#hacks fandom event
lilolilyr · 5 months
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Original post | Watchparty | Discord Server
As season 3 is about to drop, a bunch of us have collected predictions about what might happen next on Hacks (HBO)!
Even if you haven't joined in for the first part, you can still play in the bingo: just reblog/reply to this post/message me/ write on discord, and you'll get your very own bingo card!
Everyone will have different cards, and you win by getting a bingo (row or column of correct predictions)!
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Of course everyone getting a bingo is welcome to share the results by making a tumblr post tagged #hackss3bingo (and #hacksspoilers), or by writing on discord, that would be super fun!
Thanks for the mod help @theevilqueenreadstoo, and everyone else who also joined in to collect predictions, @naughterful @lesbianlovelife @lift-heavy-be-gay @stardust-and-the-tardis and the folks on discord :)
We sorted the predictions into very likely, semi likely and not very likely and every card has the same amount of likely predictions, and I tried to also arrange them in a way where bingos are just as likely to occur on every card. You'll get a bingo card randomly picked by sending me a number between 1 and 20, no identical cards will be sent out twice: if we run out of cards the predictions on used cards will be rearranged to make different bingos
(and yes, we did have to change a couple predictions after the preview scene came out because we said we won't count anything we already know from released material xD)
A lot of the predictions have been shortened to fit onto the card, if you don't understand something on the card because the grammar is wonky or something, please ask!
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sapphicscholar · 2 years
I posted on twitter yesterday, but for the Hacks fic writer fam: possible fandom-wide writing event! Given the bts photo Hannah posted on Instagram yesterday (included below), a whole lot of folks over on Twitter were speculating about different S3 plots that could culminate in that look.
If others are interested, I thought it might be fun to have any writer who’s interested in participating take one of the theories as the basis for a S3-setting fic and post it to a collection on AO3! If we wanted to add a little bit of chaos to the fun, we could also use a randomized to assign the theories as prompts/inspiration!
If you might be interested in participating in any way, feel free to drop a reply (or DM). And either way, feel free to reblog and signal boost!
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cavegirlpoems · 4 months
The Two D&Ds
I am going to make two statements:
I despise D&D, and consider it a parasitic drain on ttrpgs as an artform.
I love D&D and my fascination with it continually inspires me to create art using it.
These two statements might seem to be at odds, but in fact there is no conflict when one considers that the term 'D&D' is being used to refer to two completely different things. I hate one of those things and like the other. So let's unpack that. Firstly, there's D&D-as-a-lifestyle-brand. D&D as presented by critical role, by memes about horny bards and wholesome gay tiefling found families, and by the wider hasbro-sanctioned fandom. Where the actual design and mechanics of the game are a vague suggestion that exists homeopathically in the same vicinity as what you're doing. But really, you're inventing blorbos, collecting pretty dice, and speculating on events in an actual-play on twitch; the rules in that very pretty rulebook are an afterthought to the fandom.
Then there's D&D-as-a-family-of-ttrpg-mechanics. This covers the various editions of Dungeons & Dragons - from the white-box OD&D to 5th edition and everything in between - as well as various retroclones, hacks and spin-offs such as the OSR, Pathfinder, etc. This isn't defined as a cultural space; it's a set of game mechanics and design principles shared across the text of various games. And there's a lot of variation with the specifics, but like The Blues, if you know the basic structure it all makes sense.
The two D&Ds have very little to do with each other.
When indie people like myself criticise D&D, we are usually criticising the first one. We're generally outsiders to that fandom-space who are unhappy with the way that fandom encroches on, and ultimately stiffles, everything else in ttrpgs as an artistic medium. We tend also to dislike the very shallow interest in that fandom of the things we care about in ttrpgs - game design, gameplay, theory, criticism, etc.
Here's the thing. I am, personally, immensely critical of D&D-as-lifestyle-brand. I detest it, honestly. It strikes me as a corporate exploitation of the wider medium in pursuit of an easy profit, at the expense of catering to the lowest common denominator. Like invasive kudzu, it chokes out all ecological diversity in the art-form. Its a homogenising influence, and in my experience pretty anti-intillectual.
Because, at risk of sounding like a pseud, I consider ttrpg design to be an art-form that merits serious effort, discussion and appreciation.
However. D&D-as-a-set-of-games I actually quite like. I find myself fascinated by the way so many games take apart the starting framework of a given edition of D&D - like your 12-bar-blues structure - and adapt it and riff on it and fuse it with other genres. I find it interesting to track the way whole movements and genres mutate out from that starting position. Hell, I do that myself, a lot. A lot of my design work takes the very early editions of D&D as a starting point, gets into a groove, and riffs on it until it's seemingly unrecognisable.
To me, a work like Mork Borg is D&D (the second definition). It is, however, totally unrelated and unrecognisable to D&D (the first definition).
So I will talk about "D&D as the containment game for shit players" and I mean it, because I'm talking about type-1. And I'll do that while designing a paleolithic OSR game, because that's type-2. And by and large, all that happens when both those things intersect is people get upset.
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
AHHH OR could you do stalker yandere X Social media star darling? - pet darling
Yan Stalker x Social media star (Dark)
Requests are open!
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• You are a famous influencer. You have a crazy number of followers and fans on social media. You were always trending due to your content, beauty, and kind behaviour. Your fans think you are a literal breathing angel on earth. You have everything fame, money, beauty.
• But with advantages also come disadvantages. You had many stalkers before but now only one. Wonder why? Well because yan Stalker beated all your other stalkers to dead as only he has the right to stalk you.
• Award events, Cooking, fashion, reality shows every show that you are invited in he is there in audience if he can't be in audience then he will be as a backstage crew but no matter where you are he is always there. He literally follows you more than your own shadow.
• Clicks as many pictures of you. Always complements and praise you on internet. You wore a simple skirt today? He will praise you on internet saying How simple and kind you are. No one can stop this man from praising you.
• Someone bitches about you on internet. Well darling you had made a wrong choice he will hack that account and write a apology and will hack his bank account and spend all the money to your favourite NGO as a threat to never do it again.
• Will buy all your merchandise.
• You said in one of your video you loved an x company of handbags. Get ready girl your office is gonna be flooded with that company's handbags for you.
• Is your biggest fan. Period.
• He can't believe such a perfect human like you exist. You are too good to be true in his eyes. And vows to protect and cherish you. After all your all his, isn't it? ( He is more delusional than most of the population)
• A crazy fan break into your apartment? Don't worry baby he will take care of it. Tomorrow morning that crazy fan's body is found dumped in the river.
• Someone sold your hair on etsy at a ridiculous price? Yes. Your guess is right he bought it.
• Someone flirts with you and makes you uncomfortable well he simply breaks their nose.
• You are scared of your stalker as he has no moral when it comes to you. You are scared because you don't know who is he and what he will do next?
• Yan Stalker who is damn sure you are his future spouse by your own will or kidnapping.
Want part 2? Let me know through comments.
Requests are open!
For more yandere reading:
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
Explaining fandoms I’m not in, but I have seen on my dash from the mutuals (to the best of my knowledge based on their posts):
Why? Because I thought it would be fun and entertaining and I hope I’m not wrong.
The Magnus Archives (TMA)- a group of people document creepy and supernatural events while they slowly one by one discover either that they are the monsters/possessed by them, or that they are being taken in by the monsters, or that their coworkers are the monsters, or that they themselves are possibly friends with or dating the monsters, or that they have been working for the monsters (or bad guys) the entire time. Many of the villains seem to be demented or possessed life sized toys and clowns or eyeballs. This podcast has so many episodes, and I see so many posts about it, but these seem to be the common themes.
Miraculous Ladybug- actually haven’t seen this one on my dash in a long time, but when I first did, despite appearing like a straightforward kids fandom, the shipping discourse confused the heck out of me. But if I have this right, based on the posts from my younger followers, two teenagers are animal themed superheroes who are dating each other and also have crushes on each other, but they don’t know they are dating each other, because they don’t know each others secret identities, because… okay, I still honestly have no idea why. There are ~5K posts about this apparently very central and specific plot line, but not one explains why they don’t just tell each other who they are??? Anything for the plot, I guess. Apparently this has been going on for a long time to the point where even the show’s target audience of children is confused as to how these teenagers and grown adults haven’t put the pieces together as to who everyone’s secret identity is.
Keeper of the Lost Cities (KOTLC)- there’s a girl named Sophie. She is an elf in a love triangle with Keefe and some other guy (I think his name is Fritz). Keefe’s parents are terrible, especially his mom. Sophie has horse DNA (I don’t know if that post was a joke or not sorry if that’s wrong). There’s an elf with fire powers. Elves read minds. There’s a group called the black swan who are the good guys, I think. Also I think the elves and humans are at war. I know Keefe’s parents are trash, does Sophie have parents? From what I can tell, she grows up believing she’s a human but then surprise! She’s an elf and the chosen one, and elves are possibly immortal? Wait, maybe Sophie’s a half elf. Is that a thing?
Spy x Family - two people are fake dating each other for spy reasons but eventually fall in love for real. The twist is, they each think the other is a normal civilian who doesn’t know about the fake relationship (which is kinda messed up to make someone fall in love with you for a fake cover but if they’re also doing the same to you that’s karma I guess) but I think it might end up ok, because they fall in love for real (Aw) but possibly also not okay, because I also think it might be revealed that they’ve been working for enemy sides this whole time (drama). Also the adopted daughter is a mind reader who knows everything but chooses to keep what she knows secret for the plot. Respect. And I recently saw something about the family having a super powered dog? Is he real?
The Murderbot Diaries - a bunch of robots are created for one purpose: murder. But when their murder programming goes haywire, they discover that they might have more in common with the humans they’ve been assigned to kill than they originally thought. Or that they have more humanity inside themselves than they thought… or maybe that the people who created them have more evil intentions than… well in hindsight, “the people who build the murder robots are evil!” seems like an obvious plot twist, but maybe they’re more morally complex or had decent intentions and just never intended for it to go this far… or maybe the robots get hacked or decide maybe they don’t want to be murder bots anymore which brings us back to free will. Interesting philosophical questions, but I think the robots might be getting into some wacky shenanigans as well. Also they apparently have diaries. I get that a diary is just like… a log of what they’re doing, but that won’t stop me from imaging a big scary robot with a little pink glitter pen writing “Dear Diary, I killed three people today. I still see their faces when I try to power off at night. When I go into sleep mode, I dream of their faces. I begin to wonder things, like whether they had families, dreams, or ambitions. I also wonder what they felt in their final moments. I fear this means I am developing a conscience and desire to turn against my programming and the creators. But probably nothing a little update and restart can’t fix. I’ll keep you updated, dairy. XOXO, Murderbot 💕” So. How did I do? Scale of 1-10, with 10 being “you nailed it!” and 1 being “None of this is remotely close. What posts have you been looking at?”
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svsssbigbang · 5 months
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A hack author hamster, peerless cucumber flowers, and a sword to survive in a cultivation stallion novel…
What better can we represent our fandom? Thank you so much to our resident Art Mod @eerkat for this beautiful icon. We can’t wait to show all of you what we have prepared for announcements, sign-ups, and the rest of the event over all. We’re amazed by the positive response so far and are doing our best to bring forth the massive event this fandom deserves!!!
There’s still time to send an interest check form!! 🔗 Leave us your contact info and we’ll let you know as soon as the sign ups open ✨
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channelinglament · 1 year
ok but hear me out- self aware niigo??
Sorry for being gone for so long heh ^^;
Tw: mention of drugs, possible ooc, yandere themes, mention of stalking
- Paranoia is thinking and feeling like you are being threatened in some way, even if there is no evidence, or very little evidence, that you are.
Ft. Self-Aware Niigo
"What is happening?" - A sigh escaped your lips, as you tried restarting your device again. It has been happening several times throughout this months.
After finishing yet another Niigo event, you found out more about Mafuyu's situation. The way her mother treated her infuriated you. And just like everyone in the fandom, you wished Mafumom's death. Of course, you cursed her out in your own kinda way, right infront of the characters. "Who enters their kid's room, finds a synthesizer and treats it as if you saw your kid doing drugs??" a growl escaped your lips. "Seriously, Mafuyu's mom is the worst". And then you closed the app, to cool off.
Existentional crisis isn't something that was on girls' list. Hearing voices in your head and guidance during singing and stuff isn't normal after all. Was it insanity perhaps?
They were wary of you
None of them talked about...for a while. They noticed that the...guidance they were receiving from the voice also made their relationships better.(friendship lvl) Why? Perhaps all you really want is to help them. At some point, Vocaloids got then to sit down together in empty sekai and talk about the strange voice. Vocaloids know you, the player.
After hearing out question, asked by Meiko and Luka, they had collectively started loosing their shit.
...all they went through...was just.. a game? Nothing? Just entertainment?
Why were you helping them then?
And so, certain someone from another group hacked your camera.
Mafuyu honestly didn't know how to feel. Fist clenched, she tried to keep her tears from falling. No, she didn't blame you.
How could she blame you?
After all, all you want is to help them. Yes, this is all. You want nothing in return. They may be game characters, but they could feel your love. Purple-head is sure that others feel the same way.
It's okay, niigo can share. Kinda. But others?
Mafuyu loves watching your expression (and if you talk/sing along then listen to you). She doesn't do much else. Her face softens up, shoulders become less tense as she observes you. Ah, aren't you an angel?
She started working on her vocals more, so your attention would stay on her in every song. She wants your attention and affection. Please give it to her, look only at her, listen only to her
She loves it when you pick clothes for her, she tried to stay away from anything that could damage them or get them stained.
Our pink-head was so happy certain guy hacked your phone camera and mic!
They could hear your voice, and see your expressions. Ah, the way your eyes lit up when you did helped them (fullcombo/all perfect)! You seem to really like their singing and dancing.
Mizuki will try to make group's visuals even more appealing. Their MVs are already awesome, but Mizuki will try even harder. Better, they should be better. What if MV isn't good enough? No, they don't want you to take your eyes off of them. They must make every second of MV stunning.
Tbh, all of the girls love watching you (other groups too). But compared to others, they do it more often. Much more often. They watch you sleep
Mizuki hummed in content, as you were choosing another outfit for them. Your face is so focused while you observe them, ah, you're just so cute! If they could only pinch your cheeks! Mizuki would love to go to shopping with you and Ena. For now, Mizuki will wear anything you gave them proudly.
In the middle of the night, an artist was making yet another masterpiece in her dim lit room. Digital and traditional art. A lot of it. There were some scrambles papers and tossed canvases on the ground. But aside from that, room was fully covered in drawings of one particular person. You
You were her muse. Ena couldn't stop drawing you. You're an embodiment of perfection. No one stood close to you. No one
Ena spends days and nights in her room trying to get your face right. Her drawings were good, but not perfect. She couldn't get your face just quite right. Something was...missing. *sigh* if only you were here with her for real, then it would've been so much easier! It's alright. She is content with being to see you (at least for now).
She observes you more than the others. To draw, and to just take in all of your beauty
Similarily to Mizuki, she wore everything you gave her proudly. Maybe even showed off a little. Every dance, every song, she kept thinking about you, about how you would guide her and help her to get better. Your love, your support....
"Is this like drugs?"
"It's better than drugs Akito"
"I know but still-"
....It is her third cup of noodles
Kanade tried to write more songs, thinking about you. She loves your smile. It is already past midnight, and yet, here she sits. Infront of her computer, composing music and writing songs. If her songs make you happy, then she will try to write even more.
Kanade has a savior complex, and wants to make everyone happy. You, being the most important person, deserve the most happiness. If you talk about your troubles, or have a sad expression, Kanade will try to make a song to make you feel better. Relatable song, happy song, you name it. Only you will be able to acces this songs, and no one else. They were written for you after all.
Teenager, eating her now forth cup of noodles, thinks of what kind of melodie should be next. She can't help but think of how comforted you would be by her song. Er..their song. She wants Niigo to be your favorite group.
Tired blue eyes skimming from her computer towards her bed. Girl faintly remembers you mentioning something about taking care of her health. She's tired, she can't remember it fully. Perhaps she needs to take a break. Yeah, she can continue once she wakes up.
Kanade enjoys any time you spend with her and any attention you give her. She likes your outfits, but she feels bad sometimes. I mean, she doesn't come out of her room that often, so you probably shouldn't bother, no? Yet, she is very happy that you decided to give her something this gorgeous. She feels some confidence boost when she is in them.
Kanade watches you during her writing hours. Just seeing your face makes her motivated for a new song.
You swear it's not paranoia, but you always feel like you are being watched
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aratedfreyjablog · 3 months
Corner Talk about in Regards to PB's Announcement in Sharing Paid Contents
So, at this point everyone has read the recent announcement PrettyBusy has posted in regards to sharing ANY paid content. For the full announcement you can access it here but for those that just wants a sweet, small summary, it's essentially them taking legal action on anyone who:
Share any DATAMINE of PAID characters
Share any of the PAID characters FULL story, chats, etc.
So, they still allow players to share parts/bits and pieces of the paid content, just not all of it.
Though it seems like everyone can understand the whole business side of things, there's still confusion on the datamine aspect as in how is datamining is illegal, why is there legal action taken against datamining, etc.
First, I feel like people need to understand that datamining, itself, it NOT illegal. The problem is sharing datamines publicly on any social media. The reasons are for the following
Intellectual Property Rights: when companies release games, all of their contents are protected by trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property laws. When posting content that company didn't share themselves on their own social media page or to EVERYONE (both F2P and P2W), it's infringing copyright laws since the one sharing it wasn't the one to have produced/created the work or data (think of it reposting artists work without their permission but you're sharing a work that was put in by artists and game creators of the company without their permission).
Terms of Service Violation: Many software applications, websites, and digital platforms impose terms of service (ToS) that users must agree to before using their services. These ToS often prohibit activities like reverse engineering, data scraping, or extracting data in a manner that circumvents the intended use of the service. By datamining and posting content obtained in violation of these terms, you are breaching a contractual agreement between yourself and the platform, which can lead to legal consequences.
Security: there are certain codes and firewalls set up that many (if not ALL) game companies put in as a means to detect if there is any malicious activity happening within the system that could potential harm the players (e.g., hacking and extracting players' personal information). When datamining, most people aren't aware in what form these protective barriers are set-up, so when extracting contents from the game, rather than being seen as simply getting contents for one's amusement, it can be detected as a threat by the security system.
What I wrote are only snippets of the few reasons as to the legal concerns in sharing datamine contents. And despite for other fandoms, it's not as prevalent, game companies are starting to take up action in regards to datamining, some being obvious about it while others are being discreet.
However, if we were talking about solely on the announcement, it's understandable why it would bother players, especially F2P. For other games (not saying ALL or MOST), they do eventually make the paid content accessible at some point for F2P without having to make them wait for so long. However, PB isn't taking much initiative with that, where now they're adding characters from the Solomon Seals after 3 MONTHS while, for now, not letting F2P have ANY ACCESS to limited characters from Nightmare Pass. To top that off, previously PB had promised re-runs of events, which would've allowed newer F2P to have a chance to play the event and obtain resources/characters from it. But now they have their previous events accessible behind paywall, decreasing the likelihood for event re-runs to happen. As for P2W, players are literally paying to get the character and related contents related to said character so there shouldn't be much restrictions in sharing their paid content on public platforms in the first place (this is not to say they should disrespect PB and share everything though). This is without mentioning some of the promises that have already broken based on the announcement earlier this year and last month (?) (Main story drop every 2 months, Friendship System, Comics related to Cards being posted on their Social Media, etc.).
Hopefully PB will reconsider and address some of these issues with the upcoming event for Bethel and Belphegor dropping on 6/26.
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ae-neon · 3 months
rhysta antis (which in itself is a niche ship in this fandom but go ahead ig) really stay on their grind.
A rhysta post shows up every few days and with a few hours there's a direct complaint or counter to that post up under the same tag
I respect it, I too love being a hater
The ones I don't get are ppl who are rhysta shippers or rhysta antis who insist the criteria to ship is to love the canon versions of both characters
One of the reasons there is so much acotar fanfic and discourse is because the books are garbage. Doo-doo. Shite, if you will.
Fanfic authors and artists are making treasure out of another person's trash writing and worldbuilding
Also, there's no criteria to shipping. Yes we CAN give canon related reasons we ship but we don't HAVE to
You also don't read a hogwarts au or a modern au or a vampire au and think well in canon the story is actually set in Prythian so this author is delusional 💀 it's fan FICTION
Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages noun 1. literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.
Even the complaint that it should be canon is, I promise, not gonna tear open a new timeline in the multiverse and force you to live in that alternative world
We are stuck here, where the books are bad and the author is a shitbag hack for reasons waaaay beyond ships
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
Personally I think the DLC fucked up Ranni's whole thing as in base game, it's supposed to be implying that somehow the Two Fingers could compel her due to her Empyrean flesh? Like it's extremely vague and a reach even then since you have Miq and Malenia running around, but it relied on the idea the Greater Will and Two Fingers was somehow... An issue. So she actually had reason to think her bodily autonomy was being jeopardized, thus the whole antics and Black Knives event.
But now post-DLC... The fuck even is the point of her doing *any* of that? Like she doesn't even have the fandom purported thing (Miq's basegame thing) of wanting to overthrow the current Order and kick the gods out, so what is the point of the assassination and her questline??? She didn't even plan to usurp Marika, she just stumbled backwards into it bc the questline is now abruptly going "hey btw I guess I might as well go for it and take you as my consort".
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Waited to beat the Finger Mom to answer both of these questions but:
Yes. Absolutely.
The new Finger Lore brings into question just what the hell Ranni was even fighting against, because the new lore explicitly states that the Greater Will is gone. It's not even a factor in the Lands Between anymore, it's abandoned the Land and even its Mother Finger Metyr, so what autonomy is Ranni even fighting for when the thing that is supposedly oppressing her does not even care enough to stick around?
I guess you could argue that the Fingers are essentially on autopilot, their creator/benefactor may be gone but they're still carrying out their duties, but even so it still greatly weakens the whole Ranni plot about how "bad" and "oppressive" the Fingers and Greater Will are.
And also, becoming Rannis consort... *Sigh*
Okay so, with this new lore drop regarding Promised Retcon Radahn, apparently in order to become a God having a Consort is a completely necessary thing that you need in order to ascend *cough*bullshit*cough* And so Rannis WHOLE THING is that she is traveling the dark path of the Empyrean, a path which she, and even Iji insists, multiple times is something she must travel alone. So no Consorts allowed. But at the end of her quest we are apparently so goddamn persistent that she's like "Yeah okay sure youre my Consort now whatevs" and like....
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So if we truly take this new Consort Lore as absolute fact, then in the base game Ranni rejecting a consort instantly makes her dark path FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. She CANNOT become a God on her own without a Consort . She CANNOT take the Elden Ring for herself on her own without a Consort. And she CANNOT rid the world of all that came before without a Consort.
And yet her entire MO is "keep your distance I dont need a Consort this is my journey alone to take" even tho the new "canon" lore insists that you cannot become a God without a Consort.
Like girl your path was fucked from day one if you seriously don't even understand what being an Empyrean entails.
Or it's a rewrite. It's definitely a rewrite.
Shadow of the Erdtree lore I am truly impressed at how you managed to hack Elden Rings lore to pieces, like goddamn, I applaud how truly terrible you are 👏
Also slightly unrelated, but I hate the lore rewrite for the Fringer Creepers. Instead if them being associated with Rykard they are now just another spawn of the Fingers and like how boring. Which do you prefer the Creepers being regular Finger spawn or the Creepers having been made by Rykard to insult and mock the Fingers he despises so much.
The ruined Rykards lore too >:|
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lazymonth · 5 months
( I have an idea and need to note this concept / AU and for some reason OTHER PEOPLE need to know it with me! )↷
✰ King candy / Turbo if he got adapt into the popular Disney Villains media ✰🍭🏎️
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In this case I have two ideas and probably the only two popular Disney Villains media I know. Twisted wonderland, Descendants <-
( Also sorry for my English.. and some swear words )
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;; I have completely retired from this fandom since 2022 and promise myself I'll never go back to it. It's all because I lost my game account in my present phone and all my progress in the game ( more than 5 SSR cards specially Idia dorm uniform and I already in Chapter 6 ) even though I still have the game and the same account in my old phone but I'm too afraid to open it.... Well, it has been a year now since I lost it and my feelings for this game are better now. But I still retired from this fandom
Ok, back to the concept. Twisted Wonderland mostly focuses on classic types of Villains but I wanna know what it would be like if one day Disney feels a little bit funny and put the modern villains in and adapt his story into this game
Just like in WIR He starts at being Turbo does something very bad and gets kicked out but comes back as King candy. So here's the idea
☆ The character lore ;
Terlos " Kingan " Candás ( Definitely quick makeup name ) or Terlos Candás was a student of Night Raven College and belonged in the Ignihyde dorm. He's a low percent of Ignihyde students who are kinda active people but Terlos not much of a good guy doing to his power-hungry personality.
Just like most Ignihyde dorm students. He has intelligence on Technology specific hacking and gaming but the thing that makes him different from other is he's a Magical Shift player too that's literally only him and his Twins friends who's playing it in this dorm
But during one of the Magical Shift Tournaments something happens. Night Raven Battle with another school and Terlos being the spotlight. Sadly the longer the game goes player from another school start to make a score more than Night Raven and steal Terlos's thunder
He's so jealous, jealous enough to attack that player with fury. The damage is more than enough to make the Tournaments stop immediately. That poor player gets sent to the hospital, sadly the damage from the magic put him in coma
from what happened Terlos got banned for playing Magical Shift forever but not only that Terlos got fired from Night Raven...
.... but he's not giving up yet. A year later Terlos disguised himself making a new identity name Kingan Candás or KC for short and this time he's getting into another school instead of Night Raven he goes to Royal Sword Academy being the fake royal among them. KC knows that RSA is a competitor with NRC so it's a chance for him to get revenge on his old school
☆ In game story ;
The storyline runs pretty similar to Chapter 5 about NRC vs RSA kinda thing but this time the difference is it's Magical Shift Tournaments between these two schools and the one who cheats and Overblot.. is Kingan himself
While the tournaments are running Yuu and other characters found some suspicions on KC during the event. And at the end they found out about his true identity of him being a wolf in sheep's clothing. After that KC snapped so hard he got Overblot and it's Yuu and other characters to deal with it before the tournaments start
.... After that the headmage of both schools know they think about how to deal with KC this time. Luckily he doesn't get fired from Royal Sword but gets banned from playing Magical Shift ( again ) Being kept a special eye on by all teachers and staff in RSA to make sure he won't do anything wrong again
☆ Unique magic concept ;
" Cheat code! " This Unique magic has the ability to make Terlos see through every movement of what's going on like reading his own hands. Know what other people are going to do next, know their weakness or see them even if they're hiding behind stuff. It's like using a cheat code in video games to win
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;; After listening to What's my name, Rotten to the core and It's goin' down so many times I start to have an idea. I know it sounds so crazy and literally almost impossible for King candy / Turbo because he's a game characters. But hey, if we high enough anything can be possible
Similar to Twisted Wonderland that focuses on classic types of Villains but Descendants Mosley focuses on their children instead. At this point I’ll throw a lot of " logic " things out of the window and trying my best to use my imagination to make things make sense as possible
☆ How KC got to Isle of the Lost ;
Just like other villains that they get brought back to life to be imprisoned in the Isle of the Lost. In this case is quite special than the other
After King candy-bug survive from the beacon he’s hiding for a while in Sugar Rush until he change the hiding spot to other arcade. Somehow can avoid Surge Protector and other game characters by going in time that Litwak's Arcade still open and no characters out of their game
KCB has hiding in another game for a while but that game get unplugging because of the unpopular. He thought he’s died already until… his eyes open again and found out the arcade gets transported into new places. It’s not normal an Arcade Central but it’s some places that’s dark but full of colorful lights. Dr. Facilier’s Voodoo Arcade
The arcade plug straight to the wall, limited him from leaving the game but in the same time KCB doesn’t hiding himself anymore that makes the characters in the game scared and hiding from him instead because there’s no one who can help them now. Well, that’s mean he’s kinda succeed on take over the game this time
Even the game probably doesn't work like what Dr. Facilier think but this little weird thing makes him interested and designed to still keep the arcade like this
☆ Royal child...? ;
Descendants of course focus on the villain's child so like.. what if KC has a kid? It might sound crazy and impossible but hear me out. Your question might be " who's the mom " but what if.. KCB doesn't need her?
" They don't know they're in a game. All they know is eat, kill, multiply "
This dialog from the movie gave me an idea about " multiply ". KCB of course still has a cybug code and I'm pretty sure the cybug doesn't give a F about gender so... Yah, you know what I mean gonna skip that egg laying part
Maybe there's a lucky one that hatches and being a Cybug Hybrid with flexible code makes them can transform between humans and The hybrid
Oh boi, it's getting more unreal and fictional every minute
☆ Get out of the Arcade ;
Now here's the " it's magic britch. I ain't gonna explain shit " parth
KC's child ( that I don't think about the name or gender yet ) because they also have a cybug code making them grow up fast and becoming a teenager in just a few weeks. So many days pass one of Dr. Facilier's daughter Celia finally found out about the truth why their arcade game acts weirdly. It's because the characters have their own subconscious and awareness
She tells her dad about this and bolt of them gets really excited about this information. Dr. Facilier and Celia designed to communicate with KC and his child tell them that they know about the character's awareness and don't need to hide anymore with promise they won't unplugged the game
After that both sides of them have become a friend specialty Celia and KC's child. One day Ceila designed to bring her digital friend to the real world. There's nothing magic can't do so she's looking for the magic that might take her friend out of the game
And guess what? She found the spell that can take something unreal to exist ( it's hard to explain and I have no idea what I am talking about ). As soon she cast the spell to KC's child the magic pulls their body out of the arcade. The effects of the magic giving KC's child and new body to fit in the real world while they still can transform to hybrid-cybug form ( similar to Mal turn into dragon and Uma turn into octopus mermaid )
☆ Auradon Prep ;
Celia recommended KC's child to come to Auradon Prep with her so they could study together in the same school. KC's child who already wants to go explore the outside world answering it and moving to Auradon Prep
Even that KC's child hiding their identity of the original being video games character and telling other people that they're just another person from Isle of the Lost
But sometimes they go back to the isle to meet their dad and update about the outside world
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♛ Bonus part ! ;;
In this part I'll explain about some of the references I put in and something that you guys might have a question with ;
【 Twisted Wonderland section 】↷
> Why did I put Turbo in Ignihyde?
: Turbo or King candy might sound more fit in other dorms like Heartslabyul doing to the red color ( and the fact KC have a reference design from Mad Hatter ) or even Pomefiore doing the purple color and royalty feeling. But the reason why I'm putting him in this dorm instead is because of his skill that is related to technology like video games and hacking and both of these seem like a skill that is especially on Ignihyde dorm. ( Also it's my favorite dorm too )
> The Turbo twins in this concept
: Turbo twins have a similar role like Jade and Floyd in the main game. They're both sticking around T. being a good partner but deep down they both kinda dislike T. a bit just like other people. And of course they're also in Ignihyde. This time it's kinda fit because the dorm main color is blue
> Unique magic reference
: " Cheat code! " It's a reference to konami code King candy used to entering The code space
【 Descendants section 】↷
> Why I don’t bring King candy to the real world too?
: Simple. It’s feel curse and I feel like it’s more good for KC if he still stays inside game ( Live action KCB it’s feel.. wrong to thinking )
> The timeline
: Timeline of this concept it’s between Descendants 3 to Descendants: The Rise of Red for making it kinda present as possible
¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. ☆
For who to reading it to this part I want to thank you for watching me writing about all this Concept, What if, AU kinda thing sm. It’s taking me a few days it finished it and don’t think it’ll be this long, LOL
Anyway I might drawing about both of this concept in future… If I won’t forget it first
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moonpoolcat · 3 months
Epoch Looks to the Moon
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It's about dam time I finished this. Welcome to the start of my own au. It's been a long time coming since I bought rainworld and I got invested in the fandom soon after. It's Moon with tits, I don't care who says it's weird, my drawing, my rules now hold this L.
Quick Backstory (Short version)
Lttm is a gen 1 iterator an current senior to the Twilight local group. After the death of SOS, Moon was left feeling compelled to pick up where she left off the best she could. In this timeline Moon would not collapse like in game but instead be saved by an iterator who's can that is the first of it's kind was mobile. Along with NSH and Hunter. She could forgive Pebbles desire to escape, but she could never forgive his act of purposely ignoring her please for mercy, therefore Pebbles was exiled from the local group till further notice for not only attempted murder but the infection of the rot towards himself but her apprentice Unparalleled Innocence was affected as well. Later on she was secretly relieved the both of them had been cured by SRS an was happy to find out her brother was being looked after by Chasing Winds. This event forever tarnish, destroying everything she had ever believed in her entire life.
With a new perspective LTTM began to suspect her local group members were working against her? At first she didn't want to believe such accusations were true until NSH had hacked into their private group chat revealing they were part of the anti sliverists orchestrated by an unknown admin. Someone had premeditated this... In retaliation Moon would gather up these traitors an behead them in front of thousands of iterators during gathering, setting an example for anyone else who dared to harm her again. But the admins were not safe either for it was also discovered they to had planned her downfall so they had met the same fate essentially turning this even into the blood moon genocide.
As if it couldn't get any worse. Her UI had been the one responsible for Pebbles rot. For that, she was beheaded as well then was forced to carry out the rest of Pebbles sentence as punishment. With the weight of being admin, her lover gone, her brother traumatized, and anti- sliverists at war with each other- Something within Moon snapped! She became forever cold, merciless, relentless, and vengeful showing no remorse for anyone. Not even her own local group is safe from this iterators eternal wrath. Those below an only loyal to Moon shall not have to fear the queens endless quest for vengeance. The only goal this Moon has is to be rid the planet of anti sliverists that threaten everything she an Sliver worked so hard to create vowing to hunt down her killer if it's the last thing she'll do. Even if it means hurting the ones she cares about. For the ones that tread on stained waters will be the first to drown.
Explanation behind the design:
Look I like pogo legs but I needed this au to make sense if I'm going to be able to explain everything else. There were exactly 3 redraws of her dress as I attempted to go for a regal look but it had failed so I went for an egyptian look instead to set myself apart from the other Moons. Someone said she looked like a genie so I just rolled with it. The antlers were my attempt at matriarchy as I felt that it fit her since she is the oldest of iterators.
Five Pebbles: Cares very much for him. He is recovering from cycles of isolation. Is slightly traumatized from Moon beheading UI. Has forgiven SRS.
SRS: Moon has little to no trust in Suns, she denied him admin role because of their poor mental health after exiling their abusive mentor. To her he is merely used as a means of brute force during situations where she does not want to spill blood. But on the inside she cares deeply for them nonethless worried whenever they have an explosive episode or any form of metal psychosis.
NSH: They use to be lovers before she half collapsed. Annoying as he may be Sig is the only iterator who she had given admin privileges to. However does not accept him as her equal because of memory loss. His speed is useful in keeping tabs on all the territories so nothing goes unnoticed. His two face nature and super speed makes it perfect to infiltrate places an come out unscathed.
Chasing Winds: He was the apprentice to SOS. He left the group after she died. Moon doesn't get along with him because he does not enjoy her violent tendacies creating fear setting a bad influence on the younger group members.
UI: Moon wants nothing to do with her. A lost cause and a waste of time thinking she could ever raise an iterator to one day take her role as admin.
Enlightened overturned silk: Wants dead immediately. (Keep an eye on this guy he's important)
Other local groups
Oasis local group: Allies
Zodius local group: Allies
Jaded local group: Not on good terms. Moon would rather see them dead.
Stormfall local group: Neutral due to Chasing Winds being Admin Moon wants no conflict with them.
Sliverist group: The only group she trusts to protect Slivers can. She took it upon herself to train them personally into the most lethal local group in the area an heads to Moons calls as they trust her enough to obey orders only because she was with Sliver the longest.
Anti-Sliverists: Wanta dead at all cost. Anyone who spots one are to kill them on site with no hesitation. Failure to report an a siting or incident are to be reported to Moon immediately.
The colored pearls on her antlers are her way of keeping up with who's in her local group, they're personal keepsakes that she forbids anyone from touching.
Neuron flies will forever circle her when she is wearing clothing. Otherwise they vanish when taken off. She keeps them around in case something happens an it is a means of a last resort of staying alive. They can be used an shaped into a projectile and will take one minute to reproduce a new one.
Weapon of choice: Scythe; It carries the weight of 100 leviathans. Only SOS, SRS an NSH have been the only ones known to be able to lift it off the ground.
Moon ironically can camouflage when it's dark, the downside being the ability is most weak during the day.
Morph form: Should have been obvious it's a deer.
Moon has a sister named Illuminated diamond Twilight, they're cycles older than Pebbles. Funny that her local group was named after her. Not on good terms when mentioned though.
Her antlers can retract at will, although she has to take every pearl off which is time consuming but worth it since it's just used as presentation.
If angered for to long Moon will enter a wendigo like state an will not stop until whatever had angered is either dead or has fled the area. It is recommended to not annoy her at all.
Moons lore is out go read it.
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I think Apex Legends might be dying for good...and that might not be a bad thing.
EA has laid off a lot of employees, and most of the original crew for Apex is gone. There's been TWO major hacks during its entire lifetime, one of which just happened during a tournament recently.
The game is broken, unoptimized, and way more harder for new players to get into.
The new skins and cosmetics and events are very thinly-veiled cash grabs. EA would rather listen to the whales who spend tons and tons of money on the game without thinking twice.
The lore makes no sense anymore. There are more characters than what the current writing team can deal with. Shipping should have never been canonized, and some fandoms are better off with uncanonized popular ships (see: YeeHan Overwatch and HeavyMedic Team Fortress 2)
I want to love Apex. It's introduced me to the first nonbinary character who was a human and not a robot or an alien or a monster. It helped me find great friends. It helped me cope with many dark times. It's just not the way it used to anymore.
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theangelcatalogue · 6 months
So let's go back talk about that! And i want to talk about Keebo and Y/n relationship in this AU/Concept cause i can( THIS IS ONLY IN THE AU! NOTHING RELATED TO REAL DANGARONPA), and now let's talk about both: Rottmnt and 2012!
And Yes, i know it's 3:AM, i failed at trying to sleep, sorry :(
☆ ︶︶︶ ౿ ָ ❕ 𞥊 ︶︶︶ ☆
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✦ Y/n and Keebo/K1-B0
✮ Sillys, cute duo :3
✮ Tsumugi is a youkai shapeshifter(and haves a human appearance! If i remember youkais can have human appearances!), and maybe Keebo for being a robot was judge for being a robot and Y/n would shapeshift in a robot to make Keebo more comfortable in places!
✮ Keebo really likes(loves) to listen Y/n talking about the animes, cartoons and games she likes! He even reachs about them so he can talk about it too and not only listen!
✮ Y/n hates robophobics(not in the fear way, like the ones who hates robots)
✮ Y/n would talk bad about AI and Robot art and remember that Keebo is one, so she would be
" Omg sorry Keebo! No offense... "
" Don't worry Y/n... " *Kinda hurt*
✮ Always together, Double Trouble duo
✮ Keebo kinda haves a crush on you? Maybe idk
✮ Y/n always tries to convice Keebo to go in cosplay events with her
✮ Support each other in anything
✮ Keebo is the smart and logic friend, Y/n is just logic and smart when she wants
✮ Idk just weird bffs
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✦ Rottmnt:
✮ Damn they hate Keebo
✮ Donnie already hacked or tried to hack Keebo
✮ They always dare you to shapeshifter in some character
✮ But they get paranoic cause, like you can be anyone, in anytime.
✮ They love hearing you nerdy talk about the fandoms you like
✮ They don't even imagine you are going to backstab them and that you work for a villain
✮ Idk anymore, i want to hear you guys thoughts!
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✦ Tmnt 2012:
✮ The same tbh
✮ Bonus if you like Space heros! It's a bonus point
Yandere!Leo: Hey, do you like Space Heros...?
Y/n: Yeah! It's one of my favorites cartoons-
Yandere!Leo: Marry me.
✮ Leo is happy to see another nerd at cartoons :3
✮ This Donnie also tried to hack Keebo, and he always ask himself how that fuck a robot feel for anyone (not even Keebo know)
✮ Raph discovering that Keebo had a crush on you as something like that:
Raph: I swear to God i am to destroy him and-
Casey: Not now
Leo: Yeah Yeah, not now, maybe later.
✮ Idk let me hear your thoughts! :)
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am I the only one who's scared for the upcoming Aegon the Conqueror adaptation...? The Dance is a lost case. It's destroyed, ruined, made into a minced meat and served as dog's food. It's unsalvaegable atp. But HBO wants to do the same to Aegon and his sisters and it makes me both furious and frightened. Mattson Tomlin will be the screenwriter. Ok, so far so good. He seems like a decent guy. He didn't post anything that'd imply he's going to turn this series into his own fanfic. But what next? I've researched the process of making a tv show, and if I'm not mistaken, Tomlin's sole job is to write the "core" of the story (the sequence of events, how it might begin and on what note should it end, a rough draft of dialoques, things like that) And then that script will be passed forward to five other screenwrites who can do with it whatever they want. What if Condal and Hess - the biggest f**cking hacks in the whole world - will be among those screenwriters chosen by HBO?? It's going be a nightmare. Oh god, the villainization of Rhaenys and Visenya while also making them a total weaklings without ambition or agenda. And yes, it's more likely than not that these asshats will make the Conquest, as well. They're HBO's favorites, since they made the ever successful House of the Alicent.
Oh, and I'm sure they gonna fuck the dragons just as much as their riders. Do you want to see Aegon riding a saggy, rotting Balerion with a dropping neck? Well that's exactly what you gonna get.
They hate Targaryens and everything that's associated with them.
Oh no, I'm right there with you anon. I honestly hope this show somehow dies like the Snow show. His perception of Daenerys is extremely telling of his inability to understand the bigger picture of the story.
Him accusing Dany of being "genocidal" in season 3 is fucking ridiculous. He's somehow construing her actions to overthrow a monstrous and oppressive system as genocide. Like, media literacy is just not present apparently. Since Dany shares parallels with the Conquerors, this perception is very... concerning. So, from my perspective, this is already doomed to be another shit show.
Considering how often people in the fandom like to interpret the relationship of the Conquerors as strained at best, I have very little confidence anyone HBO hires will be much different. HBO definitely hates the idea of any healthy relationships, romantic or otherwise, as we've seen in GOT and HOTD. I definitely think Visenya will end up hating Aegon and/or Rhaenys, and Aegon will probably resent Visenya and abuse Rhaenys.
I've always thought the GOT dragons were extremely uninspired. They dulled their colors and made them all look the same. I liked the HOTD dragons a lot more; but I agree that Vhagar looks kinda bad (she looks like a turtle 😭). Since Balerion is supposed to be older than Vhagar is in HOTD, they might go with the same idea for him, which is sad. Especially since they did a good job with Caraxes and Syrax (aside from keeping her the same size the whole show).
It's so sad and frustrating how determined HBO are to just destroy everything connected to ASOIAF. Time and again, they've proven that they just don't understand what GRRM wrote at all.
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kazutakas-pinch · 2 months
Social Media Habits
Yuiji feels absolutely chronically offline to me. He constantly forgets to text his friends back and they've learned that they need to call him if they have anything important to say. He made an Instagram account because Hongou and Mayu forced him to follow them back and he's pretty indiscriminate with following classmates back when they ask him to because he doesn't really use the app. When he's waiting for the subway or his friend, he might scroll through recommended reels. Once in a blue moon, he'll post a blurry story of him petting Azuki.
Yamato is pretty internet literate when it comes to browser stuff, but he doesn't spend much time on social media. His Instagram has less than 10 pictures on it and they're all from major events like winning the school soccer league or family vacations abroad. 233 accounts follow him and he follows 7. He always texts with perfect grammar and full sentences.
Hongou only regularly uses three apps, but he's always signing up for new ones and forgetting his usernames and passwords. He's a huge Twitter user for following idols and is constantly commenting a string of heart emojis when they post selfies. He and Mayu relentlessly send reels to each other and he sends Yuiji silly posts when he's sitting right next to him to see his reaction. Recently, watching Yuiji's reaction to real or cake videos has been his favorite go-to.
Nacchan's not big on social media, but she's very attentive to her messaging apps and never leaves people on-read. Occasionally, she likes trying out baking hacks and aesthetic recipes that come by her feed. Most of her phone time though is spent on webtoon apps and she'll never admit how much money she's spent on unlocking chapters. She also loves customizing her phone's wallpaper and icons into cute themes.
Seki had a bad middle school phase of being a social media warrior with engaging in fandom fights on reddit and tumblr. Yamato just had to ask him once why he was in such a bad mood at soccer practice, and Seki deleted his accounts immediately. He has a healthy, vanilla relationship with social media now, though TikTok did briefly threaten to pull him to the dark side.
Mayu's too easily fed up with stupidity to use social media regularly. She follows news outlets, cute animal content, and likes all the videos that Hongou sends, but she refuses to use any social media app that forces recommend content. If she can't pick and select the specific accounts that she wants to follow, she won't do it. She enjoys longform content the most and will play video essays on random topics or podcasts as background noise.
Sakura constantly vagueposts and never replies if his followers or irl acquaintances ask him what's going on. He never posts selfies, but will post an occasional aesthetic picture of him raising his hand into the sun or his shadow on a bridge or some shit like that. He follows dumb accounts specifically to laugh and ridicule them. He never comments, but they frequently anger him and his boss constantly questions if it's healthy. (it's not.)
I've made this headcanon in my sleeping habits post, but I 100% think Akiyama is a doomscroller. Miyano had to force him to delete TikTok when it was first released because Akiyama just couldn't escape. Akiyama schedules MV drops for his favorite artists, follows a few too many twitch streamers, and has a toxic relationship with gatcha games. He wants all the waifus and his RNG is horrible.
Hibino watches thirst trap TikTok under his covers and he can't really use social media in public because his fbi men have absolutely clocked how horny he is and his recommendations are shot.
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