How sad though? She has to sing for eternity to keep world peace but what about her? Ooh, Jack left the Teru Tribe because they were too fixated on rules even when they were on the brink of destruction huh? I guess it's understandable why he would be annoyed, he's seeing so many people close to him die and he can't even use the technology that could possibly save them because of some covenant with Elemia. On the other hand, nice to know that Krusche wants to go to the Upper World because her ex-boyfriend Luke went there and never came back. Tbh, the Luke part sounds familiar but I don't remember anything else about this story. And I see, Jack is close to Misha because he used to protect her until he left.. She must have been so lonely after that. Anyway, I don't know why it didn't click to me that people are named after musical instruments here, like Flute and Harmonica lol, not sure what Tastiella is lol.
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Time to do Misha's cosmosphere before going up! Adult Misha is beautiful~ lmao at the chunk of ice being an ice fairy😂 LOL at Aurica in the Don Leon costume😂😂😂 I'm kinda glad we did Misha's cosmosphere now though, because I would be so confused why her world is like this if I didn't know she has the responsibility to sing for eternity to keep the world peaceful. Especially now that she can wander around to find her song, I'm sure she's even more reluctant to go back to singing all by herself to save people she doesn't even know, and she's been doing this her whole life. I'm dying at the "flower" you can water with the China dress Misha that turns into a freaking tree hahahahah. I'm not sure about an abundance of love being able to grow a little flower into a gigantic tree😂 But I guess it exactly shows how little exposure Misha has of the real world, since even the stuff in her cosmosphere is really a lot of stuff she read in books. Honestly, I got mad at Lyner when he shouted at Misha to like do her job as the song fairy to save this Krusche, Misha was right that he doesn't understand her feelings at all. She's been stuck in one place for so long and has finally been given medicine that could turn her into a human, of course she would hesitate. I don't really blame Lyner though, since he doesn't really know about her life and her past at all. Shinobi Misha is so hot, I love the costume! It's so heartwrenching to hear how understanding Misha is to say she's willing on giving up on this chance (that she doesn't know if she'll ever get again) so that she can save Krusche because she understands that as long as she's alive, there's still a chance for her to find another way to be free, but if Krusche dies, she'll never have a second chance for her life. HAHAHA, I was thinking if those things in Misha's hair were drums, and thanks to Hama's confirmation, yes they are! But just like Hama's bells, they're just decorations, so don't beat those drums she says lmaooo. 
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Lolll at Shurelia being Misha's mum telling her to grow up. So, the reason Misha hates growing up is because when she was young, she was still "free" and got to be in Platina playing with Lyner and stuff, but once she grew up, she was forced to sing and sing, so now she hates the idea of being "grown up" and having to live with this responsibility for the rest of her life, since at least if she's a kid, she can rebel and be a bit more selfish... I always find it hilarious how every Shurelia character in the cosmospheres have to ask Lyner out 😂😂 I guess it's because Shurelia is connected to all the Reyvateils? So even if Shurelia herself doesn't realise it, she really does like Lyner enough that it leaks into all her "characters"? It's terrible to think about how strict Lyner's dad was on Misha when she was in Platina if it's still haunting her here. Aww for Aurica's cosmosphere, Don Leon was a gift from Claire to Aurica before she left the village, she told Aurica to treat it as if it was her so that she wouldn't be lonely. It's cute how Don Leon really stayed so important to her that it's even her Mind Guardian now.
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I'm glad Misha put Lyner in his place and told him it's too late to say he doesn't want to involve everyone, but I guess it's understandable since they could die or never be able to come back to the Lower World, but even still, Misha is right, they should be the ones to make that decision and not him. Anyway, in terms of the story, I feel like Lyner would choose Aurica to download the Hymn Crystal into to fight the viruses but I'm biased towards Misha so~ The viruses invading Misha's cosmosphere must have been pretty scary tbh like omggg, that's terrifying, especially since she got sealed in a crystal and everything was a wasteland. It was nice that after choosing Misha for this, it seems like Lyner has finally shown concern and worry over Misha lolll. Well, Platina is saved and now there's potential for more interaction between the Upper and Lower Worlds so I guess that will be nice. And that's the end of Phase 1!
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Overall, I've been really enjoying my time with Ar Tonelico again. Tbh, now that I'm playing it again, it really does run like a visual novel with RPG elements hahaha. The battle system gets pretty repetitive and boring though, I'm glad it's not hard, but it can get tiring when there's a lot of random battles, I had to escape a few times because I was just so bored of it lmao. Otherwise, I definitely like Aurica much more than when I was a kid lol! She's actually really adorable and kind, lacking confidence at times, but with Lyner, I think she's definitely found a lot more confidence in herself and her abilities, and we should really be thankful to Lyner for that hahah. I love her weird naming sense and how she's so obstinate about silly things. As for Misha, I still really love her too. I like how she's so honest and true to herself, and I think I like her dynamic with Krusche and them more than Aurica is with them, but I really like how vocal Misha is about stuff like telling Lyner what she thinks and stuff like that. Shurelia is as cool as I used to think she was haha. I think I'll go with Aurica's route first though, just because I've never played it😆
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