#haikyuu 2021 olympics
sinkat-arts · 1 year
Daisuga WIP Wednesday: Angsty Edition
Context: This is mostly an establishing bit of the first chapter to, uh, set the (not super happy) mood and current mindset of adult Daichi. Things... have happened.
December 2021
First: Turn off the alarm. He will not do it for you. He is not there. 
Second: Let your body wake up. Resist the urge to reach for him. He is not there. 
Third: Open your eyes. Do not roll to your left side. He is not there. 
Fourth: Push the blanket away. You do not have to carefully make sure he remains covered and warm. He is not there. 
Fifth: Sit up and put your feet on the floor, first one and then the other. He will not pull you back. He is not there. 
-- >
Daichi made it to the fifth step before breaking his own rules. Turning, looking over his shoulder - that was forbidden in step six, but he hadn’t made it there yet. Muscle memory dashed forward ahead of thought, and he twisted in place, looking back. Looking for a messy cloud of ash gray hair, looking for the familiar shape of his heart, but finding only a crumpled blanket and nothing else. It wasn’t even his bed. This wasn’t even his home. 
<!--Failure Contingency 1: Don’t react. If you’re still in bed, start over from one. Else, repeat the step you failed and carry on.-- >
Getting out of bed was, by far, the hardest part of the checklist to implement, even now. He blamed it on his sleep-deprived morning brain being harder to wrestle into submission. Easier to say it was that than to go one level deeper and acknowledge all the other reasons it was hard. 
This was our time. Just us, starting the day pulling in closer to each other and bitching about the alarm. He’d complain and cling like a damn octopus to keep me there, and I’d pretend to be annoyed and fight a little before giving in and wrapping him up in my arms. I started setting the alarm just a little earlier so we could have more time like that before the day pulled us our separate ways, and he pretended not to notice. 
But he didn’t dwell on that old morning ritual. He didn’t dwell on the way their bodies relaxed into one another, warm and secure in their nest of blankets and pillows. He called his difficulty with mornings sleep deprivation or confusion and didn’t look any further, not any more. 
Looking at it square - going any deeper - hurt too much, and feeling that hurt made him aware of the other reason it was so hard to make it to step six every morning. A reason that was more frightening than painful because that one, taken to its final and logical end, wouldn’t hurt at all. That one made sense… and being able to see the sense in it came with a terrible, heavy sort of numbness that settled deep into his bones and slowed his breath. 
The first few months were a cyclical sort of hell - weeks and weeks passed, living one moment in a hurt that split him into pieces that burned and scattered like embers in the wind, and the next in a state of frozen indifference that had him stuck dangerously in place. Eventually, he’d asked himself what’s the point? and found that he just didn’t have an answer. The reason it was so hard to get out of bed - to keep going out into the world and pretending to be a human being - was that there was no reason. There was no reason to do anything at all, and the logical end to that line of thinking was just that... an end.
But he’d come back to himself and realized he was being stupid. Melodramatic. People relied on him, expected things from him. He had a job to do, and his siblings looked up to him… and his mother, what would she think… So the checklist was made to keep that terrifying logic out of his head. It was his way of fighting back, of forcing a point to exist. If there was a next step, another task to check off, then he would always, always have an answer to that awful question and neither the hurt nor the nothing could catch up to him. 
The point is to complete the checklist. Properly, no shortcuts.
Today was the first time he’d ever made it to five without having to start over. That was progress, and he was tempted to keep just going but… rules were rules, and he had to complete it properly to count. He was technically still in bed, so he started over from one. 
Sixth: Stand up. Do not look back. He is not there. 
Seventh: Go to the bathroom. DO NOT LOOK BACK. He is not there. 
Eighth: Take your shower. Do not wait for an interruption. He is not there.
-- >
He made it through the next couple of steps, finishing his shower, brushing his teeth (There is only one toothbrush. He is not there.), getting dressed (You do not have to make sure he did not go back to sleep. He is not there.), and stepping out into the kitchen to get coffee and breakfast started.  
The kitchen was just like the rest of the small apartment - a spartan affair. Daichi didn’t have much in the way of knickknacks or personal affects. What he did have was just enough. Just enough plates and bowls. Just enough silverware. Just enough drinkware. Just enough pots and pans. Just enough everything for one person. Any more than that, and he’d have to think about… 
But it wasn’t important. He had enough. He was making it work. 
<!--Thirteenth: Get your mug. Do not think about the one you had with the volleyball shaped like a heart. He is not there.-- >
He set his plain white coffee mug in the single-serve machine, loaded it with a single-serve cup of coffee grounds (Do not think about the big pot that held enough for eight but somehow only held enough for two. He is not there.), and hit start. That done, he grabbed two eggs, sliced cheese, and pre-cut fruit from the fridge. It was the last of the fruit, so he made a mental note to replenish on his way home tonight… otherwise it’d just be egg toast for breakfast tomorrow, and that would throw his routine off. Two slices of bread toasted as he fried the eggs. (Do not worry about whether the yolks pop. He is not there.) As he finished assembling his breakfast - toast, cheese on top of toast, egg on top of cheese so it melts, repeat - his coffee finished brewing. A spoon of sugar, enough cream to turn it beige (Do not think to yourself ‘would you like some coffee with your cream?’ in his voice. He is not there.), and that was done, too.
Twenty-Seventh: Sit. Do not look at the other chair. He is not there. 
Twenty-Eighth: Eat. He is not there.
-- > 
Finished, he rose and took his dishes to the sink. A quick rinse had them nestled in the dishwasher, ready to be washed after dinner later that evening. He left the kitchen, went to the entryway, put on his shoes, picked up his bag from where he’d dropped it in exhaustion the night before, and opened the door. 
<!--Thirty-Fifth: Leave. Do not say goodbye. He is not there.-- >
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wttcsms · 4 months
🏐 wttcsms written works, haikyuu ;
last updated feb 23, 2024
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( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔 𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles and i can't make you stay (in this broken place) — ( nsfw )  i sin too much to pray for you — no one can believe that one of the most powerful crime lords in the underground world of japan, atsumu miya, is wrapped around the finger of a naive girl like you, but love doesn’t really care about boundaries anyway. take care of you — ( nsfw ) atsumu just wants to give you everything he can offer: an easy job, a brand new car, a baby… wanting was enough (for me, it was enough) — ( sfw ) "He carries your confession home in the to-go box from the diner. It’s heavy, matching the American theme of burgers containing his weight in meat and fries slick with oil and grease. The two of you are walking together, and he wants to ask you, specifically, what did you mean when you told the team you liked me?" paper rings — ( sfw ) the tiffany blue ring box currently resides in the second drawer of his night stand, unceremoniously buried underneath several pairs of calvin klein briefs. when you know, you know — ( sfw ) atsumu considers marriage to be a trap, until he realizes that even a lifetime commitment to you isn’t long enough
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : domesticity with atsumu — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : ex!atsumu seeing you're engaged to oikawa — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : how atsumu says i love you — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : atsumu and you having "non-dates" — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : atsumu's green flags — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : dating atsumu — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : dad!atsumu — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : mastermind inspired — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : atsumu randomly showing you his camera roll — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : in a world of boys, he's a gentleman — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : atsumu as a college interviewer tiktoker — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : husband atsumu using ur purse — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : you're the first person atsumu wants to tell anything to — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : the miya divide — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : girl dad atsumu — ( sfw )
multipart afterglow — ( nsfw ) finding out that his hot supermodel girlfriend is dumping him for some baseball player? that sucks. finding out via her red carpet debut with her new man as her plus one? sucks a bit more. having this happen to him the same day he just lost the last game of the season? yeah, it’s starting to feel like the universe has it out for him at this point, right? but atsumu miya is nothing if not petty, childish, and immature. he’ll get back at her. after all, there’s a secret dating app created by publicists and agents that pair up perfect matches for brightening up any celebrity’s public image. all atsumu has to do is pay a pretty sum of money to convince the media (and mainly his ex) that atsumu miya is still on top of the world and living his best life with the best (albeit, fake) girlfriend ever. unfortunately for him, his perfect match just so happens to be you — his first girlfriend, his highschool sweetheart turned sour, and the first girl who ever broke his heart. you know what they say: when it rains, it pours.
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐔 𝐎𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐖𝐀  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles customer satisfaction — ( nsfw ) you go above and beyond for your customers...
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : engaged to oikawa when atsumu's your ex (yikes) — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : ex husband!oikawa still in love with you — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : ice skating au — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : royal au — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : learning about the tradition of giving the first slice of cake to who you love the most — ( sfw )
multipart forever golden — ( nsfw ) everything is going fine: you just graduated with your first degree, you get to work alongside your older brother for the 2021 olympics, and you think now might be the perfect time to finally jumpstart your dating life (atsumu miya certainly seems cute...). there's no time for you to think about torn acls, shattered dreams, and the fact that this was never your original goal in life. and there's certainly no time for you to worry about tooru oikawa, the boy who practically grew up in your house now turned into the man who poses as your team's fiercest competitor. you definitely don't have the free time to remember how he's the first boy who ever had (and subsequently broke) your heart. or that the two of you went from practically joined at the hip to total strangers for the past four years. you don't even bother wondering why he suddenly wants to repair the broken bond between you two, and you totally don't give in to him (except for the times that you do... which is almost all the time).  yeah. everything is going fine.
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐊𝐈𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐒𝐀  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles rapture — ( nsfw ) his tenacity and stamina prove to be a deadly combination indeed. you know you make my cold heart warm with a touch — ( nsfw ) how else can kiyoomi show you how close to his heart he keeps you than by fucking into you so deep, you’re pretty sure you can feel him reaching for yours?
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : how kiyoomi says i love you — ( sfw )
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐎 𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles as the world caves in — ( sfw ) they say your life flashes before your eyes when you die. if that’s the case, then that explains why kageyama only sees you.
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   :  kags' act of service — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : tobio craves your attention — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : vampire hunter!reader x vampire!kags — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : he responds to all your texts individually — ( sfw )
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐇𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐔𝐌𝐈  ✩ ✭
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : domesticity with iwaizumi — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : shoujo concept with iwaizumi — ( sfw )
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐀  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles it's the same damn thing that made my heart surrender — ( sfw ) you never do get over your first love. / you fell first, he fell harder.
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : domesticity with suna — ( sfw )
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : marriage of convenience with ushi — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : underground fighter ushi — ( sfw )
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐔 𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐎  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles in every universe, it's still you — ( sfw ) in all the universes, in all the different versions of you and kuroo, you’re certain of two things: that he’s always a good person, and that you love him.
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : fake dating au — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : business school academic rivals to lovers — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : kuroo tweet — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : dad!kuroo is the best — ( sfw ) ✩✮   : single!mom reader x kuroo office romance — ( sfw )
multipart get him back! — ( nsfw ) so, in an attempt to get back at your ex - who posted a sex tape of himself cheating on you with your best friend - you decide that you’re going to upload your own film, and it’s going to be even hotter than theirs. you don’t anticipate your class’s teaching assistant being your co-star, especially considering that he’s the one who took your virginity, and after all was said and done, you ran out on him. but there’s no running from him now, especially whenever your tape does better than expected. now, you’re one of the hottest up and coming content creators on the platform, and the cash is too good to let this opportunity go to waste. what starts as a petty revenge scheme results in a lucrative business partnership with three simple rules: profits are split 50/50, all videos remain faceless, and this newfound partnership means absolutely nothing. just because you two fuck on a daily basis does not mean you’re friends, and you’re certainly not lovers. then again, things hardly ever are that simple.
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐀  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles paper rings — ( sfw ) shinsuke kita is a creature of habit.
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : influencer!reader x kita — ( sfw )
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles xoxo — ( nsfw ) just thinking about recreating the infamous maison margiela kiss button-down shirt for your boyfriend osamu
headcanons & concepts ✩✮   : the miya divide — ( sfw )
( 🏐 )  ⸺ 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈  ✩ ✭
one shots & drabbles everything's blurry but you — ( sfw ) barely in your baby twenties, and you think life is so over for you. then, while at rock bottom, you run into futakuchi, and realize that 1) he’s kinda pathetic, and 2) someone else’s pathetic-ness totally distracts you from your own. so, guess you two are in it together.
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springstarfangirl · 1 year
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I posted 2,766 times in 2022
That's 1,974 more posts than 2021!
51 posts created (2%)
2,715 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 273 of my posts in 2022
#spring's thoughts - 12 posts
#yuri on ice - 9 posts
#haikyuu!! - 9 posts
#yuuri katsuki - 8 posts
#youtube - 7 posts
#victor nikiforov - 7 posts
#hinata shoyo - 6 posts
#incorrect quotes - 6 posts
#yoi olympics 2022 - 6 posts
#haikyuu - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the reason so many people associate cuddling and kissing and that stuff with romantic attraction is that they assume that that satisfaction
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hinata: You remind me of the ocean. Kageyama: Because I'm deep and mysterious? Tsukishima: Because you're salty and scare people. (Yamaguchi cracking up in the background) Hinata: You're saltier than him. Tsukishima: Well then, just call me the Dead Sea.
47 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
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Day one of my YOI Olympics bingo! That's the alternate event au down, let's see how many more I can do!
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122 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Yuri!!! On Ice Incorrect Quotes
Reporter: Mr. Nikiforov, do you support the LGBTQ community?
Victor, pulling Yuuri into a delicate kiss: I'm gay.
Yuri, from somewhere in the crowd: He's dodging the question!
205 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
Haikyuu Incorrect Quotes
Reporter: Hinata-senshu, do you support the LGBTQ community?
Hinata, grabbing Kageyama by the shirt and kissing him senseless: I'm gay.
Tsukishima, from somewhere in the crowd: He's dodging the question!
234 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Guys... They deadass rereleased the art so that we could have the ring... My heart...
2,107 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
Tooru Oikawa Talks Living in Argentina, Winning Bronze, and His Infamous Balcony Selfie
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/leJwhAb
by snowborn
Team Argentina setter Tooru Oikawa invites us into his cozy San Juan apartment to answer 73 questions. Tooru talks about his gallery wall of pictures, the history behind the legendary Argentina-Japan match at the 2021 Olympics, and successfully navigating a long-distance relationship.
A transcript from Vogue's 73 Questions Season 4 Episode 14—the world's first look into the life of overnight fan favorite, the notoriously private Olympic bronze-medalist Tooru Oikawa.
Released on 07/20/2021
Words: 4575, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Screenplay/Script Format, Canon Compliant
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/leJwhAb
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paastliives · 9 months
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justice smith + he/him + cis male – have you seen luke tozier around los angeles? the twenty-six year old is usually jamming to fancy by twice. word around the city is that they’re persistent, yet, they can also be pessimistic, but you didn’t hear that from me. they’re currently an nhl player and are typically seen walking the streets of los angeles with his samoyed, lorna. when i think of them, i think of hot chocolate in a cold ice rink, graphic sweaters and unsent postcards forgotten on a cluttered bedside table. let’s hope the city treats them good!
(slight mention of teen pregnancy and tw for homophobia & biphobia, drug use & alcohol use)
full name: luke tozier
nicknames: louie
birthday: january 4th, 1997
zodiac: capricorn
birthplace: ottawa, canada
hometown: ottawa, canada
occupation: goalie for the anaheim ducks
sexual orientation: (closeted) bisexual
gender: cis male
character inspiration: benny weir (my babysitter's a vampire), stiles stilinski (teen wolf), kotaro bokuto (haikyuu), finn hudson (glee)
TOZIER'S ALL STAR SAVES: SEE FULL GAMEPLAY HERE! - tsn, march 2023 TOZIER TO ANAHEIM! ( the senators to trade hometown boy to california ) - cbc, june 2022 TROUBLE FOR A SENATOR? ( sens' goalie off to rehab, says insider source ) - tmz, may 2021
the story
practically born with a hockey stick in hand, luke tozier was born to teenage parents romee tozier (fourty-three) and theo moran (fourty-four) in the suburbs of canada's capital city, ottawa. romee & theo didn't stay together long, but they'd always considered themselves 'life long friends'. due to that, luke has always said he was brought up by 'love'.
when luke was around 3 or 4, theo and his brother played hockey on a rec level and romee would always bring luke around to watch his dad play. it was at one of these games that luke got his first taste for the ice and decided he loved the rough sport. he begged his parents to enroll him as soon as he was old enough. with the help of theo's mother finding his old hockey stuff & romee's father paying the year's dues - luke got his wish. he officially started playing hockey in the fall of 2002.
he found his place as a goalie not long after. he found the position on the ice natural, and was easily commended by his coaches & peers for every block he made. this was truly cemented for him when he went to his first hockey camp at age 8. he spent most of that camp as a goalie, and revelled in the cheers he got every-time he blocked the puck from the goal.
the first time the idea came up that luke could actually truly make a career out of hockey - he was 13. sure, the idea had come up in dreams and fun talks with his dad & uncle, but he didn't think it could actually happen to him. a scout put the idea in his head during one of his games; placed a card in theo's hand, and told him to call if he wanted his son on the ice for real. three months later, luke found himself at a prestigious hockey 'school' on his summer break - there, he met wanted connection, his closest friend, and it was also where he given his first real taste of big time parties.
luke's life kind of changed after that summer. it was like he was initiated into this new life of semi-pro athletes, and he started high school with this flow about him. another thing that changed for luke was his willpower towards certain substances and alcohol and the parties that came with his new life. even though he knew one wrong move could mess up his whole future, luke found he loved the rush he got whenever he indulged himself. it was almost better than the feeling of the crowd cheering for him.
as he got older, he got better. he continued going to hockey camp; played on the school team and on club teams. when he was 16, he was picked as a goalie for the canadian world juniors team and the team won silver after he blocked the final goal of the game from sweden. the first time he saw his uncle cry was after that game.
he played his first olympic game the following year. he turned 17 in the mist of his first olympics, and got a gold medal with it.
the olympics were another turning point for luke. it was the first time he kissed a boy. he never told any of his teammates or his friends, in fear of what would happen. he gradually came out to certain people in the years following, and still deals with internalised homophobia & biphobia over it.
luke was drafted by the nhl at the age of 19 - right out of high school. he started in colorado, before getting traded to his hometown team of the ottawa senators.
as the years went on, luke's penance for partying grew. he was known to be at clubs late at night, and was known for heavy drinking following bad losses. he thought he hid it well; he really did. he thought no one could possibly know - until everyone did. after a brutal binge (and maybe a couple thousand in damages to a couple of things), luke was sent to rehab.
following his stay at rehab, luke had a horrible season. he felt shitty; he felt bad. he felt like his whole life and everything he thought about himself was going to come crumbling down due to one bad season. despite his two gold and two silver medals, and constantly being named one of the top goalies in the nhl: luke felt he had ruined his career and life.
he was traded to the anaheim ducks the following season, and he had never been so thankful to move from his hometown.
luke has always been described by teachers and coaches as 'quirky' and 'a little odd'. he's always had this odd flow to him - like he's on a different dimension than you. his warmup music consists of kpop girl groups and vitamin string quartet covers; a hobby he picked up as a kid was tumbling rocks, and he has continued it into adulthood; and his favourite ice cream flavour is pralines & cream. after he moved to la, this translated into his clothing style too. it was often to find pap photos of him in fun clothes going viral on twitter.
once a video a teammate took of him dancing to 'love dive' by ive in the locker room went viral on tiktok & twitter, and now he sometimes does it on the ice.
sometimes just comes to the rink to skate his feelings out. he tries to do figure skating moves, but can never land them right.
he plays the guitar and sometimes jokes about starting his own band 'if this hockey thing doesn't work out'
luke hasn't touched drugs since rehab, but still drinks. he's trying to stop completely, but he has cut back a lot.
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bookdancerfics · 10 months
For the ask game: 🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
so i have a good amount of WIPs that i've absolutely loved getting to write, but i was going back through and reading some of them and i think i may have to give the "favorite" title to a fic i first started way back in 2018, which is actually significant bc the fic itself takes place in 2020... needless to say when i was plotting it out, my expectation was that it would be posted before the setting was past, lol
anyway the fic itself is arbitrarily named "Haikyuu!! Social Media Fic: Hinata Shouyou’s Cinderella Story" right now (it'll definitely get an official title before ever being posted), and takes place during the 2020 summer olympics (which, again, i started plotting this in 2018... sometimes real life complications happen to make your writing even more unrealistic, although i don't think anyone could have predicted the 2020 summer olympics actually taking place in 2021)
but yeah, the fic is entirely written from a social media standpoint, going back and forth between articles written by both American and Japanese reporters, and tweets and tumblr posts by reporters, fans, and players. the current word count is 5.5k+ words, but i have a ways to go and honestly haven't written anything significant for it in a year or two. i have every intention of getting back to it at some point though! maybe after rewatching Haikyuu :)
thanks so much for the ask!!
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aiamare-art · 3 years
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Welcome home, Oikawa! 🇯🇵🇦🇷
Twitter | Instagram
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diemndx · 3 years
since the Olympics started, I decided to do something 😎🇧🇷
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I'd also like to thank everyone who is following my obey me steampunk series 💕
I still don't know how to use tumblr properly, so I don't interact much, but I read all the comments and they motivate me a lot. Thank you!!
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lizethdraws · 3 years
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the olympics ended this weekend and I was a little sad there was next to no olympic!ushioi content so I had to do some myself 
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Ok ok ok but hear me out.
Haikyuu, Free, sk8 the infinity all at the Olympics and being hella gay and hella chaotic and everyone is just extremely confused 😂
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phobiacoms · 3 years
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There's only a few moments in life where I like to be obnoxiously Brazilian and the Olympics is one of them
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jewlsa · 3 years
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Super late post aaah i’m ashamed
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sugawara--san · 3 years
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
do it to death
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/boeXrZs
by Dis_Astor
It’s 2023, and Tooru Oikawa, 29, is still living in Argentina and playing as a setter for Club Atlético San Juan. He hasn’t been back to Japan to see anyone since just after the 2021 Olympics. His old team came to see him once. His mother and older brother would come for holidays but beyond that, it’s just his new team, and the rest of the world and reporters with their eyes on him. He isn’t depressed, he isn’t lonely, he’s just tired. And maybe, maybe sometimes he’s angry. Still, he’ll smile for the camera and he’ll push and push and fucking push because anthing less than the best has always been failure. – Tooru Oikawa, 29, knows pro’s rarely make it in this game past thirty. But what is he if not delusional?
Words: 822, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: hinted past iwaoi, tooru really just needs a hug, and maybe a theripist, poor guy, Self-Esteem Issues, Doubt, Haikyuu!! Time Skip, Post-Haikyuu!! Time Skip, cannon can suck my dick, this is my first fic in actual years of god, no beta we die like daichi, Trans Oikawa Tooru, gayyyy, this bitch enjoys thinking about his ex [he does not enjoy it], Argentina, Haikyuu - Freeform, iwaoi - Freeform, tooru oikawa - Freeform, hajime iwaizumi - Freeform
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/boeXrZs
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dumbythembo · 3 years
Thinking about Haikyuu and YOI with those anti-sex beds at the Olympics-
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awk0turtle · 3 years
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mentally, we are here 🤧
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