#guinever pendragon
tiodolma · 1 year
Oh, this is fun! What if they end up in the Starz universe next? BBC Merlin wakes up as Lord Henry after having yet another nightmare of dying and BBC Morgana wakes up as Anna, a servant at the newly established Camelot.
Lord Henry comes in the company of his friend Lady Morgan, while Anna just serves people. Neither remember who they are until their eyes meet and Merlin and Morgana remember and both are cursing, because, dammit, seriously!?
It doesn't help that both notice that their counterparts are idiots.
hooo boy... these scenarios fkjafakj
im guessing Henry/Merlin is pretty much some kind of Lord
Anna/Morgana would be one of the women who took refuge in Camelot
sorry im too busy picturing colin morgan with long hair/scruff and luxurious cloak.while katie mcgrath wears simple medieval garments.
so basically lord henry is trying to look for his quarters before arthur's feast commence. when he finds his room (which is small) he bumps into the girl who was assigned by guinever. They both scream in pain and fall down. When they wake up they remember.
Henry: You!
Anna: You!
Henry: ...I know you
Anna: No
Henry: Morgana!
Anna: This can't be
Henry: It's you isn't it? Morgana? You..you look the same
Anna: What is happening to us, Merlin!?
Henry: You remember me!
Anna: You died! you died on me! and Arthur!
Henry: I didn't want to.
Anna: Wait... there is a Merlin in this world as as well.
Henry: I am Lady Morgan Pendragon's..friend and you live here...with King Arthur..
Anna: Oh no.
Henry: Oh no.
The items in the room shake, both their eyes grow gold and they hold onto each other.
Anna: You have to make it stop!!
Henry: I don't know how!
Out of fear he embraces Anna tightly and the magic seems to calm down. The objects stop moving. Guinervere bursts into the room in alarm and sees them in an embrace. They pull apart quickly
Guinever: Oh you two know each other?
Henry: Lady Gwen-Guinever, she was uh. helping me rest.
Anna: I-I'll take my leave (rushes out of the room)
Starz Merlin senses a disturbance in the force.
Starz Merlin: Something is not right.
Henry hurries to the feast and gets teased for being a little late.
Lady Morgan: Ah Lord Henry here has taken a fancy to one of your ladies, dear brother!
King Arthur: I am glad you found pleasurable company here in my humble castle Milord.
Lord Henry: (chuckles nervously) ...she-she's a bright young thing um..sire. It is of no consequence.
Lady Morgan: Oh you must make sure Lord Henry is well attended to, Lady Guinevere.
Guinevere: (baffled) ...i-indeed
Merlin: (stares suspiciously)
Anna: (in mindspeak) what the hell are you doing! I now look like your whore!
Henry: (chokes on his wine and glances around the room) Morgana!? Are you listening in?! AND I CAN HEAR YOU IN MY HEAD! This is great!
Anna: I honestly thought wouldn't work
Henry: This makes things easier for us i suppose
Leontes: Milord perhaps you are searching for a certain dame tonight?
(everyone on the table laugh)
Henry: I was just marvelling at the.. wonderful interior.
Lady Morgan: (raises eyebrow) I am intrigued, Lord Henry. This is the first time I've seen you so besotted. Dear Guinevere, I suppose you can bring this wonderful servant girl in?
Guinevere: She isn't really a serving girl my lady. Anna a daughter of a minor noble that have sought refuge here after the raids. She helps me sometimes
Lady Morgan: Well then, get her inside. You don't mind Arthur, right?
King Arthur: meh, it's all good fun
Anna is brought inside and made to sit beside Henry. They're both very nervous. Merlin can sense power from both of them but he couldnt understand. He keeps glaring bloody murder at the two.
Merlin: What are you and what do you want? What did you do to Henry?!
Henry: N-nothing! I am Henry! You know me, Merlin! My father has been loyal to Uther for a long time! You knew me as a childe!
Merlin: (holds Henry's wrist and sees him kill the serving girl in one scene and embrace a dying blonde haired king in the same world. The scene changes and he sees Henry dying in the arms of the serving girl in another... A young blonde king lies on the corner, breathing) You.. what are you...
Henry: I...
Anna: MERLIN! (both men turn to her as she pushes starz merlin out the way and puts herself in front of henry) STAY AWAY FROM HIM!
Merlin: (crazed look in his eye. he tilts his head) You called him... Merlin...
Anna: No.. I.. I...
Merlin: You died... He killed you with a sword... Excalibur..
Anna and Henry both pale
Merlin: And then he died...protecting you... a queen...
Merlin: You are... a...
Merlin: ...Morgan
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knightofmordred · 3 years
let's talk about gwen's trauma in bbc merlin
tw // trauma, grief, torture, death, potential racism.
im not sure what else to tw but my post will surround conversations such as these so if you are reading this and may be triggered please either stop or read with care <3
forgive me for any mistakes i will mainly be talking from memory and ofc if i say anything wrong please lmk !!
generally to start off, all of the main four characters went through trauma however you were always able to see their reaction/result of their trauma e.g morgana turning evil, arthur being self-conscious and doubtful of himself and merlin putting up a barrier in S5, but with gwen there was never anything like that which happened.
gwen went through so much throughout the entire show and yet nothing was ever handled or addressed within the show.
from the beginning it was indicated that gwen's mother passed away before the time frame shown in camelot and of course that was later confirmed. the only mention about her mother, that i can remember, is when gwen briefly spoke about how her mother was a maid in sir leon's household. we also know that elyan left camelot shortly after their mother passed away, clearly the reasoning was from grief and hurt. we didn't get to see gwen deal with the loss of not only her mum but also her brother, yes he was still alive however he left without a word, gwen and her father were left alone trying to survive.
(also elyan's trauma is also something important to be raised and spoken about)
during this time gwen and her father were still able to make a life in camelot, thomas being a blacksmith and gwen getting a job as morgana's maid. of course events unfolded and gwen was accused of witchcraft. she was thrown in prison and set to be executed. as we know this isnt the first time this will happen. we obviously saw gwen distraught and inconsolable trying to deal with her sentence however this epsiode revolved a lot around morgana and merlin more than it did gwen. e.g. them trying to release gwen etc
a few episodes later thomas is the one imprisoned and eventually was killed due to his attempted escape. again this epsiode focused more on morgana and merlin. the small clips we saw of gwen crying over her father whilst he was imprisoned and then again when she was mourning her father were little to nothing, and the only other scenes surrounding gwen were shown as her being "strong and getting her life back together". following on to merlin asking gwen if she would wish uther dead and she said no, if he died she would feel nothing but wouldn't wish him dead.
now why does gwen have to be this strong and kind hearted woman especially in this epsiode. she lost her father, practically her last and only family member left as elyan was awol and yet she was portrayed this way. she would have been allowed to be angry and upset over everything that happened.
there was a scene where gwen was crying with morgana and spoke about how she cannot go home but it wasn't about her father. it was about tauren - the man who hired thomas for whatever he was making,he came and threatened gwen.
a season later gwen and arthur are romantically involved and caught by uther and morgana during a date. uther banished gwen and was later accused of magic (again) and set to be executed (again). this episode focused more on gwen than the last ones i spoke about but again morgana and merlin's side plots were heavily involved.
after each event has taken place in these episodes, it's almost as if gwen's trauma and what she went through were put aside or forgotten about. twice she was nearly killed and once she lost her father.
later, gwen was kidnapped by cenred and morgause and threatened to bring arthur in exchange for elyan's life.
noticing a theme so far? gwen's trauma seems to be revolved around the white characters surrounding her, whether it is entwined with another character's plot or focuses on them.
i don't remember the epsiode but i believe it was the dochard episode. gwen was attacked by morgana in an attempt to kill her.
during this time too she was also looking after and caring for uther. we know she wasn't doing it for uther but for arthur and her love for him and so he wouldn't have to worry and can focus on his duties but....she was still looking after the man who killed her father, nearly killed her a couple of times and overall ruined her life too.
now we get into gwen and lancelot. of course we all know lance was a shade and gwen was enchanted. the way this epsiode was and how they decided to portray gwen and lance for me was ://
again gwen was thrown in jail. the bracelet was never found and nothing ever came to light that she was enchanted.
so...gwen had to live with all of that regret, guilt and feelings of not understanding or knowing why she kissed lancelot for the rest of her life.
she was banished and threatened with death if she ever returned (again).
shortly later in S4 EP11, she was kidnapped (again) whilst living in ealdor. she was able to escape but then turned into a deer by morgana??? then accidentally hunted by arthur and mithian leaving her injured and hurt. which is so unnecessary because why tf turn her into an animal ???
she was nearly killed again.
and again nothing was ever addressed or spoken about in terms of what gwen went through.
S5, uther came back as a ghost, he threatened and attacked gwen to the point she nearly died had she not been found by merlin.
in the middle of the season, gwen was kidnapped and tortured which eventually led to her being enchanted and under morgana's control in the Dark Tower.
again, gwen's trauma is tied to a white character (as in plot and needs etc).
during her enchantment gwen did a few things:
poisoned arthur and nearly killed him
killed tyr
imprisoned merlin and blamed him
conspires with an enemy and tried to kill arthur again
her enchantment was thankfully lifted but once again it just seemed like it was ignored once it was over but also i know S5 was rushed in itself anyway.
tbh you could say gwen knew nothing and couldn't remember what happened whilst she was enchanted but in With All My Heart there seemed to be some awareness from gwen about her enchantment. and also ofc people would say she couldn't remember in order to avoid the conversation around her trauma.
in the finale we see gwen in the battle helping the wounded and when the battle is won we see her having to cope with the fact they couldn't find arthur.
by this time we know where arthur is and it cuts to a scene of leon telling gwen arthur has still not been found and of course gwen is visibly upset.
when gauis comes back and gwen is informed of arthur's condition of course she believes he will get better but then she would have had to battle with the thoughts he wouldn't.
i really wish there had been a scene after this where gwen just talks to someone about what exactly she is feeling but instead it cut to the plot about eira.
the ending was kind of the same for everyone, no one got to mourn apart from merlin.
overall it just makes me so sad that gwen went through all of this and it was ignored or pushed aside because she is a "kind, strong and honest woman". she went straight back to work when her father died because it was "better than sitting in an empty house waiting for my father to return" no gwen!! you can do that if you need to!! you are allowed to be sad and hurt!!
i genuinely do think it is racist writing as black women especially are portrayed as "strong women who get on with things" when actually they've gone through a load of traumatic events and as any else are should be angry and upset and should be allowed to be portrayed that way too.
it also angers me that majority of these events which took place and gwen's experiences/trauma were almost always tied to a white character and aiding their development/storyline/plot. just why
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allysonkgirl · 6 years
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The holy trinity of sunglasses
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chaosbeautiful · 4 years
Uther: is homophobic
Also Uther: has two gay kids
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by Little_red_2000
Set in season two episode six. Merlin is on the lamb from the king after being accused by the Lady Katrina (A Troll) of stealing her bracelet. Poor baby Arthur is missing him, and decides to blow off some steam from all that has happened in that time by having a little 'alone time'. Featuring confused baby Arthur, Merlin being Merlin, and mentions of other people. (Because in a world were Arthur and Merlin are together, does anyone else really matter?) (That's a complete joke because Morgan and Gwen matter) (And my baby boys, the knights) (And the og, and father of the year, Gaius) (okay so maybe, a lot of people matter but you get my point).
Words: 2664, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Guinever (mentioned), Gaius (Merlin), Uther (mentioned)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Masturbation, Mature Audience, Arthur is in love with two people, Arthur is a confused baby boy, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Boys In Love, Well... Boy In Love, Arthur has that Merlin Fever, I hear it's going around all the knights, I'm gonna write a fic like that next, All the knights loving on some Merlin, My First Work in This Fandom, Been a Merthur shipper for a helluva long time, Just never posted any of my other fandoms, I still love Sterek though, Just branching out when inspo hits, okay, i'm done, Goodbye
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elegantpaws · 12 years
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Absolutely stunning - Magic, High King and Love = Camelot
Image Credit: Brightporclain
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knightofmordred · 3 years
arthur pendragon: i keep throwing the peace sign, is there some enchantment on me? i can't stop and im concerned
gwen pendragon: you are bisexual my dear
merlin: arthur you are in love and married to both me and gwen how can you forgot our national sign
gwen and merlin: *throws peace sign*
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knightofmordred · 3 years
the characters of merlin are muslim
oh you need proof? okay
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gwen shopping and trying on a hijab in the market and asking morgana for opinions
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morgana and merlin making dua and praying
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knightofmordred · 3 years
can the merlin fandom pls denormalise replying to posts and edits of gwen saying that you dislike her and then give the reasons as to why you dislike her. it happens to other characters but it mainly happens to gwen/arwen and with all the racism in the fandom just don't. there's no reason to put ur negative opinion on a positive and loving post of a character or ship, especially ones which are totally unproblematic also no one actually cares if you dislike gwen and why so move along
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
I Thought You Were Going For A Hug
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zW88xn
by Little_red_2000
Set in season two episode six. Merlin is on the lamb from the king after being accused by the Lady Katrina (A Troll) of stealing her bracelet. Poor baby Arthur is missing him, and decides to blow off some steam from all that has happened in that time by having a little 'alone time'. Featuring confused baby Arthur, Merlin being Merlin, and mentions of other people. (Because in a world were Arthur and Merlin are together, does anyone else really matter?) (That's a complete joke because Morgan and Gwen matter) (And my baby boys, the knights) (And the og, and father of the year, Gaius) (okay so maybe, a lot of people matter but you get my point).
Words: 2664, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Guinever (mentioned), Gaius (Merlin), Uther (mentioned)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Masturbation, Mature Audience, Arthur is in love with two people, Arthur is a confused baby boy, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Boys In Love, Well... Boy In Love, Arthur has that Merlin Fever, I hear it's going around all the knights, I'm gonna write a fic like that next, All the knights loving on some Merlin, My First Work in This Fandom, Been a Merthur shipper for a helluva long time, Just never posted any of my other fandoms, I still love Sterek though, Just branching out when inspo hits, okay, i'm done, Goodbye
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zW88xn
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