#anti hair removal
hirsuteandcute · 2 years
im tired of shaved pussy culture im tired of hairless pussy in all the adverts and movies and music videos and art and bikinis you can only wear with shaved pussy im tired of Gen Z’s infatuation with shaved pussy im tired of videos on TikTok of 15 year olds explaining how they shave their pussy im tired of shelves full of products specifically to remove pussy hair im tired of jokes about pussy hair im tired of reality show stars and celebrities making dumb statements abt pussy hair im tired of men saying pussy hair is disgusting im tired
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radlissa · 1 year
okay idk who to ask about this so i'm just going to ask you is it okay not to shave your armpits? when I told my friends I don't shave them sometimes they kinda ignored it and idk man I feel like it's my decision and it shouldn't be seen as gross I mean it's natural but idk
your body is meant to grow hair. it's part of being human. ♡
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wordwovencackle · 4 months
Time To Grow Out Body Hair!
A Post On Stopping Body Hair Removal!
As the temperatures are slowly rising above freezing temperatures, you may be thinking about spring and summertime. A lot may also be considering whether to pick shaving/waxing up again after a winter of leaving it be; you may also just continue shaving/waxing as you've always done.
But, for the girls and women considering stopping shaving/waxing, I hope to share some tips and pros that may help you decide! (Additions are always welcome!)
If you're worried about sensory issues, let me reassure you. The uncomfortable part about growing out your hair on your armpits, arms, legs, pubic hair, eyebrows, facial hair, happy trail, between the cheeks, et cetera, is overwhelmingly the stubble stage! This can be uncomfortable at first, and I recommend moisturising a bit more than usual to help soften them out. Body oils, baby oils and conditioners can also work miracles! Wear comfortable clothing, keep up your hygiene, and power through. Before you know it, you will pass the stubble stage and your hair will be softer.
Even if your hair is coarse, it will be better than stubble. Let it settle for a while. Give it time. It's why I made this post so early in the year, after all! Additionally, is the temporary discomfort of stubble enough reason for you to not think about the other (in my case more severe) sensory issues of:
Ingrown hairs! Razor/Irritation bumps! Dry skin! The pain of waxing! The accidental cuts from the razor! In my opinion, none of these are better than the temporary discomfort of stubble.
Did you grow out your body hair and it is too long and becomes inconvenient, or it gets tangled, consider trimming instead of shaving/waxing. That way you still will not suffer the issues mentioned above!
Worried about hygiene? Women report both sometimes sweating more as well as less when stopping to shave. Of course, this also depends on hormone levels, the food you eat, how much water you drink, or your health, all of which are susceptible to change all the time. Sometimes I sweat more and then a few months I sweat less. Switching up hygiene products, drinking more, eating less processed foods/drinking less processed drinks, switching up deodorants or finding alternatives, or wearing different materials alone can be extremely beneficial.
Bottom line: keep washing regularly and body hair will not be an issue. You don't have to perform any other actions besides thoroughly washing your body as usual to maintain the hygiene of your body hair. All in all, considering you are removing the entire practice of body hair removal, it requires actually less upkeep than you may be used to.
Indeed, especially pubic hair is actually better for you. It acts as a protective buffer and reduces friction during sex. The protective buffer shields you from dirt, any harmful bacteria or pathogens and other undesirable microorganisms. The hair also creates a natural oil (like on your scalp) that helps prevent bacteria from reproducing. Pubic hair also helps prevent infections such as yeast infections, STIs and UTIs! As with the above, if you wash it regularly like the rest of your body, it is in no way unhygienic! The information that pubic hair is unhygienic is a myth to ensure you keep buying hair removal products.
That's right, though shaving was occasionally practiced in the past, modern shaving is largely encouraged by and part of making a profit! Circa the 1920s, it became slowly socially acceptable for women to show their legs and armpits during some social situations. Companies like Gillette decided to broaden their target audience of men shaving facial hair. Advertisements began to claim being hairy is inherently unhygienic. This is false. I encourage not wasting your money (it's expensive!) on extensively removing your body hair based on a scam.
Also, consider all the waste of plastic in the majority of waxing strips and razors that you have to frequently replace! If you ever needed a product to keep out of your shopping list for the sake of the environment, consider waxing strips and razors!
Feel more confident in your skin! Never have I felt more confident than seeing my natural body and loving it just the way it is.
I also assure you, in real life (so no don't look at social media posts,) very few care. If at all, you may have more backlash from your family (usually also out of shame or worry that you will be ostracised) than strangers. I've had two curious double-takes perhaps in an entire year. Those strangers that would potentially judge you, do you want them in your life? No? Then don't worry about them. And in time, your confidence will grow. The odd comment on your appearance won't even bother you anymore. This is a good thing!
Still feeling shame or worry? Check if your shame has become debilitating. So many women are dreading to see a doctor because they're scared of being judged for their body hair. As such, they have sometimes waited too long. Medical complications, all because of shame for their natural bodies! This should horrify you and should help you think about whether your shame of body hair has gone too far. It truly is time to stop letting indoctrinated shame endanger your life!
What if you are alright with all of the above but you are still uncomfortable and you just don't like the look of body hair? Or, what if you are worried a (potential) romantic partner won't like it, I am going to ask you, and you need to think about it deeply and answer to yourself: why would (subjective/ever-changing) beauty(standards) be more important to you than your health and comfort?
When you shave and/or wax and you say you "do it for yourself," how true is that? What if you do it for yourself, what does it do for you and why? Do as you will, but why perform an action you are unsure of why you do it at all?
Radical acceptance and being comfortable with your body is subversive. You will always be pressured to change, to dress up, to remove, to fit into something, to shape something up, to slim down, to be feminine, to be desirable, et cetera, it's spiralling and unhealthy! Instead, choosing comfort and acceptance as a woman is revolutionary.
I've had friends come up to me that they've always considered quitting shaving but never dared until they saw someone who doesn't. They told me they'd found the guts to give it a try themselves too. So many want to but don't know where or how to begin, some of us have to be the first!
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ofbreathandflame · 1 year
Why do Rhysand stans always pretend to be Feyre stans? It's always a bit pathetic bc they're like "I'm Feyre first" and then you look on the blog and they've gotten at least three metas about "why I understand what Rhysand did😔" or they're like 'we know he was wrong but"
Why aren't y'all just honest about what you like? If you know you are going always prioritize Rhysand feelings and actions, even when they objectively clash with Feyre's why are yall so adamant on lying about it. These conversations would be so much more fruitful if people just admit they enjoy the bad boy more. This literally happened with Darkling and Alina and as soon as Alina was disentangled from Darklina y'all called her everything but a child of god😂
Y'all love for Feyre is conditional on her love for Rhys. Feyre is bbygirl as long as Feysand is the name of the game. Which is fine for personal preferences, but is a bit taxing when you feel obligated to care for a character you don't like outside the dynamic.
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pass3ra · 1 day
cressida's storyline was genuinely shameful tbhhh it's like they started rewriting it in the first half of the season then completely forgot about the changes they'd made to make it fit the book plot and it just ends up making everyone else look bad😐 every character in the second half got a "penelope did nothing wrong" lobotomy so we ended up with eloise completely ignoring cressida being sold off to an horrible man (when she made every effort to support her in the first half of the season) and for some reason resenting her for pretending to be lady whistledown? Then they somehow frame her ignoring colin's offensively bad pleas as it being her turning away from redemption when all she's trying to do is escape being trapped in the country with her likely abusive aunt... and it ends with her meeting her horrible fate and it still being framed as tragic only to immediately juxtapose it with the bridgerton family winning the idgaf war while gleefully seeing off francesca and her future dead husband. The bridgertons were the villains of the season frfr
#bridgerton#almost as bad as marina's plot in season one. every horrible decision in this show revolves around penelope meeting no consequences ever#this is not an anti post or anything idc about the fandom ill forget about this show tomorrow but i need to get this off my chest#they had to give penelope a fairy tale ending WHICH IS FINE but they somehow did it by surgically removing everyone's personality#INCLUDING HERS#benedict's bi storyline was bad also im sorry. paul literally has like 4 lines of dialogue and he was really cool#i love tilley but she should have been cut😭 if they wanted to establish he was bi (given we know theyre not genderbending sophie)#they should have made the whole subplot about him being attracted to a man instead of a 5 minute footnote in the last episode#i liked francesca and her husband whose name idr but it felt like they were framing it as him not being her 'great love'#considering what happens to him i fjnd it childish and meanspirited soul mates aren't real and he deserves a lttl respect considering.. lmao#what else. the dialogues were horrible. especially the ones between penelope and colin in the second part im sorry#they need to fire the make up and hair department. every reference to queen charlotte felt like a wahh pls watch my show ad#i miss anthony they should change the books to make him the villain of every season bb please come back to ruin your sibilings relationships#portia and philippa were peak as always. violet deserves her own season. we need to put eloise out of her misery pls leave her in scotland#rant overrr#publishing it on my sideblog actually i feel like im gonna lose followers just for having watched this show lmaoo
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Can we talk about how it isn’t JUST that basically all the male elves have short hair-
-Which is an abomination in it’s own right-
- but also it’s the specific short styles they gave them look like they were done with electric clippers. Like Finrod has a goddamn fade, I cannot.
I look at them and cannot imagine those hairstyles being created in universe, with non-electric tools.
Like I know elves’ bodies and psyches are more in tune with each other, but I don’t think that applies to their hair growing in exactly the style they want and staying there.
Do you know why elves have long hair? Because ten years is like a blink for an elf, imagine the upkeep on short hair over the course of MILLENNIA.
Imagine getting a trim every month for HUNDREDS of years to keep that shit looking pristine and consistent. In a war zone if you’re Finrod.
Somehow… they made the elves hair more extra… while making it ugly.
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pansyfemme · 9 months
hm. i fucking hate how round my face is and I know i have a few years until t changes slow down but im starting to think about facial masculinzation despite it probably being the one surgery my family would disapprove of
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edgarallennope · 1 year
love that hair removal product ads now are like 'i feel EMPOWERED by my body hair 💯 my imperfections are CUNTY and SLAY 🙌 my body? my hair. werk 💅" over footage of people using their product that they have purchased to remove all of their body hair and when i said love i mean i absolutely fucking despise it
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shironezuninja · 17 hours
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Glad I made anything today.
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monster42069 · 1 year
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Opposite side of the coin is this transsexual(me) having the annoyance of following tags for my health conditions that only or primarily are diagnosed in females/some intersex people and them always having to get posts like these by “feminists” or trad women shaming people’s relationships to their bodies with the same disorders, as if that’s appropriate and sensible feminist commentary and totally doesn’t sound exactly like my conservative grandparents when they saw my mustache growing in thicker in elementary school. Or completely off subject from the disorders like they’re supposedly complaining about from trannies in the disorder tags instead of any tag related to trans people or gender politics.
Transsexuals are the “freaks” and “mentally ill” being mentioned, right? OK. What makes us freaks and mentally ill? That we want our bodies to look different and choose to make some changes? Why does that bother anyone that a minority of the population is genuinely happier with having non-conforming bodies?
Cope with it + You aren’t fucking us and never have to + You aren’t owed information on our bodies + That’s not very feminist of y’all to call people who have a mixture of non-conforming secondary sex traits “freaks”/“mentally ill” for having a mixture of non-conforming secondary sex traits and being comfortable and happy with those traits (that some of us couldn’t help having to some level to begin with if there’s hormonal disorders).
But sexy Mega Mind is what I wish people thought about 95% of the time before they speak on transsexuals.
#…#why care and be bitchy about it? and why not tag any gender-related subject. only health. lmao ppl can’t even blacklist them.#at least transsexuals are usually tagging trans/transgender in posts about health disorders or something related to block.#this woman is talking about others struggling with the medical industry over the same disorders as her…chill. stop hating.#our emotions abt how our disorders affect our appearance and secondary sec traits while juggling also fighting for medical care#+ transition goals isn’t anyone’s business. and how is it a problem that someone is happy in their body’s appearance?#no one I know says they like their disorders and don’t want treatment. bc it hurts and fucks the body up and can kill.#everyone I’ve seen talk about this in trans circles has said they at least are glad about how the high androgens made their appearance/voice#it’s opposite of feminist to shame ppl for being comfortable or happy In nonconformity. literal opposite. want me to cry and spend my money#on laser hair removal and vocal training? lol no fuck you I love my androgynous body.#stop sounding like my fascist (I don’t use that lightly or as a misunderstanding of what the ideology is) family pleaseee#intersex is at least added but who knows if that person is intersex or just posting that in the tags#+ intersex isn’t trans + trans people are aware of that and will tell you that. even the wild loud online trans people.#transphobia tw#tw transphobia#omggg the link they cited was literally just like ‘some trans mascara with PCOS accept & love the physical affects’ ok? that’s bad how?#doesn’t say ‘refusing and anti-PCOS treatment because of being transsexual and claims PCOS makes someone trans!’ what……#***some trans mascs#🎭👸🏻
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relive-wellington · 11 months
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hirsuteandcute · 3 months
One of the things that still hurts me deeply about hair removal culture is the loss of innocence. I was sitting in a shopping centre today having a drink and I saw this little girl, maybe around 8 or 9 with her mum and older sister, I think Turkish, and she had this glitzy little tank top on, probably dressing up for he last day of school since it's school holidays now. She had visible dark hair up to her shoulders and on her lower back and she was running around playing with her sister without a care in the world, just looking so happy and free and I felt a pang in my heart, I was both so happy and so sad for her. I thought about the last time I was unaware of my body hair or of my body at all, and I can't even remember it. I remember being 7 or 8 and messing around with the sink when washing my paintbrushes at school and one of the kids pointed out how dark the hair on my arms was when it got wet. And since then I couldn't stop noticing it and how much darker and more visible it was than everyone elses, even the boys, especially whenever I had to put on a tshirt for P.E. or a dress in the summer. And I remember going home one day and trying to cut all my arm hair off with a pair of craft scissors and my mum found out and was so angry because she thought that I since cut the hair it was going to grow back even thicker and darker and that I was going to look like a freak (her exact words - thanks mum). So she started waxing my 8 year old arms with hot wax even though it burnt my skin. Then when I was 10 she started waxing my legs. Then my underarms, then my bikini line, and when I was 17 she tried to persuade me to get a brazilian wax.
The world is just so messed up for little girls, it's like no one cares that you're a child, you're a female first so you have to fit the standard of beauty from childhood at whatever cost. It's like a curse, as soon as you become aware of some new 'flaw' you can't unsee it or stop thinking about it and you're expected to 'fix' it. And it's getting even worse with the rise of even more ridiculous beauty standards and procedures and social media and now we're seeing 14 year olds with anti aging routines. I genuinely feel like the destruction of innocence as a girl is such a scarring experience, you stop being a relatively carefree and happy child who is unaware of the expectations of beauty and start having to become a 'girl'
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bilalazam · 11 months
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Since 2009, Safrin Skin Care Int. Pakistan’s first Cosmaceutical Company practically curates hundreds of skincare organics exceptionally valued nationwide. We at Safrin Skin Care are centered around formulating a modestly priced holistic skincare range curated with nutritionally rich certified organics. Created by Chemists and Dermatologists, our range is infused with matchless Botanics supercharged with phenomenal skin and hair protecting and healing power.
Our meticulously crafted range extracts the absolute most out of every single natural component to deliver all the benefits for your skin and hair care needs. Each bioactive is thoughtfully chosen for its potential to improve hydrate, repair, and shield your skin.
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deluxeclinicsblog · 1 year
Hair and Skin Treatment | Deluxe Clinic Melbourne
Deluxe Clinic is an expert in proposing cutting-edge laser, skin rejuvenation, and anti-aging therapies. Our skilled and experienced skin specialists are committed to providing individualised therapies for both men and women to make your skin look smoother, healthier, and younger than ever.
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skinspecialist11 · 2 years
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Laser hair removal treatment is better than anything. The most effective way to eliminate unwanted facial hair as in the nose or on the chin is with a laser.
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Rosacea Relief: Finding Calm for Your Irritated Skin
Feeling flushed and frustrated? Rosacea can be a real drag, causing redness, bumps, and irritation that can leave you feeling self-conscious. But the good news is, you're not alone, and there are calming skincare strategies to help!
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects the face. It can cause redness, visible blood vessels, bumps, and even dry, itchy skin. While the exact cause is unknown, there are some common triggers to be aware of:
Sun exposure: This is a big one! Sun protection is crucial for everyone, but especially for those with rosacea.
Spicy food and hot drinks: Spicy dishes and steaming beverages can cause flushing in some people with rosacea.
Stress: Feeling overwhelmed? It can worsen rosacea symptoms for some.
Certain skincare products: Harsh chemicals or fragrances can irritate rosacea-prone skin.
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Common symptoms of rosacea include:
Persistent facial redness
Swollen red bumps or pustules
Visible blood vessels (telangiectasia)
Eye irritation (ocular rosacea)
Burning or stinging sensations
Finding Calm: Skincare Strategies for Relief
Here are some tips for a calmer, happier complexion:
Gentle Skincare Routine: Stick to fragrance-free, gentle cleansers and moisturizers formulated for sensitive skin.
SPF is Your BFF: Sunscreen is essential for preventing sun damage, a major rosacea trigger.
Cool It Down: Avoid hot showers and opt for lukewarm water to soothe irritated skin.
Beyond Skincare: Lumecca Therapy in Bradenton
Looking for an extra boost of relief? At Anti Aging and Ketamine Center in Bradenton, we offer Lumecca therapy in Bradenton as a potential treatment for rosacea.  Lumecca uses intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to target visible redness and improve overall skin tone.
Ready to find relief and embrace a calmer complexion?
Contact Anti Aging and Ketamine Center today to schedule a consultation and learn more about Lumecca therapy and other rosacea treatment options. We can help you develop a personalized plan to achieve the healthy, glowing skin you deserve!
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