#haha yeah anyways swag swag swag I think I might be going into a bit of a depressive episode and trying so desperately to get out of it
milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Thinking about drinking again want to be home alone forever that’s called moving out idiot get a job lol thanks brain anyways where’s the vodka
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sunset-bridge · 11 months
can you tell us more about sergio and yusuke friendship pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
see. sergio doesnt really have any "special skills" or hobbies hes passionate about . Or at least nothing he considers noteworthy.
So he thinks its awesome how skilled yusuke is at painting and designing stuff! And how creative he is. he..doesnt know much about art/art history haha, but hes like. Hell yeah yusuke 👍 💥🔥💯 (has no idea what hes looking at but thinks its cool as fuck)
So yeah! At first yusuke came off as a bit strange and aloof, but sergio was an instant fan as soon as he saw his work LOL. Yusuke appreciates the support. Yusuke finds sergio really interesting as he can tell hes good at getting the honest feeling out of a piece, even if he doesn't quite use the correct words lol. (Like. If yusuke shows him a painting , its likely sergio will tell him an honest interpretation of it. Good feedback.)
I think thats what yusuke appreciates most about sergio..that hes honest and kind. He can tell hes a really kind person even when he pretends otherwise. Also he seems to like his strange sense of humor.. go figure. I suppose he also appreciates his leader qualities though.. how he steps up and how brave he seems to be (makoto will say hes a bit stupid HSHD 😭)
ANYWAYS i find it very funny how. Sergio really admires and respects yusuke, even when he does "weird" things its like. Well its yusuke so. Yusuke = cool, then thing = cool as well right ??!!! Squishy you might not know this but sergio is so stupid about masculinity things.. not quite his fault but thats another can of worms. Anyways what im saying is yusuke with his autism swag is a really good influence.
Its like. Sergio thoughts: No way..... Is it cool for guys to give hugs to eachother....? Well if yusuke does it (and we all know everything yusuke does is by default Cool) then i guess its fine. Meanwhile yusuke is just eating snacks.
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thicccqueyoongimin · 4 years
yoonseok fluff and stuff
forever 21 | chapter 1 
pairing: yoongi x hoseok
word count: 1.6k
genre: fluffy fluff (rated PG)
warnings: kissing, mentions of sexuality, mild language but not really
Min Yoongi sighed as he leaned over the checkout counter at Forever 21. He really really hated his job. But if it payed the bills, so be it.. He was going to college for music production, and things were going alright. Life wasn't so bad, apart from his job. But he still felt like something was... Missing
He peered over at the clock. 11:02 am. Only 3-ish hours into his shift and he already wanted to die. That's a record. Usually it takes 4 hours or something like that. Soon co-workers and customers made the empty store seem a bit more lively. Lost in thought, Yoongi didn't even hear the footsteps of cheap stilettos clacking up to him. Only when his boss slammed her perfectly manicured hand on the counter, did Yoongi jump up and leave his depressing thoughts behind. He spoke.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I was just -"
" Thinking, like you ALWAYS ARE. " his boss interrupted. " I might as well just fire you now, but I need you, so unfortunately.. That's not an option. "
She steps to the side, revealing a man, with perfect golden tan skin and cherry red hair.
"This is Jung Hoseok." She says.
Yoongi's P.O.V
Jung Hoseok? He's so handsome.
"Stop being weird, Yoongi. He probably doesn't swing that way" I think to myself.
"You'll be showing this young man around, he's a new employee. Show him how to restock the clothes shelves, handle the cash register, and everything else from the handbook." My boss says and Throws the book of rules at me. Ugh, she's so RUDE. She turns around and walks off, leaving Hoseok and I alone.
"Um, hey I'm Hoseo- oh well you already know that haha" he says with a big toothy grin.
"I'm Yoongi." I say with a flat tone , not smiling. I see his smile falter a little. Shoot. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm really not a smiley person, that's just how I am. I want to apologize but that would be weird.
"Come follow me and I'll show you the back room, what to do and stuff ." I say, a little kinder this time.
his smile comes back immediately and he follows behind me to the back room.
I show him everything he needs to know and he's a really fast learner. He's so optimistic and happy and... It's tiring but it's refreshing at the same time. I really like him and I've only been with him for half a day. And here's the thing. I. Dont. Like. People... Usually, but Hoseok was different.
3rd person P.O.V
The whole day was a new, but good experience for the both of them. There was hardly ever silence between the two, and when there was it was a comfortable kind. They mostly just laughed and talked about whatever whilst they folded clothes and restocked the back room. Soon it was 2, and Yoongi 's shift was over. And for once in his entire working career, he didn't want it to end. Oh, how he adored Hoseok. Maybe it was too early to have these feelings, but Yoongi didn't care. His infatuation with the red head was undeniable. He was so funny and he could already see that he was caring by the way he treated the customers and other co-workers, and he was smart. And on top of that, he was really good looking. The list could go on and on. Yoongi packed up his stuff and let the dread fill him again as he said goodbye to Hoseok and left the building. Then, he got an idea. He ran back into the store where Hoseok was packing up too, since their shifts ended at the same time.
"Hoseok!" Yoongi shouted
" Yoongi! " Hoseok replied with a laugh.
"Do you... W-want to maybe get like a drink or a late lunch or something? with me, I mean" Yoongi stuttered.
Hoseok blinked in surprise. "Yeah, for sure! Let me go home and change first. Here's my number, I'll send you my address." He says and he types his number into Yoongi's phone.
"Okay I'll see you soon Hoseok!" Yoongi says, feeling much happier than the first time he left the store.
Hoseok's P.O.V
"OKAY OKAY CALM DOWN IT'S JUST SOME LUNCH. NOT A DATE" I scream internally as I throw my new name tag on my nightstand. I walk across my colourful room and peer into the closet. "Hmmmm, I like this sweater.. And it's rainbow, so maybe he'll get the hint" I think slyly to myself. I match that with a pair of ripped jeans and some vans. Soon enough, I was ready. I texted Yoongi My address and he said he was on his way. My mood went from good to great! I'm usually in a good mood and life is pretty okay right now, I just like to look on the bright side of things. Although things are going good, I will admit... I'm freaking LONELY. Of course of course, I have friends. But no matter what people say, friends aren't the same as a special someone. It's two completely different types of love, if you get what I mean? Yoongi is such a cutie, but we only just met today... He prolly doesn't like guys like I do. He seems a bit cold too, but I'm determined to find his soft side. It's my favorite side of people.
The doorbell rings and I run to the door. But, nobody's there. I look a bit further out, and by the curb in front of the apartment complex, I see a dark blue car. The windows open and Yoongi is waving at me, with the cute little gummy smile that I've grown to love in under one day. I walk up and get in the car.
"how'd you ring the doorbell if you didn't get out of the car?" I ask.
"oh I did." He replies nonchalantly. "I just don't like standing, so I came back here and sat down, it's too much work to stand"
l laugh at him. He turns out of the parking lot and heads to the cafe. The car ride was filled with easygoing conversation. I got to know even more about Yoongi and he got to know more about me. We get to the coffee shop and order what we want. We keep talking. It's funny, Neither of us has shut up since the time I got into the car. Yoongi's so easy to talk to, and that's nice, cause I thought he'd be the exact opposite. Our food comes, and a comfortable silence falls over us, as we stuff out mouths with food. Soon, lunch is over, and I'm sad. Jeeeeeeeeez, I can't get enough of this guy!! Then I get an idea. I still think it's a bit too early to just ask what Yoongi's sexuality is. But this idea might help me get the information I need, without being awkward. I might as well give it a shot. We get into the car and I ask.
"Yoongi, are you doing anything else today?"
"uhhh, nope. I don't think so." He replies
" want to come over? I got this new game on my phone and I haven't found anyone to play with yet" I say, crossing my fingers, hoping he might agree.
"Yeah sure!" He says , but then clears his throat and composes himself, "I mean, yeah.. I'm down"
I roll my eyes and we head back to my apartment.
Yoongi 's P.O.V
HE JUST INVITED ME TO HIS HOUSE!!!! I'm freaking out. But I gotta keep my swag. Alright deep breaths. We pull up to his apartment and he unlocks the door. The apartment is small but not too small, and it's clean, but not too clean and still decorated nicely. The main thing I noticed, is that it was empty.
"You live here alone?" I ask flopping down onto his maroon couch.
"Yeah, it's nice cause the rents not too bad, but I'm lonely" he said with a sad smile.
"If you're ever lonely, you've got me now." I say sitting up and looking at him seriously .
"Thanks Yoongi. It means a lot. Ok lets play that game now" he says as he sits down next to me.
Hoseok pulls out his phone and clicks on an app.
"Its called.. Truth or dare" he says.
"Hoseok, I know what truth or dare is" I say.
"Reallly!?" He asks
" Uhm, yes... It's one of the most popular games out there.. Are you telling me that you haven't heard of truth or dare? " I reply
"You know what... Let's just play" he says, blushing and looking down at his phone. "Yoongi, truth or dare!!"
"Dare. "
He smiles brightly and clicks the dare button on the screen. His smile falters for a second and he looks confused.
"Uh.... Eat a spoonful of wasabi." He mumbles
" No. " I say.
"Well that's fine, cause I don't have wasabi anyway" he says, "I'll pick a different one"
he clicks again and giggles as he reads it. Man, even his laugh was cute. What the hell, Hoseok.
"Lick the toilet seat" he says and laughs louder again.
"See, I'd do that. But it's too far away." I say, genuinely not wanting to get up.
"Ugh, fine. One more, but this one, you have to do." He says rolling his eyes.
"Third times the charm!" I tell him
He clicks, once again, and reads the dare on the screen. His cheeks turn a bit pink and he looks up.
"H-hold hands with the person next to you for 3 turns."
Hi guysss this is my first post ever on tumblr, I wrote this fanfiction a while ago on wattpad (its still up there too if you want to check it out) anyways there's one more chapter of this story. enjoy!! <3
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Unpopular character you love? (not hoshi)
The saltiest cracker you know is me, Bepsi!23. Unpopular character you love?
Ah SHOOT. YOU TOOK MY EASY ANSWER. JERK ! Meanie !!! U big pizza slice !
aababbaa but! I do have one I really wanna talk about!Under the cut you see, for I ramble a lot.
- Hifumi !
I love him man.There’s so much about his character that’s so relatable and lovable to me. I think that’s why DR1′s amazing theme of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” really comes on in with him. On the outside he looks like as one would expect of a gross anime fan. Fat, not attractive, pretty gonk-y, speaks all fuckin over the top like an anime, so on and so forth. But it’s when you learn about him that really makes him super fucking amazing.His past is like, something that I can relate to myself in a bit. As someone that ‘became a bully to stop the bullying’ and stopped when he could like… find enjoyment and fun in an anime character and put all of his effort into that instead. He’s drawing because he shows appreciation for her, and that’s super sweet. And quick tangent before I continue, but “he only makes hentai” is a bad argument. Like, he does and I ain’t gunna vouch that he doesn’t but lots of people do. What’s wrong with it? Like, is it a crime to make that stuff??? Clearly not if Doujin creators are a big deal in Japan, able to have hour long lines at their stands at conventions, with people willing to purchase their merch with devoted fans. Like, ppl are so quick to demonize sexuality it’s CRAZY.
Anyways, back on topic. He’s got a great personality. He’s like, a bit of a stuck up jackass when ya first see him, but it’s the later interactions that just really sell it for me. He’s got some of the FUNNIEST lines in my opinion, between saying that his punches towards Ishida will go faster b/c he has no arm hair so there’ll be less wind resistance, or his numerous anime and videogame quips (”rebooting my devices; please stand by”, “You haven’t reached that point in our friendship! You don’t have enough friendship points to be asking those questions!”, “If he tries that (in context it’s mondo going to attack monokuma) Oowada Mondo-dono’s health will go to zero!”, “the whole anime plotline for the first episode outside the trash room”, for a few) are all just absolutely stellar to me. He’s unabashedly awkward because he’s just so confident in himself and what he loves, and it makes me happy to see him so enthusiastic!
Speakin of that, let’s go more into it!!He’s so passionate about himself, and just has a gay ol time doing everything. It’s absolutely amazing honestly. His speaking is just so energetic! He’s so happy to do what he does as an artist and I absolutely love it! It’s almost inspirational, that he can be so unabashedly confident and happy about his skill, and it shows just how much love he puts into his art. And real talk here, but Hifumi isn’t even that much of an asshole. Like, people make him out to be some kinda monster, when that’s absolutely not the case. “he killed Ishimaru though!” yeah, because Celes lied and said that Ishimaru sexually assaulted her, took what would be at that point Hifumi’s close friend, and said Ishimaru planned to kill him and probably everyone else. Like, murder is still wrong, but he didn’t do it because “oh celes asked me to”. He did it for his sense of justice- in that he hated to see someone like Celes be hurt. : / don’t diss my dude for tryin to protect a friend yo. His spats with people are less mean spirited and just more fun and lightheared dickery. Like, when you crack shit with your friends. He picks fights, but it’s never out of malicious intent. It’s like having a good time or trying to lighten the atmosphere, albeit in his own goofy anime way.Even in Chapter 2, the spat he has with Fukawa in the library over literature and doujin isn’t as aggressive as it prolly should be. He takes most insults with stride (unless they insult the 2-D works of course!!) and it feels a lot more like a cliche anime rivalry (esp. when he says shit like “you are my ARCH NEMESIS, I can’t make you tea!” when Fukawa asks why he only made some for Celes). At least, that’s what Yamada thinks.
He’s confident, which a lot of people always like to assume makes someone a dick or feature it as a negative trait rather than a positive one, when it can go both ways. Hifumi being able to have such high standards that he openly admits to not reading other people’s works because he can just write a story he wants to see himself can be considered narcissistic, but having the confidence to sell his works starting from high school (prolly when they were more pg and ‘fade to black’) and get over 10,000 copies sold is something to be proud of and I’m glad that he is! It’s a stigma that artists have to hate themselves, or suffer for their work, but I disagree. When an artist is healthiest and happiest in their mind, that’s when they make the best work. Vincent Van Gogh made the Starry Night when he was in a hospital getting better for his depression and mental relapses after all. Hifumi’s not fit, and he definitely has some areas where people would consider him unhealthy such as his eating habits and whatnot, but he also focuses on being happy and being himself as a first priority. He eats because he enjoys it, and remembers to have all his meals. He does what he likes without actively hurting others, because he just enjoys doing it, and he loves to promote his favorite anime character. He’s a dorky geek that says shit like “swag” and fuckin says “i forget not everyone is as savvy as I am” which is just so fucking amazing to me it’s both hilarious and fun.
Also haha, the fact that he’s making Doujin from a character who’s overweight is kinda nice to me, because she’s not a “conventionally attractive” anime girl with big titties and a small stomach; she’s chubby and different, and I think that’s nice to show what Hifumi’s interests are as well as what anime really means to him. It’s not just about getting his rocks off, it’s about the fun and enjoyment and the feelings that anime can give you and what your mind can do. It’s why he had a dream about going on a date with a magical girl, the kinds of characters who inspire friendship and happiness, for fucks sake. When he was lonely and had no friends and became a bully to counteract the way people treated him, he found something that would be there for him, and he wanted to support it ever since. Which is a powerful and very overall positive message to give people.
But he has great messages too. Messages about being able to be yourself and have fun, no matter how “dorky” or “lame” your interest might be to others. He encourages people to have fun in their own ways, even if he wants to promote Princess Piggles, with lines such as “what might be boring to me might be another persons moespiration! With that in mind, look for your own!” and “In a sense, a geek is like an expert. That’s right, a total expert! A successful musician must necessarily be a music geek, a good movie director is a movie geek. You see? It’s those experts, those geeks who open up the world to others!”. It’s positive and nice, and it forms who he is as a person.
No one’s perfect, and neither is he, but he’s pretty damn good. And I’ll defend him with every fiber of my being for just how real he feels.
I personally believe it’s because this fandom has a definite bias against male characters that aren’t distinctly attractive, as you can see Hoshi gets ignored quite a lot compared to all of the other males (even being the ONLY male left out of the halloween drawing!! Let alone he gets left out of most fan merch.) and he’s honestly one of the most down to earth and downright cool dudes in DR. I don’t want to change either of them, because I think their looks only make it better for their backstories and who they are as characters! So even if Hifumi gets like no fanart, and Hoshi struggles with getting new content, I’d rather have them the same way they are now, rather than make them attractive. Because I think that the way they are, only makes them better.
And that’s my short version essay on why I think Hifumi’s super rad and more people should give him a chance. Of course he’s a very hit or miss kinda person with his comedy, but if Tsumugi’s obscure anime references were fun for you, then Hifumi’s really good too! ^p^b
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myseoul17-blog · 6 years
<elCube by Lotte>
Sometime between March 2016 & October 2017, elCube opened a location here in Edae. Lotte Department Store is a “big name” department in Korea, & the company (Lotte) started launching a small version of the department store in various sites in Seoul. One of which is this one. The idea was to attract younger generations as the Lotte Department Store (not surprisingly) set prices that aren’t affordable for most teens & university students. As such, bcos of the target audience, the 1st location opened near Hongik University, which is like “young-trend central”, & then Edae (this one) was the 2nd location. There are now several locations in Seoul.
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The brands existing in the elCubes also differ; not only from the parent Lotte Department Store (just simply due to the clientele & size of the building) but also between different elCube locations as well. 
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Selca in front of the Line Store, located on the main floor of the elCube.
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Selca #2. With Moon.
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Brown (bear) & Sally (duck).
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Cony (rabbit) & swag Brown. 
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Like the Lotte Department Store (the parent), this place offers instant tax refunds; however, a minimum amount of purchase must be made in order to receive that service.
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Hottracks x Kakao Friends event going on! Hottracks is like a “store” but their inventory changes occasionally bcos they operate by carrying different brands. Sometimes, they have Brands A, B, C, & D products, but the seasonal Brand A items are all sold out, so they start carrying Brand E & F. You never really know what they sell in terms of brands but they have a lot of items that are “new generation” & trendy bcos that’s their operational style, & they’re fun to check out. When I went, I was lucky bcos they had a collab thing with Kakao Friends, so I knew I would be able to grab some Kakao Friends products here if I wanted to =]
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UMIUS = You Me Us. A shop that sold accessories of all sorts. I thought the name was cute.
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Moonshot featuring the GD fragrance & Big Bang 10 merch :O
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Moonshot featuring Blackpink’s Jenny & her make-up. 
Moonshot is a K-beauty brand launched by YG, so it’s not surprising that YG artists endorse this brand. The Moonshot booth can be found at the very back of the main floor. 
Next to the cosmetics section is the Line Friends store. The elCube is essentially a circle, with the escalators occupying the space in the middle of each floor *refer to the 1st photo in this post*.
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Did you scroll up to take a 2nd look at the 1st photo? :P
Anyways, the connection wall between the Line Friends store & the cosmetics is this wall of Brown bears.
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Line Friends plushies, backpacks, little pouches, car pillows, etc. ..
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Line Friends posters.
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James, the narcissist that cares a lot about his hair.
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The basement level is a clothing store called Star101. I headed there after I looped the main floor.
This place was super awesome! It was shopping heaven for me. Many styles of clothing, the many styles of clothing in different colours, & the many styles of clothing in different colours with an affordable price! The store sold mainly women’s clothing. They have a small men’s section in one corner of the basement. Aside from the bottoms & some jackets, the hoodies, sweaters, & t-shirts can be worn by women as an oversized style. So altogether, if you account for that, I’d say this store has approx. 85% women's clothing. Not a huge range in pricing. The most expensive piece I found was like 50000w (~<$60CAD) for a winter jacket. Most prices fall between 10000-25000w. They also have some accessories but not much, mostly hats & beanies, which was under 20000w. A small number of what I like to call “pocket accessories” was located at the cashier counter - wallets, phone cases, card holders, cigarette holders, the phone ring that holds your phone up, & pens, which I thought was really random. Several sale/clearance racks can be found, & things on these racks were under 10000w. 
Do note that despite all the available colours & styles, it’s ONE SIZE FITS ALL, with few exceptions for jeans, & jeans only. 
Now you might be wondering what size is “one size fits all”. It’s a fair question & unless you have an example to see, it’s really hard to say. It depends on the style/fit of the apparel too, right? I’m confident to say that over 85% of the clothes fit me. I’m 154cm (almost 5′1″) & 46-48kg (depending on how much I just ate lol, approx. 103lbs). For me, pants length is an issue at majority of places due to my short stature - not just in Asia but everywhere haha. A small number of dresses & skirts would fall too long on me for the same reason; they fit my waist but it’s the length. Most of the jackets I tried on here but didn’t end up getting was a good fit on me (I had to be selective *cries*); the shoulders on some of them were too big. Aside from fall/winter jackets, all the tops were good!
Taken together, I think that if I’m stretched out to 5′3″ (legs only), EVERYTHING would fit haha I hope this was helpful. I tried my best. Actually, bcos I’m talking about sizing here, I want to be a bit more informative to you. From my experience, Star101′s type of sizing is pretty standard at the places I went to for shopping - namely the rest of Edae & the area near Hongik University. Majority of shops in these places are one-size-fits-all. There are no plus-size stores or petite sections, like how it is in North America. I guess if you want to get serious  clothing shopping done but based on my description of the sizing here, you might want to consider other options, esp if you’re tight on time during your travel. There are other things to do here & check out; however, clothes shopping is huge here in Edae. I’m a very realistic person & when it comes to clothes, I mean. .. it’s yes or no, right? You can’t force yourself into a piece that doesn’t work for you. Blogs I’ve stumbled on don’t really touch upon the sizing issue so I want to share this information with you. =]
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Hottracks on the 2nd floor of the elCube. Look at this glorious view of Kakao stuff! Felt like I was in a Kakao store even though I’ve never been to one yet. .. but yeah, it was great that they were having this event here.
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Neo is so sassy, I love I!
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This was super cute. It was a small cosmetics pouch but their faces were like squished to the side. 
I spent more time in this section than expected bcos it was just so. .. overwhelming - all the Kakao cuteness haha I picked up 2 small notepads bcos I was being good. 
The rest of the store had pretty awesome gadgets too, like bendy lamps to attach to iPads/laptops, phone camera lenses, Fujifilm Instax Mini accessories. .. mostly electronic accessories & desk/office organizational parts. The designs were very sleek, & I’m sorry I don’t know the brand(s) bcos I didn’t pay attention to that. But like I said earlier in this post, their inventory changes (I’m sure they keep a few essential hot-sellers around, though). 
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