#haha sooo hungover
pynkhues · 2 years
re: the bts post. not the same anon so who's gonna start off with their conspiracy theories cause ive been sitting on mine for so long too haha
Bahahaha, y'know what? Why not, I'm a little hungover after having to get drunk last night to get through Don't Worry Darling (mess!) and have a few hours before I'm off to a Fringe show (exciting!) so I have a little bit of time to kill, haha.
Below a cut though because no one should read this!!!
Sooo let's start with my actual theory:
I suspect when the show got it's early s3 renewal while they were still shooting s2, MM's team tried to capitalise on his status as a fan favourite and court an expanded role and more $$ for the new season and I think he was knocked back. I think it's why they offered Adelfa the role in 2.06 as a part of trying to smooth things over in the aftermath of that, but that a lot of people's noses were probably put out of joint over the whole thing.
I think MM probably felt burned, and I think the girls probably felt he'd overstepped and disrespected them as leads, and that the insult of that was compounded by Manny and Adelfa's behaviour on social media. I think it likely contributed to why he refused to take even less money to come back for an s5, something that would've added insult to injury.
I also think it probably interacted with other things (the fandom around Brio + Christina's divorce [she filed late 2019 when gg s3 started shooting, but sources said they'd been separated for about a year, so likely when they were shooting s2] + the fairly extreme behaviour of MM stans + Adelfa reading, to me at least, as feeling the need to be quite performative with her and MM's relationship which implies an insecurity) which meant there were other feelings at play both on set and at home for at the very least MM and Christina, making the entire situation a bit of a melting pot.
My absolute conspiracy theory which should not be taken seriously by anyone is that they slept together though.
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momoffdrugs · 11 months
11/06/2023. 3:27 AM
it was soo hard waking up today. felt like i was hungover af. i ended up sleeping until 12:45. tried out my new make up and loveeeeeddddd. it ate up so bad. tried the heatless curls again last night and when i took it out it looked sooo bad like why me??? anyways. i worked at 4 today. i came in and i had 43 dollars from the tabs last night. nice. i spent it on a fundraiser and got my grandparents a christmas present. a basket of fruit. all prettt much local!! i thought that was cool. one of my regulars gifted me a box of chocolates when i wasn’t there likeeee. so sweet !! he’s actually my fav regular but the first time i served him (on my first day!) he freaked me out haha. he was bawling! but anyways he’s a good guy and tips really well.
but man i want my coworker sooo bad but it’s really probably only because i want what i can’t have. and that’s absolutely why i want him lmfao. but never again am i fucking someone a decade older than me!!! hell no.
started watching the house of gucci and when i was googling the cast i found a vintage necklace for sale for 170 and im like I NEED IT THE VOICESS!!! omg. but!! i’ve decided if i get into the school i applied for, im gifting it to myself. but otherwise, i will be saving !! but i just realized tonight i find out in like two weeks if i get in. so exciting. y’all im praying and manifesting. haha
what else? not much else to say. just looksmaxxing lately. thinking about exercise but it’s so intimidating to me. but i want to look the best me. this years goal is to be the sexiest and scariest version of myself yet !!! imma get there. this year was HUGE in my spiritual growth. this year is going to be HUGE for my educational and physical growth. we’re making it out of the hood ladies 🙏
goodnight loves
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paleclementine · 11 months
Happy Halloween! It feels like October 2nd was just yesterday. This month went by crazy fast. Today I am dressed up as Joe from Bladerunner 2049, which basically is just a long black coat, brown pants, boots, and that bandage he wears during the "you look lonely, I can fix that" scene. I really like it. Idk it makes me feel sooo like, cool. Like my internal is now external. I really do feel like that movie and it's nice to listen to that kind of music and walk around with a "bloody" bandage on my nose and have my coat flare out behind me in the creeping winter cold.
I didn't manage to write my Shakespeare essay but that's okay because he extended the deadline. For some fuckin reason. I have to get that done by Thursday. So I'm not doing it today, and probably not tomorrow. Most likely the day of. Because that's how I roll. Oh and I;m in British writers class (obviously) HOLY FUCK how many fucking times can the people in my class reference Jane Eyre in one day?? it's literally not in the curriculum people are just teacher's pets. and freaks. Um anyway, I lost my train of thought lmao. But on another note As I was walking through campus I noticed literally NO ONE was dressed up until you got closer to the English building. lmao. Someone as their OC (probably), someone as Kobeni, someone as scarlet witch. And a really ugly guy in my class dressed as Dazai who looks more like an extreeeemely hungover and ugly version of him. Very sloppy. Do not approve.
I posted a new chapter of my fanfic which yayyy but I haven't gotten as many projected hits as I thought or a single comment which is odd because there's always one user who comments very enthusiastically. Eh, whatever. People have shit going on. ANd no one is going to be reading fanfic near Halloween. Other than me, of course, bc I am reading a longfic about Avatar bc Anthony got me back into it.
So anyway. This weekend. Me and Anthony went to SLC and stayed at Amy's. We ate ramen and hung out at Amy's house Thursday. It was really pleasant :) Friday we... uhhh I don't think we did much until we went to the FNAF movie. I could write a whole dissertation about how much I hated that movie, but all that to say, it was a huge let down. And no Markiplier! Sat we hung out with Amy and went to "witchfest" which was really fun and more like a farmer's market than a hallloweeen festival but still fun. Sorry for typos I'm being quiet. After that we got hotpot which was BUSSS. I'm getting better at talking to Amy but I'm not sure why. Sunday we literally did nothing but watch IT and eat In N Out. We got burritos and left yesterday.
Yesterday. Oh boy, yesterday. I walked into my apartment to go into my room and got stopped at the door by Priya, who gave me that -kayla-english-madeline-hubbart STARE and said
"HAnnah! We haven't seen you in so long!" "oh! I've been gone all weekend. HAhaha. For halloweekend. Hhaha." "ohhhh did you go to the parties down there?" "*scoffs for some reason* no, haha, not at all." "You should hang out sometime!" "okay :)" "no seriously, you should hangout sometime." "I want to!" "Okay!" "Okay!" which, okay, I can see what you're thinking. Hannah, she was being so nice and inviting you to hang out with them! You don't know how girls work. She said it like a threat, or at least it felt like one.
Anyway, I go into my room, tidy it a little, check to see if I can do my laundry (for the first fucking time in three weeks. It''s full). Take out my room trash. Shower. All the while, hearing them in the living room. I want to document what Jimena said because I seriously think she is the least self-aware, miserable person I fucking know. "People always think I'm bisexual. But Im straight. Straight latinaaaaa! but when I'm drunk, I'll seriously make out with anyone. Even girls." like. holy fuck. How does she not realize how actually fucking (and I don't use this work lightly) RETARDED she sounds. Also, Stephen got a girlfriend (fatJay, who is not fat at all and Jimena is a cunt for calling her that) and Jimena bought mini pickles and said "hey guys! this is how big Stephen's penis is!" Yeah okay bitch who led him on and was a completely fucking mess----- okay, ranting about her is cathartic but pissing me off. So basically, they were really annoying and sang star spangled banner at the top of their lungs on a karaoke machine from Five Below and burped like Hailey does, so I pledged not to come out of my room until everyone had gone to bed. Which would have been fine.
If not for the migraine.
Always the fucking migraine. I holed myself away in actual anguish, waiting for them to go to bed, all the while watching depressive tiktoks (I redownloaded it) of landscapes with Silent Hill audios n shit. and I can't express how much I was suffering and for how long. My suffering and my migraine were what I remember most about the night, despite the details I shared about my roommates. everyone went to bed at 3am. I darted out to get some water. And my chickpeas. Anthony came over and brought my leftover burrito. I broke down in his arms. I seriously felt like i had knives on the right side of my face. He tucked me in and I fell asleep. At 5:30 am. Had a dream where someone was drilling peoples faces and realized it was my rommates with the blender and woke up 15 minutes before my alarm at 11:15. Got dressed. Blade runner. Went to class.
well, that was depressing. *zooms in camera like a millennial*
On a lighter note, today is me and Anthony's second anniversary. I have no Idea what we're going to do for that tomorrow or for Halloween today, but I really like being blade runner. It's fun. I want to make a tiktok of me in the mountains and post it later.
I'm so glad I met Anthony. I love him more than I can express. I want to write about him later. I will.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
hi jo! how are you? yesterday i got really drunk and now i have a terrible headache and i also feel like i could throw up any moment 😵‍💫 i had sm fun sooo worth it hehe.
but just thinking about bakugo taking care of my hangover makes me feel better haha 🫶 and you? how’s ur week going so far?
ps sorry for any mistakes but speaking english (not my first language lol) while in hangover is not that easy 💀
I hope you had a good night though!!💕
Bakugou would be so funny because he’s teasing you about getting too drunk when he told you not to drink too much, but he already knew this would happen so he’s got water and pain killers at the ready and he’s already planned what food he’s gonna cook for you for breakfast (or brunch depending when you wake up!)
Even cuter if you both went out the night before though and you’re both hungover. He groans and makes such a fuss when he wakes up, making you whine in annoyance as he stumbles towards your en suite to take a piss. His boxers low on his hips as he comes back a few moments later with glasses of water for you both and pain killers as he slides back into the bed. Both of you chugging your water and taking the pills before he pulls you back beneath the covers to cuddle you.
“‘m not cookin today,” He mumbles against the top of your head as he holds you tight, his eyes clenched shut willing his body to go back to bed.
“Take out?” Your voice is muffled against his chest as he slings one of his thighs over your waist, curling himself into your warmth after he padded through the cold house moments earlier.
“Yeah, but later. First cuddles.” He pouts childishly and you both end up staying in bed until gone 3pm.
Only making it as far as the couch as you both scroll your phones, trying to pick what food to order🥰
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miyaniacs · 3 years
The One Night Stand pt.2
Toji Fushiguro x fem!reader / Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
Part 1 ; Part 3
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A/n: I AM SO OVERWHELME. Thank you for all the reblogs, i know around 10 aren’t that much but for me they really are especially in about just a day. I can’t express how thankful i am, your positive feedback is the reason why i already wrote the part 2. I do kinda plan to make a pt 3 too Haha. I‘m always open for any kind of feedback and my dm‘s / ask is also always open if any of you want to thirst or just talk haha.
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of alcohol and a blackout (nothing illegal happened!), public sex & fingering, Toji being the best dad ever (not). and typos, i was just too lazy to read through this mess lol probs going to correct it tomorrow.
Characters: Toji Fushiguro x fem!reader , Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
Form: oneshot / short story
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“Ohhh that’s why you moaned his name last night.” Tojo whispers in your ear.
Shocked you turn around and look at him, your mouth wide open.
“Careful, you don’t want the others to notice anything, do you?” He smirks. Quickly your trying to act normal again, but your mind is racing.
You did not do this.
You got drunk last night to get over the fact that Gojo was sleeping over at some random girls place.
You got drunk last night to get those thoughts out of your mind.
You got drunk last night to get over the fact that you are in love with your best friend.
And you hooked up with Toji last night to convince yourself that you don’t have any feeling for Gojo.
You simply couldn’t moan Gojos name.
That would mean that he was still present in yours thoughts.
While some other guy was fucking you.
This is bad.
This is sooo bad.
Especially since you knew that Gojo only sees you as a best friend... a best friend without the benefits.
Yeah yeah, sure how should you know if he only sees you in this way.
You two are always flirting...
But this is just an act.. a game.. you are both pretty flirty- it’s just natural.
Also ... we’re talking about Gojo,..., one of the biggest hoes you knew. If he was slightly interested in you, he’d already made a move on you.
“Hey Y/n, care to finally tell us what happened last night?” Nobara asks and you snap out of the conversation you were having with yourself in your mind.
“Oh yes pleaseeeeeee tell us all the details.” Gojo coos and earns a warning glare from you.
“Come one, y’all aren’t young enough to not piece one and one together and figure out what she was up to last night.” Toji laughs.
“We know that she has one ... or more than one.. Hickey on her neck.. BUT WHO?” Nobara reply’s  and looks at you with a smirk.
“You really think I remember his name?” You laugh, “ I woke up in his flat and then went straight out of it. All I know is, that it wasn’t worth the hickeys.” You joke.
“Oh so your hungover ass, still remembers how bad he was in bed?” Gojo teases and throws a quick glance at Toji, signaling him that he knows.
“Definitely... worst fuck I ever had, I truly doubt i came even once.” You sneer.
“Well... at least you learned your lesson now. Don’t get drunk and fuck a stranger.” Nanami sighs. “Kids, learn from her. Don’t make the same mistakes.” He looks over at the Yuji, Nobara and Megumi.
“Yes, I wouldn’t say that, for me it always went well... but that could also be because I’m just good ... at everything.” Gojo winks, “Y/n just sadly got a guy that ... didn’t knew who to ... please a women.” He says with an arrogant smirk.
“Oh really, was it that bad Y/n?” You feel a hand on your thigh, squeezing it.
“Uhm... I mean, I can’t really remember it..” you stutter, feeling Toji hand move up on your thigh.
“Well.. we should switch the topic now.” Nanami caught and shots us a glare, meanwhile Tojo whispers: ”You should be able to remember this morning right? Or do I need to show it to you again tonight.” His hand moves under the hem of your skirt. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying your best to not let any unwanted sound escape your lips. The only person that could see what’s happening under the table right now was Gojo, but it looks like he didn’t notice it.
You feel Toji’s long fingers brush over your panties, giving you some slow stokes before he decides to settling his fingers right over your clit, drawing random shapes and giving it some light pinches.
“Your fucking son sits across from us.” You hiss at him and grab his hand, trying to stop him.
“Then better be quiet.” He smirks and pinches your clit hard, truly unaffected by your hand... to be honest, you don’t really try to remove his hand... and he knows you’re enjoying this.
The muscles on your inner thighs tense and you bite your cheek even harder.
You’re close and he knows it, it’s not hard to know, judging by how wet your panties are.
You look around trying to see any glimpse of suspiciousness form one of the others on the table, but everyone is having a full hearted conversation, hell even Toji is joking around with Megumi right now. How is he able to act this way, while your sitting here struggling to make a some sort of decent conversation with Nobara.
“Ok girly look. I - I tell you, this one dress would be perfect for you.” You say and force a smile.
“But I already know that it will be sold out, when I’m able to go to the store.” She whines.
“Then... How about we  go tomorrow after practice? I’m sure Gojo doesn’t have a problem with that, right, G- GOJO.” His name left your lips waaay too loud. But what were you supposed to do, when Toji suddenly puts three of his fingers inside of you, curling them at just the right spot.
“Again... wrong name babygirl.” Toji whispers.
“I can hear you, you don’t have to scream.” Gojo says annoyed.
Gojo‘s POV
Do they really think I don’t notice. I‘m just trying to be nice to Megumi. That’s the only reason I don’t say anything... I just want to save him from the realization that Y/n, the women he adores, was fucking his dad. Or most likely he‘s fucking her right now.
The audacity.
And that she is letting him doing it???
I thought higher of her.
... wait what am I thinking.
Why should I shame her, for doing something I already did ... but why is she doing it with him... and not with me.
I want to make her squirm just by my touch, teasing her in public... even before tonight I was sure that she‘d like that. I know her ... I know her better than this old fucker does.
My hand clenched around the glass of my drink.
Concentrate on the conversation Yuji and Nanami have.
Stop focusing on the soft sloppy sounds coming from beside you.
Stop focusing on the way her legs shake... how the fabric of her skirt lifts up and down... how her hand grabs my arm... wait what?
Why is she grabbing my arm?
Your POV
You feel your climax Coming  closer and closer.
Your eyes roll to the back, your eyelids flutter, and somehow your hand finds its way to Gojos arm.
You dig your nails in his soft skin, biting your lips, trying your best to stay quiet.
Your breath stuck in your throat and your mouth opens in a silent scream, your nails digging harder in Gojos skin, surly drawing blood. He should have really had his,..., don’t touch me shield up.
Trying to catch your breath you let go of Gojos arm, his hand immediately moving over yours, while his tumb stocks the back of your hand.
Meanwhile Toji has a smug smile on his face as he removes his fingers and moves them towards his lips, licking them clean, while glancing over at you.
“Uhm.. Y/n... are you okay?” Megumi asks confused, “You look... strange.” He raises an eyebrow.
Before you can answer, Gojo already opens his mouth. “Her hangover kicks in... I think it’s better if she leaves now.”
You look at him, with a thankful smile playing on your lips.
“ I was about to leave anyways, I can take you home, not sure if you arrive home save.” Toji gets up and pulls you up with him an arm wrapped around your waist, holding you up.
“No need to. I can take care of MY best friend.” Gojo says sternly and pulls you out of Tojis grip, now holding you close to him.
Toji raises one of his eyebrows and smirks.
“What’s wrong Gojo, you don’t trust me with her?”
“Yes.” He answers coldly.
“How’s that.  Don’t think I can control myself?” He laughs.
“Think? I know you can not.”
“Please, she’s a grown women, why would it be a problem if anything happens between me and her?” He smirks. You look confused between him and Gojo, not knowing what the fuck happens.
“Because your my DAD and she is my friend/ teacher.” Megumi sighs, clearly embarrassed.
“Because I don’t want her to” Gojo huffs and you quickly wiggle out of his grip.
“YOU DONT WANT ME TO?” You cross your arms and look at him.
“Yes. You don’t have to walk around fucking with random man, way too many years older than you.”
“Oh you are one to talk. How many this week mhm? Three?” You hiss.
“Please that’s different.” He sighs and scratches his neck, “ and no, only two, i actually spent two nights with the last one.” He smiles.
“OHHHH Two nights. And you forbid me to spent two nights with the same guy?”  
To underline your words, Toji wraps an arm around your waist and rests his head on top of yours.
“What’s wrong Gojo? Jealous?” He chuckles deeply, “Come, let me get you home and take care of you babygirl.” Lifting his head, he guides you away from the table and out of the bar.
Throwing one last glance over your shoulder you see a shocked Megumi, mouth hanging wide open, Yuji and Nobara looking confused from you back to Megumi. Nanami has his head in his hands. And Gojo mouths you a: “Please don’t leave.”
His sunglasses in his hand, showing a mixture of emotions in his eyes.
Your heart tightens when you look into his eyes.
“Don’t look at him. I promise he’ll be confessing to you in a matter of time.” Toji whispers and pulls you outside.
“You- You planned this?!” You ask him shocked.
“Please his feelings for you are pretty obvious. Especially how jealous he acted, i thought he’d screamed that he loves you right there at the bar.” He throws his arm over your shoulder and pulls you closer. “Let daddy help you, yes?”
“Please don’t call yourself Daddy.” You groan.
“But I thought you liked that name for me?”
“I really need to stop getting drunk.” You whine, earning a loud laugh from him.
“But.. are you sure... about Gojo... I really do-“
“Yes. Yes he has feelings for you, which aren’t just the ones friends have.” He rolls his eyes annoyed.
“But before he gets to you, lets have some fun yeah?”
“Thank you.” You say and grab the hand, hanging over your shoulder, kissing it.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m doing this to get on his neves, not for you to be happy. I wouldn’t mind fucking you for some more days.” He smirks, lucky for him, the night hides the soft blush on his cheeks.
With his arm wrapped around you, you guide him to your apartment.
“Hey, but never finger fuck me again when your son is on the same table.” You huff.
“Why not, you basically told him that you and I are fucking.” He laughs.
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Taglist: @laceymorganwrites @ereeeeehhh @gojocumslut @channieboiiii @wingedcreatorgoopwagon ( I tagged some of uou who reblogged it, I hope this was okay )
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wkemeup · 3 years
I’m going to a costume party tomorrow yet I’m looking forward to waking up hungover Sunday, violently chugging water and reading the new chapter of Delicate Edges. It’s become my new Sunday routine as of late😌🤗 lol
Aw I love our Sunday routine together!!! I hope you don’t have too horrible of a hangover haha. But this chapter is one of my favorites and I’m sooo excited to share it!!
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
While we're on the topic of vom, I need to get something off my chest
tw.emeto, vomit, general tmi
I really didn't see the appeal of emeto in the past but I was sooo hungover after nye that the moving subway made me sick on the way home. But I was also hungry (weird combo) so I just got some strawberry milk - only to puke it all up once I got home. But it was so smooth, so warm - and so relieving? It felt almost sensual because of the texture... I really saw something in that moment haha
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seoafin · 3 years
OMGGGG okay so I did a 4 day bender and I cannot do that again 😭😭 uh I was trixie, a bratz doll, an angel, and then a captain! and they all worked out really wellll I have some selfies I can send you but I think I have to submit it? I’ll have to figure that out. anyway so we went to this bar and I don’t know if this counts as being hit on? but some 30 year old man approached me 😭 and was like omg you’re so pretty and apparently asked if I was Korean??? but anyway he is some trader from cali WHO WENT TO THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL AS ME AND GRADUATED IN 2010???!?!!!?? anyway yeah white guy with an Asian fetish 😆 uhhh I learned that apparently like not really remembering most of the night when you get drunk is considered blacking out????? like I thought it was only when you couldn’t remember the entire night and I didn’t know that so now I know I black out basically everytime I drink, which I am not proud of and need to fix and I fall a lot, so now I have a huge bruise 💀 so like overall, my weekend was really fun!! I wore these cheap ass wigs but I made it work—esp for my trixie costume—and danced a lot which was sooo fun. but one thing I’m sad about is the fact that my friend (who lives a floor below me) has a hot ra who dressed up as a sexy firefighter???? AND I DIDNT SEE HIM BUT HE WAS LIKE “oh I saw you when I was in line but I didn’t want to lose my spot so I didn’t say hi” LIKE HELLO????? scream my name and I would’ve come over 😫 okay I’m going to do another ask because when I wanna make another paragraph there’s a huge space —😴
okay so anyway as I was going to say, sorry to hear about your one exam 😭😭😭 but it’s good your other exams went really well!! and speaking of I think I did really well on my theology exam too which I’m really relieved about bc I was lowkey pressed. everyday I thank the lord I’m a business major bc my friend is a bio major and she is suffering 😭😭 I know you mentioned having like a lot of papers? I had to reference the ask LMFAOOO but did you end up doing anything during halloweekend? or do you have anything planned for a thanksgiving break? if you have that? i don’t really remember if you ever mentioned where you go to school, but I thought I’d ask!! okay now I’m going to figure out how to send my pics so yeah LMAO —😴
bestie i saw ur pics and ur hand in marriage pls....you LOOKED SO GOOD!!! the trixie costume??? MWAH!!!
omg girl not the white dude with an asian fetish 😭 it's a rite of passage atp 🤢 honestly, i always considered blacking out not remembering the entire night, but also i've never blacked out or gotten hungover bc i just don't LMAO im glad u had fun though!! sounds like a wild weekend!! ur first college experiences are always the most fun bc being away from ur parents for the first time makes u unhinged it's great
i only went out on friday bc my friend had a costume party and afterwards went out clubbing but i ended up coming home at 6 in the morning and i was so tired i didn't want to do anything else for the rest of the weekend 😣 my social meter was in the negative after that rip so on halloween i basically stayed in and did my homework like a good student HAHA i don't wanna post where i go on this blog 😭 (im pretty sure most ppl know im EST) but i can dm it if u want LOLLL
i have a thanksgiving break but idk if im going home yet...i want to but at the same time #asian parents so my plans are TBD but also....college student....free food.....hmmmm
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
top 10 posts of 2020!
Thanks so much to @shoutogepi for tagging me! You’re such a sweetheart, Rosie!
generated using this site
1. How are you like your fandom’s characters?
Idiot that I am, I thought to create a tag within my first weeks making this account. If you’re thinking of making an tag--fucking don’t. Lol, I mean, feel free, but I was getting so many notes for it and nothing else and it was annoying, haha. Still think it was a fun tag idea, though. Hoping this post doesn’t bring it back (hence why I’m not linking it)
2. The Rest With No Sound | bakugou x reader | sfw
Aw, I’m glad this is the top, because it might be my favorite. Also, it’s smut free? Good job, all you degenerates! Honestly, I wasn’t even super crazy for Katsuki back when I wrote this one so...I don’t even know why I did? 😂 I had the idea that Katsu would think everyone who wakes up stupid hungover is an idiot, and then it happens to him. And then I had to figure everything else out. But I love the reader in this story. She’s probably my fave reader personality I’ve created. And the Katsu in this story is the one I imagine when I think of him. Mmm, I love him.
3. Surprised, Just Once | deku x reader | nsfw
Wow, a request fic sitting pretty up here! Thanks to @maescorner for requesting it! I really winged this one too, haha. Guess ya’ll just like soft dom!Deku, huh? Honestly, I’m really flattered, because it was hard to balance Deku’s character with the really bold nature introduced in the ask. Glad you guys thought I did it well! <3
4. When the Smoke Clears | endeavor x reader | nsfw
Endeavor stans coming out in droves in the last week of the year! Seriously, I am blown away by the response to this story. I’ve gotten so many incredible reviews on it. I have no idea how I came up with something so huge for a character I never read for but...I can’t write anything short! Anyway, it means a lot that ya’ll experts thought that my maiden attempt was good. And a couple people have bothered to read this monster even though they don’t like Endeavor and complimented me too! It means so much
5. Siberia | todoroki x reader | nsfw
And another one here after having only been up for a week! All I had going into it was the idea of a shouto+a reader with an ice quirk (courtesy of @unlasting) and I thought it would be fun winter fluff! But I was thinking about, like, how they would meet, how they would get together, and it got more and more complicated and angsty. Story of my life. Ya’ll have more of those coming your way, btw.
6. Something Perfect | todoroki x reader | nsfw
Haha, the fun fact is that I uploaded this story, like, 4 times before it never got any notes. Then it finally got one and I was like 😒 fine. I realize now that it probably wasn’t showing up in tags because it’s nsfw, but it sat pretty at 2 notes for a good month or 2. Then Rosie reblogged it and here we are 😂
7. Can’t Find My Breath | bakugou x reader | nsfw
Look, I just loved the world I made in The Rest With No Sound so I went for the obvious smutty sequel. And I still like it quite a bit. The playful reader and Bakugou with his hints of sweetness, edge, and the beginnings of feelings 🥰
8. This Clock Never Seemed So Alive | todoroki x reader | sfw
My first fic on here! Really just inspired by a ‘period headcanons’ post I read. And my own experiences with having a, er, unpredictable cycle, especially in 2020. Of the three (you read that right) that I had in 2020, one of them in the spring really laid me up and it would have been nice to have Shou there.
9. Deku with an S/O with Depression | deku x reader | sfw
God, I shoulda given this story an actual title, right? It is a fic, not  headcanons, haha. But I’m sooo glad one of my comfort fics made the list, because they’re kinda my favorites. They feel like they really matter to people and I know that I go back to a couple of them when I’m having a bad day. Especially these depression ones. I’d love to write more, so if anyone has emergency requests, lmk what I can do for you! <3
10. worth it | todoroki x reader | sfw
Omg, I guess everyone likes drabbles, huh? This one is literally just because when I er...achieve too much pleasure too many times in a row I sometimes feel cramps the next day and I’m like...does that happen to anyone else??
Well, it’s a little after the holiday now so who to tag...  @some-kindofgnome, @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku, @messwriting ...and if anyone else wants to, I can tag you! <3
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gingerly-writing · 5 years
Heyyy it's me again, I hope you don't mind me sharing a quick thought. I absolutely support you in not wanting to publish. There was a time where I didn't understand how people could /not/ aim for publishing (maybe bc being a writer has always been my childhood dream) but I'm older now, haha. I published for the first (& so far only) time when I was 18 & looking back now, there's a MYRIAD of things I would change. Ofc I'm still super proud of myself but it could've been done sooo much better ;(
thank you so much for this message! it’s good to know other people feel the same way, especially because the focus of most people on writeblr tends to be publishing their current WIP (either self pub, traditionally, or on Wattpad). I would never begrudge anyone that as a goal, and I really encourage everyone who wants to publish asap to pursue that dream! however, I personally am willing to take a more long term and...(I hesitate to say it) realistic approach to getting myself published. I’m pretty happy with TSE, but I know it could be improved and I also know that a book I wrote at 18/19 is extremely unlikely to be good enough to publish traditionally, which is what I’m aiming for
I know most authors say they look back at their first published books and are embarrassed, because writing is a process of constant self-improvement, but I also want to be confident and happy with my choice to pursue publishing, and I know TSE isn’t the book to inspire those feelings. 
I’m so glad you understand the pride part though! like, yes, I am HUGELY proud of TSE and I love it to pieces, but that doesn’t change the fact it’s not publishable! it’s a complex issue to navigate but I’m a v pragmatic person so that will always win out over my affection for my work
thank you again for the message, I really enjoyed matching thoughts with you on this 💚💚 makes me feel understood, which is a lovely thing to have when hungover and still in pajamas at 4pm ;P
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newyorkcittysworld · 6 years
Part 2 of uhh I'm gunna call it: Sugarbaby!peter (bc I'm basic)
Peter ran into his dorm room,threw all his belongings on his bed and swiveled in his chair to his laptop. He opened it and began transferring all the notes he took. After a while of doing work and analyzing tony's, he couldn't help but notice the folded up piece of paper with tonys number on it he kept trying to distract himself, tony did say not too blow up his phone he decided he at least needed a reason to text him. Peter was looking back at tonys work when his phone caught him off guard. His heart was beating as he prayed it was tony but sadly no,
*new message from aunt may: hey petey pie! Please take the chicken out the freezer. How'd the stark interview go today*
He unlocked his phone and replied  *no problem, it went great! So dreamy up close*
His aunt knew about his bisexuality and encouraged it so this lighthearted joking was not only normal but expected. May was young and progressive and didn't mind at all. *haha I better not catch you in his suit pete!* peter sent back hurts and got back too tony's work, he can't lie it would be pretty cool to ride in tony's car, wearing high end clothes and tony having peter living the lavish lifestyle, completely opposite from his own. He didn't care for material things but like any normal person he dreamed of doing it big. Hours passed as peter looked at tony’s work . ugh it was flawless no questions needed. He considered playing dumb but he didn't want the possibility of tony mocking him. He figured he could try to add comments or upgrades and could ask for tonys help on that, he smiled and started getting too work when a facetime ring interrupted his train of thought. Eh it's probably ned he said picking up without looking.his face went red when he saw tony on his screen looking back at him from a bad angle. (well let's be honest there i no bad angle but imagine looking down at your phone and facetiming someone). “H-hello Mr.Stark!! Wh- what's going on” peter choked out in a squeaky voice. He tried to sound as chill as possible. “Hey kid i need you for something but i can't tell you what, you'd say no, you down?” peters swore he was gonna pass out but held it together “where are we going is i-” he was cut off by tony “ ahh no questions im afraid it would give hints just let me know can you meet me on 45th and lex? In about an hour?” tony smirked, he saw how red the kids face was and he knows damn well that twink doesnt do exercise. Peter hesitated for a moment but figured even if tony straight up killed him, he'd say thank you in the afterlife “sure thing, do i need to change?” he panned the camera down at what he was wearing being very stealthy about moving around his crotch area which would give away his current state.”there goes the questions again but i'll see you there kid” the phone hung up before he could even ask his question again. Oh well as far as he knows he gets too see stark again and that's the only thing he's focused on
Peter arrived slightly early at the exact location tony told him too in order to insure the older man wouldn't leave him there. He was standing there in the nicest clothes he had (to be fair it was from old navy it looked pretty clean) he heard a car blasting ac/dc through his ear buds but thought nothing of it ‘just regular nyc’ he thought to himself. That was until the bright yellow car pulled up next to him honking, it was tony in a nice lo rider. Peter nearly nutted on the spot. Tony looked amazing, his hair was slicked back clean, his expensive color tinted glasses matching with his three piece suit that was probably worth more than his apartment, his legs froze as he waved nervously, tony lowered the music to talk too him. “Hey!! Hop in i got a suit for you in the back” peter could feel himself swooning so he quickly walked too the car and reached for the handle to open it. Tony shot out of the car and ran around the other side and opened the door for him. Peter wasn't quite sure how much of this he could take. He sat down on the expensive leather and saw a long black coat bag and stood as still as possible as tony closed the door for him, anxiety making it difficult to be comfortable. “Am i allowed to ask where we are going Mr.Stark?” peter said trying to take his eyes off of the other man and just trying to sneak quick looks.his heart was beating he really didn't know what to expect “Fine fine turns out i need a date too this really boring and expensive event” the older man leaned back in his chair taking long looks at peter at stop lights. “And you chose me because???”  peter said generally shocked and lowkey fiddling with all the expensive material, everything just felt lavish. “Well you like boring stuff and your cute,and you where fresh in my memory your smart.i need someone like that next to me so i look good” tony smirked knowing damn well peter is melting right now. “Sooo im your arm candy?” he choked out smiling widely not even trying to hide it “essentially, that's why i brought the suit. No offense that uhh no brand cardigan is,nice but unfortunately it's not in the dress code” peter was so over the moon , he drew his attention too the coat bag with a big tom ford logo on it. Peter was living out his teenage fantasy, the only difference was he wasn't wrapped around tony's arm holding one hand that slumped over him while the other drove.
He quickly snapped his head up when the car stopped moving after a while. “Ok we're here you can change before we go into the main hall there's a bathroom right on your left” peter nodded and got out of the car walking next to his date trying his best to contain his excitement and not geek out in front of stark, pete did as the man said and changed into a nice burgundy suit, the material was orgasmic and he had too admit he looked sharp, and tony thought so too, he was smiling watching the (somehow)smaller man come out holding his arm out, peter walked up to him handing his clothes too another one (of what seemed like endless) assistants. “Ok so here's the catch” tony whispered faking smiles and waves too look natural as he spoke.”your gonna actually pretend to be my boyfriend and i'll give you $7,000 for compensation” he gave peter a smile as he turned around to greet some mit students. Tonys words had peter nearly spinning, "relax i'm not gonna make you sleep with me” tony whispered seeing how red peter was, his heart was racing so fast he couldn't bring himself to say any words but tried to signal tony he was completely okay with this idea and has been fantasizing about it for what seemed decades, he stood next to tony while he spoke giving off small waves at the people staring at him. He wrapped his arm around stark and stood up tall.
The kids dispersed which left the two of them walking around in silence.”bold of you to assume i don't WANT to sleep with you” the doe eyed boy whispered under his breath with a smirk.stark looked at him with a puzzled look on his face “what kid?” he said acting clueless knowing damn well what he said (which is all the proof he needed to know peter was into him as if it wasn't obvious enough) the ‘kid’ (who is 23) shot up as his cheeks went red “n nothing Mr.Stark!! J-just a uh self reminder” *wow peter really good excuse* he thought to himself smiling nervously. Tony smiled and pulled peter in for a half hug as he saw a photographer approaching. “the talking of boring science*ahem* future technology should start soon,you need anything kid?” he looked down at the man on his arm “n-not to take advantage, but you think we could grab like fries? Maybe just a quick burger” he looked up at stark with puppy eyes. Tony scoffed sarcastically  “i won't let you spoil your stomach with that garbage “ and in the snap of his fingers three different waiters with trays approached him. “Go ahead kid don't be shy” peter was most definitely shy but starks words encouraged him,this was very different for parker, usually he's the one giving out the fancy trays but now he's on the flip side. He plucked out some fancy meats moaning at the flavor..this was all very new for him but he'd be lying if he said he couldn't get used too this./ the meeting began and the two took their seats peter being daring and resting his head on tonys shoulder, the lecture was actually pretty interesting he found himself taking notes on his phone and sneaking in pictures of him laying against tony, which was easy since tony knocked out after the first ten minutes.
After what seemed like years,Tony startled awake eyes opening wide only too see that they were still at the conference he let out a groan as he saw peter standing above him.”hey uh mr stark, everyone's leaving im sorry! Should i carry you out or” he was so cute when he gets all pent up like this “you couldn't lift me if you tried but come on let's get out of here” tony chuckled. Standing up and exiting with peter “Mr.Stark i saw some ladys taking pictures so i put your glasses on, ya know so you don't look bad?” tony touched his face and realized there was indeed glasses on his face”huh that would explain why everything is a light brown color, thought i was just hungover” peter giggled at the taller man's response. They walked to the car arm in arm as reporters were standing around his car.”no time for questions i'm tired” tony said, once again opening the door for peter who couldn't help but nervously laugh through the second hand anxiety. They drove off it was getting kind of late,
            But peter didn't want this too end.
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kipskat · 5 years
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Calatagan Gaming!
Missed these peeps. Mikey and Pau were my elem and highschool classmates. Kian is Mike's girlfriend.
The place. Uhm, what can I say?!? It's good! Or maybe we were blessed to be on the perfect spot. Beach front under the tree. The people were all there taking selfies. Nakakaumay hahaha guess I was being a killjoy tita here. Pero grabe naman, why not enjoy the scene, the beach, the serene, the sunset! And some people offer you drinks even when you were just passing by. Parang fiesta! And we were about thousands siguro. The place is well-regulated and organized. Kudos people!
I love how spontaneous this trip was. Last minute. Fluid. Road trip. Camping. Great food. Super great! It's been a long time since I have a good, deep talk. Adulting is hitting us, bigtime! Reminiscing on how epic our high school was - from our failed grades in geometry to extended trigonometry class. Silly crushes and kilig moments. Our friends and how they were before and what happened now. They open up about failed relationship and finally I open up about my dirty laundry - the skeletons in my closet. Oh it feels liberating haha! Finally. I was heard. My version of the story is different from what they know. It's funny, hearing that story 😂.
Did I not say I got really drunk this entire trip? We started drinking once we set up and settle our camp which is 11:30am until four am the next day, drinking beer and rum and wine. Plus our campmate were an all-queer-slash-gay group and they were hitting on Mikey hahaha! Perks was they bought us more beer cuz we ran out after midnight. Yeah, good looks pay off! And who wouldn't remember John Terence Ibe? That frickin gay whose harassing everyone by this card game and how the party shouldn't be over by 3am because that's how he partied in manila blah blah and shits like that. I argued the hell out of him and guess what? Only Mikey calm him down. Again, good looks pay off! ✌️
The next morning we have to wake up really early cuz I have work. Yes, I'm kj like that. So to cure the hungover we went at the ever famous Leslie's Tagaytay and man, the bulalo is just sooo good! And the brewed coffee is to die for. The. Brewed. Coffee. Worth it kahit mejo pricey! 🤤
Sorry guys, I missed your last invite in Zambales. Bridesmaid duties! But I promise to be there next time cuz I missed you badly! Hopefully next time sumama na yung iba. Again, adulting won't make our schedules match. Hehe. I love yous!
Manuel Uy Beach Resort, Calatagan, Batangas.
01 - 02 May 2019
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hazelios · 6 years
Thank you sooo much for making business casual clothes. Please continue to make more! 'Cause I love sending my Sims to work in business casual stuff. Haha. :)
ahhh!!! I have one more ready!!!! that’s definitely a bit more casual than business but I picture u’d be able to wear it on like casual Fridays or if ur office is p lax and ur hungover af
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sockablock · 6 years
Something New for Me and You
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Chapter 3: Winter Air in the Library
Today 3:27 AM
Molly Tealeaf: hey there! Molly Tealeaf: i got your number from the movie chat haha Molly Tealeaf: i just wanted to let you know how much fun I had tonight! Molly Tealeaf: you have an excellent singing voice Molly Tealeaf: and we should absolutely do this again ‘(~˘▾˘)’~ Molly Tealeaf: and maybe im being forward but if you ever want to talk about what happened w the electricity? Molly Tealeaf: also I still need to give you that jacket back, don’t i Molly Tealeaf: anyhow you’re probably asleep now so i’ll talk to you later Molly Tealeaf: good night mister caleb!
“My sneakers are still fine,” said Nott as Caleb chewed the end of his expo marker and drummed his fingers against the tabletop. “You can cross that one off the list.”
“Are you certain?” he pressed. “They are looking rather tattered, and if I sell the clothes Jester got me then we should be—”
“No way,” Nott frowned, shaking her head. “That was a present! You can’t sell it, what if she asks to see them? Or what if you need to go on another fancy date?”
Caleb scoffed. “I do not think I will be doing that anytime soon,” and then his expression softened. “But you are right. That would be rude to Jester. Fine,” he sighed, and drew a line through ‘new sneakers’ on the whiteboard. “We can see if there is enough money next month.”
“Hey, hey, what about the rings I stole, though?” Nott asked. “Maybe they’ll be worth something this time. Or, if we really need to, we can try running some cons.”
Caleb nodded slowly. “We can go see how the rings sell later, when Bibelots is open. As for trying old tricks, that might have to be a plan C, or even D. I do not really want any undue attention from the law. Better to steal from the shadows.”
She shrugged, and reached across the table to pull Frumpkin into her lap. “Whatever you say, Caleb.”
“Okay,” he said, and scribbled a final number at the bottom of the board. “This should work. If we are careful, in a month, we will have enough electricity to use the television and charge our belongings at home, for sure.”
“Really?” she asked, face brightening. “That’s great! Then we can host movie night, when it’s our turn!”
His triumphant expression turned slightly sheepish. “Yes, spatz, then we can. I take it you know what happened, last night?”
“Yep. I did want to check the TV to make sure, first, but I would’ve said something if Molly hadn’t interrupted—”
Caleb quickly shook his head. “Nein, no, I am…glad that you did not.”
She frowned. “How come?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, er,” he said, “I do not want the others to know that we are struggling, financially.”
“What? Why not?”
He felt wretched as he sighed and said, “I don’t want them to think down on us. We are poor, and they are not. Well, at least we know that Jester and Beau are not—”
“Their apartment was crazy.”
“—and if the Moondrop has such a reputation, I am sure that Fjord and Molly and Yasha are not either. But…but we are, and I am worried that if they found out, they would not want to spend time with us anymore.”
Nott was quiet for a moment. Then she blinked her huge yellow eyes and asked, “Is that why you worked so hard to clean up before, when they came over yesterday?”
He nodded miserably.
There were a few more beats of silence as Nott considered this. Then she nodded firmly and pressed a finger to her lips. “Alright then, Caleb. I won’t say anything. Goblin’s promise. Well, that doesn’t really mean much, I guess. Nott’s promise,” she amended with a faint grin.
He returned the smile and leaned over to ruffle her hair. “Thank you, Nott. I am glad you understand. And hopefully, if nothing goes wrong, we should be fine financially and will not have to worry too much next month.”
She grinned. “Great! And then maybe you could start using your phone too, and you can talk to that purple guy.”
“Maybe,” he muttered, and then stood up and reached for his satchel. “For now, though, we have other things to focus on. Like how it is almost time for work. Are you coming along, today?”
She shook her head. “I’m going to hang around the square and see if I can…help our money problems a bit more.”
“Alright,” he said, slinging his bag over his shoulder, “be safe. Stay hidden—”
“—and stay alert, yeah, yeah, I know. I’m a professional, remember?”
He chuckled. “How could I forget?”
She gave him a short, poorly-executed salute. “See you later, Caleb! Have fun at the library.”
He shrugged his old coat on, did the buttons up, and wrapped his scarf tightly around his neck. “See you later, spatz. Have fun in the Square. Come on, Frumpkin.”
And then, after the orange tabby slipped into the hall, he shut the door and headed off to work.
Today 10:26PM
Molly Tealeaf: good morning mister caleb! Molly Tealeaf: i hope you slept well, sorry about all those texts last night! Molly Tealeaf: i must’ve had a bit more to drink than i thought Molly Tealeaf: anyways, I just wanted to see if you were free anytime this weekend? Molly Tealeaf: there’s a lovely little coffee shop ive just been dying to try Molly Tealeaf: i think you’d like it
Today 12:14PM
Molly Tealeaf: so if that sounds good, shoot me a text? Molly Tealeaf: ive got a flexible schedule any time before 6 dear
Molly slipped his phone back into his pocket and sagged in the barstool until his forehead hit the countertop. Yasha pulled a cup down from the back shelf and poured him a glass of water.
“I don’t see why I needed to come in so early,” he mumbled, words muffled. “It’s not like I need to practice, really.”
“That’s not a good attitude,” Yasha chided, and slid the drink over. “Gustav made it clear that the 25th anniversary event was important to him, and there are only three days left.”
Molly sighed, and reached blindly for the glass. When his fingers finally made contact, he lifted his head, took a sip, and frowned.
“This isn’t vodka, dear.”
She nodded. “It’s water. It’s noon. You’re hungover.”
Molly scoffed, but took another sip. “I am not hungover,” he protested. “Beau was the only one who got that shitfaced last night.”
“That may be true,” Yasha agreed, “but you are still not in top shape. Desmond did not call a break because he was tired of playing, that is for sure. And the others can tell there is something on your mind. Me included.”
Molly shrugged. “Maybe there is, dear. Or, maybe, I’m just having a bad day.”
“You?” Yasha raised an eyebrow. “I did not know that was possible.”
Molly his tongue out at her. “It happens to the best of us. I would know, because I’m the best of us.”
Yasha sighed. “Is this about Caleb? Is that what this is?”
Molly had a brief flashback to staring at his phone screen at four in the morning, waiting to see if the other man would respond. He shook his head.
“Absolutely not. Not at all.”
Yasha, bless her heart, seemed convinced. “Is it your...abilities? Are they acting up again?”
Molly shook his head much faster this time. “No, no. It’s…it’s really nothing. I promise, I’m in tip-top shape—”
“Good!” grinned Bosun as his large green hand suddenly clapped Molly on the back. The half-orc leaned against the corner of the bar and beamed. “Break’s over now, friend. We’re going again from Toya’s solo. Sound good?”
Molly shot him a cheerful smile. “Sounds wonderful.”
And as they both stood up and walked past, Yasha gave Molly a meaningful, furrowed brow that conveyed just how much she didn’t believe him. He shrugged sheepishly, and followed Bosun back towards the stage with the twirl of an imaginary coat.
Nott slipped into a back-alley just on the fringes of the Pentamarket Square, and took a quick swig from her flask. There were plenty of folks out today, morning commuters and shoppers getting a head start on Winter’s Crest gifts. She rubbed her fingers together, and murmured a few quick arcane commands. A small, shimmering hand appeared before her, and then promptly turned invisible. She beamed, and then scaled the dumpster and pulled herself onto a nearby fire escape.
Caleb had his nose buried deep between the covers of a particularly promising summary of the history of magical breakthroughs in the Pre-Divergence Era, and almost didn’t notice when Jester dropped her heavy pink bookbag onto the floor and cheerfully plopped her elbows onto the counter, leaning her face annoyingly close to his. He didn’t even blink when she started singing his name and flicking the little metal bell in front of him, and he ignored her as she started insulting him and cursing out his cat, and didn’t even move until she clapped her hands together, muttered the incantation for Thaumaturgy, and made all the doors and windows slam open with a shuddering blast of hellish energy.
Chilly winter air flooded into the library. He looked up, met the raised eyebrow of Jester, and blinked.
“Oh. Good morning, Jester.”
She rolled her eyes, and draped her arms over the counter to try and smack the book out of Caleb’s hands. He pulled away in time, so she rolled onto her back and her upside-down face beamed at him without any hint of annoyance.
“It’s the afternoon, dummy,” she teased. “I finished my classes. I’m here to be tutored.”
Caleb blinked again, and shook his head slightly. “Scheiss, it is already two-thirty?”
She nodded, and flicked him in the nose. “Ah, I knew you were in there somewhere. I sent you like thirty texts, Caleb.”
He gave her an apologetic shrug. “Sorry, Jester. But you know I do not use my phone.”
She pouted, and shook her head. “Why not though, Caleb! It makes life sooo much easier, what’s even the point of having one if you don’t use it?”
“In case I am going somewhere dangerous, and I need to keep in contact with you all.”
Jester giggled. “Why would you be going somewhere dangerous, silly?” And before he could answer she held up her own phone and waved it around in the air. “Besides, I’m not offended, but how will you be able to talk to Molly now? How are you guys going to coordinate your dates?”
Caleb scowled, but mostly out of embarrassment. “Jester, we are barely friends. We aren’t going on dates. If he needs me, he can always contact Nott.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Does he know that? You guys are ‘barely friends,’ like you said. Does he know about the goblin messenger pigeon system you’ve got going on?”
Caleb opened his mouth, and then closed it again. He paused.
“Oh,” he said. “Er...I suppose not.”
Jester huffed dramatically, and tapped him lightly on the arm. “I’ll let Molly know,” she said magnanimously. “In the meantime! I need math help.” She leaned down and rummaged around in her bag until she pulled out a red binder, which she passed to Caleb. “I don’t know what the fuck a vector is,” she said, “but I need to by tomorrow.”
He sighed, and put his book down. “Alright, alright. I’m still technically on shift, though, so pull a chair up here. I can’t leave the front desk.”
As Jester retreated to the copy room—makeshift staff lounge—to fetch a stool, Caleb started rifling through her math notes. They were quite neat, though the margins were completely filled with various doodles, some sketches of her surroundings, and many caricatures of her teachers and fellow students. There were also quite a number of scrawled comments and arrows pointing to various drawings. He sighed again.
“Jester, are you using your math notes to talk to the Traveler?”
There was a pause, and then a thud, and then the sound of Jester harrumphing.
“So what if I am?” she called from the back. “So what? I’ve got to talk to him at some point, and numbers are soooo boring. It’s the only way I’ll even stay awake in class, Caleb.”
He rubbed at his eyes. “I understand that, spassvogel, but have you considered that if you did pay attention, you would not have to come ask me for help so often? Sieversii is an excellent institution, and I am sure if you just applied yourself you would do fine. ”
She came through the door, dragging a stool behind her, and shrugged as she brought it next to Caleb’s position at the counter.
“Maybe,” she said, “but then what would be my excuse to come bother you all the time? Besides, the college might be good but our teacher is shit. I don’t know who ever gave Professor Anders his license, but they should be arrested for mistreating children.”
“You are over twenty years old.”
“All the same,” Jester said, and gestured towards her binder. “Anyways, come on! Learning time! Why are there letters in the bracket, and what am I supposed to do with them?”
Caleb picked up a pencil. “These are indicators, that show magnitude and direction,” he explained, drawing a line across the page. “It means that the, the, say a particle, is moving this way…”
Nott, crouching behind the rusted iron railing thirty feet away, cast Minor Image over the necklace grasped in her Mage Hand. It immediately transformed into a pigeon with its wings outstretched, and she quickly yanked the Hand into the air and towards her, creating the illusion, more or less, of a bird taking flight. Nobody seemed to notice anything strange, and she grinned brightly when the hefty silver chain fell into her palm.
“I am the best,” she whispered delightedly to herself, and slipped the necklace into her pouch.
“No way,” Beau argued, waving her hands passionately through the air. “Kamordah was robbed. That ref had no idea what he was talking about.”
“Elbowing is a foul, Beau,” Fjord sighed, “and if he didn’t call Redleaf out Alfield would’ve stampeded.”
“Aw, bullshit. That was barely an elbow! And Alfield shouldn’t be talking, their record last year was a mess.”
“Yeah, sure, but you know Redleaf has a history—”
They continued arguing as they made they way down the sidewalk, city buildings towering above them and streets slowly coming alive as the evening crowd finished work and started filtering out for the night. The sky above them was just beginning to darken, and a winter chill swept across their red cheeks and damp hair--still dripping slightly from the gym showers. Eventually, they turned the corner and the metropolitan landscape opened up into a grand view of the harbor, where ships docked on the river and, a block away, the Fletching & Moondrop stood proudly beside the gleaming water.
“Is Jester coming by tonight?” Beau asked after they eventually just agreed to disagree and began making their way to the back staircase of the bar.
“I think so,” said Fjord as followed Beau up. “I’m pretty sure she has an exam soon, but she’s been pretty excited to see how the anniversary preparations are coming. I promised her a behind-the-scenes tour,” he added sheepishly.
“We work in Fletch, though,” Beau said as she rifled through her duffel bag for the keys.
“I know, I know, but Jester still wants to see it. I’ll sneak her into the back during break and besides, I think they like me enough.”
“Do you know what’s been planned?” Beau asked. “It sucks that we’ll be working while it’s all going on.”
Fjord shrugged again. “I know there’s some kind of big production, but that’s all Molly’s told me so far. He came home one night in a skintight dress and a feather boa, but that might just’ve been him.”
“I wish the performers would tell us more,” Beau groused. “They’re so cliquey.”
“They spend a lot of time together, I guess. And, honestly, I don’t know if I could handle that kind of life. Molly’s gone all hours of the day, I’m just glad he and Yasha bother to hang out with us.”
Beau pushed the door open and raised an eyebrow at Fjord. “Was that sarcasm?” she asked.
He grinned. “Maybe,” he said, and swung the door shut behind him.
“Oh, Mr. Widogast,” said Yorda, the head librarian, just as Caleb was zipping his satchel shut. “I was hoping to catch you before you left.”
Caleb glanced up, and gave her his signature, politely blank expression. “Hello, good afternoon. Is there something we need to discuss?”
She nodded, and Caleb caught the nervous expression in her eyes. His heart sank.
“Is this about my request for more hours?” he asked dejectedly. “I assume you cannot?”
She wrung her hands. “I’m sorry, dear, but I’m afraid it’s worse than that. Er...I’m going to have to cut you down to only three days a week.”
Caleb fumbled for his bag, and just managed to grab the strap before it hit the ground. His eyes were wide, and he could feel a number of emotions now wracking his brain. He tried to tamp them down.
“But...but...why?” he asked as calmly as he could. “Why? I am a good worker., I have the best record with correctly sorting books, I...I am a good worker, Miss—”
Yorda gave him a pained expression and shook her head. “I’m sorry dear, I’m sorry. It’s not you, understand? The whole library’s budget was cut, I promise this has nothing to do with your performance. I’d let you run the entire building all day if I could, we just can’t afford it, right now. Adelaine's getting a cut too, and I won’t tell you how my salary’s looking. I’m sorry, dear. I wish I could do something about it, but--”
After that, it was largely a blur. At some point, Caleb had eventually collected his things, excused himself, and walked out the front door. He barely remembered striding quickly through the city streets, barely remembered making it back to his building, must have avoided the creaking floorboards by the stairs so Kosh wouldn’t hear him on instinct, and only really awoke as he crept into his apartment and shut the door and slumped down onto the ground and closed his eyes. He could see the numbers dancing in front of him, dried-out expo marker scrawled on the whiteboard, his perfect calculations to ensuring their financial security now shattered.
He couldn’t be mad at Yorda; she was a nice enough woman seemed genuine about her sympathy. Libraries were never really on the city's radar anyways, that and the books were why he wanted to work there so badly in the first place. But now what? Now what was he supposed to do?
Somewhere in the fog of frustration, he felt Frumpkin crawl into his lap. He gratefully accepted the cat’s soothing purrs, and tried to think of what he could possibly do next.
Nott was on top of the world. She already had a jade bracelet and another necklace tucked away in her pouch, and was in the middle of the risky but enthralling process of trying to use two Mage Hands at once to carefully remove a woman’s shiny gold earrings. After that, she’d go home and show Caleb the haul she’d gotten today.
Today 7:43PM
Molly Tealeaf: actually now that i think about it i wont be free this saturday Molly Tealeaf: its the 25th of the bar! Molly Tealeaf: tomorrow would be best then i can tell you all about it!
Molly, sprawled across the sofa and glaring intently at his phone, almost didn’t notice as Jester danced into the Moondrop’s break room, followed by an exasperated-looking Fjord. But then she grinned delightedly, and threw herself onto the cushion next to Molly and started giggling.
“Mollymauk! How are you today?”
He looked over, took in the sheepish smile on Fjord’s face, and beamed. “I’m doing wonderfully, dear. What brings you here?”
“I need a full tour and breakdown of Saturday’s performance,” she said, instantly snapping in all-business mode. “Fjord doesn’t know shit.”
“Well, come on, I know some things—”
“Like what?” Molly asked, raising an eyebrow. “What could you possibly know?”
He floundered for a moment, and then looked down at the ground. “Drinks are 25% off downstairs,” he muttered. “There’s a new DJ.”
Molly laughed, and flung an arm around Jester’s shoulders. “Stick with me, dear. I’ll fill you in. But Fjord isn’t allowed to know. Not because he works downstairs,” Molly added quickly, “but because I just love seeing him like this.” Then he turned towards Fjord and winked. “Tell Beau she’s welcome up here any time, and I’m sure I could rope Yasha into showing her around.”
As the half-orc rolled his eyes, Jester giggled harder and nodded excitedly. “Ooh, I can’t wait! Oh, but first,” she said, quickly tapping Molly on the nose, “I have a message from Caleb. Well, more or less. Basically if you two are going to be friends, you need to know that he never uses his cell. If you need to talk to him, you gotta go through Nott.”
Molly had a brief flashback to the night before, when three feet of narrow-eyed, suspicious green protectiveness had glared up at him from behind scraggly bangs and a tattered brown hoodie. He thought about Caleb. He sighed.
“Alright, alright,” Molly conceded. “No pain no gain, I suppose. Now, a tour! Come on, I know just where to start.”
“Oh yes. The costume room.”
“What’re you doing back down here so soon?” Beau asked, raising an eyebrow. “I thought you and Jester were going to go fuck in the back room?”
Fjord’s ears turned a deep, deep shade of green, and he dejectedly made his way around the bar. “First off all, we weren’t going to do that,” he muttered. “Secondly, Molly stole her. He’s showing her the decorations ‘n whatever now.”
Beau, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, shrugged. “Hey, at least she’s happy, right?”
Fjord sighed, but this did seem to brighten his mood. “Yeah, I guess so,” he agreed, and then gave Beau a sly grin. “Yasha’s up there right now too, by the street level door. Molly says she might give you a tour if you asked nicely. AndI don’t think she goes on break for a while, so if you wanted to sneak up there…?”
Beau’s cheeks colored, and she quickly looked down at the ground. “I...er...nah. Nah, it’s alright. But um...was she wearing that sleeveless shirt?”
Fjord chuckled, and nodded.
“Fuck me running,” sighed Beau, and let her arms uncross. “Damn.”
“Caleb, why are you on the floor?” Nott asked as she climbed through the window. Living on the third floor never broke her habit of unconventional entry.
He looked up, and worry instantly spiked through her chest. That glassy-eyed expression usually was a signal that something was wrong. She quickly made her way over, and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you alright? Is...is there anything wrong?”
He nodded, and sighed. “Yorda spoke to me today.”
“...um...alright? What did she say?”
“She cut down my hours. We are now operating on two less days of salary.”
Nott was quiet for a moment. Then she carefully wiggled an arm between his back and the wall, and pulled him into a hug.
“It’s okay,” she muttered. “We...we’ll be fine. You’ll figure it out and oh, hey!”
She broke away, and yanked her pouch out. “Look at this! Look, I got a bunch of stuff today, and it might even be real! Maybe this will help.”
Caleb, who had untensed slightly after her embrace, managed a small smile. “That’s very good, spatz. I am sure they will help quite a bit, we can go see Oglen tomorrow.”
“Great!” beamed Nott with relief. “I can—”
Her phone buzzed. She frowned, and pulled it out.
Today 8:19PM
Molly Tealeaf: hello there Nott
She blinked, and rubbed at her eyes. Maybe the cold air of the apartment was messing with her vision. When she looked back down at the screen, she frowned. It was Molly.
Nott TB: what do you want
There was a brief pause, and the “...” icon let Nott know her response had the desired effect.
Molly Tealeaf: straight to the point i see alright Molly Tealeaf: i was told that if i need to contact caleb you are the person to go to Molly Tealeaf: actually apparently via phone you are the only person to go to
She smirked slightly at that. Next to her, Caleb peered over her shoulder at the tiny screen.
Nott TB: you are correct why do you need him
There was another pause.
Molly Tealeaf: id like to arrange a meeting with him Molly Tealeaf: i need to give that coat back Molly Tealeaf: and i want to treat him to coffee tomorrow to thank him for letting me borrow it
She rolled her eyes, and Caleb spoke.
“Who is that? What are they saying?”
Nott passed her cell over. “It’s Molly. He wants to meet up tomorrow and return your coat and buy you coffee.”
Caleb blinked. There was something stirring at the back of his mind, but he couldn’t entirely pinpoint what it was. “He wants to return my coat and buy me coffee?”
Nott shrugged. “I guess.” And then she brightened and said, “Hey, you should go! You need to relax, I bet, and you love coffee. And free things. And that coat was a present from Jester. She’d be sad if you didn’t get it.”
Caleb rubbed his chin. He glanced down at the phone, and handed it back to Nott. “Al...alright, I suppose. I guess I would not have had anything to do tomorrow anyway.”
“Great!” Nott said. “I’ll let him know.”
Caleb nodded. “Do that, please. I will...um...I will go sort out my closet, now. Excuse me.”
And then he got up, and walked into the bedroom. Nott heard the curtain that divided the room in two slide shut.
She looked back at her phone.
Molly Tealeaf: please tell me you aren’t ignoring me Molly Tealeaf: do you hate me Molly Tealeaf: nott please if anything just let me swing by and get the coat Molly Tealeaf: nott please
She sighed.
Nott TB: he’s in Nott TB: if the coffee place is far he’ll need a ride Nott TB: im watching you mister Molly Tealeaf: uh Molly Tealeaf: thank you Nott TB: dont mention it pick a time tomorrow bye
And before Molly could type out a response, she grinned smugly to herself, put the phone away, and skipped off to bed.
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feeling-frazzled · 6 years
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Anxiety hangovers
Just a quick little post today as I was just sitting here thinking ! Today I woke up and I felt like I had been out all night , had a bottle of wine and shots and danced all night .... but no I was in bed at midnight ( to some that’s late but it’s my usual haha ) and I woke up like I was hungover . This happens to me a lot and I always call them mental health hangovers . Today it feels like a anxiety hangover . I kept wakening up every hour and my heart is racing like I had been on vodka red bulls all night , it’s a bloody nightmare !!! I find it harder feeling like this today knowing I’ve been doing all the right things , I went to bed at a reasonable time , didn’t drink alcohol all weekend and had good meals ! I spoke about in a couple of posts before this that I’ve cut way back on alcohol and it’s been amazing, I don’t drink half as much as I used to . I also take a weekend in the month and call it “ mindful weekend “ where I do a lot of self love things for myself . Cook myself nice meals , go to the cinema , go for nice walks , watch a good tv show ! It’s important I do this as life can take over so bloody much !! I know it’s hard in all our busy lives to take time out for ourselves but it’s sooo important . I speak to so many women especially with babies and kids and I know how hard it must be to get even 5 minutes to yourself especially with work to , I am in awe of you . Even if it’s 10 mins in the morning before everyone gets up just take a little time for yourself . I try switch my phone off for an hour a day now as I have come to realisation recently I am ADDICTED and because I work in social media it can be even more of an addiction as I am constantly online . I try to turn it off at night but I can’t because my mediation apps are on my phone and I do that before I sleep 😂😂 always a bloody excuse !!
Anxiety hangovers can be so hard to deal with but I am going to just try and accept it today and not let it ruin my day . I just get so frustrated when I try and do everything right for myself and my health and sometimes you just think what’s the bloody point if I still wake up and feel like absolute shit .. but let’s get on with the day 💃🏻
Anyway just wanted to share how i was feeling today , I’m going to go for a nice walk today and I am cooking for me , my sis and some friends which I look forward to doing as I love cooking 💛 !
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday
Big love Zoë xxx 😘💛🌈
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deripmaver · 6 years
Viktuuri, 28, 28 😉
HAHA FINALLY POSTING THESE thank u for your patience :3
Rating: G
28- “If I kissed you right now, what would you do?”
28- Love confession
“Mm, another glass of wine, darling?”
Yuuri blinks, haphazardly shoving red solo cups into a garbage bag.He stumbles, tripping over his own two feet, and a few cups tumbleout of the bag. Little droplets of beer and vodka-cranberry drip ontothe hardwood floor, and he stares at it in dismay.
“I think that’s a bad idea,” he slurs, giving up and foldingthe bag over. “’M pretty drunk. Very drunk.”
“I feel fine,” Victor teases, taking the last dregs of wine fromthe box and swirling it around with a smirk.
Yuuri narrows his eyes at him. “Liar,” he sniffs, poking Victoron the nose. “Your cheeks are sooo pink.”
“How do you know that’s not just because you’re around?”Victor flirts, the smirk still plastered on his face. He blinks,slowly, and takes a long sip of wine, making a face at the burn ofit. “Ugh, this is terrible.”
“Excuse you!” Yuuri huffs, the trash collected on the floor longforgotten, lost in Victor’s blue eyes. “This is the finest boxedwine from the corner store down the street.”
Victor laughs, light and musical. Yuuri pours himself a cup of tapwater and holds it up, clinking his plastic cup against Victor’s.
“Another social well done,” he smiles, swaying slightly. “Idon’t even think any of the freshmen threw up this time.”
“A miracle,” Victor says, rolling his eyes. He wraps his armaround Yuuri’s waist to hold him upright.
“I wish Phichit would stop calling us both dad, though. He doesn’teven mean it in a sexy way, just that we’re like… Club dads. Dadpresident and dad vice president.”
Victor smiles. “I don’t. Though, I mean, if you wanted to call medaddy…”
“Shut up,” Yuuri laughs and rests his head against Victor’sbroad chest, listens to the thump-thump of his heartbeat. Victor’sbreath hitches and he tightens his grip against the small of Yuuri’sback.
“Yuuri,” Victor breathes, “If I kissed you right now, whatwould you do?”
It takes a moment to register in Yuuri’s mind. He looks up atVictor, their eyes meeting, and Yuuri wonders if he’s drunk andhallucinating.
“Don’t joke with me right now,” Yuuri grumbles, hiding his faceagain. “I’m too drunk to… To do this right now.”
Victor cups his chin, brings his gaze back up. “I’m not joking,”he breathes, “I’m not. I don’t… Don’t mind being club dad.With you.”
Yuuri’s eyes widen. Victor’s face is very, very close, wine stillheavy on his breath.
“I think,” Victor continues, “I might have fallen in love withyou.”
Their lips touch. Victor tastes very strongly of wine, of shitty,cheap box wine. Yuuri doesn’t pull back – he kisses him, sloppyand messy and heartfelt, because he’s wanted to for so long. Henever told Victor, never told him how much he loves how theunderclassmen in the club joke about the two of them together.
Never told him how he still remembers joining the queer-straightalliance as a freshman, seeing beautiful sophomore Victor alreadyclub treasurer, so sure and confident and proud…
Yuuri pulls back, abruptly.
“You’re drunk,” he squeaks, lips wet with Victor’s saliva.
“I am,” Victor responds, a little dazed.
“You might not mean it,” Yuuri continues, ignoring the painfullurch in his chest and the hurt look in Victor’s eyes. “What ifit’s just… Just the wine.”
“You really think two buck chuck would convince me that I love you,when I really don’t?” Victor says, voice low and upset.
Yuuri rests his cheek against Victor’s chest again, wraps his armsaround him. “Tell me again in the morning,” he pleads, “Please.Tell me again in the morning.”
Victor nods, stiffly. He and Yuuri stumble off to the shower, thenbed.
Yuuri starts awake far earlier than he’d like, last night’sconversation playing over and over and over again in his mind. Besidehim, Victor sleeps soundly, chest rising and falling under theblankets on the air mattress. It feels like a dream, like he musthave been drunk and imagined it.
Victor stirs, groaning out of deep sleep, and Yuuri shifts on the bedto stare at him, noting the slow, sleepy smile on his face as heblinks awake.
“Hey,” Victor says.
“Hey,” Yuuri responds, flushing.
“I have something I want to tell you,” Victor grins.
Yuuri swallows, heart fluttering in his chest. “Ah? Yes? What, uh…What is it?”
Victor groans and rolls onto his back. “Ugh, I’m so hungover.”Yuuri freezes, heart lurching, but then Victor’s gaze slides tohim, a smirk playing on his lips. “Also, I love you.”
Relief floods through Yuuri, and he collapses back onto the bed,letting out a soft breath.
“You asshole,” he snorts, throwing a pillow in Victor’sdirection.
Victor laughs, picking up the pillow and flopping both it and hisbody across Yuuri. He’s warm, a solid weight, and he nuzzles intoYuuri’s back on the bed.
Yuuri wriggles, turns over so Victor is leaning over him, and theireyes meet.
“Love you too,” Yuuri murmurs, and he pulls Victor into a kiss.
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