#h50 nation
ellena-asg · 2 years
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Michael Bublé - Close your eyes
When I heard that song for the first time, I immediately knew: it's Danny singing about Steve!
Now we're celebrating Steve's birthday (and in Poland March 10th is National Men Day and this year is my 12th year of loving Steve McGarrett) so I thought that I'll give him this - err... Danny's photo album? Danny's diary? Just some pics saying "Thank you" and "I love you"? (choose what you want, babes)
And of course Danny singing it for Steve (Danny making the first step, yes, love confession 🥰) is still an option. It's still in my head (Michael's voice is Danny's voice) so I'm sharing both: pictures and headcanon.
@mayberrycryptid - Babe, thank you for this event, thank you for your kindest heart, thank you for being so lovely, open-hearted, gentle and friendly to literally everyone in our h50 Ohana (you are our Care Bear, you know? 😘), thank you for everything what you do for us all, thank you for your McDanno love and all McDanno posts that you share with us. I love you very much ♥️
It's for you, May. And for our Ohana here. Love and hugs ♥️
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So. Thanks to the Italian national TV service, I'm finally watching H50 season 9 (yeah, I know, one day I'll find the time to put my ass in front of a screen and watch ALL seasons in HQ in ENGLISH, but that day is not today nor tomorrow nor next months, given my life's latest trends in disasters). Of which I basically watched probably five episodes at best, like s10, at the first airing (given my life's constant trend in disasters).
Tonight I watched 9x11.
You know those fics with a really promising plot, juicy tags, just the right length to be devoured in one sitting but still able to leave you yearning yet satisfied...and third paragraph in, it starts cramming epithets every two instances, fucks up characters' M.O. and voices, whacks grammar and tenses, and just forgets what they were doing/carrying/saying just ten paragraphs above....?
Yeah. Same.
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microsuedemouse · 2 years
H50: our antagonists this episode are mainly the sovereign Nation of Hawaii
me: okay cool so uh. I'm rooting for them, then
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rossaol · 7 years
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Gifs #AlexOloughlin en #h50 como #SteveMcGarrett
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fresh-as-lettuce · 4 years
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National Selfie Day🤳
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random-fandom-whump · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 Masterlist
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Day 1: All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere to Go - Barracuda Day 2: Gagged - Once Upon a Time 2x19 Day 3: Taunting - Supernatural 3x10 Day 4: Do you trust me? - National Treasure Day 5: Broken Nose - Star Trek Day 6: Bruises - Halt & Catch Fire 1x05 Day 7: Helplessness - Spider-Man: Far From Home Day 8: Coughing Up A Lung - Gray's Anatomy 8x08 & 8x09 Day 9: Tears - Smallville 5x13 Day 10: Hospital - FBI - Crosby Day 11: Drowning - The Outpost 3x02 Day 12: Tortured - Chicago PD 3x01 Day 13: Cauterization - Star Trek: Beyond Day 14: Crush Injuries - 9-1-1 2x14 Day 15: Delirium - The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Day 16: Scars - SPN Day 17: Field Care 101 - The Blacklist 8x19 Day 18: The Doctor Is In/CPR - Virgin River 3x01 Day 19: Stabbing - Avengers: Infinity War Day 20: Trapped Under Water - Forever 1x11 Day 21: Bleeding Through the Bandages - H50 2x01 Day 22: They Made Me Do It/Demon - Teen Wolf 3x22 Day 23: Alt. Prompt #10: Trapped - H50 4x19 Day 24: Flashbacks - The Avengers Day 25: Escape - Once Upon a Time 1x01 Day 26: Fallen - The Avengers Day 27: Collapse - House 8x11 Day 28: Nightmares - Teen Wolf 3x13 Day 29: Too Weak to Move - Man of Steel Day 30: Major Character Death - Once Upon a Time 5x11 Day 31: Trauma - 911 3x15
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
From fics I’ll never write…
*sigh* I have this weird mish-mash of H50 and MEA stuck in my head. This is nonproductive. 
@radio-chatter​ we talked about UndercoverCop!Reyes a while ago…. I raise you NavySeal!Scott
From: Another fic I’ll never write featuring Navyseal!Scott Ryder
Fandoms: Mass Effect Andromeda, borrowing ideas from H50′s pilot episode
Pairings: I’d always like to think this is MReyder…. But I haven’t gotten to a Reyes bit of this and it’s prolly always gonna be a fragment. Just assume Reyes is an undercover cop. *waves hands despairingly*
Other tags: NavySeal!ScottRyder, unfinished idea, prolly never finishing this idea, first draft
If anyone has pictures of what NavySeal!Scott would look like i’m interested. 
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Scott ignored the crime scene tape and slipped under it and into his father’s house—his childhood home that he hadn’t stepped foot in for almost five years since he’d left to join the Seals.   He’d left Sara at the funeral, unable to stand any more ‘so sorry for your loss’ or ‘your father was a great man’ from the people who were well-meaning but came across instead as fake. 
How many of them had really known his father? 
How many of them had known how much Alec Ryder had changed with his wife’s violent death eight years ago?  
Neither Sara nor him had been able to pull Alec away from his grief and he’d pushed them away too.  
One sharp cutting word at a time. 
Sara had stayed longer—Scott hadn’t been able to.  
He was weak that way. Always had been the weaker link as Sara joked in an attempt to make Scott feel better about how he’d always come up short in his father’s expectations. Sara had been Daddy’s girl.  Scott had been the one who struggled to keep up. 
The father he had growing up had ridden him hard to succeed. Demanded more and more effort. Good grades hadn’t been enough—Scott had to be at the top of his class right under his twin sister who naturally excelled and had just completed medical school and started her residency in pediatrics in Chicago which was half a continent away. 
Scott had been in a fall, winter, spring and summer sport as was expected of him. Made the varsity teams and gone to state and even the national finals one year. Working out before and after school in addition to team practices and staying up late studying when others his age were meeting up with friends had been the rhythm of his teenage years until his mother was killed in a car bomb two weeks before his high school graduation. 
He’d made it through his undergraduate dual degrees in three years instead of four or even five years as it too most of his fellow classmates to do the same amount of work. Sara had gone on to medical school and their father had been proud of her.   He’d made an effort that day to praise her accomplishment, looking away from Scott in his dress uniform that had gotten a lot of appreciative glances from everyone else but not from him. 
Scott couldn’t ever forget the disappointed frown he’d received when he said he was joining the Navy like his grandfather had.  He’d thought the fond stories that his father had told of his grandfather’s travels around the world while in the service meant that he’d be proud of Scott for following in his grandfather’s footsteps. 
Scott had been very wrong. 
His father couldn’t even look at him in his uniform. 
He hadn’t seen his father in person since.  If he couldn’t even look at Scott then he’d done his father the favor of not having to. 
The worst part of all this?  Other than his stupid pride?
Alec Ryder was dead because of him. 
Scott had been on the trail of an illegals international arms dealer for the last year with his team.  It was his first real leadership position and he was good at it. They’d tracked the Kett leadership all the way into a country that ended in ‘Stan that he couldn’t even admit to operating in without causing an international incident and he’d caught a big fish.  Not the biggest fish out there but close.  He’d caught the Archon’s younger, more irritating brother who tried to bribe Scott to let him go. Promising Scott millions of dollars in exchange. 
He’d refused in disgust.  Scott wasn’t about to be bought off.  He’d seen the damage that the Kett supplied arms had done to people.  The families he’d seen blown apart. Women. Children. Elderly grandmothers and grandfathers. Men who’d just been going about their lives, trying to support their families and hadn’t been engaged in any war. All of them were victims of the Kett supplied arms that went to every civil war, every conflict hotspot and each terrorist group that could pay to play with their toys. 
They were indiscriminate. There was no rules of engagement for the Kett. Money was the great driving force.
Scott had forgotten that important little detail. 
His team was ambushed on their way to the extraction point.  Two of his men had died in the rocket that struck the first transport. Three more had been mowed down by the strafing fire of a turret mounted machine gun on the helo that had swooped at them like a deranged bird. Scott’s phone had rung in his flak jacket’s pocket as he tried to keep ahold of the Archon’s brother, gun pressed against the irritating man’s throat. 
Laughing, the pale weasel had told him to answer his phone.
Glaring at his prisoner and making him hunker down behind a rock, Scott fished out the sat phone. 
“Commander Ryder,” was the raspy greeting.
“Who is this?” Scott snarled, eyes locked on his prisoner who grinned back at him with tobacco stained teeth as he yanked on the cuffs locked around his wrists. 
“You know who this is,” was the calm answer. “I believe you have something that belongs to me and I have something that belongs to you.  I’d like to arrange an exchange.”
“You know who I am but who are you?”  It wasn’t really a question.  He’d already recognized the voice but he still needed confirmation.  
“You know me by the name Archon.”
Scott clenched his jaw so hard his teeth made a creaking noise in warning. “You don’t have anything I want,” he spat out. 
“Oh but I do,” the voice crooned before hardening. “Say hello to your son.”
There was the noise of something hard hitting flesh and a muffled cry. “Hello?  Sc….Scott?”
Scott froze, his gut churning as his heart rate and breathing sped up. “Dad?”
“Don’t—“ another bitten off cry as the sound of something hitting flesh sounded closer and there was a whispered threat of violence that the phone mic picked up and transmitted. “Don’t give them anything.  Give them nothing!”
“Dad!”  Scott heard another thump and something metallic was struck like a pipe causing a ringing effect. “Dad!?!”
There was a beat of silence and his prisoner’s rotten smirk got wider. “Little soldier boy is gonna do whatever we want,” he simpered, continuing to yank on his cuffs that were too tight to escape and making no effort to hide his actions. 
Scott cocked his gun, pointing it right in-between the pale green eyes but didn’t drop the phone that was still held to his ear. “Shut up.”
“Now now,” the raspy voice of the Archon was back.  “That’s not polite Commander.”
“My father has nothing to do with this.  He’s a civilian,” Scott insisted. 
Another pause. “I am willing to trade.”
Scott’s hesitation was deadly. While he’d been on the phone, the attack had continued. Bullets were flying everywhere around him along with several rockets that had been launched that had blown up the transports so they were no longer movable. The helo continued to circle but Scott had two remaining men still alive and they were pissed off.  Three accurately aimed shots were all it took to take out the helo pilot causing the bird to tilt drastically before seemingly falling out of the air like a stone as the rotor blades clipped the ground like an overgrown lawnmower sending rock ricocheting before exploding as it hit the ground to send more debris rocketing everywhere. 
There was a sickening sound as a fragment of metal shot through the air and impaled his prisoner right through the left eye killing him instantly even as Scott had instinctively ducked at the explosion. Scott’s ears rang with tinnitus from the blast, hardly able to hear anything for several moments as he just stared in disbelief at his now dead prisoner. 
His bargaining chip was dead. 
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aceofwhump · 4 years
I was tagged by @deepwoundsandfadedscars :D Thanks babe!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better. 
Name/nickname: Stephanie/Ace
Gender: female
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5′ 7″
Time: 12:01 am
Favorite bands: Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Bastille, Fun., Jonas Brothers, Nightwish, Panic at the Disco, Shinee
Favorite solo artists: Hozier, Halsey, Aviici, Cosmo Sheldrake
Song stuck in my head: Beverly Hills by Weezer because of this stupid commercial that plays like every five minutes.
Last movie: A hallmark channel mystery. One of the Crossword Mysteries
Last show: Jeopardy
When did i create this blog: Feb 12, 2018 
What do i post: Whump, whump, and more whump. Ya know, the good stuff.
Last thing googled: a photoshop tutorial about how to replace something in an images.
Other blogs: I’m not adding the urls but there’s my main, my stargate one, my history one, my H50 one, my broadway one, my art inspo one, my marching band one i never use and a mental health related one i keep on private.
Do i get asks: I do and I love every message you guys send me <3
Why i chose my url: It’s a whump blog and I’m ace aka asexual. So and ace (pun intended) of whump ;)
Following: 631
Followers: 3728
Average hours of sleep: either 4 or 10. Nothing in between
Lucky number: i don’t really believe in lucky numbers.
Instruments: I play the trumpet. Haven’t picked it up in a while though. I miss it.
What am i wearing: Red cardigan, white tank top, red and black pattern stretchy pants
Dream job: Curator or collections manager at a museum either related to WWII, womens history, or the American Revolution cause those are my specialties.
Dream trip: SCOTLAND!! I want to go so badly!!!
Favorite food: Pepperoni pizza
Nationality: American
Favorite song: Don’t think I have one? More like dozens. Depends on my mood I guess.
Last book read: God it’s been ages since I read a book. Uh I think it was Bunker Hill ny Nathaniel Philbrick because I'm a big ole nerd.
Top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: Middle Earth, Harry Potter as long as I get magic, and its not really a fiction universe cause its our earth but I want to join Stargate Command's history/cultural department and be the Daniel Jackson for an SG team.
Tagging: I’m breaking the rules and not tagging anyone specific but if you want to do it consider yourself tagged by me
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softbuckismykink · 5 years
Bulletproof Picasso
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Okay I know I posted a AU idea about PresidentialSon!Buck here and I said I’m not gonna write it but I lied. Yes I know I can’t help myself when I saw @promptabuddie​‘s post^ 
This was supposed to be posted like weeks ago but life happens. Also this was supposed to be a short one shot but the fic had a mind of its own.
So here’s the basics you need to know about this AU: Bathena adopts Buck as a baby, Buck is a firefighter, and this fills that^ prompt. The rest you gonna find out in the fic itself. Title is in reference to a song by Train of the same title. Also in my head I re-casted Katrina Law as Lena so I’d write her character with justice; Nothing against Rousey but yeah in my version of Lena Bosko is Katrina Law (cause she’s a badass in both H50 and Arrow) just saying. 
Warnings: Long ass exposition; Lots of backstories and Buck being ridiculous(ly adorable);  Lena is Eddie’s Partner (Secret Service); Likable!Lena; 
x-posted to AO3
Summary: Buck did have a knack for coming up with the most ridiculous excuse. So when the President asked him what the hell was he thinking, his answer was perplexing but at the same time not surprising at all.
“Um so I’m trying out the bulletproof vest?” At the blank stares he is getting Buck continued, “Well and what do you know it works! Really five stars will recommend to my police officer friends!” 
Am I made of paper 'Cause I tear so easily Am I made of vapor Because I disappear Do I have to have a reason For anything I feel Just be glad I'm real Glad I'm real Am I real?
Buck was knocked down before he even felt a dull throbbing pain on his chest or heard the loud beating of his heart. They said life would flash before your eyes when you are in the brink of death. He guess that’s true because the second that bullet hit his chest he started thinking of what brought him to this very moment. 
Robert “Buck” Evan Nash, Jr. pretty much grew up in the public eye. Being the white grandson of the first black president, Samuel Carter, was quite a headline maker. It didn’t matter that at the time of his grandfather’s tenure that Buck is the only son of the only child of the president, the press loved mentioning that particular distinction. 
The press never let him forget that he was adopted, making it seem like he is not really a part of the first family because he is different; and if Buck’s parents, Athena and Bobby, were any less loving Buck would have grown up to resent his circumstances. Fortunately for Buck, his parents loved him so much that it only bothered him as much as the birthmark over his left eyebrow bothered him, which is to say almost never. All because both his parents and grandparents were an over protective bunch. They shielded him from the worst that the media reported. 
Evan was adopted as a baby. He’d known that fact since he could remember, even before he knew what the word ‘adopt’ really meant. His adoption was deemed controversial, and was met with a lot of scrutiny, seeing that it happened when his grandfather was seeking re-election. Some thought it was just a publicity stunt to gain support for President Carter, but Bobby and Athena was quick to deny such allegations to anyone who dare brought it up. 
His parents Robert “Bobby” Evan Nash, Sr., a firefighter, and Athena Nash, a prosecutor, raised him in a small townhouse in west Virginia in attempt to give him a normal life. Well as normal as possible with 24/7 security and routine trips to the White House to visit his grandparents, or as Buck called them Popo and Gigi. 
As a kid Buck acted like a little Bobby Nash, dressing up like a firefighter and playing with his trucks, but no one can deny he’s a Mama’s boy. In every public appearance he has as a little child it’s always him clinging closely and tightly to his Mom, Athena Nash. These public appearances were inevitable but they endured it for years while Samuel Carter ran the arguably most powerful country in the modern world. 
After his grandfather left the White House when Buck was six, the Nash family of three live a relatively quiet and normal life. Buck’s mom Athena is still a prominent and well-known prosecutor but his dad Bobby is a simple man and made a living as a firefighter. They moved to the west coast in LA where Bobby have a job as a fire captain in LAFD and Athena as Assistant District Attorney of the LA county.  The public appearances significantly lessened but not the scrutiny, well at least not in local circles. But Buck need not worry of it all because his parents are zealous in protecting him against the vultures.
Needless to say Buck grew up relatively happy despite the public scrutiny and the circumstances of his adoption. The only instance he remembered being slightly unhappy was when he was ten and his mom was pregnant with his little sister, May. His Dad and Mom were so happy about the new baby, and at first Buck was happy too. That is until one of the mean kids in his elementary school told him that he should get lost already because his ‘fake’ parents are getting rid of him anyways because they are getting their real kid soon and they won’t need him anymore. 
Buck went home upset that day but tried not to let it show. Not that he was successful, looking back Buck was pretty sure his parents knew but let him be knowing or rather hoping he’ll come to them himself when he’s ready to share. Just like how he use to as a little child. But this time it was different, because it was the first time some one implied his loving parents, the only ones he’s ever known were not his real ones, that he is not their ‘real’ kid.
So he kept it to himself. He cried himself to sleep only to wake up in the middle of the night. It was when he decided that he had to leave. So Buck wrote a letter to his parents and had his favorite backpack filled with his favorite comics and pop tarts and a bottle of water. He left the goodbye letter to his parents on their fridge. Then he sneak out in the early morning while his parents were asleep.
Dear Mama and Dad Mr. and Mrs. Nash Bobby and Athena, 
I want to say thank you for taking care of me   and feeding me   and giving me a  home to stay at. I know I’m not your  real kid and I [apriciate] that you [taked] me in like I’m your real kid. I’m really glad you are [finaly] getting your real baby. She is so lucky to have you both. I’ll  always love you both. I’ll miss you.  But don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay. 
Robert Evan Nash 
Buck doesn’t remember much about what happened after sneaking out or how he got to his Uncle Micheal’s house but he remembered sitting in his uncle’s living room when his parents finally found him. 
“Robert Evan Nash, Junior!” Buck heard his mom’s stern voice before she even saw her. When he did see her the fist thing she did was hug him so tight. Then pulled away trying to inspect him, for what, Buck couldn’t really tell.
“You had us worried kiddo.” Bucked looked up when he heard his father’s voice noticing the slight frown in the man’s face.
“Don’t you ever run away again, young man, or it’ll be your last!”
“I’m-- Look Ma-- I mean look Athena, Bobby--” Buck started as he pulls away from his mother’s embrace.
“Wait, Bobby, tell me we did not just hear our son call us by our first names?!”
“Don’t call me your son, I’m not your son!” Buck protested in anger which quickly melted once he noticed the devastated look on his parents faces. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes.“You are gonna have your real kid really soon. You guys should focus on her. You don’t need me anymore.”
“And what you think just because we are having ‘our real kid’ we are just gonna forget about that kid we spent a decade loving?! It doesn’t work that way, Evie.”
“Son, just because we are having another child doesn’t mean we’ll forget about you. It doesn’t mean we love you any less.” 
“It breaks our hearts to think you feel that way. Your father and I love you so much, Evan.”
“You don’t need to leave us because you are afraid we’ll be leaving you behind, because your mother and I, we’ll always be here with you, no matter what.”
“Now you stop this nonsense about you not being our real son okay. Just because I didn’t give birth to you doesn’t make you any less our real child than this one does.” His mother said holding on to her pregnancy bump as she does.
“Your mom is right. You are not any less our son, just like May isn’t any less my daughter because I didn’t father her.”
Evan didn’t understand back then what they meant about that last part. Eventually though they explained to him how his Dad, Bobby, is sterile and so they had to ask Uncle Micheal to be their sperm donor and his Uncle Micheal was May’s biological father. And that doesn’t make his Dad, Bobby any less than May’s real Dad, because he is. 
When six years later his parents decided to have another child, this time it was Buck who dealt with his little sister’s feeling of jealousy. He told her what his parents told him six years ago, “May, just because Mama and Dad are having Harry doesn’t mean they love us any less okay?” 
“If you say so Buckaroo...”
“I say so, May-bear.” Buck beamed at his little sister, and hugged her tight to reassure her. “Now Popo, Gigi and the troops are gonna be here real soon and you know how Gigi gets, so why don’t you help me clean up and prepare the guest rooms huh?”
Buck was 17 when Harry was born, and unlike May’s birth which his parents surprisingly kept under the radar, Harry’s birth was anything but quiet. It seemed like the whole of America was tuned in to the birth of former President Carter’s grandson. Their family was once again on the forefront of national news. His mom cleverly turned that attention away from their private lives and to her campaigns for issues she deemed necessary to talk about like women’s reproductive rights.
It didn’t take long for Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to take notice and approach Athena to run for congress. Slowly but surely, Evan’s mom’s popularity grew. Her transition from prosecutor to politician seemed to happen quickly. It took less than ten years before Athena’s running a national campaign. 
As his mother fame grew, Buck tried to find his own way in the world. Growing up with Bobby and Athena as his model for success, he knew he’d like to be like them and help people, but in his own way. So Buck traveled around in search of himself. He spent most of his early twenties journeying through South America, doing odd jobs here and there to support himself. For the most part he enjoyed it more than he think he’d enjoy a traditional college experience. He knew though that eventually he have to go back home. 
On Buck’s twenty sixth birthday, the first birthday he spent back home with family in the last four years, he announced his plans for the future. They gathered in his grandparent’s place in west Virginia since Popo and Gigi are the ones taking care of Harry and May while Bobby and Athena are going round the country in preparation for his mother’s campaign. The elections won’t happen for another three years in 2020 but his parents are going around to amass support.   
“So Ma, and Dad, Popo, and Gigi, May, Harry,” Evan looked at each one of them before announcing “I um, I’ve decided to finally stay stateside permanently this time.”
“That’s great Buck!” Harry beamed. “Finally, we get to see you more.”
“You see me every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and you guys birthdays, that’s like eight times a year.”
“Exactly 8 out of 365. That’s just about 2% of the year.” May argued, pouting at her older brother. “And we never see you on your birthday, Buck.” 
“Well I’m here and it’s my birthday so I think--”
“Oh you know what I meant.”
“Yeah I do.” Evan grinned at her. “I just like pointing out your mistakes in logic-”
“Your face is a mistake in logic-”
“Robert Evan! May Ann!”
“But Mama~ Buck started it.” May whined but at her mother’s threatening glare she stopped and glared at her older brother instead, said older brother of course just grinned in triumph at being able to annoy his little sister.
Athena just rolled her eyes at her kids’ antics. Bobby was quick to pick the conversation back up though.
“What are your plans then, son?” Bobby asked. “You want to join me and your Ma? You can help with the campaign, appeal to the young voters.”
“I’d be glad to help with the campaign in anyway I can but I was actually thinking of doing something else.”
“Well what is it that you want to do?” Beatrice prompted and asked when he noticed Evan hesitated on telling them.
“You know you can tell us,” Samuel prodded. “Short of anything criminal, we’ll support whatever it is.” 
“Um I want to be a firefighter like Dad, so I’m thinking of completing a fire science degree, I have almost all the general education credits already so I’m thinking that and the fire academy after.”
“Well that’s a good plan.” Bobby approved, smiling at his son, “You moving back to LA then? Cause I just need to tell Carla so the house would be ready for you to move back in.”
“Well actually, um I’m planning to move to Austin.”
“Like Texas?” Buck’s grandpa asked.
“Not like Texas, Popo. In Texas.” Evan said cheekily.
“You don’t even know anyone in Texas, sweetie.” Gigi piped up showing her concern and disbelief. “Where will you even live?”
“Yes I do, Gigi. Remember Carlos, Dad?” Buck asked but didn’t wait for an answer before continuing,  “His family moved in Austin like years ago.” 
“Who’s Carlos?” his little brother asked.
“Um you don’t know him, Harry. I don’t think even May does. He was my best friend in elementary. Dad and Carlos’ mom used to work together at 118.”
“Carlos? Juanita Reyes’ kid?” His Dad asked finally catching on and remembering the little boy who always tags along with his son after school. “That Carlos?”
“Yes, Dad. We reconnected when we met each other again in Chile. He was visiting family.”
“Oh is he the little boy you used to have a crush on when you were a ten?”
“GIGI!” Evan loudly protested. “I did not-- I never--”
“Oh, don’t deny it now, Robert Evan Reyes.” His mom jokingly chided. “You use to practice signing your name that way.”
“I did not!” Buck protested cheeks blushing. At his mom’s raised Eyebrow of Disbelief ™ he pouted and asked, “How did you even-” 
“I know because your dad was so upset. I mean not his regular pissed off I’m gonna punch something upset but baking three different pastries at three o’clock in the morning upset. So I thought it was really something serious. But turns out he found your notebook filled with the name Robert Evan Reyes.” Athena told her story barely suppressing a laugh while she does so. “It was a few months after your disappearing act, and your dad thought you still aren’t convinced enough that we love you and that you wanted nothing to do with us, and that’s why you wanted to change your last name. I had to calm him down explain to him about puppy love and crushes and dream weddings.”
“In my defense,” his dad went on to add, “I never thought about changing my name to my crush’s name when I was a kid so it never occurred to me that it was about Buck’s crush on the boy.”
“Wait Buck, is Carlos your boyfriend now?” Harry asked. “Is that why you’re moving with him instead of with us at Popo’s?” 
“No, Carlos is not my boyfriend. He’s a police officer at Austin PD.”
“What does being a cop have to do with a guy being your boyfriend?” May asked challengingly. “Are you saying you wouldn’t date him because he’s a cop? Isn’t that taking the firefighter vs cop rivalry too far?”
“I didn’t mean anything like that. I’m just saying that he isn’t my boyfriend. And that he is a cop. Two different things that are allowed to be unrelated.”
“Sure, they are allowed but you know what isn’t?” Gigi asked, not waiting for a reply before answering her own question. “Lying at this dinner table. I know we never really talked about this but you know me and Popo or your parents don’t care that he’s a guy. We all support gay marriage.”
“Mom!” Athena glared at her mother knowing where she’s trying to take the conversation. “That’s inappropriate.”
“It’s true!” 
“That doesn’t make it r--” But whatever Athena was about to say was interrupted by her dad trying to change the conversation. 
“Beatrice, don’t you think Buck is too young to think about marriage?”
“No I think not, Samuel.” Beatrice said not allowing her husband to change their topic, leaving Athena to roll her eyes at her and huff while her mom continued to argue her point, “Bobby and Athena were at Buck’s age now when they had him, and they were married for three years before that. Plus you and me are not getting any younger. I’d like to have seen at least one of my great-grandchildren before I go.” 
“Okay can everyone please calm down.” Buck shook his head at the adults in the table. “Carlos isn’t my boyfriend anyway so this whole conversation is pointless.”
“So if you are not moving to Texas because of this Carlos guy, why chose Texas at all? If your goal is to be a firefighter, isn’t LA a much better choice?”
“Oh I don’t think Buck would willingly move back to LA, Gigi.” May casually commented.
“And why is that?” 
“Well duh, Abby lives there.” Harry answered cheekily, which earned him a glare from his older brother. 
“Abby?” Athena voiced the question all the adults in the table seemed to be thinking. Buck looked at his younger siblings, gesturing for them to shut their mouths, hand slashing on the side of his throat.
“Wait Buck, didn’t you ever tell mama and dad about dating Abby Clark?” May asked totally ignoring the non-verbal hints her brother was conveying.
“Clark? Like your high school swim coach, Clark?” Bobby asked remembering his son’s swim coach has the same last name. “I didn’t know Miss Clark has a daughter.”
“It’s not her daug-”
“Her niece perhaps then?”
“Not her niece-”
“No, don’t tell me...” Athena trailed off finally realizing what her oldest trying to tell them, “Robert Evan Nash, Junior!”
“Mama!” Evan parried back with equal fervor. “This is why I never told you guys, I knew you’d be upset!”
“Of course I am upset! That lady is two decades older than you!”
“17 years is not two decades, Ma.” Buck tried to reason.
“You are not really helping your case, son.” Bobby shook his head.
“She was older and in a position of power, Evan. Clearly she used that to take advantage of you.”
“Nothing happened when she was my coach, Ma. It happened after I graduated. I was eighteen, we were together for like six months. I loved her. Or I thought I loved her but she realized she didn’t have time for a relationship. Not with an immature boy and not with her having to take care of her mom. I understood that. Or I told myself I did. We broke up and that’s-”
“When you started running away from your family.” Athena finished his sentence, as her frown deepens. 
“I’m not running away from you guys! I’m trying to find myself!”
“In freaking South America!”  
“It’s not because of her, Ma!” Buck argued.
“Oh really?!” Athena raised her Eyebrow of Disbelief™ and Buck has no choice but to capitulate. 
“Okay, maybe a little,” Buck said but continued to argue his point, “though you can’t deny that it’s a journey I need at that time, regardless of what led to it. Besides I’m back now, this whole conversation about Abby is a moot point, just like the conversation about Carlos.”
“Okay, I say we table this conversation and talk about something else.” Bobby said.
“Oh can we talk about the time Buck um...” Harry trailed off at his older brothers glare before returning it with a mischievous grin, “You know that time he snuck a girl to 118 and stole the ladder truck.”
“Robert Evan Nash Junior!”
“Really you’d think it’s gang-up-on-me-day not my birthday.” Evan grumbled and pouted at them. “I really hate you guys. It’s no wonder I tried to runaway when I was ten.”
“Oh you love us.”
“Yeah, Mama, I do.”
Buck did as he intended, and moved to Austin. He rented the extra room at Carlos’ parent’s house. It used to be a detached garage that they had converted into a studio apartment. He finished his fire science degree in eighteen months and immediately started at his firefighter training. All too soon he was graduating at the fire academy, top of his class. 
Evan was just done with his first year of probation at Station 126 when his mother ran and won the democratic primaries. It was a hectic few months between the primaries and the November elections. Buck spent the time he was’t working traveling all over Texas and nearby states campaigning for his Mom. It was tiring but it was all worth it especially when it was announced that his mom won 29 of the 38 electoral votes in the state turning Texas, a republican stronghold since the 80′s,  back to a blue state. 
He was happy for her because he knows his  mom worked hard for it. In turn his  family was happy for him for now being a full-pledged firefighter. Every thing was going well for all of them. Especially when his mom unsurprisingly won the elections. 
However there is the small issue of having secret service protection conflicting with  Buck being able to do his job. He wasn’t too worried though because he figured as an adult son of the president, he could always decline secret service protection. His mom would understand and not force it on him.
Buck didn’t count on how overprotective his dad can be though. 
He was glad to finally be home in his apartment in Austin. Three hours of flight from DC to Austin, not to mention the two months spent in campaign tours, exhausted him. He was glad for his mother’s triumph but at the same time he was also glad that the campaign is over and he could go back to his real life. Or so he thought. 
After grabbing dinner with Carlos and TK, who picked him up from the airport, Buck was letting himself into his apartment. There was a commotion behind the door which makes Buck suspicious enough that he was about to call Carlos back for backup, only for his front door to open and reveal a unbearably handsome man wearing a cheap black suit, unbearable because no man should be allowed to look that good in a cheap suit especially when that man is clearly invading Buck’s privacy and likely stealing things or something.
“Who the fuck--”
“Evan, language!” his father scolded, appearing behind the good-looking cheap suit guy who stepped aside to let him in the apartment.
“Dad what are you doing here?” Buck asked confused since he knew five hours ago the man was just saying goodbye to him at a private airfield in DC. It took him a moment to realize that the man that he thought was too good looking to be a thief or hoodlum was actually a secret service agent assigned to his Dad. 
“I thought Agent Kinard and Perez would be your assigned agents?”
“They are, Tommy is doing a perimeter sweep, Armie went on a food run.”
“So what’s with the new guy then?”
“Buck meet Agent Eddie Diaz.” At the introduction the handsome agent held his hand out for Buck to shake which he automatically reached for, and if Buck felt a tingle ran through him the moment they touch, he didn’t bother acknowledging it since he is too busy frowning at the situation he is finding himself in. Buck is quite sure he wouldn’t like whatever his father is gonna say,  “Agent Diaz will be the point man of your security detail. There’s another Agent, Josh Russo, who’s with Tommy doing a perimeter sweep.”
“Dad I told Ma already, no secret service. I can’t do my job with some men in black following me around!”
“Which is why I had carefully chosen agents who would be able to back you up in the field. Agent Diaz served as a Medic in the Army. Agent Bosko who’ll be arriving tomorrow, served in the Navy as Damage Control. And Agent Russo, was former SWAT and has experience in rescue operations. Those jobs would transition well into a firefighting.”
“Dad, I can’t just show up to work go to the Captain and say, hey Cap mind if I bring three tag-a-longs? Don’t worry they are house-trained and all! It doesn’t work that way, Dad!”
“I’ve already talked to the Fire Chief Mulaney and your station’s captain, Owen Strand. They agreed to have one of the agents with you on the field, they would go undercover as part-time hires, and would be assigned to partner up with you. They’ll do 48-hour rotation with you. I had Agent Diaz prepare a schedule to give to your Chief and another to your fire captain.”
“But Dad!” 
“No buts, Buck!” Bobby said just as loudly, showing the extent of his worry for his oldest. “We’re just taking your threat profile seriously, son. You are the only one in our family not living in the White House, which means you are the most vulnerable to malicious attacks against your mother. With your job they can even make it look like an accident. I can’t just leave you unprotected. Your mom and I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night, so please don’t fight me on this, son.”
Buck hated that he can’t say no to his Dad. Robert Nash, Sr has always been the overprotective sort. But he’s never one to beg, not until now. Because reality is that Buck is old enough to decline the secret service protection, whether his parents liked it or not. So his dad played dirty and begged, and Buck couldn’t ever say no to that, not when it comes from the man that raised him and loved him unconditionally. 
First few calls he went with Agent Diaz were medical calls and while it’s slightly irritating specially when the Agent would somehow it was bearable. Besides TK, whose the Captain’s son and Carlos, Buck’s best friend, no one knew that the three new hire at 126 where undercover Secret service agents assigned to protect Buck. Well no one officially knew but Buck guessed that no one was fooled about who the new hires really were. It’s just no one talked about it.
He’s getting used to having one of the agents always around. Bosko is always sarcastic, Russo is chatty and flirty, and that Diaz is quiet and gloomy. They are not too bad. But it didn’t mean that Buck liked them. In fact one could definitely argue that he hated them, or rather specifically Diaz. With a strength of a raging fire, one could say.  The man is just annoyingly controlling, in that it gets to Buck’s nerves.
It came to head when they got a call about a house fire in the ghetto area in Austin, and what turned out to be part of a gang war. They put out the fire pretty quickly but one of the injured gang member has an unexploded grenade embedded to his thigh. They secured the injured young man, who is probably no older than sixteen, in the back of an ambulance but soon discovered that the grenade is some special Vietnam war era grenade and is already missing a pin, hence the slightest movement can and will trigger an explosion. There’s no time to wait for the military expert which is at least 30 minutes out.  
“We couldn’t wait for the Bomb squad or the boy would bleed out.” Diaz informed the captain and suggested, “I could go in and securely pull it out, I have the training.”
“I’ll go with Eddie,” Buck volunteered.
“Oka-” the captain was about to agree but was cut off.
“No.” The agent simply said tone commanding no further objection, which Buck of course completely ignored.
“What do you mean no?” Buck challenged.
“I’m gonna have to pull rank Captain Owens.” Diaz said letting the captain know that he isn’t gonna budge on his decision and how he expected things to go. “I would go inside and get that grenade but I wont have Buck with me when I do. It’s too dangerous. Russo is on his way to help with crowd control.” He said the last four words deliberately which Buck understood as code for Russo is there to help with babysitting Buck. 
And sure enough Agent Josh Russo arrived in his turnout gear ready to partner up with Buck even when he is not originally part of the crew that answered the call.
“Okay, I’m not gonna waste anymore minute debating this.” Captain Strand shook his head before turning to the rest of his crew, “Anyone else not named Evan Nash willing to go through the hare-brained stunt that Diaz here likes to attempt?” 
“Me Cap,” Judd raised his hand to call the captain’s attention to him, “I’ll go with Diaz.”  
“Okay Ryder you, run with Diaz!” Strand nodded to his second in command, before turning to the President’s son, “Buck you stay here with Russo, help deal with the crowd!”
Buck silently fumed as they wrapped up at the scene and debriefed the police. 
“You!” Buck exclaimed the moment they were all in the fire truck on their way back. It was only him, Cap, Russo and Diaz riding with TK driving the truck, so Buck didn’t bother hiding his anger as he turned to the annoying agent, “What the hell is that?!”
“The fucking stunt you pulled with Cap?!”
“Oh you meant me doing my job?” Eddie said dismissing Buck’s anger like it’s irrelevant inconvenience, “You forget that I’m not actually a firefighter, Mr. Nash. I’m a federal agent assigned to keep you alive.”
And Buck has no retort for that but if that’s how the agent want to play it, then Buck would play. So whenever the opportunity to be reckless presents itself Buck would grab it. From free climbing on the side of a cliff with minimal gears, to being the first to every door without waiting for backup. Buck is doing everything to make it hard for Diaz to do his job.
It’s clearly frustrating the Agent every time Buck is being reckless but he’s being mum about it. He endures and backs up what ever hare-brained stunt Buck wanted to pull. That is until Buck took it too far and actually defied a direct order from Captain Owens.
They just responded to a call regarding an old McMansion on fire. When they got there the owners of the house told them that their blind older brother was stuck inside but they couldn’t go in because they didn’t know if their brother deactivated the traps which they said are deadly. 
Buck, of course rushed in as soon as they got the brief not even bothering to wait for Captain’s order and also ignoring the summons to fall back insisting that he got it. 
“What the hell is that?!” Eddie shouted as soon as  Buck got out of the booby trapped house that’s now entirely on fire. Fire carrying the victim he saved and handing him off to the paramedics.
“That’s me doing my job, Diaz!” 
“You want to be reckless?! Do you actually have a death wish?! IS that it?! You want to fucking die?”
“And what is it to you huh?!”
“Dying is easy Buck, living is harder.”
“And why are you telling me this?”
“What you think dying makes you a martyr? A hero?! It doesn’t! It makes you dead! It would make your parents miserable! Your siblings would miss you! And me? I’ll be the schmuck that got you killed so think about that for once.”
Buck was cowed by the uncharacteristic anger displayed by the normally unflappable agent. He realized he was being a brat, that Agent Diaz was only doing his job and while he’s being a reckless brat that could get himself and his crew killed if he continued with the stunts he kept pulling just to annoy the agent. He resolve to make it up with the agent later. But right now Buck allowed himself to wallow in guilt.
Buck felt even more guilty when later at the end of their shift it was the agent who approached him first to apologize.
“Sorry I yelled at you earlier,” Eddie said as he hands out a blueberry muffin and a chocolate-banana muffin, “Here the owner of that burned downed McMansion sent these. I don’t know what flavor you liked.”
“Thanks I actually liked both.” Buck said as he accepted the treats. “Look I’m sorry for being a brat and annoying you with my recklessness.”
“No, I get it okay. You are retaliating because of the stunt I pulled with Captain Strand and the kid with the grenade. I get that. Which is why I let yo do what ever you want, but really you need top stop trying to get yourself killed. If you wanted to annoy me there are other safer ways to do it.”
Buck tamp down on the urge to be sarcastic and ask what those ways are. Instead he offered a reluctant smile and asked, “Okay what about a compromise, I’ll stop being a reckless brat, if you stop being a controlling jackass?”
“What about you stop being a reckless brat and I continue doing my job?” Eddie smirked. And fuck it if Buck didn’t like the way the man looked when he did that. So irritatingly sexy.
Buck’s fucking screwed and not in a fun way.
“Where’s Eddie?” Buck asked as soon as he opened his door and not seeing Agent Diaz as he expected.
“Hello Agent Bosko, how are you doing today? How’s you cat?” Agent Bosko said sarcastically imitating Buck before answering her own question, in a fake overly pleasant voice.“Oh why sir, thanks for asking. I’m fine, Binky is fine.”
“Sorry Agent I didn’t mean to be abrupt but really where is Diaz?”
“He called in today, obviously since I’m here but not that you seem to care.”
“I’m just-- Agent Diaz isn’t one to miss a shift so I was wondering what happened.”
“He has a family emergency, his son is in the hospital, pneumonia.” Agent Bosko explained.
“Is the kid okay?” Buck asked not even bothering to hide his worries.
“Chris is stable but they are keeping him for observation.” Buck wanted to ask more, which Agent Bosko clearly noticed so she graciously offered, “Hey since it’s your day off today, if you wanted we could visit them.”
Buck of course readily agreed, so he quickly changed into and piled into the black SUV. As customary, Buck took the backseat passenger side, another protocol that the agents are unwilling to compromise on.
“So, how’s your cat, Binky is it you said?” Buck tried breaking the awkward silence in the car. 
“I don’t have a cat.” Agent Bosko replied smirking at the rearview mirror. “Which is what I’m saying. I mean I know we are  not friends or anything but you don’t have to push us away either. I mean, unless something huge happened, at the very least you’d be stuck with us for at least four years, but most likely with how popular your mom’s approval rating, it will be likely eight years. The least you could do is know a little something about us, like for example I don’t have a cat.”
“Okay. You are right, so tell me about you.” Buck said, relenting. And so Lena and him filled the forty-five minute ride to hospital with idle chatter about How Lena got into thee service, Buck’s time in South America, and all the secret service gossip Lena heard about from other agents.  
Arriving at the St. Francis Children’s Hospital. Agent Bosko lead him straight to the elevators, obviously knowing where to go. Buck guessed she’d been here before. When “Okay Diaz is on room 310, just go on in I’ll wait here.” 
“Agent Diaz,” Buck announced his presence as soon as he entered the room.
“Sir!” Diaz stood up surprised at sudden intrusion.
“At ease, or whatever Navy slang you guys use,” Buck smirked.
“I was in the Army, not Navy.” Buck heard Eddie grumble under his breath but outwardly ignoring it, though inside he is quietly cheering at having annoyed the older man. 
“And who do we have here?” Buck smiled at the curly head little boy, sitting in the hospital bed with a nasal cannula helping him breathe.
“Um this is my son, Christopher.”
“You’re Mr. Evan Nash! Best Firefighter out of Firehouse 126! Your mama is  President Athena Nash. And your Grandpa is President Samuel Carter.” Christopher recited the facts, amazed but suddenly his face turned serious as he looked to his dad accusingly, “Wait Dad, you said I’m not dying!”
“What?” Eddie asked suddenly alarmed and panicking, “Why son are you feeling weak, or nauseous? Can you breathe? You know what let me get a doc-” Eddie turned to leave but a hand clutched tightly on the sleeve of his shirt. And it broke Buck’s heart to see the tears in the kid’s eyes, he was about to offer to be the one to get the doctor when the boy spoke again, stopping him in his tracks.
“I thought you said I’m not dying so we can’t really submit those Make a- ‘ish forms I fi-filled out but Mr. Evan Nash is he-ere and so I got my wish granted, which means I’m dying.” It took a moment for the kid’s words to sink in but as soon as Buck understood what’s happening he moved to comfort the boy.
“Hey, Hey Buddie don’t cry okay? You are not dying.” Buck said as he sat down on the edge of the kid’s bed and reach out to wipe the young boy’s tears away. “I’m just here to make sure your Dad isn’t playing hooky.”
“You know trying to get out of work to do something fun.”
“Is he in trouble now?” The little boy asked giggling at the idea of his father in trouble.
“Well yes! He is, but mostly because he didn’t tell me he’s spending the day with the most awesome kid in all of Austin!”
“Yeah silly daddy, he should have told you, I am the awesomest, Mr. Nash!”
“Tell you what, call me Buck, all my friends call me Buck.”
“Okay, Buck.” The boy beamed at him and Buck can’t help but beam back.
Meeting Eddie’s son endeared the agent more to him. Christopher is unlike any kid he ever met before, and Buck met a lot, having volunteered at Children’s Hospital around the country. It has nothing to do with the kid’s cheery attitude because that quirk isn’t at all unique to Chris. It’s more to do with the almost instant connection he has with Chris. Evan can’t explain it but the moment he met the little boy he felt a tug on a string he didn’t even know was tethered to his heart. 
From then on whenever possible, Buck likes to tag along the Diaz Boys. Whenever Buck’s day off coincides with the days that Agent Diaz has to protect him, Buck always insisted that they spent it with Christopher, playing video games. And whenever Buck’s day off coincides with the Agent Diaz’s day off Buck insists on going to the local park or a zoo, dragging both Agents Bosko and Russo with them as additional protection. Which Buck didn’t think is really necessary but Eddie insisted. 
In the two months that Eddie Diaz was protecting Buck, Agent Diaz slowly went from the unbearably handsome cheap suit guy, to most annoying and controlling work partner, to someone who Buck wouldn’t hesitate to think of as family. 
This realization came to him at a charity gala that him mom invited them to. It was an early evening event and was for once kid-friendly so Buck invited the Diaz boys to attend it with him.  Eddie was of course reluctant since he knew that he'll be working as protective detail and wouldn't have time to take care of his son. Buck insisted that he could take care of Christopher plus his little brother and Denny, the Vice President's son, both of whom were around Christopher's age, would be there and it's a good learning experience for Chris. Plus Chris would get to meet the President, and that he already promised Chris he'll tour him around the White house, so really Eddie has no choice.  
Buck was looking to where his siblings, Denny and Chris were seated. Then to his Dad having a lively discussion with his Mom, and his grandparents dragging Eddie from his post to ask him Buck don't even have a clue. Seeing both hisDiaz boys fitting so well with his family makes his heart ache. He can't deny it to himself anymore, he sees both Eddie and Chris as family. Buck would really do anything for family, and would protect them at all cost.  
So when Buck saw Agent Diaz leaping into action to protect his mother, it’s not even a conscious decision for him to leap in front of them both and push them down. It’s such automatic reflex that he didn’t even realized he moved at all until he felt something hit the wide lapel of his suit. The force of the hit knocking him off his feet. 
Bright flashes lights brought Buck to the consciousness. He could feel a dull aching on his chest. Slowly but surely he regained enough awareness to recognize Agent Diaz hovering over him and talking on his earpiece.
“Picasso is down. I repeat Picasso is down I need an immediate med evac--” 
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j7nx · 4 years
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
tagged by: @leeeeeex Thank you, love ^^
1. name: Violeta
2. nicknames: Viv or Villy which are shortened from my full name, and j7nx.
3. zodiac sign: Aries.
4. height: 167 cm
5. languages spoken: Bulgarian and English, then there are some left over Spanish and Russian which I haven’t used in years.
6. nationality: Bulgarian.
7. favorite season: Spring and Fall.
8. favorite flower: I love flowers in general, but the first one that always comes to mind is roses, so I guess roses?
9. favorite scent: Uuuh, lavender? Generally I don’t like heavy scents. So I guess something citrucy with a hint of a flowery note if that makes sense? 
10. favorite color:  Pretty much all of them, except maybe pink, kinda depends on the shade.
11. favorite animal: Cats, big and small but also dogs, wolves, foxes and a lot more.
12. favorite fictional characters: Well, lots naturally, but to name a few Shikamaru and Gaara from Naruto, Kenpachi from Bleach, Sterek from TW, McDann from H50, etc.
13. coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hands down coffee, but I do enjoy tea and hot chocolate, so really, it depends on the time of day.
14. average sleep: Lately? 5-6, sometimes 7, but mostly 6...
15. dog or cat person: In my heart of hearts, definitely cat person, though I’m also a dog person.
16. numbers of blankets you sleep with: Usually 1, but if it’s very cold, then 2 with my fluffy, oversized pjs.
17. dream trip: Japan or South Korea even though I’d love to travel to so, so many other places.
18. blog established: 10/9 years ago I think?
19. followers: 209, who knows why since I’m basically not here but I’m pretty active on twitter.
20. random fact: BTS took over my life almost 2(?) years ago and they’ve been one of the best things to happen to me. I can rely on them at any given moment, especially when I need comfort. They’re truly amazing and I’m honored to be following their journey 💜
PS. Not tagging anyone cuz I’m really not here and I’m too lazy :D
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h50europe · 5 years
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Link: https://www.mycoven.de/hawaii-five-0-news/h50-magnum-pi-x-over/
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hiddelstannerbarnes · 4 years
Answer 20 questions then tag 20 followers
Name: Elodie 
Nicknames: Nono, elo, lolo
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 1m75 or 5′7
Languages: French as my native language, English, some German , Romanian,Russian, 
Nationality: French
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Flower: red rose
Favorite Scent: Lavendar and Sandalwood
Favorite Color: Teal
Favorite Animal: Sloths, Hedgehog and dolphins
Favorite Fictional Character: Steve Mc Garett (h50) Hotch, Jefferson and Hook ( OUAT)
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: the three
Average Sleep: 7 hrs
Dog or Cat Person: cat 
Number or Blankets:5
Dream Trip: Australia, USA, Argentina, Pole North
Blog Established: Agust 11th 2019
Followers: 98 and I love you all so much💞💞💞
Random Fact: I love singing and I have a little YT channel 
I want to tag none of my followers be free to make this tag as well 
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rossaol · 7 years
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Alex O’loughlin - Steve McGarrett.
{ Sus expresiones de sorpresa e interrogativas me encantan. }
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mywarriorstory · 6 years
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Special post! NOT H50 related!! 29 years ago my parents said I Do. Without the guidance, love, support, and sacrifice I wouldn’t be who I am today. They shaped me and taught me what was right. But most of all, the love they have for each other grows each and everyday. These two photos means so much to us. The first one was from April 2008. I was 6 years old. We had just watched the Pope say mass at Nationals Park in DC. It was an extremely special day. The second photo was from last year. We went to watch Villanova play Georgetown in DC. It was a crazy insane game, but we won in the end. These are just some of the special memories we’ve had. No matter what I will always love my parents, because they are the ones who gave me life! https://www.instagram.com/p/BnhIsPNnzvd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17i3cz8kdzs0a
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mauraeyk · 6 years
tagged by @chasethesun18 & @jiyamarri thanks my goats! ♥♥♥
rules: answer 30 questions. tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better
nickname(s): kers 
gender: female
sign: libra
height: 5′8″
time: 7:35pm
fave band(s): coldplay, imagine dragons, adtr, etc.
fave solo artist(s): ed sheeran, casper, etc.
song stuck in my head: surrender by natalie taylor .. thanks to @captainmorningstar 😅
last movie I saw: I’m not really a movie person but after ages I went to the cinema again to see ocean’s 8. LOOOOVED IT
last show I watched: hawaii five-o .. what else? @jiyamarri
when did I create my blog: october 2013
what do I post: about my multifandom mess which includes tv shows like castle, ouat, lucifer, timeless, aos, arrow, criminal minds & ncis la :)
last thing I googled: how long billy harrington will be a part of h50 lmao I don’t like him I want him gone but then I read he’ll die & I felt bad.
do I have any other blogs: yes one but I kinda abandoned that blog, it’s hard enough to run one multifandom blog haha
do I get asks: nah. but I’ve got anto so that’s okay 😊
why did I choose my url: because of my endless love for emma swan & chloe decker .. babes 💓
following: 226
followed by: 842
average hours of sleep: from anywhere between 4 & 10hrs two months ago to 9hrs every night, I’m sleep deprived lol I need it now.
lucky number: nine
instruments: I learned to play guitar & flute but haven’t played both in years
what I am wearing: yes I’m wearing my pj’s already at half past 7 on a friday evening.
dream job: architect
dream trip: grand canyon, new zealand, iceland, etc.
fave food: chineseeee
nationality: austrian
fave song: natural by imagine dragons (I know it only was released a few days ago but I’m already obsessed lol)
last book I read: before the fall by noah hawley
top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: obviously the timeless universe, time travel & history, what else does a girl need? ; lucifer universe because uhm tom ellis as the devil ; I still have to say the stranger things universe although it would be dangerous af.
tagging: as I’ve done the exact same not long ago I’m not tagging anyone specific just everyone who wants to do it :)
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
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So.... I think I have the majority of Eddie’s POV written (first draft only tho) for the next chapter.... and started Steve’s.... and then skipped ahead a few chapters to write like 2k of Eddie’s POV when he’s having another pity party.  I need to get off the Eddie angst train but those gifs of him being shot coming across my dash like every third post likely isn’t helping.... he better not die next week.
I’m pretty sure I put up part of this yesterday but ah well. 
From Ch 4, Eddie POV, Family, Familia, ‘Ohana. H50/911 crossover, navy seal Evan “Buck” Buckley, borrowed SWAT characters. Slow burn. Buddie. McDanno. 
Warnings: first draft, my poor rudimentary Spanish (please feel free to correct—Duolingo and google only go so far), Eddie’s poor cannon life decisions.  Christopher Diaz as always is a national treasure. 
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Climbing into the back seat of Bobby’s SUV, his ribs twinged painfully.  He’d dry swallowed some Tylenol that Athena had in her purse but had declined any further medical assessment.  He knew his ribs were just bruised not broken—he could do his own assessment.  He was bruised and sore but nothing for anyone to do anything about other than give it time and rest. 
Bobby hesitated at the door, his eyes sad as he scanned Eddie. He was careful to close the door after making sure Eddie was securely buckling himself in. The closing of the driver and passenger doors sounded like the slamming shut of a jail cell. Bobby was driving so Athena could turn in her seat to watch Eddie, her eyes cataloguing each mark on his skin. 
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” She asked, tone deceptively neutral. 
“Not really.”  He really didn’t. What could he even say?
“Explain,” she stated flatly. “An illegal street fight?  I thought you had more sense. Of all the men in my life I thought you at least had that much sense in your pretty head.”
Sighing, he tried to melt back into the seat cushions as he tilted his head back. “I... don’t have any defense for why.”
“How about you start with the how long.”
His eyes had slid closed and he opened them now to look at her.  Athena’s face was covered by her tough cop mask but her eyes gave it all away. They were sad and full of fear and pain.  He’d done that—hurt her.  He was doing that again and again to people without meaning to, screwing up. Eddie’d tried after Afghanistan to keep everything buttoned down and contained but the relief he’d been finding lately had only been hurting other people. 
He was such an asshole. Why did any of them care if all he was doing was hurting them?
“It’s been.... going on for a few months.”
Bobby stepped on the gas peddle a bit harder than was necessary as he backed out of the parking spot and the abrupt smashing of the brake made Eddie rock in his seat. “Months?”
“Months,” Eddie muttered as he braced himself and Bobby hit the gas again hard enough to rock him, unable to meet Athena’s eyes. “Since... a bit after the tsunami.”
“Why?” Was the hard question from Athena. “You have Christopher. Us. Your Abuela and Aunt, the rest of the 118. Buck. Why Eddie?”
“Because,” his throat was tight and he could barely talk.  He didn’t have Buck anymore and it was his fault because he couldn’t stop being angry. “Because I just needed to stop being angry all the time.  I thought that...I don’t know what I thought....”
“Oh baby,” Athena whispered. “Eddie you know that physical violence isn’t—“
“I know,” he interrupted sharply, his voice hoarse with restrained tears.  He wasn’t going to cry. He deserved them being angry with him. 
“And Christopher—“
“Don’t,” He interrupted, breaths coming quick through his nose as he tried to keep it together.  “Don’t Athena.  I know I screwed up but.... Just don’t.”
She open and closed her mouth, her train of thought momentarily disrupted by his harsh response. “Eddie.... you can’t do this again.”
“I know,” he lowly promised.  Oh he wouldn’t make this mistake again—he’d learned his lesson here. He didn’t know what he’d do in the future but he wouldn’t do this again. Hell, maybe this therapist that Bobby was recommending would actually work where the last one didn’t because he couldn’t....
He just couldn’t keep doing this. 
The remainder of the car ride was mostly silent. Pulling up outside his house, Eddie could see his truck in the driveway.  He hadn’t even thought of what happened to it but he could guess since Lena was sitting on his front step, head hung as she avoided looking at the car and hoping that her hair hid her face from their captain. Bobby jerkily put his car in park and turned halfway around in his seat to meet Eddie’s eyes, arm stretch across to rest on Athena’s headrest and expression constipated. “What is she doing here Eddie?” He asked quietly, authority lacing his words.
“I don’t know,” Eddie deflected. 
Athena arched one eyebrow up at him, unimpressed with his answer. “Want to try that again?”
“No,” Eddie said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. “Any other questions?”
Bobby clenched his jaw in frustration, muscle jumping as he ground his teeth. “I’ll call you later today with the official notice of leave and with your appointment information.”
“Fine.” He reached for the door.
“We will need to talk about this further,” Bobby insisted.
Opening the door a few inches, Eddie braced himself and managed to actually meet Bobby’s eyes. “Yeah. But not right now.”
He didn’t bother to say goodbye as he levered himself upright and out the door, taking a little stumble with the first step but managing to right himself against the pain in his ribs. Careful not to slam the door shut behind, he waited until Bobby pulled away from the curb to approach Lena.  
The porch light was off so it was only moonlight that lit up Lena’s face.  Her eyes were big in the darkness and she nervously chewed her lip. “How much trouble are you in?” She asked softly. 
“Less than I deserve.  Do you have my keys?”
Lena stood and dug in her pockets before removing his keys and his cell phone. She hesitated a moment before handing them over. “I’m sorry.”
Eddie looked up at the sky.  It was a cloudless night and in the light pollution of LA you could barely make out a few of the brightest stars.  Lena was sorry—well he was too. “It’s... don’t worry about me Lena.  You have a ride home or do you want to crash on the couch?”
“I... I have someone picking me up in a few minutes.”
“Do you want to wait inside?” He asked, trying to be polite.  He was tired and in pain but he wouldn’t kick her to the curb. It wasn’t Lena’s fault he made the decision to participate in the fights—she may have enabled him but he had been the one to say yes.  Hondo had been right to call him out, to take responsibility for his actions. 
“No,” was her quick answer and she inclined her head towards the living room window which had the curtain pulled back at an odd angle.  ��Your aunt has been watching me from the window and I don’t think she likes me very much.”
Eddie considered this.  Lena was probably right—he could only guess what Pepa thought of her showing up with his truck but without him. He was probably lucky that she hadn’t called the police on Lena. “It’s up to you....”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” he stood there awkwardly, keys and phone in his hand for a moment. “Well goodnight then.”
“Goodnight,” Lena agreed, moving aside so he could open the door which was locked. 
Stepping inside, he saw movement in the kitchen. Pepa was awake still.
Rolling his shoulders and wincing at the pull, he locked the door and put his keys on their hook before removing his boots. Bending down made him dizzy and he had to put a hand out to stop himself from toppling over and he bit his tongue to stop from swearing. 
“Eddito?” Pepa called in concern as she left the kitchen, coming towards him. “Who was that with your truck?”
Righting himself, he hissed as she turned on the overhead light in the entryway blinding him momentarily.
Her gasp was loud in the silence. “Eddito?  Wha—“
“I’m fine,” he cut her off before she could ask the obvious question.  
Pepa was wrapped in a sweater that he’d bought her for her birthday with Christopher, her slippered feet silent on the floor as she rushed to his side.  Her hands were up, covering her mouth as she stared at him wide-eyed before holding them out in mid-air as if she wasn’t sure where to touch him for comfort.  “Eddito.... dios.  What did you...”
“It looks worse than it is,” he tried to reassure her.
Pepa’s mouth closed with a click and her fine eyebrows turned downward in a vee as she pursed her lips in exasperation at his claim. “You need a doctor—did you see one?”
“No I don’t need a doctor,” he tried to push past her into the living room. “I’m a medic and I know what needs a doctor and I don’t.”
Pepa’s hand on his chest was enough to stop him in his tracks even if her sub-zero tone wasn’t. “Edmundo Diaz—stop right there. What happened.”  She added when it didn’t look like he was going to explain, “Start talking.”
Scolded, Eddie longed for the couch to rest his sore body that was only ten feet away. “I got in a fight.”
“Well obviously,” she rolled her eyes. “With who?  Was it over that girl outside?”
“No,” he hastily denied. “Lena... I wasn’t fighting because of Lena.”
One of her eyebrows climbed upwards incredulously as she folded her arms across her breasts.  “Interesting choice of words.”
Damn Pepa for knowing him too well. “It was my fault,” he insisted as he tried to go around her and swayed as his sock clad feet slipped slightly on the flooring. 
Pepa caught him, making him yelp as her hand landed right on the sore point of his ribs and he jumped.  “Dios.  Sit before you fall down you overgrown idiota.” 
With Pepa’s help he made it to the couch which he collapsed on gratefully, slumping to take the weight off his ribs and the impressive bruise he’d managed to miss on his shoulder. Pepa hovered fretfully before getting a pack of frozen peas out of the freezer and handing it to him to put on his face.  The coolness of the frozen vegetables was at first painful then delightfully numbing as the cold penetrated the bruising on his face. 
“Meds?” Pepa asked.
“I already took some,” he waved her away but did take the glass of water she offered. 
Perching herself on the coffee table, Pepa eyed him worriedly. “Eddie.... I’m serious. What happened?”
What had happened indeed. Debating how much to tell her without making her worry even more he was distracted by the noise of Chris’ crutches hitting the wood floor of the hallway. 
“Dad?” Chris called and his breath stuck painfully in. His chest. “Dad?”
Pepa’s startled eyes met his and both of them began moving. Pushing him back into the cushions, Pepa grabbed the Spider-Man blanket and put it over Eddie. “Lay back,” she hissed.
Complying, he was mostly covered by the time that Chris entered the living room. “Dad?” He asked in confusion, staring at Eddie’s face. 
Trying his best to look completely innocent and likely failing, Eddie greeted his son. “Mijo... what are you doing up?”
“I heard you come in and Tia is here and you were gone and...” Chris head turned back and forth between the two adults, nose scrunching in confusion. “What happened to your face Dad?  Did you fall and hit something?”
Scrambling mentally, Eddie went with the provided suggestion. “Yes mijo. I wasn’t looking where I was going and took a tumble.”
“Are you okay?” Chris hesitantly approached, trying to climb on the sofa with Eddie. 
Bracing to accept Chris’ slight weight, he let his son curl up on top of him even as it made breathing a lot more difficult. He shook his head when Pepa made the move to lift Chris off him, letting his arm snake out from under the blanket to wrap around Chris and anchor him in a slightly more comfortable place. “Mijo you should be asleep.”
“No.  I missed you and I dreamed about the water again and I just wanted....” Chris trailed off, amber eyes flicking towards Pepa before burying his nose in the fleece blanket between them. 
Carding his hand through Chris’ curls, he kissed the top of his head. “You wanted what, mijo?” He whispered, dropping his voice to give Chris the illusion of privacy even as Pepa stepped back a bit. 
“I want you and... Bucky, Daddy. I haven’t seen him in forever and I miss him and you weren’t home when I woke up earlier.”
He closed his eyes in pain.  Of course Chris missed Buck just like he did and the reminder was just another twist of the knife in his side.  He had so much to make up for. “I’m here now mijo,” he assured Chris. “And it’s nighttime but maybe in the morning we can—“
Eddie stopped.  He was going to suggest they give Buck a call and see if he could come over but that wasn’t an option.  It had been so automatic to begin to offer that, as if time of night or day had ever mattered before to Buck where Christopher was concerned. But Eddie didn’t know where Buck had gone or if he would even accept a phone call or text now if it was associated with him. 
He wouldn’t blame Buck for ignoring him.... but he knew Buck would never ignore Chris just because they had been having problems. The realization of just how cruel he’d been about withdrawing his own son from his best friend hit him like another blow. He, Edmundo Diaz, was a grade A asshole. No wonder Shannon had wanted to divorce him since he evidently hadn’t learned anything from his prior mistakes.
“Dad?” Worry colored his son’s voice and it hurt so much.
Tangling his hands in the curls, he gave a few strokes down the back of head and neck, encouraging Christopher to settle. Laying another kiss on his son’s head, he began murmuring to him softly in Spanish, not sayin much before he made a promise that he’d keep no matter what happened in the morning. “Lo siento mijo. We’ll call him tomorrow and see if he’s able to talk.”
Chris wriggled in his grip before stilling as he got comfortable. “Okay Daddy,” he said with a yawn.  “I miss Bucky.”
“I know mijo. Me too.”
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