#hacy fanfic
khayalan · 2 months
After a rly long break, I'm finally back to watching MC/ MCK again. Though mostly MCK cos there's less seasons. I'm now at episode 39 I think?
I'm one of the dozens of people that miss ye old tumblr group chats. Shout out to the amazing MC chat members for the fun times during the bleak lockdown period. I miss having civil discussions about an episode. Trying to engage on reddit or YouTube is like going through a minefield 😮‍💨 so I'm back screaming into the void here.
Random ramblings-
I forgot what a killer it is sitting through an episode that's over 2 hours long. I don't rly skip scenes or watch in high speed. Maybe I shld but then I'm worried I miss important Plot. Another reason why I miss the MC chat group.
I miss Bulbul and Cennet. I'm not feeling the dynamics of Haci with the new crew so much. I wished the producers threw some crumbs to mention what happened to Bulbul.
Why is Meleki so incompetent given that she was introduced as someone brave, plucky and resourceful?? She's been in the harem for years, surely she'd be a pro by now. Is this setting up for the future Friction between her and Kosem?
I dont get the Murad hype train. He's good looking but whoa such a red flag. I remember being shocked at the amount of fanfics written for this character.
Farya is not that annoying... yet. Other than being a special snowflake fictional princess. I'm still raging over the wasted hours spent watching the Isabelle Fortuna arc.
But Atike makes me want to head desk. No means no, girl. How many ways can Silahtar say not interested?
I'm really enjoying the slow burn relationship between Kosem and Kemenkes. It's very organic.
Does anyone know which ep Gulbahar appeared in MCK s1? I think I saw on wiki that the character did make an appearance, though v minor.
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akadeli · 2 years
here you see them and here they have redesings
aqui los ven y aqui los tienen rediseños
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the concons the rotten version of the botbots (also a fanfic that I did)
los concons la vercion podrida de los botbots (tambien un fanfic mio)
-she herself is the second in command
-ella en si es la segunda al mando
-like fostferatu she is a vampire cupkaque (but without the seat of Transilvania)
-al igual que frostferatu ella es una cupkaque vampiro (pero sin el asento de Transilvania)
-she is not elegant at all, much less a good leader, but between the other trhee, she is the voce of reason
-no es para nada elegante ni mucho menos una buena lider pero entre los tres es la voz de la razon
-despite not being so decent, she likes to wear all kinds of accessories to improve her image (although she is still jus as rotten)
-a pesar de no ser tan decente le gusta ponerse todo tipo de accesorios para mejor su imagen (aunque sigue igual de podrida)
-personality: he is arrogant paco (although he has insecurities due to his appearance) he always tries to control his anger even he does the occasional scene when she's sad she's another drama queen but when he gets a compliment he feels in heaven
-personalidad: ella es un poco arrogante (aun haci siempre tiene inseguridades por su apariencia) ella siempre intenta controlar su enojo pero de ves en cuando ase una ecena cuando esta triste es otra reina del drama mas pero cuando le dan un cumplido se siente en el cielo
-Sweet pudrit apple🍯🍏
-he as a love interest of lous but he never confesses to him
-tiene un interes amoroso por lous pero nunca sele confiesa
-it is a caramelized apple that was forgotten after the closing of its store, filling with dust and obtaining a worm that is part of it
-es una manzana caramelisada que fue olvidada despues del cierra de su tienda llenandose de polvo y obtuviendo un gusano que es parte de el
-he is a coward bot he always has enough courage to ride a rat or face a botbot (despite being hurt by you know who)
-en si es un cobarde pero siempre tiene la suficiente valentía para montar una rata o enfrentarse a un botbot (a pesar de resultar lastimado por ya saben quien)
-he likes to ride rats like they're bulls, write poems he never told lous, and chew chocolate bars like cigarettes
-le gusta montar ratas como si fueran toros, escribir poemas que nunca le contara a lous y masticar barras de chocolate rancio como si fueran avanos
-personality: hi is grumpy, cowardly but brave when he laughs he sounds like a hyena with asthma if he feels bad he prefers not to say it and let it pass his worm changes face depending on how he feel
-personalidad: es un gruñon, cobarde pero valiente cuando se rie suena como una hiena con asma si se siente mal prefiere no decirle a nadie y dejarlo pasar su gusano cambia de cara dependiendo de como se sienta.
-bob crat🍭🤡
-he is the mental patient of the group who laughs at almost everything
-el enfermo mental del grupo que se rie por casi todo
-It is a palette of layers of flavors whit a chewy feel like the others. It was forgotten over time. A band-Aid was attached to it
-es una paleta de capas de sabores con sentro chicloso al igual que los otros fue olvidado con el tiempo sele pego una bendita
-Since he is not aware of his surroundings, he likes to figth whitout reason and provoke sweet pudrit apple to hit him. A bite is a sign that he loves you
-como no tine conciencia de su alrededor le gusta peliar sin rason y probocar a sweet pudrit apple para que lo golpe una mordida es muestra de que te ama
-it's just as anhygienic as clogstopper they would easily be friends if it wasn't beacause you already know
-es igual de anti higiénico que clogstopper serian amigos facilmente si no fuera porque ya saben
-personality: mentally ill, smiling and not very talkative a concon that you would not like to meet
-personalidad: enfermo mental,risueño y poco hablador un concon que no te gustaria conoser
-brokenglass 🍚😈
-the ruthless and crazy leader of the concons
-la despiadada y loca lider de los concons
-It is a bowl of cereal with rotten marshmallos that was thrown out of a coffe shop because it was already out of date. Its desing resembles that of megatron
-es un tazon de cereal con malbabiscos podrido que fue tirada de una cafeteria por ya caducar su diseño se aparenta un poco al de megatro
-she rules in the dark part but she is not so evil with her squad she does what she can for them but she still voted for the marble looking for a way to get a botbot to feed her squad
-ella manda en la perte oscura pero no es tan malvada con su squad ella hace lo que puede por ellos pero aun haci sele vota la canica buscando la forma de obtener un botbot para alimentar a su squad
-sometimes he sends his three assistants to capture a botbot but sometimes even if they fail he rewars them something to eat
-a veces manda a sus tres ayudantes para capturar a un botbot pero en ovaciones aunque fracasen los premia con algo de tragar
-personality: cruel, sadistic and few kisses kind he look like a desepticon leader he is depressed that his squad starves while the botbots have everything but he was always pleased to kill one
-personalidad: cruel,sadica y pocas beses amable se aparente a un lider desépticon le deprime que su squad muera de hambre mientras que los botbots lo tienen todo pero siempre le complase acabar con uno.
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phoebeonthephone · 2 years
Today on Fanfics I Never Wrote:
I’m having thoughts about Charmed (2018). It was delightful. I’m sad it’s over. I’m surprised there are currently only 6 fics with the Abby/Harry tag or the Kaela Danso tag, shocked there is no tag for Harry Greenwood’s Ass, and I’m sad there are zero fics about Harry’s adventures in the Magical Interdimensional Blockbuster!
I’m only interested in Abby/Harry before he got together with Macy because Hacy is my OTP and besides I want Harry’s hookups with Abby to feel like neither of them are with the right person or the person they truly want. I want it to have ‘so wrong it’s hot’ vibes. I imagine this fic should alternate between each of their perspectives so we can hear how they’re feeling and what/who they’re thinking about, and there should be some reference to his ass because he didn’t wear all those fitted trousers for nothing.
I want to read Adventures in Magical Interdimensional Blockbuster! I want to read Harry’s adventures with the lady who works in the MIB, and like, him and Kaela should team up in there and bond more. The dynamic between Harry and Kaela is interesting because there are so many strong emotions, there’s a push and pull there. I do not ship them.
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Gif of Harry and Macy kissing because I couldn’t find one of that one time he and Abby kissed.
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jnlnyaface · 4 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Charmed (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Greenwood/Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood & Macy Vaughn, Macy Vaughn & Maggie Vera, Macy Vaughn & Mel Vera, Macy Vaughn & Maggie Vera & Mel Vera Characters: Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood, Mel Vera, Maggie Vera, Ray Vera, Jordan Chase (Charmed TV 2018) Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, New Year's Eve, Mistletoe, ancient spells, CW Charmed Secret Santa Gift Exchange, CW Charmed Secret Santa 2020 Summary:
An innocent Christmas tradition leads the Charmed One’s to discover an ancient ritual that will change one of their lives forever. *** A late Christmas gift to Amandapanda425 for the CW Charmed Secret Santa 2020 Gift Exchange!
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heavilyimpliedstan · 5 years
what’s you guys favorite hacy fic?!
hacy angsts outweighs fluff and that’s heartbreaking
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neptoons1998 · 5 years
Making a new hacy fanfiction combing my two things: coffee and single parent! Slowly coming together.
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paper-daisy · 5 years
Well, I wasn’t intending to write this ... and then I wrote heaps.
The horrible idea that Abigail has some plans for Harry. It’s a bit dark. Have fun!
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ao3feed-hacy · 2 years
by lupitabaeyongo
What if Macy Vaughn pursued a singing career instead of science? And what if Harry Greenwood was her bodyguard?
Words: 1161, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Charmed (TV 2018), The Bodyguard (1992)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood, Swan (Charmed TV 2018), Niko Hamada, Jordan Chase (Charmed TV 2018), Maggie Vera, Lucy (Charmed TV 2018), Mel Vera
Relationships: Harry Greenwood/Macy Vaughn, Niko Hamada/Mel Vera, Jordan Chase/Maggie Vera
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mr-walkingrainbow · 4 years
Hey guys! I know a ton of you have wanted some Abby x Mel fanfics! I decided to write one for you!!!
true Abigael, the title is Bi-Magical!
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thoughtfulpaperback · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Charmed (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Greenwood & Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood/Macy Vaughn Characters: Harry Greenwood, Macy Vaughn, Maggie Vera Additional Tags: Romance, Feelings Realization, Family Fluff, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Missing Scene, set between Season 1 and Season 2, References S02E18, SoftHacy, Friendship Series: Part 6 of Missing Scenes Summary:
Set between Season 1 and 2: my take of where the picture from Macy's wallet in S02E18 comes from.
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tea-and-cardigans · 5 years
And now I have a desperate urge to write some Macy and Harry hiding their crushes on each other fanfic.
Macy squirreling away those drawings everytime someone walks into her room, Harry awkwardly trying not to deliver too much praise when she accomplishes something. Both trying not to hold on too long during 'that' goodbye hug.
Mutual pining here I come!!!
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ragevanilla · 5 years
Coffee Shop AUs are my weakness
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universechaser · 4 years
Hacy Fandom
Ok so from what little I’ve heard of tonight’s episode it actually looks like they’re finally moving forward with the Hacy relationship and not keeping it in this weird limbo. Sooooooo 😁 I’m going to catch up on season 2 I stopped watching after I think the like 4 episode becuase they were frustrating me becuase I thought they were going to keep jerking us around.
But to be fair they did that with Piper and Leo in the original so 😂 like A LOT
Might inspire some fanfic idk.
Can’t promise anything but if anyone wants to send some prompts my way I wouldn’t mind 😂
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serceleste · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Charmed (TV 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Greenwood/Macy Vaughn Characters: Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood Additional Tags: Fluff, First Time, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Episode Tag, Morning Sex Summary:
Last night, Macy had been happy, and tired, and content to kiss Harry and say goodnight outside her bedroom door.
But that was last night.
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jnlnyaface · 4 years
A Space for You
Macy cleans out some space in her room for Harry. *** For Hacy Week Day 1: A Million Ways to Say 'I Love You'
Happy Hacy Week Everybody! I wasn't going to do a post for today but I thought of this last night and here we are! This is just a short drabble. Tomorrow's post is massive and I am the lucky girl that gets to spend all night tonight editing it. Yay for me! Hope you enjoy.
It can also be found here on AO3
“Ok, you can open your eyes now,” Macy declared. “Surprise!”
Harry, doing as he was told, looked around but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary in Macy’s bedroom. “I don’t understand.”
“The drawer,” She pointed toward her vanity dresser and he saw an empty drawer that was resting open.
“You cleaned out a drawer in your dresser and you wanted to show it off?” He was very confused. She looked so proud of herself but he didn’t understand what she was getting at.
“No,” She said as her face fell slightly, obviously getting frustrated at him for not understanding. “Well yes I cleaned out a drawer and wanted to show it to you. But it’s the why that’s important.”
“Ok I’ll bite,” He responded in slight amusement. “Why?”
“It’s for you.”
“I don’t follow.”
Macy huffed a frustrated breath and clarified. “I cleaned this drawer out for you. This way you can keep some stuff here. I also cleaned out half of my closet too.”
“Well, you’ve been spending a lot more time here.” Gesturing toward the whole house then the bed she continued, “And in the morning you’re always rushing to go back to the condo and change before work. I thought if you had space you could keep some things here and we could linger in bed some mornings.”
“Macy,” Harry breathed out in surprise. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know I didn’t have to but I wanted to,” She started as she twisted her fingers together anxiously. “We’ve been together for a while and I know running back and forth can’t be easy. And if giving you a drawer and some closet space in my room makes things a little easier for you then I want to do that. For you.” Her voice took on a slight affronted tone as she concluded, “You aren’t the only one allowed to do nice things in this relationship.”
“You are right.” His tone was soothing as he placed his hands on her hips and brought her to him. Kissing her, the pout on her lips transformed into a small smile. “That was very sweet and thoughtful of you. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” She brought their lips together in a longer and more passionate kiss.  
A thought occurred to him and he broke the kiss with a laugh before he asked, “Be honest. Is this just so stealing my jumpers will be easier?”
Macy only laughed and kissed him again.
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heavilyimpliedstan · 5 years
is there a hacy fic where they ended up being stuck in a fanfic that Macy had been reading? or did i dream the entire thing up? because i can not find it anywhere
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