revenant-coining · 2 years
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 11 stripes. the outer 2 stripes on both sides are wavy while the rest are straight. colors are in this order and reflected after the last listed color: bright red, bright pink, dull pink, dull purple, blue, black-blue. in the center is a wound-like symbol, outlined in black-blue and filled with blue. End ID]
Gunshotwound: a genderwound (link) subterm; a gender that feels like it has a gunshot wound, is connected to gunshots / being shot and wounds, connected to having a gunshot wound, etc.
Etymology: gunshot, wound
Pronounced: gun-shot wound (gunshot wound)
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poodlepaw · 12 days
WW 1 2 D Day Gun Fired at D Day Reenactment in Conneaut Ohio  #gunshot #gunshots #gunshotwound #gunshotgoodbye #gunshotblue #gunshotmakeup #gunshotsurvivor #gunshotswithmyhand #gunshotwoundsurvivor
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petnews2day · 6 months
Dog killed, another injured in separate LA shootings just over a week apart
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/NErvt
Dog killed, another injured in separate LA shootings just over a week apart
THE ANGELS – An investigation is underway into two separate animal cruelty cases in The Angels after one dog was fatally shot and another injured just over a week apart. The most recent shooting took place on Sunday, April 7, around 3:30 a.m. near 52nd Street and Avalon Boulevard, according to the Los Angeles Police […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/NErvt #DogNews #Dog, #GunshotWound, #LosAngelesPoliceDepartment, #TheAngels
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mymetric360 · 9 months
What is sulfur powder used for in gunshot wounds? #SulphurPowder #GunshotWound #FirstAid #EmergencyMedicine #MedicinalPowder Sulphur powder, also known as sulfur powder, has been used for its medicinal properties in treating gunshot wounds for many years. It has been a key component in the field of emergency medicine and first aid, especially during wartime and in combat situations. In this article, we will delve into the uses and benefits of s... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/what-is-sulfur-powder-used-for-in-gunshot-wounds/?feed_id=39930
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x19 the greater good
the gates sister episode liveblog (the gateser good)
wow yucky table wow bloody man wow girl taking a pic!
That's actually a cool idea
RC: C’mon! How much fun would that be? (her jaw drops) And talk about an appropriate, if not slightly on the nose, metaphor. A bride and groom together, side by side, as they go through the ups and downs, the twists and turns, and the loopty-loops of life? KB: Castle, I love you. But I will not marry you on a ride or up in space or on a slide. RC: I bet Dr. Seuss got married somewhere fun. (DID he get married in his wife's livingroom?"
Oh no the wedding list episode. My parents got married in the slavic hall of our town, I think it was abt 50 people? 500? No it was 50. Yeah. I kind of wish I could have been there bc it was a lot of fun but I was years away from being born. Well ig I can see my step-mom's wedding. haha. divorced parents.
RC: That way we can determine exactly how big a rollercoaster car we need to build.
Lol "& I will get the phone"
Hey it's one of the other detectives!
RC: I’m being serious. Getting married is an intimate act and our ceremony should reflect that intimacy. (pause) And that way we can all fit in one car. Ryan, how do you feel about rollercoasters? KR: *walks over and screws up his face.* Ooh, make me nauseous. Why? At least we know ryan's getting invited. & some ryan trivia for ya, rollercoasters make him nauseous. That's also just a thing that happens as you become an adult tho.
Gee ess wed or gunshotwound are both much faster than gee ess doubellyuw. I vote we switch w to being pronounced dubbellyeuw to being pronounced wed.
lol cash taped to his chest *ryan considers it* Maybe he doesn't have a landline & she didn't want to use her cell. anonymity. She is after all a woman just like the one who took the pic of him. The pic makes me think proof; contract killer
it is a crappy photo tbh Ah venezuela my beloved. Maria: He was a scholarship kid, so everything that he got was through hard work. Except for the scholarship money. (Well still, getting a scholarship IS hard work)
KB: This place is either the engine of capitalism or the poster child of greed and corruption Me: Uh yeah that's kind of how it works. Of course we are not talking about meritocracy here. There is no "or" there. Beckett: depending on the paper you read Me: oh
The invisible hand of hte market lmao
KB: Wait, he owns his own island? We should definitely invite him to the wedding. you're already married to a man who owns land on the moon.
Jamie Burman: Killing. Are you capable of it? Because if you are, I will make you rich. Open hunting season! Holy crap I hate these people
Yeah man... sure would get results... Ooh wait beckett's jacket is nice! (Also nice shirt) to the 65th floor from which floor? I mean that would be good exercise but... are you starting one or two floors down? (or up) or are you starting 5 or 10 flights away?
Yay big. Love it. Yeah man! You keep walking you don't think a thing! Dear god the amphetamines you put on this earth for people torun 40 clicks an hour are being used to look at spreadsheets faster. (but yeah I have definitely moved around my medications to get through the work day before.)
On the PALM of his hand? that is not 5-4 days that is 4-5 hours!
my man was wired up!? Is the rest of the cops in on nthis? Oh Lord! She says! I love gates sm! Oh yeah gates is married she probs changed her name. (unless the audio commentary was right & she IS married to a woman. Then who knows) My sister!
Title card!
Love it, the sister rivalry. hatred. family. ELIZABETH WESTON sry capslock. Has the same "look" gates gave to castle
Ah it was recording not streaming! Oh yeah capitalist like that? Yeah man EW: We’ve been trying to mount a case against him for years. Insider trading, securities fraud. We know he’s doing it, we just haven’t been able to get proof.
EW: Victoria, this investigation is ongoing and exposing it to Mr. Burman or anyone at J.P Harding would break federal statutes. But I thought that this something that you and your team needed to know. VG: I’d certainly say so. Yeah y'all r right... Only significant. Which sis is older? Gates right? VG: Oh, well, now you do. *coldly* LOVE IT LOVE IT.
RC: A subtle chill? More like a polar vortex. I’m guessing something happened between them in the past. Something deeply personal that Gates does not want us to know about. RC: I’ll give you a dollar if you ask her. only a dollar? & can't she get you to uy her a coffee anyway?
Wow outfits!
"had words" is such a way of saying things. RC: How is it not relevant? The video shows you leaving together. Two hours later he’s dead. JB: It’s not relevant because I didn’t kill him. Yeah man! You might say "I have to disclose to you information that would cause me to become a suspect, however I would rather you hear it from me instead of finding it out yourselves. I had a discussion with him. We were at odds. I did not kill him." Or not because never tell the cops anything.
Worked up for a business deal? didn't you see him earlier yelling at his money individuals to make another company bleed? he has a usual table at le cirque
RC: Speaking of your sister-- VG: let's not.
Hm, becks' desk buddy has stuff on it. Hector Nunez doesn't have a ~ over the second n tho... they saw him buy a package from this guy & at some point they also caught him with cocaine on him & they said you do what you have to do to get thru the work day
Are you sure? He was a devil he'd never get mixed up with even if you loved him as a kid?
Ooh love the music! bring esposito he speaks spanish. Hey which countries speak portugese (& I know a few speak french) as their colonial language? I mean in the americas. well besides quebec which by a linguistic standard is latin america. I do know that a lot of ppl still speak their native languages which is awesome (up here in canada even us natives barely speak any most of the time, & some places esp the caribbean have lost their languages almost entirely. only a few words that have been adopted into local dialects or other languages. rly sad.)
Clipping hairy Ah dancing my beloved I learned how to play pool the other day. My little brother is SO good at math & has such long arms that we were ahead most of hte time & even on a team with me (I SUCK) we lost by literally one ball to my older bro (who plays a lot of online pool) & my uncle's gf (who doesn't play much but knows how).
Whatever it is: I didn't do it. My man looks genuinely torn up abt this. HN: Who did this? RC: Well we were thinking you. HN: RC: ...might be able to tell us.
Maria said hector nunez tried to get peter in the gang, but hector said he didn't let the gang take peter.
Oh yeah this is all about money. Suisse federal smth. Yeah ofc. HN: I wrote it down in case something went wrong. Smart man! lol becks is taking a pic of som1's phone!?
Gates looks so nice. It was very need-to-know in the first place bros. oOH ESPOSITO OUTFIT! RC: seems kind of passwordy to me! RC: Hacker voice, "We're in!" Castle you've done it again! JE: :| Won't clip
wow $25m is a lot. JE: some expensive sand
Another way? Going to talk to your sis. Oof. Love how they have similar enough looking gals to be sisters. We know she's Black, but she's like,, north african black not sub saharan. She has those awesome cheekbones. Ooh AG! that's what beckett worked under! Oh greater good episode title. Hey isn't the point of not playing the game.. gates' entire thing? Isn't that why she went into internal affairs? Ah letter vs spirit. Another one? This has happened before?
(was she EVER going to be on the list?)
Why would you sit there with the headphones only half on? Do they.. hurt your head? KR: (sighs) I feel bad for Gates. My sisters can never work together. I tell you, when the two of them went at it, oof. (I thought he had 3 sisters... unless he was talking about victoria & elizabeth.) JE: I wouldn’t mind going at it with Gates’s sister. BRO. (reminds me of the audio commentary JE/JH: "I'll win her over. I keep winking at her & blowing her kisses.") & ryan also only puts the headphones half on! (at least they are headphones, not playing this out for the whole world.)
Let me hear the spanish. I am hard of hearing Let Me Read The Spanish! I always love it when russian or spanish or apparently mandarin show up & the characters can speak it. We should have gotten more of alexis speaking french tho. Also I loooove esposito's tie (& his tie & outfit mix) & ryan too rly pretty <3.
over 100! OVER 400! world famous ISH but you don't need to invite your international fans castle! & there is bound to be some crossover. I REMEMBER THE FACT THAT AUNT THERESA POSTED CRAP ABT HIM ON FACEBOOK I LOVE HOW THEY BROUGHT IT BACK Martha my beloved. To clip or not to clip? That's why I have a baby brother (or sometimes big brother) beside me to keep me in line. Alas neither is here. Well I decided to clip apparently.
pic of her & her sis in the desk. how RECENT was their falling-out? (also they are way more Black in that photo than they are as adults wow)
ONLY THREE? Martha u know this is HIS wedding not yours... Btw has castle ever had any step-dads or really good mom's boyfriends? like uncle chet who was uncle to both alexis & rick bc he is not quite family but he is also married in so he is family in law... Nearly 600...
KR: (he thinks) I have a lot of relatives that hate me now. (clipping this lmao) & grabbing a pic of some outfits.
Of COURSE I've heard of armando garcia! I love this consolate guy Mexico city?
Is it really that easy to change your identity? No way. He also totally would have been found.
Find the truth. Are internet cafes real?
Ooh also really nice slightly purple colour & green shirt I like castle's look. & you can see ryan's phone in his pocket /pos Ew watching ppl's dealing in internet cafes? gross.
Why would she blame you? you're just doing your job. Like when becks was in the ag's office & everyonne was mad.
Gates backstory moments: He skimmed a few eight balls off the very boss Elizabeth was building her case around. When my office caught him reselling it, she came to me. Begged me not to file charges. Asked me to think of the greater good. (she pauses) I did my job that day, too. IT HAS BEEN THAT LONG?
you're not telling her that he compromised her case, you're saving her from him having sabotaged your case!
Jamie Burman stole it bc he knew where it was now? Stephanie goldmark, did you really just... leave your computer like that? & did the rest of you have permission to search her computer? unless it is a work computer in which case you can do anything you want ig. HOLD ON THE CAPTIONS CALL IT BERMAN THE TRANSCRIPT SAYS BURMAN IDK WHAT IS GOING ON.
Does he not know abt the investigation or is he faking?
*deletes you forever!!!!* *you still exist as metadata*
Peter/armando: I came to the US believing in the American dream, so I worked hard and tried to be honest in a corrupt government, plants drugs on me, threatens to destroy my future, all because you need someone to testify? How am I supposed to still believe? I did everything I could to play by the rules, but no one else does. So by the time you hear this, I’ll be gone. Remember that one cop who was doing a demonstration at a school on, well basically how to plant drugs on someone? & then he had two kids volunteer to do a demo & the kids pretended one was in labour? Yeah I'm just thinking about them.
Oh no she's going to blame herself for goldie doing that
following our captain's lead! Beckett & Gates are the best. I love them. I love their relationship.
Weston: but at least I won’t embarrass myself in court presenting evidence that is untrue.
KB: I think we have to decide why we’re actually having this wedding. I mean, are we doing this not to insult hundreds of people or are we doing this for us? some of those people would go only bc they don't want to offend you. You should get a wedding photoshoot done now, send a photo & a non-invitation saying "sorry we missed you. We don't have the space for everyone we want to invite, but we still wanted you to have some wedding pics. luv u bye." "We're getting married! *both of them dressed up in wedding gear blowing a kiss to the reader*." On the inside it says, "We're getting married in (season). If you would like photos, please let us know." & then don't invite them. Idk. Idk! screw this, the only reason he's inviting half those ppl is so they don't feel left out that he's inviting their mutual friends.
just "you" no name? Not "me & you" why did one write on the left & the other on the right? Weird. Also totally expected rick to write alexis & stop there. HEY I REMEMBER MADDIE! you don't need to invite gates' family. Just her & a plus-one. & that is just one, not her sister & kids!
I would invite: my parents, my bros, my step-mom (but none of her kids unless the one son wants to come which he probably wouldn't bc it's loud & boring & he's autistic so like.. noise), two friends from culinary school, maybe a third, possibly a fourth but then I'd get into the "If I invite them I have to invite them" trap so only those two, my crew from jr high (& the parents of only one), a family friends 1, family friends 2, no other family friends bc I'm not close w them, & then I started writing it down. My grandparents & aunt & uncles. No family past that, partially bc they live not-close, or at least that's my excuse. & then my 3 martial arts instructors & that's it. Not my older bro's friends I like, nobody from work, none of my second cousins or mom's cousins or dad's cousins, even tho I'd love to invite a lot of them. Probably not that new friend I made. Nobody online. I could get more martial arts friends, my violin teachers, & my old educational assistants- actually yeah I'd invite the person I used to consider my best friend+ until it moved away for college, but tbh probably not our other friend or anyone from the pride club any year, not my hot/cold friend, you know what? I definitely WOULD invite my ed assistants. Not the most recent ta tho, none of my other fave teachers. This stuff is easy. I'm sure after I post this I'd remember so many ppl I need to invite or could invite but wouldn't if I was keeping the list small. Like mu bus friends. All the ppl I included in my "note" a few years back. Actually yeah no yeah that was a very similar experience. I didn't have a lot to say to a lot of people, but I wanted to get everybody sometimes I gave ppl their own pages bc I included a specific person from the group they were in & didn't want to exclude them. I wouldn't invite my childhood best friend. (tho I did invite my jr high crew). None of my international friends-- actually yk what I WOULD invite them. Let them take a vacation here at the same time! Well no I wouldn't. but still. Not my inuit/dutch high school friend. Anyone I had a sleepover with? Not that friend, she was a little bit physically abusive, not those family friends but I like them for sure, not the childhood one, already the middleschool ones, nobody from Camp... Yeah. (just finished the below paragraph) I remembered some more family friends... & forgot them. ig they weren't important enough to invite. choire? no. Moved south? no. mum's friends? no. Crud I can't remember.
edit: I forgot my best friend from late jr high
Moving on, that's the end of the ep. They are just going to re-up their lists. You know what they should do? Whitelist each other's lists. say "yes these people, the rest can be cut" w/o saying "no these people, & we still have to cut more"
fudge I shouldn't have done that, now I feel like writing down every person I have ever fricking met & labelling them yes or no. Oh. I'm so frustrated because I'm not on my meds. but i'm too fucked up to get up & take em. I'm fucking stuck & I don't want to get up until I remember the thing. Adhd based issue here but I need my mood stabilizers. fuck & the typing of my bro is so loud & annoying & hell even I'm struggling to type rn.
just let me end the post idk how to end the post in a way that sounds complete & good to post.
that was me being messed up.
yes that was castle episode. amen. all good.
love you bye.
edit: I realize why I was so messed up. I was late taking my meds & starting my period. Speaking of which, I need to take my testosterone shot today
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TikTok Star Swavy Dies From Gunshot Wound
Image via TikTok/babyface.s A 19-year-old TikTok star known for his dancing videos died from an apparent gunshot wound in Delaware on Monday, police have confirmed.  Swavy, whose real name is Matima Miller, was identified as the victim of “a fatal shooting incident” by the Wilmington Police Department, according to a Tuesday statement. He died after being transferred to a hospital Monday…
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Buddy AKA-Mr. Corgi Buns has lived here for 10 days now. He acts as if he has always been here. He has found his way around and knows the comfiest spots for napping. His true bright personality is really showing through. Especially now that his pain meds have kicked in. He likes to be the sheriff and coral everyone! He has learned to bark with the best of them at anything! 😉 Pretty sure he has also fallen head over heals in love with Indi (Great Dane) it is comical watching him trying to get her attention. Our vet is still waiting to hear back from an Ortho surgeon in regards to amputation of his back leg. For right now we are controlling it with pain pills. Those that don't know, Buddy had been previously hit by a car and shot in the same leg. You can tell by his face and activity that he is happy. We will move forward once we have another opinion. Most of all, we are so happy that he is safe. He fits right into the senior gang. Quirky personality and all. Welcome, home sweet boy! We love you! 💗 #seniorcorgi #corgi #rescuedandloved #safe #welcomehome #caraccident #gunshotwound #resilient #whisperingwillowsseniordogsanctuary #whereloveiswhisperedtothelastbreath #family #rescueseniordogs (at Whispering Willows Senior Dog Sanctuary, Inc.)
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athleticeatery · 6 years
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LIKE IF YOU AGREE #child #children #kids #youth #youngster #niño #niña #picney #gunviolence #gunviolenceawareness #gunshotwound #diebythegun #onechildisworthmorethanallthegunsintheworld #parenting #raisingchildren #ittakesavillagetoraiseachild #gunsafety #guns #gym #fitness #wisdom #inspirationalquotes #lovechildren #sportsperformance #sports #youthsports #athleticeatery #toronto #nutrition #fitfam #humanitywarrior
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bighornusa357 · 7 years
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We got hooked up with some awesome trauma training from some friends this morning. Learned some basics on how to treat gunshot wounds and other traumatic injuries. It was a lot to take in but I got some awesome notes to study! #bighornfirearms #bighornordie #tc3 #stopthebleeding #traumatraining #gunshotwound (at Bighorn Firearms)
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survivalguideus · 4 years
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petnews2day · 6 months
Woman rescues dog found in central Utah ditch with gunshot wounds
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/CLQcB
Woman rescues dog found in central Utah ditch with gunshot wounds
HELPER, Utah (ABC4) — A wounded dog is on the path to recovery after a local woman said she found him in a ditch Friday afternoon with gunshot wounds between his eyes. Tanner Tamllos, a Price native, said she was on a drive with her family when she noticed a dog standing in a ditch […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/CLQcB #DogNews #Dog, #GunshotWounds, #Helper, #TannerTamllos, #Utah
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mymetric360 · 11 months
🤔What does being shot with a firearm feel like?
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castle-dominion · 1 year
Need to do some chores first BUT time for 1x7 home is where the heart stops.
Forrest gump? Ah I remember this scene from the s2 intro! It was rly good.
Oh hey that's me! I often score the fights that my brother & dad's gf's son have. They play these hugs fights & I'm not good at the piano but it's fun to score their matches. Is it just blurred that makes them look like silhouettes? No wait they were behind the screen. I knew that alexis took fencing but I didn't know Rick could fence & help Alexis train. Jumping around the stairs & stuff I love it.
Probs a contortionist. The stunt actor would be at least. Poor guy. He should just... step off this case, at least the scene. At least we know he has an allergy now. Reminds me of a fic I read where for a full 60 seconds esposito thought ryan had a drug problem bc he was sniffling & hiding all the time but he was just allergic to esposito's jacket hey that made me think of smth. I'm allergic to cats, would I be allergic to tigers? Back to what I was saying this opens up a lot of sickfic opportunities. XD this poor man. Jinx lol Why is she asking ESPOSITO what's wrong with him? Why not ask ryan himself? (also espt know specifically that ryan is allergic to goose down. Did he learn that today or earlier?) Ryan: *raises his finger bc he's about to speak* Ryan: *sneezes instead. Very violently too.* & then ryan's poor thumbs up
"beckett flavoured" gunshotwound is faster to say than gee ess double-yu. Gee ess wed is fast enough. We should change double-yu to wed. Like zed. KB: You can still smell the cordite. KR: I'll have to take your word for it. The captions: (speaking spanish) JE: Nada. (which is essentially a loanword into english now, bro, it would be so much easier to write "nada" than (speaking spanish) even if u need to maybe put <i>this</i> around it bc it is a loanword. I hope my html shows up & doesn't just italicize the word.) RC: In a building like this? This part of town? You'd think she'd be safe. No pun intended. (XD) How often are people killed in neighborhoods like this? KB: Same as anywhere else, Castle. Just the once.
RC: How do they know what's in the safes? "Safes." Is that a word? Is it "saves"? That can't be right. Me: I feel u JE: And you write for a living? Me, a wannabe language nerd: Hey! KR: Even the kind of safes *winks at espt* that they had Outfit update: ryan has a nice jacket. Cut like a dress jacket, made of leather.
She's going to be mad that this has happened before & they haven't caught them. Are they coordinating with robbery on this? bc only this one (& possibly the last one) had homicides. Oh I like her. She's the PR person.
Nah bro, the truth WAS handling it.
RC: Meredith's more like a crazy aunt with a credit card. Of the two of us, I'm the more responsible one. Pretty sad, isn't it? Remember that time castle got her to take care of alexis if he died & she was like "sometimes I forget that you are a sweet & loving father" & then he says '& go into my closet & destroy my porn collection before she finds it' "& now you've ruined it" & esposito is right there with `don't worry bro I got u covered`
Shrek & the beckett onion. Shrek is a timeless classic.
JE: Yeah, well, whoever they are, they definitely have some righteous trade skills. Me: radical, deude! Ooh I love a good bump key! Doesn't always work, & def not that well on a lot of things but cool!
"bad guys" smh or ppl like me, neurodivergents with lock+key hyperfixations & vulnerability assessment. I considred that for a career once KR: Dude, I know what a bump key is. *grabbing the file angrily* JE: No, you don't. Busted him for what? What were you in back then? Homicide still?
RC: Good enough to be our perp? KR: Why do you writers always call them perps? RC: Isn't that what you call them? KR: Ah, we got a whole lot of names for them. JE: Yeah. KR: Pipehead, pisshead, ork, creep. JE: Crook, knucklehead, chucklehead. KR, glancing at Espt: Chud, turd. [Ryan and Esposito now facing each other, like two kids 'playing the dozens' - "The Dozens is a game played between two contestants in which the participants insult each other until one of them gives up." It must be a competition or smth bc to my slur-filled gay ass it looks like they're flirting - Castle scribbling furiously.] JE: Destro, skell. [they get even closer] KR: Skeksi, slicko, slick. JE: Mope. KR: Sleestack. [Espt shakes his head at that one. Ryan nods in argument.] RC: Slow down, slow down. KB steps in: Suspects. We call them suspects. RM: I'm old school. I like "dirtbag." RC: Classic.
Yeah. Not running fast enough when your boys showed. So true bestie westie buddies? Rick's finding this really hot rn
KB: *angrily shooting her gun at paper targets bc shooting things is a healthy way to cope /s (but I mean as long at she's not shooting people ig)* RC: You got to watch those silhouettes. They can be shifty little bastards. Wait until he gets ear protection babes!
Yeah, well. You know, we could always just cuddle, Castle. he DEF is just doing this to get close, the sleeze. He probs did research for derrick storm. RC: You know I, uh, came down to ask you if I could, uh, take home some of those stolen property photos. (he was probs trying to aim there) KB: Tell you what. You put any of the next three in the 10-ring, and I will give you the files. Ten ring is p tight tbh. I kind of thought she would have given him the entire 9 ring or even 8 ring. the first two shots are a bit off to the right anyway, but that last one was good. & she DID say any ONE of the next THREE
Ooh I love rocks minerals crystals gems stones etc
So valid bestie when the queen & pope visit at the same time RC: Well, the crime scene's all locked and sealed. I don't think I could get you in there. Powell: Let that be the least of our concerns.
This man is so right. A gentleman's game. I love him. Proffessionals have standards! Powell? Powell??
She was there in the middle of the night?
Castle writer moments You son of a bitch I'm in He could have just made it up, he didn't need to describe the fellow. "He looked like xyz but I would like him to look more like abc if I were writing" yk that sort of thing
Why must they write it On The Boards? I love how castle is already done bc he's a writer. I wonder if this is the actual writing of the actors. Castle's writing is nice, Beckett's writing is nice & tbh looks similar, esposito has neat-ish writing but it seems to tilt off sometimes. The Ys are two lines, not rounded. Ryan's writing is big. & he does his Es like me, like 3s. Poor ryan, hand cramp. lmao madt pronounced madituh. (I'd've said madit.) They would have just as easily been able to read it out loud & cross them off. Like playing Boggle.
RC: not yet KB: !? never! Girl you're going to need a warrant. It's confidential, her hands are TIED.
Castle book lol. It's the little details of the show. JE: If the employees and volunteers are clean, then our perp... RC: *Skell [...] KR: And we can work the door.
Lanie <3 I need to acquire & learn to tie a bowtie. XD martha Ooh those are so pretty on her! KB: Uh, we're going to the, uh, Waldorf. RC: ._.
Ah yes I remember scenes like this in the recaps on the DVD sets. JE: Man, these guys look guilty of tax evasion, not home invasion. & he would be right. [Ryan looks up,] Yeah, well... [and does a double take] appearances can be deceiving. [Esposito looks up as well. Their jaws drop. Think Sam Neill and Laura Dern seeing the Jurassic Park dinosaurs. But instead of dinosaurs, it's... Beckett stepping out of a town car. On Castle's arm, the two of them step into a salvo of flashbulbs. A fairy-tale moment. Beckett momentarily dazzled, or at least appears so. They pass Ryan and Esposito.] KR: *smile grows* Nice dress. JE: Yeah, what there is of it. KB, in cop mode: I'd let you borrow it, Esposito, but you stretched out the last one. KR, turning his head to follow caskett, turns his head more to look at Espt & furrows his eyebrows: ??? JE: *shaking his head at her* (which I think is just Such a great line.) (https://scriptline.livejournal.com/19834.html) Ok but this scene makes me want to switch up the relationships. Everyone ships caskett & rysposito. I think castlesito & ryckett could be fun.
Mm music! Big Cheese! Captions should have put bob in quotation marks Vinegar. What? It's vinegar, pussy. Beck--- wait no I need to introduce myself as Kate. Y'all call him the what now.?
Rachel: We make a point to know as much as we can about our potential donors, so we can match their interests with our programs. So many places just ask you to just write a check. We want you to know that your money is making a difference. Sus af. Espt asking abt the food XD tbh I'd do the same. Castle u just.. stopped her in the middle of a phone call? Espt gon be sus. Their dancing is out of time. It's a movie tho I know they added the audio after. My dad has been to a wedding with a silent dance. Everyone had earbuds & you could tell who was listening to what by how they were dancing. At least beckett can dance & they can shoot glances anywhere.
LMAO MARTHA RODGERS. Such a mom thing to embarrass your kids "my baby wrote this book!" MR: 2,500, beautiful lady in blue. Thank you so much. Do we hear 3,000? 3,000? Girls, don't be shy. We have a gentleman bidder. Oh, and isn't he attractive? [The gentleman raises his glass to Castle] MR: Oh, my goodness! Aren't we broad-minded? Castle gay moments & beckett so sassy watching him laughing at him. Love it.
KB, walking up all cop style, holdingher badge: Paul Reynolds, you're under arrest on suspicion of theft and conspiracy to commit murder. JE+KR: *swoop in from nowhere to cuff him* RC: Where was the badge? KB: Don't ask. RC: *fish mouth*
Castle has let his tie out, but still dressed nice, Beckett looks normal now. Black shirt, leather jacket. She looks good but is not wearing her dress. RC: What happened to the dress? KB: You didn't think I was going to interrogate him in it, did you? RC: We were kind of hoping. [Ryan nods and Esposito looks her over. Beckett rolls her eyes] Kind of ew, she is your fellow detective, your coworker, but at least it's funny. I mean they're right, she is hot af.
Oh wait the boyfriend thief dude has a nice jacket. Possibly making the guy up...
Is this the next morning now?
KB: More like get one of them killed. And I can't have that on my conscience. Understood? She loves her boys. is it just them? do they have backup? Also that's a big gun BRO U DON'T EVEN GIVE EM THE TIME TO COME TO THE DOOR BEFORE U GET RYAN TO KICK IT OPEN?h
Lol castle
KEPT THE VIC'S FINGER? Man's not going to stop if u just yell at hiim
RC: ...Pum-num-nah-nah-nah-num-nah-nah. Pum-num-nah-nah nah-nAAH. De-nah-num-nah -NAAAH--- *body falls on the car* [Castle is face-to-face with Karl Nadir, the man from the police sketch, which by the way, happens to be on the dash. He looks at Nadir, and then at sketch. Yep. That's the guy. And Castle does the only thing he can think of with a guy staring at him through the windshield. He turns on the wipers. The wipers smack Nadir's beady-eyed face. Nadir rolls off the hood and levels his gun at Castle from the driver's side.] & when they are wrestling the song castle was humming plays <3 RC: I tried to stay in the car. I really did
Castle has a good black eye. KB: Oh, pretty butch, Castle.
She is already basically part of the family. Love em.
0 notes
informationpalace · 4 years
Murder Probe after Woman Dies in Suspected Shooting in Blackburn
Lancashire Police (Blackburn) begin inquiries after a woman was taken to hospital but later died of a possible gunshot wound. Lancashire Police have launched an investigation into murder following a woman's death on Sunday from a suspected gunshot wound. Officers were summoned to King Street, Blackburn shortly after 3:00pm, after reports a woman was unresponsive and gunshots were heard in the area. The woman, who is thought to be a Blackburn-born 19-year-old, was taken to hospital but later died. A post-mortem will take place in due course but police currently believe that a gunshot wound was the cause of death. A car, thought to be a light colored or metallic green Toyota Avensis, was reportedly seen leaving the scene. A car was later recovered from Wellington Road that matches the description and the police are appealing to anyone who may have seen the car to contact them. A murder investigation has been launched and a manhunt is underway following the death of a woman in Blackburn today (Sunday, May 17th). More information is here: https://t.co/QV2GqkpkwE Information? Please call us immediately on 101, quoting log number 817 of May 17. pic.twitter.com/74S7rhmxsh — Lancashire Police (@LancsPolice) May 17, 2020 Detective Chief Inspector, Jonathan Holmes, of the Force Major Investigation Team, stated: "This is a truly shocking and senseless killing, which has robbed a young woman of her life. "Although the victim has yet to be formally identified, we believe she was a young woman from the local area. "Her family have now been informed of her death and they are understandably utterly, utterly distraught. "An investigation has been launched and we are determined to find those responsible - and we are asking for the public's help identifying the offender or offenders. He continued: "We know that King Street will have been busy around the time of the incident and we are confident there is someone, or several people, out there who know what happened. "We understand people may be reluctant to come forward during this time, especially if they have not been following the Government guidelines about staying at home, but we would reassure them that our immediate concern is to find out what happened."
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Mr. Holmes has encouraged someone to come forward with details or some video of the incident. He also reassured residents that additional patrols have been deployed in the area including armed officers. Anyone with information is requested to call the police on May 101 quoting log number 817. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can provide information anonymously on 0800 555 111. Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about the winner of American Idol, view our construct, ‘'American Idol' Finale Recap: Just Sam Is Remotely Crowned Winner’. Read the full article
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
2) "I know you hate me,"
h) Bodyguard
H) Royal
with Prinxiety? Angst seems kinda inevitable, but a happy ending would be nice 👉👈
Okay so I got out the angst and accidently dumped all of it in V's backstory. So this might be a touch different than you expected. you'll see what i mean. CW: gunviolence, shotwound, manipulation, cult, angst, kiss
“Damn it!” Roman flinched as he heard Virgil curse. He was injured. Virgil was injured because someone took a shot at Roman and Virgil not only caught the bullet for him, but took out the assassin while biting through the pain in his shoulder. After that, Virgil had grabbed Roman by the arm and rushed him away, leading him down several stairs and into a passage way Roman didn’t know was there. This wasn’t his castle after all. He’d been a guest of their neighboring country for diplomatic purposes. Being a crown prince in this day and age was different than it used to be. Very few countries were still really led by their royal family. The title usually came with duties like this. Maintaining a good relationship with other countries, go on humanitarian missions, representing the people among the leaders of the world. Roman was trying to take a more active role than his father had, and some people, clearly, did not like that. There were those who wanted to dismantle the monarchy entirely. And Roman taking interest in the wellbeing of his people and trying to be a voice for their interests in the government didn’t fit in their propaganda. His brother was more chaotic and liked to enjoy the perks of being a monarch in modern day more than Roman tended to do. He wasn’t a bad person, but no one had expected him to even make a claim on the throne since they were ten. They were twenty now and Remus had yet to show signs of growing up or be interested in ruling. Apparently, the more extremist anti monarchists figured that if Roman didn’t take the throne, Remus would have to and do such a terrible job that the monarchy would fall on its own. All they had to do was take out Roman before he could be crowned and become even more protected. His coronation was set to happen next year. His father had decided to step down and leave the throne for a younger generation and let his son actually lead his people rather than wait until he had great grandkids that were old enough to take the throne. Again, leading being a big word. The only times where Roman would have to make any political decisions would be if the country encountered a big political crisis and was left without a functioning government for a period of time. Which hopefully wouldn’t happen. Anyway, whoever just shot at him, didn’t want that crown to ever be put on Roman’s head. The attacker hadn’t counted on Virgil though. Virgil had been Roman’s bodyguard for ages. Though he only was officially hired as his main protective detail two years ago. Before that he was a protégé of Roman’s previous bodyguard Remy. A surprisingly fun-loving guy and Virgil’s guardian, Virgil refused to talk about the details that led to that family situation. Virgil had traveled with Roman since they were young. Especially when Roman went out undercover to get to know his people. And he had taken to protecting him from bullies who made fun of the way he talked and such. Roman had a love for fairytales and was supremely disappointed to find that he wouldn’t grow up to slay dragons or rescue handsome bachelors in distress. Which led to him attempting to be a hero whenever he could. Leading to Virgil getting in fights to keep him safe… Roman might’ve developed a crush on his knight (he wasn’t a knight but no amount of reminders from Virgil would get him to drop that) even though he knew Virgil only took protecting him so seriously because he wanted Remy to be proud of him. Which was fair. Still, Roman couldn’t help the way his heart responded every time Virgil defended him. This was not like that at all though. Virgil was bleeding. A bullet was still in his shoulder. And when Virgil dragged Roman away, there was screaming and another gunshot heard. There were others hunting for them. Virgil was leaning against the wall catching his breath. “Damn it,” he said again. “How did you know this was here?” Roman asked, not ready to acknowledge what was going on. “My job to know all exit routes,” Virgil said simply. “This is going to be a pain,” he groaned. “Can’t… We can’t stay here too long. We need to get to
the surface… There’s a safe house…” “You need a doctor!” Roman objected. “I’ll figure it out your highness. Remy is at the safehouse. He’ll take care of me until we… Until we can safely leave,” Virgil insisted. “I… But. Virgil…” Roman pleaded. “No buts. As long as you are in danger, I’m the one in charge. You can’t order me around right now,” Virgil bit. Roman flinched. Ever since they were kids, when Roman wanted to hang out with Virgil outside of their shared lessons and Virgil was being shy or hesitant Roman would make it an order. It was a playful thing and he never made Virgil do anything bad. They went to play tag with his brother and the son of his dad’s advisor in the gardens. Or they built a blanket fort. As they grew older Roman would put on a disguise and go see a new movie in the theater and drag Virgil along. Or go shopping. Or they’d just sit in his room and watch Disney and Roman would do whatever it took to make him laugh. Virgil had a very nice laugh, even though he hated it. But… Did Virgil genuinely not like hanging out with him? Did he feel forced? “I… You… I’m sorry Virgil… I didn’t know you minded…” Roman said, hating that tears were welling up. Virgil was in so much pain right now. This wasn’t the moment to get upset and make him pander to him. And Roman was not surprised to see Virgil’s face fall. He acted though and distant while on the job, but he was a kind and caring person. He just expressed that with though love. “Princey,” Virgil sighed, sounding tired, and sad and in pain but not just the physical kind. It occurred to Roman that Virgil never once shot someone before. God he must be freaking out right now. “I didn’t mean it like that… We can talk about it later, but I’m not upset with you okay? I’m just…” Roman reached out and squeezed Virgil’s good shoulder. “V. Are you okay? You… You had to shoot that woman. I…” The whole situation was slowly registering. His would be killer had worn a gorgeous gown in deep purple. Long hair pinned up, a slender but definitely feminine body. He even remembered the way she reached for the wound in her abdomen, her face shocked… She’d been so full of hate when she took a shot at him… Her cheeks glistening. Had she been crying? “It doesn’t matter. She would’ve shot you again if I didn’t give her bigger problems to deal with… She’ll be fine… I. I know where to hit to make it hurt without being a killshot. Remy taught me… Gotta go to Remy.” And with that Virgil took Roman by the wrist and led him through the tunnel which came out in a shed. Every time Roman tried to talk Virgil hushed him. He led him through a forest for what was way too long for Roman’s liking. Virgil had torn of the sleave of his jacket and tied it to his shoulder with his tie. But that wasn’t going to stop the bleeding enough right? He needed better care and soon. He had to lean on him for support every two steps by now. How was he even still walking around at all? Just when Roman was starting to think Virgil would collapse before they got to the safe house, the forest gave way to a small bungalow. Roman could see the porch where someone was pacing. Remy. Remy spotted them and immediately came running. Jumped right over the banister. “He’s shot in the shoulder,” Roman said as soon as Remy was within earshot. “Damn snitch,” Virgil grumbled. “Let’s get you both inside… Virgil did you not treat this at all?” Remy asked in a scolding tone. “I didn’t exactly have anything on hand. The prince is fine. That’s most important,” Virgil insisted ad Remy guided them both to the bungalow, up the stairs into a room with no windows. “Of course he is fine. You were with him,” Remy sighs. Virgil’s mouth lifted a little in a smile as he took off his jacket and shirt. Remy got out some tools and Roman looked away. Very sure he was too squeezy to look at this field hospital situation. “Seems you got lucky…” Remy muttered. “Virgil… I heard from agents at the scene… You shot her.” Roman frowned. It sounded like this ‘her’ was a person both were familiar with. “She was targeting the prince. I did my job… She…
She will live right?” Virgil sounded genuinely worried. “She’s taken to the hospital with police escort. I got an extraction team on the way. We need a real doctor to take this thing out. I’m not comfortable messing around with it here,” Remy concluded. “Figured. Don’t pack it up too much. Until we have a full team I’m the only back up you got,” Virgil reminded his adoptive father/ supervising agent. Roman turned back to look and found Remy securing the bandage around Virgil’s shoulder. Any other day, seeing Virgil shirtless would have made Roman a mess. But now it just made his stomach turn unpleasantly. He got lucky. What if that bullet had hit him a bit to the right? “We’ll be out of here in 20 minutes, max. Nothing’s gonna-” A shot from outside interrupted Remy, who jumped up and took out his gun. “You two stay here,” he instructed tensely before rushing down. “Like hell…”Virgil grumbled loading his gun, wincing with ever move of his left arm. Then he reached for his calve and took out another, handing it to Roman. “Turns out it was a good thing you nagged me into teaching you how to shoot,” Virgil huffed. Roman looked at the gun hesitantly. At the time he’d just been looking for a reason to come with Virgil when he went training at the range. Guns terrified him. And he knew Virgil was not a fan either. Even less so after today. But right now their lives depended on them. He took the weapon with shaking hands. “Virgil… I…” Roman flinched as he heard shouting downstairs and gunshots. Virgil shot up, opened a closet and took out two vests. He shrugged one on before handing the other to Roman. Bullet proof no doubt. “Stay here,” he said. Roman grabbed his hand. “Virgil wait… You… You have to come back. Please,” his voice broke with emotion. God he was really going to do this. But… What if this was his last chance? “I… I never told you this because I was scared you’d resign and stuff, but… I’m. I’m in love with you. I know I’m a pain and you don’t feel the same way but, please. Please just come back,” he pleaded. Tears in his eyes. To his surprise Virgil pulled him in for a hug. “You are an idiot. You know that?” he sighed. “Wh… What do you mean?” Roman asked, scared to hope. “I mean, I have had feelings for you for a long time too Singalot… In fact. Would it be too forward of me to ask for a kiss for good luck?” Virgil teased. Probably genuinely joking. Expecting Roman to insist on a date first so he could ask him out for after they dealt with this. But Roman stepped out of the embrace, took Virgil’s face in his hands and kissed him. He kissed him and he wanted it to be enough to make him stay. But he knew that downstairs, the man who’d raised Virgil for the past twelve years was possibly pinned down by an unknown amount of enemies. He couldn’t ask him to stay with him. Virgil moved away. “Well… Now I definitely need to come back,” he said. Tears in his eyes. But he didn’t seem afraid. Virgil’s thumb ghosted over Roman’s cheek. “See you soon,” he whispered and headed down. Roman started pacing. Remy and Virgil were excellent at what they did. They’d be fine… Right? But what if they weren’t… There was a lot of shouting now. No shots. Roman got nervous, and curious. The stairs were out of view of the entrances, shielded by a wall on both sides and facing a wall. If he was quiet he could make it down them without anyone knowing. Virgil and Remy would be upset… His parents would be livid. Remus would probably think it was wicked cool. And it’s rarely a good idea to do something Remus would approve off. Just for your health and decency’s sake. Still, Roman found himself putting on the jacket and sneaking down the stairs, singing musical tunes in his head to calm his nerves. He had Hamilton on the mind which was probably not the greatest idea when holding a gun. He heard the voices. “Hand the hell spawn over. You know this is where your live has been leading you Virgil. Redeem yourself!” A woman’s voice shouted. “You are insane! I’ll die before I let you anywhere near him!” Virgil shouted back. Roman wished he could safely
check the situation around the corner. “The time is now. Reject their sinful ways. Return to the light you were born into!” A deeper male voice. Roman knew that people out to kill him were likely to be insane. But hearing it first hand was something different. None of this made any sense. “Go to hell!” Virgil insisted. “You heard the man!” Remy growled. Roman heard movement, and maybe it was the adrenaline giving him massive deductive reasoning or maybe it was just because he was still trying to soothe himself with “my shot” of all songs. But he stepped around the corner and aimed the gun at one of the apparently three people that had come in. The three opponents were distracted by Roman’s sudden appearance, which was good because his shot ended up in the wall way to the left of the guy he’d been aiming at. But his distraction was all the time Remy and Virgil needed to take out the three of them before they could get a shot off. Virgil turned around and Roman relaxed when he saw he was fine. It was over… And then he fainted. He woke up to white walls, in an uncomfortable bed. “Hey there Princey.” Roman turned his head and found Virgil with his arm rebandaged, also laid in a hospital bed. “Are you alright? How long was I out?” he wondered frantically. Virgil was still in his dress pants, his torso still bare safe for the bandaging. “Yeah. I’m alright. You are in big trouble though. Once the anesthetics wear off I’ll kick your ass,” he grumbled. “He was too fidgety so they dosed him just enough to keep him still for an hour. He woke up ten minutes ago. Bullet’s gone, he’s all stitched up,” Remy offered. Roman let out a relieved sigh and sat up. He felt fine now. The stress had just wore him down. “I’m not sorry,” he said as he got out of the bed and went to stand at Virgil’s side. He looked okay, all things considered. “The people who came at me… Did we get them all?” he wondered. Virgil and Remy nodded. “We found their community too. They are all being arrested and handled as needed,” Remy informed them, glancing at Virgil cautiously. Virgil looked… Angry, sad… Just a lot of things. “Virgil?” Roman asked gently. “I…” Virgil was interrupted by an agent. “Director Dormus. Your highness. Agent Dormus,” he greeted formally. “The shooter apprehended at the ball has woken up. As you predicted she is very uncooperative,” he informed them. “That’s Noia,” Virgil sighed sadly. “You… You know her?” Roman asked. Virgil nodded. “She’s my sister.” That… Wait. “Virgil… you shot… Are you okay!?” he asked perplexed. That was so much more upsetting than he’d presumed today to be. Virgil let out an empty laugh. Yeah. That was a redundant question. “I’ll take care of things. You two should talk,” Remy said as he got up and followed the other agent out. There was a moment of heavy silence. “I guess… If um… If we are doing this I should come clean,” Virgil said, not looking at Roman. “Before Remy adopted me, I was raised in a cult. The very one that attacked you today. So you can guess what lovely rhetoric I was fed for the first eight years of my life. They believe those of noble blood are in league with the devil and conspired to kill Jesus.” Okay. That explained some of what those people had been shouting about. “As you know I was born on Christmas eve. So my parents and the whole community... They put some meaning to that. My sister Nora was the only one I really liked. She didn’t treat anything I said or did as if it was either gospel or blasphemy. I felt safe with her.” Roman could emphatize with that part actually. To have everyone expect big things from you from birth. “What I watched and entertained myself with was closely monitored. They only showed me Disney to teach me Royals were pathetic and stupid. But that wasn’t all I learned from it. I… I liked the kind princesses and stuff...” Virgil admitted with a blush. “Anyway. Despite their attempts at brainwashing me into becoming the messiah of their believe system, when I heard them plan something big with her as a key player,” his voice cracked and a tear escaped. “I called the
emergency line and they sent the police and I got out of there. The entire community vanished within an hour. Until today, I hadn’t seen my sister, or my parents since the night the police came.” Oh no. Virgil had to shoot his parents and his sister today? That was so messed up. He deserved a vacation. Not that he’d accept it. Roman would have to come up with something.6 “Remy was part of the team questioning me to see if I knew anything else. He saw something worthwhile in me, adopted me, set me up with a therapist who is now his partner, and they decided it was a good idea to let me get to know you and Remus so I could form my own opinion on you. And the rest is history,” he finished, still not looking at Roman. “Virgil… I can’t imagine… I’m so sorry you went through all of that,” he said sincerely. He wanted to say more, though he couldn’t imagine the right words to say. They got interrupted by a knock to the door. “Your highness. I apologize but I need the room to check up on my patient,” a doctor said carefully. Roman nodded. “Yes, of course,” he said as he squeezed Virgil’s hand and left the room. Two agents stood at the door. They would follow him wherever he went no doubt. It took two regular agents to make up for the absence of one Virgil. “I want to see the one who made the first shot,” he said in a tone that didn’t leave room for argument. He didn’t know what he’d say. But he wanted this Nora to be ready to talk to Virgil without upsetting him. He’d give Virgil his big sister back in some capacity. Though he had no clue what that meant. “Yes sir,” the agents replied without hesitation. Virgil would’ve given him lip. That thought made Roman’s heart race. He’d gotten so close to losing him today. Instead… They. They were a thing now right? Roman wasn’t officially out, though there were rumors. But at some point he’d have to confirm to the people that he’d never take a queen. They led him to a room not too far from Virgil’s. There was shouting. Mostly curse words. Some that Roman had never heard before. He stopped to wait for a good moment to enter, or to listen in. Either way the agents didn’t move. They didn’t question his actions. They just kept an eye out for possible unfriendlies. “Are you quite done throwing a tantrum?” He heard Remy ask. “Remy,” a different voice. Roman knew this to be Remy’s other half, Emile. “She’s clearly under a lot of emotional stress. I was just telling her V…” “Don’t you dare say his name you monsters! You took him from me! You messed with his mind and now he’s… He’s…” The woman’s voice was indeed very distraught. Roman couldn’t imagine what it was like. To see the little brother you’d lost years ago appear on the side of the man you’d been thought was evil incarnate. “Alive and well. Probably won’t use that arm for a bit. But he’ll live,” Remy said calmly. Not showing he'd been sharing her terror just a few hours ago. “V is alive…?” Nora whispered in disbelieve. “I want to see him. I want prove of life!” she insisted. Roman could hear Remy scoff. “This is not a hostage situation missy. And even if it was. You are not in the position to make demands like that,” he stated coldly. “How dare you? You stole him from us!” Nora cried. “Did I?” Remy said, unimpressed. And then Roman heard another voice. But this one low quality. A recording. “554 What is your emergency?” A calm feminine voice. “Hello? A- are you the people who help when bad things happen?” Nora gasped and Roman suspected that it was because she, like him, recognized the voice of a younger Virgil. “Yes sweetheart. We’ll do our best. What’s your name?” the operator wondered. “V Virgil Reinders,” little Virgil replied. “Okay Virgil. How old are you?” “I… I dunno…” Virgil’s voice broke. “I remember how scared he was in the beginning when he couldn’t answer or thought he did something wrong,” Remy recollected with an icy voice. Roman remembered too. He seemed terrified of their tutor though he was very patient despite Roman and Remus not making it easy for him.0 The recording continued. “That’s alright. Are you somewhere
safe right now?” the woman asked. “Y- yes. But mommy will be back soon… I don’t think I’m supposed to call,” Virgil whispered. “It’s alright Virgil. I won’t get you in trouble. Why are you calling?” the woman wondered. “The bunny on the tv said to call this number when we saw something bad… Mommy and daddy… It’s Noia. They are going to make her do a bad thing,” Virgil said. “Can you tell me a little more Virgil?” “They… They have guns. And guns hurt people. And they were telling Noia to hurt someone tomorrow,” he cried. “Please. I don’t want Noia to do a bad thing!” the younger version of his bodyguard sobbed. “We’ll try and keep that from happening. Who is Noia Virgil?” “My big sister.” “And is she a lot older than you?” the woman wondered. “Dunno. Mommy and daddy say she’s almost an adult but she’s much smaller than mommy.” Roman’s heart ached for the young boy trying to explain to a stranger what was going on. Out of concern for his sister it seemed. “Okay. And what do mommy and daddy want her to do with the guns?” the woman asked. Roman could hear that it was getting hard for her to keep her composure. “They are gunna go to the big round circle on the map. It’s got a big green square next to it,” Virgil said. “You are doing very good Virgil. Did you hear anything about the people Noia has to hurt?” the operator asked tensely. “Hmmm… I can’t remember their names. But they help the princes and the princesses. Mommy and daddy and Mr. Father don’t like that,” he said. “That’s enough I think,” Remy said. “He… He called us in?” Nora said softly, more to herself than to anyone in the room. “He was quite distraught you didn’t run back to get him when he pretended to trip. He thought you would. Hoped to free you both from your parents and ‘Father’,” Remy said, sounding like he was barely holding back anger. “I wanted to… They wouldn’t let me,” the woman said quietly. “He never gave up hope you know? Kept hoping you’d come for him. Thought he could convince you to stay with us and you’d both be safe.” He was definitely angry. “No… No I didn’t… Virgil. Oh god…” Nora sobbed. “Nora. Remy is Virgil’s boss. But he is also his legal guardian and…” Emile meant well. But that was clearly the wrong thing to say. “He did what!?” If he ever was going to step in. Now was probably best, before she got even more worked up. “Oh, you know. Dressed him, clothed him, took care of him when he got ill. Dad stuff,” he said as he walked in, closely followed by his guard. Emile shot up and bowed, Remy went to stand at attention. “Please, don’t,” Roman said gently, his eyes trained on the woman who’d shot at him earlier today and was looking like she’d happily do it again. She was slender… She looked on the edge of underfed honestly. Her dark straight hair in a pixie cut. She was in a hospital gown and couldn’t sit up well due to her injuries. “You…” she growled. “I know you hate me,” he said calmly. “But this isn’t about me. Or you. This is about Virgil. He told me some of what happened. As Mr. Dormus told you, he still cares for you. You are still his sister. And though you probably won’t believe me, I do care for him too. He is a good man. And the most reliable friend I could’ve ever hoped for.” Nora just glared at him, glancing at the guards with him. He let out a tired sigh. “I’m sorry for the pain you’ve endured. I can’t imagine going through that with my brother. He’s a pain, but I love him dearly. From what I heard you and Virgil were very close. I hope you can be that once more. But his wellbeing will take priority. If you use your visits to upset him, I can’t in good conscience support it,” he stated firmly. “That sound fair.” Roman spun around. Shocked to find Virgil standing there, bracing himself against the door. “Virgil! You should be in bed!” he objected. “My shoulder is fine Princey. Just a little off balance because of the meds,” he objected, eyes focused on the room behind him. “Which is exactly why you shouldn’t move around! I swear! If you keep this up I’ll have to appoint someone to protect you from yourself,” Roman
huffed. Virgil just chuckled. Roman rolled his eyes and stepped aside so Virgil could properly enter the room, ready to catch him should he need it. Virgil’s face became serious and he strode into the room. “Between me and the boss, the prince will be fine. Give us the room,” he said. It was always odd to see how well respected Virgil was among the ranks of the royal security team. He was much younger than most, but the team took orders from him as though he was the senior operative. And that while most of the politicians seemed a bit put off by the fact that Roman would soon take the throne. Once the door closed Roman looked at Nora. She was staring at her brother, eyes going from his bandaged shoulder to his face, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. “You’re so grown up,” she whispered. “Tends to happen when you don’t see someone for over a decade… They cut your hair short,” he noted. “It’s… They…” she said, touching her hair self-consciously. “You loved it long. What else did they do to you…?” Virgil wondered worriedly. “No, it’s not that. It’s… It was penance for losing you. I chose this,” she insisted. Virgil scoffed. “Yeah right. I’m sure father nor or parents ever suggested that you had to in any way.” Nora flinshed. Virgil walked farther into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. “You need to eat better Noia,” he said softly. “Look at you… Don’t worry. Emile is really good at teaching you to take care of yourself. He even got Remy to cut down on caffeine,” Virgil smirked. “Cut down, but not quit! So it’s a draw,” Remy pointed out smugly. The trio chuckled. Nora just looked uncomfortable. “Virgil…” she said. “We don’t need to talk about all that now. You have twenty five years of manipulative BS to work through. Please cooperate with the investigators? I’m testifying against the community. So what you do will only decide whether you are considered a victim or a willing participant. I know how they treated us, what they did to the kids there. And I’ll advocate for you. But the decision isn’t mine. You fired a shot in a room filled with high officials past our borders. I’m not even sure if you’ll be trialed by us. I’ll do my best Noia. But you are going to jail.” Virgil’s voice cracked with emotion. Roman wished he could hug him. But he did not want to enrage Nora. “…We… They said we were cleansing the world,” Nora insisted weakly. Virgil sighed. “I know,” he nodded, taking her hand before looking at Roman. “But even if they were right, their methods were wrong. Deep down you have to know that too,” he whispered. “I just wanted to have you back,” she sobbed. This made the tears in V’s eyes spill over. Roman silently left the room. It was not his place to be here. He waited for Virgil’s return in his room and he was brought in not too much later. “Everything alright?” he asked as he got up. Remy sent the guards outside and Virgil waited until they were gone to respond. “I could use a hug,” he admitted. Roman rushed to his side at once and embraced him carefully. “I can’t imagine how hard today was for you,” he whispered. “I’ll be fine. You got shot at though. You should let Emile make sure you are doing okay,” Virgil pointed out. “If you promise to let yourself rest from now until the doctor says you are fully healed.” Virgil groaned in protest. “No kisses every day you overexert yourself,” Roman teased. Virgil let out a whine. “No fair… Does that mean I don’t get a kiss now?” he pouted. Roman pretended to think about it. “I suppose the rule was not in effect yet. So I’ll allow it. But only because I love you,” he teased. Virgil let out a laugh and moved back just enough to allow Roman to lean in for a kiss. “Never mind me,” Remy said from his place at the door, making both men jump apart, look at each other and Remy embarrassedly before bursting out laughing. Today had been a nightmare. But also a dream. And Roman was hopeful that things would work out in the end.
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