#gut flora
Feeling Fatigue all day long or Energetic? This sign can say a lot about your gut as Good gut health is closely connected to your overall well-being and body functioning. When your gut health is poor, it can impact your entire body, including your mind and mood. This is why it’s crucial to improve and reset your gut health.
Before we explore how to reset your gut health, it’s important to understand what gut health is. A clear understanding of gut health will help you recognize its significance and help us further on how to know if we have good gut health or not? So, let’s delve into the concept of gut health and explore how to check our gut health.
What is Gut health? And How do you diagnose gut health?
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lifeblender · 2 months
Just in case anyone has missed the trend of science news showing that the gut microbiome is really important, here's some articles
It's involved in cancer prevention:
It's involved in Alzheimer's:
It's involved in allergic reactions:
It's involved in absorption of dietary fats (for instance leading to weight gain, as opposed to say, genetics or exercise):
I'm pretty sure this trend will continue and that we'll find that a lot of things we thought were genetic or random are heavily influenced by gut flora
I'm excited about this
I think a lot of human conditions, whether diseases or not, will become less mysterious
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barebonesbrothmktg · 6 months
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gutfoundation · 7 months
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Probiotics And Prebiotics: What You Should Know?
Discover the importance of probiotics and prebiotics for gut health in this detailed guide. Learn about their roles, sources, benefits, and how they work together to promote a healthy digestive system. Explore the latest research findings and practical tips for incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into your diet for improved overall well-being.
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marishasworld · 1 year
Antibiotics’ Effects on the Gut microbiota and Food Desires/Food Craving
large and varied population of bacteria called the human gut microbiota inhabits the digestive tract. Our general health and well-being are greatly influenced by this community, which helps to control our immune system, metabolism, and even mood.
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clockworksir · 1 year
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Got an awful stomach bug just for the holidays, so I made an ugly lil comic while vibing to it ✌️
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hansgutphotography · 5 days
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© hans gut
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katyspersonal · 5 months
Flora being the actual name of Moon Presence matches so well, actually? (Apparently the "nameless" bit was edited out of Japanese original and localizations simply didn't catch up with that, but yeah... although Gehrman addressing her as Flora is a cut content dialogue, paired with the fact that "nameless" bit was retracted I think it is safe to assume that Doll does say her name and not like.. just Kin plant-life in general!)
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But, again, Flora. Like, plants. In Bloodborne lore, plants, more specifically flowers, reach for the 'Stars' in the sky! Sun itself is also a star, and the Moon only shines because reflecting the light of the Sun, so, because of the star. It is played as though she is "superior" compared to the 'stars', but it only makes sense that as a 'moon' she is jealous and usurps the power! It is in how Moon doesn't glow itself and is just a dark rock no one can see without reflecting the light of the star, and how the flora(plantlife) in Bloodborne reaches for the star. This is just so clever
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straylingart · 10 days
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unsure if it's worth posting here but I'm up for quick same day pwyw $40+
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apostaterevolutionary · 5 months
Moving some of my domesticated bacteria into a new enclosure (eating yogurt)
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charmixpower · 1 year
So Flora tries to cure Griffin with a potion, like the treents, and it made me realize they're just went to these collages for no real reason except school and boys and got their Bloomix. Wouldn't it be a lot more interesting if they had to go on a quest to get the materials for the potions without magic, and then I remembered how bad all the nonmagical combat was and realized that it would have been horrible
Listen I'm just thinking about how the winx fought the minotaur in s1 and thinking about how they could actually gain new powers via feats of nonmagical strength, except for Flora
Listen I know Flora got her Bloomix in the same way she got her Enchantix but, unpopular opinion, Bloomix was better. Like, when Miele showed back up you could physically feel the writers pointing at her and going "that's who Flora is gonna sacrifice herself for" and Miele is never seen again. Miele actually does something against the treents and without her the battle wouldn't have gone nearly as well. I really do not like the tag along kid that exists to be saved
Wow I got onto a tangent, but since I'm in the topic, Musa's Enchantix was also an idiot plot and once Enchantix was explained Galatea sudden appearance in the season became so obvious
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loveoaths · 2 years
while i love how fucky the force/midichlorians are, part of me thinks it would be cool if midichlorians worked like gut flora/gut microbiomes.
a large portion of midichlorians, say between 60% and 97%*, are heritable, explaining why some families with a high frequency of force sensitives, while the remaining midichlorians are native to the environment you grow up in and your diet. for example: tattooine appears barren, but the planet itself has a strong force presence and the sand dunes were once an ocean floor riddled with powerful life forms and force-attuned critters, over the eons the midichlorians of those creatures have spawned and died and spawned again as they were recycled back into the land, into the food, into the water, into each successive generation. families living on the same land for hundreds of years develop strong strains, denser midichlorian counts, more powerful force users.
it’s still totally possible to be the only force user in your entire family purely by winning the genetic lottery/socioecological variation/environmental factors/so on and so forth, but those with a history of force users in their family are more likely to develop force sensitivity.
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gutfoundation · 7 months
Probiotics And Prebiotics: What You Should Know?
Discover the importance of probiotics and prebiotics for gut health in this detailed guide. Learn about their roles, sources, benefits, and how they work together to promote a healthy digestive system. Explore the latest research findings and practical tips for incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into your diet for improved overall well-being.
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tlaquetzqui · 8 months
I love this idea that nukes can “destroy all life on Earth”.
Know your fucking place, ape. All your governments combined have 7000 megatons of nuclear capability. Chicxulub—which you may notice did not annihilate all life on Earth—was one hundred million.
100 million divided by 7000 is 14,285 and 5/7ths. That is how many times bigger the entire world’s nuclear arsenals would need to be just to wipe out seventy percent of all species on Earth.
Oh but that was one impact, whereas nukes could be used systematically? There are 12,500 nuclear devices on Earth, with a mean power of 560 kilotons. Each of those has a blast radius of 2.33 kilometers, 17 km². When you pack a space with overlapping circles (nothing can be missed by avoiding overlap, we’re going for all life on Earth) the most efficient a packing can get is (3 × √3)/2π, which reduces the effective blast to 14 km²—all 12,500 combined can only affect 175,000 square kilometers. The land area of the Earth is 148.326 million square kilometers: your entire species’s nuclear arsenals can affect 0.118 percent of this planet’s land. (There would be attendant ecological disaster but, again, dwarfed to insignificance by “all life on Earth”.)
Now get down on your hands and knees and lick the dirt, animal, to show you repent your hubris and presumption, that you dared compare your little tribal moots to gravity.
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hexjulia · 6 months
when you google something like "feel bad when you don't eat beans" you mostly just get a lot of results about people who feel bad when they eat them... where are my fellow bean addicts.
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hansgutphotography · 2 months
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