#hade's eye candy
genderfluiddipshit · 3 months
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here have this gabe that took me only an hour <3 used a ref i found on pinterest but i am too tired to put it on my computer :/
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ablog · 14 days
Girl help I wish to travel to different dimensions just to watch a movie/show I really like a little to the left
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ko0lit · 4 months
How does a man explain that one of their favourite hades II character ate his kids guys I can't defend this one 😞😞😞
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rush-valley · 4 months
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scylla hades 2 my beloved
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telleroftime · 9 months
I love talking about me writing and then never actually writing. Anyways, time to not write again.
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viviennevermillion · 10 months
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when they know you like them
⟡ notes: first time writing for record of ragnarok yayy! guys if you haven't seen this show you should watch it, we have tournament arc, pretty men and sad backstories. comments are appreciated.
⟡ contains: character x gn!reader, how they act when they know you like them but you haven't told them, varying lengths because i am inherently biased
⟡ characters: buddha, beelzebub, hades, nikola
⟡ warnings: all of these are fluff except for beel's which is full of soul-crushing angst i am sorry
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He's such a tease and you can't even be mad at him because unlike Loki or Hermes he's genuinely sweet about it. He overheard Brunhilde talking about how you like him and he decided to have some fun with it first before he confesses.
You meet him by the tree he likes to relax under before his fight and he's happy to see you. "Hi fam! What a pleasant surprise!", he exclaims and waves at you when he sees you walking towards him from a distance, "to what do I owe the honor?"
When you tell him you just wanted to wish him luck before his battle, he grins and pats your head repeatedly before resorting to poking your cheek. "That's sweet of you, bud", he sits down under the tree again and pats the patch of grass by his side, gesturing for you to join him; an offer which you gladly accept.
"I know you don't like being told what to do", you start and let out a sigh, "but don't you die on me out there..."
He lets out a hearty laugh.
"I'll accept it this once, because it's you", he chuckles and leans closer, whispering in your ear with a tone of voice that sounds like it's laced with honey, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're worried about dear old me..."
You stay silent in response to this, which just seems to amuse him more. "You know…best not to lose yourself in worry and fear, it does not do you any good", he warns with a challenging tone, cupping your cheek gently to inspect the emotion that's showing on your face, "getting too attached can often be our demise..."
"I'm good, thank you", you reply dryly, not giving in to his teasing. You reach into your bag to pull out some candy you brought along. "Offer for my favorite god", you state nonchalantly and hand it to him. "So I'm your favorite, huh?", he chuckles, booping your nose, "that's interesting."
He eats some of the candy and remarks that it's tasty before his attention shifts to you again. "I found meditation can help with worries like yours", he explains but can't hide the smile that's tucking at the corner of his lips, as he's fully aware how easily your focus shifts when he's around, "I can show you some techniques if you'd like."
So he spends the next 10 minutes instructing you on meditation and you're trying, but at this point you're suspecting that with the way he keeps whispering instructions into your ear and leans close to you or holds your hand, he's setting you up to fail. "I'm starting this on heightened difficulty", you mumble dryly and he chuckles again. He's clearly having a blast with this.
He's leaning so close to you that you can feel his breath on your lips and he's like "do you feel enlightened yet?"
You open your eyes to glare at him. "You're the bane of my existence."
He forms two peace signs with his hands and sends you an innocent smile. "That's when I'm at my cutest!"
Before he leaves for his fight he gently pulls you into his arms. "Don't worry too much, buddy, I'll be fine", he has his arms wrapped around your shoulders in a comforting embrace. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, relaxing into the warmth of his chest. "I'll see you after the fight, pinky promise", he smiles and gently squeezes you before making his way to the arena.
When you join him again after the battle he's finishing up that bag of candy you gave to him. "I heard you bailed from the infirmary", you let out a sigh and sit down next to him in the grass. "Are you here to drag me back?", he sends you a questioning gaze. You shake your head. "I know better than to try that."
He lets out a satisfied hum and you hug him. "I'm glad you're okay", you whisper and he looks at you with a fond expression, way softer than what you're used to from him. "I told you not to worry too much", he keeps an arm wrapped around you and leans closer to you again until your lips are almost touching, "I think you need more meditation." He grins and plops a candy into his mouth.
You look at him through half-lidded eyes and sigh. "You know what- fuck this shit, next time I'll just bring pocky."
He lets out a laugh and presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. "That's one way to do it."
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One word: Panic
He meets you after his round because you're one of the people who tend to his wounds. You're so sweet to him; you have no idea, not the faintest clue about the curse he is afflicted by.
He's darkness incarnate, at least in his mind; only ever leaving his secluded quarters these days to fight; like in the tournament. To fight, never to protect. His hands weren't made for protection; his heart wasn't made to be loved. But who can really help the things they long for in this life?
Meanwhile, you're like a ray of the sun that mistakenly fell into the depths of hell from which he crawled. He had been shunned; detested for what he was, yet you didn't seem to notice. He thought it was stupid. Or perhaps these were his defenses talking.
Or maybe you knew exactly who he was and simply chose to pay it no mind. Also stupid.
He acted cold around you in the infirmary. Brushed you off with quick responses. Yet you always smiled at him with this carefree, kind expression on your face. Just the way his friends had done once upon a time. Images flashed his mind of their dead bodies and the horror of what he had done. He didn't mean to, he knew he was cursed, yet he hated himself; hated that he was host to the monster that lived within him.
He left the infirmary early that day. Best not to spend too much time around people who were nice to him. It might just get them killed, he thought with bitterness clouding his mind.
But you weren't convinced when he had told you that he was fine upon leaving. So to make sure you didn't release him in bad condition, you sent him a letter, asking him how he was faring. To be honest, you didn't expect that he would actually respond, considering how closed off he was when he met you. But Beelzebub was a lonely man. Terribly lonely and suffering in silence without an ounce of company, just waiting for the day someone or something would be able to put an end to his existence. But that was a dream that felt far out of his reach. So he settled for the next best thing: easing the pain.
So for the next few weeks, the two of you changed letters and every time he opened up a little, you felt joyful and loved that you were getting to know him better.
When you ask him out one day, Beel's heart freezes. This was all too familiar... attachment. Something he couldn't allow himself to have. Something that would bring destruction upon the innocent.
He clutched the letter tightly in his hand, crumpling the paper in the process as he paced back and forth through his room, trying to calm his breathing; trying to make the thought of Lilith's dead body leave his mind. He couldn't allow anything to happen to you. He was a monster and you didn't deserve to become the next tragedy in his life. For weeks now since you had started exchanging letters he put extra locks on his doors at night; some of them with numbers only he knew; he'd freeze the keys and hide them throughout his room in the hopes that he would wake up before the monster could escape the confines it was in.
After receiving the letter where you had confessed that you had taken a liking to him and would like to go out with him; he woke up on the following morning with his room in shambles. Some of the furniture was torn apart, papers were scattered across the floor and the door showed signs of abuse and violence; large scratch marks and some broken locks.
He sent you a letter inquiring about your well-being this time. The wait for your response was spent in agony.
When he finally received a letter back; being informed that you weren't anywhere near his room that night, that you were safe and sound; relief washed over him.
But that was the last letter he ever sent. He deemed it too dangerous to keep you around. You deserved to live and to thrive. Nothing that should be cut short because of his selfish desire for companionship.
As the months went by, the letters got less and less. Until finally you stopped sending them. That was the first time he had cried since Lilith's death. The first time he had slumped down on the floor and sobbed helplessly. His room became silent again. He was alone once more with nothing but the shadow of what could have been.
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The only one who is actually normal about the whole thing.
Hades is a gentleman and he doesn't have enough humor in his heart to tease you like some of his fellow gods would.
Once he has a hunch that you have feelings for him; he prepares to ask you out.
He's very classy with it. He buys you a bouquet of roses and brings them to you, greeting you with a soft smile that few actually get to see on his face. He appears confident and casual; the only sign of nervousness being that he keeps fidgeting with the collar of his shirt without noticing.
Of course you immediately notice the bouquet. But you don't bring it up until he does. "Hades! Good to see you", you greet him and give him a smile. He smiles back at you. "Y/n, I- was wondering if you'd like to have dinner sometime?", he stumbles over his words one time but overall delivers the question very professionally.
You're a little caught off-guard. After all; Hades is not someone where you notice he has feelings for you unless he decides to let you know. "Oh...", you take a moment to process, "I'd love to!"
Hades is glad to hear that answer. Whatever was he worried about anyway?
He takes you to a nice restaurant on your date, both of you dressed up in fine clothes and Hades can't keep his eyes off you. His expression softens every time he looks at you and he finally realizes how much you make him weak in the knees.
Despite everything, he keeps his confident demeanor, offering to pay for your meal and making conversation with you during the date so the atmosphere never turns awkward.
It's mostly him complaining about his job really.
"And it's not even like they don't know that trying to feed the Cerberus is forbidden; it's very clearly stated in the 'Welcome to Helheim' leaflet and yet every month someone loses an arm to that thing-", he pauses in his rant to look up at you, "I'm sorry if you don't want to hear about my work."
You shake your head. "It's fine, I think it's quite interesting", you reach for his hand and hold it on the table, "hold on- there's a leaflet?"
Hades chuckles and pulls said leaflet out of his pocket, handing it to you. "Rule Nr. 2: 'You cannot actually climb out of Helheim. Seriously, stop trying'", you read aloud and raise your eyebrows, "I feel like there's a story behind that one." Hades gives you a painful expression. "I wish there wasn't."
Hades likes holding your hand on the dinner table and he always makes sure that you have a comfortable and fun evening
Despite his calm and serious demeanor, the man is absolutely whipped for you, so the more chaotic you are, the more likely it is that he'll end up joining you in shenanigans that are unlike anything he'd do if you weren't a part of his life.
Loki once catches him dancing in the rain with you, absolutely drenched from the water and Hades just sends him a death glare. "Not a word." Meanwhile Loki is just trying to keep his wheezing in.
If he feels like you're up for it, Hades asks if he can kiss you after the date. For a man so stoic and serious, his kiss is very gentle.
You never have to worry about Hades knowing how you feel about him because your feelings are in good hands with him.
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Is probably having a whole crisis about this.
He doesn't even notice you like him, he just sees you as "y/n, who listens to me talk about science" and that's what he appreciates you for. He has such tunnel vision when it comes to his work that he doesn't even stop to consider how he feels about you until Raiden of all people brings it up.
He's like "Wow you're so lucky that someone like y/n has their eyes on you!" and Nikola stops in his tracks like excuse me what-
"Don't tell me you didn't notice... they're down bad for you?!"
The shared human contestants lobby was a mistake, Nikola thinks
Other people have to spell out all the obvious signs to him that show that you're romantically interested in him for Nikola to "subscribe to the hypothesis"
That's when the panic starts.
"Like, what do I even do, I've never been on a date before!"
Raiden raises an eyebrow: "Seriously? Never?"
Nikola corrects himself as he paces from one side of the room to the other. "Well technically I have been on ONE date before but it was a disaster because I accidentally caused the misconception that I'm trying to build a nuclear bomb, which i wasn't-"
Basically, Nikola has no fucking idea how to approach romance
He ends up sending his pigeon to deliver a letter to you, asking you out on a date, which he describes as "a fun day full of scientific experiments" and he's ecstatic when your answer is yes.
"Don't worry, this'll be fine, I even got them a gift", Nikola says, excited about your date.
The "gift" turned out to be a giant laser he built specifically for you. He was confident in it at first but ever since people kept telling him that usually flowers or chocolate are appropriate first date gifts, he's been nervous. To everyone's surprise, you end up absolutely loving it.
"Oh my god I've always wanted a giant laser!"
"See? That's what I said too", Nikola gives you a fist-bump.
Nevermind you're going to fit together just fine.
Your date mostly consists of him guiding you through various science experiments and rambling about the scientific principles behind them.
"I understood nothing of what it was you just said but I think it's endearing how passionate you are about this", you chuckle.
His last experiment is one where he turns the lights in the room off and uses several lenses and light sources to make beautiful lights in all colors dance across the walls and the ceiling of the room. You're in awe about the beautiful sight.
"You see, this happens because the light reflects off the-" he can't finish his sentence because he's caught off-guard by the kiss you press to his cheek. You then lean your head on his shoulder. "Let's just watch them for a while", you whisper and reach for his hand. He supposes he can continue explaining later and smiles at you softly.
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ᴡɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ
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PAIRING: Son of evil queen! Jeonghan x daughter of hades!reader | son of belle! Joshua x reader
⛧ SYNOPSIS: You were supposed to steal the wand, and take over the world – to prove that you were evil once and for all, but over the course of two days, you find yourself taken over by your complex feelings and lust.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: Brother! Seungcheol, Dom! Jeonghan & Joshua, childhood friend! Jeonghan, first love! Jeonghan, cheating, exhibition, fingerjng, degradation, unprotected sex, possessiveness, panty stuffing, spanking.
NOTE: Son of Gaston! Mingyu, Son of ursula! Dino.
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«"A WHAT?"» You and Seungcheol exclaimed in unison while your mother did not bother to look at you while she shaped her nails. «"A chance to go to Auradon"» She repeats her previous words yet again to you and your brother.
You could feel your insides twisting from the mention of the dreadful place. «"Mother, we are not going to that stinky place where people walk around with bright princess clothes and tiaras"» You say, speaking up like usual. Your mother knew all too well, it would be you who would instantly disagree with her decision. Because Seungcheol had never gone against your mothers words, for she did not give him a mind either.
Your mother always had a profound hate towards your older brother, no matter what he'd try to do to show her he was as evil as her or – the fact that he was trying to be. Maybe that was the problem – it was the fact that Seungcheol was not evil. He tried, tried hard to be what his mother expected him to be, but he just couldn't get himself to shove an old person into an alley or steal candy from a hungry child. He just couldn't be evil.
Or maybe the fact that he had taken after his father's genes and could easily use the power of that powerful ember if he had the chance to pass that barrier, and specially – inherited the radiant dark blue hair.
But you on the other side - well, you had dark purple hair, and you were just - as evil as she wanted you to be.
«"I agree with her, we are not going."» Your head whips around to look at him, your mouth gaping in revelation. Your mother's eyes instantly narrow upon hearing him. Standing up from her chair, she walks closer to where you both stood. Your hands intertwined with Seungcheol's, giving them a squeeze while she stared at both of you, on coming face-to-face with you. «"You both do not have an option, You're doing this for us and yourselves."»
Letting go of his hand, you cross your arms, walking closer to her. You tilt your head slightly, «"How about a no?"»
Her eyes flamed green, making your own eyes mirror hers. The Isle and your mother may have been deprived of any magic for years, but your mother's power to defeat you and your brother was nothing special.
Your usual contest was interrupted out of the blue - surprisingly - by your father.
«"Maleficent"» He moved from his spot on the doorway, while your head snapped towards him. «"You're hurting my daughter with your shenanigans yet again."» Your mother could care less about his comment. She walks away while both of you are approached by your father.
«"Listen, kids. Just think about it both of you, imagine if we do not have this fucking barrier preventing us from our freedom. It's all so simple really, you both go there with the other VKs, steal that wand, let us out of this stinky place and we take over the world again."» Those were the same old shit, repeating over and over from your parent's mouths.
You never had a deplored hatred towards the Auradon Or the ‘King and Queen’ but gosh did you want to avenge them for the childhood that was taken away from you.
Your father takes a step closer towards Seungcheol, his hand firmly placing itself on his shoulder and squeezed threateningly. «“I'm sure my son wouldn't want to disappoint me, would he?”»
‘I was never your fucking son’ - Gosh did Seungcheol just want to spit that out on his face but the hand almost bone crushingly squeezing his shoulder, stopped him. His face lowers down slowly, «Yes, father.»
You roll your eyes, having already expected his defeat against your father. You walk out, going to the only person that knew you inside out.
You rest your head against Jeonghan's chest. There were no words exchanged between the two of you, but he knew exactly what was running in your head.
«“I don't wanna go, Hannie”» You say, breaking the silence. «”Hm and why is that?”»
You roll your eyes yet again at his words, lifting your head to look up at him. «”You really are going to make me say it ain't you?”» Jeonghan feigns innocence at your words, «”Hmm I don't know what you're talking about.”» Your hand slaps his chest playfully, «”You know well, I can't be away from you, you jerk.”»
Jeonghan chuckles at your words, «”Tell me my evil little Y/n, did you bother to check who was selected to go to Auradon?”» Your eyebrows knit slightly, eyeing him in confusion. «”What are you talking ‘bout?”»
Jeonghan's lips stretch in a heartwarming smile, «”I'm coming with you too, dummy.”» Your eyes widen in astonishment, and your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him down for a tight hug. «”Thank god I'll at least have you by my side, I can't imagine seeing all those princesses and their glamour, and manage to not puke.”»
Just as you say that, you hear someone clear their throat behind you. Your head snaps back to the person, and you find your brother standing there. «”I still exist you know”» Both of you laugh at his words, running to him while he pouts at the both of you.
Your fingers held the handle of your bag over your shoulders, while you waited for the other selected ones. Your expression swiftly turns disgusted when your eyes fall on the tall guy who emerges from the crowd. «”Don't tell me that jerk is coming too, gosh I can't have my life being ruined any more.”» Seungcheol chuckles next to you upon hearing you, knowing well you were talking about Gaston's son.
As if on the talk of the devil, Mingyu approached your figure, you knew him all too well to not guess his next words. «”Aren't you a little too cranky today, beautiful?”» He smirks down at you – god was he just as jerky as his father. You take a small step closer towards him, «”Fuck off before your face is unidentifiable by the time we walk out of the barrier.”» Mingyu scoffs under his breath, walking away from you.
«”He's right though, what's got you so cranky?”» You hear the familiar voice from behind and turn around to find Jeonghan walking up to you, his hands buried in his pockets while his bag hangs over his shoulder.
You let out a soft gasp, as soon as your eyes fell on him, his dark blue hair was turned into long black hair where his bangs fell over his face softly. You barely gave a mind about his words, while letting his arm wrap around your waist. «"What's up with the sudden hair change?”» He smiles smugly, his eyes meeting yours «”You like it? I did it for you.”» Jeonghan winks down at you at the end of his sentence, giggling under his breath when you roll your eyes at him.
«”I guess it looks good.”» You shrug him off before walking towards black limousine as you throw your bag inside.
Just as you were about to plop yourself onto the seats, you feel a tug at the back of your collar. You turn around to find your sworn enemy – Dino standing in front of you. His lips curl up in a smirk, «”It feels so nice to know that you're coming along, cause I want you to see me succeed at getting the wand before you can.”» You scoff at his words, «”Oh really? I didn't know you were so pathetically waiting for my validation.”»
His pupils dilate slightly in anger, and his hands fly to the collar of your shirt – you mirror him, tugging on his collar harshly.
«“Little girl thinks her parents are going to think she's really evil once she gets her hands on the wand, does she?”» You scoff at his words, but before you could speak anything else you feel Seungcheol and Jeonghan pull you back from his grip. «“So hot-headed.”» Jeonghan tchs under his breath but it was well audible for you. You shoot him a glare while you take your seat next to the window, grumpily.
You hear Seungcheol gasp under his breath next to you, when he finally steps out of the car. Completely contradicting you – who stood there with pure disgust and displease in your blood. Jeonghan clearly mirrored your feelings, as he stood next to you. You were met face-to-face with the new crowned prince who stood in front of all of you with a blue perfectly fitted formal suit, a napkin weirdly folded and kept in his pocket.
All the seven of you instantaneously recognized the man. ‘The great Crown Prince’ - the exact words the anchor person said the other day when you had been watching the only ever channel that was broadcasted in the Isle of the Lost.
«“Hi I'm Joshua Hong. The Crown Prince of Auradon.”» He speaks, causing you to snap out of your trance. His eyes turn into crescents when he smiles, and he holds out his hand to you. And you hold your hand out but just before your hands could meet, someone intervenes and shakes his hand. You look up to find Jeonghan, eyeing the man who was the same height as him with a forced smile.
You don't give it much of a thought and stand back. «“I don't think you need our introduction.”» Soon he retrieves his hand, snuggling it in between his pockets. «“Yea, definitely, I hope you make yourself comfortable here.”» He walks off and soon a bright cheerful skips happily towards you.
«“I'm Dokyeom, Fairy Godmother’s son!”» The mention of his mother instantly catches your attention, «“Fairy Godmother? Like the bibbidi bobbidi boo?”» He nods eagerly, his smile stretched ear-to-ear. All of you questioned how he managed to keep that smile so bright. «“Come along, I'll show you the way around!”»
Your heavy breaths are almost heard throughout the room in the museum. You sure had gotten lost from the others, but fuck you were lost in his dark brown eyes as he started down at you with gaping lips. «“H-Hannie, what are you doing?”»
You definitely did not expect to find yourself in this position, pinned against the smooth wall of the Museum of Auradon. Breathless and thoughtless under his gaze, his fingers disappeared inside your tight leather jeans while his free hand tucked your leg around his waist. «“Something I've desired to do for a long time, Y/n.”» and with that, his lips were back on yours, your tongues intertwining and he slowly caressed the skin of your thigh ever so softly. His breathing turns heavy in seconds mirroring yours, the sparks caused by the wet loud kisses push away the consciousness of your whereabouts and what you had to do.
You slowly part away with a heavy breath, your eyes meeting him in a hazy gaze. «“I think it's time I finally claim you as mine baby, all fucking mine.”»
Your next response gets caught in your throat and a choked moan leaves your lips as his hand slips past your pants. His fingers effortlessly move behind your panties, cupping you whole. His lips curled against the skin of your neck after noticing how the arousal seeped out of you. His hair tips tickled your ear lobe, as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. «“Looks like someone's as excited as I am.”»
«“Shut up”» Your words cause your jaw to be gripped tightly out of nowhere making you gasp. «“I may keep up with your bratty attitude all the time, but while you're under me, know your fucking place. Got it?”» Your throat runs dry from the way his jaw clenched in anger while his fingers continued to work on you.
«”I need words, baby.”» His stern toned words spark your brain in a way you could never imagine, «Yes, Han!»
Jeonghan innocently shoots you his angelic smile as if his fingers weren't knuckles deep inside you while everyone was wandering off searching for you. You moan into his ear as his fingers relentlessly move inside you, searching for your g-spot so skillfully. His curling fingers found your spot in no time, as he had you gripping on to his blue leather jacket ever so tightly as you parted your legs.
His hands come down to circle your waist in a split second to hold you against him. Your back arched while your eyes rolled back from the pleasure.
You probably didn't hate him in your whole life except for right now when he retreats his hand from your pants when a low «“Gonna cum”» slips past your lips. «“We gotta go before we get caught baby”» Jeonghan shoots you his smile yet again, with not an ounce of guilt in him. All you could do was stare at him with your tear glossed eyes, and let him manoeuvre your body out of the museum
Your hands clutched onto your books while you walked into Auradon Prep. You find Jeonghan sitting on the bleachers next to your brother, with his arm hanging around Seungcheol's shoulder. Before you could walk past him, you feel a familiar arm wrap around your waist. «“Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?”»
If you had heard the same words from Jeonghan just a day before at the same time, you would have elbowed him instantly. But you would be lying if his low voice did not give you butterflies from the way the name fell off his lips. You quickly free yourself from his embrace, your cheeks flaring red, but your body and his arms do not let you get any further away from him.
You look up at him in mock annoyance but his lips curl up around the corners. The bare distance between the both of you caused your memory to flash in front of your eyes, of last night. The fact that you had to take care of your little problem thanks to his antics. «“Don't try to get away from me.”»
All your movements come to a halt at his low order, and you huff in annoyance. But before you could speak to him any further, you hear a loud, «“Y/N!”» and you turn around to find Dokyeom and Woozi – Aurora's son, walking towards you. With all the strength you had, you break free from Jeonghan’s hold which was loose around your waist and fix the nonexistent curl in your outfit.
«“Hey! Would you like to join us for the preparation for Joshua's coronation?”» «“Sure!”» You never expected your voice to come out so high-pitched which would make Jeonghan snicker under his breath if he hadn't heard their request. Jeonghan shoots daggers down your figure while you walk away with Dokyeom.
«“So,”» You trail off, catching Dokyeom and Woozi's attention, «”It's not even been a month since I'm here, why'd you pick me?”» Dokyeom shoots you his infamous smile, «”Because Joshua hyung wanted one of the VKs to give their ideas since you're also a part of Auradon Prep. And well certainly, he suggested you would be a great option.”»
You hesitantly smile from his words, not quite sure what was going on, and what your reaction was supposed to be. «”How's everything going on?”» You flinch when you hear an oddly familiar voice behind you, and you look back to find Joshua towering over you.
«”Gosh, you scared me!”» You exclaimed at him to which his eyes turn into crescents as he lets out a little giggle. «”Oh I did not mean to.”»
You step away from him, so he could talk to the two in-charges. Your bottom lip juts out in boredom while you stand there. Your trail of thoughts is interrupted by Joshua mentioning your name out of nowhere, only for you to look up at him to find him looking at you with questioning eyes. «”Would you care to join me in my office, Y/n? I would like to have a conversation with you.”»
His gentle tone and voice contradicted Jeonghan's teasing tone and low voice, but it sure made you flustered either way but you mentally slap yourself before you could be so.
«”What'd you want to talk about, Joshie?”» The man looks at you, quite caught off guard by the nickname but he proceeds to his seat nonetheless. «”Joshie?”» He questions only to be met with your unbothered expression while you take your seat in front of his desk.
«“So why'd you bring me here?”» You decide to get straight to the point, without beating around the bush for long. You cock your eyebrows at him only to be met with a quite surprised expression.
«“Well, do you know for a fact that we have cameras installed in all the buildings owned by the king and queen?”» You suddenly straighten your back from the topic, «“Yea?”» Joshua breathily giggles a bit before leaning forwards on the table. «“Did you know we have hidden cameras installed which are not quite accessible to everyone?”» You furrow your eyebrows slightly. «“What do you mean, Joshua? Get to the point.”»
«“Alright then, could you explain this?”» He turns the laptop in your direction, the image of your figure being pinned against the wall while Jeonghan has his hands dipped inside your pants. You were too startled to notice the fact that Joshua was now behind you, with his torso leaning down next to you with his hands in his pocket. «“I have a lot of questions, princess. But god could I not help but want to make that pretty face scrunch up like that for me.”»
The irony of the nickname and his words go straight down to your cunt. «“Oh how I would love to wrap my hand around that neck of yours baby.”» A low moan gets caught in your throat. «“Fuck! Isn't this wrong?”»
«“Did not know the evil little girl cared about what's wrong or what's right.”» Although the man towered over you from behind you, you could hear the smirk in his voice. His words cause your demeanour to change in a split second. You raise yourself and rest your bottom on the edge of his desk. Your fingers wander off to pull him by his collar, and you click your tongue before whispering, «“Oh Joshie, wouldn't your people be so disappointed in you for this? Imagine what they're going to do if they find out their crown prince is fucking a VK”»
«“You're quite bold for a slut who was rubbing her thighs just from meek words while she watched herself .”» Saying that, Joshua’s hands move to grasp your wrist in one hand before he's turning you around and bending you over instantaneously. His large hand covers your ass almost completely, as he caressed the soft skin over the leather.
You yelp when his hand comes down on your ass, catching you off-guard. «“Mhm let's see, you think your little lover would be excited to know the fact that you're bending over with your ass out for another man?”» His words look down on you, but gosh you were not supposed to get wetter as each word left his mouth. So instead of giving into the low whine threatening to escape, you decided to taunt him. «“Really? Cause what are your-”»
You barely get to finish when his hands come down to slap your ass again. «“So fucking fiesty aren't you?”»
Joshua's fingers tuck under your pants, swiftly pulling off your pants with your panties. He tears away your panties hastily, leaving behind a red mark on your inner thighs from his rough move. «“Josh-”» Your words are cut off from his fingers pushing the soaked fabric into your mouth. «“At least that's gonna shut you up for some time, wouldn't it baby?”»
Joshua held your hands behind your back with one hand while his other hand undid the zipper of his own formal pants. «"Do you think you can handle my cock? In this tight fucking pussy?”»
Joshua's hand slap against your smooth skin yet again, before sliding down to your heat. His thick fingers plunge right inside you within seconds thanks to your dripping arousal. Your moans came out muffled as you pushed your ass desperately into his touch. Your body and voice box betray you as soon as his fingers thrusted them deep inside you. «“Look at you moaning already, you like it don't ya?”»
You whine at the way his thick fingers stay still inside you while being knuckles-deep. You move your hips over his hand only to be welcomed with a slap over your ass. «“So darn impatient, darling.”» Joshua's tone came out sounding annoyed, but God would he be lying if he said he didn't like your bratty behaviour. Contradicting his words, his actions made it seem obvious how much he needed you to be what you are when he pressed his rock-hard cock against your ass.
Unexpectedly for you, his free hand moves forward to pull the fabric out of your mouth. You barely have any mind to question the way he stuffed your panties inside the back pocket of his pants before his fingers curl up inside you.
«“Let's give you what you want, shall we?”» His fingers thrust forward inside you, and your hands fumble to grab the corner of his desk before he is scissoring you open. «“Or should I leave you hanging like he did yesterday?”»
A loud ‘no’ escapes you, followed by a series of ‘please’ and ‘let me cum’. The thought of having to be edged again made your brain turn jelly, and you push your hips back into his hand yet again. Joshua's dick twitches in his pants from your bratty move, and his hand comes down to hold your hips in a bruising grasp.
«“Be nice, or else I might as well just use your mouth instead of this slutty cunt.”» The alternative change in his words and tone did something to your whole body. The way he spoke to you in such a soft tone with praising words, to change it downright degrading and condescending.
Your thighs shook convulsively with everything going on, and your inner walls clenched around his fingers. You moan out loudly when you feel the cold metal of his fingers touch your inner walls, showing you just how deep he was, getting you cumming around him in seconds.
Joshua pulls his fingers out, and instantly groans at the sight of your own cum seeping out of your hole. «“As much as I'd love to just fuck your mouth right now, I'd rather fill this cunt of yours with my cum.”»
Without a second thought, Joshua pushes his cock inside you. A loud gasp erupts from you, and the way his girth stretches you out causes you to lift your legs off the ground. «“Josh!- fuck- Slow down- nngh”» Your words are cut down by his two of his fingers which invade your mouth harshly. His thumb presses down on to your tongue, «“I get to fucking decide what I do, you're gonna take what I give like the pretty girl you are, alright?”»
Your eyeballs are rolling back in pleasure when his hips slap against your ass, his thrusts so fast it makes your vision go blurry in seconds from tears. The heat radiating from your body has the glass under you, foggy.
His hand which pressed down on your tongue moved to grip your hair locks. He yanks your head up, and your eyes are – yet again – met with the lewd image of you and Jeonghan playing on the screen. But the things he was doing to you right there was incomparable to what played on the device. But God forbid, the dirtiness of the whole scene had you dripping down onto his balls and your own legs.
«“Yea, go ahead, watch yourself. Watch how fucking slutty you can be for some dick. Wonder what your lover's going to think about this.”»
Your hazy brain could – neither comprehend his words nor – realise that the video was playing on loop. Low words of ‘harder’ and ‘please’ are released from you between your moans. And Joshua was more than ecstatic to comply. His hips almost leave behind marks from the way they met so harshly with the skin of your ass, you were closer to your edge than you knew.
With a loud scream, your walls pulsated around him as your orgasm came crashing down. Joshua grunts and groans behind you, riding out his own orgasm as he stained your walls with his cum.
You both take minutes before Joshua's hips cease to move, and he pulls his now-soft cock out of your abused hole.
You slowly push your body upwards, your hands moving to brush through your hair to make it look tad-bit presentable.
«“Not going to lie, that was so fucking hot. Didn't know you'd have this side to you.”» You say right after you finish zipping your pants. Joshua's lips curl up, looking so innocent that it makes you doubt if he was the one who had your legs shaking just now. «“I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.”» You take slow steps towards him, getting closer towards him. «“Looks like the future ideal king for the people has a nasty little side to him.”»
Your eyes slowly trail down to his plump lips, mirroring his own eyes. Your eyes linger on his perfectly sculpted lips for longer than you'd expected, longer than you'd wanted. But your head is swift to turn to the side when he leans down to try and connect your lips together. Causing his lips to be met with your cheek.
Your eyes closed shut when as you stilled in your place, Joshua pressed his lips against your cheek a little more before pulling away. You surely did feel bad for that, but the image of Jeonghan and the feeling his lips left on you, had you chasing that taste more than anything.
Your eyes open ever so slowly and they widen when they find Jeonghan's figure watching through the glass window from afar. You could barely make out his expressions but your heartbeat turns uneven and your eyes blare green. Joshua, who had moved steps away from you, looks at you, meeting your glowing eyes.
«“Y-Y/n your eyes-”» before he could finish his sentence, you're running out of his office.
You pace around in your room, there was little to no light illuminating across the roomroom, just how you usually liked it and wanted it to be. Your radiant green eyes flared up every second, you felt like everything was coming crashing down. The inner voices inside your brain screaming at you for everything, you could currently care less about the fact that the whole reason you were in Auradon was to steal the wand. At least not when your first love and your only comfort person is probably going to leave you.
You hear a single knock on the door and your body stills in your tracks, a low pathetic sound escapes you. You take slower steps than ever, knowing exactly who was behind the door. You barely open the door a few inches before the door is slammed open. You flinch from the loud noise, but the man in front of you could care less. (He couldn't)
His hand covers your neck whole while he pins you against the door. «“You liked that huh? Getting your cunt fucked by someone else which wasn't me?”» There was a faint blue glint in his eyes, while his black long strands fell over his face ever so perfectly. His jaw clenched in anger, but the hand around your neck just held you in place. «“Jeonghan, I-I can explain.”»
You choke on your words, and a tear slips out of the corner of your eye. And Jeonghan's face instantly becomes soft, and the hand around your neck swiftly cups your cheek. His other hand pulls you into his embrace as he circles his arm around your waist. «“I-I'm so fucking sorry Hannie, I-I didn't- I-I'm so sorry, don't leave me, please don't”»
This was probably the second time he ever saw you cry this hard in his embrace, and he had known you for his life. Jeonghan's heart clenches from the way tears rolled down your eyes. His hand squeezes your cheeks a little, «“Baby, stop crying, look at me please?”»
If Jeonghan was honest, he wasn't really phased by the fact that you had fucked with Joshua. But what infuriated him was the fact that you'd let him cum inside you. But he would he lying if he said it didn't turn him on when he saw you getting fucked by Joshua, his dick twitched in his pants when he realised what kind of effect he still had on you when he saw your reaction to the clip. So maybe all that anger was just for show so he could fuck you dumb.
By the time your tears had stopped rolling down your eyes, you looked up at him slowly. «“You didn't let him kiss you, did you?”» You eye him in confusion, «“What? No-”» Your lips were met with his soft ones in a split second. Your eyes closed and your body melted in his embrace. You hum into the kiss, a low moan from you being swallowed by him as you place your hands around his neck.
Pulling away, Jeonghan looks down at your lips. The bare few seconds of kissing them harshly got them all red already, making him curse under his breath. «“I'm not angry, angel,”» Never had you expected yourself to get flustered over that unlikely nickname but unexpected things happen, right?
His lips are back on yours before you know it, but with more chastity, his tongue invades your mouth while he groans into your mouth. You moan around his tongue, letting your hips grind on his thigh unconsciously.
Jeonghan pulls away slightly, his lips still brushing over your lips, «“I'm fucking jealous that he got to fuck this cunt of yours before me.”» There was a seductive glint in your eyes when you tightened around his neck «“Then fuck me till I forget he was ever inside me.”» His parted lips curve into a smirk, «“Oh fuck I will.”»
His arms move you towards the bed, his figure manhandling you to lay on the mattress, before his hands instantly come down to spread your legs apart. Jeonghan barely wastes any time before pulling your purple leather pants down your hips and off your legs. The cold air hitting your bare pussy had you wincing. He presses his thumb over your clit, applying slight pressure while rubbing slow circles.
You groan from the stimulation, already having fucked one, your legs soon started shaking due to the pleasure. «“So sensitive aren’t you? He fucked you so hard, you can barely handle this?» Jeonghan’s tone was humiliating, making slick seep out of you.
Your lips part widely in a silent gasp when his index and middle finger push into you in a swift move. Instantly curling up as they thrust into your G-spot, his lips tug at the corner from the way your face scrunches up in pleasure – which wasn't such an unfamiliar sight for him but gosh did he want to savour it so badly.
And your sensitiveness soon had your thighs closing around his hands while your own gripped the sheets with your nails digging into the fabric as you came around his fingers.
As much as Jeonghan yearned to sit back and watch your fucked out face while your pants bounced off the walls and filled his ears – his patience ran thin and he was soon undoing his pants, pulling his boxers off to free his cock.
«“How about this, angel? Let's see how many times I can make you cum till I imprint my dick inside that tight little pussy of yours”» His words had you clenching around nothing while his hands came down to grip your wrists together.
Moans guised as gasps leave your mouth when you feel his length slide in between your folds, teasing you with his slow movements before he slammed his cock into you.
Jeonghan’s grip on your wrists tighten, while he leans down to lock your lips with his. His teeth tug on your bottom lip, almost leaving behind a bruise. Skin-slapping sounds resonate through the room as his hips meet yours harshly for every thrust.
Pulling away, Jeonghan moves down to kiss your jaw slowly while whispering – «“Gonna fuck you till you fucking forget his name, babygirl.”» The nicknames, along with his long fingers sliding over your skin and gripping it so bruisingly all while his dick managing to hit all the right spots in you had you floating in your headspace.
Your mind felt clouded from the pleasure as Jeonghan had you cumming hard around him in minutes. Nevertheless, that didn't stop his hips from slamming into you at a faster pace. His hands come up to move the hair strands that stuck to your forehead due to sweat, out of the way. «“You're mine, angel. And we're gonna win this together.”»
The next day when you woke up, you found yourself in a position no different than that you slept the last day – your face nuzzled against Jeonghan’s chest, his arms secured around you.
But soon the both of you make your way to the main hall of Auradon prep due to the loud announcement that told you to. Your heels clicked against the stony path as you made your way next to Seungcheol with Jeonghan following next to you. You look around the surroundings, and your eyes froze on the person in the table right next to you – the same blonde head and the same brown eyes from yesterday.
Your eyes stay on his before you are pulled back into the present by the King’s voice.
“Good morning Auradon Prep, this will come as quite a surprise for you, but three weeks from now, The Royal Cotillion will take place. The preparations will begin from today onwards, and so will the proposals for the Royal dance.” His next words are almost drowned out as you take in the information.
Jeonghan turned around to grasp your hand – mirroring Joshua who had moved a few steps closer to you. “Y/n will you be my date?” The two voices echoed in your way – all while you stood there, absolutely dumbfounded about how you found yourself in this situation. How had you forgotten your main goal along the way? Was this what you were fated to? But most importantly, who were you going to choose?
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kaciebello · 7 months
Strawberries with too many seeds
Masterlist Luke Castellan x Hades! reader (implied, fem) Percy Jackson x Hades! reader (platonic) Chris Rodriguez x Hades! reader (platonic) Summary: Percy might feel like he is messing up the whole demigod thing, but he sure feels like he has friends here. Warning: Insults( nothing mean, just banter), no use of y/n author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I wrote this while eating blue candy, had to get into the character somehow. Yes I know Chris is unclaimed, Luke calls him brother in a bromance way. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) word count: 1,2k
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Percy couldn't help it. He was still feeling down about the amount of times he messed up. He, Luke, and Chris were sitting down at the Hermes table. Chris babbling something about the goddess of failure. Percy wasn't paying attention. 
“Don't worry, we’ll find something you're good at.” Turns to him Luke with a tight lip smile. Then it spreads into a grin as his eyes shift to look behind Percy. He feels a person sitting down next to him with their food. He looks up and sees the Hades girl he met the other day.
“Hello, my little gremlins!” She says with a smile. Percy doesn't have time to react, well not before Chris does.
“Gremlins is crazy.” He says pointing his fork at her. She just chuckles and picks up her fork.
The older boys continue to eat. Percy looks at her a bit confused. From what he learned, claimed kids are supposed to eat at their parents' table. He found the system kinda of dumb, if he wanted to eat with Athena’s kids, he should be able to. Not that he had anyone particular in mind.
“Aren't you supposed to sit at your table?” He asks her confused. She stops in the middle of her bite. She looks at him for a second before returning to her food.
“No cabin, no table.” She says. Percy now remembers that she mentioned that her father does not have a throne on Olympus and, therefore no cabin. It makes sense not to have a table either. He thought he could hear Chris whisper ‘No face, no case’ before Luke slapped his brother on the back of his head. The girl just gives them a side eye and turns to Percy again.
“What are you drinking?” She motions to his drink.
“Cherry cola.” He says
“Why is it blue?”
“ Daamn girl, you can't judge a soda by its color!” Chris says, making a fake gasp and clutching his heart. She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Chris receives a slap on his shoulder from Luke.
“Ignore him, Percy.  Chris is just a moron.” She says with a smile.
“I am your brother-in-law to-be!” Defens Chris, leaning over the table to jab his finger in her shoulder. Percy notices a blush on Luke's face before he clears his throat and looks away for a second. The girl just shakes her head and pushes the boy away. An argument breaks out between those two. Percy could swear that he heard a few very creative insults. He looks at Luke who just shakes his head and continues to eat. Percy follows his lead. 
“Sweets, do you want my starberries?” Ask Luke, making the two stop fighting. They both turn to him. 
“Oh yes my darling, thank you.” Answers him Chris and reaches for the few strawberries Luke has set aside while eating. Luke just frowns at him slapping his hand away, pushing his plate to the girl. Chris whines and holds his hand in a very fake hurt-like state. The girl just shakes her head and pushes Luke's plate back. He just gives her a face with a giant question mark on it. She just looks at him dead in the eye.
“I don't think taking a fruit with many seeds from a man is something I should do.” She says and Luke's eyes widen. He gives the thought a second before rolling his eyes.
“I do not want to kidnap you into my secret hideout,” He says not looking into her eyes. 
“Aw, what a shame.” She says teasingly and Luke's head snaps to her. Chris and Percy just laugh.
“Shouldn’t Persephone’s kids worry about that more?” Asks Percy genuinely curious about what other superstitions should he be worried about. He knows that Annabeth does not like spiders because Athena cursed Arachne. Now this. 
“Great question! Let us ask my stepsiblings!” She says and jumps up. She looked around before sitting down.
“That's right, Persephone does not have mortal children.” She explains to Percy. He just lets out a little ah and goes back to eating. Well, more like pushing the food around his plate since he felt embarrassed.
“It's fine Percy, nobody expects you to know who has children and who does not. And it gets tricky when even the maiden goddesses have mortal children, Athena for example.” She says with a kind tone.
“You’ll get the hang of it.” Tells him, Luke, trying to cheer up the younger boy. Percy just nods at his older friends. He hopes to be as skilled as those two one day. The two look at each other with a warm smile. Percy could see the love in their eyes. His mom had the same look when she talked about his dad. He just hopes these two have a happier ending than them. A gaging sound can be heard from one of the chairs. All of them turn to look at Chris, who is pretending to vomit violently.
“ Nurse, please I am feeling a bit sick, all this sweetness makes me wanna puke,” Chris says, clutching to his stomach pretending to be sick.
“I will stuff gauze down your throat if you don't stop” She threatens, going back to their banter. Luke just shakes his head at them and turns to Percy.
“Come on, we need to throw the rest into the bonfire.” Says Luke and the other two get up without another word. Percy wants to ask why, but it is like he could read his face.
“Offering to the gods, they like the smell.” He manages to finish. Percy gives him another confused look so Chris clarifies.
“They like the smell of begging.” He stops and looks at the girl. “ Just as much as she likes the sound it.” He finishes, very proud of his jab. The girl just narrows her eyes and goes to stand in the line. Percy swears he could hear ‘I will bite your head off’ but it was mostly covered by the amused sound Crish made after.
“ Excuse them, Percy, they grew up together, got here together. They have always been like that. You should have seen them when they shared a cabin. It was a nightmare.” Lukes says and follows the two, Percy close behind him.
“Okay little praying mantis, Luke you must be careful. You never know, you might lose your head.” Turns to them Chris and throws the rest of the food to the fire.
“ Have you hurt your head?” She asks before shaking her head.” Why am I even asking, I heard you slam your head on the upper bunk bed the other night.” Chris stops in his tracks and narrows his eyes at her.
“ Why were you in the Hermes cabin?” He asks and she just shrugs and looks away. Percy could see that Luke had gone red once again.
“ I was with Luke, why else Einstein.” She says walking away from all of them. Chris is hot on her toes.  Luke just looks at his feet before placing his hand on Percy's shoulder making him follow those two.
“YOU HAVE A WHOLE ROOM!” Yells Chris making big hand gestures to the girl who looks bored with whatever he is saying. Luke patted his back.
“Welcome to the family kid.” He says before lightly jogging to the older campers and delivering a slap on the back of the head to his brother.
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whimsi-clown · 5 months
What's the Best Way to Start a Story? Ah, yes. Death.
Part 1 of the Reverse lsekai Disney Villains x Modern Reader AU
(That I made on a whim)
Warning: Lots of Curse Words and a bit OOC
In a series of unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on how you view things) events, your eccentric rich bitch of an employer had just died.
Sad, I know. But they had it coming. Sorta.
Nobody really liked them. They were, to put it bluntly, an asshole of the highest degree, and they didn't have any living relatives or descendants.
As such, with you being the only person in existence who still stuck by them, gave a shit about them, and had the balls to deal with all of their bullshit, they decided to leave you with their inheritance.
From their large plot of land to their unrealistically big ass mansion with a private beach close by, along with everything inside of it. Money included.
It was all yours for the taking, and you were all too eager to accept.
At this point, you had everything you needed to live the life of your dreams. A large plot of land, a mansion, a near infinite amount of money.
Now, all you needed left in this big and lonely mansion...
Was companionship...
Yea, no. We'll skip that for now.
So, with that in mind, after setting down the remaining boxes of your belongings that you had just brought in, you decided to stroll through the halls of the place, eager to familiarize yourself with your new home.
Your eyes perking in interest as you spot a door that you had never seen before, curiously entering it with a new wave of excitement as to what you could find (or possibly sell) on the other side.
Nothing could ruin this day for you!
Something has just ruined this day for you.
You groaned, dragging your hands down your face as 12 of the most iconic Disney Villains settled on the set of couches before you with crossed arms, disgruntled expressions, and glares aimed your way.
Maleficent sat on the lone couch to your left, while Grimhilde, the evil queen, sat on the other couch to your right, both looking at you with displeased glares.
On the main couch sat Ursula, Cruela De Vil, Dr. Facilier and Jafar. All sharing the same disgruntled expression, like they have better things to do than be in this predicament.
And those who decided to stand behind the couch were Hades, Captain Hook, Shan Yu, and Gaston. All of them with their arm crossed.
Finally, seated on the carpeted floor before the couches are Scar and Oogie Boogie. Who looked bored out of their minds.
You let out yet another groan.
How did you end up in this situation again??
Ah, right. The mysterious room.
For those of you who are wondering, here's what went down literal hours ago.
You had entered what looked like an old storage room, flicked the light switch on, and discovered that it was filled to the brim with various antiques and junk.
Looking around, you felt like a kid in a candy store, discovering the various curious objects that your former employer collected, lining each shelf.
Everything was so interesting (and sellable) to you.
But what stood out to you the most, though, was an assortment of random items set up on a row of pedestals.
A staff broken in half, a shattered mirror, an unlit greek looking torch lying on its side, a dusty lamp, a tarnished silver hook, a vintage hunting rifle, an old scattered deck of tarot cards, a weird wavy looking sword (a quick google search informed you that it was a serrated jagged jian), a lion skull (not even gonna question how your employer got their hands on these ethically), a gold nautilus shell necklace, an exotic black and white fur coat of some animal (again, not gonna question how they were ethically acquired), and finally a set of red hand carved dices.
With a wide shit eating grin and dollar signs in your eyes, you decided on the spot that these would definitely sell for a large amount of money and decided to take a picture of them to post online.
However, before you could take the shot, you realized something.
No one would buy any of this junk if you sell them as they looked now, like junk!
So, with a new goal in mind, you quickly set out to grab whatever cleaning materials you could find.
And when you came back, you glued together the two broken parts of the staff, put back the pieces of the shattered mirror back in place, set the unlit greek torch up, rubbed the dust off of the lamp, polished the silver hook, cleaned the vintage hunting rifle, stacked and rearanged the deck of tarot cards, sharpened the weird wavy sword, dusted the lion skull, washed the gold nautilus shell pendant in soapy water, and brushed the exotic fur coat.
When all was done, you stood back with your hands on your hips, a prideful grin stretching across your face at having cleaned all of the useless junk before you.
If only you had the same amount of energy and enthusiasm when it comes to cleaning the rest of your house.
You were about to take a picture again when you realized you weren't completely done. There was still one item left.
The pair of red dice.
You stared down at the dices in contemplation. For some reason, something about them didn't seem to sit right with you.
One dice had a six facing up, while the other had a five. Making it an eleven in total.
You grabbed the dices, shaking them around in the palm of your hand and without much of a thought, threw them onto its pedestal. Watching as it rolled on the surface before stopping, both dices landed on a one.
Snake eyes.
All of a sudden, the lights in the room started to flicker and turn off completely, leaving you in the dark.
You cursed under your breath as you were about to turn the flashlight on your phone when you noticed that the dices were glowing green, like one of those shitty glow in the dark star stickers you had as a kid.
Suddenly, the dices weren't the only thing glowing as the fur coat was glowing white, followed by the shell pendant glowing gold, the lion skull glowing green, the sword glowing a dull blue, the tarot deck glowing purple, the hunting rifle glowing red, the hook glowing gold as well, the lamp glowing red too, the torch glowing blue which also lit up in blue flames on it's own, the mirror glowing purple, and finally the staff glowing green.
Each of the items slowly hovered in the air, wind seeming to pick up around you despite the lack of windows, and then suddenly a burst of green smoke spread throughout the room, temporarily blinding you as you coughed into your fist.
You swatted your hands around to clear the smoke, rubbing your teary eyes when a sound caught your attention. Not just any sound, it was the sound of a person, no, people! It was the sound of people!
When the smoke finally cleared, you were greeted by the sight of a dogpile of people, all groaning and moaning in pain, some muttering curses under their breaths as they struggled to get up from their current positions.
"Get off of me, you fools!"
A comanding feminine voice exclaimed.
"Ugh, you first, I can feel you stepping on my tail."
Another masculine voice grumbled.
"Ugh, get your slimey apendeges off of me, woman!"
Another masculine voice exclaimed in disgust.
"For the last time. It's not slime, you narcissistic oaf, it's mucus!"
Yet another feminine voice retorted.
"She's actually right, ya know? It's mucus, not slime. Had to learn that the hard way."
Yet another masculine voice says, agreeing with the person who spoke before them.
Whilst they were still arguing with one another, you figured now would be a great time to escape, slowly backing away, careful not to make a sound when you flinch as your back hits something sturdy and warm.
With a nervous gulp, you slowly crained your neck up only to see a tall gray skinned man with shark like teeth and blue flames for hair, looking down at you with a wide toothy grin.
"Hey there, nice to meet cha', you goin' somewhere, babes?"
The gray man asked in a casual tone, a hint of a threat hidden beneath it. Before you could respond, you yelped in surprise as you were suddenly grabbed by the back collar of your shirt and lifted a few feet away from the ground.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?~"
You froze as you were suddenly face to face with a big talking sack, your face growing pale when you noticed a centipede crawling out of its open stitched mouth.
The thing before you seemed to notice this, grinning even wider as they brought you closer to its face.
"What's wrong, little one? You feeling ssscaareeddd?~"
A snake had just slithered out of its mouth like a tongue and hissed at you as it trailed off the word 'scared'. Which made you scream as you kicked at his face in response, causing the thing to drop you as it held its face in pain.
The commotion seemed to finally catch the others' attention, finally registering your presence.
Before you could run off and escape, though, a tendril of black smoke wrapped around you, restricting your movement as it pulled you closer to the blue flame headed guy who merely chuckled as you thrashed around in his grip, successfully getting your arms out before trying to tug and yank the rest of the smokey tendrils off of you.
"Hey, fellas, I think I found the culprit to our little... Heh, predicament..."
The blue flame haired guy announced as he pulled you closer to him and grabbed ahold of your cheeks with one hand, forcing you to face the rest of the group.
The rest of them then approached, crowding around and glaring down at you.
"So you're the reason why we're in this mess... Speak. Why have you brought us here?"
The beautiful woman before you asked, no, commanded. Her pose is regal and sophisticated even as she looks down on you. She wore a golden crown atop her head, with a purple velvet dress and a black cape.
Your face morphed in confusion as you stared up at her, practically scanning her features.
For some reason, you feel like you've met her before.
You turn to the others as well, scanning them from head to toe.
A tall mean looking lady with greenish skin and black horns, a grumpy arabian guy dressed in red and black, a big intimidating asian dude, a woman with melanie martinez's hair but if she were emo, a guy that looks like a himbo, a fat drag queen with tentacles and light purplish skin, twinkish looking man with a fancy hat dressed in all red, twinkish looking man with a fancy hat no. 2 dressed in all purple, and a literal fucking lion.
After staring at the crowd before you, you turned your head back to properly look at the other three you had just met. The fat sack of creepy crawlies, the shark teethed flame head, and the literal fucking queen.
Stupid. That's what you currently felt. Not scared, not happy. Stupid.
How could you not recognize the people before you?? They were your literal childhood before you grew out of them. Gods, you felt so dumb for not realizing it sooner!
They were all Disney Villains!
Noticing that you seemed disappointed about something rather than fearful of their presence, the villains turned to one another with looks of confusion. Not used to this kind of reaction.
Hades, who still held you hostage decided to shake you out of whatever it is you were so hung up about.
"Oy, kid. You still with us? Kinda rude to just space out on people ya know?"
He asked, successfully snapping you out of your momentary internal berating.
"I... I know you guys..."
You muttered out loud, still in disbelief of the situation.
This caused the villains to smirk and perk up a little smugly, their ego rising at the thought of being recognized by someone they deemed lesser than then. Especially a certain muscle head.
"Ah yes, of course you've heard about the great Gasto-"
"You're all disney villains!"
You unintentionally cut off him off, your eyes widening as you clamped your mouth shut with your hands in realization of your mistake.
The villains were also caught off guard, not by your interruption, but by your statement.
"Disney... Villains?..."
Shan Yu slowly repeated, confusion evident in his tone.
You kept your mouth clamped shut, refusing to respond until a silver hook was pressed against your neck.
"You better spill, little one, or I'll slice through that pretty little neck of yours, and you don't want that now, do you?"
Captain Hook threatened, pressing his hook closer to your neck, nearly breaking the skin.
That was what led to all of you gathered in the living room, after begging asking to be released so you could explain to them, glancing at each disney villain from Maleficent to Oogie Boogie.
When Oogie Boogie noticed that you had glanced down at him, he sent you an eerie grin that made shivers crawl down your spine.
Out of all the Disney Villains present, He unsettled you the most.
The other's existence was reasonable and made sense to you.
Evil human beings of higher power and capabilities? Fine. A literal dark fae, an octupus lady, and a greek god? Good. A talking lion? Amazing. But a literal walking, talking, sack of bugs?
Burn it to the ground.
You take in a deep breath, exhaling through your nose in an effort to stay calm (spoiler alert it is not working) as you face the group of animated evil doers come to life with an uneasy smile.
"So... What would you like to know first?"
End of Part 1
Next Part
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genderfluiddipshit · 2 months
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amphitriteswife · 1 year
Teacher (and subjects) head cannons!:
(I’m from the netherlands and the school here has a different grading system. Also collage and highschool are one thing. So highschool is 4,5 or 6 years depending on which grade you get on tests and stuff in elementary so please bear with me)
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You would think that he would teach biology but you would be wrong. He would teach Physics or some high level math.
The type to not let anyone in after the bell rings
Doesn’t care if you end up dead in the class you will not go to the bathroom during his lesson
Stands by the door to make sure you put it in those phone pockets thingy
Gives the most homework out of all the teachers
Wears formal clothes, always. Suits, blazer, slacks ect.
You will never catch him on a bad hair day
If he catches you cheating on a test, you can say goodbye to that grade because he will give you a zero.
He does sometimes turn a blind eye if you’re on the brink of not passing and don’t choose his subject. (You do need to be on the brink. So not like a 3 or sum)
Hates electronics so he just wants everyone to use a paper and the book. No laptops.
Only talkes to some teachers like Hades and Thor
Students think he’s either the worst or just eye candy
Has won the the contest of best man titties by students
People actually ended up crying in his class and he didn’t give a damn
Sends people out 2 minutes before the time and doesn’t care if they beg.
If you have him as a substitute you can start praying because you’ll miss your regular teacher
Types with one finger if he’s on his phone (rare sight)
Checks homework. As in not just looking but actually reading your calculations.
He sometimes even grades your homework or puts them for bonuses
He sometimes reads if it’s work time and he finishes his lecture
Got drunk one time during school dance and started breakdancing. Hades was supportive and filmed it.
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Teaches history
Is well with his colleagues and is well liked by students
He’s not strict with phones but please don’t use them in his class
You sometimes do work. He mostly explains and writes notes on the white board for you to write down
Is very, very passionate about certain topics. His favorites would be the world wars and the greek/ roman empire.
Is that type of teacher that you could tell anything. School, home, hobbies. He won’t mind and he’s equally interested.
Has a mentor class every year and he helps them a lot.
His class is very popular and lots of people choose his subject, so popular that people who don’t take it sometimes ask if they can stay and also follow it for fun
Almost never gives homework
He makes planners, notes, power points. Anything that may help his students.
He even lets the class watch films so that they understand it better, he usually choses for oversimplified if he needs to explain the word wars
You can eat in his class as long as you keep it clean and don’t throw stuff
Smells like rituals. Flowers. Very addictive and good. Sniff
Is present at the school dance and school parties. He helps with carrying and making sure the students don’t do stupid stuff
He doesn’t even need to discuss about his students’ grades because all his students do good in his class
Is rated to have the biggest dick by the students.
Also wears formal clothes. So like a suit, but if he crosses his legs you can see that he wears funky socks. Like a bright purple with colorful cupcakes on it or a bright blue with yellow ducks on it.
Gives extra lessons if you don’t understand.
You know how when someone asks teachers about their life? If you do that he gets so happy and explains a lot
Shows pictures of Melinoe and Zagreus from when they were babies.
He brought a 4 year old melinoe with him one time and the class played with her. If she was not playing with the students she was probably in her father’s lap.
He also shows pictures of Persephone. Every time he talks about her you can hear the love in his voice. (I’m Persephone reincarnated)
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Teaches music ofcourse
You would think that music was easy but it really isn’t. You need to able to read music notes. You get 2 tests, playing and theory.
Helps well if you need assistance with your instruments
Gives surprise tests to see if you actually did the homework
He loves and i mean looooveeees gossip
He doesn’t say much but listens when a student says something about another teacher
Handles the school musical
You actually need to put effort if you want to pass
Doesn’t take away your phone if he sees you with it. Just stares from behind on it until you notice.
doesn’t sent people out of the class, just gives them extra homework
He never, ever stops smiling. The class is being too loud? He’ll sit in his chair and simply drink his tea while glaring with a smile.
Some students find him scary because of how polite he is, because they can feel that underlying anger.
Knows how to make a student’s life miserable if they make his class unbearable.
You threw paper at him and made the class disruptive? Boom 4 chapters done by the next lesson and all the texts should be 4 times written. In cursive
He is usually seen with the principal (Zeus)
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Geography teacher
Why? Because he often travels for different kind of reasons.
Eating is allowed, as well as chewing gun
Is great with the students and most people just choose his subject because he’s chill
Doesn’t prepare lessons. He just talks and the students get it
If he does have a powerpoint he promotes his insta, tiktok and his snap
Loves to know about different cultures
Had a diss battle in his class once and almost got into trouble
Called someone emo
If you eat in his class prepare to share.
Asks people if they can bring him coffee from the teachers’ room
You cannot tell me that dawg didn’t pull up in Jordans
Is also present at the school dance and actually bribes the dg for some songs
Doesn’t really care if you skip his class. He either doesn’t care or doesn’t notice.
He too has a mentor class. He has private talks and doesn’t mind if you tell him his problems and genuinely tries to help
Doesn’t give homework unless it’s necessary.
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Creepy Science teacher
Got called emo by Buddha
Doesn’t hesitate to threaten students
He never cares if you don’t show up, but he will rat you out because funny
Has been detected to smile when he does weird stuff. Like cutting things open
Is always in his lab and he’s the only one who can enter with a key
Someone made a sticker of his face and the whole school used it, again he doesn’t care
Had like those weird pots with stuff in it
Doesn’t allow anyone to touch them. He does demonstrate stuff if you ask nicely
Let’s you go early but it’s not in a nice way. He’ll only do it because he doesn’t want to teach anymore for the day
Doesn’t even go to lunch, he just remains in his lab
He only goes to halloween parties
Cyberbullies people. Teachers and students included
Runs the anti *insert school* accounts
Will not care if the school burns down. He hates everyone and everything. Except Hades, because he’s cool
Doesn’t care if you eat or drink. (He may or may not have put something in it for his experiments)
‘Students are like little monsters’ is his motto. He’ll treat them like it too
If you fail his tests he’ll sometimes give you one to retake
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Thank ya’ll for reading :p
I’m gonna make a part 2. I think. Maybe some with the human fighters
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swallowtail-lotus · 6 months
Sakura Mochi {Hades x Mitsuri!Reader}
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I'm in love with Hades as always 😂
Nothing too bad
"Is there any reason why you're so excited?" The lovely voice of the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite broke you out of your dream-like stance. You turned to face the beautiful goddess with the smile most of the deities grew to love.
"I'm eager to see Lord Hades! I haven't seen him for thousands of years!" You exclaimed, cupping your own face with your dainty hands.
"I take it you heard word of his arrival?" The goddess giggled. You nodded your head fast, the excitement growing more and more. Aphrodite always found it amusing to see you fawn over certain deities.
"I wonder what he looks like now? Will he be the same or will he look different?" You asked, mostly to yourself. Aphrodite opened her mouth but stopped when the smell of sweets caught her attention.
"You've been eating those sweets again, haven't you?" Aphrodite teased, her blue eyes filled with mischief. You lowered your head down in embarrassment.
"I can't help it! They're so delicious!" You said, folding your arms and huffed like a child.
"Anyways, I shall leave you be! Tell me everything when you're finished!" The Goddess was carried away by her golem like male servants. You stood in place, trying to process her words.
"Eh?! Aphrodite!!"
You smiled like a child that just received their favourite candy as you practically chomped down on your favourite sweets. After finishing a huge bowl full of them, you began walking around. You realised that you had to look for the god you've been waiting on all day, so you picked up the pace.
Meanwhile, a god with formal wear was on his way back to Helheim when his nose picked up a sweet smelling scent. It was something unfamiliar to him, but he remembered something his younger brother told him.
"If you suddenly smell something sweet, to be more specific, the scent of cake, a little goddess may be nearby!"
Hades was well aware of his younger brother's... problem when it came to females, but never really got involved in any way. He assumed this little goddess was his next target, but at the same time, he wanted to see why most of the gods spoke so fondly of her. Now that he thought about it, Zeus had never spoke of her in such a way that implied wanting to sleep with her. He spoke about her as if she was a daughter to him.
The scent got stronger, but he never moved an inch. He felt something run into his side and turned a little to face whoever it was. To his surprise, it was a smaller female with (f/c) and (s/fc) hair.
You managed to catch yourself before you could injure yourself. Your two toned hair was a little messy from the running, but it was still in good condition. When you looked up, you couldn't believe who you ran into.
"Ah! I'm so sorry, Lord Hades! I was in a rush and-"
"It's fine, (Y/n). But please be careful next time."
You shut your mouth, nervously playing with your hair. His voice was so calming it made you explode with embarrassment.
"Okay!" Your answer came out shaky.
"Lord Hades is so handsome! He looks so dominating!" Gushing about the stoic god in your mind, your gaze landed on the floor, avoiding the slight mischief in the god's eye.
"Lord Zeus must've told Lord Hades my name. Hearing him say it makes my heart flutter!"
You mustered enough courage to face the god again, looking him straight in his eye. His fingers made their way under your chin and tilted it up and leaned closer to your ear.
"Your scent is intoxicating. Hopefully you taste the same." His breath tickled your ear and sent chills down your spine. He pulled away and left you, his lips forming a smirk. You stared blankly at the ceiling, not blinking even once. After a minute, you fell to your knees. You clutched your chest with your hands, trying to calm down your heart.
From afar, a certain blonde goddess had watched it all and giggled to herself.
"This is really interesting. I wonder what will happen next~"
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muwapsturniolo · 7 months
✯Sturniolos as Half-bloods✯
God version
warnings: mentions of drugs, and sexual escapades
goddess version
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Matt would be the son of Dionysus
Dionysus used to be the god of fertility, now being known as the god of wine, theatre, and ecstasy. Matt would eat this shit up let me tell you!! His style would deff consist of lots of red, leather, leopard print, and rings. Some of his fashion inspirations would be Freddy Mercury, Elton John, and the band Motley Crue. His father is the god of theatre, he's bound to be dramatic with his actions and style.
His cabin, number 12, would most definitely be known as the party cabin. He would throw big grand parties, each one having a theme ranging from the 70's to medieval. He would also host plays, all of them being dramatic, with dark plots. With the parties and plays, come drugs and alcohol. He has drugs of all types, weed, acid, shrooms, etc. His personal favorite is molly, the drug making him and anyone exceptionally horny. He finds that sex feels way better when he and his partner for the night are on it.
Speaking of sexual endeavors, this man is a freaky frog. The way he acts in the bedroom should be a crime! I'm talking rope, vibrators, blindfolds, ball gags, handcuffs, etc. Let's not forget, his dad is the god of fertility, BREEDING KINKKKKKK!!!!! He hates condoms due to his breeding kink, but god forbid he gets one of the girls at the camp pregnant. The only time he would let his breeding kink roam free is when he finally has sex with the girl he's had his eyes on since she arrived at the camp, the daughter of Aphrodite. He has a thing for ruining innocence.
He is known as the manwhore of the camp, most of the males hating him, but still hoping they get an invitation to his parties. The girls try to stay clear of him, knowing how he is but somehow still ending up in his bedroom. Let's get into the bedroom. It's giving Bruno Mars along with Shake & Go wig Anderson Paak. It's straight out of the 70's. It's clean and often smells like weed, wine, and cherries.
His bestfriend is Chris, the son of Hades. The two go hand in hand, partners in crime. When they first met, Matt asked Chris if he had any of his father's pomegranates so he could make wine. Chris couldn't help but laugh at the question, but Matt was being deadass. If Matt is throwing a party, Chris is right there cigarette in hand.
Dionysus's animal was a leopard and or a tiger. Matt would honor that by wearing leopard print and having tiger rugs.
I don't think Dionysus actually had children, but if he did I would imagine they had the ability to cause/cure both sexual and non-sexual madness with their words. like, imagine Matt just saying what he would do to you, and the more descriptive he got, you could basically feel him fucking you? yeah, sign me up!!
Dionysus's weapon of choice was a staff with a pinecone at the top, called a Thyrsus. I think Matt would have the same thing, but more like a cane an old-school pimp would have (thinking of Kat Williams) and it would have the head of a tiger.
His songs:
''I had a cane and a party hat, I was the king of this hologram where there's no such thing as getting out of hand" Don't threaten me with a good time- p!atd
"Hard candy dripping on me 'till my feet are wet" kiwi- harry styles
"And i crave your taste under my tongue everyday, keep the forbidden fruit coming my way." dopamine- borns
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Chris would be the son of hades
Hades is the god of the underworld, defending the rights of the dead and protecting the world as well as his wife Persephone. His style would be somewhat similar to Matt's as far as color goes. Lots of black, a few white pieces, and red as well. You will always see him in a leather jacket, his feet adorned by a pair of white air forces. With his father being the god of the underworld, Chris unfortunately got his reputation. A lot of the other half-bloods steering clear of him, whispering when he walks past, not even daring to say his name. it hurt Chris at first, having his peers view him as evil, but he grew accustomed to it. Eventually saying 'fuck it' and playing into the role they made for him.
His cabin being number 13 is perfect because I would like to think he would be born on October 13th, a Friday specifically. It would be deep in the woods, the path scary-looking and eerie. The only source of light being the skull torches against the front door. The only people coming to the house were himself and his best friend Matt, the son of Dionysus. Because no one came to his cabin, Matt would use it as the storage for the copious amounts of wine and paraphernalia he keeps handy. His room is dark (duh). Silk black bedding, books strewn randomly in the room. His skateboard was always propped against the door as well as his multiple pairs of beat-up shoes. He loves music, multiple vinyls, and CDs stacked up in crates around the cabin. He had his signature black guitar right next to his bed, always ready to grab and play. He's a man of few words in this universe. He often found himself writing love songs for the girl in cabin 20, the daughter of Hecate.
Being the son of Hades, anger is unfortunately something he can't avoid. Even though he is usually quiet, all it takes is one person to set him off. One of the Zeus boys was pushing him around and he snapped, damn near killing the boy before Matt pulled him away.
As stated before, his best friend is Matt. He was the only one in the camp to speak to him. Granted he was asking for pomegranates to make wine, but he stuck with him. Matt brought him out of his shell, making sure he was the first to get an invitation to his parties and plays, encouraging his love for music, and also being there for him when his anger got out of control.
Most of Hades, children do have powers. Those powers are necromancy, shadow manipulation, the ability to manipulate the earth, and shadow fusion. Chris would have all of these, especially necromancy and shadow manipulation/fusion. He would use necromancy to fuck with the others in the camp, loving the way his peers screamed in fright. He would only use shadow fusion to spy on his crush, but he gets caught and shyly reveals himself (help I wanna write a fic on the way they meet).
Hades animal representation is a black ram, a screeching owl, and a serpent. let's not forget the three-headed dog Cerberus. Chris would have a big-ass Doberman named Orcus. That dog would hate everyone but Chris, Matt, and the daughter of Hecate.
His songs:
"It's no big surprise you turned out this way" twin-sized mattress- the front bottoms
"There's a light in the crack, that's separating your thighs, and if you wanna go to heaven you should fuck me tonight" Young god- halsey
"My church offers no absolute, she tells me worship in the bedroom" take me to church- hoizer
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Nick would be the son of Hermes
Hermes was the god of trade, wealth, luck, sleep, language, thieves, and travel. His style would always consist of light blue jeans and some form of a white shirt/tank top. If he was delivering mail and or messages, he would also wear a blue jean jacket. Him being the son of Hermes is giving blonde Nick IDC idc idc!!!! He would always wear a pair of off-white Converse with wings on the side. Delivering mail can be boring, so he often wears headphones hooked up to a cassette player his best friend Chris gave him as a form of payment.
His cabin is number 11, a lucky number to most. I would imagine it to be a bit more elevated than the others. Perched on some type of high ground where the sun shines in the morning. His cabin would definitely be organized, with all the mail in a specific room in alphabetical order. All of the payments that weren't in cash were placed perfectly in the home, not a thing out of place. His bedding would be white with gold silk pillows. He loved to sleep so his bed was always unmade, blankets thrown all over the bed, even dipping onto the floor.
He often liked to cause a bit of chaos in the camp, it was his homage to his father. He would steal from the other campers, shrugging and rolling his eyes when they asked him about it. He would break into the counselor's office, picking the lock with ease to receive something of Matt's. He would do this often for the campers, but not without payment. If they weren't giving him cash, they had to pay by giving him something of theirs. The amount of jewelry he has is insane.
His best friends, despite not liking their attitudes, would be Matt and Chris. Matt had asked him to deliver invitations for a party, and Nick initially told him no after seeing the amount of invitations. He quickly changed his mind seeing the stack of cash and a gold chalice Matt offered. He and Chris became friends the day he guided Chris into the camp, much like his father guides souls to the underworld.
Most of Hermes' children have powers, those being enhanced speed, audiokensis, and Clauditiskinesis. Nick has all of these, his favorite being clauditiskinesis and audiokensis. He would use audio to listen in on everyone's conversations, it helped that he could be above them in the clouds, never being seen. That's how he figured out that one of the sons of Zeus has a crush on him.
He wouldn't have an animal in my opinion. I would imagine him to have a messenger bag that's like, never-ending lmao.
His songs:
"And i know it's no fun, when your first son gets up to no good" freaking out the neighborhood- mac demarco
"Like Peter Pan up in the sky" tongue-tied - group love
"If you could fly then you'd feel south. Up north getting cold soon." pink + white- frank ocean
I don't think y'all get it. I'm actually foaming at the mouth writing this. plz send in requests or anything you want to read for half-blood stuniolos!!!
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @mattslolita
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pomegranatepomp · 4 months
Lore Olympus expectations vs the dissapointing reality
Aka what I thought this poor, poor webcomic's plot was going to be, based on an edit (linked right here)
First of all, gorgeous work, this is actually what got me to read LO, because it really highlighted those times when the art was pure eye candy
Secondly, the song, the imagery. Based on this edit alone, I thought the fluffy, cute little romance between the blue groomer and the barely legal goddess was supposed to be a setup, that Persephone would eventually realized that.. Well, that she was groomed and would get her revenge by marrying Hades solely to trick him and take over the Underworld, only keeping him around for legal reasons or not even for that. When I got into Lo, it was currently on a break, after the end of the trial arc My dumbass thought, surely, this is where Persephone will realize, during the 10 years away from her groomer, that she was esentially brainwashed That did not happen. I have no idea how I managed to gaslight myself this badly (problably has to do with not interracting with the fandom around LO much), but looking back, I'm so dissapointed the story didn't turn out the way my naive brain assumed Thank you Lore Olympus for teaching me how not to write abusers and to not bite off more than I can chew You were truly an experience (and shout out to all fanworks, such as Lore Rekindled, that has been born out of the withered love for what it could have been)
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supercap2319 · 8 months
"Pain? Panic? Move. My dads are expecting us." Y/N said to his father's minions, who were guarding the entrance to his father's lair. He and Ben were having dinner on the Ise with Y/N's parents. Even though the barrier was down, Hades and Chernabog were still forbidden from entering Auradon, but Ben was working on a way to change that.
"Sorry, Y/N. The boss is busy." Pain said.
"Oh, but congrats on snagging yourself a prince. He's so cute. Like cotton candy." Panic said.
"Thank you." Ben smiled.
Y/N sighed. "Listen, fellas... Do you really want to make me angry? You know what happens when I get angry don't you?" His hair was set ablaze and his eyes were glowing red.
Pain and Panic shook in fear as Y/N grew bat-like wings with horns and everything else as Ben looked at the two Imps. "We were invited to have dinner with Lord Hades and Chernabog. Can you please let us in?" Ben asked.
It was the better option than Y/N attacking them. "Yup! You bet! The boss is waiting inside for you two. Best no keep him waiting." Panic said.
Y/N turned back to normal and smiled. "Thanks."
They walked inside and entered the lair as Pain called out to them. "Make sure you tell the boss we were courteous to you guys!"
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i have an idea for Uliana x Fem! reader where the Reader is the leader of another villain group in school who always clashes with Ulaina, its a Enemy to lovers where the Two always try to be better then the other, be it in class, im pranks or torturing students. The other vk's are pretty tired of it
Honestly, I’ve been hoping for a way to bring the other families (Jafar, Gaston, Cruella, Evil Queen) from the OGs into a fic so thank you anon, I love you
Uliana x VK!Witch!Reader
Pronouns used: She/her/hers
Summary: With two crews of VKs, it was only a matter of time before they came together or tore each other to shreds
Warnings: minor swearing, reader is a huge flirt, Uli is pinned against the wall at some point. Once again the reader is kissing Morgie's cheek (he deserves affection and you can't stop me), reader is taller than Uliana and Bridget but she's also wearing heels so take that as you will, the return of "Shrimpy"
Word Count: 2.5K
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    When the School of Black Magic closed, it sent Merlin Academy into a new state of chaos. The small set of villains that already existed at the school was bad enough, to double how many there were created a new challenge for all the students. For the heroes, it was more people to dodge. Especially kids like Bridget and Ella. If the new villains knew the originals went after them, then the new kids would double it. The villains from the condemned school demanded to have respect and fear, no matter what it took. Bringing in bigger threats and darker pranks to the halls of the academy. And the villains who ruled the school before them? They were being driven mad by the people trying to take over their turf, it was visible too. Even the heroes could see the insecurity creeping into the small group. As if it poured off of them, their more aggressive yet less detailed actions seeming to be a poor attempt at compensating. Everyone thought they’d become one group after they saw them interact the first time, not expecting the way the two groups would be at each other’s throats. Hook and Gaston were far too prone to butting heads - or more so smacking each other upside the head. And Maleficent and Grimhilde? They were a match made in hell, seeming to go after each other more than they did nonvillains. 
    If you were to ask Uliana though, the worst of them came in the form of (Y/n) (L/n). With her perfect control of her lackeys and carefully thought out plans. If she said jump, the four fools who followed her around would say “how high” in an instant. (Y/n) with a mouth so foul you’d think her a pirate; a sailor's tongue stuck in her skull. With her temper and dark magic. A threat to anyone who came near her. She was more evil than Ursula had been, easily throwing a blanket over Uliana’s cage and smirking at her as the cloak fell. Solidifying herself as a threat the second she turned every male in the school into a dog, nearly doubling the frog debacle the elder sea witch had created. (Y/n) with her perfect hair and thousand mile stare and dark glossed lips. Whose loud music poured from her skull candies and leather jacket hugged her body like a glove. She was all that Uliana could think about now, it drove her crazy. Drove her friends crazy too. If they had to hear about the new girl one more time they were sure that they would snap. Especially Hades, if he had to think about being a doberman ever again he was going back to the underworld to sulk. 
     Watching the way she seemed to coo at Morgie, Uliana’s Morgie, across the courtyard had something bubbling up in her chest. Seeing her soft, manicured hand slide down his arm as she speaks, half lidded eyes trained to his face as she spoke soft and slow. He was clearly hanging onto her words, smiling at her with a nod. Who does she think she is? Why were her hands on part of Uliana’s crew like that? 
     “What is she talking to him about?” Her voice is sharp, eyes glaring daggers into the girl. “Knowing him? He probably asked her to turn him back into a labrador retriever. Speaking of, why did he get a good dog? I was a yorkie, not even a full sized one, one of those little guys with the chirpy barks and the shakes,” Hook grumbles, tapping his nails against the table in front of him. Maleficent lets out a near nasty laugh at the pouting boy, shoving his shoulder softly, “Watching you tremble like that was hilarious. Like your ego didn’t fit into your little body.” She looks him up and down with a smirk, adding on a snarky, “It barely fits in that one already.”  Hades shrugs, closely focused on the way Uliana was staring at the conversation before them. She wasn’t looking at Morgie, there was no way she was. “Maybe it’s because you’re short. What exactly are you looking at, Uli?” 
     “It’s like she’s trying to seduce him,” the words seem to send her into a sense of panic, “You don’t think that’s what’s happening, do you?” Hades laughs, a smirk playing on his face, “Maybe it is. Does that bother you?” Did it bother her? Uliana didn’t think it would. It was the principal of it, wasn’t it? Losing part of her crew to her enemy. So why did the girl sliding her hand down Morgie’s cheek make Uliana see red? Wanting to swing on Morgie for what the girl was doing? What on Earth was happening to her? 
     (Y/n) smiles, placing a kiss on the boy’s cheek before tapping it twice. Uliana could see the dark lipstick mark on his pale flesh as he turned to come back to them, the girl who was speaking to him sliding off her perched spot on the picnic table, seemingly satisfied. Heeled boots making a chilling clacking on the walking stones as she goes, and Uliana was right on her heels. Ignoring the calls from her friends and the slightly hurt “what did I do?” Morgie let out as she goes. Whatever it was that (Y/n) thought she was doing with Uliana’s group needed to be stopped. 
     “What do you think you’re doing?” Uliana’s voice echos off the tunnel like halls of cobble stone as she grabs (Y/n)’s wrist, swinging the taller girl to face her. She hadn’t been this close to her before, that was something that became painfully obvious to her as she got lost in the color of the other villain’s eyes. She didn’t think they would be so pretty up close. “What do you mean? I was just having a little conversation.” It’s a feigned innocence that clashes with the way she was walking the sea witch backwards. Pinning her against the wall with one elbow balanced on either side of her. “Don’t play stupid.” She watches the way the taller girl’s eyes roll in their sockets as she looks down at her. Her eyes flickering to the dark lips that were smirking with a teasing air. They were blotted, tint more gray than black from where she’d kissed the boy’s cheek moments before but there was still a shine to them that caught the light. Something about it was so captivating that she failed to notice the girl talking until her hand came to rest under her chin, tilting her head up. “See, that right there is exactly what I’m talking about. You can’t win over me, Uliana. You’re too distracted.” 
    “I am not distracted,” the girl scoffs, pushing her chest slightly as she tries to seem tough. “Oh you are though, Shrimpy. You wanna kiss me so bad that you look stupid.” The words make her still, mouth falling open and closed as she attempts to find something to defend herself. It seems to light something ablaze in (Y/n), smirk turning into something more primal as she pulls away. Leaving Uliana alone, gaping like a fish in the hallway. 
      Luckily, or perhaps purposely, the two didn’t run into each other again for the next two weeks. The next time (Y/n)’s eyes locked with Uliana’s was as she was catching Bridget from behind. Stopping the pink girl from hitting the ground just to throw her back into the chest of the sea witch. “Resulted to just throwing girls to the ground now, have we? I thought you lot would be more evil than that.” It makes Uliana scoff, shoving Bridget off her as she steps up to the other girl’s chest. “Well, it would be a lot easier if someone wasn’t always stepping in my way.” A hand reaches out, brushing her thumb across the bottom of Uliana’s lip. “Can’t handle a little competition, Uli? I thought that would be your thing, with your sister and all.” She huffs, stepping back, the motion sending her into Hook’s chest. “I can handle competition, just not when it's so full of itself.” 
   She lets an arm stretch out, grabbing Bridget and pulling her against her chest. “They’re losing their touch, don’t you think, Princess? Just pushing royals down like kids on the playground.” One could tell the princess was holding her breath from just looking at her, looking up to the villain in fear. “I mean, compared to me blowing up that pretty little potion of yours, getting pushed down seems like a toddler’s work, does it not?” “Can you,” her voice is a squeak as she looks away, “Can you let me go, please?” Her arm unwraps from the girl, Bridget running off while she has the chance. "Seems to me, Bridget there knows which one of us she should fear more.
    “Where are your friends? Scare them off too?” Uliana tries to sound nonchalant, hiding the way that her words stung. Nothing seemed to match the venom of the girl’s spit anymore. She was not losing her touch, she was sure of that. “Personally, I’m evil enough that I don’t need five people to harass one princess. We prefer to split up, covers more ground,” Her grin catches the light in a way that nearly makes her shine, laughing at the sea witch softly, “I see why you need yours though, Shrimpy.”
   “Aye, watch it Lass,” Hook steps in front of Uliana, staring the girl down. “Or what, Hook? You’ll make me?” She laughs, ruffling his hair as she walks past. “You don’t scare me, Captain. That was a cute try though. Really cute try.” He stands, dumbfounded as she walks by, “I do not like that witch.” “Yeah, Hook, I don’t really think she wants us to,” Hades mumbles, watching the nonchalant way the girl sashays to wherever she was headed. What was it about her?
       If Uliana was bad about talking about (Y/n), the witch was much worse. Laying across Jafar’s lap with a near whine as she complains about the other group of villains. “I have never had to fight to have someone on my side like this. Doesn’t she realize it’s safer to be in my good graces?” He shrugs, carding a hand through her hair as she rambles on. “Well, why do you care what’s safer for her?” Her body stills, staring up at the boy with her brows furrowed, “What?” He rolls his eyes, head falling against the back of the couch they were lounging on, “Why do you care? Back at Black Magic if someone you wanted on your team didn’t want to be on it, you’d make their life hell. I mean, we all remember the Gothel incident. So why do you care so much about those five?” 
   She shakes her head, arms crossing over her chest, “I don’t care about all five of them. I could care less about that little pirate and sorcerer. They don’t give me anything to gain. A god though? He could be helpful. And if Grim and Maleficent could ever get along it would be lovely to have a pixie that powerful on our side.” Jafar hums, tilting her head up so she has to look at him, “And the sea witch?” She pauses, eyes flickering over his face in search of something. “What are you getting at, Jay?” He smirks, leaning closer to her face, “What do you gain from having the sea witch around?” She hums, staring up at him as she thinks. What did she gain from Uliana? Why did it matter? “I don’t,” she sits up, walking to his door, “I don’t actually know. I just think I want her to want me.” Jafar smirks, following her to stop her from leaving, “You want her to want you? Want you how?” She holds her breath, staring up at him. “You think she’s pretty, don’t you, (Y/n)?” Of course she did. She had eyes, obviously she could tell the girl was pretty, but that doesn’t mean anything, right? 
     “When you think about her wanting you, what do you think about? Do you think about her acting like me and Cruella? Do you want her as your best friend? Or does she act towards you the way that Morgie acts towards her?” He watches her face, hoping for any sort of reaction from his friend. “Or,” he smirks, grabbing her jaw, “Do you think about her kissing you? Having her hang off your pretty little arm?” She could feel the heat rising up her neck to her face, desperate that he wouldn’t be able to see how flustered the idea got her. “What are you getting at?” “I think,” he smirks, pulling away from him and crossing his arms, “I think you can’t treat her like you did Gothel because you have feelings for her.” “As if I’d ever,” she hears how flustered she is in her own words, closing her lips and shaking her head. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” 
      When she walked into the small cafe the next day, she expected to see Cruella, her eyes scanning over the place twice. Her friend was nowhere to be seen, the only even slightly familiar person being Uliana. The sea witch wrings her hands as she looks around, eyes falling on (Y/n) and she stops. It takes the girl a second to realize what’s happening. God, she’s a dumbass. Jafar and Cruella had set her up, this was some sort of warped blind date. Of course they did. That's what made her like them, they were the most evil people she knew.
    She walks over to the table that Uliana is sitting at, sliding into the seat across from her. “So how did they convince you to show up?” Her eyes flicker up at the girl, brows furrowed, “What?” (Y/n) shakes her head, crossing her arms across her chest, “How did Jafar and Cruella get you here? I was messing with you when I said that shit a few weeks ago, you know?” “What are you talking about? I’m supposed to be meeting Maleficent, she said something about coming with Jafar. Said he had something to tell me,” she smirks at the girl, leaning over the table, “You know, it looks like you might lose him. And Jafar would be a greater loss than Morgie. Seems I’m beating you at your own game.” 
    The girl is trying to look proud but her eyes are once again locked on (Y/n)’s black lipgloss. “Yeah,” she laughs, leaning onto the table on her elbows, “Jafar isn’t coming, Uliana. We got set up.” She pauses, recoiling as she takes in the words. Set up? “What do you mean by that?” “I guess I’m not the only one who thinks you want to kiss me. Our friends set us up here and who knows,” (Y/n) stands up, pulling her wallet from her pocket, “If you’re lucky I might just kiss you. My lipgloss is vanilla flavored you know. I bet you'd like that.” She takes in the flustered look that crosses the sea witch’s face and smirks. Hopefully Jafar didn’t think he could throw her off. She always got her way, he just gave her a little push. Nothing more.
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