#guilty rick
thetachapel0 · 9 days
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Will you feel the shame.
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moeblob · 4 months
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And then she threatens to kill him if he doesn't man up and say that while looking her in the eye (and then he apologizes while looking at her in the eye because he cannot be directly rude).
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in-my-feels-probably · 5 months
send me requests based on “guilty as sin?” or any other taylor song (especially the new album) RIGHT. NOW.
holy shit yall, if i get one more edit on my fyp with that song over a character i love im gonna lose my mind, its 100% my favorite on the album and now im hyperfixated and i wanna write
here’s my list of characters if you have any ideas for any of them!
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
Goddamn, what has to change for people to stop feeling guilty for liking Rick and Morty? Or, better question: what's going to make people stop giving even casual viewers a guilt complex?
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@evilmcg sent: “Can I help you with something?” (for Evil Morty)
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Morty found himself freezing in surprise for a moment when the voice that greeted him wasn't the one he had expected. After the odd events of the morning, he had decided to come and check on his counterpart. First of all to know whether anything weird had happened on the other Citadel too or not, and secondly, even if he wouldn't have admitted it openly, to make sure that the other hadn't been affected.
Yet, when he opened the door of the conference room, he hadn't found himself face to face with his mirror image, but with the last person he would have wanted to discuss the matter with.
Or, at least, that was what he would have thought until a moment before his gaze landed on Meg. Yet, after they did, he couldn't remember a single reason why he could have wished not to run into her.
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"As a matter of fact, yes," he spoke, before his mind could catch up with the words. His charming president persona had automatically slipped in place, but there was something off about it. "In all truth, I was looking for you specifically."
A little lie, but spun so fluidly that it sounded like nothing but the honest truth. What was unsettlingly, however, was the intensity with which his amber eyes were locked on her.
"I've been...thinking," he went on, stopping right in front of her, a mere inch too close than it was proper. "All this...animosity isn't doing us any favour. So, perhaps, we should try to find a new ground for our interactions."
Swiftly but oh-so-gently, he caught her hand, lifting it up as he bent over to kiss it. The briefest, lightest touch, like a proper gentleman.
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mesugakl · 1 year
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sephchaotic · 2 months
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I don’t ever post on here but i thought it would be funny to post my kins to the geared audience of absolutely nobody
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christiecandor · 2 years
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I sorely hope the allegations aren't true, but believe they probably are. I won't abandon a creation that I love solely because one person in it was a POS, though. What about the countless others that have put their blood sweat and tears into the show? I think disowning the show over this is giving Justin too much credit, even though he does so many voices... Hot take to a lot of you, but IMO- Justin isn't a very talented voice actor outside of Rick's voice, and I think he's been losing that because it's hard on his actual voice. Dan could do the voice just fine. And I feel almost anyone could do Morty's and the extra voices. I hope his victim does get justice, assuming it's true. His court date isn't until April though, so I'm just going to hold tight until then to pass any more judgement. Mostly, I'm not as concerned with this as I am scared of the community surrounding this show here disappearing.. y'all have been my lifeline. If that makes me insensitive, so be it. This is way bigger than him and his shitty actions
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lmao the kid who attacked rick really pled not guilty?
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Would you guys still love me if I posted Birdrick homoerotic ‘roughly patching someone up after an injury’ fic where Birdperson is very pissed off at Rick for fucking up their mission and ‘punishing’ him for it with the pain that comes with patching him up but then Rick is actually kind of into it that I wrote while high
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I thought Rick the Door Technician was going to be a hard boss fight as part of the bit, so I hit him with a charged shot from all the way down the hall and he died instantly
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
But almost every day for the last three years, Nico had thought about Bob. He felt guilty. They should have rescued him from Tartarus. How could they have just left him there after he'd saved Percy and Annabeth and...well, pretty much the entire world?
-Nico Di Angelo
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@evilmcg sent: Meg had just given her boyfriend a kiss. Telling him she loved him before saying her goodbye. Then suddenly turning to Mortimer. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Leaving a lipstick mark as a result. "I loathe you. I'll see you later." With that, she was off.
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Morty would have never admitted it, but the kiss caught him off guard. He always tried to be ready for everything and he could have said with pride that he managed to do it most of the times, but this particular occasion apparently couldn't be labelled as one of his successes.
The president didn't remain frozen in his spot for long, but it was still enough for his surprise to be noticeable. Especially considering that he was standing next to the person who, together with his second-in-command, had the easiest time reading his body language when he wasn't carefully masking it.
Dismissing the hint of annoyance the fact brought to him, he calmly pulled out a handkerchief from the pocket of his trousers and used it to remove every trace of lipstick from his cheek. Under other circumstances, he would have merely walked off to take care of the many affairs that waited for his attention, but not this time. He could feel the very much expected tension rising in the air between him and his other self.
After all, they still hadn't breached the subject of whatever...this thing involving the both of them and Meg was. And they wouldn't now either, because he didn't want to. Not when he was being offered the perfect chance to make a much interesting and pleasant move.
Innerly steadying himself, Mortimer turned to look at his counterpart, eyes half-lidded and lips shaped in a light, but confident curve. There was an oddly fierce, purposeful glint in his gaze and it seemed to grow stronger as he stepped closer, sliding into his other self's personal space as if he had belonged there.
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"You know, other me, it feels like something is...missing," he started in a conversational tone, reaching out to adjust the collar of his counterpart's shirt, his fingers not so accidentally brushing the side of his neck. "Like a circle waiting to be closed."
His eyes not-so-subtly fell on the other's lips, lingering for a moment too long, before they rose up again to meet those golden-brown orbs. He wouldn't have admitted it, but under his bold facade he was feeling nervous. This was usually his counterpart's script, not his. He never initiated their flirty interactions, he merely played along...if he even did.
Being the one throwing out such an open invitation, to take the risk of being turned down...He was completely out of his comfort zone. Yet, he also knew that, if he hadn't at least tried, he would have ended up regretting it.
"I think this calls for one last step. We...You and I should kiss too."
{ @mcltiples [Evil Morty] - mentioned }
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teddiibear444 · 1 year
top 5 favorite shows !!
Ooh this is hard,, 🤔
1) Neon Genesis Evangelion
2) Black Butler
3) Rick & Morty
4) Bluey
5) The older Hello Kitty show!
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spacelaserlulu · 1 year
Thinking about Bianca di Angelo the torment never ends btw
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Avengers (1963) #16
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