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Folklore garments from Gutach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
German vintage postcard
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peregrinatioblog · 22 days
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31.08.2024 SC Gutach-Bleibach – FC Waldkirch II 3:1 Schönwasenstadion (130)
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freyenhain · 11 months
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goawaygoodday · 4 months
Finally made a new account after lurking for forever 🙃
I like guys with tummy aches who become whiny, dramatic, pouty creatures when they have an aching belly. Submissive men who overeat and then beg for belly rubs and can’t stop moaning about their tummies aching makes me 🫠
There’s some cross over/adjacent kink stuff that I don’t mind and can be hot sometimes but,
basically the only thing I’m into is guys with tummy aches 😍🥺🫠
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themothface · 1 year
HC 21 Gutache
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It's good to see Stomach again! She tends to show up more in Biee's later Headcrew scripts, (sorry, ones that don't appear in our comics.) She didn't technically appear in the original script for this comic, but I figured that if Jae had an upset stomach, it'd be a good opportunity for a callback/gag, and Biee liked it!
I'm glad we got to see her again!
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merpmonde · 5 months
Schwarzwaldbahn Erlebnispfad
or the Black Forest Railway Adventure Trail!
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The railway through Triberg climbs the hill opposite the waterfalls we covered yesterday, to get out of the Gutach valley and proceed to Villingen. But inclines are notoriously difficult for trains, as metal-on-metal contact yields little friction, so, like many other modes of transport, whether roads or even footpaths, the railway weaves its way up... but on a larger scale, as trains aren't as maneuverable!
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The result is this loopy section between Hornberg and Sommerau, 11 km apart in a straight line, but the railway is 26 km long! It climbs 447 m at an average gradient of 1.7% (which, again, for a train, is hard work), and with over 30 tunnels to get through the irregular terrain. Today, an "Adventure Trail" complements the route opposite Triberg, providing hikers with amazing viewpoints and some chances to get close to the tracks.
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Of course, this climb for hikers is far, far steeper! The route I took started with a strenuous 15% over 700 m. One would be very happy to find this bench after that climb - Liegewagen meaning "sleeper car"!
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The trail has stations with information boards about various aspects of the railway, and, at the viewpoints, the timetable! Perhaps a bit of a downer is that there isn't a huge amount of traffic: just two DB Regio trains per hour (presumably the ones you came in on), one InterCity train at weekends, no high-speed ICEs, no freight. But the views more than make up for the low variety, and, at a decent pace, it is possible to be at a viewpoint for each passage and not miss one.
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Most regional trains on this section of the Schwarzwaldbahn are push-pull sets with Dosto carriages - that's short for Doppelstockwagen, or double-deck. The end carriage seen above is a (deep breath)... DBpbzfa 766, each letter being short for some technical info allowing rail workers to know at a glance what they're dealing with: D is for double-deck, B second-class seating, p has air conditioned coach rooms (as opposed to compartments), b has wheelchair accessibility, z has a centralised electrical installation, f has a driving cab, and finally a means that the driver can operate the doors alone. 766 is the series number. These Dosto sets are usually driven by Baureihe 146 locomotives.
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All in all, the Erlebnispfad can take up most of an afternoon (I completed the circuit in around 3 hours), it was a very satisfying walk and experience to be able to make the most of each vantage point. There are some other attractions along the route that I haven't mentioned - probably a short post tomorrow. For people who like hiking and trains, this trail at Triberg is worth doing!
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luckas58-blog · 3 months
Dag 7: van Offenburg naar Bad Dürrheim over Schwarzwald. Eerst bij de lokale bakker ontbijt halen, en op de terugweg in de wijk verloren lopen, half uur onderweg. Dan eerst relatief vlak diep het dal in. Bakkerij in een dorpje Gutach, waar alle verkeer doorheen geleid moest worden omwille van werken aan de tunnel rond het dorp. Nooit zoveel vrachtwagens aan de terras zien passeren, om zot te worden.
In Hornberg landweg genomen om te veel rode klimzones (in het dorp stond 19% op verkeerdbord) te vermijden. Toch bij donker rode zone uit voorzicht afgestapt, want te voet ging het mi even snel. Boven, iets meer dan 900m, schitterend landschap. Even wachten op Pol en dan verder bergaf tot Villingen. Grote portie waldfrüchteneisbecher om de laatste 10km naar Bad Dürrheim rond te maken. Vermoeid, maar toch excelkent diner met Spargrlduppe, Kalbsgeschnitzeltes en creme brulée. Terug in hotel om 9u, en dodo om 10u. Morgen nog korte klim en dan naar de Bodensee afzakken
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chaed-ffnet · 4 months
Clintasha Fic Rec
I really hoped tonight would go smoothly. Natasha was hardly the same agent she used to be, and I wasn't exactly in peak condition myself. Neither of us was armed either, and I doubted that we would stand the hint of a chance in a real shootout anyway. We could only hope Maria Hill hadn’t called in the cavalry after my spur-of-the-moment phone call yesterday. I still thought we should have waited until after the job to reach out, but Natasha kept doggedly insisting we didn’t need to worry about it. I trusted her, even if it did give me a bit (more like a lot) of a gutache.
We pulled up in front of 1805 a little past midnight, right next to its white picket fence. The lights were turned off, the driveway empty, and the lawn, as much as I could assess it in the darkness, looked just as dry and neglected as it had been back in the summer. I shifted into Park and turned off the engine. In the distance, a triggered pooch gave a few final yaps before settling back into its doghouse. We checked the neighboring houses for any signs of movement behind the blinds, any glint of a camera lens, or any suspicious late-night walkers on the sidewalks, but there was nothing. Just peace and quiet in the suburban night. God bless.
Natasha and I exchanged a quick glance, a silent agreement passing between us. Whatever happened, we were in this together, and I was incredibly relieved to still have that sense of camaraderie with her. What we’d revived in the bedroom was one thing; this was something else entirely. We’d always buried our bodies in the same ditch. In the beginning, it might have just been a messed-up way to keep the other from snitching, but over the years, I’d kept her secrets by the dozen, and she’d done the same for me. Now, hopefully for the last time, we’d get our hands dirty together once more. AO3
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mentaltimetraveller · 2 years
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Hans-Christian Lotz
Die Hanfreibe der Oberen Mühle in Steinach im Freilichtmuseum Vogtsbauernhof Gutach 2014 (The Hemp Press of the Upper Mill in Steinach at the Open Air Museum Vogtsbauernhof in Gutach 2014), 2015
Aluminium, record 16 STA module, Glass, Steel, Silicone caulk, mixed media
119 x 142 x 9 inches
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Farm house in the Gutach Valley, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
German vintage postcard
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Hey hiyoko and teruteru I wonder in the begin of the blog the class 78 victims say they feel sudden pain like Sayaka have random gutaches do you feel anything
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Yeah...just casual gut pains every now and then...Around here...
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I get heartaches all the time but...hey...that's nothing new~
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gutachter · 7 days
Ungewöhnliche energetische Instandsetzung
„…Eine Sanierung, zwei Oberflächen, drei Dämmstoffe: Dies ist die optimale wie ungewöhnliche Lösung für die energetische Instandsetzung eines mehr als 120 Jahre alten Mehrfamilienhauses in Gutach (Breisgau). Je nach baulicher Situation kommen Polystyrol, Mineralwolle oder Phenolharz-Hartschaum zum Einsatz, die Fassade zeigt eine Kombination aus Holz und Putz….“ Quelle und Volltext: bauen.com
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ontourlady · 4 months
Ein Besuch im Schwarzwälder Freilichtmuseum Vogtsbauernhof in Gutach
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Random pictures of german folk clothing (Tracht)
Pictures are sourced from wikipedia.
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Gutacher Tracht, from the black forest region (who have a lot of different costumes)
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other black forest costumes
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Bückeberger Tracht for special days , Lower Saxony
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"Älbler-Tracht" in Württemberg
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Sorbian tracht of the Spreewald region
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goawaygoodday · 4 months
Hot guys have tummy issues
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politikwatch · 10 months
Er will offenbar um jeden #Preis die #Ampel stürzen damit er #Kanzler werden kann . Den will aber keiner❗ Vielleicht hat #Merz sich schon im #Geheimen mit #Lindner abgesprochen 🤔❓
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