#gutsy spam
morguemaw · 11 months
hrm i wanna draw ppls ocs.
Send a pic of your oc or reblog w/ one and add a prompt! :3
errmm also will eat up any requests for my ocs w/ prompts >:3c
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pangolinheart · 1 year
The Hero's Aspect: Z'rhiki Irhi
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(( BOLD always or almost always applies  | |   italics are situational or occasional )) accepting | adventurous | altruistic | amiable | benevolent | bold | brave | caring | charitable | cheerful | chivalrous | compassionate | courageous | courteous | courtly | daring | decent | disciplined | doughty | dutiful | dynamic | empathetic | energetic | enthusiastic | erudite | fair-minded | faithful | fearless | forthright | gallant | generous | genuine | gritty | graceful | gracious | gutsy | happy | honest | honorable | incorruptible | innocent | intelligent | intrepid | jovial | judicious | just | kind | knowledgeable | likable | lionhearted | loyal | loving | magnanimous | merciful | mighty | mild | moral | nice | noble | non-judgmental | obliging | open-minded | orderly | philanthropic | polite | principled | proper | quick-thinking | quick-witted | quixotic | rational | realistic | refined | reasonable | reconciliatory | reliable | sagacious | saintly | seemly | shrewd | self-reliant | self-sacrificing | sensitive | smart | sophisticated | spirited | stalwart | steadfast | stoic | strong | suave | sympathetic | teetotal | tenacious | thoughtful | tireless | tolerant | tough | trustworthy | unassuming | uncomplaining | understanding | unflappable | unyielding | useful | valiant | virtuous | vigilant | warm-hearted | whimsical | wise | witty | worthy | xenacious | xenophilic | yielding | zealful
I was tagged by @irisopranta and @ainyan, so I thought I should probably do it. ^^;; I'm a few days late to the party and I don't want to spam anyone with tags if I just haven't seen theirs yet, but if you haven't done one you should try it! I would love to see other people's ocs!
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Dear baby tumblr users
I just want to let any of the little baby accounts that follow me now because of the stupid new rule tumblr put in place to know:
If you don't have at least have some number of liked posts (not from me specifically but anywhere on here) in your Liked folder, by like a week after you've followed me, I will assume you are a bot and report & block you as such.
Or better yet start making posts yourself, like at least 1, or reblogging things you like. Have that be the first thing you do when you can start doing stuff.
I don't know what you think tumblr is, but this is a blogging site, you kind of gotta give the rest of us at least a vague idea that you're a sentient being with human experiences and desires ok.
What you should do on Tumblr
Now I don't mean put personal details like your real name, or where you live/work/go to school, or what your triggers are. That's none of any of our business, and honestly you shouldn't be putting that anywhere else either.
Stuff like your hobbies, or favorite books/tvshows/movies, or some weird out there thing that happened to you one time.
You want to interact with fandom more, this is a pretty good website to do it on, especially if it's for collaborative works.
You want to role play, there's entire role play communities on here.
You wanna do nothing but follow feel good blogs that posts nothing but cute animal photos you can do that.
Tumblr is what I like to call day-walking social media. In the fact that it allows you to be an absolute little creature on here in your own time, and be able to pass as a normal member of society IRL if you're doing it right.
If you're trying to get internet famous, you've infamously come to the wrong place as the most famous users on tumblr tend to be people the average tumblr user base has done their best to run off the site.
How tumblr works best is if what you're most easily identified as among your fellow tumblrites is your personal interests and quirks rather than your personal information.
There's no such thing as spam liking or spam reblogging on tumblr. You can dig into someone's post archive and like and reblog every single one of their posts and nothings going to happen to you or the person you're reblogging stuff from.
You don't need a reason to block anyone.
I've blocked people for just seeing them spew hateful shit directed at another user and that made me uncomfortable.
I've blocked people who're in the same fandoms as me just because some of the stuff the write/draw makes me uncomfy.
I've blocked blogs who just makes posts about stuff I'm uninterested in but constantly come up in my search results because we're in the same fandom. As there's only so many variations of character/reader story tag variations I can be bothered to put into the block tag function before I just get sick of doing it.
I've blocked people for dumb blorbo opinions that I just cannot agree with, because that's far better than starting beef with a rando because I saw that they view a character differently than I do.
I've blocked people who I can only assume were making a trolling attempt in the comments of my own posts. Or they really were that illiterate and gutsy enough to come yell at me for their dumb interpretation of what I posted on my own post.
There's the tag block feature as I mentioned earlier, though be warned it's not quite perfect.
Dumb people will try and censor themselves in the tags, which means it doesn't get blocked when you try and block that tag. So don't use numbers or symbols in place of letters. Not to mention improperly tagging all together.
Such as tagging a flashing image of something as Epilepsy rather than tagging it as Flashing, which is actually dangerous. As people who actually have Epilepsy tend to use their tag as a way to talk about their experiences and talk to fellow epileptic people meaning that they could get bombarded with flashing images unexpectedly if you're tagging flashing imagery as Epilepsy.
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talkthatkrp · 10 months
didn't bully a whole ass group off the platform by spamming their inbox with hate and passive aggressively encouraging others to do the same is so disgusting. 》》Genuine qs here How did you find out they spammed with hate and encourage others to do the same? Really gutsy of them to do such a thing off anon. Big yikes
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melancholy-nonsense · 4 years
Audiobooks of IWTV,TVL,QotD, and TotBT? On YouTube? It’s more likely thank you might think!
(see reblog)
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blayesnetwork · 7 years
i can’t wait for raven and bellamy to be canon in s5 and for the braven, rellamy, and ravenbell tags will be filled with “wtf it’s so rushed and out of no where” despite braven being slow burn since s1 and there being 6 yrs in space between where we were left off.
so i guess friendly reminder to spam the hell out of tags when that happens to drown out the bullshit that’s bound to happen. also, remember that the blayesnetwork tagged is going to be a safe zone and most likely, no bullshit will happen within this tag.
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years
Hi, Kheftiu again with the Cyberpunk questions. Just finished the game, went for the Hanako plan ending. What was your ending and your interpretation of it?
Obviously spoilers abound, so behind a cut it goes. I’ve done all the endings, so I can examine all of them. Readers beware
I ended up picking the Nomad ending. I shacked up with Panam over the course of the game so when they asked to help me out, I really couldn’t say no. I understand wanting to though, a lot of the Nomads were pretty awesome, and we already lost Scorpion over the course of the game, I really didn’t want to lose the other nomads who, despite my brief time with them, did have some colorful characterization. 
The other options though were worse. I didn’t trust Arasaka one lick, and the only reason I even bothered to hear them out (other than the game made it necessary as part of the plot) was for Takemura’s sake, since he was fairly straight with me the whole way through. My character had been a corpo in the beginning, and the way that I was dumped so unceremoniously didn’t engender a lot of trust (not that I had much to begin with since they murdered the ESA chiefs due to a failed deal). Saburo is clearly a problem, but why would I trust Hanako to run the company with any more adherence to ethics than her father? Why would I trust her to keep her word after this power struggle. Certainly not out of any sense of loyalty or obligation to me, and I doubt Takemura could motivate her to look out for me faithfully.
Trusting Johnny didn’t seem to be any better. He didn’t seem to learn anything from the first time, since I was hoping to avoid collateral damage like dropping a nuke in the center of Night City. I didn’t like Arasaka, but just as we saw with Johnny’s first go, there’s plenty of people who were just pawns in the system. Johnny seemed to like me, he was mellowing out a bit, but I couldn’t trust his rage to overcome the angels of his better nature. Plus, I didn’t want to lose control, and I didn’t earn enough Johnny points for the secret ending.
The nomads seemed like a good third option, since they were the family that adopted me out of regard for what I did for them, and they offered me the chance to back out and not take it. A nice sentiment, certainly, and welcome, to offer such a thing. In a world of double-dealing and betrayal, the nomads were refreshingly honest, warts and all. The leadership struggle between Saul and Panam was something that the nomads never felt the need to hide from me, and that speaks to great personal regard for me in a way I didn’t get from Arasaka and I only partially got from Johnny. 
The ending, for the most part, was just a big dungeon. Mitch piloting the panzer himself was something that I thought they would actually hit me with and kill him off, but they backed off on killing off one of the two nomads that players would remember and really mourn, the other being Panam. Killing off Panam though, would have been gutsy, choosing a preferable ending means losing a good friend and romantic partner. That wasn’t too impressive, the firefights were mostly ho-hum, although the level design was nice, but my 20 Intelligence character simply burned through them with System Reboot/Reboot Optics/Stealth spamming. Adam Smasher wasn’t difficult, and I was playing on hard difficulty and wasn’t a combat build (I went Intelligence, Technical Ability, and Cool), though I did end up shooting him in the face with Johnny’s Pistol as a nice touch. 
The ending was a decent enough question for cyberpunk. Can consciousness be digitized is a perfectly valid question, given the reality of AI. Neuromancer did this with Pauley, and if consciousness is just a stream of electrical input, what difference does it make whether the hardware is carbon-based or silicon? The idea of Johnny being digitized to torture him forever is a grimdark nightmare for a cyberpunk setting (and one I’ve played with myself in worldbuilding). Unfortunately, you’re given little with this, because ultimately, while Alt says that she’s ‘no longer’ Alt, what does that mean? Did Alt change, like human beings doing, was she subsumed and no longer exists? Was she ever Alt to begin with, or was it just an AI that modeled itself after Alt? Without these answers, the question about what you or Johnny do when you become these personality engrams and go beyond the Blackwall is open-ended, and ultimately, not satisfying. 
The other main theme, that the Relic is killing you, offers a poignant question: what do you do if you know you have a little time left? That’s a tough question to wrangle with in real life, but in Cyberpunk, it isn’t given a lot of thought save a few moments in the main quest with Viktor and Johnny. Some of the sidequests reinforce the theme, the Buddhist monk meditating and the crucifixion quest offer some thematic relevance, but most of the content doesn’t reinforce the message. V seems motivated to be a Night City legend, a perfectly valid concern when lifespan is limited and being remembered does matter in a world so cram-packed with everything that it’s impossible to remember. But questions of legacy aren’t really examined with the content. Does V want to do something with the hundreds of thousands of eddys that they have by the end of the game except buy cars? Do you get a drink named after you in Afterlife like Jackie Wells did? What if the game had actually taken this to heart? What if there was an ending where removing the Relic was successful, provided that you spent no more than 40 or 60 hours or whatever time cut-off you desire? That might actually reinforce the theme and serve as an interesting deconstruction of the open-world sandbox, wasting all that time dicking around and clearing the !’s off your map actually ends up being lethal in the end. That would actually be a great examination of the question Dexter DeShawn asks you in the beginning, do you want to be a Night City legend or live long and die quietly. 
But that wasn’t what we got. *shrug* What do you think, everyone? Would that have been a more interesting ending? Or am I also just a dull writer?
Thanks for the question, Khef.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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the-real-xmonster · 6 years
what about zhenya makes her one of your favorites?
I was impressed when I first noticed Zhenya competing as a junior with the SP The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. I found the program to be remarkably elegant and her to display a rare musical sensitivity for her age (she was only 15 at the time).
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Then in no particular order
I think the otaku side of her personality is super relatable and adorable
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She’s got one heck of a nice triple loop
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And these Salchows
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Her costumes are always drop dead gorgeous
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She is drop dead gorgeous
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With the right program and the right choreography, she can be very expressive
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When she’s healthy, her spins aren’t half-bad either
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She’s so gutsy she once Zayak-ed a 3T for shits and giggles
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Her utter dominance and rock solid consistency throughout her first 2 seasons as a senior were stuffs of legend.
She’s a hard worker and she’s incredibly strong-willed. See how she dealt with and overcame all the struggles throughout the entire Olympic season, how fearless she was with the move to Canada, and how much effort she’s putting in to better herself this season - she’s sticking with it even if the initial results weren’t what she expected.
This list is not exhaustive, obviously. Just thought I should stop here before the gif spam gets too abominably long :D
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Would you like to have some Ramyeon?
Cook!Seokjin X Reader fic. Fluff. Youre a cook, hes a cook. Nationality & cuisines clash and thats a lil conflict but not much.
Set in germany, I am german. I wanted to use the contrast between german and korean food since its a food anchored fic.
pls enjoy
First chapter word count approx 2.5k
Chapter 1: Kimchi Stew and Japchae
You had only just gotten out of cooking school, so you desperately needed a job.
On a drunken tuesday night you had decided to just apply to anything. Any restaurant, whether they cooked what you liked or not, whether they had a job opening up or not, you just applied to anything in your city. Of course, the next morning was filled with regret for your half-heartedly written cover letters and how you had basically sent some of the most well-respected restaurants spam applications.
Out of 36 sent applications, only 5 replied. Three were invitations to interviews and two just said "No, thank you." .
So the next week was spent getting ready for interviews at three restaurants or varying prestige-levels. The first one was an old-school family lead restaurant that served german classics. The food you had eaten all your life, the dishes that had made you fall in love with food, with experimenting with old recipes and improving them with new ingredients, techniques and spices. So you were excited, putting your all into the preparation for the interview, even going as far as to bring some homemade cookies, the use of your grandma's recipe meant to charm your way into the owner's heart. Or at least the kitchen.
But as it turned out, the interview had just been a courtesy, the position had been way out of your reach, cookies or no cookies, they had only invited you to tell you how to properly apply to jobs so that they would actually consider you next time.
After a minor breakdown at home, you decided to put your best foot forward at the next interview. A quite prestigious french restaurant, trying to achieve it's first star. It would be a super hard job, plus you'd be cooking food you didn't like, but where better to get experience from than a restaurant that was aiming high on the culinary sky?
To everybody's surprise, the interview went very well, the boss had been impressed by the gutsy decision to apply to a high caliber restaurant right out of cooking school. So they had offered you a job. Only an apprentice, but you would be able to try out the different jobs, making it possible for you to freely decide which part of the kitchen you actually wanted to work your way up in, in the long run.
It really sounded too good to be true. So you decided to think about it. Go to the last interview and see if the other kitchen better suited your person than this fancy french place.
That night, sitting at home, you decided to do some actual research about the last restaurant, seeming you didn't bother with something as trivial as that when you actually applied to it.
The restaurant was very new, it had only been open for a few months, and many of the reviews seemed to be quite angry about the head chefs attitude.
It was a korean restaurant, something quite unusual in Germany. People here aren’t adventurous when it comes to food. Sushi is still some “stupid newfangled idea” to many of your countrymen.
But somehow, the owner and the chef had decided it would be a good idea to serve very spicy food with names the people can’t pronounce to the general public. And somehow, it was working.
While many reviews were annoyed with the attitude of the chef, all of them still loved the food. Many reviewers had written something along the lines of “When I was able to taste something through the pain, it tasted amazing.”, while those who were fine with the spice level only raved about how amazing it had tasted.
Thinking about it, you weren’t sure if you had ever tasted korean food. While japanese and chinese food where quite common by now, korean food was not. Not Yet, as this restaurant seemed to already be making headlines about their cooking, their attention to detail and their refusal to tone down their spice level for their clientele. Which had gained them a lot of respect from the culinary community. Cooking what you want and not listening to everything that the customer says, most of all in the first years of opening a new restaurant, that shows bravery…. Or stupidity.
Looking at the menu and the restaurant’s instagram, you had to admit both the food and the chef looked very tasty. Even though the chef seemed incredibly uneasy about having his picture taken, his face sourly even when he was standing arm in arm with what you had read was his best friend, the owner of the restaurant.
You were curious who you were going to meet tomorrow. The owner or the head chef?
Emptying your drink, you looked at the clock. Only 8 pm. You would’ve thought it would be later by now. But 8 pm meant restaurants should still be taking customers. So you decided to try some korean food, checking out “This Night” before going to the interview tomorrow.
Stepping into the restaurant, you are quite surprised, the minimalistic dark blue and white interior so unusual for a restaurant with prices normal people can afford. You pick a table close to the open kitchen, the almost empty restaurant making you bold enough to stare at the chef working away in his kingdom, the tall, broad-shouldered man easily spotted while he flits through the kitchen, concentrated and working circles around the other cooks.
Ripping you away from your staring, a waiter comes over with a menu.
“Good Evening, would you like to have something to drink already?” He says, smiling down at where you’re already looking at the drink menu.
“I’ll have a cola, and what would you say is the perfect introduction into korean food? I’ve never had it and would like to try it, but I don’t know where to start.” With a small laugh, you look up at the waiter, immediately cursing yourself for your words. It’s not just a waiter, it’s the owner himself, aka the man who received your CV. The man who you’re trying to get to hire yo to cook korean food, who knows what you look like, and who is now laughing at you.
“Ah, you have never had korean food? That’s too bad, but I guess Chef Kim will just have to teach you. I’m glad that you’re at least trying to inform yourself before lying to me tomorrow. I’ll talk to the chef and have him whip up something nice for you.” A bold answer to your stupidity, which makes you remember how young both the owner and the head chef are, both only in their twenties. They obviously don’t care about how restaurants usually work. As you bury your head in your hands, trying to hide the embarrassment on your face, the young man continues: “Looking at the time, I actually have to say that we close in half an hour, but since it’s you, we could pull your interview up a little bit, seeming you’re already here. You can have a drink, on the house, and then join us in the kitchen after so that we can teach you about the food. Mr. Kim gets a lot nicer after hours, so he can cook something for us while we conduct a little interview out here. Would that be okay for you?”
Overwhelmed by the beautiful man in front of you as well as the speed at which all this is happening, you just nod, still somewhat in shock.
You want to bang your head against the table in front of you as your drink arrives, the owner quickly informing you that the chef agreed to the plan as well, so you can just relax and prepare yourself for the upcoming interview. He winks at you as he leaves, pointing at the kitchen.
As you turn, you see the head chef almost hanging out of the hatch, looking at the two of you. He only waves at you before returning to what you now realize to be the beginnings of cleaning the kitchen.
So that’s why the restaurant is so empty. Cursing yourself for your stupidity again, you decide to browse instagram while you wait for what will probably be your doom.
The time goes by faster than you would’ve liked and soon the restaurant closes, the owner locking the doors before waving you over to follow him into the kitchen.
Suddenly you’re standing there, in the restaurant’s kitchen, looking around as the Chef is still busy fixing something.
“I am Kim Seokjin, nice to meet you. I heard you haven’t eaten korean food before? And you’re the cook that applied to work here, right? Why did you apply? Also, here try this, we had some leftovers from the kimchi stew we made for the team before. And I made you some Japchae to have on the side.”
He waves you over and as you try to process the wave of words he just chucked at you, you stammer out: “ Uh, nice to meet you, Chef. I am y/n y/l/n. I have never had korean food before because, to be honest, yours is the first korean restaurant I have ever seen. And I have had no contact with korean culture as far as I know so the food was never brought to my attention. Now that I checked out your website and instagram I am very interested and would like to learn. And I applied because I just got out of cooking school, I need a job.”
Behind you, you hear a short laugh, as you turn, you see the owner, a plate in hand, shoveling food into his mouth as he smiles at you, gesturing for you to go take some from the Chef.
So you take a deep breath and go over to the man who’s still whizzing around at his station, readying yourself to try some completely new food.
Hearing you approach, he quickly grabs some plates, heaping food into both, before he stops in front of you, holding the full plates out to you with a big smile.
“Which is which, and what’s in it? Wait, this looks like a stew, where’s the spoons?” Talking half to yourself, half to the cook in front of you, you set down the bowl with what must be Japchae, and look around for a spoon when one suddenly appears in your field of vision.
“There, now eat.”
You huff out a laugh at his command before you take a big spoon of the steaming hot stew, only blowing it slightly before you taste it.
The spice hits you like a truck, and you can’t help but cough a little. This is not the kind of spice you’re used to. Where you’re from, white pepper is deemed spicy.
At your reaction, the man’s shoulders sag, his expression suddenly only full of disappointment, as you take a deep breath, trying to get through the spicyness.
And then you take another spoonful, and another, and another. And his smile gets bigger with each one, since, although it takes you a while, you are obviously enjoying what you’re eating.
“Ok, so in the stew, we have some pork belly, some tofu, kimchi obviously and some shiitake, as well as onion, green onion, garlic, mirin and soy sauce. Oh, and quite some chili as you noticed.” He says with a smile, counting up the ingredients in his mind as he looks at you.
“ Now try the Japchae, please. It’s my special version, so I can’t tell you what’s in it until you sign the contract. It’s also less spicy, so it’ll give you a little breather after the kimchi stew.”
He holds out a pair of chopsticks that seem to have appeared from nowhere, and again, that smile. You almost choke on your last spoonful of stew at that smile.
As you dig into the Japchae, your eyes widen with surprise. “It’s amazing. This is probably some of the tastiest food I’ve ever had. Thank you, Chef.”
Both of the men are now laughing, the man who introduced himself as Kim Seokjin pointing at his friend behind you: “I told you, Joon. I could get anyone with my japchae. Now do your little fake interview shit so I can start to train her tomorrow.”
This time, you do choke. “Fake interview shit”... what’s that supposed to mean?
You turn around, pulling up your brow since your mouth is still too full to speak. The owner just looks back and forth between the chef and you and says something in korean, a mocking grin on his face at the shocked gasp that leaves the taller man’s mouth.
Seconds later, Seokjin pulls the bowl out of your hands, ignoring your small whine. “You will join our team, right? We could really need the help of someone who actually enjoys our food.”
You think about it, but it doesn’t take long for the obvious answer to pop up, crystal clear in your mind. This is way better than some fancy french restaurant. The owner and the Chef seem like great people and even if the spice needs some getting used to, it’s still some of the best food you’ve ever had. So you nod. And earn a bright-as-the-sun smile for it, which you can’t help but return.
Suddenly you hear a voice behind you: “ If you like her so much why don’t invite her over for some ramyeon?” At your confused face, the owner smacks his own forehead. Which makes him miss the fact that his friend just threw a spoon at him, which hits him in the shoulder.
As your eyes fly back and forth between the two “grown men” the chef just waves you off. “Go sign the contract so that you can go home and I can clean the kitchen for tonight. Work starts tomorrow at 12. Don’t be late.” And with that, he turns away, busying himself with putting food in takeaway boxes and cleaning up the rest of the dishes. So you turn away and follow the owner to the dining room, to sign your contract.
A few minutes later, you have a job. And as it turns out, the opening you applied for was sous-chef. Leaving you with an amazing job without any experience under your belt, but with what seems to be two great colleagues.
As you say goodbye to the owner, who unlocks the front door to let you out, you stutter trying to remember his name. “Uh, Goodbye Mr…” At your panicked eyes, his face drops. “Oh shit, I never introduced myself, huh? I am Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you. We will be expecting you tomorrow at 12 for prep. Good Night y/n.”
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omnisend-blog · 5 years
How To Create an Email Marketing Campaign
Congrats! So you've begun your business and now you are considering getting your first contact. You heard cash is in the rundown and you are currently considering making a rundown of forthcoming customers for future marketing purposes. Or then again maybe you haven't made your first contact yet you expect to begin a rundown.
The idea sounds energizing and gutsy until you find that you can lose those well deserved contacts and more terrible, you could be criminally charged for spamming or sending spontaneous emails on the web. The vast majority of us are ignorant that there are laws that deny organizations sending spontaneous emails on the web and we become at risk when we do an inappropriate thing.
In this article, I will tell you the best way to make an email battle without putting you or your business in danger. You will create what is known as a "whitelist" which means a rundown of approved contacts while amplifying your procuring potential through lead age. You will likewise realize what is email marketing, how to manufacture your first approved email list, how to make autoresponders, and how to utilize email marketing as the head device for accomplishment in your business. How about we start with sending a reasonable message...
Sending Noisy and Clear
Give us a chance to state that you have never sent an email and you are considering acquainting your items and administrations with potential purchasers. The initial introduction is consistently the best foot inside the entryway of any business. Along these lines you need to guarantee that a starting letter is readied. This ought to be brief and feature the highlights and advantages of your business to the prospect.
When your letter is readied, ensure it is altered appropriately before sending it to your contacts. Contingent upon the idea of your business, you should target individuals who might be keen on your offer. So as to decide this, you could take a gander at the business repository inside your neighborhood or network,
After you have distinguished your market you are currently prepared to make your first correspondence with them. This correspondence is alluded to as an email marketing effort, on the whole, we have to look for authorization from these contacts. Many would pose the inquiry: "what is email marketing"? We will presently take a gander at how an Email Marketing Effort helps in this correspondence...
Email Marketing Effort
This type of correspondence is perhaps the most ideal approaches to discuss viably with your contacts. It is an arranged and sorted out method for sending emails, bulletins, updates or marketing data to your clients and prospects in a convenient way.
Time sensitive emails are typically robotized and delicate. Sending an email at an inappropriate time could contrarily affect the ideal reaction. Then again, sending emails normally and on an auspicious premise could improve the plausibility of future business between gatherings.
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morguemaw · 6 months
hi im gonna be extremely on and off with activity (duh !!) but im gonna kinda shift my content- On my sideblog @rattoz ill be posting more ocs/certain fandom stuff :3 im not gonna switch over, just gonna post more content there that doesnt cater to the followers here !!
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mightygraceblog · 5 years
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I Said YES!
As we draw close to the finale of 2019, we probably would read a lot of reflections on how the year has been to them. Forgive me for spamming your feed with my own piece, too. 
This year taught me the hardest, yet the most meaningful lessons I have learned in my life by far. I had been crushed more than I ever imagined. I needed to deal with a bunch of frustrations, rejections one after the other, failed plans, and unmet expectations. But I cannot deny the fact that all these hurt had brought the best in me and just made me a stronger person. 2019 showed me the beauty of spontaneity. This year helped me realign my understanding of who I am. It was an anchor’s away-like ride (because roller coaster is too mainstream). Let me share how this year has changed me from a “why-is-this-happening-to-me” into a “what-is-this-trying-to-teach-me” kind of person.
What did I learn in 2019? A lot.
I made a gutsy move of leaving my pilot and stable job for career advancement and higher pay. All was well until I got sick. I realized that I was not invincible. But more than that, it taught me that even a career advancement and huge paycheck is not worth it if what is compromised is indispensable- my health.
It was an eye-opener. It felt it was GOD telling me to pause and appreciate life’s beauty because I had been too busy making a living that I have forgotten how it is to truly live. It gave me a chance to feel how it is to be vulnerable again. I saw that GOD sometimes allows us to get what we want so that we would see what we truly need. 
I learned to appreciate that I have a very supportive family who stands by me no matter what the circumstances are. A family to whom I can run to however ugly things can sometimes get between us. I have the best parents who always protect me from any harm and cover me with their blanket of love. Who never showed a flicker of disappointment even if I am no longer able to help as much as I did. I have adorable siblings who continue to give me strength in these times that I feel weak. I appreciated how imperfect we are but they are the best for me.
It revealed who my true friends are- those who will truly be there for me when I become penniless and when I come to my lowest. Those who see me beyond my “I am ok”.
I learned the value of acceptance. That when I have given all that I can, whatever the outcome may be, it is already enough. I am guilty of setting sky-rocketing standards and expectations for myself that disappoint me in the end. 
Regrets? I have none. Because for me, regrets are only for the things I never did.
In short, this year made me say YES to a lot of things. I said YES to knowing myself more, making bold and brave decisions and candidly admitting that I messed up. I said YES to honoring my emotions. It’s a YES to forgiving myself for the many times I let people see me cry and for shedding buckets of tears alone so they won’t perceive me as weak. It’s a YES to honoring my emotions because they are real. I have said YES to respecting my own timeline and accepting that “ganito lang ako”. It’s a YES to appreciating all that I have now. I said YES to accepting GOD’s plans but still keeping the fire in my heart.
It was a rough year. But GOD has shown time and again that HIS grace is always sufficient. The scholarship grant in my dream university abroad, my professional education, master’s and Juris Doctor degree, my own house- all that I did not accomplish this year, will come when I can handle them. For now, I just need to keep moving. 
2019 has not been the best, but I am confident that I will be a much better person come 2020. And I commit to continue saying YES. YES to greater heights and bigger dreams, to growing even if it feels like breaking at first, to holding on to GOD’s promises. It’s a YES to finding myself, losing people who are not meant to be part of my journey, and finding those who I am going to share all my successes with. I am still saying YES to starting all over again, to beautiful beginnings, to answered prayers, to dreams come true. It’s a YES to taking rest and valuing life every single day that I am alive. And finally, I say YES to surrendering my life to GOD, to living a life in line with HIS will, to living not just for myself but for others, as well.
I believe we all have our stories to tell. Not all stories have happy endings. Maybe this is the kind of story I am meant to share to the world. Not a success story, but a story of transformation. Maybe I was called to inspire people not with the amount of riches I accumulated but with all the battles I fought and won. 
If I ever will leave this world, I don’t want to be remembered for what I have accomplished in my life. I want people to remember how I laughed at my own mishaps, how I continued striving despite this difficult life, how I rose with every fall. I want to be remembered for my heart. 
Oh, and the ring? I bought it for myself. But I say YES, too in praying that love would soon find me and introduce itself to me. I pray that someone would see me as his prayers come to life.
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harrisjv · 6 years
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10 Easy Ways to Enhance Your Email Open Rate (Part 1)
Do you wish to increase your email open rate? Your email advertising projects can only work as long as they are really getting opened to begin with. If your open prices are reduced then you would certainly such as, below are 10 simple EMProTools means to enhance them ...
1. Keep Your List Fresh
Do your customers still wish to speak with you?
You've probably listened to the recommendations that it's important to email your clients on a regular basis so your listing doesn't go stale.
However nevertheless, in time, e-mail subscribers can still stagnate. Some people might have altered e-mail accounts, or perhaps they just aren't curious about your brand anymore. So to keep your listing fresh as well as loaded with involved clients, it's an excellent suggestion to regularly eliminate inactive subscribers.
An inactive customer might be any person that has not engaged with any kind of e-mail in the previous 6 months or more.
However prior to you remove them, attempt sending out a last-ditch-effort e-mail to try to re-engage your inactive clients.
As an example, Carol Tice sends a last-ditch-effort e-mail to her non-active EMProTools customers that states, "Do I birthed you?" and also asks if they still want to remain subscribed. Some people respond, however all others obtain purged.
Here's an example of a last-ditch-effort e-mail from HubSpot:
You can also make use of the subject line, "Is the love gone?", "It Isn't You, It's Me.", or if you are feeling really gutsy you can write, "Do you hate me?".
Another way to keep your listing fresh is by checking in with your subscribers from time to time to ask if they would like to upgrade their details and also their choices. By doing this, they are reminded that they can take control of just how they wish to engage with you.
If you are attempting to revitalize a cool checklist, try performing a survey. For answering your inquiries, they get a free gift (like a $5 gift card, for example).
This kills two birds with one rock: it incentivizes them to involve with you, while likewise providing you with the information you need to continue to involve them with web content they will certainly like.
2. Sector Your List
When individuals make a decision whether or not to open an email, one of the most crucial variables is whether or not they believe the email relates to them.
The most effective method to boost the relevancy of your e-mails? By segmenting your e-mail list. Lyris found that 39% of marketing experts who segmented their e-mail checklists experienced higher open prices, 28% experienced lower unsubscribe rates, and also 24% experienced far better deliverability and also higher revenue:
You can begin by including tags to your clients based upon behavior, such as purchase behavior. So when a person comes to be a paying consumer, you send them various types of e-mails than you would send to a person that has not purchased anything yet.
You can even send out various e-mails based upon the specific items they bought.
You can additionally segment your listings based upon demographics (such as location), or rate of interests.
Just how did they jump on your EMProTools e-mail checklist in the first place?
If they downloaded and install among your opt-in bribes on a certain topic, create a segment of those people so you can send them more emails on that particular specific subject.
Once you have these sections, it is so much less complicated to recognize what subject lines and messages to create that will tempt them to open up and also engage with your email marketing projects.
( On a related note, make certain you get your e-mail customers organically-- never rely upon paid lists, or the significance of your projects will certainly plummet.).
3. Stay Clear Of Spam Filters
Spam filters have gotten a lot more innovative in the previous a number of years, yet they're still not perfect. Your emails-- even your best e-mails-- can still get caught in the dreaded spam folder, never to see the light of day.
If you want to take full advantage of the reach of your e-mail advertising and marketing campaigns, you'll need to do everything feasible in order to avoid being flagged as spam.
Right here are some best practices to keep your emails from falling into spam folders:.
Ensure all EMProTools recipients have in fact opted-in to receiving your emails.
Send your campaign from an excellent IP address; that is, an IP address that hasn't been utilized by another person who has actually sent spam in the past.
Send via confirmed domain names.
Keep any kind of code clean.
Usage merge tags to individualize the "To:" area of your campaign.
Show subscribers how to whitelist your emails, and ask to add you to their personal digital assistant.
Stay clear of the excessive use "salesy" language (these are spam trigger words like "purchase", "clearance", "discount", or "money").
Do not "bait-and-switch" by utilizing deceitful subject lines.
Include your place.
Consist of a simple method for subscribers to opt-out of your e-mails.
4. Perfect Your Timing
Timing can have a significant effect on whether or not your customers open your emails, so think very carefully regarding what time and day you send your e-mails out.
You will not be able to figure out the perfect time quickly, yet perform some A/B examinations to determine which timeframes seem to perform best, and discover those in future campaigns. Yet you may be questioning, has anybody else already done some examinations that you can take advantage of?
Well, MailChimp's information claims that, as a whole, the very best time of week to send emails is on weekdays versus weekend breaks. No single day won hand's down.
They additionally found that, as a whole, the optimum time of day to send out e-mails goes to 10 AM in the receivers' very own time zone.
Nonetheless, when they looked much deeper, they discovered that the EMProTools type of material being sent had a substantial result on the peak time, in addition to the location, age, as well as occupation of the recipient.
And logically, this makes good sense: every one of these factors will have a result on what time they will certainly be probably to examine their email, in addition to the sort of e-mails they are looking to inspect at any offered time. (For example, hobby-related content may be inspected earlier, prior to job, whereas job-related material is most likely to be inspected during work hrs.).
But let's check out some more data. According to Experian's information, the best time of week for opens up is during the weekdays (they agree with MailChimp):.
( Graph via Customer.io).
The most effective time of day, according to their reports, is in the mid-day:.
If we combine these 2 reports from MailChimp as well as Experian, it certainly shows up that the very best days to send e-mails are weekdays, and also the very best times are not prematurely in the day.
But the lower line on e-mail send time is this: imagine a day in the life of your particular target market. What are they performing in the early morning, mid-day, as well as evening? What does their day resemble? How late do they keep up at night? Exactly how early do they increase in the morning?
All of these EMProTools concerns will certainly aid you decide on the best time to send your e-mails.
EMProTools Review & Overview
Creator: Tom Yevsikov
Item: EMProTools
Launch Day: 2019-Jan-30
Introduce Time: 10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $47-$67
Particular niche: Software program
What Is EMProTools?
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EMProTools Is The 1st Of It's Kind Software Application To Assist You Obtain The Most Effective Results From Your Email Advertising Campaigns! Rise Your Email Open Fees, Click Fees As Well As Sales With Few Clicks!
Just How Does EMProTools Work?
Step 1 - Attach Your Email Autoresponder
Login and also add your e-mail autoresponder. Takes a minutes. Functions flawlessly with one of the most prominent autoresponders Aweber, Getresponse & Mailchimp.
Step 2 - Set up EMProTools With Couple Of Clicks
Apply wise as well as sophisticated segmentation and also Automation algorithms to your projects and also checklist in just few clicks. Or else takes hours and hrs of time day-to-day to establish it up by hand.
Tip 3 - Matter The Profits
Mail your listing and see much better outcomes than ever before. Make much more benefit from exact same amount of efforts.
Why Do You Need EMProTools And Also Exactly How Does It Actually Work? (Technique Explained)
Email Marketing Pro Devices Utilising Segmentation Approach Explained
Mailing Un-openers Method Explained
Rate & Evaluation
FE - EMProTools Key
Convert your checklist right into very involved buyers and dedicated followers with our strategy. Segment your checklist into remote controls, openers and non-openers in a click. Arrange your e-mail to unopeners in few clicks as well as more ...
Assistance of 3 significant platform Aweber, GetResponse Mailchimp
Automatic Notes Division
Campaigns labeling
Automatic Sending broadcasts to unopenners
Sending out followup broadcasts based on customer actions
Sending emails with appropriate e-mail addresses for numerous checklists
Gooogle Chrome internet browser expansion
Rises your open prices.
Boosts your click-throughs.
Increases your lead conversions.
Increases your sales conversions.
Construct listing of extremely engaged, hyper-responsive clients
Update 1 - EMProTools Ultimate Edition
More advanced features to obtain the best out of your e-mail checklists. Lower your autoresponder monthly charges and preserve the high quality.
Automatic remove duplicate clients from multiple checklists
Automatic removal not energetic customers
Automatic action not active customers to different checklists
Automatic removal unsubscribed
Download and install listing of deleted subscribers
Listings will certainly be cleaned, organised as well as optimized at its optimum feasible efficiency
Lower your Autoresponder bill by removing unsubscribes automatically
Reuse erased customers to create targeting pixels
Update 2 - EMProTools Diamond
Smart Hyperlinks, this is just one of the coolest function. It enables you to move/copy to different lists/camp and tag clients when they click a link inside their e-mails.
Automatic Tagging based on client opens up and clicks
Automatic action/ duplicate customers based upon the web link click
Automatic set following Tradition Comply with Up message based upon the web link click
Postponed Apply Tags, Set Next Legacy Follow Up, Move client, Copy Client
Section customers based on their interests
Control which Legacy Follow Up Collection is supplied to customer
Control which Followup message will certainly be supplied to customer next
Mail customers based upon their interests
Update 3 - EMProTools Reseller
Reseller Legal Rights Permit so you can sell it to other online as well as offline marketing experts as well as make a bank.
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creepersx35-blog · 7 years
McQueen: OK... Here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. McQueen: One winner. 42 losers. I eat losers for breakfast. McQueen: Breakfast. Wait, maybe I should have had breakfast. A little breck-y could be good for me. No,no,no, stay focused. Speed. McQueen: I'm faster than fast. Quicker than quick. I am Lightning! Mack: (knock-knock)Hey Lightning, are you ready? McQueen: Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready. Song McQueen: Ka-chow! Song Seller: Get your antenna here! Fans: You got that right, Slick. Bob Cutlass: Welcome back to the Dinoco 400. I'm Bob Cutlass, here with my good friend, Darrel Cartrip. We're midway through what may turn out to be a  historic day for racing. Darrel Cartrip: Bob, my oil pressure's through the roof right now. If this gets more exciting, they're gonna have to tow me outta the booth! Bob Cutlass: Right you are, Darrell. Three cars are tied for the season points lead, heading into the final race of the season. And the winner of this race Darrell, will win the season title and, the Piston Cup. Does The King, Strip Weathers, have one more victory in him before retirement? Darrell: He's been Dinoco's golden boy for years! Can he win them one last Piston Cup? Bob: And, as always, in the second place spot we find Chick Hicks. He's been chasing that tailfin his entire career. Darrell: Chick thought this was his year, Bob. His chance to finally emerge from The King's shadow. But the last thing he expected was...Lightning McQueen! Bob: You know, I don't think anybody expected this. The rookie sensation come into the season unknown. But everyone knows him now. Darrell: Will he be the first rookie to win a Piston Cup and land Dinoco? Bob: The legend, the runner up, and the rookie! Three cars, one champion! Song Chick: No you don't. Fans: Oohh. What a ride! Chick: Hahaha Fans: Go get'em, McQueen! Go get'em! Fans: We love you, Lightning! Chick: Dinoco is all mine. Race car: Ahhhh! Darrell: Trouble, turn three! Chick: Haha. Get through that, Mcqueen. Bob: Ouw.. A huge crash behind the leaders! Fans: Wahh!! Bob: Wait a second, Darrell. McQueen is in the wreckage. Darrell: There's no way the rookie can make it through! Not in one piece that is. Mia & Tia: Lightning, ahhh. Darrell: Look at that, McQueen made it through! Bob: Man, a spectacular move by Lightning McQueen. McQueen: Yeah! Ka-chow! Fans: McQueen (7X) Fan: Yeah McQueen! Ka-chow! Bob: While everyone else heads into the pits, McQueen stays out to take the lead! Broken car: Don't take me out coach. I can still race! Chick: Haha. What do you think boys? A thing of beauty. Chick's coach: McQueen made it through! Chick: What? Chick's coach: He's not pitting! Chick: Come on! Get me out there! Let's go! Get me back out there! Come on! Bob: McQueen's not going into the pits! Darrell: You know the rookie just fired his crew chief. That's the third one this season! Bob: Well he says he likes working alone Darrell. Chick's coach: Go, go, go! Bob: Looks like Chick got caught up in the pits. Darrell: Yeah, after a stop like that, he's got a lot of ground to make up.Get ready boys, we're coming to the restart! Chick: Come on, come on, come on! McQueen's crew: We need tires now! Come on, let's go! McQueen: No,no,no,no! No tires, just gas! McQueen's crew: What! You need tires, you idiot! Darrell: Looks like it's all gas-and-go's for McQueen today. Bob: That's right. No tires again. Darrell: Normally I said a short-term gain, long-term loss, but it's sure is workin' for him. He obviously knows somethin' we don't know. Bob: This is it Darrell, one lap to go and Lightning McQueen has a huge lead. Darrell: All he's got it in the bag. Call in the dogs and put out the fire! We're gonna crown us a new champion! McQueen: Checkered flag, here I come! Darrell: Oh, no! McQueen has blown a tire! Bob: And with only one turn to go! Can he make it? McQueen's crew: You fool! The King's Coach: McQueen's blown a tire!, McQueen's blown a tire! Go,go,go! Darrell: He lost another tire! The King and Chick are coming up fast! Bob: They're entering turn three! McQueen: Come on. Darrell: I don't belive what I'm watching, Bob! Darrell: Lightning McQueen is hundred feet from his Piston Cup! Bob: The King and Chick rounding turn four. Darrell: Down the stretch they come! And it's, and it's... Bob: It's too close to call! Too close to call! Darrell: I don't belive it! (2X) Mia & Tia: Lightning! Bob: The most spectacular, amazing unequivocally, unbelievable ending in the history of the world! And we don't even know who won! Darrell: Look at that! Security: Hey, no cameras! Get outta here! Kori Turbowitz: We're here in Victory Lane, awaiting the race results. McQueen that was quite a risky move, not taking tires. McQueen crew: Tell me about it. Kori Turbowitz: Are you sorry you don't have a crew chief out there? McQueen's Crew: Hah! McQueen: Oh Kori. There's a lot more to racing than just winning. I mean, taking the race by a full lap... Where's the entertainment in that? No no no... I wanted to give folks a little sizzle. McQueen's crew: Sizzle? McQueen: Am I sorry I don't have a crew chief? No, I'm not. Cause I'm a one-man show. McQueen crew: Whats? Oh, yeah right. Kori Turbowitz: That was a very confident Lightning McQueen. Coming to you live from Victory Lane, I'm Kori Turbowitz. Cameramen: Hey, get out of the shot! McQueen: Yo, Chuck, what are you doing? You're blocking the camera. Everyone wants to see the bolt. McQuenn crew: What? McQueen: Now, back away. McQueen's crew: Ahh! That's it. Come on guys. McQueen: Whoa, team! Where are going? McQueen's crew: We quit, Mr. One-Man Show! McQueen: Oh, OK, leave. Fine. Hahaha. How will I ever find anyone else who knows how to fill me up with gas? Adios Chuck! McQueen's crew: And my name is not Chuck! McQueen: Oh, whatever. Chuck: Hey, Lightning! Yo! McQueen! Seriously, that was some pretty darn nice racin' out there. By me! Hahaha! Chick's crew: Zinger Chick: Welcome to the Chick era, baby! The Piston Cup... It's mine dude. It's mine. Hey fellas, how do you think I'm look in Dinoco blue? Dinoco blue! Hahaha! McQueen: In your dreams Thunder. Chick: Yeah, right. Thunder? What's he talkin' about, "Thunder"? McQueen: You know, cause' thunder always comes after lightning. Pew, Kaka-phow! Chick: Who here knew about the thunder thing? Chick's crew: I didn't. Cameramen: Give us the bolt! Cameramen: That's right. Cameramen: Right in the lens. Cameramen: Show me the bolt, baby! Cameramen: Smile, McQueen! Cameramen: Show me the bolt, McQueen! Cameramen: That's it! Tex: Ohh we, that was one close finish. You sure made Dinoco proud. Thank you, King. The King: Well, Tex, you've been good to me all these years. It's the least I could do. Dear: Whatever happens, you're winner to me, you old daddy rabbit. The King: Thanks, dear. We wouldn't be nothing without you. Mia: I'm Mia. Tia: I'm Tia. Mia & Tia: We're like your biggest fans! Ka-chow! McQueen: I love being me. Security: OK, girls, that's it. Mia & Tia: We love you, Lightning! Some guys far away: We love you more!! The King: Hey, buddy. You're one gutsy racer. McQueen: Oh, hey, Mr. The King. The King: You got more talent in one lug nut than a lot of cars has got in their whole body. McQueen: Really? Oh, that... The King: But you're stupid. McQueen: Excuse me? The King: This ain't a one-man deal, kid. You need to wise-up and get you self a good crew chief and a good team. And you ain't gonna win unless you got good folks behind you, and you let them do their job, like they should. Like I tell the boys at the shop... McQueen: A good team. Yeahhh. Dreaming Song. Mia & Tia: Oh, McQueen. The King: If you figure that out, you just gonna be OK. McQueen: Oh, yeah, that.. That is spectacular advice. Thank you Mr. The King. Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in Piston Cup history... McQueen: A rookie has won the Piston Cup. Yes!! Speaker: We have a three-way tie. Chick: Oh, ho. Hey, McQueen, that must be really embarrassing. But I wouldn't be worry about it. Because I didn't do it! Hahaha! Speaker: Piston Cup officials have determined that a tiebreaker race between the three leaders will be held in California in one week. Chick: Well, thank you! Thanks to all of you out there! Thank you! Hey, rook, first one to California gets Dinoco all to himself. Ahh! No, not me! No, you rock, and you know that! Balloon: Oh, yeah! Woaah!! McQueen: First one to California gets Dinoco all to himself. Ohh, we'll see who gets there first, Chick. Huh? Mack: Hey, kid! Congrats on the tie. McQueen: I don't want to talk about it. Come on, let's go, Mack. Saddle up. What'd you do with my trailer? Mack: I parked it at your sponsor's tent. McQueen: What? Mack: You gotta make your personal appearance. McQueen: No. No! No,no,no,no! McQueen: Yes, yes, yes! Lightning McQueen here. And I use Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment, new rear end formula! Nothing soothes rusty bumper like Rust-eze. McQueen: Wow! Look at that shine! Use Rust-eze and you too can look like me! Ka-chow! Rust-eze Car: Hahaha. I met this car from Swampscott. He was so rusty he didn't even cast a shadow. Rust-eze Van: You could see his dirty undercarriage. Hahaha. McQueen: Uahh! I hate rusty cars. This is not good for my image. Mack: They did give you your big break. Besides, it's in your contract. McQueen: Oh, will you stop please? Just go get hooked up. Rust-eze Van: Winter is a grand old time. Rust-eze Car: Of this there are no ifs or buts. Rust-eze Van: But remember, all that salt and grime... Rust-eze Car: Can rust your bolts and freeze your... Rust-eze Van: Hey look! There he is! Our almost champ! Victory ran to your rear end in here, kid. Fan: Lightning McQueen, you are wicked fast! Fan: That race was a pisser! Fan: You were booking McQueen! McQueen: Give me a little room guys. Fred: You're my hero Mr.McQueen. McQueen: Yes, I know. Fred, Fred, thank you. Fred: He knows my name. He knows my name! Rust-eze Van: Looking good, Freddie! Rust-eze Car: Thanks to you Lightning, we had a banner year! Rust-eze Van: We might clear enough to buy you some headlights. Rust-eze Car: Are you saying he doesn't have headlights? Rust-eze Van: That's what I'm telling ya. It's just stickers! McQueen: Well, you know, racecars don't need headlights, because the track is always lit. Rust-eze Car: Yeah, well,so is my brother, but he still needs headlights. Hahaha McQueen: Hahaha! Ha!! Hahaha!! Rust-eze Car: Ladies and gentlemen, Lightning McQueen! Fans: Free Bird! McQueen: You know, the Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment team ran a great race today. And remember, with a little Rust-eze...And an insane amount of luck, you too can look like me. Ka-chow. Rust-eze Car: Hey, kid. Rust-eze Van: We love ya. And we're looking forward to another great year. Just like this year. Hahaha. McQueen: Not on your life. Rust-eze Car: Don't drive like my brother! Rust-eze Van: Oh Yeah, don't drive like my brother! Mack: California, here we come! McQueen: Dinoco, here we come! Song McQueen: I needed this. Hello? Harv: Is this Lightning McQueen, the world's fastest racing machine? McQueen: Is this Harv, the world's greatest agent? Harv: And it is such a honor to be your agent and it almost hurts to take ten percent of your winnings and merchandising. And ancillary rights in perpetuity. Anyway, what a race! Hot champ! I didn't see it, but I heard you were great. McQueen: Thanks, Harv. Harv: Listen, they're giving you 20 tickets for the tiebreaker thing in Cali. I'll pass 'em on to your friends. You shoot me the names. You let Harv rock it for you. All right, baby? McQueen: Right. Friends. Yes, there's a... Harv: OK, I get it, Mr.Popular. So many friends you can't even narrow it down. Hey, when you get to town, you better make time for your best friend! You gotta break bread with your mishpoacheh here! McQueen: Yeah, yeah, that'd be great! We should totally... Harv: Ok, I gotta jump, kid. Let me know how it goes. I'm out. McQueen: What? A minivan? Oh, come on Mack, you're in the slow lane. This is Lightning McQueen you're hauling here. Mack: Just stopping off for a quick breather, kid. Old Mack needs a rest. McQueen: Absolutely not. McQueen: We're driving straight to all night till we get to California. We agreed to it. Mack: All night? May I remind you, federal DOT regs state... McQueen: Come on, I need to get there before Chick get hang with Dinoco. Mack: Ahh, all those sleeping trucks. Hey kid, I don't know if I can make it. McQueen: Oh, sure you can, Mack. Look, it'll be easy. I'll stay up with you. Mack: All night? McQueen: All night long. McQueen: Zzzzz... DJ Song Snot Rod: Ah, ahh, achowww! Wingo: Hahaha! Boost: Hey, yo, DJ. DJ: What up? Boost: We got ourselves a nodder. DJ: Hahaha. Mack: Pretty music. Boost: Yo, Wingo! Lane change, man. Wingo: Right back at ya! Hahaha. Snot Rod: Yeah! Boost: Oops! I missed. Snot Rod: You going on vacation? Tuner team: Hahaha. Boost: Oh, no, Snot Rod... Wingo: He's gonna blow! Snot Rod: Ahh...ahhh...ahhh...achoowww!!! Mack: Gesundheit! Hoho. One should never drive while drowsy. McQueen: MACK! McQueen: Mack! McQueen: Mack! McQueen: Hey,Mack! Mack! McQueen: Mack! McQueen: Mack,wait for me! McQueen: Mack! McQueen: Mack! Mack! McQueen: Mack! Mack... McQueen:...wait up! Mack. McQueen: Mack! Mack! McQueen: What?You're not Mack. Peterbilt: Mack?I ain't no Mack!I'm a Peterbilt, for dang sake! Peterbilt: Turn on your lights, you moron! McQueen: Mack... The Interstate! Sheriff: Ahh!. Not in my town, you don't. McQueen: Oh, no...Oh, maybe he can help me! He's shooting at me! Why is he shooting at me! Sheriff: I haven't gone this fast in years. I'm gonna blow a gasket or somethin'. McQueen: Serpentine! Serpentine, serpentine! Sheriff: What in the blue blazes? Crazy hot rodder. Filmore: I'm telling you, man, every third blink is slower. Sarge: The sixties weren't good for you, were they? McQueen: What? That's not the Interstate! Ahh ho, Auw, auw,auw! Ahhhh! No, no, no, no! Filmore: I'm not the only seeing this, right? Sarge: Incoming! Filmore: Whoa man. Sarge: No! Ramone: Hey, you scratch my paint! McQueen: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Luigi: My tires! McQueen: Phoah! Red: Huh! McQueen: Uargh! Red: Huh! Filmore: Fly away, Stanley. Be free! Sheriff: Boy, you're in a heap of trouble. Kori Turbowitz: We're live at the Los Angeles International Speedway as the first competitor, Lightning McQueen, is arriving at the track. Cameramen: Is it true he's gonna pose for Cargirl? Cameramen: Lightning, what's your strategy? Woahh! Mack: What? Did I forget to wipe my mud flaps? News: McQueen's driver arrived in California, but McQueen was missing. News: Racecar Lightning McQueen was reported missing. News: He scheduled to race an unprecedented... News: Sponsor stated they have no idea where he is. Junior: I hope Lightning's OK. I sure hate to see anything bad happen to him. Jay Limo: I don't know what's harder to find, Lightning McQueen or a crew chief who'll work for him! Hummer: Lightning McQueen must be found at all costs! News: They're all asking the same question: Where is McQueen? McQueen: Oh, boy. Where am I? Mater: Mornin', sleepin' beauty! McQueen: Ahhhhh!! Mater: Hahaha! Boy, I was wonderin' when you was gonna wake up. McQueen: Take whatever you want! Just don't hurt me! a parking boot? Why do I have a parking boot on? What's going on here? Please! Mater: You're funny. I like you already. My name's Mater. McQueen: Mater. Mater: Yeah, like "tuh-mater", but without the "tuh". What's your name? McQueen: You don't know my name? Mater: Uhh, no, I know your name. Is your name Mater too? McQueen: What? Look, I need to get to California as fast as possible. Where am I? Mater: Where are you? Shoot! You're in Radiator Springs. The cutest little town in Carburetor County. McQueen: Oh, great. Just great! Mater: Well, if you think that's great, you should see the rest of the town. McQueen: You know, I'd love to see the rest of the town! So if you could just open the gate, take this boot off, you and me, we go cruisin', check out the local scene... Mater: Dad-gum! McQueen: How'd that be, Tuh-Mater? Mater: Cool Sheriff: Mater! What did I tell you about talkin' to the accused? Mater: To not to. Sheriff: Well, quit yer yappin' and tow this delinquent road hazard to traffic court. Mater: Well, we'll talk later, Mater. Haha. "Later, Mater." That's funny! Sheriff: The Radiator Springs Traffic Court will come to order! Ramone: Hey, you scratched my paint! I ought take a blowtorch to you, man! Luigi: You broke-a the road! You a very bad car! Fillmore: Fascist! Commie! McQueen: Officer, talk to me, babe. How long is this gonna take? I gotta get to California, pronto. Sheriff: Where's your lawyer? McQueen: Tuh, I don't know. Tahiti maybe. He's got a timeshare there. Sheriff: When a defendant has no lawyer, the court will assign one to him. Hey! Anyone want to be his lawyer? Mater: Shoot, I'll do it, Sheriff! Sheriff: All rise! The Honorable Doc Hudson presiding. Luigi: Show-off. Sheriff: May Doc have mercy on your soul. Doc Hudson: All right, I wanna know who's responsible for wreckin' my town, Sheriff. I wanna his hood on a platter! I'm gonna put him in jail till he rots! No, check that. I'm gonna put him in jail till the jail rots on top of him, and then I'm gonna move him to a new jail and let that jail rot. I'm... Throw him out of here, Sheriff. I want him out of my courtroom. I want him out of our town! Case dismissed. McQueen: Yes! Mater: Boy, I'm purty good at this lawyerin' stuff. Sally: Sorry I'm late, Your Honor! McQueen: Holy Porsche! She's gotta be from my attorney's office. Hey, thanks for comin', we're all set. He's letting me go. Sally: He's letting you go? McQueen: Yeah, your job's pretty easy today. All you have to do now is stand there and let me look at you. Listen, I'm gonna cut to the chase. Me, you, dinner. Ka-chow! Sally: What the...? Auww! Please! McQueen: I know, I get that reaction a lot. I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand. Sally: Ohhh, auww! McQueen: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you? Mater: Well, a little bit, but I'll be alright. Sally: OK. I'm gonna go talk to the judge. McQueen: Do what you gotta do, baby. Oh, but listen. Be careful. Folks around here are not firing on all cylinders, if you know what I mean. Mater: Ka-ching! Auww! Sally: I'll keep that in mind. Hey there, Mater. Mater: Howdy, Sally. Sally: Hi, folks! Folks: Good morning! Sally. McQueen: You know her? Mater: She's the town attorney and my fiancee. McQueen: What? Mater: Nah, I'm just kiddin'. She just like me for my body. Sally: Doc, you look great this morning. Did you do something different with your side view mirrors? Doc: What do you want, Sally? Sally: Ah, come on, make this guy fix the road. The town needs this. Doc: No. I know his type. Racecar. That's the last thing this town needs. Sally: OK, I didn't want to have to do this, Doc, but you leave me no choice. Fellow citizens, you're all aware of our town's proud history. Doc: Here she goes again. Sally: Radiator Springs, the glorious jewel strung on the necklage of Route 66, the mother road! It is our job and our pleasure to take care of the travelers on our stretch of that road. Sarge: Travelers? What travelers? Filmore: Ignore him. Sally: But how, I ask you, are we to care for those travelers if there is no road for them to drive on? Luigi, what do you have at your store? Luigi: Tires Sally: And if no one can get to you? Luigi: I won't sell any...tires. I will lose everything! Ohho. Sally: Flo, what do you have at your store? Flo: I have gas. Lotsa gas! Sally: OK boys, stay with me. And, and, Flo, what'll happen if no one can come to your station to buy gas? Flo: I'll go outta business and... we'll have to leave town. Sally: And what's gonna happen to all of us if Flo leaves town and closes her station? Folks: Without gas, we're done for! Lizzie: What? Sally: So, don't you think the car responsible should fix our road? Lizzie: The only guy strong enough to fix that road is Big Al! Ramone: Lizzie, the guy left, like, 15 years ago. Lizzie: Then why are you bringing him up, you lemon? Sally: Oh, he can do it. He's got the horsepower. So, what do you want him  to do? Folks: Fix the road! Sally: Because we are a town worth fixing! Folks: Yeah!!! Doc: Order in the court! Seems like my mind has been changed for me. Folks: Yeah!! McQueen: No! Filmore: Nice rulin'. McQueen: Ohh, I am so not take you to dinner. Sally: That's OK, Stickers. You can take Bessie. Mater: Oh man, you got to work with Bessie! I'd give my left two lug nuts for somethin' like that. McQueen: Bessie? Who's Bessie? Doc: This here is Bessie, finest road-pavin' machine ever built. I'm hereby sentencing you to community service. You're gonna fix the road under my supervision. McQueen: What? This place is crazy! Mater: Hey, I know this may be a bad time right now, but tha, you owe me $32,000 in legal fees. McQueen: What? Doc: So we're gonna hitch you up to sweet Bessie, and you're gonna pull her nice. McQueen: You're gotta be kidding me. Doc: You start there where the road begins, you finish down there where the road ends. Mater: Holy shoot! McQueen: Whoa, whoa, whoa! How long is this gonna take? Doc: Well, fella does it right, should take him about five days. McQueen: Five days? But I should be in California schmoozing Dinoco right now! Doc: Then if I were you, I'd quit yappin and start workin'! Hook him up, Mater. Mater: Okay-dokey. McQueen: Freedom!! Mater: Maybe I should've-a hooked him up to Bessie...and then-a...then took the boot off. McQueen: Wuuuhuuu! Goodbye, Radiator Springs, and goodbye, Bessie! California, here I come! Yeah! Oh, fell that wind. Yes! No,no,no,no! Outta gas? How can I be outta gas? Sheriff: Hahaha. Boy, we ain't as dumb as you think we are. McQueen: But,but,but how did, how did...you...? Sally: We siphoned your gas while you were passed out. Ka-chow. McQueen: Auw,auw,auw,auw,auwww!! Sheriff: Hahaha. Sheriff: Gentlemen. Sarge: Sheriff. Filmore: Hai, Sheriff. Luigi: Why the tires are here? Guido: Sono sempre stati qui. Luigi: They were better well before. Guido: Stai sempre a parlare. Luigi: Guido! Lizzie: Red, can you move over? I want to get look at that sexy hot rod. Mater: You know, I used to be a purty good whistler. I can't do it now of course, on account of sometimes I get fluid built up in my engine block, but Doc said he's gonna fix it dough. He can fix about anything. That's why we made him the judge. Boy, you shoulda heard me on Giddy-up, Oom Papa Mow Mow. Now, I'm not one to brag, but people come purty far to see me get low on the "Mow-Mow". McQueen: Ah? Ah, man, that's just great! Mater: Hey, what's wrong? McQueen: My lucky sticker's all dirty. Mater: Thaah, that ain't nothin'. I'll clean it for ya. McQueen: No,no,no! That wouldn't be necessary. Hey! Hey, big fella! Yeah, you in the red! I could use a little hose down. Help me wash this off. What, where's he goin'? Mater: Oh, he's still a little bit shy, and he hates you for killin' his flowers. McQueen: I shouldn't have to put up with this. I'm a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics. Mater: You hurt your what? McQueen: I'm a very famous racecar! Luigi: You are a famous racecar? A real racecar? McQueen: Yes, I'm a real racecar. What do you think? Look at me. Luigi: I have followed racing my entire life of my whole life! McQueen: Then you know who I am. I'm Lightning McQueen. Luigi: Lightening McQueen! McQueen: Yes! Yes! Luigi: I must scream it to the world! My excitement from the top of someplace very high! Do you know many Ferraris? McQueen: No,no,no. They race on the European circuit. I'm in the Piston Cup! What? Luigi: Luigi follow only the Ferraris. Flo: Is that what I think it is? Sally: Customers. Customers! Customers, everyone! Customers! OK. Lizzie: Customers? Sally: All right, everybody calm down for a long time. Just remember what we rehearsed. Make sure your "Open, please come in" signs are out. And you all know what to do. All right, nobody panics. Here we go! Minny: Van, I just don't see any on-ramp anywhere. Van: Minny, I know exactly where we are. Minny: Yeah, we're in the middle of nowhere. Van: Honey, please. Sally: Hello. Welcome to Radiator Springs, gateway to  Ornament Valley. Legendary for it's quality service and friendly hospitality. How can we help you? Van: We don't need anything, thank you very much. Minny: Whoa, honey ask her direction to the Interstate. Van: There's no need to ask for directions. Minny, I know exactly where we're going. Minny: He did the same thing on our trip to Shakopee. You know, we were headed over there for the Crazy Days, and we... Van: OK,OK. Really. We're just peachy, OK? Filmore: What you really need is the sweet taste of my homemade, organic fuel. Van: No, it doesn't agree with my tank. Minny: We're just trying to find the Interstate. Sarge: Good to see you, Soldier! Come on by Sarge's Surplus Hut for all your government surplus needs. Minny: Ohh, honey, surplus! Van: I think we have too much surplus. Sally: I do have a map over the Cozy Cone Motel. And if you do stay, we offer a free Lincoln Continental breakfast. Minny: Honey, she's got a map. Van: I don't need a map! I have the GPS. Never need a map again, thank you. Flo: How 'bout somethin' to drink? Stop at Flo's V8 Cafe. Finest fuel on Route 66. Van: No, we just top off. Luigi: And if you need tires, stop by Luigi's Casa Della Tires, home of the Leaning Tower of Tires. Minny: We're just trying to find the Interstate. Ramone: But you do need a paint job man. Ramone will paint you up right. Hey, anything you want! You know, like a flame job. Minny: No, thanks... Ramone: Maybe ghost flames! You like old school pinstripin'? Von Dutch style ha? Minny: Oh, honey, look. Von Dutch. Van: Oh, ho, OK, no. Ahahaha. We're gonna be going now, OK? Auww! Lizzie: A little somethin' to remember us by, OK? Van: Oh,ha,ha. OK! Sally: Come back soon, OK? I mean, you know where we are! Tell your friends! Van: HohohOK! Yes. You bet. Minny: Thanks again, folks. Bye-bye now. McQueen: Psst! Psst! Hey! Hey, hey,hey! I know how to get to the Interstate! Minny: Oh, do ya? Van: Minny, no. McQueen: Yeah, yeah,yeah. No, not really. But listen. I'm Lightning McQueen, the famous racecar. I'm being held heren against my will. And I need you to call my team, so they can rescue me, and get me to California in time for me to win The Piston Cup. Do you understand? McQueen: No,no,no,no,no. No, It's the truth! I'm telling you! You gotta help me! Don't leave me here! I'm in hillbilly hell! My IQ's dropping by the second! I'm becoming one of them! Sally: OK, don't worry. They know where we are now. They're gonna tell their friends. You'll see. Radio: And we'll be back for our Hank Williams marathon... Sally: That's good. Radio:...after a Piston Cup update. Still no sign of Lightning McQueen. Meanwhile, Chick Hicks arrived in California and today became the first car to spend practice time on the track. Chick: Yeah, well it's just nice to get out here before the other competitors. You know, get a headstart. Gives me an edge. Dreaming Song Chick: Yeah. Chick: Hey, McQueen... Eat your heart out. McQueen: Mater, let me get this straight. I can go when this road is done. That's the deal, right? Mater: That's what they done did said. McQueen: OK. Outta my way. I got a road to finish. Mater: He's done! Doc: Done? Mater: Ahmhm. Doc: It's only been an hour. McQueen: I'm done. Look, I'm finished. Just say thank you, and I'll be on my way. That's all I gotta say. Mater: Weehoo! I'm the first one on the new road! Ahho! It rides purty smooth. Sally: It looks awful! McQueen: Well, it matches the rest of the town. Sally: Ahh. Red: Umph, huhuhuh. Sally: Red. Who do you think you are? McQueen: Look, Doc said when I finish, I could go. That was the deal. Doc: The deal was you fix the road, not making it worse. Now, scrape it off! Start over again. McQueen: Hey, look, grandpa, I'm not a bulldozer. I'm a racecar. Doc: Hohoho. Is that right? Then why don't we just have a little race? Me and you. Sally: What? McQueen: Hohoho. Me and you. Is that a joke? Doc: If you win, you go and I fix the road. If I win, you do the road my way. Sheriff: Doc, what're you doin'? McQueen: Hahaha. I don't mean to be rude here Doc, but you probably go zero to sixty in like what? Three-point-five years? Doc: Then I reckon you ain't got nothin' to worry about. McQueen: You know what old timer? That's a wonderful idea. Let's race. Sheriff: Gentlemen, this will be a one-lap race. You will drive to Willy's Butte, go around Willy's Butte and come back. There will be no bumpin', no cheatin', no spittin', no bittin', no road rage, no maimin', no oil slickin', no pushin', no shovin', no backstabbin', no road-hoggin' and no lollygaggin'. McQueen: Speed. I'm speed. Float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer. Luigi: OhHohohoo. My friend Guido, he dream to give a real racecar a pit stop. Guido: Pit stop. McQueen: Aa, haha. The race is only one lap, guys. Uno lappo! Don't need any help. I work solo mio. Luigi: Fine. Race your way. McQueen: No pit stoppo. Comprendo? Guido: OK. Sheriff: Gentlemen. Start your engines! Ramone: Hijole! Check that out! Filmore: Whoa. Flo: Emm, emm. Sally: Great idea, Doc. Now the road will never get done. Sheriff: Luigi. Luigi: Hohoho. On your mark, get set. Uno for the money, due for the show, tre to get ready, and quattro to... I can't belive it. Go!! Hahaha. Doc: Yehaa! Hahaha! Sally: Yeah. Luigi: Huh? Doc, the flag means go. Remember the flag. Here we go. Go. Ramone: Uhh, Doc, what are you doing, man? Doc: Oh, dear. It would seem I'm off to a poor start. Well, better late than never. Come on, Mater. Might need a little help. Mater: Ahh, OK. Doc: You got your tow cable? Mater: Well, yeah. I always got my tow cable. Why? Doc: Ohh, just in case. McQueen: Ahh,auw,auw,auw,no,no,no,no,no! Ramone: Oh, man! Auww!! Filmore: Whoa. Bad trip, man. Doc: Hey! Was that floatin' like a Cadillac, or was that stingin' like a Beemer? I'm confused. Mater: Eh,eh,eh. Doc: You drive like you fix roads. Lousy! Have fun fishin', Mater McQueen: Ahhh! Mater: I'm startin' to think he knowed you was gonna crash! McQueen: Thank you, Mater. Thank you. McQueen: I can make a little turn on dirt. You think? No. And now I'm a day behind. I'm never gonna get outta here! Ramone: Hey, ese! You need a new paint job, man! McQueen: No, thank you. Filmore: How 'bout some organic fuel? Sarge: That freak juice? McQueen: Pass. Flo: Whooh, watchin' him workin' is makin' me thirsty. Anybody else want somethin' to drink? Mater: Nah, not me, Flo. I'm on one of them there special diets. I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aero-matics. McQueen: "You race like you fix roads." I'll show him. I will show him! McQueen: Great! I hate it! Hate, hate, hate, hate it!! Doc: Haha. Music. Sweet music. Sally: Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. McQueen: Radiator Springs, a happy place. Bessie: Peckkk. McQueen: Whoa, OK, Bessie you think that funny? Great! I'm talking to Bessie now! I'm talkin to Bessie!! Mater: Hahaha. Sally: Wow. Mater: Mornin', Sally! Hey, look at this here fancy new road that Lightnin' McQueen done just made! Sally: Yes! Amazing! Ramone: Yeah! Flo: Ohh, Ramone, Mama ain't seen you that low in years. Ramone: I haven't seen a road like this in years. Flo: Well, then let's cruise, baby. Ramone: Low and slow. Luigi: E Bellissima! It's beautiful! Guido, look, it's a like it was paved by angels. Ohhh. Mater: Oh, I tell you what. I bet even the roads on the moon ain't this smooth. Sally: Doc, look at this. Shoulda tossed him into the cactus a lot sooner, huh? Doc: Well, he ain't finished yet. Still got a long way to go. Luigi: Guido, look at Luigi! Hahaha. This is fantastico! Sally: That looks like fun! Mater, I got dibs, next turn! Lizzie: Hey, Luigi, this new road makes your place look like a dump. Luigi: Ahhh, that crazy old devil woman. Ohh, ohh. She's right! Sally: Ohh, ahh! Luigi: Guido! Doc: That punk actually did a good jab. Well, now... where the hack is he? Doc: Sheriff! Is he makin' another run for it? Sheriff: No,no. He ran outta asphalt in the middle of the night, asked me if he could come down here. All he's tryin' to do is make that there turn. McQueen: No,no,no,no! Ohh, great. Perfect turns on every track I've ever raced on. Doc: Sheriff, why don't you go get yourself a quart of oil at Flo's. Doc: I'll keep an eye on him. Sheriff: Well, thanks, Doc. I've been feelin' a quart low. McQueen: Ahhhhh! Phuahh, thahh! Doc: This ain't asphalt, son. This is dirt. McQueen: Oh, great. What do you want? You hear to gloat? Doc: You don't have three-wheel brakes, so you got to pitch it hard, break it loose and then just drive it with the throttle. Give it too much, you'll be outta the dirt and into the tulips. McQueen: So you're a judge, a doctor and a racing expert. Doc: I'll put it simple. If you goin' hard enough left, you'll find yourself turnin' right. McQueen: Ooo, right. That makes perfect sense. Turn right to go left. Yes! Thank you! Or should I say,"No thank you"? Because in Opposite World, maybe that really means, "Thank you"! Tuh, crazy grandpa car. What an idiot! Doc: Ahhh. McQueen: Turn right to go left. Oh. Whoa, auwwww. Oh, that... AUUUUUWWWWWW!!! McQueen: Turn right to go left. Guess what. I tried it. You know what? This crazy thing happened... I went right! Lizzie: You keep talkin' to yourself, people'll think you crazy. McQueen: Thanks for the tip. Lizzie: What? I wasn't talkin' to you. Sally: Oh, Guido, e bellissimo! Guido: Che cosa? Sally: It looks great! This is great! Guido: Ti piace, eh? Si, si, bellissimo. Mater: Ummmph. Oh, lord. Hehehe. Sheriff: Mater! I need you to watch the prisoner tonight. Mater: Well, dad-gum! Wait a minute, what if he tries to run again? Sheriff: Just let him run outta gas and tow him on back. But keep an eye on him. Mater: Yes, sir! McQueen: While I'm stuck here paving this stinkin' road, Chick's in California schmoozing Dinoco. My Dinoco. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who's touching me? Luigi: You have a slow leak. Guido, he fix. You make a such a nice new road. You come to my shop. Luigi take a good care of you. Eventhough you not a Ferrari. You buy four tires, I give you a full size spare absolutely free! McQueen: Look, I get all my tires for free. Luigi: Hohoho.. I like your style, eh? You drive the hard bargain. OK. Luigi make you a new deal. You buy one tire, I give you three for free! Flo: Aaa... Would you look at that? Ramone, Ramone! Ramone: Hm,hm,hm. Luigi: Then Luigi make you a new deal McQueen: No,no,no,no. Deal me out. Pass. No, thank you. Luigi: No,no,no,no,no. This is it. My last offer. You buy one tire, I give you seven-a snow tire for all free! Done. You interested, you call me. You know where I am. McQueen: Fuuuhhh. Ahhhh. Stop! Let me...Tuhh, puahh!! sally: Oh, Red, you missed a spot. See it right there? On the hood right there. McQueen: No, no! Noooo!! Stop, stop! That cold!! Help! Please! Stop! Sally: Thanks, Red. McQueen: What was that for? Sally: Do you want to stay at the Cozy Cone or what? McQueen: Huh? Sally: And if you do, you gotta be clean. 'Cause even here in hillibilly hell we have standards. McQueen: What,I...? I don't get it. Sally: Nothing I just thought I'd say thank you for doin' a great job. So I thought I'd let you stay with me. I mean, not with me! But there. Not with me there, but there in your own Cozy Cone. And I'd be in my cone, and it's... McQueen: Wait. Wait, you're being nice to me. Sally: I mean if you want to stay at the dirty impound, thats, thats fine. You know, I understand you criminal types. McQueen: No,no,no,no. That's OK. Yeah, the Cozy Cone. Sally: Ehhh. It's newly refurbished McQueen: Haha. Yeah, it's like a clever little twist the motel's made out of caution cones, which, of course, cars usually try to avoid, now we're gonna stay in them. Haha. That's funny. Sally: Figure that all out on your own, did you? Cone number one, if you want. McQueen: Auuhhh. McQueen: Hey, do I spy a little pinstriping tattoo back there? Sally: Auuww. Haha. That's just a... Ahhahaha. Auuww. You saw that? Yeah! Just gonna be going. Gonna...Yeah. Mater: You know, I once knew this girl Doreen. Good-lookin' girl. Looked just like a Jaguar, only she was a truck! You know, I used to crash into her, just so I could spoke to her. McQueen: What are you talking about? Mater: I don't know. Hey, I know somethin' we can do tonight, 'cause I'm in charge of watchin' you! McQueen: No, Mater, I gotta finish this road, and I have to get out of here. Mater: Well, that's all right, Mr. I Can't Turn On Dirt. You probably couldn't handle it anyway. McQueen: Whoa, whoa, easy now, Mater. You know who you're talkin' to? This is Lightning McQueen. I can handle anything. McQueen: Mater, I'm not doin' this. Mater: Oh, come on, you'll love it. Hehehe. Tractor-tippin's fun. McQueen: This is ridiculous. Mater: All right, listen. When I say go, we go. But don't let Frank catch ya. Go! McQueen: Whoa! Wait! Who, who's Frank? Mater. Wait, Mater! Mater: OK, here's what you do. You just sneak up in front of 'em, and then honk. And they do the rest. Watch this. Mater: Hahahaha. I swear, tractors is so dumb! I tell you what, buddy, you don't get much better than this. McQueen: Yep, you're livin' the dream, Mater boy. Mater: I don't care who you are, that's funny right there. Oh, you turn, bud. McQueen: Mater, I can't. I don't even have a horn. Mater: Baby. McQueen: I'm not a baby. Mater: Puuuck, puck, puck. McQueen: Fine. Stop! stop, OK? All right. I'll do something. Mater & McQueen: Hahahahaha!!! Mater: That's Frank. McQueen: Ahhhh!! Mater: Run, hahaha , run!!! Mater: Run! He's gonna get ya! Hahaha!! Sally: Customers! Mater: Tomorrow night we can go look for the ghostlight! McQueen: I can't wait, Mater. Mater: Oh, yeah, I'm tellin' ya! Oh, boy, you gotta admit that was funnn unn! McQueen: Oh, yeah...yeah. Mater: Well, we better get you back to the impound lot. McQueen: You know, actually, Sally's gonna let me stay at the motel. Mater: Aaaa... Gettin' cozy at the Cone, is we? McQueen: Oh, come...No. No, are you kidding? Besides, she can't stand me. And I don't like her, to be honest. Mater: Yeah, you probably right. Hey, look, there's Miss Sally! McQueen: Where, where? Mater: Hahaha. You're in love with Miss Sally. McQueen: No, I'm not. Mater: Yes, you do. McQueen: No way. Mater: Way. McQueen: Come on, look Mater: You're in love with Miss Sally(2X) McQueen: OK, that's real mature Mater, real grown up. Mater: You love her (7X) McQueen: Wait...All right. OK. Mater, Mater, Mater, no. Will you stop that? Mater: Stop what? McQueen: That's driving backwards stuff. It's creeping me out. You're gonna wreck on somethin'. Mater: Wreck? Shoot! I'm the world's best backwards driver! You just watch this right here, lover boy. McQueen: What are you doing? Watch out! Look out! Mater? Mater! Mater! McQueen: Hey take it easy, Mater! Mater: Waaaaaaa! Ha,ha,ha! Hee,hee. McQueen: Hahaha. He's nuts. Mater: No need to watch where I'm goin'. Just need to know where I've been. McQueen: Whoa, that was incredible! How'd you do that? Mater: Rearview mirrors. We'll get you some, and I'll teach you if you want. McQueen: Yeah, maybe I'll use it in my big race. Mater: What's so important about this race of yours, anyway? McQueen: It's not just a race. We're talking about the Piston Cup! I've been dreaming about it my whole life! I'll be the first rookie in history ever to win it. And when I do, we're talkin' big new sponsor, with private helicopters. No more medicated bumper ointment. No more rusty old cars. Mater: What's wrong with rusty old cars? McQueen: Well, I don't mean you, Mater. I mean other old cars. You know? Not like you. I like you. Mater: Nahhh, it's OK, buddy. Hey, you think maybe one day I can get a ride in one of them helicopters? I mean, I've always wanted to ride in one of them fancy helicopters. McQueen: Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Mater: You mean it? McQueen: Oh, yeah. Anything you say. Mater: I knew it. I knowed I made a good choice! McQueen: In what? Mater: My best friend. Mater: See you tomorrow, buddy! McQueen and Sally parked beneath a tree, K-I-S somethin'-somethin'-somethin'-t!! McQueen: Hahaha! Whoa, whoa. Haha. McQueen: Number one. Number one...Ahhh...Number one! McQueen: Ahh, this is nice. Sally: Hey, Stickers. McQueen & Sally: Huh!! Sally: I'm sorry. McQueen: Wohho!! You scared me. You gotta be careful. Sally: I scared myself scaring you scaring me. McQueen: I mean, I wasn't like "scared" scared. Sally: No, of course not. Not. McQueen: I was more... Sally: Just I overheard you talkin' to Mater. McQueen: When? Just, just now? What, what did, what did you hear? Sally: Oh, just something about a helicopter ride. McQueen: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he got a kick out of that, didn't he? Sally: Did you mean it? McQueen: What? Sally: That you'll get him a ride. McQueen: Oh, who knows? I mean first things first. I gotta get outta here and make the race. Sally: Ah, hah. You know...Mater trusts you. McQueen: Yeah, OK. Sally: Did you mean that? McQueen: What? Sally: Was it just a "Yeah, OK", or "Yeah...OK" or"Yea-yeah, OK" McQueen: Look, I'm exhausted. It's kinda been a long day. Sally: Yeah, OK. G'night. McQueen: Oh ah. Hey, thank you. Sally: What did you just say? McQueen: You know, thanks for lettin' me stay here. It's nice to be out of the impund, and this is... It's great. Newly refurbished, right? Sally: Yeah. McQueen: Good night. Sally: Good night. Sally: Huhh. Sarge: Will you turn that disrespectful junk off? Filmore: Respect the classics, man. It's Hendrix! McQueen: Ahh...huh...please...huh... Dreaming Song McQueen: No!! Frank: Uarghhh!! McQueen: Noooo!!! I gotta get outta here! McQueen: Hey, have you seen the Sheriff? Oh! Oh, my gosh. Oh! Doc: Hey, what are you doin'? Sheriff: Get a good peak, city boy? McQueen: I,a..a..I just need my daily gas ration from the Sheriff. Doc: Wait for him at Flo's. Now get outta here. McQueen: I've been trying to get outta here for three days! Sheriff: Hope you enjoyed the show! McQueen: Whoaho, Doc. Time to clean out the garage, buddy, come on. McQueen: What? He has a Piston Cup? McQueen: Oh, my gosh. Three Piston Cup? Doc: Sign says stay out. McQueen: You, you have three Piston Cups. How could you have... Doc: I knew you couldn't drive. I didn't know you couldn't read. McQueen: You're the Hudson Hornet! Doc: Wait over at Flo's, like I told ya! McQueen: Of course. I can't belive I didn't see it before. You're The Fabulous Hudson Hornet! You still to hold the record for most wins in single season. Oh, we gotta talk. You gotta show me your tricks. Please. Doc: I already tried that. McQueen: And you won the championship three times! Look at those trophies! Doc: You look. All I see is a bunch of empty cups. Filmore: You know, some automotive yoga could really lower your RPM's, man. Sarge: Oh, take a car wash, hippie. Flo: Yeah, look at my husband, y'all. Hooo...That's your color! Ramone: Yellow, baby. Hahaha. Flo: Mmm! You smokin' hot! Sheriff: There he is! McQueen: Oh, my gosh! Did you know Doc is a famous racecar? Folks: Hahahaha! Sheriff: Doc? Our Doc? Sarge: Not Doc Hudson. McQueen: No,no,no,no, it's true! He's a real racing legend. He's The Fabulous Hudson Hornet! Flo: Fabulous? I never seen Doc drive more than 20 miles an hour. I mean, have you ever seen him race? McQueen: No, but I wish I could have of. They say he was amazing! He wins three Piston Cups. Mater: Phooah!! He did what in his cup? Sheriff: I think the heat's startin' to get to the boy! Lizzie: Well, I'll say! Look how red he is! Ramone: Yeah, I think he needs a new coat of poly, man. Mater: Are you sick, buddy? Sheriff: You are lookin' a little peaked. Ramone: Yeah, he needs a new coat of poly for sure! Sheriff: Hey, hey! What are you doin'? Sally: It's OK, Sheriff. You can trust me, right? Sheriff: I trust you, all right. It's him I'm worried about. Sally: Mmm... I trust him. Come on, let's take a drive. McQueen: A drive? Sally: Yeah, a drive. Don't you big city racecars ever just take a drive? McQueen: Ahhh...No. No, we don't. Sally: Hey, Stickers! Do you comin' or what? Flo: Ahmm. And you thought he was gonna run. Ramone: Hey, can you believe it, man? He actually thought Doc was a famous racecar! Hahaha... That's so too much!! McQueen: OK, you got me out here. Where are we goin'? Sally: I don't know. McQueen: Whoa! Yes. Sally: Hahaha. McQueen: Whoa! Hahaha. Uahh!! Sally: Hahaha. McQueen: Thahhh! Sally: Ah.. hahaha! Sally: Ah.. hahaha! McQueen: Hahaha! Thuhhh!!Thuhh!! McQueen: Wow! What is this place? Sally: Wheel Well. Used to be the most popular stop on the mother road. McQueen: This place? Sally: Yeah, imagine...Oh, imagine what it must have been like to stay here. McQueen: You know, I don't get you. How does a Porsche wind up in a place like this? Sally: Well, it's really pretty simple. I was...an attorney in LA livin' life in the fast lane, and. McQueen: Oh, you were, were you? Were you rich? Sally: What? McQueen: Just...clues to the puzzle. Sally: Yeah, OK. Well, that was my life. And you know what? It never felt...happy. McQueen: Yeah. I mean...really? Sally: Yeah. So I left California. Just drove and drove and finally broke down right here. Doc fixed me up, Flo took me in. Well, they all did. And I never left. McQueen: Yeah. You know, I understand. You need a little R & R. Recharge and old batteries. But you know, after a while, why didn't you go back? Sally: I fell in love. McQueen: Ohh. Sally: Yep. McQueen: Corvette? Sally: No. Sally: I fell in love with this. McQueen: Whoa. Look at that. Look, they're drivin' right by. They don't even know what they're missing! Sally: Well, it didn't used to be that way. McQueen: Oh, yeah? Sally: Yeah. Forty years ago, that Interstate down there didn't exist. McQueen: Really? sally: Yeah. Back then, cars came across the country a whole different way. McQueen: How do you mean? Sally: Well, the road didn't cut through land like that Interstate. It moved with the land, you know? It rose, it fell, it curved. Folk: Mornin'! Folk: Nice day, huh? Sally: Cars didn't drive on it to make a great time. They drove on it to have a great time. Song McQueen: Well, what happened? Sally: The town got bypassed just to save ten minutes of driving. Song McQueen: How great would it have been to see this place in its heyday! Sally: Ohh...I can't tell you how many times I've dreamed of that. But one of these days, we'll find a way to get it back on the map. McQueen: Yeah. Hey, listen, thanks for the drive. I had a great time. It's kinda nice to slow down every once in a while. Sally: You're welcome. Mater: Hey, listen, listen! If anybody asks you, we was out smashin' mailboxes, OK? McQueen: Wha... What? Ramone: Oh, man, the paint's still wet! Luigi: No,no,no,no! Get out of the store! Hey! Don't eat the radial! Here, take-a the snow tires. Sheriff: Mater! Mater: I wasn't tractor-tippin'! Sheriff: Then where did all these gol-durn tractors come from? Mater: Whoa, boy! Whoa! McQueen: Hahaha. Hey! Hey guys. There's one goin' this way. I got it. McQueen: Come here, little tractor, come here. Yeah, that's a good tractor. No,no,no,no, come here. What are you doing? You're not supposed to go wandering off all...alone. McQueen: What are you doin' with those old racin' tires? Doc: Huuhhh. McQueen: Come on, Doc, drive. Doc: Ahhhh. Yeah. McQueen: Wow! You're amazing! What are you doin'? Doc, wait! Mater: Giddup right in there! Come on, Rusty. Weee...heyy! McQueen: Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving's incredible! Doc: Wonderful. Now, go away. McQueen: Hey, I mean it. You've still got it! Doc: I'm askin' you to leave. McQueen: Come on. I'm a racecar, you're... a much older racecar, but under the hood you and I are the same. Doc: We are not the same! Understand? Now, get out. McQueen: How could a car like you quit at the top of your game? Doc: You think I quit? McQueen: Right. Your big wreck in '54. Doc: They quit on me. When I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome. You know what they said? "You're history". Moved right on to the next rookie standing in line. There was a lot left in me. I never got chance to show 'em. I keep that, to remind me never to go back. I just never expected that that world would...would find me here. McQueen: Hey, look, Doc, I'm not them. Doc: Oh, yeah? McQueen: No, I'm not. Doc: When is the last time you cared about something except yourself, hot rod? You name me one time. And I will take it all back. Ahhuh? I didn't think so. These are good folk around here, who care about one another. I don't want 'em depending on someone they can't count on. McQueen: Oh, like you? You've been here how long and your friends don't even know who you are? Who's caring about only himself? Doc: Just finish that road and get outta here! sarge: Will you turn that disrespectful junk off? Filmore: Respect the classics, man. Mater: He's done. He must've finished it while we was all sleepin'. Doc: Good riddance. Flo: He's gone? Sarge: Well, we wouldn't want him to miss that race of his. Sheriff: Hisk...hisk. Ramone: Oh, dude, are you crying? Sheriff: No! I'm happy! I don't have to watch him every second of the day anymore! I'm glad he's gone! Red: Hahaha. McQueen: What's wrong with Red? Mater: Oh, he's just sad 'cause you left town, and went to your big race to win the Piston Cup that you've always dreamed about your whole life and get that big ol' sponsor and that fancy helicopter you was talkin' about. Mater: Huuhh! Wait a minute! Folks: Hahaha. Mater: I knowed you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye. McQueen: Hahaha. Sheriff: What are you doin' here, son? You're gonna miss your race. Don't worry. I'll give you a police escort, and we'll make up the time. McQueen: Thank you, Sheriff. But you know I can't go just yet. Sheriff: Well, why not? McQueen: I'm not sure these tires...can get me all the way to California. Yeah, does anybody know what time Luigi's opens? Luigi: Ah..haha! I can't-a believe it! Luigi: Four new tires! Grazien, Mr. Lightning. Grazien! Flo: Would you look at that! Luigi: Our first real customers in years! I am filled with tears of ecstacy, for this is the most glorious day of my life! McQueen: All right, Luigi, give me the best set of blackwalls you've got. Luigi: No,no,no,no! You don't-a know what you want. Luigi know what you want. Blackwall tires. They blend into the pavement. But-a this...white-wall tires! They say, "Look at me! Here I am! Love me." McQueen: All right, you're the expert. Luigi: Eh, hehehee! McQueen: Oh, and don't forget the spare. Luigi: Perfetto. Guido! Guido: Peet stop! Song Luigi: Hahaha! What did Luigi tell you, aey? McQueen: Wow, you were right. Better than a Ferrari, huh? Luigi: Aaa, No. McQueen: Wow! This organic fuel is great! Why haven't I heard about it before? Filmore: It's a conspiracy, man! The oil companies got a grip on the government! They're feedin' us a bunch of lies, man. McQueen: OK, I'll take a case. Ramone: Ahh.. Yeah. Ka-chow. Mater: Here she comes! McQueen: Places, everybody. Hurry! Act natural. Folks: Hi, Sally. Sally: All right, what's goin' on? Mater: Ladies and gentlecars, please welcome the neeewww Lightning McQueen! McQueen: What do you think? Radiator Springs looks pretty good on me. Sally: I'll say. Rrr. Ka-chow. You're gonna fit right in in California. Oh my goodness. It looks like you've helped everybody in town. McQueen: Yeah, everybody except one. Hey, is it getting dark out? Lizzie: What? What'd he say? McQueen: Let me say that again. Is it getting dark out? Lizzie: Now, what was I supposed to do after that? Song Sally: They fixed their neon. Flo: Low and slow? Ramone: Oh, yeah, baby! McQueen: Just like in its heyday, right? Sally: It's even better than I pictured it. Thank you. McQueen: Shall we cruise? Lizzie: Oh, thank you, dear. I'd love to! McQueen: No,no,no. Sally: Lizzie! Lizzie: I remember when Stanley first asked me to take a drive with him. Mater: Hey, Miss sally. May I have this cruise? Sally: Of course, Mater. Sheriff: A,a,ah! Lizzie: ...and again and I said, "No," and he asked me again, and I said, "No." But, oh, he was a persistent little burger for a two-cylinder. Finally I said, "All right, one little drive." Mater: Hahaha. McQueen: Hey! Sally: Thanks, Mater. Mater: Good evenin', you two. Lizzie: Oh, Stanley, I wish you could see this. Flo: Is that what I think it is? Sally: Oh, I don't know, Flo. I haven't had a chance to find out. But I am going to find out. Hello. Flo: Not that. That. Sally: Huh. Customers? Flo: Customers, everybody! And a lot of 'em! You know what to do. Just like we rehearsed. Mater: It's the ghostlight! Helicopter: We have found McQueen. We have found McQueen! Cameramen: McQueen, over here! McQueen: Aaa, wait, excuse me. Cameramen: Is it true you've been in rehab? Cameramen: Did you have a nervous breakdown, McQueen. McQueen: I'm sorry, what? Cameramen: McQueen's wearing whitewalls! Cameramen: Are the tires you wearing are turning balding? Sally: Stickers, McQueen! Cameramen: Was Lightning McQueen your prisoner? Mater: Shoot, no! We're best buds! I ain't braggin' or nothin', but I was in charge of huntin' him down if he tried to escape. McQueen: Sally, Sally! Kori: McQueen! Will you still race for the Piston Cup? Sally: Stickers? McQueen: Sally! Cameramen: Come on, give us some bolt! Mack: You're here! Thank the manufacturer! You're alive! McQueen: Mack? Mack: You're here! I can't belive it! Oh, hoho. You are a sight for some headlights! I'm so sorry I lost you, boss. I'll make it up to you! McQueen: Mack, I, I can't belive you're here. Harv: Is that the world's fastest racing machine? McQueen: Is that Harv? Mack: Yeah. He's in the back. Cameramen: Show us the bolt, McQueen! Mack: Get back, you oil-thirsty parasites! Cameramen: Hey, where's the old McQueen? Mack: Actually, this is my good side here. Cameramen: Show us the bolt! McQueen: Harv! Harv! Cameramen: Give us the bolt! McQueen: Harv? Cameramen: Come on! Harv: Kid, I'm over here! McQueen: How you doin', buddy? Harv: My star client disappears off the face of the earth! How do you think I'm doing? McQueen: Harv, I can explain. Harv: I'm doing great! You're everywhere, baby! Radio, TV, the papers! You can't buy this kind of publicity! What do you need me for? That's just a figure of speech, by the way. You signed a contract. Where are you? I can't even find you on my GPS. McQueen: I'm in this little town called Radiator Springs. You know Route 66? It's still here! Harv: Yeah, that's great, kid. Playtime is over, pal. While the world's been trying to find you, Dinoco has had no one to woo. Who are they gonna woo? McQueen: Chick! Harv: Bingo. In fact, check out what's on the plasma right now. Cameramen: Show us the thunder! Chick: You want thunder? You want thunder? Ka-chicka, ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! McQueen: Hey, that's my bit! Harv: You've gotta get to Cali, pronto! Just get out of Radiation Stinks now, or Dinoco is history, you hear me? McQueen: Just give me a second here, Harv. Harv: No,no,no, wait. Where are goin'. Get in the trailer, baby. Kid! You want, you want a bigger trailer? McQueen: Sally, I...I want you to... Look, I wish...Ahhhh. Sally: Thank you. Thanks for everything. McQueen: Ah. Haha. It just a road. Sally: No. It was much more than that. Mack: Hey, kid! We gotta go. Harv's goin' crazy! He's gonna have me fired if I don't get you in the truck right now! McQueen: Mack, just... hold it for... Sally: You should go. McQueen: I know, but... Sally: Good luck in California. I hope you find what you're looking for. Cameramen: McQueen, come on! McQueen: Sally! Cameramen: Show us the bolt, McQueen! The bolt! Hey, Lightning, show us the bolt! Cameramen: Where's the old McQueen? Harv: Come on, get in the trailer. That's it. That's right kid, let's go! You're a big shining star. You're a superstar. You don't belong there, anyway. McQueen: Whoa... Wait...Whoa,whoa,wait,wait! Cameramen: Hey, guys! McQueen's leavin' in the truck! Kori: Hey, are you Doc Hudson? Doc: Yeah. Kori: Thanks for the call. Sally: You called them? Doc: It's best for everyone, Sally. Sally: Best for everyone, or best for you? Mater: I didn't get to say goodbye to him. Bob: Hello, race fans, and welcome to what has become, quite simply, the biggest event in the history of racing. A three way battle for the Piston Cup! Darrell: There's a crowd of nearly 200,000 cars here at the Los Angeles International Speedway. Tickets to this race are hotter than a black leather seat on a hot summer day! Bob: The King, Chick Hicks and Lightning McQueen in a 200 laps, winner-takes-all, tiebreaker race. Darrell: You know I got a lotta miles on me, but let me tell you somethin' buddy. I never thought I'd see anything like this. Wow! Man. This is exciting! Bob: In fact, the country has almost shut down, to watch what many experts are calling "the race of the century." Junior: Hey, King! Good luck in your last race. You've sure been an inspiration to me. The King: Thanks, Junior. Appreciate it. Dear: Hey, be careful out there, OK? The King: Yeah, mam. Mia: He's hot. Chick: Wanna know the forecast? I'll give you the forecast. A 100 percent chance of thunder! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Say it with me! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Security: Hey, you! No admittance without a garage pass. Fred: Oh, it's OK. Lightning McQueen knows me! Andretti: Hey, Marco, it's a beautiful day for a race, isn't it? Security: Absolutely, Mr. Andretti. Andretti: And good morning to you, Fred. Fred: Mario Andretti he knows my name! You gotta let me in now! Security: Sorry, pal. McQueen: OK, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. Victory, one winner, two losers. Speed. Speed. Speed. Speed... Mack: Hey, Lightnin'! You ready? McQueen: Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm...I'm ready. McQueen: Mack, thanks for being my pit crew today. Mack: Nahh. Don't worry about it, kid. It's the least I could do. After all, "Gas Can" is my middle name. McQueen: It is? Mack: Nahh, not really. Small aeroplane: A. O. TV Crew: Nelson! Zoom in. Ready, 16? Take 16. Bob: And there he is, Lightning McQueen! Missing all week, and then he turns up in the middle of nowhere! In a little town called Radiator Springs. Darrell: Wearin' whitewall tires, of all things. Chick: Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Hahaha. Hey, where you been? I've been kinda lonely. Nobody to hang out with. I mean, except the Dinoco folks. Ohhh and the twins. Of course. You know the twins the one that used to be your fans, but now they're my fans. Anyway, listen to what the twins think... McQueen: Ahh. Shoot! Fans: Boogity, boogity, boogity, boys! Let's go racin'! Dear: Come on, you can do it! Tex: Come on kid, make us proud, boy! Bob: Fifty laps down, and The King is still holding a slim lead. Darrell: Hey, McQueen's got a run on him! He's lookin' to the inside! Ohh! Chick slammed the door on him! Bob: Chick's not making it easy on him today. Darrell: Oh, man, he lost so much momentum, and now he's gonna have to chase him back down! Bob: Ohhh, McQueen spins out in the infield! Chick: Hahaha! Just me and the old man, fellas. McQueen just doesn't have it today. Mack: Hey, kid, are you all right? McQueen: I don't know, Mack. I..I... I don't think I... Doc: I didn't come all this way to see you quit. McQueen: Doc? Guys: Yey.. Hahaha. McQueen: Guys, you're here! I can't believe this! Doc: I knew you needed a crew chief, but I didn't know it was this bad. McQueen: I thought you said you'd never come back. Doc: Well, I really didn't have a choice. Mater didn't get to say goodbye. Mater: Goodbye!! Okay, I'm good. McQueen: Hahaha! Doc: All right, if you can drive as good as you fix a road, then you can win this race with you eyes shut. Now, get back out there! Hot snot, we are back in business! Guido! Luigi! You're goin' up against professional pit crews boys, you're gonna have to be fast. Luigi: They will not know what bit them! Doc: Kid, you can beat these guys. Find a groove that works for you and get that lap back. Chick's Crew: Is that? Chick's Crew: Oh, wow. That's him! TV Crew: Is that...? That's the Hudson Hornet! Bob, Darrell! The Hudson Hornet's back! Bob: Darrell, it appears McQueen has got himself a pit crew. And look who he has for a crew chief! Fans: Wow... Look, man. It's the Hudson Hornet! Biggest fan: Whoa!! Fans: Well, dip me in axle grease and call me Slick! It surely is. Biggest fan: Hahahahaha! Bob: Wow, this is history in the making. Nobody has seen the racing legend in over 50 years! Lizzie: Hey, Doc! Come look at the fellow on the radio. He looks just like you. Bob: McQueen passes them on the inside! Darrell: But he's still nearly a lap fail. Bob: Can he catch up to them with only 60 laps to go? Doc: You're goin' great, kid. Just keep your head on. Guido: Vai! Vai! Vai,vai! Chick's crew: Hey, shrimpie, where did McQueen find you, huh? Those round things are called tires, and they go under the car! All Chick's Crew: Hahahahaha!!! Guido: Con chi credi di parlare? Ma, con chi stai parlando? Luigi: No! No, no! You'll have your chance. You will have your chance. Chick: Oh, kid's just tryin' to be a hero, huh? Well, what do you think of this? Yeah, that's it kid. Whats?? Mater: Whoa! Git-R-done! Hahaha! I taught him that. Ka-chow! Chick Crew: Auuww! Bob: What a move by McQueen! He's caught up to the leaders. Darrell: Oh, yeah. This is what it's all about. A three-way battle for the lead, with ten to go. Tex: Hahaha! Look at that boy go out there! Chick: No, you don't. McQueen: Doc, I'm flat! I'm flat! Doc: Can you get back to the pits? McQueen: Yeah, yeah. I think so. Doc: Hey, got a yellow. Bring it in. Don't tear yourself up, kid. Mack: We gotta get him back out there fast or we're gonna be a lap down, and we'll never win this race! Doc: Guido! It's time. Chick Crew: Hey, tiny, you gonna clean his windshield? Hahaha! Darrell: I don't believe it! Bob: That was the fastest pit stop I've ever seen! Darrell: It was a great stop, but he's still gotta beat that pace car out! Bob: It's gonna be close. Mater: Yeah!! Biggest Fan: Yeah, baby!! Fans: Yeah... Hahaha! Darrell: Yeah!! He's back in the race! Guido: Peet stop. Luigi: Guido, you did it! Mater: Way to go, Guido! Ramone: Yeah!! Bob: This is it. We're heading into the final lap and McQueen is right behind the leaders. What a comeback! Darrell: A hundred and ninety-nine laps, and, baby, it all comes down to this! Doc: This is it, kiddo. You've got four turns left. One at a time. Drive it in deep and hope it sticks. Go! Chick: We'll see about that! Bob: McQueen's going inside! Bob: Chick and The King are loose! Darrell: I think McQueen is out of the race! Darrell: McQueen saved it! Bob: He's back on the track! Doc: Float like a Cadillac... McQueen: Sting like a Beemer! Biggest Fan: Ka-chow, ka-chow, ka-chow! Fans: Wooowww! Folks: Yeeehaaaa! Hahaha. Darrell: Lightning McQueen is gonna win the Piston Cup! Sally: Come on! You got it! You got it, Stickers! Chick: I am not comin' in behind you again, old man. Dear: Oh, no! Chick: Yeah... Woooww! I won, baby! Yeah! Oh, yeah! Flo: What's he up to, Doc? The King: What are you doin', kid? McQueen: I think The King should finish his last race. The King: You just gave up the Piston Cup, you know that? McQueen: Ahhh. This grumpy old racecar I know once told me somethin'. It's just an empty cup. Bob: Darrell, is pushing on the last lap legal? Darrell: Hey, man. He's not really pushin' him. He's just givin' him a little bump draft. Chick: Whoaa.. Hohooo!! Hey. What? What's goin' on? Fan: That's what I call racin' right there. Tex: Hahaha! Luigi: Bravo il mio amico! Mater: Way to go, buddy! Filmore: There's a lotta love out there, you know, man? Sarge: Don't embarrass me, Filmore. Lizzie: That's my hot rod. Chick: Come on, baby, bring it out! Bring out the Piston Cup! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Yeah! Now, that's what I'm talkin' about! Hey, how come I'm the only one celebrating is me, huh? Where are the girls? Bring on the confetti! Auuww! Auuww! Easy with the confetti. What's goin' on? Come on, snap some pictures. I gotta go sign my deal with Dinoco! Ka-chicka! Say it with me. Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Ka-chicka! Cameramen: Booo! Mia & Tia: Booo! Chick: What's wrong with everybody? Where's the happiness? Hey! This is the start of the Chick era! Dear: Thanks, Lightnin'. McQueen: You're welcome. Fan: Way to go, King! Fan: You're still the car! Biggest Fan: You're The King! Yeah! Rust-eze Folks: Yeah! Hahahaha! Mack: Wahh! Hoo! Rust-eze Car: You make us proud, kid! Mack: Congrats on the loss, me bucko! Doc: You got a lotta of stuff, kid. McQueen: Thanks, Doc. Tex: Hey, Lightnin'. How 'bout comin' over here and talk to me a minute? Son, that was some real racin' out there. How'd you like to become the new face of Dinoco? McQueen: But I didn't win. Tex: Lightnin', there's a whole lot more to racin' than just winnin'. Rust-eze Van: He was so rusty, when he drove down the street. Hahaha. Buzzards used to circle the car! Folks: Hahahaha. McQueen: Thank, you, Mr. Tex, but...but these Rust-eze guys over there gave me my big break. I'm gonna stick with them. Tex: Well, I sure can respect that. Still, you know, if there's ever anything I can do for you, just let me know. McQueen: I sure appreciate that. Thank you. Actually, there is one thing. Mater: Whoah! Hoo! Aaaa! Hey look at me! I'm flyin', by golly! Whoahh! Hoo! I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park! Luigi: I think it's about-a time we redecorate. Michael Schumacker: Chow! Hi, Lightning McQueen told me this was the best place in the world to get tires. How 'bout setting me and my friends up with three or four sets each? Luigi: Huh. Guido! There is a real Michael Schumacker Ferrari in my store. A real Ferrari! Punch me, Guido. Punch me in the face. This is the most glorious day of my life. Michael Schumacker: Wow. Spero che il tuo amico si riprenda. Mi dicono che siete fantastici. Sally: Uh..huh!. Hahaha. Just passin' through? McQueen: Actually, I thought I'd stop and stay awhile. I hear this place is back on the map. Sally: It is? McQueen: Yeah, there's some rumor floating around that some hotshot Piston Cup racecar is setting up his big racing headquarters here. Sally: Really? Well, there goes the town. McQueen: You know, I really missed you, Sally. Sally: Well, I create feelings in others they themselves don't understand and, blah, blah, blah,  blah. McQueen: Hahaha. Mater: McQueen and Sally parked beneath the tree, K-i-s-s...i-n-t! McQueen: Great timing, Mater! Mater: Hep-non, hip-hep, hi-li-lilly! Weeeee!! McQueen: He's my best friend. What're you gonna do? Sally: So, Stickers, last one to Flo's buys? McQueen: I don't know. Why don't we just take a drive? Sally: Mmm. Nahh. McQueen: Yeah! Ka-chow! Mater: Yeeeehoooo!!!!!
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morguemaw · 5 months
ty sis fo rhelping me fix my tumblr bc i dont understand tumblr at ALL
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morguemaw · 8 months
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screenshot from a night ago where our tank managed to TAME THE ENEMY TEAM for like 3 minutes for a smoke break
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