#hades discord
death-witch-speaks · 1 year
Hades and/or Persephone Followers Discord Group
Due to some changes in the server, we are now able to publicly post the link to it!
If you are a follower, worshiper, admirer, devotee, or just want to know more about Hades and/or Persephone, click the link below to join the discord!
The server includes:
A wonderful and strict admin team
Verification to enter the server
People from all walks of life, 16+ only
LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and neurodivergent friendly
Fun bots and self assigned roles!
Channels to discuss devotion to Hades and Persephone, as well as a few other Greek gods/goddesses as wanted by the server members
Channels to discuss all topics of witchcraft/spiritualism
Channels specifically for death work, spirit work, and ancestor work
And so much more!! We would love to see you join us!!
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lazysalamence · 1 year
does anyone know of active hades (game) discords??? :00 i miss discord communities i wanna make some frands ;;
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heckpuppyy · 2 years
So this may be something if a niche thing I'm looking for. I'm really, really trying to find my muse again and I so wanna start writing. I miss my Good Shade Au lol.
I'm really interested in trying to find a Discord that's Hades fanfic specific! I'd love to meet other writers and all chat and discuss and write together! I'm not sure if it already exists or not. If it does, does anyone have the link?
If it doesn't exist, is there an interest for one? I wouldn't mind hosting.
All feedback is welcome!
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koseligkier · 5 months
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Sleeping on the job
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astral-nautical · 2 months
im honestly tired of how hades and zagreus' relationship gets misinterpreted on here.
hades is verbally abusive, yes. it goes so much deeper than just that. this isnt a revenge fantasy this is a toxic relationship slowly going back on course.
zag blames hades for persephone leaving. hes mad what trust he had in hades was broken, mad that he ever trusted hades in the first place. hes angry with everyone for withholding information from him, but he truly did trust that hades was an honest man underneath the vitriol. he winds up hades on purpose, taunts him and destroys his domain. he pisses hades off on purpose to get back at him.
hades blames zag for her leaving. hes mad that zag makes things so difficult, that hes a walking talking reminder of what he almost had. he wants persephone to live the life he thinks she deserves, one without him or the olympians, and fears for her safety when zag starts escaping. with zagreus provoking him, hades lashes out with way more hatred than he should. he wants zag to just stay out of his way despite how unhealthy that idea is for the both of them.
this game isn't about forgiveness, it's about making peace. its zagreus making peace with the olympians, with thanatos and megaera, and especially with hades. forgiveness never was on the table for them, not after all this time.
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omaano · 2 months
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"I've grown these for you."
My first entry for the @rexobibingo - because what is a Gardener/Gardening about if not making leafy things grow out of love? (You can, of course, grow your leafy things out of spite too, I guess, that's always a very fair motivation if you ask me)
Keeping to good old habits from my previous bingo experience, please allow me to wholeheartedly and very passionately recommend @dharmaavocado's fic that has been on my mind throughout the whole time while I was working on this drawing We Who Love Our Hands in Dirt which was likely the first fic that has sold me on this ship, and Hanahaki as allergies will never stop being fascinating to me as a concept *w*
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sistersofsilver · 17 days
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of all my screencaps this has GOT to be my favorite of hers. my gaslight gatekeep girlboss wife
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ryuuna · 20 days
have you met eris, what do u think abt her
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she is very hot (as all of nyx's children are) but iF SHE DOESNT STOP MESSING WITH ME I SWEAR TO FUCK—
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In honour of the playtest of Hades 2 an Ate I did in the style of the game!
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"(She) that blindeth all—a power fraught with bane; delicate are her feet, for it is not upon the ground that she fareth, but she walketh over the heads of men, bringing men to harm, and this one or that she ensnareth."
In the Argonautica, Hera says that "even the gods are sometimes visited by Ate".
Ate is the greek goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse who led men down the path of ruin. She was considered the personification of ruin. According to Hesiod (Theog. 230), a daughter of Eris, and according to Homer (Il. xix. 91) of Zeus.
I personally made her like Eris, and like her grandmother Nyx, with soooome details of Zeus.
Ate appears in a story in the Iliad, where it is told how she came to be thrown out of Olympus, and never permitted to return. Zeus held Ate to blame for blinding him to Hera's trickery which resulted in the loss of the birthright Zeus intended for his son Heracles: to be lord over the Argives. As punishment, an enraged Zeus:
"seized Ate by her bright-tressed head, wroth in his soul, and sware a mighty oath that never again unto Olympus and the starry heaven should Ate come, she that blindeth all. So said he, and whirling her in his hand flung her from the starry heaven, and quickly she came to the tilled fields of men. At thought of her would he ever groan, whenso he beheld his dear son in unseemly travail beneath Eurystheus' tasks."
Homer, Iliad 9. 498 ff :
"The very immortals can be moved; their virtue and honour and strength are greater than ours are, and yet with sacrifices and offerings for endearment, with libations and with savour men turn back even the immortals in supplication, when any man does wrong and transgresses. For there are also the Litai (Litae, Prayers), the daughters of great Zeus, and they are lame of their feet, and wrinkled, and cast their eyes sidelong, who toil on their way left far behind by the spirit of Ruin (Ate): but she, Ate (Ruin), is strong and sound on her feet, and therefore far outruns all Litai (Prayers), and wins into every country to force men astray; and the Litai (Prayers) follow as healers after her. If a man venerates these daughters of Zeus as they draw near, such a man they bring great advantage, and hear his entreaty; but if a man shall deny them, and stubbornly with a harsh word refuse, they go to Zeus, son of Kronos, in supplication that Ate (Ruin) may over take this man, that he be hurt, and punished."
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fictional-god-poll · 7 months
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DISCORD from MY LITTLE PONY is the winner of the Fictional God Poll!
Thank you all for participating!
The next poll will be for fictional angels. If you have any suggestions, please reply to this post!
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the-light-of-stars · 2 months
got reminded of the hades 2 odysseus design and ugh. ugh. I know it's silly but ugh I simply do not like that design!
You can just let a 50 something year old disshevelled sad guy that's been lost at sea for a decade after being at war for another one look like...well like a guy like that would look like! You don't have to make him a conventionally attractive 20 something with maybe the tiniest bit of stubble.
Genuinely if someone showed me Patroclus sprite from game 1 and Odysseus' from this one and asked me which is which I would not have guessed correctly
Also they hit Artemis's face with the 'conventionally attractive cutesy anime girl' beam
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corvidonia · 1 month
Hey! YOU! Yes you! Do you want to join a not so intimidating Hades Game discord server?! If so it is your lucky day!! I have just the thing for you!
Join —> The House of Hades ! <— It's a Hades Game based discord for people 16-25! It's small, it's silly, and it's queer!
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nicozstarz · 2 months
I have plans I cannot share.
(Im working on a PJO fandom discord server to make friends, discuss topics about pjo and even get your own cabin mates to make friends! Each cabin will have its own private channel dedicated to who your godly parent is. Theres 20 different cabins to choose from, focusing on the Greek pantheon.)
The server is OBVIOUSLY open to HoO fans, and basically any other stuff from the Riordanverse.
Server should be done by end of day or tomorrow.
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greekmythcomix · 5 months
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I’ve been doing some experimenting with different art styles (aside from drawing stick-figure comics I’m also a traditional and digital portraitist) and came up with these retro mythology posters. They’re so fun to create and now I have a huge list of ideas of posters to make! If you like them I’m putting them in my more illustrative Posters for Classics Nerds shop - https://www.redbubble.com/people/ClassicsNerds
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snowy-draws · 26 days
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Hey all! Heres Eris from Hades 2!
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psychopomp-recital · 4 months
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¤¸¸.•´¯•¸¸.•..>> GRAVEKEEPER'S INN <<..•.¸¸•´¯•.¸¸¤
〈 Welcome wanderer you must be awfully tired. Why don't you come on in and rest by the fire? 〉
ɢʀᴀᴠᴇᴋᴇᴇᴘᴇʀ'ꜱ ɪɴɴ is a (brand new!!) well-developed and close group that is designed for those searching for community within death. We are for those 16 years and older.
Here, you can expect…
Friendly, chill staff who are ready to help you if you have any questions about the server!
A community designed to share the burden that comes with Death Work & Death Witchcraft.
Fun emojis, Color roles & Chat themes built into an aesthetic server that’s designed for not only looks but easier navigation.
People of varying practice experience & belief systems.
Paid reading, small business, and free/trade channels.
Chats dedicated to resources and discussions.
Age restriction on adult spaces.
Sacred virtual temple spaces.
Engaging community events and opportunities for growth.
Safe space for LGBTQ+ members, (BI)POC members, Neurodivergent & Plural Folks.
We are ANTI-Appropriation & Welcoming to all perspectives including but not limited to; Godspouses, Therians, Non-Initated Death Workers, Etc.
✦ We are a brand new server so we are excited to see how we grow. Since we just opened we are open for staff applications and partnerships.
〈 Your story with us is still being written! Let me take your coat and stay a while, won't you? 〉
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