grassyeggroll · 8 months
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My best friend in the world
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southernbaphomet · 7 months
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tag urself
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its-just-fern · 6 months
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this is for the 2 other people who like golden kamuy
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inbarfink · 9 months
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I hope we see gender-swap human versions of Neddy, Gumbald, Chicle and Lolly.
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multiversal-madness · 9 months
Marcy and Simon Au - Chicle Concept
I’ve been thinking about the gum family and how things would change with someone who wasn’t one of them present (Simon) and with a relatively highly populated area they where they could interact with others (beginnings of the Lost Kingdom).
I think Gumbald and Bonnibel would have already had their falling out with the trees being cut down and the creation of the lake before Simon approached them, which would mean Gumbald may have already started his plans to get rid of Bonnibel, but not yet shared his plans with Lolly and Chicle.
(Continued under cut)
The introduction of dozens of new people to talk to is a big change for the four gum people, each of them taking it differently. Bonnibel likes to hang out with Simon and the two become good friends. Gumbald retreats into himself, putting on a front when others are around but ultimately not trusting any of them. Aunt Lolly would make a few friends though she like the rest of the gum people isn’t very knowledgeable on how to talk to people.
Out of all of them the one that gets along best with others is the one that was made to be a ‘people person’ and ‘funny guy’, Chicle. At first he was just following a ‘script’ of sorts, acting the only way he really knew how to act, but as he gets to know more people who like him and gets friends that support him, he starts to become more of his own person. His emotional intelligence grows.
So when Gumbald tries to get Lolly and Chicle in on the plan to ‘take care’ of Bonnibel, Chicle is more hesitant than Lolly. He did have a complicated relationship with Bonnibel, especially after coming to terms with how and why he was made, but poisoning her with dum dum juice seemed too far.
He doesn’t voice his concerns at first, worried about being targeted himself, but then Lolly eats the poisoned cupcake and when Chicle doesn’t eat his, Gumbald goes after him with the flask of dum dum juice.
Luckily enough Bonnibel decided to reveal herself and distract Gumbald, she and Chicle managing to get Gumbald with the dum dum juice which turns him into the punch bowl.
After this incident, and after Bonnibel starts calling herself Princess and making candy citizens that are too dumb to disagree with her, Chicle leaves what would become the Candy Kingdom to become apart of the Lost Kingdom, uncomfortable with how Bonnibel is going about being the new ‘Princess’. (Uncomfortable that - had things had gone differently - he could have been one of her brainless citizens).
Their relationship barely improved as years, decades and centuries went by. In modern Ooo they’ll be cordial for the most part (though Chicle will egg her on or make jabs every now and then) and tolerate the other’s presence, but they still have a very strained connection that neither knows how to fix.
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gumclones · 9 months
I’m honestly quite fond of the communication breakdown in Bonnibel Bubblegum — it feels very realistic on both sides, especially when you consider that on the level of emotional maturity everyone in the gum family is functionally a child, even if Gumbald/Lolly/Chicle are in adult shapes and Bonnie has been around for 30ish years
none of these people have experience with socialization! Bonnie’s barely started to identify that psychological needs even exist, and because of that she isn’t aware that they can be more complex than “being around people who can talk to you, share common ground, and are not overtly hostile”
and so when Gumbald cuts down the taffy trees for a city without asking because tending to them was hot and tiring work and he had big dreams, he doesn’t realize how much Bonnie will be hurt and upset! when Bonnie makes the butterscotch lake, she seems to honestly think that This Is Just How Things Are Done and that Gumbald will come around. they’re both operating under a pretty heavy illusion of transparency — they think that because they’re fundamentally on the same team and fond of each other, they all have the same long-term goals and will broadly agree on what to do. it’s only when they experience the friction of this mode of thinking that they realize that they want to be respected and honestly listened to
(we can also see Gumbald’s paranoia take root here — he was already ill at ease with Neddy’s existence, possibly assuming that Neddy was a precursor to himself/Lolly/Chicle, and seeing Bonnie make the gummy fish to entertain him made him wonder if, on some level, she viewed him as the same kind of thing as the fish)
so Gumbald comes to the incomplete realization that he doesn’t like it when people do things that affect him without consulting him, without understanding that he’s already done the same thing to Bonnie. he decides to ensure that Bonnie will be satisfied with things that don’t affect his plans… and while he’s at it, he might as well take care of Lolly and Chicle, since just because they haven’t yet hurt him doesn’t mean they won’t
and this leads to the confrontation between Bonnie and Gumbald, where he asserts their equality and she denies it, calling him “bad.” neither of them fully realize how similar they are, just as before neither of them understood how different. how could they, when they have so few others to compare themselves to?
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h3avenlymoon · 7 months
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thinking about green knight fern
I have a feeling that without gumbald’s influence, Fern wouldn’t have ended up that evil. Of course, the stuff in three buckets happened, but if he lost in a less drastic way and stayed with Finn & Jake he could’ve been a better person.
He probably looked at the gum family as his own, relating Lolly to Margaret like Finn did. He felt like maybe he finally had a place, so he would do anything to fit in.
Being the green knight was is only purpose in a long time, Fern was likely taken advantage of from his desire of one. Gumbald used that advantage of Fern’s emotional instability to manipulate him into doing his bidding. He would give Fern everything Finn did. A family, a home, a purpose.
i have no idea how to word it but i hope the idea is there
also i wish we got to see chicle and fern ints; he could’ve reminded fern of jake
tiny rant over
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inmydungeonforhislife · 5 months
you're nothing without me from city of angels is so bonnibel and gumbald coded like gumbald is nothing without bonnie because she created him but gumbald is the one who laid the plans for what would one day become the candy kingdom so in a way she is also nothing without him
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Ace of Swords. Art by Katherine Hillier, from A Totally Unofficial Adventure Time Tarot Deck.
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t4r0tc4rdz · 1 year
Dude wtf The Green Knight and Gumbald is literally just Finn and PB but more extreme. It’s still a young kid not knowing what he’s doing and serving a wad of bubble gum with questionable morals,,, holy shit,,,, one’s motivation is hatred and revenge (Gumbald and GK) and the other’s out of friendly love and affection for each other bc they’re friends (Finn and PB) bro mind blown,,,,,,,
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mourningmaybells · 1 year
why did she name him gumbald he's not even bald no wonder he hates his creator/niece
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mayvette · 7 months
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“bonnibel bubblegum” plot summary
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stravacious · 8 months
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gary’s twin sister, nadine!!
i’m a sucker for the bonnie & neddy episode :’)
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cottagedeer · 7 months
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Finished the coloring process and added a few more characters. Might make more when more ideas pop up. Hehe.
vvv Flat version for color picking vvv
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Here is the wip post with the names picked so far.
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tailsdollr · 9 months
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