#hahaha idk what i’m doing and neither do they
mosquito-queen · 1 year
merry christmas ya filthy animals :)
“do you need another snack? getting hangry?”
nancy’s teeth felt rotten from the sickly sweet tone. pathetic. her tongue absently pressed under the tips of her fangs as she refused to make eye contact with the insolent brat in the passenger seat. robin was well aware she hadn’t fed properly in six days. which also meant she had been trapped in a small space for six days too long with the monster hunter. she seethed at robin’s goad, and fell right into it: “i’m not a little kid that needs fucking orange slices and a capri sun.”
yikes, yes, she was definitely hangry. robin mocked, “i thought you loved fruit punch?”
this time nancy hit her, and robin startled at the unexpected pun. she relented for a moment, “clever.”
“thank you. unfortunately, i’ll be stuck here for another few days. i take cash or blood as payment for my comedic talents.”
“so you are hungry?” nancy was too distracted with her thirst to hear the way pride bolstered robin’s heartbeat at knowing what nancy needed. the vampire still had her gaze fixed out the windshield, staring into the darkness. robin rolled her eyes and twisted in the seat to drag a backpack over the console and into her lap. she rifled through it, flinging a squishy plastic container at her companion. robin frowned when nancy didn’t even attempt to catch it. her tone was less sarcastic and more neutral when robin said, “i told you to keep them on ice, but no, you said you prefer it room temperature. so drink up, nightmare queen. it’s way less fun when you’re too busy brooding over spoiled blood to fight with me.”
nancy whined. she whined in the way a dog does when it wants the holiday ham, and robin had to do a double take. the vampire still had not turned to look at robin, instead she was blushing from the sudden lack of control and burying her face in her hands. she groaned from the privacy of her fingers: “it isn’t that. i’m hitting the wall, maybe a couple of days left if we’re lucky. it has to be fresh.”
“yeah, oh.” she had brought her hands away from her face, but kept the left one near her mouth. she was doing that thing where she worried the knuckle of her thumb between her teeth. robin was watching now, acutely aware of the way the fangs pressed into the porcelain skin. it had started two days ago after nancy finished the blood bag, labeled ‘not ketchup’ in robin’s messy handwriting, with a very un-mannered slurp. her fingers had strayed closer and closer to her pretty little mouth until robin caught her chewing on the bone between her knuckles. it had spiraled quickly, and now when nancy wasn’t talking, she had her hand literally in her mouth.
robin boldly gestured towards this antic now, “is that why you need a room alone with your hand?”
nancy dead-panned, pulled her finger away, and sweetly asked: “would you rather it be you?”
robin’s weak human-self betrayed her with a drop of her stomach. it was a joke, it was a way to get back at robin, to make her stutter, to make her prey. her heart was fluttering noisily and she hated that nancy could hear it, hated that nancy could turn the game in her favor so quickly. the vampire was fully leaned back in the driver’s seat, casually lounging as she turned her head to face robin. she was slouched down enough that she peered up through thick lashes to collect robin’s expression as her prize.
except, her thirst betrayed her. robin had not immediately scoffed at nancy’s imposition, she was definitely unable to now, and the missing refusal allowed the vampire’s mind to stray. nancy looked at robin with the most unrestrained desire, her fang tips slightly visible when her lips parted to scent the air for robin’s blood. robin was finished the moment she risked a glance to nancy’s eyes. they were half-lidded now, dark as shadow, and just as dangerous. she had never been in the spotlight of this kind of need before. it was intoxicating.
nancy broke the spell when she teased again, “would you?”
alarm bells went off in robin’s head. it was just a ploy, just the hunting charms of a hungry vampire. she scrunched her nose in disgust, pulling away from the lure, “i’m not a happy meal.”
nancy flipped her head back in the seat, staring up at the ceiling. robin tried not to look at her throat. she hummed: “i haven’t had a kid in awhile…”
this caught the monster-hunter’s anger. she rocked up in her seat, lunged over the console and pinned nancy under herself. she had a knife switched into her hand, caught under nancy’s jaw, hatred blooming in her eyes. ”say you’re joking.”
the vampire seemed unfazed, not even remotely worried that robin would believe her words so easily. if anything, she relished in the thought that robin thought her capable of such astounding cruelty. instead of hurt, there was a smug edge to her expression. she had that hungry look still. that look that said danger but translated to desire.
“i thought you said no murdering on this stake-out.”
“for you, i’ll make an exception.”
“i’ve been awfully good though, don’t you think?” the silver of the knife burned, but nancy pushed her luck anyways. she loved finding a boundary. she shifted slightly under robin, her leg now pressing in a way that twisted the anger into something else. she purred under the threat of death: “don’t you think i should have a reward?”
robin regretted every choice that had led her to this moment. she could especially maul past-robin for agreeing to a stake-out with a hot, bloodthirsty vampire. she reminded herself for the eighth time this week that the hot part was only from nancy’s vampiric traits. she wasn’t actually attracted to the monster currently trapped under her. oh god, nancy was under her. her reply was distracted, half-assed, “your reward is a tombstone once we catch this guy.”
nancy pushed again, “robin, i’m not going to have access to any of my abilities if i don’t drink soon.” she paused before adding, “yenno, the lack of fresh blood could make me feral.”
“i’d put you down like old yeller.” robin was trying to hold onto the searing anger that pushed her over into nancy’s seat. she was trying desperately to find the hatred that said ‘kill her’ but it was so very hard to pay attention when nancy’s cold hands were toying with her belt loops and her thigh was pressing somewhere it definitely shouldn’t. it was very difficult when she realized she was absently tracing the blunt side of the knife down the vampire’s throat. when she passed over the pulse point, nancy would flinch. she kept doing it.
it was quiet and dark in the car, save for the glint off the knife. in the quiet, robin could barely make out the uneven staccato of nancy’s heart pumping stolen blood. nancy’s hands had now settled on her hips, the cold seeping through her jeans, she flexed her fingers in a test. the knife bit down a little harder and she let out a hiss between her clenched teeth. she kept her hands fixed in place. it sounded much less like a joke when she said: “just one bite.”
robin told herself she nodded because it was the most reasonable thing. she told herself she said yes because she needed nancy in top performance to catch a monster way out of her skill set alone, that it was better her than a stranger in the nearby area, that it would be quicker and she could keep nancy under her watch. robin said, “fine.”, because it was the most reasonable, logical choice. not because there was a weird itch in the back of her brain, or maybe it was in the pit of her stomach, or just between her ribs, that was begging for those fangs to be buried in the crook of her neck. it was definitely because it was the most logical choice.
nancy did something unexpected. she hesitated. all of her confidence melted away as soon as robin gave permission. she was just playing a game, she never thought robin would say yes. she would have let herself reach that breaking point before slipping into the night and eating a deer. she’d make herself giddy with animal blood, puking up her guts within the next day, before disobeying robin’s one real stake-out rule. maybe nancy was being good.
the hunter leaned into the vampire, fixing her fingers over her throat and smirking into nancy’s soft curls, “get over yourself, wheeler. you can’t do anything to me.” robin tightened her grip on nancy’s neck, surprised when the stone yielded, “only what i let you.” the hand with the knife had moved downwards, skipping the silver blade over nancy’s ribs, shielded by a few layers of fabric. the vampire still felt the burn of the metal, just as robin did the cold seeping out from nancy’s bones.
something instinctual squirmed nancy under robin’s hold, something told her to get out but something else firmly said to stay. the conflicting urges quarreled, but a third need won out. her hunger. robin had shifted her posture so her neck was perfectly exposed to nancy, and the vampire tentatively skated the tips of her fangs over the freckle-blurred skin, raising goosebumps in their wake. she hesitated one more time.
“robin, i-“
“be good, nance, and eat me.”
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
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you met a woman from a penpal website and began to form a relationship with her, until you suddenly got comfortable with her and began to share fantasies that she had also dreamt of.
pairings | prisoner!dark!natasha x fem!reader
warnings | 18+ MINORS DNI! online talking, prisoner!natasha, dirty talking (online), rough sex on the couch, strap-on (used), pet names, dark!natasha, and daddy kink.
word count | 3.5k 
notes | this was anon requested and i hope this satisfies you, nonnon! i’m so sorry if it’s too late :( i am doing my best to get all of your requests. enjoy though!
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When I heard of this website called Pen Pal from my friends, I was sketched up. I wasn’t the type of person who would message someone from the internet–let alone a stranger who could break into your house if they had your address. You can’t trust the internet these days. The only reason why I know this website is because of the lack of relationships that I have never gone through in my life. Although I did have a few crushes, they liked me back, but eventually, it turned into nothing like a cloud of dust. Did I want to be in a relationship? Sure, sometimes.
Okay maybe.
Anyway, I was scanning through the website and saw some of the inmates who seemed desperate as I was. These people, specifically women, wouldn’t pass my age. That didn’t matter though, I’d still like anyone even though they weren’t my age. No one caught my interest, especially with their boring information about themselves. Looking for a babe, I want someone who could send me nudes, if you got tits then ur good. This is the information that I don’t need, they are too forward. If you want to speak eloquently about railing someone, you might as well do it in the second stage of dating.
Until I see a profile that did catch my interest. Natasha Romanoff, 36 years old. “I like making new friends.”
She’s a real eye-catcher.
And, she’s not your typical American, she looked too European to be American. Perhaps she was Russian and possibly was born from there, unless I may have assumed it in a wrong way. I decided to click on her profile and gave her a small greeting message.
Me: hey! :D
I didn’t wait much for her reply since I had Calculus homework that I had to do, so I grabbed my pencil and went back to studying. It was almost midnight when she replied, and I was tireless when I received her message.
NatsRomanoff: Hey there :) what suddenly brings you here?
What suddenly brings you here, I thought as I read that message. I could say: nothing much, I just want to say you’re really pretty or I want you to lick my neck with your devilish tongue so that I could be compelled to you. Although the second option was too forward, too soon. I decided to type something else.
Me: my friends told me about this website, idk why. i think it’s because they think i’m pretty lonely, plus it’s also fun. as they said.
NatsRomanoff: Hahaha, that seems cute. I hope the people here doesn’t scare you off unless you’re only talking to one person.
Me: i only plan to talk to one person and hopefully that’s you
NatsRomanoff: You must be adorable, what’s your name?
Should I give her a piece of information about myself? Would it be risky enough to say my name and let her rattle all over me? Or would I not let her in and continue on with my basic life? Yes, basic. My life in the outside world isn’t as fun as it seems. I go to school, learn a few things, have my piano lessons, and come back home with a gaunt look on my face that wasn’t too inviting. Go on, tell her! My head won’t stop telling me to do so, my fingers are on the keyboard as I try to think of any other names that I would use.
Me: Y/N. you?
NatsRomanoff: Pretty name :) Natasha, even though you can see that in my bio.
Me: sorry. i was trying to be formal lol
NatsRomanoff: What’s your sexuality? I don’t want to assume that you’re a girl or a boy, or neither.
Me: i’m a girl!
NatsRomanoff: Cute :) so can I call you a pretty girl then?
I try my hardest not to form a smile or a significant sparkling feeling inside of me as I know that I could fall for someone on the internet in less than a month. But heck, I blushed hard.
Me: yes, why not haha
NatsRomanoff: :)) how old are you, pretty girl?
Me: I’m nineteen, almost twenty in two months!
NatsRomanoff: That’s cute, really adorable I’m gonna be honest. You don’t mind talking to someone older, yeah?
I put my laptop away for a short minute and thought long and hard about our age difference. We were seventeen years apart, she’s almost two decades older than me and I have this sort of romanticization of being with older people. They bring so much comfort to you that you ought to believe that they will always protect you and be more mature than you are, so that’s probably the reason why I love being in that type of situation in the first place. Though, I could never be in one. My parents would kill me.
But they aren’t here, so…
Me: not at all. :)
NatsRomanoff: I’d ask if you could send me a photo of you, but you can’t do that here.
Me: Well, when do you get out of prison?
NatsRomanoff: Two years, pretty girl. Why? Care to visit a poor old woman like me? :)
Me: aren’t we friends?
NatsRomanoff: Of course, we are. I’d like to see you someday, hoping you wouldn’t run off.
Me: why would you say that? lol
NatsRomanoff: Aren’t you scared that I’m some old woman who is a prisoner? You don’t know my crimes.
Me: do you want to tell them to me?
NatsRomanoff: I’d keep it a secret for now :) but, I’d like to see you someday. Anyway, I have to go. Can I talk to you again tomorrow? Pretty girl? :(
The real deal question was: why wasn’t I scared? Why was I willing enough to give myself to a prisoner? I wouldn’t know what she has done, I wouldn’t know anything about her. But she seemed so kind enough that she doesn’t give me the peevish and creepy vibes that I’d always feel when it comes to other people–especially her age. I bit my inner cheek and thought about what to type with her calling me a pretty girl. Referring to me as one even though I hardly believe in such a name like that.
Me: of course, tasha! goodnight :)
NatsRomanoff: Goodnight, pretty girl.
The next few days went pretty smoothly and ambling. It felt like I was in this word heaven as I called it whenever I would be talking to Natasha. Perhaps paradise would be a fitting term for our messages. My friends knew about Natasha, they even told me to flirt a little. But I gave them a hint that I wasn’t ready for anything like that, knowing what they were trying to tell me. Natasha knew a few facts about me that I told her a few days ago. And she gave me small pieces of information about her too, which made me admire her more. Before she got arrested, she was working at a bar and would spend her quality time at the library, telling me that she had a spot that is now taken by everyone else. I told her that I also like reading and that’s how we mostly connect; we send each other book recommendations. Apparently, she likes The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, she said the book reminded me of her–even though that was a little confusing on why. I told her about the book called The Price of Salt because of my age difference with Natasha. She said she had read that one, and we both laughed about it.
NatsRomanoff: You seem like such a smart girl for your age :) What school are you going to?
I read her message, again and again, thinking if I should tell her what school I’m attending. My friends told me not to give any information that would lead to my address, but it’s Natasha, right? She wouldn’t hurt me, even though I’d only known her for five days. Plus, she constantly reminds me that I don’t have to say anything that would offend me.
Me: columbia University, i have a scholarship. :)
NatsRomanoff: You must be academically inclined then :) Love smart girls like you.
Me: lol what does that mean?
NatsRomanoff: I’m sure you know what I’m trying to say.
No, I don’t know what she’s trying to imply–does that make me feel stupid?
Me: anyway, i have to do some reading before i go to bed :(
NatsRomanoff: Aw, come on :( I want to talk to you some more, stay here baby.
I almost threw my laptop in the air as I read that word. Baby, I thought with a whimsical smile on my face. She’s getting into me. I imagine her being in my bed right at this moment, her hand on my knee as she tells me so many stories about herself before her life in prison. Touch me, Natasha. Put your hand on my core, massage it and tell me how much I can be yours. Whisper into my ear and tell me that I’m the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen, that you have to eat. That lewd thought quickly went away when I received another message from her.
NatsRomanoff: Can I call you baby?
Me: of course, you can.
NatsRomanoff: Good. I love us being friends, I haven’t talked to anyone like this in such a long time. I understand if you’re tired, I’ll message you soon. Goodnight, baby girl :)
Days have turned into weeks, weeks have turned into months, and I’ve caught myself falling in love with Natasha Romanoff, not knowing her criminal record or her basic life. Just a small fact about herself that she rarely tells me since she stated that she’s more interested in my life than hers. I didn’t mind, it’s not like I could ask her again, but it did get me wondering why on earth she wasn’t telling me in the first place?
I was lying down on my couch with a book sprawled all over my face, just like how I’d be in bed whenever I think about Natasha. We’ve said some dirty text to each other, but not in a way that we tell our fantasies to one another. I like to imagine a lot, it’s like I make them into my own little world and I drag her through it–let her know what I like and don’t like. I’ve never told anyone about my fantasy, nor hers. I guess we were practically the same people.
NatsRomanoff: I have something to tell you, but promise you won’t freak out.
Why would I freak out? Is she going to say something intense that would scare me off? There’s nothing that could scare me off when it’s only from her, or maybe that’s how submissive and giving I am.
Me: shoot.
NatsRomanoff: I have this fantasy of breaking into your house and watching you sleep. If not asleep, then you’d be standing there with a frightened look on your face. I would touch you without your consent and quiet you down since you’re a bad kitty. Is it okay if I say I want to touch you without your permission? How about if I slip my fingers inside of you without your permission? Would you still allow me? Just tell me to back off, I obviously won’t do anything if you say no. Think of it as a kink.
I felt myself beginning to get wet as I read through the whole message from her. She makes my body tremble with the need for her touch, how much I crave for her fingers or her tongue to lather up all over my skin. My face began to heat up like a kettle, my toes were curling against the sheets, and my hands were sweating as well as my forehead. I wanted what she wanted, I fantasized about it long before she did. Unless she has done it first, I wouldn’t really care. The fact that we share the same thought probably meant how much we are connected. I typed fast and sent it, moaning quietly with the raging thought of her breaking into my house with a threatening look on her face.
Me: that’s really hot, tash…
NatsRomanoff: Do you want that to happen, little girl?
Call me that again, call me your little girl, Natasha. I promise that I can be good to you, I’ll suck your thumb for you and kiss your neck, I’ll let you open me up and take me until I’m bursting into tears, you only know how to make my world shatter. You know.
Me: yes.
NatsRomanoff: Call me Daddy, baby.
Me: Daddy.
NatsRomanoff: You love Daddy?
Me: yes.
NatsRomanoff: I have a strap-on in my cell, did you know that? Before you, I’d fuck girls with it. And now whenever I see that toy, I just want to use it on you so badly. I bet your pussy is tight, are you a virgin?
To her disappointment, I wasn’t. I’ve had sex with a girl twice, but it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Losing your virginity should be special, and it wasn’t. As much as I want to say it felt nice, it’s not as good as I thought it would be. Or maybe, I was expecting an older person willing to take me instead. Could that be Natasha when she comes out in two years? I can’t wait any longer, I could feel my legs opening up for her.
Me: i’ve had sex before :( is that okay with you?
NatsRomanoff: That’s okay baby. I’m a little disappointed that you’ve had sex, but it’s alright. Promise me no one else will touch your pussy except me. Promise me.
Me: i promise.
NatsRomanoff: I love you, little girl. Can’t wait to see you.
That was her final message before she went offline, and it made my eyes quirk in confusion. Can’t wait to see you. Was there a possible chance that she escaped from prison and broke into my home, fulfilling our fantasies of one another? Couldn’t be true, she wouldn’t do such a thing.
I decided to close my laptop and turned off my lamp, my body shifting against the mattress while I had my legs pressed hard against each other–shamefully trying to get some friction that would make me think of her lewdly once more as my nipples started to perk with the chill thought.
I tried texting Natasha over and over again for a whole week, but she never responded. It took me time to realize that maybe she has met someone else who was willing to give themselves to her, to be much more open when it comes to sex. Was it because I was not a virgin? Did she shame me for that? Or maybe, just maybe, she has escaped prison and is finding my location?
Stupid, stupid thoughts. She wouldn’t know my location, but I’ve given her a hint now since I went to Columbia University. It’s not that I was frightened, maybe a little, but it was because I don’t know anything much about her that she’s capable enough to hurt me.
I tried surpassing the thought and went back home soundly with my keys jangling on my bag, it was attached to the metal zipper. Except that, the door was unlocked, which gave me a thought of someone breaking in. Could it be Natasha? Was she fulfilling the fantasies that we’ve created together? I shook my head and walked to the apartment–getting a different feeling from the atmosphere. Everything seemed normal, perhaps I might’ve forgotten to lock my home. I dropped my schoolbag on the ground and removed my jacket, the hair on my skin getting sensitive because of the cold mystic air from the outside of my window. I turned around and almost stumbled on the couch when suddenly I saw a figure who was standing in front of me, I didn’t know who it was.
“What the fuck?!” I exclaimed, stepping away from the redhead woman–who’s honestly very daunting–as I tried to find a piece of glass or any object that would be my self-defense. Instead, she gives me an evil smirk and wraps her free arm around my neck, pulling me close to her until I realize who this person was.
This was, in fact, Natasha Romanoff. She has escaped prison.
I didn’t even give her my address.
“Shh,” she coos over and over again, cupping my face tightly. I do admit I was trying to free myself from her, but she was so strong. “You’re so beautiful in real life, and so tiny. C’mere, don’t be scared. It’s me, Natasha, why are you trying to fret me?”
“L-Let me go!” I said, kicking off my feet.
“Shh, stop baby stop…”
“No!” I screamed kicking my feet again, my hands trying to push her chest. But God forbid, she was undeniably strong. Her arms were wrapped around my torso like it was a life sentence, I kept screaming until I felt her hand smack against my left cheek–making me whimper aloud.
“If you scream again,” she breathes heavily and nips on my earlobe so that I could feel her warm breath–my core is beginning to pool with wetness. “I will cut your tongue out. You better stay fucking quiet.”
She never let go of my body and instead, kissed me hard on the lips. It felt consensual since I let her do it, and I almost melted from the kiss that I wasn’t expecting from her. Her mouth felt warm and cooled my lips, and I realized how we were both famished for our lips to touch. I never thought about it happening this way, though it felt romantic and incredibly arousing as she kisses my lips hard and passionate. I was desperate for her not to pull away, but she did with a pant.
“Gonna fulfill that fantasy we both wanted,” she whispers with a low grunt, pushing me to the couch while unbuckling her belt. “I have my fat cock with me, and I know how much you’re going to like it. So better yet open your legs and show me that pretty pussy of yours.”
I did not waste time removing my pants and snapping my legs together as the air hit my wet cunt. She sees the action and furrows her eyebrows, her hands in between my knees as she pushes them away, departing if you have a deeper term. Her eyes were so dark that you couldn’t see much green in them and her mouth was foaming when my bare cunt was shown, my clit beating hard.
“Gonna give yourself to me, m’kay? Gonna fucking ruin this hole until you’re mine. In fact, I’ll have to hurt you if you disobey me. Might as well break your legs so that you could never run off from me, understood?”
A sharp slap made contact with my inner thigh as I gasped out in pain, mostly pleasure. She watches my lips being bitten by me and almost wanted her dildo pressed against my mouth, slithering herself in until she fucks my mouth as if it was the gaping hole of my vagina. I was ready–so ready–to submit myself to her, to make her smack me until I bled. I wanted her to do everything she wanted, let alone if she had to take me in the ass. I stare at her and notice how hungry she was for my pussy, please just fuck me.
She pulls down her pants and I see a dark purple dildo that looked insanely big for my preferred size. I looked at her with horror but she was smiling down at me, meaningless to say I have no way out. She brings the tip to my entrance and thrusts inside of me with one go, my mouth screaming in pain and pleasure. In an instant, my hand was around her neck and I felt her mouth kissing mine again–though this one was a sloppier one.
“Fuck,” she murmurs more to herself, enjoying the sight of her cock fully inside of my cunt. “Look at you, taking a prisoner’s dick. Ya like that, don’t you baby? Want me to fuck you on this couch?”
I nodded.
She snaps her hips into me, making the couch squeak with how forceful it was. I was moaning with each thrust, my chest burning up at how fast the pace was going–I couldn’t take it, she was so big. Yet, I didn’t care. I wanted her to do this to me, I wanted her to take me until I’ve become such a slut for her that everyone would know who I belonged to. She buries her face into the crook of my neck as I hear her let out a whiny moan.
“Oh, baby! Mmph, you fucking feel so good…” she pushes my hair away from my face to take a better look at me, and she chuckles. Fucking chuckles. “You are a slut, aren’t you? Tell me you’re my whore baby, come on–tell Daddy.”
“I-I’m–” my breath hitches as I felt my breasts bouncing up and down with the speed of her shallow thrusts. I’ve grown wetter than I imagined. “I’m your whore, Daddy…”
“Daddy is crazy ‘bout you,” she sniffs into my neck heavily that I practically heard it. “Gonna make this pussy mine. I’ll make sure of it.”
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this was insanely hot for me i’m sorry
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i headcannon that benny and reader blast rihanna while closing the gym. it becomes a tradition that they blast music and dance around while closing. it gets to the point that the boys start wondering why benny keeps being late to their hangouts after his work. at some point they catch benny blowing his back out and reader recording and laughing at benny
Benny, Better Have My Money
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Chapter Five | Drabble for the Through the Scope series | Chapter Six
*best read in between chapter 5 & 6*
Rating: IDK ?? everyone ??
Word Count: 1029
TW: tooth rotting friend fluff w/ Benny & some ass throwing ?!?!
Notes: anon, i wish i could kiss that beautiful brain of yours for thinking of this absolutely fucking hilarious scene thats now 100% canon in the through the scope series to me HAHAHA !! i hope i did some justice to your brilliant idea & thank u so so much for submitting it ((: this one is for u ! happy reading <3
*i wrote this w/o looking over it because the idea was just to good so if you see any grammatical errors.. no you dont*
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Closing up after a long shift was never fun. Well, it was never fun until you started working for Benny. After the last guests were ushered out and the doors were locked, you were put in charge of the gyms music. It was only fair since Benny had free reign during operating hours after all. Plus, your taste in music wasn’t exactly family friendly. 
“Alright, what are we feeling this evening? Lady Gaga? Megan Thee Stallion? Doja Cat? Maybe some Rico Nasty? What artist really says ‘I want to clean this whole gym and look hot while doing it’ to you?” 
“The evening song choices are all yours. I’m way too tired to even think about makin’ another decision right now.”
“Well,” You say as you start scrolling through artists on his phone to find one that will bring the energy that both of you need to get this done. “If you’re so tired, why are you going out with the guys after this?” 
“You know that doesn’t count.” He’s currently working his way through cloroxing all the workout benches and weights. “The only decision I have to make when I’m there is if I want another drink or not and that's easy. Of course I want another fuckin’ drink!” 
“Touché,” You laugh as you find the perfect playlist for the evening. “Let’s get this cleaning party started!” 
Rhianna’s Bitch Better Have My Money starts blasting at full volume from the gym's speakers as you make your way over to the basket full of used towels. 
Bitch, better have my money
Y’all should know me well enough
Bitch, better have my money
Please don’t call me on my bluff
Pay me what you owe me
“Oh fuck yeah! I love Rhianna!” He yells as he turns to you. 
You pull out a towel, point to him from across the gym, and start swinging it over your head as you lip sync to the song playing. 
Kamikaze if you think that you gon’ knock me of the top
Shit, your wife in the back seat of my brand new foreign car
Don’t act like you forgot
I call the shot, shot, shots.
Benny makes finger guns and pretends to fire them at you on each beat. “Sing it, girl!”
The two of you run dramatically to each other in the middle of the gym and start dancing like crazed animals. Each of your tasks having been long forgotten as soon as the music started. You both know by now that neither one of you will be leaving anytime soon.
“Where the fuck is your brother, Will?” Pope huffs.
Frankie, Pope, and Will have all been waiting at their table for Benny to show up for 45 minutes now. They turned the waitress away three times before they caved and ordered a round for themselves. Hoping that a light buzz would satiate them.
“I’ve been texting him, but he’s not answerin’!” Will explains. “His location says that he’s still at the gym.” He turns his phone screen over to show the others.
“This is the third time this week that he’s been late. He’s never taken this long to close up before.” Frankie adds. 
Pope tips his almost empty beer bottle in his direction and nods. “Fuck this. Finish y’alls drinks and let's go pay him a visit.”
They all do as Pope orders and make their way out of the bar. As they cross the street and enter the gym’s parking lot they see both yours and Benny’s cars in the same spots that they were in this morning. All of the lights in the building are still on as well. 
“Do y’all hear that?” Frankie asks the men walking next to him. “It sounds like -”
“Rhianna?” Pope says curiously. 
All three of them walk up to the gym doors and the sight that greets them will be burned into each and every one of their minds for all eternity. 
You’re currently holding onto one of the corner poles from the boxing ring with both hands and trying to explain to Benny how to shake his ass.
“Move your hips to the right, then the left, then shimmy down, and use your knees to help you bring your ass up and down!” You’re winded from both teaching your lesson and singing with Benny for almost an hour straight. It also doesn’t help that you’re trying to yell instructions over Rhianna’s S&M song.
“I think I got it now! Let me try!” 
He helps you down so he can climb up and get into position. You pick up your towel and phone off a nearby workout bench. There is no way that you aren’t going to document this moment.
‘Cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don’t care, I love the smell of it
Stick and stone may break my bones
“But chains and whips excite me!” You and Benny sing together.
You are struggling to hold your phone still as you record because you can’t stop laughing. Benny is throwing everything, and you mean everything, into his one man performance on the edge of the boxing ring. He definitely paid attention to what you showed him. Even put his own little twist on it by bringing his right hand back to slap his ass. You can’t help but get swept away in it all and you start hitting him in the ass with your towel as well.
“Let’s go, Benny! Shake that shit for me!” Your lungs threaten to burst from over exhaustion. 
Oh, I love the feeling you bring to me
Oh, you turn me on
“Should we tell them we are here?” Will ask hesitantly, still not entirely sure what he’s watching.
“I’m not even sure what we would say if we told them.” Frankie quips as he wishes you would get back up and dance again. “Pope?”
He looks to his left and sees him pulling up your contact information. “Let’s tell them that their audience wants an encore.” Pope presses ‘call’ and puts the phone to his ear with a devious grin.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @modernperplexity  @mxtokko  @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 }
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elliespuns · 4 months
how many girls do you think joel played guitar to hahaha if any. I wonder if he at some point played guitar for sarah’s mom? i’m thinking probably
Oh, I mean, if he already could play in his teenage years, whoa, a lot of them! I bet he was using his guitar more than his best pick-up lines.
I can imagine Joel playing the guitar for Sarah a lot when she was born. I don't know the reason why he and his wife separated but my best take on this is that she left him and Sarah because they were both too young when Sarah was born, and she just couldn't handle having a kid after a while. They must have gotten married after they found out that she was pregnant, and so there was never really too much love in this relationship to begin with. Not towards Joel, not towards Sarah. There could also be a possibility that she died, leaving Joel to be the only one left to take care of their kid. But that's unlikely. When Ellie asks Joel if he has ever been married, his answer is "for a while" and when she asks him about what happened between him and his wife, he brushes her off with a simple "okay" refusing to talk about it. It seems to me that they ended their relationship on bad terms, and neither Joel nor Sarah have seen her ever again.
So yeah. I think that he definitely played her some songs before getting her knocked up. I mean, guys with the ability to play the guitar? Let alone guys looking like Joel? (idk how about most of you, but I liked his younger version too). I mean, if he played me a song... he could play me for all I need, if you know what I mean... okay, shut up!!
I see I got carried away. Anyway, I think he definitely used his ability to play the guitar for his own good, if you know what I mean.
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choccy-milky · 7 months
Hi! I started reading your story sometime in the last week and I’m OBSESSED! I normally don’t have much patience and can’t get myself to read anything past like 15k or anything that’s still being worked on, but your story hooked me almost instantly! I really liked the description and decided to give it a try and I’m so glad I did. The detailed descriptions you give pull me into the story and the way you seamlessly switch points of view feels so natural. I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying reading so far and I’m excited for more! ❤️
AW TYSM😭😭 this means a lot, esp since ive been kinda self conscious about the length of my fic lately (and also how long its gonna end up being once im actually done LMFAO) and ik my chapters have gotten ginormous BAHAHA so im glad that even if you don't usually read long stuff you still gave my fic a try and enjoyed it so much + are looking forward to more!!💖💖so ty again😭🙏 AND as usual i'll be using this to answer other asks:
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thank you and AA im glad to hear it!! a lot of people have been telling me ive been inspiring them to draw lately and i love it (im just sorry i dont have any concrete tips to give people other than keep practicing LOL) but good luck and i hope you keep at it!!🥰🥰
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GIRL IDK, IDEK HOW LONG THE STORY IS GONNA BE, but assuming im still brainrotted even when its done then YEAH u wouldnt be able to stop me if you tried😊 (im glad you like them so much as well, ty!!😭)
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thank you!! and yes i usually have at least a vague idea of what i want in the story before i start, though a lot of it didn't become concrete until i started writing/things evolving from there. i made a big (slightly) vague timeline of the entire fic from beginning to (almost) end, and then i keep fleshing it out from there as the ideas keep coming to me/evolving, and for each chapter i make an even more detailed outline, and THEN i get started on the final chapter. so its a bit of a process bahaha, but the brainstorming is really fun!! as for any advice, im not sure. maybe just brainstorm/write down scenes and ideas that you know for a fact that you want to put in your fic, and then try to find a way to connect them to other scenes from there and work backwards. basically WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO READ, cuz like im my own biggest fan fr, thats the most important part LMAO
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LMFAO speaking of outlining future events.....this may or may not happen in the future/in an epilogue when clora is pregnant and she got those pregnant woman hormones that seb is fighting for his LIFE to keep up with HAHAHA
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ive been drawing since i was 4 years old so...a while. LOL. and if you even look back to the beginning of my blog, my first drawings of seb were SO UGLY💀💀 so if you just keep drawing you constantly get better naturally (also in response to the other ask you sent as well, i use clip studio paint to draw!)
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AW TYYY. AND YES CLORA WILL HAVE ANOTHER MC MOMENT, the ranrok confrontation is still coming, after all...👀👀 and true, idek who would win if clora and seb duelled again with neither of them holding back, but u are so right. even if clora DID win that would do nothing to change sebs mind about how protective he is LMFAO. THANK YOU AGAIN im glad you like my fic + drawings so much!!💖💖
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BAHAHAH in my fic (for smut reasons and so that they could be 17 when they did the nasty) i made clora's bday april 3rd and sebs february 12, so clora is an aries and seb is an aquarius (and yes i just checked and apparently they ARE compatible, so seb can rest. also i just read up on aquarius and damn it unintentionally suits seb so well?? LOL "Aquarius is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. " and "They have incredible energy, though they may not always use it wisely. They find it easy to get through life on charm and good looks." LMFAO. ok king we love that
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suzukiblu · 8 months
sorry if this is weird (and i realize now that ive said that a lot…) but ive been sending anons in for a while and ive been thinking of making an ao3 to post fics that are kind of inspired by yours. unfortunately, i’m absolutely terrible at making usernames. do you have any suggestions for coming up with usernames? or just. suggestions for usernames. either. or neither. idk
Friend, you have not even scratched the surface of weird here, haha. Also fyi I would love to see any of those fics so please link me if you do in fact post them. ❤️
As for usernames, I'm gonna be honest, I inherited my main and best-known username by taking over my favorite cousin's old LiveJournal back in, like, literal high school and have just decided to stick with Brand Recognition(tm) in the twenty years or so since, hahaha. It is a horse's name. Literally, literally it belonged to a horse. I very rarely come up with new usernames, especially these days, but when I do I kinda tend to just pick random things I think sound good at the time? Like, whatever quote or lyric or interesting word pops to mind, I just take that and do some kind of combination/complementing thing with it.
Idk if they'll help/inspire you, but a few of the old usernames I've used over the years:
witch_knuckle / warlock_knuckle
scarlet_yvette was a reference to a semi-obscure X-Men/Generation X character who was one of my diehard faves as a teenager, but the rest I just came up with 'cause I liked how they sounded, pretty much. Actually I also liked how scarlet_yvette sounded, haha, I thought it flowed nicely. And thescuttlebugg was for a side account I mostly wrote Miraculous Ladybug fic on, so I figured a bug-related name that wasn't EXCLUSIVELY fandom-oriented would be good for that.
Honestly my best advice for making a username is don't go with anything too generic so you have a better chance of getting it on multiple sites, and don't go with anything too obviously tied down to a specific fandom, because if/when you migrate or wanna dabble in other ones it can be annoying, especially if you end up having a bad experience in the original fandom and getting soured on it. Basically names that aren't too heavily linked to someone else's work are my personal preference, so you can take or leave them as you please, but that's also just what works for me.
Hope any of that helped, hah. Feel free to message again if you still need a hand!
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lonelysucker7 · 5 days
Alright (cracks knuckles)
While I’ve been active somewhere else and not here for the last two months, there’s been a couple reasons. And I’d like to share a couple what life’s been up for me.
First things first:
As mentioned many times here, I’m a college student. I finished with a mild to poor success and I am currently processing my information to transfer to another college. It’s been kinda weird really. Not like anyone’s gonna miss me over there (but I will miss that one cute cashier guy who had been eyeing me and me back to him GAHHH—)
Because of the overwhelming days IN college after being away from home a lot and the education needing a lot of my attention, my writing work had been put to pause. I miss writing guys. Stuff that isn’t essays. But clearly I hadn’t written anything since February so what’s the deal.
Losing my mind. I had been overthinking these past few months that this app drives me crazy sometimes it made me want to nuke it out of nowhere. Hence now I reblog every so a few days so that I would give myself a break or not say some stupid stuff. I still see stuff though, silently letting my presence be known if you know what I mean (it’s rare for me to comment on peoples posts cause yes I am shy and still having trouble finding the right words to say.)
Injury: I got a leg injury guys. Yay. Fun stuff. It’s been hurting like hell this past month. No it’s not severe (it’s small really). Staying in bed with it hasn’t helped. Walks neither. Yeah I’m trying to work the courage to make my own appointment happen (damn adulthood sucks already.)
Severe bites on my arms and hands: This ones recent actually, I come home and now the bugs are trying to eat me. It’s happened before many times in my life and I’m not sure why though my sister thinks it has to do with my blood type. I’m typing with one hand as I’m writing this hahaha cause the other? Well it’s swollen as hell.
Writing block. Yeah it has a role there I guess, but I have all these ideas right? Just executing them is difficult. Like there’s that one fanfic idea that got my writing gears going ever since I reblogged the inspiration for it, and it’s been in my mind since that day. Thing is I know NOTHING about the… sport? Anywho I want it to be a Pride and Prejudice x Cinderella x wrestling kinda fic. It sounds dumb but not to me, not when I know where it’s going 😭 There’s been others too actually that sound good. But we’ll see in time.
I think I got that all covered. Idk ask me stuff I guess and I’d be happy to answer. And it’s always good to see you. Take care 👋
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freya-captain · 1 year
This is also another old one I’ve sent to someone else before and sorry but I would love to hear your take on this kinda if premise haha
Ok plz hear me out…everything in hotd is the same except omega aegon was disqualified to be king because of his omega status so was sent off to the north to be married and mated to alpha Cregan stark as soon as he was of age they now have several children….maybe viserys and Ali be two ages him far away from flea bottom and the drama or something idk so now aemond is the alpha son next In like and who has equal claim to the throne now and has usurped the throne from rhaenrya…rhaenrya is hesitant about what to do with her options thanks to daemon ..then alpha jace suggest she sends her sons with the dragons broker peace and alliances during their impending war…rhaenrya is wondering if they should skip stark cause he is married to aegon and this may cause conflict but Jace says to send him anyway and says he may had some pull….when pushed on what this is he hesitantly admits that aegons first born son is actually his lol his mother is not impressed by this new info haha
hahaha I’m glad to read this! I couldn't help but picture that Aegon sat by the window of Winterfall watching the snow silently falling (like forgiveness from the sky) and holding his baby, which was the only gift that Jace gave him he got to keep, the only thing left that belonged to him in this foreign, cold land.
I was starting to write this clip when I thought what if let AI give it a go, so that's what ChatGPT gave us and I only did a slight changes. I felt craaaazy.
Jace/Aegon, Cregan/Aegon; Omegaverse
originally written by AI
Winterfell was a cold and snowy place, with the castle surrounded by snowdrifts that seemed to grow taller every day. The great stone walls of the castle were covered in a layer of frost, and icicles hung from the eaves of the roof. Inside, the castle was warm and inviting, with roaring fireplaces in every room that filled the air with the comforting scent of burning wood.
Aegon often found himself sitting in front of the fireplace in his chambers, staring into the flames and thinking about Jacaerys. He would imagine what it would be like to still be with him, to hold him in his arms and to feel his warm breath against his skin like he did in the past. But then he would remember Cregan, his alpha and husband, and he would feel guilty for even thinking about another man.
Since presented as an Omega, Aegon Targaryen II knew he would be arranged to marry some noble lord instead of inheriting lands and titles like his Alpha brother Aemond would. He had never dared to hope that the Alpha would be his Jace, but neither did he anticipate Alicent's decision was to send him north off to the savages. She clearly hoped the marriage could strengthen the alliance between the Iron Throne and the North. The wedding ceremony was grand enough only this was the last time Aegon saw his hometown, no trace of Jacaerys.
Aegon and Jacaerys were closest friends when they were young boys. Over time, their friendship had developed into something more, and Aegon found himself falling in love with Jacaerys. He tried to bury his feelings, to focus on his duty as a husband and as a member of House Targaryen. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget about Jacaerys. Not after he gave birth to their child, a brown-haired girl named Stark, who had no blood of direwolf within her but every feature of his young lover.
Sometimes, Aegon would take long walks through the snow-covered grounds of Winterfell, trying to clear his mind. He would breathe in the cold, crisp air and feel the snow crunching under his boots. But even in the peace and quiet of the winter landscape, he couldn't escape his feelings. That's when he started to write letters to Jace.
He never did well with words and spelling, but he wrote and wrote, all in High Valyrian. Not that he worried Cregan may find out about them, nothing in the letter he couldn't show to the public. It's just sweet for him to share a language that he could't speak with anyone else.
Jacaerys wrote back. At first, the letters were filled with stories of what was happening on Dragonstone and news of the realm. But over time, the letters became more personal. They would write to each other almost every day, and the letters became a lifeline for both of them.
As the years passed, Aegon's love for Jacaerys only grew stronger. He found himself looking forward to Jacaerys' letters more and more, eagerly devouring every word as if they were the only thing that kept him going.
But Aegon also felt guilty for his feelings. He knew that Cregan deserved a husband who loved him as much as he loved Jace, and he felt like he was failing Cregan as a husband. He tried to be kind to him, to show that he appreciated him, but he knew that it wasn't enough.
When Cregan Stark discovered their affairs when Jacaery visited the North, he was both furious and disappointed. He felt betrayed and hurt that Aegon had been unfaithful to him. Especially he and Jacaerys already became good friends and trustable allies. He couldn't understand why he would risk everything for someone else.
But despite his anger, Cregan still loved Aegon deeply after their years spent together. He knew that Aegon was struggling with his feelings for Jacaerys, and he understood that it wasn't easy for him to keep those feelings hidden. So instead of lashing out in anger, he tried to find a way to make things work.
When Aegon finally confessed the truth to him, that their first daughter's real father was Jace, Cregan was silent for a long moment, staring at him with a mixture of sadness and anger. But then he took a deep breath and spoke.
"What can I say?" he said, his voice quiet but firm. "I married no ordinary one. I married a dragon. I knew what I was getting into when I chose you, Aegon. I knew that there would be challenges and struggles, but I also knew that I loved you enough to face them. And I still do."
Aegon was surprised by Cregan's reaction, expecting him to be furious and unforgiving. But instead, he saw a deep love and acceptance in Cregan's eyes. They talked for hours, working through their feelings and trying to find a way to move forward.
In the end, they came to a compromise. Aegon would continue to be a devoted husband to Cregan and a loving father to their children, but he would also keep in touch with Jacaerys through letters. It wasn't the perfect solution, but it was enough for them to find some peace and happiness in their lives.
Years went by, and Aegon and Cregan had more children, all of whom were loved and cherished by both of their fathers. They created a life together, one that was built on love, trust, and compromise. And though there were still struggles and challenges, they faced them together, knowing that their love was strong enough to withstand anything.
Until the war broke and dragons danced.
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andvys · 7 months
- "For her to call Eddie?" AHHHH! I MISS EDDIE! MY BOY!
- "There is no Y/N without Eddie anymore" AHHHH! Eddie x Y/N
- "I don't t think that she wants anyone right now" (meanwhile me: YES I DO! I WANT EDDIE!)
- "That's why he hasn't made a move yet" I hope he makes a move soon!!!
- "I don't think that he's ever getting a second chance" Me neither.
- I'm still in my delusional Enemies to lovers Steddie x Reader Era
- Chrissy angry at Robin?? It's all Steve's fault!!
-"Even if she ends up kissing then both or hooking up with them both" GIRL, THAT'S THE DREAM! STEDDIE X READER, STEDDIE X READER! Ok no, but one day!
- "The two blushing girls" I love that!!!
- I miss Heather!
- AHHH! Steve made her suffer! I hate him!
- "You have spent so many nights wondering what could have been if you and Steve have never crossed that line, if you just stayed as friends" Maybe, no pain?
- "You feel sadder than ever" NOOO!
- I'm still thinking Eddie x Reader or Steddie x reader!
- Y/N just doesn't know that her love for Eddie is not so platonic...
-Why Robin is being like that? I love the Eddie x Y/N moments! :(
- AHHHH! Y/N giving Eddie a bat plushie! They're the cutest!!!!
- "I forgot the Doritos, fuck" HAHAHA!
- "I missed you Eddie" AWWW! I LOVE THEM!
- "I missed you too, sweetheart" AWWWW!
- "You stole him for me" They can stole another one, and they could be their children... JK!!! Or not?
- "He's my little Eddie" OMG! SHE'S THE CUTEST! and that's their child!!!
- "You are so beautiful" AHHHHH! EDDIE X READER MOMENT!!!
- Eddie is the definition of perfect boyfriend
- Wearing Eddie's clothes!!! YAY!!!
- "And then I was just by myself cause I didn't want to talk to anyone" she's me fr.
- "You look down at his lips again and suddenly, you feel the urge to feel them on yours" YESSSSS
- "You're really pretty" SHE LOVES HIM!!!
- "You're always so good to me" She lives him! I know it.
- "I wish I met you first, Eddie" AHHHHHHHHH!!! GIRL!!! OMG! SHE LOVES HIM!!! AND SHE KNOWS IT!!!!
Chrissy’s and Robin’s ship name is Buckingham 🤭
I agree, Steddie x reader would be so nice ugh (especially enemies to lovers between steve and eddie)
I’m happy you liked all the Eddie x reader moments here
and i’m happy you liked this new chapter🩷
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I refer to myself as Puddles in Author Notes, Blurbs, Asks, etc. This is neither my *~gIvEn NaMe~* nor my *~ChRiStIaN nAmE~*, so if you see that then just know it’s me signing off.
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basically any Pedro character
Something about José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal really gets me into my
fᵤcᵏᵢ𝙣g wᵣₑcᵏ ϻₑ dₐddy
headspace, so here we are. You can see my upcoming, ongoing, and completed works in my masterlist.
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I often have a strong idea of a background or personality for a character, so I will list it as OC most of the time. For my x reader fics I am working on making those more inclusive, so some of my works may change in order to reflect that goal of mine.
I also don't use y/n or YN.
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hahahaha yes for sure.
✧ I’m a lil sentimental bitch, so fluff fluff fluff makes my sappy heart sing ✧ on that note, pet names. Pet names galore. praise!kink alert ✧ ig soft!dom type kink shit? ✧ or power imbalances in general that are safe, consensual, make sense for the relationship, etc. ✧ getting absolutely fucking railed is prob one of the best things in life, so it stays on my pretty brain often oopsie doopsie ✧ I can’t seem to write anything without a lot of angst popping up over and over; not sure what that’s about teehee ✧ PTSD, trauma, mental health, hahaha idk where all that comes from my life has been sssoooo normal and good haha so weird how that works huh, folks? folks??? ✧ deep, meaningful human connection in all its forms: platonic, sexual, romantic, emotional, intellectual, etc. etc. etc. ✧ the vibe is: balls deep in existentialism at 7am on a Tuesday, ya feel me?
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✧ Any noncon or dubcon is not my vibe ✧ No underage shit!
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✧ It’s a good outlet for me to process things, and I think it’s like a fun puzzle you painstakingly put together over time, making changes and changes and edits and changes and tweaks until your pretty lil fic baby is born into the world. Also, I have read so much smut on this fucking site that it is my duty to try my best to return the favor.
✧ I just want to shout out @joelscruff who is so insanely prolific yet manages to write distinct characters across all her fics, giving them all their own vibe even if they feature the same character. Like wtf how bitch how do you write so much and so well? 
And also @joelsgreys bc her fic A Safe Haven, which is what made me get off my ass and start writing in the first place. Go read all her shit.
I also love: @the-ginger-hedge-witch, @swiftispunk, @ezrasbirdie, and many, many more that I will come back and add at some point.
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Ask whatever you want. Comment whatever you want. 
I want this account to be open for anyone who might need a safe space to explore their own shit or just somebody who wants to be supportive and isn’t exactly sure how.
The exception to all this, of course, is if you are a piece of shit asshole who is clearly being a piece of a shit asshole. In that case I will skrt skrt delete and block your ass with the quickness. Try me, heaux.
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
Then do you feel uncomfortable or don’t like that most of your readers are part of his fanbase? Also, I think that every fanbase is just proud of the people they stand and therefore exaggerated everything they do 🤷🏽‍♀️
nah that never crosses my mind tbh and if we’re being real…who else would be reading my fics hahaha you know?? cause like I am actively writing Harry Styles …so of course Harry Styles fans would be reading it (and I really like the ppl who read my fics, even tho again I don’t know any of you, the ppl who read them really mean a lot to me) idk bestie I have a lot of feelings about him (and celebrities in general actually) that are very flawed and contradictory and I fully accept that and I think how ppl feel abt celebrities or ppl they like/media they consume can be very difficult to explain to others if that makes sense ? and i totally get the being a proud stan or whatever cause like let’s be real here I am a psychotic Swiftie sooooo 🤗 and ofc when you like ppl and have a “connection” to them then you’re proud and think everything they do is wonderful and amazing and I have no issue with that cause that’s just who we are as ppl and like we do it with our friends/family too cause that’s life and ofc we love our ppl so it’s not like an Issue so to speak, I just do think with celebrity culture especially people probably need some more critical thinking skills (myself included FOR SURE) haha idk it’s strange and I know it doesn’t really make a lot of sense so I don’t expect you to be like omg I totally get it!!! or anything you know? and i guess if we wanna get down to the bare bones of it…I like writing and I think (neither rightly or wrongly ig idk) i’m fairly good at it, maybe a little above average and I find writing about a real person easier than if I was to try to write a real fictional story you know cause it’s kind of a captive audience, you guys already know what he looks like, how he sounds, how he acts so I don’t have to work that hard to write it whereas if I tried to create my own fictional characters and stories im scared that I’ll find out I’m actually not a good writer and can’t write to save my life and although I am a naturally pessimistic person who always assumes the worst and literal has no self confidence or belief, I do think it would kill me if I failed at writing. anyway this got very real very quickly and I’m not sure I like that haha but I do want to say that I’m not trying to be rude or disparaging abt Harry or Harry fans!
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skorchinq · 1 year
Bows Only: So, I Finally Did The Ascension Quest...
[IDs in alt text]
Hey, so, I wrote this post three weeks ago, saved it to my drafts, and then forgot to post it until now. Whoops...
So, uh. Here’s the post. That should’ve been posted three weeks ago. TTwTT
To start off, we’ve got some more Tartaglia pulls...
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Another Stringless, huh? Technically even an R1 stringless is better than an R5 Raven Bow, so the logical thing to do here would be to build this as an upgrade for Fischl. But... hmmm... refinements for our current Stringless... mmmm...
I haven’t done it yet but it is certainly tempting. right now I’m just leaving the Stringless at lv. 1 and I’ll decide later whether to use it for refinement or not.
Still no sign of Childe, so we need to get some primos. And what better way than to do some story quests? It’s not like I’m still in the middle of the Inazuma Archon quest and have made barely any progress since 2.8. Hahaha. No way.
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We still hadn’t gotten around to Xingqiu’s story quest, and all you do in the character trial bits is fight enemies, no element-based puzzles, so our lack of a hydro bow character was no issue.
And then, what do you know, we actually reached BP 50 in v. 3.2!
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This is the first time I’ve reached BP level 50 on this account, so I’m very pleased.
And then, after days of grinding primos from daily commissions, events, and even briefly venturing back into the Spiral Abyss, the last day before Tartaglia’s banner ended:
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He finally came home, at 75 pity!
We tried to get him up to speed, fighting the oceanid for his ascension and hunting down some Agents to level up Rust (a weapon which is not only good for him gameplay-wise but also really matches his design aesthetically, btw), but the most challenging thing was probably the starconch hunt... And to think Yelan uses starconches, too...
Then, server maintenance started, and the 3.3 update dropped. I made a couple of wishes in hopes of getting Faruzan, or at least perhaps some Gorou constellations, but...
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I went to the crafting bench, because I had things to craft, and accidentally started a quest I meant to do on my main account first:
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At first I was confused, but then I realized: of course, Genius Invocation TCG! That’s what this is about!
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And this is just the plot of Yu-gi-oh isn’t it. Gosh
Anyway. I got both Gorou and Tartaglia A4, so it was finally time to do the ascension quest! Boy, I sure hope I don’t jump straight up to AR 50 and have to do another ascension quest!
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Our boy Childe even lead the charge! And I only very briefly wished I had brought Amber instead after realizing that dendro and cryo can’t destroy the revival prism in a single charged shot like pyro can...
(except that I’m looking at the wiki right now and it says all three of those elements should take the same amount? maybe it has something to do with the level of the hypostasis then, or the individual characters applying more or less of their respective element in a charged shot than another... idk... look the point is every other time I’ve fought this thing both in ascension quest and open world Amber could take out a revival prism in a single shot and neither Diona nor Collei were able to do that this time around)
Regardless, I beat the thing easily enough and completed the domain.
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And while it wasn’t quite enough to go straight to 50, it was near enough...
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Oh, and DavidBowie is C6 now! How useful!
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Either way, it’s time to start working on ascending and leveling up our character more (especially because people I match with in artifact domains keep thinking I’m trolling when I try to bring my lvl 60 Amber and kick me...)
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Starting, of course, with the OG, our favorite Outrider Amber!
And now for the rest of them... not to mention everyone’s weapons and talents and artifacts and... ugh...
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purplesurveys · 1 year
do you ever do these surveys with your SO? we do all the time I never did when I had one; I like that this is one of the few things in the world I can keep for myself.
have you ever totally lied or made up ridiculous answers for surveys? There’s absolutely no reason for me to lie on these lol.
do animal furs upset you? Yes.
who picks the music when you’re riding in the car? I drive alone most of the time; otherwise when it’s my family headed out it’s either me or my sister who connects to the Bluetooth 50%-50% of the time.
do you have a waste basket in your car? Nah, I just shove trash in whatever bag I’m bringing at the time and then toss it out once I can find a trash can. 
what’s the Spanish name for your favourite food? Is there a Spanish word for sushi...? If there is, I have no idea what it is.
do you know anyone who regularly uses a bike for transportation? In this extremely bike-friendly country? Hahahaha. Everyone I know either drives, has a driver, or takes a Grab.
do you consider audio books not really reading? It still is. Just not my preferred way of doing so, though. My attention span is like...3 seconds long.
strangest thing you’ve ever put in the trunk of a car? A MEGA FUCKton’s worth of dog food. I handled a dog food brand for work and stupidly agreed to pack 50 influencers’ worth of PR packages, so all the damn food bags got sent to me. It was like 10 boxes of 2kg and 5kg bags, and then there was also a fucking army of 10kg and 15kg bags sent over. Didn’t even all fit in my room, so some of them I had to briefly store in the trunk. Worst experience ever, didn’t get to sleep in my bed for like two nights, my mom was understandably fuming, and I’m never doing something like that again.
do you carry matches or a lighter? Neither, I’m scared of fire lol.
do you keep socks with a hole in them if they are your favorites? I don’t have a favorite pair, but I’m also not the type to throw out a sock just because it has a hole. People don’t even see socks most of the time, so I don’t see the point in immediately getting rid of it.
last time you wore clothes that were too small on you. Can’t recall. I’m usually too tiny for clothes, lol.
have you ever frightened someone on purpose. not as a tease but to seriously? Good question. I don’t think I have; I hate the idea of terrorizing someone on purpose like that. Does it count if I’ve been forced to say something to someone that I know will scare them, even if I didn’t want to scare them? It happened a couple of weeks ago when I had to tell my mom that Cooper bit my face and that it was bleeding everywhere.
have you ever had something taken away from you by airport security? I know my mom and I got stopped for a bit at Shanghai because she apparently had something in her bag that shouldn’t be there, but the language barrier was rough and we couldn’t figure out what it was they wanted us to take out. Anyway, eventually we found The Thing but I can’t for the life of me remember it anymore hahaha.
what’s the last wild animal you have seen? Idk...do birds count?
something you were surprised to learn about your parent’s childhood? That my dad’s family’s financial situation got super dire at one point that he was once sent home from school by the nuns in charge so they can explain to his parents that he could technically be kicked out, but because he was doing so well in school they were going to let him stay. Also, my mom’s family got robbed once and they managed to get their grand piano.
do you store any non food items in the fridge? Just face masks – the skincare type, hahaha. Funny how you have to clarify that now.
have you ever told a friend you thought their parent was hot? Not really hot but I have told a few friends that their mom is really pretty.
what was the last thing you bought from a gumball machine? how long ago was that? Well...a gumball hahaha. Not sure, must have been over a year ago.
have you ever destroyed another person’s belongings out of anger? I would never do that. Anger fades out; the things you say or do in the moment won’t.
plain band aids or fun ones? I never got the cartoon Band-Aids as a child so that’s what I stock up on these days to heal my inner child lmao. Just this weekend I got teddy-bear themed ones.
which pain killer do you use? Paracetamol.
have you ever used someone else’s Rx med? No.
have you ever borrowed underwear from a friend? Nah.
would you like to be part of a wedding party? Sure, I haven’t been to one since 2007 so I’m just waiting for one of my friends to get hitched lol so I can experience what weddings are like now.
last pair of shoes you threw out and why? My high-top Chucks; wasn’t wearing them anymore. have you ever thrown anything up to hang on the power/phone lines? I have no reason to do so.
have you ever really stayed up all night to do homework? I never cared all that much for school, so no. For work, latest I’ve stayed up was around 2 AM. I’d never pull an all-nighter for something that’s separate from my personal life.
have you ever had anything stolen from you? Yep.
if you could make up one rule for all your friends, what would it be? Idk, seems weird and dickish to make them follow something.
do you pay attention to people’s posture? Well, only if it’s noticeable enough I guess. do you have a creepy uncle, or have a friend who has one? Not when sober at least.
alarm clock, or do you use your phone? Phone. Never had an alarm clock. have you ever backed into a cactus? ouch! Nopes.
do any of your relatives not have home internet? It’s very unlikely.
when you get the munchies, do you want sweet or salty? Salty most of the time. something you taught yourself how to do? Read Korean. And basic embroidery.
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wonwoosthetic · 1 year
queen you were wayyyyyy too nice to that anon who had a lot to say about nothing at all!!! you don’t owe anyone an explanation for what you post on your blog FOR FREE and FOR FUN!!!! that anon was wayyy way way out of line but i hope you know for every one of those nay-sayers, there’s countless others who enjoys the effort you put in simply to entertain strangers on the internet❤️❤️❤️
Hahaha thank you babes🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 I really appreciate your sweet words🥺😭🥺 I‘m just so in love with readers like you🤍🤍🤍
I just don’t want to make anyone feel like they’re forced to be here, you know? If you don’t like what I’m putting out there, anyone is free to leave and I just don’t want to keep them doing that. Of course, I’d be lying if I said that message didn’t make me think about it for the following hours after reading it but… there wasn’t really much else I could do about it. I don’t want to change the storyline just because of one message, neither do I want to change my interests in writing because of it. It might sound arrogant, I’m aware of that, and I hope people know I don’t mean it in that way, but I just… yeah… idk… it’s complicated :/
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
hi! i am in love with your writing, i was wondering if you could do an nsfw with tom and have it like the reader or tom has trouble finishing? idk its weird but like i wanna fill my fanfic brain with everything hahaha
Lol, this is kinda funny
Honestly, the idea of sex was alluring, and watching Tom undress and crawl over you was hot, but he just wasn't scratching the itch. The temptation was there, you had the tools, but you could tell that neither of your hearts were in it. 
He's easy to please. You tangle your fingers in his hair, letting him pound into you. He growls, nuzzling his face in your neck as he cums. He pauses inside of you and you stare up at the ceiling, a cramp niggling in your hip. He sighs as he raises to his fists, 
"It's fine. Just… lemme take a shower." You murmur. He presses his fingers to your jaw, bringing your eyes to his, 
"I'm not letting you leave this bed until you cum. But… you need to help me. What can I do?" He asks. Staring up at him, you shrug, 
"I don't know Tom! I can't… I just can't." You sigh in frustration. He stares down at you, brows furrowed,
"What's wrong with us? When I have I ever not been able to make you cum?" He poses. You stare up into his eyes, heart heavy at the disappointment. Tears spring to your eyes and you shrug, glancing away, 
"Dunno." He reaches down and strokes your cheek with his thumb, 
"Love… you want me to use fingers or tongue?" 
"Tom it's fine. I just want a shower now." You tell him. He stays poised over you for a moment before he's sighing and drawing out. You stand with not another word said, heading for the shower. You stand under the hot water for a few moments, taking deep breaths to clear your head before the curtain draws back and Tom steps inside. You watch him over your shoulder as he clicks the vibrator in his hand on, slipping his arms around you, one holding your waist, the other sliding down between your legs. 
Instinctively your head rests back on his shoulder when the vibrations of your farmiliar friend quake through your body. You're lost in moans and whimpers, Tom's lips brushing over your skin. He clicks it to a higher setting, grip tightening as you squeal and your knees quake. He nips at your shoulder, leaving a trail of lovebites in his wake while your orgasm, not technically nonexistent in his previous efforts, rocks through you completely and you nearly crumble, arm coming up around Tom's neck. He hums, holding you tightly, 
"That's it darling." He coos. You work through your orgasm, and the two of you shower, Tom tossing you a hoodie of his and some panties once you're dry. You climb into bed, Tom's arms wrapping around you, 
"Tonight sucked." He murmurs into your hair. You smile, 
"You made me cum." 
"No… a toy did. I didn't do shit and that pisses me off." Rubbing up his arms, you lean in and kiss the tip of his nose, 
"I don't think it was you love. I think I just… wasn't in it tonight." 
"Why would you let me do that then?"
"Well I'm glad you got off. I thought I was into it and then we got into it." You reason. He huffs, 
"Just disappoints me. I feel like a teenage boy. I feel bad." 
"Don't. It was me. I promise. You're not broken." You tell him. When he's silent for another moment you turn to face him, kissing his softly,
"I love you where it's just you making me cum or you're using a toy, it doesn't change anything. I still love you more than anything." You remind him. He stares down at you for a moment before he sighs, 
"I'm traumatized now. No sex for a while." You giggle, watching a small smile spread across his lips before you're slipping a leg through his, scooting closer and nuzzling your face in his chest, 
"Love you." You reiterate. He kisses the top of your head,
"Love you too angel." 
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fernisworm · 3 years
Hey Bestie <3 Would I be able to get a Karl Heisenberg or if you don't want to a Lady D x gn!reader? Just some sweet sweet angst, may the reader gets hurt / d!es or smth. If you don't wanna do it that's fine!
tysm for requesting bestie 👉👈 also fuck you for getting me hooked on karl fics in the first place smh /j
hope y’all enjoy, I’m not very used to writing stories like this so I hope it’s alright! :)
❀ Oneshot name: “Solace” 
❀ Characters: Karl Heisenberg x Gender Neural! Reader
❀ Warnings: Cursing, angst(?), gore, hurt/comfort, idk crying what do you want from me
✿ You can find all my stories here!
✿ My requests guide is here! (And you can place a request here!)
You had been living in Heisenberg’s factory for a while now. Turns out that the four lords weren’t the only Cadou experiments to have kept their sentience; and Mother Miranda decided to assign you to work alongside Heisenberg at his factory.
You see, it was mostly due to the powers you had received from the Cadou, as they were rather... unpredictable.
You gained the ability to manipulate the temperature of your body, even to the extent of specific limbs. You could super-heat your hand to bend a piece of metal if you needed to- part of the reason why Mother Miranda decided to assign you to Lord Heisenberg- you could be at least a little bit helpful.
Unfortunately... Even though your powers weren’t very grand, that didn’t mean you had an easy time controlling them. Sometimes you would unintentionally freeze parts of your body, and when you went to move you would find yourself stuck to one of the many metal surfaces of the factory. 
Which... was yet another reason why Mother Miranda assigned you to Heisenberg. Simply put, none of the other lords really jumped to have you at their residence.
Lady Dimitrescu stressed to Mother Miranda the importance of you not being assigned to her castle, for fear that you would spontaneously cool your body temperature and accidentally harm her daughters.
Donna was afraid that her rather fragile friends may be damaged by any heat or cold your body produced, and Angie agreed you wouldn’t make for a very fine playmate...
Even Salvatore Moreau begged to not have you assigned to him. As much as he loved and adored Mother Miranda, he didn’t want to be responsible for an individual as unpredictable as you- Moreau had a hard enough time controlling himself!
So that left Heisenberg and his factory; somewhere on the outskirts of town where you wouldn’t be able to do much harm. 
He wasn’t very happy at first, and neither were you, but through a mutual and perpetual fear of Mother Miranda somehow you two made it work.
It started out rather distanced... he would leave you to wander the top floor of the factory, safe from any haulers, soldats and the like, while he toiled alone in his workshop.
As time went on, Heisenberg decided that if you had to stick around you may as well be of some use to him. You took up the role of being his personal assistant in the workshop.
“Hey, (Y/n)?” Heisenberg called from across the room. “Can you bring me that gear over there?” he pointed to a workbench beside where you were standing.
You knew he could have just used his powers to bring it to himself, so he was obviously up to something. You weren’t a fool.
“This one?” You asked, picking it up. He nodded, and you made your way over to him. 
You went to hand it to him, but as soon as Heisenberg made contact with the gear he flinched back in pain, causing the gear to fall to the ground.
“Ow! What are you trying to do, burn me?!” He exclaimed rather angrily.
You bent over to pick the gear up from the floor, a wave of guilt washing over you. 
“I-I’m so sorry, I mustn’t have noticed when my-” Upon touching the gear yourself, you realised it was completely cool. You glared up at Heisenberg. 
“Hahaha! You’re so gullible, you know that?” Karl laughed maniacally to himself. He did things like this all the time. 
You stood back up, shoving the gear into his chest. “Do you always have to be such a dick?”
“Well maybe if you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t fall for it every time!” Heisenberg continued to laugh, placing the gear down on the workbench. 
“It’s not funny, Heisenberg!” You growled. “You know that I have a hard time controlling my powers, and pulling stupid pranks on me all the time isn’t helping!”
“It sure isn’t, but god it’s hilarious.” he had calmed his laughter by now, promptly returning to his work.
You knew you weren’t going to get an apology, you never did. Sometimes you wished one of the other lords would whisk you away from this wretched place. But the more you thought about it, the more you realised that the factory had become your home. 
The constant sounds of machinery and the acrid stench of motor oil and steel had become familiar to you, and deep down you knew you would never be able to leave it so easily.
You sighed in exasperation, turning away from Heisenberg. “Is there even any point of me being in here? Can I just go back to my room, already?” 
“What are you gonna do up there?” he asked, telekinetically beckoning some scrap metal towards his workbench.
“A lot more than I’m doing here,” you muttered angrily.
“Like what? Are you gonna accidentally melt your door handle again?” Heisenberg snickered to himself.
“That was one time, okay?” you glared at him over your shoulder. 
“Twice, actually,” Heisenberg sat up from his work, pulling down his glasses to peer at you expectantly.
“Oh, whatever!” You exclaimed, sick of his teasing. “I’ve had enough of you for today, I’ll see you later, loser.” You began to stalk your way to the door.
“Be seeing you, sweetheart,” Heisenberg cooed playfully, resuming his work.
“Whatever, metalhead.” You opened the door to the workshop and slammed it closed behind you. God, that man knew how to get on your nerves. 
You began to walk back to your room, exhausted after such a long day. You hadn’t made it very far before you heard heavy footsteps behind you, realising it was Heisenberg coming to pester you some more.
You continued walking, ignoring him, but his footsteps still followed you. After a moment more you whipped around to face him angrily.
“Heisenberg, would you just leave me the fuck alone already-?” You had barely made it halfway through your sentence before a rogue Soldat Eins swung out at you with it’s massive drill-arm, just barely having enough time to jump back and out of the way. 
“You’re not Heisenberg,” You scolded the Soldat rather jeeringly.
Unsurprisingly, it didn’t respond, instead advancing towards you once again. You realised it must have been defective, a sick feeling settling in your gut. How he hell did it even get onto this floor of the factory?
Formulating a plan in your mind, you rushed forward, heating your hand up and plunging it into the Soldat’s Cadou reactor. This seemed to stun it, and for a moment you thought you had killed it.
Suddenly the Soldat began to move again, and you started to panic after realising your hand was now fused with the metal components in it’s chest. 
“No! Let me go!” You wailed, unable to get away. 
The Soldat reared back it’s drill arm and plunged it into your right thy, this sudden movement simultaneously freeing your hand. 
You screamed. Louder than you ever had before.
Strangely, you felt little to no pain, and for a moment you couldn’t tell if your leg had gone numb or if it was merely the adrenaline pumping through your veins. All you felt was panic.
Suddenly the Soldat retracted it’s arm, leaving what you could only describe as a deep wound in it’s wake. That was when the pain came crashing down, followed by the out-pour of blood. You felt queasy and weak, effectively falling to the ground as your head began to spin.
You would scream again, if you could. But you were far too tired and far too dizzy to even try.
You could only guess how long it was going to be before you bled out; or better yet, before the Soldat decided to finish you off.
Your question was answered as you watched the Soldat in front of you raise it’s drill again, having read your mind.
You closed your eyes, deciding it would be better if you didn’t see what was about to happen. One moment passed. Then two. God, this Soldat was really taking its time, huh?
Upon opening your eyes again you noticed that the Soldat was standing still, and you began to wonder what was going on when suddenly it’s Cadou reactor exploded out of it’s chest, flying from view and landing who knows where.
Without it’s only source of power the Soldat fell down, dead. Standing in it’s wake you saw Heisenberg, arm outstretched from removing the Soldat’s reactor. He looked pissed.
He threw the dead Soldat across the room before rushing forwards, falling to the ground beside you.
“Took you long enough,” you managed to wheeze out as Heisenberg lifted your head from the ground.
“Yeah, yeah, you can thank me later,” his tone was lively but you could sence the panic in his expression as he noticed your leg. “Ah, fuck...”
“That?” You lifted your head to peer at your wound. “Can’t even feel it anymore, so I’d say I’m quite alright now.”
“God, that stupid fucking Soldat shouldn’t even have been up here,” Heisenberg sounded angry again, and you were just glad he seemed to be back to his old self. 
“I’m just gonna... go to sleep now,” you muttered. The world started to blot out around you as it went dark, and you rested your head against Heisenberg’s chest as you started to go unconscious. 
“No, no, no, you can’t close your eyes, not yet you fuckin’ idiot,” Heisenberg shook you awake, which seemed to work. 
He hurriedly pulled an old rag from his pocket, tying it around your leg to stop the heavy bleeding.
Heisenberg then moved to pick you up, but moving at all seemed to pain you. “Will you be alright if I start carrying you?” he asked gruffly. Not exactly the “tender and caring” voice you expected, but this was Heisenberg we were talking about.
“The sooner I’m off the floor the better,” you replied. Heisenberg hooked one arm under your legs and the other under your back, pulling you from the floor bridal-style.
He carried you to his room instead of yours, which confused you slightly. He never let you near his room, let alone inside it. 
Heisenberg opened the door using his powers, carrying you inside and laying you carefully onto the bed. He walked across the room, rummaging through a few drawers and cupboards before returning to your side with a first-aid kit in hand.
Heisenberg sat down on the bed beside you, removing his glasses and his gloves so he could better wrap your injury with gauze. He cleaned the wound with what seemed to be disinfectant first, and once again you were concerned that you couldn’t seem to feel any pain from it. 
There was only silence as Heisenberg then began to wrap your wound, looking as if he were concentrating heavily on the task.
“Heisenberg?” you asked quietly.
He looked up at you after a moment. “What?”
“You have gorgeous eyes,” you said with a smug look, still barely conscious.
He rolled his eyes in what seemed to be annoyance, tying off the gauze finally. “Is that all you have to say?” he asked, standing back up.
“Yeah, pretty much.” it was now that you noticed Heisenberg’s blood-soaked clothes, becoming aware of everything around you and feeling as if you’d just woken up from a nap.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, trying to stop yourself from crying.
Heisenberg looked alarmed again, unsure of what to do. “For what?” he asked.
You sat up, wiping your eyes. “Everything.” Heisenberg looked as if he wasn’t following, waiting for you to elaborate. 
“I know that you don’t want me here, I’m not stupid,” you started crying again, not caring anymore. “I know you only keep me around because that’s what Mother Miranda wants you to do.
“I’m her most useless creation, that’s why none of the other lords wanted me. I could have avoided that stupid Soldat, but instead I ended up almost dying. I’m sorry that I’m such a burden on you-”
You were cut off by Heisenberg. 
“Just- shut the fuck up already, would you?” he sounded irritated, and you stopped speaking immediately. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking as if he was deep in thought. 
Finally, he sat back down beside you on the bed.
“Look... I know that we didn’t get along very well at the start, and the fact that I’m a total dick probably doesn’t help express it very well, but...” he trailed off, looking nervous for a moment. “I’ve actually taken a liking to you, believe it or not.” Heisenberg finally looked back to you. 
“I guess I just never realised how lonely it was up here until you arrived,” he added.
You sat there silently, unsure of how to respond to what he was telling you. This, in turn, incited annoyance of some-kind within him.
“Look, don’t let that go to your head, okay? And don’t tell the other lords about it either or I’ll chop your leg off for good.” his tone was angry, but without his glasses you could see the bashful look in his eyes. 
He had truly never opened up to anyone before, and this moment reflected that. You tried to stop a small smile from creeping onto your face.
“I would never,” You reassured him. 
“Good.�� Heisenberg leaned forward slightly, putting a calloused hand against the side of your face. “And quit your crying, okay?” he said, using his thumb to wipe away the last of your tears. “It’s fuckin’ weird.”
He pulled his hand away after a moment, turning to put his gloves on again.
“Hey... Heisenberg?” you started hesitantly. 
He hummed in response, turning to look at you after he’d put his glasses back on. 
You leaned forward, despite the pain, and kissed him gently on the cheek. After pulling away you tried your hardest to read his expression behind the glasses, not getting much before suddenly his face turned bright red. 
You tried not to laugh as he stood up silently, apparently unsure of what to say. 
“G-Get some rest, or something,” he managed to finally spit out, “You’re ice-cold.”  He turned to walk quickly out of the room. 
Once he’d disappeared out of the room you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself over what a funny interaction that had been. 
Heisenberg; completely stone-cold with zero emotions... 
Then in an instant he was blushing bright red. 
I quite liked this and may even be inclined to write a part 2 
Either way hope y’all enjoyed :]!!
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