#hail bread
l3m0nflavoredst1mz · 5 months
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bread making stimboard 🍞
🧑‍🍳 🍞 🧑‍🍳
🍞 🧑‍🍳 🍞
🧑‍🍳 🍞 🧑‍🍳
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there-goes-my-sanity · 2 months
Helo! I'm here to deliver some garlic bread, don't mind me! I'll just put it here: 🍞🥖🧄🧈🥖🧄🍞🧈🧄🥖
Have a great day
- The Garlic Bread Deliverer
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Oh hell yeah
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hailthedragonmaster · 7 months
most important question ill ever ask
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hotdadlicense · 9 months
bangin storm happening out there which normally i would be all over but i thought the storms were gonna miss us so i put a loaf of bread in the oven that takes three hours and forty five minutes to bake. and the powers already cut out 4 times. so. stupidest girl in the world award goes to ME for the 28th year in a row
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oocmadagascar · 9 months
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belladrawsstuff · 4 months
Pride month pfp!!!!
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ereborne · 1 year
Distracted and sleep-deprived is no way to make it through multihour meetings, but have I ever let that stop me before?  
Notable side-effects of this system include: forgetting my camera is on and dropping my face into Jo's fluff; forgetting my mic is on and playing with my hot wheels stormtrooper ATV (thankfully off-camera, and thankfully they did all assume the weird noise was Jo again, and not tiny wheels rumbling back and forth over my num-pad); forgetting that there is an IT rep in this meeting specifically to answer idiot questions and answering them myself; in fact answering any question whose answer I know, no matter how rhetorical or off-topic.  
One of the finance analysts asked, I assume as a joke in response to some other joke I didn't bother to hear, what they should plant to grow a black-and-white chessboard lawn.  (black mondo grass and lambs' ear, but you'd have to be really careful watering)
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aites-artxx · 11 months
My bread lamp came today🍞
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[The bread is holding a note saying LEAVE AN OFFERING TO THE ONE AND ONLY BREADD!! with a small container of coins and a necklace]
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Uh oh foxy is approaching your property!
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scripture-pictures · 14 days
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eldritchbonedoll · 4 months
Making a demigod Oc and thinking of an idea that, depending on which deities they help out, they get bonus quirks of the specific deities power. Like let's say you help collect souls for the reaper god you can see spirits for a month which can be helpful but downside is you have to wear shades everywhere (yes, even inside) because light blinds you for a month.
Also a little side note cause I wanna have this written somewhere and it fits perfectly with this. Demigods, when they reach an age of not longer physically aging, will be brought to the realm of the gods to serve as minor deities (usually for like niche things like bread? Not a hundred percent sure but bread god). They can become renown gods and eat the sacred fruit from the orchid but that's really a rare occurrence.
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metrovaniac · 1 year
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I got bored while making dinner.
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hailthedragonmaster · 8 months
haven't had a sandwich in ages but i listened to my demons at the store yesterday and got sandwich stuff and now at 9pm after an impromptu 3 hour nap im eating a sandwich and brother this is positively scrumptious
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chex-mex · 2 years
Been replaying so much Skyrim y’all. All my homies hate Stormcloaks. Where’s my “I hate stormcloaks” gang.
y’all ain’t them “Skyrim is for the nords types” are ya
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xenic-doll · 2 years
Day 12 of my Gluten, Dairy and Egg free diet. All I can say is thank the Gods for potatoes 🥔
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pseudowho · 11 months
In from the Cold
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(help me find the Nanami artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
After a mission gone wrong, the Reader is left wandering confused, cold and alone in the biting snow- only Nanami Kento can save you, and warm you up.
WARNINGS: Angst, fluff, smut, PIV intercourse, fingering, handjobs, fluffy intercourse
"[...]The only other sound’s the sweep    Of easy wind and downy flake.   
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,    But I have promises to keep,    And miles to go before I sleep,    And miles to go before I sleep."
-- Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
"[...] Hurt myself again today And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame
Be my friend, hold me Wrap me up, enfold me I am small and needy Warm me up and breathe me."
-- Sia, Breathe Me
Oh, god, Kento. Please find me. I'm so cold. I'm so cold. I'm so tired. I'm so afraid to fall asleep, in case I never get to say goodbye. In any other world, in any other universe, you would find me and I'd be warm.
Curled on wet cardboard boxes against a stack of bins, the shivers had now stopped. You felt the cold deep in your belly as you fought desperately against sleep. Blinking away tears, the thick falling snow and orange streetlights bled together, and you felt yourself drift, heavy, unmoving...
The day had started like any other. Pulling on your usual mission attire, Kento leaned in and gave you a smooth goodbye kiss while pulling his tie through its loop. Separate missions, separate sides of the city, and neither expected to be much of a challenge to a pair of seasoned, competent sorcerers.
You gripped Kento's hair and pulled him back for a second kiss, his chest rumbling with a deep chuckle.
"Go, love," he had warned, faux-stern as he squeezed your hips, "if we're done with work fast, I'll be all yours, all evening."
You groaned against his lips, and nuzzled into his firm neck, breathing deeply of his smell; a spiced cologne, deep and woody and undeniably Kento.
"Promises, promises, darling. I'll bring the wine, you bring the bread and cheese?" Murmuring his assent into your hair, you reluctantly pulled away, mischief sparkling in your eyes. Kento turned you by the shoulders, and when he patted your bum towards the door, you laughed.
"Be safe, Kento. I love you!" and you had swept out the doorway as Kento shook his head fondly. You stepped out into the bitter cold, hailing a taxi- you would get yourself there today, but Ijichi was on call to collect you later. Enjoying the peace of a taxi journey where neither you nor the driver wished to chat, you rested your forehead against the window and watched as the first fat flakes of snow fell upon the Tokyo streets.
Many hours had passed. Your curse had been much stronger, more vicious and tenacious than expected. With absolute focus, skill and determination, you had cleansed the abandoned hospital of its filthy inhabitant, and stood shaking, dazed and alone.
As you struggled to collect your thoughts, your arms were heavy as lead as they tried to take stock of your body, your injuries. Multiple and minor, you determined, but a firm crack to the temple as you had been swept aside by a thrashing tail, left your head throbbing and fuzzy.
Pipes had been wrenched from the walls and spewed frigid water. You were soaked through, and as the adrenaline faded you began to shiver, deep violent shivers all the way through to your stomach. Your mask and glasses were shattered across the floor. Face bare, and vision impaired, you reached into your pocket grasping your phone in its ziplock bag.
With despair, you looked down at your phone. It was utterly ruined, smashed and soaked, ziplock bag ripped open by the cracked and warped glass of the device.
Nodding slowly to yourself, and glancing out the first floor windows into the pale of the night, the eerie glow told you the snow had fallen deep and thick upon the ground.
Ijichi will be here by now, you reasoned to yourself. I'll be home and in a nice hot bath before I know it.
You wobbled towards the staircase, assuring yourself you were fine. Gripping the bannister, you took the flight of stairs at an unsteady pace. Your fingers felt like putty, cold and numb against the dark wood.
You pushed the ageing front doors open, hearing the frosted chains clank, broken, against the metal. Looking onto the streets eagerly for Ijichi, you did not notice the sheets of ice beneath the fresh snow on the steps, and slid backwards hard, your head cracking on the concrete.
Crying out, coughing and winded, you slid down the rest of the steps. Vision blurring, you raised a tentative hand to the back of your head, wincing as you felt the sharp tang of split skin. The bleeding seemed minimal, but your head only throbbed harder.
Pulling yourself up from the snow, you heard only the sounds of snow-hushed suburbia. The old hospital was on the outskirts of Tokyo, now silent and abandoned, and faint orange streetlights ahead of you told of a quiet street, its residents all in bed, or soon to be. Ijichi was nowhere in sight.
Unlike him, you thought to yourself with a gulp. Body still wracked with shivers, pain, and confusion, you took a meandering walk through the crunching snow, all the way around the hospital.
As your path reconnected with your original footprints, which were now softened by continued snowfall, you were forced to conclude that Ijichi was not here.
Growing colder and more confused, you set your pace firmly towards the street ahead. If you could find a phone, work out exactly where you were, or hail a taxi home, you would be fine. Patting your pockets with rubbery fingers, you felt for your thin purse, always stocked with emergency cash and your bank card.
Your heart sank. Gone, and lost, somewhere in the chaos of the fight. No phone. No cards. No cash. No idea where you were. You stared helplessly back at the hospital, now as good as miles away with the state you were in. You stood at a crossroads between houses, each rolling street looking just the same as the next, but you saw the Tokyo skyscrapers in the distance and set your course.
Your clothes soon became stiff with the blood and water, and snow collected in your hair, body and soul feeling dank, heavy and wet. Desperate, you hesitated by a house with a light on downstairs. Maybe they'll let me use their phone? At your first step towards the front door, the downstairs lift switched off and you halted.
You laughed bitterly to yourself, at your thought that a soaked and blood covered stranger in the night, and a foreigner no less, would be welcomed into this Tokyo home. If they didn't slam the door, they'd simply call the Police.
No, you thought, best bet is just to keep walking and get home to Kento. Get home to Kento. Get home to Kento. You continued these words like a mantra as you walked, and walked, and walked, dead-legged and deeply, concerningly cold now, and it just went on and on and on, and even when you started passing shops and restaurants and strangers who veered around you with hands clasped over their mouths and words of shock to their friends and partners you just kept walking dazed and lost now and so tired and so cold and you just needed a rest before you carried on into the night and the laughter from bars and music from clubs washed over you as you lost your footing again and again and took a tumble down an alleyway desperate for somewhere out of the snow and fell onto wet cardboard against a bin that was so comfortable as you rested your weary spinning head.
You started to sob, soft and pathetic, whispering pleas for Kento to come to you, to carry you home, to whisper sweet things in your ears. You were too far gone to see reason or a way out, feeling your brain shut down in the cold.
"Hey, hey! What have we got here? Hey cutie, are you lost?" You glanced up feebly to see three or four shadows leaning over you, all men, and the smell of beer hit your nose.
"Please can you help me?" you stuttered in broken Japanese, "I'm so cold."
The shadows laughed and jeered, and you felt a hand grip your arm to pull you up, as the man in front cooed, "Don't you worry sweetheart, we can get you nice and warm, right boys?"
Another, familiar voice cut through the alleyway, dark and threatening.
"Get your filthy fucking hands off her. If her fiancé doesn't rip your dicks off, I'm happy to oblige."
You were dropped back against the bin as the men scattered, and cool long fingers pulled your face upwards to see the face of Satoru, your dear friend, hair as white as the snow. He pulled you up easily with one arm, his other hand pressing his phone to his ear.
"Nanami. I've got her. I've got her. Come to the car, now." Satoru hung up, and bent down, hoisting you onto his back. "Bet you've never been so happy to see me, huh, kiddo?" His attempt at lightheartedness was tight and easily gave away his fear. You clutched at his jacket, weeping with relief, and opening your eyes as you heard frantic footsteps rush to reach you and Satoru.
"Shit, Gojo, where did you find her? Shit, shit, shit, she's soaked. Darling, are you awake?"
A goofy smile on your face, you gazed at Kento like you'd seen an angel; absolute panic on his usually stoic face, hair messy and wet, and bundling you from Gojo's back into the back of the car, he was still just as handsome as you always knew him.
"Gojo, give me your shirt, anything warm and dry. I've got to undress her. You drive."
You felt Kento's huge warm fingers begin to deftly rid you of your sodden clothes. Satoru, unusually serious and quiet, put the heating on full blast and rumbled the car to life. You remained impassive and smiling blankly at Kento as he pulled Gojo's shirt and his own shirt onto your cold body. He slipped off his shoes, removed his socks and pulled them onto your own, holding your toes between his hands and breathing hot breath onto them. Wrapping his overcoat around you, Kento pulled you into his lap, covering you in as much of his body as he could manage. Warmth washed over you, Kento's body a furnace. He pushed your hands under his undershirt, chilly against his solid chest. You hummed happily, curling your toes, finally safe. You drifted in and out of sleep, taking in snippets of conversation.
"Ijichi...miscommunication...thought he was supposed to get me..."
"No word from her...hours and hours...lost."
You snapped out of your thoughts as Kento insisted that Gojo drive you to Jujutsu High, to wake up Shoko, to spend the night there.
"No!" you blurted out, and both men looked to you, Satoru in the rear view mirror, "No, I'm okay. I just need a warm bath, a warm bed and some plasters. I'm alright. I'm already feeling a lot better."
Kento looked at you like you'd grown another head as Satoru laughed.
"See, Nanami? She's great! No weaklings in this car tonight!"
Kento scowled at him. "She's clearly concussed, Gojo. She's taken at least two knocks to the head. She goes to Shoko, no arguments."
"She's not concussed! Hey kiddo, what's the capital of Azerbaijan?"
"Satoru, I don't know that and I'm damn sure you don't either."
Satoru laughed again, "Alright, what's my favourite drink?"
"You don't drink."
"Ding ding ding! Correct. What's Megumi's surname?"
"Correct again! What month is it?"
"December," you said warmly, excited and reminded of your festive plans with Kento.
Kento had remained silent throughout, peering down at you, and now met your eyes. Reading you gently, he caressed your cheek. "Are you sure? I'd never forgive myself...if you're hurt..."
You put your finger to his lips.
"All I need right now is you, a hot bath, and home."
"Ah ah ah, what do you think you're doing?" Kento stood from his stool by the bathroom door, as you began to pull yourself out of the bath. Shirtless, Kento reached his arms into the water, lifting your bruised bodily easily against his own. Ignoring your demands for him to put you down, that he'd get all wet, that you were perfectly capable of walking, he carried you to bed, placing you onto a nest of towels and beginning to lovingly dry you. You softened as he continued in silence, serious and committed in his attentiveness. As he finished drying your feet, he lifted your ankle to his shoulder, kissing your calf gently as you reached forward to brush your thumb against his cheek.
He placed your leg gently down and turned to the drawers behind him, rummaging for pyjamas.
"I don't want them, Kento. I just want you. Your skin on mine."
With a quiet hum, he closed the drawers, and flipped the covers of the bed. Leaning over you, he placed your arms around the back of his neck. You clasped your hands, and he crawled smoothly up the bed, resting you on the pillows and settling beside you with a sigh. Chest to chest, Kento held you, silently nuzzling into your damp hair.
A residual shiver crept along your skin, the memory of the cold still deep within your body, ice cubes in your belly and muscles. Kento felt tense, and you nuzzled into his throat, yearning forthe heat inside that only he could give you. You licked delicately along the front of his throat, raising your thigh up insistently over his hip.
Kento's body stiffened, and he grasped your thigh in his broad palm.
"Don't even try it," he growled, "you've just been through hell, you are injured, and you need to rest." He groaned as you rocked your hips against his, bare pussy whispering against the material of his pyjamas. Gripping your hip firmly, he pressed you back into the bed and loomed over you, thigh still pinned between your legs.
Kento faltered at your expression, tearful and pleading. "I can't get rid of the cold. It's so deep, I was so afraid. Please Kento. I need you to warm me up."
Kento swallowed thickly. "I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't. You could never hurt me." You took his hand, and guided it down your breasts and tummy, ghosting against you as you rested it between your legs.
Resolve broken, Kento laid his body firmly against yours, grinding deftly between your legs. He shuddered, his own eyes narrowed and dark, and kissed you softly, the wetness of his tongue against your own making you moan into his open mouth.
One hand working delicately between your folds, and the other grasping the back of your neck, he dipped one finger inside your pussy to gather its wetness, and brought the finger, agonisingly slowly, back up to stroke circles over your clit. Bringing his face down to your breasts, seemingly unable to look you in the eyes, he glossed his tongue over your nipple, taking it fully into his mouth and moaning around it as he played your body like an instrument.
Warmth began to spread through you, and you whispered your moans and his name like a psalm, rocking against his fingers as he stroked two fingers deep inside you, his thumb continuing circles on your clit with patient consistency. Your hand grasped his hair, hard, as you panted and whined, feeling your orgasm approach.
Feeling his cock, hard and heavy against your leg, you ground up into him and were rewarded with a heady moan against your breast.
"My love," he gasped, as you reached down a hand inside his pyjamas, squeezing his length, his stuttering moans and sticky precum the last element you needed to push you over the edge. You cried out his name, squeezing his cock and hair as heat filled your belly and waves of pleasure rolled through you. Kento buried his face into your neck, slowly thrusting, thick and long, into your hand. He was silent as he kicked off his pyjamas, and, taking your grasping hand from his length, he laced your fingers with his and pinned it above his head.
Naturally, effortlessly, he pressed his whole length inside you, groaning shakily as he bottomed out. Bringing your thighs around his hips, he moaned in satisfaction as he felt your ankles lock around him. You saw stars, feeling him move deeply, kissing your cervix, finally feeling warm again.
"Please don't stop-- you feel incredible-- I can feel you in my belly...I...I..."
You felt a sudden dampness at your neck where Kento's face was pressed, his thrusts becoming more insistent, barely pulling out of you as he rutted you against the bed. With a pang, you realised he was crying.
"Of all the dangers...of all the Curses we...haah...we face--" Kento's voice broke as he moaned against your ear, gripping your thighs tighter around him, "...and I nearly lose you to the fucking cold. You were afraid, but I was too. I thought I'd find you...find you dead... from such a thoughtless mistake."
You held him close, whispering love into his ear, feeling pleasure build and build deep within you again as he gasped and moaned, only ever partially pulling out, hitting your most sensitive spot again, and again.
"Gods, you feel so good. So warm, I...I'm not going to last...please darling..." His clever fingers reached down to draw circles on your clit again, and his thrusts became sloppy as you spasmed and fluttered around his cock, head thrown back in ecstasy as you called his name in bliss.
Kento came hard, white lights in his eyes as he pulsed deep inside you, filling you with his warm seed. Trembling, and laying butterfly kisses across your cheeks and nose, he collapsed to the side, pulling you with him, chest to chest again.
You both lay, warm to the core, in peaceful silence. The snow continued to fall outside, and the wind whistled over the windows, and you felt Kento's chest rise and fall against your own.
"I'm so sorry, Kento. I tried so hard to get home." Kento shushed you gently, pressing his lips to your forehead in a tender kiss.
"It wasn't your fault. It was all bad luck and circumstance. First thing in the morning, we'll look into the most indestructible phones on the market."
You giggled into the pillow, and succumbed to sleep together, Kento still nestled inside you, keeping you warm.
Kento padded around the kitchen the next morning, in only grey joggers and his Danish grandfather's old woolen cardigan. You were tucked up in blankets on the sofa, enjoying your second round of tea and toast, while Kento's phone lit up with messages of concern for you, from students and staff at Jujutsu High. He responded to them all patiently, reassuring everyone that you were now safe and warm and working your way through a small bakery.
Two exquisite bunches of flowers were delivered to Kento's door in quick succession- one from Ijichi and one from Nitta. After collecting Kento from his mission, neither had attended to collect you as both had believed the other to be on duty for you. Kento snorted derisively, considering murder as an option.
He sent thanks to Gojo, whose exceptional six-eyes had found you when nobody else could. Kento tapped his phone thoughtfully against his lips as he draped your legs over his lap on the sofa. Perhaps he would get Gojo a Christmas present this year.
This was my first smut for quite some time. I hope you enjoyed a read, HMU sometime ✌️💓
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maniacwatchestheworld · 7 months
Making up things about Danny Phantom herb lore for fun #1: Blood Blossoms
The specifics as to why Blood Blossoms have such strong ghost-repelling qualities are still unknown. The Blood Blossom flower has a strong and pleasant smell and is edible by humans, having a light, flowery, and sweet flavor to them. Traditionally, it was often used as a famine food, and it was not uncommon for the flowers to be put on bread as they were- cut straight from the stem- and consumed with a bit of butter. As summer turns to autumn, unharvested blood blossoms turn into a fruit known more colloquially as 'Blood Berries.' Blood berries are also edible by humans, maintaining a similar level of sweetness as their flowers, but with a much richer, often overpowering taste. As such, the berries would often be reduced and put into jars of preservers or used as a marinade for meats. Only a little was needed to draw out the richer dimensions of food. While the scent of blood berries will still drive away ghosts, the scent of blood berries is not as strong as their flower counterpart unless actively being cooked. However, dried blood berries, and preserves using them tend to keep especially well in the cold winter months.
While one may assume that Blood Blosdoms were named for their vibrant, red, blood-like hue, it is thought by many historians that blood blossoms were especially favored by the Blood family who hailed from England, and it was them who named the flower. The Blood family's coat of arms features a design that incorporates flowers that look very similar to blood blossoms, perhaps proving to be evidence of this theory.
There are many theories as to why Blood Blossoms repel ghosts, among which is the idea that the scent of these flowers is exceedingly repulsive to ghosts, that something in their chemical makeup makes ectoplasm react in adverse ways when a ghost consumes one, or that it is a component of ghost-repelling spells- therefore ghosts feel a natural aversion to them. However one legend purposes that the reason for why ghosts are repelled by blood blossoms stems from their origin- There is a legend that says that once upon a time, a man would secretly worship at a shrine to a local forest spirit of life and the harvest. The man and his family had been cursed by evil spirits some years before, and where the Christain God had forsaken him and his family, the gentle forest spirit took pity on him and gave him what help she could. He did not have much to offer her. He would work all day in the field and barely yield enough to feed his family. His wife had been injured some years before and so could not work the fields with him anymore, nor could she even ready his meals for him when he returned home each day. And his daughters had fallen under some kind of mysterious illness that, while it fortunately had yet to take their lives, also refused to subside. Still, what little he could spare he would sacrifice to the forest spirit in hopes that she would bring them better fortune, a better crop, and protection from the evil spirits that had cursed him and his family. But one day he came to the nature spirit's alter, a gaping wound in his chest. The ghosts that had cursed his family before had returned for their souls. He did what he could- cast incantations around his humble home, but this injury had been the cost of trying to keep his family safe. The spirits were stronger than his incantations, and it would not be long until the spirits broke through them. He begged the goddess to protect and help his family. Without him, how would they eat? How would his family survive? The humble farmer died on the forest spirit's alter. She wept for the man who sacrificed everything he could to her to protect his family. And so she thought that the least she could do was to grant his wish. Plants erupted from the ground where his blood had spilled, bearing bright red flowers with black thorns. They traveled along the forest path to his home, where they surrounded the building, forcing the ghosts away. They would never return to hurt the family ever again. And with the spirits gone, the daughters were able to heal from the illness. It was soon discovered as they trimmed the wild black thorns back that the flowers were edible and delicious too. The stems and twigs burned especially hot, helping them to keep their hearth warm throughout all the autumn and winter. And the berries kept all the winter through. And so the man's wishes had all come true. For the rest of their days, his family would be protected from the spirits that had haunted them, and they would never need to go hungry ever again.
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