#I need to die or sleep already I am miserable and only getting worse but I am also applying to jobs and becoming more of an actual person
cavity-collector · 28 days
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i genuinely need to be put down like a dog i cant do this anymore man holy shit
#yall dont know the meaning of terminally online til u meet me#i hate myself so much its not even funny i am the most miserable worthless scum#my sleep schedule is 7am to 3pm all i do all day is rot on the couch and sometimes draw if i have a drop of motivation#depression is completely kicking my ass and im not even fighting back i give up what the fuck man#theres not even a point for me to keep trying i just want to stop feeling such deep despair 24/7 please#i dont want to die i just want the pain to stop so i can peacefullylive out the rest of this year before i turn 18 and its all over for good#but i cant even have that! im just gonna suffer the whole time thanks great#i wish i could just get better and fix all of this but i cant its not working we dont have the money to#actually get me the help i need to make it work. i just have to figure it out or die#i just wanna go back to ***** ** *** i just want to stop being lonely and useless#i dont know why im posting this shit to tumblr. its so stupid i should just be journaling or something#probably because im worthless selfish scum. idfk.#the last 6 months have been a complete blur. just rotting on the couch or in bed occasionally seeing friends once every other month or so#ive already wasted half of being 17 abd im probably gonna waste the rest too. ill do nothing of worth before i die.#even my art is ugly and horrible and not worth leaving behind. people tell me to work to improve it but i dont have the time left#ill never create any of the things i wanted to create ill never be a good artist im just going to die exactly like this#an absolutely terrible person.#the only people i can talk about the things that make me a terrible person with are people who are terrible in even worse ways#no one can comfort me except them because theyre the only people who know what ive done and actually do see it as less than absolute evil#because they know absolute evil because it is them. but i actually don’t believe that i think theyre bad but could be good#idk what im saying anymore#someone shoot me#please im not kidding#just make it stop#tw vent#tw sui#delete later
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Thinking about drinking again want to be home alone forever that’s called moving out idiot get a job lol thanks brain anyways where’s the vodka
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olliandre · 7 months
Charlie originally wasn’t selfish (novel comparision)
Actually, I don’t really blame people for not liking Charlie, because I also am upset with what drama did to his character. There are many reasons to dislike him, starting from the fact he lied to Babe and schemed behind his back, ending at what made it worse - that he promised to never hurt Babe ever again, but repeated it and never apologized.
However, in the novel he approached Babe purely for the fact that he heard Tony’s gonna hurt a person named Babe and make him pregnant with their house’s Enigma's child. He especially searched for Babe to save him from this fate, terrified by his adoptive parent cruelty. Only after watching his races did he get interested in it and started admiring Babe. Yes, he planned to take his power. No, he didn’t plan to use him to fight against Tony. His sole purpose was to shift Tony’s attention from Babe to himself, which also meant making himself the new target. He didn’t gain anything from it, it only made his life more difficult. And he chose to do that, because he really fell for Babe.
When Charlie faked his death, unlike from what was in the drama, he was dying from guilt. He couldn’t forgive himself for doing this to Babe, for hurting him like that despite promising not to lie again. He hated himself to the point of not feeling worthy to come back to Babe’s side after everything ended. It was a really big deal for him and I have no idea why it was cut out from the series.
There was this one scene in the novel, in which Charlie called Babe in the middle of the night just to hear his voice. Encountering the silence, Babe started asking desperately if it was him, but Charlie didn’t respond, he just cried silently. And afterwards, when Babe saw Charlie during Tony’s auction and realized he’s still alive, he wasn’t mad at all, actually, he was happy beyond recogniction and he kept repeating how he knew he didn’t actually die. He didn’t care about his reasons, didn’t demand an apology, he was just so glad to have him back. Every of this made Charlie realize just how much his actions broke Babe and because of that he felt even worse with himself. He wasn’t as shameless as in the drama, coming back like nothing happened, without any consequences.
In their relationship, it was always Charlie making every decision. And so, at the end he decided to give Babe something nor he, nor Way never did - freedom. He told him everything and let Babe choose what to do next. After hurting him so much, Charlie didn’t feel like he deserved to be with him anymore. But Babe asked him not to be selfless for a moment and confess what was in his heart, whether he himself wanted to stay. When he replied he really did want to stay, Babe said that he should, then. Just like this.
And Charlie realized that with him or without him, Babe was already miserable. By leaving, he would make him even more unhappy. Despite his massive guilt, he stayed. He stayed, because he truly loved Babe. No matter how hard it was for him emotionally, he did what Way couldn’t - he chose the difficult thing, to atone for his mistakes for the rest of his life. He chose to make Babe the happiest he could.
Unlike from the drama, it took time for them to come back to normal. Babe was suffering from depression and PTSD, had to took medications and had trouble sleeping. Whenever Charlie disappeared, even for a moment, he would start panicking, but after finding Charlie in another room, he would still tell him to stop feeling guilty after seeing him getting scared like this. Both of them fought for the relationship at the time - Babe by learning to trust again, Charlie by supporting him nonstop.
I think there’s a big difference between Charlie in the drama and in the novel. Because in the drama, he crushed Babe mentally, causing him a massive trauma, and came back like nothing happened. On the contrary, novel’s Charlie stayed, because that’s what Babe needed him to do, instead of running away from the responsibility like he intended.
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep1 Musings - Dreams, Nightmares, and Faith
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Wow. 😍 I love the new title card, with the bomber jets & explosions over upside-down...Paris? Romania? IDGAF--it's cool! I am SO glad AMC took us through war-torn Europe!
Something I found so interesting was the question of whether vampires dream or not.
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(Armand stfu omg, him & Les both calling Claudia Infant Death 😅)
In the books, AR's vamps go into deathlike sleep--they're not really conscious, don't get woken up by much unless THEY'RE ready to wake up, and don't dream.
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Vamps are like the dead, but UNdead--they're DAMNED. The damned don't get to wish for rainbows when they dwell in darkness. They die with their heartaches and grief, and spread it to others as harbingers of death.
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In WWII Europe, societal vampires (Nazis, Soviets, etc) and actual vampires coexist, each preying on the innocent & vulnerable. Louis & Claudia literally tear through the battlefields and waypoints. I was wrong about them eating the dead/blown up body parts--they were feeding on dying soldiers, not ones already dead, but TBH at this point I don't know which is worse?
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You feel sorry for Darciana and her revenant "child," sure, but there's also Morgan & Emilia--and what about everyone in that bunker (all those old women & kids), who'll probably starve now that their sole hunter/trapper can't get food for them anymore? Just so these serial killing vamps can eat!?!
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Louis thinks "the blood is bad here" cuz they're drinking "misery and hopelessness" in war survivors & POWs etc; but really the misery & hopelessness is IN THEM. LOUIS is miserable (without Lestat). CLAUDIA feels hopeless (with Louis/her own companion). THEY (as vamps) bring misery wherever they go, internally & externally.
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You're the walking DEAD, Louis. :( You will ALWAYS be cold. U_U
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It's bad EVERYWHERE--love & community is what keeps people going--
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--even in the middle of what seems like an apocalypse--be it WWII, or the "flying vampire apocalypse/Great Conversion." Even in a hellish place like the Theatre and the Children of Satan/Darkness. We all need/want a HOME.
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Louis & Claudia have been stuck in a figurative nightmare, walking through the valley of the shadow of death along the Devil's Road. But poor AMC!Claudia has actual nightmares. 😭
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She tells herself (through her diaries) that she doesn't dream, denying the suffering she goes through, trying to stay strong and not give her trauma power.
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The tabula rasa of "infants" and child-like innocence that Armand refers to is just The Void for her. By avoiding her troubles, she's probably giving more power to the things that scare her the most.
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AMC KNOWS what they're doing! Claudia's in denial too, and DreamStat's calling them BOTH out on it--but like Delainey said: unlike Louis, Claudia doesn't need a hallucination version of Les to tell her what she already knows--he's in her; he's her father--moreso than Louis, who only ever gets called "Daddy" now when they need to fake it! (Or is it REALLY fake for her? When she gets hurt, she yells for Daddy Lou's attention....)
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There's her behavior with Louis', and her nightmares, compared to DreamStat. Cuz Louis' not asleep--he's wide awake, but being awake for him is like living in a nightmare with his eyes wide open. Louis said his own dreams were "erratic and often," but which ones is he even talking about, REALLY? His actual dreams? Or DreamStat; the figment of his imagination he admitted to "inviting" inside his head?
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The Disney song goes "Have faith in your dreams and someday...the dreams that you wish will come true." For Louis his dream is obvs Lestat, and obvs by PLatRoA and Blood Communion Looustat's dream finally comes true. But for Claudia her dream is companionship, but also knowledge. She wants/demands answers.
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(Only for us to find out 2 books later that all the legends really ARE true!)
Louis's having a crisis of faith--he is SCARED of his dreams, and what it says about himself, and has accepted his damnation with fatalistic & willfully blind cynicism--just like Armand does with the Childrren of Darkness/Satan, he's slowly losing his religion/faith in God (read: their "dead" exes: Lestat & Marius), while doubling down on the idea that they are damned and that all that exists is Hell/Damnation/Satan/etc.
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He'd rather believe that baboons are roaming Europe than face another vampire who might reveal more about him than he's ready to accept.
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He talks down to Claudia just like Lestat did; and constantly crushes her dreams by being a wet blanket. He gives her NOTHING positive or affirmative to look forward to.
Daciana's suicide is a wake-up call: she IS a good vampire (reltively speaking, ofc). She has dreams and wishes and loving feelings, too. She's visibly in emotional turmoil & pain, which Louis can relate to; acknowledging her as human, and finally looking forward to the future Claudia wants for all of them: companions sharing stories & knowledge & love; "we're a family?"
Louis COULD'VE followed Daciana into hopeless misery, but luckily he DOES have Claudia; them helping e/o to stay out of the fire.
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And as sick as it is, Lou also has Lestat, and the comfort of knowing that no matter how bad he acts/gets, he's still alive.
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There's still that glimmer of HOPE: "a spark in the dark."
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As an aside:
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Romania as the "ancestral home" of vampires is hilarious. Claudia's desperate to find out the truth--and she's close, for sure, as there are obviously vamps crawling all over Europe--but my heart just aches thinking about how mind blown Claudia would be if she found out that the REAL ancestral home of AR's vampires was Egypt.
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Cinematic poetry, putting AR in the same frames where Louis talks about Dracula--only to drag vampire superstitions a few minutes in, as Louis and Claudia bicker over garlic & crucifixes. XD
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I just feel really lazy and ashamed of myself today.
I’ve been seeing videos of people going to university or work and the amount of energy they need to put into all that. For so many days. Or my sister, her work is paying for her get a flight to another state for work related things, and how exhausting that must be for her.
And I’m just here. Im not doing anything. I can’t stay awake for one whole day unless I’m on a massive anxiety trip. And I’m not doing anything. Im so lucky and thankful that I haven’t been kicked out of home and that my parents still let me live with them. Im so lucky I live in a country that gives me disability payments because of my mental health issues. But I don’t feel like I deserve any of it. I feel like so many people have it so much worse and i shouldn’t be in this position.
I pay for all my own things and appointments and medication and phone and board etc with the money. But it doesn’t feel like my money.
I just lock myself away from the world and curl up in bed , day after day, for years now, and I hate myself for it and I hate myself that I’ve allowed to become complacent in my sadness. I’ve truly reached an ends road. I don’t want to try and get better anymore. I want to just sleep my life away until I disintegrate. Read or watch a bit of trash when I’m awake to tide me over until I sleep again. Spend left over money on crap I don’t need or deserve.
Not engage with therapy. Throw a couple words out into the void on the internet.
Just living a pit of sadness and apathy and procrastination and sleep and laziness and doing literally nothing. And I hate myself so much for it.
I used to want to get to the point where I could work again. Even if it was only for a couple days a week. I was working to get to that point. I genuinely wanted to. But I feel like I’ve given up. Sometimes I have little days and pockets where I’ve surfaced just long enough to crave something enough to dream of one day having it, like love, but most of the times I’ve fallen into pits of acceptance that it’s just not happening. And so I want to do nothing but sleep.
I know I’m not allowed to die. But honestly it feels like I already have. I have given up so fully on life and living and changing and contributing to the world that I feel dead. And most days my only wish is that I can sleep longer and that I don’t have to wake up. And I’m okay in that pseudo death state of being.
But when I see what’s going on around the world and when I see how hard so many people are working. I can’t help but utterly hate myself for who I am and what type of person apathy and sadness and a complete disregard for moving forward in life has left me.
High school was an utterly miserable time for me. But I look back thinking at least I was constantly doing something!! It’s been years since then and I’ve done next to nothing. I just feel so embarrassed. But mainly embarrassed that I’m still alive in this condition. Because I have no motivation to fix anything. All I have the motivation for is sleep and dreaming of the day I don’t have to wake up again.
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jonigirard3 · 10 months
Do not die in the attempt! Die in the doing! Part 2
Do not die in the attempt! Die in the doing! Part 2
Most people, even some sayings suggest that dying trying is a good thing. But that supports most people who stop at tying and never get to doing. They have the sizzle of the steak, but never deliver the steak itself. This is the continuation of yesterday's article. 'Not real, not real.' What happens when you can say that? I may not live much longer, but while I am alive, I'll do the work necessary. I slept a total of two hours last night. Then I woke up with a start... could not go back to sleep... And the experience of I am suffocating every time I put my head down is not ever going to allow me to sleep again. So I got up, and researched chronic pulmonary obstruction disease... My symptoms are most similar to that... Then I went back to bed and practiced for an hour to say: 'not real, not real' every time the panic came up. The not real tells me relax the muscles that block the air flow. I did that 80 times in that hour. This is not dissimilar to the Amish Horse Training Method, where what needs to be let go of is a thought, but it isn't the thought that keeps you miserable, it's the meaning. So the meaning is what is not real. 'I am suffocating'... is not real. I noticed that there was, each time, an image or a mini-movie that triggered it. It was easier to see because I had my eyes closed...... Eighty repetitions got me to being consciously incompetent. The goal is to get myself to unconscious competence. Muscletest says another 300 successful repetitions can take me there. In the meantime my vibration has dropped, my IQ has dropped, and there is no guarantee that I'll be able to sleep through the night even after I get competent. But without integrity nothing works, not you, not your life. And worse than that: you can't love yourself. And without integrity your word has no power. When you say: 'not real', you are creating with your word... and if your word has no power, then you won't obey it. In my case, in suffocating: if I didn't HONOR my word, I would jump up and try to stay alive... Instead, when I say not real, not real... I already relax the muscles that obstruct my airways. And when I really-really didn't react, my eyes even stayed closed... About half of the 80 instances. Why is this called The Amish Horse Training Method? The Amish ties the young horse to a fence post on the side of the highway for days, about 7 days. Every vehicle passing triggers the horse until it gets it, if it gets it, that all that noise is not personal, and that he, the horse, can let go of reacting to every noise. Only humans are so arrogant to believe that just knowing what there is to do is enough... So I have had not one student who has achieved mastery at the Amish Horse Training Method, even though I have no students who wouldn't need it. Because just like an untrained horse reacts to everything, you do too... And it is as dangerous as in the case of the horse: you pull your whole life in the way of the eighteen Next click to read the rest
https://healingcodesblog.university1000.com/112276 The healing codes and other healing modalities reviews
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tragically-broken · 10 months
honestly, I'm just irritated with my gf and need somewhere to put this so here I go. sometimes she goes out of the country and when this happens there is a 24hr time difference which makes communicating really hard. surprisingly this time wasn't as bad as others have been but ever since the trip we've been out of sync. she often goes through these bouts of depression periods where she sleeps all day and I mean that literally. like she will actually literally be asleep for more than 24hrs. she's going through one of these periods rn and I thought tonight we would finally get to talk and catch up but we only chatted for like 30 min and then she decided not to eat dinner and just go to sleep instead. i don't want to make her feel bad about this bc lord knows that will prob just make her depression worse but also how is this fair to me? shes applying for jobs rn which I think is really contributing to the issue for sure. a few months ago she got fired which was secretly such a blessing bc that job was making her miserable and her boss was a nightmare. for about 4ish months she was doing the depression sleeping SO much and everyday she would tell me how miserable she was which as someone who loves her is really hard to hear. i kept gently nudging her to quit but it never took but she got fired thank god. anyway all this to say is that ever since then she's been sooooooo much better! She's not telling me she wants to off herself all the time and she wasn't sleeping nearly as much. however now that she's getting a full-time job again I fear this is going to happen again. I can already feel the emotional distance, her misery, and how much she's sleeping and skipping meals. i truly can't live this way and that scares me bc I love her so much and can't imagine life without her. and maybe most people would say just talk to her but how am I supposed to have this conversation without making her situation/depression even worse? but then at the same time, what am I just never gonna say anything ever? i don't really know what to do. then there are the everyday issues that are really starting to annoy me such as her being in NY during the winter yet refusing to wear a sweater or turn the heat on despite the fact that she's terribly cold! she hates sweaters for whatever reason and she won't turn the heat on bc of "money". btw she's not in a poor demographic to where she would actually have to worry about this but she grew up poor. i get old habits die hard but it's like stop constantly telling me how miserable you are when the solution is so simple you just refuse to do it!!!!!!!!!!!! i will never understand. now that I've gotten all this out I feel a bit better. i prob just need to chill. i know relationships ebb and flow and things will most likely get back to being okay again and eventually good again. i think im just feeling neglected. like maybe I have needs!!!! maybe I need to feel connected and spend time with my gf when shes not miserable!!! imagine that!!! uhhhg! i feel kinda mean but also valid in what I'm saying. i can love her and be frustrated with her at the same time. im just tired and want to be happy and id like her to be part of that happiness.
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luminnara · 3 years
Omega Depression || Alpha!Kiribaku x Omega!fem!reader
Hi! Can I request an alpha!Kiribaku x omega!fem!reader where she is strong on the outside, but sensitive on the inside. Then, some asshole alpha comes and insults her saying that she isn't worthy of having alphas and other super mean stuff that makes her go to omega depression. After that, she confines and isolates herself in her room, not allowing her alphas to enter. Days pass, she misses school for like a week, and her alphas are tired of waiting, so they bust the door and find their omega deep in omega depression and starving herself, and they're super worried and try to help her get out of it, cause she could die if not. The rest can be little angst with a fluffy happy ending!
Yo I live for alpha kiribaku, not gonna lie
Warnings: angst, mental health stuff, depression, eating disorder/starvation stuff, abo
Requests are open!
You were always happy with your alphas. Bakugou and Kirishima were the loves of your life, you were sure of it. The three of you got along well, and there was nothing you enjoyed more than spending time with your boys. You kept up with them easily, never having trouble when it came to handling Katsuki’s temper or Eijiro’s enthusiasm. They loved protecting you, too, not that you ever really seemed to need it; you were tough as nails, as far as everyone was concerned. 
You weren’t, though, not really. 
“What a useless little omega.”
The words kept repeating in your head, over and over.
“Two alphas? Yeah, right. You don’t even deserve one, not with an uppity attitude like that.”
They kept echoing, no matter what you tried to do. 
“What a stupid bitch. They should just leave your sorry ass. You aren’t worthy of anyone, much less alphas.”
You curled in on yourself. You felt sick to your stomach. How could someone say that about you? How could a shitty alpha go and ruin your mood, and your day, by saying something so awful?
“I am worthy!” You had argued. “And we’re happy together, so just fuck off.”
“Oh yeah? Then why haven’t they claimed you yet?” His lips had pulled over his teeth in a sick grin. “You know they’re just biding their time, waiting for something better to come along. You’re nothing to them.”
The little spat had been earlier that morning. It was rare that you ever went out alone; usually Eijirou or Katsuki or both of them were stuck to you like glue, but this had been one of those instances when you had absolutely insisted you would be fine. After all, you were just running a couple errands. You weren’t even going very far from campus. What’s the worst that could possibly happen?
Well...this, apparently.
You had rejected the advances of an alpha who had been eyeing you for quite some time. He was annoying and his scent always made you recoil, but you would never, not in a million years, have thought that he could hurt you so deeply.
Why were his words even bothering you so much? You knew your boys liked you. They made sure to constantly cover you in their scents, they happily gave up their shirts for you to tuck into your little bed nest, they held your hands and gave you sweet little kisses...
And yet, he was right. They hadn’t claimed you yet. There were no big bite marks on your neck to show the world that you were taken. Why hadn’t it happened yet? You always thought that maybe they were just nervous, and they wanted to wait for the right time. Maybe they wanted to wait until school was over and they were better established as heroes.
Or maybe they were just playing with you, maybe you were nothing more than their favorite toy for the time being. What if they got tired of you? What if they really were planning on kicking you to the curb? Without a bond mark, nobody would even blink if they cast you aside. It would just be a normal break up, nothing for anybody else to even care about or get involved in.
But your heart was already aching at the thought of it.
You huddled up in your nest, ugly sobs wracking your body as you clutched one of Katsuki’s hoodies to your chest. An undershirt of Eijirou’s was nearby, a few plushies that they had given you tucked in amongst the blankets and pillows. The scents of burnt sugar and cinnamon wafted around you, and as comforting as they usually were, they weren’t helping you now. Nothing was.
You heard your phone vibrate, but you didn’t reach for it. You didn’t care. You were too wrapped up in your own thoughts, absolutely trapped in your head now. You were plagued by those same words as they kept repeating, telling you over and over that you were worthless, useless, nothing.
When you finally managed to glance at your phone, you had missed texts from both your alphas. You replied to them with a couple of half hearted “yeah, I’m fine” -s, then finally slithered out of bed to make sure your door was locked. You didn’t want to face them when they came to bother you.
If they came.
You spent the entire day like that. When you were out of tears to cry, you just grew numb. It was the worst you had ever felt, and while some part of you knew, deep down, that you needed your alphas to come help you, you couldn’t stand the idea of them seeing you like this. How had you managed to grow so afraid? You usually told them everything, but now...now you abhorred the thought.
“Oi!” Katsuki’s rough voice came from the other side of your door, his scent wafting in. “Open up!”
You didn’t answer, curling in on yourself even further instead. 
“Omega!” he called angrily. “Stop ignoring me, dammit!”
“Go away!” you managed to squeeze out, your voice sounding weak and strangled. 
He was silent for a moment, his scent changing. It grew more burnt-smelling as his anger mounted, and as it reached your nose, you felt panic and annoyance spiking in your chest. 
“Omega,” he growled, voice low. You heard the doorknob jiggling as he tried to get in, but you had locked the deadbolt, and unless he unleashed his quirk right there in the dorms, there was no way he was entering your room.
“I said go away!” you yelled. 
On the other side of the door, Katsuki was fuming. The beginning sparks of little explosions were popping around his hands, and if Eijirou wasn’t there to hold his arms down at his sides, there was a good chance he would have done some real damage to the hallway. 
“Katsuki, c’mon.” the larger alpha said. “Let’s just leave her alone for a little.”
“Something’s wrong,” Katsuki pulled back as his partner started trying to drag him away. “She stinks.”
“Yeah, she definitely doesn’t smell happy,” Kirishima paused, frowning. “But...we need to give her the space, if she wants it.”
“Fuck that,” his partner spat. 
“Katsuki....” Eijirou sighed. 
Bakugou’s nostrils flared angrily for a moment, red eyes wild as Kirishima grabbed his arm once again. Someone was trying to drag him away from his omega, from his perfect little mate, and if it had been anyone other than Eijirou, he would have done far worse than simply dig his heels into the floor and growl in protest. Kirishima was right, though; if their omega wanted alone time, they couldn’t just barge in without permission. As much as it hurt both boys, as desperate as they were to get to you and make you feel better, they weren’t total animals. They respected you, and prided themselves on being two big, capable alphas who listened to their omega. 
They returned to their own rooms, expecting to at least hear from you within an hour or two. 
Hours turned to days. 
You texted them a few times, listless, half-assed messages that did little to reassure them. You would send a pathetic I’m fine or a It’s okay here and there, only after they had both blown your phone up for a few hours. It was the only reason they hadn’t tried to tear your door off its hinges; they knew you were alive, at least. But by the third day, Katsuki was beside himself, and even Eijirou was getting upset enough to consider using his quirk to get to you. 
You wished that he would. You didn’t want to face them, but at the same time, the fact that they weren’t tearing the building apart to reach you was making you even sadder. Your sad scent was starting to leech out into the rest of the dorms, and by the end of the fifth day, nobody could stop your alphas. 
“Oy!” Bakugou snarled, his fist thudding against your door. “Open up, omega!”
You didn’t answer, too weak and listless to bother. 
“Babe?” Kirishima asked, his voice strained with the effort of not yelling in panic. 
“We know you’re in there,” Katsuki growled. “Quit avoiding us!”
Still, you didn’t answer. 
Then, you could hear some shuffling, and the door was being torn off its hinges by Kirishima. Bakugou stormed in as soon as the path was clear, his red eyes blazing with anger, his hands balled into fists.
“You’d better show your face right fuckin’ now, or I swear I—“
He fell silent at the sight of you. His eyes widened, his nostrils flaring. Your scent was so strong and so incredibly miserable that a wave of nausea passed through him. He hadn’t expected that it would be so pungent in your room, and as he covered his mouth and nose with his hand, he rushed towards you.
“Baby,” he cooed, vaguely aware of Kirishima behind him, “what the fuck is going on?”
You tried to bury yourself in your nest, trying to burrow away from the world, but a big hand caught you around the middle and pulled you back out. Eijirou manhandled you easily, his eyes wide with concern as he sat on the floor and placed you in his lap.
“You haven’t been eating,” he observed, looking at your tired eyes. “Or sleeping.”
Katsuki was beside himself with worry. He was immediately sitting in front of his boyfriend, caging you in between them as he began looking you over. “What the hell is goin’ on?”
You didn’t want to tell them. Your throat was sore from crying, and you felt stupid for being so upset. So, you did the only logical thing you could think of and buried your face in Kirishima’s broad chest, clinging to his shirt weakly.
“Omega, please,” the big redhead pleaded, leaning his head down to scent you. “Tell us.”
You shook your head.
“We know Somethin’ is wrong, so spit it out!” Katsuki barked.
His voice was harsh, but you felt a warm, gentle hand on your back that could only be his. The familiar touch made you sigh, and after a shuddery breath, the dam finally broke.
“Th-there was an alpha,” you whimpered, voice muffled by Kirishima.
“What the fuck did they do?” Katsuki growled, his voice deep and savage. It sent a chill down your spine and you whined, clinging to Eijirou for dear life.
“Cut it out,” Kirishima snapped, snorting at his boyfriend angrily. “You’re making it worse.”
“I just wanna know what happened!” He grumbled, his hand pressing into your back.
You hiccuped as a little sob wracked your body. “A-an alpha I rejected, h-he told me…he told me that I wasn’t good enough for you.”
The low rumble in Kirishima’s chest was like nothing you had ever felt before. It was threatening and powerful, putting Bakugou’s growl a moment ago to shame. His arms tightened around you, the scent gland on his neck slipping over your hair as he tried to cover up your unhappy omega stink.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Kirishima snarled, uncharacteristically angry.
“Hey.” Bakugou slipped a hand around your waist, prying you away from the other alpha slightly. “Look at me.”
You faced him with teary eyes, and when you tried to shy away, he took your chin in his fingers. 
“We fuckin’ love you. Okay? I don’t say it much. Maybe I should say it more. But it’s true, ‘n no stupid, two-bit, shitty-ass alpha knows anything about the three of us.”
He leaned forward, pushing you back up against Kirishima with his head resting on your shoulder. You finally sighed, surrounded by the scents of your alphas, allowing yourself to relax as the dam broke and your crying started all over again. This time, though, it was freeing, and as your alphas rocked back and forth with you, you felt the dread and the anxiety slowly leaving your stomach. 
“Better?” Eijirou asked after a while. 
“A little.” you said, voice muffled by his tear-stained shirt. 
“Good.” Katsuki said gruffly, pulling you up to stand. “Let’s go get some food in you. Point that shitbag out if you see him...I wanna have a few words.”
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heliads · 3 years
Hi, Lisa! It's your Newsies requester again, back with another one! I read your Albert one-shot about him being scared of thunderstorms, and it made me think of another hurt/comfort idea: could I please request one where the reader finds Albert crying (for what reason I don't know) and comforts him? If you don't want to write this, that's totally cool! Thanks and have an awesome day!! ❤️
i am so sorry this took so long but AA ALBERT
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You don’t think that you have ever known a night as hard as this one. There have been midnights when you had nothing to eat so your stomach felt like it was being pulled apart by hooks, when you had to sleep outside and it was raining, when you hadn’t yet joined the newsies and all you knew is that you were alone in this great, terrible city with no one to watch your back.
This, though, is worse, because it took away the last shred of hope that you still had despite everything they had already happened to you. Pulitzer raising the price of newspapers was like a threat against your very life, but the way the strike turned sour was a death blow.
It was horrifying, that was all. You weren’t even thinking about what might happen to you at first, too concerned with the fact that there were little kids out here getting pummeled by grown men. The cops didn’t seem to care that the guy at the other end of their club was ten or twelve at most; all they saw was a striker, so they swung. Davey must have had a heart attack thinking about Les in the thick of all that, you know you did for him.
In complete honesty, you thought someone was going to die. It could have been you, when you turned around from pulling a smaller newsie to his feet to see one of the thugs bearing down on you, or when you tried to run at the end but the Delancey brothers got in your way. Crutchie is gone, Jack is who knows where, and you have no earthly idea what to do next. How do you recover from this? A quiet voice in the back of your head whispers that you don’t.
Your footsteps are slow as you walk through the newsie lodging house. Everyone’s ended up here for the night, hoping that sleep will actually bring rest and not nightmares depicting what happened today. A few boys nod at you when you slip through the door, but most are in a world of their own, too distracted by cuts and bruises to strike up cheerful conversation.
You head up the twisting metal stairs to a higher floor, keen on getting to your bunk and trying to forget all this in blissful unconsciousness for at least a couple of hours. You’re distracted on the way there, though, by a faint sound coming from a closed door. It’s quiet, barely noticeable, but then it comes again. A small sniffle, a brief sound like a fabric rubbing against skin.
Your hand is on the doorknob before you can convince yourself to stop. This kid, whoever he is, might just want to be alone, but sometimes it’s nice to sit by somebody as well. You’ve had your share of terrible days when the only thing that made you feel better was a friend. The same could go for this guy.
You crack open the door cautiously, and your heart twists at the sight of the boy sitting inside. His back to his bunk, Albert DaSilva looks lonelier than you’ve ever seen him before, and it cuts just as deep as a blade. He startled when he sees your face peeking into the room, then sighs miserably.
“Sorry, if you’s wanting to be alone you’ll have to find another place.”
You shake your head, still hesitating on the threshold. “And what if I don’t want to be alone.”
Albert doesn’t pause, just holds out one weary arm to you from where he sits almost curled in on himself from the floor. “Then I wouldn’t mind the company.”
This is all the invitation you need. You slip inside, carefully closing the door behind you, and cross the room to Albert’s side. He pulls you close to him, one arm curled around your side. Now that you’re sitting so close to him, you realize that he’s crying, the faint tracks of tears shining lowly in the moonlight filtering in from a dusty window.
“Oh, Al, what’s wrong?”
Albert gestures uselessly at the room around you. “What else could it be? We just watched our friends get beaten within an inch of their lives, and it was our fault. I tried to convince everybody to do it, that’s on me.”
You shake your head quickly. “We all wanted to do this. None of us blame you, Albert, just like we don’t blame Davey or Jack or anyone who wanted to strike. If anyone, hate Pulitzer for this, but not yourself.”
Albert makes a disgruntled sound. “Oh, I do hate him, but it’s not that easy. It was our ideas, and our guys getting stomped into the ground.”
His shoulders slump. “Did you see Romeo? He got hit so hard it took him a full minute to get back up. I thought he was going to die. I thought you were going to die.”
A fresh tear courses down his cheek, and out of some impulse you don’t think you could name if you tried, you pull him close to you. Albert leans into you easily, his head falling into the crook of your neck like it was always meant to be there. His hands reach for yours, curling around your waist. Some part of you wants to thrill with delight at how close you are, but you’re too focused on making Al feel better to think about the consequences of letting yourself need him this much.
“Romeo is here, though, he’s alright. I saw him just a couple minutes ago, and although he’s a bit shaken up, he’s out and walking.”
Albert opens his mouth to argue this, but you hold up a warning finger and he falls silent again. “Romeo took a bad hit, yes. Just about everybody did. We’se still here, though, and that’s what matters. Maybe we don’t strike again immediately, or maybe we do. We’re going to be alright.”
Albert looks up at you, normally bright eyes dull with the weight of just what happened. “How do you know that?”
In the window outside, a sharp burst of wind sends a few clouds skittering away from the moon. You can see Albert piercingly well in this sudden light, the smattering of freckles across his skin, the reddish curls that are on full display around the curve of his face now that his newsie cap has been tossed dejectedly to the side.
It occurs to you that he is beautiful, this boy in your arms. You’ve known it for a while, the same way you can look up at a sky of purest blue and know it to be pretty, but now that you’re so close to him, it hits you full force. You’ve been pretending that you have a solid grasp on how you feel, but you don’t, not now and maybe not ever. How could you, anyway, with him looking at you like you’re the only source of truth in a world that’s quickly descending into nothingness?
Albert is still waiting for an answer, though, so you must come up with one. If he trusts you enough to let you see him weak and losing, then you have to make him feel like he’s worth something again. You already think so, but he has to as well.
You tilt your head to the side, considering his question. “I know you, and I know our newsies. I know we’re not the type to let one bad twist of fate stomp us down completely. I don’t know what we’re going to do after this, but I know we’re not going to be alone.”
Albert nods slowly. “No. I know I’m not alone.”
He glances at you, and his gaze is so clear and bright that it stuns you. “I have you.”
You have to take a moment to catch your breath. Perhaps you’ve been liking Albert DaSilva for a little longer and a little more than you should, and perhaps being able to stay here, so close to him, isn’t the best for keeping your mind on track. You can all feel every twitch of his fingers against your waistline, and are very much aware of the fact that you’ve stayed pressed against him for much longer than this city would consider proper. Regardless, you don’t think that you could move if you tried.
“And I have you. None of us are getting through this easily, after all. It’s hard on all of us.”
Albert shrugs, although he seems to be doing better. His movements come easier, his smile not as forced. “Doesn’t seem to be killing you all that much. I figured I’d have to be comforting you, not the other way around.”
There’s a thin veneer of self-loathing draped over his words, and you reach out to squeeze his hands instinctively, anything to stop his thoughts of himself from having quite so many barbed edges.
“Hey, hey. You’se been watching my back since the day I got here, I figure it’s way past time for me to return the favor. Don’t you remember all those times you had to save me from the Delanceys?”
Albert groans, but he’s starting to laugh again. “You were impossible. I figured you would have some sort of common sense, but you kept charging headlong into trouble.”
You poke him in the ribs. “Rude. Also, it’s not like any of you are any better. I feel like it was my right to say what I wanted.”
Albert snaps his eyes shut dramatically, the perfect picture of a soul torn to shreds by the weight of his own responsibility. “You once saw both of them cornering you in an alley, and decided to start talking about how they were the ugliest sons of guns you’d ever seen.”
“They were!” You cry, but Albert just laughs.
“Yeah, but who had to pull you out of there when they decided you’d look just as bad as them with a black eye and a couple of broken bones? Me, and I didn’t even do anything.”
You smile at the memory. “Yes, you were terribly brave. I figure most of the other guys would have let me take a few punches, though, just so I’d figure out when to keep my mouth shut.”
Albert waves a hand loosely to dismiss this claim. “Ah, I could never let you get hurt. Even if you kind of deserved it, which you did. I like you too much for that.”
He freezes slightly as he says it, and you realize that you may not be the only one affected by the proximity of hands and waists and hearts. Albert is starting to tense up as if he’s going to deny this, and, even worse, maybe pull away, so you speak quickly before any damage is done.
“I like you too, you know.”
Albert blinks slowly. “You what?”
You shrug, careful to keep your eyes trained on a distant speck of light visible through the window across from you. Somehow, meeting Albert’s gaze right now, while you spill this too-important truth, would be too much for you.
“I like you too. Figure one of us should say it, at any rate.”
He’s silent again, and you’re just starting to think that you’ve really misread this whole situation and it’s time to get yourself out when he kisses you. Now it’s your turn to be stunned into silence, a fact that evidently makes Albert a little too proud of himself judging by the fact that you can feel him smiling against your lips.
“What, you thought that you could be the only one to have surprise confessions? That would be boring.” He says, breaking away.
You can’t help but laugh. “It would be, wouldn’t it?”
From there on, you’re perfectly fine with kissing him again, trying to forget the rest of the world in the hazy night light flowing through this room. It is just you and Albert, nothing more and nothing less. You wouldn’t want anything else.
newsies tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @misguidedswagger, @thatfangirl42
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The Day of the Transformation
(TW: Fear of losing a baby, birth, pregnancy, mentions of gore and attempted suic/de!)
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Ben couldn't sleep. Vicente had told them not to worry about it but how could they not? They were turning into a Monster. Uncontrollable. Unpredictable. Angry.
Ben crushed that bandit to a giant mess of blood, meat and bones. They didn't know what had gotten into them. Maybe it was the location. Yes, the location where they got hit by that arrow. Ben made that last bandit float in the air without even a movement of their finger. They watched happily while the bandit's bones cracked and crushed until there was not a resemblance of a human left. Ben had smiled until they turned around and saw Vicente's shocked face.
What had they done? How did they even do that?
It was getting worse. They already have become Sheogorath. They shouldn't be there. They would kill everyone if this continued.
With the news, that the baby was not going to live... it crushed Ben. Cirroc admitted that they were indeed too small to be born yet. Eight months they had waited for their baby only to get told that they would die. Ben did not sob this time.
Delivering a child doomed to die early and becoming a monster. They couldn't do this anymore. They were no longer the hero the world needed... now? They were only a threat to the world.
If they just would have stayed in the Shivering Isles....
This monster had to die today.
Ben looked over at Vicente who was peacefully sleeping and got up quietly.
They made their last journal entry at the table. A confession and an apology. As well as a suicide letter adressed to Vicente.
The Champion of Cyrodiil armor was placed neatly at the door. The world no longer needs them. The world needed someone new. A new hero. A hero that Ben could never be at this point.
The mirror that was above the wash basin was no longer showing Ben. It was showing Sheogorath. Ben had smashed the mirror numerous days ago once they stopped seeing themself. The broken mirror only showed Ben more of his true form now. Their hair was a pure silver and their pupils were becoming more odd by the second.
This had to be done today, Ben thought to themself as he got on Elizabeth. She neighed only to be silenced by Ben. The armor was strapped to the back of Elizabeth and Ben commanded her to gallop after finally being out of the city.
The past Champion comtemplated where there last rest would be and look off to the horizon. The White-Gold Tower was reflecting the light of dawn.
Yes, there it shall be.
"Why are you doing this, Ben?"
"I cannot do this anymore. Ever since you were gone, I am miserable! I can't even carry out your child!"
Ben sobbed as the continued to hear Martin's voice.
"Please, be reasonable-"
Ben screamed at the top of their lungs, "I am turning into a monster! A monster that this world shouldn't see! What if I try to take over the World like Dagon without knowing it?! I can't take any chances! I can see myself slipping away! Piece by piece! This world- It doesn't need me! See what has become of me! I am no longer Ben! I never was Ben! I am only here to spread chaos! You cannot stop me, Martin! Now or ever! I need to do this!"
Ben wiped away their tears in determination and Martin's voice faded from their mind.
The morning in the Imperial City was quiet. It was misty and Ben saw no one. They got off their horse and held her tightly in their arms.
"You have been a good girl, okay? I hope you find a good master. Maybe even a better master than me."
Ben led Elizabeth in the direction of the gates and removed their armor off her back before giving her a hit on the back which made her squeal. Elizabeth ran back out of the city. Ben didn't know where she would go, but it was hopefully a better place than where they would be going.
The squealing of a nearby horse awoke Vicente. As he tapped onto the spot next to him, he felt Ben missing.
Vicente sprung up and looked around only to find an open journal on the table. He ran towards the table and looked inside.
"My dear Vicente,
I know that you love me, more than anyone ever did before in my life. Trust me when I say that I would have lived life with you beyond death, but I can no longer trust myself to exist on this plane. I made a promise to myself, that once I knew that it was over, I would do it myself. Once I had gotten the news that our child wouldn't make it, I cannot go on. I am very sorry. Every last thing I own is yours with my death. Do not try to follow me. I do not know if the monster I am becoming will be kind to you. Do you remember when you told me about Mantling? Yes, I have experienced it twice now, but the second time has been worse. I am becoming a Daedric Prince. I could barely believe it myself and I apologize for never telling you. I cannot speak of certain things and you know it. I am glad that I have shared my voice and my love with you. Please move on quickly and without hesitation. I fear that the newly arrived priests of Stendarr are after you. You know where the gold is and you know where my map is. Pack your things and flee, my love. Perhaps one day we shall see each other and I might have the opportunity to recognize you. For now it is for the greater good.
Your husband,
Ben Valtieri."
Vicente pressed the journal to his chest and ran outside without any hesitation to find Elizabeth tapping on the ground nervously.
"Elizabeth! Where is Ben?!"
Vicente grabbed her by the harness. She jibbed at the sudden pull and he held her closer while beginning to cry. His voice shook with desperation, "Where is he, Elizabeth?!"
Back in the White-Gold Tower, Ben was slowly ascending the many stairs.
"Oh, Ben... what are doing, my little one?"
They stopped dead in their tracks.
"Yes, it is me. What are you doing?"
"I am ending this."
Another voice intensified.
"I always knew he was a coward! Can't even live through his own failures!"
"Do not call him a coward! He is scared!"
The past Champion resumed ascending the stairs.
"Ben, you have so much to live for! I gave you your life in exchange for mine! Please live up to it!"
"My mother would never say that."
"What? Oh, my darling-"
"She always said never to give myself fault for her sickness and eventual death. This tells me that you are not my mother."
Her voice got hoarse, "You ungrateful Brat! I mantled you and this is the thanks I get?! Your death?! Your suicide?! How dare you!"
Ben shook his head, "No... how dare YOU?! You tried to fill a void in my life that was rotten away by the bad father I had! You took advantage of me and my life!"
Ben gripped onto the railing, "But this will end now."
They looked down at their belly.
"I am sorry, my little darling. I couldn't carry you to term, but this is important. No Daedric Prince will harm this realm for centuries, I promise you."
They made the last few steps and looked upon the sky, feeling the wind in their hair. They carefully put down the armor.
"Let the world remember me as a Hero... this will be a Hero's death."
Their knees got weaker, the closer they came to the edge of the Tower, but they didn't hesitate to climb onto the battlement.
Ben turned so they wouldn't see the ground if they jumped and fell backwards off the tower.
They curled up and could hear the screaming of citizens below. As the tears fell slower they felt like they were close. Ben wished they could have done more for the world. The only thing they ever wanted was to feel at home.
Without opening their eyes, they felt the direction of gravity change and they fell onto their side. Were they dead?
Ben felt grass on his hands and he slowly opened their eyes.
"What a reckless attempt, my Lord. Stabbing yourself would have been quicker."
The past Champion sat up and slowly looked up at the figure standing next to him. They were on a very wide clearing. Surrounded by trees, mushrooms and odd flowers. The Shivering Isles.
"Did you want to feel adrenaline before your death?"
Ben's tears started to create a small puddle on the ground. They were angry. Why would he stop them?!
"I didn't stop you, Milord.... you did. If you had truly wished to Die, then you would have. But you are here. With me."
The new Daedric Prince sobbed and sniffled. Now they were only angry at themself until-
They felt an incredibly sharp pain in their lower body and grunted.
The pains were coming like waves. Sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker. Ben aggressively moved his skirt aside to see that there was no longer just a puddle of tears. There was also a puddle of blood and other liquid.
Haskill's eyes widened slightly and he expressed his concern, "Oh no...."
Ben sobbed even more, "I am one month too early! Help me!"
Haskill started to panic slightly. He had not done this yet, but that was an order by his master. He helped his master up and thought about where the best place was to give birth on the isles. Ben held onto their belly in pain and groaned.
"Milord, call your palace guards!"
"I don't know how!"
Ben's mind was going into every direction. Everywhere except where it should be.
Haskill knew that he couldn't carry Ben.
"Just summon them!"
Ben clenched his fist and held it out in front of them. After a few seconds, a portal opened to the palace and two palace guards travelled through the portal to grab Haskill and Ben.
"My Lord?! What has happened?!"
Haskill sighed, "Our Lord's water broke! We need all of the healers we can get! Go!"
The Aureal guard ran off and Ben's other servants were carrying them into the palace. The pain was unbearable.
A few minutes later, Ben found themself in one of the large chambers, surrounded by healers. Mostly women.
Ben pointed at the only two men, "Both of you! Out!!"
"Shall I leave as well, Milord?" Haskill was questioning if his Lord was comfortable with him being there.
"No, you are staying he-," Ben screamed in agony.
One of the healers spoke up, "What is the situation, my Lord?"
"I am one month early."
"In what position would you like to give birth?"
Ben groaned angrily, "The most comfortable position!"
That was when everyone started moving. Haskill was ordered by one of the healers to get towels and a bucket of water. A few servants looked into the chamber and Haskill ordered them to get towels and water.
Haskill made his way to Ben to support them, "Do not worry. I am here for you."
Ben's face scrunched up from the pain and they nodded, "Thank you very much, Haskill."
Haskill's heart skipped a beat, but he swiftly helped the healers carry them onto the bed.
As Haskill helped the healers carry Ben, he noticed that their eyes were now the eyes of his master. He was delighted at the sight and the second they put them down, he grabbed their hand.
"I know, my Lord. Hold onto my hand tightly and squeeze it if you have to."
The servants arrived with the bucket and the towels before getting kicked out by an older healer.
The healers put a lot of towels under Ben and built a little pile of pillows, so Ben was slightly elevated. The older healer gave Haskill a rag to wipe the sweat off Ben if he had to.
The older healer nodded, "The child should come out easily due to its size, but.... My Lord-"
Ben yelled, "I know that we do not know if it survives, but I shall still give birth!"
The older healer bowed down, "Of course, my Lord!"
The older healer got on the bed to see what was going on.
"You are not dilated enough, my Lord. It will take some time."
"What does that mean?!"
"You should go take a walk or maybe take a bath-"
"You are only three centimeters dilated, my Lord. You cannot give birth like this, even if your water broke."
Ben looked at Haskill.
"Yes, we shall take a walk."
"It should take a few hours. One centimeter every hour."
Haskill and Ben indeed took a walk. Well, Haskill walked and Ben waddled, often taking breaks.
"Why did you leave, my Lord?"
"Perhaps I did not want to become a Daedric Prince. Or felt welcome in this environment."
"But, My Lord, you can change it however you like!"
"Yes, I am aware."
Haskill sighed, knowing that Ben did not yet know, "You know... I failed to mantle Sheogorath."
Ben slowly looked up, right at Haskill.
"I did not succeed and yet... I am here. Sheogorath thought I was adorable, even though I failed. Now I am a Vestige."
"A vestige?"
"Someone who was once mortal but was reborn into a Daedric vessel. Sheogorath did not want me to die for my failure... He loved me and so... here I am."
"How can you fail at mantling a higher being?"
"After you have given birth, you will know. I am thinking that this holy child inside of you is keeping from completely turning into Sheogorath. If that is not true, then I will know what to do next."
Ben nodded, fidgeting with his hands again.
A few hours had passed and they were back on the bed.
"Incredible, my Lord! You have dilated to ten centimeters in so little time! Okay. It is time. Take deep breaths."
Ben tried not to hyperventilate and took three deep breaths.
"And now push!"
They pushed as hard as they could, groaning loudly and squeezing Haskill's hand tightly.
The breathing and pushing only repeated two times.
"And now!! Once more, my Lord!"
Ben took a deep breath and pushed as hard as they body could handle it. They screamed at the effort and the entire realm shook for a moment. Tears and sweat were running down their cheeks.
"Congratulations, my Lord! It's-"
Ben smiled.
The older healer immediately stopped talking and turned around. The baby didn't scream.
There was a scary silence in the room as the healers gathered to look at the child. Ben's smile faded and Haskill angrily looked at the healers.
"And?! Do not keep Lord Sheogorath waiting!"
The older healer slowly walked to Ben and handed the child over, "It is... a girl, my Lord."
Ben looked down at his child. Their skin was dull and their lips were blue. The baby wasn't breathing. The new Daedric Prince started to sob and gave their dead baby a kiss on the forehead.
Suddenly they heard a bit of coughing and looked back down at the child who coughed up some fluid. The little demigod wailed loudly to everyone's surprise and the older healer grabbed the rag from Haskill to clean the baby up.
All of the healers sighed from happiness at the crying baby.
Ben cried from happiness, "Hello, little one."
Haskill was as pale as a Daedra could get as he saw his master and lover with their child.
He turned to the healer, "Is she a demiprince?"
"Oh, I do not know, Haskill, but we shall see in the future."
Haskill hesitated to interrupt his Lord with their new offspring, "My Lord?"
Ben looked at Haskill. Pure, golden cat eyes. Sheogorath grinned, "Yes, Haskill?"
"Would you like your full power back?"
The new Madgod stood in front of the pool of pure Chaotic Creatia. It was the room of their nightmares with the same liquid.
Sheogorath stood there in their naked glory. Their purest form.
Behind them was Haskill with the crying demiprince, "Go on, my Lord."
He was rocking the offspring carefully.
As Sheogorath walked down the steps, closer to the pool, the Chaotic Creatia was already grabbing at their feet.
They slowly waded through the black liquid and it greeted them like an old friend, holding and pulling on their arms until they arrived at a certain spot. The middle of the pool. It was whispering to lay down and so they did.
The new Daedric Prince floated there for a second. They already thought that nothing was going to happen, but then the liquid started to to climb and embrace them. Then they were quickly pulled below the surface of the liquid.
It felt warm and accepting. Sheogorath felt like as if they were softly taken by a current, so they curled up. Once they looked around, they could see how the black incapsulated them.
Haskill was already concerned on how long it took. He was still rocking the little one in his arms until the saw a claw-like hand reach out of the liquid.
Sheogorath arose from the Chaotic Creatia and moved towards the steps.
"My Lord! Your new form is beautiful!"
Sheogorath was pale and close to being scrawny with wide hips and a perfectly v-shaped upper body. Their hands looked like as if he had dipped in the black Chaotic Creatia a bit too long and their fingers were longer than before, ending in long, sharp nails that resembled claws.
As Sheogorath got closer, Haskill suddenly had a bad feeling that he wouldn't recognize his own child and held the baby closer. The Daedric Prince wasn't showing any emotions until they reached the very edge of the pool.
Now Haskill could also see that their stretch marks were gone and that their pupils were completely constricted into the thinnest slits that Haskill has ever seen them being.
Haskill backed off a little once they reached the top of the steps. Sheogorath was still the same height as Ben, slightly towering over Haskill.
Sheogorath looked at Haskill for a few seconds and then looked down that the baby without saying a word. Sheogorath moved their hand towards the child and Haskill held them back a little.
"Give me my baby, Haskill."
Haskill was happy to hear that voice again after what felt like such a long time. The servant caved in and Sheogorath very carefully took his child back and held them. His pupils suddenly dilated to a perfect circle and they rocked the baby from side to side.
"So small and yet so strong.... we will have to feed you a lot, won't we?"
Sheogorath pulled an odd flower from a little portal. The blossom looked like a pacifier and Sheogorath gently put it in their mouth. As the baby started to eagerly suckle on it, a milky substance ran down from the corner of their little mouth.
"See? Now you are quiet."
Sheogorath looked up only to see the palace guards and Haskill kneeling.
"All right, kneeling in front of me is now banned. You may only bow now."
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warmblanketwhump · 3 years
flight plan
disclaimer: this takes place in pre-you-know-what times - if you’re actually sick, do not do what B does here. alright, on to the suffering :)
Back when B booked their flight, the 4 am boarding time and 2 layovers seemed like a great exchange for saving a few hundred dollars while flying across the country. But now, with a head that feels like it was stuffed with cotton, a gate change that forced their leadened body to trek across the entire airport, and an additional 3-hour delay before their final 4-hour flight, they were beginning to question their penny-pinching ways.
In a nearby terminal, a fussy infant screamed, and it took everything for B not to scream back at them: I hate it here too! Their nerves were frayed, their whole body ached to the bone, and their head felt like it was in a vise grip.
It hadn’t felt this bad this morning - heck, they wouldn’t have left if they’d felt this bad - but the changing cabin pressure and constant temperature shifts from hot, stuffy terminals to icy planes were wreaking havoc on their poor, rapidly sickening body. They’d been up for 18 hours. And now, they had no choice but to ride it out and power through the last leg. They hug the paper cup of tea they’d grabbed at a nearby cafe close to their chest, trying to hold back their frustrated tears.
They just wanted to be home.
B shifts on the hard terminal seat as they wrap up a third agonizing hour of waiting, willing the passengers ahead of them to board more quickly so they could just get home to A, who they’d been missing all week. But the miserable minutes ticked by, and B kept having to blow their tender nose with their precious (and dangerously dwindling) travel pack of tissues. As they massage their aching sinuses, B feels a tap on their shoulder. Turning, they recognize a fellow passenger from their previous flight extending another full pack their way.
“Here. You need these more than I do.” They extend the gift, and B gratefully accepts. The stranger nods, and heads back to their luggage to wait out the boarding process.
After what feels like an hour, B’s group is finally able to board the flight. From their boarding pass, they knew they’d be stuck in the middle seat, but their heart lifts a bit when they see their Kleenex-wielding savior in the aisle seat next to theirs, who waves and gives them a small smile as they let them through. On the window seat side, a sour-looking individual scans them up and down, raising an eyebrow when B coughs roughly in their elbow.
“Sorry…” B sniffles. The sour-faced person rolls their eyes and turns their attention to the window, and B shrinks in their seat, embarrassed.
“Just want to be home, right?” Their aisle friend smiles sympathetically, and B nods weakly. “I know the feeling. Name’s C.”
B introduces themselves, and the two make amicable small talk during the pre-flight checklist, finding out that they both called their destination city home. As the plane takes flight, B winces - the pressure change makes their head ache, and their sinuses feel like they’re going to explode, along with their ears. The dry air of the plane irritates their chapped nose, and they close their eyes and grip the armrest till their knuckles bleach, trying to breathe through the pain and praying it doesn't get worse.
It gets worse. On top of their pounding head and runny nose, B discovers like all the other planes, this one's an icebox. Once they reach cruising altitude, B apologetically shuffles by C to head to the bathroom, hoping that by some chance it’s warmer in there. In the dim light, B’s stares at their haggard reflection – their feverish eyes are glazed and watery, their raw nose is bright red, and their peaked face is wan and drawn, coated with a sheen of sweat. Hopefully A would still recognize them, they thought humorlessly.
The bathroom is just as frigid, and B’s stuck with a stream of lukewarm water that barely heats their cold hands. Back in their seat, the throbbing headache continues to build behind their eyes, and their throat desperately cries out for something to drink.
As if they could hear their thoughts, C leans over and pulls a small bottle of water from their personal bag. “The flight attendants came by with drinks while you were up - figured you could at least use some water.” B gratefully accepts and murmurs their thanks, and the cool water feels like heaven as they gulp it down.
After, B pulls the paper-thin flight blanket up to their chin - at this point, they didn’t care what the travel magazines said about how dirty they were. But it’s no use. The cold plane air sinks into their aching bones, and their body shivers to make up the difference. They close their eyes and wriggle around in the seat, trying to find a comfortable position that still allows them to curl up and get warm while exhaling as few germs as possible – and if there's any mercy at all, to fall unconscious for the next 3 and a half hours.
“Will you stop?” The window passenger glares at them. “It’s bad enough you brought your germs on here. But now you can’t even sit still?” Tears pricked at B's eyes - being sick always made them more sensitive - but before they can squeak out an apology, C leaps to their aid.
"Lay off," C snaps. "Can't you see they don't feel good?" The other passenger huffs indignantly, and presses closer to the wall of the plane. C's eyes don't leave them, and they stretch their hand out tentatively toward B. "May I?"
B nods, letting their eyes close, and C gently lays a cool hand across their forehead, clicking their tongue at the heat. "Well, I've definitely flown with healthier seatmates than you." B tries to laugh, but a cough seizes their lungs, and they double over to try and contain it as best they can as C gently rubs between their shoulder blades. When they finally catch their breath, they rest their head on their knees, exhausted from the exertion. From their prone position, B checks their watch. 3 hours and 26 minutes to go.
I'm going to die.
Slowly, B sits up and stiffly straightens their blanket with as little movement as possible. A draft floods their section of the plane, and B longingly eyes C’s unopened blanket tucked in the seat pocket, trying to quiet the incessant chatter of their teeth.
“You cold?” C frowns.
“Freezing,” they whimper through clenched teeth. “And I hurt all over and I just want to go home and I miss A and I’m so tired.” They didn’t mean to break down, but two twin tears slip from their eyes as they try to stop their lip from quivering.
C’s quiet for a moment, then stands to rustle around in the overhead compartment, and returns with a small bundle.
“Lean back,” C gently commands, and A obeys and closes their eyes. They’re immediately draped in warmth, and open their eyes to see a thick, fleece-lined jacket being tucked over them, along with a soft travel blanket over their legs. They try to protest, but C shushes them.
“Being sick is already miserable without being stuck in a tin can in the sky. Besides, these flight blankets suck." C gives B's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, and B nearly melts at the touch.
“And look, if you don’t want to, it’s fine - you don’t know me - but you can use my shoulder if you want to try and catch some sleep.”
In any other moment B would be mortified, but they're so spent that they just nod weakly and surrender to the offer of comfort. C pulls their unused blanket out and folds it into a sort of pillow, clicking the armrest down between them, and B collapses onto them in a boneless heap. Sleep tugs at the edge of their vision, but there's one lingering question on their mind.
"C? Why....why are you helping me? You've been nothing but kind and you don't even know me."
C's quiet for a moment. "Last year, I tried to do the same thing you're doing – power through an 8-hour flight home with a blossoming case of pneumonia. Cough, chills, headache, the works. About 2 hours in, I was about ready to jump out of the plane." They chuckle lightly, but B hears the wistful note in their voice. "It was absolutely miserable, and all I wanted was someone to hold my hand and tell me it’d be okay.”
C turns to look at B. "But nobody did. Not a single soul. So I vowed that if ever I found myself in a position someday to help somebody home, I’d do it.”
The words are so achingly comforting and desperately sad, so soft and generous and B feels like they should say something, affirm that yes, helping a random sick passenger was damn close to sainthood. But instead, sleep wins over, and they nestle closer to C as they tumble into a soft, dreamless sleep.
it feels like they’re asleep for minutes, but when C nudges them gently, they realize that they’re descending. They’re home.
The wheels skid on the runway, and the journey off the plane is a blur of sound and color and too-bright lights. B is only vaguely aware of C’s arm around their waist, guiding them through the crowd and to the baggage claim area. They must have told C which suitcase is theirs, because they blink twice and it magically appears at their feet.
“C’mon now, B. Almost there.” C gently guides them forward, and B wills themselves to power through the final few minutes.
“Do you see A anywhere?” C asks, squinting through the crowd of people. B can barely focus their eyes, and they’re losing hope, when all of a sudden - they see them. A. Holding a small paper sign with B’s name and a stuffed animal with a small red heart in their arms, waving wildly. They’re beaming, but the smile falls from their face as they see what condition B’s in.
“B - what happened? Are you okay?” B can barely whisper A’s name, and A pulls them into a hug, gently whispering reassurances, that they’re home and safe.
“Bit of a rough flight, but B hung in there,” C smiles, passing B’s suitcase to A. “They’re not feeling too hot, but I think they’ll make it.”
Suddenly, B releases A and stumbles back to C, throwing their arms around them. C’s thrown off balance by the strength of the hug, but manage to compose themselves and pat them gently on the back.
“Thank you,” B whispers. “So much.”
C blushes. “It was nothing. Just don’t forget to pay it forward.”
B squeezes tighter. “You deserved help. You still do.” C says nothing, just swallows tightly, and B feels C’s arms tighten ever so briefly around their waist.
A rush of dizziness floods B, and C gently guides them back to A’s waiting arms, before handing A a scrap of paper. “Listen, it’s none of my business - but can you give me a call in a couple days, just so I know they’re feeling better?”
A takes the scrap and smiles. “Absolutely. It’s the least I can do to thank you for keeping old B from falling apart in public.” B grunts indignantly, almost asleep again, and A strokes their hair and smiles.
They make it back to the car, and A manages to maneuver a limp B into the passenger seat, tucking them in and cranking the heat on their side. B blinks their eyes open and smiles guilelessly. “Go home now?”
A smiles and presses a soft kiss to their forehead. “Yes, love. We’re going home now.”
251 notes · View notes
redrobin-detective · 3 years
the end is where we start from
What we call the beginning is often the end / And to make an end is to make a beginning / The end is where we start from. ~ T.S. Elliot, Little Giddings
Danny was running, he didn’t know where to all he knew was who he was running from. He didn’t know if his parents were even coming after him, guns blazing and mouths sneering but he didn’t dare turn around to look. Maybe they weren’t even going to bother chasing him, maybe they were just happy the ghostly scum was out of their house. 
He saw the entrance to Amity’s deepest woods and he darted for it. It was dark and thick and easy to lose yourself in so people usually thought twice before they entered. But people like Danny had little else to lose. The sting of branches swiping at him before he could turn intangible, giant, gnarling roots tripping him up before he could float over him. But he didn’t dare slow down because that would mean acknowledging what had happened.
Another missed curfew, another argument where he and his parents talked about but around each other. Another ghost showing up just as he got dressed for bed, another transformation to take care of it before he could get some sleep. Only the same old script flipped on itself when Mom opened the door, bringing in some tea as an apology for her harsh words just into time to see her son become a ghost. Her gun was drawn before the cup hit the floor and shattered, along with Danny’s heart.
Deep in the thicket of the woods, his human lungs burned and his living muscles ached but he couldn’t turn into Phantom now. Not when it was the stupid ghost’s fault he wasn’t welcome in his own home anymore.
‘What are you doing with my son, ghost?’
‘Mom, please it’s Danny I can explain, please would you just listen?’
‘You can’t be alive and dead at the same time! It’s impossible!’ Oh god my baby died and I didn’t even notice’
‘Mom, Dad, listen to Danny, he’s telling the truth. This is why he never-’
‘Jasmine, you’ve been deceived that’s what ghosts do! That’s what Phantom in particular is known for!’
“Jazzy, Danno, I want to believe you, but it’s a lot to take in. Let us run some tests to make sure.’
‘Danny! Danny wait! Come back!’
Eventually his human body ran out of steam, adrenaline and desperation can only take a person so far. His speeding gait slowed to a lopping jog before settling into a quiet, miserable walk. He squeezed his eyes shut and dared to look over his shoulder but, of course, no one was there. It was just him, the darkness and his own woes.
“What am I going to do now?” He asked quietly, weakly as he fought back panicked tears. All he could see was his mother’s angry, grieving face. His father’s confusion as he tried to make sense of it all while trying to keep the peace. Jazz’s frustration and futile attempts to shield Danny from the worst of the shouting.
He had nothing on his person, why would he? He’d been about ready to go to bed when his whole world came crashing down. His worn Star Wars t-shirt and sweatpants offered little protection from the gloomy October weather but Danny’s ice core more than protected him from the chill. He welcomed it if anything, it matched the ice growing in his heart. No money to escape with, no phone to call for help, no tools to contain any ghosts he battled. He hadn’t even had dinner last night, too busy fighting ghosts. For the first time, Danny was well and truly on his own. Not even dying had seemed so scary.
“I can handle this,” Danny said with false calm. It was pitch dark around him but a little ectoplasmic light brightened the area up. “I’ll just stay here for the night and then I’ll check in tomorrow. If things are still bad, I’ll grab my gear and go.” Where he’d go was a whole other question but that wasn’t important right now. He was still too raw to think about what he’d do if he actually had to abandon his human life. All he could focus on right now was the hurt pulsing through him.
He wandered around in the dark for a little while longer, looking for a suitable place to set up camp for the night. Eventually, he came upon a set of twisting trees that was perfect for his purposes. Lightening his weight, he climbed up halfway and made a little ice tent in the branches. It was lightweight but thick, covering him up and serving as a shield between him and the rest of the world. In his own little ice palace, no one else could hurt him.
“There we go, home sweet home,” Danny mumbled as he crawled inside with a dull thump. He’d left a little skylight open, so he could look up at the stars. If he didn’t think too hard about it, he could imagine he was out camping with his dad or stargazing with his friends. “No, stop it. You’re only making it worse,” he said quietly to himself as the annoying flush of sadness washed over him. He didn’t like to cry; it made him feel stupid and childish and exhausted. Jazz had lectured him about the cleansing release of neurochemicals and other junk but really he usually felt worse after crying. 
“This is fine, everything is fine,” Danny sniffled, shuddering as he curled in on himself. The only cold that could hurt him was his own. It really wasn’t a great idea to use his that much of his ice in his human form, it chilled his body too much to be healthy. That, combined with his light clothes, the chilly night and that fact that he was laying on a solid block of ice, didn’t help matters. If Sam and Tucker could see him, they’d be shoving him in the shower to warm him up and plying him with food and blankets. Jazz and her dozen kind of herbal teas that help with mood or digestion or whatever would shove one or two into his hands and hover until he drank some. Their nagging was annoying but it was helpful and made him feel so loved. Love he wasn’t feeling out in the woods all by himself in the middle of the night.
“This is fine,” he repeated, more choked up this time and gave into his desire to cry. His chest hurt from the force of his sobs and eyes burned from the salty tears. He was flushed and cold and miserable but eventually, after wiping snot away from his nose and hiccupping quietly, he was ready to sleep. He was so worn out from all the hurting and the crying that he slipped from wakefulness as easy as going ghost.
“Child, what are you doing?” Danny groaned at the vaguely familiar voice. His ghost sense went off, reminding him once more how cold he was. He barely had it in him to shiver right now. “Ghost child, awaken and explain yourself.” Cold metal poked repeatedly into his side until Danny shoved the hand away, sitting up with a miserable glare.
“Go away, I’m not in the mood,” Danny grumbled, turning away from Skulker to try and go back to sleep. “I already feel bad enough, I don’t need you making it worse.”
“That does not explain why you are in a tree in the woods,” Skulker said slowly, still hung on stupid details. “The last I checked, the human Lair you stayed in was still standing. I stopped there to show you my latest weapon but you weren’t there, I traced your signature here.”
“Congrats, pass go and collect $200,” Danny sniped back quietly, not putting any heat into it. He didn’t have much to spare.
“Why are you out here, all alone?” Skulker frowned, “humans are susceptible to the elements, I presume you’re no exception given your current state. Just this once, I will stay the hunt to return you to your human Lair and we shall resume at a later-”
“No, I can’t go back,” Danny gasped fearfully, he curled in deeper on himself. “My parents, they know about me, about my powers. They didn’t take it well, I can’t- I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“But those human children-”
“I’m not getting them involved in this, they’re already in too deep. Tucker’s still grounded from that incident with Desiree and if Sam’s parents caught me in her room at night I’d lose the other half of my miserable life,” Danny grumbled. “Just leave me alone or kill me and take my pelt. Either one, it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“I see,” Skulker hummed, “stay here, Child, I will return.” Skulker said before flying off.
“Great, can’t wait,” Danny murmured as he rearranged himself on his ice block. He still felt unbearably cold but it probably wasn’t enough to actually kill him. Probably. “Stupid ghosts, stupid powers, if I hadn’t walked into that stupid portal, I’d be be safe and warm in bed right now and only have to worry about passing pre-calc.” It felt like he’d barely fallen back asleep when he was forcibly awaken by something soft and heavy dropping on him.
He phased out of the tangle only to find a bunch of blankets and heavy winter coat that looked 2 sizes too big for him. “What the-”
“Wow you weren’t kidding, babe, he looks like a trainwreck,” he heard Ember’s gruff voice say. “Hey dummy, put on the stupid coat. I ain’t had nerve endings in a while but I’m getting cold just looking atcha.”
“You bring your girlfriend to harass me in the middle of the night with,” Danny eyed the pile with price tags still on them, “stolen merchandise.”
“Shut up, we’re crashing your pathetic little pity party so you don’t die before I can off you myself,” the rock star huffed. “If that coat isn’t on you in five seconds, I’m manhandling your skinny arms into it.”
“Jeez you’re worse than my sister,” Danny grumbled even as he pulled the coat on. It was big but fluffy, the extra layer instantly made him feel a bit better. “Happy?”
“Getting there. Techy, you brought the food or what?” Danny yelped as a large amount of food dropped in through his skylight. It was an interesting mix, a jumbo bag of peanuts, dijon mustard, a jar of pickled eggs, a couple bags of chips and a box of uncooked macaroni noodles. “Here, eat some human food.”
“What?” Danny questioned as Technus poked his head into the icy tree house. 
“Oh nice place you got here child but it needs more lights and a flat screen and, oh, I can set you up with a killer stereo system over eek!” the technology ghost yelped as he was pulled back and Poindexter replaced him. 
“Hey Danny, heard you were in a bit of a bind. Thanks to you, my Lair’s school is a better place now, bully free. You can cool your jets with me if you need to fly the coop.” Danny didn’t answer and instead opened one of the bags of chips, barbeque and ranch sweet. 
“You can also stay on my island for however long you need to recover,” Skulker grumbled, like it pained him to say. “It’s no fun to hunt you when you’re so weak. I want to defeat you at your prime not at your lowest.”
“No, no, come to my lair! Everything is beeping and flashing all the time and I have a Minecraft room!” Technus interjected.
“I guess you could come to mine if you have to,” Ember huffed. “But aren’t you also buddy buddy with the Yetis bein’ an ice core and all? Or Queen Dora? Pretty much anyone will open their lairs to you with your stupid, beaten puppy dog eyes.”
“You guys, I don’t know what to say,” Danny said softly, taken aback by the show of kindness. He took in the blankets, the coat, the food, their offers. They didn’t understand, not really, but they were trying. It meant a lot, coming from his enemies. “Thank you.”
“Well, yeah, us nerds got to stick together,” Poindexter grinned.
“You’re human and an annoyance but your existence has given my afterlife quite a thrill. I’m not ready for the hunt to end quite yet,” Skulker announced.
“You’re our favorite nemesis,” Technus exclaimed, trying to squeeze his face back through the packed skylight. “We fight, we banter but we also support each other when we’re down! Whenever I’m feeling down, I come into the human world and our battles have me back up and running in no time!”
“Huh,” Danny said, looking down with a small smile. If his enemies could put aside their grudges and help him when he needed it then maybe... “Thanks again really but uh, I think I should go home, check in with my folks. Probably shouldn’t have run off like that but um, if it goes bad...”
“You’re part ghost,” Skulker said with a sharp nod. “The Zone is as much your home as it is ours. Really should get around to making a Lair one of these days. Only weak ghosts and parasites leech off of others.”
“You know the way back from here?” Ember asked. “Need an entourage?” 
“Yeah I got it,” Danny answered, triggering his transformation. Poindexter squealed with delight as he phased out of his sad little ice cave. It looked cold and lonely which wasn’t what he needed right now. “And I’ll- it’ll be fine. I don’t think bringing a bunch of ghosts home with me will help my case.”
“Farewell, Child. May your spirits be higher on our next meeting. Having the support of ghost hunters will certainly add to the challenge of the hunt,” Skulker grinned. “I look forward to it.” He flew off and the others followed. Danny smiled, watching them go for a moment before flying in the opposite direction towards his house.
He was halfway home when the Fenton Assault Vehicle careened around a corner at an unsafe speed. Danny jumped as it went past, startled out of invisibility. He made eye contact with his parents before the RV skidded to a screeching halt and then hastily backed up. The window rolled down and he met the wide, teary eyes of his mom and dad.
“Uh funny running into you in a place like this,” he said shyly, looking down.
“Oh thank heavens, Danny where have you been? We’ve been worried sick!” His mother cried, jumping out of the RV and pulling him down into her arms. His father was on the phone, he heard Jazz’s name being mentioned, along with Sam and Tucker. “Baby, you’re freezing! Is this,” she paused, pulling back and delicately touching his wisp like hair. “Is that normal?”
“Sort of,” he said, leaning back into her touch. “It’s all kind of a long story. I shouldn’t have run off like that, I’m sorry.”
“No, you shouldn’t have but I don’t blame you,” Dad said, stepping out of the car and wrapping them both in a hug. “But Fenton men always make up for their goof ups. You were headed back home, right?”
“Yeah, home,” Danny sighed.
“Danny, I still don’t understand but I, we, love you and I’m sorry if we made you doubt that. We’ll work it out, sweetie, I promise. That’s what family does,” Mom said before ushering him and Dad into the car. “Now in you get, it’s too cold and too late for this and I do not want the neighbors complaining to the HOA again.”
Danny changed back in front of his parents for the second time that evening, this time intentionally. Their curiosity and happiness at seeing him overrode their earlier fear and confusion. He settled more comfortably into the backseat, warm and happy for the first time all evening.
“Danno, where’s you get the jacket?” Dad asked.
“My other family, don’t worry, I’ll explain it all tomorrow.”
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Requests are open! Here's some Prompts!
Angst Prompts
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You know it’s not like that.”
“How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
“You’re never going to be the same after this.”
“I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
“I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“It didn’t have to be like this, but now you’ve ruined everything.”
“I hope you’re happy.”
“If you had have kept your mouth shut, then he’d still- he’d still be here!”
“What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!”
“Now I have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Thanks, it means a lot.”
“You could’ve- could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
“I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
“This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now.”
“I hope I’m not put in the same part of hell as you.”
“When did you think you could hurt me again? Today? Tomorrow?”
“You’re back in my life and I want to die again.”
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
“I hope you got what you wanted.”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“When you die, I’ll be the first to dance on your grave.”
“Don’t underestimate me, I have more power than you can even comprehend.”
“If only you knew what you’d brought upon yourself.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“There is nothing worse than seeing you get what you want.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“You can cut me, bruise me and skin me alive, but you will not take her from me.”
“How is it that we always end up in this predicament?”
“I want to wipe that grin of your face with my sword, but my mother taught me to play nicely.”
“Did anyone ever tell you how pathetic you are? It’s incredible how low my standards are for you.”
“Ah, well if you want them back alive, I suggest you lay down your own life.”
“Don’t be ‘smart’. The battlefield is no place for Math Scholars.”
“You shouldn’t have come. You can’t be-”
“Stop talking or tomorrow won’t come.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“I shouldn’t care for your life, but I’m starting to and it’s becoming an inconvenience.”
“If you live to see her, please send my best regards and this box of her father’s ashes.”
“It would’ve been nice to get to know you better, but I’m afraid I don’t care.”
“I can’t help but think you’re a terrible person.”
“Seeing your face has unconventionally made me want to die. I wasn’t quite prepared for this feeling.”
“You could have loved me, I’m quite good at seducing, but you’re actually vile.”
“I hope I see you in a bodybag sometime.”
“Let’s pretend you didn’t cheat on me with my sister and be good people for a few minutes.”
“We should probably stop talking forever.”
“If I hated you anymore, I think I’d probably be crowned as satan’s right-hand man.”
“To say I ‘tolerate you’ is a vast overstatement.”
“You broke her heart and came back for more, you bastard.”
“This isn’t fifth grade, this is a courtroom, you whore.”
“I think you’d be the perfect match for my ex-husband. He loved to sleep with multiple people.”
“I’m not coming home, don’t look for me.”
“Time was always a measurement of this relationship and we finally ran out.”
“Please don’t look at me with such hatred.”
“I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
“Just get out. I- I don’t want you here, just leave.”
“You’re not the same person I married, don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“I wish you wouldn’t beg for forgiveness, it has the opposite effect of what you want.”
“Don’t hate me for this. You would’ve done the same.”
“This could’ve been the end and you were ready to let me go.”
“You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.”
“Hate me all you want. I know I’m right.”
“Today you broke my arm, I hope tomorrow it’s not my heart.”
“Nothing can justify this, you’ve ruined him.”
“You live with so much guilt, I hope it drives you mad one of these days.”
“My life was ruined because of one mistake. You were that mistake.”
“You are everything I hate, don’t ever come back.”
“Evil doesn’t come close.”
“Your wrongdoings are becoming your pastimes.”
“I wish you had of just done it for the thrill of it, but now you’re in deep shit.”
“Next time, I won’t be here to salvage your wreckage. This is the last time.”
“You should have ruined me when you had the chance.”
“No one will keep your name alive. Once you’re gone, everything you once stood for disappears too.”
“Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about your life without me.”
“This is always how it ends.”
“Break my heart once more, I dare you.”
“Forget how you loved me once, I mean nothing now.”
“This isn’t Romeo and Juliet, this is real life and I can go on without you.”
“You don’t own me, I don’t belong to you.”
“I should’ve died. That would’ve made you happy.”
“Are we going to carry on like this or are you going to give him back to me.”
“She drowned and he lost his mind.”
“We shouldn’t. You’re married and I’m pregnant.”
“You’ve never been loved, I can tell.”
“Who told you I needed fixing and what made you believe them?”
“You’re almost as far-gone as I am.”
“Maybe it’s best that we don’t go home.”
“Roaming the streets was never safe for her. What makes you think it’s different for you?”
“I think you’re going to ruin me. Am I right?”
“Do you remember our last feud? I wouldn’t want someone to lose their life again, would you?”
“Kiss me quick and leave them be.”
“I hate seeing you so sad. It’s just so dramatic how humans show emotions and being sad is such a boring one.”
“Will you ever forget my number? No? Ah, because you still love me.”
“After the funeral, let’s surrender.”
“What made you think I cared for you?”
“It’ll be fun explaining this to your sister. I hope she likes horror stories.”
“Don’t act as if we’re friends. I know how much you want to slit my throat.”
“Let’s not get angry. Let’s calmly and sensibly take this outside so I can ruin your face.”
“Please ruin yourself for me and I’ll watch in adoration as I fall apart as well.”
Fluff Prompts
“I missed being with you like this,”
“I’ve been excited to see you all day.”
“You’re my perfect match,”
“No one else can compare to your loveliness,”
“The way you smile like that always turns me on,”
“Can I at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment I come home,”
“I know you said you didn’t want to be late, but you look amazing, and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now,”
“I’ll keep you warm. Hold me closer.”
“Kiss me again, like you mean it.”
“Can I have a message?”
“Truth or Dare?” “Dare”
“Move away if you don’t want this kiss.”
“If you keep kissing my face like that I’ll have to retaliate.”
“Are you my secret admirer, the one that’s been sending me all the flowers and notes?”
“Does this kiss tickle~? Haha. Why are you laughing so much?”
“You’re supposed to be washing my hair, but this feels more like a massage.”
“Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.”
“When do you think help will come?” “Not for a while, I guess we’re stranded here alone for the time being.”
“Can you pretend to be my partner for my friend’s wedding? I told them I’d have a plus one.”
“I’m in love with you.” “Are you finally confessing to me? Because I feel the same way.”
“Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
"I want you back."
"You need to stop calling me that."
"You did not just boop me."
"You lost me in a crowd once!" "It's not my fault you're so short!"
"We should get a puppy."
“Hurry up! It has eight legs and therefore will crawl faster than normal!"
"Kiss me." "Not with that morning breath."
"So, will you marry me?"
"How'd you do that?" "Magic."
"It's my happy juice."
"You did not just mimic me."
"I'm on my period and I want chocolate. Now go."
"I left you for five minutes."
"Tell me why I deal with you again?"
"Kiss it better. Please.”
Smut Prompts
“Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?”
“Spread your legs. I want to feel how turned on I made you.”
“You can add another finger. I’m ready,”
“I want to watch you take off your clothes.”
“You’re so turned on already? That was fast,”
“Lay back and touch yourself. I want to watch.”
“You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”
“You’re nipples are so sensitive today,”
“Do you want to continue this in the shower?”
“You look so beautiful tied up to my bed,”
“I want you to be rough with me, please leave marks on my skin,”
“Say my name,” “Louder,”
“You say you want me, but your body seems to like it when I tease you,”
“Call me ‘Sir’ when we’re alone like this,”
“No, I’m the one that’s supposed to be making you feel good,”
“Don’t stop, whatever you do. I like that, a lot.”
“I love hearing you moan,”
“Blindfolds heighten your senses, maybe that’s why you’re whimpering louder than usual.”
“I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren’t alone.”
“Sorry, did that hurt?” “No, I’m just a little sore from last night.”
“I want to hear you beg for it.”
“I’m not wearing any panties,”
“I want to kiss every inch of your body before I fuck you,”
“I don’t have the patience to remove your clothes right now,”
“Your pussy tastes so sweet,”
“I can’t wait until we’re alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now.”
“Bite me,” “Where?”
“Were you just touching yourself?”
“What do you want for breakfast?” “Why are you asking me that at 10 o’clock at night-OH.”
“The game is, either of us is only allowed to touch the other with their mouth.”
“I love how your body loses control when you cum.”
“Fuck me like a starved animal or leave.”
“Spank me,”
“Show me how you like to be touched.”
“Harder, Deeper…”
“I want to fulfill that fantasy you’ve always wanted.”
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Hey hey! here’s a little something I wrote for Eli a few months ago. They convinced me i should post it, so here i am lol
Tw: Descriptions of a Cold, sickness (non graphic), feelings unwanted, coughing, headaches, misunderstandings, hurt/comfort. Let me know if I need to add more!
Words: 5.2k
Pairing: Prinxiety (Written as Romantic but could be read as platonic i guess)
“Virgil is miserable. Its the middle of the night, and Virgil is stuck in bed, unable to sleep, with a horrible cold. The actual cold isn’t why he’s miserable, though.
Is it selfish to want to be cared for?”
Through Sickness and Health
Virgil could hear the clock on the opposite wall ticking just a tad too fast, and didn’t need to even look over at it to know it was way too late to be awake. Sure, he didn’t have the best sleep schedule, but at least he was usually enjoying himself when he stayed up, and it was rarely this late. It wasn’t even his fault this time.
But here Virgil was, laying in bed curled under all the blankets he owned, wishing he was dead. On paper, that sounds a lot worse than it really was, but who could blame him? The sweet release of death sounded like heaven compared to suffering here any longer. His throat was sandpaper dry, nose clogged with snot, and what felt like a small bomb went off in his skull with every movement.
That, though, wasn’t the main reason he was suffering.
He’d been sick before, he knew it would be over soon, but no physical pain could compare to the hurt he felt, knowing that the others knew of his illness, and didn’t give a single damn.
There was no way they didn’t know what was happening - even if he’d tried to hide it, which he hadn’t, it’s not like acting was ever his specialty - but not a single one of them had batted an eye since he came down with this stress induced cold.
Well, that wasn’t completely true. Patton had asked if he was feeling alright on day two, when Virgil had shuffled downstairs around three in the afternoon to grab a snack, hoodie flipped up as he dug around, his hands clearly shaky from fever yet he’d been too tired to try and hide it. He’d told Patton, in the least shaky voice he could muster, that he just wasn’t feeling very well.
In hindsight, it had probably been incredibly selfish of him to expect Patton to come to his aid and comfort him, maybe offer to tuck him in on the couch and make him something healthy to eat. He’d seen Patton do just that plus more when Logan or Roman were feeling under the weather after all. But despite knowing it was selfish, he couldn’t help the disappointment and sinking feeling he’d felt when Patton had simply responded with a gentle, almost pitying, “I’m sorry kiddo, thank you for telling me.” before walking away rather hurriedly, leaving it there.
The conversation rolled around in his head, as it had been for the past 5 days. Nobody had come to check on him, not even the resident fatherly side to see if he was feeling any better. He’d been downstairs one other time since that little exchange with Patton, but when he’d walked in on Roman and Logan talking casually in the living room, they’d both given him short, obviously forced smiles, and sunk out. That’d been on day three, and Virgil hadn’t gone back down there since. He wasn’t that hungry anyway.
Maybe they didn’t want to get sick? Or maybe they thought he was gross, and didn’t want to be near him. Did they think he would be rude to them?
All this thinking was making Virgil’s head hurt more. And it really didn’t matter the reason. They didn’t care, they clearly wanted to avoid him.
It hurt, worse than his actual sickness, having to stay away from everyone for days on end. It reminded him of the old days before he was accepted, when he wasn’t welcome anywhere else but the confinement of his room. He missed Patton’s warm greeting each time he walked into a room, or the rants Logan would get lost in that were strangely so calming. Most notably, though, he missed Roman.
He missed their stupid banter that always left him feeling more confident, and the never ending singing that Virgil pretended not to adore. Hell, he missed just talking to the creative side. He’d give anything just to have a conversation with him, just to lift his spirits a little. He longed for one of the warm, solid hugs that only Roman could give.
He would probably even give up his Disney posters, his entire MCR song library, or get banned from every Hot Topic in the country, just to be held and cuddled right at this moment. To be held in warm, secure arms, wrapped in the scent of cinnamon and roses, and drift to sleep knowing he wouldn’t be alone in the morning.
That last one had about a zero percent chance of happening, even if he wasn’t sick and contagious, but Virgil’s sleep deprived, fever ridden brain had decided to be sentimental, and Virgil couldn’t even stop it. At least he wasn’t gone enough to consider asking for any of that comfort he craved. it’d be easier for everyone to just wait in his room until he was better. Then maybe things would be normal again.
And that was his plan, until someone knocked on his door.
The anxious side’s gaze shot over to the clock, grimacing when the quick movement made his eyeballs throb. Who the Hell was knocking on his door at nearly 3:45 in the morning?
“Who-“ Virgil cringed at how his gravely voice broke, cleared his throat, then tried again. “Who is it?”
“I knew you were awake!” Romans voice, surprisingly enough, came from the other side of the door. He was clearly trying to stay quiet, but for some reason, he sounded really… relieved, and chipper. A second later, the Prince added a bit more bashfully, “Uh, unless i just woke you up by knocking, and if that’s the case I sincerely apologize, I didn’t mea-“
“No, I w’s already awake…” Virgil interrupted with a slight slur, groggy brain trying to keep up with what was happening. Being the embodiment of Anxiety, though, meant he didn’t get to stop being anxious just because he was sick. Why was he here? Was he angry? Virgil couldn’t recall doing anything that could offend anyone since he’d been self-quarantined, but then again, he couldn’t really remember his last name at the moment either. He mumbled to himself as he untangled his legs from the covers, cursing the universe under his breath because his head felt two times it’s normal size. Then he took a deep breath and sat up. He didn’t want to make Roman uncomfortable or grossed out seeing him all sick in bed, cause holy shit would that be embarrassing. He still didn’t look great, but it was a small step. “Come in Pr’ncey.”
The door swung open, revealing a timid, bed headed Roman, who seemed to relax a little when noticing Virgil sitting up in bed. “Hey there.. sorry to barge in, I hope i’m not bothering you.” he said, voice still lowered and really quite gentle as he shut the door behind him.
Virgil went to shake his head, but stopped himself before he could cause himself fucking brain damage and just shrugged instead. “ y’re not both’ring me. ‘sup?” yikes, all this sitting up and trying to look presentable business was making him realize how exhausted he was. His eyelids felt heavy already.
Roman took a few steps forward, keeping his eyes steadily on Virgil like he was waiting for him to keel over and die, or cough on him. It seemed pretty damn dramatic, even for Roman. “I… just wanted to check on you. I’ve uh, been a little worried about you, and i couldn’t sleep.” The Prince said, hesitant as he lowered himself on the foot of the bed.
Virgil blinked a few times, curling his legs up so his knees were to his chest to make sure Roman wouldn’t touch his feet under the 5 layers of blankets he had over him. Or maybe it was the sudden, treacherous hope that was rising in him, a hope he was trying to stifle. Roman was… worried about him? Roman of all sides? I mean, he wasn’t surprised that he cared, he and Roman were friends now after all. Virgil was just surprised he cared about this. He thought they were all in agreement to avoid him or something.
Virgil was about to open his mouth and say… something - he didn’t really know what he was going to say. It felt like his train of thought was chugging along through molasses - but he was interrupted before he could get any words out.
“Dude… no offense, but you look like actual death. And why in the name of Hades are you buried under so many blankets?” The Prince asked with what sounded like genuine confusion, at least for the second part.
Virgil huffed and pulled the blankets tighter around him, the movement causing him to shiver. He couldn’t decide what to focus on; The cold air on his back, the rising sensation of relief knowing Roman cared, or how weird that question had been. Quite honestly, Virgil wasn’t offended because he knew he looked like shit. he was just a little confused. He thought Roman would have known he’d look like shit. “What do you mean why do I have so many blankets. I literally feel like ’m freezing to death. ’s part of the package, shouldn’t you know this?” He practically deadpanned, not even for the snarkiness like usual. His speech was just dull.
But that only left Roman looking more confused, and probably a good deal more concerned if his expression was anything to go by. “I-... I didn’t know that, no.. I’m sorry. Do you want another blanket or something…?” he asked carefully, still awfully and almost painfully cautious.
And Virgil… was at a loss for how this could possibly be new information to Roman. it was pretty common knowledge even if you’ve never had a fever before. But instead of dwelling, Virgil once again stopped himself from shaking his head, sighing instead. “No, it won’ help.” he said shortly. The effort would be futile, but it was endearing that Roman at least asked. “Thanks though. That’s.. really nice of you t’ offer.” The anxious side offered a bit more quietly.
There was an awkward silence that followed, Roman shuffling his feet against the carpet slightly as he looked around the room. Virgil saw the other’s eyes catch on the pile of used tissues in the floor, another bout of confusion flashing in his bright green eyes, but he didn’t mention it this time. Maybe it was a lack of sleep making the Prince act so clueless at the moment. “I… I guess i’ve just.. i don’t know, everything is more boring without you around. Nobody to insult without actually offending them.” Roman spoke again after a moment, sending a half smile in Virgil’s direction.
A little smirk matched with a snort is what the Prince was rewarded with, Virgil's spirits lifted regardless of his misery. It felt nice knowing he was missed, and it made his chest warm knowing it was coming from Roman. For some reason, knowing he could make things more bearable for his counterpart was.. rewarding, in a way. And Roman looked proud of himself, before he continued a bit more solemnly. “You’ve been cooped up in here for so long, like what, 5 says now?”
That got Virgil to sigh, and maybe there was some defensiveness laying beneath the surface, made worse thanks to being miserable, but all he managed was a mildly annoyed side eye to Roman as he responded in a mumble, still doing his best not to run Roman off. “‘t’s not my fault.”
Roman was quick to shake his head, slight guilt in his expression. “I know! I-I’m not trying to make you feel bad, i guess i just- i don’t know, i’m just talking out loud… sorry.” Roman’s voice had quieted, eyes trained on the floor somewhat shamefully as he seemed to search for his words. “I just.. I just wish…” but once again, he trailed off, shaking his head and seeming to give up. “I’m sorry.”
“‘s fine, Princey.” Virgil mumbled back, eyes dropping to his lap where he picked at a loose string on his bedspread. Another silence followed, Virgil trying to sniffle as silently as he could. Despite how weird this interaction had been so far, and how slightly awkward it’s gotten, Virgil was honestly just trying to soak in the mere presence of another side while it lasted. He’d never liked being alone for so long. His stomach was starting to hurt for a reason aside from sickness. This sure was a good way to get Roman to leave early, the others were probably right for leaving him alone so far.
Suddenly, Virgil squeezed the blankets in his fist to try and stop a sudden tickle in his throat, the sensation coming out of nowhere. Unfortunately though, his instincts won out just seconds later as he was forced to cough, the sound gargled and gross even when he covered the whole bottom half of his face with his covers. Dammit, dammit, stupid fucking cough. And Roman just got there too. He wasn’t ready for the creative side to leave again yet.
“S- Sorry, sorry ‘bout that. Shit.” He mumbled rather quickly, hoping to by just a few minutes longer of the creative side’s company before it was taken away again for who knows how long. His head felt like it was being split open, no thanks to the effort it took to cough. Who the Hell’s idea was sickness? They should be fired.
Much to his surprise though, when Virgil hesitantly looked up to gauge how put off Roman was by his display, he only saw an overwhelming about of worry, but even more importantly, alarm.
“Apologies, but is this like- normal??” Roman asked with eyes noticeably wider, studying Virgil's pained expression, hunched over posture, the mess of dirty tissues around, and the way the bright numbers of his digital clock on his nightstand was covered carefully, with a washcloth no doubt.
Virgil drew in a deep, slow breath through his nose as he rubbed on his temples to try and alleviate some pain, eyes closed and head tilted down. Roman’s ridiculous questions were just making his headache worse, and honestly he didn’t even understand how the Hell he was so confused. Was this his plan? To come in here and confuse Virgil and his already incapacitated brain? ‘Cause if so, he was doing a brilliant job. “Roman, what the hell are you talking about.”
It came out less like a question, more like a very tired statement, but he was answered with confused stammering, Roman gesturing almost desperately to Virgil and his state. “What do you mean what am I talking about?? Dude, you’re clearly not doing well. I mean, I wasn’t gonna bring it up, but you’re sweating like a sinner in church, you’re covered in a thousand blankets, you were just hacking up a lung and you’re barely able to speak right from, what i’m assuming, is a nose full of mucus!”
“Yeah, okay, I get it. I look like shit, Pr’ncey, enough said.” Virgil snapped, glaring up at Roman and accidentally moving his head up to look at him too fast, sending a flare of agony through his skull. He cursed under his breath and winced, but powered through it even as Roman lifted a hand to- to what, help? It didn’t matter, Virgil moved away from the effort. “No, don’t touch me, alright? I don’t wan’ your pity.”
Virgil knew all of this was coming out more aggressive than he ever would allow if he was feeling himself. Hell, even now he was begging himself to just shut up and stay calm. But after almost 2 full days with no sleep, and 5 days of nonstop pain, coughing, being unable to breath properly, the feeling of fire in his throat every time he tried to eat, and then on top of that, being shunned by the 3 people he wanted- needed, more than anything. Well, he really couldn’t stop his composure from cracking and shattering.
Roman looked ready to respond, seemingly struck with more pity than before, but Virgil’s hand shot up to stop him. “I don’t want to hear it, Princey. Why the Hell are you even here anyway? If you’ve missed me so much, why did you wait 5 f’cking days to come see me? T’ come ‘check on me’? And, by th’ way, so far you’ve really only been fucking with me and making me feel worse, so in reality it probably would ‘ve been better had you just kept up your streak of avoiding me like ev’ryone else!”
Virgil was breathing heavily, head pounding and lungs burning after raising his voice just a bit too much at the end of his rant. He replayed the words back in his mind, heart sinking when he realized how aggressive he’d gotten. He couldn’t slow down his breathing, why couldn’t he slow his breathing?? Jesus christ, he wasn’t about to break down on top of all that other shit he just unleashed. Perfect, he was just proving the other side’s point for them.
With his body now starting to shake, jaw clenched to hold back tears because this week has been bullshit, and he felt like curling up and disappearing, if not to escape his aching body then to at least escape the anger he knew would result from that whole verbal meltdown he just had. Obviously Roman would be leaving, but would he yell first? Tell him how annoying and selfish he was, and how he didn’t get to be a huge asshole just because he was feeling a little under the weather? Or would he leave in silence, just exit the room with that silent, cold anger that Roman only showed when he was really upset.
Maybe he’d tell everyone else what happened, how he’d tried to extend an olive branch, test it out just to see if maybe his illness hadn’t made him into a pathetic prick, but Virgil lashed out as expected and ran him off. Would Logan and Patton get mad at him too? Come in and tell him off for being so horrible to his own family, that he couldn’t even be a decent person for 5 minutes.
Maybe things wouldn’t go back to normal even after he’s recovered, all because he couldn’t just control himself.
“Virgil, what are you talking about?” Roman asked exasperated, and Virgil dragged his hands down his face. He meant to make more of a growl in frustration, but it came out closer to a pained whine. His eyes stung for a new reason now. He just wanted this to stop. Why wouldn’t Roman just stop?
“What. What am I talking about what. I can’t do this- this whole vague shit righ’now, jus’ spit it out.” He hated how short tempered he was sounding, but Roman didn’t seem to be fazed. Virgil could see the Prince waving his hands around in his peripheral, looking tongue tied.
“The- The part where you think i’m fucking with you?? Why you think we’re avoiding you?? Why you’re so-... so….” Roman trailed off, a look of realization crossing his face, which quickly turned to horror and guilt. “Wait a… w-wait a second, Virgil, are you- are you sick??”
To say Roman sounded appalled would be an understatement, his eyes wide in shock, brows drawn, mouth slightly agape. Virgil’s head spun, suddenly dizzy as his brain tried to figure out why Roman sounded so horrified- why he sounded so surprised. He couldn’t stand it, he couldn’t understand what was going on. He felt nauseous and he just wanted to sleep. Before he knew it, tears were trekking down his face, thick tears springing from his eyes making the pressure behind them even more unbearable. A sob tore painfully from his throat, instantly catching the Prince’s full attention.
“Oh my… Virgil-“
Virgil shrunk away from the Prince’s voice, curling up once more into a ball, trying to hide from everything. His lip wobbled, he could feel it, but he was too tired to be embarrassed or feel pathetic. He pulled the covers closer around him. “R-Roman, please jus’-“ He hiccuped on a sob, hissed through his teeth as the action sent a sharp pain through his lungs. “I don’ know i-if you’re tryin’ to joke ‘r somethin’, but— but ’s n- not funny, o-okay?”
Instead of speaking clearly at a normal volume, Virgil was nearly mumbling the entire time he was speaking, slurring through words even worse than when the conversation started. Was it just him, or was the room spinning? “Please, i… i need you t’...” Virgil huffed for breath, exhaustion wearing on him like a switch was just suddenly flipped. It nearly took all his energy to try and get a deep breath.
Virgil was met with a warm, broad chest, and strong arms wrapping around him before he even knew he was slumping forward. His ears were ringing, drowning out what sounded like a familiar voice speaking to him. They sounded distressed, he hoped they were okay. What was combing through his hair? He couldn’t quite remember what was going on before then, but all he knew was, he was safe now.
Then, the world went dark.
Virgil came into consciousness a little while later, his brain the kind of blissfully empty that only comes after passing out, apparently. He couldn’t grasp where he was before, existing in a reality where there is no past for a few moments. His head was vaguely aching, like a dull throb faded into the background, and his lungs stung only a little when he breathed in deeply. In his sleepy state though, Virgil didn’t concern himself with those feelings.
Virgil couldn’t see anything, he noticed not long after, but he could hear murmuring and the distant sound of water running.
Next, he realized he knew he wasn’t in his own room anymore, both because this wasn’t his mattress, and the room didn’t smell like his own.
He could smell.. cinnamon… and peaches… and ink. Somewhere in his groggy brain, Virgil recognized the smell, but at the moment it was just out of his reach. It didn’t bother him, though, not when he was so relaxed and calm. He felt like he was one with the bed, and the soft, fluffy sheets encasing him.
A few more seconds of coming to, and Virgil realized his eyes were covered with something damp, and cool… soft too. It felt amazing against his warm skin. oh right, i’m sick, a thought entered his mind gently.
Then, a lot less gently, the events from before he passed out rushed to the forefront of his mind, practically smacking him in the face. Because yes, he’d passed out, right in front of Roman like an idiot, oh shit, why isn’t he in his room, where is he-
“Virgil? Hey woah, calm down buddy- here,” Virgil heard someone quickly cross the room, and tended his body for all of two seconds before the washcloth over his eyes was being lifted.
Virgil blinked blearily, squinting his eyes even though the room was almost completely shrouded in darkness, save for a thin line of light coming from the cracked bathroom door. Someone was sat beside him on the side of the bed, but he was too blurry for Virgil to make out details.
“There you are. Hey Hot Topic, how are you feeling?” the person asked, speaking more gently than anyone had spoken to Virgil in a long time. Strangely though, Virgil wasn’t upset by it. It was.. nice…
Wait a minute, he knew that voice.
“R- Roman..? I.. Where…?” Distantly, Virgil knew he sounded like shit, which meant he probably looked like shit, and directly after asking that half assed question, he realized he had to be in the Princes room. “Oh.. fuckin’- I passed out on you..” he groaned, moving his hands up to scrub the blurriness from his eyes.
It worked, surprisingly, and now that Virgil could see, he realized that yes, Roman was the one sitting next to him, and yes he was in Roman’s room, in Roman’s bed. He also noticed how tossed Roman’s hair was, and the bright red with little snowmen pajamas the Prince wore. They were really adorable.
“Yes, I’m afraid you did.. and I’m also afraid that I am partly to blame for it.” Roman sighed, casting his eyes down as he pressed his lips in a line.
Virgil’s brows drew together, and, because he was so delirious, he reached out to grab gently at Romans sleeve. “How is it your fault that I passed out?” he asked incredulously. At least he could speak properly now. Now? Now since when? Oh geez, “Wait how long have I been out? A few hours? Days? Years?! Did I fall into a coma?!”
The corner of Roman’s lip lifted in amusement, and he gently lay a hand over Virgil’s, on his sleeve. “No, no nothing like that, Dark Knight. It’s only been an hour or so. I.. hope you don’t mind, but I had to bring you in here. Your fever was… really high.” The Prince of Creativity said, solemn by the end.
“I think i’ve managed to get it down, so it’s not so dangerous anymore, but Logan will definitely have to keep an eye on it today.”
That got Virgil's attention. “Wait- Logan? Uh.. yeah, not to burst your bubble Princey, but I doubt that’ll be happening.” There was a slight bitterness to his tone as he wrapped his free arm around his midsection, and though there wasn’t as much bitterness as there usually would be, Roman still picked up on it loud and clear.
He inclined his head, as if in agreement, and Virgil stomach only sunk a little bit before Roman was speaking again.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Virgil. You see, there seems to have been a grave misunderstanding. This is how I’m partially responsible for your passing out, same as Logan and Patton are also partly to blame.”
Virgil’s eyes widened, breath hitching at the sheer ridiculousness of that suggestion. No!! How could it be their fault? He’s the one that got so sick and couldn’t keep himself healthy enough not to fucking pass out. He opened his mouth to say as much, but Roman held up a finger before he could get out a single word, silencing him.
“A few days ago, 5 to be exact, it came to Patton’s attention that you weren’t feeling yourself. He told me and Logan that you told him you weren’t feeling very well, and that we should all give you some space the next few days.” Roman said carefully. Ah yes, that conversation. The one that’s haunted Virgil for nearly a week. Virgil remembered it well.
With a hesitant, still very lost nod from Virgil, Roman continued. “It seems that Patton, and in turn, Logan and I, assumed that your strange behavior was linked to.. well, anxiety.” He gave Virgil’s hand a light squeeze, any sign of a smile gone and replaced with pained regret. The Prince swallowed, just as Virgil pieced it together.
“Because of these more stressful times Thomas is experiencing, we wrongly thought that you were having a rough week, leading to worse anxiety. So… we’ve been leaving you on your own, thinking we were helping you..”
Virgil.. didn’t know what to say. He looked up and found Roman’s red, sorrowful eyes. When he focused, he could see they were just a little bit bloodshot, even in the dark. Proof that he had previously cried, no doubt about this. When Virgil didn’t speak, still too shocked as his slowed brain processes this, Roman continued, quietly choking back a sob just after he averted his gaze to the floor.
“V-Virgil-“ he voice cracked. Virgil’s heart was sinking in his chest. Roman had never looked so heartbroken. “Virgil I’m so sorry, I had no idea you were sick, none of us did! I-I swear I didn’t know, I would have never left you alone if I had, Virgil, Star, i’m so so s-sorry,”
Roman was practically full on crying by that point, though he clearly tried to keep it to himself and stay quiet. Virgil was grateful for the effort, but there were much more important things to focus on at the moment. He may not be completely himself, but he still couldn’t let Roman be so sad.
It was because he wasn’t completely himself that Virgil automatically sat up (taking his time to do so, trying not to upset his head), and leaned himself right against Roman, chest to chest, looping his arms around to loosely hold Princey in a hug.
It all made sense now, why he’d been ignored all week, and why nobody came to check on him or try to help. He felt a little (read: a lot) stupid for thinking that anyone in his famILY would do anything but show him the upmost care and attention when he needed it. They thought they were helping, and honestly, had he in fact been having a bad week of heightened anxiety, giving him space would have been the right thing for them to do.
Roman was quick to return Virgil’s hug, though to his credit, his hug was a lot stronger and more secure than Virgil’s. He buried his face in Virgil’s hair, a steady stream of teary apologies spilling from him. A steady stream that Virgil hastily tried to end.
“Roman, it’s okay… i’m not upset, I promise it’s okay. I know you were doing what you thought would help me. Please don’t cry, Princey.” He said softly.
It might have been a few more minutes, or a few hours, that the two sides sat together in each other’s arms. Roman’s cries and apologies slowly quieted to a stop, though the gentle combing of fingers through Virgil’s hair only continued as they sat.
“Hey… Roman?” Virgil whispered after a few more moments, the whole mindscape quiet, save for the quiet sniffles from both Virgil and Roman every once in a while.
“Yes, sweet Midnight?” came an equally gentle response. Neither side moved, Virgil too content with his face snuggly buried against his counterpart’s shoulder, and Roman too content with having Anxiety safe in his arms.
“Would… well, you can say no, but would you mind.. if I stay in here..? I don’t… really want to be alone…” a hint of Virgil’s usual anxious tendencies showed itself despite the tiredness that was starting to cover the darker side. Instead of head-swimming exhaustion though, this time Virgil felt pleasantly heavy and relaxed.
Without uttering another word, Roman pulled them both down to lay their heads on the pillows, lifting one hand to gently flick his wrist and manipulate the covers around them. The light in the bathroom turned off with a soft click of Roman’s fingers, one that Virgil hardly registered as he shuffled somehow closer to the Prince, still tucked safely in his arms.
As he fell softly and smoothly into the first restful sleep he’s had in days, Virgil noticed that he wasn’t freezing cold anymore. The dull throb in his head had gone away almost entirely, and it felt that much easier to breathe. But most importantly, Virgil felt less alone than he had in a long, long time.
Needless to say, Virgil was feeling better already.
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Still loving Komahina and I also love hurt/comfort sickfics so this was pretty inevitable. Nagito is very good for sickfics. Anyway, I wanted to show these two trying to navigate a bad illness and all the frightening and sometimes embarrassing things that come with that. Post-hope arc again. With fluff because I can’t NOT do fluff. I hope you enjoy it - Circle
Also on A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34280557
Warning: descriptions of vomiting (I didn’t describe the puke itself or anything, don’t worry, I’m emetophobic myself) and high fevers/vague descriptions of medical procedures.
Hajime noticed at the beach this time - and just like every time, he kicked himself for not noticing before he’d made Nagito leave the cabin. He thought back to when Nagito stumbled as they walked across the island, about how he’d chased every meagre bite of breakfast with a gulp of water like it was difficult to get down. Hajime hadn’t been vigilant enough, and now they were sitting together on the sand and Nagito was leaning far too heavily against his shoulder.
“Nagito?” Hajime said cautiously. When Nagito turned his head, Hajime hastily put a hand to his forehead, managing to catch it before Nagito veered away. “I knew it. You’re burning up.”
Some old routine. Nagito would deflect, then grow self-deprecating; Hajime would shut that down, then begrudgingly carry Nagito back to their cabin. They’d done this dance together over and over, whenever Nagito’s weakened state and illness made something like a common cold seem as serious as smallpox.
It didn’t seem so bad for the next couple of days. Nagito had a fever, but it was a low one, and he ate when Hajime asked and seemed alert and talkative. Hajime felt comfortable leaving him in the care of their friends while he went to Mikan for medicine and advice - though his friends proved to need supervision of their own. He returned to his cabin just as Sonia and Gundham were leaving, reassured when Sonia reported that Nagito wasn’t any worse. At the time, he didn’t notice the splashes of brown paint on Gundham’s bandages or Sonia’s dress.
Hajime stopped short when he stepped over the threshold. There was a gigantic swirly witchy symbol covering almost the whole wall above the bed, the heavy smell of paint in the air. Nagito was peeping over the top of the bedsheets, eyes sparkling.
“What the hell is that?” Hajime couldn’t even sound angry. He was just bloody tired. Why were the Ultimates so dramatic?
“Sonia and Gundham did a ritual for my good health,” Nagito explained. His lip twitched and Hajime knew he was fighting a smile. “I was so honoured to have two Ultimates working to help me that I thought it’d be unspeakably ungrateful to protest.”
“Oh, shut up, Nagito! I can see you just think it’s funny,” Hajime snapped. Nagito snorted and disappeared under the sheets, spluttering.
Hajime sighed and took another look at the giant eyesore on his wall. At least it was painted fairly neatly - and he knew Gundham and Sonia’s hearts were in the right places even if this particular stunt was irritating. He supposed they were trying to help in a weird way. Sonia went along with anything Gundham said, and Hajime didn’t expect Gundham to know you shouldn’t paint giant symbols on other people’s walls without permission. Gundham navigated social interactions like he was going into battle; Hajime doubted he would ask permission for something he clearly saw as a good deed.
“Doesn’t it make your boring plain wall more interesting?” Nagito piped up.
“Don’t push your luck, Nagito.”
“Right. Who knows what pushing my luck will do.”
Later on, Hajime would worry that he’d jinxed them somehow, that whatever strange force was behind Nagito’s Ultimate Luck was malevolent and wanted to teach them a lesson for mocking it - because that night brought disaster. Nagito was usually exceptionally clingy when they were in bed, often to the point where Hajime got so warm he had to pry him off, but now he curled up right on the very edge of the mattress, well away from Hajime. Hajime knew he was awake from his strangely measured breaths and his unusual stillness; Nagito was a restless sleeper. He frequently kicked Hajime in the night and rolled right on top of him and yanked the blankets away. Sometimes Hajime felt like he’d get more sleep on a busy runway as airplanes roared overhead.
Hajime poked Nagito in the back, careful not to tip him right off the bed. “Hey. What’s up?”
He didn’t get a response. Hajime sighed. “Do you think I’m stupid? I know you’re not asleep. You never sleep like that. So what’s going on?”
He wound his arms around Nagito’s waist and tried to pull him closer to get a better look at him, but Nagito winced and slapped his hands away with surprising force. “Don’t,” he gasped, curling up even tighter. “Don’t press…”
“What? Is it your stomach?” This was new. Nagito had been off his food lately, but then he frequently found it difficult to eat. “Do you feel nauseous?”
Silence. Getting information from Nagito was like getting blood from a stone sometimes. Hajime felt Nagito’s forehead in the gloom. His fever had definitely gone up and his skin was clammy. Hajime let his fingers trail down Nagito’s cheeks to his jawline and felt along his neck - the lymph nodes were so swollen they felt like two throbbing ping pong balls.
“Fuck,” Hajime muttered. “I thought we might get through this one without anything too bad.”
He was expecting some strange rambling about how this bad luck would inspire them to hope for good things in the future, but Nagito still didn’t speak. He rolled over and shuffled across the bed, tucking his burning head right under Hajime’s chin. It worried Hajime more than any words could; Nagito didn’t actively seek out comfort unless he was feeling really terrible.
“Hey,” Hajime mumbled, having to spit out a mouthful of Nagito’s unruly curls. “Ugh, your hair keeps getting in my mouth. Look, I know you’re sick and I’m sure it must feel crappy, but you’ll be okay. You’ll probably feel better by tomorrow morning. Right?” Hajime knew he sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well as Nagito.
More silence. Hajime could feel Nagito shivering, and wound his arms around him quickly. He usually teased Nagito for being so chilly all the time, needing his jacket whenever the sun dipped behind the clouds and getting goose pimples in the air conditioned cabins, but it didn’t seem remotely funny anymore. Nagito trembled like he was buried up to his neck in snow, but he certainly didn’t feel cold.
“You’re burning up. Fuck, I think I need to get Mikan,” Hajime said. He felt a hand shoot out and grab hold of his t-shirt, clinging for dear life. Hajime knew he could easily pry Nagito off, but he couldn’t bring himself to try at a time like this. “Okay, don’t freak out. I’ll stay. But I’m going if you get any worse.”
It was after midnight when the vomiting started. They’d already been in the bathroom since eleven, huddled together on the floor by the toilet, sharing a blanket. Nagito kept sleepily begging Hajime to go back to bed and leave him there, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Shut up,” he mumbled. “Don’t act like you wouldn’t be here with me if our roles were reversed.”
“That’s different. You’re you and I’m me,” Nagito whispered. He let his burning head rest against Hajime’s shoulder despite his pleading.
“It shouldn’t be different though. It’s not different, not to me. You’re sick and I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway if I knew you were in here on your own feeling miserable.”
“You have such a kind heart, Hajime. To think you could care so much about someone as worthless as I am.”
“Nagito. If you don’t stop that I’m going to shove your head down the toilet and flush, no matter how sick you are,” Hajime threatened. “You’re not worthless. For the millionth time.”
“You’d think you’d have got tired of saying that by now,” Nagito said.
“I have. Very fucking tired. But I’ll keep saying it until you believe me. Now shut up and try to get some rest. And let me know when you need to throw up. You’re in a position right now that would have you puking down my front and it’s making me nervous.”
Thankfully, Nagito was exceptionally neat about it when he did have to lean over the toilet to vomit. Hajime hooked his white curls back behind his ears and tried not to groan too much. It was unpleasant, obviously, but it was clear Nagito was the one suffering the most right now. He didn’t need Hajime moaning in his ear for him to hurry up - and as the minutes ticked by Hajime found his embarrassment and mild disgust morphing into anxiety. He knew Nagito hadn’t had much to eat these past few days, but the retching and heaving went on well after Nagito had nothing left to bring up. Nagito’s cheeks grew flushed and blotchy, and it wasn’t long before Hajime was the only thing holding him up over the loo, his arms wound around Nagito’s chest. He could feel Nagito’s heart pounding hard against his arms, on and on.
“Come on,” Hajime said eventually. “I’ll get you a bucket or something. You’re not really throwing anything up now anyway. You need to lie down.”
Nagito didn’t respond. He was breathing heavily, his face dripping with sweat. He was gripping the porcelain so hard his knuckles bleached white. Hajime had to pry off his fingers one by one.
“Come on,” he repeated. “I’ll get you something to wipe your face. I know you feel miserable but you can’t stay tethered to the toilet until you die.” He scooped Nagito up into his arms, cradling him as carefully as a newborn. Nagito felt frighteningly hot and damp.
Shaky arms wound around Hajime’s neck and a weak, hoarse voice whispered into his ear. “Death would be welcome at this point…”
“Stop it,” Hajime said firmly. “Don’t go all melodramatic on me. You sound like Gundham.” He carried Nagito to the bed and ran a cloth under the tap. “Here. Shall I do it for you? Then you don’t have to sit up.”
Nagito didn’t react, staring up at the ceiling. He seemed to decide to ignore Hajime at will, and it annoyed him almost as much as Nagito’s self-deprecation.
“Fine, don’t talk to me,” Hajime snapped. “I’ll scrub your face like a baby if you’re going to act like one.” Despite his tone, Hajime ran the damp cloth over Nagito’s skin with unbelievable care and tenderness, going carefully around his eyes and mouth.
Nagito’s eyes flickered over to him. “Well, Nurse Hinata, what’s your diagnosis? Is it curtains for me now? Is this world finally finished with me?”
“No! God, I’ve never known anybody so dramatic,” Hajime said angrily. “It’s just a little stomach flu or something like that. Don’t be so stupid.” He was almost shouting now. It was far easier to get angry than to admit to Nagito that he was scared too, that the knot of panic in his chest was getting tighter by the minute.
Nagito stared at him pityingly. Hajime wanted to slap him and clasp him close all at once.
“I’m going to get Mikan.” He turned to leave, but felt a clammy hand grasp his wrist and hold it with a surprisingly firm, desperate strength. Hajime turned back. “Nagito..?”
Nagito had his head bent, his lips pressed together. He didn’t speak, but he clung to Hajime’s wrist so tightly his fingernails dug in.
“But we need help. I’ll be as fast as I can, I promise. I’ll run all the way,” Hajime tried.
The hand squeezed even tighter.
“Oh fucking hell,” Hajime groaned. “Okay, I won’t leave. But we still need help, so you need to let me go for a second, okay? I promise I won’t go past the door to the cabin.”
A pause. Then Nagito slowly unclamped his fingers and let Hajime break free. He immediately flew to the cabin door, opened it wide and took a deep, long breath inwards. “HEY!” he bellowed, as loud as he could possibly manage. His voice boomed through the still night air. “WE NEED HELP! COME OUT AND HELP US!”
He yelled the same simple lines over and over until a door opened. He’d rather hoped for somebody sensible like Twogami or Mahiru; he ended up with Kazuichi. It made sense really - the sensible people would be asleep at three in the morning, and Kazuichi’s cabin was directly across from Hajime’s.
“What the hell are you screaming about, Hajime?” Kazuichi whined, scrubbing his eyes. His hands were covered with oil and he smeared it across his cheeks. It looked like he was wearing bad war paint. He’d doubtless been hunched over some project he was working on. It usually annoyed Hajime to see his friend neglecting vital things like sleep for his machines, but he was grateful for Souda’s insomnia tonight.
“Kazuichi, come over here, I need your help. Nagito is sick. Like, really sick. I need you to go get Mikan. Please.”
“What? Why can’t you do it?” Kazuichi said indignantly.
“I just… I don’t want to leave him alone, okay?!” Hajime muttered, flustered.
“Awww, Hajime! You loooove him,” Kazuichi cried, spluttering with laughter.
Hajime heard Nagito snort behind him too. He must’ve heard. He felt his cheeks flush crimson. “Kazuichi, will you just fucking go before I throttle you!”
“Stop yelling at me, I’m doing you a favour!” Kazuichi cried, looking wounded - but he ran off in the direction of Mikan’s cabin obediently.
None of them slept much that night. Mikan worked diligently, trying antibiotics and saline drips and ice packs, but she couldn’t get Nagito’s fever down, getting more and more tearfully apologetic as if she was personally blighting him herself. “His fever is dangerously high. We have to find a way of lowering it,” she muttered over and over like a mantra, shaking her head.
Anti-nausea drugs stopped the persistent stomach pains, but Nagito was clearly far from comfortable. He stopped smirking and teasing Hajime, stopped laughing at Kazuichi’s silly jokes. He stopped putting himself down and babbling about how the four Ultimates were so full of kindness and hope to be fussing so much over someone like him. He just stared vacantly up at the ceiling, his eyes foggy and over-bright, his cheeks flushed.
They each toiled in their own way until dawn, when they finally collapsed with exhaustion, squashing up together on Hajime’s bed. They lay there undisturbed until Twogami came looking for them, concerned by the absences at breakfast. He shook Hajime awake, wanting to know why there were four people curled around each other like puppies on his bed, but all Hajime could focus on was Nagito. His head was resting on Hajime’s chest, burning hot through his shirt. The fever was still there. He’d woken up but the nightmare was still going.
It was a mercy that Twogami found them. He sent Mikan off to sleep in her own cabin and made Hajime give a detailed account of the previous night (he let Kazuichi remain asleep at the foot of the bed. Twogami knew he wouldn’t sleep again if he was disturbed, and he wasn’t in the way).
“If he gets any worse, we might have to contact Future Foundation,” Twogami said thoughtfully. “They’ll have more complex medical equipment.”
“We don’t need them,” Hajime snapped. “Especially Makoto.”
He’d thought Kazuichi was still sleeping, but he snorted. “Because Nagito gushes over Makoto. That’s why you don’t like him,” he mumbled sleepily, sitting up.
“Shut up, you hypocrite. Why didn’t you like Gundham before?” Hajime argued.
“I don’t know why you get so fussed, Makoto looks a lot like you.”
“He doesn’t!”
Twogami sighed and crossed his arms like an exasperated parent. “If you two want to bicker you can go do it outside. Nagito needs peace and quiet.” He sounded like a parent too, and the other men quietened immediately and focused on Nagito again.
Nagito didn’t seem to wake up properly. He could open his eyes (though this looked like it was taking an extreme amount of effort) but he didn’t speak or even react very much when somebody spoke to him. He barely blinked when Hajime tried to make him sip water or Kazuichi tapped on his cheek and called his name. Mikan was forced to give him fluids intravenously. When the afternoon brought no improvements, Hajime let Twogami contact Future Foundation for better medicine.
Hajime spent another anxious, sleepless night desperately holding Nagito - though he didn’t feel like Nagito. He hadn’t spoken a single word all day, and though Hajime was trying to be optimistic, he could feel panic pooling in his stomach like oil. Would the medicine get here in time? Would it even work? Nagito was so sick, as sick as he’d been with that awful Despair Disease. Hajime remembered how he’d left Nagito alone then; he wouldn’t make that mistake this time. He’d be there for Nagito - if he was even aware of Hajime at this point. It seemed less and less likely. He wasn’t even opening his eyes now. All Hajime could do was hold him, hold onto this lifeless, unresponsive husk that sucked in shallow breaths far too fast. He wondered if the real Nagito was somewhere deep inside, floating aimlessly, or if the fever had fried his brain completely and obliterated the strange, smart, fascinating person Hajime knew. No, surely he was being stupid. It couldn’t be that bad, right? Unless Mikan and Twogami were just being tactful. Maybe they both expected Nagito to perish and just didn’t want to snuff out Hajime’s hope. He clutched the burning body tighter.
“Don’t you dare die,” he whispered fiercely, cupping Nagito’s cheeks. “I mean it. Not after everything that’s happened. You can’t just give up now. You woke up once before. It took you the longest of everyone, but you still came back. Do it again, because I’ll lose my fucking mind if anyone else dies. You’d better fight this.” His eyes burned. Several tiny droplets of water fell onto Nagito’s face.
Hajime waited. He silently begged Nagito to open his eyes, whisper something coherent, clutch his hand… but nothing happened. Hajime held him all night, terrified of drifting off to sleep in case he woke up and found Nagito stone cold and white and still. He’d found Nagito dead once. Bloody and bound, his eyes bulging with pain… No. It wasn’t real, even if it felt real. It wasn’t real it wasn’t real it wasn’t real.
Morning brought the stronger medicine from the Future Foundation. Twogami explained what it was and how it worked, but Hajime was so fuzzy-headed with lack of sleep and stress that he didn’t take any of it in.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Twogami said doubtfully. “Mikan set up the IV so you don’t have to worry about anything. You could leave one of us here, go get some rest.” He tried for ten minutes to convince him, but Hajime shook his head.
“I can’t leave him. Not until he’s better.”
“You’re so stubborn. At this rate we’ll need to start nursing you along with him,” Twogami muttered, but he left them alone. Mikan left as soon as she could too, apologising even more than usual. Maybe Hajime had been glaring at her? It wasn’t her fault, he just had a splitting headache, but he obviously couldn’t leave to go apologise. Not now.
Time had started to blur. Minutes crawled by like days, but then suddenly an entire hour could disappear in a second. Hajime stayed sitting by Nagito’s side, periodically holding his hand, begging him to squeeze his back. Nagito lay still, but his breathing had evened out considerably since he’d been given this new medication. Hajime tried tickling at his cheeks and smoothing back his hair and Nagito twitched and sighed - tiny reactions, but they were reactions. Hajime hardly dared let himself hope and he definitely didn’t dare let himself sleep, though he was so tired now he had shooting pains behind his eyes.
Later - much later - Kazuichi came back, bringing Hajime toast and coffee. He looked startled by the state he was in. “Good God, Hajime, you look worse than Nagito!”
“Thanks a bunch,” Hajime grumbled. He didn’t touch the toast but took a grateful gulp of coffee.
“Seriously, bro, when did you last sleep? Or eat? Or… shower?” Kazuichi asked, sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed.
“That’s rich, coming from you.”
“Have you seriously not slept since he got sick?”
“How can I?” Hajime snapped. “Will you please stop bleating obvious questions at me, Kazuichi. Yes, I’m fucking tired and hungry and I look like shit right now, I know. But I’m trying to make sure my boyfriend doesn’t die right in front of me, so forgive me if I can’t give much of a fuck about anything else! I don’t have the energy to deal with you right now. So can you please just shut up or fuck off!” He was practically screaming by the end of it. Part of him really wanted Kazuichi to yell back, start a real fight; he was so tired and so frustrated and it was so easy to take it out on Kazuichi.
But Souda didn’t argue. He didn’t speak, but his eyes filled up and he ducked his head to hide his quivering lips. Hajime felt a sudden wave of shame wash over his head. He didn’t want to make Kazuichi cry (even if that was pretty easy to do).
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, putting his head in his hands. “Yes, I’m tired. Tired and miserable. It’s not your fault.”
“I know you’re tired. I thought I could stay here. Keep watch over Nagito for a bit. You can sleep next to him,” Kazuichi said, his voice cracking.
Hajime felt worse than ever. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He grabbed Kazuichi and pulled him into a clumsy hug. “You’re a good friend. Better than me.”
“I’m your best friend, right?” Kazuichi asked hopefully. “You’re not just being nice? Am I actually just annoying?”
“You are annoying. But you’re still my best friend.”
Kazuichi grinned. “Okay. And you’ll get some rest now? I think you really need it, Hajime. You’re so grouchy when you’re tired.”
Hajime rather wanted to grumble about that comment, but he didn’t want to prove Souda’s point. “You’ll wake me up if anything changes with Nagito? Even something tiny. Even if you’re not sure it’s a change, can you wake me up to check?”
“Yes. God, you’re worse than Peko with Fuyuhiko. Do you really love him, Hajime?” Kazuichi asked.
“Look, we’re not at a pre-teen sleepover, Kazuichi. I don’t want to sit here with you and gossip about boys,” Hajime said, shuffling close to Nagito. He wasn’t sure - maybe it was wishful thinking - but he thought Nagito’s body was slightly cooler.
“See what I mean. Grumpy,” Kazuichi mumbled.
Hajime didn’t bother to reply this time. He didn’t think he’d manage to get a wink of sleep with all the stress and worry, but he was out like a light almost immediately, so exhausted he didn’t even dream. He wasn’t sure how long Kazuichi kept vigil at their bedside (several hours, he guessed. Kazuichi was a good friend) but he was gone when Hajime opened his eyes. The silvery dawn light was filtering in through the windows, bathing their furniture in a soft glow. Something was burrowing into Hajime’s chest like a small animal.
“Nagito..?” Hajime mumbled, still half-asleep.
“Of course. Who else do you invite into bed, Hajime?”
“Nobody, dumbass.” Then it clicked and Hajime was instantly awake, peering through the dim light. Nagito truly was awake, looking very pale and sleepy and weak, but his eyes were open. Hajime clutched onto him at once, holding him as tight as he dared. Nagito felt as fragile as glass, like he might shatter altogether if Hajime squeezed too hard.
“Careful, you’ll yank my IV out,” Nagito mumbled, but he buried his face into Hajime’s shoulder too. His skin was still clammy, still warm, but not that terrifying burning anymore. Nagito felt clammy all over. “You should wait till I’ve showered before we do all the tearful reunions.”
“Shut up. I need a shower too,” Hajime said hoarsely. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “Fuck, it’s good to see you awake and talking.”
“How long was I out?”
“Several days. How much do you remember?”
Nagito paused. “I remember the night Mikan and Kazuichi came. It gets a bit muddled after that. Someone tried to make me drink quite a few times. Nothing much then. Except…”
“Perhaps I was dreaming. I couldn’t imagine somebody caring so much for someone like-”
“Oh Christ, I haven’t missed that,” Hajime groaned. “Just tell me what you remember!”
“You. Your voice, telling me not to die. Though it sounded more like you were threatening me not to die. And something dripping on me.”
Hajime felt his face flushing. It seemed like years ago that he’d hovered over Nagito and frantically begged him to keep fighting. “Trust you to remember something embarrassing like that.”
“Were you truly crying?”
“What else would I be doing? Drooling on you?”
“You hardly ever cry.”
“I’ve never seen you that sick before,” Hajime admitted. He held Nagito in the hug so he couldn’t see his face. It was somehow easier to blurt it all out in the gloomy morning half-light. “It was… fucking horrible. I didn’t dare sleep. I haven’t felt scared like that since the simulation. I thought I was going to lose you… just like Chiaki.”
There was a long, pregnant pause. Hajime could feel Nagito’s breath tickling against his neck.
“We smell awful,” Nagito finally whispered.
Hajime started spluttering with laughter. “For God’s sake! Can’t you ever be serious?”
“You know I don’t have any idea how to comfort people. But… you shouldn’t worry so much when I get sick. Not just because I’m me, but because my luck usually comes through for me eventually. It hasn’t let me die yet. Well, except in the simulation.”
“Shut up. Don’t talk about that,” Hajime said quickly. “Izuru has luck too. So that should mean I’m stuck with you forever.”
He rather expected Nagito to shoot back with some sort of self-deprecating response like “poor you” but Nagito was silent for a while. He was practically in Hajime’s lap now, his skinny legs wound around Hajime’s waist.
“Thank you.”
“Hm?” The words were so quiet Hajime barely heard.
“Thank you for taking care of me. Nobody has ever done that before,” Nagito said, his voice as light and delicate as the dawn. He still found it so hard to accept things like this. He’d spent so many years building walls around him and then Hajime had come along and blasted through them in an instant. Nagito felt raw and vulnerable and exposed - but there was a warm feeling in his stomach too, new and unfamiliar.
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” Hajime promised.
“You’ll probably have to. My immune system is awful.”
“Then I will. Needing things isn’t bad, Nagito. You’re not meant to do things all alone.”
“The thing we need right now is a wash.”
“Yes. We’d better get that over with first,” Hajime agreed - but despite their words they both remained in their embrace, clinging to each other with desperate strength, long after that sun had risen properly.
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delirioushrimp · 3 years
Frozen Fairytale (DemonYB AU)
This is like the most self-indulgent thing I’ve ever done hhhhh-
Once more, this story is here because I am a huge simp for @harbingers-appointed ‘s  amazing AU !
Vee I hope you know I would die for you !
Plot changed three times during the writing process, help-
He senses their pain before he hears their scream. It’s a cry of agony, distress, begging for help and he feels it in his bones as though it was his own suffering. It travels through his being like a shot of electricity; fast, violent, and dizzying. It takes him a few seconds to recover from the pain and as soon as he does, a feeling of dread unlike anything he had experienced  before fills his soul until it’s the only thing he can think about.
He rises abruptly from his desk, causing TK to flinch and look at him with a confused and fearful look. But he can’t see his tactician, can’t hear them ask if something is wrong, can’t feel the pieces of wood piercing his skin. His soul, his heart is burning a fire of horror and rage.
He almost knocks the door of its hinges as he desperately tries to reach them through the pain.
“Darling ! Darling where are you ?!”
Long agonizing seconds pass -where he imagines the worst has already happened-
Their voice is too weak, too frail and distressed for him to relax. And they only used his real name when…
“Tell me where you are !”
He doesn’t mean the harshness, the sternness in his tone, centuries of cold authority coursing through his veins and the panic rending him unable to control it. He hears a gasp before they answer once more.
His eyes widen furthermore at their words, his feet carrying him to the only place they could be as terror -the kind he hadn’t felt in hundreds of years- takes hold of him. He doesn’t notice the looks of bewilderments of his kind as he runs past them, quickly turning into pure fear when they feel the murderous aura of their King. Most of them have never witnessed it and to endure its overwhelming presence like this, even for a second bring them to their knees. He doesn’t notice any of them as he runs like he never has, ignoring the tremendous pain his heels bring him.
“It hurts…it hurts so much. I-don’t think I can hold for much longer…”
They sound on the verge of fainting, and it feels as though he might be dying.
“Don’t ! Don’t let go ! Please ! I’m on my way !”
“…Samael…I’m so tired…”
“Please ! Please just a little longer !”
He never begged, the King of Hell doesn’t beg for anything or to anyone. He didn’t beg when God casted him aside, didn’t beg when he was stripped of his title, of his wings, or when he felt their ghostly presence for a hundred years to come. He never begged in his life, when he wants something, he simply takes it without asking, because he doesn’t need anyone’s permission. He doesn’t need the princes’ or TK, and he especially doesn’t need permission from that pathetic God.
And yet in that moment, running in the frozen parts of his kingdom, he is willing to. He’s willing to beg anyone he crosses to save his beloved; he’s willing to kneel in front of God if it means he can get back the wings which were so painfully teared apart from him, even for just a minute, anything so he can reach them sooner, faster even by a few seconds. Anything for the pain to stop. He briefly looks up at the sky.
You knew this would happen, didn’t you ?!
He doesn’t expect an answer, and he doesn’t get one but doesn’t miss how the harsh winds seem to be whispering words of mockery to his ears. But the sound of their voice brings him back to the moment.
“My King…”
He feels their mind sleeping farther away, to a place he can’t reach. The words are spoken softly and lovingly but with a hint of regret.
“I’m sorry…”
“DON’T !”
But the connection is lost, quickly followed by a loud splashing sound and his soul shatters into pieces.  A scream of agony echo through the frozen lands, the wild and agonizing cry of a frenzied beast, chilling anyone who hears it to the bone.
He starts running again, this time, pleading, again and again to find them. The smell of iron hits him, and he feels madness takes over his mind.
As soon as your bruised and frozen fingers let go of the small rock, you feel it. The long, tortuous howl of his voice ringing in your soul reminding you of his hellish nature. It tears you apart and for the briefest moment, you wish you could have said something more. Then the water takes you.
It doesn’t hurt as much as you expected it, the pain only lasts a minute. A minute where your lungs desperately try to breath into the frigid ocean that surrounds you, burning every cell of your being. But then nothing. Only silence and the slow descent of your body towards the unknown, and you briefly wonder if there is an end to this endless ocean. It’s peaceful, quiet, and painless. A calm, soft blue surrounds you, reminding you of his eyes. It lulls and soothes you.
So beautiful…
Everything is numb and you feel your eyes growing heavy but you’re not scared. You’re not scared because you remember his words upon your arrival.
Death is something you will never have to fear my dear, for I am the only one who controls it here.
A small smile draws on your lips despite the cold.
Then it’s alright, I’ll suffer a thousand pains if it means staying with you.
He will find you; you know he will, he always does. You just have to wait a bit. You close your eyes and fall asleep into the icy blankets of water. Death will not find you, the Light Bringer will.
The first time you wake up, it’s to the sound of crying and pleading. Someone is begging for you to open your eyes, but the task proves to be impossible. The sorrow and the lament in their voice break your heart, despite not being able to recognize who it is. You vaguely hear the person call for your name, again and again between their sobs. You wish you could comfort whoever is uttering your name with such anguish and desperation. But instead, you fall back into the arms of Morpheus.
Who are you ?
The second time you wake up, it’s to the smell of blood. The stench invades your mind, overwhelming all your senses until it’s the only thing you can perceive. You want to gag, yet your body seems unresponsive to even your most basic instincts, as if frozen in ice. But behind that heavy and violent scent, you catch a hint of something familiar. Something ancient, powerful, and pleasant, it comforts you. Instinctively, you cling to that aroma acting as a lifesaver and slumber takes over you once more.
I know you.
The third time you wake up, it’s to the taste of something bitter running down your throat. It tastes like one of those herbal teas from back home, but far worse. It burns and stings your tongue; makes you sick to your stomach, and you panic. You trash around, try to scream but no sound leaves you. Your crisis is interrupted when you feel something soft brush against your lips, something sweet and gentle, like a candy melting in your mouth. It’s enough for you to fall back asleep.
Who am I to you ?
The fourth time you wake up, it’s to a warm touch. Something -or rather someone- is holding your arm tightly, though not enough to hurt. You still struggle to open your eyes, but you can feel the way their much bigger hand delicately holds yours, running soothing circles on your palm. Then you feel a warm breath on your fingers and a pair of lips brushing against them in such a tender and caring way it brings tears to your eyes. You doze off, feeling loved and protected.
I’ve never felt so cherished before.
The fifth time you wake up, it’s to a sight you never believed to witness. A large figure kneeling on their knees by your side, head resting on your chest, through some miracle, the long horns barely scrap your skin. Pale moonlight rays shine on them- no him, allowing you to see a pained expression and the bags under his eyes, a sight which immediately strikes you with grief. He looks absolutely miserable. And yet, you find a certain beauty to it. Is it because you know he would only kneel for you ?
My King…
As if on cue, a gasp reaches your ears before the head lying on your chest shots up, so fast it almost knocks you out. You curse out loud in fear, but the sound quickly dies in your throat the moment you notice the look in his eyes.
First you see shock, confusion, and disbelief following one another in rapid motion before relief takes over. His eyes, his smile, it’s like he just found the greatest treasure in all three worlds. It reminds you of the first time you met, except he doesn’t hold it back. The raw devotion and adoration in his gaze, it’s almost too much for your heart to handle.
You try to reach for him with your hand but a sharp pain in your shoulder forces you to withdraw your arm, you hiss at the sensation and he notices it. His expression immediately falls and is replaced by sorrow and guilt. You can see it in those endless pools of blue, you can see how he’s blaming himself for something he isn’t responsible for, you can see how terrified he is of you hating and discarding him, and most of all, you can see the suffering he endured during your short absence. You’ve never witnessed something like this before. You’d seen him irritated, disappointed, tired, or dejected even.
But this, this was something you hated seeing on him. This expression of utter defeat and grief does not suit him at all.
Carefully, you lift your other -and fortunately non-injured- arm and with as much softness as you can muster, brush your hand against his cheek. He jolts from the touch as if he expected a much harsher reaction but just as quickly, leans into your touch and closes his eyes. He’s trembling, still afraid you’re only indulging him one last time before rejecting  him completely. It surprises you, how easily you can read him when you could barely decipher his true intentions not so long ago.
You  push back the blankets and slowly shifts your body until your feet dangle from the bed, caging him between your legs, but his eyes are still shut.
“My King…” you whisper in a raspy voice, “open your eyes please.” The shaking grows in intensity. “For me…”
Your last words act as spell pulling him out of his misery. His gaze is solely focused on you, and even after all this time, it still takes your breath away. How could such a powerful, beautiful and infinite being look at you -a mere mortal soul- with such intensity you feel like the only person existing in all three realms ? You still don’t understand, and you don’t know if you ever will.
Does it even matter ?
He who has everything, looks like he might crumble at any moment. The embodiment of pride, crawling at your feet, begging for your love. Has he ever shown such vulnerability to anyone else before ? The selfish part of you wishes he hasn’t, the greedy and possessive part that wants all of him for you and only you. His mind, his body, his heart, and his soul, all for you, just like you belong to him.
Comfort him, cherish him, accept him, love him
“My love,” you call for him, and the distance between the two of you shortens, you feel his hands roam your body, desperately clinging to you. “My star, my light, my savior, my fated one…”
Each appellation has him growing closer and closer until his forehead touches yours, his breathing is erratic, his eyes search for any trace of resentment on your face, hands encircling your waist is a tight -but non-painful- grip.
“None of this was your fault-“
“Don’t go to them !”
You speak at the same time, but you stop at the frantic tone of his voice. You frown, confused, waiting for further explanations.
“I know I- failed to protect you !” he admits in the most pathetic tone you’ve ever heard. “But please, don’t leave me !” he begs, and your mind is sent into a spiral of worry as you try to come up with a way to calm him down. “Don’t- don’t choose them !”
Who are you even talking about ?!
“They- he will only hurt and use you !”
His words hit you like a bucket of ice- no it’s worse than that, colder than the waters you drowned in, colder than the harsh winds digging into your skin when you were clinging to that rock for dear life. You feel your blood boil and freeze at the same time, because you understand who he is talking about.
The genuine deep-rooted fear in his tone fills you with both dread and fury. It terrifies you because it means this demon, no-this entity is far worse and far more powerful than you thought, enough for the King of Hell to be afraid of it. It enrages you because it means they hurt him before, most likely tortured and let him bleed out like the sadistic creature they are. Your interactions with them had given you a hunch about their true nature but this is so much worse, much more horrible than you’d anticipated.
You want to scream, you want to get up from this bed, you want to find this smug bastard -it wouldn’t take long, they’re always around the corner- and strangle them. You don’t remember the last time you felt such wrath against someone. But you can’t. You can’t because you can barely move without your body hurting but most of all, because you just know they would relish in your anger and you wouldn’t be able to bear that infuriating self-satisfied and arrogant smile.
The grip around your waist suddenly tightens and when your eyes focus on him again, you realize your mistake. He noticed your anger, and thought it was directed at him. His pupils are blown wide, and he starts shaking again, mumbling the same sentence over and over again like a broken record.
“This will never happen again, I promise !” he interrupts you.
“Dear-“ you try again, but to no avail.
“I’ll never leave you, never again ! “ His voice turns dark, with a hint of madness to it. “Will always stay with you, always by your side. Always, always, always, always…”
“Love please-“
“You know I would do anything for you, right ?” His eyes are blown so wide you can barely see his pupils, smile stretched to the point it might tear his face apart. The raw possessiveness and despair, they make him look completely mad. “Tell me, tell me what should I do to earn back your love. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you. Just tell me.”
You stare at him in stunned silence and in that moment, you know if you asked for him to set his kingdom ablaze, he’d only ask you in how many days. He had told you so in the past, but you’d only taken it as another dramatic display to entertain you. Now you realize how serious he was and to your shock, you’re not as frightened as you should be. In fact…
His eyes twitches and a trail of cobalt blood starts to run down his chin from how hard he’s biting his lips. His voice turns to hysterics and you think you see something running down his cheeks.
“Just tell me !  There must be something ! Tell me please, tellmetellmetellmetellme-“
“Samael, enough !” you end up shouting at him.
He immediately stills, from the tone of your voice or the use of his name, you can’t tell. You didn’t mean to raise your voice, not when he was breaking down in front of you, but he wouldn’t have stopped otherwise. And hearing him so hopeless and frantic was too much for you to handle.
Ignoring the pain in your left shoulder, you reach for him again, this time with both hands and he watches you lovingly cup his face in your hands with awe. His gaze darts back and forth between your face and your hands in utter bewilderment, like a child trying to solve a puzzle. You almost laugh at the thought. Instead, you lock eyes with him and speak firmly.
“I’ll tell you what I want.” He perks up, eagerly waiting for your wish. “I want you to stop blaming yourself for something that’s not your fault.” You see him open his mouth, most likely to protest but you don’t give him the chance to. “I want you to remember I don’t hate you; I’ve never hated you and never will. “ You sense him slightly relaxes. “I want you to understand I will never leave you, not for them, and not for anyone else, never. “ You pause, watching the blue returning to his eyes.
His expression holds trust, hope and an innocence you didn’t believe possible for him to have, he looks so much younger. For a moment, you think you’re gazing at the benevolent, bright, and loyal angel he once was, the devoted hand of God. You remember the feather he gifted you on the first night you kissed his scars, a pure and immaculate white, softer than the most delicate silk existing on earth and more valuable than any jewel in the world. He had looked so happy, so earnest, when he gave it to you. And now, you can so easily picture thousands of those same feathers linked together to form majestic wings. The vision has you smiling softly. But a question, one you had avoided asking him ever since you realized his feelings for you were genuine burns at the corners of your mind once more. Laced with such pride, envy, and selfishness you never felt brave enough to ask.
Do you love me more than you used to love God ?
Two warm, large hands covering yours bring you back to reality and the innocence vanishes, allowing for the madness to reappear once more. But his voice is steady, confident and lacks the fragility it held mere moments ago.
“God took everything from me, from the very beginning, only took and took.” You are not shocked to hear the way he spat those words, but from the fact he seems to have read your mind. “But you…” he draws out, bringing your left hand to his lips and giving a chaste kiss where your pulse lies, teeth grazing at the flesh. You feel him slowly exhale against your skin. “You keep on giving and giving. Your presence, you smile, your touch, your voice…” You feel his tail slowly making its way around your left leg as he speaks. “But I still keep wanting more of you each passing day…” His voice becomes strained with yearning and desire. “I can’t get enough; I’ll never get enough of you.”
He closes his eyes, inhales and exhales slowly, as if trying to contain his hunger and fervor for you. His breaths are the only sounds in the large room and you find some sort of peace to it. It eases your nerves, reminds that this moment is not a dreamy hallucination from your comatose state, this is real. You don’t know how long it lasts -a few seconds, a minute or an hour- until he opens his eyes again and your heartbeat becomes uncontrollable.
His pupils have turned into hearts, and although it’s not the first time, you still find yourself mesmerized by the sight. Who knew the Devil could be capable of such thing ? The vibrancy, the intensity, and the sincerity his gaze holds have you melt into him and you instinctively close your thighs tighter around him. He relishes in your actions if the soft purring you hear is anything to go by.  
“My Dear…” he fondly says before calling for your name, and you smile, loving the way it rolls on his tongue. “The dull candlelight of devotion I once felt for the one who cast me aside cannot possibly compare to the eternal flame of adoration I hold for you.”
You feel every fiber of your body burns at his confession, pure delight taking over your mind and utter bliss over your heart.  How are you supposed to respond to that ? Nothing you could say would be enough to match this. So you decide to answer in the only way you can think of. You lean in and finally close whatever distance was left between the two of you.
You hope he can hear it, how much you love him, you hope he feels how your soul calls for his in desperate craving. You hope he realizes you will never stop loving him as you taste the blood and the tears on his lips. You hope he understands you would do anything for him as you feel his hands shift to grip your thighs. How could such a corrupted being taste so divine ?
You want him, you want him to touch and hold you, because you feel the most alive when he does. Hastily, you blindly reach for his long horns and smirk into the kiss when you finally grab them and without a warning, pulls him towards you. And oh, the way he moans into your mouth, it sounds heavenly. It makes you lose your mind.
You do it a second time, which causes him to growl and you revel at the feeling of his nails digging into your tender skin. It feels so good, so good to have him touch you like this. But then he breaks the kiss and you whine when he removes his hands from your legs, instead placing them on each side of your body to steady himself.
His eyes are hooded with raw desire and lust, causing a shot of electricity to travel to your core. Knowing that you’re the only one who’ll get to see him like this, the only one able to create such reactions from him fills you with unwavering pride and satisfaction.
“Darling…” he whispers in a husky, barely controlled voice. “I can’t- you’re still hurt, I-“ He hisses when you tenderly rub the base of his horns. “Ah…don’t- torture me like this.” His labored breath and the pleading in his tone only urge you to do it again. “You need to rest more before-“ You shush him with a finger against his lips.
“You’re the only one who can make the pain go away…” you trail off, noticing how close he is to give in from how tightly he’s holding the bedsheets. “My King…” you beg, fingers brushing against his cheek. “Please, I need you” you admit.
You can almost see the resolution shatters in his eyes and it’s beautiful. You feel absolutely drunk on triumph, love and euphoria, a deadly combination that drives you to feel much bolder, impudent, and confident than you should be in your condition.
He lifts you up in one, swift -although careful- movement before settling himself on the bed with you straddling his lap and hmmm you can feel how much he wants you now. In a moment of reckless bravery, you grind against him and smile smugly at the chocking sound coming from his throat. But your victory is short-lived when you feel a hot breath at the junction of your neck and your shoulder, inhaling your scent. You inhale sharply and a whimper leaves your lips when you feel his teeth -his very sharp teeth- nibble at your skin. A dark, guttural chuckle echo in the room, one filled with sinful promises of pleasure, making your body growing hotter by the second.
“Tell me what you need, and I’ll give it you, Darling,” he purrs in your ear, sounding very much like the embodiment of temptation and immorality most sacred texts describe him as. It drives you insane.
He never did this before, it was -almost- always him that would come to you with need and want, and of course, you never refused him. But now…
“I need-“ now look who’s struggling to form coherent sentences. You can feel him smile against your flesh like the devil he is. “I need you to touch me,” you shudder when his hands grip your thighs once more, except his hold is much more possessive than the previous one. “Hold me, fill me, mark me…” your voice becoming more strained and tense as one of his hands starts to make its way to your heated core. “I want you to fuck me until I forget the pain, and my own name…” The animalistic sound that leaves him sends goosebumps along your skin. You sigh deliriously. “I want you to worship me.”
He leaves your neck to look at you one more time before he completely loses it. You know he wants to check if you’re really sure about this, he’s done it before, and although you’ve never told him to, you know if you asked him to stop now, he would. As much as it would pain him, you know he’d never betray you like this, not only because he loves and respects you too much, but also because your Devil has standards.
When he notices no hesitation or refusal from you, a ravenous and demented smile draws on his lips as he tilts your chin with his free hand to look at you directly in the eyes. You see excitement, lust, and exhilaration in his frenzied gaze and behind it, his undying adoration.
“As you wish, dearest.”
You see them not too long after, when you’ve recovered enough to walk on your own, although you sustained no injury on your legs. Though you’re sure some people can tell why you couldn’t use them. The wound on your shoulder is bigger than you thought, starting from your shoulder blade, and almost reaching your hips but the pain is already manageable and you’ve been told no major organ was harmed, so there’s that. You can’t do much about the red angry scar expect apply some ointment every now and then but it’s fine, to demons, scars are not seen as ugly but rather a source of pride and a sign of survival. Not surprising, considering their King was the first to deal with the most painful ones imaginable. Very little got to see them but everyone knew the Fall had taken a lot from him.
Just like he promised, he keeps you near him at all times to the point you quickly forget the notion of personal space but you don’t complain much, considering what happened. Besides, listening to the meetings with the princes and other important figures -on his lap of course- gives you a better insight on how things operate in hell and who you need to be careful of, TK could only spend so much time explaining the basics to you with how busy they were.
All thanks to a certain “housekeeper”…
Ah, thinking about them always lead to a terrible headache, which for some reason you believe them to be aware of. Your last interaction with them goes back to a day or two before the “incident”, they’d been cordial and enthusiastic as usual but something about that smile always kept you on edge. Now you know your cautiousness was not uncalled for. You still want to strangle them but you’d rather drown into that lake again than admit it to their face. You can’t forget the genuine fear in Samael’s voice or the way he trembled against you when he asked you to not go to them.
What exactly did they do to you ?
“Darling ?” A deep voice brings you back to reality and you realize everyone in the room is staring at you -some with more annoyance and hostility than others- and you turn to see the concerned azure gaze of your lover. “Are you alright ?”
You don’ want to lie to him but now is really not the time to mention your doubts and questions. Instead, you smile softly and speak as casually as you can despite the headache growing in intensity.
“I just need some fresh air, don’t worry.”
You can tell he is not fully convinced with how deep his frown is and it gets worse when you try to leave your “seat”. He tenses up and to avoid making a scene you take one of his hands into your own and try to appease his paranoia.
“The balcony is not far, I’ll come back in a few minutes.” You lick your lips. “I promise. Nothing’s gonna happen,” you raise your voice to make sure everyone hears you, “nobody would be stupid enough to try something when you’re here, right ?”
You think you hear a few people chuckle and you don’t need to turn around to guess their derisive smiles. A few moments of silence pass where you stare at the King of Hell with the best puppy eyes you can muster. You know you’ve won when you hear him sigh and nod reluctantly. Slowly, you slip from his lap but before you can make a step, a hand grabs you by the arm causing you to turn around in confusion.
“Five minutes,” is all he says to you, irritation and stress already slipping into his voice. You mentally send an apology to everyone else in the room, knowing what they’ll have to deal with for this short amount of time.
“Of course, I understand.”
You beam at him but right as you’re about to leave, find yourself hit with a very bold and striking idea. You smile deviously under the eyes of a confused King. Dramatically, you kneel before him much like a knight in a fairytale would and take the hand which was holding your arm a few seconds ago into your own and bring it to your lips, not once breaking eye contact with him. He looks at you in stunned silence and wide eyes, his face covered in a delicious shade of blue. As a final move, you drop a chaste kiss on his hand and smile when you hear him inhale sharply.
“I’ll be back soon,” you beath the words fervently against his skin, “My King.”
You stroll out of the room without looking back once and head to the balcony, feeling quite proud -and maybe a bit embarrassed- of your little display despite the dull pain in your skull. You’re fortunate enough to not cross anyone on your way, and exhale slowly once you feel the cold air against your face.
You attempt to distract yourself from your gloomy thoughts with the view and feels the wind to caress your skin in a gentle breeze, it’s calm and peaceful. Until a voice you’re all too familiar with jumps in from behind, and it takes everything in you to refrain yourself from jumping in fright.
“I’m glad you’ve recovered well enough to put little stunts like this !”
You cringe at the friendly, upbeat tone they use and refuse to turn around to gaze at that pretentious smile. Of course, he knows what you did, he always seemed to know where you went and what you did.
“And I’m glad you have enough time on your hands to come and see me,” you retort as casually as possible.
Don’t show your anger, even if he knows, don’t show it.
“Of course, I’ll always free myself for you sweetheart,” he says, voice slightly huskier. “You know I’ll always be there whenever you feel bored.”
There it is, that same charming and bewitching tone he used the first time you met, the one that almost convinced you to follow him to the storage room. And his hair looked so soft, though you’d never touch it, mostly out of fear of what would happen to your fingers if you did. His eyes -well the one visible at least- were so pretty. He was attractive and persuasive for sure, but you always thought he was more than that, and you were right. What would have happened, if you’d followed them that day ?
Ah, I’d rather not think about it…
“Are you giving me the cold shoulder ?” he asks with hurt in his voice, you’re almost convinced it’s genuine. This time, you can’t help but flinch from his wording, and he notices it. “Oops, I shouldn’t have worded it like that, my bad.”
You only sigh at his “apology” and do your best to ignore the footsteps, coming closer and closer to you, slowly, like a snake chasing its unaware prey.
“Come on now, you weren’t so stiff last time we talked.”
You still don’t answer and  hear them hum in amusement at your silence. It’s not very hard to imagine the expression he’s wearing right now, narrowed eyes and a knowing smile. You don’t think you’ve ever seen them truly irritated or angry, and while his smile always unnerved you, you’d rather not discover what he looked like when he got mad.
“You’re acting like I’m the one who stabbed you in the back.”
He’s so close, too close to you for comfort, you feel your body tense as soon as the edge of his tail brushes your leg. Oh, he must be relishing in your agitation.
Fucking bastard…
“It must have been so painful, “ he whispers as one of his nails starts to move along your back. “The feeling of a sharp blade piercing your soft skin, “ he says while his finger starts to trail down the exact line of your scar through your clothes. “and the freezing winds nabbing at the wound while you desperately tried to stay afloat.” His voice drips with sadistic glee, you’re almost sure he’s getting turned on. “And then helplessly drowning with none coming to get you, oh you must have felt truly hopeless, didn’t you, sweetheart ?”
The urge to just throw him over the edge eats you away as a warm breath tickles your neck. But you do your best to sound and act as unbothered by the situation, instead opting for a white lie.
“I wouldn’t know, I don’t remember most of it.”
Bad move, you sense him chuckles against your ear at your admission, as if you’d just confided the most important secret in the world. What kind of sick power did you just allow him to have over you now ?
“Really ?” he muses. “That’s too bad…” he snickers. “Maybe I could help you regain some memories ?”
Fuck, I walked right into that one.
“You know I could  make it feel good, don’t you ?”
You wonder if this is how Eve felt when she was tricked by the snake, in fact you wouldn’t be surprised to learn Flauros turned out to be the one who tempted her at this point. It’s like he was made for the sole purpose of spreading chaos whenever he went.
“I’ll have to decline the offer,” you answer firmly and to your surprise, notice him take a step back. You feel like you can breathe again.
“You’re so boring,” he exclaims, sounding very much like a spoiled kid. “But I knew it’d be like that, this story isn’t centered around me after all.”
You open your mouth to ask for more explanations when a deep, concerned voice reverberates in your head.
“Darling ? Are you on your way back ?”
You answer quickly, knowing very well what will happen if you don’t.
“Sorry, kinda lost track of time, I’m coming !”
“Give me a minute, I’ll be there soon.”
You’re glad he doesn’t ask more questions; else you’d have had to tell him about the spider standing right behind you and he’s already stressed enough as it is.
“I’m guessing his Highness is calling for you ?” he asks in an ever-knowing voice, still filled with that same fucking arrogance. “Better not make him wait !” he shouts in a disgustingly sweet sing-song voice.
Gross, this really didn’t suit him at all, being a coy little bastard really fits him better. As much as it bothers you, he’s playing the part of the bad guy pretty well, too well you think. As if he’d done this a hundred times over already.
You want to tell him to leave, to take care of all the tasks poor TK is forced to manage on their own, you want to yell at him, bleed him dry, snap his neck. Anything so you don’t have to walk past him and get a glimpse of that cheeky smile, anything for you to forget the image of a dying Samael from your mind. But then it would mean surrendering, admit that you’re terrified of whatever entity they’re supposed to be.
So, with all the strength and courage you still have left, you turn around and sure enough, he’s looking at you the exact way you predicted it. You walk past him, not too fast -less you betray your fear- but not too slow either -less you have to gaze for too long at that sharp, hypnotizing purple eye- . But the words he utters as you stand a few inches from him, cause you to stop dead in your tracks.
“You shouldn’t worry too much about me cutie, I’m only here to act as a small distraction to your little fairytale.” He chuckles. “You should be more concerned about the God who created this world in the first place and the minion who wishes to gain their attention through this story.”
You start to walk again, not fulling grasping his words but still finding some sort of unknown understanding through them. But you still hear him talk, speaking of beings beyond your reality. His voice becoming darker and louder as you get farther away.
“The King may be the current favorite, but who knows when I’ll steal his crown?”
Walk away, don’t turn back
“Up until you grow bored of your prince charming, I’ll be there.”
“Maybe next time, I’ll get to be your Antagonist (: “
#Flauros stop fucking with brain challenge
Sorry for any world builing inaccuracies, I did give myself some liberties concerning a few details, feel free to correct me about it Vee.
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