#hair removal for men
safimiran · 6 months
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1847formen · 9 months
Expert Hair Removal for Men in Dubai
1847 is your destination for expert Hair Removal for Men in Dubai. Get a clean, confident look with our Men's Waxing services. Book your appointment today.
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clinicdermatechdelhi · 11 months
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jovsofficial · 1 year
Venus Pro II Hair Removal
The Venus Pro II Hair Removal is your best bet when it comes to at-home permanent hair removal options. It has six different settings to accommodate the removal of hair from some regions of the body. This convenient tool allows you to quickly and easily clean your hair in one sitting, regardless of where you happen to be.
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permanencesydney · 2 years
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Permanence — hair free for life have skilled professionals that offer hair removal for men and women. So don’t worry about that unwanted hair and schedule an appointment today! -  http://permanence.com.au/our-treatments/male-treatments/
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hirsuteandcute · 3 months
One of the things that still hurts me deeply about hair removal culture is the loss of innocence. I was sitting in a shopping centre today having a drink and I saw this little girl, maybe around 8 or 9 with her mum and older sister, I think Turkish, and she had this glitzy little tank top on, probably dressing up for he last day of school since it's school holidays now. She had visible dark hair up to her shoulders and on her lower back and she was running around playing with her sister without a care in the world, just looking so happy and free and I felt a pang in my heart, I was both so happy and so sad for her. I thought about the last time I was unaware of my body hair or of my body at all, and I can't even remember it. I remember being 7 or 8 and messing around with the sink when washing my paintbrushes at school and one of the kids pointed out how dark the hair on my arms was when it got wet. And since then I couldn't stop noticing it and how much darker and more visible it was than everyone elses, even the boys, especially whenever I had to put on a tshirt for P.E. or a dress in the summer. And I remember going home one day and trying to cut all my arm hair off with a pair of craft scissors and my mum found out and was so angry because she thought that I since cut the hair it was going to grow back even thicker and darker and that I was going to look like a freak (her exact words - thanks mum). So she started waxing my 8 year old arms with hot wax even though it burnt my skin. Then when I was 10 she started waxing my legs. Then my underarms, then my bikini line, and when I was 17 she tried to persuade me to get a brazilian wax.
The world is just so messed up for little girls, it's like no one cares that you're a child, you're a female first so you have to fit the standard of beauty from childhood at whatever cost. It's like a curse, as soon as you become aware of some new 'flaw' you can't unsee it or stop thinking about it and you're expected to 'fix' it. And it's getting even worse with the rise of even more ridiculous beauty standards and procedures and social media and now we're seeing 14 year olds with anti aging routines. I genuinely feel like the destruction of innocence as a girl is such a scarring experience, you stop being a relatively carefree and happy child who is unaware of the expectations of beauty and start having to become a 'girl'
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mishkakagehishka · 5 days
I miss the era when the mainstream just called us feminazis the fact that capitalism and the patriarchy actually successfully co-opted feminism hurts so much more
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clueless1995 · 8 months
self care has been so twisted into serving capitalism and the patriarchy it makes me sick actually
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pineappical · 1 year
I always thought is very tricky to draw that wrinkle that goes from the nose and around the mouth and still male it look good, but gosh you nail it in every art, super expressive and pretty. Looking at all your drawings 🔍🕵‍♀️ to properly appreciate and study it. But wow really in love with your art style is so expressive and pleasing to look at, and the colors are so pretty 👌👌👌👌
i LOVEEE drawing wrinkles!!! it makes faces soso so expressive and i try to add wrinkles to every character i draw whenever i can. and the fact i also love drawing characters smiling (they make me happy, so i want to be able to share my joy to other people by drawing them smiling too!) which of course makes that wrinkle around the nose and mouth more prominent :-)
im not a person that can draw well from memory, i use references excessively even if it doesnt turn out the same way from the reference im copying from in the end 😊
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i drew these out real quick but i have no clue how to explain any of these so i just thought about sharing it with you anyways!
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call it "cheating" or whatever, but most of the time i even trace over the reference just to have a base i can copy the expression im trying to draw from. i do art for fun and if it makes my process that much easier then. well!
anyhoo, ignore the fact these are all mr lassos... i just love him a whole bunch 💛
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taihua · 1 month
“I love how everyone agrees that” fandom posts are aggravating because I have never once in my life agreed with what they are saying
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safimiran · 8 months
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fobnsfwdoodlesbackup · 2 months
the Patrick nude sketch is so beautiful oh my god when you draw that man it is like... indescribably beautiful, it's like historical art pieces depicting naked people but it's Patrick beloved
Thank youuu 🥺 I'm very passionate about treating bodies as art, and especially bodies that historically aren't associated with beauty
I'm really grateful that so many people find beauty in the same things/people I do 🫶
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clinicdermatechdelhi · 11 months
Unleashing Confidence with Laser Hair Removal for Men
Gone are the days when grooming and self-care were considered exclusively feminine endeavors. Today, men are equally invested in maintaining their appearance and expressing their style. Laser hair removal for men is one aspect of grooming that has gained popularity among men. While women have been availing of the benefits of this procedure for years, men are increasingly embracing laser hair removal to achieve a smooth, well-groomed, and confident look. Let’s explore why laser hair removal is becoming the go-to solution for men seeking long-lasting hair reduction.
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What is Laser Hair Removal for Men?
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses laser technology to target and damage hair follicles, preventing future hair growth. The laser emits a highly concentrated light absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair, converting it into heat. This heat selectively damages the hair follicles while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.
Men remove laser hair to tackle hair growth in various body areas. Some of the most commonly treated areas include:
Unwanted back hair is a common concern for many men. Laser hair reduction for men can efficiently and effectively reduce hair growth on the back, leaving the skin smooth and hair-free.
For those aiming for a clean and defined chest, laser hair removal provides a long-lasting solution, eliminating the need for constant shaving or waxing.
Excessive hair on the shoulders can be bothersome and may impact a man’s confidence. Laser hair removal can address this concern, resulting in a more polished and refined appearance.
Neck and beard area
Some men prefer a well-groomed beard and neck area. Laser hair removal can help maintain precise beard lines and remove unwanted neck hair for a sharp and sophisticated look.
Many men desire a smooth and sculpted abdomen. Laser hair removal can help achieve this by reducing unwanted hair growth in the abdominal area.
Advantages of Laser Hair Removal for Men
● Precision
Laser hair removal targets specific hair follicles, ensuring that only the unwanted hair is treated, leaving the surrounding skin untouched.
● Long-lasting results
Unlike temporary hair removal methods like shaving or waxing, laser hair removal provides long-lasting results. After several sessions, many men experience significant hair reduction, if not permanent hair removal.
● Time-saving
Men with busy lifestyles appreciate the time-saving benefits of laser hair removal. With each session lasting only a few minutes, it eliminates the need for frequent grooming and maintenance.
● Reduced skin irritation
Shaving can lead to razor burns and ingrown hairs, while waxing can cause redness and discomfort. Laser hair removal minimizes these skin irritations, offering a gentler and more comfortable experience.
● Improved self-confidence
Men who opt for laser hair removal often report increased self-confidence and body positivity, knowing that they can confidently reveal their groomed and smooth skin.
Process of Laser Hair Removal for Men
The process of laser hair removal involves the use of highly concentrated light beams that target the hair follicles. The pigment (melanin) in the hair absorbs the light, converting it into heat, damaging the follicles, and hindering further hair growth. This non-invasive and safe procedure can be used on various body areas, including the back, chest, shoulders, neck, beard area, and abdomen.
The benefits of laser hair removal extend beyond the smooth skin it provides. Time-saving is a crucial advantage, with each session lasting anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the treatment area. Laser hair removal for men offers a long-term solution, unlike traditional methods like shaving or waxing, which require regular maintenance.
If you are looking for an affordable cost of laser hair removal for men, get in touch with Clinic Dermatech.
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jovsofficial · 2 years
The best way hair removal - what is it sould be?
Some 30% of women’s and 90% of men’s bodies are covered with terminal hair. That’s the thicker type on your head, eyebrows, chest, back, pubic area, underarms, and so on. (The peach-fuzz kind is called vellus hair). But it seems most people want at least some of it gone. The good news is that as technology improves and techniques spread all over the world, hair removal options abound.
This high-tech method uses light beams to vaporize hair and destroy hair follicles. It’s not a forever treatment, but over time the hair that grows back will usually be thinner and finer. Laser hair removal can be pricey, though. And it takes at least 6 or 7 sessions -- with weeks between each -- to get lasting results.
You can avoid and remove ingrown hairs with the help of the Laser Hair Removal Machine. It's the best way to ensure that you don't get the dreaded ingrown hair and have to get it removed. To know more, visit now.
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permanencesydney · 2 years
The effects of menopause on your skin and hair: What you need to know
Menopause is a natural biological process that involves permanent cessation of a woman’s menstrual cycle due to reduced production of estrogen and progesterone hormones. During menopause, which typically occurs around the age of 50 years, women often experience unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances and mood changes. In addition, menopause can result in some noticeable effects on women’s hair and skin. However, with some care and healthy lifestyle changes, it is possible to manage and reduce these symptoms.
What are the most common menopause-related changes to women’s skin and hair?
The reduction in estrogen and progesterone levels during menopause can result in thinning of hair and skin. Due to these hormonal changes, some women can also experience hair loss – both at the crown of the head and on the sides.
Here are some of the most common effects of menopause on the skin:
●Dark spots
●Skin losing its elasticity
●Dryness, flakiness and itching
●Acne breakouts
●Skin sagging
●Thinning of the skin
Some of the common effects of menopause on hair growth include the following:
●Scalp Hair loss and thinning
●Scalp Hair becoming more fragile and breaking easily
●Facial Hair becoming coarser, denser and/or longer
●Scalp Hair growth slowing down
●Facial hair growth speeding up
Menopause and unwanted facial hair growth
During menopause, there is reduced estrogen production, while the levels of testosterone in the body stay the same. Consequently, this imbalance of hormones can cause the appearance of unwanted dark and coarse facial hair growth – including on the upper lip, chin and jawline.
Managing the effects of menopause on your skin and hair growth
Fortunately, there are several effective steps you can take to reduce the effects of menopause on your body and health. Here are some helpful tips to manage menopause symptoms during this time of change.
1.Take a collagen supplement. Collagen is a protein that helps skin maintain its elasticity, as well as healthy hair growth. Lowering estrogen levels can often result in reduced collagen production. Taking a collagen supplement and using collagen-containing skin creams can help you maintain healthy skin and hair.
2.Use a hyaluronic acid-based moisturiser. Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced in the body to keep your skin hydrated and smooth, but its production is lowered during menopause. To keep your skin supple, you can use a daily moisturiser containing hyaluronic acid after gently cleansing your skin with a non-foaming cleanser.
3.Get electrolysis for permanent hair removal. Hormonal changes during menopause can result in unwanted facial hair growth. Electrolysis hair removal is an effective method to achieve permanent hair removal for women. This technique destroys the stem cells responsible for hair growth, and can help you achieve beautiful, hair-free skin.
4.Eat a healthy diet and get exercise. Eating a healthy diet low in processed foods and saturated fats, while getting plenty of exercise can help you stay healthy throughout this new phase of life.
Menopause can be a challenging journey for some women. The good news is, there are some effective lifestyle modifications to help you manage the symptoms and effects of menopause. After all, this is also a great time to become more aware of your body to look and feel your best!
Get rid of unwanted facial hair growth for good
At Permanence - hair free for life, we use our galvanic multi-probe electrolysis hair removal method to help our clients achieve beautiful, hair-free skin. Your comfort is our priority, and during your initial consultation, your Permanence therapist will explain our procedure in detail and answer any of your potential questions.
Contact us today to book your consultation with us!
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arsenicflame · 7 months
feeling very 'i wish i was born amab so i could dress feminine and be inherently gnc' in this here chillis tonight
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