#gustaf skarsgård fanfiction
bouncehousedemons · 2 years
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Rush Hour
Rating: M Pairing: Karl Strand x female character (second person, no use of y/n) Warnings: Sexual tension Word count: 750
Summary:  The hustle and bustle of rush hour is hell on earth for most people. But most people don’t have the luxury of sitting opposite the same gorgeous stranger each day. For you, rush hour is the only time of day that matters.
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gustafsnightangel · 3 years
Shattered Lives Ch 37 Pt 1
She woke to Gustaf tangled with her, his ridiculously long legs wrapped around hers, arms cradling her body against his like she was the most precious thing in the world. His face mirrored the peace he’d found in sleep with her last night. She knew what she had to do today, the restraining orders wouldn’t take much, but it would drag up toxic emotions for him and shove it firmly down his throat. Her only hope was that she could lessen the blow, offer him some level of protection. One day she thought as he trailed a finger down his jaw before fanning her fingers out over his chest, one day you’ll be free of her.
Her kiss, soft and tender, brought him to the surface, that curvy body entwined with his. “Mine.” He growled sleepily, his hold on her tightening, her quiet chuckle against his lips making him smirk. “All mine.” He breathed as he deepened the kiss, she was his kryptonite.
“I need to pee.” She chuckled. “And make some calls.” She didn’t want to elaborate and drag Ana into their bed, but she needed to get the ball rolling.
“Come back to bed after?” He mumbled into her hair still half asleep, the scent of her intoxicating as he nuzzled her neck.
“I’ll bring food.” She murmured.
“As long as you come with the food, I don’t care. I want you in bed with me all day.” His knuckles brushed her cheek and those eyes of glacial blue locked onto his. “I love you.” He said softly, his tone carried all the love he had for her.
“I know you do. I love you too, but I have to pee or it’s gonna get messy in here in a very unpleasant way.” She chuckled, kissing him chastely as he untangled his limbs from around her.
He’d drifted back to sleep by the time she’d donned her robe and walked out to the kitchen. Dragging her laptop from her office to sit on the kitchen island she started to organize her thoughts as the kettle boiled. Tea and notes, then phone calls.
She paced as she spoke to the police, seethed as they told her their investigation had stalled.
“You’ll have the paperwork to formally press charges by this afternoon.” She snapped. “You’re damn right we intend to. Now do your damn job and find her.”
He woke with a start at her tone, that ice cold fury unleashed on some unsuspecting soul. On any other day he’d revel in the lawyer surfacing, today it made his gut plummet. “Fucking Ana.” He sighed and punched the pillow. He could hear the anguish in her voice, the fear that the kids were in danger.
“I’m also serving her with a restraining order, several in fact, and accompanying injunctions. I have four children detective, I’m not giving her the chance to come after one of them, because if that happens from your departments lack of action, believe me when I tell you, this conversation will feel like I’ve congratulated you on the happiest day of your life.”
He couldn’t help the smirk, damn she was sexy as fuck when the lawyer came out to play. “Though she’s not playing this time around.” He murmured and continued to listen to her set the detective straight about how this was all going to happen.
“Put detective Leon Holmberg on the phone, right now.” She snapped, on her last fucking nerve. “I’ll wait.” She added sternly while he finished up whatever call he was on.
“Asshole.” She spat as the call was transferred. He wasn’t really, she was just pissed and emotional. Sure he was doing his job and she was emotionally invested in this, but stonewalling her wasn’t going to fly on any case, especially a personal one.
“Sildie? Sorry for the wait.” Leon’s gruff voice sounded as she sent an email off.
“It’s fine Leon, I just don’t appreciate the bullshit from your associate.” Her and Leon had crossed paths a few time in court with various cases, they were both straight shooters and got along well.
“He’s green, oh so green.” He chuckled. “Though your tongue lashing might have knocked some of that off him. He’ll learn. God were we ever that young?”
“Maybe twenty years ago.” She snorted. “And he’ll learn that stonewalling me isn’t in his best interest. Even when I’m not working.” She sniped. “Can you give me an update?”
“Sure. We visited her apartment last night once we were done at your door, she wasn’t home, so we visited her boyfriends apartment. He was there, she wasn’t. He was high and there was also a large quantity of drugs on his table in plain sight which he denies purchasing, they’re at the lab for forensics. If her prints are on it we’ll pick her up again.” She focused on what he was saying and added it all to her notes, fingers flying over the keyboard. “As for the tagging of your doors, we can charge them both as I said last night to Gustaf, nothing much will come of it, maybe a fine, but it’ll be documented.”
“Charge them both.” She said bluntly, no fucks given at how pissed she sounded at this point. “It’ll be enough to slap her with restraining orders and injunctions. I need to keep her away from Gustaf and away from our kids.”
He choked up a little, she was protecting him, fighting for him, for them. Our kids, Gustaf’s grin bloomed, he liked the sound of that, our kids, not hers, ours.
“I’ll send you over the police report, any findings. Are you filing yourself?”
“I’ll probably get Elsa to file on our behalf, she knows the kids and history which makes it easier. I’m too close to this to keep a level head. Gustaf has his own team of lawyers so I’ll talk to him and see what he wants to do.” She sighed.
“I’m going to head back to her place and try to track her down later today, I’ll up the urgency as much as I can. It’ll help once the orders and injunctions are in place, send me a copy as soon as they’re filed. I might be able to sit someone on her for a few days. I’m sorry there isn’t more I can get her on at the moment.”
“Give it time.” She muttered. “She’ll come at me again I’m sure.”
“People like that usually don’t stop or change.” He said softly. “Just be careful.”
“Plan on it. Thanks for the update and keep me in the loop?” She asked.
“Of course. I’ll email the reports over in about twenty.”
“Sounds good. Thanks Leon. I appreciate everything you can do.” She hung up and sighed, scrubbing a hand over her face. Taking a few deep breaths she got her thoughts down, and started making breakfast. As she put the bacon in the oven she called Elsa. Dana’s partner picked up on the third ring with a cautious hello.
“Elsa, hey it’s Sildie.”
“Everything ok?”
“Sort of, the kids are fine, but we had an incident at Gustaf’s apartment, and mine.”
“What’s going on?”
He could hear her on the phone, laying out the entire situation from the office Christmas party, to Lucas’s visit, to the tagging of their front doors. Who was she speaking to now, he wondered?
“Can I make a suggestion?” Elsa asked, all business.
“Anything at this point. Just tell me I’m not overreacting.” She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose near her eyes to relieve the headache she could feel brewing.
“File the restraining orders, the injunctions, they probably won’t do much to deter her, but at least it’ll go on her record if she confronts you. I suggest Gustaf do the same, I’ll draw it up for him to save time. Have him send me his lawyers contact info and I’ll keep them in the loop. Once yours is filed I’ll file for the kids. I’m with you on that Sildie, let’s get them protected just in case.”
“Can you have them to me by today?” She chewed on her bottom lip, the anxiety building. “I know it’s the holidays but...”
“Give me a couple of hours and I’ll email it over. Once you’re both happy with them I’ll file it electronically and they can serve her with them this afternoon.” Elsa cut in. “It’s no issue Sildie.”
“I just got off the phone with the detective, they’ll need a copy too.” She said softly and relayed her conversation to get Elsa up to speed. “I’m so fucking angry. We’ve worked hard to get the kids settled, moved in together, fought hard to get through all her shit, he doesn’t need this Elsa, none of them do.”
“I don’t blame you, I’d be pissed too and you don’t need this either Sildie. You’ve gone through enough shit in the past year yourself. I’d call Lindstrom, and Lucas. I don’t think this will help his case, but it could add weight if the drugs have her prints and especially if the drugs are the same chemical signature as the ones Lucas found in his apartment.” Elsa let the silence linger giving Sildie a moment to think.
“He’s my next call. I’ll send you over a cease and desist and let’s add that to the injunction.” She chewed on her bottom lips and let the case fall into place in her mind. “It’ll need to include Gustaf’s family as well, mother, father, all his siblings. I need them all covered. Eija and Alex are in this mess as well if she goes that far.”
“Done, we can file it all together, cake walk.” Elsa said taking more notes as Sildie rattled off the full names of each sibling and their addresses.
He lay there thinking over what he’d just heard. His goddess protecting everything and everyone he loved, those that was dear to him. “What did I do to deserve you lovely lady?” He mumbled, in awe of the woman he’d fallen so hard for.
“I want to hit her with it all, I’m not fucking around and I want it made perfectly clear I will not put up with her shit.” She growled, her mind was made up, all or nothing, she had a family to protect and a sweet man that had worked too damn hard for a measure of peace.
He knew that tone and quietly got up, pulling some sweats on before shuffling out to the kitchen. She was riding on fury, the seething anger fueling her determination to stitch this up tight, the underlying emotion ready to tear her apart when she was done.
“Give me until one Sildie and I’ll call you once I’ve sent it over.”
“Thanks Elsa, sorry to ruin your new year so quickly.” Her eyes flicked to Gustaf and away again as she paced the room. So angry, he thought, this was nothing like the night she’d ripped into him in his workout room, or when she got drunk outside her apartment, this was a whole other level of supremely fucked off.
“There nothing I won’t do to protect Dana’s kids, or you. We’ll keep them safe.”
“I owe you one.”
“Girls night out sometime, I miss that.” Elsa chuckled.
“Done. Thanks again.” Her smile lightened his concern a little, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Anytime Sildie, and I mean that. You could have called last night and I would have answered.”
Sildie chuckled. “I was still processing it. Bye for now.” She knew he’d been there for the last part of the conversation and she sighed out the tension as his arms wrapped around her.
“Everything ok?”
“It will be. I have paperwork in process and I need your lawyers information.” She turned to kiss him. “Elsa will do up a restraining order and injunction for you and your family and have your team look over it before filing.”
“Looking after me?” He said gently.
“Damn right I’m looking after you.” She muttered as his mouth claimed that one spot on her neck.
“I like it when you look after me, get all feisty.” She could feel the smirk against her skin, he was trying to get her to relax, take her mind off it.
“And what are you doing out of bed? I told you to stay there so I could bring you food.” She flicked his nose before kissing him with a slight smile. Her attempt at hiding the anger was a good effort, but he saw it for what it was, she was scared.
“I heard your tone change.” He said gently. “I wanted to make sure you’re ok.” He could hear the stress and anxiety in her voice and knew she’d need to release it and soon before the anxiety pushed her into a panic attack.
“I’ll be better when I have shit in place that clearly states. Don’t fuck with me and mine.” She tapped his arm as the timer went off to pull the bacon out of the oven. “I have to call Lindstrom and Lucas in a bit too. I don’t know if this will help his case any, but they need to know.” She turned the pan on to make scrambled eggs and let the task calm her.
He let her talk, the more she was talking about it the less she was holding in, they were a team and even though they were still finding their feet as a couple, this was what built trust and dependability, they were there for each other tackling shit together.
“So because it’s an isolated incident they may not be able to use it?” He asked trying to understand how it all worked.
“Exactly. It has nothing to do with Lucas, but, if the drugs in the dudes apartment have her prints, same chemical makeup, it could help their case. It’s a pattern.”
“It was a stupid move on her part.” He muttered. “Letting herself be seen.”
“It was, but I don’t think she knew we had cameras installed.” Sildie said honestly.
“And I don’t think she knows what she’s up against with you love. Most people back down and can’t be bothered with the hassle of going to the police, so she gets away with it. I’m guilty of doing exactly that, I just kicked her out I didn’t call the police on her. Not you though, you’re like a fucking pitt bull.” He chuckled.
“I can’t watch her fuck with you again.” She said quietly, her tone quivering. “And she sure as shit doesn’t get to fuck with our kids.” She spat.
“No, she doesn’t. Is there anything I can do? Need to do to help this along? Anything?” He said tenderly, fingers stroking her cheek.
She shook her head. “No, just your lawyers info and let me handle her.” She busied plating the eggs and stacked the bacon beside it. “If they establish a pattern with her purchasing drugs it could drag you into it.” She said quietly and felt like she’d kicked a puppy when she looked at him.
“Shit.” He felt like the floor had dropped out from beneath him.
“Yeah.” She sighed. “I don’t know if that’s her plan, but it’s a possibility and I don’t want it to blindside you.” She kissed him tenderly. “Talk to your lawyers.” She said bluntly. “I’m absolutely serious.” She added when he snorted. “I’m talking to Lindstrom here in a bit and I’ll be asking him to represent you if things go pear shaped.”
“You seriously think it could go that far?” He asked, a touch of fear edging his voice.
“If, and that’s a big if, if they establish pattern they can charge her with more. It becomes trafficking which is a heftier charge. I’d have to look it up, but it adds weight against her case and in favor for Lucas’s. If they establish pattern and look deeper they could look at your relationship with her, same pattern. You found drugs she’d purchased and kicked her out. What about the person before you, and before them? Same deal I suspect. Just be prepared ok?”
“I didn’t even think of that.” He said slightly stunned.
“I don’t know what her end game is love. I can only give you plausible worst case scenarios with evidence that may not be viable. I don’t know whether it’s to bring you down, smear you across the media, or to get back at me for calling her out on her shit at the Christmas party, but I’m not going to see you dragged into a fight blindly.” She picked up a piece of bacon and nibbled, her mind chewing over everything, the fury still rolling off her in waves. “And you sure as shit aren’t facing her on your own.”
“I’m sorry love.” He murmured and kissed her temple drawing her close.
”No, you don’t get to apologize for her either. This is shitty, but I’m not going to stand by and watch her try to destroy you again. She picked the wrong bitch to fuck with this time.” She was so angry, more out of fear for Gustaf and the kids than herself. “Sorry. I don’t mean to snarl and snipe at you, I’m just so fucking livid.”
“I know.” He kissed her brow again. “Let it go now.” He murmured. “Together love.” He said softly, his fingers toying with her wisps of hair at her cheek. “Let it go.”
“I know.” She sighed and felt the fight drain from her as he kissed her brow and lingered. “I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Fuck this blows.” She huffed.
“Yeah, but you were right with what you said last night. We can’t let her get between us or let her win, she’s a blip. We deal with the blip and move on with what we’re doing, our life. Together.” He put the kettle on to boil as they stood and ate the rest of their meal at the kitchen counter, she was too agitated to sit still. Once the tea was made and she’d eaten half of her plate he pulled her to him. “Do what you need to do, then let it be for the day, because then I want to take you back to bed and finish what we started last night.” He growled as he nuzzled her neck.
Her giggle lightened his heart. “You’re right.” She kissed him sinfully, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Let me make some calls and then we can let it go for the day.”
“That’s my girl.” He purred, mouth savaging hers. She left the comfort of his arms to walk toward her office, the nibble of her bottom lip more out of being lost in thought of her upcoming conversation than teasing, the smack to her ass however was firm enough to sting. “Don’t push your luck kitten.” He growled. She sent him a wicked smirk and her thoughts seemed to change mid stride.
She was sure he was going to spank her last night but didn’t, understandibly, would he do it today? “Fuck I hope so.” She sighed to herself as she sat at her desk and turned her computer on. She could do with some borderline pleasurable pain to get over whatever this was she was feeling. Anger, resentment, fury, rage, guilt, grief, jealousy, all of the above, she thought. It was the jealousy that unnerved her, such an ugly emotion and she was better than that.
She made her own notes, her own case file, documenting everything that happened and the steps she’d taken to protect her family. Her family, she thought and her fingers stopped over the keys as she looked at the digital photo frame of the six of them, the only family she had left. She would protect them the only way she knew how, with the law. She’d fought for the kids before and she’d fight for Gustaf and his family too.
He left her to work knowing that if he interrupted her now he’d get the lawyer land stare. She had a process, and a need to make this right, to protect him, to protect the kids in her own way. Pulling the gloves on he worked the bag, his own need to process his thoughts, he needed the physical exertion. Letting the events of last night play in his mind he dealt with the anger and frustration that came with it, pounding the bag mercilessly until his muscles begged him to stop. He felt better for it once he sat for meditation, the calm washing over him and filling him much quicker and easier now he’d put it in its place. The process had become easier since Sildie, the calm he found with her. She was right, he’d come too far to let minor shit with Ana get in his head and fuck with him. And this was minor shit, an inconvenience, a blip.
She could hear him in his workout room as she put the kettle on to boil and decided to leave him be. The door was open and he wasn’t shutting her out, he was processing last night just as she had been doing as she worked. He’d come to her when he was done and knew his mindset would be better for it. Taking the fresh pot of tea to her office she sat and called Lucas.
“Sildie? Hi, happy new year.” Lucas said brightly, but she could hear the uncertainty in his voice, probably wondering why she was calling him.
“Hey, happy new year.” She tried to sound cheerful and failed.
“Everything ok?”
“Not really, no. You got a minute to chat?” She chewed on her lip.
“Of course, what’s going on?” His tone became instantly concerned.
She relayed the events of last night, the paperwork she’d already filed and scrubbed a hand over her face. “I don’t know where that leaves you, or how it affects you, but I wanted you to know.”
“Shit.” He sighed out. “I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault, you’re not responsible for her actions.” She said a little too harshly and was sure he’d flinched at her tone. “Sorry, I’m a little pissy.” She added hearing her abrasive tone and took a breath.
“I know, I just... you know what I mean. I’m surprised you haven’t hit nuclear yet.” He said huffing a chuckle.
“I’m working on it.” She snorted.
“Definitely call Lindstrom. I’ll catch him up on most of it tomorrow when we discuss charges of my own against her for the funds she stole, but he’ll want to hear it from you.” Lucas added.
“I need to talk to him about another matter too.” She said and told him her theory and possible pattern of behavior landing Gustaf in the hot seat. “I’ll copy you on our case, in the event it helps yours.”
“Shit Sildie, I didn’t even think of that. What are you guys going to do?” He asked.
“Let it play out for now. I want Lindstrom in our corner if it goes south. If she comes for me again we’re protected, law wise, other than that there’s not much more I can do.”
“Good plan. How did she get into the building, I thought they had it locked down?” He asked as she poured her tea.
“Her newest squeeze lives downstairs.” She told him of her conversation with Leon. “I know it’s petty but she’s due for some fucking karma.” She sighed out sipping her tea. “I just want her gone from our lives.”
“God yes, you and me both. Leon’s a good guy, he’ll keep it active.” She could hear the honesty in his voice.
“You holding up ok?” She asked sipping her tea.
“Yeah. It looks as though they’re not going to charge me. She tried to cover her tracks, but didn’t do a very good job of it. I’m about to have it out with the bank. It just adds more weight, you know how it is. Slow and methodical, build the case.”
“Good luck with the bank. Knowing her she had a whole cocked up sob story to get her whatever her little black heart desired.” Sildie snarked, god she was in such a pissy mood as she heard her tone.
“No doubt.”
“Anyway, I gotta run.” She said as Gustaf appeared in the doorway, empty cup in hand searching for the teapot. “I just wanted you to know what she was up to.”
“I appreciate it Sildie. Call Lindstrom he’ll want to know.”
“Sounds good, take care.”
“You too.”
She hung up and blew a breath out, scrubbing a hand over her face. “Fuck me I want to hunt that bitch down and end her myself right the fuck now.” She huffed and let it go, she had to or it would eat her alive. Too fucking late she thought, she was irritable and on edge, and it made her twitchy. She hated twitchy.
“She’ll get what she’s owed love, in spades.” He said softly as he placed his hands on the arms of her chair and leaned in to kiss her sweetly. He hated seeing her like this. “You’ll end her your own way, with the law behind you.” He kissed her again. “What else is bothering you love?”
“I don’t know.” She said quickly, a little too quickly, but she was telling the truth, she didn’t know what was up today. Was it Ana, last night with his family, remnants of the move, Christmas, she wondered? It was like someone had shaken up a hornets nest and made her swallow it whole.
“I don’t like seeing you on edge like this.” He said gently.
“I don’t like being on edge, but I am, and I don’t know why.” Her voice cracked as a surge of unwelcome emotion threatened to consume her.
He kissed her tenderly. “Are you done for the day?” He asked, lips ghosting hers. He wanted to take care of her, soothe her and help her to find the release she needed to deal with whatever this emotion was that had her so worked up. That was the one thing he could give her, the sex that set her free, that allowed her to let go of the control and rid herself of whatever it was smothering her, suffocating her.
“I just have to wait for Elsa to call me back at one and I need to email Lindstrom. There’s not much he can do today that can’t wait until he’s back in the office, but I want it there in his inbox first thing when Lucas talks to him.” She murmured relaxing back and letting him slowly devour her mouth. Her phone rang and she smirked against his lips. “It must be one.”
“Must be. Come back to bed when you’re done love.” He said, the hint of demand lacing his words, it wasn’t a request. He would set her free on another level, and she needed it, he thought.
“Hi Elsa.” She said answering the call and watching him as he walked to the door. She bit her bottom lip as he turned to look at her, the heated desire in his glare spoke volumes.
That look from under her lashes and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth was enough to send his arousal into the stratosphere. With a deep rumbling snarl he stalked to the bedroom and set his plan in motion.
“Thanks Elsa. I’ll sign these and get them straight back to you.” She said with a steady breath.
“I’ll have them served this afternoon.”
“You’re the best.” She breathed a sigh of relief, she’d done all she could today to make sure they were safe yet she felt it wasn’t enough.
“I’ve sent a copy to Gustaf’s team, but his isn’t as urgent as yours and the kids. Yours will cover his apartment because that’s where you’re living. I’ve covered all the bases with the injunction and your cease and desist is perfect, I can have that cover Gustaf and his family as well, I’ll modify it to fit.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“I’ll call you next week, I have to run.” Elsa chuckled when her four year old screamed from the other room.
“No problem and thanks again Elsa.”
“You bet.”
She read and signed each order and emailed it back to Elsa, the weight lifting from her shoulders the moment she hit send. “I’ve done all I can do.” She breathed out shakily. “Now we let it be.” She huffed a breath out. “Yeah... right.” Yes she’d taken it as far as she could legally take it by protecting Gustaf’s family, but there was always the what if. She thought of Eija and Alex in particular and knew she now had to give them a heads up. “It never fucking ends.” She growled and scrubbed a hand over her face.
She took the teapot to the kitchen and rinsed it out.
“Hey can you text me the phone numbers for Eija and Alex?” She asked Gustaf as he walked into the kitchen.
“Sure, everything ok?” He asked as he’d come into the kitchen to talk to her about the kids and was completely thrown off by her request.
“Yeah, or it will be. I had the restraining orders against Ana include your family. They all need to know if Ana contacts them in any way they need to call the police and file a complaint.”
“Well shit.” He sighed.
“Yeah, it’s a pain in the ass, but this is how you build a case. Every time she contacts someone with a restraining order it goes in her file and won’t look so good with those sorts of violations on her record when she goes to court.”
He hastily texted her the numbers she requested and added Sam, and Valter. “Text them all, it’ll be better coming from you, I’ll only fuck up the wording.” He snorted, it was the truth.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes. This is your realm love not mine, but I’ll back you up all the way.” He kissed her tenderly. “Dad and Megan texted, which is why I came out here. They’re taking the kids to a movie and bowling.” He said as he turned her in his arms to nibble her neck. “And they’re keeping the kids tonight as well.” His father had offered once Gustaf had told him of their welcome home present last night. They both needed another night and the kids were happy spending time with grandpa.
“Oh, they... ok.” She stammered, she felt her gut sink suddenly, that jealousy churning inside her. Would they be ok was her first thought and then scolded herself for being so silly. Of course they’ll be ok, she snapped at herself silently. The jealousy was another matter, it sat heavy inside her like a greasy taint.
“You’re not ok with it?” He shook his head, he should have cleared it with her first. I’m an idiot, he swore silently, such an idiot.
“No, I’m fine with it, just wasn’t expecting... never mind.” She shook her head, she couldn’t let her emotions cloud the fact the kids now had a family that cared, to give them what she missed out on. That wasn’t fair on them and she wouldn’t be that person. “It’s a good thing.” She had to give a little here, Gustaf should make decisions for them as well, she knew he had their best interests at heart. It was all just happening at an alarming rate and she wasn’t sure she was handling it all very well. Let’s be real, she scoffed internally, you’re not handling any of this well.
“As long as you’re fine with it. I’ll ask next time.” He mentally kicked himself again for not asking in the first place.
“No it’s ok, I trust you with them love, I just need to relinquish control and I’m just... pissy.” She snarked at herself. “I’m trying, but you know me, control freak extraordinaire.” She snapped.
“I know you’re trying love. He offered and I thought it would be nice for them and for us.” He wanted to make her feel less of the stress she was currently burdened with. This was so much more than Ana, more than Quinn.
“I’m sorry, I’m on edge and irritated at everything. I need to text your family.” Her tone was abrasive as she pulled away from him to go do exactly what she’d said.
He knew her mood wasn’t because of him, but it stung, it hurt to see her wrestling something he couldn’t see, couldn’t fix, and her not being able to voice it made it that much worse. Was it last night, he wondered, the jealousy she’d felt? It was a deeper emotion, something that had surged forward along with everything else. “My love.” He muttered as she stomped away. “How do I help you?” His text tone chimed and he read it as she wandered back into the kitchen. He gave her room, some space to digest events, her own emotions.
Hi Everyone
Her text read.
Gustaf and I will chat with you all later in the week to give you the details, but so you are aware, due to an incident at our home last night we have a restraining order out against Ana. The order lists all of you, so if she contacts you in any way please contact the police and file a report. Please have them attach it to the following: Restraining Order #936358-ND-65. Attention: Detective Leon Holmberg. If she contacts you say nothing other than “you are violating your restraining order, I can’t talk to you” and walk away or hang up, do not engage her in conversation in any manner even if she continues to follow you, talk, or harass you. The order is for your protection, please use it. I’ll email you copies and further instruction once the paperwork is served on her this afternoon. Please keep that in mind the more she contacts you the worse it is for her providing you file the report and don’t retaliate.
His phone rang a moment later and he smirked as Eija’s number came on the screen.
“What’s up nugget?” He said cheerily and saw the quick smile on Sildie’s face at his endearment.
“What’s up? Really Goose? Your girlfriend sends me a text saying all hell broke loose last night and you ask me what’s up? You fucker, why didn’t you call me?” Her tone dripping with sarcasm. “You guys ok?”
“Were fine.” He said gently as he watched Sildie pace, it was eating at her.
“Put me on speaker.” He did as she asked and pulled Sildie to him, anything to calm the raging storm under her skin.
“Hi Eija.” Sildie said softly.
“Hi back. What the fuck happened?” Sildie appreciated Eija, blunt and to the point much like she was. Gustaf relayed the events of the evening sensing Sildie was over talking to people about this for the day, it was his family after all and he needed to pick up the slack.
“Sildie you need anything from me you call ok?” Eija said fiercely. “I don’t give a fuck about what time it is or what I’m in the middle of, where you or the kids are, you need me, you fucking call.”
“Thanks Eija.” She smiled, the feeling of being accepted by his family choking her up. How did she deserve this, deserve them? Family pulls together when something happens, protects each other, this was so new for her. Hadn’t Stellan said the exact same thing to her last night?
Gustaf fielded calls from all his siblings and finally his mother as Sildie sipped her tea and zoned out. He’d only heard his mother get angry a few times in her life, but she was beyond livid, not at Sildie, or at him, angry at the situation and the potential harm it could do to her kids, her family. He promised to call her later in the week, to come over for lunch.
“Your dad texted me back letting me know the kids are safe and will continue to be.” She said softly still staring at her phone. How did she process such love from a family that barely knew her, a family that accepted her so openly and unconditionally?
“He’ll keep them safe love.” He murmured, bundling her into his arms. “My dad is a force to be reckoned with when he’s angry, especially if it involves his kids, or in this case, his grand kids.” He kissed her gently and looked at her slightly perplexed when she pulled away to pace. She was agitated, still on edge and he was at a loss as to why. He watched her take her laptop back to her office and disappear.
“My love, how do I help you when you push me away?” He sighed and went to the bedroom, knowing she was compartmentalizing to get through this shit storm before falling apart. She had the email to write to Lindstrom and once that was done he’d see to it that she relaxed and decompressed.
She typed furiously as the letter to Lindstrom flowed easily. Laying out their case, the possibility of pattern behavior, Gustaf, Lucas, her kids. She choked and sucked a shuddered breath in. Her limit of holding back her anxiety had almost reach critical mass for the day and knew once the letter was sent her system was going to freak the fuck out and own her ass. After sending the email to Lindstrom, she sent emails to Oliver, Daisy, the school, and daycare, hockey, soccer, covered all bases. She knew she was being overly cautious. “Better than the alternative.” She muttered.
Gustaf was nowhere to be found in the main living area when she eventually emerged from her office, her laptop now closed, paperwork neatly stacked. Coming into the bedroom she could hear water running from the en-suite and figured he was taking a shower. He must be so upset with me, she thought. Her behavior wasn’t exactly pleasant today, she’d snapped and spat at him all day like some deranged cat, anger and rage mixed with jealousy. She didn’t like herself when she got like this.
“Good timing.” He said as he stepped into the room to find her standing at the window staring out at the snowfall.
“I’m sorry.” She said softly, her eyes fixed on the fat snowflakes tumbling to the ground.
“For what love?” He came to stand beside her, the urge to touch her strong, but he sensed she needed to come to him, her system frazzled.
“For the way I spoke to you earlier, I’ve been in a pisser of a mood since I woke up and I’ve been taking it out on you. That’s not who I am and you deserve better from me.” She choked.
“It’s ok.” His tone tender.
“No, Gustaf it’s not.” She said turning to face him, the tell tale wheeze of her anxiety prevalent. “I don’t like being this person, the one that’s so fucking terrified that she bites your head off every chance she gets.” She struggled to suck in a breath and he was in front of her a heart beat later.
“Breathe.” He commanded softly, leaning his forehead against hers as she tried to do as he asked. “And again love.” He murmured, as she managed a small one. He talked to her, helping her focus on one breath after another until she took a deep breath and let it shudder out.
“I’m sorry.” She choked. “I don’t like who I am right now.”
He kissed her, full on wrapped her face in his gigantic hands and devoured every inch of that gorgeous mouth. It wasn’t seductive, it was to shut her up and shock her into silence, it worked. “It’s ok. Sometimes you have to get in the mood to get shit done, to kick some ass and take some names, you’ve done that. All day you’ve done that. Now it’s time to let it be.” He murmured and kissed her tenderly.
“I’m scared.” She admitted quietly. “And this jealousy I have no fucking right to feel just bubbles out of nowhere.” Her tone was so lost, he thought. It hadn’t been that way for a while.
“I know you’re scared love.” He took a chance and slowly bundled her into his arms. “I’m not feeling particularly great about it all either. But as you keep reminding me, we can’t let her win.” Her snort made him smirk.
“God you’re so fucking right.” She sighed. “And here I am letting her do exactly that.” She was such an idiot.
“At least you channeled it into something useful.” He chuckled taking a dig at himself. “I’ll remind you if you remind me?” He said gently as he kissed her brow.
“I’m sorry.”
“So am I. I should have got my lazy ass up and helped.” He scoffed at himself.
“There wasn’t anything for you to help with really.”
“I could have made breakfast.” He smiled at her chuckle, she was coming back to him. “So, to make up for that faux pas, come with me a moment.” He took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom where the tub was full, bubbles and the soft candlelight almost instantly calming her. “In you get. I’m going to make tea and come and join you.”
“I love you.” She said softly, her voice quavering, he was so good to her.
“I love you too.” He kissed her tenderly as he slipped the silk robe from her shoulders, hands roaming her body with a need to soothe, to nurture, to give. “Get in the tub love. Let it be done for today and relax.” He murmured, his lips ghosting hers before he kissed her slowly and pulled away to go and make tea.
Her moan was delirious as she slipped into the blistering hot water, he knew how she liked it. Letting the thoughts of the day melt from her brain she started to drift, the anxiety falling away to finally allow her to relax. She’d done all she could to keep those she loved safe, to help start building a case against Ana if it came to that. Her thoughts went to the kids, the ten day vacation in the snow that Gustaf had booked, and smiled. That would be some good bonding time for all of them. How could she be jealous of that? “Stupid.” She huffed. “You’re just being a selfish stupid woman.”
The clink of china on the tile roused her from the warm and sleepy state she’d fallen into while he’d been gone, the thoughts of children of their own again drifting through her consciousness every now and then.
“You’re all soft and sleepy.” He said quietly, the arousal of her in such a state edging his tone. Bending down to kiss her his hand slipped beneath the water to touch her, fingers teasing as his mouth claimed hers. “Can I join you?”
“Mmmm.” She sighed dreamily. Moving forward Gustaf climbed in behind her and stretched out, bundling her into his lap.
“Now this is much better.” He purred, the water easing the stress from his body in an instant. “I brought snacks, I figured you wouldn’t want a huge meal.”
“It’s perfect.” She relaxed back against that massive chest, his arms curling around her protectively, the tenderness of his touch reassuring her that they would be ok. They talked softly, sipping their tea, snacking, the lazy strokes of his fingers making her entire body turn to goo. He smirked against the nape of her neck as a shiver skittered over her skin as his lips tended a favorite spot.
“I’m falling asleep I’m so relaxed.” She chuckled, his mouth seductively toying with her earlobe.
“I love it when you’re all soft and warm and sleepy.” He dipped his head down to gently bite her shoulder.
“I know you do.” She sighed as his hands cupped her breasts. Turning the jets on he continued to caress her body, arouse her, seduce her, determined to see her fully relaxed and sated before sleep claimed her.
When she was almost a complete mess he helped her out of the bath and wrapped a towel around her, pulling her close. He had a need to take care of her today, after all the upheaval of the last twenty four hours he needed it as much as she did.
Walking her back to the bed his mouth claimed hers, lazy, tender, yet demanding. Fingers removed the towel and he kissed her as she climbed on to the bed. Rolling her to her side he wrapped her top leg around him and slipped into that glorious wet heat. He made love to her, pulling each soft cry and whimper from her with heartbreaking tenderness.
“Gustaf.” Her voice choked, he could hear the sob waiting ready to fall as soon as she came.
“I know love, let it take you.” He murmured, the slow, deep thrusts caressing that one spot inside her that would be her undoing. His finger stroked over her clit, the sensation tipping her over the edge. She came hard, the soft cry of his name tumbling from her lips peaking his own release. Quickening his pace slightly he rode out their bliss, coming hard.
Her body shook as he slowed and gently pulled out to lay beside her, the tears came next. He was expecting them after the stress of the morning, the anger that still simmered beneath the surface, her inner turmoil. “Come here love.” He murmured, curling her into him. “Let it go.” He kissed her hair, the scent of her soothing him.
“I’m sorry.” She sobbed.
“It’s fine. Let it go.” He soothed as his fingers gently raked through her hair. She calmed eventually, the sobs giving way to just tears, Gustaf didn’t know what was worse really, he hated it when she cried but knew that sometimes she was better for it. “Too much today and last night.” He said softly.
“Overload.” She sniffed, as she burrowed into his chest, his scent soothing the rough edges of her distress and the strength she found with him.
“Sleep now love.” He kissed her brow and pulled the covers over them both.
“Boring for you.” She scoffed, her tone telling him she was already drifting.
“I have you in my arms love, nothing boring about that. I think we could both use the rest.” She craned her head back to look at him.
“I love you and I’m sorry.” She said gently, her fingers brushing his lips.
“I love you and I’m sorry too.” He smiled and nipped her fingers. “That tickles.” He chuckled and her smile loosened the tight feeling in his chest. “Close you eyes and sleep, or just drift, switch that wicked smart brain of yours off for a few hours. We have nowhere to be or to do anything else today.” He soothed, his fingers coasting up and down the length of her side. “A nap will be good for both of us.”
“I’m scared.” She whispered, as if voicing it would bring down a world of hurt on them both.
“I know you are love, I am too.” He snuggled her in tighter. “But we stick together, you and me.” Her nod made him smile. “We’ll have a week and change with the kids in the snow, far away from her and all this shit. We’ll take a breath, recharge, and then hit her with everything we have.” He kissed her hair. “I’m not going to let her destroy what we have Sildie.” He vowed, and her head came up off his chest and her kiss was fierce.
“I love you sweet man.”
“She doesn’t get to fuck with this family.” He growled. She kissed him, that tender kiss that rocked him to his core.
“You’re so much stronger than her.”
“Because I have you. You make me a better man Sildie, a better person, and she doesn’t get to fuck with that.”
“I’m worried about the kids, when they go back to school.” She was still processing, struggling to switch it off.
“I know love. Hopefully this will be done by then. And if it isn’t...” He tangled his fingers in that copper halo he adored and devoured her mouth slowly. “If it isn’t, we’ll deal with it, together, you and me.” He smiled at her. “Though I don’t think you’d have any problem kicking her ass seven ways to Sunday on your own regardless.” He gave her lips a quick peck in jest. “But you’re not alone love, I’ll help take her down anyway I can.” He kissed her tenderly. “Sleep a bit now ok?” Shut it down for a few hours and recharge.”
“Will you stay?” She breathed out as he felt her entire body relax into him, the need to know he would be here when she woke overwhelming.
“I’m not going anywhere love.” He kissed her hair as he felt her plummet into sleep at his words.
His thoughts drifted, there was nothing else either of them could do about the current situation. They had exhausted all options apart from committing homicide to rid the world of Ana’s existence. Sildie had busted ass today to keep everyone he loved safe, not just him and the kids, but his entire family. A family that she’d only just become a part of, a family that she was still getting a feel for, so new, so daunting, yet she’d defended them, protected them without hesitation. “How do I deserve someone as wonderful as you my love?” He whispered, breathing her in. The warmth of her against him pulling him into sleep, those soft curves pressed to him in all the right places.
He was woken by soft, lazy kisses from a woman just waking up herself. Half asleep he deepened it. “My Sildie.” He murmured, the rasp in his voice causing her to moan, her lips searching for more of him, more from him.
“I love waking up to you.” She breathed, those Viking blue eyes fluttering open to look at her. His hands were already moving along her body, a touch so gentle, so loving. It was a time for them to reconnect, the lazy seduction and sloppy kisses exactly what they needed. He’d never had this with any other woman, the spontaneity, the relaxed love making to soothe more than just the act of fucking each other.
“Roll over.” He murmured against her mouth, fingers enticing her to move onto her side. “Mmmmm. Much better.” He purred as he spooned her, hands tenderly cupping her breasts, thumbs exciting her nipples to hardened buds. His movements were unhurried, carefree but not careless, her own equally arousing.
She could feel his hardening length against her thigh, the lazy thrusts as he flexed his hips, grinding against her. Relaxing back into him she gave herself over to his talented fingers dancing along her skin, the arousal pooling at her entrance.
“Scoot your leg forward.” He murmured, and guided it to where he wanted it, mouth sucking on a tender spot below her ear.
“Spoony sex.” She giggled.
“Mmmm, never done this one?” He asked softly as his fingers drifted over her navel and inched toward her clit.
“No.” She sighed.
“Spoon sex is lazy.” He kissed a trail down her neck. “Slow.” His tongue darted out to flick the pulse at her neck before he sucked on it gently. “Erotic, unhurried, and with the right partner, beautiful. Just like you.” He kissed her as her head turned to look at him. “I love you Sildie.” His fingers trailed her jaw as he studied her face, he could never get enough of her.
“I love you too.” Her hand cupped the side of his face as she claimed his mouth, tongue dancing with his.
“Relax.” He breathed and went back to completely destroying her system. Those clever fingers stoked her arousal, eventually slipping between her folds and over her clit where he circled it slowly. “Feel good?” He whispered as her breath hitched and that soft whimper fell from her lips.
Taking his cock in his hand he stroked the engorged tip through her juices, her heat making his own breath catch. Pausing at her entrance he continued to torment her clit. His pace was devilishly slow, pulling out every sensation her body had to offer her and setting fire to it. With a gentle flex of his hips he inched the tip inside her, the stretch to her opening causing that moan to tumble out. “You like that.”
“God yes. So big.” She gasped as he started thrusting, slow and shallow. “Gustaf.” He was so thick with her legs like this she almost thought he wouldn’t fit. Her belly and pussy fluttered, the muscles eager to feel him, every glorious inch of him.
“Let it take you love.” He purred, lips teasing the shell of her ear as his fingers kept the same torturous rhythm. “Let me feel you.” Her arm reached back and held him behind his head as she tensed, her body poised to shatter.
“I can’t.” She choked.
“Breathe and come for me.” He murmured tenderly and gently sucked the pulse at her neck. It was enough to tip her over, that gorgeous cry of his name as she came, her pussy clamping down around him. “Feels good.” He growled. “So good.” He continued to take her apart, the steady rhythm building each orgasm and letting it crash over her again and again.
“Come with me.” She gasped as another built, the need to feel him find release, find his own pleasure, to feel him pulse inside her.
He shifted slightly and thrust deeper, her cry one of surprise it could feel that good and total euphoria at being filled. “You’re so tight like this.” His breathing not as steady as before. They took each other, slow and deep, drawing out the intense pleasure. “Sildie.” His tone that deep timbre she loved, one he only used for her. He bit down on her shoulder gently as she peaked, the struggle to keep in control until she came almost painful.
He felt her fall over the edge, the savage grip of her pussy as she came making her that much tighter. Keeping the same rhythm he held her tightly to him as he tensed, his release thundering through him, the soft groan as he found his pleasure making her smile. Slowing to a stop they lay there sated, loose, and relaxed.
“I think you liked that.” He grinned against her hair as her quiet chuckle filled the room.
“There is nothing about our sex life I don’t like.” She half turned in his arms to look at him. “I like lazy, spoony sex.” Her kiss was smoldering.
“That’s illegal.” He breathed. “Yet so fucking good.” His growl made her chuckle.
“Food? I have no idea what the time is, but I’m hungry.”
“It’s only seven.” He said glancing at his phone. He kissed her and deepened it when her tongue teased his. “Plenty of time for food and more of you.” The smirk at her lips wasn’t lost on him.
“I like the sound of more of you.” She purred and nipped his jaw. “Food first.” They untangled themselves and headed to the kitchen, Sildie quite happy to wander the apartment naked.
@hausofobsession @ill-skillsgard @grandpa-sweaters @authentic90skidd @tuckersgirl @fairlyfallacy @flowers-in-your-hayr @raewritesfiction @stinkerbelle007 @kamie-b @mrsaugustwalker @skrsgardspam @loliwrites @trippedmetaldetector @lihikainanea @fay-walden @nandadb
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
The Charity- various fandoms & x-reader ch 3
warnings: drug use, flirting, male posturing, (Next ch will be smut promise/warn)
Ch 1 
ch 2
ch 4
ch 5
ch 6
ch 7
ch 8
Tagging who has read this so far so they can continue easily. If you want tagged drop me a message. coincidence-ithinknots-blog,  m90schick ,  minaginarium ,  brighterthanlivingstars, super-pink-a-palouza.tumblr, loveyourselvesblog ,  xxxxxerrorxxxxx
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Ellen Page “Is that weird? That’s weird, isn’t it?”
Cody says, “I’ve been to stranger dinner parties. No one asked us all to get naked.”
Raising an eyebrow to Cody Alex says, “yet.”  
Cody lifts his drink to Alex and nods.
Alex continues, “I say we do play this game of hiding and seeking to pass the time and possible get to know each other better. I’d just like to add a little twist. I say there are enough of us with various personalities that there can be more than one seeker and still be plenty of hiders. I am a seeking much like my brother Bill.”
Interrupting Valter says, “I’m a seeker also.”
Shaking his head Alex says, “No you’re not little brother. You are a hider like Gustaf. We know Princess is a hider. I know Ellen is a hider and a seeker. What is it tonight sweetheart?”
Ellen says, “I guess I’m in a dominant frame of mind so seeker.”
Chris Evans says, “I’m a seeker.”
Grinning Alex says, “Of course you are Chris. And our other Chris?”
Chris Pine says, “I can go either way. I guess I will be a seeker.”
Chuckling Alex says, “Tom’s?” He looks to both men.
Hiddleston says, “I’ll be a seeker tonight.”
Holland says, “I like to hide. Small tight spaces are my specialty. I love just burying myself someplace deep. As deep as I can go, you know. “
Chuckling Bill says, “Yeah, you’re just a balls deep kind of guy.”
Scarlett says, “I’m seeking tonight so Collin will be trying to hide. I figure it won’t take me long to find him.”
Colin says, “Thanks for the vote of confidence honey.”
Alex says, “I believe that leaves Dad and Robert. Are you guys going to be hiders or seekers?”
Chuckling Stallen says, “I think I’ll check out the rest of the grounds. A good walk after dinner does the soul well.”
Robert says, “That sounds like a better idea Stellan.”
Keeping control over things as he often likes to do Alex says, “Ok everyone. When you are ready Princess, Holland, Colin, Cody, Gustaf and Valter run to hide. Good luck.” He laughs wickedly, “Me, Pine, Evans, Hiddleston, Scarlett, Ellen and Bill will give you ten minutes. Then we will find you.”
Evans says, “Hey, I thought I was the only one calling here Princess.”
Scarlett says, “Get over yourself Chris. We are all going to call her that the whole night. You just started it.”
Everyone looks at each other for a moment. Then the scrambling begins. Laughing you and Tom take off toward the upstairs. Gustaff and Valter are close behind the two of you. Collin and Cody run off towards the library and den. The rest sit drinking contemplating where they will be looking for their prey.
Alex says, “In ten minutes we divide and conquer.”
Bill gets up from the small table to sit by Alex with his glass of wine. He says, “And conquer my conquest I plan to big brother.”
Alex laughs and messy Bill’s hair. Scarlett comes to the table sitting by Evans. Evans looks at his watch as the minutes tick away.
Evans says, “Well, I think I’ll be heading up stairs to start my search. I’m thinking someone will be waiting in a beroom.”
Bill say, “Yeah for me.”
Everyone is laughing when Hiddleston says, “I think Holland just grabbed her pulling her upstairs with him so unless you are in a joining mood, he might beat you to any conquest you plan on having tonight.”
Evans says, “He’s just a kid.”
Shrugging Bill says, “No big deal to me. Tom and I share.  I mean whatever Princess wants really.”
Ellen says, “The toxin masculinity in here is stifling. And who says she would want either of you and not me instead.”
Alex says, “Good call my dear. I apologize for my brother’s hormones getting the best of him. He knows not what he says most of the time.”
Stellan says, “Bill, apologize to the girls for sounding like such a pig.”
Bill says, “I’m sorry Ellen and Scarlett if I offended you with my unadvised comments.”
Scarlett said, “How gentlemanly of you Bill. Your forgiven. I think other men in this room could take a hint and be more apologetic sometimes.”
Evans says, “Fuck, can we hunt them yet.”
Alex says, “Yes, go.”
They all get up heading in various directions to find the hiders. Evans and Bill push each other as they head upstairs. Alex yells for them to stop being idiots.
Meanwhile you have been trying to find a great hiding place with Tom at your side. There are ten huge bedrooms upstairs and you have looked through them all. They all have private bathrooms. Lots of space and lighting. You open a door under the sink to find a good hiding place. 
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You say, “I think I can fit under here. What about you?”
Holland says, “I could fit easily but I think I’ll find another place, love.”
You say, “Oh come on. You afraid to be so close to me?”
Holland says, “You don’t want to get involved with me. With…this.”
Giggling you say, “If you want to pick your own hiding place you just have to say so, you don’t have to be so, well so damn sexy about it.”
Smirking he says, “That was not what I was trying to do, love. I swear.”
You both freeze hearing Bill and Evans sparing  and Alex yelling at them as they ascend up the stairs. Tom puts his index finger to your lips to make sure you stay quiet.  He shuts the door to the cupboard quietly. Then goes to shimmy under the bed. Seconds later you hear footsteps in the room.  The hard wood floor echoes as the steps move around the room quickly and then slower. The steps get farther away. You take a breath. But when door shuts it makes you jump. You gasp letting out a small sound.
You hope the person you still hear walking getting closer to the door is just Tom. You hold your hand over your mouth as the bathroom door opens. Then he opens the cabinet door slowly. You laugh seeing him grin a you so big.
Bill says, “I found her Tom. So now what should we do with her?”
You get out of the tight spot. Bill picks you up and puts you on the sink edge.
You say, “Oh, so Tom told you where I was when you found him.”
Tom says, “I didn’t say a word, love.”
Tom pulls a baggy of capsules from his pocket and stands by Bill in front of you.
Tom says, “You ever try Molly, love?”
You say, “Oh, you too are into that?”
Bill says, “Anything in moderation is fine Princess.”
You say, “I like that idea, anything in moderation.”
After taking one himself and giving you each a capsules Tom says, “It will take about an hour to kick in good.”
Bill says, “You two stay here and be quiet. I’ll divert Mr. Captain America by tell him I saw the two of you sneak back downstairs.”
You lay on the bed watching Bill Leave. Tom lays beside you. You look over to him. He looks over to you.
Whispering Tom says, “How do you think we should kill time love?”
You just say, “Um…” And put your hand over your mouth to giggle.
Tom says, “So, green light?”
You nod a yes. Tom says, “Excellent, just remember we have to be very quiet.”
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loey-bae · 6 years
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I really like this photo :)
(Photos not mine)
736 notes · View notes
imgoldielikehawn · 6 years
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And just what exactly is that?...... COMING SOON..... Muah! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO @sparklemichele @wilddrabble @laketaj24 @harleycativy @lupy22 @readsalot73 I just tagged those who I thought would be interested!
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veriaine · 4 years
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Joya de Familia | bill skarsgård | (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/R8qUGGKpV6 Alana vive una vida acomodada y solitaria siendo la hija del líder de la mafia de Nueva Jersey. Un desacuerdo entre bandos la obliga a renunciar lo que ama y a lo que conoce, pero no será tan duro junto a su atractivo y enigmático chofer. Juntos viven una experiencia que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
0 notes
Good Company
A/N: This was requested by @ateliefloresdaprimavera. I hope you like! It’s kinda short, but everything kinda flows perfectly.
Author: bill-skarsgard-writings
Word Count: 1,390
Characters: Gustaf, Bill x Reader
Pairings: Bill x Reader
Warnings: None.
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; }
Summary: The reader and Gustaf Skarsgård worked together on History Channel’s ‘Vikings’ and she had been a fan of his brother Bill for quite a while. When she finally meets him, he tells her that he’s a huge fan of hers. Flattered, she admits that she’s a fan of his as well. Will this new friendship blossom into something more? Or will they keep their feelings for each other to themselves?
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You were 21 when you got a role on History Channel's Vikings and that's where you met Gustaf Skarsgård. The two of you became good friends while filming the first season of the show and though you hadn't met his brother Bill in person, you had already had a slight liking for him. You saw some of Bill's work in the past and thought he was a talented actor and extremely cute as well. Gustaf knew Bill was a huge fan of yours, but he never really mentioned it to you because he didn't think you had any interest in his brother. You eventually did meet Bill, but that was when you were 23.
You and Gustaf just wrapped up your filming for the current season of Vikings and decided you wanted to celebrate since filming was a success. A few days after unpacking and settling in at your home in LA, you met up with Gustaf at a nice bar downtown. You had no idea he had invited Bill to tag along. Bill wasn't doing anything at the time and Gustaf knew he had been dying to meet you, so of course he let his brother come celebrate.
You arrived at the bar early so you could get a few shots and drinks set up for when Gustaf arrived. You chatted with the bartender for a bit, telling her about your role on the show and how filming went great. She seemed genuinely interested. She admitted that she'd never actually watched the show, but she definitely would since she met a star from it. After a couple of minutes you felt someone sit beside you. You looked over and grinned when you saw Gustaf.
“Hey, Y/N! There's someone I want you to meet. He's a big fan of yours.” He motioned to Bill who was standing behind you with a shy smile and you turned to face him.
Bill was silent for a moment, admiring the fact that he was actually seeing you in person for the first time ever. He got this feeling in his chest, like his heart was about to leap right out of it, and felt a blush creeping on his cheeks. He couldn't help but to notice the way your eyes sparkled in the light or the way your curled hair cascaded over your shoulders, but your smile... Your smile is what got him the most and he knew then and there, he fell in love. Love at first sight. He took a slow deep breath, giving you a smile.
“Hi! I'm Bill, Gustaf's brother. I'm... I'm a huge fan of yours. You're an incredible actress and I've been dying to meet you since I first saw you in Being Human.”
“Really?” You grinned. “I'm a fan of yours as well, actually.”
“Since when?” Gustaf asked. “You never told me that.”
“You never asked?” You laughed. “Anyway, I watched a few of your Swedish films. You're a very talented actor. I also recently watched Hemlock Grove and I really dig your character in that.”
“Wow, really? That means a lot coming from you. You're like the most talented actress in the business at the moment.” He gawked, blushing at your compliment.
“Well I don't know about that,” you chuckled. “But thank you. You're too kind.”
“I'm only being honest. You truly are my favorite actress.”
You blushed at that, a happy feeling rising in your chest. You really liked Bill, a lot, and meeting him was an honor to you. The three of you stayed silent for a moment before you finally spoke up.
“So, how about some drinks?” You smiled. “I've got a couple of shots here and the bartender is getting some beers for us as well.”
“Sounds great,” Gustaf snickered, rubbing his hands together.
You laughed to yourself, pulling the bar stool from the other side of you out, so Bill could sit down. He gave you an appreciative smile and took a seat.
“So Bill, got any shows or movies coming up?”
“A few, actually. Nothing I can really say too much about, though.”
“Understandable,” you nodded. “Been there done that.”
You handed both the boys a shot before grabbing one for yourself and raising your shot glass. You glanced at both of them and smiled.
“To good company and successful careers.”
“To good company and successful careers,” they repeated, smiles on their faces.
You clanked your glasses together and threw back your shots.
“So Bill, talk to us about your girlfriend Y/N,” Jimmy Fallon suggested, an interested smile on his face.
Currently Bill was on the show to talk about his newest movie IT, but Jimmy had changed the subject because he knew the two of you had been dating for a little over a year now. Bill grinned at the mention of your name, a soft laugh erupting from his chest.
“Well, we met two years ago through my brother Gustaf. I'm sure as you know, they starred together in Vikings until her character was killed off. Uh, spoiler alert for anyone that may not have known that. Anyway, so I was a huge fan of hers since she was in Being Human and had always wanted to meet her. When Gustaf told me they were co-stars I practically begged for him to let me meet her. And when the day came that we did meet, well, it was like love at first sight for me. But it went so well. I was half expecting myself to die from starstruck, even though I'm a star myself.”
“We all have those moments,” Jimmy chuckled. “I have a few celebrity crushes myself that I've met and had on the show and thought that I'd die from starstruck.”
“Well, she was and still is my favorite actress and I told her that the moment we met. What I wasn't expecting though, was for her to tell me that she was a fan of me herself,” he laughed. “I was so shocked. She had mentioned that she watched a few of my Swedish films and thought I was a talented actor. Boy did I blush. After that day, we talked practically every day. If the both of us were filming for shows or a movie, we'd find time out of our day to call or text each other. I got the courage to ask her on a date one day and she happily accepted. A month after our first date I asked her to be my girlfriend and of course she said yes. But that's not all,” Bill grinned, a happy sigh escaping his lips. “This morning, I asked her to marry me. Again, she said yes.”
The crowd let out cheers of joy, clapping at the news.
“What? No way! Congrats, Bill!” Jimmy beamed.
“Thank you! I truly meant it when I said it was love at first sight. I always had a crush on her, but when I first met her in person, the feeling was different. It was love, not a silly fanboy crush.”
Jimmy grinned, nodding his head in understanding.
“Was it love at first sight for her as well?”
“Well when I asked her to marry me, she admitted, with tears rolling down her face, that she had fallen in love with me the moment she laid eyes on me. So yeah, I think it was love at first sight for her too.”
“Well that's great. I'm really happy for you both. I had Y/N on the show after the first season of Vikings ended and she's truly one of the sweetest people I've met.”
“She really is and I honestly can't wait to spend my life with her.”
Bill turned to the camera, a smile on his face.
“Y/N, I know you're watching right now because you said you wouldn't miss it for the world, but I love you and I can't wait to get back home and celebrate our engagement.”
You stared at the TV, a smile forming on your face as Bill spoke to you. This man truly did have your heart, in every possible way, and you couldn't wait to become Mrs. Bill Skarsgård.
Bill x Reader tag list: @everyday-imfangirling @weak-aesthetic @skarsgardtrash @sebbystanxbuckybarnes @thebeautyandthatbass @mahomie-sara-9-84 @negansgrimes @thealpacarulerwhoisamooselord @baileystorm17 @itamenherzednan @first-jumper-tris46 @the-fandom-phantom-fanfics @mango3o7 @elizabethkatarina @my-fan-girl-life @ohmyformula-one
Everything tag list: @cecesunshine-fanfictions @this-is-what-makes-us-fandoms @scarlett-lehane @jughead-wuz-here @bluebird19 @penni-saur @motionlessinwow 
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gustafsnightangel · 3 years
Hi lovelies. Chapter 36 of Shattered Lives is dropping this weekend... at least that’s the plan...
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
The Island: various fandoms & x-readers ch 2
Warnings/notes angst, fluff, smut. Setting things up for multiple hookup in the next chapter and an actual hopefully interesting story surrounding them all.
ch 1  ch3 ch4
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After breakfast the beautifully warm day beckons everyone to the beach. Even some of the help get to spend a few hours on the beach before lunch is served on the deck. There are plenty of beach activities.
Evans, Valter, Tom H. and Cody form a team to play volleyball against a Sexy boy(X5) that’s been eyeing Cody, The shy girl that has been trying to get Valter’s attention with just a flirty smile, Babe who has been arguing with Evans and secretly is beginning to love being called Babe, and Cat who seems a bit detracted by the wave crashing or maybe who is enjoying themselves in the crashing waves. Evan’s keeps spiking the ball right in front of Babe spraying sand all over her. She glares at him and he winks.
Babe says, “You’re a real ass Chris.”
He turns shaking his ass at her, “No, this is a real ass, Babe.”
She huffs, “Just serve idiot.”
The shy girl giggles at the banter. Valter looks to her with a smile and she blushes. The volley is up. Valter hits it just hard enough to get up and over to the blushing girl. She hits it back to him. Their eyes follow the ball as they hit it back and forth to each other until Evans intervene powering the ball up.
Chris looks to Valter, “You have to take power over a girl V.”
Babe slams the ball back over the net hitting Evans in the head, “And sometimes raw power just gets you hurt. Game point. Island wins.”
Everyone laughs except for Evans who glares at her. She smirks and turns her back heading down the Beach. Chris runs after her. Cat runs off to cool off in the water planning to catch Roberts eye if she’s luck. Cody picks up the ball and walks over to the sexy boy.
He tosses it at him, “I guess you win.”
The sexy boy says, “So, what’s my prize?”
Cody chuckles, “I’m sure you can come up with something you want, sexy boy. What’s your name?”
He grins, “You can call me whatever you want.”
They walk off the opposite way as Chris E. down the beach.
Valter licks his lips, “I could use a water after that game.”
The shy girl says, “I’ll go get that for you Sir.”
Valter chuckles, “Just call me Valter or V is fine. And let me get you some water from my room. You served me this morning. It’s your turn My Lady.” He bows. She giggles. They head towards his bungalow.
Tom and Ellen rule the waves on their boards. Another girl paddles out on her board and sits up waiting for the next wave. Tom paddles out beside her, “Hi, love. You like surfing? She laughs, “of course I do, or I wouldn’t be out here silly boy. I like other things to,” She winks, “Here comes a big one. I’ll race you to shore.”
Sweetie runs along the beach winks at Tom H. and he runs after her. She laughs. They run past Scarlett and Colin. Scarlett waves, “Hey Sweetie come see us later.” She says, “Absolutely Scar. Come on Tom. Try to catch up.” She giggles as Hiddleston tries to catch up.
Stellan and Gustaf head out on the island sailboat  bringing provisions to eat while on their sea adventure. Bill and Princess lay in the hammock. They are kissing passionately wrapped in each-others embrace. She rolls over on top of him to kiss down his chest as she unbuttons his shirt. Her hands move to unbuckle his belt.
Bill pulls her hands away. His large hands around her wrists, “We should calm down Princess.”
She says, “I’m sorry.”
Bill smiles, “Hey you should never be sorry for wanting me anywhere and everywhere. That’s love Princess. I want to fuck you all over this island but maybe after sundown when no one can watch us so freely, alright?”
Princess lays back on him as he holds her, the hammock swaying, “Alright.” She looks around, “How about the lifeguard shack?”
Bill jumps up and tosses Princess over his shoulder, “You are fucking brilliant at finding us privacy in the middle of public areas.” She giggles as he carries her over to the empty shack. He only glimpses his Brother, Alex, making out with Chris Pine at the side of the shack before he takes Princess inside. A flock of seagulls scatters, as she can be heard screaming out. Alex is up against the building as Pine is giving him a blow job. The sounds of bliss push him over the top.  
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
working on THE ISLAND
The Island is a spin-off of The Charity which you can read HERE.. Everyone has decided to go to The Island after what happened in the house. 
At its best this will be a multi-fandom &multi-x-reader AU original work of fun fiction. At its worst my thoughts about it and so many characters will drive me nuts lol
I made  poster for inspiration. Hopefully will post the first ch within 24hrs
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
The Island: various fandoms & x-readers ch 8
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut. The End
ch1 ch 2 ch 3 ch4  ch5 ch6 ch7
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Colin and Scarlett sit in chairs next to each other. The interviewer goes through some notes she has on cards. Then she hands the cards to a {roduction Assistant. Action and the interview started.
Interviewer: How did you two enjoy the experience in the house?
Colin: Enjoy is a strong word to use for this experience.
Scarlett: I second that.
The couple lean into each other and kiss sweetly.
Interviewer: You have to admit there were some enjoyable parts. The audience had a great response to the shower scene Scarlett. It was quite surprising, I think. We will be putting in footage of that scene here before you answer.
Scarlett: Are you fucking serious? Well, I’m not sorry if I offended anyone with my openness.
Interviewer: Collin you joined Scarlett, Princess and Bill at one point, and you seemed happy to do so.
Colin: I’m going to get crucified at work if I’m not fired and or replaced for disappearing. But I’m a happy man that has a great girl. I don’t think people should question what adults do together when everyone is consenting.
Roberts interview is short considering he disappeared from the house fairly quickly.
Interviewer: Fans were disappointed you didn’t stay in the house long and didn’t get a love interest.
Robert: Yeah, well nothing I could do about that. It was an interesting situation. I don’t really imbibe in the things the others do any more. When I was given the option to leave the house and my Charity would get a part of what they need I had no problem with the situation.
Tom Holland and Tom Hiddleston are on the hot seat next.
Interviewer: Our views have a great time debating which Tom is the best.
They both laugh
Interviewer: I enjoy the work you both have done on this production and other work.
Both: Thank you
Hiddleston: I don’t think I have ever had a project go quite like this one. I can’t believe we all really lived through it all.
Interviewer: You were never in any real danger in the house.
Hiddleston: Not in the house, but the storm that hit yesterday was bad and we had to go out to find some fellow actors that were sailing at the time the storm hit. It was a real shit show.
Holland: I don’t think any of us got much sleep last night.
Interviewer: Wow, I’m sorry. Maybe we should have had cameras on you here.
Holland: What a bloody awful thing to say. Two people were injured. I’m done.
Interviewer: Wait, don’t you want to talk about the friends you made. Especially a certain female.
Holland holds the microphone: NO!
Hiddleston gets up: I’m in agreement. Your comments are uncalled for in this situation.
Princess sits in a sit trying to smile to get things over with.
Interviewer: How does it feel you were the big winner in the house?
Princess: Draining really. The whole thing at the house was crazy. That and the storm here took a lot out of everyone.
Interviewer: I did hear about that. At least you found love. The audience was loving you and Bill and Tom hanging out together. They seemed to think you and Bill got close. Bill said he thinks your very special.
Princess: That’s very nice of him to say.
Interviewer: We are going to put a montage of you and Bill’s best moments as voted on by viewers here and then I will continue question.s You look great together.
Princess: Thank you but I’m embarrassed by some of that. We didn’t know cameras were everywhere. I think after we signed off on the whole project, we didn’t realize how much was being filmed. I don’t have regrets, but I, still doesn’t all seem real.
Interviewer: I love that he is standing close by waiting for you to be done here. Can you tell the viewers what you and Bill plan to do after this?
Princess bites her lip as she glances over at him: I don’t know. He has a lot of movies he will be filming.
Interviewer: I bet the offers will pour in for you after this. Thank you for joining me. Now, don’t keep that handsome man over there waiting to long for attention.
She gets up slowly. Taking a deep breath, she walks over to Bill putting her arms around his waist. He holds her close and puts his forehead to hers smiling.
Princess says, “The only reason I’m doing this is the cameras are still on us. I rather punch you than hug you right now.”
Bill sways with her a bit, “I know.  I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Everything I said was wrong. I wasn’t thinking straight. I wasn’t thinking at all. Kiss me.”
Princess nuzzles her nose with his, “No.”
Bill nuzzles her back and moves his lips closer to her ears, “Just one more time for the cameras.” He flicks his tongue on the back of her earlobe.
“Yes,” She reaches down to grab his ass to put on a good show as his lips move to hers begging for her to give into the moment. They both close their eyes as they kiss until her legs feel weak and the rest of her energy seems drained.
He holds her against him, “I love you.”
Tears starting back up in her eyes as she manages a, “I know.”
Scarlett and Tom come over to them. Scarlett shields her as they walk to the boat. Tom pulls Bill away from Princess.
“You just have to give her some space mate,” Tom implores him.
Bill tries to hold back his emotional reaction, “I know. I’ll try to apologies again tomorrow and the next and the next. How ever long it takes for her to forgive me.”
“Don’t let it get to you so badly,” Tom said. “Let’s have a drink and try to enjoy the cruise home.”
“Yeah, ok man,” Bill said.
Everyone finishes the interviews. After the crew gathers equipment, the cruise pulls out to sea. Bill keep one eye on Princess sleeping on the deck as he talks to a few of the guys. After a half hour she gets up and heads towards the bathroom. No one really notices that Bill gets up to head the same way minutes later.
He knocks on the door, “Hey, can we talk?”
She opens the door, “Yeah, I feel a little better after a nap.”
He leans against the door as she stands back against the sink.
“It’s been a bad day,” She looks down as she speaks.
He wants to go lift her head to look at him but think its best to stay back for now. “I, can you ever forgive me for being such an asshole. You caught me at my worst. I’m just a big fucking baby sometimes.”
She looks up at him slowly, “It wasn’t your best moment. If I really love you the way you say you love me, I think I’m just going to have to except the bratty little boy with the caring man.”
He takes a few steps closer to just take her hands in his, “Does that mean we can try to make this work.”
She shakes her head yes. He drops to the floor on his knees wrapping his arms around her waist. He lays his head against her stomach over her dress, “Thank you, I love you and I will try to be better even if I don’t feel well.”
She runs her fingers through his hair, “I know you will Bill. I love you to.”
He looks up watch her reaction as he moves his hands to run up her legs. His head disappears under her dress. He kisses her inner thigh as she leans back on the counter more. She closes her eyes as she feels her panties slide down to the floor. The way he works his tongue has her moaning softly as she holds the counter.  
“Bill baby, I need...” his tongue flicks her click. “Bill, I want you if you’re, ready.”
Bill comes up, “Of course I am.” He set her up on the counter and takes his pants down. He’s moving insider her as she matches his pace with her hips. 
She hold the edge of the counter tightly as he pushes her ever closer to the pleasure she seeks. “Oh, damn Bill…Oh…”
In just a few minutes he gets her there. He finishes and lays against her for a few moments to catch his breath. “This is a great love Princess. I won’t lose it ever again.”
She sits up as he pulls away, “I hope not Bill. I really hope not.”
The captain makes an announcement the ship is ready to dock at the main port. He helps her down from the countertop and slides her panties back on for her before fixing his own self. He goes out first. The hallway is to narrow for them to walk down it together. She fixes her hair and makeup the best she can before stepping out. Everyone is getting off the boat. Bill waits for her his hand held out. They disembark together hoping for the best.
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loey-bae · 6 years
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I love this boy
(Photos not mine but I can’t remember where I got it or who from) ❤️
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