#gym leader tomi
puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: Two women dressed as Hornet from Hollow Knight and a human version of Applejack from My Little Pony. The woman dressed as Hornet has light skin, blonde hair in a ponytail, and teal eyes with dark circles underneath. She is wearing a maroon cloak, a black shirt and leggings, black gloves missing the first and middle fingers, and black slip-on shoes. A mask resembling Hornet's is placed askew on her head, and a prop needle with a trail of thread is lying on the ground. She has collapsed into the arms of the other woman, one eye closed and little blue circles near her head to indicate tiredness. The other woman has medium-light skin with freckles, short auburn hair, and brown eyes. She is wearing a light orange work shirt, a tan cowboy hat, a brown belt with a silver buckle, blue denim pants, and tan boots with red apple designs on the side. She is holding the first woman by the arms and looking down at her with surprised concern. End ID.]
More costumes! At this point I stopped having the characters in each pic stop matching each other and just get costumes matching their type specialty or overall theme. And woops, it seems that Kora's lack of sleep caught up with her during this. Good thing Tomi's strong arms were able to catch her!
I was originally considering dressing Tomi as the Equestria Girls version of Applejack when I had the idea, but then I actually looked up her EG outfit and it didn't really match Tomi's vibes so I instead decided to make an outfit for a human Applejack myself and slap it on her hehe X3
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Applejack and other My Little Pony concepts © Hasbro Hornet and other Hollow Knight concepts © Team Cherry Tomi Parr, Kora Midgley, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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jadeazora · 10 months
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Cool Alto Mare-themed cards via the TCG Instagram today 😍
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Moncolle Box 11 releases in September.
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Universal Studios in Japan will be having a Pokemon menu for their Halloween Party event.
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A look at the new Unite lobby via the Chinese beta. New items are exclusive for China too, at least right now.
And lastly, Misty and Psyduck's Free Pair event begins today in Masters, while a rerun of Blue/Arcanine's has been officially announced for Thursday.
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runawaycarouselhorse · 9 months
Iris has no offiicial full-sized figures compared to past heroines and I think that's sad
I lost my old thread a long time ago, so taking a moment to show you how anime Iris only got two chibi pieces of merch, unlike all the main girls before and after (not including Koharu, who was more of a rarely appearing supporting cast member for much of her run), one a cheap Pokemon Kids toy and one a very nicely made (still chibi) collectors’ keychain part of a set.
Update: Iris now has an acrylic stand! Those are 2D, so not. Proper figures, alas, it's the same stock artwork that makes up stickers, just propped up to stand. There are also pins! Sadly, still no proper official 3D figure, aside from the chibi keychain (which was one of the first things I bought online with my salary--chibi Iris and a cute little Deerling plushie ♡).
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There was an amazing resin statue of Champion Iris and Haxorus and another beautiful a League Series Iris (also in her Champion dress), but EZM Studios and Trainer House Studios respectively do not appear to be officially sanctioned by the Pokemon Company? There's a lot of Chinese figures that are honestly amazing, but seem to be unofficial/fan-made? Gorgeous, though.)
No figures of Iris as she was shown in the BW! anime/in her younger self's BW outfit from the games, ;^;
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Misty is a product of the 90’s and most of her figures were cheap children’s toys! But thers’s still a bunch of them (in addition to the cheap Pokemon Kids toy, assume one exists of every major character.) New merch includes the polished G.E.M. series figure & chibi plushie!
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These are sitting plushies, not figures, but they're very new and cute (and her seiyuu/original voice actress owns one and often poses it for photographs on her twitter, fff.)
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May is also an early character and primarily has cheap toys, but she also has this very sweet (very tiny) promotional movie figure of her with Manaphy... a recently made very polished G.E.M. series figure, and she has a figure with Torchic! Game May has her own polished figure.
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Note: the G.E.M. series commemorates the anime and seemed to be going in order, until it skipped Dawn (despite her immense popularity?!) after May, then skipped Iris for Serena... then, they made the Sun & Moon girls and that seemed it.
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Dawn has a LOT of merchandise, ranging from cheap action figures for kids to collectors’ figures for her anime & game counterparts. Also, plushies, more keychains...
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That last one is likely her game counterpart, given the loooong scarf.
Some more cheap children’s toy Dawns, trainer pack sets...
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Again, keep in mind, EVERY major Pokemon character gets the very homely-looking Pokemon Kids toys and for a long time, that was Iris’ only toy. So, despite not picturing them here, assume all the main girls have them (as do main boys!)
For the record, BW! Ash had character merch like collector’s figures and children’s toys/action figures too, it was only Iris who was excluded.*Cilan has a full figure (Banpresto Partners figure with Pansage, Banpresto Parnters Ash is with Pikachu) too! N, the Subway Bosses too also existed...
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Serena has a LOT of merchandise. There’s a music box figure of her performing with a key, there’s the new G.E.M. figure with Sylveon, her game counterpart with Fenekkin, cheap kid’s toys (Takara Tomy action figure), a plushie of her short-haired look...
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Serena’s game counterpart has figures, clearfiles, keychains, stickers, posters, etc. (Iris recently got a pin/badge along with the other Unova Gym Leaders, possibly stickers too)—slightly sidetracking, let’s get back to figures!
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A very cute short-haired, chibi XY anime-styled Serena (note she also has the gifted blue ribbon and the second outfit!) for the Pita Poke toys!! I wish I had those, it looks very Polly Pocket and cute, but sadly discontinued.
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Moving onto Lillie, she has the most merchandise across franchise, I think! She has two anime-based figures (with Snowy and the Poke Problem blackboard.)
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Game Lillie has many figures, a music box like Serena’s that plays her theme (it’s the one of her on the sofa with her diary).
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If we count ~related~ merchandise, there’s a cute Terrarium Collection one of Snowy on the shore, with fallen flowers floating on the water, with a paw reaching out to touch Lillie’s hat, lying in the sand. There’s Iris’ Axew stickers and cards, promotional stuff, but all 2D.
I may reblog with the others and anime-related merch that isn't figures... I hit the limit, PFFT.
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aoyama-division · 1 month
Karada's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Tomi introduced this guy to me once. He takes care of horses, right? That's a cool hobby, but something I'm not really interested in. Me and horses, we don't mix. Not because I'm afraid of them, but vice-versa. I think they're afraid of me. Not that I blame, though. Last time I tried to mount a horse, I was stone-dead drunk after a night of drinking with my buddies from the gym. Next thing I know, we had wandered onto a ranch and I tried to mount a young horse. I wound up breaking the poor thing's back! I haven't tried to ride since. Ha, good times!"
Daiki Kamiyama
"Ha, I like this kid! He's a kid who knows how to act his age. He's 18, sure, but hey, that's still young in my books! Plus, I'm actually pretty big on superheroes and whatnot. Don't tell Tomi, but I was big on them when I was a kid, and I still like them now. I've got a chest full of old comic book superheroes that I still read from time to time."
Jack Verrill
"I like this guy's name! Jack. Jack. Jack. Jackie. Jackster. Jackin. Ha, so many different ways to say it! You'd never think a butler would have such an original and American-sounding name. I wonder if he would get upset if I thought of different ways to say his name. Ha, I've got to try it!"
Veiled Vanguard
"Pretty cool-line up, but I think the Daiki kid would have been better as the leader, in my opinion. I mean, nothing against the horse breeder guy, but like Tomi said, he seems too... nervous. Nobody's going to take you serious as a leader if you jump at everything that comes your way. And if people can't take you serious as the leader, how do you expect them to take your team serious? Just give that some thought, will ya?"
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niigata-division · 1 month
Seiji's Thoughts on Aoyama Division
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Tomi Chōten
“I have not had the…pleasure of meeting anyone from the Chtōen Family before and I'm extremely glad for that if this is what one of their members is like,” Seiji motioned to Tomi’s photo in front of him. “All I know about him is what I've heard secondhand from Ayumu and Nora.  Frankly, it doesn't paint a pretty picture. A self-absorbed narcissist is what they call him and that’s them being nice. I would personally be glad if I never had to meet him by that description. It makes me glad that Ayumu didn't grow up and become like him. Granted I would’ve knocked him on his ass if he acted like that when we were younger.” 
Karada Kessaku
“A bodybuilder?” Seiji questioned. “Fitting I suppose given his physique. However, If he's anything like some of these numbskulls that come to Niigata to become police officers then I can’t see him going very far in life. So if you ask me he should stop hitting the gym to work on his muscles and instead pick up a book to work on his brain once in a while.” 
Luis Kōkyū
“Again much like his leader all I know of Luis I hear second hand from Ayumu and Nora.  From what I've heard he's infinitely easier to talk to than Chōten. So I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s not a complete bastard but the bar is not high given what Chōten is like.” Seiji raised his eyebrow. “They do mention his food is quite delicious. Normally I wouldn't mind trying new foods but it's located in Aoyama and I would rather not step foot in that division if I can help it.” 
Jet Set Trio 
“I can just hear my wife’s voice telling me that if we ever go up against them to ‘kick their sorry rich asses’. She never did like the rich Ayumu being the only exception.” Seiji sighs. “Frankly every time I look at this team all I see is a bunch of wealthy assholes with their egos coming from how much supposedly “better” than the rest of us. If you ask me I don’t see this team as a major threat considering how badly they lost to Ueno Divison’s Sakurai Clan.” 
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serenadeofthestars · 1 year
tagged by: @pacificovertures
three ships: ..ah geez I don’t ship much outside of ocs... even looking at my saved fanart I don’t have much of any of that lol. ig if I had to choose... Yurileth from fe3h (unsurprisingly), chrobin from fe:a, and agent 38 from Splatoon
first ever ship: Firestar/Spottedleaf lol. warrior cats kid to the end
last song: technically it was the gym leader them from ScarVio, but the song I have stuck in my head right now is kiss me (kill me) so
last movie: ...I. actually don’t remember... I think it was Paprika...
currently reading: going to be starting this book on the translation of Undertale to Japanese, v excited for that :3c besides that, I’m in the midst of two Japanese mythology books, and a Tomie anthology. gotta stop procrastinating...
currently watching: a vid about the surprising dark sides of the internet
currently consuming: not anything now? had mac and cheese a few hours ago. kinda wishing I hadn’t eaten my thin mints
currently craving: freedom from this burden called capitalism. also ravioli
tagging: @just-drizzling @tristringers @eldritchprincedarius up to y’all whether you decide to do it, I know things are busy rn so no pressure <3
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corsolanite · 6 years
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pokemonruby · 5 years
if your ocs were gym leaders/elite four members, what would be their favored pokemon type and ace pokemon?
an excellent question! i’m already one step ahead of you and brainstormed an entire pokemon au for my ocs since… it’s my two favorite things combined and everything that i do is self-indulgent.
gym leaders: yuri (electric; electrivire) wren (grass; whimsicott) mila (poison; salazzle), jevon (ice; alolan ninetales or lapras), blair (psychic; malamar ((but a majority of their team would comprise of extraterrestrial pokemon)), gwendolyn (normal; blissey), seraphina (fairy; sylveon), and last but not least– isaac (ghost; banette or spiritomb) 
elite four (half of it will consist of my bf’s ocs!): elena (ground; nidoking or golurk), roxxy (steel; pawniard or aegislash), taya (dragon; hydreigon or goodra), and lastly, tomi (fighting; infernape) 
oh, and let’s not forget about the champion… who definitely isn’t suited for the role given how irresponsible and childish they are, but they’re nevertheless determined to be the very best there ever was– 
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Having trouble viewing? View in Browser Monday, September 25, 2017 TOP OF THE MORNING It's Monday, Sept. 25, 2017 ... Welcome to Fox News First, your spot for all the news you need to start the day ... If you have friends who are looking for an early morning news fix, please spread the word: They can subscribe to Fox News First by clicking here. Here's your Fox News First 5 - the first five things you need to know today: The NFL braces for possible backlash after players across the league kneel during the national anthem, Trump defends his comments  Trump approves updated travel restrictions on eight countries, adding North Korea and Venezuela to the list The latest GOP health care bill appears to be on life support as Sens. Susan Collins and Ted Cruz voice opposition Sen. John McCain insists he did not vote against the GOP's ObamaCare repeal-and-replace bill to get back at Trump Authorities are searching for a motive and FBI has opened a civil rights investigation in Sunday's deadly Tenn. church shooting Let's do this...  THE LEAD STORY: The NFL is hoping it won't feel a backlash from fans in the ratings and game attendance after players across the league knelt during the national anthem, largely in protest of President Trump's comments ... A defiant Trump said Sunday that the outrage over NFL players kneeling during the national anthem "has nothing to do with race," but rather is about "respect for our country." The president touched off a firestorm Friday night at a political rally in Alabama when he said: "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b---- off the field right now.'" Must-read related features on the Trump-NFL controversy on FoxNews.com: (1) Army veteran Alejandro Villanueva is sole Steelers player to stand outside for national anthem (2) NFL stars should get off their knees and lead a constructive conversation on race (3) NASCAR owners issue stern warning after NFL players kneel (4) WWII veteran, 97, kneels in support of protesting athletes ADD NORTH KOREA AND VENEZUELA TO TRAVEL BAN RESTRICTION LIST: President Trump signed off on updated travel restrictions that would limit entry for people coming to the U.S. from eight countries, as the existing travel ban is set to expire ... The new travel restrictions, set to take effect Oct. 18, would slow or limit entry from citizens of North Korea, Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. North Korea and Venezuela were not listed in the earlier ban. Why does this matter? -  The new policy could complicate the Supreme Court's review of Trump' travel restriction order. The high court is scheduled to hear arguments over its legality on October 10. IS THE GRAHAM-CASSIDY HEALTH CARE BILL D.O.A.? Republican opposition to the latest GOP Senate bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare are at near fatal numbers after Sens. Susan Collins and Ted Cruz both indicated they could not support it ... The White House, however, insists the bill isn't dead and a "vast majority of Americans" will benefit. The GOP-controlled chamber has until Sept. 30 to pass the legislation with a simple, 51-vote majority, under so-called budget reconciliation procedures. However, at most, 48 of the chamber’s 52 Republican senators appear to support the bill, which has no backing from Democrats. Sens. John McCain and Rand Paul have said they’ll vote no; Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins are a likely no. MCCAIN CLAIMS NO HARD FEELINGS AGAINST TRUMP: Sen. John McCain shrugged off any suggestion he voted against the GOP repeal-and-replace ObamaCare bill to get back at Trump for his past comments ... The Ariz. senator, who's battling brain cancer, told “60 Minutes” that "life is too short" to worry about everything someone has said to someone else. Trump said on the campaign trail in 2015 that McCain wasn't a war hero. McCain told "60 Minutes" that the president never apologized to him for the controversial comments.  From Fox News Opinion: McCain's defection on health care is inexcusable SUDANESE IMMIGRANT CHARGED WITH MURDER, MOTIVE SOUGHT IN DEADLY CHURCH SHOOTING: The FBI has confirmed it is opening a civil rights investigation into a Tennessee church shooting that left one woman dead and seven others injured ... The alleged gunman, identified as 25-year-old Emanuel Kidega Samson, immigrated from Sudan two decades ago, police said. He has been charged with murder and other charges are pending.   THE WEEKEND THAT WAS SACKING THE NFL: "Don't give me this crap that you guys want to support reform and stand up against social injustice. Shame on you. Shame on all of you. And shame on you too, Roger Goodell, for not showing you love this country as much as the president does." – Judge Jeanine Pirro, in her "Opening Statement" for "Justice with Judge Jeanine," blasting NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFL players kneeling in protest of the national anthem. WATCH MULTIMILLIONAIRES IN NEED OF THERAPY: "Don't impose on me your sense of somehow, you feel oppressed. If you're a multimillionaire who feels oppressed, you need a therapist [and] not a publicity stunt." – Newt Gingrich, sounding off on NFL players protesting the national anthem, on "Fox & Friends Weekend." WATCH EARTH TO ELLEN - TRUMP HAS A BIGGEST PLATFORM IN THE WORLD: "These Hollywood liberals, they're so elitist that [DeGeneres] thinks that by having the president of the United States on her show that she's giving him a platform. You're not giving him anything."  – Tomi Lahren, on "Watters' World," reflecting on Ellen DeGeneres saying she would not have "dangerous" President Trump on her show. WATCH   MINDING YOUR BUSINESS Walt Disney threatens to pull ESPN, ABC from Optimum ABB buys GE unit for $2.6B to boost North American business White House says proposed tax plan will help business, middle class Oil holds gains as producers say market rebalancing   NEW IN FOX NEWS OPINION Grover Norquist: Tax reform is a must win for Republicans (and it really could happen) The Trump Effect reaches Germany Why Trump's economic moves against North Korea may do more to tame Kim than any insult A drunk driver killed their daughters, but Lynn and Dan Wagner embody the awesome power of forgiveness   HOLLYWOOD SQUARED Kingsman: The Golden Circle dethrones It at box office Francia Raisa shows off scars at the gym after donating kidney to Selena Gomez George Clooney slams Hillary Clinton's failed campaign: "I never saw her elevate her game" Former President Clinton gets TV deal for upcoming White House "thriller"   DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS? Mystery of Great Pyramid may be solved, researchers say End of world still coming soon, Christian numerologists say -- it was just postponed Michelin-starred restaurant calls out blogger's shameless "vegan meal" request Woman at LongHorn Steakhouse bit several times by copperhead snake   STAY TUNED On Fox News: Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: Guests include: Rep. Louie Gohmert will discuss Trump's new travel restrictions The Five moves back to 5 p.m. E.T.: Don't miss the panel debates you love as Trump vs. the NFL, Trump's new travel restrictions and more will be the hot topics of the day The Story with Martha MacCallum, 7 p.m. E.T.: Martha will interview both Sen. Luther Strange and former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore as both vie for Attorney General Jeff Session's senate seat in a tight race Tucker Carlson Tonight, 7 p.m. E.T.: Tucker will have a brand-new in-depth report on the notorious MS-13 gang Hannity moves to 9 p.m. E.T: Don't miss Sean's must-see interview with former Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon   On Fox Business: Mornings with Maria, 6 a.m. ET: Guests include House Chairman and Ways & Means Tax Policy subcommittee member Rep. Peter Roskam on the latest in the quest for tax reform; Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils CEO Scott O'Neil on Trump's battles with the NFL and NBA star Stephen Curry Cavuto: Coast to Coast, 12 noon ET: Guests include Art Laffer, former Reagan economic adviser, on the latest political hot topics of the day After the Bell, 4 p.m. ET: Guests include Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló discusses recovery efforts and the challenges ahead after Hurricane Maria's devastation On Fox News Radio: The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 am to 12 noon E.T.: Guests will include New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin, who will discuss the Trump-NFL players kneeling during the national anthem controversy   #OnThisDay 2007: Warren Jeffs, the leader of a polygamous Mormon splinter group, is convicted in St. George, Utah, of being an accomplice to rape for performing a wedding between a 19-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl. (The conviction was later overturned by the Utah Supreme Court; prosecutors ended up dropping the charges, since Jeffs is serving a life sentence in Texas in a separate case.) 1997: President Bill Clinton pulls open the door of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, as he welcomed nine blacks who had faced hate-filled mobs 40 years earlier. 1981: Sandra Day O'Connor is sworn in as the first female justice on the Supreme Court. 1962: Sonny Liston knocks out Floyd Patterson in round one to win the world heavyweight title at Comiskey Park in Chicago. Thank you for joining us on Fox News First! Enjoy the day and see you in your inbox first thing tomorrow morning! Unsubscribe ©2017 Fox News Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10036. Privacy Policy.
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A woman on a Mudsdale (a Pokemon resembling a brown clydesdale horse with large clumps of black and orange mud on its body) standing in a ranch field facing off a Tauros (a Pokemon resembling a tan bull with grey-brown fur around its neck and shoulders and large silver horns). The woman has light skin with freckles, short auburn hair, and brown eyes. She is wearing a tan cowboy hat, a pale blue button-up shirt, a red bandanna with a grey clip displaying a white circular logo, blue denim pants, a brown belt with a silver buckle, and tan cowboy boots. Her Mudsdale has brown reins and a pale blue and brown saddle, and she sits atop it as she stares at the Tauros in the foreground with a serious expression on her face. There are a few golden hay bales in the background on the rolling hills, and in the top right corner there is a large red barn. The sky is a blue-orange gradient indicating late afternoon. End ID.]
I remember someone bringing up an idea featuring Tomi a while back--so sorry that I've forgotten your username waaa--and when they mentioned it I remembered that I had written a little thing (mostly for myself at this point) that involved the idea they'd mentioned so I figured why not. The idea was mostly just Tomi being on horseback iirc, or rather Mudsdale-back to be specific because there are no normal-type horse Pokemon at time of posting this, and I took a part from this writing I'd done and decided to visualize that. Now Tomi's gotta wrangle Leonard after all the Miltank have been barn'd. ...yes, the Tauros's name is Leonard, it's a "dad childhood stories" thing hehe. Tbh if I was going entirely accurate to my writing there would also be a Herdier, but we can just say it's out of frame, it's fiiiiine XD
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Tauros, Mudsdale, and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Tomi Parr, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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jadeazora · 10 months
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The next TCG set, Raging Surf, has been announced to release Sept22 in Japan.
Speaking of the TCG, here's our card art dump via the TCG Instagram. That Gardenia art looks so nice 😊:
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Espurr just getting itself comfortable. 😎 Via the PokeTimes Twitter.
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Drasna's Spotlight banner, a new Egg event (first one in a few months), and the Johto Champion Stadium all begin today in Masters! Looking forward to them hopefully adding Drasna (and Olympia) to the Kalos Ticket Scout, since her banner should be ending by the time we get the datamine. They've just had Serena and Clermont there forever and it's just a waste at this point....
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aoyama-division · 5 months
Karada's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
"I know next to nothing about this guy. Tomi says he's some idol or something. Sheesh, what's with all of the so-called pretty boys who know how to sing and dance coming out of the woodwork lately? Get a real job, you copycats!
Kei Himeno
"I don't know this guy either. Tomi says, besides being a novelist, which is a boring-as-hell job, he used to serve his family or something. ...I'll admit, that's kind of a shock considering how young he looks. How old was he when he got hired to work for Tomi's family?"
Ayame Kurokawa
"I... I think I remember this guy, though at the time I thought he was a 'she'. Don't judge me, okay?! I don't get all of these girly-looking men that are appearing lately. It's hard to know which is which! Anyway, I was coming back from the gym and I saw him dancing on the street corner or something. He looked hot and I was going to talk to him, till I saw another guy taking him away. ...Honestly, I'm kinda glad he did, otherwise I'd embarrassed myself!"
Diabolik Night
"So these guys are another new team, huh? Nothing really at all interesting about them, though. Tomi says he's got a bone to pick with the leader, though. Apparently, he messed with his younger brother or something. Peh, all I have to say is, I hate to be you, pal!"
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A woman in rancher's attire, standing in a field. She has light freckled skin, short auburn hair, and brown eyes. She is wearing a beige cowboy hat, a turquoise button-up shirt, a red bandanna with a grey circular emblem, blue denim jeans, a brown belt with a silver buckle, and tan cowboy boots with orange Pokeball designs. She is standing in a wide stance with her arms held out, an expression of disbelief on her face. In front of her is a Miltank, a pink and black Pokemon resembling a cow. She is rolling around in the dirt and rubbing her face in a little pile of it. Another Miltank observes from a distance. Several dirt piles are behind the woman and the closer Miltank, one of which has a shovel stuck in it. There are trees visible in the background. End ID.]
"WHAT! IN! THE! AB-SO-LUTE! HELL! ARE! YOU! DOIIIING!!! What are you doing?! What's that about, it's dirt!"
Loosely inspired by [this viral video] about cows and confusion about food delivery (took me ages to find the link to the original post, Pup doesn't use and therefore can't navigate the ticky-tockies okay), I just kept imagining Tomi having to deal with something similar with the Parr Ranch's herd of Miltank. I know a key point of the video is the fact that he's using an excavator and the cows think he's bringing a tractor with hay, but ummmm...I didn't wanna draw heavy machinery, so the dirt is being moved with shovels instead. Let's just say the excavator is there but has just moved away from this view and the shovel's being used for extra digging XD
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Miltank © Nintendo/GameFreak Tomi Parr, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: Two women both portrayed in a monochrome color scheme of cream and brown (left) and green (right). The woman on the left has short hair and freckles, and is wearing a button-up shirt, a neckerchief with a glowing silver emblem, jeans, and a belt. There are bovine horns on the top of her head, and she has a tail and legs that resemble those of cattle. She has one hand on her hip and the other up in a clenched fist, her face wearing an enthusiastic grin. There is a cream-colored aura surrounding her, including repeating circles of various sizes. The woman on the right has dark circles under her eyes and her hair up in a ponytail. She is wearing round sunglasses on top of her head, a jacket over a t-shirt, lounge pants, and slippers. There are a set of insect antennae on her head, and an extra set of insect-like legs sprouting from her back. There is a lime green aura surrounding her, with repeated butterfly shapes in various sizes. End ID.]
YOOOO I finally get to talk about this! See, in Cantessy, most Trainers are so in-tune with their Pokemon that under certain circumstances they are able to gain power from their Pokemon and join the battle alongside them as fighters themselves! It's called Union Battle, in kind of a reference to Kentucky's state model of "united we stand, divided we fall", and tbh I kinda forgot about the old Union Room stuff cuz I probably woulda named it something else otherwise but ~too late noowww~ XD Anyway, Union Battle is kinda similar to Dynamax in that it can be used once per battle and boosts the combatants' power for...five turns, I feel that works, and as the mechanic will turn a single battle into a double battle it'll deactivate if either fighter on the side that activated it is knocked out (in the case of the Trainer being the one knocked out, they'll just sit off to the side looking tired as the Pokemon continues to fight, and in the case of it being the Pokemon then that counts as a win).
For most Trainers doing Union Battle, their aura is just red and blue with some circle shapes--which is why I'm not drawing the player characters or Toby and Cherry like this--superbly dedicated Trainers that focus on a certain type or even has an incredibly strong connection to a particular individual Pokemon have some additional appearance changes to personalize things. In particular Tomi looks a little more bovine and Kora gets insect bits. These aren't real alterations to their physical forms, mind, just another part of the overall aura that surrounds them in this state. Also because I'm probably gonna get asked this, the Pokemon they do this with don't really change much beyond gaining the same aura and glowing eyes/mouth as their Trainer does, so I won't be making Union forms for the Pokemon. Maybe if I do another region I'll make a battle mechanic that significantly changes the Pokemon's form, hehe.
And if you've seen my refs and noticed that all the type specialists have a type emblem on them somewhere, that's why! It's also why the players, Toby, and Cherry wear those special wristbands--those are Union Bands, which help to boost a Trainer's connection to their Pokemon to the point where activating Union Battle is easier and more stable. Though it is possible for people to perform Union with their Pokemon without a catalyst if the bond is Just That Strong, and frankly all the Gym Leaders/Elite Four and the player would be among that number, using a Union Band (or other item involving a Union Emblem, some have pendants and jacket pins and whatnot) just helps to keep battles consistent.
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Tomi Parr, Kora Midgley, Union Battle forms, the Cantessy Region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A woman with light skin and freckles, short auburn hair, and brown eyes. She is wearing a beige cowboy hat with a tan band around it, a light blue button-up shirt, a red neckerchief, blue denim jeans, a brown belt with a silver buckle, and tan cowboy boots with a lighter tan Pokeball pattern. There is a grey emblem attached to her neckerchief, emblazoned with a white circle logo. The woman has a red and white Pokeball in her hand, and is looking at it while in an energetic pose. Beside her is a fan-made Pokemon design resembling a young bovine. Its body is a light orange with yellow stomach, inner ears, and muzzle. It has blue eyes, short lavender horns and a lavender brow ridge, a large blue nose, brown neck fluff, blue hooves on its stumpy legs, and a tan tail with a tuft of blue hair on the end. The background resembles the background for normal-type Pokemon as seen in Pokemon Go. End ID.]
"Howdy, Trainer! Welcome to your first Cantessy League Gym Challenge! I'm Tomi, and I've been helping to raise Pokemon in these parts for a Stoutland's age, and my family's been doing the same at our ranch for generations. We take good care of our Pokemon here! Sure, they're your standard normal-types, but the normal ones often end up being the one that surprise you the most! Ready to see how many surprises we can bring?"
Alllll right! Time to start getting into Cantessy's Gym Leaders! And hoo boy, Cantessy has a LOT of Gym Leaders! Much like Unova and Galar, Cantessy's Gym Leader lineup changes depending on what hypothetical version the player would pick up. However, it's not just one Gym whose leader changes yet keeps the same type like in Black and White, nor two cities switching out Gym Leaders and type specialties per versions. Instead, EVERY Cantessy Gym Leader is version-dependent! That's right, Cantessy technically has 16 Gym Leaders! And when you make your way to Shelbyton, you'll find one of the first pair.
In Plow Version's Shelbyton Gym, you'll face off against Tomi, a ranch hand who specializes in normal-types. She's partial to dog-like and cow-like ones, and of course they raise a lot of Moofer, Tauros, and Miltank over at the Parr Family Ranch. Before you can fight her, though, you'll need to get through the Gym challenge alongside a rental non-battling Herdier. With this specially trained Herdier by your side, you'll be tasked with herding groups of Tauros and Miltank into their appropriate stalls and fight Gym trainers along the way as each properly herded group of Pokemon unlock gates to each section of the Gym in order to reach Tomi at the end.
Tomi's initial Gym battle comes after you've had quite a bit of time to train up, so her team's a bit higher leveled than most first Gym Leader teams. She has a Herdier at level 16, and then she'll follow it up with a Moofer at level 18. Shouldn't be too much of a challenge, given she's only the first Gym Leader and all. There is a bit of a battle gimmick that I'll explain later, but since you'll both have access to it that addition will just lead to some extra fun. :3c After becoming the Champion, you can rematch Tomi with a higher-leveled full team of six: Twitchail, Stantler, Muskrill, Stoutland, Tauros, and Miltank. Yeah, I added both to her postgame team just so I didn't have to stick a definitive gender on that initial Moofer XD
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Tomi Parr, Moofer, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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Tomi Parr
A ranch hand with a love of dog-like and cow-like Pokémon. Tomi is very good at bringing out the best in her Pokémon, raising them with love and care to see their full potential. She hopes that all the Trainers she encounters in their league journeys can do the same with theirs. She’s a hard worker both on the ranch and in the gym, always giving her job and battles 110%. While she does wish her girlfriend could do the same, she understands why she’s so tired all the time and is very accommodating.
And we’re starting to get into Cantessy’s Gym Leaders! Even with the same 8-gym limit as other regions (not counting Alola of course), Cantessy is going to have way more Gym Leaders than that. Every gym location can have one of two leaders depending on “circumstances”, aka version differences if this were able to become actual games, mainly because I wanted to have a specialist for every type and the only way to reasonably do that was to double up on gym leaders. The versions would be called Plow and Circuit, emphasizing a theme of tradition and nature vs progress and technology, kinda like Black and White but somehow More Overt. It’s immediately apparent with Tomi being the leader in Plow, as she’s a country gal, and her replacement in Circuit, who’s more into technology than blue collar work. Not derisively, of course, just her interests are more tech-based.
Tomi’s version of the Shelbyton gym is themed around normal types and ranching, and the challenge to get to battling Tomi would involve something similar to Milo’s challenge where you help herd Mareep, Miltank, and Tauros. Her initial team consists of a Herdier and a Moofer, a Cantessian baby form to both Tauros and Miltank.
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Tomi Parr and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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