#hacks s3 speculation
lilolilyr · 5 months
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Original post | Watchparty | Discord Server
As season 3 is about to drop, a bunch of us have collected predictions about what might happen next on Hacks (HBO)!
Even if you haven't joined in for the first part, you can still play in the bingo: just reblog/reply to this post/message me/ write on discord, and you'll get your very own bingo card!
Everyone will have different cards, and you win by getting a bingo (row or column of correct predictions)!
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Of course everyone getting a bingo is welcome to share the results by making a tumblr post tagged #hackss3bingo (and #hacksspoilers), or by writing on discord, that would be super fun!
Thanks for the mod help @theevilqueenreadstoo, and everyone else who also joined in to collect predictions, @naughterful @lesbianlovelife @lift-heavy-be-gay @stardust-and-the-tardis and the folks on discord :)
We sorted the predictions into very likely, semi likely and not very likely and every card has the same amount of likely predictions, and I tried to also arrange them in a way where bingos are just as likely to occur on every card. You'll get a bingo card randomly picked by sending me a number between 1 and 20, no identical cards will be sent out twice: if we run out of cards the predictions on used cards will be rearranged to make different bingos
(and yes, we did have to change a couple predictions after the preview scene came out because we said we won't count anything we already know from released material xD)
A lot of the predictions have been shortened to fit onto the card, if you don't understand something on the card because the grammar is wonky or something, please ask!
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mykashg · 2 years
keep you safe from me
“Why did you really come?” / “What, helping you upstage Marty at his own wedding isn't a good enough reason?”
I wrote a little something as part of the Hacks S3 Speculation Challenge. Huge thank you to @trying-to-get-somewhere-real for always encouraging me and suggesting I try to take on Deb's perspective in a bigger way and to @sapphicscholar for all your organisation, communication and generosity.
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amuseoffyre · 6 months
The more I write of my OFMD speculative S3 fic, the more I realise how much the writers were constrained for writing S2, by budget and executive interference about content and the limited time given by 8 episodes with reduced duration caps - I hadn't realised how much shorter some of the S2 episodes were than S1.
It makes me spit tacks thinking how much they could have done with the full 10 episodes, how so much of the stuff that felt rushed or pruned down or even fully cut was because too many CEOs spoiling the broth and forcing them to speedrun (and censor) so much.
We know they had:
a reunion scene with Jim and Olu - Samba mentioned it in WJW. Roach bringing them the soup and Olu crying on Jim's shoulder.
scenes setting up Zheng and Olu in the Republic from the press stills so it wasn't just hacked and slashed down to "you're the break in my day"
Wee John had more scenes with a through-line through multiple episodes about being tired of just being the Big Guy/muscle.
the entire planned polycule during episode 6 that was fully vetoed to the point that the cast and writers had to resort to slipping in coded references ("we've shared before" / "he's my anchor")
episode 6 originally meant to be a wedding episode where Ed actually pays for Lucius and Pete's wedding which again, vetoed, and we were only given a 2 minute ceremony tacked on the end - the fact that "Calypso's birthday" is literally "something you just made up as an excuse for a party" because they had to rewrite the episode
Ed and Stede actually spending episode 6 with them both not dealing well with "going slow" but it also being vetoed because Heaven forfend showing positive sexual desire between gay characters. But sure, lets show them being tortured instead. Max likes that.
Related to this is the 24 sexathon. Originally, it was meant to be Jim/Olu/Archie but it was shifted over to Lucius and Pete. Look at S1 when we had naked Olu and Jim snuggled post-coitus and Lucius drawing dick-pics and flirting shamelessly, 'we don't belong to each other'.
By comparison, S2 was pared back to a handful of kisses, one fade to black and a 60-second wedding. Nothing says sterilising the queer sex experience like having two people standing two feet apart, fully-dressed and not touching while saying "Oh yeah we had so much sex" 😤 THEY COULD HAVE BEEN CUDDLING IN BED. WE DESERVED CUDDLES. THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE.
But no. You may only have [this] much open queer affection in this show and then we shall destroy it because we never wanted to give you S2 in the first place.
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cuddlytogas · 1 year
GOOD OMENS 2 SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!! spewed out right after binging last night and then added to today. I'm mostly gonna ramble about structure rather than content, but the last few bits get quite spoilery
before that, though, one other thought: I DO hope the power of fandom now will mean that we'll get an influx of people listening to Cabin Pressure and JFSP and Double Acts and all that good stuff!!! John Finnemore is such an incredible writer and comedian, and I know the "following fandom brain into a rabbithole of someone's previous work" is a lot more common for actors than writers, but. one can dream!!!!!!! knowing Finnemore was a co-writer was what reassured me that the new season wasn't going to be an unnecessary sequel, he's so fucking good, and in conclusion ---
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okay onto the s2 thoughts
obviously I'm, like. insane now. like I'm gonna shatter into a million pieces and also be sick. I have LOST my MIND. and it WAS good!!!
but also
I thought the pacing wasn't nearly as good as s1? obvs s1 had the ticking clock element, which is hard to recreate without just having another ticking clock, but especially some of the flashbacks tended to linger a smidge too long, and you could tell some of them were written by other writers - the "minisodes" thing I think didn't HELP. obviously I don't think this was a MAJOR problem, and I'll want a rewatch when i feel less Fully Insane to judge properly, but even ending aside, I feel like it didn't have quite the same structural/pacing qualities that made s1 so watchable
I thought the extension of the preexisting 1941 flashback felt... a bit hack-y? (it also went on too long tbh.) the reason those worked so well in s1 was because they were these little snippets, extending it (again, especially to the length that they did) was a little... hm. not, like, a cardinal sin, and it might just be a taste thing, but. again, the "minisodes written by other writers" thing didn't help.
and I'm REALLY sad it was released all at once!! with all the mystery elements, I would've loved a week to week format - even two episodes a week - to really digest all the clues, to sit and speculate and process each reveal/development! I just read that Neil Gaiman wanted that too, so it's extra hurtful. it would've been such a satisfying way to consume the show, but alas, Binge Culture must prevail, I guess :\
finally... I might be genuinely disappointed by the ending? I mean, the religious trauma is Strong With This One, and it'll depend on what they do with s3 (I'm not even going to humour the idea of no s3), but just... okay, real spoilers from here
it felt like Aziraphale really backslided?? like, wasn't the whole point of s1 the learning of "heaven and hell are both a bit shit and we're on our own side"? I understand why the final choice was compelling, both to him and the audience, but even across the season - and especially taking both seasons' flashbacks into account - he really sort of pinged back and forth between learning the lesson and going right back into denial about it, in a way that started to feel less like a character flaw and more like a cheat to keep the drama going. obvs his final choice was DEVASTATING, but also I couldn't stop thinking that Aziraphale... knows better??? not just "he should know better, how heartbreaking", but haven't we SEEN that he KNOWS BETTER?? it felt... inconsistent? again, as a writing choice rather than a character thing
like, I've slept on this thought now and calmed down a little about it, obviously I'm a bit biased by how also extremely painful that whole last scene was to watch, but - thing it, it's not even the decision itself that sits so formally wrong with me! the "I could fix things if I were in power" self-delusion is a very believable and narratively compelling (READ: HEARTBREAKING) move, as is him believing "if Crowley were an angel and I fixed everything then we could be safe and together and everything would be fine"!
but specifically the "but heaven are the good guys" - that gets me! like, after everything?? you really still believe that?? I thought it was obvious you learnt your lesson?? something something, "how can someone so smart be SO stupid?" - except we already did that bit in s1!! ahhh I dunno, it just rings a bit too much of the kind of undoing character development and recycling drama that I reeaaaally don't like :\
like, just. the pure disbelief in crowley's face - "tell me you said no" - like, yeah. and not just in a character sympathy way, but - come on, Aziraphale!! we've been through this so many times now!!!
again, this will also all rest on how it's handled in s3. and I have some faith! s2 actually bringing up crowley's "I was there when you tried to destroy Aziraphale, I saw your face when you told him to shut up and die" was revelatory, I loved that they actually made reference to it. and the writers are good! this isn't going to be a wwdits situation, I think we're safe in that. but s2 definitely had a few more plotty/pacing flaws, and that's just SUCH a huge betrayal - that whole ending was so massive - I have a lot of gay fear about how it'll all be resolved.
or, I dunno. maybe I'm just still too sad to think straight.
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sapphicscholar · 2 years
I posted on twitter yesterday, but for the Hacks fic writer fam: possible fandom-wide writing event! Given the bts photo Hannah posted on Instagram yesterday (included below), a whole lot of folks over on Twitter were speculating about different S3 plots that could culminate in that look.
If others are interested, I thought it might be fun to have any writer who’s interested in participating take one of the theories as the basis for a S3-setting fic and post it to a collection on AO3! If we wanted to add a little bit of chaos to the fun, we could also use a randomized to assign the theories as prompts/inspiration!
If you might be interested in participating in any way, feel free to drop a reply (or DM). And either way, feel free to reblog and signal boost!
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
If you had to rank all the 14 ST characters in the main group from most to least fav what would your ranking look like? (And by main group i mean the characters including murray and erica, and excluding karen, basically everybody involved in the final battle in 3x08)
ok let me preface this by saying that i literally love all of these characters i don't hate any of them okay?? let's go... ascending order for the drama!!
14. murray. no explanation needed. no offense to brett gelman he's phenomenal and i honestly think murray is really funny, but he's more or less just a plot device with some comic relief slapped on top.
now things get spicy <3
13. erica. love her to death! but she's fairly one-dimensional, once again primarily a comic relief character. maybe in s4 she'll get some more depth like the older kids have, but for now she's sort of a default next-to-last :/
12. will... no tea no shade but the kid's barely in the show! i absolutely want good things for him but like. i barely even know him. yknow? he’s only above erica bc he’s gay and she’s a capitalist. also that scene in s1 right before he gets snatched by the demogorgon when he just runs straight to the shed and grabs a goddamn shotgun and loads it fully ready to defend himself... that shit slapped good for him!!
11. this Will be controversial among some and i Know this character is many people's favorite... if you follow me already this is probably not going to surprise you but. nancy. i just think her character is kind of inconsistent, so i have a hard time really clicking with her :/ sometimes i love her and i think she's so cool and funny and hot (that hospital scene in s3... my GOD what a badass!) and other times i would like to fistfight her.
also let me get this out of the way right now: i'm aware that jonathan's character is ALSO super inconsistent!! i know okay??? i know!!!! please nobody judge me for how high rat boy gets on this ranking okay i'm literally making this up as i go along so idk if he's next or if he's like in the top five but i have a disease called Unreasonably Invested In Wildly Speculative Meta-Analysis Of Stranger Things which makes it impossible for me to be normal about jonathan and this is my ranking so i pick the bad taste!!!
10. joyce! i love her bro she's MOM and she tries so fucking hard all the goddamn time and she's so STRONG and kind and adorable... joyce is honestly a very unique and refreshing character ESPECIALLY if you’re considering stranger things within the horror genre which is often defined by these very specific archetypes of mothers and motherhood that i can get into if anyone is interested but like basically. love her <3
9. dustin <3 what an icon... i love him i love how he straight up killed a man and hardly flinched because it was to protect his friends and i love how he and his little girlfriend have a song they sing together and i love how he either has an insanely warped perspective on things due to low self-esteem or he just sometimes flatout lies to gain sympathy either way he’s a BABY and he’s so FUNNY and KIND and even when he’s scared he keeps going... ugh god and i love how even when he doubts his friends’ devotion to him he NEVER ever questions his devotion to them and he never ever considers leaving them behind or not stepping up to help them... he’s so brave!
8. mike is such a fucking BITCH but even more than that he is an ANGEL... literally his range who is doing it like him??? nobody!!!! graffiti’d the bathroom stall at school... hates cops.... what a legend. also i like how fucking goofy and dumb his hair looks in s3. also he’s very soft with his friends and it makes me cry. ALSO he literally stepped off a fucking CLIFF he was ready to DIE FOR DUSTIN and i know all the kids have risked their lives for each other but this wasn’t even a monster yknow this was just... bullies.... threatening his friend..... and mike couldn’t fucking let it happen bro he was ready to just step off the edge to keep dustin safe and it’s SO MUCH... and god the kindness he showed el when they first met!!! he’s a total angel and a total shithead and it’s amazing.
7. lucas my tiny baby hero.... he’s so strong and cool and capable yet at the same time he’s such a COMPLETE dork!!! he very seriously believes his slingshot wrist rocket is a lethal weapon and then he ACTUALLY USES IT AS A LETHAL WEAPON TO SAVE HIMSELF AND HIS FRIENDS!!! he hacks off a giant monster’s freaky tentacle arm thing with an axe to save his friend AND he keeps a bunch of action figures and random dice on his bedside table bro he just thinks they’re neat!!! like... i genuinely love him so much god he cares so much about his friends and he’s so brave and smart and loving... i know he is not tiny anymore but he is my tiny baby hero okay...
6. hopper! big man care for little girl... protect and love kids... dance to dad music... be goofy and hot... have trauma.... admit his faults and attempt to grow from them.... what's not to love?
5. jonathan... look i can’t explain it except that he loves his goddamn baby brother so much and i’m a sucker with extensive headcanons alright!
4. el!!! feral little darling girl!!! i literally cannot articulate the love that floods my heart whenever i see her face or think about her for too long she’s just... so strong but more than that she’s so incredibly KIND!! when she has every reason to be selfish and cruel and yeah at times she does let herself get a little mean but on the whole she’s always so goddamn kind and loving and selfless no matter how afraid she is or how she’s hurting... and i hope that with her powers gone in s4 she’ll maybe learn how to see herself as more than a tool to protect those she loves yknow but that’s off topic skdncmn i just think that el is such an incredible character with such depth!! she can be so grave and mature yet she’s still such an innocent child at the same time, and i think that both the writing and mbb’s acting are handled such that both of these things WORK and feel real and they make el (and her trauma) so believable. i just love her to death.
3. robin, light of my lesbian little life!! unfortunately she's wayyy too much like me to snag the top spot lmao. maybe once we get another season with her she’ll trample the competition but for now my baby is in a solid third place <3 i’ve never seen a lesbian on screen who i felt so accurately represented me and my experiences!! she feels so real and in just one season she’s become one of my favorites on the whole show, and i cannot fucking wait to see what else we learn about her and what development we see from her in s4. 
2. as u may have guessed... max!! i know i said this was my subjective opinion but here i’ll just say it: max is objectively one of the best characters on the show. she’s so strong and funny and quick on her feet while harboring some real pain and insecurity at the same time, and both of these aspects of her character are married perfectly, logically connecting to one another and joining with sadie’s incredible acting to create an amazing character who feels just... so real!! i absolutely adore her and i CONSTANTLY tear up just from thinking about her skdncmn...
1. what if my number one wasn't steve. like can y'all imagine???? if i just said like will or some shit???? genuinely i did consider giving max or robin top billing here but i just Can't i've dedicated too goddamn much of my life to steve harrington to deny that he's my one and only. is there anything to say that hasn't already been said? look at the bitch. just look at him. 
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what other answer could there be?
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gra-sonas · 3 years
I know this topic is such a sensitive one because of how stressed and worried some are about Alex’s involvement in the season or at least the last episodes. So if it’s not a topic you wish to keep discussing please feel free to ignore! But I was thinking about some of these scenes recently filmed where it seems that everyone is accounted for expect him (and Max I guess). As much as we all want Alex in group scenes, the more I thought about it, a character stands a better chance of getting some focus if they’re in their own scene. Having at least 6 of the mains all together, often scenes like this only a couple really have the focus while the others are supporting or hell even there because they need to be included. Since there’s no way Alex is just chilling at home, if he’s not in the scene with everyone I truly believe he’s doing something super important in the moment and we’ll keep cutting back to it and he’ll get the focus he deserves. And honestly, this kind of happened in 12 where mostly everyone was together but it only lasted a short time before people broke off in groups and had their own purpose.
Anyway, sorry to keep harping on this! I just know people, myself included, have been a bit disheartened with spoilers lately and I’ve appreciated all the different theories and perspectives of what could be going on.
Have a great day!
I get being worried, I’m just a little overwhelmed bc whenever Tyler’s not in bts content, my inbox is getting flooded with “negative” messages (in the sense that people “complain” about Alex being sidelined, not getting the attention he deserves, and whatnot), even though there’s no evidence for any of that.
There’s rarely any bts content of him from the past 2 seasons, which makes it seem like he simply doesn’t want to be in it. Tyler not being in pics or vids is no confirmation that he’s not on set tho, even less confirmation that Alex won’t be involved in storylines, or will be sidelined.
We know next to nothing about S3, we barely know when they filmed which episodes, and we only have a vague idea about a handful of characters, and maybe one or two storylines. We’ve speculated a lot, and at least half of it is probably nonsense and won’t happen, or play out differently, and that’s fine.
But always assuming the absolute worst for Alex just because Tyler’s not featured in a pic? I don’t understand why that’s even a thing. And it almost makes me not want to speculate about Alex anymore (which SUCKS bc he’s my favorite), bc these kinds of messages “drain” my excitement. (Not sure if that makes sense?)
Anyway, whether Alex is going to hack stuff or do something else, I’m certain he will be involved in bringing down the Big Bad in a meaningful way. :D
Have a great day yourself, nonnie!
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
I've been enjoying speculation about the key. Assuming the flame is, in fact, the "key", do you expect: 1) the flame was not destroyed at the end of S6, like we thought, 2) the flame has been destroyed but is still needed, so Raven (as Becca's "heir") must recreate a flame-like technology to help save humanity, 3) the flame has been destroyed but our heroes must find another, better(?) way (other than opt. 2) to solve the problem, 4) ... I'm running out of characters. Thoughts?
I’m thinking the key was rebooted back to factory settings or something. So wiped clean of all the new memories from becca and all the commanders, but maybe the AI processor is still there. 
That may mean that Raven can jury rig it to be what they need. But would Octavia know that?? If the Mcap was only her memories, then she wouldn’t have been a part of what happened IN the COL or back in Arkadia with Raven to help her.  Octavia would know about them EM blasting it out of Raven, but s3 Octavia wouldn’t know about the extra powers it gave Raven. She was too busy hacking and slashing her way through her fury. 
Which means Clarke, as the one spearheading the flame storyline would be “in charge” of the flame. OH she was also fleimkepa for a while. She had Becca’s book. Octavia knew that. This was before Raven got her claws on the flame and the book and became the expert. So CLARKE was the expert. 
But of course they’re going to need Raven to figure it out. They’re going to need EVERYONE.
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jules85 · 6 years
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.
A few days ago, I asked the question what was Barry as Oliver doing training at ARGUS with Diggle in the crossover.
I then read an awesome spec from @thesunnystar about The Ninth Circle, their connection to the Dante painting Curtis is trying to decipher, and the real possibility that they are our real big bad of the season.
I can't link the post as I'm on my mobile. It goes into great detail, but here's the basics;
The Ninth Circle are an international criminal organisation and bank. The board of directors are corrupt execs from various corporations. The lower members are forced to join by the organisation or a group called The Underground Men.
Their leader is Dante.
Current members include Brick, Eddie Fyers.
Former members include Cyrus Broderick, Robert Queen, Moira Queen, Emiko Queen.
Allies include Malcolm Merlyn, Queen Industries, Yakuza.
So, for the last few days I've been theorising about Arrow.
What else is new?
Then we got the episode description for 7x08 and things started to come together.
The final piece came to me when @almondblossomme posted her spec about Oliver having his own Suicide Squad after faking his death.
This idea stirred a memory.
At the start of the season there was talk about Arrow really going heavy into the comics. I think it was Stephen that mentioned the Green Arrow Rebirth comic; The Hard Travelling Hero.
Now, in my extensive research (google) I saw that there are two versions of this; one with Green Lantern, and the new Rebirth comic with just Green Arrow.
When I read the book description things started clicking into place.
- 'They killed Oliver Queen. They made the Green Arrow an outlaw. The Ninth Circle will gather it's forces to destroy the hero's very soul. Buildings will topple. Innocents will starve. Disease will spread and Seattle will die.'
'Unwilling to let another city suffer the same fate as Seattle, Green Arrow kicks off a quest to hunt down the Ninth Circle across America.'
'He has to make amends with those he's alienated to take down his deadliest foes.'
Are you with me yet?
Here is my theory. (Yes, I know. I have a lot of theories lol)
7x07 entitled 'Slabside Redemption' sees Oliver make a choice that will affect his entire life, as well as the lives of everyone he cares about.
What is the choice he makes?
To stay in Slabside and see out his sentence.
The appeal to get his conviction overturned is unsuccessful. Felicity pleads with him to escape. But he's firm in his decision not to lead the life of a fugitive. For his family's sake, more than his own.
Then, Diaz somehow gets into Slabside. We know they have a fight and a riot occurs.
Oliver dies.
Or at least, Diaz and the public think he's dead. But he's not.
7x08 entitled 'Unmasked' is essentially the mid season finale, so things are going to come to a head. Secrets and clues will be revealed or dropped.
The description reveals that Felicity will stand by her recent decisions regarding her family.
Now, the doommongers have her asking for a divorce.
That woman is not going to spend the season fighting for her husband, trying to protect her family, just to hand him divorce papers. If I'm wrong, I'll eat my own hat.
So, what is the recent decision she made regarding her family?
I think it's a decision she made regarding Oliver.
A decision she made without his approval.
Lyla, Diggle, and Curtis have deciphered the painting by this point, and the ties to a corrupt organisation and Diaz. Unable to trust the hierarchy at ARGUS, Lyla needs someone she can trust to help her take down The Ninth Circle.
Oliver Queen.
The Green Arrow.
Lyla, Diggle, and Felicity concoct a plan to start a riot at Slabside to cause a distraction to fake Oliver's death and get him out. (Think s3 with Roy)
When he gets out, Oliver is not happy about it, as it means that he is essentially a fugitive, and that William has to stay at Boarding school.
Felicity stands firm in her decision. She had to be ruthless. (She has precedent for going to extreme measures for her man; drugging him in Nanda Parbat, saving him in the Atom suit, going after him in the police precinct last season)
I'm also thinking that this will all tie up in perfect parallels with the flashforwards.
As it's revealed that Oliver is alive in present day, the flashforwards will reveal that Felicity is alive in the future.
Felicity stands by her recent decisions regarding her family in both the present and the future. In the flashforwards, she faked her death to protect her family.
This all then leads to the second part of the season, where Oliver, Felicity, hopefully John and maybe present day Roy go on their quest across America to bring down The Ninth Circle. By this time, Diggle will have realised what the last six years meant to him, and Roy has been sent by Thea to help her brother. Maybe even Emiko will be along for the ride. But Emiko has ties to The Ninth Circle. She's a former member who wants to take them down. That's what her list is; Ninth Circle members. Oh, Emiko is the new GA btw lol.
The newbies and BS will stay in Star City. They have established solid links to the city; Dinah as Police Captain, LL as DA, Rene with his daughter and the Glades. Curtis...possibly dead. But probably not. This is my wishful thinking. But it makes sense.
I think Oliver will call on them to watch over the city and later bring them into the fold when required.
6x23 already saw him 'make amends with those he's alienated' with that apology tour he did.
So now he has to focus on his marriage and his brother. And possibly getting to know his half sister.
Felicity making this decision for Oliver means that the writers can do their typical 'have Felicity walk in Oliver's shoes so we don't have to admit that once again Marc Guggenheim is a hack' trick. So don't expect any apologies from Oliver.
Or maybe Beth will surprise me. We'll see.
The idea of Oliver and Felicity leaving doubles down on Future William's reveal that they just left him. We're supposed to think that the last time he saw them was 7x01 and before. But that's not true.
I think this Ninth Circle group will go full circle and tie back to the shows origins. I think it will be revealed that they had ties to The Queen family, Malcolm, the Yakuza and the Undertaking.
One big giant conspiracy.
Disclaimer: This is purely my speculation. I'm probably wrong. I usually am. But it's fun.
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Ok so I'm really worried. Someone posted on reddit that there's a scene of a guy wearing the fsociety mask in the s3 trailer but that his hair looks burnt? The guy looks an awful lot like Tyrell and they're speculating that Tyrell might burn his face off to hide himself from the police/the ppl looking for him. And I really don't know what to think 😥 I really hope that's not the case 😭
Okay, firstly we don’t know that’s it’s Tyrell, all we have is the muscular arms it could be anybody.
Secondly, to be unrecognisable he would have to burn his face horrifically, I know he slaps himself in season 1 but there is no indication he would willingly put himself through that torture. Also, they could still identify him through his voice or fingerprints, so it would be pointless.
Thirdly, the police are capturing whoever it is in the clip, which means they already know of their involvement. Not that they are even trying to hide their guilt anyway, as they are wearing a fsociety mask.
Fourthly he would be in agony, how would he be able to wear that mask with fresh burns? How would he not be withering in pain on the floor?
So the theory doesn’t make any sense to me, I really don’t think you need to worry about anything like this happening anon.
I think Tyrell will find a way to get out of being charged for the hack, especially after Joanna framed Scott Knowles for Sharon’s murder. But probably with dark army’s influence, definitely not by burning his face.
There is even proof this won’t happen in the season trailer as we see Tyrell is stood outside of ECorp in broad daylight, so he is not in hiding anymore. But there are no burns on his face and his hair is not singed.
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coldtomyflash · 7 years
Ok so I have a question that I've always kinda of wondered about the Flash universe, but I don't think it was ever really answered and I'm kinda interested at others opinions. Do you know how Caitlin an Cisco make money? like I guess in season 1 Eobard!Wells could've paid them for helping Barry, and I'm also guessing that maybe the police department paid Cisco for making them new tech, but other then that I have no idea.
So I was sure I had a post about this, but I cannot find it for the life of me.
I have this from an old post:
I always assumed that the bars (edit: Barry’s protein bars) come from the STAR Labs’s budget, much the same as the rest of the Flash equipment they need, the parts for the things Cisco invents almost weekly, and all the lab equipment and chemicals that Caitlin uses. The budget must also include the standard operation of the building – keeping the lights on, the security up and running, it probably has to be inspected at least annually even though it’s closed, and even things like getting the trash picked up weekly and the floors mopped, unless Cisco or Caitlin or Barry takes care of that.
Not to mention that Caitlin and Cisco have to have salaries via the lab still, because Caitlin doesn’t work at Mercury anymore and Cisco only acts as an occasional liaison for the CCPD. With Barry technically owning the lab, I imagine that he has mostly let Cisco and Caitlin determine their own expenses and salaries and that the lab has an accountant or three to process all their financials.
What they list the Flash-related expenses as on their documentation is another question altogether, but it could probably slide under some radar as research-related funds if they’re careful; it’s not like Cisco wouldn’t be able to hack or falsify some documents as needed. Let’s hope they never get a picky auditor though.
Beyond that, how the lab makes money is a neat question too. You’ve got to imagine they have royalties from some of their old patents, that Cisco might still be patenting inventions and Caitlin might be at least publishing papers on her research at times. In theory, the lab’s investments should be pretty-much self-sustaining at the very least, especially with such a small list of employees now and relatively low operating costs (aside from Flash-related things and the amount of electricity it would take to power the pipeline prison and a few other things they use on occasion), but they’re still spending money and not bringing in much. Factor in the lawsuits that the lab is paying out and the cost of paying the law firm itself, and you’ve got to hope that Eobard had things very nicely set up for the lab before the accelerator blew, or else they would be bankrupt… but then, he was from the future, so many he managed to know exactly how to invest the lab’s capital to get everything nice and well-established to ride out their substantial costs?
That’s more specific to Season 1 stuff, but a lot of it carries overs now, like the fact that there’s royalties and patents and former STAR Labs tech, and maybe research contracts. There’s also the “STAR Labs museum” that started in S3 and I don’t know if it’s still operational but there’s a chance it’s bringing in a bit of a cashflow on the main floor of the building. They might even have staff? There’s so much we can speculate about when it comes to this, honestly.
And STAR Labs had to make huge pay-outs after the accelerator blew, I’m pretty sure, but it’s operating budget also shrank to nothing. If Eobard had set it all up “just so” with his knowledge of what was gonna go down and how to prepare for it, he likely could’ve made sure that STAR Labs would have enough $$$ to stay afloat for a pretty long time even non-operational.
I’m more curious about it’s board of directors and stakeholders and everything else, to be honest. It seems like it was all down to just Eobard, and now down to just Barry? 
But I fully anticipate that all the research that Cisco and Caitlin do as part of Team Flash has translated into patents and contracts from outside stakeholders of some sort or another, really, and that’s helping finance what they do now. Cisco’s inventions would definitely be of interest to a lot of organizations, and there’s a pretty good chance that the CCPD has purchased his tech en masse, making for some serious coin. 
That might account for some of their salaries? Or maybe they each just got a huge payout when the accelerator blew and they’re living comfortably off it. Having seen their apartments, this seems less likely (whereas you can’t convince me that Barry didn’t spend a ton of his inheritance from Eobard on that ridiculously huge place he has with Iris...).
Beyond that, like you said, the CCPD likely pays Cisco a consulting fee of some sort, and Caitlin worked for Mercury labs for a while and apparently has been bartending for a bit. But so long as they’re working at STAR Labs, I anticipate that they’re still making STAR Labs wages, because if they have enough $ to keep the lights on, the satellites in the sky (that’s another thing, they might make $ off people paying to use their satellite?), and to make all the different things that they make for Barry (and themselves) then... they have money. A lot of it, definitely more than enough to pay themselves a fair wage. Wherever that money happens to be coming from.
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myupdatestudio-blog · 7 years
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Is Trump Nonetheless Tweeting From His Unsecured Android Phone?
There are two personalities on display in Donald Trump’s Twitter feed. One Trump generally spells matters efficaciously, tweets flattering information tales, and civilly thanks traffic for meeting with him. The other Trump is without difficulty provoked, capitalizes random words, and lashes out in actual time at things that annoy him.
                                              Android Phone
Those two genres of tweets usually come from two distinct devices—an Android Smartphone and an iPhone—and consequently presumably from extraordinary people. Closing year, David Robinson, a statistics scientist at Stack Overflow, poked via months of Trump’s timeline and found that tweets from the Android Cellphone were far extra terrible than the tasteless iPhone tweets. Trump uses an Android Smartphone as his private device, suggesting that he was in the back of the angrier tweets; the iPhone tweets likely got here from personnel.
To assist The Atlantic’s reporters to wager whether or not any given tweet comes from an aide or instantly from Trump’s very own two thumbs, my colleague Andrew McGill created a brand new channel called #trumptweets in Slack, the chat platform our newsroom makes use of to communicate. Whenever the president of the USA sends hundred and forty individual missives to the world, it lands in our Slack channel, with a further piece of records: whether or not the tweet turned into sent from an iPhone or an Android device. (Tweets continually consist of hidden metadata that suggest what tool or software program they were sent from.)
The fashion Robinson located held up for plenty months. Indignant tweets like Those could arrive within the wee hours from the presidential Samsung Galaxy. inside the afternoon, staid iPhone tweets respectfully thanked crowds at rallies for Making The united states Extraordinary Once more.
Then, the drift of Android tweets dried up. After an uncharacteristically dry tweet on March 8 about a personnel document from LinkedIn (the tweet did no longer have a hyperlink, but, authentic to form), and a half of weeks surpassed without any other from the Android.
The presidential tweets kept coming, of route—and coming and coming and coming—however they were all published from an iPhone. Oddly, although, the feed’s break up persona didn’t fade. Tweets like this gem from Thursday, March 23, which decried the “completely biased and fake news reviews of the so-known as Russia tale on NBC and ABC,” came from an iPhone. (That message was punctuated with an in particular Trumpian coda: “Such dishonesty!”) however so too did tweets like this one from simply two days previous, which protected snapshots and the word “ingrained in our kingdom’s material,” lifeless giveaways that the tweet came from the body of workers.
What passed off? Some journalists speculated that Trump may have subsequently gotten an iPhone. Possibly that old, unsecured Samsung—so old, in fact, it may run the most modern, safest version of the Android operating device—had been wrested from Trump’s arms from a brave, protection-aware aide. That could’ve been a comfort to safety specialists who had warned for months approximately the dangers of Trump’s attachment to that Telephone. The device, in all likelihood a Samsung Galaxy S3, has such critical safety troubles that it’s probable “compromised by using at least one—possibly a couple of—hostile overseas intelligence services and is actively being exploited,” in step with Nicholas Weaver, a protection researcher at the College of California, Berkeley. That would suggest that overseas marketers might be listening on his private conversations, tracking him as he actions across u. S ., and potentially seeing the sector thru the eyes of his cell phone digital camera.
However lo, the Android tweets are lower back. The remarkable crumble of the American Health Care Act, Trump’s response to Obamacare, become sufficient to carry the vintage tool out from retirement this weekend. Here’s what the president tweeted from an Android on Saturday:
It’s now not certain that Trump picked up the vintage Android Phone he’d been wearing around in the course of the campaign to ship off that tweet and any other simply mins later. It could be that Trump got a more modern, more secure Android Phone, or—ideally—a specially secured phone issued via the intelligence network. but given the White House’s disinterest in policing Trump’s Android for the duration of the early months of his presidency, it’s unclear what could have brought about a sudden era upgrade. (One capability trace: WikiLeaks launched information about categorized CIA hacking tools the day earlier than Trump’s Android tweets went darkish for a pair weeks.)
It’s now not positive that Trump picked up the vintage Android Phone he’d been wearing around at some point of the campaign to ship off that tweet and another simply minutes later. It may be that Trump got a more recent, more secure Android Cellphone, or—ideally—a mainly secured phone issued by way of the intelligence network. however given the White Residence’s disinterest in policing Trump’s Android during the early months of his presidency, it’s doubtful what would have brought about an unexpected generation improve. (One capability trace: WikiLeaks launched information about labeled CIA hacking equipment the day before Trump’s Android tweets went darkish for a pair weeks.)
So what’s occurring when Trump-like tweets come from the iPhone? There are a few opportunities. Maybe Trump truly did get an iPhone, which he now uses as his primary tweeting tool. Possibly he’s taken to dictating his tweets, idiosyncrasies and all, to an iPhone-toting staffer. Or Perhaps his aides are becoming virtually correct at tweeting in Trumpian English, and have been given permission to get a touch edgy with the @realDonaldTrump account. At a time when members of his own birthday celebration have referred to as on Trump to stop tweeting a lot, sending spicier iPhone tweets can be the type of concession that might hold the president off of Twitter.
Trump additionally has control of the legitimate @POTUS account, which he took over from Barack Obama on inauguration day, but that one is run by Dan Scavino, the White House social-media director. Tweets on that account from the president are signed “DJT,” however he’s only put his name on a handful of them, none of which in reality sound like they came from him.
It may be argued that Trump’s tweets are themselves a risk to country wide safety. but if as a minimum they came from a comfy tool, the president can be more secure from surveillance than he’s now. Until it’s clear that he’s turned in his vintage Samsung Galaxy—an not going prospect after this weekend’s tweets—it’s Still viable that hacker with access to primary exploits could advantage get right of entry to Trump’s every movement and phrase.
Android Telephones Nowadays
Android is a cellular Cellphone running gadget advanced with the aid of the hunt company Google. Used on a wide kind of clever Telephones, Android is presently the satisfactory selling cellular running device inside the world. Android is an open supply OS, letting everybody increase their own software program (such as programs or games) to be run on Android platforms. The Android OS is likewise utilized in pill computers, with the ultra-modern model being Android 3.0. At the same time as the Android OS has been in use because 2008, normal updates and help for Google continues Android the main aspect gadget it is These days.
cellular Telephones going for walks the Android working gadget all have a similar set of features supplied by means of the OS. The Android OS is made to be run on smart Phones, Telephones which can run a diffusion of Java-based applications that supply the Phone brought capability. Further to primary Cellphone and textual content/media messaging carrier, Android Phones have a selection of internet based totally services and packages. Android Telephones are related with the proprietor’s Google account, allowing get right of entry to to Gmail and Google Calendar in addition to a diffusion of different programs. Further to wi-fi internet and Bluetooth connectivity, Android Telephones allow for wi-fi tethering – using the Cellphone as a modem to attach a laptop computer to the net. All android Telephones permit for streaming video, with the contemporary fashions in a position to connect to the 4G community and video conferencing the usage of Google Speak. The most widely known element of the Android platform is access to the Android Market. Just like the Apple App Store, the Android Market allows users to download packages and video games for their Cellphone, lots of which can be unfastened.
The first Android Phone to be launched become the G1, developed by means of HTC and released in 2008. strolling Android 1.zero, this Phone had most of the functions currently observed in Android Telephones, inclusive of synchronization with the user’s Google account and the Android Marketplace for downloading Phone apps. in view that then, there were many updates to the Android running device – essential updates are given the name of a dessert. The latest model of Android for cellular Telephones is Android 2.3.4, Gingerbread. Designed to be used on 4G Phones with increased overall performance and pace, Gingerbread offers higher video playback and guide for front dealing with cameras for video conferencing.
The Android running device permits Phones to be produced by many manufacturers. With the present day generation of 4G Phones, the leading manufacturers are Motorola and Samsung. Motorola is the author of the Droid line of Telephones – a sequence that had been made famous by their availability with Verizon carrier in the United states. The Droid X2, the cutting-edge version of the Droid series, includes a multi-touch interface, eight GB of reminiscence in conjunction with an 8 GB micro SD card for the garage, and an 8-megapixel digital camera with built-in video recorder. Samsung is The other most important manufacturer of Android Telephones and features collaborated with Google on the Nexus S. The Nexus became The primary Phone to apply the new Gingerbread working system and blanketed a powerful processor and 512 MB of RAM. The Nexus S has 16 GB of the internal garage and may get right of entry to the 4G community using a Dash service plan. different companies such as HTC produce Android Telephones as nicely, giving the purchaser a huge sort of picks whilst trying to choose the nice Android Telephone for their desires.
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gra-sonas · 3 years
It also look like heather is wearing the same outfit from when they all posted about an overnight shoot last week. The pink top and leathery looking pants. With Tyler chilling last night watching a show and not filming, it does make me think Alex (and maybe Max, we still never saw him) is doing his own thing while some of the crazy is going on in the finale. Like you or someone mentioned, maybe hacking into something trying to help. Obviously just speculation!!!! Just seeing Tyler’s stories last night made me think it. And also that I really would be interested in seeing Alex and Max working together or something
Max? Who’s Max? Is that someone we know? I don’t recall seeing an actor who supposedly plays that character all season. 🤪
Now that we’ve talked about it a couple of times, I’d really like to see Max and Alex work together in S3. Max and Kyle teaming up was great, I’d love to see the dynamic between Alex and Max tho. Especially since they seemed to get along okay in high school.
I also really want to see Alex and Rosa together. Just to get an idea of how well they knew each other in high school. As Liz’s and Maria’s best friend, and Flint’s younger brother, Alex must’ve known Rosa, and maybe they bonded over music?
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