#habzin hotel velvette
spacebread-7 · 4 months
YouTube seemed to think this was funny so I'll post it here too
Stayed gone but I'm literally everything (this is the second version of this I made)
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archgabrielangel · 4 months
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the future of hell belongs to the bees
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seramilla · 2 months
Velvette is a clingy pregnant she wants to hold her gfs all the time
Three concurrent pregnancy storylines at once?? I'm starting to think some of you have mommy issues. No judging, really. I do, too, hahahahaha!! 😂😂
Are we doing this?! Are we going all in and doing this to Velvette? Is this mainline Seramilla-verse, or an AU? I thought we wanted a slow burn! Speak now, or forever hold your peace!! 😂😂
Velvette would be dealing with so many new feelings and emotions, she wouldn't know what to do with herself. Surprisingly, she doesn't have much morning sickness or a lot of the typical cravings that a lot of women get in their first trimester. No, her "symptoms" are more that she just wants to be held all the freaking time. Clara is a typical 9-to-5er, so she has no choice but to get to work every day. It's usually Kiki that's around for Velvette's "episodes" during the week. She'll stay in bed with Velvette until the overlord absolutely has to go to work herself, catering to Velvette's very specific need to be held, and only getting up if Velvette wants something or needs to stretch her legs.
Clara is generally more dedicated to doing things around the house, so when it's her turn to spend the day with Velvette, usually on the weekends while the succubi and incubi are doing a concert, Velvette generally just follows her around, whining into her ear, and hanging off her shoulder, begging her to come back to bed. Clara eventually does, but she insists that Velvette knows her schedule -- her mother expects her house to be in working order, and they all have their own responsibilities and chores. Velvette knows this, it will only take Clara 30 minutes, tops, and they can go right back to bed. Velvette whines, but gives in. She'll get her way, eventually. She always does, if she's adorable about it long enough.
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starrclownshazbinblog · 5 months
What is the age of everyone? I vaguely remember you saying Husk was in his 80s and Angel is somewhere in his 30s but that's about it
While I'm asking what is everyone's height?
These ages might change based on what I change in their backstories but for now this is my idea.
Charlie: In human years she's somewhere in her late 20s.
Alastor: 40-43
Angel: 56
Husk: 86
Nifty: 18
Valerie: 27
Madame Pentious: 58-65
Vox: 36-41
Velvette: 31-34
Valentino: 45
Mimzy: 31
Molly: 56
Arackaniss: 62
Cherrie Bomb: 33-35
Charlie: 5'11
Alastor: 6'9
Angel: 12'5
Husk: 5'8
Nifty: 3'2
Valerie: 5'8
Madame Pentious: 8'7
Vox: 5'11
Velvette: 5'9
Valentino: 12'11
Mimzy: 5'1
Molly: 12'5
Arackaniss: 5'7
Cherrie Bomb: 5'6
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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saggeysage · 5 months
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Fuck the gays asses in the background I only care about THE Velvette <3
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static-angel143 · 15 days
shenron: come state your wish I shall grant any wish your heart desires
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Emily: Peace and Love on Earth!
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Vox: I'm good...
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Emily: Are you Sure Vox?
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Vox: Yes Doll I'm good don't worry...
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I already got everything that I need to be honest
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Emily: Okay, If you say so
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Vox(POV): All I just wish is for you to be safe either around me or others...since your Heavenborn
Unlike Winners or Sinners can regenerate if they die...
But you...can't...
And I don't want ANYTHING to EVER happen to you...
What did I even do to deserve you?
Let alone be a Seraphim for fucking Luci's sake
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author-chan06 · 1 month
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Day 10! Now we’re in double digit days, nice! I’d call that another milestone, wouldn’t you? Ahah But so! Some more Vox today, with a bit of Vel, and that means a pinch of Staticdoll!
So I worked more on the hands and I started connecting the arms! Which I say went pretty well. The hands still look a bit strange, but the arm positions are already starting to look better. The biggest things are proportions, as it can be hard to find how big different parts of the body should be in comparison to others, but we’re getting there. Just need more practice, as it seems to be coming along good.
And some Staticdoll— Cause honestly, those two deserve so much more fanwork. And I just love pathetic Vox, so obviously that’s how I’m going to portray him. He’s pathetic and so so in love with Vel, even just holding her makes his brain static up, cause Vel’s our bad bitch!
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spacebread-7 · 4 months
Your Honor is it possible to marry Velvette
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seramilla · 2 months
If Velvette does join Clara and Kiki even as a sometimes partner, I feel like there would have to be an exterior force to get Clara to even talk to Velvette. To start out at least, So what I suggest is that Clara and Velvette gets captured by someone (idk who) and them have to work together to get out. Clara and Velvette bicker, there some emotional reveals, banter and generally working together. everyone else is freaking out and trying to find Clara and they eventually do but when everyone gets there Clara is severely injured. after Velvette explained what happened and Clara gets better, Clara and Velvette aren’t friends but it still a start And maybe they can have a somewhat alright but awkward conversation together. 
Velvette is biching about the situation 
Clara handcuffed and over Velvette’s biching: do you have a bobby pin?
Velvette also handcuffed: yes but there all in my hair wh…..
Clara goes over to Velvette and takes one out by the mouth and starts to unlock her handcuffs by lock picking the lock.
Velvette: ow!! What the fuck!!!
Clara successfully unlocks her handcuffs
Velvette: ……
Clara: you want me to pick your lock?
Velvette Reluctantly: yes
Clara is fighting some guy and Velvette is failing to try to fight someone.
Clara: how are you so bad at this!
Velvette: oh I’m sorry! But last time I checked I was the overlord of social media, not fucking karate!!!
Clara: sorry if I thought little miss let’s go to war with heaven would know how to fight!!!
Clara saves Velvette
Velvette: why?
Clara: because….. a small part of me still cares, ok! as much as I hate it you were still a lot of my firsts in relationships and…. Let’s put it this way I want you alive and happy but don’t expect me to love you or trust you.
Velvette: …
Someone sneaks behind Clara and stabs her (IDK, it can be something else this was just the first thing that came to mind)
Velvette: no! Clara I’m……. I’m sorry
Everyone how was try to save Clara breaks down the door.

I'm not worried about Clara because I know people heal a lot quicker in Hell, but damn, anon! This is dark but I like it! I am on board with some kind of conflict forcing Clara and Velvette together. Maybe someone kidnaps them because they're trying to get back at Carmilla and the Vees or something. They default to the "weakest" member of each person's household, not realizing Clara is actually very capable. But it takes Clara getting injured for Velvette to realize what she means to her. Maybe she protects an injured Clara from their capturer.
I don't have a lot to add to this. Lots of neat drama and conflict here. I could definitely see something like that playing out that leads to a mutual truce and greater understanding and empathy between them later on.
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seramilla · 2 months
Winner: Clara Must Choose!
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Y'all voted, and you chose that it's time for Clara to finally decide! Who will it be? Velvette or Kiki? Velvette AND Kiki? I'm giving you lots of options!
Over the next 24 hours, I'm going to try and prioritize all the remaining Clara/Kiki/Velvette related asks in my inbox. I still have several to get through, so hopefully that will give some more last-minute perspective if you're having trouble deciding.
Please, for my own sanity, if you have any final head canons you want to get out there before the final decision is tallied, get them in quickly. But also keep in mind, I am but one lonely Sinner trying to field all these questions. Have mercy on me!
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seramilla · 3 months
I can imagine during Clara and Velvette relationship during one of their many breaks ups this happened (maybe more then one’s)…
Emily knowing Clara’s in hearing distance: I’m usually all for forgiveness, you know like was 100% all for redemption and forgiveness and all that but like don’t forgive people how are little shirts, you know. It just not healthy, I wouldn’t want any of my loved one’s to be crying in a bathtub over a person they can’t fix. Not to mention if that person is using them for their own selfish reasons, like they really shouldn’t forgive those type of people because, like there are soooooooo many more great people out there for them.
Odette next to a cry Clara in the bathtub: that a sign
Tying this to after the party in the last ask because I can, and also who the hell wouldn't cry in the bathroom after Velvette did that?
When they return home that evening, Odette slams every door in the house on the way to her and Clara's bedrooms. She's furious at the events that had unfolded at her mother's party. She's even more annoyed that Velvette had chosen that night, of all nights, when Carmilla had been celebrating the launch of a new line of weaponry, to pull that kind of stunt.
Not only had the Vees crashed Carmilla's party, Velvette had tried to make a spectacle of her baby sister in the process. It's almost too much for Odette to even bear. Once Clara enters her bedroom behind her, Odette slams the bathroom door hard, three times, very loudly, in rapid succession, and almost breaks off one of the hinges. That door experiences the type of vengeance she wants to wreak on that idiot fucking model.
Clara had been trying to hold herself together until they got home. She rushes into their shared bathroom, leaving the door open a crack behind her, and soon, the sound of the tub can be heard running, unfortunately failing to hide the younger girl's crying.
Emily peaks around the corner of Odette's doorway, almost hesitantly, already having paid witness to her rampage throughout the house. "Sorry," Odette says, genuinely ashamed of her behavior. She shouldn't let Emily see that side of her. But Emily just shakes her head.
"It's okay," Emily says. "Sera told me what happened. I think it's justified." Then, almost as if she knows Clara's within earshot, she raises her voice. "I wouldn't forgive Velvette either. That was so cruel what she did! If I were Clara, I'd never forgive her, no matter what! No one that selfish could ever deserve her! What a forking bench!"
Odette snorts. Leave it to Emily to be the one to cheer her up. Then she goes into the bathroom to comfort her sister.
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seramilla · 2 months
Pfff Velvette is shipped with the whole Carmine family...so picture one day she's eating with them and somehow ends up flirting with everyone by accident? And not noticing cause she's trying to flirt with Clara and Kiki but not too hard
Velvette doesn't normally flirt with Clara and Kiki outside their private quarters. She likes to maintain some degree of brevity around Carmilla, to avoid too much unnecessary teasing from the older woman. But one morning, when it's just the three of them in the kitchen eating breakfast together, Kiki is being a little more forward with Velvette. Kiki usually keeps that stuff behind closed doors, where Velvette is concerned -- the overlord doesn't usually like overt displays of affection in public. However, today, Velvette finds it in herself to be a little flirty right back.
She's still a bit hungover from the night before, which probably doesn't help. Either way, two can play at this game. Velvette will fight fire with fire, if only to see Kiki get a little flustered, too.
"You think I wouldn't fuck everyone in this room, right now? Just watch me," Velvette scoffs, putting her boot on the counter and leaning precariously over the kitchen island, practically getting on top of it to stand over her girlfriends.
Kiki is actually getting a little flustered at this, at Velvette's blatant proclamation. So is Clara. This becomes especially true when her girlfriends seem to be looking at something behind Velvette. Kiki and Clara’s blushing only increases tenfold, and Velvette turns her head to see what they’re looking at.
Carmilla is standing in the doorway to the dining room, coffee pot in one hand, and empty coffee cup in the other hand, about ready to pour one into the other. She stops, looking up at Velvette, who's practically standing on the kitchen island at this point. Turning quickly on her heels, Carmilla says, "Absolutely not," and walks rigidly out of the room, as quickly as she had entered.
Velvette avoids Carmilla for weeks, unable to look her girlfriend's mother in the eye. As awkward as it was for Carmilla in the beginning, this is just another thing she can tease Velvette about later. The other woman is a sadist, Velvette thinks. She absolutely lives to watch her former rival suffer. Velvette knows this particularly embarrassing moment in her life will be no exception, and she will never live it down.
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seramilla · 2 months
I bet it was the exterminators trying to get rid of the ones that will most likely be able to fight back.
It takes almost 6 months for Odette to recover from her ordeal. Even after months of physical therapy, as well as actual therapy, because the event left her mind and body scarred, she is still slowly on the mend. There is no easy or expedient way to get over an attack from angelic weapons; somehow she is managing it, but it’s been a long and difficult process. Verosika sleeps over almost every night at this point, unless she’s on tour; if she can’t, Odette will crawl into bed with Clara or Carmilla. Even if Kiki or Velvette are staying over, they will always make room for Odette, so Clara’s sister will never have to feel alone.
Carmilla is thankful they have a family now to help Odette through this. Odette has the type of support system Carmilla could never provide on her own, and for that, she is eternally grateful. However, she’d be lying if she said this hasn’t taken a toll on herself, as well. Even though she will never admit such things to her children.
Carmilla puts on a brave face for her daughters. She still doesn’t know who tried to murder her kin right on her own turf, but for Odette’s sake, she never lets her own pain show. Her daughter needs her — needs her to be strong, be a rock she can lean on when she herself is feeling weak. They may have others she can rely on now, but Carmilla had promised her she would never let her guard down. Not again. Not after what happened.
This isn’t anything new for Carmilla. Tampering down her own fear and anxiety is something she’s done ever since Odette and Clara were children. What’s one more thing to worry about?
Except, she’s not handling it as well as she lets on. Multiple times now she’s been jarred awake, thrashing and practically screaming in Sera’s arms, until she realizes it’s just her wife holding her cheeks, or rubbing her temple and trying to calm her down. Eventually she will realize she’s in no imminent danger, and she’ll collapse into Sera’s arms. Sera will comfort her, or sing to her, or just hold her like the tiny thing she tries desperately not to be in public. Carmilla doesn’t know how she’d get any sleep if not for her.
Carmilla’s anxiety reaches an all-time high the day she finds a mysterious letter waiting for her on her desk at work. Her name is written on the back in golden script, in penmanship she does not recognize. The envelope is covered in a gaudy, embossed floral pattern, and still has a smell of that particular place about it. Carmilla suspects she knows the origin of this particular letter. She wastes no time in opening it, and while her suspicions are quickly confirmed to be true, it doesn’t halt the horror she feels upon reading it.
“Greetings to Carmilla Carmine. My sincerest hope this letter finds you well. You may be wondering at the purpose for this auspicious communication, so I will get right to the matter at hand. You are harboring known fugitives of the Heavenly realm; antagonists of our great cause to maintain the balance between our worlds. What’s more, it has come to our attention that the weapon which felled Adam, the First Man, was of your very own creation. With these facts before us, we have reached an unfortunate conclusion — you and your associates must face consequences.
You may have noticed our efforts to infiltrate and serve justice have thus far been unsuccessful. Good work on thwarting our attempts; I would expect nothing less from the likes of you. However, our patience runs thin, and this office must find a conclusion to the problem that you pose for our realm. Thus, I’m offering you a deal. A simple solution that ensures your family’s safety, for the swift return of the fugitives, and an immediate halt to any further manufacturing of “Holy” weapons in Hell. This is a mandate directly from Heaven.
The angels you harbor are an abomination, as are the weapons you construct. You have 3 days to return Sera and Emily to us, and cease any and all further modification of angelic weapons. To refuse means the lives of you and your daughters are forfeit. There will be no negotiations. Any attempts to alter our terms will serve as a refusal, and justice will be swift. This court is done playing games, and we will entertain your existence no longer.
Please consider our terms. Leave your response with your own letter on the roof in 3 days time. Someone will be by to collect it. Think carefully about your next move, Carmilla. Don’t make the wrong decision.
Sincerely yours,
- Seraphiel, the NEW High Seraphim of Heaven.”
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seramilla · 2 months
Velvette finally realizes it's over, completely, never getting her back and she just falls apart. Like no posting, no showering just sit in her bed with ice cream crying for a week straight. The other two go just to beg Clara to somehow fix her cause when they tried she tore off one of their arms
At some point, something has to give, and eventually, Velvette has to be able to admit to herself that whatever she and Clara had is over. She can only pursue the same person, make these big, public gestures of affection without reciprocation so many times, before people start speculating things about her. "Has Velvette lost her touch? Why does she care so much about Carmilla's daughter? Why has she made so few public appearances lately? Has she gone soft?"
Things like that start swirling in Velvette's head. The more she allows herself to focus on it, the more she spirals. She misses more work than she ever has before, and she's certain people are starting to question her resolve. No, this can't be the end of it! It can't be! She wallows for so long in her suffering, trying to fill the emptiness with long hot showers and tub after tub of ice cream. Not even Valentino or Vox can get through to her. And when Valentino asks why that "bitch" hasn't shown up to work lately, she rips one of his many arms right out of its sockets, smacking him in the face with it, until he's a battered mess on his studio floor.
He screams, and calls her every bad name under the sun. He's always been a weakling. His arm will grow back.
What does the bastard think he's going to do? Fire her? She's the backbone of this outfit. Neither of them would survive 2 weeks on their own without her marketing and PR skills. She's invincible. Untouchable. She is the Vees, whether those fuckers admit it or not. She will get through this. She has to. Clara is just one woman. There are other, less devastating fish in the sea. She'll get over her eventually.
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static-angel143 · 18 days
wait isnt vox dating valentino? i remember Velvette posting on voxtagram of the two you making out after the whole botched extermination
You better bloody not be two timing on our precious little bean emily with that sleazeball Vox!!!
Vox: Don't worry your little asses
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I ended my so called situationship with him after 3 Months of dating Emily...
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starrclownshazbinblog · 5 months
A completely random fact about my Habzin Hotel that is completely canon that I added because I think it's cute and I wanted more sapphics in the Helluva-universe is that Velvette has a crush on Cherrie Bomb but she doesn't know how to act on it so she just spoils Cherrie with gifts and hopes Cherrie will magically fall inlove with her.
Cherrie has no idea why Velvette likes to buy so much stuff for her but she doesn't complain because she doesn't want Velvette to be feel bad.
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