#haehcan imagine
haespoir · 9 months
texts w/ bf!hyuck
hehe ><
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tqmies · 1 year
6 Reasons I hate boys - teaser
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Description. You and your friends have a pact, no dating unless you are. This is only fair seeing as you’re highly unlikely to ever get in a relationship, seeing as you tend to brush off every males advances. Unfortunately for you though, Na Jaemin really wants to date your friend, he’ll do anything! Even go as far as pay Lee Haechan, resident playboy, to change your mind about the whole dating thing.
Pairings. Lee Haechan x Female Reader
Genre. Romance, Enemies!(Sorta)To!Lovers, Comedy,
Warnings. sexual innuendos, drinking, angst, crying, and more probably.
Word count. Estimated 13K maybe? I’m at 10k currently haha. 
Teaser Length: 1.6K
Note: Send an ask or drop a comment to be added into the taglist when I post the full fic! Hehe brownie points if you can guess what this is slightly inspired by (like it’s not totally obvious by my banner) 
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You laid sprawled on your couch as your friends continued to gossip. This was a normal thing, you’d invite your friends over, have a few drinks and gossip would ensure. You didn’t mind it, truth be told, but there was a reason today was particularly sour.
Na Jaemin, Huang Renjun, and Lee Jeno had crashed your impromptu get together. Well, more like Yeji invited them, bless her heart. But did she really have to? Her explanation was that her and your other friend Chaewon ran into them on campus. From there, they had invited the boys to drink with them.
Sure, you get it, the boys paid for the alcohol. But really? Was it necessary?
They had taken all the attention away, practically commanding the room, and you couldn’t stand it. Of course! Here come’s buff jock Jeno, charming Jaemin, and pretty boy Renjun to steal the spotlight. And you detested all of it.
You and Karina sat with mild scowls on your faces, her’s from her lack of knowing other guests were invited. Being your roommate, she had done little besides change into a fresh pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, not expecting boys to come over. She freaked out for like five minutes after opening the door, you assuring her that she looked fine, but she was peeved for lack of warning anyways.
She took the loss and just decided to sit in self loathing over these boys seeing her without makeup. Doing little to contribute to the conversation, you just twisted the string on your hoodie as they called out your name.
“Do you have any lemons?” Jeno asks, looking over at you. His tone somewhat softer, trying not to piss you off. Even though he was already failing.
You barely even realize it’s you that he’s addressing, having tuned everyone out. You almost roll your eyes as your face scrunches upon realization of his question. “Why do you need lemons?”
“Jaemin likes his vodka with some lemon juice.” He explains, the other staring at you expectantly before looking between you two.
Of course he does, you just sigh and get off your spot in the couch. Karina follows after you, clinging onto you as a source of warmth. She didn’t want to be left alone without you after all.
“What kind of guy drinks their vodka like that? Be a man!” She mutters, pulling out a cutting board and knife as you open your refrigerator in search of the lemon.
“I don’t even know if we have one.” You say, standing in front of your fridge with your hands on your hips. Digging through the drawers, you pull out the only round object to be found. “We have a lime.”
Karina snorts and grabs it from you, slicing it in half. “It’ll have to do.”
You laugh at her remark as she makes her way back into the living room with the wedges of lime. Karina was your oldest friend, you two meeting in middle school. Attending university and living with her was a no brainer, and it was going really well. During your freshmen year, you two had met Yeji in the library, Karina befriending her after basically living there during exam season. You two welcomed her into your friendship shortly after that. She then introduced you to her desk partner in finance class, which was Chaewon. You guys all clicked and that led to your little found family that you had here.
You hoped these boys didn’t expect to squeeze their way into this sisterhood.
Karina hands Jaemin the lime, shrugging as he looks at it, then back at her. He awkwardly smiles and squeezes it into his drink. Though you can definitely tell he thinks this is the worst thing in the world, well at least he’s polite.
You and Karina go back to practically cuddling on the couch, her head right next to yours as you share a blanket. For the next ten minutes, you two sit in silence showing each other pictures on your phone, to which earns a nod or a hum of agreement.
The others sit on the floor, around your rectangular coffee table, with the bottles all over it. Yeji nudges Chaewon though, tilting her heads towards you two. You guys were usually so loud, had something happened?
Yes, something happened. Boys happened.
“Don’t you guys wanna sit down here?” Chaewon asks, patting the carpeted ground next to her. “And have a drink maybe? I haven’t even seen you two touch your cups.”
Renjun speaks up. “Yeah, you guys should come talk!”
“We,” You begin, gesturing a between you and Karina. “Are talking plenty.”
“How’s the lime, by the way?” Karina speaks up, smirking at Jaemin.
Jaemin just gives a forced smile and a thumbs up, though his drink remains untouched minus a sip. And even that, was a stretch.
Yeji gestures for you two to come sit, giving you two a stern look this time. She definitely was just wondering why you guys were acting so reclusive. She’s adamant, you’ll give her that.
Deciding that, maybe you’ve had enough attitude for one day, you take Chaewon up on her offer, plopping next to her. The spots also next to Renjun, who you deem to be the most bearable of the boys, so its not too bad. Karina sits on the opposite side of Chaewon, sandwiched between her and Yeji. Damn, you should’ve thought of that first.
“So, are you all single, or what?” Jeno asks, pouring himself another shot. He asks only out of genuine curiosity, but you think your demeanor spoke for itself.
You lied, you can never have enough attitude in one singular day.
Yeji nods. “Yeah, for a while now.”
“Can I ask why?” Jaemin asks, taking a sip of his drink. “I find it hard to believe none of you have found anyone you’ve liked here.”
“Why is that hard to believe? I find boys quite insufferable.” You speak, finally letting yourself have a taste of that vodka. The boys turn to you and you smile back sarcastically, having no qualms about what you had said.
“That’s why.” Chaewon sits up, looking at you. “We have this sort of, pact thing.”
“You really wanna get into this now, Chae?” Karina pipes up, knowing how this usually goes.
“A pact?!” Jeno looks confused.
“We have this rule, since we started this year, that we wouldn’t date anyone. You know, to keep our focus on academics and our jobs.” Yeji explains, the boys looking at you like you were all crazy. This was the normal response, shocked and somewhat disappointed looks, not like you cared though.
“So what? Plenty of people do that and still have relationships.”
“We’re just trying to stay as focused as possible.” Karina defends, shooting you a knowing look.
“There is however,” Chaewon starts, putting down her empty glass. “One exception to the rule.”
“Well?” Jaemin asks, leaning closer like a kid waiting to be told an answer.
“Yn is the most responsible one between all of us. If anyone can do both, it’s them. Therefore, if she gets a boyfriend, the rest of us are free to date!”
“That sounds stupid.” Renjun deadpans, and you’d kind of agree. It wasn’t even your idea anyways, they just held you to such a standard that they believed the day you got a boyfriend would be the end to all. Therefore, they placed their bets on staying focused onto you staying single. Normally, you’d be offended, but so far it was shaping up to be true.
“We take this super serious as well.” Yeji nods. “Absolutely no boyfriends unless she has one. It’s just the pact of this friend group.”
“Plus, Yn runs from boys like the plague. So it only seems viable to stake our academic performance on her.” Karina adds on, shooting you a teasing smile.
“Wow thanks guys.” You mumble. “I feel so loved.”
Chaewon rolls her eyes. “You don’t have a boyfriend because you don’t want one. We are just following in your example.”
“So basically, this exception is impossible. Which is why you put it as one?” Renjun tries to follow and all the girls nod in response.
Oh Jaemin was in deep shit now. He knew about you, everyone in the room did. You laughed in the face of anyone who tried to romantically peruse you, not that they wanted to anymore anyways. Last time he heard a boy try to hit on you, it ended horribly for the entire hockey team.
To put it plainly, you were never going to get a boyfriend.
Jaemin wishes he had known about this before he fell head over heels for Chaewon. How could he not? That girl is perfect! But now upon hearing about her absolute refusal to date, this only meant certain rejection for him. He wanted to just be swallowed into your deep shaggy carpet, just let Jeno pry him out with a stick or something. This was just mission impossible, and he was no Tom Cruise.
“So none of you have dated before?” Jaemin asks, hoping he can get a hopeful response out of his crush.
“I had a boyfriend when I met Yn,” Karina starts, face turning sour. “Let’s just say there’s a reason I was down for this agreement.”
“Never had time.” Yeji looks away, clearly embarrassed at sharing her lack of relationships.
“Me neither!” Chaewon agrees, and Jaemin all but deflates. She was absolutely unattainable, as if she wasn’t before, it’s even more amplified now!
“And you?” Renjun asks, giving you a small smile as he tries to include you in the conversation. Though, you're not really having it.
“Doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s not like I’m getting one now.” And with that you decide to find solace in your phone, choosing to ignore the rest of the conversation for the night. If only it was that simple.
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heanv · 5 years
Sunflower | Haechan
 genre: college!au,relationship
warning: the d word mentioned(?)
word count:2.1k
requested by: @ hyuckysunflower
song: sunflower by rex orange  country
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Everybody meets their soulmates no matter when but eventually this happens. You had your luck to find yours in the second year of high school. You knew he was the one, you truly felt it.
/I want to know,Where I can go/
You knew Haechan since you were six or seven years old. He always somehow ended up playing with you on the playground and your houses are really close to each other you both were literally like siblings. You made your own courts pretending to be a kingdom where he was the king and you were his queen. He was the one who taught you how to ride your bike and the one who would buy you an ice popsicle in the hot summer days. You loved each other back then and you still loved each other but this love grew stronger with the years and eventually became a real love with a strong bond. You remember how nervous he was when he first asked you on a date and then your first shared kiss only a month later when he took you to the rooftop of his house and told you he loved you.
/So won't you stay for a moment,So I can say/
Now two years later ,happier than ever you guys are planning your future and everything seems perfect. You and him will attend the local university then after you both graduate you will spend a year of travelling around the world and when you came back he would propose to you and the little cozy wedding you both dreamt for will be held in the back of Haechan’s house since it was bigger than yours and after that you both will find jobs and a small family house  and eventually have kids and live happily,
/Cause right now you know that nothing here's new,And I'm obsessed with you/
But not everything may not happen the way you guys want it.
You were accepted in the local college and so was Haechan. Some days before the official day for applying the documents for the college ,Haechan received an interesting email. Since the local college wasn’t the only school you applied for ,knowing that you don’t really need something else you picked some schools near the town Haechan also but there was one school he secretly applied for thinking it was impossible to choose him because it was a college for music and art and beside the grades they wanted a photo of painting or a video of singing or playing an instrument. You knew how much your boyfriend loved singing and music but you didn’t  know much he wanted to study there but he didn’t mind giving up his dreams for you.
So when Haechan opened the email that said he was accepted in the music college he was on cloud nine.
‘’oh my god’’ he whispered to himself. He knew how hard is entering a school like this and he had to reread the email more than 5 times until he was sure that what he sees was right.
Then it hit him like a sharp slap from the reality. What about you? What about the perfect plan of yours for the future? Will you hate him if he decides to go into the music college? And the worst will you two break up? All of the questions popped into his head and didn’t leave him alone for the whole night.
/ Then I fell to the ground/
In the morning he already knew that he didn’t want to miss the opportunity to study in his dream college but the guiltiness was eating him alive. How was he supposed to tell you? So he decided to make the dumbest decision in his life- to start slowly avoiding you so you could forget him easily. It hurt him so much to ignore all of your calls and all of your messages you sent because you were confused what was going on.
/ I don't wanna see you cry,you don't have to feel this emptiness/
He hated himself so much and he didn’t leave his house for the following day and lived as if he was in a cave until his bestfriend Mark came on the morning of the third day. He knocked on Haechan’s door and after a minute of waiting the door was slightly opened enough for Haechan to see if it was his girlfriend.
‘’Man, whats going on?’Y/n is going crazy, why don’t you pick up her calls or answer her texts?’’
‘’I cant’’ said the other boy not having enough courage to look at his friend’s eyes.
‘’What? What happened,dude?’’  Mark sat next to him on the bed.
‘’I got accepted at the college of music and arts’’ Haechan mumbled,still not looking up.
‘’Oh my God, that’s fantastic! Congrats,man!’’ Mark hugged his friend with a big smile.
‘’Yeah it’s nice but the college is 5 hours away and me and y/n were supposed to study here. How am I supposed to tell her that we have to break up because of me ?”
‘’Whoa,whoa ,man,hold up. Who says that you guys should break up? You love each other so much its getting annoying and beside that y/n is good enough to understand you, you know this ,right?
‘’Do you think she would hate me?”
‘’No,no way, maybe she would be a little upset but its okay but I really think she would support you.’’
“you think so?” haechan finally decided to look up.
“ i know it,just talk to her,ok?”
“yeah,i must talk to her” he whispred to himself.
Haechan thought of a different ways to tell you and it took him one more day of ignorirng you. He felt even mote guilty but he just wanted to show you how much he wanted to study there.So in the end he texted you.
“Hi,love.Sorry for being a dick just got something really important i want to tell you about and i just really needed time to think about it and i can tell you everything if you come tonight at my place and once again im so sorry, i love you”
He knew that you were mad by the way you answered.
at least you answered.
/'Cause I don't wanna feel like I'm not me/
Haechan felt really bad for ignoring you so he prepared something special.He made a picnic with candles on the floor on his balcony.When the doorbell rang he was trying to calm himself because the guilt was choking him.When he opened the door he was greeted by the cold look on your face making his pain twice bigger in the spur of the moment.
“Hey” was the only thing he could mummble in this uncorfomtable moment.
“Hi” you whispered feelingless although a little piece of insecurity could be seen in your eyes.
/Sunflower still grows at night/
You followed him to his room, the whole air filled with tense silence and when he closed the door of his room he stopped finally meeting your eyes now realising that are filled with a pure sadness.
“What happened,baby? You dont love me anymore?” you whispered silently but enough for him to hear and enough for his heart to break.You let your tears quietly fall on your face and when your boyfriend saw this he immediately embrased you in his arms.
“No,baby, how could you think about this? I love you too much, i’d rather die instead of leaving you” he whispered his hand gently playing with your hair and the other holding you even tighter.
/You know you need to get yourself to sleep,And dream a dream of you and I/
You sob for a minute more and then you look up to him.
“Then what’s the matter? What happened?” you stared in your boyfriend’s dark endless eyes as if you would find the answer in them.Still holding onto each other he takes your hand and leades you to the balcony. You gasp at the beautiful sight of what he has prepared for you.
“This is the least thing I could do for you after everything” he said as if he just read what you were thinking.
You both sat on the blanket on the floor ,feeling the warm wave of the candles as if it was hugging you.
“So i guess i will finally have to tell you”
/I promise I'm the one for you/
You nodded singlnaling him you are ready to listen carefully. “You know how much I love music,right? And you know how we are supposed to go to the local college but 3 days ago i received an email which said that...” he paused for a second and took a deep breath “ i am accepted in the college for art and music” he looked at you,taking another deep breath “the one i told you about some months ago”.
You just stared at him.No reaction,no word came out of you and he took this as a sign to continue.
“ i know how it sounds but this is college where is really hard to get in and when i applied was something like a back-up plan because i didnt think they would choose someone like me but it looks that they have” he chuckled to himself not daring to look at your eyes that was burning holes through him. “ y/n i know we had a plan and ruining it wasnt something i was looking forward to at all but i hope you can understand what a chance this is for me. i love you so much and the thought of having you 5 hours away from me kills every single part of me and i-“
“i love you haechan” you intereppted him.” i love you so much and i know how much music means for you and i cant tell how much proud i am from you because i do how hard is getting into a colleges like this one and-”
/Just let me hold you in these arms tonight/
its your turn to pause.
“ i wont mind if you go there and study” haechan looked at you with widened eyes ready to pop off their place “ i know its gonna be hard and i know that i will not be able to see you everytime i want to but i guess that this could be a challenge for us, like we live near each other, we went to the middle and highschool together and having you apart could only either make our relationship stronger or either we will end up breaking up” you both looked at each other seriously “i think that we are not kids anymore and we have to act like grown up people” your boyfriend nodded, staring at the empty wall probably dived in the mess in his head “ look i love you way too much and i know that you love me too so the thing is that i dont want us to break up just because we are scared of how the things will turn out” you pause reaching for haechan’s hand and hold it tightly and he responds to your touch in the same way.
/And so she sat me down and told me that I didn't have to cry/
“i cant believe how smart you are,y/n, you may be proud of me but right now im prouder of you and i feel that the connection between us is stronger than some 5 hours” you both smile warmly at each other still holding hands.
although you couldnt explain how much happy and proud of your boyfriend you were you felt a wave of sadness washing over you and it seemed that haechan saw that.
“baby, i know its gonna be hard and it probably wont be the perfect relationship but just think about all the trips we are going to have either you will come to see me or i will and in the dorm i will take as much as photos of you, of us i will take so everyone knows that im taken by the most beautiful and smart girl ever” he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and you cuddled into him “and when i bring some of my new friends here ot when you come to see me im gonna show you off as if you are the only thing i possess”
/And then told me that she'll love me for as long as she's alive /
the huge blush on your face and the sparkles in your eyes gave haechan a sign that everything is going to be alright, that there will be you and him in the future and because the love you had for each other was stronger than the distance you were about to have between you and he knew that he is the lucky one to find you and he was gonna keep you,no matter what.
/Sunflower still grows at night/
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scarletwinterxx · 3 years
love you 24/7
to my favorite sunshine, fullsun, lee donghyuck, hyuck, haechan, HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY💛 thank you for being born in this world! 
with you always, your sunflower🌻
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You can say I love you without having to say those three words. 
Haechan and yours love languages are very different: yours being words of affirmation. It makes your heart flatter even after all this time whenever you hear him say he likes you or when he compliments you. Especially those times when he says he loves you, even without saying those three words. “You’re too cute” “Baby hold my hand” “You’re an idiot”, as funny as some of those phrases sound if it comes from Hyuck’s lips they’re the sweetest ones you’ve ever heard. 
His love language is obviously physical touch, if he could be by your side attached at your hip he would be. It likes you have your very own teddy bear. You’re not complaining one bit. Which is also why the boy cannot stand not seeing you for more than a day, the longing always gets the best of him so there are times when he appears right on your front steps welcoming you with the warmest hug. 
The first time held your hand is probably one of your favorite story to tell. It was when the two of you just started dating. You were walking back home from getting some ice cream, you already noticed how his hand brushed against yours multiple times it was pretty obvious he was having an internal debate so you just let him be. 
When you finally felt his fingers slip between yours, you look over at him with a small smile. The boy looking down at his feet trying to hide his smile, when he heard you giggle he immediately looked up at you,
“What’s so funny?”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” he asked again, but instead of giving him an answer you just smiled at him before squeezing his hand a little bit tighter. Hyuck’s cheeks reddening at your actions
“It’s just... you were being pretty obvious about it. One more minute I would have done it myself to ease your pretty little mind”
“I-” you just smiled at him, little did you each and every grin you throw at him sends him more and more into overdrive
“So this is what it feels like” he mumbles “What?”
“Holding the most precious thing right at the palm of my hand, and best believe I’m never letting go” the look on your face and the blush on your cheeks were enough to tell him just how his words affected you. With a satisfied grin, he lifted your hand he was holding and kissed the back of it making you blush even more
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“I don’t even get why she asks me when she knows the answer! It’s like she’s just trying to rub it in my face or something. I swear she’s set on making my life a living hell” you rambled on as you change to more comfy clothes while Haechan lays down on your bed
“I’m sure she doesn’t mean it that way, babe”
Those were not the words you wanted to hear thus making you turn your head towards your boyfriends’ direction, only then he realized what he just said
“I mean... Yea she’s awful. tell me more”
“If you think she’s so nice, why don’t you talk to her then” you mumbled, about to walk out the room but Hyuck was quick to catch your arm and pull you towards the bed
“Sorry sorry, I didn’t mean it that way” he said as he hugs your waist, nuzzling his face on your stomach. Looking up at you when he didn’t receive an answer, only to find you with an annoyed look on your face
“It must’ve been a bad day” he mumbled, no jokes no teasing just a smile. He pulled you down until you were settled on his lap. His arms secured around your much smaller frame
“What can I do to make you feel better?” he asks, “Cuddles” you answered, playing with the strings of his hoodie
You hear a chuckle from him making you finally look at him, “That’s all my baby needs? Okay I’ll give you the best cuddles” 
And that he did. 
“I know I joke a lot but if you’re having a hard day, never hesitate to call me okay? I want to be the one making you feel better after a long day. I don’t care if I’m busy or it’s the middle of the night or it’s over something silly. If you need me, call me” he mumbled against your forehead, hugging you close to him until there was no visible space between the two of you
“I know, thank you”
“Are you feeling better now?” “I think I need more cuddles”
He laughed at your cute voice, he wasn’t really planning on letting you go. Not now, not ever. 
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You knew it was a bad idea from the start but you can never say no to him. 
You wish you did though, just this once. 
“Are you mad?” Haechan timidly asked you, standing at a safe distance from you
“You sound like you are”
“Yea well, why wouldn’t I be? I specifically told my boyfriend multiple times I can’t watch scary movies but no he just decided to pick the scariest one of them all and make me watch it” you answered without facing him, angrily wiping the bowl you just used to put the popcorn in
“In my defense, you said yes so...” the glare you sent him was enough to shut him up
“Whatever, I just won’t sleep tonight or for the next week”
“Or I can stay with you” you raised your brow at his suggestion, “Was this your plan all along?”
You stared at him for a couple of seconds before he cracked, “Maybe, kinda. I didn’t mean it though! I thought you could handle it since I’m here anyways”
“Oh yes I feel so safe” You mockingly replied, “Okay, well if you don’t want me to stay I’ll go now”
Then he was walking towards the door, coat on hand
“Yah yah yah! Where are you going?” You shouted at him, taking quick strides towards him “back to my place”
“You’re not going anywhere, Lee Haechan. If I’m suffering tonight, so will you”
“Oooh tell me more about what will happen tonight” that earned him a smack on the arm
“You’re not going out of my sight or leaving the room without me” you said then pulled on his arm, a smug smile already plastered on your boyfriend’s face as you pull him towards your room but you could care less. 
“I’ve never seen you this eager to get me in your room”
“Don’t make me tape your mouth shut” you warned him, “Baby, I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff. But hey if you’re down- OUCH OUCH okay shutting up now”
Hours after that when you’re supposed to be deep in slumber but instead you’re wide awake, you can’t help but mentally curse the boy sleeping next to you. He looked adorable but still you can’t help but feel annoyed at him, 
“Hyuck, wake up” no answer
“Hyuuuuck” you said, gently tugging on his ear to wake him up 
“Wake up, I can’t sleep” you mumbled, shuffling closer to his side until your noses were touching
“Wake up, this is your fault”
“What?” he sleepily asked “I can’t sleep”
“Just close your eyes, baby”
“You don’t think I tried that already? I can’t erase the scary scenes in my head you know” you grumpily answered, you didn’t hear anything from him for a while. Thinking he already fell back to sleep then he moved resting his back fully on the bed pulling you along with him until you were resting on his chest
“I’m not going anywhere, I’ll protect you from ghosts and whatever else is scaring you”
“Like I would believe that, you’d run and leave me behind” you retorted back, nuzzling your face on his neck “You know me too well” he said then kissed the top of your head
“I’ll sing you to sleep, will that help?”
“Yes please”
Then he was singing some tune you weren’t that familiar with. It didn’t matter though, he could be singing an instruction manual and it would still sound like the most beautiful song there is. 
“Are you asleep?” he asked after he finished, “Nope”
“Silly girl. Go to sleep, love. I’m right here” he assured you once again, feeling his arm tighten around you
“I love you” 
You almost fell into slumber before you hear him say it back, not that he needed to. But he always does anyways, in his own way. 
You feel his lips linger on your forehead, “I love you, most. Even if you’re the biggest baby”
“Shut up, I’m never letting you choose for movie nights”
“Whatever will help you sleep at night, it better be me” he added the last part making you let out a tired giggle
“Go to sleep, baby. I’ll tape your eyes shut if you don’t”
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babyflossy · 4 years
nct; has literally twenty three whole men with outstanding personalities and traits to write about and focus on
my mind; my little haechannie, my perfect little kpop boy that every prompt eventually boils down to,,, wouldn’t you love a 10k fic focused on you and only you
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clichetoast · 4 years
~ kpop imagines ~ ! requests open !
this is a new account writing nct and some other kpop group imagines ! feel free to request anything ! 
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haechanfluff · 6 years
day 102, 6:29 pm 
In the middle of a scene, Actor!Donghyuck claims the cure to the ‘poison’ was true loves kiss. You mentally scoff at his sly attempt of stealing a kiss. Under the spotlight, you glance for a sign of instruction from the director but he was just as lost for words. Instead of humoring him, you pull a Hans. “If only someone loved you,” you respond, leaving the audience and Actor!Donghyuck in utter shock.
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cheonsajaemin · 6 years
nct dream 2nd anniversary special!
[ 9:12 p.m. ] you and the dreamies make the biggest fort for your sleepover
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jaehyun-a · 7 years
Honestly, comparing Haechan to the sun is such a huge compliment for the sun.
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renjunfromthestars · 4 years
more than
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Pairing: Mark + reader, Bestfriend! Mark, Childhood friend!Mark
Genre: Fluff, angst, honestly a little bit of crack LOL
Song recs: Best friend + Untitled + Waiting Room (Rex Orange County), Sofia (Clario)
Warnings: Mild swearing and mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 7.0k (my longest fic yet, wow!)
Summary: You’ve known Mark for all your life, and it only takes one drunken night (plus a little intervention with Haehcan) to think that you wouldn’t mind getting to know him a little better...
Notes: The fact that I actually had the patience to sit down and to write something above 3k words,,,,absolutely astounding, amazing, unique, never been seen before…. Mark is a little awk and always works so hard (poor bby), so imagining him as a super stressed pre-med major and oblivious best friend absolutely wrecks me thank you goodbye
When you first meet Mark, you’re eight years old, and it’s at church. He’s dressed in his Sunday best: a light blue button up, khakis, and shiny dress shoes. He looks stiff as your mother introduces you two, with his shirt buttoned all the way to the collar.
It’s not that you dislike him, but you think he might dislike you, with the way he avoids eye contact, eyes tracing the floor, your shoes—anywhere but your face.
You see panic flash through his eyes when his mom gently pushes him towards you, telling him to take you inside and reserve a spot in the pews while she catches up with your mom. 
He shuffles awkwardly, and wordlessly, you follow him into the building.
The pews are almost empty, with the bulk of them being filled in the front by the old people that usually have nothing better to do on their Sunday mornings. Although your local church is on the smaller side, it feels unusually large with rows of empty pews, almost eerie. You shudder at shadows the walls make with the stained glass, and hurry to your usual spot towards the middle.
If Mark notices your apprehension, he doesn’t say anything. He’s oblivious, actually, not noticing your absence until he’s almost at the end of the rows. When you see him stop and search for you frantically, you stifle a laugh. 
He eventually finds you, and after shuffling awkwardly between the pews, makes his way to you. 
“This is kinda far, isn’t it?” he murmurs.
“I mean,” he stammers. “I usually sit closer to the front. ”
You peer at him from the side. “You actually want to pay attention?”
He scratches the back of his head. “Well yeah, isn’t that the point?”
“I guess,” you say, looking at the ceiling. With the sprawling arches and patterns, the designs are pretty, you think. 
“You should at least try, it’s kinda interesting,” when you turn your head to look at him he turns away. “Only if you want to, of course.” he adds, fidgeting with his hands.
When you tell him that maybe you will, you see him crack a small smile.
It becomes a routine, almost every Sunday, with you and Mark sitting next to each other.  Whether it’s closer to the front or the back, it’s a whole debate. You usually give in, because when you walk in, Mark is already waiting for you in the front. 
“Do you still go to Church?”
You’re laying on a green bean bag in Mark’s dorm room, procrastinating on the midterm paper you were supposed to get started on, well, a week ago. 
You think for a second, hand raised to rub your chin, just to tease him. “What’s church?”
“C'mon dude, are you serious?”
“Barely,” you say, standing up to move to sit on his bed. “You should really get a new bean bag, it’s kinda deflated.”
Mark ignoring you, reaches over from his desk to fluff up the bean bag. “It’s because you sit on it so much.” 
“Are you calling me fat?” and before he can defend himself you finally answer him, “I stopped going in like, middle school. It would be hard even if I wanted to, to find a whole new congregation, and I’m just busy. Also, it’s so boring, I could cry.”
Mark perks up. “Not if you go with me.”
You groan dramatically, and Mark chuckles. 
“Good to know that you haven’t changed since you were eight.”
It’s just your view on church, that hasn’t changed since you were eight. First thing things first, you were 19 now, going on twenty. You’re in University now, your second year. It’s been a blur assignments, partying, coffee and term papers- you don’t have time to think about anything else right now. Except maybe actually starting your paper but-
Mark interrupts you midthought, breaking the silence. “Are you still with that guy?”
“Huh? Who? Yuta?”
“Yeah,” Mark responds sheepishly, avoiding eye contact.
You roll your eyes. “No, we haven’t been together for a while. It wasn’t that important so I forgot to tell you.”
You can tell he's surprised about how unusually calm you are for talking about your first serious breakup, but he doesn’t say anything, instead just scratching the back of his head awkwardly in typical Mark fashion. “He was an asshole anyway,” Mark murmurs.
“What did you say?” you ask, acting shocked. “Mark Lee? Talking shit?”
Mark, embarrassed, refuses to repeat it. 
“I’m just saying, he wasn’t the right person for you.” he protests.
“As opposed to who? God himself?”
“I can think of a few,” he sighs, but you aren’t paying attention, instead laughing your ass off on his bed.
“You’re insufferable,” he says, standing up to open the door. “C’mon let’s go, I’m hungry. I know you’re not starting that paper anytime soon.”
It’s a routine, seeing Mark on Monday afternoons for lunch. Not Friday, because you were busy getting wasted, and consequently not Saturday, because you were too hungover. Not Sunday, because Mark had church, and you, well, were busy praying to God that you would be able to finish all the work you’d neglected over the weekend as a result. 
“I still don’t understand why you choose the worst day of the week for this,”  you say over your Kale caesar salad, pushing the leaves around aggressively. The University had a lot of healthy options, which you were grateful for. Grateful for you were not, were for the student loans you had to pay off every month, the exorbitant amount you partially owed to all the local and expensive organic produce the meal plan featured for the sake of being sustainable and health conscious.You could really give a rat’s ass about whether your salad was organic or not; if your weekends said anything about you, no amount of kale could help you (or your liver).
“It wasn’t really up to me,” Mark points out. “Maybe if you weren’t too busy being-”
“Ta ta ta,” you tsk, waving a finger around. “I, unlike you, actually have a social life.”
Mark frowns. “I have a social life.” 
Mark definitely had a social life. He was popular, even. As popular as you can be, being a preoccupied Pre-med with perfect grades. Mark is likeable. It’s not like he doesn’t have the opportunity to go on weekends if wanted to, he just chooses not to, deciding to slave away at biological functions, orbitals, and lab results instead. Even now, as he takes his glasses off to clean them, you notice the imprint they leave on his face from how long they’ve been sitting on his face, and doesn’t take you long to find the dark circles that grace the skin under his eyes: he’s exhausted.
You frown too. “You should really get out more Mark. You seem stressed.”
Mark gives you a small smile after putting his glasses back on, and then resumes typing on his laptop. “I don’t know how going out would make me less stressed,” he says, distracted. “I would only be more stressed, knowing the work I have to do.”
“Yeah, but you're pretty organized.” You point your fork at him accusingly, kale falling to the side. “Don’t you usually finish things early too?”
“Yeah, I do.” he admits,  and before you can press onwards you’re interrupted by a girl you recognize to be his lab partner.
Goggles in hand, you can see the marks they leave around her eye area, but she’s somehow still annoyingly beautiful, with her glossy straight hair and long eyelashes, but that’s not why you dislike her. She might be the most stuck up girl you’ve ever met. 
“Did you do the calculations yet?” she says, turning to Mark. ignoring you. It’s only when you cough in your seat that she turns to you. “And hello, (y/n).” An afterthought.
“Hello Yebin,” You give her a wry smile. “How's the lab?”
“The usual.” she glances at Mark, who seems to be doing some finishing touches on said calculations. “How’s Chem 2?”
Boy, does she really grind your gears. 
“It was fine, I actually placed out because I took it in high school.” Not to mention, it was a class for freshmen, and you were in fact, now a sophomore. 
Before she can say anything back, Mark claps his hands in celebration. “Done! Sorry it took me so long, I just had to double check some things.”
“It’s no problem,” and with the way her voice drips with a sickly sweetness, you want to gag. It’s so painfully obvious. “Are you still down for tomorrow?”
Poor Mark, always oblivious, stops typing on his laptop and looks up in confusion.  “Huh?”
You silently laugh at the expression Yebin makes when she realizes Mark has no idea what she’s talking about. “For our study session? The MCAT is just months away.”she reminds him.
Mark remembers. “Oh yeah, about that, I was thinking we could also invite-”
“Great!” she chirps, “See you tomorrow!” and with a flash of her white lab coat, she's gone. 
Mark scratches the back of his head. “I guess she had somewhere to be.”
You roll your eyes for what it seems like the 100th time this week, anymore and they might be permanently stuck to the back of your head. “She definitely likes you.”
“Who? Yebin? No way.” 
“Yes, Yebin, and yes way.” You fling a walnut from your salad over to his side, and he cringes.
“What is your problem?” he grumbles, and resumes typing on his laptop.
You drop the subject, because you know any talk on girls is completely lost on him. As you set aside your salad, you peer over at Mark, palm supporting your face. He’s focused, eyebrows slightly furrowed, with his lips mouthing over silently whatever science journal he was reading on his computer screen.
Mark has always been good looking, you think. You don’t know why you’ve never really noticed it before. His nose bridge gently slopes over his face, and his jawline is sharp, having lost his baby cheeks years ago. He works out often too, although he barely talks about it (maybe out of fear you’d tease him for being a gym bro). And with the way he’s so adorably awkward,  It’s no surprise really, that every girl friend that you’ve met of his seems to be completely smitten. 
Shaking your head, you snap out of it. It’s dangerous to think of Mark that way, you think. You’ve known him too long.
“My problem? I think you’re the one with the problem here. I’m surprised your hair isn't completely gray by now.”
Mark ignores you, probably mad at the fact you tried to start world food war three with him with a walnut.
“Hey.” you flick at his forehead to get his attention, and he flinches. 
“There’s a party this weekend at Johnny’s fraternity, you should come.” Johnny, being both your long time mutual friend (who’s demeanor is way too nice to fit the stereotypical frat boy image, really) who has since stopped asking Mark out of respect for his “med school grind”. 
“I’m already planning on it,” he responds, and you’re surprised. 
“Since when do you actually accept party invitations?”
“Since yesterday, because I’m tired of Haechan bothering me about it.”
You silently cheer, of course, you expect nothing else from Haechan.
“I never knew it was so hard to get booze.”
“It’s not hard if you’re 21.”
Scoffing, you turn your head to face the boy across from you. As if he can feel the burn of your gaze on his forehead, Haechan stops typing on his Macbook and lifts his eyes to meet yours. 
“No shit Sherlock, but last time I checked, we both weren’t 21.”
The sun had set a half an hour ago, and despite having spent the whole afternoon together, you and Haechan have had yet to come up with a way to secure the drinks you promised your friends for tonight’s pregame. With both of you being certified schemers representing your respective friends, you guess it wasn’t that big of surprise that the responsibility was left on both your shoulders. It beat scavenging alone, and spending time with Haechan wasn’t so bad either, when you two weren’t trying to kill each other. 
It was already late, and Haechan had deemed Ubering to the nearest packer store that sold Soju (the sweet sweet liquid of choice) was too much work. You on the other hand, had dismissed that option for a completely different reason. The issue in question was the flimsy, borderline pathetic excuse for a fake ID Haechan planned to use at the packer store. 
“Hey it works!” he protested. “You just act like you’re already legal and they don’t even card you. Easy.”
You roll your eyes as Haechan theatrically reenacts his last trip to the packer store.
“I asked him how he was doing, and he told me school sucks. I say to him, ‘Tell me about it,  thank god this is my last year!” and as if to emphasize his next point, he flicks his wrist in the air, ID snuggled between his index and middle finger. “And I was on my way. No issue at all.”
“That’s because he didn’t even see your fake I.D stupid. He would’ve called you out on your bullshit in an instant.”
Out of all the different options available, you could not fathom why he chose his fake ID to show that from all the places in this world, he was from freaking Hong Kong. There were fifty states to choose from, other English speaking countries, and he chose to pose as an  international student on a student visa. He could most definitely look the part, but after looking at the ID he proudly slaps on the common room lounge desk, you deadpan. The yellowish tint to the card was way too suspicious to be taken seriously.
“I wish we could just ask Mark,” you sigh, and Haechan looks at you like you’re stupid.
“He’s 20, ya dimwit.”
“I know, that’s why I said I wish. You have serious hearing problems.”
Haechan stops typing on his laptop to shoot you an especially heated glare, and you’re reminded again why he’s #2 on your fight list, right above Yebin. First place was taken by the girl you almost actually fought at that one University party a town over, wherever she is you hope she’s having a terrible day.
“If it were not for the rules of this land, you’d be dead right now Haechan.” 
Haechan places his head in his palms, and flutters his eyelashes disgustingly. 
“But you love me.”
“Yes, as much as Mark loves social events. Speaking of Mark, how on earth did you get him to leave his cave?”
“It didn’t take much,” and before you can call him out for lying, he shushes you.
“Okay, maybe a few days of nonstop begging.” Haechan says as his eyes dart across the laptop screen. You raise your eyebrow. “And I might have threatened to release pictures from the photoshoot his mom made him take when he was younger.”
“I expected nothing less from your evil, evil, mind.”
He scoffs. “Hardly. Just resourceful.”
Resourceful he is, because Haechan is the one who ends up finding a plug for the alcohol that night. 
A can of four loko, a bottle of soju, and a few shots later, you should be hammered, wasted even. But after 14 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days into college, your tolerance is pretty high, so you’re really just plain drunk. Even so, you’re a little messy (no surprise). You’re not in a state to be trusted with any errands, so you don’t understand why Haechan asks you to pick up Mark along the way to Johnny’s fraternity. 
“Why do I have to do it?” you whine, putting your hand over your forehead, and Haechan only laughs at your dramatic display of despair. 
“Because Johnny messaged me that Mark isn’t there, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting him flake on me this time. ”
You point a finger at him, and he stifles a snort when you’re off by a couple inches. “Letting him flake on me, me, me as in you! It’s not my problem.”
But there’s no use in arguing with Haechan, and you know it. That’s why you find yourself stomping your way up the second floor of Mark’s dormitory like you’re in elementary school again, having just been scolded by your mom and being forced back into your room.
You knock at his door impatiently, and it feels like forever until you hear some shuffling, and see the door knob twist open. To be honest, it’s probably just a few seconds, but time is different when you’re intoxicated.
Before you even see him, it smells faintly of  shampoo and detergent, so you’re not surprised when he opens the door and you see his hair is still half wet from the shower. He’s definitely party ready, and when you mean party ready, he’s wearing the same loose black tee and grey joggers he wears to sleep. His socks don’t match and you try not to laugh, because it would be a bad look for you, to show up intoxicated, and apparently crazy. 
“Oh (y/n), what are you doing here? Oh shit is today Friday? I totally forgot, Haechan is going to kill me-'' He looks at you and then pauses, scrunching up his nose. “Have you been drinking?”
“No.” you say sarcastically, but it definitely falls short of Mark because he looks at you like he does not believe you. Good, because he shouldn’t.
He sighs, and ushers you in his room. It’s dark, with the only light emitting from the little steel lamp on his desk, which is covered with his notes, pencils, a textbook, and some highlighters. When you finally make your way to his bed (with difficulty) he sighs again, and you silently scold yourself for having that mini drinking contest with Haechan. If you thought you could handle your alcohol well, Haechan was an absolute monster. 
You nearly screech when Mark flashes a mini flashlight in your face, and he tells you to calm down before someone thinks he’s committing murder. He holds your face still with his index finger resting on your cheek and his thumb lifting your chin. You try your best not to squint when he tells you to, instead focusing on his face. He’s so close, you can feel his warm breath on your face. If you weren’t already so flushed from drinking, you suspect you’d look beet red now. 
“Well, your pupils still dilate normally, so I don’t think you have alcohol poisoning-”
The world is moving a little, so you plop backwards on his bed— albeit a little harder than expected because he rushes over to you and looks concerned. 
“-but I don’t think that’s the problem here.” he finishes. 
Your eyes are closed, mainly because his bed is really comfy. “I’m here to pick you up.” and as if to emphasize your point, you wildly start pointing in all directions, hoping it would land on him. 
You open your eyes when you feel him grab your finger and turn it thirty degrees to the left, just  stopping at his chest. Your sense of direction must be really bad, because it turns out you were pointing at nothing. 
“I don’t think we’re going anywhere for awhile”
“Noooooo” you wail, and Mark lets go of your hand to sit back down on his desk, and unsurprisingly, begins reading his textbook again. How he is able to focus with you in the background, you don’t know, but it must have taken years of practice.
At this point, you decide to take matters into your own hands. You shove yourself off the bed and grab his arms from behind him. His roller chair scoots a few inches before he stops it.
“You’re not exactly making great case for yourself here”
“Stop making excuses!” 
You aim straight towards the armpits, and you’re confused at the lack of reaction, so you reach over to squeeze his knee. Almost immediately, he crumples over, almost falling off the chair. 
“Can you-” he says mid laugh, “please” he gasps, “Stop that!”
You respond by attacking his other knee, and it’s over. He falls off his chair and you go down with him. The difference is that he recovers quickly, and starts tickling you back in revenge. 
You’re sensitive, so it feels like you’re dying. You try to use his arm as leverage to push yourself up, but next thing you know he’s toppeling over you. You close your eyes and wait for your head to kiss the cold hard floor but it never comes, because Mark's hand cradles your head, breaking the fall.
When you open your eyes, he’s closer than ever before, noses touching. Lips a mere centimetres away and in a weird embrace, you resist the urge to close the distance. 
Mark has always been good looking, especially now, so close to you. You don’t know why you’ve never noticed it before.
When he pulls away he’s flustered, and for the first time, so are you. 
It’s an awkward silence, with you still on the floor as he stands up, rubbing the dusk from his knees. He scratches the back of his head and offers you a hand 
“Let’s head out,” he says.
“Yeah, let’s.” you echo. 
Although Haechan berates you for being more than a little late to the party, he’s overjoyed that you somehow managed to show up with Mark. Not that he didn’t have faith in you anyways, he tells you. It’s just that Mark is married to his Biology textbook, and she runs a tight ship. By the time you reached the frat with Mark, you’ve sobered up enough to enjoy yourself normally, 
It’s when you wake up in the morning, that you’re not okay. It’s not okay, because you dreamt of Mark, and that’s weird, because you and Mark were just friends, right? And you always will be. 
It’s not a big deal because friends dream of friends. Dreams are a product of your own desires environment, you tell yourself, it’s perfectly normal because you spend so much time with him.
What is not normal, is when you see Mark the following Monday, and are worried about it. You’re nervous the whole time, and it gets worse when you slide the little watermelon filled tupperware container across the table in apology for last Friday. He likes his watermelon cut up into little cubes, you remembered (why do you remember?), and you avoid his eyes, pushing a stray piece of hair behind your face. 
Mark, oblivious as usual, doesn’t really notice anything until 10 minutes in, as if your lack of rambling surprises him. Munching on the cubes, he asks if you’re okay.
“Yeah, I am.”
No you are not. You are utterly fucked. 
“But you need to promise me you won’t judge or make fun of me for it”
“Just say it already, Jesus.”
“It’s just so embarrassing.”
“Oh my god, are you in love with me?”
When placing your hands in your face, Haechan grants mercy on you, patting you on the back instead of teasing you further.
“I don’t know what else could be so important that you need to talk to me in person. Unless…. it’s about Mark?”
His hands stop soothingly rubbing your back and instead starts slapping it, waiting for you to laugh along with him. When he doesn’t get a response he gasps. Turning his head sideways to face you, he pries your fingers apart.
“No fucking way.”
“Right?” you moan.
“I was just joking, but I can’t say I didn’t expect it.”
You remove your hands from your face and look at him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Like, you’ve known each other forever. You spend a lot of time together too. Someone was bound to catch feelings eventually.”
You don’t respond, instead choosing to sulk.
“You know I’m right. You just don’t want to admit it because you’re the loser in this situation.”
Right he is, because you’ve been avoiding Mark for the past few weeks like the plague. You’ve told him that you’ve been busy with your final term paper (you’re not, you’re an engineering major why would you have one?), and although he was a little confused, he was probably also a little thankful because the MCAT was only a month away. 
As you tell him about your plight, Haechan listens thoughtfully, “mhming” and “ahh-ing” at all the right places.
“I don’t see how ignoring him helps you at all. I would say to just talk to him about it, but it’s Mark, he probably hasn’t thought about you that way at all.”
“Thanks,” you grumble. “So I’m basically one of the boys.”
“No really, mans might as well be the anemone from Nemo, I’ve never seen him interested in anyone.” Haechan sighs. “This is a tough one.”
“I’m sure I’ll think of something, but I might have to get creative.”
“I’d like to see you try Hyuck.”
It’s 9pm Sunday night, and there’s a knock on your door. It’s strange you think, because it’s a Sunday, and it’s a little late to be doing anything.
When you open the door, there he is, Mark Lee in all his 5’9’ glory, with a little bag in hand, in it your favorite milk tea. 
“It’s Sunday.” you say, intelligently. 
Mark just chuckles. “Yes it is, and your point?”
You step aside so he can walk in, and you’re embarrassed at your current state. For once, you’ve finished your assignments early, so you’ve spent the past four hours in your pajamas watching K-dramas and snacking on honey chips. You must look like a bum.
Mark on the other hand, always looks good, even in some old dress slacks, and an old t-shirt with some holes in it. He smells faintly of antiseptic, so he must have just come from a volunteering shift at the hospital. 
“It’s nice of you to drop by,” you poke the straw into the bubble tea. “And thank you for the bubble tea.”
“You’ve been busy recently so I figured you’d need it for the caffeine content, but it’s not like you sleep anyway.” he jokes. “How’s the term paper going?”
“The term paper? Oh right, the term paper. It’s alright,” you lie. “Just a couple of pages left. Beats having to take the MCAT though.”
Mark looks tired, with his hair slightly overgrown and his dark circles hallower than usual. You feel bad—he has a habit of overworking himself; you’re usually there to check on him but lately you haven’t, and he’s kind and thoughtfull enough to bring you something because he thinks you’re stressed.
“Yeah tell me about it,” Mark takes a seat next to you on your bed, head hitting the wall with a soft thump. “It’s going to be all over next week though, I can’t wait. I’ve missed you though.”
Busy silently cursing at yourself for the way your heart flutters at his admission, you forget to respond. Mark frowns, places his hand on your thigh in an attempt to soothe you, and it has the opposite effect—you think you might go into cardiac arrest. 
“Is something wrong?”
“N-no.” you stammer. “Just stressed. ”
Mark makes things worse by leaning in closer, gently placing the back of his hand on your forehead. “You’re kinda hot.”
“I am?”
“Yeah, like I think you may be running a fever.”
He hops off the bed, and rummages around in his little black bag, and pulls out a thermometer. He places a little sleeve on the end, and motions for you to open your mouth. When it beeps, he takes it out of your mouth and looks at the result.
“Your temperature is fine, but you should rest. I’ll see you soon okay?” He pats your head. “Take it easy, I know you’ll do great.”
You might not have a term paper, but what you do have is a physics final. 
The desk area is littered with eraser dust, crumpled paper, and half filled styrofoam cups of coffee that have since gotten stale. You swear to god that Physics was a subject meant to torture, not enrich the lives of college students. At this rate, you were seriously debating dropping out to become a stripper. 
Haechan, not sensing your dismay, disrupts your plans to drop out by telling you something that puts a damper on the rest of your day, as if Physics wasn’t doing that already.
“Have you noticed that Mark’s been hanging out a lot with that one girl lately? What’s her name? So-bin, Yee-ben, Ben 10, ”
“Yebin,” you snap. “And don’t ever disrespect Ben 10 like that again. ”
Haechan lifts his hands up, “ I agree she’s a total bitch, but man is she hot.”
“Aren’t you supposed to make me feel better, not worse?” 
Haechan’s face softens and for once in his life, looks a little sorry. “All I’m saying is if you don’t do something soon, someone might do it for you. I overheard her saying something about her and Mark going to spring fling together.”
He’s not wrong, but Mark, at Spring fling? At a Darty? Willingly? His idea of a good time was studying.
“You’re kidding,” you scoff.  “As if he’d be caught dead at something like that.”
“I don’t know (y/n). He doesn’t really have much else to do now that the MCAT is over.”
Right, the MCAT. He took it last week. You mentally slap yourself for not asking how it went. 
“Speak of the devil.” Haechan says quietly, motioning behind you.
There she is through the glass, Yebin, pulling a seat next to Mark, not before sneaking up behind him and planting a fat kiss right on his cheek.
Maybe if this were a movie, you’d cry all weekend and he’d make it up to you; But this is real life, so you secretly cry for a week and sulk for the rest of the month, blaming your puffy eyes on seasonal allergies (In real life, Mark can’t make it up to you because he did nothing wrong. He’s also not even aware that you like him, but that’s besides the point).
Despite Haechan’s attempt to convince you that it could’ve been just a friendly kiss, a greeting kiss, a whatever kiss, you insist that you’re done with your little crush, that it had shriveled up and died. Although not so convinced, Haechan drops the subject all together and instead resorts to comforting you in his own way, which mainly just consists of making fun of you about other things.
Mark is a touchy subject, and you’re still avoiding him. Why? You don’t really know. You know it’s not fair to Mark, who is probably very hurt and confused at your lack of communication. Nonetheless, he doesn’t question it, and is so infuriatingly mature with his emotions that you suspect that he even respects it, because he stops texting you after a while. 
You feel bad about stonewalling him, leaving him in the dark, but really, what would you say to him? 
You shudder at the thought, because it’s just plain embarrassing. 
But really, you’re not the best at expressing your emotions—you’ve never been. Frankly, you’re tired of expressing your emotions because it never got you anywhere. Not with your mom, not with your dad, and definitely not with Yuta, who you dated for a year and half a year just to dump you like you were nothing. 
It’s not worth it, to put your emotions on the line for anyone, not anymore. You locked your heart away a long time ago, and you were a fool to let it come out last time, and you like to think you learn from your mistakes.
At least, that’s what you think, until you return home one Sunday night from the library and see a little cup of your favorite milk tea at the door, with a straw neatly balanced on the top. 
When spring fling rolls around, you still haven’t spoken to Mark, and if your friends catch on, they don't mention it. They know by now that you prefer to deal with things alone, to digest them for what they are and then promptly moving on—you know, like processing a death. 
It doesn’t really matter, you think. You and Mark have always been friends, and will always be friends. Nothing more, nothing less. And when you get over yourself, things will be fine. 
But really, how can it be fine when your whole world stops every time Mark looks at you?
You try not to dwell on it, even now weeks later. You’re busy getting ready to go out, blotting your lipstick on some tissue paper in your friend Yuna’s bathroom. 
“(y/n), you look amazing.”
When you turn to look at yourself in the mirror she’s right; The mascara you put on your lashes really brings out the color of your eyes, and your skin (thanks to Yuna’s highlighter compact) is literally glowing. You feel really pretty.
You turn to smile at her. “Thanks to you.” you tell her, and she gets bashful, pushing you out of the seat and ushering you out the door. You make it down stairs no problem, but she calls you as soon as you walk out the door.
“Yes, I have blotting papers with me, and no, I am not dating Haechan I’ve told you thousands of times-”
“What about me?” 
You turn around to find Haechan leaning against the dormitory wall, already waiting. 
Embarrassed, you tell her you need to go and hang up the phone. 
“How long have you been standing here? Hopefully not too long.” You apologize, but he assures you it’s all right.  
“Are you sure your friends are fine with you leaving them early to go with me?”
“Yes Haechan, they’re just happy that I have someone to go with.” you sigh. “Almost too happy.” 
He laughs, after looking at you, he pauses. “You look nice.”
“You do too, Hyuck.”
If you didn’t know any better, you would say he seems embarrassed at your compliment. 
When you walk into the venue, you’re not surprised at how spacious it is. You’re used to your school going all out, from the kale salads and now, spring fling. They might as well call it spring semi-formal, because everyone is dressed their best. 
You see Johnny at the end of the punch table, and he waves, motioning for you two to join him. 
“And my favorite couple,” he greets you two, and you almost smack him upside down the head. 
“Relax, I’m just kidding.” and he leans in for a hug. “How are you (y/n), I haven’t seen you in a second.” 
“I’m good, just been super busy. You were so right, Professor Kim has been really keeping me on my toes in Physics 430,” you laugh. “Every time I walk into the classroom I can feel my life flash through my very eyes.”
He laughs, and you all laugh with him. Johnny tends to have that kind of effect on people.
“How’s Mark?” he asks, and you cringe. “It’s been a while.”
You laugh nervously  “ I haven’t seen him in a while either.”
“Oh really. Don’t you see each other every week?”
“Well we used to,” you panic. “Just not anymore because, you know, I-”
“Because you’ve been so busy,” Haechan finishes.
Johnny gives you two a strange look but continues talking anyway.
“Well that’s life. Poor boy’s been studying for the MCAT like his rent is due tomorrow.”
“More like everyday.” Haechan snickers. 
Johnny doesn’t hesitate to flame Haechan for his insolence, and begins teasing him for almost failing Calc II (Calc II was kind of hard you admit but that is an admission that will die with you), meanwhile, you’re whisked away by Yuna and her entourage. You glance at Johnny and Haechan, who bid you farewell with a nod of their heads.
It’s fun, you’re having a great time dancing, and eating mini hot dogs on a toothpick (you guess your university had to cut corners somewhere). When Roxanne plays, you and Yuna go wild, nearly knocking over a waiter over with a silver tray. You have so much fun, that you forget that Mark Lee exists until you make eye contact across the floor. 
It's no surprise that he’s with Yebin, who looks annoyingly prettier than usual, with her makeup all done and satin dress. She’s pulling him in the opposite direction, but Mark seems to pay no mind, instead staying in place, looking at you. A moment passes, and you see him excusing himself. When he begins to head your direction. You panic. 
Before you can even react, you feel an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you close. When you finally turn to see who it is, you’re nose to nose with none other than Haechan.
“What are you doing?” 
“Just go along with it,” Haechan whispers through his teeth. Your hands are pressed against his chest, and he grabs one of your arms, placing it around his neck.
“Go along with what? Have you lost your mind-” 
Before you can finish your sentence, his lips press against yours and your mind goes blank. He tastes like peppermint and aftershave, with his lips soft in the center and just a little chapped around the edges.  
When you two finally part, Mark is nowhere to be found, and you don’t know how to feel. 
“Haechan I-” you stammer. “I need to go.” 
You hurry off, and he doesn’t follow you. 
When you’re outside, it’s  cold; the air is brisk and definitely doesn’t help steady your breathing, it only makes it harder. It’s a lot to process, Mark, Yebin, Haechan. It’s a lot, and you feel like you’re in emotional overdrive, with all the feelings you’ve been trying to keep in for the past few months coming back to bite you.
You sit down at the edge of the fountain outside the venue, and you nearly get soaked. It misses you by mere inches, with the ceramic fish looking at you almost mockingly. You don’t care, with all the thoughts running through your head right now, you think you might go insane. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been sitting there at the fountain when you feel something wrap around you, warm like it was just taken out of the dryer. It smells familiar, like cologne and faintly of antiseptic—it smells like Mark.
You don’t look at him when he sits down next to you, legs open, hands crossed. And he doesn’t look at you. It’s radio silent.
“So you and Haechan, huh.”
“So you and Yebin.” you echo. 
Mark looks at you for the first time, confused. “What are you talking about?”
“You know what I mean.”
“Oh that.” He shuffles awkwardly. “I don’t really like her like that.”
Your head raises in surprise, and you face each other for the first time in months.
“I thought you guys had a thing.”
Mark scratches the back of his head. “Well we do, but it’s just in her head” he says, and you can’t help but laugh. “She came onto me last week, so I finally set things straight.” Noticing your reaction, he just shakes his head. 
 “I don’t think it worked though,” he adds.
“I would think, you’ve always been too nice for your own good.” 
“I just didn’t want to hurt her feelings, you know?” he murmurs. “I feel terrible.”
“You’re not a terrible person just because you don’t like someone back.”
“Maybe not, but I believe not wanting you and Haechan to be together does.”
It takes a moment for his words to register within you, and even after you process them, you’re not sure what to say.
“We don’t like each other like that.” you interrupt him.
Mark looks visibly confused. “Then you and Haechan aren’t??” his voice falters.
“No more than you and Yebin. I promise you it’s not what it seems like.” you tell him and it finally clicks. You’d have to thank the idiot later. Right after you slap him.
Mark doesn’t question it, not even when you start crying. You don’t question it either, unsure of why you’re crying. 
“You’re so stupid,” you sniffle. “I’ve liked you for so fucking long.” 
Mark pulls out his pocket square to gently wipe the tears from your face, and places his hand on top of yours. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that? You could have just said something.” his says softly
“I didn’t want to ruin anything. We’ve always just been friends.”
“I think we’ve always been just more than that.” he says, leaning in, hands cup your face gently. 
 “Just took some of us a little longer to realize.”
“That was very nice of you,” Johnny says. 
“Yeah. Very nice.” Haechan echos. 
“How long has it been, that you’ve liked her for? Three years?”
“Two going on three.” 
Johnny lets out a low whistle, and looks down at the younger boy worriedly. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
Haechan glances at you and Mark through the glass, outside the venue. With Mark whispering in your ear and you laughing, you seem so happy; happier than you’ve ever been with him.
“Yeah, I am. More than okay.”
345 notes · View notes
mymoodwriting · 4 years
Patience Is A Virtue
Mark/Haechan, Johnny/Haechan, Mark/Johnny, Johnny/Haechan/Mark
Genre: College/Yandere AU
Warning: Illness, Manipulation, Abuse
Words: 2.6K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Epilogue
Prompt: Haechan and Mark had been friends for years, and things were good that way. For almost a year they had been apart and when they come back together Haechan can’t help but think there could be more between them. One thing leads to another and a nice dinner date at Mark’s house becomes the start of Haechan’s worst nightmare coming true.
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    Staying at Johnny’s place became a habit, it became home. Johnny was a good boyfriend too, even though he had Haechan around all the time, he still made sure the boy kept up with his studies. It even worked in his favor because he could spoil his boyfriend by disguising them as incentives to motivate Haechan to do his assignments.
“I need a job…”
“For what?”
“What are jobs for?” Haechan said. “To get money.”
“Yeah but why do you all of a sudden need money?”
“Well… I’m getting close to my last year, so I’m gonna have to start paying my loans back.”
“I can give you some. I’ve always wanted to be a sugar daddy and pamper someone with money.”
“Oh, I’ve never thought about being a sugar baby… but I’m gonna have to decline, you’re my boyfriend, and I don’t wanna use you for money.”
“Come on, I got plenty to go around.”
“Yeah, but I want to pay back my loans myself, take responsibility for my educational expenses.”
“But I can just take that off your shoulders.”
“Just use all your money to feed me and spoil me, how does that sound?”
“I’m already doing that.”
“And I love it.”
    The two had been cuddling in bed, it was still early in the morning, the two ignoring the day since it was the weekend and they had no prior plans. Haehcan was mumbling, still half asleep, but Johnny was more awake, gently petting the little ones head.
“You want me to make breakfast, or should we go out?”
“Hm… eating out sounds easier… I just have to get dressed.”
“Alright, I’ll find a place, you can get some more sleep.”
    Johnny carefully got out of bed, making sure Haechan would stay warm under the blankets. He wanted the best for his boyfriend, which meant supporting him in all his endeavours. He’d very much rather take care of everything for Haechan, but if the boy wanted a job for himself, then he’d help him get one. By next week Haechan had gotten a job at a restaurant as a waiter and bartender.
    The first few days Johnny hung around the restaurant, just so Haechan would have someone familiar around, and also give him really big tips. Haechan scolded him for it, saying it was unnecessary, but it was his money to keep, so it was a win-win for both of them. Although once Haechan was settled in, Johnny wasn’t so present, letting him be on his own and feel independent. Haechan could never have imagined he’d be so happy, and he was glad to have someone like Johnny in his life.
    Haechan made friends with his coworkers, Taeyong, Doyoung and Yuta. They all were pretty quick to get along, the job kinda required it, but they didn’t mind. Since they were all college students too, they saw more of each other on campus. Then it wasn’t long before they learned about Haechan’s boyfriend, and got to know him too.
“Hey, I’m going out with Doyoung tonight.”
“What?” Johnny whined. “I thought we were having a movie night.”
“When did you say that?”
“Just now.”
“Please, I can’t just let my little sun go out all of a sudden. I want to cuddle you all night.”
“I already made plans.”
“But you can cancel them, or rain-check, I think that’s nicer.”
“Please, pretty please, stay with me tonight baby, we can order whatever you want, and you can pick the movie. Please.”
“Hm… I don’t want to seem like an asshole.”
“You won’t, I’m sure Doyoung would understand wanting to be with your boyfriend. I don’t get much time with you anymore, now that you got a job and all.” “Alright fine, I’ll text Doyoung, and you better order from my favorite place.”
“Got it babe.”
    Sometimes all you really want to do is spend the night with the ones who love you. Johnny had a point, between school and work, there wasn’t as much time for the two of them anymore. The older one never made a fuss, just wanting to support his boyfriend, but he deserved some love and attention too. Although, as the days went by, he couldn’t help but become needy.
    Haechan stepped out of the shower, drying up his hair and getting dressed. He texted Yuta, asking what time he wanted to meet up. The response created confusion, since apparently Haechan had already cancelled the plans a while ago. He looked at his messages, seeing what Yuta was talking about, and knowing he didn’t write it. He apologized for the confusion, and asked for a rain-check, then heading down to find Johnny cooking.
“What did you do?”
“Did you seriously cancel my plans with Yuta? While I was in the shower?”
“Oh, that, it’s gonna be chilly tonight, so I figured it was better you stay in with me.”
“Johnny, you can’t just do that.”
“I just thought-”
“That’s not fair.”
“I’m sorry, baby.” Johnny stopped what he was doing and approached Haechan. “I wasn’t trying to upset you.”
“But you did.”
    Despite his efforts Haechan moved away, not wanting to be comforted over such a thing. Johnny took the hint and didn’t make another move, keeping his distance.
“You were going to be out late, and I was worried something bad might happen…”
“Nothing was going to happen.”
“You don’t know that… I shouldn’t be arguing with you anyway. I’m sorry, I should have talked to you about this instead of cancelling your plans like that.”
“I can take care of myself, Johnny, I don’t need a knight in shining armor.”
“I know you don’t.”
“Exactly, I’m a badass all on my own.”
“I really am sorry. What I did was stupid and rash.”
“Understatement, and you’re going to need to make this night incredible, to start making up for it.”
“You… you’re not mad…”
“I don’t want to hold a grudge, and… you’re going to be my servant for…”
“Four days? That sounds good enough.”
“I… okay, whatever you want, my body is yours.”
“Good, cause I have lots of plans.”
    That should have been the first sign, as things began to change. It wasn’t long after that night that Johnny got clingy. It wasn’t bad at first. He just insisted on driving Haechan to school everyday, hanging around and waiting for him on campus. Thankfully it didn’t last, but that didn’t change much. Then he dropped a big question.
“You should move in with me.”
“Yeah, you’d save money from on campus housing.”
“You’d love it. I got a spare room you can turn into a personal study and-”
“I’ll think about it… I got exams coming up, so I need space to focus so I should go to school. The library is a good place.”
“Okay. I’ll go with you.”
“No, that’s okay.”
“It’s fine I don’t-”
“Johnny, come on.” Haechan laughed, a bit nervous. “How can I focus with you around. You’d distract me by looking all pretty.”
“You got a point there. I’ll drop you off.”
“Yeah, I could use a ride.”
    Haechan didn’t lie, he did have exams, but he also needed time to process what Johnny said. It wasn’t that the idea wasn’t tangible, it was just so sudden. He knew something like moving in was a serious part of a relationship, and he wasn’t so sure he was ready for such a commitment. He had been spending a lot of time at Johnny’s place, but he always had his dorm to retreat to when he needed to. If he moved in, he could never really escape Johnny.
    He didn’t want to be mean to his boyfriend, but the offer of moving in did scare him. Deep down he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to do something like that with Johnny. They’ve never really had bad moments, besides some disagreements here and there. Now he couldn’t help but look back on their relationship and evaluate it. He wound up not going back to Johnny’s that day, saying it was best to stay at school to study. From there he just drifted.
    He began to ignore Johnny’s messages, every now and the saying school was keeping him away. When he went out to classes he always looked around to make sure Johnny wasn’t around. It seemed that eventually the message was received, as the older one went quiet with his messages too. Haechan felt bad, but distracted himself with school, knowing that always came first, even Johnny would push that on him. After exams, and now on break, he went to Johnny.
    He stood outside the door for a while, thinking about what to say. He knew they kinda took a break without saying so, but he worried maybe Johnny had taken it as a break up. It was stupid to just ghost him instead of talking. In the moment he couldn’t help but laugh, this was their first major conflict, and here he was, perhaps there was really something here. He took a breath and knocked, not knowing what to expect.
“You’re not the pizza I ordered.”
“I… I’m sorry…”
“Yeah, you should be.”
“You don’t have my pizza, got my hopes up.”
“Johnny, please, I’m trying-”
“No, I get it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah… suggesting to move in… that’s a big step, and I was moving too fast. You’re still in college, and your studies come first. I was getting ahead of myself, and I probably scared you.”
“So, I’m sorry.”
“You’re not… you’re not mad?”
“Well that depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“Traffic conditions.”
“Kidding, it depends on whether you passed your exams or not?”
“Well, they haven’t been graded yet…”
“But do you think you passed?”
“Good.” Johnny pulled him into the house. “You’re one smart cookie who has earned himself a night of pizza and drinks.”
“I’m still sorry for being a dick and just going quiet.”
“Let’s just move past that and get back to the good stuff.”
“I’d like that.”
    The plan was to stay with Johnny over break, a better way to see what living together could be like. It was pretty good, but then Haechan felt like a burden as he fell ill. He just didn’t feel good one day, thinking he’d caught a cold, and he’d be fine. Johnny was very good at looking after him, giving him medicine, and making him food to get better, but he didn’t. Funny enough Haechan was more worried about missing school than possibly dying.
“I think I caught something… I feel like shit…”
“You kinda look like it too.”
“You really shouldn’t be with me so much, what if you get sick?”
“I got a strong immune system, and I haven’t gotten sick yet.”
“Key word there is yet, you could wake up sick tomorrow.”
“Then we can heal together. Besides, you can barely get out of bed, who else was gonna take care of you? The ghost?”
“You have a ghost?”
“No, but like… my point still stands. You haven’t been feeling any better?”
“I have my moments every now and then.”
“Well… I got some… bad news…”
“What’s up.”
“I need to go out of town for a couple of days…”
“More or less, but I won’t leave you helpless. I asked Jaehyun to come by and look after you. He’ll take care of you.”
“Fine, but you better hurry back.”
“I will.”
    Johnny didn’t share details on his business trip, but left plenty of notes for Jaehyun. He left at night, after putting Haechan to bed for the night. Come morning, Haechan was woken up by the doorbell. Despite his state, he got out of bed and went to answer the door, just as Doyoung let himself in. The two stared at each other perplexed.
“You’re not Jaehyun…”
“And you shouldn’t be out of bed. Let’s go.”
    Doyoung took Haechan back to bed and tucked him in. There was little complaining as getting up really did make Haechan feel all gross and icky.
“What are you doing here… I thought Jaehyun was supposed to come over.”
“He was, but something came up, so he asked if I could substitute. You never said you were sick.”
“I thought I’d be better by now.”
“Well don’t worry, I got you some meds, and my mom’s remedies.”
“Johnny left everything down in the medicine cabinet.”
“I know, but I trust my mom more.”
Haechan chuckled. “Alright… good luck.”
    Doyoung stuck around, taking up the guest room, and nurturing Haechan back to health. It was good to be back on his feet, and getting some fresh air. Now that he was all better, Doyoung didn’t need to stay, although Haechan wished he had. The house was so quiet, and he knew Johnny wouldn’t be back for a few more days. He didn’t really like the solitude, so he decided to go back to his dorm. He neglected to mention it to Johnny, but he didn’t think it would be a problem, until it was.
    One morning Haechan woke up to a bombardment of messages and missed calls from Johnny. He had forgotten his boyfriend would return that day, and never did mention that he was on campus. Once he was more awake he called, although he wasn’t meant with such a warm welcome. Johnny immediately expressed his concern, and panic over coming home to an empty house and not knowing what had become of his boyfriend in his absence.
“Why did you leave!”
“I… I got better… and I didn’t want to stay in the house alone…”
“You should have told me!”
“I… I’m sorry… I didn’t think I’d be-”
“Exactly! You didn’t think! You didn’t think how scared I’d be to come home to an empty house!” Johnny took a breath. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t be yelling at you… I’m sorry… how are you feeling?”
“Better… Doyoung took care of me and-”
“Doyoung? It was supposed to be Jaehyun.”
“Something came up, so he asked Doyoung to-”
“Since when do those two know each other?”
“At one of the parties on campus, I introduced them.”
“I see… where are you?”
“At school, classes start up tomorrow.”
“I’m glad you’re okay. I have somethings to do today, so let’s have lunch tomorrow, sound good?”
“Yeah, see you then.”
    The yelling felt a bit unnecessary, but Haechan could understand where he was coming from. Now that he was back, things seemed to go back to normal. The next semester began, and Haechan got off to a good start. It was all going well, but something just had to happen to make things go a stray. Haechan walked out of class one day, Johnny waiting for him. He found it sweet, but the visit wasn’t really a good one.
“Hey, I didn’t think I’d see you until tonight.”
“I just couldn’t wait, I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
“You know, you should really be at my place more often, I hardly see you.”
“I got classes, it’s better to be on campus.”
“But you should be with me, my place isn’t far from school. You know I can drive you and all-”
“We’ve talked about this before. I’m better off here, and we do need space, so we don’t wind up at each others throats.”
“I got a class in like ten minutes, so I got to go, see you tonight.”
“Tonight.” The two shared a kiss. “Have fun.”
    Everything seemed fine, it felt fine, but it wasn’t. That day, it was the last time things were normal, were good. Their relationship was about to take a turn he didn’t see coming.
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hwangdol · 5 years
l.hc: stay with me
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summary: the confusing subject of lee haechan 
pairing: highschool!stoner-boi!haechan x reader 
warning: a shit ton of cursing, still got a lot of crackheadness, and DRUGS. no i’m not kidding, if you aren’t okay with that shit don’t read ahead. also! still part of my semi-collab with @huangsren! read her fic here: art-hoe!renjun  BEWARE OF GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES!!!!! 
it’s your favorite local stoner-boi!haechan’s turn
like norenmin, haechan’s name gets tossed around on the daily at NCT Highschool, except not with the same positive connotation
haehcan’s reputation isn’t the best but it could be worse
no it can’t
it’s actually really bad
everyone knows haechan to either be taking a gigantic nap in class or vaping in the bathroom. he gets into detention weekly bc the boy skips school like every other day 
the only reason why haechan hasn’t been expelled was bc he was the principal’s son 
don’t bring that up or he’ll actually cuss you out no cap
although he’s well-known, he’s only got like two friends + college-freshmen!mark lee (hA what a loser)
and one of them was currently in some type of situation with fboi!jaemin that haechan can’t be bothered to deal with –> y/n from fboi!jaemin’s au who will be further known as ara in this story
the other one was you, he liked to keep that one a little more private
it was never explicitly stated that you would maintain your sorta friendship a secret  
although could you really call it friendship if you’re doing all of the things people in relationships actually do? 
like haechan would always call you up in the middle of the night  to get boba or frozen yogurt for no reason
or sometimes yall would be cuddling in your bedroom watching some stupid movie on netflix,,,haechan would probably be throwing popcorn at the laptop screen bc of something stupid the main protagonist would do 
the other times, he would text a simple “pick me up” 
and you knew that that meant that haechan was too high or drunk to operate
there would be nights where you would be chilling in your car as haechan vaped 
you hated it 
but you could never hate lee donghyuck who now went by lee haechan 
yall met around the middle of sophomore year 
damn so much shit goes down sophomore year at NCT high
aNYways, you were stressed out from studying so you decided to take a stroll in the park at like ten at night. 
was that a stupid idea? yes, but at least that’s when you met haechan dressed in a navy green hoodie and a puff of smoke leaving his lips
sophomore!you was like highkey shookth seeing the lee donghyuck smoking in a park
bc at this time, lee donghyuck wasn’t lee haechan 
he was one of the school’s golden boys 
yeah that’s right norenmin used to be norenminhyuck or the 00′s 
he was the star of the school’s choir and the biggest class clown that still managed to get good grades
so imagine your shock when you see him with a cigarette in his hand
you figured that it was best to leave donghyuck alone since you weren’t the nosy type of person
except you weren’t that discreet in leaving when your eyes met donghyuck’s bright red ones 
you stood there for a second, both of you locked in what seemed to be staring contest, before turning to leave since it wasn’t any of your business what donghyuck was getting up to
the next day of school, donghyuck was back to his bubbly, fun self which seemed to be a drastic contrast from the one you saw at the park 
when your eyes interlocked in the hallways, donghyuck raised a finger to his lips when he was sure no one else was looking 
and you understood 
somehow you found yourself in this strange no-talking sit-downs in the park relationship with donghyuck while he smoked on the bench next to you 
this went down for a couple of weeks where the two of you would just sit in heavy silence. the only noises were the cicadas chirping in the background
until one night when donghyuck dressed in the same navy hoodie wasn’t smoking but his eyes were still red
“why haven’t you told anyone yet?” 
you shrugged “because it’s not my secret to tell” 
“you were shocked when you first saw me that night.” haechan commented 
“yeah, i just never expected it from someone like you,” you admitted
you could hear the boy next to let out a dry chuckle, “you’re not the first person i disappointed” 
“it ruins your lungs btw” 
“i know, i want it to” 
“why do you do it?” 
“because it actually makes me feel alive” 
something changed that night bc the next day donghyuck into a physical fight with the student-athlete!jeno who everyone knew was a pacifist. 
that night haechan showed up with a black eye and you didn’t ask why
donghyuck still gave you an explanation even though it was complete bs
“because he was getting on my nerves” 
but it seemed like the whole group of the golden boys was getting on his nerves bc donghyuck stopped hanging around them for the rest of the year
you saw him sometimes sitting outside on the bleachers during lunch, sleeping or smoking, not afraid to be caught 
you never had the courage to approach him in person at school, bc it seemed like your relationship was strictly limited to the park 
but you couldn’t help to be worried about him with the drastic change in character he was undergoing 
one day, he showed up to school with bright red hair and did nothing in all of his classes but take a nap 
sometimes he didn’t even show up to school 
you heard from someone that he quit choir which was shame bc you always wanted to hear him sing 
and sophomore year bled into junior year and donghyuck was no longer known as donghyuck but as haechan 
it was weird, every time you would get the urge to take a midnight stroll in the park, haechan would be sitting there on his usual bench sometimes smoking sometimes not
you always sat down next to him even if you knew that you were just going to sit there in silence
“give me your phone number,” he said bluntly holding out his hand for your phone 
“i’m tired of waiting for you to come to the park” 
and you really confuse because does that mean that haechan wanted to be your friend??? 
as if he can read your mind, he rolls his eyes “yes, let’s be friends. you’re a lot better than those fakes in our goddamn school.” 
so that’s how your friendship began with the lee donghyuck, rebranded as haechan 
he doesn’t let anyone call him donghyuck but you,,, you still try your best not to call him that bc he doesn't like it 
gotta respect your friends’ wishes y’know
it wasn’t until haechan was over at like 2am in your room, both of you talking in small whispers bc you don’t want your parents to wake up and find you laying in bed with a BOI, that y'all reached the final level of closeness and haechan let slip one of the reason behind his reckless actions
“you know what sucks? even when i’m acting out like this, my parents still refuse to acknowledge me. it’s like they don’t care” 
and your like :((( 
“i’m pretty sure they care about you a lot,” you didn’t like the listlessly way he was talking 
“you don’t get it. when my dad saw my hair, all he told me to do was to dye it back. my mom didn’t even freak out when she saw me smoking a blunt with my friend in my room. they could care less” 
and haechan begins to spill
“even when i was achieving so much, they rarely ever bat an eye at me. do you know how hard it is to come to school and put on the facade of that i have no worries in the world? that i’m that cheery happy-go-lucky kid? even renjun is allowed to have moody days, but i’m expected to always be the mood maker. i fucking hate it.” 
you stayed silent listening to his rant 
“when jeno was complaining about how his parents invited his whole family to his stupid basketball game, i just got so angry because my parents haven’t been to one recital ever since i joined the choir. nor did they go to the science fair where i actually won first place with that stupid potato rocket i did with renjun.” 
haechan let’s out a bittersweet laugh 
“after that fight with jeno, no one asked if i was okay or why i even did it. none of them did. my dad didn’t even look at me in the eye when i went to his office, all he cared about was if the school’s basketball mvp was okay.” 
“god, i’m so numb to all of this shit. i don’t even know how to be happy anymore” 
that night you didn’t say anything to haechan bc you didn’t know what to say. but that night was the first and last night you ever saw haechan cry or that emotionally vulnerable bc the next day, he acted like it never happened 
by junior year, everyone already knew that the old donghyuck was gone and haechan was here to stay 
BUT your relationship with haechan wasn’t one-sided at all 
nooooo there were nights where you were the one crying and haechan was the one comforting you even though his advice was bs
you best bet that when haechan got his license, he dragged your ass to midnight drives to the cliff, but you would be the one to drive him home bc he probably vaped a little too much on the cliff 
despite breaking down that one night, haechan was very emotionally closed off. he didn’t smile as often as he used to in public unless it was with you
sometimes he would catch himself smiling when you said something really dumb or when he found your antics adorable, but he would never admit it and the smile would be quickly gone from his face.
your hangouts were so lowkey
one night, junior year, you were just chilling in your car with hyuck and he just leans over and kisses you. 
you could still smell the strawberry vape juice on him but you didn’t stop the kiss,,,cuz it felt nice
his lips felt like soft little cloud pillows 
and when haechan pulls away he has this little smirk on his face while you're flustered as fuck 
let’s be honest, that wouldn’t be the last time y'all locked lips 
cause it happened a lot 
especially in the car and sometimes in your room 
you can’t lie and say you don’t have any sort of feelings for haechan 
especially when you do see his real smile that he doesn’t let anyone see or when he made the effort to stop smoking cigarettes 
although you still highly disapprove of his drug usage
drugs are bad kids! 
haechan has his own reasons for continuing to use it so as much as you try to discourage him, you don’t stop him 
you’d like to say that you’re the only girl in his life, but your not
bc you were only hyuck’s friend at night,,,he has a day friend who was also a girl who he didn’t seem to care to be seen w at school 
a really pretty (AKA y/n from jaemin’s au) one who you also saw on multiple occasion haechan flashes his breathtaking smile too 
one of your friends had gossip that that girl was ara, who was dropped by her friend group bc she was dating haechan who had beef w jaemin who was dating ara’s ex-bestfriend? confusing, yeah i thought so too. 
you knew better than to listen to stupid highschool rumors but you couldn’t help but come to your own assumptions about the closeness of their friendship 
bECause haechan never mentioned ara in any of your conversations
at lunch, you can’t but let your eyes drift to the two of them in their own world laughing away 
you only met her once when mark was dropping haechan off at your house bc he much rather be at yours then his 
you were a little bit hurt since she got to know mark before you did 
you knew that mark was one of haechan’s closest friend and someone he really respected even though he liked to bag on him 24/7
as much as you tried not to, you found yourself repeatedly comparing yourself to her 
the subject of ara was left alone, forever stored in your insecurities
you didn’t want to confront haechan about it bc you didn’t want to admit it but you caught the big bad feels for the boy
so your feelings were left untouched until senior year
when the two of you were making out in your room and haechan suddenly pulls away with wide eyes 
and he lets out an “oh fuck” 
now, you were worried 
did you somehow do something wrong? 
“ara is going to fucking kill me,” haechan muttered grabbing his phone, calling someone up 
“hey gramps, can you pick ara up? i kinda left her at school,” haechan said through the phone to someone you presume to be mark
“okay, fine i’ll bring you weed brownies and hurry up before she gives me shit tomorrow. you know how high-maintenance she gets” and he hangs up the phone, throwing it aside 
“sorry about that,” haechan says going to resume what the two of you started but you stop him
cause it hurts too much and you don’t know what the hell you are to haechan
“i can’t do this anymore, hyuck” you say in a small voice, not daring to look him in the eyes bc u know damn well that he’ll see the tears in your eyes
“what do you mean?” you could hear the worry in the voice
“this,” you gesture between the two of you “i can’t anymore” 
and haechan knows what you’re talking about 
he’s been dreading the moment,,,he could sense the end 
which is the last thing he wants
“what’s wrong?” 
you bite your lip not wanting to start breaking down in front of the boy you grew to love so much 
your heart was hurting so bad,,,but you couldn’t continue on pining over a boy that would never love you the same way 
“what am i to you, hyuck?” 
one of the things that haechan hated the most was seeing you sad 
he hated how you saying his nickname in that teary voice made his heart drop 
“you’re my friend, y/n. actually, you're my bestfriend” 
you look him in the eyes this time, but haechan wished you didn’t 
“i’d never be more than that, right?” you smiled sadly at the boy
for once in his life, haechan is rendered completely speechless 
“i think you should leave” 
he knew that he should have put up a fight 
yet he couldn’t bring himself to 
there was this pang of hurt in his chest that he couldn’t quite explain 
so he left 
he wished he didn’t 
the minute he walked out the door he felt all of the happiness leave his body,, he knew that when he walked out the door, he would never be walking back 
when he got home in his room that night, he didn’t have it in him to pick up his usual blunt or his vape pen 
instead, he flopped onto his bed staring up at his ceiling 
there was wetness on his cheeks,,,his vision was blurry,,,and his heart hurt 
he almost contemplated skipping school the next day, but he didn’t want to spend his day wallowing in his despair that he didn’t even know why he felt 
his eyes were red as fuck so he tried to play if off as if he were high because who would question it?
so that’s why he went to school with a pair of sunglasses to hide his puffy, red eyes 
he was expecting everyone to leave him alone cuz he looked like he was faded but his shithead friend ara marched over to him and pulled him away leaving behind a very confused looking jaemin
that’s probably a story i’ll hear later. he thought.
“you fucking moron,” ara exclaimed at him punching him in the arm “this is like the eighteenth time you have gone to school fucking high! get a grip man!” 
“don’t lecture me as if you weren’t talking to the parasite,” haechan huffed, rubbing his arm from the pain
damn she packed a punch 
ara squinted and haechan realized he fucked up with his fake high act 
so the girl reached out and grabbed his sunglasses much to his protest and saw his puffy eyes
“hOLY sHIt, dude were you crying?” 
haechan snatched back his sunglasses and quickly put them back on, “fuck you” 
“sorry man, what happened?” 
“i don’t even know” 
“you want a pity hug?” 
“why the fuck not” 
the thing was haechan wasn’t touchy with other girls except for you, so the hug w ara was like a bro hug 
all that awkward patting and shit
stupid haechan failed to notice that you were standing at the end of the hallway, witnessing the whole scene 
now it was clear to you that you didn’t mean shit to haechan 
you were just a girl that could make him feel less lonely in secret, nothing more 
he had no trouble displaying his relationship w ara in public 
why did he make it seem like he wanted to keep you a secret? 
you were tired of it
spinning on your heel, heart-shattering into pieces, you walked away from lee haechan for the very last time 
basically now, it was simp hours 24/7 for the both of you
even college-freshmen! mark knew something was off with his highschool weed buddy 
“dude, what’s goin on with you lately?” 
the two of them were on their regular get-high cliff except mark was the only one doing the deed, haechan was just spaced out 
“i dunno” haechan shrugged 
mark made a face that was like “if you don’t tell me i’m beating the shit out of you” 
“okay fine, y/n doesn’t want me in her life anymore,” haechan spilled the beans on the whole situation between the two of you and mark is like “and i thought i was the fucking idiot” 
haechan is like wdym bruh? 
“are you dumb, bro? like are you out of touch with your feelings or sum shit?” 
“goddamn i have to do everything in this household, listen to me you little bitch boy, grow a pair and admit that you have feelings for her!” 
haechan’s face is like O.o 
“are you high right now, mark?” 
instant smack on the back of his head 
“no you dumb shit; just say that you like her and that ara is just a friend!” 
“what does this have to do ara?” 
mark is like BOI IF YOU DON’t
“obviously, you failed to mention that you managed to befriend a person who just happens to be a really pretty girl-” 
“dude, ara is fucking ugly. i’d date you before i’d ever date her” 
“stfu and listen bitch boy. anyways, y/n is probably highkey confused bc she probably thinks you’re interested in ara since you’ve been spending a shit ton of time w ara in the day time but you only come to y/n at night.” 
“i do that because i don’t want people to associate her with the things i do just because i’m friends with her. she’s doesn’t deserve to be roped into the same category as me” 
aNOTHer smack in the head 
“go clean up the mess you made and admit your feelings you fucking shithead.” 
“i dunno, ask her to prom or some shit” 
“i don’t want to go to prom” 
so haechan gets dropped back at his house and he does some thinking about his so-called “feelings”
which is a fat surprise bc haechan is the living embodiment of impulsiveness,, he had only one brain cell to do his thinking
did he like you? idk man
he liked the way you smiled every time you told him something good about your day while the two of you cuddled. or when you would watch a funny clip on your phone and share it with him
he liked the way your hair smelled liked vanilla and was always so soft every time he ran his fingers through you hair
he liked the way you never turned him away even when he knew that you hated the way he was living his life. 
all of his other friends didn’t even make the effort to reach out to him when he was so obviously out of it. he felt unimportant with them
you were different
you made him feel happy, loved, and cared for
he no longer craved the attention of his parents or anyone in fact because he has you
or well he HAD you 
right now, all of the phone calls, text messages, and even snaps went straight to delivered, voicemail, or unopened
every time you’d see him in the halls, you would go the other direction
all of the times haechan tried to reach out to you, all of his attempts were deflected 
now how the fuck does one confessed when they’re being ignored???
“that sounds like a personal problem,” ara stated, stabbing her food angrily after haechan told her his predicament during lunch
na jaemin had just gone by their table and did someone bullshit that haechan could care less about, he stopped associating himself w him a long time ago
“no shit sherlock, help me bitch.” 
ara glared at him “you got yourself into this mess so fix it yourself” 
“i hope you fucking choke on an ice cube” 
“i’ll slit your throat in your sleep, lee haechan” 
wow everyone really out here expecting haechan to solve his own problems. how selfish of them.
which is probably why his plan of execution was shitty as fuccck
you, on the other side of the equation, was currently in the depths of your despair as all of your friends had managed to score dates to senior prom which was this weekend
you’re highly disappointed bc if it wasn’t for you being so preoccupied with the thought of haechan you’d probably have a date by now 
hell you even lied to haechan saying how you didn’t want to go to prom bc it was too extravagant for your taste when in actuality, you wanted to get dressed up, take pretty pictures, and dance awkwardly to a slow song 
the typical highschool prom experience
one thing that you didn’t want to admit was that the only boy you could picture as your date was donghyuck, the same boy that you wanted to get out of your thoughts and heart
the night of prom, you were stuck in your bed in a pair of sweats and some random oversized t-shirt scrolling through social media
to say you weren’t jealous of all the fun senior prom seemed to be was a giANT lie you could’ve just went alone!!!
honestly, even your parents were out having fun on a date night while you were being depresso espresso at home
you flopped in bed with a giant huff bc who was haechan to stop you from experiencing your highschool years! who was he to make you feel so bad that you couldn’t even go to prom! 
your phoned buzzed in your hand causing you to look down and nearly scowled at the message that was sent to you
hyuck: open up 
you ignored it, turning your attention back to that stupid rom-com you were watching on your laptop 
your phone continued to ding w messages you were sure were from haechan but you don’t want to open bc you knew that you would probably be launched into another wave of sadness and maybe even break-down cry in front of him so you turned your ringer off 
but out of nowhere, you hear this loud thud against your window 
wtf was that? alert mode on
then you hear a loud shout 
you already knew who it was, so you contemplated on whether or not you wanted to actually confront him or run away from all of your problems (*coughs* ara *coughs* haechan)
 you didn’t get much time to think bc another thing was launched at your window
haechan’s shoe
walking over you opened ur window to see below haechan on your lawn with a giant cheeky smile on his face you knew for a fact it was genuine
he only smiled like that when the two of you were bent over laughing at something stupid he or you did
aww shit here comes the sad bugs again 
“what do you want?” you say loud enough for him to hear “go to prom with me!” haechan shouts up making you and your heart flustered af 
“prom already started, you idiot” 
“then let’s dance in your room” 
as much as you knew you should have turned him away, you couldn’t
you were so in love with haechan 
the minute you open the door you were engulfed into his chest
you froze up not knowing how to react 
“don’t let me go please,” haechan says barely louder than a whisper
goDAmmit haechan’s making me tear the fuck up
“you’re the only one in my life that hasn’t left me. the only one that was willing to understand me. i know that i’m not the best guy out there, i know that i’m nothing great, but when you look at me with that stupid smile of yours i feel so god damn on top of the world.”  
he hugs you tighter “please, please, y/n don’t leave me. i need you in my life.” 
something wet drops on your shoulder but you don’t dare to look up at haechan’s teary eyes 
closing your eyes you fall into his chest, his familiar scent triggering tears of your own 
“i love you” he pulls away from you to look at your face for a response, your eyes meeting his shaking brown orbs 
you have to raise your head slightly up to look at him while he was looking down at you
his hair was a mess of a light pastel rainbow (we go up broski) 
that’s when you notice how red his eyes were but there was no stench of weed or alcohol on him 
lee haechan was completely sober 
“i’ve always been yours, lee donghyuck”  
lee haechan wasn’t like other guys. he was lee donghyuck. he was complex and it would take you years to completely unravel him. even when you knew him for so long, you still had no idea was going through his mind. there were times where you found yourself stumped on the subject of haechan, but it was okay 
because you were willing to take the time to understand. 
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waikuuu · 6 years
Greek God’s AU;
by: @waikuuu
preview + list
Tumblr media
Requested: yes by anon
Member(s): NCT Dream (Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung)
Pairing(s): NCT Dream X Y/N
Genre: Fantasy//Greek Mythology//Adventure
Plot: 6 different Gods try to capture Y/N’s heart (more in preview)
Warnings: !!Mild Violence, Cussing, Cringy pickup lines!!
In a world full of killing and war, there lived these 6 immortal gods known as the Greek Gods of the century, follow there journey discovering Y/N and trying to capture their 20th wife or 100th lover. But little did they know, she was the hardest to catch, little did all the Gods know, she was the original daughter of Zeus. 
1. Greek God!Renjun  ; you’re so beautiful, would you give me the honor and be the one who captures my heart once again? (Preview, Imagine)
2. Greek God!Jeno ; will you do me the honor and be the last person to ride my bike?
3. Greek God!Haehcan ; if you take me in your heart, the serenading will last forever about your ever lasting beauty
4. Greek God!Jaemin ; the heart is one of the most beautiful but tragic doings especially with love, somehow you make me feel tragic but so beautiful at the same time.
5. Greek God!Chenle ; you enticed me from the second you walked into this hall with your face shining brighter than the sun. 
6. Greek God!Jisung ; you make me feel the butterflies, I never thought I’d feel with anyone, not even myself. 
Will be released each and every second day (first one will be released for tomorrow, the preview)
Blurb mini previews (To preview what the imagines going to be about or be like)
Full Imagines (The full story of the Greek Gods X You)
Number #1 Preview: March 26th, 2019 (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #1 Imagine: March 28th, 2019 (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #2 Preview: April 13, 2019   (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #2 Imagine: April 15, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #3 Preview: April 16, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #3 Imagine: April 18, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #4 Preview: April 19, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST) 
Number #4 Imagine: April 21, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #5 Preview: April 22, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST) 
Number #5 Imagine: April 24, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #6 Preview: April 25, 2019 (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Number #6 Imagine: April 27, 2019  (6:00 P.M. MST ; 8:00 P.M. EST ; 5:00 P.M. PST)
Rest is coming soon
Hello guys, so you might be wondering, where the heck did this come from? Let me explain, so like this anon requested me to do a full Greek God thing for NCT Dream and I’m like sure why not. Don’t worry I’ll still update a lot as usual other blurbs and imagines but this one is a special that deserves its own category!! If you guys don’t mind, come check it out when it releases and if you don’t like it that’s fine !! If you do make sure to spread it around, like/reblog so it gets recognition because I’m starting to work hard on this series, anyways, I hope you enjoy all the things I release for this but yeah. Thanks for reading and look forward to the first one !! Goodbye everyone !!!
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haechanfluff · 6 years
day 97, 5:30 am
With heavy eye lids, the picture of you and Donghyuck on his phone begin to fade as he falls asleep in hope to dream about the time when you were still his.
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