sweaterrat · 11 days
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im cooking once again (this is gonna be so cute when it’s done)
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natjennie · 1 year
WAIT ALSO BECAUSE FUCKING we don't see the letter in the present. we don't see the bomb or the box either, they light the garden waste on fire and the area explodes. so we have no evidence of what was ACTUALLY buried there.
because it's been proven in the series before that things that happen in the past flashbacks sometimes aren't accurate, like it's THEIR recollection of what happened and not necessarily how it was. like with kitty's story about her sister and the whole thomas thorne affair.
BUT those were both directly established as the characters talking about the events and not just. a depiction the events like cap's was. so I don't know what the rules are with regard to past events we see but aren't explicitly stated as being a recollection. like. because he SAYS it was a top secret prototype limpet mine only him and havers knew about it, until "he left me- left for the front" and then that he had to bury it on his own with the blueprints.
but we KNOW categorically that the ghosts can and do misremember things or put their own spin on what happened. so all of that information. I mean it being a bomb is pretty undeniable. but. the fact that only he and havers knew about it, the fact that he buried it by himself, the fact that he buried it with the blueprints, the fact that it was called operation william, the fact that havers left at all. all of that. is subject to question. because we have NO tangible physical evidence in the present of anything he said.
florence is still there, and the ghosts are specifically cautious about mentioning her sister, which corroborate kitty's story. they found thomas' musket ball, he can pull out the letter, his cousin brought the name button to the house, and his wound is visible. pretty solid evidence. pat and julian are modern enough to be in the news and stuff, so they're easy. the plague ghosts left a pit of skeletons. fanny gets flung from the window every morning, not the strongest proof but it's there. they made a documentary about the bone plot so that's humphrey sorted. there was a thing on tv about the caveman reconstruction and the gifted club or w/e from robin. mary's all covered in smoke and dust and puffs up at any mention of fire and can make a burning smell.
cap has NOTHING. NOTHING. there's a picture of a group of soldiers on the ghost chart and an arrow pointing to captain. that's IT. is ANYTHING about him true? where did they get that picture from. does it have his name on it. SOME OF THE GHOSTS WERE THERE WHEN HE WAS STATIONED AT BUTTON HOUSE. why do they never say anything. do they know. how much do they know. surely they would know about the letter. and the bomb. what the fuck is going on why didnt anyone else say anything. WHAT. IM LOSING MY MIND RN
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hazardkills · 8 months
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daydreamdoodles · 5 months
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kate-bot · 2 years
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HE IS the best one!!!!
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ivorydreamz · 3 months
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Nyen and nyon.. 🩵🩷
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computerboyboobs · 8 months
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autism to autism stare
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fluffyselfships · 1 month
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scudwulf is my fav canon ship fr❤️
screenshot edit comm for @wulfums !!!!
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caramelldansenu · 1 month
I really love your take on Lamb's follower spouse. Usually, other artists' spouses have beef with Narinder lol
So this is pretty refreshing and it balances out Lamb's relationship with Narinder. It's nice to see a follower having to soften Narinder instead.
thanks in my world everyone has beef with narinder cause it's such a huge prick with basically 0 morals except for the lamb and shams
shams actually likes narinder way more than the lamb does cause narinder always does something insane that pisses off the lamb (like murder ratau) but doesn't bother shams as much since it just didn't care about her until she started interacting with it
now she just kind of messes around with narinder which bothers it a lot while also making sure it doesn't do anything crazy
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real-life-cryptid · 2 years
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watmalik · 27 days
Nick: "Uma, why are you defending him? You're not his real mother, you don't have to defend him."
I'm afraid Alex and Henry's banter never left them
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what a wonderful little critter he is
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teensy-weensy-octopus · 9 months
I don’t talk about shipping a lot (at least I don’t think I do?) but Ommmmgggg the cringe rwar XD shipping fan girl I transformed into when I saw these pages guyyss I started doing kartwheels around my room guyyyssss
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zaanesshaardz · 2 months
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feel like some people of tumblr will agree with me on this,,(pls guys hes my man trusstttt🤫🤫🤫)
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peoplesoup · 9 months
hugh dancy in 2014: it's a platonic love :)
the actual show in 2015: is hannibal in love with me? could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you? find nourishment at the very sight of you? do you ache for him?
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idiotlyer · 3 months
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Alt lighting
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