#gus and luz bully her into singing more
deuynndoodles · 8 months
i like to hc willow(from toh) has a lovely singing voice, very soft and sweet sounding. she probably would have joined the hexside school choir if it wasn’t disbanded
oh that's super cute! i love that
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there’s a lot of hate over here so some cuter hcs
1) hunters the little spoon idc what you ship
2) willow sings to her plants when nobody’s around
3) blight twins mercilessly flirt with hunter (this can be platonic flirting or romantic whatever you ship)
4) willow stole a lot more than just her halloween costume in the human realm (she was there for a good time not a long time /hj)
5) gus and amity become closer friends in the human realm (cause i mean no way he’s gonna trust her right when she and luz start dating, she bullied his best friend for years but also amity is really good with kids and gus is only 12)
uhh that’s all i can think of right now but i have so many more
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polar534 · 4 years
Jersey Stealing Pt. 3
This one is loooooong. I mean it. Probably longer then part one, but it's worth it. If you all were waiting for the bullies comeuppance, this part is for you.
Amity. Is. Pissed.
Amity leaned against the cold steel of the flagpole, her eyes peeled. Normally the witch hated using the internet to look up people. The human world's connected network was so filled with obnoxious jerks that it was no wonder Luz had one of them as a grom fear.
This was different though. She had to find what this girl looked like. As she stared into the endless amount of students milling out of the school her mind began to drift back to the night before.
As expected, her conversation with Luz didn't exactly lead anywhere.
"Hey Luz? Can we... can we talk?" Amity asked hesitantly, watching as Luz got ready for bed. The witch had been patiently waiting for the right time to approach her about this, and now was as good of time as any.
Luz blinked in the mirror, before turning around and facing Amity, her toothbrush still hanging out the corner of her mouth.
"Mhmm?" Came the muffled reply as Luz adjusted the brush in her mouth to scrub at the other side.
"I can wait until you're done you know." Amity rolled her eyes with a smile.
Luz made a face behind the toothbrush.
"Mhhhm. Mhmm hhmmmm!" She argued fiercely as she turned to face the sink again.
Grabbing the water nearby, Luz cleaned her mouth and spit out what was left of the toothpaste, turning to Amity with a grin.
"No no!! See! All done!" Luz beamed, flashing her minty smile and making Amity laugh. She leapt from the bathroom to the bed and sat cross-legged facing Amity.
"Whatcha wanna talk about?"
"I want to talk about what happened a couple of nights ago."
Luz's eyes widened before she waved her hand in front of her face.
"Oh that? It just caught me off guard. I'm fine now-"
"No you're not!" Amity said quickly, before Luz could try denying it all again. "You haven't been acting like yourself lately and I'm not the only one who noticed."
"Amity. I'm fine. It's all in the past anyways." Luz assured her, her smile fading to a small sliver. "Like I said, I just wasn't expecting to see them ther-"
"I know what happened. At the game. What they said to you." Amity interrupted her again, her voice coldly serious.
Shock registered on Luz's face before her hands found the blanket underneath them and gripped it tightly. She looked down at it as her face hardened, her expression guarded.
But Amity wasn't done.
"Lokte asked their brother if he heard anything and their brother told me." She continued a little more softly, reaching out to put a hand on Luz's knee.
"I asked your mother about Sasha. I think I have an idea of what she meant to you."
The blanket twisted harder, Luz's fists balling it into a small knot.
"It's ok to be upset. But you've got to let me in on these things, how else am I supposed to help?"
Luz finally looked up to her. Brown eyes met amber ones and Amity realized with a shock just how watery they both had become.
"Can we... can we please not talk about it? It's in the past. Anything she might have meant to me is all gone now, right? So why bother?" She practically mumbled, defeat dripping from her voice.
"Well it's not in the past to me! I'm still learning about all of this. And they can't keep treating you like that!" Amity argued.
"They don't matter to me. I've got Willow and Gus, and Eda and Lilith." Luz said quietly, slowly unwrapping her hand from the blanket to grab Amity's, a slow grin reappearing on her face.
"Annnnnnd I've got you." Luz waggled her eyebrows playfully causing Amity to choke out a laugh past the knot in her throat.
"Luuuuuzzz." The witch groaned as her girlfriend's grin grew bigger.
"I'll be fine, perfectly fine, so long as I've got someone as wonderful as you taking care of me." Luz teased further.
Amity groaned again and gave her a light shove.
"You're such a cheese."
"You're right, I am a cheese. A big cheese to everyone who counts!" Luz shot back, straightening up and leaning dramatically on Amity's shoulder, crushing her into the bed.
"And you loooooovvveeeee me." Luz sing-songed as she flipped over and laid on Amity's chest, looking her in the eyes.
Amity stared back into those big, dopey brown eyes and obnoxious grin and felt her heart flutter. Her face went red as she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah. I do." She chuckled, leaning forward to kiss Luz on the forehead and making her girlfriend squeak in delight.
"Which is why I'm letting this go for tonight. But this isn't over Noceda!"
Luz merely grinned.
"I'd expect nothing less from you, Blight."
A sharp whistle jolted Amity out of the memory. She sneered at the guy responsible as he winked at her and disappeared inside the school.
The sooner she found Sasha, the better.
Another wolf whistle had her moving up and into the school. Navigating the hallways of the human school was a lot like finding her way around Hexside. The only problem was, she had no idea where Sasha could be. A thought crossed her mind as she made her way to the back of the school. If there was anyone who knew where Sasha could be, it was Bryce.
And Bryce was the star player of the football team.
Amity pulled plenty of attention with her wherever she went. If she wasn't recognized for Hockey, her hair caught enough attention. Even though the dye job had faded just to the very ends of her hair, the bright green attracted many eyes.
Despite all of this, she thankfully wasn't stopped as she made her way through the school and past the bleachers to the team currently practicing out on the field. She found Bryce fairly quickly.
Or rather. He found her.
"Oh would you look at that boys! This is the babe I was telling you about!"
Amity growled in her throat as a bunch of sweaty football players started running towards her. Their leader, the person she assumed was Bryce, had his helmet off and was walking calmly over to her, a disgusting grin plastered on his face.
"Is it true you checked Ricky Gormley so hard that he cried?"
"I heard that you're the best shot on the team, why are you only on defense?"
The questions swarmed her ears as the boys surrounded her. Instead of addressing any of them, she glared at the player without the helmet.
"I assume you're Bryce."
Bryce's grin grew as smugness flashed in his eyes.
"Why, have you heard of me?" Bryce acknowledged her with a wink that made Amity's skin crawl.
She pushed through the unease and disgust.
"I've heard... some things." Amity admitted, keeping her face blank.
Bryce nudged his friend in the ribs. The known bully leaned against the other player as he waggled his eyebrows at Amity.
"So whatcha doing round here?" Bryce teased.
"I heard you might know where I could find Sasha. I've got a few questions for her."
The football player deflated for a moment before quickly recovering and sliding off his friends shoulder with a smile.
"Yeah. I know where she is. But it's going to cost ya" He grinned wickedly. "How about a date with me. Next Friday after the game. I'll even let you wear my jersey." He winked as his friends loudly gasped and laughed.
Amity smiled and used her finger to draw Bryce is close. As he leaned in, he moved his head so she could whisper in his ear.
"I have a different proposition. How about you tell me where Sasha is, and I won't embarrass you in front of your entire team." Amity growled lowly, making sure only Bryce could hear her.
To her annoyance he simply straightened and flashed her another insufferable grin.
"Ohh. That sounds like fun. I accept your terms hockey girl." He taunted loudly, getting into a ready stance.
His posse seemed to get even more rowdy at this, not having heard what Amity said and jumping to their own conclusions.
Amity rolled her eyes. Turning as if she was going to leave (a chorus of boos sounded behind her) she quickly whipped around and caught Bryce off guard. Using her shoulder to send him sprawling backwards while sticking her foot behind his own, he crashed to the ground in an instant. Amity took a step forward and stood above him, arms crossed.
"Tell me what I want to know or it's going to be more then just the wind getting knocked out of you." She snarled, stepping back and allowing him to get up.
Bryce blinked from his grounded position on the field.
"Hot." He breathed out, a little dazed.
Amity growled as Bryce leapt to his feet, showing no signs of any injury or slowing.
"Alright. You got me. Sasha is usually in the art classroom after school talking with the teacher. Don't know why, but I also don't care."
Amity rolled her eyes and turned to walk away, fighting the urge to make another comment or throw another punch. If Luz could keep her composure around him, then so could Amity.
That was, until the brute grabbed her arm. She reluctantly let him swing her around and to her surprise Bryce looked almost... shy.
"Wait. So about that date..."
"You've already been told I'm taken. I doubt it takes long for even an oaf like you to figure out I don't like guys." She snarled back at him, taking his hand off her arm and twisting it painfully until he crumpled forward in pain.
"You're going to leave my girlfriend alone from now on, or I will come back." Amity threatened lowly, releasing his wrist and pushing the football player back as he stared blankly wide-eyed and nursed his hurt wrist. "And next time you touch me, I'll break your wrist."
Amity turned around and started walking back up to the bleachers, the stunned silence of the team following her. Despite how good it felt to put Bryce in his place, to wipe the grin off his face, she immediately began to worry that she crossed a line. What if he came after Luz for the things she said?
Taking a quick glance over her shoulder the witch saw the injured player grinning at her once again. He cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled back up at her.
"Playing hard to get eh? I'll see you again hockey girl. I know you can't wait!" He yelled up at her before turning to his teammates.
His voice was faint but it carried up to Amity's ears nonetheless.
"She must've heard about that creep Luz hitting on her. Honestly had me going for a second. Good to see she's got a sense of humor though!" He laughed to his team.
Amity wished, not for the first time that the human world had just a little magic.
She would give anything to be able to burn the bully to ash.
Luckily doodles and posters adorned the 'art' hallway like signs pointing Amity where to go. It was far more quiet here then any of the other sections of the school and Amity almost felt like a ghost, hearing her footsteps echo loudly around her as she walked swiftly through the hall.
Her ears twitched from under the bandanna she wore like a sweatband. Following the faint sound of laughter, Amity found the girl she was looking for standing at the front of a large classroom with double doors.
Peering into the room Amity could see that Sasha was talking with an older woman with graying hair and kind eyes. They were both laughing at something the younger girl had pulled up on her phone, neither of them noticing the intruder.
Amity took the time to analyze her target. Sasha seemed to be a much different person now then how she appeared in her photos. Instead of the flowery and airy style she carried and wore in all of her pictures, she was dressed casually, wearing sweatpants and a bulky sweatshirt that almost threatened to consume her thin frame. It wasn't the wardrobe that drew Amity's eye however, it was the small almost barely visible strip of pink that waved in her otherwise blonde hair.
Unconsciously, Amity's hand went to the remainder of her own dye job.
The movement was enough to garner attention as both teacher and student turned to face the doorway. As Sasha's green eyes met her amber ones, Amity remembered why she was here. Her blood began to boil. Here she was, so calm and collected, so... confident, while Luz had been quiet and withdrawn for days now. It wasn't fair.
Not waiting to be addressed, she strolled straight into the room.
"Can I help you miss?" The teacher asked kindly, freezing Amity in her advance. The witch stiffened. Collecting herself quickly, Amity turned around with a wide smile.
"No it's quite alright. I'm sorry I was in such a rush! I must've forgotten my manners. I just really would like to talk to my friend over here."
"Is that alright Sasha?" The lady turned to the blonde haired girl with a raised eyebrow.
Sasha looked between the two people in front of her before shrugging casually.
"I'll be right back Ms. Reinard. Me and... uh, Amity, right?" Sasha looked over at the witch for reassurance and got a stiff nod as a response.
"Me and Amity are just going to step out into the hallway real quick." Sasha finished politely as she stuck her hands in the pocket of her sweatshirt and walked Amity out into the hallway.
"So... um. Why is the lead star of the hockey team wanting to talk to me?" Sasha asked quite shyly when they were far enough out of earshot. Not knowing where to stand, she settled with leaning against a locker.
Amity did not follow her lead. Instead she tore off the jersey she had on, leaving her standing in the hallway in just a white tank top and blue jeans. Sasha stared at her curiously as the witch began to fidget with the jersey.
"I wanted to ask you about something that happened at my last game." Amity said coolly, her tone level.
"Oh. You must've heard about Luz..."
Amity's heartrate spiked at the name of her girlfriend but she kept her face straight. Eyes half lidded. Don't show any emotion. Gain as much information as you can. That was the way of the Blight.
"One could say that." Amity replied casually. "What do you think of her?"
Sasha's eyes widened almost guiltily as Amity continued turning her jersey over in her hands.
"She's... she's nothing you should worry about. Luz is mostly harmless." The girl sighed, looking down at the ground and avoiding the witch's intense stare.
Amity's hands gripped tighter into the fabric of her jersey.
"That didn't answer my question." The witch ever so subtly growled.
"I don't understand what you mean?"
"My question was what you thought about her. Though in all fairness, I guess it doesn't matter. Luz never really cared about what everyone else seemed to think about her. Everyone except you."
Sasha stared at her with wide eyes as Amity's face twisted into a frown. Amber eyes drifted down at the jersey.
"Are you... ok?" Sasha asked after a moment. When Amity didn't answer right away, the girl took a step forward.
Reacting quickly, Amity side stepped the hand that was coming down to rest on her shoulder and instead tossed her jersey up in the air.
"Yeah. Hold that for a second would you?"
Sasha lunged forward to catch the jersey just in time as the fabric unraveled in her hands. Suddenly, the tag attached to the back was sticking out. Sasha eyes locked onto it immediately just as Amity knew they would. After all, the colors Luz chose were hard to miss.
"What is this?"
"First you don't answer my question, now you're you saying you can't read either?" Amity snapped.
The witch knew what was on the tag. Knew that Sasha would've understood it. Should've understood it.
When Amity had first gotten her jersey she had been a little nervous. A new jersey meant a new team. A new chance for her to get her teammates injured again.
Luz didn't see it like that however. She was ecstatic, making sure it fit Amity well and making sure that she was plenty excited about her new jersey. When her girlfriend still had some reservations about it, Luz claimed it was simply because she hadn't made it *hers* yet. Taking some markers and dashing out the door with the shirt, Luz emerged from wherever she had been hiding a few minutes later with a very bright and colorful tag that read:
'Property of Amity.' With a small drawing of a hockey stick and puck.
A couple of weeks and jersey stealing incidents later and there appeared another line on the tag.
'Property of Amity. And Luz! (her amazing wonderful girlfriend).'
The understanding quiet that swarmed the hallway was deafening.
"So she was telling the truth..." Sasha spoke quietly, thumbing the tag gently.
Amity leaned forward and plucked the jersey out of Sasha's hands. With her arms exposed, she cut an intimidating figure, the muscles she had gained from training and practice obvious. The movement seemed to startle the blonde-haired girl as she looked up in alarm.
"Look. I'm sorry, but you don't understand. You couldn't. The situations she's caused and problems... You haven't known her as long as we-"
"I don't need to." Amity interrupted calmly, gently sliding the jersey back over her head. "In the amount of time I've known Luz she's nearly gotten me killed in a library, almost got my siblings eaten alive, nearly set us both on fire-"
"What kind of camp did you go to?!"
"-and almost terrorized an entire town with their worst fears." Amity finished, ignoring Sasha's question entirely. She held up a lazy hand gesturing to nothing. "And that's just the short list."
"Then... why?" Sasha asked after a short pause, her eyes lingering to a specific spot behind Amity's head where the jersey's tag would've been.
Amity laughed, a sharp and cold sound in the mostly quiet room. Sasha flinched, her back hitting the locker she was leaning against with a loud and hollow bang.
"You know the thing about you bullies, is that the one thing you never did was give Luz a chance. I almost didn't either. That was a mistake."
Sasha looked up curiously, a large range of emotions flashing through her eyes. The girl's submissive stance was familiar to Amity. Uncomfortably familiar. Flashbacks from her days of sullenly stalking around Hexside flashed in her head.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, Luz was always the one who got us out of each and every situation. She's always willing to help fix her mistakes." Amity stared at Sasha pointedly. "Always willing to look for the best in people."
The blonde haired girl in front of her hung her head.
"You threatened to call the cops on my girlfriend." Amity told her plainly.
Sasha didn't say anything, but instead sighed heavily and nodded. Her silence only irritated Amity more.
"You know I asked around. I've seen Luz deal with bullies before. I know it usually doesn't ever get to her. I know about Bryce, about the brute he is. But you were 'different'. You meant something else to Luz."
"I..." Sasha blinked, genuinely confused, "... what?"
"Tell me, since you've known her for sooo long. Have you ever seen Luz quiet?"
"Yeah. Quiet. Withdrawn. Sad." Amity listed, annoyed.
"No, she's... she's always been really out-going and kinda loud if I'm being honest. Even when everyone was so clearly annoyed with it, she didn't stop." Sasha admitted. Her face grew with a sad smile. "Nothing really got her down."
"Well it has now. You have." Amity said coldly.
The blonde girl's eyes widened, but the witch didn't let her say anything.
"Luz has faced a lot of things, none of them pretty, and still come out the same person as before. I've seen her do it. But the idea she had of you, the hope she had... you were different in her eyes." Amity explained shoving her hands deep into her pockets to prevent them from clenching into fists. A lump formed in her throat, the anger and empathy she felt balling tightly there and making it difficult to speak or breathe.
"But I see now you're just the same as the rest of them." Amity growled.
The sentence clearly had an immediate effect on Sasha who's eyes flashed in anger, she rose up to defend herself but Amity was already done. Her anger was quickly fading, leaving her body cold and numb. All she wanted was to go home. To go home to Luz. With a short decisive wave she cut off anything the other girl could've possibly said and took a step closer, purposefully drawing herself up to look as intimidating as possible.
Even if it couldn't stick with Bryce, she would make sure it stuck here. The last thing Luz needed was more of a reminder of just how badly the human world failed her.
"Leave my girlfriend alone. Tell all your friends that if they come near Luz again, they'll get to experience exactly why I'm the best defensive hockey player in the division."
Amity turned sharply, her footsteps filling in the silence left behind from the threat. She heard the door of the art class room open again after a pause and the teacher's kind voice drifted through the hallway.
"Sasha... you're crying. All you alright? Did something happen?"
Amity didn't stop as Sasha hesitantly answered. She refused to hear her excuses, her mind stuck in the past. Stuck to the night Amity found her girlfriend nearly freezing to death, staring up at nothing. The night she saw Luz's hope for something die.
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prinxlyart · 4 years
just any individual toh character hc would SLAP. mebbe ur thoughts on the twins idk this is vague
Nah it’s cool, I can dig it let’s do this
I only put this under a line break cuz it got so long oops lol
Defo has a stutter that she went through a lot of intensive and grueling speech therapy sessions for (when she was about 7 years old) that she hated. Amity and Edric both know this and know it’s a sensitive topic for her. They’ll tease her lightly about it, but never in front of anyone else and they know where to draw the line. In my last Vinera post, I mentioned how much Viney adores her stutter. She absolutely loves getting Emira flustered enough to start stuttering. She’s incredibly patient and understanding when it comes to Emira’s stutter and Em’s feelings about her stutter, and she helps Emira learn to be okay with it again. It’s nothing to be ashamed of (and it’s cute).
My girl likes carrots. Like, really likes carrots. As in she’ll eat them straight out of the ground if she’s given a chance to wash it first. She really loves carrots. This is only an issue later on after she and Viney start taking care of beasts together and Emira’s been caught eating their entire stock of carrots that’s meant for the beasts. Viney has to keep the carrots in a secret box away from Emira after that point.
Emira actually really loves beasts/animals but has never been good at handling them. Any time she’d try to approach an animal to pet it, it would try to bite her. She’d get extremely pouty whenever this happens because beasts/animals love Edric. It’s not until after she and Viney start dating that Viney actually starts teaching her how to approach different creatures and her love for creatures reignites.
Emira’s a giant pushover for Amity. Only Edric knows this because he’s also a pushover for her. If Amity ever found out what power she actually holds over them, they’d be in so much trouble. They mask their love for their sister with constant teasing. Yes of course they get annoyed by her, that’s how siblings are, especially when Amity tattles on them, but at the end of the day, they’d help Amity hide the body if she asked. (The few times they witnessed her crying by someone other than their parents, they had gone on a warpath. Nobody hurts Mittens.)
Defo had a brief infatuation with Luz for like 5 minutes before she realized how head-over-heels Amity was. As long as they’re both happy, that’s what matters. She’ll take that secret to her grave though.
L O V E S having her hair played with, but like, only with people she’s super comfortable with. She has so much hair (mostly due to her mother’s wishes) and any time they all have attend some fancy gathering, Emira has to be seen by a stylist in order to get all her hair into whatever wild fancy shape her mom wants for the event. That she hates more than life itself, but whenever she’s upset, Edric or Amity grabs her hair brush and just gently brushes her hair out until she’s chill again. (She absolutely melts when Viney starts playing with her hair). In an act of defiance and because she needed this Change, the moment she and her siblings leave the Blight Manor permanently, she cuts off all of her hair. It’s very reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Viney loves it. Everyone loves it actually, but the biggest reactions come from Viney and Luz (they both love running their fingers through the newly cut hair because it’s so soft).
She likes to sing to herself when she’s alone. It’s rare that it ever happens because if she knows there’s other people in the same building as her, she won’t chance it. But when she knows she’s alone and no one will notice if she casts a silence bubble around herself so she can sing at the top of her lungs? You better believe she closes any doors or curtains in the area, locks everything, casts that spell and goes nuts. Her voice isn’t all that great, but it’s lovely when she’s singing quietly to herself while she does homework or something. On especially bad nights, Amity will ask her to sing to her. Emira sang to her once when they were like, 3 and 5 respectively, and it’s been their secret thing ever since for especially rough nights/nightmares.
Yknow how James from Pokémon is just super good with Pokémon ?? Like, he knows how to treat them, he knows what they like, he asks them gently if they’d like to join them, etc. That’s exactly how Edric approaches creatures. He’s a natural with them, but he and his sister’s natural affinity for illusion magic kept him from pursuing that track of magic.
He’s always wanted a pet, but every time he brings it up to his parents, he’s met with the same firm No as always. He’s definitely gotten in trouble for trying to sneak wild creatures into the house to keep in his room. Thank Titan for Em’s cool new girlfriend who’s not only a multi-track student, but studying the exact subject he wants to study and is super eager to teach him everything she knows. He learns vicariously through her and helps her study for her tests. At first, Emira is suspicious of them, but she knows her brother wouldn’t be so cruel as to try to steal her girlfriend away from her. He’s just a dork.
My boy’s got a sweet tooth. He loves desserts and sweets and fluffy baked goods and often tries to sneak candies when he thinks no one is looking. Chocolate is a big weakness for him. When Luz introduces him to Human Sweets, he’s practically bouncing off the walls. Cotton candy??????? Flan?????? Dulce de Leche en Tabla??? He nearly passes out when Luz busts out what she calls a “chocolate fountain” and turns it on. Y’all remember that one image of a bird bathing in a chocolate fountain from a million years ago? That’s Edric.
Edric Blight LIVES to see his sisters laugh. He would pull all sorts of silly faces and dumb tricks to make Amity laugh when they were little. He still tries to make her laugh, but usually those have grown from giggles to disgruntled mumbling. He’ll never admit how much it breaks his heart and it’s not until he sees her laughing at something Luz has done that he has hope he may still be able to get her to laugh again (it’s also the first time he’s heard her laugh in years and it makes his heart soar in relief. He was almost certain their parents had stamped any concept of laughter out of her).
My boy Edric is so full of love and passion; actually quite similarly to Luz. What makes them different though is that Edric is Aromantic. He’s never had a crush in his life. He’s happy with his sisters and all of their friends and their family as it grows in the future. He has some best friends that he lives with for a while (after his sisters move in with their respective partners), but for the most part he’s chill. He loves his family, he loves spoiling his sisters’ kids, and he’s content with himself. It takes him a super long time to be content with himself, but he gets there. I will literally never get over the fact that his biggest fear is “being alone forever”. He’s never alone. He will always have his friends and family. And, thanks in large part to Luz, he has his parents back. His parents that actually were excited when he cast his first spell and tucked him in at night when he was a toddler, giving him kisses goodnight and pleasant dreams. Not the parents he’d run away from; those were the cold, uncaring, obsessed with fake concepts of popularity and status people he ran away from with his sisters. It took years, but Luz helped bring his real parents back. He loves getting to know them for who they are now that he’s an adult too.
He and Gus become best friends. Like, dumb buddy cop movie levels of best friends. They get into so much trouble when it’s just the two of them and they have the time of their lives. At first, he and Em just sort of took Gus under their wing because he was a little bit of an outcast in their homeroom for being so much younger than everyone else. But he’s a friend of Luz’s and a friend of Amity’s after a while, which automatically makes him cool in their book. They soon find themselves actually enjoying his company, rather than just protecting him from stray bullies, and they find his ability with illusion magic exciting. They themselves are considered prodigies so having another prodigy to show off practice with is super stimulating for all of them. As the years go on (and Emira spends more time with Viney) Edric starts calling more and more often for “Bro Time” where they go do stupid teenage stuff or test the limits of their magic or even just hang out and talk for hours. It’s actually all this time hanging out with just Gus that Edric discovers he’s aro; somehow it comes out that Gus has developed a crush on Edric and (major age differences aside) Edric realizes he’s never had a crush on anyone before. It’s a conversation that sucks a lot, but they’re besties and they manage to get through it. Gus maybe needs to take a day with his original gal pals to just cry about it, but he gets over it just fine. He also helps Edric understand what it means to be aromantic. Well, with the help of Luz and Willow as well; Luz is a walking dictionary for lgbt terminology and Willow’s super good at helping dissect feelings (when they’re not her own cough’outofsightoutofmind’cough).
I genuinely don’t know what he might pursue for a career. Part of me wants him to be independent and do his own thing, but a much stronger part of me wants him to just be part of Viney as Emira’s business. He loves creatures so much and he loves taking care of them, but I don’t want him to feel like a third wheel around his twin sister either. Maybe he becomes a dual track teacher at Hexside specifically for healing and beast keeping so more students can learn about Service Creatures. He can substitute for the Illusion track homeroom when needed, but he’s super passionate about the Service Creature sub-track he and Viney pitch to Principal Bump.
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thegoodgayshit · 4 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter 2: I Meet the Camp's Talking Hellhound
The introduction to the camp was pretty brief. Eda more or less just waved nonchalantly with her hand to the gathering crowd.
“Luz, these are the other campers. Other campers, Luz.”
A chorus of hellos rang throughout the clearing, and Luz slowly began to relax. A lot of the campers looked like kids like her: the youngest being six or seven and the oldest being around college age. There was a huge diversity of campers, kids of all different races and ethnicities, and most of them sporting an orange shirt that Luz could now read: “Camp Half-Blood, Long Island Sound”.
“Alright, with introductions out of the way, all of you should be heading back to your activities for the day.” Eda drawled, and the crowd began to disperse. There was a handful of campers who stuck around though.
There was a girl who looked about her age with black curly hair and green eyes, and Luz thought that she looked like the friendliest person she’d ever seen. She carried a bronze Spartan kopis on her belt, and in her left hand, she was holding a pot that was growing a golden plant unlike any Luz had ever seen before.
Next to her was a skinny boy with dark brown skin and dark eyes, who was both shorter and younger than Luz herself. His hair was styled into a fashionable fade, and if Luz had to guess he was maybe twelve. He was wearing a bronze chest plate that was clearly a size too big, but despite how uncomfortable it must have been he was smiling brightly.
“Eda, I helped the naiad in the forest like you asked.” The girl said, her voice mellow and soft. “It turns out she was still upset about the visiting party ponies”.
“A centaur from the Florida chapter trampled under her tree,” the boy added. “Willow fixed up the roots super-fast!”
Eda nodded at the pair, “thanks, kids. I swear to Zeus, Fennel has some knack for holding grudges… the party ponies left three weeks ago.”
“Eda?” The noise came from a second camper, who had been standing awkwardly off to the side. She was also around Luz’s age but maybe half an inch taller. She had dyed green hair pulled half back that exposed brown roots at the top of her head, and Luz found herself looking curiously at her eyes. At first, she thought they were brown, but then she realized they were, in fact, gold like Eda’s. The girl had her arms crossed, and she was standing a noticeable distance from the other two campers. The pair shared a look with one another that Luz understood immediately, and she felt that feeling of discomfort beginning to prick at her belly, the one she often felt on the first day of a new school. Luz immediately pegged this girl as the bully type.
Eda hummed, looking up at the girl like she had just noticed she was standing there. Luz felt a small grin starting to poke at the corners of her mouth as the girl’s face began to tint red, clearly embarrassed. The girl caught Luz’s expression and her face darkened, giving Luz a glare. Luz cut the smile right away. Despite the fact that she didn’t seem to be carrying a weapon, Luz thought this girl would have no hesitation gutting her with her bare hands. If looks could kill…
“Where’s Lilith? She told me she’d train me tonight when you got back.” The girl said, turning back to Eda with an airy and impartial look.
“She’s still at Olympus,” Eda said with a shrug. “We found Luz here in Manhattan so Lily and I decided I should take her to camp. She should be meeting with the council right now.”
“Oh…” The girl said, clearly not expecting that answer.
“Anyways, since I’m back I might as well head to my cooking class,” Eda shrugged, gesturing to the three other campers. “Show Luz around camp, will you? When you’re done introduce her to Cabin Eleven.”
Eda didn’t wait for them to respond. She just turned tail and walked away, leaving Luz and the other three campers standing there a little awkwardly. Luz smiled nervously at the three of them, and the girl scoffed turning on her heel.
“She doesn’t need three tour guides. You can show her around. I have better things to do.”
As the girl walked away, Luz felt like she had been slapped. “So much for a warm welcome…”
“Ignore her,” the girl said with a shrug, shifting the pot in her hand. “Amity is just like that.”
The boy smiled and extended his hand, and Luz took it with a nervous smile. “I’m Gus from Cabin Six.”
The girl smiled brightly at her, waving with the free hand that wasn’t around the pot. “I’m Willow, from Cabin Four. Eda said your name was Luz, right?”
“Yeah, Luz Noceda,” she said, blinking at the way they introduced themselves. “From Cabin… I don’t really know what happening”.
Thank God (or… I guess… gods?) the pair laughed. Luz felt herself relax a little. She already found herself liking Willow and Gus, and she wondered if Eda had been right when she said that everybody here was a little weird.
“Don’t worry, it can be overwhelming at first, but you’ll get the hang of it,” Willow encouraged with a smile.
“Come on, we’ll show you around!” Gus said excitedly, and Luz grinning, following after them as they turned around and started to walk.
They showed Luz the archery range, and the rock climbing wall, (Luz winced thinking about how her Mami would kill her if she ever tried that, she watched another camper scrape past the lava with the hairs singed off her arms) the canoe lake, and the pavilion where Willow said everybody met for dinner. Then they guided Luz through all the cabins if they could even be called that.
“Why do they all look so different?” Luz gasped, taking in the arrangement of colors and designs that varied from cabin to cabin. Cabin Four, which Luz remembered Willow was in, was covered in flowers and tomato plants growing up the walls. It had a roof made of real grass. As they passed, Willow waved to a girl with blonde hair standing on the porch watering wildflowers.
“Each cabin represents a patron god,” Willow explained. “You get sorted based on who your godly parent is.”
Luz hummed thoughtfully, “ok I get it. So Cabin Four…”
“My mom is Demeter,” Willow said. “Goddess of the harvest”.
“Well… technically-” Gus was about to speak, but when he caught Willow’s look, he swallowed his words and quickly changed the subject.  
“And I’m Cabin Six!” He said quickly, gesturing to a different Cabin that was grey with white curtains. There was an owl design hanging over the door. “My mom is Athena, the goddess of wisdom.”
Luz noticed the awkward tension between Willow and Gus, but she was so impressed by what she just heard she let it slide.
“Wow, so you must be pretty smart then,” Luz said, and Gus’ cheeks pinked.
“I mean, not really…”
“He’s being modest,” Willow deadpanned, rolling her eyes affectionately at the younger boy. “He skipped three grades.”
“Oh wow! Good for you, Gus,” Luz said, and she meant every word. Considering Luz had barely managed to pass most of her classes, and considered a C a job well done? That really impressed her.
“So, what about you Luz?” Gus asked, now so embarrassed he had to change the subject again. “Is your godly parent your mom or dad?”
“My dad,” Luz said, humming as she looked around at all the different cabins. “I wonder which god he is?”
“Well, let’s see what kind of skills you might have!” Gus said excitedly, and the trio began to compare the different cabins to try and narrow down the results.
She saw some campers by the basketball court shooting baskets, and some of them were crazy shots too. Willow had said they were from Cabin Seven, Apollo. From what Luz remembered he was the god of music and poetry. Luz didn’t have a musical bone in her body, so she could cross that one off the list. She wondered if maybe Zeus was her dad, like Eda and Lilith, but then Willow gently explained to her that their cabin was pretty exclusive. She was a terrible swimmer and hated the water, so she was definitely not a Poseidon kid. She got pretty angry a lot, but she didn’t think that was because she was a child of Ares. Luz was pretty sure she was just frustrated with her situation at school. Maybe she belonged in the wing of the minor gods. She could see her mom falling for one of those guys… someone more lowkey. But her mom had always told her that her father was a very successful businessman… that didn’t sound lowkey.
Luz was going to raise this concern to her new friends when she noticed something she had ignored earlier. Around both Gus and Willow’s neck was a brown leather necklace, with beads strung around it. “Cool necklaces,” Luz comments, pointing to them. “Did you buy them together?”
Willow chuckled, reaching under her orange shirt to give Luz a closer look. “Nope, everybody at camp gets one when they’ve stayed for at least one summer. A different cabin every year designs the beads based on an event or memory the camp has and gives them to each camper at the end of August. I have four beads for four summers.”
Gus reaches down to show Luz his own necklace. “And I have three beads for three summers!”
Luz awed over the different designs, the art on them was so intricate and beautiful Luz couldn’t help but ask about the shared designs, especially since one of them had what looked like a hot air balloon on fire.
“Oh, that was a crazy summer,” Gus said with a grin, launching into the story.
The trio talked for so long, that soon the warning bell rang for dinner. Willow jumped up like she’d been burned.
“Oh shoot! We were supposed to introduce you to Cabin Eleven. We can go there now quickly.”
“Cabin Eleven?” Luz said with a raised brow, but she couldn’t say much else as Willow grabbed her arm and practically dragged her across the U shaped wing of cabins. Eventually, they parked her right outside one of the cabin doors, and there was a girl standing outside the porch. She had tied back brown hair and a single fishhook earring. She looked a little older than Luz, maybe sixteen. Luz immediately liked her, she looked pretty laid back and cool.
“Hi, Viney!” Gus grinned, and the girl shot him a friendly smile.
“Hey, guys! Eda told me there was a new camper, so I decided to wait around here until she showed up.”
“Sorry we’re so late, I know you need to get your cabin to dinner,” Willow said apologetically, and Viney just shrugged her shoulders.
“We’re always late. It’s no problem.” She turned to Luz, who for the first time all day didn’t feel anxious around someone new. “You must be Luz. Welcome to Cabin Eleven! I’m Viney. Hopefully, you’ll be comfortable here. All new campers stay with us until they get claimed.”
Luz had a couple of follow up questions to that, but she didn’t really have time to ask them, because Willow and Gus were now waving goodbye.
“We’ll see you later, Luz. Let us know if you need anything!” Willow said, and Luz nodded to them before they headed out, likely back to their cabins.
“If you’re looking to make friends, they’re a good start,” Viney said to Luz with a smile. “Almost everybody at camp likes Willow and Gus.”
“Not everybody though,” Luz said with a frown, remembering that other girl, Amity.
Viney shrugged, “you win some and lose some. Now come on, let me introduce you to the rest of the cabin.”
The cabin itself looked pretty unassuming from the outside. It was a light brown, it looked like it had recently been repainted, and there was a caduceus over the door. Inside, there were about a dozen bunk beds, each with a simple brown chest at the end of it. Some of the bunks were decorated with posters or pictures, but a lot of them kept a simple kind of design. Luz already liked it in here, it was homey, but not busy enough for her ADHD brain to hyper-focus on any one thing. Luz counted about eighteen campers in total, which meant there was a good number of empty beds. The campers all turned to look as Viney and Luz walked in.
“Alright Cabin Eleven,” she called to them. “This is Luz, our new undetermined camper. Play nice. We’re leaving for dinner in five minutes, so be ready.”
Luz waved awkwardly, but thankfully most of the cabin seemed just as friendly as Gus and Willow.
“Hey Luz, you can have this bed right here,” one of the boys said, gesturing to the bunk above the one he was sitting on. The boy had brown hair and a pointed nose, and he fidgeted with his hands. It didn’t bother Luz. She could relate to that.
She grinned at the nice gesture, hoping it revealed just how relieved she was. “Thanks.”
Luz walks over to the bunk and takes off her backpack, and is about to throw it on the bed when the boy shakes his head quickly.
“Don’t leave that there, it’s a rookie mistake,” he says, and Luz eyes him uncertainly.
The boy sighs and then gives her a crooked smile. “Our dad, Hermes, is the god of merchants and travelers… but also thieves. If you have anything valuable, leave it in the chest. We can share it.”
Luz understands immediately. Opening her backpack, she pulls out her sketchbook and a pack of drawing pencils, her phone charger, and her earbuds. Her phone and wallet with her MetroCard and the remaining change she has are also there, so she leaves those things in the chest and slings her backpack over the edge of the top bunk. The boy shuts it when she’s done, and tells Luz the code.
“Thanks for the warning,” Luz whispers softly, and the boy shrugs.
“Don’t mention it. We were all new once. I’m Jerbo, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Luz.”
Viney stands from the front entrance of the cabin and holds up her hand to get everyone’s attention. “Cabin Eleven! Fall in!”
The cabin falls into rank by order of seniority, so of course, Luz is last, but she doesn’t mind. Together the Hermes Cabin walks towards the pavilion, where all the other cabins have gathered for dinner. Luz spots Willow and Gus with their siblings, and then Amity sitting over at the table right next to Luz. She makes eye contact with Luz, and then scoffs, turning away. Next to her, a pair of green-haired campers that are no doubt twins say something to her, and her face goes red. She elbows the boy hard, and the girl laughs loudly.
At the head table, Eda is sitting there with Lilith, who must have gotten back while Willow and Gus were showing her around. There’s also a boy with red hair and glasses, chatting amicably with what Luz can only describe as a talking black mastiff. It has a red collar, and Luz’s mouth can’t help but drop open at the sight. But she guesses she’s seen weirder things today.
“That’s King, the camp's loyal hellhound,” Viney says from across Luz, noticing her staring. “Hellhounds are usually ten times that size, but King’s always been special.”
“He can talk.” Luz just says, and Jerbo laughs.
“Oh yeah. Thinks himself real special for being able to as well. He follows Eda around everywhere.”
"Who's the boy next to him?" Luz asks curiously.
"That's Barcus, the camp's oracle. He's human and lives here at camp during the summer. When campers go on quests they get a prophecy from him."
That is way too weird for Luz to process, and she opens her mouth to ask a hundred follow-up questions but doesn't get the chance. Eda and Lilith get to their feet, and the camp quiets. Lilith is the first to speak.
“Good evening campers. Today we welcome a new half-blood to our ranks. Everybody, please welcome Luz Noceda.”
There is a series of whispers as people turn to look at her, and some of the campers say hello and wave in her direction. Luz rubs her neck in embarrassment when Gus whoops from next to his brothers and sisters. Viney pats her back encouragingly.
“As you all know on Friday we will be having our weekly game of Capture the Flag.” Eda continues once the murmurings settle. “The captains have been randomly selected, and this time the teams will be the Hermes cabin against the Aphrodite cabin.”
Luz’s table erupts into cheers, and Viney grins from ear to ear. Luz notices the table Amity is sitting at also explodes with noise, and she looks quite pleased with herself. Luz wonders if she misheard.  
“Amity’s mom is Aphrodite?” Luz says in surprise, and Viney nods her head.
“Yeah. Why are you asking?”
“It’s just…” Luz isn’t sure what to think about that. “Isn’t she the goddess of love?”
“And beauty,” Viney says as she shoots her a sly smile. “But also passion. Be careful of what you’re assuming. Sure you get the prissy campers every once in a while, but the Aphrodite cabin can be a force to be reckoned with. The Blight siblings make sure of that.” She gestures to Amity and the two green-haired campers who had been talking to her earlier, and Luz hums as she processes this new information. Eda’s voice snaps her back to reality.
“Yes, yes, in any case, captains will have to have their teams ready by tomorrow night.” Eda continues, and she tries to speak seriously, but her smile gives away just how excited she is. “Now, it’s time we eat.”
As if Eda just spoke some kind of spell, food begins to spill out from around the entrance to the pavilion. There are these weird chicken ladies (Viney calls them Harpies) that pass around a variety of barbecued meats, fruits, vegetables, and all kinds of food that makes Luz’s mouth water. She loads her plate and then gets handed an empty goblet, and looks at it uncertainly.
“Say whatever you want, and it’ll appear,” Jerbo says helpfully, and Luz breaks into a grin.
“Lime soda!”
The goblet fills with bubbly light green liquid. Luz takes a sip and her eyes widen in awe. It’s identical to the ones her Mami buys.
Mami! She’s probably wondering where she is right now. She left her phone in the Cabin, but she makes a mental note to call her after dinner.
Before she can dig in, she sees her cabin begin to get up and make their way over to the fire. They take something off their plate and chuck it in, muttering what seems to be a prayer as they do.
“It’s an offering to the gods,” Jerbo explains quickly, before doing the same thing.
Luz approaches and doesn’t quite know what to do. But she takes a cluster of delicious-looking grapes and tosses it in the fire anyway.
Dad, if you’re listening… thank you for letting me come here. I really like it so far.  
The fire roars, and Luz is taken aback by the smell. It’s like parchment and a dewy morning before school. It’s comforting.
Eda and Lilith once again get the attention of the crowd. They raise their goblets, and all the campers follow.
“For the gods!” They say.
“For the gods!” The campers repeat.
Luz eats until she can’t eat anymore. Once you’re done dinner, the rule is campers are allowed to visit other tables. Willow and Gus join Luz at the Hermes table, and they all begin to have a steady conversation.
“So how did Eda stumble across you in Manhattan?” Viney asks, and Luz timidly launches into the story. When she’s done, Gus whistles lowly.
“You helped them kill an empousai?” He mumbles in awe. “Servants of Hecate are no easy win.”
“Gus is a fan of Hecate’s illusions,” Willow explains with a smile. “While some campers might use it for pranks, Gus uses it for showmanship.”
“We’ll let me tell you, she was scary,” Luz says with a shiver. “I don’t know what I would have done if Eda and Lilith weren’t there to save me.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Viney says, reaching over to nudge her arm. “You leaped on the back of a monster with no weapon. That’s pretty brave.”
“Or pretty stupid,” Jerbo comments teasingly.
“Don’t worry, Luz,” Willow says with a smile when her face begins to heat up in embarrassment. “Gus and I can take you tomorrow to find you some kind of weapon.”
“That sounds great,” Luz said, relieved.
Soon, the harpies began to clear the plates, and her new friends got up to head down to the campfire to sing songs and roast marshmallows. Luz was eager to join them, but she remembered the mental note she’d made earlier. Making a promise that’d she be there soon, she was about to leave the pavilion to go get her phone when she was stopped with a firm hand on her shoulder.
“Where are you running off to, kid?”
Luz turned to see Eda, standing behind her petting Owlbert who was resting on her shoulder. Luz broke into a smile.
“Oh, hi Eda. I was just heading to Cabin Eleven to pick up my-”
“I just wanted to tell you that I spoke to your mother this afternoon,” Eda said, and Luz effectively shut her mouth and raised her eyebrows. “She was pretty angry that you ran off from school, but when I told her where you were she seemed to cool down.”
“Is she ok? She’s not worried about me right?” Luz said anxiously, and Eda smiled softly.
“No, lucky for you she seemed to have realized she couldn’t keep you from camp for much longer. She just wanted me to tell you that she loves you and hopes you're being safe and that you made it through the school year. You’ll be welcomed back to the same high school in the fall.”
Luz felt relief hit her like a pound of bricks. She really didn’t want to worry about her Mami needing to find her another school. She worked full time at the hospital, she worried enough.
“I told her that we don’t allow cellphones at camp since they send out a lot of signals to monsters and that if you wanted to contact her you’d have to see me.” Eda finished, and Luz tightened her lips. She wasn’t exactly sure why cellphones weren’t allowed, but she was glad she hadn’t admitted to Eda she had one. “So I was going to ask you if you wanted to call her, but now that I see you’re running off… I’m wondering if somebody might have something they’re not supposed to have.”
Luz began to panic, but thankfully Eda just chuckled. “Well, that look says it all. Just be careful kid. I’m a fan of troublemakers myself, but my sister sure isn’t. Keep it on the down-low.”
Luz nodded quickly, and Eda chucks her one more sly smile. “Your mom sent us over some pocket money for you to get whatever you need while you’re here. It’s at the camp store, so whenever you want to go buy some clothes or whatever just give them a visit.”
The talking hellhound Luz had seen earlier made their way over to Eda and Luz, and sat down at Eda’s feet, casting a suspicious look at Luz.
“Who are you? Who dares disturb the King of Demons?”
“You’re not the King of demons, you’re King the demon,” Eda muttered to the hellhound, rolling her eyes. “There's a difference. And you came over to us."
King just looks up and her and Eda facepalms, waving her hand toward Luz in defeat. "This is Luz, our new camper.”
Now that Luz was face to face with King, she found him a lot less freaky. In fact, he was kind of adorable.
“Awww, look at this little guy!” She said cooing, reaching down to meet King at eye level. “You’re so cute!”
“I am not cute!” The hellhound barked back in annoyance, and Luz reached over and pat him on the head. Despite looking angry, the hellhound leaned into the touch.
“What a sucker,” Eda mumbled under her breath, and King made a noise of annoyance. “Anyway Luz, if you need anything don’t think twice about coming to find me. I hope you’ve noticed, but everybody here is kind of one big family. We help each other out.”
Luz felt that warm feeling again, and without even realizing she was doing it, she leaned over and hugged Eda tightly, trying to express how grateful she really was. Eda huffed in surprise, before hesitantly hugging her back.
“Thank you, Eda,” Luz whispered into her shoulder.
Eda laughed awkwardly, patting her shoulder. “Anytime, kid.”  
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pirate-queen-boy · 2 years
Beyond the Isles - part 244
find the whole story up to date on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33867757/chapters/84205321
As the Vile Owl passed through the fog clearing, the crew had found a way to entertain themselves. Eda played her guitar and sang with Raine while everybody else watched. Luz sat between Amity and Hunter, while Willow and Gus sat together somewhere else on the deck. Lilith stood by Hooty, and King was laying in the Crow's Nest, trying not to hear the sound of Eda's slightly drunken singing.
"If ever I see dry land once more I’ll jump from the pigrail, and swim ashore. And I’ll make damn sure that I nevermore sail on a Hellship, like the Abigale!"
While everyone else was either still or vibing along, King just laid on his back, staring up at the sky with dread. Why him? Why now? Why must he be tortured by this obnoxious song?
"She’s a Hellship with a bully mate! The last I saw was malice and hate, the Captain’s the worst that’s ever been born! - - - and together we’ll sail er’ around cape horn!"
When the song had finally ended, Luz couldn't help but applaud for the performance, along with Willow and Gus. "Eh, I've heard better shanties on the spot." Hunter remarked. Luz turned to him, "Oh come on, you liked it." she pried. Hunter looked at her as she continued, "Admit it, you thought it was good." She took him by the shoulder with both hands and gently shook him. Hunter had to turn his head away, as he was failing to press down his grin. "Just tell me you liked it." she tried, which made Amity chuckle. Hunter finally spoke up, "It was… a fun song." He finally admitted, to his own embarrassment.
0 notes
prinxlyart · 4 years
You know, I'd love to hear some Skara headcanons from you. Stuff you'd want to see in the show, how she'd be friends with Luz and her Hexsquad, and anything else you like about that witchling that deserves more screentime and focus.
YOURE A SAINT IVE BEEN ITCHING TO TALK ABOUT SKARA but imma put this one under a read more cuz it’s a lot
I NEED to know what instrument(s) she plays in the bard track and how bard magic works in this world. You don’t exactly cast a spell circle with instruments, do you? How do you cast if you don’t? How would Luz be able to figure out a glyph for it if there’s no spell circle being applied? I think the bard track is an especially tricky one because it requires a separate understanding of magic that the rest of the school doesn’t really cover. Do you play notes in a circle? Do you physically move your instrument in a circle??? Is it a mentally projected circle? I need to know more about the bard track. Singing has to have a form of bard magic associated with it in this world, right? Sure music can just exist without magic being applied to it, but if you DID apply magic to it, what sort of stuff would you be able to do?
That aside, I think Skara is very good at what she does. I’ve seen the comic of her carrying around a tuba but I can also see her carrying around other instruments too. My only issue is, I don’t know what instrument would be best suited for her. She could be really good at any instrument and I’d be thrilled to know what she excels at (it could be literally anything. Harmonica? Cello? Bongos? Violin? Piccolo? Guitar? I don’t even care I just need to know what her go to instrument is). I may not have played an instrument during band camp (I was on my high school marching band color guard team; NOT the JROTC), but I certainly learned to respect how each section plays their instruments. Each instrument takes a lot of dedication and practice so whatever it is Skara plays, I feel like she’s doing AWESOME.
I’d love to see her sit next to Luz in a bard class to get to know her better. Luz is of course pretty wary of being approached by her, but Boscha isn’t around to direct the conversation into something negative, and Skara seemed really chill after their grudgby game. They start talking about the different kinds of music they like, what sort of instruments there are in the demon realm vs the human realm, etc.
Luz gets to explain what technology is and shows Skara some of her favorite amvs that she’s made and why she picked the songs she did. Skara is so taken by Luz’s weird scroll/crystal ball thing that plays whatever music she wants they just pass her phone back and forth throughout class listening to different types of music and explaining why they like it.
What I really want is for them to be the same kind of fast friends that Luz was with Willow and Gus. Skara loves showing affection to those around her too and I think she and Luz would be the type of friends that run and hug each other every time they see each other in the hallways.
I actually would love for it to be Skara that tells Boscha to dial back the bullying. Luz is cool and she’s learning about how cool her friends are and they don’t deserve to be treated the way Boscha’s been treating them. I know it’s sort of mild canon(?) that she’s scared of Boscha (body swap ep and intro to understanding Willow where she gives Boscha a molting bday invite), but Luz is like. A confidence radiator. She has some weird ability to give those around her the confidence to do anything they set their minds to and I think Skara’s admiration of such a quality would give her the push she needs to take Boscha aside to try to talk to her.
I’d also love for Skara to realize that she never actually knew Amity all that well despite growing up together. She knows Amity’s in the abomination track and wants to join the Emeror’s Coven and studies really hard to do so, but what does Amity like? What does she do in her free time? What kind of relationship does she have with her siblings? Has she ever seen Amity actually have fun?? Has she ever seen her laugh? I’d love to see Skara privately suggest a do-over with Amity; a reset on their friendship because their friendship thus far has been in name only. I really want to see them have a slumber party where they really actually get to know each other better and be real friends. I also just need Skara to learn about Amity’s debilitating crush on Luz so she can both tease her and support her (and team up with Willow and Gus to be the ultimate wing-team to get them together).
Can you imagine Skara learning about like, old cartoons from Luz and then trying to recreate romantic scenes where she pulls out a fake mustache and an accordion and tries to set a serenading mood for the two of them??? Luz would be wheezing and Amity would be confused as hell and Skara would get frustrated and stomp her foot and be like GUYS!! COME ON!!! IM TRYING TO SET THE MOOD HERE!!!! UGH FORGET IT!! And as she walks away in a huff she throws her fake mustache down Luz turns to Amity and asks “mood?” And Amity goes bright red. Skara comes to find out the next day that that’s what got those two knuckle heads to confess and start dating and she MISSED IT!!!!!!
Yeah, I’ve got a lot of thoughts on Skara. I would love to see more of her interacting with our band of misfits and the bard track.
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thegoodgayshit · 4 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter Three: I Make My Second Enemy
Luz thinks her first night at Camp Half-Blood was a success. She laughed along with her new friends at the campfire, singing songs and telling stories before she went back to Cabin Eleven and got her first night of sleep.
But then the dreams started.
It seemed innocent enough. Luz was standing in the hallways of her school alone, grabbing books from her locker. But then she felt her body slam against it, once again being thrown just like she had by Lina earlier that afternoon. She couldn’t see anything as her body turned, and she realized with a panic that something cold and sharp pressed into her spine.
“Yes, little hero,” the voice whispered coldly against her. “Play the pawn, be the god’s pet, just as we were. You are a fool.”
Just before she thought for sure she would get run through with a sword, she threw herself awake in her bunk, breathing heavily.
It was sometime early in the morning, just before dawn. She had been so exhausted from the night before, she had fallen asleep in her hoodie and shorts. Not that she had pajamas, but she would have at least just worn her leggings and a tank top. The dog tag necklace she had stolen from Lina was still around her neck, and Luz took it off as quickly as she could with her shaky hands.
Careful not to wake her sleeping cabinmates, Luz carefully crept to her chest she shared with Jerbo, opening it and taking out her phone, sketchbook, and some of the hanging tacks.
She crept back up to her bed, hanging the dog tag necklace on her portion of the wall using a tack and pulling the blanket over her head, using her phone flashlight to open the sketchbook and start drawing. She drew what she had experienced in her dream, being pressed against the floor and pushed down by a stranger holding a sword. Shivering at the scary drawing, she flipped the page and decided to just draw some fanart to calm herself down. She didn’t have a lot of room left in her book, but she figured it was worth space. She drew herself as Azura from her favorite book series, and she felt her mood already start to go up as she worked.
Before long the rest of the cabin got up and the day began. After eating a quick breakfast in the pavilion, the Hermes cabin began their activities for the day.
Viney had explained to Luz what it meant to be claimed at the campfire last night, and she said that at any moment now a god would give some kind of sign she was their daughter. But the moment at the campfire never came. Luz had the feeling Viney was letting her give things a try, to see if she picked anything up in particular that would give away her godly parent.
She wasn’t very good at archery, but she wasn’t terrible either. She did have to apologize to Skara, one of the Apollo kids, after almost skewering her while she went to go pick up her arrows. She didn’t mind canoeing, but she confessed to Jerbo that she was a little nervous about falling in the water. Luz knew how to swim, but right now she only had this set of clothes, and really didn’t want them to get wet.
After archery and canoeing, the Hermes cabin gathered in the arena to practice sword fighting. Viney fit Luz into some of the practice armor and handed Luz a four-foot blade that felt clumsy in her hand. She wasn’t bad at sword fighting either, but she felt like she couldn’t move quickly in the bulky armor, and got knocked down by Jerbo more than once.
After that, they had an hour for a break. Luz was supposed to meet Willow and Gus by the shed outside Cabin Six in half an hour, so she figured she would walk to the camp store and buy herself some more clothes.
The store was pretty cute looking and had a decent selection of supplies. The cashier today was a camper, one Luz thought she recognized playing basketball the previous day. He nodded to her when she walked in.
She headed to the counter, meeting him with a smile. “Hi, Eda said my mom sent me some money here. It should be under the name Luz Noceda?”
He smiled breezily, looking unbothered. “Yeah sure, let me get that for you.”
Her mom had sent over a hundred dollars for her to spend. She couldn’t help but grin ecstatically. She had never had that much money before. She’d have to text her Mami thank you.
She cruised through the shop, picking up a couple of the classic orange t-shirts, a hoodie, a pair of extra shorts, and a pair of jeans in case it gets cold. She grabbed a set of pajama shorts and a clean white shirt to sleep in, a toothbrush, and some other toiletries off the shelf. As she was piling it on the counter, she grabbed some of her own sticky tacks to decorate her bunk. When she brought it to the front and paid, she only had a couple of dollars left in change when she saw a beautiful black sketchbook sitting right by the front wall.
“How much for that?” She asked, gesturing to the book.
“Five fifty,” he says.
Luz counts her change and sighs, crestfallen. With her Mami’s change and the change left from the candy store, she’s only got four fifty left.
“This sucks,” she mumbles, taking her new purchases from the camper, preparing to just leave the store. “I only have four fifty left.”
Then the strangest thing happens. The cashier straightens up, and his eyes get misty like he’s forgotten where he is. He looks at the sketchbook then at her.
“Four fifty’s fine.”
Luz blinks in confusion, but then she grins in excitement, handing him the change. “Really? Thank you so much!”
He shrugs his shoulders, “It’s no problem at all. Have a nice day.”
Luz takes the sketchbook and puts it in the bag with the rest of her items, ecstatic. She couldn’t believe how nice that camper was.
She takes her new stuff back to the Hermes cabin, changing into a new orange shirt and shorts. She packs the rest of her stuff on her side of the chest, including her new sketchbook, and then leaves the cabin to go meet Willow and Gus.
She finds them waiting right where they said they’d be, around the back of Cabin Six. They’re standing next to a decent sized metal shed that extends past the cabin, and they both smile as she approaches them.
“Hey Luz, nice clothes,” Willow says approvingly.
“Thanks, I was really dreading wearing the same stuff over and over,” Luz admits sheepishly.
“Well, now it’s time for the best part of it all! Picking out your weapon,” Gus cheers, gesturing behind him to the shed. “You can find a weapon you like in lots of places… if you want something newly made Cabin Nine is the place to go, but Cabin Six collects a lot of classics, so we have a pretty good selection too. Our goal is to match the right hero with the right weapon. My siblings said you can help yourself if you find anything cool.”
“Awesome!” Luz says in excitement, pumping her fist in the air. She had to admit, lots of stuff about being a half-blood was cool, but the idea of getting her own weapon like what Eda or Lilith had? That had been what Luz was the most excited for.
The trio starts digging around the shed, looking for something that suits Luz. She struggles to find something right… there’s a huge sword she can barely lift, then one that’s so small she has no control over her swing. She even holds a Mossberg shotgun in her hands that shoot celestial bronze. While she agrees with Gus that it’s cool, it’s really not her style.
Then she’s digging underneath a pile of bronze swords when she stumbles across an ancient-looking bronze ring, shimmering on the floor of the shed. Luz blinks at it curiously, before she scoops it up and slides it over her ring finger on her right hand, almost like instinct. She peers at it and realizes the shape of it reminds her of her Mami’s college ring from when she studied medical science. Using the edge of her shirt, she does her best to buff it up.
“What’s this?” She asks her new friends, but before they can respond she touches it and screeches, stumbling backward. The ring had transformed into a two-foot bronze xiphos that Luz had to catch in her hand. She gaped at it in awe and turned it, examining the blaze and realizing the balance was perfect.
Willow and Gus glanced at one another awkwardly, before Gus crossed his arms nervously. “I don’t know if you want that one Luz…”
Luz blinked at him. “Why not?”
“That was Peleus’ weapon,” Willow said slowly, and Luz’s mouth dropped open again.
“Peleus? Wasn’t he the father of like… Hercules or something?”
“Achilles,” Gus corrected quickly.
“Then what’s it doing in the Athena cabin’s shed!” She exclaimed, holding it out as if it might break at any second. The sword shrunk back to a ring in an instant, sitting comfortably on Luz’s hand. “Shouldn’t it be in like… a museum or something?”
“Celestial bronze weapons are meant to be used by demigods,” Gus said with a shrug. “Not be kept in a museum.”
“So why shouldn’t I want it?” Luz asked, now more confused than before. Gus put up his hands like he didn’t want to have this conversation. Willow sighed, taking over for him.
“The ring was enchanted by Hermes for Peleus to use. But after he died a lot of half-bloods have come to the conclusion that it’s cursed. They’ve tried to use it and found that it brought them bad luck.”
“He called the sword Aletheia, which means “disclosure” or “truth” in Ancient Greek,” Gus added helpfully, and Luz hummed, looking down at the ring thoughtfully.
“I want this one,” Luz said certainly, and Willow and Gus shared another look but shrugged, not going to warn her off any further.
“Alright then, the half-blood always knows best,” Willow just said.
“Plus it’s a super cool sword,” Gus said enthusiastically. Luz met his smile with an excited grin of her own, touching the ring to get it to transform again. This time, instead of a sword, Aletheia turned into a bronze knife, about half a foot long. The leather hilt of this blade matched the one of the sword, and Luz’s first thought was to panic.
“I broke it!” She exclaimed in terror, and Gus snorted, doubling over with laughter. Willow blinked in surprise and leaned in for a closer look.
“I’d heard the legend that Peleus also had a knife, but I didn’t think Aletheia could shift twice,” she said with interest. “Is the shifting random?”
Luz tried shifting the weapon multiple times. Eventually, they determined there was no pattern, and the choice was in fact random. Willow disagreed with her, but Luz had a feeling that it favored the sword and shifted into that more often.
“Isn't it so cool?” Gus exclaimed, and Luz couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. He was right, it really was a cool weapon.
Luz thanked Gus and asked him to thank his siblings as well for letting her browse through the shed, which he promised he would do. Then the three of them had to head back to their activities for the day, so Luz waved goodbye and went to go look for the rest of the Hermes cabin.
She had her first run on the lava rock wall with the Ares cabin, and Luz barely managed to scrape her way to the top without getting burned. As she climbed down and Viney offered her some water, she couldn’t help but express her annoyance with her performance.
“Curse my weak little nerd arms,” she huffed, and Viney smiled sympathetically. Behind Luz, she heard a scoff, and she turned to look in the direction of the noise.
“I was surprised you even made it to the top at all, you were so slow I thought the lava was going to swallow you up.”
It was a girl she had never seen before from the Ares cabin, with pink hair and a sneer that was so cold it could knock Luz flat. A couple of her siblings stood next to her, eyeing Luz like she was fresh meat.
Luz narrowed her eyes. She knew she wasn’t supposed to pick fights anymore, her Mami had asked her not to, but she was at camp now. She had every right to be there just like them.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” Luz retorted, and she noticed some of the other Hermes cabin kids eyeing Luz nervously.
Viney, thankfully, stood up and tossed her an equally annoyed look. “Just walk away, Boscha. We don’t need this right now.”
The girl, Boscha, narrowed her gaze. “Why are you defending her? Your fresh meat over here hasn’t even been claimed yet. It’s obvious enough, even the gods don’t want her.”
Luz felt that in her core, but she swallowed hard, willing away her insecurity. Her dad would come through soon, the gods had promised to claim all their children by the time they were thirteen. She had to believe it would happen at any minute.
“We want her,” Viney argued with a low growl, and Luz felt affection for Viney spring up in her chest.
But Boscha wasn’t interested in being nice. “Why? She can’t even climb a rock wall, never mind do anything useful.”
“I’ll show you useful.” Luz finally snapped, stepping forward to run at Boscha, only to be stopped by Viney holding out an arm.
“She’s not worth it, Luz,” Viney said with a whisper, and Luz felt her face get red with embarrassment when Boscha laughed.
“See? You don’t even think she’s good enough to fight me.” Boscha stepped closer and bared her teeth at Luz, who returned it with a furious expression. “You and I are on opposite teams tomorrow for Capture the Flag. I can’t wait until we destroy you.”
She and her siblings stalked off, and Luz grit her teeth in frustration. “Why do I keep making enemies?”
Viney shrugged, keeping her green eyes locked on the back of Boscha’s head. “She’s one of Amity’s friends. If Amity didn’t like you, neither will Boscha. I already guessed that the Ares cabin would be on Aphrodite’s team tomorrow, but I guess now it’s a done deal.”
Jerbo, who had been climbing the rock wall and only heard the end of the conversation with Boscha, wiped his face with a towel. “So who do we have on our side?”
“Athena, Demeter, Hecate, Nemesis, Tyche, and Hebe so far.” Viney mused, starting to look nervous. “We have numbers on our side, but I’m hoping to get Nike to side with us too. They always have a habit of joining the winning team…”
“We’re totally going to win!” Luz said determinedly, “I won’t let Amity and Boscha’s team win if I have anything to say about it.”
Viney and Jerbo shared a look, and then Jerbo shrugged. “If you say so. But they’re going to be one tough combo to beat.”
“Athena’s cabin promised me a good strategy,” Viney added with a smile. “If we pair that with Luz’s confidence, I’m sure we’ll do great!”
Luz was now more determined than ever to get better at her combat skills. She knew campers would think she was an easy target since she was new, so on their next break before dinner, Luz went alone to the arena to practice.
When she got there, she was surprised to see Eda and King together in the arena. Eda was slashing through some of the practice dummies with her spear, and King was taking a nap on the grass a few feet away.
After ripping the stuffing out of the chest of a dummy, Eda caught sight of Luz. “Oh, hey kid. What are you doing here?”
Luz rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. “Capture the flag is tomorrow, and I don’t want to let my team down. I need to learn how to use this sword.”
Eda’s brow furrowed, and she looked at Luz like she had two heads. “Kid… you don’t have a sword with you.”
Luz reached over and touched her ring, and showed Eda Aletheia. Thankfully this time it was a sword and not a knife. Eda looked at it and nodded interestedly, before turning back to the dummy.
“Alright then, I’ll teach you.”
Luz’s eyes widened. “Wait, seriously?”
“Well sure, kid. I am one of the Camp Directors. It’s my job to make sure you’re in tip-top fighting shape.” Eda spun her spear like a baton, and Luz expected it to transform back into Owlbert, but instead, Eda was holding a three-foot bronze falcata. Luz blanched, and Eda just grinned crookedly, showing off that gold fang again.
“Why are you so shocked? You’re not the only one with a transforming weapon, kid. You’ve seen my spear before.”
“It’s just so cool,” Luz said in awe, and she blinked when she realized she was now sounding just like Gus. Eda cackled at her expression, stepping closer to start the lesson. She showed Luz the proper way to stand with a sword and explained the mechanics of how to move your body with the sword, rather than have the sword move for you.
“A hero's best tactic is their adaptability,” Eda explained, pushing her hands against Luz’s shoulder to adjust her stance. “Anyone can swing a sword, but real heroes? They use it as an extension of themselves rather than a tool to make ends meet.”
Luz nodded furiously, already picking up so much more than she had in the arena earlier. Not only was the weapon in her hand now balanced, but Eda was a much more unconventional teacher than Viney. Eda’s unique teachings were helping Luz think creatively with her sword when she was swinging.
After a couple of practice rounds against Eda, (“remember that when fighting an opponent with a longer blade, you need to move inside their own strikes”) she spun Owlbert again to change it back into a spear. Luz began to get a feel for engaging with different kinds of weapons, and soon King had even woken up from his nap to come over and watch, offering sarcastic criticism or yells of encouragement every once in a while. Eda then switched back to her sword, and Luz did much better this time, even managing to disarm Eda once or twice. Each time she did it, Eda would push Luz a little harder, making it more challenging to knock the blade out of her hand.
Luz hadn’t even realized how much time flew until both Eda and Luz were drenched with sweat, completely out of breath.
“Well kid,” Eda said inhaling for air. She spun her sword and it shifted back into Owlbert, who cooed and perched on Eda’s shoulder. “I think that’s the best you’re going to get before tomorrow. You’ve made some really great progress. I’m actually kind of impressed.”
“I feel ready,” Luz said with a grin, touching Aletheia to turn it back to a ring. “Thank you so much, Eda.”
“Don’t thank me,” she said with a thumbs up. “This was fun!”
Luz heard the pair of footsteps from behind her before she heard the voices.
“Oh, have you decided to help train Luz, Edalyn? That’s very out of character for you.”
Luz saw Eda’s sour expression before she turned around, seeing Lilith walking towards them in tow by Amity, who made a point to glare at Luz and look away, crossing her arms.
Luz didn’t understand what she did to have Amity hate her so much, but before she could think about it any further, Eda tossed an arm around Luz’s shoulders and squeezed until the air was knocked out of her, all while smiling smugly. “I sure have, Lily! Luz here is a natural, she’s going to do great tomorrow.”
Lilith hummed, tilting her head humorously. “I’m so glad to hear that Luz is picking up sword fighting skills so quickly! Maybe one day she’ll even be good enough to Amity.”
Luz felt a competitive bubble begin to rise up in her chest and she squared her shoulders challengingly, but Eda beat her to it.
“Oh yeah? What makes you think my student can’t beat your student?” She retorted, and Lilith laughed.
“You mean besides the fact that you’ve been training for all of one day?” She shot back breezily, and Eda scoffed.
“Who cares? Time has nothing to do with it.”
Lilith raised a brow in disbelief. Turning to Amity, who had been standing there quietly, she gestured over to one of the training dummies.
“Would you mind giving a demonstration, Amity?”
Amity looked over at Luz and smiled, but there was nothing nice about the gesture.
“With pleasure, Lilith,” Amity said, drawing a polished short sword (a xiphos, like Luz’s) from her belt. It was two feet long, like Luz’s, and studded with what looked like small amethysts on the hilt. Luz blinked, it was the prettiest weapon she had seen so far.
Amity moved like a storm, slashing and hacking the dummy to pieces using moves that Luz could only dream of learning. Within seconds, the dummy was completely destroyed, pierced in multiple places, and totally decapitated. She finally sheathed her sword and walked back to stand next to Lilith completely unphased.
Eda huffed, crossing her arms. “So you’re girl has some moves. That doesn’t mean she’s going to win tomorrow. Unless she plans on taking out a whole army of campers all at once.”
“I plan on it,” Amity said without hesitation, staring Luz right in the eye as she said it. Luz gulped, now nervous again. She swallowed her anxiety, trying not to give Amity anything more than she deserved.
“Well I’ll see you on the field then,” she said, trying to sound confident, but the crack in her voice gave everything away.
“I’ll see you there,” Amity promised. She wanted to keep arguing, to say something to wipe that rude smile off her face, but before she could muster up the courage Eda had her hand on her shoulder dragging her out of the arena with King on their heels.
As they left, Eda was grumbling angrily under her breath. “Stupid Lily, always thinking she can get the better of me.. well she’ll see tomorrow…”
King was huffing at their heels, “That green-haired girl has a serious attitude problem. I don’t like it.”
When they were out of eyesight from the arena, Eda reached into the pocket of her cloak and began rummaging around. “I’ve got something here that’ll do the trick… ah! Here it is.”
Eda pulled out a bronze device and gestured for Luz to hold out her hand. She wrapped the thing leather strap around her left hand, so the tiny device was pressed into the middle of her palm.
“Eda? What’s this?” Luz asked, reaching over with her other hand to touch it. Eda slapped her hand away quickly, and Luz recoiled.
“Ow!” She exclaimed, and Eda chuckled apologetically.
“Sorry. You just probably shouldn’t touch that. This is a nifty little device I had Cabin Nine make for me a long time ago. If you meet Amity in the forest tomorrow, just touch her skin under her armor with this, and she’ll be immobilized long enough for you to take her down.”
“Take her down?” Luz recoiled, eyes wide at what Eda was saying. “I don’t like Amity, but I’m not going to kill her!”
Eda laughed, patting Luz’s shoulder. “I didn’t mean that. But if you point your sword under her throat and stop her from attacking you, she’s out. Just do that.”
Luz glanced at the little item in her palm anxiously. It looked a lot like a hand buzzer that a prank shop would sell. Luz hadn’t been a half-blood for long, but she had figured out that everything here was a lot more hardcore than she initially expected.
“Eda, this won’t like… seriously hurt her right?”
“It won’t kill her,” Eda said with a shrug. “But I never said it wouldn’t hurt. It’s got enough of a current to bring a Cyclops to their knees. Don’t ask how I know that.”
Luz didn’t like the sound of that at all, but Eda had been pretty helpful so far so she wasn’t going to refuse a gift like this. But there was another worry nagging at the back of her mind.
“Isn’t this kind of cheating?”
“Nah,” Eda said with a wave of a hand. “It’s capture the flag. All magic items are allowed. The other team will be using stronger tricks than this to win the game. You've got to get on their level to win.”
“There’s nothing like a nasty trick to subdue your enemies!” King chimed in with glee.
Luz still wasn’t sure about this, but Eda was giving her this encouraging look that she couldn’t ignore. So she braved a smile, mustering all the certainty she could. “Well, alright then. I’ve got nothing to lose, right?”
“That’s the spirit, kid!” Eda cheered, clapping her again on the shoulder. “Now, you better head back to your cabin before dinner. If this is going to work, and Lily’s team is going to go down big time, I need to talk to Cabin Twenty about some of their magic glitter bombs…”
Eda and King headed off towards the minor god’s ring of cabins, and Luz sighed. She wondered if all she'd managed to do today was squeeze herself more trouble than she was already in.
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