#haikyuu!! housemates au
akeiwrites · 1 year
strawberry shortcake
featuring: tsukishima kei from haikyuu!!
cw: female!reader, housemates, college au, slow burn
wc: 1k
ah, what a long day.
you wave at your classmates as they bid goodbye, telling you that they'll be taking their leave now, in which you replied with ‘thanks for today’ and ‘take care’.
after your classes at the university today by 5PM, you couldn't go home immediately because of a group paper assigned just a while ago by a strict professor and it needs to be submitted tomorrow morning already.
so you really had no choice.
and your group was supposed to work on it at the university library. but having to think that you all would starve in the process, it was decided by all of you to be at a local café instead.
now, you and your groupmates managed to get it done before eight o'clock in the evening. you were indeed thankful it ended not too late, and you know it's because of having to be aligned with them—responsible students like you yourself.
a yawn escaped your lips—causing your eyes to water—just after you ended putting back your things inside your bag, only leaving your phone on the table.
then you remember sending a message to your housemate about being home late today, telling him not to bother cooking you a share of dinner.
you picked up your phone and opened two unread messages from him which were sent two hours ago. it was an ‘alright, do your best.’ and a ‘take care on your way home.’ after.
a ghost of a smile was unmistakably felt on your lips. you cleared your throat and placed your phone back at the table.
i'll get going now, then.
when you got up on your chair, a café attendant also went to your table to clean up. she gave her thanks and told you to come back again in which you replied with a nod and a smile.
going down the stairs, you already made up your mind to walk straight towards the exit—not until your eyes glanced at the counter, and a certain dessert caught your attention.
“i'm home…” you announced in a low voice soon enough as you noticed the dim lights from the living room by the entryway while placing your shoes on the rack.
you silently made your way inside the apartment, a new sight greeting you. you stopped your tracks to double check the situation.
tsukishima kei is peacefully asleep in his pullover and black shorts. however, he was in a sitting position. his arms are crossed, resting on top of his knees close to his chest. he still had his glasses on and his lips rested on his wrist.
your eyes traveled to his surroundings where you saw books, a notebook, and a pen on the coffee table. was he studying here? but why, though? it was unusual since you were pretty sure he had a study area in his room in the first place.
don't tell me… no. you clearly dismissed the idea.
why would he wait for me? you thought.
you walked towards where he was, put down your things on the couch just right behind his figure, and kneeled beside him. doing so, you now have a closer look on his sleeping face.
he looked like he had dozed off for a while, maybe at least twenty minutes or so. he also looked serene, but i'm just as sure his sleeping position would give him body cramps after.
so it was obvious you needed to wake him up.
you closed the distance between the two of you a bit. as you were about to reach out for his arm, your peripheral vision landed on the coffee table—the light from a phone screen taking away your attention.
out of curiosity, you give in and divert your gaze. your eyebrows furrowed as you realize your conversation in the messages app is open.
but why, though? was he expecting a reply?
your eyes stared a bit more, until it wandered to the upper part of the screen where you saw the contact name written. it was just an emoji but it profusely had your face heat up as you realized.
strawberry shortcake.
you inhaled as you felt the fasting thump of your chest. turning your gaze away from the table made your eyes back on the sleeping blonde guy which had you startled how close your faces were.
goodness, you were confused, yes. and it was accompanied by rosy cheeks and a fast heartbeat.
you cleared your throat and tried your best to calm your rattled insides. exhaling one last time, a shaky hand of yours reached out to the hem of your housemate's pullover cuffs.
“kei…” you called in a calm manner. “wake up…”
of course, as expected, it wasn't effective enough. so you proceeded to shake his forearm a bit, carefully calling him by his name again.
“what are you doing here?” you asked when he already moved and started waking up. “you always study in your room,” you point out.
“i was waiting for you…” the sound of his voice was groggy and hoarse from sleeping, and it was noticeable how his thoughts were still hazy.
why would tsukishima kei wait for me? you then thought for the second time.
and as you expected to be a panic mess, you surprisingly weren't. instead, a chuckle escapes your lips seeing the adorable face tsukishima kei is unconsciously making right now.
his eyelids are threatening to close from time to time, making you purse out your lips to prevent yourself from smiling further.
knowing that he won't be back to sleep despite his actions, you slowly got up on your feet. yet before you go to your own room, you got a hold of the dessert you bought from the café a while ago.
the sliced strawberry shortcake you brought home for tsukishima kei was placed in a cake slice clear container with a cute disposable fork.
without a word, you placed the cake just beside his still lit phone screen. then you took your bag and went to your room.
you didn't hear a single syllable from him even after you were done with your night routine, preparing to sleep. and before you drift off to dreamland, you purposely sent him a message.
from: 🍰
goodnight :) 🍰
what you didn't know was when tsukishima kei is slowly eating the strawberry shortcake you gave him, he received your latest message that made him realize that you possibly saw your contact name he set on his phone.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
housemates with karasuno
okay this is so fucking long because i love karasuno so much i’d get up to a million antics with them
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how you ended up living with them: 
you were probably friends with the entire volleyball team in high school since you were one of the three (cute) managers so when they all suggested living together you were like ‘sure why not? how bad could it be?’
honestly this is so unrealistic but we’re enjoying ourselves aren’t we? 
since there are so many of you in one single house there are probably like 3 to 4 people in a single room
the original room arrangement was that the first-years and second-years would be in separate rooms but ennoshita was like ‘no way are you putting me in the same room as noya and tanaka i will die’
so you, ennoshita, yamaguchi, and tsukishima are all in another room (the second-most peaceful room in the house)
daichi, sugawara, and asahi are all together in another room because they’re pretty tight
and hinata, kageyama, along with tanaka and noya share twin bunk beds in the fourth room
now let’s get into living with this chaotic bunch:
daichi is undoubtedly the head of household. at first he didn’t want to have to manage that on top of everything else but one night he was making a chart for chores (along with small stickers of everyone’s faces) and finally accepted that he was in charge of the house
he’s def the type to manipulate the chore chart just a little bit. if tanaka or noya managed to piss him off, daichi will just slide their face under ‘dish duty’ and they’re none the wiser
at first he feels terrible but then tanaka and noya accidentally break a window and daichi just thinks that maybe authoritarianism isn’t so bad after all
jk guys authoritarianism is bad down with the government
you, on the other hand, know very well what daichi is doing but instead of tattling you just appeal to his good side and before you know it, you haven’t done any chores for an entire year
when the clock hits four, its cut fruit time and there are different fruits for every day and asahi just brings up plates of nice cut fruit for everyone
you kind of wonder if asahi ever gets tired of slicing fruit for EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE until you see him split open a pineapple with his bare hands
also he has such a huge closet but if you want a snazzy outfit all you have to do is knock on his shared room and he’ll whip one up for you
okay you guys are probably thinking that sugawara is the mom of the household but unfortunately he is a gemini and therefore even satan fears him
suga’s the one who cooks for everyone but when he’s in the kitchen you had better stay away because he gets intTENSE. he probably uses this big ass knife
potholders? suga doesn’t know her. he uses his bare hands to get trays and stuff out of the oven. just watching him cook stresses you out so nobody watches him cook
but his cuisine is exquisite nobody has complaints
i feel like their room probably has a fuck ton of snacks with asahi’s fruit-cutting, suga’s cooking skills and i bet daichi has a stash of snacks that he keeps from noya and tanaka (it’s under his mattress, that’s why his back hurts)
you, ennoshita, tsukishima, and yamaguchi have by far the cleanest room though (just slightly cleaner than the third-years’ room because they have snack wrappers) and your roommates are all workaholics
your room is pretty much ‘bookshelves and studyblr aesthetic’ except for ennoshita’s CPR doll that stays in a corner of the room looking creepy and out of place but you don’t have a closet to put it in
yamaguchi swears that it’s haunted because it changes positions every time he wakes up in the morning and he keeps trying to convince his roommates about it
little does he know tsukki and ennoshita like to move the CPR doll around to scare him because they’re like that
tbh you are not a fan of the CPR doll either but that doesn’t mean you won’t play with it by dressing it up 
these three are such workaholics that there’s literally only one person asleep there at a time and you like studying there because of the Intense Productive Energy
they even have their own espresso machine and a minifridge full of Red Bull
tsukki is the best at waking you up he’ll literally grip your shoulders and shake you or spray you with water
you can tell he enjoys it and you hate it so much but it does get your papers going
the one thing about this group is that they forget this little thing called ‘self-care’ because they work all the time (well except for yamaguchi who knows how to put on a sheet mask once in a while)
that means you’ll sometimes be knocking on their door with some of asahi’s Sliced Fruit or some instant ramen you whipped up yourself
ennoshita also has a habit of passing out in random places so it takes you and yamaguchi to haul him up to his bed
you also use this opportunity to tuck in his CPR doll next to him in bed because why not?
the chaotic, noisy members of the household are all relegated to one room for the good of the entire house and its downstairs where the walls are thick
these guys are the bunk-bed sharing kind of people but they kind of just switch beds depending on how they feel like it
tanaka: hey dude, is it ok if i top for tonight?
noya: oh yeah sure! no problem!
you: 👁👄👁
suga: they’re talking about bunk beds
hinata and kageyama like to play video games during their breaks but they only have one game and that’s Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
i have an obsession with naruto don’t @ me
that’s because they bought a playstation on craigslist and it came with one game and that was it
you like to play with them when you’re taking a break and kageyama’s always the one who loses and he gets so frustrated with himself that you let him win at times just so he feels good
hinata always uses hinata when he plays but he’s also the type to elbow kageyama or purposely swerve a hand in your face when he’s playing 
even though sugamama is in charge of the kitchen, noya and hinata do like to experiment with cooking from time to time and if daichi is in a good mood he’ll indulge them
they’ll even rope you in on their shenanigans and pretty soon you’re making a casserole out of pepperoni and cheetos just in time for sugawara to come in and see what happened to his kitchen
it usually ends with all of you guys just ordering pizza and you having to clean the kitchen with noya and hinata
house incident: ennoshita’s CPR doll that ACTUALLY MIGHT be haunted
okay i know that i already wrote about ennoshita’s cpr doll being not haunted and that tsukki and ennoshita just like to mess with it but IMAGINE IT ACTUALLY BEING HAUNTED
it starts out with yamaguchi getting mad at tsukki or ennoshita for putting the cpr doll in his bed while he was asleep and they were both like ‘no seriously we didn’t do it’
and you could vouch for them because you were the last one to fall asleep in your room and the CPR doll was way in ennoshita’s side of the room (yamaguchi believes you cause you’re the only person he trusts in the room)
you and yamaguchi begin to think that something strange is going on and like ‘is it just me or are those dead, plastic eyes somehow following my every move?’
it gets to the point that you have to turn the plastic doll around the face the wall when you’re studying
and then, you begin to notice that the doll is nearer to your bed when you wake up in the morning and again, neither tsukishima nor ennoshita touched it
because of this you now stay over at daichi, asahi, and sugawara’s room because you’re so creeped out by the doll and also because they have snacks
and then an Incident happens wherein noya and tanaka, who are both doing a first-aid class, decide to secretly use the doll while no one is around at home
although noya and tanaka trying to practice cpr by themselves is hilarious
just visualize tanaka trying to administer cpr while dueting ‘staying alive’ with noya
they both take a break and turn away from the doll for one second only to see it standing upright when they turn right back
tanaka: that doll just moved on its own, right?
noya: yeah, pretty much
that’s when you and yamaguchi come home and see the cpr doll with tanaka and noya looking very afraid
you: the doll’s haunted isn’t it?
yamaguchi: I KNEW IT !!
daichi comes home to the four of you trying to dispose of the doll by fitting it into a box and gets mad at everyone because you can’t just do that to ennoshita’s stuff
but then he sees all of you looking clearly in distress and decides to call for a house meeting about ennoshita’s haunted doll
asahi brings sliced fruit
tsukishima and kageyama very firmly talk about how it’s not possible which is weird because it’s something they agree on for once
daichi: well, where did you get this doll, ennoshita? ennoshita: i got it for cheap at an old antique store. the owner was super intent to get rid of it so i bought it
you, tanaka, yamaguchi, and noya: 👁👄👁
daichi: even i don’t believe in ghosts but damn ennoshita what were you thinking?
and then sugawara who has been eerily quiet this entire time brings out a ouija board and goes ‘LET’S EXORCISE THIS BITCH’
a few minutes later you all are set up in the living room with candles, the ouija board, and the cpr doll
tsukishima’s just there to livestream everything (STORYTIME: my dumb housemates think this doll is haunted)
you, sugawara, and hinata are in charge of the seance (hinata ironically drew the shortest straw and was forced to participate)
sugawara: spirit of the cpr doll, what is your name?
the triangle piece on the board starts moving, you are looking at your friends in shock, asahi has fainted. the triangle piece stops at the word ‘yes’
you: oh my god this ghost is an idiot
daichi: all in favor of getting rid of this doll?
everyone except ennoshita raises their hands
sugawara is already on the phone with the current owners of the warren museum
you: why do you have their number memorized?
sugawara: ,,, reasons
the cpr doll is picked up the next day. kageyama pokes at the doll and goes ‘you’re just a doll, cpr doll. you can’t do anything’. asahi feels sorry that it’s gonna be displayed naked in the museum and gives the doll a little fedora hat
also ennoshita is compensated for the doll and now has enough money to buy AN ACTUAL, LEGIT CPR DOLL from AN ACTUAL, LEGIT CPR DOLL FACTORY
you and yamaguchi still hate it
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan @therainroguefanfiction @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh @charliefredb @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love
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newronantic · 3 years
so this is mostly gonna be for myself to keep track of my favorite fics i’ve read, but hey if anyone else wants to check some of these out then thats great
MHA one is up!!
ill keep updating this as i read more, feel free to send me suggestions!
plain as day - emleewrites
In which Hinata has spent the better part of the last twenty years putting his heart and soul into volleyball, hoping to be recognised, to be noticed. And yet he spends all these years also thinking of himself as rather plain, beyond his lack of height and bright hair, and not really noticeable at all.
In Transit - Mysecretfanmoments
Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn't mean anything--probably. Maybe.
I like the way your clothes smell - Mysecretfanmoments
Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.
Chaotic Neutral - akaraka
Who's this Kageyama person on twitter and is he gay?
1: Anonymous: see title
2: Anonymous: curry king
3: Anonymous >> 1: It's the curry king, obviously. Have you been using his memes this whole time without knowing who he was?
4: Anonymous: 1) Hinata Shouyou's boyfriend 2) See above
jellyfish - mysterytwin
At the beginning of his last year at Karasuno High School, Hinata Shouyou starts a list and calls it THINGS TO DO BEFORE GRADUATION, all with high hopes that he’ll be able to complete it before his time runs out.
Try This On For Size - CloudMonsta
A lot changed for Yamaguchi Tadashi over the course of high school. He started trying on dresses, for one.
The Great Yamaguchi-Tsukishima Split (Capitalization Necessary) - WyYeuw
"But no, the current situation isn’t normal. This situation requires the full attention of the team.
No, what’s really concerning this time around, is that Yamaguchi is the one ignoring Tsukishima.”
Yamaguchi confesses. Tsukishima fucks up—like, really fucks up. The volleyball club notices and loses a week’s worth of practice.
Terrarium - sausaged
He's practically a professional at being proactive (lies, lies, and lies when it comes to Iwaizumi).
At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?
Can he really tag his Instagram photos with #YOLO if he doesn't actually put that phrase into practice?
A story about Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, plants, and rocks.
They Say it Rain Diamonds on Jupiter - exsao
"You're in love with him."
Hajime considers denying it. He considers deliberately choking on his drink to express surprise, to create a distraction by spitting onto the man in front of him's pristine white shirt and causing a commotion. Instead, he swallows his mouthful of soda and heaves a small sigh once his mouth is free.
"Yeah," he says instead.
He's never been good at lying, anyway.
bait and switch - Stylographic_Blue_Rhapsody
Oikawa's university volleyball team knows he's in a long-distance relationship with someone from high school. They imagine a sweet-faced girl that matches his sarcasm with patience. They are so incredibly wrong.
my heart is where it’s always been - foreverautumn
Iwaizumi places his phone down carefully.
Oikawa. Pining after someone. There’s no way.
(Iwaizumi knows he shouldn’t care who Oikawa might have feelings for, but within the span of three days, it’s somehow the only thing he can think about.)
Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life - todxrxki
Kuroo Tetsurou runs a private Twitter account where he's constantly tweeting about how desperately in love he is with Kozume Kenma. Little does he know that Kenma sees all the tweets and keeps referencing the account in an attempt to get Kuroo to confess to him. / Or, five times Kuroo didn't notice Kenma hinting about his private Twitter account, and one time he finally did.
the things that get caught in the valves of his heart - ghostpot
Emotional competency is not exactly Kuroo's strong suit. Kenma finds it quite amusing.
Accidentally In Love - todxrxki
Kuroo frowns, but then slowly, the corners of his mouth lift up into a smirk. "Well, if it's so unbelievable, why don't we give it a try?"
Kenma glances up at him curiously. "What do you mean?"
"Let's do the 36 questions to fall in love," Kuroo says, still smirking stupidly. "If we don't fall in love, then you're right, it's bullshit. But if we do somehow..." Kuroo waggles his eyebrows. "Then I win." / Kuroo decides he and Kenma should do the 36 questions to fall in love as a joke, but they both start to realize they might actually be in love already.
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) - cosmogony
TW: major character death
Kuroken AU where the last words your soulmate will say to you appear on your skin when you turn 16, and how Kenma and Kuroo learn what this means over the course of their lives
even if you’re ahead for a bit, i will catch up - ghostpot
Kuroo first confesses when they're sticky-fingered, wide-eyed kids, and subsequently every day after that. Kenma takes a while to come around.
you’re the brake lines failing (as my car swerves off the freeway) - ghostpot
Kenma thinks that Kuroo looks ugly with his head bent against the arm of the couch like that. Then Kenma thinks that he wants to marry him, and is promptly thrown into the 5 stages of grief.
teach me the way home - icespyders
“Don’t go far off, not even for a day, because —
because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.”
Kuroo and Kenma grow up in transit.
in this universe - crossbelladonna
Living with Kuroo is sometimes, just like this. It always feels surreal like he's living half a world and a lot of things rush by too quickly. Kenma feels like he'd watched him come and go in a blink, eyes wide and wordless as the shared space went snug in an instant and far larger in the next.
All this, and a glass of water.
Beginning’s End - todxrxki
Somehow over the course of Kenma's lifetime, he’s never really had an opportunity to miss Kuroo. He’s always been there. Even when they went to different schools, Kuroo would meet him afterwards so they could walk home together, shoulders brushing, Kuroo occasionally taking the opportunity to guide him when his nose was buried in the newest video game. The thought of Kuroo not being there anymore is uncomfortable, to say the least. / Kozume Kenma's third year and the changes the year brings in himself and his relationship with Kuroo Tetsurou.
All I Want for Christmas is You - todxrxki
“Kuro,” he says. “You’re a single guy.”
“Yeah, great, thanks for pointing that out.”
“And my parents already know you, plus they already know you like guys or whatever so… what if you pretended to be my date for Christmas dinner?” / In which Kenma recruits his housemate and best friend Kuroo to be his fake date for Christmas.
just to miss the sun - rosevtea
Everything begins to implode when MSBY Jackals outside hitter Bokuto Koutarou crashes Akaashi's livestream.
Operation BokuAka - kazzydolyn
After spending two whole years watching Bokuto and Akaashi pine for one another, the rest of the Fukuroudani Volleyball Club has had enough. When everyone meets up for a reunion dinner, the team decides to play matchmaker and finally get the two of them together. Unfortunately, their plan starts to fall apart when they discover that Akaashi is already dating someone. And apparently so is Bokuto. What a strange coincidence.
bitter - silvercistern
He accepted his classmate's chocolates gracefully, then declared his lack of interest with as much dignity as he could muster. She deserved the courtesy. At least she'd acknowledged that Valentine's Day was all about her, and not about him in the slightest.
Because if any of these girls had taken the time to actually get to know him, they’d quickly realize something even more important than his lack of interest in girls.
And that was that Akaashi hated sweets.
In Another Life - LittleLuxray
TW: major character death
Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.
The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write.
120% yes - pissedofsandwich
in reply to @bokkun_official 
Congratulations! In celebration of your historic engagement, please DM us so we can send you a free membership code with a 25% discount on every fourth purchase!
Kissing Ace - karasunovolleygays
It happens right after training camp.
Akaashi Keiji has a secret he has guarded since he was a child. He won’t go so far as to call it a fear, but more of an aspect of himself of which he is horribly mortified. No one on the team knows about it, and Akaashi does his best to keep it that way.
But years of dodging hugs and casual contact come to naught in the blink of an eye and the swipe of a hand.
daisy rings and frivolous things (i am deliriously in love with you) - gabstar
Akaashi Keiji is in love. Bokuto Koutarou is a star. Everyone on Fukurodani has a gambling problem.
The MSBY Black Jackals Read Thirst Tweets - isaksara (syailendra)
Sakusa’s eyes are very dark naturally, sucking in all surrounding rays of light and crushing them in his pupils. For an athlete, he is rather pale. His lips look very pink in comparison. Atsumu is suddenly catastrophically aware that in this instance, ‘accent’ is a euphemism. “Good enough for your Olympic-size ego, Miya?”
(In which Atsumu realizes that he is attracted to Sakusa Kiyoomi in the most inconvenient way possible.)
A Liar’s Truth - internetpistol
In which Sakusa Kiyoomi is raised to believe that gay people go to hell but then takes one look at Miya Atsumu and thinks, then why the hell did God make them so fucking hot?
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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Hogwarts x Haikyuu AU
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pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x f! reader 
genre: angst / fluff
warnings: a series of misunderstandings
wc: 2.3k
m.list. ~ taglist. ~
a/n: back by popular demand, another installment of the hogwarts x haikyuu fluff series featuring the Gryffindor quidditch team and one exceedingly persistent Iwaizumi Hajime. you may want to read the installment featuring one very smug Slytherin beater Kuroo Tetsuro (here) to appreciate the first scene in this story. 
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“What are we doing here, Iwaizumi?” 
He’d grabbed your hand on a hogsmeade weekend, asking if you had any plans. You lied, crossing your fingers behind your back, telling him you hadn’t. So you find yourself seated opposite him in Madam Puddifoot’s, smothered by pink and white frills, surrounded by porcelain teaware.
By all appearances, it looks like a date. It should be a date. 
But it isn’t. 
Instead of chatting with you, he looks distinctly out of place amidst the swarm of happy couples with a scowl on his face, tapping his fingers so aggressively you fear for the survival of any crockery on the table. 
“I needed to check up on someone”, he tells you half apologetically. You follow his line of vision.  
Kuroo Tetsurou - Slytherin beater, top potions student, is seated cozily with Iwaizumi’s junior on the Gryffindor quidditch team. You heard of the infamous bet between them, you’re surprised if anyone in Hogwarts doesn’t know of it given the ruckus that followed when Kuroo swaggered up to the Gryffindor team to wager the fate of his hair for a date with their substitute chaser (the sole girl on the team).
“I see”, you murmur, twisting the lace napkin in your fingers. “I shouldn’t have assumed otherwise.”
Iwaizumi frowns, finally turning to look at you.   
“Huh? What d’you mean - I thought you wouldn’t mind since you’ve always been a good friend - ”
You catch a glimpse of a dark head of hair moving towards the door from the corner of your eye. 
“They’re leaving. You should follow them”, you interrupt his stuttering with a wide smile that hurts your cheeks. Iwaizumi halts his incoherent flurry of excuses, only sparing you a glance before grabbing the bill and dashing off in the general direction of Kuroo. 
You purse your lips to keep them from trembling. 
You should’ve known that he wouldn’t be interested in you. Not when he’s so painfully attractive (especially when Oikawa and/or the Slytherin team aren’t around to knit his brows into a frown), so much so that his bloody biceps have their own fanclub. Not when he’s so laser focused on quidditch and his studies and his teammates and his friends, running flying tutorials for the younger students, keeping Tanaka and Nishinoya and Hinata and Yaku from blowing up Gryffindor tower or running afoul of the professors.
It’s your fault for assuming, for hoping, for wishing that Iwaizumi Hajime, your housemate of 6 years, longtime charms partner and the boy you’ve harboured a huge crush on for the past year and a half - might return your feelings after all. 
You should have known. You’re not winsome. Why would you ever win him? 
Wishing otherwise only ruins the heart. 
So you trudge back to school alone in the snow, skirting past the Gryffindor team who seem to be in some sort of an uproar, only allowing yourself to cry when you’ve drawn the curtains on your four poster bed to make sure you’re alone. 
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It is not terribly difficult to avoid Iwaizumi Hajime for the next couple of days, at least until charms class rolls around. You’ve sat next to him ever since you were both first years, when his voice hadn’t broken and you were still taller than him. That’s how your friendship blossomed, but you haven’t worked up the courage to face him just yet. 
So you choose to displace Daichi by stealing his usual seat next to Sugawara, pointedly ignoring the furrow in Iwaizumi’s brow and the confused looks he tosses at you until you flee back to your dorm after class. 
You’re being dramatic, you know. But you figure the best way of getting over Iwaizumi Hajime is to cut him out of your life, at least for now. 
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You turn to stare at Oikawa Tooru, captain of the Slytherin team, a classmate you’ve maybe exchanged less than ten words with in your entire Hogwarts career. 
He’s probably shouting at someone else. 
Nope. He’s definitely referring to you. 
You curse your parents for your laughably short legs when Oikawa effortlessly catches up to you in the hallway, pulling you into an empty classroom heedless to your protests. 
“I have a name, you know?” you snarl, snatching your wrist back. 
“You Gryffindors are always so fun to tease!” Oikawa lilts, head tilted to look down towards you. “Don’t be grumpy like Iwa-chan” - his eyes gleam when your lips tighten - “oh did I hit a nerve? Heard you’ve been ignoring him for a few days now.”
“It’s really none of your business”, you inform him pertly, inching towards the door. 
“No, it isn’t”, he agrees easily, with a smile you instantly distrust. “But I have a proposition for you.”
Curiosity kills Mrs Norris. It is no different for you. 
“What?” you ask, fingers already grasping your wand, ready to curse him at the first sign of trouble. “What do you want from me?”
“So prickly, just like Iwa-chan - no wonder you’re friends”, Oikawa teases, holding his hands up to placate you when you brandish your wand at him. 
“Speak or I’m leaving.”
“Okay, okay. Sheesh. You know - if you really wanted Iwa-chan’s attention, you should go on a date with me. That’ll show him.”
You stare at him. You’re not even aware that your jaw hangs open and your eyes bug out inelegantly. 
“What!” he cries, pressing a hand to his chest. “I’m doing this out of the goodness of my heart to get my best friend a girl he deserves.”
You gather yourself, narrowing your eyes at him. “What’s in it for you?” 
“Well - you could sit on the Slytherin stands and cheer for my team, that’ll distract Iwa-chan to no end”
“Go to hell, Oikawa”, you tell him flatly. “Go to hell.”
You slam the door behind you. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime springs to his feet the minute you step foot into the common room. You nod jerkily to acknowledge his greeting but you walk right past him, heading straight for the girls’ dorm. 
“Can we talk?” he calls after you when you’re already halfway up the flight of stairs. 
You pretend you don’t hear him. You think that should deter him, but Iwaizumi Hajime is persistence personified, so you really shouldn’t have been surprised when Akane Yamamoto comes barrelling into your room yelling that the Gryffindor quidditch team is determined to breach the centuries old magical barriers barring boys from entering the girls’ dorms. 
“What the hell is going on?” You hear Daichi thunder when you peer over the bannister. 
Yaku, Hinata, Tanaka, Yamamoto and Nishinoya are all dogpiled onto the staircase - now a steep slope, cheering Iwaizumi as he clambers on their backs, face set in determination. You giggle despite yourself as you watch Daichi flail in confusion when he notices his otherwise trustworthy vice captain in the thick of this mayhem. 
“He’s boldly going where no man has gone before” Yaku tells Daichi approvingly from the bottom of the pile. 
“Charting new frontiers!” Hinata pipes up, though he immediately cringes when Daichi turns the full force of his glare on him. 
“To infinity and beyond!” Tanaka and Nishinoya whoop.  
“This has gone on ENOUGH!” Daichi roars, and the enchanted staircase clearly agrees with him, because with an echoing creak that eerily resembles a blech, the smooth wood of the slope ripples, rolling the entire Gryffindor quidditch team (sans Daichi, of course) into a pile on the common room floor. 
Even though the rest of his teammates are complaining laughingly and railing against the antiquated enchantments, Iwaizumi continues to stare stubbornly at you. 
It’s not over, his intense gaze promises you. 
You shake your head, heading back to the safety of your room. 
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Your window rattles. The wind howls. 
You shrug it away as a particularly violent storm, burrowing deeper into your nest of blankets. 
Then you hear a loud crack. 
“We’re under attack!!!” you hear one of your roommates shriek before fleeing the room. 
The sorting hat must’ve made a mistake with her, you mutter under your breath, grabbing your wand before stomping towards the window. You yank the curtains back. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you sheepishly through the glass, pebbles in hand, hanging on to his broomstick in the gale for dear life. 
“Are you crazy?” you shriek. “Have you lost your mind?” 
“You weren’t talking to me”, he mouths, forehead creased in frustration. “I want to know what’s wrong.” 
Never mind your other idiot roommates cooing in the background at how impossibly romantic the entire situation is. He’s never once looked at you with any ounce of romantic interest, which is fine, really, you’ll get over that, but he’s making it so much harder by badgering you incessantly. You want him to leave you the hell alone, so you can lick your wounds in peace and mope to your heart’s content. 
“Get lost!” 
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
You’re about to rip your hair out from frustration. 
“Fine. Meet me in the common room then”, you mouth back, hands on hips, looking decidedly annoyed. Iwaizumi doesn’t even pretend to look fazed, grinning at you as he speeds off. 
You trudge down the staircase, waiting until he tumbles into the common room, broomstick still in hand. There are far too many eavesdropping ears in the common room, and you have no wish to embarrass yourself more than he has already, so you march him to his dorm. 
Daichi and Yaku watch with wide eyes as Iwaizumi meekly follows your order to strip off his wet robes and get into dry ones now - or serve him right for catching his death from a cold. Then with a sharp muffiliato, you draw the curtains, shielding yourself from any prying eyes.
“What can I say to get you to leave. me. alone?” you ground out. 
“Why don’t you tell me why you want me to leave you alone”, Iwaizumi replies, painfully earnest as he inches closer towards you. “Cos to me it seemed to me you just got mad with me right after Hogsmeade and I really don’t know what I did wrong. And even though Shittykawa kind of told me I’m a fool for not knowing what happened - maybe you’d want to tell me yourself?” 
“You didn’t do anything wrong”, you inform the godzilla toy sitting on the bottom of the bed (courtesy of his muggle mother, he told you once). 
“Was it because I left you at Madam Puddifoot’s? I was worried about my teammate and thought Kuroo was up to no good, but it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t have left you to walk back alone.”
“It’s not that either”, you murmur, even though that memory stings. “It’s not you, Iwaizumi.” 
“Really? I’m having a hard time believing that given the lengths you’ve gone to avoid me.” 
“Really,” you emphasise, still refusing to meet his eyes. But you know he’s not convinced and you owe him an explanation, if only to get him off your back so you swallow nervously, take a deep breath and -  
“I just - I just really need to get over you.”
“Wha - What d’you mean, get over me? I don’t get it - ” 
Your temper flares up. 
Iwaizumi Hajime stares at you, open mouthed. You itch to reach out and shut his mouth for him, but you barrel on to the bitter end - 
“Do I have to spell out everything for you?” you snarl like a cornered animal, frantically gathering up the remnant shreds of your dignity to piece it together into a makeshift shield.
“I like you, okay? I like you, Iwaizumi Hajime, and I got so ridiculously excited when you asked me to Hogsmeade that I didn’t realise you were only asking me as a friend. “ 
“I’ve liked you for so long that I need time to get over you, okay? Can’t you even give me that?” 
The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop in the room. 
This is embarrassing, you think to yourself. This is embarrassing, and you shouldn’t need to put yourself through further humiliation by waiting for him to turn you down again. 
So you reach out to tug the curtains to make a hasty escape when Iwaizumi’s arm shoots out to grab your wrist. 
“I don’t want you to get over me.”
“I said, I don’t want you to get over me”, Iwaizumi mutters, his ears turning so red you’re surprised his hair hasn’t caught fire yet.  
“Why not?” It’s your turn to make him squirm. 
“Because I like you too, okay? I didn’t - I didn’t really figure it out until you stopped talking to me and I missed you so much I swear on Merlin’s balls I was willing to try even the stupidest suggestions from my idiot teammates - “ 
“I could tell”, you interject dryly and he chuckles, cheeks bright pink. 
“Daichi was not pleased, let me tell you that”, he admits with a twinkle in his usually serious eyes. 
“But it’s worth it. You’re worth every bit of it.”
“Really?” you breathe. “You really, really like me?”
“Really” he says firmly, lacing his fingers with yours. “I really, really like you.”
“We’re a pair of fools then”, you say and he laughs aloud, a glorious sound you’ll never grow sick of.
“You both really, really are”, Yaku calls from the other side of the room. 
You both stiffen. You don’t even realise your conversation has stretched long enough for your hastily cast muffiliato charm to wear off. Now you can even hear Daichi trying to shush his irrepressible teammate muttering about ungodly six am practices that he’s not going to get enough sleep for if his idiot vice captain doesn’t get his love life in order soon. 
“We’ll talk more tomorrow”, he whispers, breath warm against your cheek.
“I’m looking forward to tomorrow then”, you whisper back, your heart fluttering in your chest as he escorts you back to the foot of the staircase to the girls’ dorm, chivalrously refusing to turn away until you step into your room. 
You fall into bed, a giddy smile on your face. The foolish wish your heart made has come true. 
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Miya Atsumu (Slytherin).~  Miya Osamu (Slytherin).~ Kita Shinsuke.  (Ravenclaw)~ Kuroo Tetsuro. (Slytherin) ~  Bokuto Koutarou. (Hufflepuff)~  Sakusa Kiyoomi. (Ravenclaw) ~
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isamijoo · 2 years
Isami's 2021 Fest Round-up.
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Hello, everyone! So, 2021 is over. It’s 2022. As an appreciation for myself (lmao), I’m doing a round-up post for all the fics I wrote for fests that were posted in 2021. I actually wrote for 7 fests last year, but the last one was posted in 2022, and I want my banner to be balanced, so only 6 fics are featured on this round-up post! Time for me to go back down memory lane!
1. Fest: @drarrystrugglefest
Title: Nobody Else
Rating: M
Word Count: 12110
Summary: Thanks to an unfortunate exposure to spattergroit spores during a case, Auror Partners Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have to be placed under quarantine in a safehouse for two weeks, together.
What It’s About/Notes: My first fest ever! Tropes: Auror partners, sharing one bed. Trigger warning: may remind you of the current pandemic.
2. Fest: @hd-wireless
Title: Sun and Rain
Rating: M, for implied sex, cursing
Word Count: 4739
Summary: Draco Malfoy thinks that being in a relationship with Harry Potter is anything but easy, but then again, what's the sun without the rain?
What It’s About/Notes: Getting Together, then ‘break up’, then Get Back Together. Draco’s parents are super supportive in this.
3. Fest: @quidditchfest
Title: Love Shot
Rating: T
Word Count: 16022
Summary: Harry and Draco meet on the first day of university. Harry has his eyes on the basketball player, while Draco thinks there's nothing exciting about the volleyball Harry plays.
What It’s About/Notes: University Sports AU! Watch me take inspirations from Slam Dunk, Kuroko no Basket, and Haikyuu and toss them into a cute Drarry Getting Together fic!
(the image in the banner is created by @aceveria-art)
4. Fest: @hpfluff-fest
Title: Going Dumb
Rating: T
Word Count: 6100
Summary: Harry plans to confess his feelings to Draco, but the Potions Professor has gotten a cold. To make matters worse, an unfortunate reaction to a potion causes Draco to need to hug Harry all the time, and he becomes an “emotional, cuddly sap, and his brain-to-mouth filter vanishes”.
What It’s About/Notes: Basically, what the summary says. Hogwarts Professors. Sharing A Bed. Getting Together.
(banner made by @corvuscrowned)
5. Fest: @hd-fan-fair
Title: The Curse Slayer
Rating: M
Word Count: 36800
Summary: Harry Potter is the first and only Curse Breaker in the world capable of killing Curse Demons, which are condensed forms of Dark Magic that manifest as monsters. Because of this, he is called the Curse Slayer. On his first night back in England after eight months away, Harry finds himself reunited with Draco Malfoy, who is now trapped in Malfoy Manor as a result of an ancient curse placed on the last heir of the family.
What It’s About/Notes: This is what happens when I combine my two favourite boy heroes (Tanjiro from Demon Slayer & Harry Potter). No creatures were hurt in the making of this fic.
(image in the banner created by @elyonblackstar)
6. Fest: @hdsudsfest
Title: My Darling, My Everything
Rating: E
Word Count: 6000
Summary: Healer Draco Malfoy isn’t sure what is going on between him and his housemate Auror Harry Potter, but he isn’t asking any questions, until Harry returns after a couple of days away and now they have to talk about it. About them.
What It’s About/Notes: Basically Drarry become housemates and figure shit out while in the bath together. Stuff happens in between but Draco doesn’t know what. My first time writing this pairing in first person and I swear it’s kinda good? XD
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toorurot · 3 years
haikyuu fic recs
—because I Can No Longer Hold In my love for these
— tw // light nsfw, mild smut
— body worship & fluff !!! sm fluff !!
i want us (all strings attached)
— tw // light nsfw, mild smut
— tobio nd koushi defining their relationship
— fluff !!! also koushi is a teacher !!!!! Aaaaaaaa
melt me with your gaze
— iwaizumi has a gay panic bc oikawa in glasses !!!!!
from your mortal enemy (with love)
— oikawa hates baseball captain iwaizumi who has the hots for him
— oikawa is also very much gay for him
inside, this place is warm
— oikawa is coming to terms with the fact that iwaizumi hajime is his boyfriend
— fluff sm fluff !!
old times' sake
— iwaoi fake dating bc they didnt tell their parents that they broke up 3 years ago ....
lips like sugar
— iwaizumi gets kissing lessons from oikawa
we can do better than that
— iwaoi roadtrip au i never knew i needed
darlin', your head's not right
— oikawa wont stop making fun of iwaizumi's childhood promise to marry him
promise me
— hospital au
— in another life tsukkiyama version
— pain so much pain
tonight and forever
— tadashi holding kei close
— fluff !!! im so soft for them
um others ??? idk
nights with you - daisuga
— just daichi, suga, the night sky, nd fluff . sm fluff
rosy with you - atsuhina
— atsuhina on the rooftop !!!! sobs they r so cute
in another life - bokuaka
— bokuaka hospital au
— PAIN OH MY GOD :((((
nikon d3500 - miwalisa
— miwa falls for her housemate's friend
— miwalisa supremacy pls im love them ! go gays!
new love in old places - osaaka
— akaashi loves onigiri :D
— slow burn ish ???
— ngl this fic roped me into shipping osaaka
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woeisme-iamwoe · 3 years
an absolutely massive Haikyuu!! fic rec pt. 2
IwaOi this time around. My favorite ship. The world’s favorite ship...there’s so many
Undecipherable, by ioo (4k. G. canonverse)
 I’m pretty sure the author meant ‘indecipherable’, nevertheless! I am appalled that this work doesnt have more hits. Y'all are sleeping on it and that's not okay. 
The sound of the door slamming against the wall has Hajime startling back to the present. He looks at the source of the disturbance and finds himself face to face with Oikawa, red in the face with breathlessness and a leather-bound notebook tightly clutched in both of this hands. When he spots Hajime, he makes a beeline for the bench and slaps it down right next to him.
"Koi no yokan," he says. "The sense one can have upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love."
 primavera, by tothemoon (8k. T. canonverse)
All of tothemoon’s works read so beautifully 
They say it takes twenty-six years, for certain breeds to fully bloom. 
Learning to Walk (So That We Can Run), by ricekrispyjoints (27k. M. canon-divergence)
I've read this work so many times. Like, so many times and I’ve never tired from it. Gorgeous. The shift from friendship to romance felt so natural, love it. 
"I'm not healing like I should be."
In his second year of university, physical therapy just isn't cutting it. Oikawa's knee is getting worse, and he can't hide it anymore.
Or: the light angst, project-your-own-life-experiences-on-Oikawa knee surgery fic you didn't know you wanted.
 Priorities, by weirdmilk (2k. T. canonverse)
Kissy, kissy. 
‘I just -’ Oikawa begins, ‘it might be difficult to get married, sometimes, I think.’ He chews on his lip.
Iwaizumi makes a questioning noise.
‘Ah,’ Oikawa says, and then, in a rush, ‘if I didn't want a wife at all - what then? If I said that to you. If I told you I can’t see it. Like - the wedding dress. The bride. I just can’t see it.’
Iwaizumi swallows again, his heart beating much faster than the conversation warrants. He wonders whether Oikawa can hear it. ‘You’re eighteen. You aren’t supposed to see it yet.’ He snorts. ‘I mean - if we’re sharing shit, I’ve never even kissed a girl.’ He doesn’t mind admitting it. It’s not something that bothers him - he’s never prioritised girls very highly, and despite Oikawa’s largely undeserved status as Miyagi’s most eligible teenage bachelor, he doesn’t think Oikawa has ever wanted a serious relationship with any of his fan club, either.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi can't sleep before their first practice match with Karasuno.
 Before Midnight, by fathomfive (2k. G. canonverse)
Reads like a fairytale. 
The sky turns, the seasons turn over, and Iwaizumi and Oikawa track the movements of the stars. Nothing is ever quite constant, but it's close enough.
The grass is stiff with frost. They walk in silence past the raked-over vegetable garden and up the back hill, footsteps crackling, and stand side-by-side at the top of an incline that used to seem much bigger. Iwaizumi glances over but Oikawa’s already gone, eyes searching the sky with no hint of hurry, just a kind of reverent patience.
 make a bet, keep a promise, by raewrites (13k. M. canonverse)
Bet still on. 
Sometimes, in still moments, Iwaizumi wonders why out of all the people on earth he ended up with Oikawa Tooru. Why it’s his face that lingers on his fading conscious in the last moments before he falls asleep, in the first blurry seconds upon waking up again. Why when he looks to his side, he expects Oikawa to be there in the same way he expects to see five fingers on both hands, a natural extension of himself, ever present.
Why he can’t imagine a future without Oikawa in it.
It begins with a bet made between the two boys in the mid-summer of their eighth year. It starts with volleyball, but like with most things involving Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime, things are never quite that simple.
 our hearts still beat the same, by knightswatch  
 two birds, by thelittlebirdthattoldyou (5k. T. canonverse)
Of heartbreaking letters and paper crane wishes. 
Five months into the term, two months after he’s stopped replying to Oikawa’s texts, the first package arrives. A small square box, wrapped in brown paper and tied with string, and Hajime almost trips over it on the way to his dorm.
There’s a letter attached.
Oikawa doesn’t know how many times he’ll have to put his feelings down on paper before Iwaizumi believes them. 
Through My Eyes, by anchoringsouls (2k. G. canonverse)
Okay! Okay, we were doing great with the soft, happy love up until the last part! That's great, just great!
“I think if you ever saw yourself through my eyes, you would fall in love with yourself the same way the way I did with you.” 
in time it could be ours, by deusreks (3k. T. canonverse)
Anyone wanna go back in time and make a time capsule with me only to dig it up years later and we’re actually in love?
Set post Seijou's match with Karasuno. There's a moderate amount of rolling in the dirt. No pajamas were hurt in the writing of this fic.
There, in their joint backyard, was Oikawa Tooru, clad in his silly luminescent space pajamas, digging a hole near a cherry tree.
“What the hell, Oikawa.”
Tooru stubbornly continued digging. He looked pitiful in that moment; everything that was grand about him in daylight was meaningless in the darkness. He was only a boy with a shovel whose broken heart mirrored Hajime’s own.
 we can do better than that, by spaceburgers (16k. M. canonverse)
Of course, of course, the IwaOi road trip fic. AnD thErE wAs ONly OnE bED!
Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn't go as expected, but maybe that's not such a bad thing after all. 
They Say it Rains Diamonds on Jupiter, by exsao (35k. T. canonverse)
I don't know, just gorgeous. Hajime’s so in love. 
"You're in love with him."
Hajime considers denying it. He considers deliberately choking on his drink to express surprise, to create a distraction by spitting onto the man in front of him's pristine white shirt and causing a commotion. Instead, he swallows his mouthful of soda and heaves a small sigh once his mouth is free.
"Yeah," he says instead.
He's never been good at lying, anyway.
 Midnight boys/sunset town, by carafin (10k words. T. Housemates AU):
The author says they played off of the fact that Oikawa oftentimes forgoes his sleep in order to work, and wrote it so that he doesn't sleep at all. This was so cute, kinda sad, mostly not. Love how Iwaizumi just goes along with whatever crazy stilch Oikawa is on. 
In which Iwaizumi Hajime grows a few chili plants, participates in an eating contest, breaks into a park, and falls in love with a man who doesn't ever sleep - not exactly in that order.
5 Reasons Why Iwaizumi Hajime's Flatmate Is A Complete Weirdo (An Incomplete List)
1. He's obsessed with that stupid bucket list of his.
2. He's the proud owner of seven truly ugly, criminally hideous movie posters with aliens on them, which he insists on pasting all over the damn living room.
3. He's always stealing Hajime's sweatshirts.
4. Sometimes, he wakes Hajime up for breakfast. At 5AM. On Saturday mornings.
5. He literally never, ever sleeps.
 The Best I Ever Had, by FindingSchmomo (62k words. T. Canon-divergent):
You’ve read it, your mum’s read it, your dog has probably read it (you really need to take facial recognition for him off your phone, he’s got some weird nighttime habits). So basically this fic caused me physical pain and then pumped me full of morphine and now I’m good! Beautiful read, hated Oikawa for a while, Iwaizumi is the only boy I would ever feel safe alone with. 
A story of separation and time lost. Oikawa and Iwaizumi lose contact, and life goes on. Now, a decade later and back in Japan, Oikawa wonders if he can pick the pieces back together, despite knowing Iwaizumi has moved on. A story of their past, present and future, pieced together by shaky hands.
 darlin', your head's not on right, by aruariandance (13k words. T. canonverse)
Again, I’m pretty sure anybody who's anybody has read this fic and for good reason! Super sweet realizing you're in love fic. Makes me reconsider wanting to get married. 
'“Our wedding,” Oikawa says by way of explanation, tapping his finger against his magazine more emphatically. “What colors should we use? Color scheme is important, apparently.”
Iwaizumi feels his lifespan shortening.
“I was thinking our Aoba johsai colors to go for more, you know, softer tones? Besides, I’ve always looked great in that sea foam green color. Oh, and I guess you look decent in it, too.” He grins, saccharine sweet, and Iwaizumi has never been so tempted to knock one of his perfect pearly white teeth right out of his stupid mouth."
Oikawa teases Iwaizumi about a childhood promise he made to marry him when they were older, except suddenly it's not really a joke at all.
 the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle, by kittebasu (66k. T. canon divergent)
Is this one of the most famous Iwaoi fic? I don’t know. Looks like it, I know it's my personal favorite. Where Oikawa studies bugs for a living and can’t seem to come to terms with his feelings. Very angsty, love that in a fic. 
Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
 Terrarium, by sausaged (11k. T. Post-canon)
Honestly, I’m so surprised this fic doesnt have more hits! It’s so good! Made me ache! I love the memories and character growth shown through the growing of the terrarium, absolutely adore that kind of symbolism. So beautiful, give it some love because it's one of my absolute favorites. 
He's practically a professional at being proactive (lies, lies, and lies when it comes to Iwaizumi).
At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?
Can he really tag his Instagram photos with #YOLO if he doesn't actually put that phrase into practice?
 A story about Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, plants, and rocks.
 Lips like sugar, by ohhotlamb (8k. T. canonverse)
Why did my childhood best friend never offer to help me practice kissing only for us to realize we were only interested in each other? I had a fake high school experience. 
Hajime is offered to learn the art of kissing from a true professional, one Oikawa Tooru. It's not as bad as he thought it would be.
 Falling Slowly, by bravely (commovente) (3k. T. canonverse)
So special, imagine loving one person, and one person only like this for the entirety of your life. This is getting too sappy, I want off of this ride. 
over the years, some things change; but over the years, some things stay mostly the same.
(alternatively, mornings with oikawa and iwaizumi over the years).
 No sleep in the city, by loveclouds (7k. T. canonverse)
Mass/volume = Iwaizumi, apparently. (Please. If anyone gets this absolutely horrific joke, lets elope).
Along their journey to find Tokyo's best ramen, Iwaizumi finds himself asked again and again why Oikawa is still single.
 Time, by surveycorpsjean (5k. E. canonverse)
Growing older together. 
When they're twenty-three, their story only begins.
 Everything With You, by Ellessey (14k. E. canonverse)
Came damn near to crying, you can just feel Iwaizumi’s pain. Fight scene was probably the most emotion evoking one I’ve read in a long while. 
‘Hajime still loves Oikawa, but he understands now. Oikawa can't look at him and see someone he could potentially date.
And that makes it easier to not focus on the little things that used to drive him crazy—Oikawa's long legs, the way he's always hanging off of Hajime, how his whole face changes when he gets ready for a jump serve, and he looks like he could take on the entire world and win.
This new arrangement though, this living together situation, is presenting a new set of variables that must be adjusted to, and the nakedness is one of them.’
For years, being Oikawa’s best friend has worked out fine. Hajime is hopelessly in love with him, but it’s enough. Then Oikawa—who, by all accounts, has never been anything but determinedly, assuredly straight—gets a boyfriend. Or a boy friend-with-benefits. Hajime doesn’t know, and he doesn’t give a shit about the definition.
What he knows is that remaining best friends is starting to seem a bit too painful (way too painful) to be considered a solid option.
 The Best Best, by rikke (12k. T. canonverse/future fic)
Takeru is a whole mood. Don’t want kids, but I do want domesticity and this fic feeds me well.
“Congratulations, Iwa-chan! You’re a dad!” Iwaizumi hears as soon as the door opens. He’s dealt with Oikawa for all of his twenty-one years of age now, but this declaration is still sufficiently disturbing enough that he turns from his place on the couch and braces himself for whatever Oikawa has done this time.
 Or the one where Iwaizumi and Oikawa babysit Takeru for a week.
 cheek kisses, by ohhotlamb (G. 3k. Future fic)
Sooo cute!! 
“Every time,” Hajime murmurs, “every time I see you again I remember how fuckin’ crazy I am about you.”
 Routine, by snoqualmie  (2k. T. canonverse)
Again, anyone wanna be my childhood best friend so we can put face masks on each other and fall in love? I died, truly. 
Iwaizumi is fourteen years old, horny too often and angry all the time, and he’s just starting to notice that Tooru’s legs are really long, that his lips are kinda soft looking, and his fingers feel good pressed under his jaw.
 Thirty Years and Change (the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad, by sunsmasher (19k. G. canon divergence)
Be wary, I would give this fic an upper rating to probably Teen and the follow-up fic is Explicit. But, Oikawa on the Japanese national team is just a dream as is, but add in a rekindling friendship and an angsty make out sesh? Mwah, delizioso. 
It’s July 10th, 2024, and Oikawa Tooru is an Olympian. His smiling face airs on an NHK promo every 45 seconds. He’s captain of the national men’s volleyball team, reigning star of the professional leagues, and he hasn't spoken to Iwaizumi Hajime in two years.
He has, however, sent Iwaizumi tickets for the 2024 Los Angeles Summer Games.
“So go,” says Matsukawa's voice. “It’s only a few weeks. You’ve got a whole city to hide in if it gets awkward, and if it doesn’t get awkward, well…”
It’s like watching the future reconfigure, like being in high school again, watching team after team fall to Oikawa’s faultless planning and shameless charm.
“I’ll get to watch a whole lot of volleyball,” Hajime says, and resigns himself to fate and/or Oikawa Tooru.
“Hey, when you get there, can you bag a gymnast for me?” Hanamaki asks, and Matsukawa squawks.
 Chasing Paper Suns, by carafin (10k. T. Future fic)
Again with the growing up and coming back together, this time with more angst than the last. Lovely, really lovely read. 
Post-high school, Oikawa makes it to the national volleyball team but Iwaizumi doesn't. The next three years become an exercise in growing up without growing apart.
Some days Hajime likes to think of himself as Oikawa’s counterpart—the two of them blending into a single devastating unit, the invincible setter and his unyielding ace, the bond between them unbreakable and true. Other days he feels like he is chasing after a rising sun, always running and running with his eyes fixed on the distance, trying to cross a chasm that stretches on without end, caught in an endless and exhausting pursuit.
 the yellow room, by ohhotlamb (14k. T. canonverse/future fic)
Makki and Mattsun see bullshit and call you out on your bullshit. 
“I told you, we broke up like six months ago. We’re not dating anymore.”
Hanamaki eyes him suspiciously. “You live together.”
“Yeah, so?”
“There are pictures of you two kissing stuck to your refrigerator.”
Hajime shrugs. “That wasn’t my idea. Anyways, they’re good pictures. Good lighting.”
 the river runs, by tothemoon (11k. T. post-breakup)
My heart ACHES. Happy ending, promise! Just read it. 
One year since their breakup, Oikawa Tooru starts a list of daily reminders, tips, and tricks called HOW TO FORGET ABOUT IWAIZUMI HAJIME, and he’s determined to make it stick.
This is a firsthand account of how to deal (and rather spectacularly, at that).
 I sure hope that guy gets fired, by Xov (29k. T. canonverse/time loop au)
The only thing better than one confession, is MULTIPLE confessions. Oikawa trusts Iwaizumi unshakably, and that's beautiful. 
It was the fourth time experiencing the exact same day that Iwaizumi Hajime reluctantly admitted to himself that something was very wrong. 
 my only friend was the man in the moon (until i met you), by ohhotlamb (7k. T. canonverse)
Just so innocent and sweet. Oikawa said ‘effort’.
In which Oikawa has a life-altering revelation, and Hajime is starting to think it involves him.  
 Bet On It, by originalblue (13k. E. canonverse)
Tooru being nice for a week? That can only end one way… with a d*ck in Hajime’s mouth. 
Hajime knows exactly how shitty Oikawa's personality is, and has no scruples whatsover about betting Oikawa six thousand yen that he can't be nice for an entire week. 
 especially for tender ones like us, by viverella (17k. T. canonverse/post break-up)
Gods! See? See what I mean? How could I forget about a work as heart wrenchingly beautiful as this? Give it some love, actually, all of the love. 
The worst part of it all, Tooru thinks to himself sometimes, is that even as they fought and kicked and screamed and tore each other to shreds, it was never that Tooru stopped loving Iwaizumi any less. The worst part of it all, he thinks, is that loving Iwaizumi turned out to not be enough.
(OR: on finding the right person at the wrong time and learning how to pick up the pieces)
 sunset town, by skiecas (33k. T. canon-divergent)
Another work that I just CANNOT understand why it doesn't have more hits. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I almost cried. 
In the summer of 2020, Oikawa Tooru returns home from his first successful stint as captain of Japan’s national volleyball team. In one hand, he holds the undisputed weight of an Olympic medal, and in the other, his unresolved feelings for a childhood best friend.
Two years down the road, reconciling his lifelong dream with his lifelong love proves to be the greatest challenge.
 of odd numbers and intimate regrets, by bravely (commovente) (5k. T. post-canon/one night stand au)
Basically, Tooru and Hajime sleep together after not speaking for seven years and of course there’s feelings and angst and a belated chance at happiness and a life together. 
Tooru’s spent the last seven years of his life in a carefully constructed schedule that is, he realises now, as much a habit as it was a way to forget about the person in front of him.
[or, the one night stand AU between two people more than friends but not quite lovers, measuring the passage of time in distance and long-gone memories, the expansion and contraction of the spaces between their fingers each time.]
 cross my heart, open wide, by acchikocchi (7k. T. canonverse)
Super cute, super short. Realizing you're on a date with the wrong person one-shot. 
For a minute Hajime doesn't know what to say. Everything and nothing crowds his mind, leaving no room to think. That he's never tried this. That volleyball's over. That he's graduating in five months. That it would be really nice, at least once, to go on a date with a good-looking guy.
 Hajime goes on a date. It's not with Oikawa. 
 Fernweh, by oikawashoyo (19k. G. canonverse/post time skip)
A mature(ish) Tooru?? I love works that show Tooru growing and living happily in Argentina and this one is just beautiful. (Plus! Plus, Skai did a piece on it as well and I love ALL their work so you can visualize everything). Love it. 
Argentina is stretching out before him, an opportunity, a challenge. He is reminded of his losses, his insecurities, his disappointments; sees them form a tall, tall wall blocking his path to success. He takes a deep breath and knows he is going to shatter it.
In which Oikawa's whole life is spent longing for the horizon — in the form of a dream, a home, and a boy.
 i breathe easily in your arms, by orphan_account (2k. M. canonverse)
Soft, soft sex
When, after completing their high school graduation ceremony and heading home to enjoy their freedom, Oikawa had pulled him into his room and pressed his lips hesitantly against Iwaizumi’s own, it seemed an inevitable development in the unfolding narrative of their shared existence.
Despite years of having a bed to himself, the sensation of another body taking up space in his sheets, curling against his chest, creating warmth, feels natural in much the same way.
 old and new, by Mysecretfanmoments (5k. T. canon divergence)
Finally a fic where they don't freak out on confession and it's sweet. 
“You seem—sad.” Was that the right word? Others sprang to mind: desperate, lonely, anxious.
Tooru looked away. “Are you going to make me say it?”
“Say what?”
Tooru folded his arms, sighed. “I missed you, of course.”
Hajime swallowed.
“No need to look that way. I told you, I’m not one of your macho man buddies. I’m allowed to say stuff like that without being embarrassed—”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Hajime complained. “No need to be so defensive. I’ve missed you too.”
“Oh?” Tooru seemed to get a little of his own back, leaning forward on his elbows. “What about me did you miss?”
((Going to separate universities, Hajime and Tooru learn the true meaning of "distance makes the heart grow fonder"))
 all i wanted was you, by spaceburgers (6k. E. college/fwb au)
This was more emotional than I thought a 6k friends with benefits fic could be, okay? Okay. 
Wherein Hajime and Tooru are fuck buddies, Hajime curses his treacherous heart, and Tooru is bad with feelings. 
 we shine like diamonds, by whitemiists (26k. T. canon divergence)
I couldn't not include this work. It deals with internalized homophobia so well and I really resonate with it. 
In all seriousness, I’m very lucky to live in a country where my sexuality is widely accepted and my heart goes out the LGBTQIA+ peoples who are forced to hide themselves. You are loved and your sexuality and gender-identity are not wrong and never will be.  
Oikawa is nine when he first hears the word. The boys on the playground whisper it like it's dirty, like the way they daringly mutter the word fuck and then look over their shoulders to check their parents hadn't heard.
"You know Abe-kun from class?" they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they're passing along a filthy secret. "I hear his older brother is... gay."
 Look For Him, by Leryline (18k. E. canonverse)
A collection of kisses. I love Hajime’s grandmother. 
She laughs gently. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so heartbroken before, Hajime.”
Iwaizumi sighs and prods at the mackerel with a chopstick. “Sorry. I can’t help it. It’s just different, you know? Like Oikawa pissed me off so much that now he’s not here I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“But you weren’t always annoyed with him, were you?” his grandmother smiles serenely and takes a sip of her tea. “My, my, Hajime, old women see everything. I saw you out there with my finches, when you were kissing Tooru’s nose. Your mother and father used to do the very same thing, you know, when they were younger. And look how long they’ve lasted. I hope you and Tooru last, Hajime. He’s very good for you.”
Oikawa has kissed Iwaizumi more times than either of them can count; it’s a constant thing, their lips never really leaving the other’s skin. There are, however, times when they’ve kissed that are burned into their memories. Eight of them, to be precise.
 film reel life, arsenicjay (8k. T. canon divergence)
Such a unique and creative idea! Reading from the eyes of a camera, so beautiful!
The only person Iwaizumi is lying to is himself, when he insists: I am not in love with Oikawa Tooru. 
 how to let your planets align, by tether (tothemoon) (15k. T. end of the world au)
This is the only remotely non-happy ending fic I will be including on here, and it's purely because it's a gorgeous read. And yes, I ached. Your lips, my lips, apocalypse. 
It is the last day on earth, December 2nd, 1985, when you realize you're in love with him.
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midgecreations · 3 years
"Why does Morality have to exist.."
Some angst for a hero villain haikyuu au in which villain!akaashi is a housemate to hero!bokuto and he's starting to feel bad for lying...
I spent a good 5 hrs on this!
Art belongs to me/MidgeArts. Please do not repost.
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rueshe · 3 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Akaashi Keiji/Kozume Kenma, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou Characters: Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, American AU, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, Gamer Kozume Kenma, YouTuber Kozume Kenma, Getting Together, Implied Sexual Content, Mild Sexual Content, Supportive Kuroo Tetsurou, Supportive Bokuto Koutarou, Cuddling & Snuggling, Naked Cuddling, Platonic Cuddling, Kenma steals clothes, Kozume Kenma in a Skirt, Akaashi Keiji in a Skirt, POV Alternating Series: Part 1 of The Roommate Trope Strikes Again! Summary:
Kenma had to shut his eyes for a second to keep his shit together. This might actually be worse than rooming with Bokuto would be, he thought. How was he supposed to get any work done (or sleep, for that matter) if he’d be sharing his space with someone as distracting as Akaashi? He only realized he’d been spacing out when Kuroo forced Akaashi into a bro hug and loudly exclaimed, “So you’re Kenma’s roommate? That’s perfect! Bo, did you know about this?” -- Or -- It didn’t take long for Kenma to learn that the hardest part of college may be dealing with his roommate, the ever-beautiful Akaashi Keiji. And by “dealing with,” Kenma mostly meant “trying not to fall in love with.” It didn’t work.
Akaashi came to college fully intent on focusing on his schooling. He didn’t anticipate how quickly Kenma would grow on him. Like a cute, affectionate, attractive, kind, apple pie-loving, soft, sleepy, cuddly, adorable, leech.
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akeiwrites · 1 year
tonkatsu and cabbages
featuring: tsukishima kei from haikyuu!!
cw: female!reader, housemates, college au, slow burn
wc: 1.2k
oh, right. he's on a full schedule today.
the realization just dawned upon you as soon as you opened the apartment door, only to be greeted by darkness.
it was evening already, after all.
you made your way inside, leaving your leather shoes on the rack by the entrance. walking directly to your room, you placed your bag on the table before plopping your body on the bed.
the thought of sleeping crossed your mind after a quite exhausting day at the university. but then, you remember you'll be the one to cook dinner tonight because it's your turn to do so—and not for the reason that he's not home yet.
who's he? your housemate, who goes by the name tsukishima kei, is whom you have been living with for a few months now.
and so far being under the same roof as him, you have not encountered a single worry or problem. may it be about taking turns in household chores and such, as well as boundaries on matters.
“maybe i'd just cook tonkatsu…” you've decided and pulled yourself out of the comfort of the bed.
clipping your hair in a messy bun after changing your clothes, you made your way out of your room and proceeded to the kitchen.
you wore your beige apron and prepared the ingredients on the counter, thankful that there's fresh pork loin stored in the fridge—brought home by your housemate just the other day. condiments were complete as always so there wasn't really a problem about them.
with everything settled, you start to slit the rim sides of the pork, and then pound them to flatten. and after seasoning the pork with salt and ground pepper, you let it sit for about thirty minutes to absorb the flavor.
there wasn't any leftover rice from last night because your housemate already made them into yakimeshi (pan-fried rice) this morning for both of your breakfast. so you also needed to cook steamed rice for dinner.
afterwards, you washed your hands and thought of playing some music in the living room—where the television is located. some browsing was made before you finally picked to play an album of one of your favorite bands.
‘the black parade’ by my chemical romance.
knowing that the soundtracks would be quite loud as usual, you set the volume a bit low, enough for you to hear from the kitchen.
while waiting for the pork, you already prepared flour, panko bread crumbs, and beaten eggs in separate containers. other needed ingredients were also separated in pinch bowls.
but then you also realized there was something missing after noticing there indeed weren't any cabbages to be shredded. you could run to a 24/7 grocery store downtown, yes. if only your legs weren't just worn out today, but they quite are.
and as for messaging your housemate…
tsukishima kei is also a college student like you, the same university even. however, you don't really bump into each other on campus grounds because your buildings are quite far from one another. he's taking biology while you major in journalism. so that makes sense.
and another fact is that… you don't really have his number… or even know his socials so…
yeah, and you've been housemates for months. now isn't that interesting? kidding aside, it's not really a concern for you. but thinking about it, maybe it could be of use in times like this.
but then, if you happen to have his contact, how would you even construct a message? it's silly because you two don't even talk to each other that much. nonetheless if it's about rent, groceries, or anything related to the both of you living together.
you purse your lips and heave a sigh, picking up a broom to sweep from your room, to the kitchen, the living room until by the entryway to kill time.
‘cancer' started playing by the time you finished sweeping and it's the eighth song from the album, so you figured almost thirty minutes had passed already—a perfect time to coat the seasoned pork in flour, beaten eggs, and panko bread crumbs.
but before that, you first prepare a deep fry pan, pour in enough cooking oil, and turn on the induction. you started frying the pork when the heat was all ready for deep frying.
you were already making sauce for the tonkatsu as you hear a beep and a faint voice from the entrance of the apartment. “i'm home…"
the last soundtrack from the album just faded to end, that's why you were able to hear those small sounds from a distance.
“welcome home…” you casually replied, like you always do, accompanied by a slight bow.
you turned your body to the direction where you see the tall guy walking towards the kitchen in his plain white shirt and black trousers. he's wearing glasses, usual headphones around his neck, and his beige bag hanging on his shoulder.
seeing a sports tote's on his hand, you assumed he had volleyball practice since you're aware that he's already part of a professional volleyball team.
he entered the kitchen, walking past you to reach for a glass of water—your sense of smell catching his manly scent. you turned off the induction and cleared your throat before speaking again.
“i fried tonkatsu for dinner tonight using the pork loin you brought last time, but i didn't know we don't have cabbages stored anymore and i wasn't able to buy some…”
in the first place, both of you agreed how it was perfectly fine to use each other's ingredients, as long as it was stated to be alright doing so, ahead of time. so you had no worries in terms of cooking even without asking for another permission beforehand.
and it was the same for him.
“that's alright,” he responded after drinking, voice was the usual low and calm. you watch him place the glass on the sink and how he unzipped the bag on his shoulder after.
“but it's surprising how i thought of buying shredded cabbage just right down the street on the way home today.” a sealed rectangular plastic food container was taken out of his bag.
his arm slowly moved towards your direction, handing you the container filled with shredded cabbage mixed with some bean sprouts.
panic couldn't be helped when your eyes suddenly met his. you carefully reached out for it using both of your palms.
“thank you… tsukishima," you muttered and decided to give him a small but sincere smile. “you can continue with your routine, and i'll call you once everything's ready."
you saw how his adam's apple moved as he swallowed before turning his gaze to the side. “i'll help set up the table."
you couldn't help but chuckle lightly, noticing something different but you didn't dare pointing it out. “it's fine, i got this. you can rest for a bit."
“i'll just take a quick shower,” he mumbled that you almost didn't get his words, quickly turning his back on you afterwards.
you bit your lower lip to prevent yourself from smiling as you saw his ears reddening more.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
masterlist | karasuno
⇠ return to masterlist: main directory
this is a masterlist of works i’ve written for the different karasuno members
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❀✿** whole team 
⇢ karasuno + their favorite spotify playlists | screenshots, crack
⇢ karasuno music idol au | slight crack, hc’s
⇢ karasuno as your housemates | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters + weird things that are in their backpacks | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as strange people you came across in your campus | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as university professors | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as dorm roommates | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! linggo ng wika au | written in tagalog, crack, hc’s
⇢ karasuno and seijoh + manager who can breakdance | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters + hair fails | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters and their fave musicals | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as people you meet at a college party | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! + dorm ‘meals’ | uni au, crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! + things they do when they’re not okay | slight angst, hc’s 
⇢ haikyuu!! team christmas parties | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! + things they were doing on the internet when they were like... 12 | slight crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as genshin impact players | slight crack, hc’s, cross-over
❀✿** daichi sawamura
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! masterchef au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ prompts 80 (“i didn’t do it!”) + 81 (“then why are you laughing?”) + 82 (“because whoever did it is a freaking genius.”) | crack, drabble fic
⇢ prompt 93 (”i feel like a freakin’ soccer mom”) | crack, fluff, drabble fic, xreader 
⇢ dressing up as Four Sisters and a Wedding with daichi, sugawara, and oikawa | costume requests, hc’s
⇢ tied up together (daichi x gn!reader) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ haikyuu!! + things they do when they’re not okay | slight angst, hc’s 
⇢ haikyuu!! zombie apocalypse AU | slight angst, hc’s
❀✿** sugawara koushi
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! masterchef au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ prompt 124 (“i’m sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification from just staring at him if i try hard enough”) | crack, fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ dressing up as Four Sisters and a Wedding with daichi, sugawara, and oikawa | costume requests, hc’s 
⇢ dressing up as a Sexy Taco and Sexy Saltshaker with sugawara | costume requests, hc’s
⇢ dressing up as Gomez and Morticia Addams with sugawara | costume requests, hc’s
⇢ dressing up as cryptids with sugawara and tsukishima | costume requests, hc’s
⇢ ‘high school sweetheart’ songfic | movie requests, songfic, xreader, slightly dark themes
⇢ haikyuu!! zombie apocalypse AU | slight angst, hc’s 
⇢ sugawara + domestic headcanons | fluff, hc’s, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ match-up + how he would ask you out | fluff, match-up, xreader, flowershop fluff event
❀✿** asahi azumane
⇢ haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ prompt 68 (“do i regret it? yes. would i do it again? probably.”) + 70 (“i’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage.”) | crack, drabble fic
⇢ prompt 136 (“i know its like 11pm, but i’m on my way to your house with nacho fries.”) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ asahi and tsukishima + s/o with narcolepsy | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ a short asanoya post-volleyball practice drabble | fluff, hq x hq, drabble fic
❀✿** tanaka ryuunosuke
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack, hc’s
⇢  haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s
⇢  haikyuu!! characters as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ ‘chun-li’ by nicki minaj songfic | movie requests, songfic, crack
❀✿** nishinoya yuu
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack hc’s 
⇢  haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s 
⇢  haikyuu!! characters as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ prompt 15 (“laugh at my jokes! they’re funny and you know it!”) | crack, drabble fic 
❀✿** ennoshita chikara
⇢ haikyuu !! masterchef au (second-gen captains vs. first years) | crack, headcanons
⇢ prompt 121 (”why are you holding your boobs?”) | crack, fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ dressing up as Victor and Emily from Corpse Bride with ennoshita | costume requests, fluff, hc’s, xreader
❀✿** hinata shouyo
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu !! masterchef au (second-gen captains vs. first years) | crack, headcanons
⇢ haikyuu!! as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, screencaps
⇢ cleaning goatman’s bridge with hinata | BU!requests, crack, hc’s
⇢ prompts 33 (“can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”) + 38 ( “this is why we can’t have nice things”) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ dressing up as Friends with the karasuno first-years | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! zombie apocalypse AU | slight angst, hc’s
⇢ being the msby jackal’s physiotherapist | crack, hc’s 
⇢ match-up + how he would ask you out | fluff, hc’s, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ texts with the msby boys as your boyfriend | fluff, smau, xreader
❀✿** kageyama tobio
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, screencaps
⇢ filming a tiktok video with kageyama at the dauphine orleans hotel | BU!requests, crack, hc’s 
⇢ dressing up as Friends with the karasuno first-years | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢ prompt 92 (“ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. that’s cute.”) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ tsukishima and kageyama + crushing on a classmate with a fierce personality | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ haikyuu!! + dating the eldest sister of a poc family | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ kageyama and akaashi + comforting an s/o who has been feeling negative about themselves | fluff, slight angst, hc’s, xreader
⇢ twenty shots of espresso  (barista!kageyama x gn!reader) | fluff, fanfic, xreader, coffeeshop au
⇢ the basics of nail care (kageyama x gn!reader) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader  
⇢ haikyuu!! zombie apocalypse AU | slight angst, hc’s
⇢ day 8 – runaway | angstcember fic, xreader
⇢ match-up + how he would ask you out | fluff, match-up request, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ kageyama tobio + play-wrestling | fluff, drabble, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ kageyama tobio + squishing your cheeks | fluff, drabble, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ teasing and getting him flustered (ft. kenma, atsumu, and kageyama) | fluff, hc’s, xreader
❀✿** tsukishima kei
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu !! masterchef au (second-gen captains vs. first years) | crack, headcanons 
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as shitty groupmates
⇢ tsukishima + picnic date | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ tsukishima + study date | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ conducting a seance using doritos with tsukishima at the winchester house | BU!requests, crack, hc’s
⇢ prompts 5 (“i want to strangle you 99% of the time.”) + 39 (“wait a minute. are you jealous?”) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ prompt 79 (“wow somebody needs a happy meal.”) + 149 (“well i mean-””) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ prompt 103 (“i’m all for making you miserable by being insufferable, but unfortunately i have things to do today.”)  | crack, drabble fic
⇢ prompt 62 (“if history repeats itself, i am so getting a dinosaur.”) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ dressing up as Friends with the karasuno first-years | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢ dressing up as cryptids with sugawara and tsukishima | costume requests, hc’s
⇢ ‘scrawny’ by the wallows songfic | movie requests, fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ asahi and tsukishima + s/o with narcolepsy | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ tsukishima and kageyama + crushing on a classmate with a fierce personality | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ tsukishima + helping his dyslexic s/o with studying | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ akaashi and tsukishima + artistic s/o who doesn’t like studying | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ tsukishima + s/o struggling with being on lockdown together | slight angst, fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ haikyuu!! + dating the eldest sister of a poc family | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ all aboard the mystery machine: a scooby doo au feat. y/n and the gym 3 squad | crack, hc’s
⇢ tsukishima + ice-skating with his s/o who get sick the next day | fluff, slight crack, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ (surprise!) birthday party (tsukishima x gn!reader) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader 
⇢ salty french fries (tsukishima x f!reader) | fluff, slight angst, fanfic, xreader
⇢ tsukishima as a dad | fluff, slight crack, hc’s, xreader
⇢ haikyuu!! zombie apocalypse AU | slight angst, hc’s
⇢ day 11 – delusions | angstcember fic, xreader
⇢ to dedicate a song (tsukishima x gn!reader) | fluff, slight angst, fanfic, xreader
⇢ sendai frogs being besties | fluff, slight crack, hc’s 
⇢ tsukishima + s/o with travel anxiety | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ tsukishima + lifting someone up out of excitement | fluff, drabble, xreader, flowershop event
⇢ match-up + how he would ask you out | fluff, match-up, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ match-up + how he would ask you out (ver. 2) | fluff, match-up, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ tsukishima kei + domestic headcanons | fluff, hc’s, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ tsukishima kei + play-wrestling | fluff, drabble, xreader, flowershop fluff event
⇢ too scared to say (tsukishima x f!reader) | slight angst, slight fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ texts with tsukishima kei as your boyfriend | fluff, smau, xreader
⇢ tsukishima kei as a university professor | fluff, hc’s
⇢  professor!tsukishima kei falling for a fellow professor | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ lying next to you (tsukishima x gn!reader) | fluff, drabble, xreader
⇢ hq gamer!bf headcanons (feat. tsukishima, suna, kenma & tendou) | fluff, hc’s, xreader
‘the same eyes as you’ series:
⇢ pt. 1: the same eyes as you (tsukishima x f!reader) | slight angst, drabble fic, xreader ⇢ pt. 2: it’s good to be home’(tsukishima x f!reader) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ pt. 3: by your side forever (tsukishima kei x f!reader) | fluff, drabble, xreader
⇢ haikyuu!! malewife headcanons (ft. tsukishima, suna, sakusa, and iwaizumi) | fluff, hc’s, xreader
⇢ hair clip (tsukishima x gn!reader) | fluff, drabble, xreader
❀✿** yamaguchi tadashi
⇢ haikyuu!! buzzfeed unsolved au | crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! pairings as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ haikyuu!! as their zodiac signs | slight crack, screencaps
⇢ dressing up as Friends with the karasuno first-years | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢   ‘through and through’ by khai dreams songfic | movie requests, fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ haikyuu!! zombie apocalypse AU | slight angst, hc’s
⇢ day 14 – last | angstcember fic, xreader
⇢  match-up + how he would ask you out + domestic headcanons | fluff, match-up, hc’s, xreader, flowershop fluff event
❀✿** kiyoko shimizu
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps
⇢ prompt 70 (“i’m not a damsel in distress. i’m a damsel doing damage.”) | fluff, drabble fic, xreader
⇢ dressing up as The Plastics with kiyoko and yachi | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢ hungry (vampire!kiyoko x fem!reader) | slight nsfw, cw: gore, fanfic, xreader
⇢ match-up + how she would ask you out | fluff, match-up, xreader, flowershop fluff event
  ❀✿** yachi hitoka
⇢ yachi + carnival/fair date | fluff, hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs | hc’s
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as buzzfeed unsolved screencaps | crack, screencaps 
⇢ dressing up as The Plastics with kiyoko and yachi | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢ dressing up as Minun and Plusle with yachi | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢ dressing up as Friends with the karasuno first-years | hq!! costume requests, hc’s
⇢ ‘sofia’ by clairo songfic | movie requests, fluff, songfic, xreader
❀✿** coach ukai
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s
❀✿** takeda-sensei
⇢ haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs | slight crack, hc’s
118 notes · View notes
ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
In The Same Room
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mYoiKT
by MaxJones
Kenma, Akaashi, Kageyama, and Sugawara were known as the ‘Pretty Setter Squad’ in their highschool days. Switching POVs between the four we see how they react when each of them meet their new college roommates and how these pairings will live together with such different personalities. In this AU the main pairings don’t know eachother yet (Kuroken, Bokuaka, Kagehina, and Daisuga) instead they all cross paths and new relationships seem to form both platonic and perhaps more?
Words: 1039, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Ukai Keishin
Relationships: Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Past Abuse, Roommates, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Alternate Universe - College/University, College, Mild Language, Homophobic Language
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mYoiKT
1 note · View note
amjustagirl · 3 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!!)
feat. Bokuto Koutaro
Tumblr media
Previously:  Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. Kita Shinsuke. Kuroo Tetsuro. Tsukkishima Kei
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
Wordcount: 4.1k
Genre / Pairings: Fluff, Angst, Hogwarts AU, Bokuto / Reader
Summary: Tutoring Bokuto Kotaro in Charms seems like a waste of your time. But then you get to know the Hufflepuff seeker, and start looking forward to your tutoring sessions with him.  
A/N: Comments as always, are much welcomed. Feel free to shout at me anytime!
“I’m Bokuto!”
You stare coldly at the large hand shoved into your face. “Yes, I know. And so?” You arch an eyebrow and let your question linger awkwardly in the air. Surprisingly, even that fails to  dampen the brightness of the grin on his face, despite the fact that any other student would have turned tail and run at being on the receiving end of the resident Ice Queen of Slytherin’s glares. 
Your Charms professor coughs into his hand. “Ah. Yes. Bokuto requires some tutoring assistance, and I thought you’d be the right person to help out.”
You open your mouth in protest, but clamps it shut at the look of warning the professor shoots at you. It’s your bad luck you got caught sneaking books out of the restricted section of the library, it wasn’t as if the books you had your eye on contained dark magic in any case, they  just contained spells deemed too dangerous for idiots like the one standing before you to even attempt. And instead of detention for a month, your Charms Professor who’s always had a soft spot for you suggested you divert your free time to tutoring struggling students instead. 
“Fine”, you snap before turning to the boy. “You better not be as bad as Ushijima - Merlin only knows he was as dumb as a bag of bricks”. 
Bokuto agrees to meet you every Tuesday in an unused classroom for Charms tutoring. You do not care that he seems to wilt ever so slightly at the insults you lob at his Hufflepuff teammate - you have no time to suffer fools, after all. 
Unfortunately, while Bokuto doesn’t take everything as literally as Ushijima (it was a problem you faced when you tutored the stone faced boy, especially for a subject requiring as much personal flair as Charms), he struggles with the precise motions and pronunciation needed for Charm incantations, and you’re losing your patience with him after he messes up Aguamenti for the tenth time today. 
“You need to move your wand like a wave of water before pointing it sharply - like you’re shooting a jet of water into a glass”, you repeat yourself in exasperation. 
He tries his best, waving his wand exaggeratedly but forgets the emphasis on the second syllable, so his wand remains completely dry. 
You pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes. “Look - it’s really not that hard. If you remembered all the notes I gave you about this charm, you’d have gotten it by now. Merlin - what’s wrong with you dumb Quidditch Players?” 
“It’s not that easy to remember everything when you keep calling me dumb all the time”, Bokuto mutters, resentment colouring his tone. 
Your shock that Bokuto - the human embodiment of a sunbeam, seems to have abandoned his usual cheerfulness for an uncharacteristically stormy expression, quickly morphs into annoyance that he has the temerity to get short with you considering you’re the one that’s been forced to give up her Tuesday evenings in an attempt to get him to pass his Charms exams. 
“That’s because you ARE dumb”, you retort coolly. “Try casting the charm again”. 
He shocks you again by gathering his things and walking out of the classroom. 
“Where are you going?”, you call after him, confused. Even Ushijima put up with your insults and snide remarks for an entire term, but Bokuto doesn’t even look back.  
Bokuto doesn’t turn up next week either despite struggling in class with the very charm you spent hours trying to hammer into his head. Nor the week after that. Midterms come and go, and you overhear from a group of his twittering fangirls in the bathroom that his spot on the Quidditch team is on the line after failing his Charms exam as expected. 
Guilt gnaws at you. Strange, since you assumed your heart is practically a block of ice by now. 
You spend days trying to corner him to no avail. You always knew he had plenty of friends, but you didn’t realise how popular he actually was. He’s constantly surrounded by his teammates - or even other Quidditch players like Kuroo from Slytherin, or Hinata from Gryffindor, and his childhood best friend Akaashi follows him like a shadow despite being from Ravenclaw, not Hufflepuff. 
So you bide your time and wait until he finishes Quidditch practice, whispering from the shadows “Diffindo” to sever the straps of his bag. Your plan works - Bokuto cheerfully waves his teammates to go on without him, and the horde of hungry Hufflepuff Quidditch players head off to the Great Hall for dinner. 
“Why haven’t you come back for tutoring sessions?” You try to sharpen your question into an accusation, but your guilt makes you falter midway and you just sound bewildered instead. 
Your bewilderment is mirrored in Bokuto’s eyes. “Huh?” he frowns. “I thought you didn’t want to tutor me in the first place, so I asked my friends to help me out instead.”
You snort, tapping your foot. “Akaashi’s a year below, so I doubt he’s much help, and Kuroo’s much better at potions than at charms. And I hear you’re going to get kicked off the team if you don’t pull up your Charms grades in the remedial exams before Christmas.” 
The furrow between his brows deepens. “Why do you care if I’m failing my exams?” 
You’re not accustomed to dealing with someone so straightforward and genuine and innocent. You’re used to conniving serpents like Oikawa and Daishou who would have no hesitation hiding daggers in their sleeves just to get ahead, so the fact that his question is honest floods your belly with guilt.
“Because I feel bad for calling you dumb.” You decide to honour his honesty with a straight answer. “Do you still want me to tutor you if I promise to be nice?” 
Any shadow of lingering guilt is chased away by the sheer sunniness of his smile. 
The ice in your heart starts to thaw in the face of his exuberance and friendliness. 
“You’re much nicer than people say you are”, he tells you one day with blunt honesty. “Why don’t you have more friends?”
You shrug, accustomed to the title that your peers have chosen to label you with. The Ice Queen of Slytherin, your housemates whisper behind your back after you slash Miya Atsumu’s robes in your second year, leaving him standing in nothing but his underwear after he pulled your bra strap on a dare. 
Your mother and older sisters taught you self-defense charms even before you entered Hogwarts, and you have no qualms about using them, even against one of the most popular boys in your house. But it proves to be a miscalculation - one that leaves you with few friends other than those who’ve known you since your childhood. 
“I don’t need friends”, you say, words frigid. 
He grins at you, undeterred. “I’ll be your friend!” He declares, leaning forward, balancing his chair precariously on two legs. 
“I’d be happier if you pass your exam”, you tell him dismissively, though there’s an amused curl at the corner of your lips. 
True to his word, Bokuto drags Akaashi over to the Slytherin table during dinner the very next day. You startle as he plops into the empty seat across you, Akaashi giving you a slight nod of acknowledgement that’s also tinged with an unspoken ‘sorry you have to put up with my overly excitable best friend these days’ that you snort at. 
Kuroo rounds up the trio, and between his and Bokuto’s bickering over who’s getting the best pickings from the meat dishes on the table, and Akaashi’s admonishments not to cause a ruckus that fall on deaf ears, you’re so entertained that you laugh aloud, though you wince internally when half the Slytherin table snaps their heads around to stare at you, dumbfounded. 
Miya Osamu actually looks up from his katsudon to elbow his brother. Miya Atsumu chokes on his food. 
You assume it was just a one-off event, Bokuto just trying to repay you with his kindness, but to your surprise, he’s back at least twice a week, and soon your lonely corner at the Slytherin table turns into the most boisterous ones. His very presence draws the most random assortment of people into his sphere - soon you’re joined by Tsukkishima, the quiet, stone faced Ravenclaw, Hinata, Bokuto’s self appointed protege and burgeoning sun in his own right, Sawamura, the stoic, steady Hufflepuff Keeper, on top of the usual suspects like Kuroo and Akaashi. 
Not everyone is as amused by this turn of events. 
“What’s he doing at our table?” 
“I heard he’s being tutored by the Ice Queen herself - maybe that’s why he’s here.” 
“That makes sense. Heard he’s really dumb.” 
You stiffen as you hear your classmates snigger. Bokuto wilts, even the ridiculous mop of hair on his head starts to droop. Kuroo and Akaashi wear twin expressions of murderous intent on their face and both start to rise, insults on their tongues when you whip out your wand, freezing your offending classmate’s lips to his glass. 
“Call him dumb one more time and I’ll freeze your balls to the bench”, you smile sweetly, poison in your words. 
Kuroo guffaws as you turn back to your conversation with them with a saccharine “now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” Akaashi snorts into his hands. 
Bokuto looks at you as if you’ve handed him the latest firebolt model on a gilded plate. You refuse to meet his eyes for the rest of the night. 
You find that he responds far better to praise than negative reinforcement, bouncing around the classroom with such childlike enthusiasm whenever he succeeds in casting another new charm that it makes your lips tilt upwards. The combination of his Hufflepuff diligence and your renewed patience makes his performance in charms skyrocket, and soon, he’s improved enough for you to teach him the more fiddly, advanced charms. 
‘You have to flick your wrist lightly’, you tell him for the fifth time this evening. Ascendio is a difficult charm to master, even by your own standards, your own wrist already sore from the various rounds of demonstration. 
He tries to mirror your action. It doesn’t work. 
‘Um.’ You rack your brains, thinking of something, anything that might help. 
‘You’ve got to move your whole arm like it’s the wing of a snitch. You know – keep the arm and wrist action light, like the flutter of wings.’
He furls his brow, trying to mirror your action again. It doesn’t work. This time, he pouts. 
Impatient, you grab his hand. ‘Look!’ You slap at his arm to get him to loosen up – seriously, what do they feed these quidditch players, taut muscles tensing beneath your fingers as you try to puppet his arm into an approximation of the wrist movement. He gazes down at you with wide eyes as you press your form against him. 
‘I’ll show it to you again. Ascendio’, you call, and with a sharp flick of your wrist, your feet lift off the ground, your skirt fluttering in the air. Then with a smooth swish of your wand, you descend to the ground, cocking your head to your student. ‘Come on, Bokuto, you’ve got to master it by the end of the night.’
He tries again and again to no avail. Charms is a far more creative branch of magic than transfiguration or even potions – and what works for one might not work for another. You recalibrate, trying to relate what you’re teaching to his true love - Quidditch. 
‘Maybe you could imitate the movement of a snitch about to take off once the whistle blows?’ 
 ‘A snitch?’ he laughs boisterously at your suggestion. ‘I could do that.’ 
He screws up his eyes tightly, his entire body falling still before he raises his arm. With a flick and swish, a hooted “Ascendio”, Bokuto floats up into the air.
“I did it!” He pumps his fists in the air, grinning down at you. Then with a smooth finite incantatem, he descends back to the grimy classroom floor. 
“Well done!” You laugh aloud, clapping your hands, so drunk with elation at his success that you don’t notice the sudden softness in his golden eyes. 
“Waiting for Bokuto-san?” Akaashi asks. 
You hesitate for a beat, a pink tint to the apples of your cheeks before you nod without a word. 
“I’ll leave you two be then”, the Ravenclaw boy says, walking off with his hands tucked in his robes, a small smile flickering on his face. 
You exhale slowly through your nose. Maybe you should have left Akaashi to wait for Bokuto instead - they’re best friends, practically platonic soulmates you gather from Bokuto’s chatter as he walks you back to the Slytherin dungeons every Tuesday night, something he insists on despite your protests. You’re just his tutor - but here you are, hanging around outside the classroom where his remedial exam is being held, palms clammy in nervous anticipation. 
You tell yourself that you’re waiting for him because you can’t wait to know whether the tutoring sessions that take up your precious Tuesday evenings will end. You wonder if that means that he’ll stop coming over to hang out over dinner with you, the thought making your heart feel as if it’s frosted over again. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” His booming voice interrupts your reverie, and you glance up to see him burst out of the classroom, the joy on his face outshining even the sun. 
“You passed, I assume”, you snark, hands on hips, but he doesn’t even register your badly disguised coldness, grabbing by the waist to lift you easily into the air, spinning you in circles until you’re both giddy with delight. 
“I did, I did, thanks to you!” He crows, still clinging on to you like a lifeline. “They were so impressed when I cast Ascendio, and I was like swish, and they were like aughhh wahhhhh - and it was so awesome!” 
“I’m glad my effort paid off then, dummy”, you tease - seriously, it would make your housemates’ jaws drop if they caught you giggling, let alone being held aloft in Bokuto’s arms, but you’re just so happy for him that you don’t order him to put you down. 
He stills suddenly, and you’re worried that he’s taken offense at the affectionate nickname until you notice his eyes are trained at the arch above you and oh - 
It’s Christmas, and the house elves have hung enchanted sprigs of mistletoe around the castle on the orders of the mischievous headmaster to prank unsuspecting students. Any student trapped under enchanted mistletoe may only be released upon giving or receiving a kiss, and you’re about to press a chaste kiss to Bokuto’s nose when you glance back at him and notice his eyes are molten gold, laden with desire. 
“Bokuto - “ you begin, but you’re promptly cut off by the searing brand of his lips against yours, gasping as he backs you against the wall, his mouth plundering yours. You should protest, but any sentient thought you might have is lost in your newly awakened hunger for him, this beautiful, sweet boy with golden eyes and silver hair who’s kissing you. 
“I like you,” he says breathlessly when you finally push him away in an effort to pull air into your deprived lungs. “Go out with me - please?” he adds, almost as an afterthought, brushing his thumb against your cheek with a gentleness that belies his large frame crowding you against the wall. 
You want to, oh Merlin - you want to indulge in the warmth that’s starting to sprout in the previously frozen tundra of your heart but you have to recognise that he’s Bokuto Koutaro, Quidditch player extraordinaire bound for the professional leagues, so popular that he already has a fanclub in school. 
And you - you were a social pariah before you met him, you would ruin his reputation if anyone finds out that you’re in a relationship with him, not to mention you’ve been accused of being cold and distant and harsh - all characteristics that disqualify you from being a good match for him. 
“I can’t.” You shake your head, keeping him an arm’s length distance from you, because if he comes any closer, you might lose your resolve. “We wouldn’t work out at all”.
The golden light dims in his eyes, and his arms fall limply to his side.  “Is it because I’m dumb?” He asks, his voice heartbreakingly quiet. 
“No!” You cry, taking a step towards him. “That’s not it at all!” 
He frowns, confused. “Then why don’t you wanna go out with me? Don’t you like me?” 
“I do”, you admit, hating yourself for having to extinguish the spark of hope in his eyes. “But we won’t work out -” 
“Why’re you so sure of that?” He takes a step forward, reaching towards you. You knock his hands away and he stumbles back, stung. 
“Because I’m not good enough for you!” You shout, your words echoing against the castle walls. “Because I’m snarky and frigid and cold and rotten to the core - and you’re wonderful and funny and sweet and you deserve so much better than me”. 
Your words stun him into silence, and before he can work out a response, before your resolve starts to crumble, you take a large step away from him. With trembling hands, you reinforce the frozen fort in your heart, forcing yourself to beat a hasty retreat. 
“Besides”, you add, voice shaking. “What could I possibly offer you?” 
You disappear around the corner, coldly ignoring him even as he calls your name. 
“He’s wandering around the castle like a lovelorn ghost”, Akaashi says, dropping into the library seat across yours. 
“Explain why that makes it my business”, you hiss with the indignation of a cornered boggart with no means of escape. 
He just gives you a knowing look and you glance at the skulking librarian, wondering if you should risk a detention to drive your sharpest quill into the back of the Ravenclaw boy’s hand. 
“You know, it’s sad you think so little of Bokuto-san that you refuse to allow him to make choices for himself.” 
“What are you - “ 
“It’s true, isn’t it?” His gaze remains resolute, even as you snarl. “Why don’t you prove me wrong?” 
But you’re stubborn, so you avert your eyes whenever Bokuto comes into your line of sight, changing seats so you don’t sit anywhere near him in Charms, escaping whenever he tries to call your name. Your Tuesday tutoring sessions with him are a thing of the past. You even hear from Miya Osamu that Bokuto’s been trying and failing to bribe first years into letting him into the Slytherin Dungeons, though they’re all far too frightened of your reputation to even dream of crossing you, not even for the bait of a ride on his rare firebolt.
You’re lonely, but you refuse to admit it to yourself.   
You even refuse to watch the match between Hufflepuff and Slytherin despite it being touted as the social event of the year. Both team’s lineups are exceedingly impressive. Representing Hufflepuff there are powerful players like Bokuto, Ushijma, Azumane, even surly Kyoutani. Slytherin’s certainly no slouch either, with Oikawa, Suna, Daishou, Kuroo and the Miya twins. 
But you huddle in the library and ignore the screams and cheers of the whole school spectating the match until Akaashi skids into the library, distress clear on his face. 
“He’s injured”, he manages to spit out between heaving breaths, and you don’t even need to ask who he is, panic turning your ribs into kindling, burning a blaze through your chest as you sprint full speed towards the hospital wing. 
Quidditch is a horrendously dangerous sport - the Daily Prophet Sports Section is full of horrendous injuries like long lasting concussions and smashed bones that you’re already imagining the worst by the time you cross the threshold of the hospital wing. But Bokuto’s not even lying on the cot - he’s sitting upright, a confused yet hopeful expression on his face as you stare at him, dumbfounded. 
“A-Akaashi said you were injured”, you manage to stutter. 
Bokuto waves a bandaged finger at you. “Yep”, he says, taking wary steps one at a time towards you. “Suna got me good when I was about to catch the snitch”. 
“Oh”, you say lamely. “I see.” You’re thankful no one else is in the hospital wing to see your disgrace. “I’ll be going, then”. 
“Wait! Please don’t run away again”, he begs, taking advantage of your distracted state to catch your hand, his fingers circling your wrist easily. You tug against his grip, but it’s futile - you’ve left your wand in the library in your mad rush, and years of Quidditch training have sculpted Bokuto into the human embodiment of a brick wall.
“Let go of me!” You order him in the coldest tone you can muster. It’s not even icy - in fact, it’s probably lukewarm.  
He shakes his head, as stubborn as you. “Not until you hear me out”, he replies, pulling you out of the hospital wing into the nearest unused classroom. 
“Fine.” You cross your arms. “What do you want to say to me then?”
“Well for starters, you’re the most amazing, scary girl I know”, he says, grinning boyishly at you. “You’re so much smarter than me I don’t know how your head doesn’t go pfft cos it sure isn’t large enough to hold all your brains. And you’re nice - I don’t know why you pretend you’re not - Yachi said you cursed the boys who teased her ‘cos you found her in the bathroom crying, even though you literally met her for the first time - “ 
“Why are you telling me this?” You cut in, confused. 
“Cos you asked me what you could offer me” He answers simply, his fingers slotting in between yours. “The answer is you. I want you. I like you.” His grin softens into a bashful, goofy, adorable smile. “And I know I’m not smart like you or Akaashi, but I know enough to think you like me too.”  
Your mind is entreating you not to give in, reminding you that you’ll only drag him down with you but your selfish heart wins out. The weeks you’ve voluntarily isolated yourself from Bokuto have been cold and lonely, and the truth is you miss him - you miss the silly jokes he makes, the playful banter, his boundless confidence and kindness and friendliness. Maybe that makes you selfish, but you can’t deny it any longer, you want him for yourself.
So you reply with a shy smile of your own. “Maybe I do - like you, I mean”, you say, with an earnestness you must have learnt from him, tilting your face up towards him like a flower seeking the sun. 
His eyes grow wide with delight as you step into the circle of his arms, allowing him to draw you against his broad chest. 
“And to be honest, maybe I’m the fool for not letting myself admit that I’ve always liked you”. 
“Don’t call yourself tha - mmmph!” 
This time it’s your turn to interrupt him with a kiss, tipping his head down to slide your lips against his, the heat in his eyes and the sunshine in his smile that finally melting the last vestiges of ice in your heart and transforming you from a snow maiden into a girl made of flesh and bone. 
Akaashi convinces you to sneak into the holding area before the next match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. 
You’re self conscious, constantly adjusting the scarf in Hufflepuff yellow and black looped around your throat, but that immediately dissolves when Bokuto whoops the minute he spots you, bounding over to sweep you into an embrace, demanding at least twenty kisses before he lets you go. 
You oblige, because when faced with Bokuto’s pleading eyes, you’re weak, soft.  
Then you realise why Akaashi was so insistent on you surprising Bokuto just before his big match. 
Miya Atsumu falls off his broom, slack jawed. Miya Osamu trips over him. Even Suna Rintarou looks at you and Bokuto with a modicum of fear and respect. 
“Get it together!” Kuroo snaps at his team, hands on hips. 
None of that registers with Bokuto, of course. The minute the whistle blows, he speeds off, leaving even Oikawa in the dust, and before a dazed Miya Atsumu even scores once against Daichi, the Hufflepuff keeper, Bokuto is already holding the golden snitch aloft in his hand. He proceeds to do laps of aerial cartwheels around the pitch before hovering in front of the stands where you sit, shamelessly blowing kisses towards you. 
You hide your burning face in your hands. Akaashi just sits beside you, intolerably smug. Bokuto, oblivious as ever, just whoops.
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ladysunamireads · 4 years
Death of a King
Death of a King by chlovrs
Hinata Shouyou was a complete fanboy for the Volleyball player Kageyama Tobio. He watched all of his games in middle school and high school, watched him play on T.V. and he had nearly every issue of sports magazine the man had featured in.
He was practically a Kageyama encyclopedia.
So you can imagine Hinata's horror when Kageyama mysteriously disappears from the world of Volleyball and is suddenly outside his dorm building with the keys to the apartment next door.
Words: 2798, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Shimizu Kiyoko, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Ukai Ikkei, Takeda Ittetsu, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Fanboy Hinata, Pro Volleyball Player Kageyama Tobio, pinning, University AU, Time Skips, Aged-Up Character(s), Middle School Hinata Shouyou flashbacks, Hinata Shouyou is shy, Awkward Kageyama Tobio, Depressed Kageyama Tobio, Dorms, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Drinking & Talking, Injured Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou is Sunshine, Hinata Shouyou In Denial, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Nobody is Dead
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26822575
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pinchserveprince · 4 years
“New Houses, New Friends, New Worries”
Latest chapter of my Hogwarts!Au is up~ In this chapter we get to know what happened at Oikawa’s hat stall and get introduced to some of his housemates. 
One more chapter after this before I switch to focus on Hinata.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Ships: (Future) Iwaoi, Kagehina, and secondary Daisuga
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hqrarepairexchange · 4 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Haikyuu!! Relationships: Akaashi Keiji/Kuroo Tetsurou, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Konoha Akinori, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, Akaashi Keiji's Mother, Akaashi Keiji's Family, Original Characters Additional Tags: Background Bokuto Koutarou/Konoha Akinori, Roommates, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Soulmate AU, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Language: English Words: 7273 Chapters: 3/3 Collections: Haikyuu Rarepair Exchange 2020 Notes: For clear.  wasn't sure if you wanted your discord nickname here, so i won't say it but, i hope you enjoy this! sorry for taking so long to post, i wanted to make sure it was as good as i could get it (with the impending doom of a chemistry test comfort, i asked a few beta's to tell me what they thought. most importantly, i hope you like it!
warnings for this fic:cursing, inner homophobia (towards self), homophobia (chapter 2 and 3)
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